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Combustion Investigation: Experiment Design & Safety

Combustion: Investigation
Starter: True or False
•Something disappears when things burn
•Energy escapes during burning
•Burning changes things into a gas
•Oxygen joins to things when they burn
•Burning changes things into charcoal
•Something new is made by burning
• When a substance goes through a physical
change it doesn’t change what that substance is.
• In a chemical change, a new substance is formed
and energy is either given off or taken in.
Combustion: A substance reacting with oxygen
transferring energy to the surroundings as light and
• What are the three things that fire needs to
• Is combustion an example of a physical or a
chemical change?
• Combustion occurs when a substance reacts
with which element?
Extension: what is the product of this reaction?
Our Inquiry
• Problem: The candle goes out when a jar is put
over it. Find out how the volume of the jar affects
how long it stays alight.
In Your Books
In your groups design your experiment, listing down in your exercise
• Hypothesis: (What do you think is going to happen, why?)
• Variables
Independent Variables (What you are going to change)
Dependant Variable: (What you are going to measure)
At least 2 Control variables: (Things you are going to keep the same)
In Your Books
• Write out the list of equipment you are going to
need. A tray is at the front of the classroom if
you want to check what will be available.
• Method: Try to break your method down into a
set of simple sentences.
Health and Safety
• Flames: goggles on at all times, long hair tied
• Water: Tell the teacher if there's a spill
• General: Bags away, stools tucked in, sensible lab