Uploaded by Lorie Thompson

Medical Spelling & Terminology List

Spelling Words:
Test 1:
1. Disinfection
2. Germicide
3. Exposure
4. Precaution
5. Hepatitis
6. Dehiscence
7. Traumatic
8. Preservative
9. Coagulate
Test 2:
1. Sanitation
2. Autoclave
3. Hemostat
4. Serration
5. Ratchet
6. Disease
7. Bactericidal
8. Resistance
9. Virulent
1. Sanitation: The process of making something sanitary.
2. Autoclave: An apparatus for sterilization by steam under pressure consisting
of a strong closed boiler in which are placed a small quantity of water and a
wire basket holding the articles to be sterilized.
3. Hemostat: an instrument, such as a clamp, that stop a hemorrhage by
compressing a bleeding vessel.
4. Serration: The state of being serrated or notched.
5. Ratchet: a steplocking device on surgical instruments.
6. Disease: definite pathologic process having a distinctive set of symptoms and
course of progression.
7. Bactericidal: substance that kills or destroys bacteria.
8. Resistance: body’s immune response to prevent infections by invading
pathogenic microorganisms.
9. Virulent: highly pathogenic and disease producing; describes a
10.Spores: bacterial life form that resists destruction by heat, drying, or
chemicals. Spore-producing bacteria include botulism and tetanus.
11.Aerobes: microorganism that requires oxygen to live and reproduce.
12.Anaerobes: bacteria that require the absence of oxygen for growth and
13.Vector: (biologic) a living, nonhuman carrier of disease, usually an arthropod;
(mechanical) a carrier of disease that does not support growth.
14.Viable: capable of growing and living.
15.Sterilization: process, act, or technique for destroying microorganisms using
heat, water, chemicals, or gases.
16.Disinfection: killing or rendering inert most but not all pathogenic
17.Germicide: chemical that kills most pathogenic microorganisms; disinfectant.
18.Exposure: the condition of being subjected to something, as to infectious
agents or extremes of weather or radiation, which may have a harmful
19.Precaution: A protective measure taken in advance.
20.Hepatitis: Inflammation of the liver, due usually to viral infection but
sometimes to toxic agents.
21.Dehiscence: separation or opening of the edges of a wound
22.Traumatic: causing or relating to tissue damage.
23.Preservative: substance that delays decomposition.
24.Coagulate: change from a liquid to a solid or semisolid mass.
25.Cautery: means, device, or agent that destroys or coagulates tissue.
26.Electrode: medium for conducting or detecting electrical current
27.Forceps: a two-bladed instrument with a handle, used for compressing or
grasping tissues in surgical operations, handling sterile dressings, and other
28.Keratosis: premalignant overgrowth or thickening of the upper layer of
epithelium or horny layer of the skin
29.Cryosurgery: the surgical destruction of tissue using freezing temperature
with liquid nitrogen or carbon dioxide
30.Abscesses: an enclosed collection of liquefied tissue, known as pus,
somewhere in the body.