a a a a a a a a a o a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a fiw'ke Tube l.e, k TLRBE ,rtl) Turbonefriser'ting G P o Bo' 3e61zP 7620ll Lousv e,fi4o2ro DentonTx 76205 TIG ICE Manual Generator a a a a a a O o a a a o o a a a a a a o o a TLRI3tr TTGICE GENERATORMANUAL {DiD{l)ildDO a o a o o O o a a o o a o o o o a a o a o o a a o o f$o R-22SERVICEDISCLAIMER o00 Thi6m.nuallprep.r€dprior ro rh€regubrions rcsulrinB lron rhr CIdn Air Ad or to,t0J @hlain!.Nhmndalioro and Dr@du6 for srtice erk on refri4ralioneouiDmnr ulilizlhg rctrigershr8.22. Tha CleanAir Ad or 1900eill rsull-in (h.ns; io the pMedur6 itr tlfs msnnallor tardlinare|.iAerlntR.22. The (mer and/or s€.vice provider uring this mnual is roponsiblc for @npliahe yi(h att lml, st!t€, or fed.r6l 0.16 and regdotions regrrdtB ot lhe praedurd or recohhendations cil€d in thir hatrual, which ar€ noa Int€nded to eDe6edc o. ontrqdict .pplicabteregulations in eltectat lte dh€ofservlce. a a 7P2'lribo Pefiismlnscomn'y o o o a a a a o a O a o o a a a a a o a a a a o a a o O a o o o o a a a a o o o a a a ulDru<no" INTRODUCTION TERMS & CONDITIONS 1 TIG ICE GEIIERATOR MANUAL SAFETY INSTALLATION & PRT-START.UP f,TQUIREMENTS OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS TROUBLE-SHOOTING MAINTENANCE SPAREPARTSLIST OPTIONAL FEATURES & ACCESSORIES OPTIONSAPPENDIX APPEI\'DIX& NOTES 10 a o o a o a a o a o a o a o a a a a a o a a a a a o a a ol{) coNrENrs f0$sffs SECTIONI Icer@I6 V€rs$ rce 6eMo6 Tubol@nEkds I Tubo Ia G.n@rm 1 I TIG Sec Motbh 2 sc2 sca 2 scE2 SCAR2 SCER2 TIGARScri€sModcls2 R2 USDa Appbwd 3 Opdo.alTiC F€aNs 4 ^ss@iaedIljrbo EquiDmmr5 Tdbo lc Rake5 TypicarApplicatidN5 cDsmr sdic 5 Tems ud lries 7 Li@c{twamty WmturyAdjusrmr Exclusids: Liniratid ot tnbilay ? Equipftnt ChanlEs9 SecurilyLn.e! fnsme 9 l6i d Dtlay l0 'WmkDamSc By olhcd: A.ms,oryed Sef.ryDrvtre, l0 Ag@nt l0 ComFleE 3 9 rubo RdnsdMB Conpony i o o SECTION' Mehineryr Dmgms 11 InvolvcYoaPeople l1 ll (ey€dcGrml Swilch 13 Emgcnc, SropBur@ 14 ConveyorMaNlldur€r's Instrucllonsand M.lerhl Solety Dal, sh€cl lor F.con A. CdeEl Intomalih l? B Fi^L Aid M@snB U c. Haz!,.jsInfomlion 18 19 D. Prccaurions,tPrmedms E. PesonalPDr.ctiveEquipftnt 19 D.u 19 F. Phtsical a a o a H. EnviFmnral 20 Mal€riel S ety Do(. Sh€et lor Suniso 3GS & 4GS S*don II. ChemicalMd Physica!Propeni* 21 Sedon IrI Fie andExplosionDrti 22 Scdon lV. tl4lth Ha4dDar. 22 Sdtih V Spccd Pruec( Inamation 22 Sadon Vl. H dlinAofS s qL&ls 2l Seclionvll Sp@ialPEcaudons23 Seuonvllr Tftnspdtrrion DaB 23 Ssrion Ix, Cmmn4 2l SECTION3 Itrst.llstion & Pre.Sterr.UpRequirem€nb To HclpYd CetSEte! 25 EelpfulHins 25 Dcliw h@do. 29 D;liwiy Inspationchekli$ 29 Eoistineor Movin! 3l EiuipoenrRisginsInsElctions3l Eoisrins d Molins 34 SiFlspddon 35 slob 35 Concrele Rai*d Cubn8 35 Elevabdlnsalladon35 Acce$,S@ice,andAirSplce36 wa@rPE$UELines 36 FloorDnin 36 War€rTeandr36 Mou.rincfld kveling 3? CroudmGudcliEs 37 b S@ngcl9 Buiiding Ope;inlsrlG ChdGs, rn(Dne$(w unvcyor Jv Insularion39 Allgning CrdpEssdsandMoron4l Coupl'nsCrnEr 4l cmpEssrMoror 4l Mdc & CmpEssdFlang* 41 ii TuboRdns@uigcomFny 3/39 o o a a a o o 2l a a a a a a a a o o o a o o a a o a o a a o o a a a a o a o t o a a o a o a a o a o a o a a a a a a o o o a a o o o o a a a o a o a a o a a Mobrc.npr$d Assmbry al LhDcsorAr'hGnr 4l DowalinaP@-r!uF 4t Elem@l Comclids 43 Elarical Swi@ Connedos 43 Ch4kins Rot tion 43 MaIe-Up WaFr 45 WaErTcmpeEtuE 45 M,l,?Up WM Conneri@ 45 Maleup W.q PBs@ & TenMw 45 Drdns 45 Two Pr. Dftins 45 OE OvcrflowDoin 46 wlFI Cekd C.nddses 46 WrarRe4uit!l@6 46 wiRr R€gdadng V.tre rSCModrhOnty,wdef TenDEribFs 46 PipcJoints49 gerdl Irsarhdos 49 Fr€onRelrig€mL Insblados 49 CopperTubug 49 Rcab.s !o EvacuaE t3 P@p.. Melsudns hsFulm! 53 Hish Vacuuo lump 53 Frsr Evacuarim 5! S€condE!&uation 54 Third Eladeio 54 Ch&SinsrheUnnwirhR.rnreftntOil 55 Pqiodic Chc(kr & RE;rdr 55 Addj.g Refrigmr 5? RcmG Atr-C@ledd Evrpcadre-CootedI.rC Unirs 57 Rcno@Typ€TIG Un,ts 57 Ar C@ledC,nd..e6 6l Dqitn Condidons6l f a a tt9 Tubo RetrU@in! cmp'ny iii valve l-'(JpsII.m ReEulao) 62 Vrlvc 'c" (DownsNlm Resulatd) 62 vs.lves'!' Md G^ 62 Vrlve tC 63 alMde HeadPsslre Conmls 63 Fs Cycling 63 vDable sp4d Mord (vsM) contoner 63 Evapomiive-CmldcondeNs 65 EqDipmentFunisbed65 HeadPE$uEconnol 65 Adjusrmnt 66 Flftd-B@k Con@ls 66 VSM Coniols vs Flo.d Bact Conlroh 66 Diffdcnu.l PrEssw SwtrchSpecinutions (VSM ConEoucrInput 67 lBsuP Range 6? Eoof PrcssuE 67 SPiEhOurpdr6T Ele.EicalRalinB 6'7 TmFRluE OpqaringLimi6 6? VariablcSpeedMdc ConEollerSp@fruions 67 low€r, r-VolLase6? Powr, t- Phae 67 PoMr, lnpur - FEqnency 6? Porer, Ourput Volbep 67 Powc., Ouenr - Phase 67 lowcr Outpur'lEquency 6? Pow€r,Ourpur(VSM)a'npCar&ny 6? Po(r, Oupu' - TcmpcnM OprErinBLiniB 67 - Temp(mrurc Power,Our0ur S@deeunit 67 waFr'c@l.d condensd 69 DesisnConditions 69 wrb.TErtud 69 C.nml Inltrmadm 7l) Co.ml Pdel wi.sizins 70 Instauation ?l Opcadng Scqnena ?r 'v Turhor(tns.,uns Clnldni lAe o o o a a a o o o a a o a a a a a a a a a a o o a a o a a o o a a a a o a a a a a a a SECTION4 OperatingInstructions Co.rot PmelDod 73 Er6cq9rq!'Ckrc- qsqiDoon D ret@ serecrtrswrch. oN/oFF 7l EnsBencySroDPushBudon ?4 Conrol Ciruir Btsald ?d MagRtic Sr]ls Wirh Meltins Alloy Ovedm,j Rehv tu8EtrMble (ndbotler 75 0n Up Che.kh$ 75 DailySr& Up Se{(nce 75 Dtftd S{qGne 16 WaE.S'sGDs76 Malc-Up w'@r Ctcuir 76 PumpandwaErDiskiburdCifuit 7? Olerfioq Dain CiElr 7? TlTical Shutdow.SlqEncc 7? a a a o a frperatrmi'<matdns) pre$@ Conbol 79 '!e€d ?9 a a a a a a o a a o a o o o a a a a a D a sEcTloNs 6l Prcblcmsan-dSoludons 82 SECTION6 92 Aftcrlnii Anahr, Oee@ion 92 fopeEdon 92 PlaFsFominEScale92 Ienuhng SurI@Ct.tuna 92 Scale andSolidrFominsi; wrK Tanr 9l sEcltolt 7 96 Oil Reim A$dbly 96 ElErical Conhl Pffil (2l0y46q3/@n | 15/4601 97 Elehcal Swnchq& Conrots93 Hal€r ScEw CodFonefts 99 ,ls TuboreiKdnsconrany v a Rcllisenft Sysem(ononu€d) 101 Con.iens Cmup (sC Model) 85/9s/l05oFSDT 102 SECTION 8 OpLionalFe.tnr* & ,{ccessori€s 104 OprionI We hqizingKit 104 Opnon2 wincnzi.g 104 DFinins 104 WderLner I04 El{Eicd rO4 ConEols105 Oprion3 Bi..O-Maric Conuols 105 ConfiolsandCuidelines 105 105 Specilicalions BetD.ircn CompF$d 105 Op o.4 Opcn BelrItive Uses105 Condon Snctual Base106 Opdon5 llead PE$uE ConEols(SC) 106 Contol w,rdTcdpemra & nov 106 ConmlWarerFlowRae 106 Vrlves 106 Oprion6 Coling Tower 106 InsBlhlion107 Ai. Inulc & DischdgeCledme l0'7 Opdon? C@linsTowerlump(SC) 107 Oplion 8 Air-CooledCondenser107 Opdon9 EeadPE$ure Conmh (SCAR) 108 Oprion l0 Rcoiver (SCAR& SCER) 108 Op on ll Evapodtive Clndensd 10, Opdois 109 Floarv.l"e 109 Insnllador 109 Ai. I.ble & Dilchfige Clemmes 109 opion 12 IIad PESUEconrols (scER) I r 0 Oplionl3 SrainlesSreelAuger& DNchdgcTmnEh110 S E C I I O N9 O p r i o h sA p p ( n d i ( SECTION r0 Appendix& Notes Ap!.ndix A: RcirelaEd AmmM Opqadon Appendix B: WarerFlow Conhol o a a a o o a o a a o a a a a a a a a a o O a a o o a a a o a o a a O q TurboPeldse6unsclmlany 1/39 o a a a a a o o o a a O a a o a o a a a a a o a a a a a a a o a o o o a a o a o a o a a a o a o a a Se $S FrcuRES & TABLEseo$00 sEcTloN2 WmDg rjb.ls on rheCMbol Parcl I I wminekbrhon rhesftw Tbueh l1 Wming tibels on de Aeess Panels12 Wmin8 tib€ls on tlE ScEw CroveyorBex SECTIONJ FisxEr-5 ri[ue ] 6 L(go nC Unnwrh Midte SLprn J:t TICUdr Wi|nAnOubo.rd$ alij Cmls Condensins Unn 33 'flG Unirw,rhAn At-Cmt.dConden$ng FielE 3-8 Ft!rc3-9 TypicalConc@|e SlabDehil 35 Elevatedlnsraftrion 36 TTCARModels(1 12 FPI MrteUD Wah Connccdon) 46 TableI5 soroilchae 55 FisuE 3-t I An-Cetcd dndenkr Relicrv.lE Field Piping 58 Figu€3-1,1 TlTicalb.ld lnsullarion ReliefValve Table:l 4 valw Piprng(Fl@d,BackMethod) 64 Typilal ltr Fd C)ctin8or VdiablcSpeed Fm Mo M) ConEors64 FjEDrc3-18 TDical VSM Cmronr tnsEllrion 65 FiguE 3 19 Difr€Endal PiesE Swiah 66 rrgurel.17 r 9 Tudo R.Idsmdngcomp,ny "ii rt SECTION6 HNce Srew Driw Lnbncdion SrDpleDdly lce Pldr bg Sher 94 a o a a a a o o o a a a a a a a a a a o o a a a a ui T'nbo Pddg@dtrgcmpmr l/39 a o o a Rcrd SaletyS(rion befor€ih.lllting or using equipnent. a a o a a a a a a a a o a a a a a a a a o a a a o o o a o a a a a a a a a o a o a {l) ilod) TurboReftisenrins Compmy is a supplie!of icc urljns lnd ift stonBecqu'pmonl Tubo do* not enginer.or desi8n lnfomarionon safery,ins ' larion, opc.dion, nainrenance,3ndooubleshoolinsis co.rainedin rhisnanual If you nrv€ que$Dns concern ing anyol rbesePhaer,co.Ec Tdbo Reliisenting Con pan)i or om of irs disEibulo^ to ensuE)ou tully und€rs d the i.srrucrio.s lnd guide You must red rll of rhe inlorhation srel ly rnd mak€ sure th.l 3ll per. sonnel involved ln (h€ ihstollalioh and op€rrlion hare also read and !n' d€rstood th€ inforna(ion and safely instructions. This will helpavoidinjDryro pe^onDeland/ordanasc!o ihe cq$pm.r. Borh m valuablease6 royouropenLion. Tok€ Lhe line to protect INTRODUCTION 1960. The i@ gen€alo6 desribed in rhis mnual @ prt ot a fanily ot producls{i.signedspairically to der lhe needs of fte indnsbali@us ca. The TIG/TICAR senes ice senmrou vcE $ed@d in 1985. Althoughftey re rhe younges@mbq of the Turbo frmily, lh€y ue builr wid rhe sdmehEh qMlny sandrds of engine*ingused 'o develop fie ic.malers or rhe60s. Many of rh€lsGsr developnenrs ih @hnoloey e usedro designrh€lIC/ TICAR seriesift genmm. 0$rfO rion is clLoff ed a drying cycle is usd- Boft of tnerhok rns@ a drt, subcoled icc, As dre ice epd&es lion tlE plal€s,it is netcod into a bEaler r$edbly to ensure unifom ice sEc. fie sitng Thc lnque sinng adjuslmnr alons with ice $rtn.s o bls ollow rheTubo iemoker ro Producea wide vnery of In aDplicarionswheE rorally dry lniforn ica is not E qunld, rheTIG/TICAR ssies otietr a low c6( alt€rna- Turbo Ice Cencrelo.g ThcTudon gcneratorswE des,g.ed to mer the neds of the industrial trsd @quirins i€ tor ns @liog ef6t r hd thanfor consumprion.TIG/ Icrmrkers TICAR sems nni6 naintrin rhe sme op€Ering r@hnolol&$rll-lcc--Gl!!l gy, dd sannauonreqn&Thc@de eleol basicdilfer mnrs as ihe renrlers nai.enc$ betweenTu6o icdik6i., while elininarins lhe en (c-scriet a.d Tu.bo nc i@malG feotuEsnor.$e.riri geneEto( (TtCflICAR scF to thetr applicltions In the TIG/TIGAR, the dryins cycle Roadrhellmual conrenBbo 6nd wlm waGr hmsr de foE you std your insbUation rcpl@d b, . hot gN hwst, o. opedon. This will srue Thc mdid@al Tlrbo icedat dnd the ice bBlkcrbizr time by ensurinsall L'reneces €r wasdesignedto ncet rhe necha.kn is rpldced bt ! ,e.dr or $e packagedi@ insdy marcriah a.d ools d. augerto bEak fie Ec 'n@ iraviilableNhenlheequiDmenr dusrrywhde dry, sub-c@led, Fgutd sizs As a rcsult,. onifom pi@es ot ice @ cs ondom shapedpime ol fngsenriol. To m@t Lhesere' mcncd rc. is prcduced at a qurcmc.$ Tuibo ,@n*e^ mike icc on only onesidcoa Hblerr rhe plareand wm later is Tu.bo Ref.igen nEConpmy used'o hade$ (sonc mod.ls wirhhot grs as hasb€n Elducingequipmenr areavailabl€ for rh€ ice indu$rt $nce siso The wacr o ech s{- l8q TdboRcrnscrriigcompary I a R€ad SafelJ S€ctionbetor€ihsL.llingor usihgequipnent, All TIG/nGAR urits e prc TIGAR Seriq Modcls el wilh prc . $cinl$s steelevapoorr EvaporadveC!oled ,2w3l60q46ll3l@nt Drvirh 1r5/V60conmls . multiPlcevaPoralors ConpleEly $lamnhined Uss m evapontive-mled Opdonalc@ling row $d . ahinles scel waH dnEi- pmvidedwi|h fte evapor Air-Co1ed Renob) . SeU@ntlin€d unn e! up fc€mre iirslcd con- Atudia hish si(GandEciEDrab@prkrgcs @ b€ EvapontiveRedore) . Self-conoincduni( Fr up fd MoD elapo{ile . Ev4ootivc-c@led @ndcDs* andbcadpEssuE @nbohcanbefumhhcd 2 Tu$o RelnEdritrg ComPsY 1,49 o o o a o a a a a a o a a a a a O o o a . An-col€d conlens md h€adpds@ @Eols @n b€fumNhedN opriods. . Usesa wareF@led @.denFr wjth M@r @lulac . CndpleElyself-onlained . Ambia evapmrd eL up forconnecriono a Fmte amnia Eci{ulmon md . Conllins oI contuls ld i@dting andelani@r in terfa@wi'h Emk Etig- A[ surf&es in contacr with thc wder or ice ee €irhcr stainles $e.1, PVC, or ho! dpp€d galvonizd_for maxi ' Opdonalc@ling |o*er md . Low st.le i.cldi.gT cunul.0/lE.t ercbMgc. 'Noefrigdaftchrsepc . oten cmp@$os drEc couplcdlo $ open &ip . CodplcEly seltrd|aine4 a a a a M!&ll . o o a TtE TIC senesis aviilablc in 16, 21, 31, 42, 63, ,nd 80 Dns of ic per day nodels. The'flCARsqiesis availdblc i.25,50, ?5. a.d 100bns oi ice per ddy nodeh. AU ca br snd95'I codensingtcn' a a a o a a a o a a a a a a o o a a o a o a o a o a o a a a a a a a a Re.d SafclyS(|ion bcroreinsl.lling or using equiDnent. IJSD.A--AlDxoysd Saoibrr-ke All TuibonC,.lCAR sencs rce 8en.Ertrs halc prcliminaryUSDA approvalrnd arc built lo mer nssed 'ndusuial Tubo nales €veryellon D sibleto mininiD rhepoEn $andards whrh hake rheb thc mosrreliablein thcindus try. E&h systenis desiSned ro providcrhesafcslhd simplest opdatrons wcU4 to Operatinn Thebsn op6a!i.g sequeice of theTIC andTICARPries O a a O a o o o a a a a a a a a a a novcd frod lh. hugh bt Inc@ing ware.is fcd inro 9 . A dryouts4don or tough a o a a a tbr codamharion of ihe producedon tbeie sflcads (a well asaUoder Drcdmb) All MEr mdrcecmturads G eitb!. s@idlessEel,!VC, ped galvini4d, In or ho dddil $e strinless sie.l woler .listibmion !0n is olcn and casily accessiblcfor as@lr asr sp*ial ice dis- 2 . The was is pump€dftm fie 6nl rbough PVC pipe ro a Mrs distibution pan 10 Ane.a pest tim peri 06 thc huvsr sequdc for rhisCroupof plaFs endsmd lhe sdon re- Cllll.rllh Turbo icc gcnentors use laresrcontrok ivailablc sinple, Elhble opemtion. nDdelse snpplicdwtlnl 1 ed alsg rhelen4n of each Il Thenexrs4nonofph€s r2 Tt is equencewillEpea' asrng tr he rceSenen- 5_ Ice rhickrcsscfl bc vdied lrom3/16"lo l2 by3idple on<lart scEening ncdh for the varer on the pldtes. A stajner is Drovidedin the maLe{'p watei line. Turbo srongly urgcseach ue. ro con6nl!a ldal waterrr4rmnr sp€cjalistb debrmine Dy wa'd@@.|s rhatnigh'be hnelicial in oblaininsihe b6! a ablcconbollq overloadpDlecrio. (for all noon fDished with dc i@ generad - cxh s@^ quiEd Id etomm op@ AX componenrJaE nounted in a s$inte$ sEl ct.crncal enclosnt (NEMA r2). Con tel paneh& UL aFpded lA9 'rubo F(ftA.ding company l R.ad Saletr Seclionbeforeinsllllirg or uslng equlpmenr. l$iflirelJ Optional TIC Ferttrres Ice producedby 'he ice g€ndator is deliv@d @r @Imo. icc diehdBe oFnins ourside dc cabinelofall modcls, The dischargeopcningN a smdard scrcw con!?yor down spou( ftrbo recoDrends rharan inclined msf{ ww conrcYotor bclr.o.veYorbe lsed lo rinsfe. (he ice trcn dre ice dishdgc @ ns linrl delilcrypo'm. SuchMansemDrs pEvenLdy condensr- Alrholgh Turbo.tesiensand bu ds (hc rcc generalosro be as flexible as posible, $e sra.da.d models o! featules bay nor met a Pd'curd .P .liddon. Trrho can dessn in chl co.dBumdonsdd o_ifcs sevml opdonalfearres blo*q, mtsy airl@ks, aJd rm d ih@ posi b€pnEha&d epra@ly. - with bcadpF$uB @nEoh for SC models. - for low ambi€nLopela' . aaidenhlly dmping in@ €nclosuq lor onrbodd cquipnEnlincludine . .laini.s d nowing i.o rhe - wilh hod lrcssE conEols td SCAR Bodels. EvipmriE mnden$r wirh headpesuE @n Eols for SCERmodels. . Sdinl€s s@l aueEand IMPORTANT lotut@dcallr rm ice oft whende all conveyors, transi tions, or b€lls conna! ing to the ice discharg€ ed aftqudcy should ensurethat accss . Voluge ' special rolngesandfe inlo lh€ sc.ev conv€yor qucncies de available. rauser)is.llmln.red. o n S G €S a t e l y S c c l i o n Il yon haveanapplicflion s a need that is oor discussd heE, co.rsct thc saLs deD.nmnr or ruDo xdrngcmrng Companyd a TurbodisEibu' Dr ro discu$ yo[ .4dsr Turbo Retrigcrating P,O. Box !96 Denton, T€xes 76202 1.817-387-4301 682 9266 Turbo UW FAX t E17.362.0364 a o o a a a o a o a a a a a a a a a a a a o o a a a a a t a a o o a a a a a a a a 4 Tdb. Pelri$Blns comrd) l6q a o a o a a a o a a a a a a a o a a a a a a a a a a a a a t O a a a a a a a Xe.d Snl€lJ S€ctionb€tor. irstoling or lsing €quipmenl. as.!.i,led Ttrrhn tssttlllD3Dr 1l'@ e .wo basic sias in Cuslofrer S.Nlc. lhe hy&olic vesion oswetl a No largcr ve^ions tnown Thc Tulbo sdie dep'ftd as abmtic ic€ rokcs The Povdes rsisranc. fd trll smallq hydmul'c modcls cudmd nc€ik. Turbo cmducls E8inns $h@ls ar fie trcbry and vdious l@tions orcughout the world, For i. fo@rion, 6nu$ the sdice (telartmeft at Tuho Re6isd- Tlrrbo olfcB bolh* f.aru@ !o nate tr porible to gctyou mney3 woth otrrof yourB produclion.Ins@idof rhowins awaythc snowDrodued by thebFakerba, sarw co.vcyds or oLher hddlingd6vies, tnerrlla Tulboblftk All T!160ice$dage srstems prcs TheTurbobl@kprcs e USDA rDproved. erch Tlc nodel Md sud nunbd oa you Turbo cquipno is or fifly file poundbl@k of loq.r.d on rhenadDlie at, Inmducedin 19??,de Tu6o blockp@$ is r @npLr.Iy aulorutic hvdraDlicDoweEd uni c,oabieot DrbdlcinE rrcm 120b id er;s .I adi Tvni.al Ap.li.oli.hs te. Dou.dblets E hour. The Turbo bloak pressis . Fodu@ (bd@li, cmoB, availablc witha blek baqqe! r!$chmenr which aiirn bp ici.e h rheficrCor n ocptmsrg@ . TurbootfeB lhe pryv9n Hi,h vsn,F Turbo hisnly vatues n5 fricnds and cusbmrs i. rh. jndustrt. PleoseEftnber rol hisherpotN tor dE ic RnggedindusEialcon$toc tionmd s@inle$slel ir ill tueasot icc conr&t ruke the Turbo block pE$ 'he dosr oched o rhc€le.tridl .6bl pancl. Please rcfcr to rhc modcl and seriat nDmbcr when inqnines abou thc .q . This wr @, bte our pe onnelo handle your qu€srionsquickly and . eherg4y @lingl@ds . sahdbeso. layie D efo@you acr,Ddenlmdrhc,cons.qMd of tour O bsweequ'pmedw@inss live.y sysr€m(alm 20 !o 100 a I , I I I t l/39 TurboRdds.reng ConDdy j a a nead SaferySectionb€lorc imrrlling or nsing equipnenr. q 6 TurboRelngsidnqcmFnY l o o o o a a a a a a o a a t Rerd SalelySectlonbeloreiNtauing o. usins €quipment, il{DS TERMS & CONDITIONS TurboRcfigeradnsCo. (rhc .ConpaDy") agea lo seUlhe Equipfrcnl descibedhe@in DponrbefollowingGms and co.ditions of sale which, rc cordingly, suleAede ,ny of Buye.s addilionalor inconsiscmremsbd coadidons of a o a o o o a a o a a a o a a a O a a a o a a a a a a a o a 1. TERMS AN') PAICDJT G) Au ordn dc 'o be acconprniedby a rwdntyper@nt (20%)downpayeDt ot d oeepbble iGvdable lerrcr ol cEdit confirned on a U,s. Bank accepmblero Tu.bo, No orders are b be enteEd without paynenr or UC in (b) All ordcs @ srbjecr $ rhe i?prov.l of rhe Conp4 nt\ hone ofiice. Unles oLherwise$aGd, srmdard teds of prymenr cre thiny (30) daysner llm rhc celi.r of dareof shipdentor @di.es oI lhe Equrpdenr for shipme.t.rpmial shipmnr a@md€, paynenrshrll be codd duoondpay$le ro $e ilo {) d oder shippinC chsEcs,.ny quendal,is a p.nahys liq l n c r e a s c s l n r a n s p o f l a u odared n dadasesor orh.$i mles G olher shippDgchdges fron.hre of quo0'ion ol purchas oftler shall b. ld fie rccour of md laid bt Buyef, (d) c6E@r pnces@ subje.r I io the codpaeffar ar tiN of shipmentunless orhervse spmificd rn a sepdotc ftice Adjlsr@nt Policy atlachedb fie prcposalor olhd conmcl de!@nt of the Conpany. arisiis ofl of or owins io o any delays in de ii) failuE ro mle ag@d o. splci6d trms du€ lo cncumhc.s blyond ns (c) Ir sbipftnr is delayedd suspended by BDycr,Buyer shall pay (i) Crnpanyt Ln!oi@ fd rlE &u,p@$ a per (e) Il BuyerEquesscha.gos demuftige ch&ges il l@ded in rb. Equip@nt or delays prcC@ssol lhc nanufturulc or shipmN of 'nr EqDipdot rhe con@L pricc shall bo ad- 4. LTMITED jusrcdlo rclt*' incEser in UABIANL{I elltDg Fft causeddc@by, WARRANTV A.DIIISIMENh FXCr IISIONS: LIMITATION OF LIABILTTV 2, SHIPMFN'T (a) UMIIED WARRANTY facrure, unles odeNxc Th! Companyw'@N rhalar sFctfied Risk of lossshall rhe rime of shipnenr lhc piss ro Buycrupondelivery I4uipmnr nmrracrur€d by ir shall be merchanrabl., !Ee lrcm dcfecb in narerial and workmanship a.d shallpoi 3. DELIVERY scssrhe chracG EpE ented i. Nnrins com(c) I. a.ldirio. ro thepurchasc G) The Conpanywill en- pany Thc Compiny s prjcc,Buydshallpayanyex deavorro mate shipmenrof wamnry is condirioned upon cise, sals, privilege,ue or trdMs rs schcdtrled Howev- rheEquitrunr beingprcF rty a., orheru{es, L4al, Stal€ er, all shipmeNdala de ap- inialled ondminmined and d Fedenl, which LneCompa' prcxinareooly,anddc Com' ny may be r€qlired lo pay pany reservesrhe nghr ro menfs capiciry nnder eieng fro6 rhcsalcordcliv- Eadju$ shipft nt schedul€s. ery of the Equipmenr or the rentsuDns.d opcrabs ud, nse 6e.cof Prcpaid f@lghr, (b) Undcrio cncumstances if dc Equip@ft useswrt.., if applicable,will be addedlo viU rheCompanybeEspon rhe 9uchase prce and in sibleor incuranyliabilityaor voiced separarely. Wherc co$s or damages of my .aand other prh and codpo pnce includesIonsponrrjo. 0@ (wherher general, conse ncnb nor nanufactuEdby rhe t€9 Tu6o Rcnigedhscomprny ? Read$rery Sdion belore inerallingo. u!in8.quipmmr, Companyre varanred only ro the extentof and by thc origi..l ninufacruEls Nar mmy lo lhe Conpany,in no elenr shrll slch orhd man!facLmsvMntyceaE any mc exlensile w,mm, obli. nens, abuse,D^use,@npo nry heat,orer'loading, or by ercsiveor co(osiw slbs6nc ca or by rhc altenpesenceof oil, gEase, scale,deposirsor o$er co.nDinanr ,. rhe wmanty covcnng EquiPnenr hanulactuEdby rheC.mpa ADJUSTMENI Buyernu$ nale claiD or $y bBach oI any wmanry by wdnen noticeto lho Compr ny s ho@ ofiice wnhin dirLy (30) days of lhe disovery of any defed The Conprny ag€s ar iE opdonroEpan d replace. BUT NoT INSTALL, F.O.B- Conpanys planr,rny pdt o. parBor lhc EquiDne.r which wnhin Lwalve(12)rc.Ds frod the dac of innial op€radonbut no nore rha. cighrecn (18) mnft s fmm dlreotshipment shall prcve @ dc Conpany s s.dsfacion(includingeLum ro rheconpa.Ys planr,uans Donaio. prepald,fc insp4ton, ii rqun€d by fte Com pany)@ be dermtivewnh'n rhe above Wananty. Any wmdy adjushcnborde by de Conpay shol norexlend theinnialq.trrnr pcnodser fonh above. The saranty period fo. Epl@mcnh made by nlaDy shlll temi (b)ExclusloNs FRoM Q) AHEFORECOINGIS IN LIEU OT ALL OTHER ORAL OR WARRANTIES, EXPRESSOR IMPLIED, INCLUDINGANY WAR. RANTIES TEAT EXTEND BEYONDTHE DESCRIP. TION OF TIIE EQUIP. MENT THERE ARE NO EXPRESSWARRANTIES OTHER TttAN TTIOSE Ct)NTAINEDIN THIS?AR. ACRAPH 4 AND TO T'}IE PERMITTEDBY EXTENT LAW 'IIIERE ARE NO IM ILIED VARRANTIES OF FTTNESS FORA PARTICU. LAR PURPOSE.TI]E IRO VISIONSOF T1IISPARA CRAIH 4 AS TO DURATION,WARRANTY ADIUSTMENIAND LIMI' TATION OF LIABIL]TY STIALLBE THESAMEFOR BOTHIMPLIEDWARRAN. fte innialwmntyl.riodsr fonh rbove. ExDenses in IIES OF ANY) AND EX rcpleing cun€d by Buyer in PRESS WARRANTIES. (ii Conpdyk w.nlnLy or Epliring d Eturnrnglne dey pld dpMs is asshF! in (a)ibovc Equipmenr will nor ic,mbuBedby the exc.d, bc anddo€snotaPPIY o. o expendable for exanple, nems,ordinary we&md rcd, unns repaiFdby (d) SPAREAND alEEd unis; ?ARTS REPLACEMEN"T personsnol expresslyapma' bv theComPanY, Dreved ienahnorol rhecompdFy\ 'lhcADruSTMENT Conpanyscllsspdc and nan!racrure, or danagc p.ds, This subIhc ele Eplacnenr ciusedby accid.n! 3 Tuinoturnsd,lns Comray l/8s (d) is rhewMm,y $ nale clain of my r rny sprE or re place@ntpanswnry hy wlnbn mn@ @ the Clnpr anyallee.d defecrlor all such parrs mnuractured by the Conpany. The Co6pa.y aees rt iN opdon 'o Epair d rephDc, BUT NOT IN STALL, F.O-B. Codpanyt plan(,8nypan-orpartsof ma. withinone(l) y€d ftom lhe d c of shrpftnr shallpov€ ro rhc Conprny s satisaactory (includins rerum ro rhc Conpany\ tlanr, rransponadon pEpaid,for insFcdon,ir Eqoied b, rheComphy) ro be defarive wnhin lhB Pdu Wr@rt, The Wmnry and waEanryp€dod ld spaB i.d rcPqcenemp34snor nanu f&trEd by the Conpa.y (pnEhed by lhe Codpany, fron thiid party suppliers) shallb€linicd o ftc wamIt andwa@ory Adjustmenr exE.ded 6 e Conpmy by thc originrl mrnufacrur€r of suchptrB, in no eve.r shall such orbcr nanufscrurcfs wmanry cEare my morc .xrcns'vewMty oblisation of lhe C.mpa.y 6 rhc Bnlq for snchpdB than LheConpa nr\ wrnrnry Adjusrmenr covenng pds mnuficitrEd by the Cohpany as sr foflh in this subpdr8Eph (d). Exp€nscsincuded by the Bu)€r in @placing, Epairing,Getumingrhe spaEor rcplace' mcn6 pus wilL noLb. reid {e) LMIIAT1ON OF UABILITY Tlrc abovc wamnry Adjtrs. a a o a a a a o o o a a a a a a a a a a a o a I a o a a a o o a a o a o a o a a a o a o o o a o a a a a O a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a o o a o a e a a a a a a a a a a a a R(od Soler] Scction belore ihl'lling me.r ses fonh BtryelsciclF sive Enedy and $e extc.r of the Compa.ys lidbihy for bEmh of inplied (ir.ny),nd exprcrswddnes, EpPsen ado.s, nsrucdons o. detec[ lrom ary caurcin co.n€crion wilh rhe sale or trscof rhe E.luipdenr TtlE CoMIANY SHALL NO'I' BE LI AtsI,E FOR ANY SIECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSE QUENTIAL D^MACES OR FOR LOSS,DAMAGE OR EXPENSE, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY ARISINC 'rHE FROM THE USE OF EQUTPMIN1' OR FROM ANY OTI{ER CAUST W(ETTIER BASED ON WARR^NTY (EXPRESS OR IMILIED) OR TORT OR CONIRACT, andEgdle$ of any adviccso. Econmendationsthrt nry have been Endo€d conccrninsde puF chase,in$rllarion or usc ot or u\ihg quipmenr. se eftesa,ne,andbavc8iven all nccdcdinromadonas sistance d authoriryloena ble rhc Codpa.y Lodo so. Duye! sluU defendand in dem.ity lhe CtrmpantrgainN ill expenses, coss ond los by rcNon of nny real or .llcged intringcmenrby rh€ ConDanys incorpomrLntr dclis. or nroditicationre (b) LIMITIIT'ION OF LIAI]ILITY The Companys bnl liabihy heEundern expFsslylimned 'o an amoun'no grerrer0a. rhesalespriceol rhc Equjp dcdr and.$y bestrrisiied by ihe Comtrny s rcldrdj.g ro Bryer, ar rheCoDpanysop tion, thc salesprice of rlre Equipmenri! rhe evenr $e Cooprny olcck ro delendany such$rir aDdlhe 3rDctu@of |n0 sdd Equipmenris held ro intinge any such UniFd StarcsPaLcnr andilrhe Btryers fse iheEof is cnJoi.ed, do. by rlreBfye., p.ovided buyershall(i) havc8iv€nrhe C.dpanyinmedirGnoracin miling ofany snchclain or i.strDrio. or rhrearof iuch sun, a.d (n) havc permired rhDcodPany to defend o. 7, EOIJIPMENT CHANCES The CoDpanyday, bur shdl nor bc oblig.ledro, incorpo rare in rh€ EquiPnenrany cl'angcsi. srecificadons,design, nalerial, co.stucri.n, Mmgc@nr, or componenB. 