Roofing System Guidelines - North Carolina Prototype School

Roofing System Guidelines
The purpose of this document is to offer guidance to local educational agencies (LEA) for the planning of
new and replacement roofing systems in schools. This type of project is reviewed by NCDPI School
Planning prior to the construction. Review is also required prior to funding through the State or Federal
government program. Minor repair of existing roofing due to damage or failure is not subject to School
Planning review.
DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION: The roof system is a major investment by any school system. Thus it
should be designed, constructed and maintained properly to provide for the long life that is expected.
Selection of a qualified designer that has a proven track record is a major step. Reference should be
made to the NC General Statues for the selection of a designer and contractor. NC General Statues 1331.1 requires that an architect or engineer be engaged for any project $300,000 or more. In addition, the
statute requires that projects $100,000 or more affecting life safety; $135,000 for repair of buildings
involving major structural change in framing or foundation support system; and, $135,000 for additions to
public buildings or State-owned and operated utilities shall engage an architect or engineer.
The project shall be bid and construction contracts awarded according to NC General Statues 143-128
and 129 for all projects for construction. This method provides for competitive bidding of the project that
should produce the best cost to the LEA.
School Planning does not recommend any specific roofing system. It is the responsibility of the designer
to properly select and design the roofing system that is compatible with the project construction.
However, School Planning does not recommend spray foam over existing roofing or ballasted single ply
SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: Projects submitted to NCDPI School Planning for review shall contain
the following minimum review documents:
Complete Appendix B Building Summary. This is necessary in order to determine the building
type and fire rating of the ceiling/roof assembly; and, compliance with energy code requirements.
Include UL Design detail on plans where fire rating is required for the assembly.
Roof Plan(s) showing the area of roofing that is part of the project. The plan should locate all
roofing penetrations and roof mounted equipment. Include dimensions and detail cuts crossed
referenced to the large scale details. Include roofing slopes and direction of flow, roof drains and
overflow drains (especially where the building may have parapets).
Details of all penetrations, flashing, curbs, fascia, gutters, expansion joints, etc. to completely
describe the roofing system installation.
Specifications for the roofing system used on the project. This should be a detailed specification
not a simple system statement.
If existing, statement regarding how lead, asbestos, and PCB’s have been identified and what
steps are being taken for the abatement of same. Some existing roofing felts and mastic contain
Structural loading compliance must be addressed in both new and reroofing projects. Where the
For re-roofing projects provide the Roofing Replacement Submittal Form found on School
Clearinghouse website.
School Planning  NC Department of Public Instruction  301 North Wilmington Street  Raleigh, NC 27601-2825
Roof System Guidelines (January 2013)
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Roofing System Guidelines
For reroofing projects, the designer should provide a detailed review of the existing construction
in the field. As-built or record drawings should not be used without verification as to the actual
conditions in the field. If necessary, the LEA or designer should obtain a non-destructive roof
survey that will determine the condition of the existing roof system. Avoid over-roofing an existing
roof that is obviously moisture laden.
Design of the roof should conform to manufacturer details for the type of roof system selected.
Details for one type of system may not be compatible with that of another system.
Minimum slope should be 1/4 inch per foot. In new construction, the slope should be obtained in
the roof system. In existing construction where the structure does not contain the proper slope,
the slope should be obtained by the use of tapered insulation. Slopes at 1/8 inch per foot do not
provide adequate drainage.
Roof insulation should be adequate to provide the required overall R-value of the roofing
assembly that meets the requirements of the current NC Energy Code. In reroofing projects
where a complete tear off of the existing roofing system is indicated, it is also advisable to meet
the requirements of the current NC Energy Code to reduce energy costs for the building.
Drainage should be positive to the roof drains with no standing water. Level valleys should be
eliminated with crickets or tapered insulation.
Avoid roof mounted equipment wherever possible.
Provide walkpads to and around roof mounted equipment requiring frequent service or inspection.
Roof access in the form of permanently mounted ladders or stairs and hatches shall be as
required by the NC State Building Code. Where roof mounted serviceable equipment is provided,
then roof access that will allow safe passage to the roof by service personnel is recommended.
Access roof hatches and ladders should have handrail extensions and guardrails as required for
the safety of personnel. Reference the NC State Building Code and OSHA requirements for
detailed requirements.
The manufacturer’s representative should inspect the roof installation prior to the acceptance by
the LEA. The designer should inspect the roof during construction at intervals that will determine
that the roof system is being installed as required by the construction contract documents. One
inspection at the end of the construction will not provide for this observation.
School Planning strongly recommends obtaining a full-time roof consultant during the roof
construction period.
It will be the responsibility of the LEA to provide periodic inspection of the roof system. This is often
neglected and results in premature failure of roof systems. As a minimum inspection of the roof systems
should be made every 6 months. The spring and fall are the best times as it is not so hot and cold for
inspection personnel. Clear debris off of roof and away from roof drains and gutters.
After adverse weather such as strong storms, rains, high winds, hail and lightning strikes, the roof should
be inspected for damage. Repair damage as quickly as possible to prevent water penetrating the
insulation or leaking into the building. Clear debris off of roof and away from roof drains and gutters.
School Planning  NC Department of Public Instruction  301 North Wilmington Street  Raleigh, NC 27601-2825
Roof System Guidelines (January 2013)
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Roofing System Guidelines
All roof systems should be warranted a minimum of 2 years by the contractor and 15 years by the
Keep the roof warrantees secure as it may be years before claims are made.
In case of a warranty issue, call the contractor’s contract person and/or the manufacturer’s warranty
contact. If the roof problem is serious, the LEA should limit any consequential damages as soon as
possible whether the warrantor has responded or not.
School Planning  NC Department of Public Instruction  301 North Wilmington Street  Raleigh, NC 27601-2825
Roof System Guidelines (January 2013)
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