FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PROCEDURE FOR LOCALLY ORGANISED SMALL WORKS, ARRANGED DIRECTLY BY BUDGET HOLDERS Introduction Small works which usually includes refurbishment or internal decoration can be arranged through our Facilities Management Helpdesk. However, in order to increase our service offering, and offer a more efficient service to all our users, Schools and Support Services can if they wish commission their own small works subject to the guidelines and conditions below through a nominated person and/or Budget Holder. When can Budget Holders commission their own works? These procedures can be used when the Budget Holder : Does not require additional professional assistance from Facilities Management, and has appointed a nominated person(s) to be known as Small Works Competent Person with the competence to : 1 Carry out the required risk assessments (and attended the University’s Risk Assessment Work Shop) Organise and project manage small works (detailed below) Facilitate the safe execution of the intended works in accordance with the University’s guidance set out in the Code of Practice on Small Works Carried Out Within Departments and attended the University Health & Safety’s Course on Construction (Small Works), found here Choice of Suppliers We have a dedicated Purchasing Co-ordinator who works with our managers to secure the best prices for works undertaken on Campus. These are through framework agreements, competitive tendering and collaborating with other Universities. As well as considering best price, all our suppliers and contractors meet our requirements on working to best practice and meeting health and safety legislation. All contractors appointed have to also attend the Facilities Management mandatory on-site induction prior to commencing any works on the University Campus to ensure they understand and comply to our work ethics and practices. A local induction will also be required which will be part of the procedures detailed below. A list of suppliers appropriate to these procedures can be found at Furniture and Design Services Budget Holders can make direct contract with their chosen supplier(s), arrange meetings and negotiate their own scope of works and order values where the Budget Holder is fully responsible for funding the works costs. Works must not exceed the maximum values shown below. Facilities Management are responsible for making the final decision on the suppliers available based on Health and Safety, and purchasing and framework agreements. Scope of Works Work in the following categories to the indicated value may be carried out as indicated as “Small Works” provided the works do not affect the fabric of University buildings or does not disturb the building’s services, including some minor works covered by the Construction Design and Management Regulations 2007 (CDM Regs 2007). The nominated Small Works Competent Person responsible for carrying out these works must be competent in small works procedures and are obliged to : 2 Attend the Course on Construction (Small Works) Policy and Code of Practice and must comply with the University’s Construction (Small Works) Policy and Code of Practice. Attend and be competent in carrying out Risk Assessments and have attended the University Risk Assessment Workshop. Approved Small Works Small works are listed below that can be carried out by the budget holder with no requirement to contact Facilities Management. If there is going to be a change to the fabric of the building eg by removing existing flooring or drilling into walls (eg for large furniture items) the procedures must be followed below: Item(s) Carpets for small areas such as offices To order see Small Works Contractors list Maximum Value (inclusive of VAT) £1,000 2. Furniture items (provided they are free standing, otherwise refer to the above policy) To Order go to Furniture and Design Services £1,000 3. Internal signs that can be mounted without affecting the fabric of the building, and must follow corporate guidelines £1,000 1. The following items may be carried out as “small works” provided the policies and procedures are followed within this procedure. These items are likely to affect the fabric of the building eg from drilling which could disturb asbestos or come into contact with other services such as electrical. 4. Blinds & Curtains £250 5. Noticeboards/Whiteboards/Screens £1,000 6. Internal Decoration – must discuss budget funds with the Maintenance Projects Manager Shelving £1,500 7. 3 £1,000 8. Small building works These are small projects that are internal works, where the infrastructure of the building is not affected, ie there are no alterations or work of any description required to mechanical, electrical or engineering systems. Works must not reduce the effectiveness of existing fire safety systems or means of escape and will be in the Budget Holder’s own areas of work, ie not general public areas. Examples of possible works are refits of work areas such as installation of kitchen or work bench units. £5,000 (for a single project or sum of associated projects) Examples of works you might be considering are shown on Appendix 2 Small Works Safety Assessment to assist you the budget holder in assessing whether the works can be carried out locally without FM assistance or when you would be required to defer to FM. Only works fully funded by the School or Support Service are permissible under this scheme. Any works funded wholly or in part from other sources must be passed through to Facilities Management Helpdesk. For a list of our approved contractors and suppliers for the above works, please go to Small Works Contractors list Procedure to carry out the works No. 1. 