8. SE(]IJRITY INTITEES : INSIJRAN(]E If damasero fi€ EqLpdent or oihcr propeny or injury o p€nonsis crusedby rse or op.Bron e Eqnirnenl (a) To saurc paynenr or rhe pfrchaseprie, lluyer agrees rharrhc Camta.y shaureMin a security inGr€$ in rhe Equipdcni unrll Bntcr shall havepaidin cashthetuu pur chNe price Nhcd duc. inoms aLrhehigbc$L$,ful contEct &re unil sopaid i.d fte coss ot collccrio.,i.cludine iea ronabl€ado!.eys fe6. Thc Eq pnc.L shatlar ridos be considered and Edain p€r sonal iroperry and Buyer shall perfom ill aca ncccy sl-f ro t$ure and pe.tarr E Gndonof rlE Conpanyks. curiry inLeresrrgainsr $e riglrBo.ir.ftss or rbndpc. son! ln rheeventBuy{de fanlr in paymnt of!.y per of rhe purchaseprice wh€n due,or &ik o conply wift anybd rll tovisions ot|nis connac!,rhe CoDpanyshall have rhe rcncdresavailable under rh€ Unifom ComDet pdce, cludedin rhepdicbase (b) So lo.e as de pnfthase pmc is unpaid,Buyerar ns 5. PA'TTNTS (a) PAIENI INDEMNI'I.Y AND (X)NDITIONS Tho Clbnpanyagreesar ns own exPensero delendand hold Buyer hardlels in rhc crcnt ol any Nits institl,red agRinstBuyci for an allcged inrnnBcncnrol anyclaim of a.y L,nnedStrLesParcnrcov enngsolclyr rbesmcluE ol rhe Dquipnrenr,s o.iEinally msnutmbrd by rheCoDp! ny!s rheCumpuyr {necifi- thcn Buy€r shall jndenniry and hold the CoDpany hemles from all ldbilny, cons tnd expensestor all ch rai. tor the Dtryerthe ngh o con iuc u$n8 r]]cEqDiPnem, or (ii) supplynon infringing EquiDtunrfor insldlarionD, Bryer, or (iii) rnodily de rh.r itbcco$cs EquiDmenLso n.na.lrineiLrg,or (iv) refund rhe rhenDarkerv!lud ot Lhe 6, PRIOR IJSE r/39 TmboPchiso,Llnscoi,rmJ9 Rerd S&a€tySelion belorc insbUihs o. ushg equipmenl, co$ sha ob6in insur.n € fomancc will bc posrporcd by suchlcngh ot Lim Bstuy aSarnsrloss or daolc. f@ rI eri.rnal dues, nmins the be rea$nrbly nccessdyro conpensaGaorrhe delay. In C.mpany asd insurcd,m I moi.i md lon sufficient b th€ evenrperfomm@ by ft. agremenl DDEt Lhecomo&lt rn@Esr Codpary .hmtb€ Bhedby rhe Conpmy due lo my idion of EoYmmn@ ag@6, o My lass, rulcs or Flulations ot 9 . C N N C F I . IA T T O N Lheunited s,a@s cov.rn@r, rh. Compiny (trrilr op tion) nry can@l this ie@@ wnhoutliability In no evenrshrll dc complry b€li ablefd dy lo$ d d@sc of any krnd, inclxdins consc qcnsd or sp€('a@rBs d clndr.g bnt not_linikn lo exddB oade by the Conpany, 1I. WoRK BY OISEBSr ACCESSOBI-ANO SAIEII-DEYICES l 0 . r . o s s .D A M A ( : E O&DILAT TheCompanyshallnot b.liable for los, dimee d d.lat EsnLlingfr@ cals.s bcyond irs rcrson$le control ot causedby sEiks or hbd drfficulries, loctours, acB or missions of my govemtuntal atrthontyd rhc Buyd, rslrcdon 6 not, war, fiFs, floo<ts,Acc of God, breokdown of csse.tDl mchinery, @i.tenk, Dndides or emb&goes,cal and marerial shdr mspdauons ags, derays or in,bihy to obtain labd, md?rials or pans fro6 nsnrl souEes,I. dc cvdr of any delay rlm such$U@5, P.ts Tbe Cmpany, beinsonlt a supplr.r of rhe Pment, lbiliry shall havc no ( for labor or wort of any na luE Elatins @dF insrallarion or operahoi or us. of Lbe Eqlipmnl sll of which shall be performd by Buyo or orh.B. lr is the €sponsibility of BuyerLofumishsuchrcessory r.d s0ferydeviccsas roy b. d*ied by I and/d @ quircdby liw trOS}]A e0' d&ds r*pccring Buyeis use of rhe Equipdcnl Buyer sh.ll beFsponsble ror eeF rrining'hat lbc Equipmnl is in$aUedandopeuEd n ac- r0 TurboRcri'ssiun& ClnF)nY 3/49 codrn@ wih all cod€ F quiEmnls &d orhd applieblc laws, dlcs, rceulariors 12. coMPr.f,TE AGA.EEMENI I'ITE COMII.EIE AGREB MENT BETWEENTHE COM}ANYANDBTryERIS @NIAINEDHEREINAND NO ADDITIONALOR DIFIERENTIERM ORCONDI, TION STATEDEY BUYER STIALL BE BINDINC UN, LESSACREEDTO BY TIIE COMPANYIN WRITING. No coune of prior dcrlings andnousagpof rhcrrdr shal bc @lcvad @ snpplc@m 6 cxDla'ndv oEm !$d in this AiEmni. Tbis AsEmnr msy be oodificd dly by a writing signcdby boLhthe Conpmy Md Buyd andshall be g@ernedb, rheUnifm Cmcial CodEascnacftd rheSlaGofTexas. The fcit @ or lhe Companyro Dsar uPon stricL Perfoma.ce ot my of the rems and co.dirioN sbredheEin sha! nd b€ considcreda @ntinuingqdv er of uy sncbrcm or coftlror my of lhe Compotryt a o o a a a O O O a a a a a a a a a a a a o a a a a a a a a o O a a a o a a a a a o a a o a a a a a a a a a a t a a a o a a a a a a a a o o a a o a a a a a a a a a a a a a WARNING! Res.t lhis selion li.st. Failure10 c.r€funy rotbw lh6€ inslructionscould r6ult ln pernanenlinjury or lcs ot til€. ooo$o tlsF @ sm saferypoinb lo letp rn nind whtr @dns rh eilicienl yer srlc woikins en- SAFETY $0$ol wmins lab.ls rnachedLolhc S,l€tr Dcfinirions SMtenentsor labelsin (his tunual or on rhe prbducrD@ oded by rhe follo*ine vords @ of sp€cialsig.6cme: Indicars sercc F@nrr inju ry o. dea$ will rcsDlrif instrucdds @ rcr aollowEd. Indic es t smnglossibi y or sevm per$na nJuryor Ir all labek m .ot athched and visrblc or labcls std ro bao@ illesiblc, co.hcr Tu. bo Relrigerad.g CoDDany Turbo^Relrlgcr!ting Deh(on, Texa 76202 r.8r7.38?-4301 682 9266Turbo UW FAX # 817,382.0364 Ma.s hrards d usafe prc ti@swhichcold cos nind p€Bonal injuy or prulnct u Cives helpful intomarion. M!3niDert-ir-Iln&Iols Machinerycanhu t{u iI tou ar norcaEful use caudon during Nenbly and op.m- I F rigure 2-l W".ning Labelson thc ConrrotPan€r Us cod@. $.e andbc l/€9 Tu,boRel4*uns C.mpdy W,{RNING! R€ad thit @don nrsl, Failu€ to.artlully lollos these ins(ructlonscould 16 t in perman.ntlnlury or l6i oa lia€. A fnvolve vonr Peofle WAHNING Wm lhm of dE dogd . Tm cldricity otr rn<t lak it out whe. wort- . Hare o p€sd [ained dd q!3lified n ihc op@bon of ihe equipnrenton dury ro.nsm rhe dE elecdiciiy says lftked out to AlN Allr l!|tll't't worting on th. equiP- Figure 2-, Warning Labels otr th€ Screr Trcugh WA.BIIINGS . TTETIC is anauromilic oachi... Whe. b opmtion, ey &d ail do@4 nay sd M|nour wmins Sotu@@ sry s@ evm if lhe ntrrs mnEol swnchh in tnc 'OFF posnion. Never anenPl !o sryi@ rheTIc unles all elecricrl pow€r ouA.D€,acctss eoFs ^rlD cov.Fs rlu3t LooNour Fo$EF iEroFE FE|rOVll]60UAn05, IO FEFSONALINIIJRTON F'OPEA'I DAIi CE The ice drschd8eopeni.g has! wmins lab€lief* toFislF2-3). FDIdinnallarion mui ensuErbar a cov€! d gue (mr suF plied by Tdbo) on rherc di$h i.g befoE operatingro OO NOTREMOVE ON DEFACE Figur€ 2-.] WarningL.bels on lhe Acess Pancb l) O O a a a o a a ACCEESD@F6 ^ND COVERE 'ILIFE . a o a O a a a a a a a a a a a Befoe opcr4ng.qDipnenq have rhc p€ople involved in $e opmdns d main@nance of lne .4nqment mr b discus fie {hnge^ and safely . o a o a a ConPtnY l/3c TudoRernrrauf,s a a a a a a a a a a a a a o a a o a a o a a a a a a a a a a a a a O a a a a a a o WARNING! R@d this seclion 6rst. Frilure 10 carclully tollow lhe$ inslructions could resull in p.rmenentInjurJ or l6s oa lile widour .I sue.,s, &ces giveoff highly @nc fuds. haE lhe&a aod norily qudlf@d p@mcl i&ffihireclffi. piping requE sldsing d Eldins, bcsuRE6iger_ dr is blcd off md Ut sv$ muleher Fdl . WnenseFicirg thcIIG, 0DLal Turbo@nds leasrtwo(2)pcodc b€ . AlrhouehTlrbo Reliigq' adngCdrpmy d@snor supptyconvcyngequP' mnr bercndrhci@ dis cha4. ope!:ns,mylol' ve}6uM'nA@adon wi'h LlEopeEiie of Tur' bo equipmnt bus b€slf liccndy Bnar&nio pF of rhecled1. ConveyormNfactuM\ instrucuonsdd wminsl bnpling roEpsn. Pror€t PanelwiLhou.hscM.e! Whcnchangingoil m the is blcdolr be' 'ne teslE eltri.al wice. AI etE bc !drical wo ( shouLC qualified by a eLc f@ed 2 PertheOSrlA Haznd ConmuDiduon Sqdsd, mrfid safctyd.h shFB for Eliised lnd rfiig en.roil, eo. Pa34 l?- 23 A WABNING a a a a a a a a a a ll vvt!vtt FiBu€ 2-4 \aarning Labelsotr lh€ Scr€* ConvcvorB€li Pull€vG!a.d tae rutoR.IrUdmgcdnpdy 13 WARNINC! R€ad lhi3 sclion first, Frlluft ro orefuttJ ao ow th€$ inst.uctions could rsutr In Derm.hdl injurr or lo$ ot tite. . U a{ outlid! cduacM is rquiEd io install q syou TtCi EquiF ro fu8h yon wtrh t Ec € ofinsua@ be, fde rsfoming uy wr oo Yor quil,rot. TUF bo rb. wDEndr th,i lhe p€rsn hiiing . cd@c!or blenom ko* be sinied wifi dct expsi. Ke1€d Conir.l Srit.h . EmerrencvSl.n Br on A \ey€d switch is !rcvdcd to @@l rhcTIG oFradons (on A pushrbullmNtum h.rd emerFncy Nitch is on the .onEol Prncl d@r fq mdEcncycur-off of Lhe6nlbt ccu'rPorcr. Relq@Fcw r.r. i'r tulre is nol@ be nsd lor s@ice or l@k our Ihis h an cmcrgercJ andor)- Tolmt od de ric l PulLdisonnan and,@t Nt all elccEicalsFie. 2, Tum key selerbr suLch orcv'ded)@rhe oFF 3 . Ti!? key oured t@p in ' On smc cdy mod.ls key€dswich w$ nor pG vided Followslep+1. If rou heve au.itions. .r,l Tn.Do X€arige.sal.! 1.8t7-387.4!01. a a a a o a a a a o a a a a a a a o a a a a o a a o a 14 Tubo Rcrdsdflins.mFri) Wa a a a a a a a a a a a a a o a o a a a a a a a a a o o a o o o a a a a a a a a a a a a WaRNING! Re,d lhl6 iation first. l.ollure lo c.rcltrlly lollow the$ inslructions @uld .qula in p€rhah.nt iqiu.J or lcs ol lire, C o n v e v o rM a n u f a c l u r p r ' Isn s l r t r c l i o n sa n d W a r n i n p s Tubo Re&igcradnsConpdy a@n@ngrvc.ro s6uon dcs nor insbll .onveyos, 6.12. conscqnendtir t rhc rcsPonsibiliry of lhe contrdctor, in3. F*d oF.ins! td slbvel stlud, owrer,rnd Ner ro 'nshl, mai.hin, andopsale lhe conY€yor,cohponenN,aod equipmnt shall be@n snx4edin srcb a wry rhar assmbli4 rn sNh a mrnne. wiLh tbe wilrhEonveror openirg is liads Occuparional covccd by a Srabnc. r Sifcry and tteallh Act and ftE M[lE of thenabhl wnh 6ll s$G androcall.ws is suchthara glab.gcmtud odirmB al]dtheADnml beused,thenthe€x p6ed stion of rhc6can NationalSbndardIn$iveyorn lo be guddqt by r railn8 d fenceandrheE I. oftld ro.void anunsateor h&ardouscondrrion,thc as s.mbli muslbein rcd in accor4 . Do noLmempruy main sralled dance virh rhe followinB @neccor Ep6N or @ onvcyu untilpo*d h6 1. Convcyon shallnol be opcncd ulcas.ll cden and/d guardstc fie conveyd md drive unit 8€ in phc. Ir he converG is o beop€nedfd inspec tio4, cleani.g, nain€. nance, or obsemtioD,rhe el4tric pore. ro rhemror diving rhecoleyd du$ be lock€dotrt in sucba mannsrharbeconvotor cmnor beEsm€d by (Dowevcr E@E anyone fion 6e ma) unril con veyorcovq or Btrar.lsa.d drive Euarnsha"c b@n tion fre ofdebns andob I 1. Alwrys @Bnlm the f.d. ing of tursdol inro rhe nnir ar r bf@ andconr2. Do not aftmpL k) d@ a janm.d @nwyd u.ril lwcr har beenlocked I 3. Do nd atunpt field mdliIidtion of convoyord TurboRcfngmdng Cmpmy insiststhardhconftcri.g and vidcs th€ otrly Prl Drote.tion rSaind intnrr. o$er dev&s should not h€ used s a sub 5. Alwaysopmle @nvcyd in mdrrce wnb rhee c@uinedor dE ouh labelsaffixed !o lhequiF 6. Do norplae hmdsq let 7. Nevd walk on co.veyor 3. Do .ot us. conveyor lbr ey puqrosednd t.a. rhatfor whichir wA in- suardsd cov6. We courion rhartre ot saondary devices may cluse emproy@sto .c velop r frlse EM of semriry aod fril @ lock out powor b.toE rcnovins coves or gutrds.Thiscouldnsulln a senousinjury sholld rheso.dary devre iail d malfnncTheE @ manyrjnds ot elec' uical dcvic.s ld inied@khs ol co.vcyo4 rnd conveyor systemssuch lhat if onc con veyorrtrsysrcddFroces is stopped,ofier equitmnl feEdingn, d followi.s n can alsobeaur@aricanysopD€d 2 If fic co.veyor musthavc 9. Do noi pokc or prcd ma€an ing ar a conwnh seandappli rialintorheconvcyo. dir calion,theenl@conveyor ElccErcalconbols,machine.y is lhen ro b€ guddedby a guirds, Filirss, wllkNrys, niline or lde in &@F convcy.bn;wnh ANSI$andrrd 10.l(ep@a dound dMg€tunt of insralldion wnh drive ud conml sh bai.ing ol pdsonnel, crc- E 820.l-19?6, special or ,{9 TuboF.IismlnsC.nndy 15 a a o a a a a a a o a a o o a a a o a a a O a o a a o o a O a a a I a a a a a WARNINC! R€odthis sction lirst. Failu.€ to @r€lultJ lollow thes€inslrucrionscould .6ult in pe.non€nl hjurr or tNs ot tite. A. Gen€ralInfornation MADEMME(COMMON NAIE SY$ONYi,i): R.fngdant 22, Fron 22, Cenemr 22, FluoMdbon 22, CFC-22,R-22 Chlmdinuoru@thane d no.@hlorcditluomthrft MANoFAcrufl (MAruf EFsAoDREss: rG) ViceA$ider or Mbut&tunns (3 t6) 5243245or (800)835-2916 ForEm6a6tuy Medicar (415)821,5338 kno.maron: CnuCollect (24hn.) B. First Aid Measur€s e ot exposure. If inhaled,Itmvc @ ftesh an. Elcs ond/or Skin -, vepor conlrct -. Liquid corLect -. flush*idr fes[ war.rroratlers 20minu6. flush expostd@ *irh tulc*am Nrter or olhc'{if *m skjnstotrly rbic B Drobrble ler a.fmmgty. CaUa rid. Ing6rion -. I iquid -- no' probdblF lfingered howev.r,kep parienrcalm,,t conrous, andeet'oa ph\. . D , 'nfrnbkly. .lidbr" n pobrble,indictr'eiby.e6isof tiDsMd ( onu! redri \rrj. blrncl'ngor r|in plin i d kn.tc'nen, Wm s]dndowty. @ngue a a a o ra9 rubo Rcfrismri4 cmp,.) n WARNINC! Read lhis seclionfirst. Frilurc to c.refully lollos lhe* lnshuctiohs.ould resull in permDeni inju.t or lo$ of life C. HazardsInformatlon TOXICITY AND HEALTH 11-V 1000ppm(vol)(8 h.. TWA) STEL l2soppn(vol) Int.hlioh -- CFC 22 is Flatilely non-oxrc followhs &uF crpsu@, Allhoush no lons-@m (uc oaFrlblG olhutl]m to CFC@pehcG'E sudiechavesFcrfi@llyinEsdeaied 2,2,e\p€riene indicolesrhecard'owular dd Bpirarory 5yskd e the priday srsles 6I hhaldion)hd duselJealh ttdnM .r!o!uc to hrgh(oncenhfer@d,Abo.e(inrcnrional 20%) my caus @nflsion, lung (B!iE'ory) iritition, Eerds andpdtaps clm, . efaes m rc*allv shd [ved andEv*iblc wifiour lrD rfiecfiecB whc. @@rd to ftdh atr LCs vilB ioiEts andni@ mse f@m2r,m0 to 390,0mppm(vol)ovd Ery' ingr or 15mjnuas!o 2 hds. Highormpheric ( omentlrionsof Cl C.22p@ md lhcndeprsionondllnallyarphyxidiion. dNe drmsphencp(sG, hqudcFC.22boils tnsstion -- dorprcbable,ar keui.. dnd:evm ftGrbik ot@nirc@dusr $ill6ulr. 41,4'F( 408"C) Slin *- co;hr of vaporCFC-22wilh skn or cyessholldnotcrue i.jur' $illFsulrin rretus rnd frsbikof coEred Lis(. CtsC-22 Cont@or liqlid Note: Hun.n Poietring Potential -. Snifing or anorcrbon ProPellantsad then inbxi(adna ettat, ha Droducedovd 100&!rhs. FluouarhoN exhibit vcry toxic propenis (as Dh\xirrion,. &di4 mhyrhtuitr*h.h sift€nihowe@. be@usolvdtrion" in FsPon*. r tur alilituul'o DEdrt which:rmp'ms wdl b. .\hrbrbd Iollowingerpc@ n is possible pov. suscePible. wirh hedorespimrry disders hty csptrrally dividuls arionof vsiout ani@ls to ,16,000ppn(vol)-- 50,000ppm(vol)oa oveExms 0 m.rhs catrscdalbELionsin body wcisht 0ndphysiolqicrl oduCFC-22fo rane, dd aafeckdthc lunss,cenbal Nfrous sy6'em(CNS),hcan,liver, kidneysand spleen. No i.f@tion was foundco.ceoi.g efldb on huMns CFC 22 jnhrled fl @ncnmrions or 50,000ppm.nd abovehd b@nshownin E$s @ doBsb rouAiderhebodyr ddr.ahne,E uhingin srids andshe sn\irir rhehed b .xogenous (ctrdi0c atrhythmi4sl. rifts faral iftEule hqn b€as A liletidc inhalariondudy on oLs andnic wasFrfonftd by ICI, h4 (UK) Tbe Esuxs rromths rcr sl owednoeffa 6on eirh.rdtr o ni.e up'o l0,000ppm('ol)At 50,000Ppm rvol).CFC, ws $dl(ly (a(inoeenicrotheol.ledmale6u /.rtubtrrr8a l@ incid.@ or fibosdonr in de ialn,ry 8tand,.Thes gnificdc of thB nndinsi\ qustion.blc Noab n(mal incdcnc ws tou,l in n'e of erhs se{o in rctule 6t A'5o,ooopPmrvolNoorh' d nndrdssof bioloeicalsignificMcew@ mt(ic T€Eoeoic nudieson dB dd mbDrbsho@danra Fasedincrleneo abs@of .v.sr m' ('F 22e\I)o5o(d.urEd llom rhe6rhb l5rh tetu\eiarerousuRlev.kof50,000DPm Thmwas dayof pFgn;nryr. TheRrA no.ntrrolrbbrcor$enofispnng,rthNl.wl noevid.m of oLhdovenferalabnmalrKs compaiy3,€9 13 Tub. Rotrigendns o a a a a a a a a o a a t a a a o o a a o a o o a a a o o a a a o a a o a a a a a o a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a o a a a a c a WARNING! Red (his sec(iohlirst, Failureto drefuUr lollov theseinslructions could rcsull in p€rmanentinjury or lGa or [te, FIRI' AND EXPLOSION Nonnammble dld nonexplosivc.onc docu ncidot hd beenEponed wh@ onexplo. sio. ocudr{tduqngrhcwcldBprirof rcon shellwhichappenrlyco aincdr5050 DixtuE oi air ondCFC 22. Ar hiEhtempsaues (r u0'F, 632' C) u.itcr fivdrblc bb@bry condiDons,CFC-22is cnpablcof fomi.g wcauy codblslible dirt'fts with aii Flm.ion ol combustiblemixturcs,un(|erpncrical mnditions.ev€nat hichs bmpmrure' is exhrely un likely andthetue hazaidsof CFC'22re lert small. D. Precau(ions/Proc€dures DonorbEarhevapo6. AvoidconrrctwilheyesskinMdcldhing Wedpor€ativeclodlrg goggles rncluding Mdclorhlnrdrubbergloves.Noraorfood,dng d cowuc use. Sr@ anduscwnh adcquarc{cnrilarion. NDlorusei. n closedor onli*d spG ld0l er hiuymayberccessary{oEdnceconFnsadonsbelowTLV(1,000ppm) S0oEinMlplae Whd lighling fre nca or nvolvnE ns pmdocr,nseell:conrained brearhidgappdarus r CFC-22contlcs openna@r or ex@mclyhormral srfaccs, n n2y deconposeb tm Hl, (i e.,phossene) Hcl indriccs olcarbonylhalides r n c l u : e . l i p t urrn: l B a q n d N p e N d . Inrlo.w.rola.prllorleat,lep'p"rnJ ven..lae D o n o . . n o t e oo ' n c ' r ui F @ ' c . r b J r o n ' o E r c :i n i m ' e d x r u c i a i . CFC 22 is shippc.iandnord a! d l4uclied, comprcsed gis nnderpBssm. E. PersonalProtectiveDquipmeni sclt-co.rainei bEadrinsequipmentshonld beused. ftorelveclorhmsshouldDinimiE exposed skinrndincludcgossles, a full fa€ shdd ir glovcs. posible, rddclod lhcdrlbbcr splashing is F , PhysicalData CFC-22s a gasarnonnalcondnions ol77'F(25'C).nd I ah. Boilin8Poim(l dn) -4L4'IrC40.8'C) VRporpE$ure @ ??'F (25'C) i 136.?psig Vipor densiry is 2.?6lb/nr@77'F S p . l r f i cs r a v n y u f v a p r = l ) 1 0 8 @ l d n ' a n d 7 7 " J S p e ( i f i c s r , ' { y ol fq u , d r e r =1 r L2 0 ' 4 7 7 ' l % lolidle @ 7?' F ud I m lm%("ol) Sohbilityin water(% wr) I3!!4 s olublein .cerode,edaool ud chl@toft ilcssliauidandvaDor ADDdr.cc vcry sl e,heEaldlor ro odo dr oili'- 3/39-rrto Rernsen'ing company 19 WARNING! R@d this s.clior firsl, Foilure ro corefullyrolloE there lNt.uclions could result in D€rnrnchl i4jury or l6s ol llf., S€ctiohIlL lir€ and ExplosiohDltr Fcs!!@: sFirr nr. Frohlng Wes self @nld@d kerthing appmls. waq rpE y b an un su'oblcexdngnishins.senr UnBua| Fi,o and Erplo!|dn Hda'6: Nm FbshPdd (Mdh.nu5.n):ASTM D92 >30e F (>150'C) coz Selion lv. H4lrh tlazard Da1. 66d6rions {air):5 ne/nr minenl oil mi$ (OSHA) Pa'mbsaue Er@olorerere@e: Prolonged6nL1crMy c senjno. slin iritations: NDA rori.bs i.ir P'op.ni6 skh 6ieu Flushwilhlsge rrcunts of vaEr fq { lear It murc. ktion lesi6ts, comrcLa physiciln Wrst wnhsP ud wtrer' Wshclo$ing bcr@ Pnse. iswdllov.d: Cdl r PhYsicio.. Sclion V. SpecislProlectionIntormarion v.mld{ ryp. R.!! rcn G€ar, M-hai/cal, sP€cial):NA Fsspi,aro'yProt€dbi (sp*iy rlF): Pd€ff6 NA Ghveli Oir Bsisanl rubbo. EyaPrcrdbn: Chenical splash goggles orh6,Pd€.lvdEq!pmad:Rubb.r apmn lf EdNs or mi- o a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a I a o a I a a a a o a a 0 a a a a a a a a a 22 T[to Rcliis.n'ing ComPsnY3 9 a a a a o a o a a a a a a o o a a a a a o o a a a a a o WARNING! R€d this seclionnrsi follure to qr€lully follow thes thrlructiooscould r6ult ln permnert injury o. tGs ot tite, S€clion vL tl.ndling of Spills or Leats Sbp lcat, dike tp l&ge spills Uscind aktrbenr mat€ridlsNh as.,nh, snd, d vcmiculnefd clem-np. Disposeof in iccd{hnce wilh Ldar, Sra@,andFedeElsovell@nr Esdadons Selio! VIL Speclal Praautiohs Arcid cxrosuE to helt od nam. Prorecragaiat eyeMd stjn csbcL Wash$dm8rny af- S4tion VIll. Transporlation Dlta un'6sudhyDor a"suraidqD.or. O E : CSEMTREC 1-800-424-9300 u-s.Dor. PoFshlppnsNan6: NA us o.o.r.H,a,ccra$.NA RO:NA Lab.(o R6quk.d.NA Fbrshrc6€iricarion: PeEolelnOiINOIBN spscarT'ansponarionNoros: NA a o a S€cliotrIX. a o a a o 'Ilrbo Conn€nlj a a o a a a a a bellews rhcsla@@nrs,rechnicalinroftrtion ond@m@ndalions conbinedheE . e re a$utu no Esponsibiliry roi nny loss,daDagc,o l/39 Tuto Rcrriscritrns c.nprny zl a a a a a a a a a a o a a a a a a a o o a a o a o o a a a a a a a a a o a a a a a o a aaaaaaaaaaafaaa DISCONNECTINGPOWER & LOCK OUT Tulbo RefrigeratingCompany insiststhardisconnecting andlockitrgout rhepower to themotordriving the unit providesthe only real protectionagainstinjury. Otherdevicesshouldnot be usedasa substitutefor locking out thepower prior to removingguards, covers,or othersafetydevices. Turbowarnsthat theuseof secondary devicesmaycause employeesto developa false senseof securityandfail to lock out powerbefore rcmovingguards,covers, or othersafetydevices. Thiscouldresultin a seriousinjury shouldrhe secondarydevicefail or malfunction. o a a a WARNINC! R€adthis sation fiBl, Fsllurc to careluly rotbw th€seiNhu.lions could .6ult in pernanentlnjn.r or l6s ot tile. o o a o a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a o a a a o a a a a a a a a a a EfTectiv€Novembe.I, L PI|I!!I! The puryoseot rhisF@dre is ro pi€venl injury ad/or dealh lo peM.ml by .eqtn ing dr @$in pEcautios be okul senicingor @pann pmenl u has b*n developedand implemenGdso aso comDlvwirh 29 CFR 19lOl4'7,ofde Occupalioml SaJeryand Health Tlcsep@autiosinclude: r shuuingofi ed lGkins pneunaticandhydErlic 3. Elfcdrcly roTaringthoF putions ofequipmen'tud nmhbery 6ar @ endgy inEnsiw and@ bei.g sd- lL Sr'ole This pi@dur€ includes{hos employes whoseduriesE quiE themto do minbnancc d D,inGnuce of mchins d €qutpDenr in whi.h rhennex €nereizarion, sarFup Pecred or releaseof srorede.ergy ItL S!nerrisorv Rerb.nsihilitv prmdm, Ifn'sdd@ired rhd |his prmedueis nor brDg onrpu@ A. L$tur rll Jt*red emplor@s 6 b |necon€fr of B. Ensr cmpli.@ vith Lll. s'r.rv r ocks rlhi lllll1dare m@tire acDonwill be ini, liat€d. WheFverpossible, suchactionwitl be dlen in .onjunclion w,rh the fist linc sup.nisot however, lugh.r levcl mMasem.r De^onnel w'll bc itrvolv.drt ihe v'.Ir. lion is of , sdious d Epeti YL Rtrl€s and Feenlalionr Srferylck md kcys*itl be The followin8 tules ud Fgu. issuedo dcsiBtur€demDloyes. Ldks &d keys mus bc returnedto lhe pler n&ager whenanmploye rssfeB o lad@shaw beene\bhhsh.n A, Any eleEicid or minb .mce IENon Nhosedudes rEquiE rhsrh€or olhtrs bc rnd.sup{vtso!y petsonnel expded b lne hr4rds of elctual sh@k0 noving keys fo! pmacrivc l@kr, and cqurptunr,md{Fnm underMaid conrouedcondi, rhN dudes';n r srf. snd tro.r. be 0vailable b asN in gdMne!. $e Emval of safay l@kl. Ep{ oumc Safety locks @ painr€dycl low for clatricians a.d red lor nainredr.ce p€^obrel. Th€sclsks aE ro b. lsed only ro.l@king out mchinery, bolin8, ind equipmenr dsLnbcdin rhn pMedm Y- Srrerv nenarrnonr Responsihililr rLr c @sponsibihy offie Salety Cmrdinaor ro inspect rhepltur on r penodicbtris ro €nsue conplia.cc wirh rhis L Thc employe oust un dedmd rhceluipmni snh vhich h. is w.rk, 2. Whcnyo*ing w h *h@ fie mcide.Gl ssing of snchequipn.nr c &le6seol softd enqgy womdc@aLe a haad, de enploye nurr-ElE-o[a]f-oo@ *ohdns dcvics andan ra9 TrLuRrflE nrns Cmliny WARNING! Reodlhis setior lirst. F.ilure to .a.clully rollo* lhe* inslrucliohscould r€sult in perDnent itrjury or lcs ot lito D. Shouldan enploye bcEC.Iris ro@dnH nea$ary quiEd !o aork on anoder to opdateequitftnt td pic ol equiPnen(ad Putposesof testingc nakneed lo leave his lck on rg aolns@nB pnor b he leaordlock-lr3ll dD p€snr equrndr, u&tud onplcd@ of dE is b€inglrtrllrrad ol oftd l0k mus bc obrrine<l vork, IlisE osnizd tlrr Eom dle planLmgq. eletuiMs d!$ wd* on l{]lrqu!!r!!L&!! lrc circurs fiom d@ to EqtriDncDllgill.hare2 [G, psnidlffly Nhs brtla!.r]'.9re-brltre E. Shoud n bc .@sdy o piee oFmk a ote4uiF bnble{hooring, buts: rello!+edaldrglh! nenrwhichs lNkedoul 43s!&!a!e4lurb! EjEllallliol nust bens{t oeorrherpeNisor nnd.r lh* drcuGBnd. nadc by supeN{on o IoNev.r wck alorc when 3.Ininsmes whrn cate$eeDploye whose l@k a on fie equiplMr. dlle cioi$ e in a cn If fttr enrploye cmnd be @ir bErtd box, & allachinslEhdhm wil Ieried, the supcryis my YIL onlside conlmctoN beplaed @ rheoutsde obRin a @6. key to lhc of rhehox lo allow tlut lck. The supeRnor mus Wheneveronside setuicing pD4onrlly issuo hrNlf box to belockedour bd &uel m ro bc ens.8d b Iwo@ that n i s sie ro |ne rivilis coverd by rhl $.'Dc Peve +-tul@k I1]elckshold fion d applicaim of rris l@kot beE0med io de potE 8ndug procedue,suchFF B. lo'€€ who !er' ronnel ffi ro br rnfmd .'f thtr p@edu@ by tho p€mn dnes p@sibed abovewil beprdided fs rheirwr acIlir-oll)cadr&-lour.bg Rsponsible indNrdual saJery med wirh exrEmecau on 'iviy with an Md e @diEr lhm ro lock andonekey. rm@ tollow its Equftmhis, Faila!fulsuudgrEell $ar o.c mploye is aThN h .bng* ftar fte nE ro do s shall 6quiE trhat cmploye Drclved wil Erhey do nor be permiued ro sisred !o a rak, elchle g rh thinkf rhar $c mconrjnu€ wortinsin EpImL DbyEnEqui&dbpl@ hs ou le* {d las s fte chineis still l@kedout, whenir hasmturly ban conhots@or bc opcnc ed, eventhdsh dnoth€r YIIL Fiil',r€ To Follow pe o. day havecMple! Pllrsrr!.r3E ed hn own lask, andE F Ir a @hi@ is leked orr a.d n i! nmsary o leale TheseprceduPs havebeen lhe @, Eh4k Lhelock d€vetopcdro pdect edploy dponErmng @ide C. r lJleequipmentontsols es frem srious 'njuy. h r suE Lbarrhemrchineis siu necssary rhar all edployees e solocaEdihar only @e tollow lhen- Tboseenployl@k cm b€ momcdated, leked our While supwi rhr msionwill nate everya! ces .or codplying with the a sp€.ial,rhhdd previsions in rhis prcc.d!@ @nprlo avoidlhe Moval c@nodabs sevqal lGks wnl be subJaL!o disciplinry ol l@ks, lhee my be sn!nu$ beuse{L This @hnem will b€issuedb al arionswhenn nusr be acrion,up ro and including dr-bi!