IEP PROGRESS REPORT – TEACHER INPUT REQUEST PLEASE MAKE A COPY, UNDER “FILE,” USE THAT COPY FOR INPUT. PRINT AND RETURN TO U12 OR “SHARE” INPUT AT MOLLIQUEY@ESUHSD.ORG STUDENT: TEACHER: GRADE: 1. How is the student performing in your classroom? Classroom Observations Academic Concerns PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT APPLY. ____Contributes to class _____Well organized ____Easily grasps ideas ____Has original ideas ____Completes assignments on time ____Puts forth good effort ____Cooperative _____Shows leadership in group work _____Does more work than required _____Shows initiative _____Uses time effectively _____Does not ask for help _____Poor organizational skills ____Difficulty communicating ideas/needs _____Difficulty seeing board _____Other______________________ COURSE: Social Development (Mark “S” for greatest strength and “W” for greatest weakness.) ____Lack of Participation in Class _____Difficulty following directions ____Difficulty paying attention _____Frequently forgets directions _____Difficulty reading (vocabulary) _____Difficulty writing (penmanship) _____Difficulty writing (spelling/structure) ____Habitually unprepared for class _____Careless work ____ Poor use of time _____Late/missing assignments _____Poor attendance ____Low/failing tests and/or quizzes _____Excessive tardies _____Tired/Drowsy in class ____Other:______________________ _____Self-confident ____Considerate _____Shows leadership potential ___Cooperative ____Good sense of humor ____Well-liked by peers ____Works well in a group ____Prefers to work alone _____Shy/introverted _____Disrespectful _____Uses foul language _____Needs attention ____Very talkative _____Disrupts class _____Low self image _____Other________________________ 2. Which factors influence this student’s grade most? (Check all that apply) ____ homework performance ___ use of class time ___ class participation ___ test performance ___ peer interaction ___ respect for others ___ attendance/tardiness _ other (specify): _missing work he needs to make up 3. I have used the following modifications with this student: Classroom Testing Accommodations/Modifications Assignment Accommodations/Modifications Classroom Accommodations/Modifications PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT APPLY ____Extended Time _____Oral Testing (Read Aloud Test Items) ____Repeating Directions Verbatim _____Use of Calculator _____Modify grading scale _____Use of dictionary/thesaurus _____Modify Format (multiple choice, short answer) _____Abbreviated Concepts _____Other______________________ _____Assignment Notebook _____Abbreviated Assignments _____Additional Time ____Study Guide ____Extra Grade Opportunities (extra credit, re-do missed items) _____Compacting/Acceleration _____ Enrichment projects Describe: _____________________ _____Other: _____________________ ____Preferential Seating ____Provide Copies of Notes ____Peer Tutoring _____Behavior/Performance Contracting _____Highlighted Textbook _____Readings on CD/tape _____Quiet area in which to work _____Other________________________ 4. Do you have any specific concerns regarding the student? ___ Yes ___ No