Space Vector Modulation and Current Regulation of the Four-leg Voltage-Source Inverter Cao Yu, Shen Songhua, Wang Yong School of Automation Science and Electrical Engineering, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing 100083, China Abstract—This paper presents space vector modulation and current regulation of the four-leg voltage-source inverter. Space vector modulation based three inverter topologies have been analyzed, and three different hysteresis current regulators have been investigated. Some simulated figures illustrate the properties of the four-leg voltage-source converter using the 3-D space vector based the multi-level hysteresis current regulation control. I. INTRODUCTION space vector based multi-level hysteresis current regulation control. II. SPACE VECTOR MODULATION A. Two-Leg Inverter Fig.1 depicts a 2-Leg inverter with a LC output filter. It is assumed that S1 and S2 as well as S3 and S4 are switched in a complementary way. Thus, The 2-Leg inverter produces a total of four (22) switching states, depicted in Table I with the corresponding voltage vectors. P In many commercial and industrial applications, power is distributed through a three-phase four-wire system. To overcome the problem of handling the neutral current under balanced and unbalanced load conditions, two basic topologies are applied: split dc link capacitors, and fourleg inverters [1]. With the split dc link capacitors the three-phase inverters become three independent singlephase half-bridge inverters, and the dc link capacitor will handle the neutral current directly. Therefore, large and expensive dc link capacitors are needed, and the utilization of the dc link voltage is poor [1][2]. In contrast, the three-phase four-leg inverter has more control flexibility. Therefore, the three-phase four-leg inverters have been investigated in this paper. Four-leg converters can effectively provide the neutral connection in three-phase four-wire systems. They can be used in inverter, rectifier, and active filter applications to handle the neutral current caused by the unbalanced and/or nonlinear load or unbalanced source. At first, in this paper, three-dimensional (3-D) space vector modulation (SVM) schemes are proposed. The proposed 3-D SVM is a superset of the traditional twodimensional (2-D) SVM, and it inherits all the merits of the traditional 2-D SVM, also the 2-D SVM is a superset of the one-dimensional (1-D) SVM [3][4]. So section I presents a unified approach of the space vector modulation for voltage-source inverters. To demonstrate the proposed unified approach, three fundamental inverters topologies are analyzed: single-phase full-bridge, threephase three-wire (three-leg), and three-phase four-leg inverters. Second, this paper presents hysteresis current regulation techniques using three-phase inverter with neutral leg. It has been shown that well-known techniques of hysteresis current regulation used in conventional three-phase three leg inverters can also be applied in four-leg inverters [5]. At last, some simulated figures illustrate the properties of the four-leg voltage-source converter using the 3-D P Fig.1 Two-leg inverter topology TABLE I TWO-LEG INVERTER SWITCHING STATES AND VOLTAGE VECTORS It can be seen that the output voltage space of the 2-Leg inverter is one-dimensional, since only the voltage Vab is applied to the load. Therefore, it is possible to represent the switching vectors onto a line, as presented in Fig.2. B B Fig.2 Output voltage space of two-leg inverter B. Three-Leg Inverter Fig.3 depicts a 3-Leg inverter connected to a threephase LC filter, with a balanced load. Again, it is assumed that S1 and S2, S3 and S4 as well as S5 and S6 are switched in a complementary way. Thus, there are 8 eight (23) possible switching-states, depicted in Table II with the corresponding voltage vectors. 1323 P P Fig.3 Three-leg inverter topology Fig.5 Four-leg inverter topology TABLE II THREE-LEG INVERTER SWITCHING STATES AND VOLTAGE VECTORS TABLE III FOUR-LEG INVERTER SWITCHING STATES AND VOLTAGE VECTORS It can be verified that the output voltage space of the 3Leg inverter is two-dimensional, since it can produces only two independent output voltages; i.e. if Vab and Vbc are known, then Vca is implicitly defined, where a balance load is assumed. Therefore, the output voltage space can be constructed by projecting the leg-voltage space onto a two-dimensional plane, using the αβ transformation matrix (1), given below: B B B B B B 1 ⎡ 1 − 2⎢ 2 ⎢ Tαβ = 3⎢ 3 ⎢⎣0 2 1 ⎤ − ⎥ 2 ⎥ 3⎥ − 2 ⎥⎦ (1) In this new coordinate system ( αβ ), there are 6 nonzero vectors and two zero vectors, as shown in Fig.4. It can be verified that the output Voltage space of the 4Leg inverter is three-dimensional, since it can produce three independent output voltages regardless of load by using the fourth leg to control the neutral voltage and conduct any neutral currents. Therefore, it is possible to represent the switching vectors in a three-dimensional space as show in Fig.6 below, by using the αβγ transformation matrix (2), given below: Tαβγ Fig.4 Output voltage space of three-leg inverter in αβ -coordinates C. Four-Leg Inverter