-ae-6!Ial&af, !!d.b44si9$!!ql4! of lbat mr applv hn yi]lr+rolrdilL a a a a a a a a a a o a o a a a a a a a o a a a a O o o a o a a a a a a o a c.nFny r/39 TuftoRcrngu,LiDs a a a a O a a o a o o a a o o a o a o a a a o a a a a o a o a a a a a o a a o o a a o o a a o a ReodSaaetySeclionbelole this th€seirstruclionscould rBtrlt oo INSTALLATION& PRE-START.UP REQIIIREMENTS To inshu md pepN rheTubo lce Gencnlor (TlG) uin Ior opeElion, you will need two ro folr peoplc qhos skills incl e neclanical, wlding, od tllnbing capabilid* is wll as a qnalncd This sarion inclldes srct-bysEp insFuctionson jnsrElling md cmndine youTlc !nit. Yd TIC uni hd ben Esred ond insFcted ot |he laclory lrid b packrngmd 3hlPpn8. The generalinsralladonse 1. 2. l. 5. 6. 8, 9. 10, tl. 12, 13. {)0 ll€hlur Hinlg IMPORTANT PaJ special olteDtion1o any bold prihl or borcd in p$a8raphs. Following lhis intormation i3 €rsenlialror o sare,etli- (augq)b E rsDul (her reytr shdlCbc prch.d ro Iq-Ur1LYsL.&1 St!.!tgl . R.6d instruri@s c@ plerelybefoEinsblladoD. . Caths all EquiEd bols. . Esr$list ftom &d Ed, andlel ed n8l' of $c IIG mi by laci.g ti! turd/@dpF$or andcvapdaror srions (s Fig- olr lhe lcfr ts rheno0oi/ @mpEsmrsdon oa SAFETI FTRST!!! - On thenslr is de evrscBw conwyd di$ chdge ot thc TIC unit. - On $€lwoi F TIG Ai dnssdr omeriois @ on rhcleit side or tu €vaPda'd s4Usc rh4 nelnod whenre letring ro pds rlrare bn,tght, tont, dEr r e ru .Rd,icedinscomnany A Read S.fety S€ctionb.for€ thls tb€$ lNtrucliohs ould r6ult 6 $ * I a ; PIAN VIEW Figurr 3.1 TIC Unil Ori€nhrionaTypicrlSC Model) On SCA a SCEnorlels, Lheair-@led d cvrpradvec@led @nds.sr t alsoDouncit on thc a o a o a a o O o o a o a a a o a o a a a a a a o a a a ?6 'rDrboRelriS@tns ComD,nyl,€9 a a a o o a o o o a o o o a a o a a a a a o a o a o a o Rdd Salclt Salion belo.e this t[e inslru.tionscould resull TOOLS To inslall rheTIC unit, you wdl Dc.d No Lofou p@!1. whN skills includenahmi cal, *eldDg, 4d plumbing capab iries aswell a a qual! fied electiciu The foll@ rg is n lisr of bls requirEd fd safec@non bd r$enbly WFnctEs md skets (r fdl si !p io I 1A) Phillips (norccs poinDandst|tuLrd Gloned)ftw TapcesoE (fifty rel lo.e) Cndn hoNr (ohe,@) or No t(m doigs (10004) Auen rencbes Gizcs1,4 o 12') Chains(two - 3/8 inch,ninihun lln let loq) a a a a a o a a O a o a a a O a o a o a o a a a o a o a '€e Tuh. Rdnsrdins Conpany a Rerd Sal€tySetion belore this lh@ iEtructioN @rld r6uli a a o a a o a a a a a a o o a o o O o o a o a o o o o a a a o 23 Trbo RclrjgeodtrgCmFny 369 a o o o o a a o o a o o o a o a o a o a o a a o o a o a Rsd S.l€ty Setiotr bclor€ this thcse inslruciioN could .sull 1, DELIVERY INSPDCTION AU seli conhinedTIC unns @ |n@ughly i.sp@cd and bted at $e fskry to asure shlp@nt of a dcchMrally sund pi* of e4uiprenl I.spe.r rbe TIG nnir rhor. oushly upon arival at the insrdllationsirc to chcckfor my ReporLany dim.ge ro lhe ldblo-u@n colp&y m@ diaEry so thai m aDdorizd asentcan exaDin€the TIC nnn, dcrernne lnc dr€m of lhe drmgq rnd rakelhe ne ce$ry scps o redry tbe claimwilhoulcostlydeldys. Notify Ttrbo of any claims Delirr4-l$&clior CIcrBlrsj I 2 . l-{]G equ{rnem md mE L Tnrbo ice generaroreare shipped6 an .ide Eaile^ !o cnsn€ LhrLrlre equipm.r ariv€s in lhe bestposibl€ a a a a a a a o a a a a a a a o a a a a o a a a a a l/3o TuboRehB.d'rEcomprny It Retd Slfely S4lion b€fo.e lni3 lhse iBt.uctions could Mrlt o a a o a a a o o a a a a a a a a a a a a 10 TuftoRcrrism'lngcompany1t9 a o o o a o a a o o a o o a o a a a a a a a t a a a a a a o a o a a o o a a a a a a o a a o a O a a a R@d Sat€ly S€ctiohbefore tnir these inst.uclioN could r€sult ,. HOTSTINCOR MOVTNC Eouibnert Risring Ilsrlll](i![! TheTIC uiL mus b€tiaF! by lhe lifrirg hgs p.ovid.dby aurbo. PleN noE rh6trhesc lifri.E lua m norhrcndrnb be !;d'aor exEndeitlrfri.s !crio&. Depcrdins on lhe dienb[on of rhclifring l!gs, rhens€of r !p€&Gr br md blocls nay bc rquircd ro prcBt thecxdid p!rcIs. In exEnorleels for lhengsiDs $ Figr@3-2showsibeco.Iigumrionwith lifting lues@ tlE edds This configurtionis F nsd on smalla TIG n.irs Thc useof brmts andspMder b6 @ rcquiEd 1oavoid Figure.l-2 Smll TIG Unit Configuralion Figurc 3-3 shows the liftiDg lug oper ion used o' largcr TIC uns. The liaringluss can b. lsed by rmning rhe sling throuBhrhe 3" pipcs whi(h ton $rclgh rh. trnns. a a a a a o a a a FigureJ-l Large TIC Unit Connguralion a a ,19 rubo R.fiie@ins cmp'ny o a a cF rl o a a a a a a o a o a R@d Salely Sectiotrbefor. lhis the* lnstruclionscould Gull Fieu.e34shosMTIGunn NiL[ a mnde.sr mnnEd on a commn skid. The lifling Derhodis simild !o lbar of FignE 3-3, wirh boLhspEader bds and bl@ks being rc Figure 3-5 shoer a legcr unn rcqtrinns middle ordunng lifring AddiLional lifdng lngG) will be provided$ rquiEd fd p.op- $ E Figuro3.4 Comhon Skid a a a a o o a a o a O O a a a a Fisur€ 3-5 Larg€r TIG Unit Wi{h Middle Suppo{ a a o a a a a a o a a a a a l,8s 12 TuboRdnsmunscomprny a o a a o a a a a a a o a a Rsd S.fety S€ctionbelore lhis thes instructionscould r6ult ri8u@ 36 showsr typical TIC unn wnh in ourbord wa6-@ldl @rdenshs unil This confiruioon r $o(rl or! sC,SCAR,ud SirER dodcls, Ihe liftine nerhodn thes@ s fo' Fiire 3-2. FrEu( l7 shors a typicrl TIC unn wnh on rn imled conde.singunn. Thisconig uation is tvDicalof SCAand SCE 6od;ls- MulLiplc a a o a a a o a o a a a spqd€r blB rnd blaks e TIG unib wirh a {dth.ding €ncloslE on ouiboardequi!men($ould be sinilr 6 lic- Fisurc 3.6 TIC Unir Wilh wat€r.Cooled O a a o a a a a O a a a a a a a a o a Figure 3-7 TIG Uhil Wilh An Air.Cool€d CondensingUnit y39 Tfto Fef g.tungcomptrny X a a a a a Red saa€tysetion b.fo.e rhls thes iNtrucuoEscouldr€rull Ho$ti!-s--ol-MoIirc r 6 TIG uniris insorredin r Itration rha F4uiEs thcTIG unilrobclifEdby mrr ort ctuq Tulbor€qniEsd4Llhe lnins an d slinginebedorc Iiod the bo@n oI de TIG mn- Us a sprcderar|hcbp TIG mi! to prevcntthe of u tuels flm cru3hi6g,A conpq.nrnggingdd hois! ins conE&u cm hfldre rh. io6snhont dmseror &ncgE IMPORTANT WARNINC Never lilt or slins tt€ TIG unil vith derics l$lened lo th€ lop lrahe Hoisting o. horing heavy equipmert should only be done by @mpF tent rigging and hoirting coDlrrctors, Ncv€. dloe personnel urd€r tbe unit while it ls ln thc air, Failure to crr€lully lollor ab$e inshuclions could r6ult in p€.mn€ht lnlury o. lN ol life, structur€,only ulr rhc TIG unit l.om the bot- Tnc clf'conkined TIG uniL trDdel conrainsan outboad ondendns unn batEd ncxt !o rheev,lostd s*tjon. The evaporarorand cond€nsing se.lions @ leaEd on a @G If r TIG uit hasLobemved m6 bae fi.m pr.vded widr alongr fl@r, rcad,drivcway, eitherliltins eyesor litE g cr Pipesasrolctr p4es. BeloE hoisrins,the (of s!ffacm caDmi- rigger mu$ .nsuE lhal rhe load u pmp€rlybrlancedro pFvenr rilringor riDgingof lne TIG unn. les dE lmd bef@ lilring olt r,!rcnek d grcu.d o o a o a a a a a a a a a a a o o a a a a o a a O o o a o o o a 14 Tubo Relisedunsconrart r€a a a a a o a o a a o a a a a a o a o a o a a a a a a o a o a o a o a a a ReadS.Lty Sectionbcao.€lhis thcseiNtrucdons ould result ]. SITE TREPARATTON In$aU rheTIG lnn in m aE IMIORTANT ine nuid ftom th€ unn, To oel@r@ mdlmud curDDg d@s nor tall below 40"F d Failurc ro tollov th€s€ hei8hlchecklhecle@e bt ns aborc 100'F. The ugpd gtridelihescould r$ull in rwen rh. borm of the unn (tEzins) c@pdcnt of the excessive€quiDheni vi- d@6 and rhe bo'@ or rhe tr is insulahd 4gd.$excc$ bmLion or uncven qat€r shctnEl blse frme. Acub heighror rwo (2) o rbE sive he,t rfilradon. Thc distribuliotroler the cva. inches is dl rhaL wouldbc (nrchinery) loNe! conpdTbis h?ighr would provide needed. o menris designed clcr rhe dM on all stan.laid vc.ril.don for th€ @chincry mils. Ref.r o FigE 3-8. uine lhe slab,it Whcn nayb si.abl. o emb€d lrovide adcquarework sEl p u anchds in rhc spfe on lll sdesandrhc Ebiated-Il!&ltallor of rhc TIC unir for easy pl4ce aner ir is st Rcfer ro Sme in*alladons requno @unting $e TIC mn d elevdion abov€ Fade In fo! each Blse fnm€ der,ils snchcNcs, a snctural sleel Slah TuCo[lcrct3 nodcl m availablefoo caprble or strpponplmerenl llatfom of mud bo ro alloq ing rhe dynanic as well as lf theTIC nnir N ro bemuntinsensLomtch $e sbucurl ci on a @ncEle slab,ftc suF baseiane. No pd of Lhe sraticlord nust bc p.ovd.d. Due to vaiarions in local and l@ of rhc slabmust be level uni basellm shouldh€cmst re cod6, a l@d fim sp.or shinning hust be Pmvid cnlizins in srucLlral steel ed dnder lbe nn to ensuE shouldbe con$lcd 0 d.kF rhd it n bvel. Wnenshim mjne Lh€EquiFdenB for |nc ni.s is Equied, usecaurior R r i s e d C u r b i n ! ser b bc eHcd Tufto m p(v.nr rongunuppdad ro s p a n s! n d e r l h e t r u c r u r t r A raisd clrbrg eound rhe b€ conr&red for inro@rion Equiad by 6c leal am I od$dc ol LheTIC ubiris@ onbended lo conrain tnY Pnvide the sr4l arfom. fie srcel suDpodi the lnn rie, lcal€gp, orcl*n' condens a a o a a a a a o a a a a $ I l/€o TEboPdncmincconpey l5 o a o a a R€ad Sal€ty S€clion before lhis th€seinsrructlons couldresdt f/////,/,/,/,////, ttl T- f---___l a a a o a a a Figure 3-9 El€rrl€d lGlallatiotr nu$ be level or shimcd lo obmin a sadslacbrylevel. Thc sane gur&lrnesfor suppon md lnsDppm.d srions aPplyaslor rhe@rcEte dab Arcci!-&Irirs, Spacc nus b€ allov€d for clecdcd dimDc* o.d l@d ccnrers n.f be cqurpmcnl and ro @rdun nns Iim rhc lod cenErb fie e$'pmL Pe.iodic clcming of de TIC valcr @* is FquiEd. lwisioN should b€ made fo t n@ diai. @ dispose of this waEr as *eU as lor thc Mn Wilrt-Prgllrle-Lillr Water piping ro th€ nake-np warercon.4rion bd @oline In layinsout rheunirin$aUa tower (if so equipped)nust don, adcquaiespaceshouldbe be prcpdly siz.d o .ielrvcr allow€d alound the unil for fic specificdnow cnd rhe Pmicultu specifiedprcssu@.Design accesMdsd@ atre.lion shoDldbe siven lo pdGtcrs for TIC mits use theconddsinglnir c.d of rhc r() psig ci'y warerFe$!@ 6 TrG unil Renoval or sedice the slandnrd. If Lheavailable of l[Ber, heavieronponents watcr pressurc is below 40 (conuensers,conpre$ors, psig, Turbo shouldbe constrlkd ro debmine if a bmsetc) na, rcqxra acccs bY r forklift or oder liltins devi@s er pump is Equied Th€ which r€quire addnionat mxmum wacr pE$uE r 100psig. Syslemswilh pFF suEs dq 100 ig shouldbc On eir cooledcondcnson,€v- eqnDFd with pE$uE Edmaporarive condcnsers,and ing valws inshrbd in he lines .ooling lowers, adequ spae mu$ be allowcd for intake,nd an discharses pevenLi.suLrcient air supply or rccncularion of discharge aId-AiLSllIe l! BooLDIlin rurboFringemdisconpiy r€o l&lelllfltEllr A[ TrG nds dc suppli€d wiLh m8&c-upsdai.eB 'o Emve el'ds andtu0*ial larse enoushb plug opc.irgs in thcdisEiburion sysr€m.C.n snlr a local watcr ueir@nl conpdy to delemine if addru@l w4d ma[rent d filE4 tion is Fqurcd lo produccrhe dsiEd ice quahy and Edue mainrcmnccof de wds dis a a o a a o a o a a o a a o a a o a a o O a a o a a a o a o o a a a a a a a o a o a a a a a a a a a a a a ReadS.t€(y Seclionbelor€Lhis lheselnst.ucdonscould r.sult o0il00 NOTTCD 0iloilr) Pase37 (step4. Mountingandtlveling) hasbeendeleted o a a a a a a a a o a a a a a a 5,4r Tu6o R€rrumunACmPmY lr Re.d Safetr S€clion b€lore this ttee iBt.uclioN .ould .Bull o a a a a a a a o a a a a a a a o a a a a a o a a o O a a o o O O 33 TdboR.ngdringcmpiny 5rl a a o a a a o O o a o a o a a a a a o o a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Re&dSaa€tyS€clionbeaoreftis th€seinslruclionr@uld r$ult 5. BUILDING OPEN'NGS {ICE CHUTI}S) TO STORACE An TIC unirsi[sh&se fie i@ drolgh a shnddd;inc (9) thcn scPv convclor down spouLton $e cnd of fie ui' oPposncthe outboardcondcn6i.s uit. r aIG unit is md;red diEc .bov. tlE icc rromge, il dishdges inlo an rrcnn€d s@w conwyc (not prcvdcd by Turbo) pdor ro delivery inro in€ sloragc bin. Refcrto Figue 3-11. Incli.€ Scrcv Cnnveror The Drc of !r it.liDe @, conYeyorrcmovcs ant condenraE inside thc auser and 'vrbiomftlungsnov waE dorflow inb $@g€ WARNING Ihe TIC unit should reysr be oP€r.fcd rithout the dischsrgechules ra d walerDnl into s!or.nd screq conY€yorbcihq in placc. Acc€sslo rhe dischrrle doqtr spout or incline screF could restrlt in se.io!3 ttlel dor' de dis ihiury or loss of lile, Nev€r ns€ a stick or Drcbeto eliminatean oE struction, N€v€.attcmpt Inq,lrlion to cleonan obslrudionin t b c d i s c h a r g €w i t h o u t Tb. dncldgc chur6 ftod 'he leliDE Dr lhe el.clric,l Tlc o.d ncline sftw as@u Dower; r'ailut€ to c&e' .s rh€ iiclinen sftw should fully lollo{ lhes€ inbei.sulaEd ro ftnke hoaLi.sfructionscould rcsull in filEad@.ndcondrNadon. pcrdanent injtrry or loss @qflov of cleaningfluide a a a a a o a a a a a ; a a a a !a B F lce De,i'€ry lo Stoag€ r/39 Tubo Retligecdn8Conlany 39 R€ad Salelt Sallon beforethis there lnstructloB duld @nlt a a a a a a o a a o a a a a a a o a o a O a a a a a o a a O 40 lntoR.frig@nnsconFDy l 9 o o a a a o o a a o a a a a o o o a a a a a o a a a a a a o a a a a o o o a a a a a a a a a a a a a a o a o a a Read Sat€ty S@liotr belore this theseinstruclions .ould rs t AND MOTORS 6, ALICNTNGCOMPRESSORS TICSm lmished wnh diet coupledm!o4 eit cmp6' sors, The coupling cente. scction is shipped loose for The cm' ne]d rsilldlion. d mlor w c@fular rhclmrory belbE Cotr.ling C€nter check lor alignnenr bcrorc idseninsthe couplingcenlor 3 Comnr€ssnrMolor F hspect the compFssr door aliSrmnt *irh a drarindicak! lo check it may have bcen disulbed dldne sbiDmnt o. insbllatron.sdTabie 3-1. M!t!L& Cllullsso!--ualeet Figure 3-12 D'ol4di!4--t!.ocrClrle Ildrlcq@rcraor Arsso.llf Sincedowelhg N pedoNd afrcr Lhe motor/cobprcsor alig.oc.t bas been hol ch*k d (i.€, conpFsu hd b4n dn and brougl( up ro lenpemlw atEi id@nt, sone Dodeh ar shpped liom the facbry Ch.ck lhe alignncn{ oI lh€ motc ed cmPesor fleles wi$ r dial indicrroron rhe resor Duuttctwr r !r@cd!E. PLr ro 6uon, Stdl-Up and scNice lnsErcrionslcated in lhe Appendix & Nots S4 Cslllf$oldic4lill Il for iny reaso., rhe.omDE$or,lienncnris notvirh in n1.nm; efleroiNhl ion nDusrb.€ol Table3-1). ali All self'conrain€d SC, SCA, rc facbry and SCE @dels ru. md do$led. SCAR and SCERdriliD Emb condens d .rd m nol t&rdy tu. ln such case6,dowelingn done atte. rbc inihl $d up of Lheequipoenr. The followingpraednEis u*d: r/€9Tud'Rclrign,|hgconFny4| a a a a a Reed Sstety Sccliotrbeto.e lhis the6eiNlruclions .ould result Table 3.1 Conpresso.Alienhent Tol€rrnces I 2. bolesdirgon lly otposne c F p@$or tr noro. f@r G4 sEp 4 below). SeeFisuE 3 12. 3 . Insrt 'he #6 i 2 12" hr denedmperdorel pins in 4. Usingarubbdharrrmrd nrllet, bp r,!redowellighc lyintoposidd tlrvc lE -3116'of rhcdowl pin abovetne dord f@r (EquiEd lo Ep fld ltNn r.bedo@l fd @@ar whic leador lubnent ro Refcr o rhecompEssorm6nufacos olie!tunt p@ed@ in tbe Insauadon, Shfl-Up Md S€NiceInstrlclions in Llre ApF.dix & NoresS4tion compony l8s 42 rurboPchsm'ins (EFEfircCC,{PRESSOnMAIUF OTUFEFS NSTALL^NONSTARTI]P, ANDSEFIICE INS'IRTiONS FORADDITIONAL DETAILS). a o a o a a a a a O o a o o a a o o a a o o a a a a o a a a o a a a a a a o a a a a a a a a a o o a a I a a a o a a a a a a a o a a a a a a a R€adSalclr Sectionbcror. lhis lh€seinslructionsconld r€slll 7. ELECTRTCALCONNECTIONS WARNING All eleclrical wo.k shotrrdbe don€only by a qMlitied.l€ctricim. Do NOT lurn pose. on rt rhir time. Frilu.e to caretuuYfollov theseinslrudids could resull in pe.hanent injury or l6s IMPORTANT Elcctricll wirlng dia. gramsare l@atcdin €ach control panel ond arc turnished vith c.ch opThese eratitrc h!nu.l, diasromsshotrldb€ consultid belorenakins lhe cl€ctricalscrvic€conn€c' Checkitrg R.t'li.n El!4dlal-!3lJkc C.otrnlllir[,r WARNING TIGSm iunish€d cmple@I, pBiEd inFin:iny bu EqniE . rhcL I, Le dd L3 c@@lds d eachor de notd . dELl mdl2com*m.s of Urccodol cinit (single All ol lh6e conn4lioa tuc ldated iiside ibe TIG conEol pmel. $ll disconn@r switchcs odd) r theinEr lires $ead or prncl on 6c TIC. Mak. sure the conv€Jor rcreF is clerr ol rU obslacles.nd *ar. oll per sonnel lo 3try cl€r. ol tie conveyo.screwat atl times. Failure to cate. lullv tollow these itrsrrnilions co d r€sull in pe.mahentirjury or lca The conv€yor sPw should b. .otating in r cl@kwisedi rdon whenviewedtrcn the €d wirh theic€ dhchdgEreing you. As lons .s thc coi veyor s@s { rounne rn ne prcp€r dirlion and tho jn co.uS powe. whng N pmperly phlsed, aUoths @dpo n..b will te romnng@rly due ro the poper pbrsing ot rheincmar Ninns ar rh€hcto .y (i,e sdc phasingis ned wlle. chdkrng mhion, only he pow€r b he scEv cot veror shouldbeon Tmrbc $r-Dhase Fwer !o thecom P@$o md war.r ptrmPoff. a a a a a o a a a a lBa TurboP(rnltdtns cono.nr 4l a R@d Saf€tySerlon befor. ttij thereinstructiohsould .4ull a a a a a a a a o a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a o a a a o It a a a o a 4! Tdbo Rddgefuns Cof,tory 3/39 a a a a o o a a a a a o a a a O a a a O a a a o a o a o o a a Rerd SaretySectionbelore lhi3 thq iNlrmtiq8 conld resull 8. WATER CONNEC'TIONS Mak&tlp Waier rmEEhue i@a6, rh! ice m.li6s capacrywill de.EaE due ro the edCirionar@0li6g lord 06 lhe Elngcratior syF ten. conversely, os rhe The sowc of daleup warcr md J brnperoLurce impdm. Thc rDl@-np ward rs lhe supply wcRr from which lhe icc is nade. Ite daEA;s. thc acnai.i.g crqualiiy of rhc ie vill d@cnd palny will i@ae siD6 l.$ on $e ryp. ol wer suDplied. Ehgcflr@trrtqrlM@Emre rheheolftm rhewrs. Coretion frcbs fd dFer.m watcr renp€ENes a@ II{rleLTt!! The icc cs be no beud tho Lhewr|d fod which ir is madc. Ext enely hdd valer will tend Lo mrke cloudy, sfEr icc and wiu l€av. de losits withi. rh. mchine, ne' esihtins tu4snt creming. Hiid ward w l not han lhe TIG, but n will incEse rhe Middmce tEesar/ b kep I{ats:U[-Irt!I co!.D.ecli!tr Minimum wat . prcssur€ should be approxinatly 5 pstg@ensuecond'uouswa IMPORTANT Ncy.r urd€rslrc a nal6 uP qate. lih€, I@ c.pacity crnnol b€ re&ched Yithout lhe p.op€r h!k.- DI!i!! All sleded TIG andTIGAR nodels us r l 12 rDle-up fi@ do rh@ drain coDna make-lp walq flows are shownin Tabies3-3 .ld 3-4. a A valer ishr pan is prcvided u.ri.r ah lIG b 6llct mndener., eE. ConMt a drain M6k.Jtp Waler lfte of plopd src b rhepan Pl!6!trlf-&-Ieln&$i I{aklllnltlllru! d$i6. Thls lin€ vill nddlly bedry or conrai. only r smdl The tempqatueof l,\ewarcr Tne noar valves usd in Llr€ anount ot wrt€r, Th.E are make-lp waEr linc m Lypi- $o drain connections on a 6 m dpoMrrddn@kr caly Ek! fd r ndiftum qr Dining lhejcmali.e cap4ny TIC unir ohe i. th€ cen0sr t€. pE$ure ol 6t ps8 and botun of fte pa. (plugged) of rhe TIG u.il All ienat rg capaciriesarc b&d 06 a 125'F nuid bmpelahe. ed onein rheendof rhepan desisndke-up ward cmpeF atlie ol600F. As the wdrf a Table 12 a a a a a a o o o a a a o a a a Corrcclion Faclo. for Feedwlor TcnDeraturc B 3 r/8c TllhoR.rns@tllgCun'lry 45 R@d Saf€lt Sectlon belore thls theF inst.uctioB ould EuIt TrbIe f,.3 TI(i Modols (l U2" FPT M.[€-Up Wal€r Conn.clion) Blowdown o. overflo! of water in rhe lanl( ce be 6d jNtedftom0@25%oFduc collecnonof Bidusl sol ds The icenElng proccss tends to concnEate (fteerc' ouD din€Fls &d suspended solid, n ihe M@r D.p€dTable 3.4 TIGAR ins m 6e wEr qurliry (had 0tn FPT Makeup Waler Connection) ness, eic ), os cm causc enoughcon@ntru@s in rhc wftd tmk to Fodw whitEq cloudy ice, a n@r vdve o. rhe mateup PaEr lino n pG vi.ted ro .uoq adjNhdi or e lhe overflow or blowdown nte on r condnuousba$s. F c l,wedng th€ n@t m educes ihc ovc!flow Rre, whil€ Yalcr-Clo|3n warcrtesp@tu@ dd evapc Eising thc floar m dlows slor load buLwill nor exce€d Co!.d3.Dsid noE warer lo @dlow sincc lhe wM level n 0E hrt ias WoterconddseB suppliedon io rds to a higher rcvcl be- TICS arc rh. convenrional * Tms ofEftEeEiion = f@ rhenmL valE shtrtsoF. condensqeeiver codbina lo@rhat of Ej4tiq @ At sBn'up, adjusuren$ca. don rypc. Thcy fe nE slEU rooFsET^osoFsDT di be madeb obhin $e dcsirti and ube Lyp€mnslDcLion, videdby 15,000BTU on. blowdown raLe. Periodic clean.blc vift r.nov$I. ch4Ls shoulitbe m{i. b cn- neads. Tne ward iD md out dePosh are not conn4uonse srcd !o pe! Water RegulatingYalv€ mn maxinnd watd flow at EakE4uiFGDrs, All hod A lcal conrulltnLon ea@ ;ls ft fmisbed wirh dE contsearocnra also advisable!o Mrions pip€d |o rho outside A *rM regulatinsvalre cm decmine if additional wr@r of lhc unn f6 ee of BGllabe funshcd r rhc TIG lnit tr*!renL (chdi@1, fi lbamn, md mst befield ind fn exelc ) is requi@dro obbr tbe rmal ot rh€TIC in thc@ et IMPORTANT wa@l[e a 1/4 SAE0& Lr"evalvcis previdd on de w.rcr c@ledcondens€r for lhewaterEgnlnbr highp@s- CondoM waEr aquiFNnG @ bdsn on E5'F Mta b dc Normal a.e@cup pre@u- @ndensd,95'F wateroff $e tions should be toker @ndcnscr,md r05'F conqhetr drain lin€s hust be d€nsing. Thc condensendc€xposedlo trcezihg tem- signwa@ flowra@b baseit Wlen csling lows N us! o. 3 gpm^on of Efiserarnd no o !e. posniw @ns tonl. Thc ac|Ml rateof no* n wholly conringenlon rbe of rcsuladDsh*d pE$rc Cmr.ny lA9 46 Trdo Rdnsemuns a a a a a a o a o a a a a a a a a a o a a a a a a o a a a a o o a a a o a a a a a a o a a a o a O a a a a o a o a a a o o a a a a a a a R€rd Salcty SNlion b€lore lhis lhcse inslructions .ould r6ult a@provided Glch rs te and pPssnrcxmlotu.rrpro vide prcFr ErriserMt now $rcugh expmsionv,lvcs or olhereftigerad conhl devic es in order to mai dn rlE sucion PFssqreabove rhe setringot rhe low presurc culour ro prevemshotrcy cling Md pu.D-dovn oade When comemplaLingthc use waler lbove 35cF, consulr Turbo Whcn lICs d€ in of ciry or ecll *aq tor @o den$ng, a carcful .beck saUedin an dca wlEE lhe shouldbc mde of rheeason mbicn( f@tns, 'OD onal !r l!;ition in lhc warF rcdrcter lo penruros waler now lines FMLtEs and AcesodeJ for should be sidd la.Ceenotrgh lor lhe Eqrned now ar the Mxrnno waGr tedpcolure a o a o a a a o a a a a a a a a a o i/39 Tft Rerngsnn8Cohn,nr 4] Reod Sdert S€ction beaorcthij ah€s irstructioos@uld r6ult a a a a a a o a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a o a o 43 TuJhoR.rris@bnscMFny lf9 a o a a a o o R€ad SdetY Salioh belore this th* inslru.tions could .€sult a o a O a a a a o a o a a a a a a o a o O a a o a a o a o a a a a a I a o a a a a 9. REFRIGERANT PIPING Only wDught coPt{ fuings dld be Ned for f'd 0' frigdmt piping. Cas tur ur.d fo. waterwre m ousandrct $nrbb Ior de e P4ing id a Efrgcranl sYsrcn 1 Ehgcrst stsEn asa xq pEventsDy of rhccompou.d liom entenngLhesysam 2. To Enn my oil dEaibe'1 in lhecftigemt io lhc nunfu shouldb. PirchedIG IiI!-.IJDe Avord hpdng tbe lineser_ ccpl ld sp*rh( nurpose{ rI urDs re used,rhehonzonrr di;cnsion should be as shon rs po$tle to-nvoiderce$ivc Skel-Pilc-Joi!.b ''Silbond15", or mY $ldcr fiar has 15% silvet conrent cin be uscd. soft soldcr shonldne!.r be usedbectusc its mking point is too loN solLsoldcrl&ks mchMrr st cnElh lnd Gnds ro break doM cheniolly in the Prcs &lo[--Eclciel.ca!( Itr,rljttalillr Ella Fq freon FfrigeEnt t r dons,lsc coDD.rF $ld{ iype Erdngswhw Pos sible. Tne useor scew tYPe shoulit b€ beld Loan fitdngs . Clem {hrddr on |heP{€ Cdbo. sEel or stainLsssesl n.uNm ro lFl.nr absolDre tu md finrBs b Emve DiLEcM b€ usedfot Ettied_ f4on Fftg.lints rbn ledk u&cs of gBae d on ;nr finesbur nus' be eirhor or Prkled o en . W'F. d€ thrc dtYwi|na l. maldng ut Finls tor scel Dipe, thc following P@edrres shouldbcfolloved: orher Pr@c$i.g R e t r i o e H n lI n d r l l a l i . h s Fo! threadedcon.4uons o. pi!'ng for rcliig.mnrs, use Teton hread rarrng 6Pe Wrap the tap. oround rne $@aded ndc Don'on or rh€ loint abou sode lmrl codes forbid the us of rvDe L' Ne!.r use rvc "Mia n d@snoLhavead_ &;aLewaurhick'ess,o wiu, dqhcn. tf $Ed sealing $Md Lh€oDemlrngpEss@s 'i n.L av.ilable.conven nsec and suppoils rd lsandpipelimsrhouldE ve cciul itEntion Hins Gs DU$ hive mlle s@ngrh and b€ s4uEly aDchoredto virhstmd.ny vibmtiontod mme@ssorandadequaLe uPPor lhe PlPennes 3/!9 Tudo Reliig$arinscompsy ae a a a a a o a o a a a a a o a a a a a o a a o o o a a a a a o o a a a a t a o a a a O Re&d Sof€ty Salion betorc this lhee iNlructio.s could 15 t IO. TCSTINGRITRICERATTONSYSTEMFOR LEAI{S 3. OFn all solmoidr by lift Tesringtor leols r$u@s r ing rhctrshs ma.lally. tiShr sy$en rhar operares *ilhour lossolEfrisetrr. 4. Openall by-pAs mans. In orde. ro tes( fd leats, lnc sys@nlEssw nur h€ built Oil fE dry nfuogen may be uP. Test prcsues for vmusedro rasc lhe PESUB ro ous rcrngdms e xs€o r lhc pmperlevel for lesting. ASA B.9 CodeBdhurc enri fd Mehane! satety code ical Refdgcralion. These NssuEs will usurllvsu &din-c Wnen fie pmper prssuE is IMPORTANT I . TdL lor leiks wnh a nix ruE or tour Pair waid and Do nol N€ th€ compr€spd huid soapapplied om sor to build uD rhe pres. qa.8*, rhrnde4 lo all surc . it is nol d€sigtr€d soldeEd or weldedjoinls to punp al.. s€rious overhea(ingrnd dah.ge brush,AMll@utot glyccdneaddedb lhe tesl slurion { s@ngrhende bubblesandinprcve rho PdoL&-I!,{iq Beaoreresti.s, follos rhese 2 Obscre 6e enlie joinl If a leakis pEsnl, fio sq! inggaswill caue therest t . If resrpF$u@s cxcecddE Fdngs ot sysrenFlief 3. At@rrll lcrks re fouid lrlves or safciydevices, andlmk€d, Fliev€ rhe remw LlresysFn relief sysremp@su€ md Epaf valvesd safery.Lvices andplus lhe omeuon 4. Anq 'hejoins hNe bcn aiftd mdfte sys lchis cdsideEd tthC , restrheTIG vnh relrigeF 5, Afl&h a dNh ol rhepop* BftiEeE.r b fte sysEn andlllow fte sasto enls urd a p€$w ol 5 psig is 6 Retuve d'eaftigqdt ddm sd bmg de pE$ su@10rher4hftnded cr level uLh oil fiE dry 7, Ch4k the€.riF sysrem 4ai. fd lerls, usi.g i hrlide r.rch d €l€trmic leii( ndeed, welded sftwed, soldeFn md saskerjoinN, andiI pding li@s on estings. lf any le.ks @ found, rheymusr bc EpaiEd ed Ecbekcd be fm de sysEmon b. con- IMPORTANT No r€pairs shotrld be node lo selded or sold€r€d joinls qhil€ lhe ststem is und€. P.e$ IMPORTANT ftN lqdrng to rholms Netcr lttempt to .epair solder€dor reldod ioints *hile lhe syslcm is under pressrrre, Solder€d ioinLs should b€ oDcned ;nd r€sold€r€d. Db nol simDly ldd morc rolder ]/slnnboReiiigmjnscmpgnyll Rmd S.l€lY SctioD b€fo.e this ahes inst.uclions could rsull o a a a a a o a a a a a a O a a O a o o a a o a o a o a a a o o a a a a a a a a a cmFn) 389 5? TuboR.r,'seBUn& a a o o a o Read Sotert Sectionbetorethis theseiNtructioN @uld rerult o a a o a o a o a a a a a a a o a a o a o a a a a o a a a a a o I a a o o a TI, EVACUATTNCTTIE SISTEM trorsr-.Lllasr-dtrr Braronsl!