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Fall of Rome & Middle Ages Test - High School History

Unit 1 Test
[The Fall of Rome - The Middle Ages]
Read and answer the questions to the best of your ability
1) Which of the following is NOT a major cause of the Fall of Rome?
a) Territorial overextension
d) Political problems
b) Foreign Invasion
e) Islamic expansion
c) Military problems
2) This city was made the second capital of the Roman Empire by the emperor Constantine.
a) Alexandria
d) Constantinople
b) Athens
e) Rome
c) Carthage
3) This Emperor was responsible for the Christianization of the Roman Empire, by converting to the faith and
ending the persecution of Christians across the Empire
a) Caesar
d) Justinian
b) Constantine
e) None of the above
c) Diocletian
4) From 730-842, the Byzantine Empire debated whether the worship of icons was theologically permissible
in a debate known as:
a) The iconoclast controversy
d) The Great Schism
b) The debate over icons
e) None of the above
c) The laws of the Book of Deuteronomy
5) One Byzantine Emperor notably created the first centralized body of law, establishing precedence amongst
other important legal ideas, in what was called:
a) Code of Hammurabi
d) Byzantine Code
b) Code of Justinian
e) None of the above
c) The Twelve Tables
6) The fall of the Roman Empire left Europe politically decentralized, leading to slowed economic activity
and less cultural, technological, and intellectual output. This period of history is known to historians as
a) The Age of Reason
d) The Middle Ages
b) The Age of Revolution
c) The Industrial Revolution
7) After the fall of the Western Roman Empire, the remaining Roman territories in the East remained unified
and became known to historians as _______.
a) The Byzantine Empire
d) The Greek Empire
b) The Holy Roman Empire
e) None of the above
c) The Germanic Empire
8) This Byzantine emperor was able to regain many of the lands that had been lost with the fall of Rome…
a) Justinian
c) Alexios I
b) Constantine
d) Theodosius II
Document B
Pictured in the mosaic below are the emperor Justinian (left), the Virgin Mary and the child
Christ (center), and the emperor Constantine (right). In the tradition of Christian art, halos
surround the heads of individuals to signify them as holy. The greek letters MP OY around the
head of the Virgin Mary are an abbreviation of the Greek “Mater Theos” – the Mother of God.
9) Examine Document B. Given that the Roman emperor Constantine is presenting the Virgin Mary with the
city of Constantinople as a “gift to Christianity”, what is the Byzantine Emperor Justinian depicted as
a) The Hagia Sophia Church
d) The Florentine Cathedral
b) The City of Constantinople
e) The Renovatio Imperii
c) The Notre Dame Cathedral
10) What civilization took over Constantinople?
a) Ottomans
b) Vandals
c) Huns
d) Crusaders
11) A piece of land granted to a vassal by a higher Lord or King was called a(n)
a) Manor
d) Gaul
b) Fief
e) None of the Above
c) Estate
12) This political and economic system revolved around the king granting land to a vassal in exchange for
loyalty, homage, military service, and protection of those living on that land.
a) Barbarianism
d) Monarchism
b) Manorialism
e) Communism
c) Feudalism
13) Feudal Contract
A. A person bound to the land owned by a feudal lord, working as a slave
14) Vassal
B. The knights code of conduct requiring bravery, loyalty, and honesty
15) Chivalry
C. An agreement where a powerful lord would grant a lesser lord or knight an
estate in exchange for loyalty, homage, and military service
16) Serf
D. Someone who receives land in exchange for loyalty and military service
17) Manor
E. An estate of land with a house for the lord, and self-sufficient agricultural
practices maintained by serfs was called a(n):
18) What was the most powerful institution during the Middle Ages?
a) The King
d) The Republic
b) The Church
e) None of the above
c) Feudalism
19) What was the primary cause of the “Hundred Years War” between England and France?
a) A dispute over import tariffs
d) Dispute over colonial expansion
b) A dispute over French taxation
e) None of the above
c) A dispute over who should be the French King
20) The development of _______ and an increase in commerce gave rise to a _______ in
medieval Europe.
a) Guilds; Middle Class
d) Tradesmen; Bürger Class
b) Worker Unions; Merchant Class
e) All of the above
c) Traders; Bourgeoisie
21) Which of the following was a major effect of the Crusades?
a) Intellectual exchange with the East
b) The Catholic Church increased its power
c) A heightened awareness of the world outside Europe among many Western Europeans
d) Increased wealth of churches and monasteries
e) All of the Above
22) The philosophy of the Middle Ages that attempts to reconcile faith and reason is called:
a) Idealism
d) Mysticism
b) Scholasticism
e) None of the above
c) Humanism
23) This man was able to create the largest empire since the fall of Rome and crowned the First Holy Roman
Emperor, before his children divided the empire up into three different parts
a) Clovis
d) Charles Martel
b) Charlemagne
e) None of the Above
c) Charles de Gaulle
24) This man won a pivotal battle in Tours, France, preventing the spread of Islam throughout Western Europe
a) Clovis
d) Charlemagne
b) Charles Martel
e) None of the above
c) Charles de Gaulle
Document C
Source: “Iconoclasm and Orthodoxy” a source book describing a speech given by Empress Regent Irene of
We, therefore, following the royal pathway and the divinely inspired authority of our holy Fathers and the
traditions of the Catholic Church—for, as we all know, the Holy Spirit dwells in her—define with all certitude
and accuracy, that just as the figure of the precious and life-giving cross, so also the venerable and holy images, as
well in painting and mosaic, as of other fit materials, should be set forth in the holy churches of God. . . . For by
so much the more frequently as they are seen in artistic representation, by so much the more readily are men lifted
up to the memory of their prototypes, and to a longing after them; and to these should be given due salutation and
honorable reverence, not indeed that true worship which pertains alone to the divine nature; but to these, as to the
figure of the precious and life-giving cross, and to the book of the Gospels and to other holy objects, incense and
lights may be offered according to ancient pious custom. For the honor which is paid to the image passes on to
that which the image represents, and he who shows reverence to the image shows reverence to the subject
represented in it.
25) Examine Document C above. What claims does the Empress Regent Irene of Athens make about icon
veneration in her speech?
a) The Holy Spirit dwells in the Catholic Church
d) Icons should not be worshipped but revered
b) Holy images should be venerated in the Church
e) All of the above
c) Icon reverence is the same as venerating the person
it represents
Short Answer
Answer both of the questions below and answer the questions in 3-5 sentences. NUMBER THEM
26) Explain the causes and effects of ONE of the following;
a) Black Plague
c) Hundred Years War
b) Crusades
d) The Great Schism of 1378
27) Pick one topic, and explain how it influenced the end of the Middle Ages
a) Black Plague
c) Hundred Years War
b) Crusades
d) The Great Schism of 1378