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Ancient Japan: Feudalism, Samurai, and Shogun

Ancient Japan
E. Napp
•What is Japan all
E. Napp
Where is Japan?
Japan is an archipelago in Asia.
E. Napp
Emperor Jimmu was the
first Emperor of Japan –
 According to Japanese
mythology, he is a
descendant of the sun
goddess Amaterasu
E. Napp
The Emperor Loses Power
• By the 1100s, the emperor of Japan’s
power was greatly weakened by civil war.
• Noble families refused to pay taxes to the
emperor. They grew rich and bought
much land.
• Eventually, one noble family grew more
powerful than any other.
E. Napp
Noble families did not want to obey
the emperor. They wanted power.
E. Napp
• A system of feudalism, similar to that
found in European feudalism, arose in
• In a feudal society, land is exchanged for
military service.
• Japanese lords gave away some of their
land to other people in exchange for
loyalty and military service.
E. Napp
E. Napp
The Shogun
• The leader of Japan’s most
powerful family - Minamoto
Yorimoto forced the
emperor to appoint him
• The word “Shogun” means
“great general”.
• For the next 700 years,
powerful shoguns
governed Japan.
E. Napp
Daimyo were great
Landowners of feudal
 They were the
highest nobles
next to the Shogun.
 The Daimyo had to
obey the Shogun and
Provide military
E. Napp
The Samurai
• To provide military
protection for their lands,
Japanese daimyo
recruited samurai.
• Samurai were Japanese
• Samurai had to provide
military service and obey
the Daimyo and Shogun.
E. Napp
Code of Bushido
E. Napp
If a samurai lost his honor, he had
to commit ritual suicide or seppuku.
E. Napp
Questions for Reflection:
• Compare and contrast Japanese and
European feudalism.
• Why did the Japanese emperor lose his
• Who was the Shogun and why was he
• What was the relationship between the
Daimyo and the Shogun?
• Who were Samurai and what was the
Code of Bushido?
E. Napp