-.Er!3nr& tlolnlul Hinls RcfrigeErion sysemsoperaE beslrhen only rcfriBdsnris ,€scn( in the svsEn, steDr ;n$ be Blen io enove ix an, warervapo!, and aUorlrr noo-condensahles fron de TtG belo€ charsins it wi0) Fangdanl If o., sabr vapor. or non-condensabLs@ bn in rhe sysred,vmoN op' dlms dif6culti6 can b. .6- If ?operly ev&laEd as out lined b€low,rhc sysBd w r b{ nxygenfR, drt, andtheE wiu be .o nm-con.tens.bles 1. Themis@will rc@r vith L\edl n rh€sysEn f(ming sludec*hrh cin ctogPassage Mrs &d leado hbricarcn pob2 An and@n-cmdcnsahl6 vill lodsein the co.dcns er, dor@se rhesFae ld caus rheheadli*su@s to 3. A ombimuon ol a nois' N0 md EnigeRni alos causerl4 fomrion ol ac ids dd ofier msive conpoun&whrb could codale lhe i.teml pd$ of . ifar l p6sible, fte piping shouldnor beiNnlated be f@ lhe ev@ation po@$ ' Th..vm.Lio shouldnot bed@c unlcssrheMn hD€EiiE is 60' d highd (@allow ld pop€r mon . rf@mistris in Lhe sysGmbet@ evao.@n (sucha warercoueqedin tsapsd low plaes in $e pipind, silybt d.rdEd olrh* Fapsandlowplac4. lf ooistuE h pEsentit wil @ndeN m the low plrces ind fEerc, Irc& beEnded by ge.tly hcahg rherap rhefaihest away liEm rhev&uuD punF This causd |newald ro boil, lbe ice b ftlr, Md rhevaporto mll*r in fte thev&u r di! prc un ce$ undlallpekersof warerhaveboe. boiledofi andrhevacuumpumphd hada chanceo @@ aI of rhewrbr vaporliod lhe br(I!run1 lL is norpmsibleD ead high vacuunsor low absoluLe Frcsurcs wnh a Prcsurc g4uged @EUry don@@r Use rhe lroper gnugem.nu frcru@dby Mctaod, Srokes, md AircEo. Thes gnDses usurlly @adi. rhemge fim Hie}-llarurE-.tm! . Uscr highv@uopunp bladcd ofi of l0 . An ch 6is pump0odE syslemandallow ir to oF ebE uur ne pnre n ha rie sysren b*n e ducedsonewheE below . Crnnar rhehigh vacuun Fumpinro rheElrigmion systen folowing dE Mn ufmhred nstlctuns. For bestresulh,connat the puop ro rhehigh si& md lhc low sideof fte systen so thal the enrtc sysrcn is ddough. Connd fte vmuun indi. cald or gaug€nb te sys m id dordda wirh rhe mabufactuEls insnuc l/Ao TuboRrftiseBrircconptrny 5r Rced SatetySelion beaorethis th€$ iDslroctions@uld r6ult n:i$l-E!jms!-oD SccoErl&llrllion A single ev&narion of rhe 1. SBn lhl scdd e@ur sysem is nor sadsf&tory o rion, aslir a!@irg dE pup io oDqalc,rld qrw PNvc all of rhc dr, wale , a.d non-condcnsables lhe pEssr lo les rMn pDscm. To do a co6ple1e job, the Lriple evactraLion 2 AIov de puftp b opab Ior rwo (2) d 'hE (3) 1 Wh€ndE lunp is fst lumd od, Educc $c sysEm pEsuE aslow aslrE 3. Sloprh€pudp andallow pudp is lble to bring iL rb. sys@mto sEndwirh lhis vsuun for a Dinibum 2. Alow tlE puDp to opsdlE ftirLE$lltdior Fd rhc dnd eqdotion, $e fmgoins p@cduE is a8an r. OFnE dD po6p ud ih€ sysErnlEssN is F!ue! belo/ the s00 d{m fig2. Allow rhe}up ro@dac m a{tdin@arsii (6) hoN 3. Slop de sysEn &d auow b srrndld ilpmMt ly twclvc (12) hou6 e d'c 4. BMk lne v&u!d witn rhe oil pudpcd .lry .ihsen3 Sbp ftc pumplnd nohE 4, B@ik lhc v@mn wifi thc 5 Rae rheI'esnE in rhe 4. AUow it ro slandarft^ vmud fd mo'hq a,Ye(5) 6. Rais rhestsredp0$@ !P o ao (0) wnn o liee 5. AUw theprcsN in the slidrly aborc m (0) p@n tJ (dri4 c@idges drdtuistw indicatm my bc hs.Icd n ibc sy$ 6 E!e@€ 6e sysrcdbelow lhe 5m nidon 6gue 0d cba4c wirh lh. Elirisdnt beingusenld lhe !ysm. a a a o a o a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a o a o a a a a a a a a a a o a a a a a t TurboPdriSdtns comrany lA9 a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a o a a a a a a a a J a a a a a a a Read Srfely Sectionbefo.. this rhes€inslructionscould result 12, CTIARGING TEE UNIT WITH REFRIGERANT OIL When prope y chdged, lhe Bel.riea.tl!rcil oit level in lbe conpres$r shouldbevisible ar rhecenter Unlessoderwise sP4fied, thc followins PlriseFlion oil of rhe comprcsor sighr glas (ldared on hand-holecover o. lhe side of conprcsot. An o rcseflon is aho nsen on thsc unns, The oil l€vel on rhe oiy€seNoir rhotrld b€ ' DtrPonrsy.thedcoil,150 SSUonLy visible ar the enter of th€ top siehrgl6s. olhd,equiPment ed) alsoE @le6 (w quiE on c TheEfote, c@PEs$r ahcoil leve andoil Eseryoir shouldbc E_ . chrcked afrer LheconpE$d h.s beenoDcracd If addi_ ional oil is iequred, addonlY . rheoil sp*ificd facrurer Use o ed, wax fEc, retrig.ranr oil of sunabbvi$osirY . Pedcoc IMPORTANT Do hot mix diff.rent Oil-Oui.litr If ihc qurlity of rbc o is un l6orn tr s nol cle&, Turho dii M oil tesilir mnds be obhincd ftom a laal E frigeEron supply horse. This will ensoErba(rheoil B P€riodr a.alysis of oil san pls by lfttlrddng lah'{: Lo ncs can alsodekcr trnusuar build.upof merrls d orher conraninanrs(which Fsult fom !u or ofter dcbN in de oil) betorc rhey be@d r Do not over fill wilh oil, lhis is €speciollY rru€ on th€ hcrm€tic Make sure lhe oll is lresh and nol cotrtam_ CXlc!! -&-&3ordr Theabovcoil checksbouldbe Tabtel-5 CompresorOil ChsrSe Periodicchecksshouldalso on a rc8uld bass. be a. re Ecords shouldbe Lepr of any addil nrnvrlofodbrhe e a I a &ts9ru6 R'ft'sdins cmpmv 5t a a a R€ad Sarett Scclionb€lore this ths€ instructioN could result a a i.$aUa[ods d to r location away lrcm pcson.el e4e su@for indd or outdmr Dsalldions. Refer to FilnEs 3 1 3 , 3 1 4 ,a d l - 1 5 . A N S r / A S H R A E 1 5 - 1 9 7 8 d = intemald@Er oldis cod€pemik a sdiolm back P@ssue lhrou dD reljel valvedischrgc nsof25% of lbe inler !Ess@ wbile lhe C = binimum reqxiEd dis- a Funds of ai. pd dinuL ID WARNING PE$ue and .apacny or the All .€Ii€l valv€smust be Elief dovice. thc maximum piped lo r sle dischsrge len81bof discnffgepiping con l o c o t i o n . F r i l r r € r o becalculatenusing$e lomu- car€Iully folloq lhcse ihstrucliors could result ir Pe.m{n€nlinjury or lcs All Elief vaLvesaE lagged wnh lhe aboveor o simihr a a |D D= d$idc di,@cl oav€s e a a a Ll = lengthof Escl in f@t xt pagefor ddPle L= lcngrh orreliefvalvedn' cbdgepipi.g, b rcet Do !o1,ttenpr to dEfikerP= 0.25[ (Eliefvarvcp0$ a.r o rhe syscd b.fore pipi.g all Fliet valve connec- t4.11 a a a a a a a a a a a .. a a a a a a o a Figure 3-11 Typi@l Air-Cooled Condcnse.Rcliel valve Ficld Piping a a a a a a a 53 lurboRdng@tnsContory rAs a a a O a a o o a a a o a a a a a a a a a a o a o a Re.d Srtetv S€clionbetorethis rhe* tnstiuctionscould resull TIG 21SCEusesa 123/4' diareler r 48" recovei Desigr Elief p@s@ is 350P$9. ThdrfoE. C = f DL i rl o) 12 l/4' dl, = 6 8 podndrof an p'r sinuk t7 t2 A 12" x 3/4" (inld x oullct) Pl€re MaiNn dsd4. Eliervalve raGdar 41 6 pouds of u PernnuE is used PiPingldslh- L= 9p2d5 = (9J(9985)(0.38)= 46.1r@t r6cu P= (t6)(!6.x) 0.25ft350)O.1)+ 147l =99.9 P2= 9,985 d= sch40 0.81 (3/,1" PiP.) d5 = 0.38 C- of 6i. Pcrminuie 6.8Pounds e= 46.24 3/39 ftIbo Refi'ssdng cmPaoy l9 a o a o a a a a Red Srlely Selion b€fo.€ this lb6e lNtructiohscotrld.sull O a a a a o a a I F Figu.€ 3-14 Typical Indoor lDshllalion Reli€l V,lve Pipihs o a a O a a o a a o o a o o a a a a CONRECT INCORRECI Figur€ 3'15 Corr€ctand Inco.rect R€liel Valve Di&herg. Piping 60 Ttrito R.fnsqauns conpony ],39 a o o o a o o a a a a Read SafelySetion b.tore lhis ther€ inst.uctiom@uld r€sult .:theE@iw.msrhave sufEie.r caprciry lo hold all ot dE liqlid @f.g@m in lhe sysEn which nus be@tuned lo the E@ivd qher hi8]hmbEnr ondi- lf the Eceivcr is r@ soall, lquid Brngmd w l bc lEld b,ck in th€ conden$ dunng rhc high aobicnr co.ddo.s a|d excessivclyhigh discharse prcssuEs wiU be en IMPORTANT Sufficieht .efrigeronl must b€ in th€ syst€m to pcrmit the qinter control 10 ope.at€ s!lisfa.lorily a liqtrid and hainrtin Yi.IJ!--&.Eltianl (Upslr@m Regulalor) in rhcco.Vslve L" (r@ated densaG lne fron th€ rir cooledcondenser@ thc rc. eiwo is ihe modulatingqTe. 16 sprinBrensionis set so rhata dinidno pressurein dE condensr is rcqui@d be toie valve L" sill begin ro op€n ny ncEasc r p@s ns volve "L" morc, surc Demndncmde.o.dc.sarero jno-rhc Eceiver. If rhe i,ss spring€nsion h ircMsed (by clockqise djustmen0, a hiEberlEssue will be F quired {o valle Il ddEmed E spring (by counrs.l@kwis adjus n€nD, a lowcr co.tienser Prsure reqtftd, Valvc "L is ser ar lhc facbry (on SCA no.leh) to oFn d 18 E ror R-22 which shonld satisfachy operrrion- If a field adJusm.m [ @quired md de coDdeMer prcsslE dodsnor v&y w'|n rhc adjlst mnr, dis udrcabs a shon.ge of Elfigetur in rhesysEd. Dunns start-up,wh€. lhe has b@n exposed ro a low anbicnt air lenperoruE, it is c@led do{n below 'he ted pcrarurccmsPo.ding o lhe pBsuE €xis ne @ndensing Thc pressre in rhe rccciver r4ds ro be rdscd ro ! poinr ftat coEspoDds b lhe lPs su@&4n@ ror pmpd opeF ation of rh€thmo cxpansion vdve. This is acconplBb.d by pemilling hol dhchirsc grs @ bypi$ rhc conde.ser a enler thc E@ivq dmush valv. "G' o m nrainprc$ sure until lhe condenser a a a ldned beloE rhevarvecloss, shulinS off the hor gas flow inio the Eeiver A counter clockw{e djusneDt would p€mn the vrlle lo closear I wltn idjuiins valvcs 'L .nd 'C". a amin difacFntial in p@$ues (apprcximrely 20 ps's) musl b€ naintained lo insr enoDghof r diff6en@beLweendischarsepFF snE md Mcder pressu@so thal hol grs will cncr lhe B[rhen $e sysreois norin opdition, no Efngen.i gd wil entq tbc cond€nFr. Eventu ally th€ prcssuF r the conddFr vill drcp to I point that @sponds to thc mbier air rc4@tEDding rtis pedod, theE may bc a lsge dif- in lhc wam Eevcr md lhc cold conde.sr :thc srice fd whichwlves 'L" .nd 'c' de dsigned d@s nor @quiE fien ro be gastighr. Durig rbis shr do*n penod, it is (Do*nslrcaD Rcgulrtor) po$iblc for Ffigermr gasro Map. liom the hieh p4ssuE V.lve C n a modularing in lh€ vrm rc@ivcr firoush vallc rhd 0ds i. rcve4e so valves"L' ond G" backinb rhar tlrc spnns tcnsion opens condenser(becauseor low rhe vrlle F rdmir hot grr. @bie.r ar 4low pFsN). A V.lve 'C" Enains openundl chect valvc 'LC" is placedin rheprs!@ (cnperaNE) in rhedrain ro pErent mignrion lbe sciv€r rises lo Lhesel oa rhe liquid bact b ihe conpoinr Md rhcn closes. Varve de.sd. Tlr lo*ds rhepEs ''C" is prst ar th€ fachry to suE in thc @iv{ nutins r closc ar 160psig ftr R-22. If inpoNible for $c the@ cxa neld odjusimnl is Equired, prsion valve to openwhen de nnn cills for iefrigerarion a clockwiseadJn$menrin@es lhe spnng knsion. A hishernsein pre$ue n oF b) TdboRerngmnngComFry169 a o a a a a o o o a a o o o o a o a o a a a a a o a o a a a a a a o a o a a o o a a o o a a o o o o o o a o a a a a a a o a o a ReadSrfely Sellon b€lorelhis lh€seiNtru.tions ould .esull dischargepre$lre This Eftod ndw6 theFlrigemr To /cveor dE escapeor ga, chdgc bt elidimring dle ned a ch6k valve Ct,c ) is l6lL io ilood the@fflenserco n .d in the linc whrch feds rhc k ec6crUy liturcd ro applica E@ver. This valYc is gas trons using condensB wnh dghtdd nus be mainlained &vdd Ian nobrs, allowins scvdrl crpaciry rcducrion steps. Under cenain condiValve LD'h als a check rions,rapid cyclng of rh€ larve whEh mnsrb€ ismled ianc) nly EsnlL Nhcn nsed in the dischrsE line s close on m.leh vith only one or !o th€ (mp@sd a! pseble. V.lvc "LD" insuFs that no easin ftc condosr will niv.rlable Sped Motor hcdd, Fc to lhe o@Ess Kdd ro Frge i- Lo16 v rc allcllr.E-Ilcrd Pr!!!ljl!-fo!.Edr On som mdch, a pEssuE sw ch(.t is usd to cyclethe fanG) on and ota in rcsponse ro e incrcaseor d4rsse in A vrnablc frcqDe.cy solidslarcconnolleris usd lo wry rhe ouFtrr RPM ol rhe co.densr fan mto(t A pEs suE difleEDdarswikh i! used ro !g.al de co.hllr ro rhceae or deftase lhe mlo. spccd ilom 0 b 100% Lo drfrarn be prcssurc seL TneVSM contoUerclimimbs the @d fd flo.dins |necon densr co ihus ftdncing ihe @ftig@r chdg€ and@iv{ VSM conrolld co ,rso be usd wirh singleor Dnldple ra. nolo.s and mainlain r seady Fcsre co.rrol (i e. elidina|cssu.l&nEduclions or inftas.s in airflow 6$c ciaEd wnh cyclins thc Im on Sce FEU!o 3-U fd typicrL pipins wnh fan cyclinB or VSM.on@k. Fd rhe rrTe oi headpFssuE ontsol ufd on a nnir, Bfd ro lhe mmual o o o a a o a o o a o o a a a a a l/r9 'IuhcR.rnseidnscomp€ny 6l a R6d Sal€ty Sellotr befor. dls tt€* lmaructlons .ould resull 3 F Figure 3'16 Typicll Air.CooledConlrol & Wint€r Cont.ol Valve Piping (Flood-BackM€thod) a O o o o a a o o a o a o a a O o o a o o o a o a a a a a a a a c E Figure 3.17 A ,rlnho Refrig@dnscmp.n) Typic.l Piping l8g o o o o a a o o a a o o a o o a a a a a o a o o a a a o o a a a a a a a a a a a a o a a a a a a a a a a a Rad S.leit SftlioD belore lhis the iostructionscould rsult 15. EVAPORATTVE.COOLEDCONDENSERS Mollntin-c EvaporaLivemndensds sup plied wilh TIG SCE models e basedon ?8"F desi@ weL bulb md 95'F condcnsing (181-8psis). fie cond.nsd is @utd on a @mn baF Iiam with lbe eYap@lorsc tion, A Eceiwr is 4ouFd o lhc s@ frme (bclow the condensr outleo r disknce rhm dsures fi* flow of rhe liquid frem lbe con.leser lo lhc receivd *ithotrr hpr. Pirh 6e drar line down6on thecordens ro rhe@eivd. Conbl oI the evaporalive condenserran(s) ond wacr punp is wned inlo lhe unit Eotrilment Furnish€d hat of Ejecrio qnn) of rte elapdrtor and rhe heat of cmpEsion. A@iE, rs ladon valvls, scfery rclicf wlve, lnd headpBsm @.bls m sDpplied Tbc pipins lnd winns are lacory inFq E bie drpdativ€ @le! (SCER)nodels, all ol rhc lbow is railable asM optic ld ield idalarion md piping lo lhe cvapon|d. Motd sde4 ftr the pnnp md fd mdos canals bcpoid€!. Etai-PIer$us-C!{l-lol Tvo rypesof h.ad p€rsurc @n@le usedon IIGunilsl 1 Vriable speedfm @hr SeU-conraincd cvaporarivccooled(SCE) trDdels@ ru. nkhed wnh a !rcp€rly siEd conden$ @ Fjed rho toral YsLco$rdr A solid sEE friablc f'qusn cY66hr @qE rtive mni 16 rhep6suE arrhemlero lhe condensd. Ttris sign.l is dr@lql ro th€ frequencycontrol to adjun lhe ran motor RPM either up or down ro minbin rbcpnss@ ar rb€set i5 usedto senserhedischdg. L As rhepft$E @ch6 tie upPerseLpoinl rbe swnch codhcr clo@s,eoding a siFal io dE mnmucr to 2 As lhepE$u bmk b.low the ser rhe conhouerhohs fte RPM 3 . Ia tlle dschdec pe$ur lr Figur€ l-18 Trpical VSM Conl.oll€rlnslallNtion lA9 Tub. Periis(dinscompry 65 o a a Re.d SafeF Seclior b€lore lhi8 thse iNtructions could r6ul1 fdk belw rhe FL point of rhelo@ 3wnch,de c@ hct of this switch cles !o sgnd $c @lolld b rdB dE fd RPl,l, dlov rng lhc pssu@ b .nbcr Tbe aboreeqrence onnlM nai.oining thc drchrge Pre$uE berveentnc rvo set o o Using a screwdriv€r,lurD Ys.Lcllllols-rvr borhadjDs@.rs@w! clo.k- B!!!:Dilt-lo4tralE MF @nise lhepEsuE dd con.r.El@kwse ro dcc@se Flood-backconFols e usd on sdller systed whrc: By dju$ins horhddjusrmnt srws tlrcsre, d. difieEnchdge is darively small, rirl betveenrheswitchcs is naintlincd. Tne difleEntiol . sdcq!6k elev*im bclwn dtr c6d.lM oud.r ande shourdb. adjtrsrcd only if rhe varialion cx.eeds ccivdbavdlablebpc PEsurc ventthc lrqud ofijgddr 12 16psis Refv @FtuE 3,19. Iim shckins ir rhe@n- On SCE nodels, lhe !@$uE swirh sdn lhough Lhey are tactory shourd bc checkcda.d adju$edas E D!!d=D!l:LC!!tI!ls deds duing o!@rions vhen flo.d-back is rct c Referto srep14. 'Air Cooled Flood bact contdls EquN hiEhd F6igermL charE€sani The dischege pre$@ cM bc i...eased or dccreasedby cbinging the setti.g ot ftc VSMconblse11@F&tj cal on lagd ryslens b rcd@ rhcFrrigemt chdges. 1- CychngftccmdeMvrcIpunp h notlfummdeddneio silc bDildup on lne chd€ner oils (ctusedby fic Biitne or solidslctr on rhellb€s by ev$onrion oI lhc Mler). e I Swilch Ficurc 3.19 Ditterc.ltulPressure 66 rubo Pdnsenting ConPny lA9 2I.somlowambientcondiriss, it my beptuicar !o drain the@ndenserM 's sumPmd oFnrc bc condensd!s I anc@hd cond.Nr (this d@snot csFadictnoE+l b4aus lhe coil s nor ilbmcly wrcd i.d rhend.ied) 3, Sui'p hear$so. indtu sumpsshouldbe consid*d in insralladons when rhcsys€m is opdicd fre q@ndyin low dbienr a a a a a a o a a a a o o o a a o a o o o o o a a o o a o a a o a a a a a a o a a o a o a a a a o o o o a a a a a a o a a o a a o o o a o a a a a a a o a a a a a R€odS.t€ty S4llon b€lor€ttls rhereiNlrudions ould .esull Dil&Irnlirl-Ele$l|Ic (fsM-Corfdlel]IIlll) 0 b 100psis Po{er, OutDut- (vSM) Yrda!!3-S&sLMotqE C!!1lalrr--$le{itirr1ioff - 8 mps Mdel V008O0Am - 12mps ModElV01200A00 MolclV01500A00 15dps ModelV022mAm- 22mlx Modclv03200Am32bps - 42adps ModelV04200400 Mdj€IV04600A00 46anps Modclv06000A00 60mps Pow€r, ltrDut - Vol(ag€ ma,22n,230,240 v AC 380,415,440,4{0 VAC 350psis TemperalurcOperaling 125l25CY480 VACrcsadre UL csA Powor,Output - Voltage 208,220,2',)O,210 v AC 380,415,440,460VAC Power,Ou(put . Pha$ 3 0 , 5 0 , 6 0 , 7 5 , 9r0m, , 1 2 0 , 180henzcanbcsel€ctod. sBnddd swiohetbg is 60 3/39 Tub.RdnSdunscompany 67 o Read Salely S€ction b€tor€ thir llrcse instruclions could r$ull a o a a o a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a O o a o o a o a o a a o o a a a a O hR Tubonefts(turingcompany l6q o o a a a o a a a o a o a o a a a a a a a o o o a a o a a a a a a o a a a a a a a a a a a R€od S.l€ty Selion b€fo.€ this lh6e hslruclions @uld rsuli 16, WATER-COOLEDCONDENSERS Monnlin! WaleH@led conden$^ supdied wd TIG SCnDdelsre moutrtedon a coddon base fDme wtth the evaporaLorThe cond€nseris lcaEd on ! sructural suplofl dnc4ly abovc de noror/conpresor asmbly, A coopre$or dis cha& Le s piFd b de cmdens€rinlcr rnd a liqlid line coMion n piFd ro tnew! TIC l6SCwilh 5H60c@pFss Con4re$o caprny @ 10'FSBTandl05"IrSDT= 31.5rons = 378,000BTUI.I Conpus& BHP@ 10'F/105'F= 4?,4 THR = (37E,000) + (474) (2.5at = 498,633BIUE = lm gpm D.sinn Conditions Tbc selecrionof a water @led c@dens t dcpendc.r on thc evaponrorl@d, Eftig eraft nscd, lhe source and t dFeratu of tnec@lng NaEr, dE @Dnt of *alcr cmurard, md lhe desiFd operat sl*rions All SC condcnser re basd on rhe following 105"Ferrded ondeNing (210psig) lo"F s,r@ted evapmtor THR (!ot l hsr of @jedion)= (evapol@ loid al 10PFSET $d 105"FSDT in BTUH) + BTUTT) EcrliDlcll Sef-conrrhcd warer-oorcd {SC) modch arc lumishcd *ith ! properly sized @ndcnscrb Ej4( rheTrR (bhl hdt ofDJe.ri@) or dD evapc raLofand the hearor fte cmtrcssi A srfety @lief valve andnohdon val6 an lt€ inlor mit oudd ao alio prdded- Piping dd wirins of lhe codponents @ faclory in- Fouling crusedby scalingresulls i. hl8h hear prcsure, highcr operatingcor, and A!lIlI!tr Srlchercd dischdgegasenEn 6e shell $de of rhcvdd c@led condcnser Woteris circularedd@gt fie obes lo @tue lhehst non u\e sas. The 'mur of surf&e dea in rhe cond6s, the flow nc OpLionalwa@r regulaLins Gpn) of rhe warer, and the valvesfor herd pe$uo con- renFduic of fte w.@remeF bl, @ling rowes, $d cmling rhecondensude ,I sied ing lowerpumps*n alsobe to Enovc tbe hear ol codprc$ion rnd th€ hcar ab sorb€d by thc Errigeranr in lhe cvaPorabr and convds thc gas back io the liquid IYal3rlrsr-tllrnf phasear ljlc mndenser pEs For naxi6u6 operaringeffisurc, Shcll 6nd tube (hori cie.cy and equipmentlife ot zo.ral) conrtensersr@ used rhc condensera.d cooling tower, Turbo rccomnends $aL a local wrrer ucatftnr supplicrbc cons d b.nrlyze $e waEr syst€d oobe l/39 TuboF.fts@ns Cmp'ny a i6i5ar€rr Seclionberorcrhis lhe* instrudionscouidr4utr A ryDicalwarc.c@led svsrcm . waLerc@led cmdcler was , Pr.ss@mtlad . CoolinF@wd wrh rM 'Y_ . rnv dit.hdBe lt?ssrE I A swirh seNingftedh conrrolIrn.r Wintori/'nr 2. TIE wdFr lunp Nns u thc rrd (r'c do nolcY-cE waret?um!on Mdort) 3 As Lhewab mFEtrF in el Lomainl.ina ienPetaue above40oE Tbis will ensu4 Fliable oF abot continuous, andlhe co.ucs opd ro lhe drsharge Prcsue Dftrs.s. $e wter EguraF a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a I I t t t Re.d S.acly S€ctionb€forethis lh$e inst.uclionr@uld r.rull o a t o a a a a o o a rt a o a a a a I a) i a t a t t t t t fr E Figur€ 1.20 Typicnl W,ter.CooledCondeDser Fiping I a t t I D t t t t t Auconpo.e s @feldyin- As fte corbl prnel llnpemlure .!rc!s belowrhe serpoinr of40oF, rh€conmts ofCPHT fiemostat closelo cncrsir L\e panelhertcr coil. As rhe Lenp€rarurcdses obove rhe dificrcnrial slins of the rher nosac lne conbcLoFns 1o rhoffftcheau The lneF mosralcontinues@ m4tlld rhei.rerior EmpemEE abovc 40eF. Reld 6 Frgu@122 l/3s TuboR.rnsqdmscmpany 7l t t t Red S.l€ty S€c{ion belo.e this th@ insbucliooscould cult o o -----.r,----"1-'l':: cool'NorowERPUMP sr$rERi d F Figu.€ 3-21 Typical Wiring fo. Wat€r-C@ledSJstem CONTBOL PANEIHEATEB p e Figure 3-22 CotrtrolP.nel WlnlerlzingWirirg r2 TurboP.fnsddns con!6nr ld9 o o o o o a a o o a o a o a o a a o a o a a o o o t a a o o o a o a O o o a a a o a o o a a a a a a a o a a o a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Read SafelJ SNlion bcforc this thes€ insfuctioDs could r€sult {)4) {l) INSTRUCTIONSO $ il OPDRATING This sio. .lcscflb€srhe't lG re Ecneraroroper ng sc' qrcn@nndlheluncrioD ofde re Senemror .onponenhnnd conLol !Me, coBlDncnrs OperaLion hinmarc provided for s.Jc. cllicionr. andEliable ope.dtionof rheoquipmenL. Oily smdad lialuFs re dis cu$ed in this se.lon Foi oplonal fcares andacceso ries, Efer ro section8 on pagc r0.1 Conlrol Pan€l Door WARNINC Thc conrcl paneldoor con . koycdhaserconmlselec . rwo l0 a,npcontrol.i{un . esr burlods for rmagnoricnud olerloadElays . edergencynotbutro.. rhe key€d sel€ctor swilch is not r scrvirc disconn€ct, Lock out €leclrical power to cor. lrols bclorc pcrforhi.g s€rYice, Hav€ a qurlified €leclricirn perform all scrvice, Fsilurc to carefully follow these instructiohs could result ih pernan€nt i.jtrrJ or los Rcfd ro rheSrrerySccronon page ll for a lisring of all AII TIO Dorlehotcord in thE wtnrng labelsrhI shodldbe trk$d!d-rll!!!!!l!$ s.do basicviy and conrol on rlf conrol pinel aooi Ir Drrr!-alio! panel coDponentsai€ afy hbelsdc nn$Ltg,conracr Turbonnneliakly ro obr.in samecxceprror vze (ra nrae.etic$dc^, crc.). Each r h em i s $ n gl a b . l s . T h i n k SAIDTYI A two tosilion cm .pcra0d . ble@nioll.r swnchwnh a tromrallyclored ' turerfor rhe The scrirl n!'nb€ron rhedata (NC) conht blmk andr rc. na,neplareslDuld Lc refer' nally open (NO) conb.L cnccdwhen iNriring rbour blockde providedro xrptrro rhecontoh. A lie N matn signal o rhe progiammblc . mac.enc mror ender or Lamodtrnderrhir sddalnun conuoller. Ihesesisnilsini fan berto ensurc mrall irtbmra ev4po'lror.o.dcnrc. riarerhelogicEquird Lo{d tron requiredLo issi yor tudpnmp(whererpplic, rbeice generaor,andro {emri canbehaodled natei.e producrion.Tunnrg wirhD.oblcms . m4ieric moLorsrne. ror de selecrorswnchb fie olf lan(t on d. c@lcdconposilioninii'aresd shutdown dcnse{(wlEr applicable scqucnccftnrludes prmp down of $e sysremtfrigc. anrcha,geidrorlF receiveror conbinrrion condcnsci/ . xny orherconroh R.lnirei r.cerver. AcNal renninRrion ot operrLion occu^ *hDn rlr pressure low safery sw,rch opensri r poer sucrion lEs Contoh .ecessarytbr comlonenr usedro di$riboE the rce ro porn6 or use arc ioL Cotrlr.l\ :la9 ru$o Rdnguah[ compiny ?:] Read Saa€tySerion belore this th€seirstructionscould r6ult . If $e eFery€ncysropwas used,deffiine *hY lnd A lege, Ed, mush@6 head pushbulon wirh a nomlly Control Ci.cuil B.€oker closcdc0hcrbldk is l@ared on tbe @nbol Pr.el door and is *iEd mro the main conrcl phase.onrol circunporer to ciauit unng-. li imnednc remnauon or opomro N F $e co ol p el. On prnols Nh8 contiorcrrcun scpdoM b"nrfomm, lhectcun beak?rs EE ldalcd includlngcoopEsmr cimk. case heares, Md optional WARNING Ncver us€ lhc ehcrgenc' sLop bulton as a service dis.ohn..t. Failur€ to cs.efully folloe lhese inxlrnrllons conld resull in pernancnt injlry or loss on the secondarvsidc oa fi€ Ean$ rormer. SeDaratecncuil bEake^ (by orhcrt ore requrcd for the tnns{om! and conkol ciEun ovelloadsor shor6cancauserhebrerke6 b rrip In rheriPpedmode, rhe circuir h€ake. teset poPs dp. Reseric rL(o0! pli\hedby pushins'he Fse|' borcn in. Betoe iesed.g: . Havea qudincd el€Eici{n chlck all conpo@ns in rhe on fic ebln€l dcbine To Esdd, the pushbutton ovdload canse.Cotr@rall pulled BeloE bc our Du$ detels or problem imnre . Tuh $e kcy.d swiLchto . Il 'hesyies t or ior over cnnxc.seheaF{|owm !p lhecompe$orcnnk_ . ttcre. by'piss De.,eux Eachelccricalmoloruscdin rhc ice senerabris povi(led (Refero mmprersr mai s sF.cincadons.) Ehy (meling alloy Lypc)'o ulacruEr piorcq Lhemoor rom over Trbo Rcfiscminsconrany ra9 Oledoods producenish am' EE tha ex@ed'herdins of ihe meltine alloy overlisd caming ro produceeno!8h oldload rclay. IE winng ot lhe st$er @il h conneLedi. eries wid Lheove oadElry, AsaFsult, rhestarErwil! de encrgia wben rhc ovcrload A r*r n@hmm is lMr€d on lhe ovcrload relsy and a plsh b!tron is on rhe control panel door lo opora@lhc rcs?t" mechan$n nn tbe WARNING . Hrvc o quolified electricirn del€rmin€the cau* ot lh€ overlord ' Never us€ 3. overlo.d size larg€r than the sl4 sp$ificd by th€ Failure 1o caretully fol. low lhNe inst.Ditioh. could result in Pernsrcni injury or lN ot lit€, The neldng arby heaEr€lement m hcrory si4d rnd suppliedlo narch rhe noror All oagncric srrrts de sup wnh dual volragc/dual cdcy coik (rl5 or 230 a a o a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a o a a o a c a a a a a a a a a a a o a a a o a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a o o o a a a a a a o a o a a a o ReadSrf€lr Scclionb€torethis thes€irsl.uctionscould r€sull Auxilirry inlerlocksare mounLeoon rne .Rgneuc va efl lo contol aurllirry oPcmio.s (i.c.rhc comprc$ sor rankc6e he e{s) is in Frl@ked |o lhe conpe$o(9 mbr sanc . 