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Humber College Event Info Booklet - FRC Team 8729

FRC Team 8729 - Sparking H2O
Spark Youth Robotics Club
Humber College
Event Information
Humber College Event - Week 3 - March 17th to March 19th
Table of Contents
Trip Cost Breakdown
Event Schedule
Safety and Supervision
COVID-19 Related Policies
Trip Cost Breakdown
Thanks to the help of our subteam leads, team captains and mentors, the final cost of this trip is going to
be $250 per person, which is much lower than the cost charged by any other teams in Ottawa and even
lower than the cost most Ottawa team paid pre-COVID (7476 currently charges $450 per trip, and 7267 &
4783 charged $300 per trip in 2018)
Cost Breakdown
Coach Bus
Team Trip Fund
Cost per Person
*If you are attending this event but sorting out your own transportation / accommodations, the cost of the
trip is $20 for the Team Trip Fund and also to help cover mentor/supervisor hotel/coach bus costs.*
Cost the Team will NOT Cover
Any food cost
lunch & dinner & snacks
Any additional cost
there should be none
Event Schedule
Punctuality is very important as we will be traveling as a group together, due to the tight timeline of the
event, we will NOT be waiting for any late individuals when traveling with the coach bus, and we will not
offer any partial / full refunds if the individual misses the coach bus to Humber from Kanata (resulting in
missing the entire trip) or misses the coach bus from hotel to Humber (resulting in missing a whole day of
the trip). We will do our absolute best to ensure that everyone knows our timeline (hence why we prepared
this document), however we won’t be able to wait for anyone late, so PLEASE BE PUNCTUAL!
Hot buffet breakfast is covered by the hotel, however, we are leaving quite early every morning, so it is the
responsibility of all members attending to wake up early enough to ensure they can get breakfast. If one
wakes up late and does not get a chance to grab breakfast, they may instead purchase breakfast from the
food court at Humber College at their own cost.
Humber College Offers multiple on campus food options to team members throughout the competition.
Apart from the options on campus, students may also choose to use food delivery services (such as Uber
Eats) to get their lunch. Lunch costs are NOT covered by the team and everyone is expected to pay for all of
their own food at competition (except for the hot buffet breakfast offered at hotel)
There are 2 official lunch sources offered on Humber College campus:
Food Source
Operation Hours
Type of Food
Tim Hortons
Sat & Sun:
7:00 am ~ 4:00 pm
typical Tims Menu (Coffee, Tea, Baked
Good, Breakfast & lunch Sandwiches)
Hawk’s Nest
Sat: 8:00 am ~ 6:00 pm
grab & go, pizza, hot dogs, snacks,
Sun: 8:00 am ~ 5:00 pm
Trip Locations Exact Address
Below is a list of places we will be visiting often and their exact addresses
Location Abbr.
Location Full Name
350 Legget Dr, Kanata, ON
K2K 0G7
Ottawa Public Library - Beaverbrook
2500 Campeau Dr, Kanata, ON
K2K 2W3
Humber College
Humber College - North Athletic Centre
Building A
205 Humber College Blvd, Toronto, ON
M9W 5L7
Fairfield Inn
Fairfield Inn & Suites by Marriott
Toronto Airport
3299 Caroga Dr, Mississauga, ON
L4V 1A3
Thursday, March 16th
Scheduled Event
6:00 pm ~ 9:00 pm
Hub 350
[All Team Members Available]
Pack all materials, robot and tools into boxes
and bins
Scheduled Event
9:00 am
Hub 350
[All Team Members Available]
Move all packed materials out to prepare for
9:15 am ~ 9:30 am
Hub 350
[All Team Members Available]
Bus arrives, load all materials onto the bus
9:30 am ~ 10:00 am
Hub 350 → Beaverbrook
Bus leaves for Beaverbrook Library, everyone
should be on the bus by 10:00 am
10:00 am ~ 3:00 pm
Beaverbrook → Fairfield Inn
Travel from Kanata to Toronto, stopping at
ONRoute for lunch
3:00 pm ~ 3:30 pm
Fairfield Inn
Check in at the hotel, quick break.
