Group 3: Bùi Nguyễn Thiện ITITIU18238 Đặng Đình Khang ITITIU18055 Nguyễn Minh Quan ITITIU18271 Huỳnh Sử Thành ITITIU18210 Nguyễn Lãm ITITIU18255 Trần Nguyễn Phương Linh ITITIU18245 +Computer Science: -Demonstrate proficiency in problem-solving techniques using the computer -Demonstrate proficiency in at least two high-level programming languages and two operating systems -Demonstrate proficiency in the analysis of complex problems and the synthesis of solutions to those problems -Demonstrate comprehension of modern software engineering principles -Demonstrate a breadth and depth of knowledge in the discipline of computer science Keyword: Computer science: algorithm analysis graph theory digital revolution programming languages digital computer artificial intelligence +Network Engineering: -Maintain and test the linking of computers and of computers with others machines -Maximise network performance by monitoring performance, troubleshooting network problems and outages, scheduling upgrades and collaborating with network architects on network optimisation -Secure network systems by establishing and enforcing policies, and defining and monitoring access -Establish the networking environment by designing system configuration, directing system installation and defining, documenting and enforcing system standards Keywords: Network Engineering: Network Administration Data security Design network software Connection Network Troubleshooting IP address Network hubs Network security Firewall and router +Computer Engineering: -Developed a product or process by applying their knowledge of mathematics, computing, systems and development tools -Participated effectively as a member of a multi-disciplinary development team and undertaken a leadership role when appropriate -Taken graduate courses or continuing education classes to improve their skills and abilities -Made positive contributions to their community and society by applying skills and abilities learned during their undergraduate program in computer engineering and systems\ Keyword: Computer Engineering: Computer hardware and software Embedded system Software application Robotic Operating system Integrated circuits Signal Distributed system Microelectronics Electrical engineering The compare: Computer Engineering Compare And Developed a product or process by applying their knowledge of mathematics, computing, systems and development Network Engineering Computer Science Maintain and test the linking of computers and of computers with others machines, contains: Information System Demonstrate proficiency in problem-solving techniques using the computer, contains: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence; contrast The percentage difference tools, contains Digital Signal Processing; Business Analytic and Intelligence; Digital Image Processing, 25% Programming and Problem Solving 4 typical subjects of each major Object Oriented Programming State Machine Design and Logic Architecture and Organization for Computers Management; Net-Centric Programming; HumanComputer Interaction; Network Design and Evaluation… Principles of Programming Languages; Computer Graphics; Human-Computer Interaction… 25% 25% Network Design and Evaluation Information System Management Introduction to Distributed Computing Net-Centric Programming System and Network Security Software Architecture Introduction to Wireless Network Computer Graphics