1lre norm ly closed inErlock ru.nr thc .n.kc$e heaLe(t on when ,^ddnional atrxiliary inerldks can be provid.d. ConNll All icenukinS,harvest,and rnre delsysrE progmnnncd inrorhePC C!nr'. rine and rimerlelaypreseB canbeeasi ly rield .djusd though lhe PCprogranrmrpd slppljed. Tvni.rr D.itv Slarl-lJ. s^..trrncc Thc following lran up se qnenceis rypical for TIG A keyedswjrchis locatcdo. io pDvent rhePCprognmnrer unduLhord x.ccs or cnaiS er o er0er rne Progrdmor pEsertinre ind.otrnrer val ucr. The PC plogranner may aho be renDvedwhcn swnch(MCS)is lumcdto liquid solenoidvalle ftu d ProgroDnrble Conlroller L A UL lisrd prograddable i^r3idrd, open, drip-prool cotrhller(PC)is usedlo.on 210/460/l/60 mdos da usod t ol rhcolc.aung seq0ence ol 'rhePC.onsi\hof: ror Lne compressor,wArer Lhennir. Prnp, anurdaes scrca. (cPU) (vo). tjach electncald*i6 or annrp oldevrcesis connecedb !n . harve$ screwinbddks. ' tqnid (renise.anr) solenojd . hot gassolenodvllves. risc abow |Jlelow (evDo Optional203 or 5?5 volR8c moros are availablefor 60 hedz sy{cns and 50 hc^z frqluencyit rlso dvrilable. Each.uor n boronrwnedro r nxg.eucsarer {Lrhetatro ry Strorrop wtr$s ('nconins power)rndmo'o.dncon rcc6 trrd/orctrcrd br?akcrs 5 . rhotrldbe ntrtrirltd by orhe( ro niccr nll hctrL electrical 6. lnirinl Slrrrlln Ch€cklrt lf all oder salerys*nchos rhe.oopesor morordd gras ad rlE liquid s.len All srions dc in theE Anera peer rime,a de. lio! seqncnccis iniLhte(l lbr lhe inrial sar up Dr6e rhe ItrF hrs beenoonrtlercd, lhe lclrigcratonrime*hi.h conlro\ lhe ice Lhickne$cin beeasly andqurkly dju$ed thoughrhePCpngraDner. scqkicesaE rypical.ERc[n Il rhc unir frils ro $arl, Eler o rhe l-ouble-ShoodngSeo Addiunl l/Oscanbeprovnl opcr cd lor EnDleequipmcnl r/3oTubvFdn8(ratirs comprnyrl a a a a Reed SaleryS€ctior belorc this lheseinslruclionscould r6ull O 5 T-J!ic!f--Det!,rl conrinB until cirhd rhcMC,S swirchis rurnc<lo(f, or rn oprional bin-levd Ewnch opcnsD nrti@D dd Ei@ storasc h fuu, or 6 mfety Sl.qljl[l! A defrost sequenceis s nql @ Emove rhe ice fron a Sbup or sdion of Pht€s. - $c Emlal of rellisen- IJlica'Lwaler-SJsl3D! rhe h@sr rcrew d@s not - rhehqin fte eats lnai Mak€-UD WalerCi.cuit - rhembins of liquid n) rh€s4no.s in sr.igerd- r. A ballvalv6is pnvd.! r Lh.n le-up waE lire lo shutofi w$er la excnd- 2, eftd chrk valve lm*d 2 Walerfoi ptuducinsTu' boicecnrcurhcTIG un thmughtheoate-upwe in Erconn*rid. Thedsle line Thisi$laes rheevrw^tq is dEined fom rhe ice ftrcush lhe perforaEd h@$eBw mDgh. (A dry out wrion is povided 3. rd. This EsulB in m in (pEssut/mpc4@ Ela- dmed by thEseoioni n dc- 8 aiera pes hd€e ime, rhehorgassolenoid andpilolslo@dmdcereryize! and'he s4rion is Et6ed ro fie rtri8eft- $sugh a s@nq b€f@ enEnng ttE TIC unit ro hclp s{en our solids 3. The makc-upNrq g@s inlo rh€Mld rlnt by wy valw, The noat rzlrc will shr ofi whcnlh. lelcl of nole up Mlcr in dE h.k E&hcs rhcp@pe.hcight WaB lewl is adjDshblc by nade d lowedngthe A solenoid valve Day be inTIe hades screwrun lrmea rulled in rhe nalc-lp water li.e if hc u.n is oiI lor cxadjustable lo allow.onplcr. renoval or all icc afterfte har ves squencc F&tory p@scr 4 The *a@r is disEibut€d rhbughourrhc wrt6 hnk by a naleup va€r head Elch satron gocsdrrcushrhe samesequerce The sequercc )b TurboRciiiseBunscompony 169 a a a a a o a a a a o a a a a a a a a O o O a o o a a o a a a a a a a a a a a a o a a o a a a a a a a a O o a o o a a a a a a o o a o o a a a a a a a a a a a a a Rcad Salcly Seclion b€for€ Lhis theF inslrucliors ould rc$lt now brckinbrhe*are. I The wa€r is drawr lmn lhe hnk md puop€d lo coDFol(ball) vdrve The ball valvec0 beodjueed lo obBin a unifom flow o rheNrcr disriborio. pansvidour er@$ive sa headerercnlyfilhthe pdnsauos. rhinfilnor sidesof theevrpor4ror plabs. As fievard and €v.pon@r Eao be p6p. cr reBpcralure,i@ begins o f.m on lhe plaE lln warorunscontrnnoDsly whib lnemaohi@ n in bek throughrhepump *atcr disrdbdrion ciruir. Ove.no*DrainCircuit |. An overflow.,trinboxis pmvidedin rhewarcrrant ro allow lankoverflow tor cmroloffie s equalilf Esidurl$lids or nin €rak nr fte wacr m r pobldr, lhefourvalve rn rhemdk€{rpwrEr linc car bc rdscd ro incEAe rheovedlow ot rhc rA|k. This overflow {ill reduco lheco@n hrnnr of slids smineralsin rhevaG!ranl ' U le$ olerflow d @F ovedlowis desiEd,rhe Io vdlem0arucb 2. Theolenbw &ain box^ piD€dto rheoubideofLhe unir ror ficld connorion ro 4. A chol lalve is insalled in rhepumpdischdgeline D pEvenrwaffsuryes0 rherankdudnBshurdow.. A mereing hole is povid 3 Duringshurdown, ftc wa re.rhrrdraiisbmk rorhe edin rhecheckvalverodlow a coMolled .lrain ol knk fmnrrhewaHcircuall warerlinesabo"erhe rdhg sysrehandwdrer 'lntribrtrion pfl,(s) nry 5. Thewas 6ardoesnol f@a, flows off ftc evrPo.arorph'es onb rne'ce slideandinro thcscEw convcyormush. The screeonveyor koughr Fdodred. fhisallowr rhewder rh^!hasfallcr tion fteeveorarorplaks or dminedttum ice |o Iurlcd S}rtldl)l1o-&l|!3[cs TbeTurboice gene{rorcan be rr&d oil in No wrys, rheunitin borhof whichleave a tudprlown modEEner gency srop a soaerylailn0 swircba vop tne Mn inreli tFly wirhoul pumpio*n'. .Punp'dowo" Df rhercftiger Mr inro, Eceivs G onrbina. ion condenser/eccirerir Ec omnended on all TIC Nomal shuLdow. ^ inirialed by turningthe teyed mser conml swncb (MCS) @ Lh€ 'OFF posilion,or by a Emoe srgnalrhrod8hde oP riotul bin l€velsMbh (Bl,S) conlacB. A.Y .ordally closed (Nc) con|ad in series Glh d€ MCS 6nmfl bleks in $e comol sysredwiring will ako initiaElh€shurdown sequence.This ca. include bin-o-naDcs tr lihil swirches in Fdorc icc storagebinsor boppers,process contoh, rime cl@ks, Fodc ice deliv ery equipncnt, or rcmore Ane. a normarshudownseqEne n iniriacd, Ihe fonow . l]re mainlrquid solcnoid valvc {LS) n de-ensgized rosroprhenowofEtrig etur lo theevapomor . Comp4sso andwarer puDpco.bue rorun. All evapolab scnons Emn in de iccruling morle. . rf m evapdab sctioD n in harves, dc shudown s.quence will not srmuf ril lhehfles or rharsec l/3o TuboReftis.rdlnccn'pany rr a o a R€rd Sltely Sectioh betorc this lhese inst.uclioN could rsult a a As fie .m!r6sd @nrin inlo atueiwr or @mbina conp@ssw drcpu.nl n Dache,rlE sting of rhe lowpb$r saeryswikh s.teryswilch,fte onr.cls Th€.mpEsor &d Mrer WARNING TIC mod€ls arc €quipp€d vllh continuous pump. down cycl€ .hd lhc cohpr.$or can r€s.r aurohatically even if the k€yed masl€r cont.ol swilch is 'OFF', Nerer atteoPt scrvic€ ol lhe comp.essor r Ithout Iockinl oul lh€ €lcct.ictrl s€rvi.a. F ihre lo .,re. lully follov Lhes€ instrucliors could r.sutt in pernan€nt injufy or lNs sare heunnNill h sh otf by fie @chani IMPORTANT In a .omal shtrrdownseqlence,ice will belei' on rhe - Anyreorw ercon! ingfod fie plares Nfa shurdow.will dnin lhrcughlhe Derforo€d ndws sEw rou8n inlo rhewas hk lo- Heb.trlEills . 73 T bo R.hgirdingconFny l,€c U rheequipnar n robe shutofitorexEnded Lime (mor rh.n48 penods If th€ conl.ol circuil power hqs been rurn.d o{t, il should be lurne.l on tor a miuimlm ot lqcnlt-four (24) hours prior ro use lo ensure thal any liquid relriger. r n t r h a r m i a r a t Gl o t h e compressorcnnkcase is €ljminol.d p.ior to s(.rtup. Flilure lo follos lhe6e ins!ructions could rsult ih t ilure or den. age lo lhc comprsso.. a a a o o a o o a o a o o a a o a a a a a o a o a a a o a a a a a a a a a o a a a a a a o o a a o a a a a O a a a a a a Reid S.re(l Se(ion belore (nis .ould resulr theseins!rucLions S!3silic-alilI! R 22. 2 Vdiable tiDmoro rhclPMol conbolA rhdcotrdo$rtunmrc. |o MakeI Ip Wic. Temdnbft 60"F ar *at r d^kibDlion chdee F@suR (opdonal), T€mper.(ur€ Iunercqded-&trlclse! Evsporalor waEreguPre$ureacrtrtrcd La'ing!r'1\eG)tre ot onal. fieltlinsElled.Ctulin rcset andcoolng@werpumpsaE Warer-Cmledcon,lenser (210psis). 105'Fcond€osins waer inl105'F wacr 85"F Evrdmrive'Oool.d Condenser AiLeooledl4ldE$g brk Fancyclingwtr Esularorin d.ainlineof con de;ser ro receivei Dow.sEao Egulalorln ahor gas bypr$ Iinero thei.lsl ol rhe MakeJIpWds PE$!ER@uted 8 psig ar inler to wabr distdMrkr-lJn WaM Fl.w F2chplateEquircs 8 grh (u qid flow conrol adjustable v,lvc is prcvid€d b darc fi. nal adjus|nerrof rht wacr MalellpNa@rFed Mechanicdnoar vdv€ wirh Basedon otll hed ol rer{don GHR) ar lo'F evaPora Exbrnrlly equrlizodrhemil dveand95oFondensins Muiodm nowis 15Epm. Air-C.olcdc.nden€r co.dca$n8. 1205: 10"IrevapoEased salerysvirct s€lting! Mrk JIpWaE Blowdown Lowhesqrccuroff rhe g4 High PENIBCrout 250psie Evadhrive'Cooled rcgula t. Uosreamplessuie rorin $edirchdselmeen pressure rcgudownsneaD l or povided @mainll' re.erler Drssre dunnE 'cold sisuD letory ' stlled m SCEnrodelsi slDDliedfc lield imallai;on SCERmodels. ler a.d cvapon ruE d rhepessurcin'tcared ar rhr TXV bulb, For exah FddTTXV AiLP&lsureIcU sucdonp@s 40 p5is (oil p@ssuFabove Thi! c{luals I ninuLerimedelay(oanual = ?"F - 0'F=7'Fstrperfiear R.lieivalve t!&6&L!!o,k$qo rE9 rurboReliis4ringcqDpdy 7e o o o a R€ad Sal€ty S€ction b€tore lhis lhese inskuclions could r6ult Molor Full t ad Anps (FLA) Refer|o iablein rheAprEndrx Reaerto hble in theAppendrx Hydnulically blown to innab Op€ralihgRcrrigdrnl Desis!-ooEradacrEst!& 2(r0psi8. Refero ubl€ in rheApF.dix B!ls!!re$!rg 1,500psig a a o a o a o a a a a o a a a o o a a a o a o a a a 30 Trbo Fdnsd{rs(@nrY l/3q a a o a o o o a a o o a a a a o a a a o o a o a o o t a a a o a a o o a a a o a o o a o a o a o a a a a a a a a 'Et 9g E:E Er- u.9 e? a.: ^ 1 € 1 ^ ^ ^ ^ z F F] D A ^ ^ I ^ A ^ EE ; E 3 EeE ;j.€ g 3 o t a a a t a a a a o a a a a a a a a a o a o a o a o a o o o o o a O o a a a a a a o 3E t.g E:q e5 a: z F z a g 6 € s o a a o o a a o a o a o o O a o a a a a a o a a a a a a a a a a a a o a a a o a a a a EE a3 6i t.E e! ol 6 5 ; g J € o a a a o a a o a O a o a o o a a a a a a a a o o o o a a a o o O a o a a a a a a a a ee ts !.i 5i ;n E.9 93 F E a a a o o a a o o o a o a o o a a a a a a a a a a a o a a a o a o a a o o a t a a a 6= :.E :: EE €E *E E 9a -! a F F E F o a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a o o o o o a o o o a o a a a o a a O a a a a a EE q6 E,F ]E: .5 6i gg a.r !fl SB e 2 3 o a a o a a a a a a a o a o a a a a a a t a o o a a o a a a O a a a o a a a a a a a a !:l Ei .E 4.9 93 E. E E E s o a a a a o o o a a a a a a a a a a a a a o a a a a o o a a o o a a o a o a a a a a a 'z4 69 3b DZ E Ei b E. €. e P g E o o a o a a a a a o a o a o a a a a o a a a a a o a o a a o o a a a o a a a a a a a a 6d ;s :9 8E ;:i z2 4.9 ':E h." EE a: !a 5 3, E. a P 3 n a o o a a a o a a a a a o o o o a a a a a a a o o o a a a a a o a a a o a a a a a a a a .99 EA t9 3E ..1 :.E :e: 3E -f ar E q z a 3 ': 2 a E. E g q E E c o ;E o a a a o a a a o a O a O =a r! g5 9E *E ZE :! f5 a a a a a o a a a a a a o a a a o a a a o a a a a a a a a :l? a6 E9 ca e i b E I 5 b 2 a 4 E i I E 13 E s a a o a a a o o a o a o o t a a a o a a o o a a a o a o o a o a o a o a a a a a a a a 'Et 9g E:E Er- u.9 e? a.: ^ 1 € 1 ^ ^ ^ ^ z F F] D A ^ ^ I ^ A ^ EE ; E 3 EeE ;j.€ g 3 o t a a a t a a a a o a a a a a a a a a o a o a o a o a o o o o o a O o a a a a a a o 3E t.g E:q e5 a: z F z a g 6 € s o a a o o a a o a o a o o O a o a a a a a o a a a a a a a a a a a a o a a a o a a a a EE a3 6i t.E e! ol 6 5 ; g J € o a a a o a a o a O a o a o o a a a a a a a a o o o o a a a o o O a o a a a a a a a a ee ts !.i 5i ;n E.9 93 F E a a a o o a a o o o a o a o o a a a a a a a a a a a o a a a o a o a a o o a t a a a 6= :.E :: EE €E *E E 9a -! a F F E F o a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a o o o o o a o o o a o a a a o a a O a a a a a EE q6 E,F ]E: .5 6i gg a.r !fl SB e 2 3 o a a o a a a a a a a o a o a a a a a a t a o o a a o a a a O a a a o a a a a a a a a !:l Ei .E 4.9 93 E. E E E s o a a a a o o o a a a a a a a a a a a a a o a a a a o o a a o o a a o a o a a a a a a 'z4 69 3b DZ E Ei b E. €. e P g E o o a o a a a a a o a o a o a a a a o a a a a a o a o a a o o a a a o a a a a a a a a 6d ;s :9 8E ;:i z2 4.9 ':E h." EE a: !a 5 3, E. a P 3 n a o o a a a o a a a a a o o o o a a a a a a a o o o a a a a a o a a a o a a a a a a a a .99 EA t9 3E ..1 :.E :e: 3E -f ar E q z a 3 ': 2 a E. E g q E E c o ;E o a a a o a a a o a O a O =a r! g5 9E *E ZE :! f5 a a a a a o a a a a a a o a a a o a a a o a a a a a a a a :l? a6 E9 ca e i b E I 5 b 2 a 4 E i I E 13 E s o a a a a o a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a I o o a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a o a a aaaaafaaaaaaaaa DISCONNECTINGPOWER & LOCK OUT TurboRefrigeratingCompany insiststhat disconlectiDg andlocking out thc power to the motordriving the unit providestheonly real prot€ction againstinjury. Orherdevicesshouldnot be for usedasa substitute locking out thepower prior to removingguards, covers,or othersafetydevices. Turbowamsthattheuseof secondary devicesmaycause employe€sto developa false senseof secudtyandfail to lock out power bsfore removingguards,covers, or othersafetydevices. This couldresllt ir a seriousinjury shouldrhe devicefail or secondary maliunction. a a a a a a a o a o o o a a a a a a a a a a o o a o o a a a I a a a a a a a a a o a f,ead Srfcly Seliotr belo.e this thee inslructionscould rqult $000 To hclp 'oo Betthc bdt pcrtmmce tmn yourTIC sy$ red, follow rheminrcnan@ lf you hrvc qnesio.sconcehing rh€m4inGnance or trpkeep or your cquipocnr, conhcttheseNicedepanmenr of Tubo RerrigcridngConpanyo 8l?-387430D. DaiL!-llslccrioll I gllll.E-Lr!3clillr . . Unir shNld bechcbd ar leN on€ a welc A vis ual ins!€ction shouldin cludcandnorbelmied b: leaks,vibrotid of pip' bG on orbq conDoncnrs, cApillarytube tobbin& Chsk fte oil l€vel in Lhc 'Chekfdsignsoroil . Chcckrhcsighrglas for full chd8eandmisrue ' Ch4k $e receiv€r In sper valvcpacldnEsand Eliel vdlvefd indicadons . or Checkfor percenrage fieon 20-30% while oper follow lhe lollowing gnide Flush plates wnh an aceprtrble ie plac clemcr. Eavc nu6, $Ews right,and gcn@l neL houseke.ping Nredlilia|-ll! Hona .t Onerrllon Insp€.rfie iccnaler al leastLei@{ shifr rodeter mine uL lhe nnn is op6- 2. Ar lh€sm, obsederhat ftc rlshrge a.d sncuon lEsus @comcton rhe8au8esmd e $!ble. osss MAINTENANCE allrlLEltitl.lilrr Illll$-d-Or3rati!tr Scale@ de iccnaLi6g llaEs resuung &om minerald€Dsits rn lhc w d rnd odcr souacs of con@ination can Edee $€ efrciency oi lh. plaE. lf lcft unearcd, i hay Esult rn dDGnodtion of |l10 nelll slrf&e thus Fducins lhe tife ol lhc pltus. The life md eflicErcy or ih. plaq m &pe.denl @ prcro . HNc a qualifi.d.lscric@ ind ctcding of LhcsuF cie ch€t rh€conuolpd t&o. SiM condtions md in' el for l@F con4rions d sralladonor.ou'Dmenrvon loGe lugson rhemrgEric rrc6l@lion 166@don.ir is difiicull r simDlc sol$on acteeins Md sanitizingDelhod. To obnb ihc bcu ce for your ExslJ-Slcl4.ffl,r unil, conld a laal EpDEblc . GEas all gedrblefi! supplier ot chenical and ringsor e shafrbed clemrg smitrzngp@<lucrs. Based on lhc knowledsc of Lh. l@al vard @ndirions,the One ol de main probl€ms marerial io bc cl@.ed (304 wnh lhe TIG o. any icemrtds srainlcssst@I),ed dD oper' is ware!:scalebuildup Sol adns @ndidonsof Ihc equ'pid r@)ing on rheplaB, build @nr, dcy ca rccolrmnd ! up of in $epan. Solid cleming and sanirizng Pl!dbnildi on rhcidrrid of ncr @ neor your specinc warcrc@ledcon.lenser if so equipped To aloid rhes. pmblens,comulr3lGal wa l,ag Ttbo P.rris.dirs ComD,nr q2 I O a a a a a a a o a o a a a a a a a a a a o a a a a a a a t a a a a a t a a a a a a Read $lely Sectionb€lore lhls lhese ihrlruc0ons @uld .eul( T.blc 6-2 Sahple Daily tce Plant Log Sh€et Jd :d =E 8 rl qlsdlls llould Llne lc€ Mst.r Sldhl Clds. Remarks a F t39 Tlrbo RdricsrLncComFny o1 a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a f,€ad Sltety Sation b€tor€this th€sei l.lctions could .6ult o0so odoo SPAREPARTSLIST Il is a goodidea lo keepspee pans on hrDdin cascolen@rgenc'es Yon will sareopeaion rim andmodeyb€calseyou will nor h,ve io watr ror pdr ro beddered anddeli!@d. Pm nuobds hay ch.n8e wnhoDr.otice. when orderinsd specirrlng pds, rhe serialnudbei md m..lel of rh. nnir du* hercfemc.d. L!cc!-4 SI= nem dw snodd bc so.lcd b mintain srfe equrp@nrolE.ario,lor nomal naincnmce cfBq@ Fpk{:@n( ihs tlsr ca! cale indruDrid of orffilionRI= Repla@mr ileN rhatft n@lly er $bFcr !o nmar hainG.tue d splM@nt, Tlc st RI 2l 4l ll 6l a a a a a a 80 6 TIG oil RdurnAsse$bly SI trI JI 42 80 3 l/3s Tdbo Rrrn[dLjns comp,n, q6 Reod Salely Secliotrbefore(his tbeseinstructionrcould r6ult Llteld Sl = IEmsthrr shouldbesr€ked Lomdnfin sareequij)@nropeodon,for nomalrEnFno@, or nt{Ei. FtldcemnL nms 'harcancaus inlemptim ol opedior. ims dw m nomMllynorsubjd to n(m.l 6dnrc.e@ or @pl&cmdl Rl= Repla@@nt (115/460) (210/460/l/60) Panel Dlectricrl Conlrol 2l SI II SbnnPFl€di{BoLs(SConly) I ltc comFny rA9 Tuto Relriscaritrg tl 42 63 80 a a a a o a a a a a a a a a a a a a I a o a a a a a t a a a o a a a a a a a a a a o a o a a a a a a a a a a o a a o a a a a a a a a a a Rad SafetySectioobelorethis thes inrtruclions.ould result ks!trd SI , tec tur shdld be{@[eJ b minrfln sdr.eqipnHroF4lid, for nomn dinFnece, d ftqle FploemDlrds m ce ous 'nr@pnd otoFaion RI= Repl@tunt ibN rhft @ rcma.Uynorsubjd !o ndnut minMd@ tlcrl (alS lrhes & Conholg sl RI or qrtalIl@L IlC tl A2 3l Trp.H,Fltorognnbniqtacr{d $dd I JrADsMndtljgr Cdt Ud sdi6 | Engmdu! Log!C4tulld a o a a a a a a a a a Ttc SrftlySskh., st RI 7l II 63 80 o a a a a o a l/30 Tu,boP.f s@nsc.mp,ry q3 R@d S.tety S€ction b€for€ rhi6 thee inrtrucrions @uld rsult tessd SI = I@m fi4 shouldbc dclcd b mdnain safoequipmn' orErarion,tor nomai nain@mnce, d filq@n! repla@@.t n@s lharcm duF inFnpdo. ol oFrarion. RI= Replaemnr icns dat & nomrlly Nr subjlct ro .@.r dainre.ec d repl@Mr 'uc Harlrs1 ScrsrCompontnh SI RI 2l ll 47 30 p : P a o a a a a a a o a a a a a o a a a a a a a a a a t a a a a a a a a a o a a 99 TtrrboFeri's.mtnsconpanYl,€9 a a a a a a a R.ad Srfe(y Setion b.tore lhis lhes€inslructionscould rerut! a a o a a a a a a a a a a LgeD4 SI - Ikm orI( +ou d be:r(ted b mdnhinsre equipmcnr oprobon,ror nomd tunrMce, rkpld€rmnrrm\ ir cdncauc inreiiupto ofopedion. RI = Replacener nemsrhara@@dally not subFd o .md nainreme o. repleem€nt. nc ndrigrrant System st RI 1l lt 6J t a a a a a t o a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a o a o a a AnCooltdCoi&M HadAqM Codbls Eqo:dq CodrE H.d h6$E C.il,rlr I Q O-n, *"-r".".*..* & qdmorr.'o r4i rnh.I od 'trr r,ae ruroR.ri4@jnsconpdy r00 a a a a o a Red SafetySelion b€aor€this th€seinst.uctionscould .esull Lr4enn sI = IGm rhlt sholld b€ s@ted 1onainoin sdfeequiptunr orEradon,for nonnaltlmbnmc, d frEquenlEplacemnt nems'ba! cancaE i,remption of otEraxon. Rl= Replrcemnr i6N rh m nomally nor subjer @nomar nai.ren&cc o.elledst. (!onrirurd) Xrftig€raDr Sys|tn thnr! gFAio vd{ Pm }l]d ft*nJ q@siiiVd( I ond,tn!Xil ltd l fuNM !dr.lftndPm Kil llsndErFNionvdrlmd tdt Kl Ilc a a a o a a a o a o a o a a o a a a a a a a a a a o o a a o a O O l0l Tu6oR.figmdnscompinyl,€9 a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a o a a o R€,d SaletyS.crionbeforerhis lhe$ instructionscould r6ull kr!!4 SI - Ikm , rha,,hodlobc {ar ed b hJi' kin \drecq ripmnr urEmrion,td nmdl @inEnbcej drFquenr .epldeftnr irws lna' concruflnFmpbon ofopeidLon RI = Replacmd ncms fiar ire nomally not subjar @ nonnal minonmce or eplcnenr. Coup(SCModcl) Condenr€r E5/95/105"[ SDT SI RI TIG ll 42 80 4X 80 O O a a a a a a a a a a a a a a o a a a a a a a a a a O Ar tulql Co&@lmlFol20FsDI h{r Cod(SCtMd.l)?8''lBPlfSDT SCModrLColiigTM .mo l Tlc 'tl st RI mr S.E*Cu Rdu6Uhdefl Het S*r EairBoEe 1,1.5 o. ofilds! [{Fxr'r{ Con]dsconpdnaf}ip ftn Eqrdiw$nLMonpim lDipP EqpidF Crud.M Cmpihol DnpPd re rurroR.fsmlhs cof,lory r0, Red Salety Selioh belore this th.* inshoctlors @uld .sutt a a a a a a a a o a a a a a a o a a a o a a O a o a a a a a a o a a a a o a o Tn'60 R.f iigqd'ug c@P,nY a o o a o a o o o o o o a o a o o a a o a a o a o O o o o o o a o a a o o o o o a a o o o a a R$d sarety seclion befo.€ Lhh aheseiNlruclions could r€sult & ACCESSORIES OPTIONALFF,ATURES You cm naximirc your TIC sysreos oPe.ai.g porenrial by addingopliontl reaurcs ud accessdies.Ifyon ned ro know noE deraih tboul lheopdonslisrcdb.loB, co.- l)oli!)! ! Wea.ll3rizi4g-&( On smauerun$, acces in sideLheenclosueis obbfed by Emovins fie 6xed panelG) On lfiger unns,a hnr8cdacc.$ dooris pDvid Wedhen?ingis Ecohft .d.xl on au oDrdo. i.$allRrionsro providea sdnrbb wo.king envnonmenrlor seruicoduring all rypesot weaLhercondi Srandird$llconrained flc unirsconsistotan evspo.aim unir section and condensing O[li!]L2 fiamo. TIE evaporarorsction Itillldzinr h lorallyenclos.d,including rsul ed paneh arcundthe whcn TIG utrirsde inMlled in an are4wheE rhe.nbDnr lalls belowfEezrng,pMau A suDponingsmcture and don.ry ftNures ned ro be sheetmchl c.closur€can be providedro pEvenrfieczcup provid to cover rhe oui of lhe warcipump,warercnborrd uipnenr which rn- ctrlaringriDk andcondenser . socionacctrntrldor/herl . saferyswirchandtauee . Whunthc mrbrenri below 0'F, insula€dlowerraneh Md elocric rorod nir hee . whenrheambientis b€ r@n 0'F hd +32$, m elccric lored air h.arer The enclosureprorccs Lhe equrp.Enrfrom rain, wind, 'nE elabi. heaLe^arelacbry snow,andaces frcd r.au' in$alledin rhc low.r sccton of rhcTIC onirandaF rher The enclostrcs nor qinreF iEd for ambientLedper.ruics below4|}F (rcrd b Opnon2. Wnrcrizins on pase 104) Winreriziigctn bc prot'ded For lons periods ot down rme in low G below tMng . warer@led condensq One qtr&rer(1/4) inch d?i. valves aE providedon the watcr pudp hcad and warercoled condenFrhead. the watcr rMk .d bc dramcdby renoving tfie overflow strnd ptpe. lrovdo.s need to be Cond€.serwarer lines and daLe up wab. lines shouldbc pmp.dy pmrdred lmn lrz ing by insulrtingMd rpplying elccric heding upe b lhe piPe sulface AU exposedN3t€r li.es shouldbcpropedyinsu' lrred byorhersshen rheunit The nrasneLicconleror ift rhe clc.tic osishnce heder is rnsBlled in rheonml parel hd prewift d. Fuseddisconn€cr or brancbctcun bEatds @ lunnhed by ode6 6 providc cncuit pro'ectionin accor drnce wrlh lmal or shre codcs l^c TurboRlrnc{aun8cvmnrtry rcq Read Safelyseclion b€lore this the!€ instructionscould r6dt Suchi syscD auowslheunit pMl nolor. This noror is to be operdredumil rhebin is $rihble ro han.Ie lhe Eftserion load Equftd to mle amel€-phdsrD moor. Each fuU withourhbving$nEone rhe to |nc trnir s(nch shur hea@rbasa buih in overheat a! Lhemostar-FUUload amps ofl whcn llE iorrge bin is Conp@$o4 ca bo pbvdcd for tbe heaEr elemenLand prcvided wnh a b€lr rtive uponEqu$t. ior heate! fan are Such anhgenenN D,y @Conl.ols rnd Glid€lin€s qui@iddino.al spa@o! nDdThe bin{ Mdc onEoh con- incadonsof lhe unit slructml shr or r noror,ad paddle bas fdn€ Darr shdersde The haEr conrlcloris con- swnchDonncdin theshnge polded on spenl mirs. bin. Astof Nc (nomny trolled by M adjusmblether mos@iLdakd in th€ conFol closed)onncs of fie swilch aE connect€d in seneswnh (mas'er MCs consol . Reduceopedting speedo the inGM lile of cmporcnts As rhc cabinetinllnor lenper- swirch) of $e TIG,'TIOAR (wouldEquie ossi@ wlnng dd inlallaarure drops bclow rhe ser unn, AI tro. mus b€ done in lhe iield point, a setof lhemosat con Lacr close ro e.erg,z rhe Cuidelinesfor insrarlingde heder cDnracD!.Wh€n the bn-o-naric anda wiring schc . Rcdu@noiseif run .r Edued sFed (wouldE inrerior renporarurcraises danc i€ pmvid€d wilh each qDE ovemD compEs ,lr.ve rh. diffeienrhl of rbe kil. AI winnei/widngconnccand condui/conduir $e contacts sill lions, rhemo$ar a@by orhc^. ope. b de-enrgize rhebcacr conrections ' March@6Fress wirh rhe cdnraciotsThk ensuEsthal evaponM loadto oboin fie enginec@pd@m inrdilhe properopcarrg .ondjor and rhe equipmen!l@ated inside will be mainrained Yllase Thehearer consisrof r ftEeohaseelecEi( hedLer!irh ! trslrl6J OllilDl Bi..O-M3lic (lorlrols fir$lDl4arDrolr DNl,sht whe. rhei@ sendror n ued i. conjunction wiih a sonse Alr4i4Dlorjilg bin, an auLonilic meansor shudnsoff lhe ice Sencraor pounds. KA modcl U/L aM whe. rhebinor delivcrypoint is full shouldbe prolided. ' tharlne i@ geneorc N mr lefi on,Esult accidenrally ing n EoducLiondclayd . overloadrnS rlE sysed, causio8damge0lne OllioEl On€na€lt nriv.n C-oD-o-c$sor All self-codainedTIC unrs d wnhanopenB' comtcsor d'r! ro a. openonp ,05 TurboR.k'AennnsCurptn,lAq whenop€ar.n i. 50 hz sysren(i.e.ar50 h2,1750 rpn notor nns aL1450 rpni 6@fde, a bex drive is EquiEdo obr ted ' ObDinaddltional @np4sr capacnyhom oveNiEd comDess wrdourueng oresized mobr Fquftd at TIC sC rquics 24.3to.s oa @insdarionropmdnceralcd cip&ny u$ng an opencompresor ar 1750 rrd. Tbe nexr la!8er $ze conpEssor a o a o a a o o o o o o a a a o a a a a a a o a a a o a a o a a a o O o o o a a o o o o o o a o o a o a o o o o o o o o a o o o a a a o o o o a o o o a o a a o o a a a O o R€ad Srrcl, Scliotr befo.e this th.se Inrtructions @uld result cm b. b.x drivenar l312 rpl. ing rhehelr rbsorb€dby rhe rooblainrhesmE crpacnyd wacr asi nows rhoughfte ar 1450roF for addnional compE$orcaFacny md i@ prodncuon The low€r ryn snouldexEndrheconpE$or Cobtro! Water Flor Rate rion, rebperdrurc acrufud valves aE so@does use! in Dlaceol rh€pEssuE acrudcd All wdd egularinBvdves@ siad !o handlemaxiduD wa, Since the load can vary, a €r flow larc with@t erc*sivc Cohhon Strucn'rrl Bas meansmu$ ako bepiovided pEssdE .lrop thronAhlhc regro conml rhew.kr now nrc Tne motor, conpE$or, do lo lhecondenser. As fie load ror adJNrlng brse, moror inc@aes,rhe flow rhrongh sheile, compe$or fl ywhel, O p i i o n6 be16,and belr suardaE rll Conve^ely,as lhe load de- (lo.lin! Tovor crc.