periodic table


The Periodic Table

December 16, 2014


• Do Now: What number on the periodic table tells the number of electrons?

Neutrons? Atomic Weight?

• Objective: SWBAT Explain how chemists began to organize the known elements

Organizing the table

• Some of this should be a review!!

• Early chemists used the properties of an element to sort them into categories


• In 1829, J.W. Dobereiner used the properties to classify the elements into triads.

• Dobereiner discovered that the relative atomic mass of the middle element in each triad was close to the average of the relative atomic masses of the other two elements.

• This gave other scientists a clue that relative atomic masses were important when arranging the elements

Dobereiner’s Table

John Newlands

• 1864 ; Great Britain

• Developed the “Law of Octaves” which showed that every eighth element shared a resemblance.

• Problems:

• not all elements are in the correct column

• He didn’t leave room for new elements!!!

• Not readily accepted, but is now recognized as important in modern chemistry

Newlands Table

Mendeleev’s Table

• Based his table on a set of repeating properties

• He arranged the elements by increasing atomic mass by writing characteristics on to note cards and then continuing to rearrange them

• Do we still do this??? Look at your table

William Ramsey

• 1894 Great Britain

• Found the Nobel Gases

• Remember that the nobels are inert…that is…they do not like to mix with the commoners (the other elements)

Henry Moseley

• 1914; Great Britain

• The Periodic Law states: When elements are arranged in increasing atomic number, there is a repetition of their physical and chemical properties.

Current Periodic Table

• Elements are placed in increasing atomic number, which means that they are shown in order of increasing number of protons (and electrons)

• Those that share properties are in the same column of the table ( columns are up and down)


• Do Now: How did Mendeleev establish his table, and is it still validated?

• Objective: SWBAT explain how the elements are arranged on the table due to their characterisitcs

Add to your table

• Alkaline Earth Metals

• Alkali Metals

• Transition metals

• Metalloids


• Non-metals

• Halogens (family group 7)

• Nobel Gases

Metals and Nonmetals

December 17, 2014

What is metal vs nonmetal?


Three broad classes of elements

• Metals: are generally

• Good conductors of heat and electricity

• Solids at room temperature (except which?)

• Have a sheen when polished

• Ductile (can be drawn thin into wires)

• Malleable (hammered into sheets)

• Nonmetals: are generally

• In the upper right corner except for hydrogen

• Gases at room temperature

• Few are solids (sulfur and phosphorus)

• One is liquid (bromine)

• Poor conductors of heat and electricity

• Brittle so they shatter when hit

• Metalloids: generally “in the middle”

• under some conditions they act like metals and under others they act like nonmetals

• They sit around the staircase

Add to your table

• Alkaline Earth Metals

• Alkali Metals

• Transition metals

• Metalloids (semiconductors in your book)


• Non-metals

• Halogens

• Nobel Gases

Classifying Elements

December 18, 2014


• DO NOW: Briefly explain the three categories of elements

• OBJECTIVE: SWBAT Describe the information in a periodic table.

There are subunits of metals, metalloids and nonmetals

• Elements in Group 1A are called alkali metals

• Elements in Group 2A are called alkaline earth metals

• Elements in Group7A are called halogens

Representative elements

• Are in groups 1A through 7A

Transition Elements

• Are in the main body of the table

• They are the only ones with electrons in the d sublevel


• These should be a review for you!

• Atomic size

• An atomic radius is one half of the distance between the nuclei of two atoms of the same elements when they are joined.

• In general, the atomic size increases as you move down the group (more electrons = more shells=bigger size “shielding”)

• It also decreases as you move left to right across the table (protons have strong pull on the electrons, and pull them close to the nucleus)

• Ionization energy

• It is the energy needed to rip an electron off of an atom (opposite of electronegativity)

• It decreases as you move from top to bottom

(more shells= greater distance from nucleus=less pull )

• It increases as you move left to right (think back to the positive pull of more protons on the outer electrons)

• Electronegativity

• Is the ability of an atom to pull electrons to itself from somewhere else (opposite of ionization energy)

• It decreases from top to bottom (many shells = further from the nucleus = easier to lose than to gain electrons)

• It increases left to right (shells are more filled = they really want to get that last one to fill the shell = will steal from anybody)

• Ionic size

• Increases from top to bottom (more electrons

= more shells = bigger size)

• BUT, two trends are seen as you move left to right

• As you move left to right through the transition metals, you will decrease in size

• As you move through metalloids and nonmetals, the size increases

Using what you learned

December 19-22, 2014


• DO NOW: Explain the difference between electronegativity and ionization energy

• OBJECTIVE: SWBAT demonstrate their knowledge of the material covered in this unit by completing worksheets that reflect the information

• Quiz on Tuesday!
