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Atmospheric Circulation: Global Scale

Scale of Atmospheric Motion
Microscale: meters
• Turbulent eddies
• Formed by mechanical disturbance or
• Lifetimes of minutes.
Mesoscale: km’s to 100’s of km’s.
• Local winds and circulations
• Land and sea breezes, mountain and
• Lifetimes of minutes to hours
• Synoptic scale:
1000’s of km’s
100’s to
• Circulations around high
and low pressure systems.
Eg: Monsoon
• Lifetimes of days to
• Global scale:
ranging over entire globe
Scale of Motion
Atmospheric Wind System
• The circulations of air are driven by differential solar heating.
Tropics receive much more solar radiation than Poles
because of
Different in the sun`s angle
Tilting of the earth’s axis
Local reflectivity of the surface
• Uneven heating creates high and low pressure zones.
• Low pressure zone
• High temperature.
• High water vapor content (humid).
• Atm pressure decreases
• Air becomes less dense
• High pressure zone
Low temperature.
Low water vapor content (dry).
Atm. pressure increases
Air becomes more dense.
Global air pressure due to uneven heating
• High surface pressure in cold
high latitudes
• Low surface pressure in warm
low latitudes
• Recall that air moves from
high pressure to low pressure
• Surface winds blow from north
and south to equator
• Upper winds blow from
equator to north and south
A single cell atmospheric circulation
• Proposed by George Hadley
• Assumes that
• Earth`s surface is only
covered by water
• Sun always over equator
• Earth does not rotate
However earth does rotate !!!
The real global circulation from satellite
So a single cell model does not represent the real
atmospheric circulation of our earth
3-cell model of atmospheric circulation
Polar cell
Polar cell
• Proposed by William
Ferrel (1865)
• Divided into 3 cells in each
• Hadley cell (0-30o N/S)
o N/S)
• Polar cell (60-90o N/S)
3-cell model of atmospheric circulation
Hadley cell
• Air rises near equator & descends at
30o N/S
• Rising air produces a band of cloud
along the equator known as Intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ)
• Sinking air produces a major desert
along 30o latitudes known as subtropical highs
• Surface winds blow from 30o N to
equator & deflected to the right:
NE trade winds
• Surface winds blow from 30o S to
equator & deflected to the left: SE
trade winds
3-cell model of atmospheric circulation
Ferrel cell
• Air rises near 60o N/S & descends
at 30o N/S
• Rising air along 60o N/S known as
sub-polar lows
• Sinking air along 30o N/S known as
sub-tropical highs
• Surface winds blow from 60o to 30o
& deflected to the right (N) and left
(S): westerly trade winds
3-cell model of atmospheric circulation
Polar cell
• Air rises near 60o N/S & descends
at 90o N/S
• Rising air along 60o N/S known as
sub-polar lows
• Sinking air at 90o N/S known as
polar highs
• Surface winds blow from 60o to 90o
& deflected to the right (N) and left
(S): easterly trade winds
The Real Global Circulation
The Coriolis force, continents, mountains, and ice
fields alters the general circulation.
Greater heating over Equator causes air to rise and
sink in subtropical regions (30 oN/S).
The circulation will develop:
A semi low-pressure belt that travels northward
and southward.
A semi high pressure belt when air descends
(becomes compressed and denser) in subtropical
regions (30 oS/N latitude)
• The descending subtropical air spreads along earth’s
surface both back towards:
• Equator (trade winds – 0o to 30o S/N).
• Higher latitudes/subpolar (westerly wind belts 30o to 60 oS/N.
• The rising westerlies air (from subpolar – semi low
pressure belt) spreads along earth’s surface both flow
• Polar (polar easterly wind belts - 60o to 90o S/N)
and to
• Subtropical (semi high pressure belt - 30o to 60o
• Semi-permanent Highs and Lows persist throughout
large periods of the year.
• Winter - highs form over land; lows over oceans.
• Summer - highs form over oceans; lows over land.
• The Inter-tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) shifts
toward south in January and toward north in July
World Deserts (along ± 30o latitudes)
Precipitation pattern
Global wind pattern and the Oceans