$s rhesrler now nu$ compre$or strucord base d@rcase,To accondnb rhis, Ejccred to rbewaer snirablcfor dc lord Driv€ a Fressueacudc(twdqDg InrouSn a vrler sped is sel4led b Mrch rhe Dl can belovided. onden$ must be ei evaporiu a.d application A Lvesm feld in' rher@@!e! beforctlle waer sulledinlheoudqwarcrline is Ecirculakd @the conaen$ olt ser A scnsins er or rhe waer mtr8r be O n l i o n5 lirc b rhedischrE; dudped.Ifrhc hcarisnotE Fead Pr€sstrr€ line sens! incea$s andde 0e NaErEnpeEruF c@acsin thedjschrgepE$ Collrol,Lisc) rnueonse,rslung suE. Thk plcssurcdodu di$hdge presu!.. TIG SC nodeb m furnished l a 0 s r h e p i s r o n i n r h e Dunping rheware.(i-e.ono wnh a shell-and{ubcwarer Egulrling!al!e o inoca$eor lime rhroughIne@ndense!)is cool€d condenser Desisn decreaserhclow asEquiEd not@nomicalin @stc44. condiions for SC modclspG Tber€foe, a @ans ofrcmovi.g fte heattom ftcrare.be foE n is ftciEulaEd nns bc Eachlalvc.hasan rdju ng (2r0 p$g). P@$uF setrins On largd uDirs,a two vdlveseris pc videii Nilh inlei and ourlcL manifolds for connecLionto the oullerwarerline of $c To m.int in rhese conditions, Lhecondensermos be sz:d D ejd tne oul he. or Ejecrion WarerEgdangvrlvesde E qDrcd on rny sysen wnh r varying load ro mainkin a pE$0@as con$anrdischarEe weu as ro p.evenrrhe dischrrge low Nexr,a n€ansof co.uolling faclo.y 110 @ w4er @qr€druE andwa E flow nDsr beprovided- A .oolins mwe! and coolins In paftllel compBsor oDefu owcr pump ptu!'oc rne neansolpumping fie wa@r ro rhc condenerand@oov- A coolinEtowerprcyidesa sysrcdrhrcughwhich $eE turning wac. flows over a Rerdal sudaceind fa cnculaGan b Edove the hear lron rhewakl Ehni.oiois aE providcdon rhe air dirchd8e ro.liminaree.rnined wasflm lherirsEm. As warerin the cooltng rowd evaponB ro Elease(hcheat rer is losr A noar valvc is providedin lhec@ling rowd sunp to replrcerhcNarerlos!, Field piping 6 the mak€-lp *icr connecuon s EquEo rdc TuboPclismdnAC{npry r06 Read SaletySeclionbeforelhis th€s€inslructionscould .esult Sincc cvaForndon of lhe re rming wa1eris equi4d ro rcmve $e hear coolins lower sel4tions &e basedon the THR (otrl he4 or @jccuon) bd $e designwer btrlb@np.rarurc. As rhe wet bllb i3creases,addidon0lsurface (h.eer cmlins 'oMs) is E 'tuired ro handle rhc samc THR (i.e, hrsh.r wsr bdlb tedpcr.0res supDr€ssthe ability of thc strnoundi.s envion@nr @absrh addi{ional C@linero@A canbemunl ed mdm! or outdoor Our d@r installario.s nay Eqtrne orh€r prosudP h-dEs odiod C!olirt--Io!4r t!.ullscl To nainrain rhe discharge pE$Dreof tbe sysem,waret tu$ be suppliedb € con denser. A separate cooling towe. punp t availahleb pumPwabr aom $e @lint inlcr Pump selecdonsare bisedon rhenaxidum co.denserwarcrflow baFd on rhe TER (ordl hearof rej* rion) and $e rotal punping he{d or de sysen. Tolal pDmph prcvidedh no. manyn (50)lcr o aUow . $e pBsure drop rhrclAh OdilL! Ail:C!ol'fd--C'a!&nlll SCA nodcls @ suppli€dfac roiy pipedind wrrcdwirh rn ft.cmled co.denser ro rcmve the THR (Loril hcar of rcjecrion) or Lhe sysren SCAR models ar€ shipp€d wirhour&e condencrwh4h n dEn field pipedandviEn. Opriond an-cmled condens eft can b€ prolidcd by Turbo ro oec! L[e rcqui@@ns oi efth nDdel. Shndad design cddirions fd rtdledconunis F 100'Fanbi F TD &ro$ |ne condensu, and 120'F sarnmcd condensing lenperrDe (260 psig). conde.en cd bes- lecrcdar difrere &y bulb mndinons tor spaifLc instal Oprio c@ltngowes Fo vi.led Turbo ae prolidcd rcr sumprhennosal wi n e fd md conrcl fie leavi.g waEr teEpcn roo. puDpdi$hegeandinler Forryprcalinsulla ons,dreF ricrl lifl or rwcnry 20) feer is and allowed betweenthe PDnP Clwance for oir inrake provided be innalled al nusr be conld di$targe {,hich (eling ground level and lhe unll @w enddenn8a gdidenounred on a lrrfomorihe for consuliTurbo lineson ins@llingrbecooling tower ior oprimum perfo. Whenordennglhe punp, in tomariono. rhe l@rlion of ranc) fte pumprclarivcro rhecon' Ma€nedcdarers for F that ,B;d in.lo.ledwnhde cool de.sushouldbestdLed rheml@rpunp hcadca. be E&h condcnsei6ost b€ in$alled with adequar€ sp&c . ft@ ddinagp of liquid tom rh€condeDerourler6 rhe . r mcMs of virying rhe aidtow over Lhecondenset coil |o dainrain rcMshm dischdsepesuE aswell as@p@ve.'c@$rvcry low di$hdge pE$uie Properly si4d receiver{s), isdlarlo.vah.s lor inlct ard ourle! hish pre$uE relief Masneric$aned or comrcls valve,andreccivermounring rre n6r i.cluded wirh rhe bnckeG can also be prcvide.d Tmb Rdngnd'nsC.mp?nyl/3!l o o a a a a o a o a a a a o a a a a a a a o o o o o o a a a a a a o o o o o a a o o o a o a o o a a a o o a a a a a o a o a a a o a a a o a a a a o o a a a o o a o o a a o R€ad SBtety S€ctionbefore lhis lh.se Ins(ructionscould r6ult Opliona.l oftheE civer B edfor instauationsopenrnA rn dm Co.trcl of the airfiow can be acconpft hed scveral ways md is discused underOphon 9. HeadPessue c.nrok Mag.eric $dne( ror the condenFr fd noo(9 is ior in clud..t Field pipins foh de cond$s o rhc unn high side is .ot prcvi.led.SCARsarc shippedNnh a rcfrigeranr holdinschdse only. All e frigeranL and .etrigeranr Odio!-g EeaL&cssrr3 CotrlId,LlSCAR) Ajr @len condensenEquiie sone neans of varying rh€ airflow ove. rhe condenser coil in Esponsero incEscs andde.EMs r rheEliieeB rionsyslemloadins. Several nerhodsa@ availablefrom Tulbo. The situdard co.rols consrt ot rhc use of flood' backconuok conjunctio. with fan cycli A vdveser (3 v{l canbeproldcd ro sack d in de condensr @il rndconEolreiver pEs sue dun.g operatro.in low robicnr (below40'F). PEs suE swnches arealsopiovrd ed ro cycle lhe fan or fans oft . low dischrgepe$redu. ro abnomal ope.aing con.lowpEsu€dwrode Dadpe. conhh ue nor @ onmnded lor TIG unils b€ciDse or the oFrarng se quence of rh4c uniLs, andlhe sloweDonse rimeof droDer cononls obrion t0 aicaiier ISaAR & SC[.R) SCA andSCEnodels @ tur nishcd nh Jacroryinskllcd Orhermrhods of dncharse SCER d SCARftrdeis; sh'ppcdwithour6e dr{@led or evapoEtrlecooled conMable spsd no@ con dens. or reivu, which rE In general,sysBds supplied wtrh flood bact conrrch rc quire larger €aives and F, higdranrchdge. VSM co.uolr rnd muliiped rrns and Eftigerinr chargc by E ducingrheCFM of thesysEm to nAtch fte loid (hus elimi naringthe n@d ro nood rhe . openiing chase ot fie . opendngchdse of the VSM con@lsprcvidea unifom conlrol of rhe anflow Also supplied*ilh fic oceiv over a wide ra.gs (i.e sEp, les conrol), rrm 0 ro r00%, lh ri.g rhe rudden i. dtrrerse olill '@iu i.let andoudel asociaredwirh tan cy- . highpresm @li€tvalw Mulri sDeedmoroA Drcvide airnow conrol ovcr; noE linired rangcbur greallyEducc rhenumberot seps jn ar ow rcdu.ron arso.iared Magneicsllnen for lan moros ft norprcvi.lcd wilh air, cooledcondensers or hcad presure conroh. If vsM conmlsaE spsin€d,a oag neiicrd@(t is notEquiEd (i e-inEsmlpdof vsM con Win@izingoaftc .aeiwr io! openion i. anbienh bclow 20"F is nor prolided bur n Ecodmended to cnsuE ade, quatesys6n pE$uE dudng Rerrieeanr.har8e's nurfuF ]/t9 lulbuR.fasff,tngcom@ly R€ad Srt€ty S€ctionb€torethis lhcseihstrucliohscould r6ult Ootion 11 EJn-ool3lilecon&!'q io scalingprobledscrNcdby EFared wetrin8anddrying of SCE nodels trrc turnished wtfi m €Eporauvecondcnser munGd on rhc fEm wnh the evi@dor. andau DiDinsand Thesc nems can ako b€ lurwrnns6 povro@ unrLEK models, rhe cvaporarive . properly vd(s) @ndcnseris lield instriled . isolarion rh. AI piging &d vtrins arcn fte l@iver inlet and@del @ndenFr ro !h€ rarigenrion htgh sidcis prcvidedby oln . highpEstrE eliefvdlve Optional cvaporarive conde.su m siad !o hrndle rhe THR (@hl hear of Ejec ton) bised on $c dcsi8ncondens. of 78oFw€Lbulb,and 95"F SDT (ermted dischdge renPerarR) rl85Psi8). For difi.ftnr werbulbcon(xrons, consul!Tlrbo fc Fledon. mon bein$all€d Condensed . inl.t .irflow anddj$htge . fi@.hainace of rheliquid frh rh! @ndenserouuel Optionnl Since d. evaporaio. of lhc EciEuldted wabr is requiEd ro r.nove Dc near,cvrPoradve-condensersel*tions ac baed o, theTHR ('oralhcat of Ejcc'ion), md the desisn welbulblempdatuF As the wcr bllb ncEacs, additunar surfsce(lareerevap.dtiYccondenser)is requir.d @ handleth€ sane THR (i-ehighcr w.r bulb renpera0@s suppE$ lhe ability oarhc surroundingc.{iondenr @ abslb rheaddnionalnonrre). trgofrhere dallalionsopertrinein tdConNl of l]re aidrou ovcr rhe @.d.nser coil can b€ rccom plishedsevenl qays and k discn$edu.der Opdon 12. Head Pr€ssu.e Conrrols Evaporative condensers can be in$rled indmrs or ou! d6rs ourdm. nsallaiions my EquiE a sumpherEi and ofter prc€ff froD icins. An iodoorsu @y alsobe Opdonalhe.d pFsurc conrols 3e rvailable@ conbol rheairilow over lhe condensr Magnedcsranerstbr rhecon coil Rcfer LoOpdon 12 denserfln do@r a.d warer tlead Presure Conrrols plmp m norincluded.lield . a mcmsot@ndollingde eirflov ovcr thc condener coilbminhtna@ns@nr vided. SCERk ae shitped Discharge Clearnn.€s wnh r rcftiger.nr holdin8 chrrgeonly All refrtgeranr Cle@n@ lor an inrate dd andEftigcranrcharsingis by dnch ge nn$ be Fovided. Whenorderinsan evapoF tive condenser(ir dc conlT0psidde.sd loca on $ Estricrcd), consulrTurbofor guidelines A pre$urc swirch wircd in seies wnh lhe condensercon' As rarer in the evaDoralire on 'nstrllingrhcevapomriwcondenserfor ortihud per evaporares o Econdenser bl winng ^ prcvided to en l€asethe bearrrcn lhe con ergiE rh. wacr pumpdd fm de.sr. sone warerislot A coorols aler a ninFun sys fioarvalven piovidcdin lhe Magneticstane6 for fan(s) sump andwr@. pompsrc no nev condenser clded vnn rheevrpontive' valer puop is .oi cycle{tto contrll drshage pr€ssuedDe Ficld prpingb thc nal@-up ward 6Dn4non $ EqutEo. 109 Trb R.insdrunsC$P0Y '39 a o o o a o o o o a a a o a a o o o o o o o o a o o a a a a a a a o a a a o a o a o o o o a o o a a a o a a o a o o o a a o o o o o a o o o a a a a o a o o a o o o o o a a Read Satcty Selioh belore lhis llr$ ir$lruclions could r6ult Qdiotrl2 Obe. nclhods or dhchsge EcSLEIl$jllr cotrlll]LlsllB) Ewporativc-coolcd condens ds rqtuiE $ft mrns ol verying rhc tudlow ovd lh. ondensc. coil in responscro inftass ud de.bes in fte rrrigcrarion syscd lddin8, Seveal neLlrodsre available ftun Tnrbo Tn. srmdrd contuls tunsnr of the useof flood back conrols in con juncrio. wirh f3n cycling. A volve st (3 vrlve9 can be previdedo dek liquid in lhc ondenF. coil andconEolE civer pEssuE during opemtion in low ambient(below .40'F). PEsure swnchesaE olsoprolided !o cycle ihe tan or aansoff in rcsponseb low di$hdge p@$urc due to abnomal oFeratin8conditions oi loN p@ssnrcdm ro ftc L Vdable sF€d mm con- ln seneEl, systemssuFplied wnb nood-brckconkolsc quiE ld8er reives andEfigennr charge vSM con bls a.d nuld speedlans borh rat.c. rhe .deiv.r sir ald efigermt chegc by EducingrhcCFM of rhesyslEn to orich ihc load (hus clLninatingrheneedro flood rhe MasDeticsflen for ran tu @ ft nolprcvidd withev. rponLive-coled co.densed or h.d pr$uE contiols- If VSM conrok ee spmlncd, , b4.eric starle(9 is not Equircd (i.e. inresralpad or Oplion ll $rinhsr-S&d-Ard Di{har!e Trou!h TIC utuG e providedwith a hoL'dip salvanizedharuesr augeranddischdrgoFoush to dishargc de ia fm de uii durine ha.vest. Tbe ,user Eough,lcicd inside'hc udt, VSM coffiok prcvide a nni is psf@ted soinlesss€el fom co.koL of fte airflow All conponenk in conracr range(r e. sEp- w{h rhetre m eirhd srrinl€s le$ co frod 0 ro 100%, ste.l d hotsrlipsalva.ircd to rhuseliminalinsthe sudden pmvidecomsion porcction incrdseanddccroe of annN assdiatcdwirh frn cy' Ir em applicadons,a highq prorecdon d€g$ of mion Daopa controh de not rccmy beftquied. A st inles mrcndcd for TIG unns be MDlri.sped nooB provide st cl auger and dtscbargc causeof rhe operAlinssc airflow conftl over 4 noF trDnghcanbc polided td all quenceor rhcs unns,and de Ldned mngebnr gr@rlyF@s in @nad wirh rheice. slowFsponsedne of danper ducelbe nunber of stepsin aidlow enrcton as$ciared Exisling unils can be ticld modificd @i.cludc the slain Thesrter punp is not cycled lessicel augeri.d dischdEc lo con@l di$harge presurc ro Pevenrscalinsof rhecoil surface,duc ro 4pea@dwct ring r.d drying ol ihe coil. l/3o TuboFernse'dqs comp:ry rl0 R@d SaletyS€clionbelorethis th6e inslrucllons@old resull o a o o o o a a o a a a a a o a o a lll TuhoRcldsdingConpany3/39 a O o a o a o a o a a a a o a o o a a o o o o a o o a o a a o 00)o a oo0d) a o a a OptionsAppendixcontelts are providedonly when optional accessories arepurchased. o a a a a a a a a a a OPTIONSAPPENDIX o a a o o a a a a o a o o o a a a o a a a o a Read Sdelr Smtior b€lorethis th6€ instructlonscoutdr6ult o00f WEATHERIZINGKIT Standardself-con@ined Tlc $'E Prot€ck the .vapoEtd ftom rain, wind, rnd condens nir se.rion s$w, andaccess frcd uniu, nounredon a combon b.k ftim. TIE cvrporad si@ rs rotrlly $d, Incuding The enclosu@ is nor winc. insularcd k rmDnd Lhe ized fo! adbienr rcnperr!@s below40qF(@fe.!o the wintcarnt oprionun pa8eloal A snpportings|rucrurea.d Winkritrs can bc Drcvided shectmral enclosuc @n be provid.d D cover the otr! bor.d equipmenlwhrh i. On snaller unirs,&cess insidcthcenclosuEn obrained by Emoving de fixed On ldser unns, a Panclc). hingedrcces door is provid . rdcbonoccunulaid,,ltsl o0fo Wcaftenzirg is rc@mnded on all oudod iDsnllarionsto povide a sunxbhwdkins .nvrrcn@nrad sdvicc duins a1l llTes ol weother condi. . safetyswir.handgaug€ a a o a a a a a o a o a a a a a a a a a l8o Tlrbo Fcr sr,trig comp€ny a Read Sdely Setlon belorethls the* inslro.tiore could r$ull a o a o a o a o a o a a a o o a a a a a l2 Tubo Rdnsmhg ComlllnYlds a a o a o o a a o o a a o a o o a o a a o a a a o a a a a a a o a a t a a a a o a a a a a o o o a a a a a o o R€rd SoaetySectionb€fore(his lhe$ ihstrucrionr@uld .6utt il000{) Wlen TIC unils @ in$all.d rn an aEa wherc rhc rnbi€nl fal ng, pEcanprovided lo pEYentfEa up of lbewa@ puop, wald circllatins hk and @ndenser WINTERIZINC Onequrkr (l/4) inch drain valvesae providedon $e walerpumphcaddd wlleF cmlcd condenser head.The wrter rmk ca. be.,rainedby @doving the overflow sand pipe. Polisions ncedto be ' Whenlh€mbient t bilow oqF,insuha<llow panels ard cl*Eic f(red tr hdr . when l]le ambic.r is bcrwn ocFtud +32oF,an el€cic foEd air hcaer TheclaEic heah e f&tdy insaued h fte lo{er straon of rhc TlG uniL and aE rher- Thehcaclm.sistsoaa lhEe phase elecFic heah wnh a sdgle phasefrn nolor Eoch helr.r has r builtin overhcd rhemodal Full lod mDs for lhe heaterelenenr rnd heakr ran aG provid€nror C^nrr.ls lrie hearcrconraclor is controucd b, an adjustablelhcr dosrlt learcd d rhe@n|ol Wrrer l,ines Co.de.se. warcr lines a.d dahc upwaerlinesshdld bc prolErly proLmredfoh fEcz rngby tNUlaring 3ndapplying elecdiche4ringtap€ b dE pipc curruce All erpos.d warer lin$ shouldbc DrcNrlvinsu, lacd bv olhed ;hen 6e unn Dr4itrilg For long p€riods of down dm in low or below iietng o0l)oo EI€crrl.rl Thcnagnericconrrcorle rhe el4dcEsisrb@ h6ter isin, suuedin rhe@nhl p!rcI and pEwned Fuseddhconnecb ' warer-c@ledcondenser. o. branchcircui'bedken re funishedby orhecro povide cncuir prolec on in accor dan.ewirhl@!l or st{e codes As lhe cab I inEnor rmp.r dnre {to below the ser r seL of rhei:mllronPoinl tack crose to €nergz. rhe h.aier conracro. wlren ihe inGnor knperature Ercs aboverlE diffenLhl or 'he rhemos@r, th€ comacBwill opcn lo de-enc!914the heabr onreou Thiscnsurcsrhrr ftc cnginecmpmmnr interi c and the eqDipncnt lGared inside will be mainalned o a o a a O o a a a lA9 lulbo P"Iflsemriis Conpfly : I Read SatetySetlon belorethis lhe inst(uctionscould r6ull o a o o a a O a O a a a a a o a o a a a a a a a o a o a a a a o O a a o a o a a a 22 T(bo R.fi,ssrariiS ConPaDY]49 a a o o a a a a a a a a a o a a a a a o o a o a a o Rad SatetySelion berorethis there inslructiotrs@uld r6ult 00d) BIN.O.MATICCONTROLS Wnendc icc g@rator is Dsed ,i conjunction wnh a sonce bin, m anron{ic n€ans of shu'tingoff lhe ia g.ncntor wh{ rhebin d deliverr poinr is full shouldb. provded. . thai fte ice generardis Ni @idenrally lefron, @sult, ins in prduction delat c . ovdloadi.g |ne 6y3@n, SDchr sysrem allowrrhclnit @b. opda@duntil rheb'n n full *iftour baving$n@nc dc Nfich @ shutthe unn off wh€n dc $orage bin is Conlrols ond Gnidelines The bin{ hqtic mnrols con sisr or a mororiad paddle swibhmunEd in lhc sdage bin- A serof NC (nomlly cbsen) con@rsol ih. saitch m conndeil in sries wid tbc MCS (mayerm.ml switch) of rheTlolflcAR unn. AI wiring an.linsullrxon nus bc donein lhe field. CDidc linesfor insuuinglhc bin osaric and a wilins sch.nalic .rc prcvidcd wnh e&h kir. All wir'n&/wning connec rio.s, a.d conduit/condtrir con@rions@ by olheN. of0 Sn€cili.rtions l15|lt@ Unil wershs iust ? 1/4 ponods KA nodel U/L md i/rry be ld.r.d in any posi, tion. Shouldb. Ie,Ed b'l- low r@ drsimseol cmdcn o o a a o a o a o a a a o a o a a o a FiSure 9-l DihensiohSpeciliotlons r/3o Tdb. turlaeEunccdnnmr I I a o R.ad Ssfe(YS€crlonbetorelhis lh€seihsducdonscould rsult All unirs a@ I00% i.tercha.geablewilh nml o er O ConplereMoto. Cul-Off nrcoswnch PElcnLsnotor bumoutand imcas rifc. Whcnpaddles sull, .uftnr now threush mororNindi.gs N cu! ofi by Has v&u!m t SnMard on all s{dels. Ha pull-o$ srcngrh of noE than Easy Shaft Extensior By jtrs Edoving pa.ldlelloo colplins and screwb8 n srrfttard 1/4" DiE wnh ste dard pi!€ rht;di. Up to 2l f4r cm bc addedwi6out in terferingwilh \ensnivitYof nni' (\Nnm narleshancr. Ensions,nd guardscan be 3trDDliedto sD4ificario. Fl;iible or sotid shafl rre slai.lessslel add€d Prolection ide bin moisbre rn- E coaredfo/ $icky DsEnaisor exr@ncly corc$v. alnos_ FiSurc9.! Wiring DirgraN a a a o a o a o o a a o a a a a a a o a o o o o a a o a a o a a o a a a o a a a a a a a a a o a o a o a a a a a a a a a a a a a o a a a a a a o a a o Read S.f€ty Section bdrore lhis lh€s€ inslruclions ould .esutt Beciuscbuilrin sisnalt,elay alovs sndl moun orprddle Frcn.4 ro 12 i.ch oun@sro morionin stalledposnio.. conpensaFior cn.nges D malerialc anolb- Sinple n q pFv€nuv€ nedurc agd.s ralseltanscaued by maGnil shifts exesive vibraion. now qua ies usr. ml€s scc- Fom'65'F ro +l85oFspocial Built-lh Slip Clurch l.side casi.g allowspaddles ro betuned nanualy in eider dnedion *irhour stripping gem of sbafi or noor drive. Rolle..Type Microswitch PEwdslal$ lins,po. The bin o mdc r @unted @d lh€ ice ennypoint mmr lhe pon {hee mdtmtrm ice O-osrilil]lr ln !ll Popul{r !olrages: Fd &y applicationfton snn- l l 5 v , 2 1 0 V , 2 4 V , 5 0H z o ! ply hlowi.g a ho.nor runing 60 Hz, aswell as24V or l2V on h indicatorlishL0 acuv{ing i soph{ricated aulomaric marerialhandlingsysem of co.veYos, f@de4, andofier proce$ conFols. Rer€r 6 Sllinle$ srel, du${ishr,Md leal-pmof P@ve.rsnrterial trcm reachinsb€arinssand janmi.g unn. Resisain'errl bintiesue oa15 !o 20 PSL (Specialsals avdlable ror Mounlin! Thesvnchnororrotacslne swnchpaddle. As long d the swnch is fe !o ronrc, thc switch conncrs remain un, changed fiis oUowsconrhuous op€ramn or rhe TIG/ n or $oEge E* iU Filenp mund addlcandBbict Pmns floadis 0oror Dounr lhe rliive mtor sd fic co.Srdnlesscel - a vihl conuol a€t Ofte6 DosirivepoGc' honog{ins moisuB andcd rosve bDildDp whichcould impan prope.runctio.ingof (ll dmpc.riony)aE randad conraclin rhe Mcs circnil oP.ns,p ing d. uniin the aulomari lrp down node). AllTIG unia udlia a puDI} dow. cycle !o openbo.. Tbis pl ft. nt chrgc r.@ rhe condenser/Eccrver TleFfoE, lhe unn des nor sropoperarionimdiatly rfter lbe bin swnch open or fie MCS s*itch is Im.d oft a a a O a a a 3dt Turbo Pdnsnrinscmniy tl Rsd S.fett Selion b€for. lhit lh.s ir.lrNlions could resul( a a o a a a o a a a a a a a a a o a a a a o o o O o o a a o o a a a a o a a a a a 1.4 TurboRcriisrnhgcomPdJl/39 a a t a a a o a a a a a a a a a a a o a a a a a a a a a a a o a a a a o a a a a a a a a a PROGRAMMABLE CONTROLLER USERSMANUAL a a o a o a WARNING O To tuue rhar tne .qupnent dsib€d bt tlis m&@1. a sdl 6 .tl €quip|Mr onnal.d to aDdu$d -nh iq oprn!6 stisf.dmily rtrd st€lt, all .ppli€ble loel .rd Mliosl @dB rhal aDDlr io iost lln!.nd o|)@the tli€ eniDdst Dusl bf totlo{ed. sinc cod6 @tr r;d @ dsngc dft d;e n is lh. Br! Rspcibility to d.l.mim ert dd,6aphi€[t vhlch 3t ndlrds od codesaDDlr,ad to @nptj wi(h lh.b FAILL'RE TO COMPLY WTII APPIJCANLE CODES AND S1ANDARD6 CAN RESULT IN DAMACE TO EQUIPMENI AND/OR SERIOUS INJURY TO PERSONNEL All r{!iD@nr should b€ ihslllkd ard oDo.t.d Nrding to all sppli€bh *dions ol th. N,tioMi Ilrc Code Nrriml Eldlntl Codr. sd lhe od6 ol l[a Natio.l El..rriol Mana{rud's Assialiob (NEM-A)6 a ninihtrn. C,nbcr yd. lool Fire IvIrBha[ ond Elecbiet bsp4r6 to d.tcrnlre shich cod6 ald si.ndlr.b apply lo t@. tpeittc c4. Fesodml vho .re lo iutall snd oD€r.te lh€ equiprul sDouldcarettrlly st{dy this botrd and rny olhe6 Ef$ftd to by it p.ior to ins&lbrion and/or opsrlion of the equipnat. lf rd h.t ey qustron: reqqdhg lh. iEbltelior or opmtion ol lh. cquiphdl. ot if mdre infornalid is dsidd, conlact yor a!.hdiz€d Appli€lioDs Eocinering Dislrtuuror (AED) or for 24h@r sNie sistlre 6.hsg@ct Prns, @ll (51s) {6r-2s0r. siemm Irdusial Au@nai6, Inc. tuihodas Tulbo Re6i@h! Conomv ro FDrod@ dE folowinE stions of rheSIMATIC Tl Ssies lO5 8 Lol us;s Mdiuol FibGh€d bi SLA).P nl[ly n, \992, 2593516-IY)1O siemN IndusEialAtrbmion, hc- Ciry,Tmese 3760t1255 ,ohnson n, lnc. Sieft.s IndMial 3000BiI Gdldd Road tohsor Ci'y, T@es 3?601 a o a a a a a o a a a a a a o a a a a a a a o a o a o o a 619T6R6!!r@gco@y'NF4[tI!3d' @TUnBoEe4$ddlBtd'!bR6B.d3cl!4'h@!''q{' a a a a a o a. a a a a a a a a I a a a o a rl a a a a a ooo sEcrtoN2 --,..-.--..-...-.-................ -..9 Ir'OODn ChEt(4)-.--......-.-..-........ .... . ,, .. . .---.r2 T@bleshdinslnrur Modulc(5)............ ......,.... - 12 a a a a o a a a a TroublFshoritrg& Mainl6.r@.-. Oreiew .,.-,,,.,.,,,...,,,,.-.-,,-... .,---.--.......-...--........-.. . . . ....9 RcplacingTbf Mod.l TVI25/TB r0 CdftUer S&ery............ | | TrcubhshodbsMod.lsTBI5/TU5/'n110....... . ... ......1I IntrodEion(r) -..,........,..........--.......................-. .-...,.. 11 Chetjng Pbg@ M.hdy Emr 12\.......................... .....' I Tmubreshding A CPUPror (l) . . ............ .....12 o o o a a oaoaaoo SECTIONI o a a a a a a o CONTENTS TDble-ShodingOrpot Modules(6) .....--..--.. .- .. . .,. - 12 ftoblqshoding TB05 Mo<lule VOMouDs Be (?) ... 12 Frs Repl@r .....-.-..... . .,,..,,..-.,-.......-..--...-...... 12 Checlons Can s (3)....................-.-..........,...,. - . -----....13 PoerdmingEr6 (9)............-. 13 sEcTloN3 StsteDProgEsming...,-.... .. .. .....-.....- ........-.. .-....--.....,... l5 TB05I'roCr"ffi-,.....,-. .-.. ...-............15 M o d E s OOf p d d i o n . - . - - . . ..-. . . . . . . . , . , , . . . . . . . .1. .5. . RmMode-...........-.-......--.-..-........--.-.. -- -... .,...15 ftogtu Mode.----.-.-...-..-.....-....-...-.--..-.-......-. .. l5 lradMotl€-.- -. .,.-.----.-...-.--...-..-..-.....-....-..---. ....15 .. ,....-.--.......-.-.....--.. Opedion .......,. ,..., .....-15 In@cionLEDS.---.--.--.--.-...--.... .-..,.,,., -,.,, .- -.-......15 4DR....._._.._...__......-._.._..._._.._..___.......__....._ ,... . , __._.15 sgF..... _..,....__.__....__.......... .._._._......_.._........_. ...... . 15 DATA .. ,....__.__.__..._..._....._...__...................._... __ 15 REC.....,,........,._,-__._......._............._........_ K.rlockswirch,.,..,,-.,....,-. ,.,.-.-,,, ,.,.-- .....-.......-.......15 6/e! rubo R*t@da cmpa i a a a a a comd Kers......'---.'--CHECK.............._________ READ.........._.._..................... rrRIr!. ___._._ ._._.......,, .__..,,,..,., ,_.._.. . _.._.. ___.__..... 16 M O N.... . . . . . . . . . . ......,....-.,,. . , . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . .r.6. . . . l d n K e y s . . .. . . , , , . , .,,.-. , , , . , , . . , . . , . ,. , , . - .- - - . . . . . - 1 6 DEL... . ... .,,,....,,.,........,.. . . ............., .. . .,,....l 6 l N s . . ,. . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . , . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . a o a a a a a a a a o a a a a a o a o a ENT............................................ cLR.......___......._.........._........... .._._............_..._..................l6 sHF........-.--.-----.-...................-----.-............-.....................16 scH.......--....--.-...........-..........--.--..-.........--........-............l6 PRV...._._....._.............................._.._.........._........._........... .-.-.-.....-...,...--.............16 Dan/ReBiMK.)s.....--- --.,.,..-. .. .-.,......--.... .. . 16 F . . .. . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,.. .,,.. 16 R...................,.... S\es LEDS, ., ..,...... ... oN/oFF.................................... RIJN...................-......-......-.--............-..--.....-.--,.-.--..-..-. 16 P W R - . . . . . . . . . -. . . ., . . . . , . , . . , . , , , . . , , . , , - . . . , . 1 6 8 ? { T T , . .. . . , . . , , . . . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . . . . . 1 6 .........-........-............r? cPu.,....- -.-.-..--..-.....--..-.....-.-.-...-.. Add€s^efcMe Dqlay..-..-...-..-........-................-..-.-.11 PfsdlmFrdrd 1l Cle4Piogmltrlemory................-.........-............-.....-.-..-.19 DkplayUsM6ory....................................................... . lo D G l l a y i nAsd i n s s0 . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . ......19 I DAlatine A SFcifiedAddrc\\.................................... Irdirr An UnusedAd(ltes Oi c t r m t C h e c k - , . , . ,. ., . . - . ,..... . . . , - . . . . - , . . . . r Cheging F on Ad&es Disprry To ......-----...1s hsdonDisplay..................... 'Wnte,/Edir An Instrdion .......................-.--..-...-..-.-...---....... 19 Ireft An Insdion.....-.....-.--.--...........-.-.... -..--..-.--...........19 DelereAn llsturim.-....-..-............ - -....,....--......-,-....