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Byzantine Empire & Justinian's Code DBQ Worksheet

The Byzantine Empire and Justinian’s Code DBQ
1) Read the following historical context and Task.
2) You may wish to create an outline based on outside information before looking at the documents.
3)Next, Read through the documents and answer the corresponding document questions.
Historical Context
In 527, Emperor Justinian was determined to revive the Roman Empire by making Constantinople the
new Rome. Under Justinian, the Byzantine Empire, would go on to make many significant cultural
contributions to the world.
Discuss the cultural contributions of the Byzantine Empire under Justinian’s reign
Analyze the extent to which Justinian was successful as a ruler
Document 1:
Justinian created countless cities which did not exist before. And finding that the belief in God was…straying
into errors…he brought it about that it stood on the firm foundation of a single faith. Moreover, finding the laws
obscure because they had become far more numerous than they should be, and in obvious confusion because
they disagreed with each other. He preserved them [in the Legal Code of Emperor Justinian, A.D. 529]…by
controlling their discrepancies with the greatest firmness.
1. According to Procopius, what is one contribution of Justinian?
Document 2:
In height it rises to the very heavens….A spherical shaped dome…makes it exceedingly beautiful: from the
lightness of the building it does not appear to rest upon a solid foundation, but to ….be suspended from heaven
by a fabled golden chain…The entire ceiling is covered with pure gold, which adds glory to the beauty, though
the rays of light reflected upon the gold from the marble surpass it in beauty…And whenever anyone enters this
church to pray, he understands at once that it is not by any human strength or skill, but by the influence of God,
that this work has been perfected. And so his mind is lifted up toward God… Moreover, it is impossible to
describe the treasure of Gold and silver plate and gems which the Emperor Justinian has presented to it.
2. What is one characteristic of the Hagia Sophia?
The Byzantine Empire and Justinian’s Code DBQ
Document 3:
Below are excerpts from the Secret History by Procopius.
“That Justinian was not a man, but a demon, as I have said, in human form, one might prove by
considering the enormity of the evils he brought upon mankind. For in the monstrousness of his actions the
power of a fiend is manifest. Certainly an accurate reckoning of all those whom he destroyed would be
impossible, I think, for anyone but God to make. Sooner could one number, I fancy, the sands of the sea than
the men this Emperor murdered. Examining the countries that he made desolate of inhabitants, I would say he
slew a trillion people. For Libya [North Africa], vast as it is, he devastated…Yet still more numerous than these
were the Mauretanians, who with their wives and children were all exterminated. And again, many Roman
soldiers and those who followed them to Constantinople, the earth now covers; so that is one should venture to
say that five million men perished in Libya alone…so that he might manage affairs there himself and be able to
plunder the whole of Libya. Sending commissioners to value the province, he imposed grievous taxes where
before there had been none. Whatever lands were most valuable, he seized, and prohibited the Arians from
observing their religious ceremonies. Negligent toward sending necessary supplies to the soldiers, he was over
strict with them in other ways; wherefore mutinies arose resulting in the deaths of many. For he was never able
to abide by the established customs, but naturally threw everything into confusion and disturbance…So while
he was Emperor, the whole earth ran red with…blood…”
3.What are two actions that Justinian took as ruler of the Byzantine Empire?
Document 4:
The Justinian code became the official body of laws of the Eastern Roman [Byzantine] Empire through the
Middle Ages and was gradually reintroduced into Western Europe in the Twelfth century. Roman law continued
in the post medieval world and formed the basis of all common law in some western lands. Below are some
examples of Justinian’s code.
 No one suffers a penalty for merely thinking
 It is better to permit the crime of a guilty person to go unpunished than to condemn one who is
 Proof is incumbent upon the party who affirms a fact not upon him who denies it
 The crime or the punishment of a father can place no stigma upon his son
4a. What is one impact of the Justinian code?
4b. What is one characteristic of the Justinian code?
The Byzantine Empire and Justinian’s Code DBQ
Document 5
5. What is one example of a building project that Justinian brought to Constantinople?
Document 6
6. What is one area that was included in the Byzantine Empire?
The Byzantine Empire and Justinian’s Code DBQ
Document 7:
Whatever her origins, Theodora had the respect of her new husband. In 532, when two factions (known as the Blues
and the Greens) threatened to end Justinian's rule, she is credited with getting Justinian and his generals and officials
to stay in the city and take strong action to suppress the rebellion.
Through her relationship with her husband, who seems to have treated her as his intellectual partner, Theodora had a
real effect on the political decisions of the empire. Justinian writes, for instance, that he consulted Theodora when he
promulgated a constitution which included reforms meant to end corruption by public officials. She is credited with
influencing many other reforms, including some which expanded the rights of women in divorce and property
ownership, forbid exposure of unwanted infants, gave mothers some guardianship rights over their children, and
forbid the killing of a wife who committed adultery. She closed brothels and created convents where the ex-prostitutes
could support themselves. – Johnson Lewis
7. What is one contribution that Justinian’s wife Theodora made to the Byzantine Empire?