Database Interface Document for Activity 3

Interface document for use with Activity 3
Object Names
Add a screenprint that shows the names of all objects in the database.
Ensure the names are not truncated
Activity 3 – Interface and Functionality – SAM3
Add a screenprint of form in form view
Add a screenprint of the Menu form in design view
Add screenprints of all code and/or macros you have used
Ensure you have included enough detail to fully show how the menu works
Activity 3 – Interface and Functionality – SAM3
Input form to register new skaters
Add a screenprint of the input form in form view
Add a screenprint of the input form in design view
If applicable add design view and datasheet view screenprints of any other forms used (eg
If applicable add design view and datasheet view screenprints of any queries the input form
Add screenprints of all code and/or macros you have used
Ensure you have included enough detail to fully show how the form works
Activity 3 – Interface and Functionality – SAM3
Input form to record skater moves
Add a screenprint of the input form in form view
Add a screenprint of the input form in design view
If applicable add design view and datasheet view screenprints of any other forms used (eg
If applicable add design view and datasheet view screenprints of any queries the input form
Add screenprints of all code and/or macros you have used
Ensure you have included enough detail to fully show how the form works
Activity 3 – Interface and Functionality – SAM3
(1) a query to display an alphabetically sorted list of female skaters
from Hill Academy showing school name, skater name and their
date of birth
Add a design view screenprint of this query
Add a datasheet view screenprint of this query
Ensure the detail can be seen in full
(2) a query to calculate a query to calculate the number of moves in
each category
Add a design view screenprint of this query
Activity 3 – Interface and Functionality – SAM3
Add a datasheet view screenprint of this query
Ensure the detail can be seen in full
Activity 3 – Interface and Functionality – SAM3
(3) a query that would allow a user to enter a school name as a
parameter. Display the school name, the total number of skaters,
the number of females and the number of males
Add a design view screenprint of this query
Activity 3 – Interface and Functionality – SAM3
Add a datasheet view screenprint of this query
Ensure the detail can be seen in full
Activity 3 – Interface and Functionality – SAM3
(4) query to display the ages of the male skaters from oldest to
youngest. It should show the skater name, date of birth and age
Add a design view screenprint of this query
Activity 3 – Interface and Functionality – SAM3
Add a datasheet view screenprint of this query
Ensure the detail can be seen in full
Activity 3 – Interface and Functionality – SAM3
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Add a design view screenprint of the report
Ensure the detail of any calculations etc can be seen in full
If applicable add design view and datasheet view screenprints of any queries the report uses
Ensure you have also saved a pdf version of the database report
Activity 3 – Interface and Functionality – SAM3
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