Uploaded by Christina Aziz

Grade 10 English Language Arts Welcome Packet

Grade 10 Welcome Packet
English Language Arts
Dear Parent/Student,
Welcome to 10 Grade English, the first of four English courses required for high school
graduation! The following paragraphs outline the policies, objectives, and requirements for this
My name is Mrs Christina and I will be teaching Grade 10 English Language Arts. We are all
looking forward to a fruitful academic year.
Course Description
In order to ensure college and career readiness and success, students will increase and refine
their communication skills through word study, writing, speaking, listening, and visual
representations. Also, students read extensively from multiple genres and interpret the influence
of historical/societal context on the literature as well as analyze literary elements and explore
author's craft in both literary and expository tests.
Expectations for Behavior:
I strongly believe that students who respect one another and the teacher create a safe
environment for learning, sharing, and growing as a classroom community. Therefore, I expect
students to :
- Arrive on time with all materials.
- Eat, drink, and groom outside of the classroom.
- Handle personal business, restroom usage, and preparation of class materials before class
- Respect individuals' personal space and properly.
- Use respectful words, gestures, and tones at all times.
- . Follow directions and work during all work times.
Due process:
Step One: Polite warning
Step Two: Teacher conference
Step Three: Phone call home
Step Four: Parent-teacher conference
Step Five: Referral to Administration
NOTE: Steps in due process may vary or be omitted based on severity of infraction.
Assignment Policy
a. A minimum of three HW assignments per week: one of which might be a writing
production of (250 – 300 words)
b. Assignments will carry the same smart-code of the week, yet labeled as HW1, HW2,
and HW3. So, Week 2 HW on Skolera will be reflected as S1 W2 HW1: Semester 1
Week 2 Homework 1.
c. Assignments submitted on the due date are graded at 100%.
d. Late submissions, 5 school days after the deadline, assignments are graded out of
70%, submission after the one-week grace period will result in a non-negotiable
e. Excused Absence Students have only one academic week to submit any missing
work. Late submissions will count starting the following week and submissions will
be graded at 70%.
f. Quizzes: Weekly quizzes of 15-minutes assessments.
School Policies: All school policies will be strictly enforced in the classroom.
My Perspectives (English Language Arts)
George Orwel’s 1984 ( Novel)
Grades Breakdown
Course work 70% subdivided into:
Classwork/ Participation 20%
Homework 20%
Projects 20%
Tests & Quizzes 10%
Progress test 30%
Final Exam 30%