2. 3. 4 Procedure Budget holder approves the work project outlined and allocates the financial resource. Responsibility School or Department Budget Holder nominates a Small Works Competent Person who will be the first point of contact throughout School or the life of the project. Person must have attended the H&S Course on Construction (Small Works) and be Department competent in carrying out Risk Assessments. Small Works Person undertakes risk assessments on planned works. This may include checking the FM School or asbestos register. (If there are any queries, please contact the FM Helpdesk) Department Small Works Person refers to Small Works Safety Assessment to check procedures to ensure they are complying with these procedures. 4. Small Works Person includes fire risk assessment and contacts the University Fire Officer if there are any concerns or queries. 5. Small Works Person obtains quotations. 6. Small Works Person (SWP) appoints contractor, and obtains details of personnel who will be carrying out the works. SWP checks with Facilities Management Helpdesk that these personnel have attended the Facilities Management Induction. (SWP will have attended short introduction to induction processes). SWP confirms with contractor procedure, arranges start time and local induction once arrives on site. The local Small Works Person is responsible for ensuring proper consultation is carried out with any neighbouring work areas which may be affected. School or Department Budget Holder arranges payment direct to contractor(s). School or Department 9. 11. SMALL WORKS SAFETY ASSESSMENT – SCHOOL OR DEPARTMENT’S RESPONSIBILITIES AND EXAMPLES OF SMALL WORKS School or Department has the following responsibilities: 1. Overall Charge & Responsibility for the Small Works 2. Control of the work area 3. Carry out Risk Assessment and Method Statement, refer to FM if there is a risk, alteration to services or fabric of the building. 4. Check FM Asbestos Register if drilling into walls. 5. Induction (check with FM contractor or suppliers have had full induction. Carry out local induction. 6. Issue any necessary permits 7. Managing the contractors signing in on arrival, whilst on site and 5 Check √ √ √ √ √ √ √ School or Department School or Department School or Department 8. ensuring they sign out when they leave. Accepts work on completion √ Examples of Tasks that can be undertaken: 1. Painting of a wall in a School or Department controlled area with no fabric interference (eg the surface being painted is not damaged). 2. Minor refurbishment of a School / Department occupied area by the School / Department (e.g. re-fitting of a kitchen) provided there is no interfering or change to assets or services. Full Risk Assessment must be completed to ensure services are not being affected, also check with FM Asbestos Register. Installation of a new partition wall in a School / Department area provided no interference in services. Check with University Fire Officer if change to Fire Risk Installation of shelves / notice boards / blinds & curtains, that require fixings drilled into the walls . Full Risk Assessment must be completed to ensure services are not being affected, also check with FM Asbestos Register. Installation of large furniture , if fixing to walls required risk assessment must be completed. (as per 2 above) Installation of carpets over existing floor, and not disturbing existing tiles. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. (However - If the existing floor tiles are to be disturbed, then as there is a possibility that the tiles may be produced from asbestos containing materials (ACMs), there is a risk that asbestos fibres could be released if disturbed. Before any tiles are disturbed, STOP and seek advice from FM.) Creation / addition to / removal of a new mechanical and electrical (M&E) supply by School / Department in the mains distribution unit (MDU controlled by FM) This is not permissible – all mechanical and electrical (M&E) works must be undertaken by FM, Schools and Departments are not authorised to undertake any M&E remedial/addition/removal work due to the high risk nature of the works, and that FM control the M&E infrastructure. 6 Guidance Notes Small Works Procedures Full Small Works policy Quotations A quotation is a procedure for seeking in writing/on email a price and delivery time for goods and works required. A single verbal quotation is acceptable for all works up to the value of £1,000, although more than one quote can be sought if required. For works over this value, it is recommended to ask for 3 written quotes from different suppliers. Queries If you experience any difficulties with any of the above or with the contractors whilst works are being carried out, please the FM Helpdesk who will pass you onto the appropriate FM person. FM Helpdesk Tel: 01509 222121 Email: fmhelp@lboro.ac.uk Facilities Management November 2012 7