3:30 pm ~ 4:00 pm
Fairfield Inn → Humber College Travel to competition venue
4:00 pm ~ 8:00 pm
Humber College
8:00 pm ~ 9:30 pm
Humber College → Fairfield Inn Travel back to hotel, stopping for dinner on the
way (will likely stop at a mall/plaza for
everyone to get their own dinner)
9:30 pm ~ 11:00 pm
Fairfield Inn
Free Time, Quiet Hour starts at 10:30 pm
11:00 pm
Fairfield Inn
Lights Out
Friday March 17th
Competition Day 0, Load in Robot, Set up pits,
Inspection, Pit Scouting…
Saturday March 18th
Scheduled Event
6:45 am
Fairfield Inn
Wake up call
6:45 am ~ 7:35 am
Fairfield Inn
Breakfast / get ready to go on bus
7:40 am
Fairfield Inn
Everybody should be on the bus
7:40 am ~ 8:00 am
Fairfield Inn → Humber College Travel to competition venue
8:00 am
Humber College
Pits Open, Inspections
8:30 am
Humber College
Drivers Meeting
9:15 am ~ 10:45 am
Humber College
Practice Matches
11:00 am
Humber College
Opening Ceremonies
11:30 am ~ 1:30 pm
Humber College
Qualification Matches
1:30 pm ~ 2:30 pm
Humber College
Lunch (see lunch section)
2:30 pm ~ 7:00 pm
Humber College
Qualification Matches
8:00 pm
Humber College
Pits Close
8:00 pm ~ 9:30 pm
Humber College → Fairfield Inn Travel back to hotel, stopping for dinner on the
way (there is a chance we will be having a
group dinner together, if not then same
schedule as Friday)
9:30 pm ~ 11:00 pm
Fairfield Inn
Free Time, Quiet Hour starts at 10:30 pm
11:00 pm
Fairfield Inn
Lights Out
Sunday March 19th
Scheduled Event
6:45 am
Fairfield Inn
Wake up call
6:45 am ~ 7:35 am
Fairfield Inn
Breakfast / get ready to go on bus
7:40 am
Fairfield Inn
Everybody should be on the bus
7:40 am ~ 8:00 am
Fairfield Inn → Humber College
Travel to competition venue
8:00 am
Humber College
Pits Open, Inspections
9:00 am ~ 9:30 am
Humber College
Opening Ceremonies
9:30 am ~ 12:45 pm
Humber College
Qualification Matches
1:00 pm ~ 1:30 pm
Humber College
Alliance Selections
1:30 pm ~ 2:30 pm
Humber College
2:30 pm ~ 5:30 pm
Humber College
Elimination Matches
5:30 pm ~ 7:00 pm
Humber College
Awards / Closing Ceremonies
7:00 pm
Humber College
Pits Close
7:30 pm ~ 12:30 am
Humber College → Beaverbrook Travel from Toronto to Kanata, stopping on
the way for dinner
12:30 am
Safety & Supervision
Safety is a huge part of FIRST and it does not only apply to Safety in the pits or on the field as well as
safety while traveling, there will be a few policies put in place to best ensure the safety of everyone
Quiet Hour
To ensure the safety of everyone, everyone should remain within their assigned hotel rooms after 10:30 pm.
Exceptions such as the scouting meeting could justify an exception. Everyone should also try to wrap up any
activity and try to keep the noise level at a minimum.
Lights Out
Competition can be very tiring, so ensure that everyone gets a full night's rest and does not need to survive
on Energy Drinks, all rooms must have their lights out by 11:00 pm.
Sign in / Sign out System
To ensure the safety of every team member, when team members leave the hotel for personal reasons, they
must inform Tony or Zach directly, and sign out on the sign in / sign out sheet. Team members may only
stay in the walk distance of the hotel and must return to the hotel by 10:30 pm unless there is a written
notice from team member’s parent/guardian as well as approved by a mentor that exempt them from this
rule (in which case the team member will take full responsibility of their safety the time they are out of the
hotel). Any team member who breaks this rule will receive a warning on the 1st time, any
repetitive offense will result in the team member losing their privilege to travel outside of
team activities or travels. A serious offense would result in the team member being excluded
from any further team activities and the team member would have to be picked up by their
parents/guardians at their own cost.
Buddy System
On top of the sign in / sign out system, to ensure the safety of team members, team members may not
leave the hotel individually, instead the team member must find 1 or more budd(ies) to accompany them for
the entirety of the trip until they return to the hotel. If the group decides to split outside of the hotel for
various reasons, nobody is allowed to travel individually (e.g. a group of 3 may NOT split further). Any
offense to this rule will result in the same procedure as breaking the rule stated above.
Emergency Contact
Apart from Parent Supervisors attending this trip, Tony and Zach will be the only official mentors attending
this event. Tony’s phone number is (647)-551-3608 and Zach’s phone number is (416)-540-3690
Scouting is the key to success in FRC competition by gathering information on both your allies and
opponents based on their previous performances. We will be running 6 active scouts at all times during
qualification matches and we will have a scouting schedule available on the Friday night of the event.
Everyone coming to this event that is not part of the drive team or pit crew is expected to help out with
their fair share of scouting.
Please note that everyone attending the Humber College Event must pass a simple scouting quiz where
members are asked to scout a sample match in order to be able to scout. For anyone who did not finish
the course before Humber, they have to sacrifice their free time on Friday night of the trip in
order to pass the course.
COVID-19 Related Policies
Mask Policies
FIRST Canada is very serious about mask policies, we will be re-implementing our mask policy from last
season. Everyone is expected to wear a N-95 or equivalent mask at all times while in the competition venue,
this rule does not apply while in the bus, or in the hotel or in the restaurant.
COVID-19 Testing Policies
To ensure the safety of all team members attending the Humber College event, everyone attending the
competition needs to submit an image proof of a negative result from a COVID rapid testing kit no earlier
than March 15th and no later than March 16th. Any member who fails to do so will not be able to
join us for this trip due to safety concerns. Furthermore, to ensure that no team members have
received COVID as a result of this trip, we request that all team members perform another rapid testing
upon arriving in Ottawa and share the results with us. If any team member is tested positive, the
information will be shared with FIRST Canada immediately for screening purposes