Fig.5 depicts a 4-Leg inverter connected to a threephase LC filter, with arbitrary loads. It is assumed that S1 and S2, S3 and S4, S5 and S6 as well as S7 and S8 are switched in complementary way. Then, there are 16 possible switching vectors, which are presented in Table III with the corresponding voltage vectors. ⎡ ⎢ ⎢ 2⎢ = 3⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎣ 1 0 1 2 1 2 3 2 1 2 − 1 ⎤ 2 ⎥ ⎥ 3⎥ − 2 ⎥ ⎥ 1 ⎥ 2 ⎥⎦ − (2) In this new coordinate system ( αβγ ), there are 14 nonzero vectors and two zero vectors, as shown in Fig.6. Projection of all switching vectors on α − β plane creates the well-known hexagon form Fig.7 (a), but each vector can be obtained from two switching combination. For example V2 can be obtained from projection of switching state vector 1100 or from projection of switching state vector 1101, as shown in Fig.7 (b). 1324 B B B. α-β-γ Three-Level Hysteresis Current Regulator To obtain better results from hysteresis regulator represented above, we follow the same techniques as in conventional three-phase three-leg inverters. Keeping in mind that in four leg inverters after the projection in α-β plan each vector has two possibilities, for example V2 (1100 or 1101), as shown in Fig.7 (b), we need another regulator (γ-regulator) to select the proper vector as shown in Fig.9. Therefore the three level hysteresis regulator is used for γ (< 0, = 0, or >1). Example V2, is the projection of (1100 or 1101). The γ regulator can obtain the proper vector selection. B B B B Fig.6 Output voltage space of four-leg inverter in αβγ -coordinates (a) (b) Fig.7 (a) Switching projection of inverter vectors in αβ plane (b) Example of the projection of vector V2 B B Fig.9 α-β-γ Three-level hysteresis PWM current regulator III. CURRENT REGULATION SCHEMES α-β-γ Multi Level Hysteresis Current Regulator C. A. Four independent Two-Level Hysteresis Regulator The block scheme of four independent two level hysteresis regulators is shown in Fig.8. Each regulator determines the state of one inverter leg keeping the error of the related leg within the hysteresis band [2][6][7]. In four independent two-level hysteresis regulators there is no information between the individual hysteresis regulators, and there is no strategy for zero selection. Keeping in mind that the projection of the all switching vectors in αβ plane produces the well-known hexagon-form, the improvement of four-leg hysteresis regulator can be achieved by using the same techniques as in three-leg inverter to regulate the α-β components and another regulator for the neutral leg. We can see that there is still no complete definition of the output voltage in case of α=0 and β=0. Therefore, for further improvement we use multi-level hysteresis regulator as shown in Fig.10. In thus scheme the voltage in α-axis is divided into four different levels and β-axis into three levels. From α-β regulators, the digital output signals (dα, d β ) selection the state of inverters switches using the switching table, which defines the inverter outputs as shown in Table IV. But this table is not sufficient to define the four-leg inverter states, because each vector has two possibilities. By using the third regulator and Fig.6 it is possible to define the switching table for four-leg inverter as shown in Table V. Fig.8 Four independent two-level hysteresis PWM current regulator B B B Fig.10 α-β-γ Multi-level hysteresis PWM current regulator 1325 B TABLE IV SELECTION TABLE FOR α-β MULTI-LEVEL CURRENT REOULATOR (a) TABLE V SELECTION TABLE FOR γ MULTI-LEVEL CURRENT REGULATOR (b) Fig.11α-β-γ Multi Level hysteresis current regulator waveforms with unbalance load (a) Output voltages Van, Vbn, Vcn (b) Output current ia, ib, ic IV. SIMULATION RESULTS In order to prove the approach of the 3-D space vector based multi-level hysteresis PWM current regulator for the four-leg voltage-source is correct, the circuit model was built in the soft of Saber. Simulation results are shown in Fig.11. The inverter and the load data are given below: Inverter data: DC link voltages =370V; LC filter: La=Lb=Lc=0.4mH, Ln=0.1mH, Ca=Cb=Cc=40μF; f=50Hz; Hα=0.5/3, Hβ=0.5/2, Hγ=0.5. Load (unbalanced) data: Ra=5Ω, Rb=50000Ω, Lc=16mH, Rc=3Ω. B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B [1] R.Zhang, V.H.Prasad, D.Boroyevich, F.C.Lee, “Three-dimensional space vector modulation for four-leg voltage-source converters”, IEEE Trans. Power Electron., Vol.17, pp. 314 – 326, no.3, May 2002. [2] Sun Chi, Bi Zengjun, Wei Guanghui, “Modeling and simulation of a three-phase four-leg inverter based on a novel decoupled control technique”, in Proceedings of CSEE, 2004, vol.24, no.1, pp. 124 – 130. 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T T T T T In this paper, space vector modulation based three inverter topologies have been analyzed, and three different hysteresis current regulators have been investigated. The simulation model is built in the soft of Saber for the fourleg voltage-source converter using the 3-D space vector based multi-level hysteresis current regulation control. Simulation results are presented to validate the proposed approach. B REFERENCES T V. CONCLUSION B 1326 T T