Job creation 2017 Entrepreneurship development -NEIP $10m One district one factory One village one dam Small business development Stimulus package for distressed industries Planting for food and jobs 1. NEIP Amount received $10m Applications received 5,500 young entrepreneurs 500 will receive financial support which will employ a minimum of 12 persons per enterprise giving a total of 6,000 employment 2. Planting for food and jobs Anchored on five (5) strategic pillars 1. Provision of improved seeds 2. Fertilizers, 3. Dedicated extension services 4. Marketing 5. e-Agriculture recruitment of 822 agriculture extension personnel 2018 budget- Nations Builders Corps (NBC) Objectives: 1. Provide employment to unemployed graduates 2. Improved skills and employability 3. Improve public service delivery 4. Improve government revenue mobilization modules Teach Ghana – Clean Ghana – Heal Ghana Feed Ghana– Revenue Ghana It promises to employ 100,000 graduates in 2018. 462 to every district. 2019 budget Job creation 88,719 Ghanaians have been employed into critical sectors of agriculture, health and education 100,000 young graduates have been employed under NABCO 200,000 skilled jobs will be provided in the key agricultural production and trading centers including Wenchi, Temale and Sandema through the commodity exchange platform.