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Project Design & Planning: Funding & Proposals

BUS 5506 Project Design & Planning Simulation
Week 1: Jan 15, 2015
Call for Proposals:
Multiple organizations will apply, some will get money, others will not get money
Nowadays, fewer organizations get more money
Note: A couple of Chapters of The Change Imperative will be our readings in this class
Next Week: Chapter 3 Change Imperative Book
Discussion in Class:
Where else can organizations get funding other than just the government?
Corporations: media, corporate social responsibility (CSR)
Multi-lateral Agencies: UN, Asian Development Bank
Religious Institutions: churches, mosques, temples, etc.
Other NGOS/Charities
Post-secondary Institutions: Humber College – Femme International (started by Humber ID
postgrad program students)
Other Government Departments
Research Organizations
Foreign Affairs money (separate from DFATD)
Lotteries: The Trillium Fund
Law Firms
*Most projects have more than one funder. This also creates more work for the agency.