-..... l9 M m o n n E V O S u f u . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .l .o. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mmiotrg Trer Or ComErvalu6 .. ..,.....,,..-....20 MmitorinsDda Ree!ftr Vrtus ,.,..,., ..., ,. .., 24 cnughg TiftrrcN@ A@@DIa@values or 21 hb Sp4ifiedDar. Regisd Valres...............--................. Seachhg,.-.....-...-................-.....-.....................-.-......--..-.......21 o a a a a a o a a a 4 SECTTON Proerahhilg Error Mss$. .- - -..--....23 In\ :ld O..radonD{edenDi DllvCode. . ..... ...,... . .. ProEtu Syn6 Emr/Disrlr) Coi Add donal1 U l5 Eno6/Di5'lty Cod n Tuboturrs.u4c@Fry 644 O a o a a o a a a o a a a a a a a o a a t a a a a a a a a o o a a sEcTloN5 Cas€rleRcadFOpq iotr.-..........-*............,...........,...._..,,, 2j .. . 2s - SrddlrdArdioC.src Taprfl yF n *.. ................... ................,,. ....................,... 25 sEcttoN 6 TB05 Qdck Rd€Ee Gude .,.,,,...................,,... ,,._,.....__......__...29 Dmr4hoi6 ...._....._....-,_..-.. 30 lB25lTB30 CPUtuold And Dilswirch Sedngs......-........-. .30 sEcrtoN7 ModelA!5840CPU..................-..... . .,... .-...-.--.....-.....,-.,,,...... _.31 Prsrd Suase h EEPROM..... ,,. ''_----..--.31 Inealj,sEEPROM................. ...,,.............._....____._. ..__._ _...31 ModrAf@Pord,Up,...,.................-..,. .. ..__....____......___... . . 32 a a a o o a o o a a a o a a o o a a 684 nlboR.nisEdinscdhrdr u i rlbo R.tisozins Cor!.iy 6D4 a o a a a a a a a a a o o a a a a a a a a a o a a OOO$ sEcnoNI FrcuRFs & rAlLEs ModulsCPUS...-.......-'.-....-,-.........,.,,,.............._...... ._,,.....I Mo&lTIi25,'TB30Comnd-.....,, ........-.........r TI305!rcszjttJJM... ....-.-......-....... -......---...-..2 CPUPrBsnlg...........-....,.,,.....................,.. _.-7 SECTION2 TrdblesboolihA & Md FsN2.r Table2-l a a a a o a a a cn.n R.pt&ineBardy rnMo&rTua/TBlo cmrouer,.,.,....._____--_____Tmblc-ShodingS)m!@6........ _. _.........__tO SECTTON J t1305Pro3Bl:lffi.-.....,..,,.................. ..,,.. _ l6 TB05 Prog@ FwdN (@bued n DaseL8).................... .... . ..,.......17 VOMorurdinsWi$ LEDs......................... .,.20 TjndrcmH A@nded value D i D k y - - - - - . - - . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....,..... - . . . . . m Ir'ORafertues@s..:.... - .. ..-.................. 22 o a 0000f Trc Ammned ValE ....-..... sEcnoN5 C6dreRdrderOpq!rion.............. FigE5-l Iigft 5-2 sEcnoNT .. .__-----._........-. _......25 Prog'ffir Fea]rffi........... ..... .............2t Wndng FM Conmlkr To Trpe .... ............t6 Model335/!.i0CPU--..-.............-.---.,,... ........-....-.-...... ....._.31 EPROM/EEPROM sodrd redDn .........-... 32 Memory TlT....... .------.-. l2 Re@dveCanmlRelars .............t2 a a a a a a a a 22 6/!!ftJb.Rd'igoajigcdFnyy a a a a a a o a o a o a a a o a a o a a a ,o a a a a o o a o a a o a a a a vi ft,bo R.ftigelnu codpfr a a a a 6q a a a o a a o a a a a a a o a o o a a a a a a a o a a o ooso MODULARCPUs Opick StFrt CAUfiON The Model TB25ln330 is a nodurd CPUnsedin rheSe' ries TtlO5 sDdular IIO sysm. Ille CPU is insblled in a Sdies 1I3O5 bas. wnicn ce b€ a 5, 6, or loalo! bae. ft provides !p @ l6a VO points,of which96 cd b. Erfttclyllnrc<tupb32E0 rer (1000n) nm ihc l@al Do not cotr.et lhe 220 VAC hdtDl teninal wh6 pNering the Dit ailh 110 VAC. Tbc unit i! .laMeed if 110VAC operetionis st, lmpt€d qith this lerhih,l z Ins a CPUmodulci.ro PokrsuPp'y,d inrur (305-01S),inroslo!2, ad a N!!r$ $odutc i6 sLt 3 3witchin lhc PRG rditib 5. Th Dit porer d Thc POT{ERLED @ UlE@U Ptugrall1@ ro Lhe6!nrot DrcPrlrl]!@ dielrv Eadr 3- Conncdihc conrmllcrlo d acpl)wrsoue. Se IE purp@ of Quict Sm Mion is b gd inc c4siened ue sE&d in lhe I. U.pack UE€qujp@nL $ooo b.oi o.ed thc'AriRrrD nluDinas SeEs@ WARNING ?- CLr!rcs]u To hiniDi2e nsk ol por.tr, tial sho{* laurd, bn sure the unit is prcF.rly i!st lled in the endGure to niDlhize a.6 of electriolly lire temin s, Only Per$E liamledgerble in th€ st e of bigb voltage sb@ld p€.lom tlris tet. @ory cLR Sslt 3 ,t 8 DEL NXT swirchonthc rcs,fu ir theRtN p6siti-6 (roi dode). ThcR\JNl-ED a a a a a a o o a a a o a a a a 0 +F I 0 0 lll tll sbi 3 sltor2 sto{1 Figure l.l ModelTI325/rB0 Controlter T 6Da ubo PefiigeE.ineCorFny I 9 ouFut nDdule insk ed in prce]ffirof(E r0- T.s m outPuusirg an inpwrodnle. rd inpu rFdlle is insialledin 3lor I, pr@d d fouows STR SHFT O ENT . TM m.@Ie.p@er ofl d ourlur o. For rhisb$, . EnF.0F follovins keystotesfid rhc our slfr r 0 ENI . rturd vi€ d inpuL . Phce TI305 SETSTIFIlOENT mina'l d $e inlut . Ou9ut l0 LED on the sel4r snch in rhe . Tm conFoll* poer had wiEd b ihe inpur uengEeqrce@ Lbeled 0 on rhe ouqur nodlle illutunaFs. s.l4t swirch in $c RSTSHFTIOENT proedw, EFar sePs 5-1O r lhe pDbled lqsist, Ef* ro sdon 2 - Trcublc-Sbmdng & gq cb @,6 6 **"@@@@b tFll t;t f;J ta F;l o esEeH teEl\ffi Figure l.t TI305 PrcgqDmr 2 TEbo R3fiis@dng Conp€ny6,94 o a a a o a o a o a a a a a a o o a o a a a a o a a o a a a a a a a a O a a a a a a a a a a a o a a o a o a o o a a a a a a a o o o a a a a a a Tnc CPU pl@sss rbb by cyclic opd.id e@ution, dF Fspds rib. 6:06 @eivisg a sislal Secrig]lE 1-6 10shdinEilvEis anh dE irDuLrimne ddlmgr@codeds ligre l-6 CIU l|1)isiDg a 6,94TfboR.f'lg.n6gcomFny7 a a a a o a o a o a a a a a a o o a o a o a a a a o a a a a a a a a a a a o Idbo Rerris.ajnsCn'!6ny 6,44 a a a O a a a o a a a I a o a a a a a TROIJBLE-SHOOTING& MAINTENANCE Toublerh@tins lhe Sqi.s T[ms SysEnosists oaoE 6n€! uoubl+tt@tine 1]@ _.rh dE is lisred r;; 0 I a a a a a I a 0 a a a a a a a a a a a a 0 a Figur.2-l Rept.cingBaoe.J In ModctTLt25/TIj30 Conrret|Gr a a a I a TFubL.Srdn8 & M!l@m6 694 TdoRernsedingcliD6i, 9 a a a a a a a a a a a a a a o a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a o a a a a a a a o t T'rre R.lrueBhs C.npdv 6a{ Tnrr.rhdiie t & Mxiiar4c a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a o a a o a a o o a a a a o a a a a o a a a o o o O a a a O O e sysrEMpRocRAMMrNG {D {D 0 2 305-02DM- $is RS ,r22 v6ion wiU conneo o a RS 422pe. To ii'crfde RS-232polt yon ce !s a RS-232roRS 422 E.gi@irg EnErFogtu insmcti@s 305 DCU-U c@vcier muns ditudy on dre03DM; Tl crble P/N 50e36O2wil mmat Edir exish8 prcC@s d ADB For a.lCirional infmadon, conac! tN disEiburor. or call 24nou sfli@ assis _ (615)461,250i prcper intemd operuions. The proglum! coopatrbL @mpfler You cm odd TISOFT dd dE TlSOFT Uvr's MaMl (rn number PC30s-6201). A Daia Co@DDi€tions Unn is al$ ne€d.d b inErfae |ne unir o the TI305 TleE e Run Modc ln nn rode, dE onhld c&s ud exmres lhe lad&r logic You cm 1 305 03DM - Bs@al4adc srsrenwirhe IBM XT/AT, LhisRS'232 directly b rheRS 232 pon on you comPurd by nsirg (-r'IP,N V220G3605)_ SHE LED n on when vou LED mtus |tlat fu@ ket fDncdds @spond b labelsabovc6e $l*red k As b altemstire ro usirg the TI305 prc , 'bu .m us rhe TISOFT @cEring hs ThB r-ED is or wh@ e ad, the D{IA (oFErion codet and pafu errs, bur you cdnot dr€r ine Prcg@ vhile in tu mdc In pm8rd morte. rhe @., boller d@s nor sco d u.gic prcCrM. You tr edir inshcrions d pa@@ while jn rhe prcgEm nod€. In pre gm mode, dc fln i4iicabr !4!d.l{eds This LED is on ahen you e nonnmbg de conhb of I rcglsE Ihc ad.LsvdaB dis ptay shovs r foEiigir BCD BEC Thr LED h on vhen yotr m nqiltrins rhe contcnb of a Esi$ci rhc ad,Cftssof lhe selakd Dgi$s is shown in dE l(eylek ssibch sel46 lhe opemting mod. of tn. 6tr Fo[* t m bc lrhed b ey p.siii@ dwing prcgmmc, prcgr5h executon, or lo opmdonslnhour M In load Dode, yo! ce Ecod a poetu in CPU lMory onro a cssen€ hPci or you cd load a prcgnn trcm a cssde upc ino ih. CPU 6F! T160 R€fnsming ComDsJ 15 a a a o a o a a a a a tr ,f,jo+-d Figue ll eEqE alo* rotr b vbfy b4 a !bcl@ *a sl@$fuly Fcdd€d liu CPU lr@orybmaDdF6s.e Mordd, 6 lo&ted fi@ d Ndio cosnc Edda b BEAD alovs ,ou b lo6d , hlm d ludio 6Dro@ ;6 Ecordd b CPU l]rm E a a a E] E TI305 Progru@r INS auws yo! b bsen losE irmcrions bctred exisli,g ENI @pletes a togEady. C!8 clc4 Frviously d' SEE chos* 'hc omD,rd klys to .uErn kys, .rd th! fwtion leys SCH,PRV,ett Nt(T @ thc fimtions lah.M E rlos yo! Docntlr r trc disit &ts opqElion 6 tumB, Flds a &B EgiM 6 a ri@,tou@ a@dula|.d d.ll Egisls, or slats a groDp Df@@ nuobd whei pbe@ing itau opSbaE LEDS WanE dos yotr 6 sarc (@dd) F@ CPU @no.t ro an nDdioesc@ Epe. lQN in ru. node, allovs you ro ooniM 16 I/O rcfd en@s 4 o@ [@. you cm arsooonnd cmnr w!.lus of SCH allows mD 6 raaE losic ,c@d6is, 6 rfd (@hcr oce nmb poinB), for a fttury .d EBY catrFs rhc pEv,ous otury addss q icEe don b be displald. Otns oes @ .les6ib.d rhDlgn@l Edit Kels DEt whs a FDgm iBtue tioa s drsllalEn in |he addtt$/&ta &e" pFsins DEL IRV iteleEs lna inshdion !D(I causs the nex' nmory ad.lre$ or instudion |o b. dislh,€il Othd Ds rcdesibed LhmuglGr this s' 16 Tnlno Relngcdth8C@PsnY644 QN&EE Eflcsr lbc s@toroa CPU mEory fo tbe intucEIJN is oa when ihe node sele.krr swnch is in lhe RIN P:gBumwho@n@u.r sqply is flmiding low BAII is on vhen fernal b6iery is e r lN low lcv- a o a a a a a o a a o o a o a a o a a a a a a a o a a a a a a a a a o a a a a a a a a o a o a a a c o a a a a a a a a a a o a o o o a a a a a a Czu ir @ eh.n dEE i! d Addr.s/RefeEnc Di$h! Tablc 3-1 lisrs dE fmcrioN, is he keysdolcs EquiEd b c!, b dam, ad lh; nFits in vhich rhe fumd@ cd b. Erflme{L Fonction l)m, i6s @ ftUy aplainat in sectionsd'd tollow theuble. . rou-dgl ab9lay slwirs $e locarid of ciLhd dE oendy ad.h6s 6 thc pIG gEbmed insEwion\9ha TnOS Progrrhmr FDctiotu Th node sclcctswirchto rheRUNpositid Go b Pmgtm mo<te(PRG),Tm noti. s.rq swirchto thePROposiiion CLRSTiF348DELNl<T Co lo b€sinninsof progm SHF NXT SEF {Aiida$l NI'IT CI-R lclffi prEviouslyenr.rd com6d dd prEht addr$sis drspllyedl [Pre os insmction] PRv tDabl ENT lAddresso.Insocrionl SIiF [DaE] INS NXT Ds?lay Ihc insncdon rodeleF&ad!rcss DEL PRV CX-R SHF INS NXT Dis?layaddresby enuine ID$al scrr Displty the insudim by pEsrg NxT 6,P4Tdo R.f'gd,ry co.Tpry l? o I.ble U Tl30s Pro€n||re. runclim (codliru€d) K€rsrr.k€ Fun.tion Display addr6s by pssing NXT Dsplay de EIM nuber by ?Esi.g SHF 0rleturt FfeJ!@l SCE Dtplay ncr usedErelt@ by pBsDg SCg asain Use gra]]r@ chcck @l@a@vacd rddEss Mddple srus opeEtion. sleci8edstartngadd4s. TiIM/@uEr coub SHF ['{u!ory cfel!@] MON qleg. @9. of dqray by pqsilg PRV m NXT ,4ddacd adDulaFd vate SHF 6 Memory eie@cel MON o1r=SET SHF lMedory EfeFn@l ENI refcBcel Er,m Ofr = RST sHF tithdy DisAlayaddfts ad pN SEF [vat!c] ENT Fo@ dr6 Egrscr valu€*. R [Reg n!.olcr] MON RST SHF lNewlaluel ENr Chmk progw gE]me q_R scll Re@rd&ra b cssne Gp€- lFile No.l WRITE NxT vhficarion of caseE rrpe o o a a a a a a a a a a a a insE&riod is dispray€d,rhc F@e dis@le rcf@.esr. a a a o o o IEleNo.l READ PRV lFneNo-l CHECK SCH * FoEe oMlEs fd oorv on. scb. m nunhftd in @tal, which is als hoM as The VO Efee@s in UE Sdies TI305 @mnd rtob 0 b /. SinceI dd q @ rd sed the ncxr loinr tf_ a Lsual bAe 8. [O DoinGde codcd le7knum[.r!dI0.when.hecNrFachA17,.heNrtpoirtN20.Thepoinrlollowing77is NDbeEd lm. and soon. rB Tuto Rernsdbg CmPmY604 a a a a o a a a a o a a a a a a a a a a a a a a o o a a a a a a a a o a a a o a a a a a a o a o a a o o a o o o o o a O a a a a a Cler ProAhh M.tMt WrildEdit An lrstmctioo To d6 ariF @rcrLs of logic nelryy, pl@ rhc plc gl!l!r@ b PRC nod. and du dp following key To chder nc66y d.L !t a To dclcE M inshcii@, use r. Plre $€ Dodescl*lo. l PI@ tlrc DEdeselcm CLRSIiFS48DELI,T'(I And aI rDdEy has b@ cLr.!, the addsYil,E diy play is 0,0.OO lrd rtc ADR LED is d. To @@l the cled f@rid, wss CI-R in, z Prds PRv d ^l)(T urril display rheimhcd@ io chogd is dislhrr4 fo mDpLi AND SIiF 4. src.Miot Ephls ihc tEuous Ds@[on d $ar \tlcn opcnug in tlE FG g@ d fln rbde lhis 6uc don s.qME .llows '@ b eL4t dd diQlay a sleified m@n/ addE$, ed the log4 6nEm of dDt addEs DisplavineAd,.Lrss0 PEssStlF NXT ar &y rim. @rodY lded, ard rlE nd !ddE$ is di3lLyed. To insrt e instsuctid b.t*6 eo qisdnc insruc 3. P@ssDEL The addre$ tlispby sh@s a lorer cas d left dign of rhe Ao @c.l the dere€ turction IEs CLR b.rft F.tf(Mg sF! 4. IlE disllay EM3 ro ihe insmcriq b.ine @nsid, 4 P6s PRV ro confm rhc ttele€ fudio. The oexr ad&es is .lisplaye<LThe EmuDDe rnshcdons anmadcallv b&k !D @c addrc$ leaiion bv;rd 0,0.0,0.ro trl the hpty 1- PUe Lne@ite seletu DislannE A SMrfied Addrss splay, ftr .@ple, lh. tr !ddr$ 123, DBs r23NXr.Illis lecEd adljrc$, 0.r.2"3. is +ripqAnq!'u$d Adde$ Pres CLR SCl] b l@!E the f6r a€ilable lsation (end 3 EnM lhe .c* iNruo@, focxanpld AND SH! 44 Pr6s INS The addre$ dispLy shom a low ce i in dc lcft disir or th. ChaneinsFmn AddJEs Di$lav To Insmcrion UldBy To chdse lhe ad.,/e$ di$ N)(T. The rd d lhe mbory is ds- 5. PEs NXT ro @nfm thc insd. llE display shows de addrcssof rh. ndt Yon cd Eonid a tod of 16 VO PfeE@s ar sy one b€simins wirh d a&!es tou et4i E&h EleMce n vnh-h a smD! of eiehl rcler ences- Thc I/O sntu of de gou, wirh lne elected EleF ence, ed 0E ncxr higher ercup ol ei8hr,is indicakd by 1. Phce lhc rDde selabr 6tgl Tuto Rehg.tuns cspdy t9 a t Figuft !2 VO Moritonng Xfith LEDS I I Flgun 13 Timer/Cmter AMdhted 2- Seld tho eferc!@ ro be r@itdEd Fdq@plc, to m@it6 ulr 6, lEs $]F 6. 3. PE$MON. value Drsplay NXT b sll fwdd @ bmkwdd in incmnb of TlEdjtlty follop.d by fic l(ms rcf@ce in rhd 8rcu!F!@ r[e ddple in $@ To mnib tlE a!.@ulared r€lE of a l]@ d Douncr: r. Pl@ rhcrFdc Fr.clor rEDEent thc stanrsof the gdp Elh the scl..1ed rhc @ryEfedc.j stabs oi lhc ncxLdduy Efftn@ is indicatedbt lF ldr eishl LEDS. VO Foddbg with LEDSis TlE cre aeunulE4! valE of rh. sp6in.d utr/ c@Er h drsplay.d in the addrEsvthE @, dd the LEDS @pEMdg ftc rae M tLgits of rh. riffi d cMtd @ iluinated. A€udlaEd dft is displaled in 0.1 ecS.e FisN ond incFrent. MonnonngDataR€ersler To @4ib ihc ldE of a dlb rgistcr, pld dE Eod. cl€mr sirh in $. RttN pos!6. fie E SF.'fy quired.!2rarcsise. Fd 4 cFrnplc, to @dror Ihe opdeirg valueof tiftr SHF6T?MON ard.t 0o llm@ drc vrln. of dlb cgrsb ,1O0,pE$ R 400MON.Thewalueof dF rtr6 Dgser s displaycd 'r the oddr$Ydaa ea a o o o o a a o o o o O o o o o a a a o o o a a o o o o o o a o o a o a o a a a O :o luto Refrullee CflP&Y 6/c4 o o o o O o o a o a o a o a a a o a a o a o a o o o a a o a a a Chrnging T-l|6/Count€r valu6 or acc!tul5td 3. ?re$ NXT ro sii ih. i,!@dion fd the ad,.lr4s b rhc od of dE ImgrarD. trmPl tum io reDoY 4. PEsins Cl,R clus rhc odtlBs lo be dilplald thc sFarfed daBEgisB !y triDs rherollwing CLRR-4OOMON dtur/@ot€r Ele@e CLRR6OOMON ?. CrBge thc voloc of the 6?cciEedr@/c.6h FfeM@ or the sp€4i6€d tlaiarcgi$d by prssirg: SHF Ncwvals ENT ti@r/@unter Bf.rene ENT SHF N*vatus Itc seh opendd dlows you b raaE logic inshc nmbe6 dons d Dfftne (csbct Dd s) rq E!F, ad,.lresses.To $db fd e inso@on, us tne following L PI@ dc node s.latd s*iEh in erh6 the PRG whos @@ry is b b. sarched. Fodanplq pess ouT sttl 2 0 sgl TIE fs' drMJ addrc$ fd the idh4ion 5. rr@ MdnE bDss SqlqhiG tR cdF addss is dbplar4 dic .d!o[.r sarclEs fd odd alirtEswelhal h!rc de @ins@tioD. r 3@hid i! continRd o the od 6athc prDs@, it Mrtshud@tury Mouito.ine A Prosram To clk k tnesEN of dE 1^c | . Placcthemod! Fl4or insElclion-addFs 6eh To 3cah for a pdtidld Ef(sret goi!t), lse *@ 1. Pl4c rhemod. slsior wi@h in .ithd lhe RltN 2. Enu lhc @nEd poinL Fo. qldDlc, !o tud tn ftc$ SI]F r 0 ScIl. Th. mEdf ad&es ls disphy.4 lfd. @D@ poift is nor.risEnr, e@ codeE9 is displaye<L 3. PEs NXT !o display rhc @nEclpoi numt€r lor 4- rlou cdrilu. @lEs SCH wn ! lhe@ndy oddqs is dislhycd, tle conhler smh€s fd od6 ad.Lesss dELhare ue sdc @ntlcl PohL ,@irordbv oEsse r# a^o hc E8JftDs @doryEfcre@ rumbe dd lEsins MON IIle disphy showsa chMdd fduo*€d hv de loqesr rcfffi@; thar 4@D rh rred a; diiibn inro tDup! of 10 (@bl sysh),but'h* e @ly eighrEf@rces D c&h Sroup- For cr@plq 0-7, Tbc ij)mc6odnlllffiic lEDs showthe sbtus of 16@feMq. The tus eight rrDs DpEsnt dD s6tusof rhegoP vir} the sel4Ed efcEsE lhe s@nd Mof eigtuLms @ fo. 0E ne highd 3. Piesins NKI rftdes rhe disll,t d rcfeE ce gr@p by r0. Pressins dapbr€d Efdne 684 a(bo R.hs.dji€ sEUp CmFny 2r 4. Pr.ssing d. CLR ci€.rs Erdple Chc.kiig Trc AeutudrLd of @ni0odns To ch€t rhc 1 Pla@ dE @dc sel@to. @ iduMioivnuffiic LEDS rcfd!@s lO0 thmogh 107,&d 110th@eh 117 r the LED disrlry is u shoM in Es@ 3-4, t@ rcf6@s rhc d@t/coub 3. Pr6sirs CLR cl4 SI]FlO5MON Thc AddEstDrl' rheinsfuctiodn@ic @ Ac.MdaFdtu is dxphlrd itr sordr (l l0l,106,110, liE€V@ocr luobd Md tEGs MON. lhc clrf &cEubl.d val& of thc $lc.Ld dfti/tuE ir Ad,n$dD.ta @4 ard ihc LEDSrcprcsndng llc b$ No disi6 of th! ti@ d tuEr ir illuEinnied in To ia m cx@pb of ch4t\g d@ 6t? wih M @umked vrlue of 15.3 sPEsSHF6l7MON. Figw 3-5 shows rh. A.ldEsVDM itisplay dd rsmdodnutlrtr LED dis, play fd this cxrDlre Changiog Tih€r/Couhlq A@tulaior Valus Or Spedficd Dalr Regirter It To chmgc ti@/c@nrer ralws d s!€i6ed ddn Eel$d t Figure g EEmple OfMonontrg VO RererenceStota ri@/@eb Ear@ d lhc sFcined dr6 FeisEr by typing dp follotug CLRR4OOMON tirer/count€r rea€me CLNR6OOMON t a 2- Chase ih. valu. of lhe sF.jficd riFa/@uq EfeEna d dE sp@ified rta6 egisle. by prcsing: SEF Ncwvdne ENT Ilgurc 3'5 EEhple Of Mditding T/C ,aeudlated valuc , T[t. Retig@4 Cdbpany6sl tirer/oun(er .€fe@ SEF NCWVATE ENT o a o a a o a a a o a o a o o a a o o a a o a a o a a a o o a o a a a o a a a o o o o t t , t ) t I t t t a o a MESSAGES I O $ $ rnocnemtnlc ERRoR ord c!$* ol.aih lnc@r Foglirtr dd dieplattd m dr PDgIljIl@ Eqdd cFmton l@cdinghli)ing) a a a o a a a a o a dEiqld Inv€lid Operrli@ Dete.rcd E0l svr6 h@.pregl.m EO1 REfe]lM nMbd out or tulP Ell t a ft lrogm 6i6carid F25 do! with c,s.rle E28 rct adjusted@trEcdy beirg s.iEhcd fddo.s nolcnsr C{aetE vol@ l8h(rjon The rter E99 Dmts d a slot conbrn-Dsm inPui bodure v4 EIJZ *" * fr"*Y* $fibliiiiqil$lf, H*,'#ig%KE Dupticar. dFlt d tid/onntlr E03 F!5 DuDbtr' MCSMCR PAIRS .to not Dakn EO6 b @{ns 6om b'lm a CMI trSR rnstu 'io' Mising TMR d CNT pEs or shin E8:sm EnBe' TI€ snB dcs rct r.mime in e OUT ft bo{ iN@cboo' FA1 Ptu8tu Gdory is full, E11 Ar inpuron6t Pogd E08 E09 E2\ reForY Pfirv @r or PRC oodt a pregrdn sYnB ch@km bemaded|J)d n $c RUN hod' 6D4]EtERdns@inscdnDsv 2] t a Addirioirl TI3l5 Emh nuEld of hiel' Aed 6unb FEsetloinc d:cedd lrst c@,rion be@n TBl5 dd rr'Oexpesin Muimn E13 E30 Comuicarions f.anirg c@ bet *qn TI315 &d I/O expmbL E31 Cobbuiedd paily crcr bdwr 832 TI3l5 dd Ir'Ocrp.nion, VC expdsio ilo€s not EQond b TB15. E33 a o a o o o a o a a o a O a o o o a -o a o o o o a o a o a o a a o o o a a a a 2a Tut Refiudarirscdnpdy 694 a o a a a o a o a a a a a o a opERArroNO O O O cAssErrt REcoRDER IMPORTANT ll is rls. to mt. r tap. opr of lhe progEh qistirg ir Mory b.fore .E ing it lo I@d the ns pD Hald Hdd hogEnmr Tht nErud.srhc kcy fd lhe hard held pFgffi, aldg wiin thc audio.abh vhi.h i a I.t..dp.tion o a the preg!?fu ued for TURBOtrDgmble onblteB @y bc sioFdd $ari'aftIaudio dsFrE qF!. It is wise to r!€p a tato coly of the a a o a o a a o o o o o o o a o o o o a a a a a a O o Fogm h{dy r lhe ffir th4 dE cPu eirhd b.{!@s tlefdirc, or tulDw los Audio C.site R@r.ler Thn is a dandid st! 4et@ op. Ecdld which ha a Dituphorc jrck emphom j&t, sd a rch@ 6Eol Optidslly, this shoul.thaver prc5l{ Thc m$_co@a 'nm owg tspe op€EProlv tey @ d.pr6s m d. t@d held Fost.m. ft€ shined tue'i@ teys d fte snoM n PoSrrllr@ e FiCe 5-1. TtE shifted funcrion alwry: c@Eolds to Tape Oneration SNe/R@rd A ProCEm OnroTap.(WRITE) St0d.rd Audio Cette Tape (TyDeI) The Ei@ Es[e bFs gcwllt do mr haw dc aF dio quality EqliEd dd I Insldl in€Plosffi onothecPu- vdiry L'd @DmUq hasAC !ow. 2 TM dE E de swiEh on d. hoet"ll@ roilE o(str,_ ; .i" ,L ,1 ,----EEEE@ .------oeEe-eE @8tr]@ tsEEts Itgure 5-l Prcgnnme. F.duB 6aa TuboR€ftirdins cmp{'J z5 o 6. Adjun tbe volu@ s.tilg 3. oDkBF160@o apprcxilaiely 75% qf rnc Mimsning. ra brc @Ed is ava{able! adjustir to 75% of the 7 Bcgd dc Dp€Huder oFdztim by d.pFssing D. Ii n E@m.n&d Ihai E raF bc Fkud lo perforred @ensw dlla L@d A Prog.am OnaocPU GTAD) 8. DapD$ ihe WRnE key on rlEProg'!rrl6. The will mw lt@d @etui@ 5. Fd idcndrr@dd of e Ptugg+ if dsircd, 6tEr a (o0oca999)@ thc Wlen t4p. Prog@. 9, T}@ONIOFFlistn o 'he ProgdDd vill cmc on x M€dlDrbload tne CPU, lhis nmbd m be usedo idendfy dE @ftct proc@ prior b ar@n8 CPU .bE If a Pbg@-nun'M r mt 6 mt t:F withour lss of 0! .r$ing ploer@ or del.y trclmd by l@djng r mng pbgx@. THIS IDENTIFICATION NI'MBER IS OPTIONAL ProEr@r *iI disflay E in lhe Ad,rL.ss/Du draraymd rbeoN,4cFF LEDwill bcotr sbp ihe r.ddd ed rcle 6e coutu @rior s that tlE a@im of bDeDsd fm thal prcgm can b. l. PIid b loading alrogrd @@de CPU, fie .xisring ProS@ nusl becleed ftoD rh. CPU @Eory. To dc,thii hn the nod. sqiEh o rhc PRG Dode ddFas lhcfo owirg CLR SH! 348 DEL NTT NI)CT CPU. 2.Iaolllh.PrcgRtm olo $ecPU Vdify thar @ndLr 11-D€pF$ lhe CLR (Cled k y on ihe PrDg'lmd ro cnd rherc@rd opond@ EsBBEsB ooooo ba AC Dow 3. Tm thc modeswibb on rhc Pogralr@. ro ih. T--: E.CuDFcr Ca36bFho]e L-------___ rigure 5-2 Wnting Frcm Conlrolld To Tape 26 -rut. R.aie.diog Cmpany 5,94 C'sRed-dso!4@ o o a o a a a o o a o a a o a o a o a a o o a o a o a a a a o o a o a a a a o a o o a o o a o o a o a a a o a o a o a o a a a o o a a o a a o o o a o a a a a o a a a o a 4. Comr dDPrcsllM ( r #r pdl) ro oe bp. t@idd (EARPIIONE inpur)wilh lhe ddio cablc 5- Revnd ihc Bpe lo t[e b.gimirg of a FEl@dy Bdd.d pogtu Enb thc plostu id6ri6cado rubd (U alpli@ble) 6. Adjdthc voluc seEing d ft bpc @drer|o apprexi@@ly?5% of rlp tlrldDr $dng. lf ! lore @tuor s availble, ?- DepEss $. READ try o mplc@ witt no dMsr 8. Il'e AddEsVDaE ffien of L\€ProelllrllM wi|l AddEse,DaE disrlay S@prheeud.r ard 9. ft€ LED msDddine |@dE@uMp6iM s $at dE lmt of laDe usd ftr dE Dmsab cM 13.Dc}res dE CLR (Clcd) key @ thc lrogtu @ .nd $e Ecord op@ion. Chak A PrcgHm Wftn The T6pe Cnpy (CHECX) 1. InsDl rheProgiaErcr 6b lhe CPU. vdily rhar @Fols hs AC pow, 3- Begin thc t pe ddd€r oFraon by dcPrE$Dg 2. TM thc nDdeswiEh d $ePos]a@F rhe 9. The A{tdes$rDe s@d of rheProglllm will 3, Con@r rh. P@g@r (IAPE rFd) ro rheEF (EARPHONE 'ddej 10.TIF LED msDondine _ !o tlE ?/REc o;th. low right hdrd si.lEoI Programwinlighl fd app.on@rely 10 11 The A.ldr€svDaa sci@ of |heftog]!ffi eill diDlayeFwhcnilE ProSm ha b@n {ou4 lrcglm nmbd difie@r step5, the AddFs/DaE sren of $. trcgr'@ ro Pros@ wil lghr up rd ipFoximrrly l0b 15 10 TheAdjresrlDaa s(:lq of dDllosrnllrluwiU .lisplaye FrlEn rhe pFg@ hasb.q fond. misaLh bcR€n tlE @nE s ofUE E!€ md Address/Dr@s@ of displiy E25. A s@dy 828 in.licaa Ihft dc day level or rhc rccord.r is s@g. The CUECK sioppe4 rhe@lunertm. inpnownnfi€ oudiocabre cmplcrc widr no ercrs, 4 ReMnd dD 6F b UE beginninsof a pevi@sly I€sded pDgrm Etrb d. logld iCertificarjd 5. AdjNr dE rcrum sen;g on he Ep. @dder D appmximrely 75% of dc 4dinuE serdns.ff a roneonhl E avanable, AddEs/Dara displly. noE$e .ounb PsirioD so rharrhetuun' of qF us rcr mr pDsrao can 12.DepEs rh€CLR (Cler) kcy d rie hosrMd to @d rheEcord opeEdon- 6. Dcpe$ lhe CHECKtey 7. Begin rhe BF @onhr oFddon by depEssinB 6D4 Tub. R.ftismins CMpey o o a o a a o a a a a o a a a a a a a o o a a a o a o a a a a o a a a a a a o a a a a a o a a a o a a a a a o a a a o a a a a o o o o a a oo TI3O5QUICK REF'ERENCE GTNDE EndralllllFjelfi ilil l dhory lLmry shfrrc€i{.E 4to€rv otur.sr@ rr.0€7' fto{mnlng shlll .nd oatt FegrslerR.le@@s . snft e9tsl€rre{e@ds locs77 rr€ di$rer. Gbretus. Dalareqjdor relore@s400s77'E bylererotsres & ruA E@r lleseo* E02 Daraltundy Ero@@ erd E05 E06 E07 Eoa Orlplll or TMrVct[TduprEalsd MCS^,CRnishdcn C|.II or SRdslng aramed TMF,cNI' ot SBmissingvrlue E21 E5 E4 EgS Meturyp4 yarcr T6p./cPU veay erct Aer$ Erud leveliMe.l h5ltudronb€ho*arched rcl In 1 !a$d h 132ytl33t mdeb or'ly. , V€lidh n315 tuddonry P@gt?lnN Furcdons CLR SHF 3 Cbar@mry Dtlplayaddres NXI Drspray insrrucxon GoroaddressSHF--NXl EdrrnsttudionSHF---ENT Ins€.thsrodionsHF---lNsNrI oisplayineddion Dereteinsradion cLF SHF INS NXr hseneid sea6hSHF---SCH SHF Mdjlor SET SHF _ FOrcEON FST SHF F.@CEF cLR scH syirar check ll3lb QnictR.Iauc. Guidr DEL NXT DEL PRV 3ST ENT ENT 6Datrbo rdris@ng c.npay :l a a o o o a o a Load2b'eifudunuhb' badhighbibhba@nu|dd BirrND 2!4 d.,sE/.4.dish Bi|oR2.b'jsre'dlod.nigil wtu ,dm'i&' 0d bi€) b wire @n!re (d 1 bib) b wtu dumlrdr 0d . bih) b a a 1.bddiDhd€sFndiE wdr€ @m"rd' b r6rndr(M) c.nFre 2!d, rct€rene/1dq[ AEmd.b ( bi' m) b 6ded Mu!'pt md D'id. reMtrs rct,cndft a a i!i' 3b'. 'b '.3ur in 4 byrs. n325m$0 CPUJumper AndDipswllch Setllngs I I E ! ! f, E! r0 ToJto R€licedin! comFnY 6,84 a a sed2byl.re'.'6nd1jqi Mrl'tsly2it a a nlos QuickRd@e aude o o a a -oo a o o o a a a o o a o a o o a a a o a a o o o a I a a a a a a a a o a a o a a a a a a a a a o O a a o o a a a a a a a a il 0 0 $ruoru,s:sn+ocrulN OI O AI TURBO EodEls shiDD.d afu Ocbh.r 1993.db|n , tudel 335 d 340 CPU PiLh e EEPROMcls! vhich oEins ihclsDr(]cm TLiR- Bo hs .;bla |hc EE- PROM dd Et nuve cdEol rlays by using the folowing CPU ornPwdon (tfer ro Tabrel-t a;d TlbLe?-2J: 1. Dip switchs I rnd 2ON- 3. tNp€r in tho biiktle (2) The 33sl3r() CPU r egDilFrt rirh sb.krd RAM rn@&y {d user pregtu slomse. Y@ cd insDll m otdoasl EEPROM d EPprcE@ ROM. lh. !s s@rd in the s6r.bnt RAM @mdy wil Dotbe dMyed eEn if ihe EEPRoM d EPROM is insE[r4 a long a nis b!.ked up by bar@y. To Derpens@ €qup@m @mpadbility, use o.ly rhc EE IROM/EPROM Dodel slDph.d by you {liltribnc. Thc 335640 CPu of4 Lhe ogtion for svrng yN RlI p[og@ in a non-volriiL fm usine m El@Eicaly E6abl. Itogrm@blc (EEReadonly Me@.t PROM, Industry +28C64i Si@N, PPX:58?6818{t29,qudrity 1) irteerarEd @uL ^ s!