Bond Polarity Worksheet: Electronegativity & Bond Types

Bond Polarity
Most bonds are a blend of ionic and covalent characteristics.
Difference in electronegativity determines bond type.
Electronegativity is a measurement of the tendency of an atom to attract a bonding pair
of electrons. increases from left to right going across a period on the periodic table.
 is high for the nonmetals with fluorine as the highest.
 is low for the metals.
When you subtract the electronegativity it’s a positive number.
 If you subtract them and its negative switch to positive!
A nonpolar covalent bond is covalent bonds that share electrons equally. Generally,
there is a 0.0-0.4 difference in the atoms’ electronegativity values.
A polar covalent bond is a covalent bond that do NOT share electrons
equally. Generally, there is a 0.4-1.7 difference in the atoms’ electronegativity values.
Ionic Bond is between a metal and non-metal that has a complete electron transfer
(1.8 or higher Electronegativity difference).
Notation for Polar Covalent
higher e-neg atom (HIGHER NUMBER) ____________
lower e-neg atom (SMALLER Number) _____________
Draw a fancy arrow from small to big _______________