Early American History Study Questions

Be sure to use your own words. Do NOT simply quote from the text. You are supposed to be processing
information, not parroting it. Foe EACH question answered be sure to cite the page references from the
text in MLA format. You MUST do that. Use no sources other than the text to answer the Q/A. NOTE:
One word and one sentence answers may not be a complete response to the questions. NOTE: Answer
any ten (10) questions.
1.What was "Columbus' Great Triumph and Error"? Did this section change any previous opinions or
information you had learned previously? If so, what are they?
2.Note the map on p.15. List the explorers and the country for which each one sailed.For example,
simply because the explorer was Spanish, it does not mean he sailed for Spain.
3.Briefly explain Columbus' impressions of the Native Americans(5-10 sentences).
4.In what ways was Columbus' first encounters with the Native Americans a (bad) precedent for
Spanish- Indian relations?
5. Pope was a direct result of Onate. What does that mean? (Clue: The answer is in the book).
Onate’s behavior toward the Pueblo people is what caused Pope to secretly organize the
rebellion of thousands of Pueblo’s against the Spanish. Pg. 20
6 .Explain what is meant by "The Columbian Exchange".
The Columbian Exchange was the introduction of foreign plants, animals, and disease. Pg. 2124
7. List Spain’s imperial rivals in the New World and on what part of the Continent each focused its
England and France, The English explored Newfoundland and the northeastern coast. The
French explored from the Carolinas up to Nova Scotia they also explored the St. Lawrence River as far in
as Montreal. Pg. 24
8.What impact did the Protestant Reformation have on European rivalries in the New World?
9.Explain the difference between "Puritans" and "Separatists".
10.Referring to the map on p.38 what areas were the focus of British settlement?
11,12.Briefly describe two incidents of religious dissent among British settlers in New England.
13.The Pequod and King Philip's Wars revealed a clash of cultures as well as one of politics and
economics. Why?
14.Why was the settlement of Maryland different from that of other British colonies?
15.The French colonial possessions in North America focused on _______, the Dutch in _________ and
the English in _____________. Fill in the blanks.
16.All colonial powers used the Indians as trading partners, allies and exploited them by taking their
lands. In the process, much cultural transformation occurred to both peoples. Explain that statement.