@te lmgtu dog @we N nornessary_ OtE uDefutr4 d EEPROM ctn be Enohd dndusd in dy 335/340CPU 6 reqDiR!. r desiE4 rrD cu disablerhe335840CPU 6m witin8 ro c EEPROM Yd cm cdtu ine EEPROM with IISOFT d dE HqP Whne .djtins a Fogrh in thcPRCnode, lheediMe r sdr s @dDdriv $oEi in I(AM. Aier fninhins dD @sm edil Erfm cithd ir lic {olo$ini offidm! D ftrsfd Lh edi;dEEPRoMi Installinp EEPROM Fonov inslru@ns in dis scctim ro idbu u EEPROM in y@ 335/3.40 CPIJ. Ir y@ @ irsblling b EEPROMandrhd 6 t@p ihe lsd !bg@ RAM sMy, mndy 6ss in lnar a g@d backl? b!@ry is insdLd bdrn.hrd cdtrd 16 poffi dust be Med OFFad, wnlor a tuncii@ re b&kup blnery, yo[r rD llu @y belsr whenpowI Tm of all usq,eDDlied pover @theSens 105 . ltlode chder froo PRc @ 2. Rrtuve de 335/340CPU fdm lhe be aseDbly. ld rhe olmtios [stcd below, tlE 335840 CPU auiG Miles b fie naielly EEPROM .fEr lhe opdarion . Al clcd of $e €nin€ !s a.Iigningrie noEhesd rhe EEPROMandlhe @kcl 4 Cn€t daLorrpins @ dc EEPROM TMRrcNTprcsr valG Pm8tu rEugh cas*tc 5. SerSvirch2. Positio r d thejudls !@ding TlbIe 7 1. Irvou inEnd kie b fie EEPROM. ensue $ar junrper is in Ddrrion 2. Ilyou do not EPPROM&rl w&t o dlable this fcaurc, ensE ole junpe. is in posino. 1. 6 R6iN$rl |ne CPU in tne bdc dd Nh dc bso 644 TuhoParris@rnscompdy Jt a O a o o a o rnoIIEPdDCUis@ n.Ed b |he ldallcl pdl, a 335,540 CPU @rfrglFd fd EEPROM opdarior wi! & a o a a a a a a a a Rlii,i trbdi r m I'HP is @nn@rcdhd online, Mth d wdou a Dcu, rhc HHP kevwilch doEnro@s ilE .rDdtinc r@da r a DCU ls 1i.€, th€ poffi-up mcdc is dci@ired by ! sviEh eL lins of de DCU. Rder roIhc series 305 Drb ComuDi€(PPX:305d@s Meurl CR34G373 6 bc icEntiw o non-Fcnrive. Re0rnriw t netuy vnl EEin ihe c slaD mugn a Fw Set swirch 2, p6ition 2 in th. ON Dosition b Dok€ CR340373 eEndvq OFF ror non' Erenri!.. R.fer 6 Tablc 7-2. Figure 7.r EPROWEEPnOMSock€tL@tion a a o o o a o a Table?-l S€l4riry Menory Tlpc a o o o o a a o Table7'2 sel*ting Relmtive control Reltts ii F ii;l rz T[bo R.trsditrg comF.Y t94 o a a Iutl5 a a a a a a o d dilO APPENDTX&NorEs O f ilt) o o a R€rd $t€ly Sectiotrb€tor€this lheseInstructionscould re6ult a a a a a a o a o o o a a a a a a a o o a a a o a a a o a a a o a a a o APPENDIXA: {) RECIRCULATEDAMMONIA OPERATION -Gfentlal OpeEling 8ldnable con@ller will ini tiare a detrce cyclc. Cycte rine crn vary depcndi.gon ole cpplicalion,bur in gercial, wirb a 0'F cvapohror rcnper' Liq$d 0lmo.ia h punl..l ro rhP, will be appmximtclt the lop oteach pllE bank. 20 minur.sro pcluce l/8 Liquid enkrs lhc evaporaror l/4 lhicknes. Ice thicknes plaresthroughorificedhead- shouldbekcprroa ninimun c6. Wau I cnclla@dover to €nsuE nraximunovcmll theouls e of fte lertical e!asysren officlenc, (one of po$or phres The varer is de dnrircr ddvanGBes of r 'on" anytim rheunir tun- Turboicc haostingsyscm N is ningii,c rk wolq no* isnor 'hat ! clem sudre is rvailablc afte. edchhNesr cycle to en suE'naximumhearaansr*) As e rcliigeftnr leaves D plaLes, rh.liquid vapornix Ecchb k ol plaEsn delmdruE is colleccd 'n $e wer ed sepaBrely anddcfrorrs@ rucdonheader,a b.,nch wer equaltyspaced(i.e. rhe time sucdonlire is pipedinb each bdwen rhehMvcNofecrion suctionheaderThislinerees ,l is ftesrmos e dN b€oll lo lbe s$ poweEd sucrio. rwc. srtons #2 ,n,i *3, and cbekvalv.s. Thc gaspowd berwan43 andXr). Thedech@kn wideopendur'nslhe hor sequenceis a follo*3 icemakrg mode. Tne wer suctio br@h line is @nn4t The bor sassolc.oid vrlle ed b lne wer suclionmtr go' is endEized@feedhot gas 'ng backro r sureedrud (bt pEssuain rhehoreasline oder). The vaporis sepm! cd for he lhuid in dE surge drnn andErurnedro rhcBrricentionhigh sideYia rhe 2 . r rhesasedme,theDilot Liqdrd refiigeranrk h n lainedar r lev€l ol approxi dacly 3' in drebo(oD ol$e surge@fr roensuean @e quatcliquidsupply0 rlE !ecirculalion pumph) ar all Drnng lhe ovecycle,ice k lomed on boLhsidesol rhe evrporaorplares.Ar tbeend ol a pEer cycl€im, theprc {) plaresitmacs, rhe@fr IEmt@ alsoincEas Dd l,L icEEpres fro,athe plars md drcpsinto fie hde$ coveyor ldaEd belowrheplrEs Liquid in dephrcsflowsouroI rhe platefirugh tneslction bead.f,rnd EgDla$ in@ the wr sucdon6rfr lin. 4. Atrer a pEsetdefrostrim, rhc progMable coroller dsndg@s dE hor gas solenoid\alve ati c.crgizesrhecoil on lllc sdi.n (elecEicwi.lc opd) !o E rh uE evapontd ro dc 5. Tbe abovc&querco n EPe^c.t fd eachba.k oi plalesin fte n.n, Md rt€ seque.ce@pe$ undl ei' rbertheunir is rmcd oft d a EmE conract(bin full, etc ) openslo cm'narc op I.srallarions wid nDliple ice gen€larosshouldintelconnecl $c controlsto haFcsr only linc,h docn&giad.Wnh ll.l Grs Strnntv l.ine m narnapGerupsrem p€$urc Duri.g dclrc$, s b&k pE$uEofapproxi ^ suiitei is ins0lled in fte hor g5 sdpplyline uprftam or a prcssuresensins(MeF A presslp unEdrn pdallcl 1orhepresDE svich. a a a O 660 Tu,1sPdntdms cmp,ny A.l a a o a a R€ad Sat€tyS@tionbetorethis lh€seihstruclionscould resull Duins defrcs', lhe hot sas toE, whenrh€highpre$ure solenoidvalvero dc scrion (Msoid) switchmou edon i. dcLosropens,.llori.Bhor rhehorgrs linercnsesa pEs gasoenEr rheev6ponro.. suEbelowl50lSlC,a serot Becrus of thevolun€ofde nornrllv closed conracrs a.d E32oF clo$. (Above150PSIC.rhe evaoom@.,Iates viaer nopi;s overrheplares, nonnallyclosedconrdccaE the dischiree prc$ule will open). When rhe conrrls dropdunnEdcfroi. Inmos closeduringdefros, reinptrr crscs,rhh will noL.atrsea r rlE prog.ammable control pmblemi however,in cases ler jnnhEs ,n extended d. whft rhesysdn is operaLed lron sequence. Thar n lhe otaEhuvelylowconde.$ng normdLdeftos unc will tcmF"M rbelow8<'FSDT/ .lop.ed'drhena a"FJrinr l 5 0 P S I C ) . a p o s n i v e d ( f o { r r r n s i l l e l r p \ . . T h es e " i . E cannorbe assurcdwirh lhe of borh, rhe .ornal delrcs sra.ddddearo$time.TheE rine andfteexlendedderrosr rine, will vdy depe.dineon rhe insdlarion. I. scneral, nomrl defiosrrime is 40-60 secotrds nndrhcexrendcd de lros rimeadds15,15s{onds 1odc dctiostlioe DuringrherehgeErioncFle, theinpurofrhehighpEssne (Mcrcoid) slnch ha on rle opeidrionot cm. SysamdischdsepEe sure can be run bclow 150 PSIC wirhoLraif(rins 'h. o\dallop.rdriorofrh.cquit ment. a o a o o a a a a a a a a a Tcble A-l Conlrol Devices(lnpul/OutDUlor Controll€r) a a o a o a a o a a a a o a a a a a ^.2 rrbR.rnssdi^s(ftiFn, 6!e a a a a a a o a a a a a a a a o a a a o a a a a o a a a a a a a o a a a o a a a a a a a a a a a a Read S&fely S4tlon befo.e oris lhese instruclions could rdult {) APPENDIXB: WATER FLOW CONTROL IceE4ki!!--ad 2. R{irtrl By conel of rhew er flow ro rheevaDoraorplates,the 3 Mrke !p wderslenoid valve(Mws) h e@rgized to suppryD{ke{p wabi ro Chilling Modo ice geDerarorc as a chiller. In lhe ienaLins do.ic, sarer h rccrcularcd o'er theplrcs periodic and a dearoi scquerce is usd ro harcrt rhe ice Fft chilLitrg,Lhertcularinspumpis rurn€doff dd ws over the Prccess ngwabpuDp Chillihr Mnd€ 4. Thc.od on rhedualpEs su@reguiarorn thesuction line is .l€entrg@db !..v dc a s@(ioaprbsre lowenoughroDtudDdicc 5. ?rmes warersolenoids (WS I & WS-2)rcmi. A du presslreEgrlator n sun4bleior icem*nrg ar rhe low serpoint, and ,.hi8her sruon when energ'zedro preventrhelomalon of icc. Seeop.Erioes*tion for br ninarionoi opemdo.bt the emergencyslop bullon (Es), sa Fr Pump,o. nafl.st s@w 6 Wa€r r .omindously c[ culaledfom re sump, ow rhepl es,ondbmk o 7. As rhcwab.nowingover rheplacsis oonlened o ice, Ihe wder level n rhc sumpdrops. A mecha.ical ndrope.s romajmain the I Scletorswiahid'bhil 2 RaiEulartrg waFr pump 3 Make{p ward solenoid varvc(MWS) n ddcF gized(i.e. warerwiu mt be addedlo |ne sumprhmugh rhctrulre up wrer flMr 4. Theproc*s witd supply valvc(WSl) is solenoid To accooplBb seleclion ol$e iemakinsorchillinAmode,i 5. The dnin slenoid valvc (WS 2) is ecrgizc<tb rwo posirionsel{ror switch (lCS)is loa|ed onth. @nftl pEsor 3. AfB d Etngclarion openrhc&ain line flm Llic panel door. ln rhe lefr Posi trDe, rheprogftnmable chilhsunp DaEdote rion, rhe signal lo the proconrolloriitridesa deli6r chillcd sacr $oragcsmD controlleiinirDtes seqnence or eacneuapom Emmnable ro. sectioo(Sccoperaring 6 Ddal serpoiN Egtrla1oris rhe ice mating sequencc. Foi chilling, rhe selecror secrcn lor dcsftiprionof €ner8@dlo nisc e cva swndris plrcedin rhe chill pressuE(i.c no ice 9. TheudirwdloF.dreinrJre O p e r a l i n !S o o r c n c o ?. TIre unnwi opemc b dis swnch(Mcs) is tuned swncb(MCS)is hcd I Sel4brswirchin ie Do. MDS2,MDS3,erc.)@ in Lheolf posiion, MDS2,MDS3,€rc) e in $c'off posnion, 6/30 Tubo RrI'isB3'iiA Cdrany Br Read S"lely Secrionb€lor€ this theseinsFu.tionscolld r€sux (-'hrnro troh Even 6ough a deiro$ se qu€nce is norlsed in rhechiu node, rhe MDS swibnes nusl b. in rhe "on posir,o. S€eoperadngsecion fd !ermi.aio. of opdarionby lhe emergency stopburt@(ES). The wacr DunD or hsv€st sm{ failua sa6des will not cminaie opeEtionin rhechill Ilen!.ki.l!-tLcllrir! Tbe moireof opeDriotrmay be ch.nAedfron icenaki'rAt) cbillins, o! fton chillins 'o rheice on $e Dlateswill be mexedoL Thelaesr sc@w emainsoff in thechill node atrdiny ice rhardrcpsinto lhc hrrvesr screw will ,lso be Chillihg to lcemaking Icenaking to Clrilling When rhc ICS swnc[ is cbmBcdfron ico b cbill posnionwhileoperadns,Lh€ delrostsequence is idmedi arely clininaLed Wirh rhe waGr on hisher Enrperalure rhephrcsandhigh6rsucrior, when thc lCS srnch h chansedtron 'chill' lo 'ice' while opdabnB,rhe process w|rer sol€noidsintrEdiately closc, rnd rhc ecioulrrine punp sans. The nomal icedaking reqtre.ceincluding a a a o a a a a o a a a a a a a a a a a a a a i a a o B.r Tdho Rrr coar ns Com|qi) 6]39 a a o a a a a a o a a a a a a O a a a a a ,ilDTLRBO' ServiceBulletin October1993 a a a a a a o a a a a a a a a a o a a a o o a a a a a o a a a a a a a a a a Water DistributionSvstemFIat BottomPans Turbo Rcf.igdding Conpruy P.O.aox396 Denbn, Texas 762024396 81738?-430r ll!d!g-Li!$ TIGflGAR IndusrrialModels tlP andIGCThonDl Srorag.Models v-Bolri'm Water Dislrihuin,nSv$em Pnor 1orhcdcvclopo.nrandbsug ofrhe flarbo{omp.ns,rV bouomwaErdistriburion sydenhis becnuti liad. R€fer!o FigureL Thn sysemconsisrcdola$ainles deel V boton waEr disribnion panandPVC w erdisdbndonheaderfor eachbmk or ev{oaror plarcs.This syncmFoviddd waLe.disribulionro dch evrF.no.rlarein$erlarebankrndfiliraionoldeblisftonrrheciEularinswarersyicm.Ducroftcto gicd con$rucrion ol lhepa., cleatrnrgddbns lharcoll4redi. Lhepanwasdifficull Due10rhevid€mngcof no! ra$ bd warcrlevelsin Lheprns,splashing wasx possibility ilthe DdnsweE norclean. Splashingon tibulesro tEe?€upprcblensifnor corEcreda.d fftquetrrcleaning wasofEn icqu,rd indebnsFone sysams. Flat BoLtonrPanSvstem 'Ihe new tlsr boro'npandesgneliminares rhescproble,.s.RelerroFrguc 2 A eturlc$ srcelw!1€.dishiburionpanandPVC wac! distribuuon lEaderm eill rbeenndddnahnak usql,buLrhene*designhRsDrovid edr.prolcoenb rn.scledldeNl . . . . . . Clea.og is drch casidducro rbsflddssignofrhepa.. A cleandble nediamaredalpadh{s ben addedro 6lb!ourdebrisberoen Ech ro rheholesin rhewaEr dlsriburionllanwhrh drlcr dxinrendceandcleaningeasier Themediapadreduces 'heposibiliryolsplashnrs, dus Edncirs $e mN rharcancausefreea ups. USDAapproval is p.ndin8on ftc ncdiapd. Clea.lrgN a! simplcdse.DvinE rhdncdiapdrndwashi.Bnour. TheDedialhdiscleanable tuusrblc If youwanr|oshonenyourcleani.glimeevenmo@,k*p a spm medialad avdlable eachpan. PullLh.diflymedinpadoura.dinscnrhcclca.nedrpad. Clernrhedinynreiiapad sor foi thcnexrcld,nup. Rcpl&e@nrmedirrftlswillbesbour$l5each(lisrtice). Since'heac{ in rhenenh padn many mesde cos scrionalma or tbehol$ in thepans,tEquemy orcti.mg r nlch Ic$. I. sclce cascs, ir day chrngefod weeklycleMing.oeveryfourmonft or 'TEmedirpadrrearcdoprcvenrrhceowdrolbacLciiacvenwirhrhelongerinteEalbew*n cleaning.lr'o/. In USDAaptlicarions, Egularcleiningis recommended. ' Thc PV(l waL&drhblrion sy$e,nrnd hcaderEducesplashandec crsilyrcmovedandlisman edlo. . Tle ne* designimp.oves plac terlomrnceby i.cieasinS$e !€rad surfre re. of Lheevapomror wh,lcd.cEasing,nisdngandsplash.Dorhcondbue ro incBsed EliabilLy. a o a a a s*i- B jj::P!r!g a a a a o a o a o o a a a a a a a o a a a a a TOPVIEW r_ '\ ... 4\- 7 =\\_ t-r,_// 1 HoLE(rrP ) SIDEVEW DETAILA a a a a a a a a a a o o a a a r i g u m2 D p i ( r l r l a r B u r r o P r t j r h A S € . t iO o nl r i f t . r M e d hp , d mr nS e c r i or n a O a a a a a a o a a a a o o a a a a a a a o a a o o a a a o a a a a a o a o a a a a 'il|)rtRno' SDRVICEBALLETIN MARCH1994 Flit BottomPanWste. DistributionHeader: FIow Control Orifice Ring Assembly Installationand AdjustmentInstructions TURBOREFRICERATINC ftnron! Tds 76102.1)196 Ph| 3r7/:]37{x{l a$enbly @y berequiErLro obttin thedesiEd flow 'o REMOVINATHE ORIFICE RINQ ASSEMRLY 1, lnser Lhehoe clampson borh endsor rheradirtor hoseconnecdnsthe spmyheaderro |ne Min wacr 2. Slide lne bosedown LheIVC spmy headerirler connocoonnndl rhc orin@ ring lsembly k mesiblc 3. ReDoverheorilrceri.g asedbly. AD]USI:ING TEI: ORIFICE RING ASSEMBLY t Ino$n rhc nur holding rhc rhEe PVC nngs togerher. 2- Rob'e one (or 'wo, if EgniEd) or fte rings (dckwsc or cou.rcrclockwis) to FdtrG ft€ nec openirg dmDgr rheassembly To inc@rserheno*, rooG therings 10incr€asede ltu tuca. Referro FiguE 2. rorarelhe ings ro dec€asefte fEe ea. Reler ro FiAuE 3 3 Trghrcnrhenul roFcue thesttingol $e on6cerineassenrbly. ' NSTALU NG TII E ORIFIC D RINC ASSDMBLY 1. Replrce|nc o.ifice.ing a$emblyin $e openugberw.enfte nah wdrc.herderandrheslray hoder Nrrei hsbu the onfi@ nng assemblywnh enherde trtrror bolrlread.n ilrc n ct sideof rheflow 2. Slide L\e ho* codrmton ovcr dE onfice ring rssenrblydnd on lo lhe nrtu. warcr hcaderconnecrion 3. S*!t the lwo hosechqrs on drena headerside. 4 PushrhePvc spiy headerinlerrov4d rhemrin w{er heder roensuErharrhcdilice nng rssenrbly 6 redgedberween rhePVC conn{uons(i..., rlE orifrccnng r$cnbl] cannornoveberween lhc rwocnds 5 . SecuE$e nvo hosecldmDson rhe sprayheaderrnlercotrr{tor wlite holdingpE$uE againslne sprayheiderirlerconnccuo.rocnsla rhd rhcoriljccnng r$enbly EDajnsin placewh c righcning AfierconplcLing ddju$ncnls, rcsleLrlt syncnandolJsce rhenow. lf EquiF!, repeir$e lro.cddountil dredesned nowis obrainedlf youhaveanyquesrions, conLacrl 'LURIIORI]i'RIGI'tIATTNC Seri@ Depatmenl Phone:817-387-4301 Far: 817-382'036,1 F l o w C o n m l O n n rP c r n g A s e n ' b L yp d e e1 u f 2 a o a a a a a a a o a a slra""Blbr r4g:jtrr _ RADI,ATOFI HOSE HEADER INLETTOPVC SPFAYHEADEF (TOEACHPAN) a o a a a a a a a IVAINWATEBHEADEF CONNECTION STUB INSTALLATION LOCATION a I o o o a a 3 PVCDISKSBOLTEO TOGETHER a a a a a o a a a a a a o a a BOLI HEAD Figute 2 MAXIMUM TLOW ADJASTMENT Iigure 3 MINIMUM FLOW ADJUSTMENT stDEvtEw a o a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a o a o o a a a a a a a I ,{IDTLRBB' TECHNICALBAILETIN AAGUST '994 TIJRBOREFRIGETITITING D6ro,! Ts Vessel& PipingInsulationGuidelines Io,8d396 76:024116 piping utu insld,on b cshl csdmhiDn TURaO preud.s a vdicry ol cftis.fur k!$k ,nd Eiris.d dd hcar hfilm.ion. TURBO u* r bb.lq clo$d c.!, rubbq insutrtio oric.ial (siDildr o aJnafier@r FcurEd !o the Essl d piphg with d .dl6iE. No orhcrmieri,l d j&tati.g is suppli.d oE lh. insul,iion ru@ial h€.!ac of: . v{ianoN ujack mg bEEids ro dth dhdjrcLEd pipsg d rcssh in t[. iBalta.id . fNrDE tuaac dlma snD lxc insnl$ion M@ial rpvidcd by IURBO d.Er @t EquiE letcdng on ms insElladons,but j&ketjng is . . . Whft rheilsllation o.rqia.l b .rp6rd to dject suil'ght (ordoc iN6ltatiod). Wt@ ulFlviola light *r1r care th. isul6tion @uiol to b@@ britdc. wlcE lb. idubdon @Erial t dpos.d o clceing agcrB tr @n6cr by pcEomcl p.rfomiie norul TURBO des @ prcvid! Jactetins aJ . s@d&4 but rd adiwidurr Equi@a Bd etlt vlry aeoftlins b ,nd, d al@jnu), AhcDa@inslaa@ @Eriol! (pl prod6) cd b. qu@d ad sp.cial dd.r. TU&BO DNladm mbials de b aDDlicadd mdods dd/o dound rhc cquip@i, Idnltion On Equip@4 ErLM Pipirg & Vcsls: . Equipd..t @y b. od.Ed qlNr insd*ion d *crid piFne $ mlonau hs]lati@ On Equiprcnt lnqior Piping & Vcssk: . lnsdation of cdlain prping tr ws.ls insi& thc ictutrtd d icc CcrmG is fr@r/ bsr.ltrd bccauF iDsubijon or slch es bay not be pnctical ir ihc fr.14 AEas h which hsdarim n prcvidcd s . Iackcting ard rr@maGbsulation Mmal! for hrend piping d.l rsls e avdablc s @rions. FACTORI INSaIATED PIPNG & VESSEI.S: AMMONIA SYSIEMS APPLICATIONS CA&ModEh . . Evapm@r cftiBd nr mion Md liquid lio. pipin! R.circdsting wald serion dd dischargclincs D rh. l@q stion o.ny (uppd qM pipng is @ in$labd) CAR-LR Mod.ls . Evapmq Efiige@r sktion p'pine . Buihir Ejsula$ v€icl &d piping . R.@ulatins wrrcr suctionMd di$hdsE liEs h LlrelDw kiion only (uppcr MFr pipng B not iruulxcd) Vetsel & Pipidq l8ulation Gui.lelirex - page I ol 3 T..hana! A l.ttn-AqBt 1991 Vas.l & Pipi. s INtJ@o Auid.h@-poge2aJ3 XCAB-Idldch r8 n E loE $ction only Prkr!.d Chilld (MiLewith hctory insEltcd high si.!. ardd Ffiig.fut ditulati@ uts) . E!@mil E&igs&r piping . R.Eig@t dirculati@ v.rel (if suppli.d) . Hish sidc Efri8lEnr sEijon pipin8 . Lavinc qah liRs (cnEdne wa6lirc is not ituul{.d urlas sMih.d) Not i juec dNm (low Di6sE Edvs) ld nood.<tnod.k riat e shipp.d l@sc d unir$laE!. Hp rct(]. & ATS RdiEtrlaEdTh.iml Sbn@ E@imnt . R.circuladon sylt o (U luppli.d) . Evaponio. Etig@n! pipilg . HieI sitb Fftigcfur sEd@ plpng . SuB. druE on noodcdEod.h ad plcLrg.d uir5 (s noE b.low) fd floo<hdd.d.ls thd 6 shipp.! l(e /vo,.r SUC! dnn (LowpEs8N tBisl e uinsubicd cr'illd (.va!dr@ 6ly) . AI lipirg Md vosels e shipFd un!!$lacd I F.ACIORY INSAIATED PIPINA & VASSEIS: R-22 SvSTEMSEPLICATIONS a a a eMdElt . Raidl.ug (uppd {a6 wler sEriotr &d di$hdgc lies in dF low prpin8a no. Ds'ndEd) sdm only a a o a IIC-I&dlb . R.tr'nadng wah s(rion drddischarg. litus in rhclowq *cti@ only (uprr walqliping is norinlulakn) a o a a a HrphSidcSlods . Reeig.m( se.ion lping E&tragcdChjllq! (unilspactlgcdwith highsi.lcd efti8.mr Dosuladon uts) ) NuraEdur 6s sTaifi.!) rEtctror y) i! rhiDM lce e.l uhNk Hf-Xic.&EiD!s!f-S&I!&-Equ!EcIl . Slction &cumulabr/lEt cxcheg.r . HighsidcrfriScMt scrionpiping . RcElE!tur Bimlahon sysM (ir ruPPlicd) . Ho! Baslinc insi.lccvap@ru.dplrrrMt C!i!!86 (evapoF@onry) . All piping4d EsFls N shiPPduninsulaE4 a a a o a a a o a a a a a a a a a a a a .d. a a o a a a a a a a a o a a a a a a a a a O a a a a a a a a a a a o a a a a a a i a a o o o a a a a o a a Tqrai.al Bulldin- Aug61l99'4 Vess.l&,PtphgtN aioncuidzti@ ADDN'ONAL INFORMATION Fq inf()tmto ab@ravailablein$ldion oprid or sp@irl'!qui@nis, @kt: Sale DepartrEot ATTN: Int !. Sdhs P.O.D.! 396 Ddron' T€@ ?642 Ph@e: 8f/347-,601 Fd: Efll382-0364 pase3 oI3 a o t a O a a a a a a o a a a a a a a a a a o t a a a a a o o O a a a a a a a a o a a rthntot Lutkn| Oatlnt t9% oit[n|.rtsy,knwniry &op.mnd N.5 rJ6 2. The oil por con[jns a lov wih deNity heac. conftlled by rn OTT. The OTT ha a ensr loq€d in L\. 3 An elefonic oil level conkoueris loqc! in lhe confol pel ot lbe unir. A uMsdDer is doMr€d in rhe side ph@ ol rheNmpessor conk e lo monirordreoil l€El in the crdkce This rrnsducer n denorcd 6 ESG on lhe viring diagres- The tmnsdwerprovids m input to rheoil level conroller The conroller conpes the signrl deired fom the lrmsduer !o lhe oil levcl stDoinr, a.d enegia ondde oerg,as lnco lerel elay (OLR) a oluiEd 4. fie OLR I conbcr opeDsandclos thc OFS o nainllin rhedGired oil level in rheconpNor ^s indicacdpPviously,rheecondnions DUsrbener for rheOFSsolenoidroopen r. Low oil level in theconplNr drnkc&. crortap. b OTT-2 nu$ nrre-on-rise lo input ! sisnal !o lhe Pt,c. This iniriaE a rne delay @allow rhcoil LqnpenoE |o shbiliz!. The dne delayb.tven theopenintsot rbcOTT-2 .tul 'he enablineor rhe PLa outputis rypic,lly25 minuB. .. fie PLC outpui 1ovhicb theOFScircuit is onn4@d is en$lcd (o.). 5. Durin8 nornal oDeElion,oil is cmcd o!* b LheerdgdmL sls@d md de IeEl in lne crantcas wil da.eN. The oil is coll@@din the accumularormd Eturned b thc o pol 6 The puQoe ot lhe oil poLis Lospa$re 0E Etrjsermt tmm lnc oil As indicaEd above,,n eblnc rsisrbc hemr is l@.red i. the oil pot to elevab drenixtuE rDp€raD€ md boil off 6e efrigeonr, lovnB only o ro. rcrum !o rhecoDpBor. 1 . As the oil level in the compEsr canlce de.cm j the imd!@r lransnib a siBnd to rhc oil lelel The conrollcr compae rhis @.rollc. sigr.l ro the pet val@ md e.erBizs dE OLR Elay. Whenrhe Elay a e.ergizd, rhcnom,lly openOLR I contrcl clNs. II dE oil in the por ha re&hd the ninimum oil @mFrituE oa85'F, lhc OTT-2 comeb will clop (MOR). WhenrheOTT,2 hernosur cl(M, poMr d uptlied b rh€oFs circun firough rhePrc ouqut !o shich n is co.nered, rnd rheoFs oFns to me(lr oil inlo ljlc cr.nlcae until ci6er Lheoil level is sdsfied or de OTf hemctaL closs, indicaanga dropin bmperatueof theliquidin ftc oil pol 8 . Whenrhe lhemosh Lachcsgs"F, rheOTT-I onlact oDenslo rum ofi the oil poLhea@(ORH) The slaseoffsL is l05oF.Wnh lhcntrr srrge(OTTI)serpointst for 95'F,theword sale eedm *ill be 80'F for conkol of de oil led slenoid. Wnh the95oFerpoin! and5"F ditieE.nal lor rhen$L s|!ee, rhe he.Er will nainlai. tbeoil lenDcarur€ ber@n 9G95'F (the 5oFdifleenrial is pL o. "DIFF l tujusrneN looh). OTT-2 conrols fte oil erum to th€conplsor Wil[ Lhel05oF sraBeolfet md the 5'F difteEn il ior sugc 2, lhe conLluer vill permit theoil to E(u.n qnh od @mpedtuasberwen 8085"F (he 5'F ditfeEnnal is eL on DIFF 2' adj$hent knob). Oil ehrn wil nor bc Demi@d !o rhe conDessr wirhoil Emftoruresbelow80'F. 9. Tneoil lcvelin rheconkcae siehtglasshould b€halllull. ln ve.ilyhgrheopemrion of lneoii rcbm system, rhislevelshould remain consr,nLwi6 nnrorvtrrrioDs in thelewl aslneoil tcaves rhecmntcae andis erumedlnough theoil @overysysbm.Oii levelin de sighrglas shouldrcmm berv@n:t/8 t/2 rulldunngnomalop.dtioD oit nmwry sykmwiril| & ormnal - ]|4s.6 ol6 Figur. J Piping S.h.ndti. a it a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a o o a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a - Technical Bulletin 9601A November1996 S., glsed€,s8/96Bulletin 9601 TLNBOREFR]CCRATTNG Producg/Modeh Arlected DescriprioDof Siruation th€evaporaror plare(,s wel d ro$ oflh€ a a a o a o a a a a a o a I ! I D t t I I I ) nd{ions shoutd beused s suider,fts roevatuare rheope, ]51,*l1-***" a,onorrhc 'yflem(R.22 srsrems Re@iverOpdar'ng Lael. 25-30% 2l0tsrc 260 PSIC AI uniB.requipped qh hiehpr.$drelnd tos p,esure pr6k m rhr $rem dunlsop@trcn t-,crofrsr,ne\ culo to, lhe n,y,_nr,". _ r,C _l"i tueshoqberos.rhesihs qwir;h orrhesr€{y sh"Jou...i a !"a "o,uJ,.-,i"jr' M!de! Evrporalire & Wale.c@hd syeds 250PSIG d andexcetu rheretief%N€siins(r5o )6nl belo.e rh. higi Dr€s$rc sfcry cu!{ul can nSend wil incrqsetheprobabitiliof,,ow Techht@t Eutknie6otA - NR r oij Maht.w Reaurreh.its- ip|e;nh^tH,truutr sh&* a Ieehn@l BuIctu 96014 - Nowmber 1996 MarhtetuM Prqunen?nB - Nge 2 of J CAUIIONT Nwd FL thehishprgsre safety@l-outabov€lhereome.ded s€ltinslo elirimLea el€ty rrip Deleminerhecaueolrhe l.ip dd takecorrecliveactionto avoidtutDre siDple mintenance 0.d seNicepmedur€s an avoidfie probko .elerencedibov€ Atol Gd Prew. tuglato kt i Nnil^ble ro ninimize the atr@tof the ircr€asd pre$ur€ difqennal qused by poor ndnL€nMe lrhouSnlhe heslrNlc dd mosrreltble operalionis obtiined by minlainin8 Lh€equipmenL within lhe openting specinqdonsabove,LheoplDnal Lrt @n be added ro r€du@theriskofrlatefailuresdu.ingpdiodiooperiion dndd ad!€6eonditions. On equiphd that is vitbin sp{iticalo6, lhe prdsue regulatordn bs ued b inprove lhe life qpetrncy of Lh€qaponlor pld4 tor air@oled sysl€frror syseds lhal op€rateat the hishtr Ifyou de con@r.edyou nay hrve a probtedor qtnt b Mlute the op€ntion ofyour equipmr, eitbr conhcr TURBO for in$toctiors and/orconlNe to @d this bul€lin lor Driddr@ a.d trouble-sbooti.ghints Also refer€n@rheOpemting& Mtittmnce natu,l for Operation Thi doM st.€m pr6sure regllato/ is st to minlai" LhehoLgrs p.es$r€ ar dE waporator plare inletbelow 135PSIG. The regultioris aaclorysetdd@qnircs no 6eld Bdjusrm€ntThe adjushcnt s€atcap is s@l€d10Prev.nLrdjushoi of lbe reSnlrt.r Hinls MriotcrmceandTrouble-Shooling Ifyou 6tce a. indei€ in lhe diehat8e ptesure ch@k Vqlq:lsoEc !16!!!rl I Tbe watd ieellatir8 valv€. Ch@kthe sellinSandope6tion olrhe vtlve 2 Chek for non-o.dcmables rn $e syslm Ths canb! d€tmined by monitonne tbe renDeotDreof lhc d$hr€e lines Ifnon-@nd@bl€s tre pr.senl, the remp@rure ofthe lin€willbeverytugi {in q@sof l30qn At lhistdperatureden brushng lhe li.e wilh your hdd sill beun@nlonable. Purgq evacuate,and@har8€ th€ unit lo eliminatenonsnddsrbl€s from lhe syslem ondenEr is louled Aiypial systedsho d haveapproximaLelv 3 DeL€rmirerfthe 35'F waterqL€nnglhemndensrundt5'F l€rving IfLh€@nde.serisfouled,lhe waL€rregul,ti.8 valvecannol supplyemush wals to ovd@m Lh€poor heatra.stbr cNsd bylhe loulrg. Ifaouli.s n theprobled, th€ diflqence belveo rh€dl€ring and bd{€o l@linsMter wi[ be low(]-5'F ssus 3-looF)indic4'.gpor hdt lranstar fie rcfiiee.mt and $e vrter choical d€Mhg ol thecondhs ciEuir will elinimte lh€ foulrg ch@icrt snpplyor refriSmlio. @mpey ao.a cbemic,l cl@nmgageot fo. oolins tovm ,nd cond€nsqs Follow the di@iions andprocedure o O a a o o o o a a a a a a a a o a a a a o o a a a a a o a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a o a a a O a a a a a a a a a a o a a o Ie.lmial Bulknt 9601A- Nowhb.r t996 Matnkwe Rc.lared.h^ - paBet o! 5 Ifyou haveaddiLiomlqndiions or needinlon?tron on Lheaboverete.€ncedproblemor my othd queslionon lhe TIG ice sder or, ontac!: TUREO NFRIGENAITNG Divisionof E.n.y vogl M,ch'n€ Comprny D.nbtr, Td$ ?6202-0J96 T.l.phon.r 3U68?-4301 atlt!4t0361 AITN: a O c a o a a a a a a a a a a a a O a a Fisxre L T)"ical PressureRcgulatorPiping