PURPOSE: The purpose of this page is to document the modifications and/or accommodations that the student requires, based on the student’s assessed needs, in order to advance appropriately toward attaining the identified annual goals, to be involved and make progress in the general education curriculum, and to be educated with non-disabled peers to the maximum extent appropriate. ACCOMMODATIONS AND MODIFICATIONS Accommodations/ Subject Accommodations/ Subject Modifications Needed Modifications Needed Presentation Setting Use large print/Braille/audio books A Individualized/small group instruction Audio Digital Books A Preferential seating Alter format of materials (highlight, type, spacing, color-code, etc.) A Reduce environmental distractions (test/ study in separate location, noise buffers, etc.) Provide study outlines/guides/graphic organizers A Allow breaks (during work, between tasks, during testing, etc.) Cloze Reading Strategy A Response Read class materials orally A Speech to Text Extra time on assignments/assessments A Text to Speech Allow dictation to a scribe Sign Language – ASL or SEE Allow use of a calculator Shortened assignments Allow use of digital recordings Limited multiple choice Utilize oral responses to assignments/assessments A A Modify/repeat/model directions Rephrase test questions and/or directions A Spelling and grammar check Hands-on assignments Other: Provide test/assessment study guide A Provide extra credit options Simplify text wording/language Other Read class materials orally Provide desktop list of tasks A Assign peer tutor/note taker A a. b. c. d. Other: Allow student to redo/correct daily assignments and test if student scores below 70%. All subjects Reading English Spelling e. f. g. h. Math Science Social Studies STAAR Test Supply homework lists Behavior plan/contract Provide daily assignment list/schedule i. j. k. l. Health ELL Test Physical Education District Assessments m. Vocational n. Lunch/Recess o. Library Classroom, STAAR, and District Testing Accommodations Weekly Monthly Times of quizzes / tests X X X X X X X X Re teaching X X X X X X X Review & drill X X X X X X X Small group instruction X X X X X X Study guides X X X X Alternate grading State Testing X District Testing Note taking assistance Classroom Testing X Social Studies X Science X Related Service X X Reading X X Physical Education X X Mathematics X Guided to unguided instruction Goal (s) # Alternative curriculum X Fine Arts X X English/ Language Arts X All Subject Areas Daily * Most used in assessments Comments: Modifications Accommodations -Instructional- Alternate response options (white board, written) X X Recorded instruction or lecture X Other: -AssignmentsX X X X X X X X X X Calculator X X X X X X X X Color overlay X X X X X X Extended time for assignments X X X X X X X X Extended time for tests X X X X X X X X Highlighted text X X X X X X Increased verbal response time X X X X X X Masking / covering portion of page X X X X X X X X Multiplication table X X X X X X X X Reading and/or simplifying directions X X X X X X Speech to Text X X X X X X X X Tests given in variety of ways (oral, short answer) X X X X X X X X * X X X X X X X X Read aloud questions and answer choices Reading assessment (not passages) state and district assessments Separate setting (small group / individual) * X X X X X X Text to Speech assessments * X X X X Assignment / communication notebook X X X X Breaks – flexible schedules X X X X Other: -BehavioralAdaptive furniture X X X X X Noise buffer X X X X Organizational skills X X X X X X X X Positive reinforces X X X X X X X X Preferential seating X X X X Visual schedule Other: