Chapter 5 DISCUSSION DISCUSSION lrdr61irc dy* litc Mrlehit eErL Mctiyl@ blu, F$t CEtr, drd R.d HF-6BN (ea.rirc rcd 195) wcE cei.d out by sing adoieft like o@loo.iUditc clay, LDHr bodi6.d cby, p!6tbar. oodili.d 'mtndill@it t|nhorilldiL clan ,z!di*nr. irdiq (@E) LaA dd sn .? w@l fihd ud.r tn. Adso4ti@ of&idic,baic atrut oplini4<l conditiffi of of adsdb.n!, cD@ltl tion of adiolb.r., rh.ling lic ed l.Epd.tws, Comnr.tio6 oa dt!! bcf@ srd lid ld$rltion wdc I|Burd by W-visibL sp.doploboa.. uilg sodrd elibllli@ dhod 5.1 LAY OUT OF THE DATA: 5J CHARACTERIZATION OF ADSORBENTS h lhe F.F chd&t riad sludy adsorbdE 6ing SEM t cbliq@ io obwe by l,{oept 521 ScDlng IE 4hrd dd dodifrd lbe *ft ed .nd they w€e sud@ ntrpnobgy. (SEM) surf@ of moffEdillonite clay, LDHS nodilied mondeilonite .lay. phsphlt! nodified lM|mdiU@ii. cl.y, Azdinr.h irdica 16v6, 3h@p w@l fib.r ud bired b.d 6i! re stldicd efth rh. t lp of 6@g+t bt@ by $eiog niqosc@. (SEM) bef@ &d lnd th. adupliod of dt!5, rd l"rslG 4.!.1- 43,4 (.) {31- :l3.4 ( b) show l!. surfe of tMtluillonir! ere!.r.d bcf@ rb. .dsdpri@ of dts ald b6oe satElr.d ai!. ad(r?tion wih g4a @rhyLE blE, f$t g,F md F*rirc rd 195 adsn@t wbich wa dyes. Thft a.riv. ritce is a e $guc a3J fmltion of !d!o$ed l.rq d th. surfs oI ad!d!c!t setu to be no daiLblc fd thr firrna .d&rpti@ of dy.. (r) ud |3J (b) slow th. SEM i@es of LDlls Dodifld MC bef@ dd anq lr.atm.nt sith fan gr@ dye. A! w! hDv thlt the &l5oQtior ep&ity of adsqbelr it @ ft. mnturilonit! cLy sft $ Egulz ltywd snu.r@. Whib an r LDg! o.di6c.don rbe su.ll 0.La of LDtl3 is dirElly dlFnds @ surf& SEM iDg! of 142 DdrMill@iE sul@. lt indicard th8r .nd rh. oodiEcadd Fcs, U. LDIB E difi.d lmr@ill@it sbows ti!s€@ ol lmtDorilloit ed LDlt itr iG lErrcr$. Ce*qendy LDH paticld {bpy llc qrsDnl @d ilr@al spss in rh. moMill@ic &d iniqql.r.d inro te rEf4. Wh@ rh. o.di6cd rd5dndr udrid fd dD cmval of ltEl dt€, il c@ ro i.v. |lm safldrd sites a @pa.d ro b.f@ Dodifrlri@. n n p3rticl6 @ {,L6 (b) 8ho* rhc SEM iE!g6 of phosphor€ mdified MC dd Eelcd MC. As p[sph.t! iod w@ ch.bidbed d the sdfe oI MC. Figug 43.6 (r) n lachite so t!. gI€ bound.d @ tb. and irEg* oI thb nodifi.d lhov diff.r.ot sutt@ mryholocy a ro MC. who n is a&orb.d with MC dr!, m avonabb y&mr sit$ w@ !6 SEM €onpared fig|E (.) !.milg .L.tto! oicNoly 6EM) of th. .zdireht! ildica ldv6 wlib nslE 43.?-,13.10 (b) shw ln. sEM i@e6 of l[. AILP alia trtiring sith MG, MB, FC ud RRI95 d)6. Mey .qty spl6 ad pcu sit . re filled afta th. .dspti@ of dt! DL.d.s. 43.7-4.3.10 Ilg|c 4311,43., [ *a ftud thlt the sh@ th. (r) So* Fils 9@ thc SEM l'wot oi@gEpts of @ th. lwfe of d utrft:ied sha? v@l frt r. sml fiber &d oql4pilg o! @ aotbd lile in thc potLd of tiL6. Thly sdr Foviding th. surf@ fu th. adsdptid d dJ€s @ *61 fibs- ft qs obseP.n ih|t srl$ pEtdl @ flat in od mgbEs of tn w@l c@irg iion the d6llppin8 of thc ccU, niuB ,L3.ll-4.3.12 (b) shows $e SEM nimgnpns of rI alld !h..p w@l frbd wiih MB &d RR195 d'€!, mnbows tEal.d with dyes tu smd bef@ adrqptio!. w@l fibd bc@@ thi! d@ to ft8|E surfe tsa@ satulicd. tbe shriDras. of !pp.s It wa alrc 3@ in tn ib,e.s shich w@ to b. ihicl but 8ftq adsorpiio of d'$ it fibs .n r d* inr.r&lid of d)€. ud rit!€.lJF4-1.16 O) inoe the sEM ni@rr4br of bir.d ted cin tef@ &d lns tqrDot wir! MB, MC, FG .nd RR195 dtq whict @ c{i@ic ald didic in nsE sEM idg.s dely sbo* rld bef@ rL. Er.|JMt *il! dF difl.d siz.d Bb Fnicler @ p@d pbicb b@o6.drecd and h.ins dret 43J343.16 (r) t43 5.3 PART I. DECOIORJZATION OT MALACEITE GREEN DYE BY USING MONTMOtrIIJOMIE CLAY (MC), PqOSPHATE MODIIIED MC AI\D AZADIRACUTA II\]DICA (NEEM) LEAVES POWDER (ATLP) MrL.biE gE! (Mo) dy. wa !d$!.d liL m!tuorilbnn. chy (MC), 53.1 md of .@ea of Ennl ard mdifird draials phophat d nodrfql MC.nd aadi.-h$ iadio lare on rhc $d@ of .dsn€rts: Tn .ffet of @ut of a&db.nts such s MC, MCtu ed AILP ltr 1n. rcmval oi MG dlc fton th. .4l.@ $lurio ea studied, Difr.dt amuts of rhe a!ov. @!d@d adiorbcnb tueing fion 0.1 !o 1.258r rcG t0td lo nnd @r{B. Th. BuI5 sh@ lLar 1.0 gb ol MC gircs abot 84-7 % itmv.l of MC. 0,3 gn of MC *q& 8ls %j % of MG &d 0.8 gE of AILP giE mi 6 E@val ol dyc. Th. @ffici..t (KD) vrlB !1 rlEse rlevdr tuis *@ 25.4, 96.3 dd 30.1 @VBn FpectiElr fd thc opetivc adsorbcnrs sysLo O6dl. thl adsoptioD of MG wa imsed si(h the i|ee i! alrur dd rb.! n dop6 dd lsah n*s with tn dttribution smul of Mc, Mcdoo& 8d AILP, The vsiaiion in lb€ % adsorplion lalB of Ep..tirc deibots sho* lh. pEqe of !)@ d l* irs'n& ad d.f@riv. .d86. The cdlB play a siSrificart 6L duiry rh. dsorpri@ phdonlmn. ft6. .i8s s$ite tle satnsted pm of l[e dye o.l a@Lrst UE cmoval ot dye mldules [273,2?a]. I!!$ typq of obed.ti6 14 liso str fq Oe ad.orpdon of dgdic eidj d lh. sun4 ot lircly divid.d chaoal 1275,2761, Ih. Es'nts e shoq in TabL 4. L I {rd iigG 4.2.1- 4.2.3. Th. ahov. oFioiad amui of odsotudtl s4 N.d ro pr.tle d. dsr?dd crFri@G. additi@ of rhe 5.3.2 Edf6t ofshlktq dft: Tabl. 4.1.2 s[Ns $e adsrptio of MG dyc @ MC, MC,."",b. .rd AILP ad$rbdll by cheging the jntoractior li@ b.rwen the adsod.trrs wnn dy!. Th. v!t@s oI lBiIM adsorPtie of dr wft ill!!.g ql@s of the ex@i!.d @ AILP n l0 oilura atoul 80-64. Ar shrljlg rire (! also ill@- For MCIMC .!d Mc- MCd-!r.! stst G r[. @iou sa trt.s ple .l 25 binut . .hout 9.lS .Dd 20 niilnd .bod 9E.6 6 Gpedrcly. Ou dL th. ddPd@ Fd* 3[os!d redon h.!!vid ad MC-MC {d MC- MCddfu sJ6t @. rbc a!rc patlaD s$ alio folowed by lle vdB of KD. In .dsdpti@ of dyc ce !d$r?ti6 cap&ily wa raiss rith lb. 6ulI! e lbom h frgws 4,2.4 - 4,2.6. of MG- AILP slden tlc i! tio. dd rhd d..rce6, ft. p@ liqlid .!d solid i@e e id.rdi.8 lt r lhc bqld.ry bcls@ Flid od |n. liquid i3 inLrfa h!6 difi.ut ch@tainics froo iL. ioM 9{t of th. liStrid, her@ rh. Epl@tMlr of lh. $lid nole'ne! or id @ the surf@ of adsorh.o$ t t pl4 by th. Lquid nol€dle6. Thc fres *bich *.F opdarirg m ln. liquid ml*ules @ shitud r.d 6uli.d itr t!. in.tle in mfnid of tb. lrqud th. intEfc. Th. liqlid Whd a reldde !d!.Fd n ft. sde of eli4 lt n dhorpli@ L ft'rq s @qd!d !o '@ rh. liquid-lrss 3tsi.o .A! rbe c!)lMmri@ of dt! slulior ilflter thd Ib. re of adsdption w4 ds incM6, Dting ih. plws of ads6 ion aftd sDll d ldgc ili!ryab ol dre, rh..quutdm ws stst d to sllblish h.trcn ibc @le.!l4 ar dE bulky pGirid !.d derbed ph.* [2771. Fo. untlasleding of lhe plrr@ ol &dDlioa c6id6 U. auqL of Dl&tit gtEl dtE. ub.o aq!d! eluti@ of dtr coG i! @iet sirh th. suf@ of .d!cb@t []. tM lav.s. th. u$arnt d par of orbcbit g@n hits th. u.Eul d ir.p.d..t bou&ry of ad$6.nt, The epdto of dy. @lc.ules ststs quicuy !r lb! ioiti.l !rag. 6 they sEike th. mleul$ of ud ddicds @ fori.d, Tbar is. forE don of tbtct Ljqof dy. @ th! s[f4 of @d 5.3.3 Etrer ol ..@.tntim of dya rh. Enovat of rbla.hitc gIM d'! sa ok rcd by v{ying rh. dye €oMfidon u"ds th. optibizd .muDt of MC (1.0 gb). MCr.",b (0.3 e!) ed AILP (0.8 go) rdstdts. Rr AILP sy3leD, rh..dsptioa of dy. *a imsd vith rbc ilrrle i! .d@l[adon of MG dyc thcr it dropr &d rganr i!.lias. ftc atlsoplioD wq 'uiou obsrtd 01 cl@ntnlid 3,orl0r mldn!, rte valB of KD e snowirg redod h.h.vi6 tlr@dour th. st5l!@ Fd Mc, ihc ad&+ti@ wd iffi.asd wirh t[e ime in th. ctmlliid of dy. rta it va d!.ttled b, nbioS lb. @Mr.ati@. TD. t45 uioun.&cpdo6 96.2 * es rlrdEd d Mlri@ l.Oxlor @lioi For Mcl Mcdiarsy.t D lte dsttiE rs de i6lrid eilh tb iEe i! @@tlioo of drc rld tbd b@. .drd. Tt ouilD dqFi6 959 6 l!3 ol6..!.d a @!rrdi@ 5.o.lo' @ldDr fa Mc dF 8FG@ TL r.$in @ @iz.d i! T$L 4.1.3 .D.l frg@ 42t - {2.9. !3, Ad.ortdoo, A! dldFi@ ilollsE tu | g{ti.d E!t!..drd6 $o*iot 6. El|liostip taelcn rt .oour r&or!.d Dy r rrir wiSu of lLdnar &d th. rD@r o{ r&dtd. @dd!8 i! tt Lrl @diu ! cqqilib.iud- lt r{3 tb. dirEihrid of &dncd olqL. bdg6 lt. riquid dd lolid ![4. d vriu .Crntbi@ .o@lr.d@ ,I}. .ddpd@ iedED i. t{i.d o th. dit whic[ i! ip@i6. fd *! dJ+ t2?91. lhortar ryn e Tb i6p.cid d ddFi6 iloodD tto'! | &c!!s. in tb. ldcF m of dyq rfth rt iE@ i! |.qddG, It !!@. |ha rdrotpdon of nd.diE rla o MGMCrrrr Dd Alll b adEDb i! u!G. th. dd! *a d$ ft[d d |!. r$ttun, Rutldli|L dd Dubirin-R dllbvidr (DR) dspd@ i!.ltqD qurionl $.4.r lzEol. rrqnlr dEldor ro&d Lognl|ir do&l i5 ! .ln9L |b.diql d.l *!id ir o!.d ro deib @hF rddptid [28]l.It $ll tnom L.sgEub cqttrid i! qFBscd crvo= r/Kv.+cJv" ( a t2l2]: (5.1) ir t!. !d..igio coctr iat d ldtmir .6rdl V. i. |} mLy. ceeity, vd i! tt .@n of dF ltqdrd lo fdb tt @oLF oq lt cd& of .d6dt ol ed Cr i! tb .quiltiiu @!d@ A rtdghr b! w! otrd!.d by plord!8 C./x/o vqs C.. Rlo 6. .loF d ida!4 rb vd6 of @rd. K Drl v. e.! crlqrln 4 Tt .&dFio dFiD.!$ 9w sdplirt d .t difqlll rc4.rdct rusilr t@ 303 io 3r8 K a Oou i! fu8. 4.2.10 . 4212 d e Wlg!, su!)l@iarl in Tabl. 4.14. Ii !ho* rtrat lhe *s incrue ir th. valrcs of K vith tle i$ ir &op6at@ *e ar 318 K fd MG,MC stsr.o, plEdidr rh. sfiqg adsttd., d$rh6t inta!.lion ar hieh* rbFonB. Ir rcv..k lhat th. ads.rplion lfdnity of dye wa il]c6B rith th. ri& i! l!rycrlnre 3o adsdption i! fav@bt€ al hjgtd Edp.rarc. Fd MG- Mcrrqi- .rd MG,AILP syst a rh. vales of K 9@ d.@a*d *ith lhe ie i! t npa*m exep1318 arxl3l3K, lbe nonolaycr qp*iry (V!), fd MG-MC atsr.D w6 dqqs.d witn l[c i@ i! coF€|u., indidin8 hid .finfty of dyc ad$ipri6 loe teoperaru.s. Whil. in .e MC.tu@ dd MG AILP sysLb lbe v.lB of vD v@ il|c!!.s *irh tL riE in i.Dp.rrG exe$ !r 303 lrd 313X. I! so@ llsrcn K v.lB w@ Egltivc showilg rh.ll[ey gd nor follNed rh. I ."s-uir adqptid isorh.m equrtion [283]. 5.142 ftc al of MG &tuinicb rderDaio. ilorhe@ Eodid iedm w qprsscd t )vn g)gn = by 6itrg loB K l[. followilg cquad@. +l/i lo8 C! \5.2) drout adqt€n pq uit @s of lhe ad$rb. , Cr s rhe equitibriu @e!tsatioD. dd l/n and K e o6lrd! I2U). he' 4,2-t3 - 4.2.15 depict dE Where is th€ Bluldlich plois whid '* obr.jlcd ar @mpuLd hon th€ slopes &d IDe @fldt K cl.r4r to rh. &gE irteNiiy of lhe ad5oQtio!, Th. veiN EbFrarr' Vdu of lhen Esperire of ld&rprioa i@e shL plors e of K dd n re lisrld in TabL 4.l.5. n prcvid.s ttE 6ad.dd of in lhe vales of K vith rte dsc in t D!.ranft fd MC-MC ald MG MC+b& sFr.6 Eu& i[.! .dsdpri@ affilitt of nd-li|e gEn dye n fav@blc al higba rcrysar@ wirt rhc cxc?tid al AILP st$.n wne@ decrsntg tod wa oh6sv.d. Whi|e dm6 i! thc vatu of ( wirh rhc reryr.n@ rhft thlr adsFi@ of MC on AILP 53.,L1 Dltbir t dqblcvtt lsodio Th. adso.ption ddla wbicb re fiftd t apiearcd i, rbe tilEized also *3 flwbL d t@a abFratE on Dubinjn-Radu6ht vish (D,R) fm s : 12851, iso$€m .ouatio& (5.t (5.4) Wt E, Xo is d. mmlatu cqeity of !d!dt nt K is a @1art Eht d to !&qpti6 .Mgtr, .i5.dsdpri@potcltial,Ri5.gacsr&tTbrbslur.Go!.ratu.,)(/Ddd Ct hN. uld '*"ning'. Tb. DR pld! of h (ro) 6b I sd obhr.d at mN t!4cntes e suom i! Fi8s.42,l6 - 4,2,18, rc @oplrl.d too @ ne msgy of uption {q) Vds ofx. dd dops of lbe Esp€ti$ plot6 @d l[. sa.aLulor.dlionKbyuitr8tn .qud@I2E6l: th. int t!.pt @d K (5.t EFt2Kt'' Irble 4,1.6 shoss the€s of Ei lc MC-MC ed MCi MC @ sysr.s *hich w$ il'dltg witt th. ieDperate, indicllilg tbar erptid cap&ny wd riss with rh. coD.drw. For FG-AILP syitcr! E vdB *@ &dr!s will tle i@ in EopcEtuq 535 It d.?t at 303 L ntqDo.ttluic p.nD.a.B d iopodd ol. to u.darrmd tt nroF of.diorprid Il.nodFmics pemtds Elatcs lhc ad$rFion of dr€ sudr a ii!. th.modyM&ic Fo@s [287]. anrdier plry wry} .bdge (Ac), erthdpy cheg4 (ArD dd 12811 enn@y chesca (As). @ labular.d in Table 4,1,7 dd .aL'natld by usirS th. equari@. (5.6) rjKo=AS/R-6H/RT (5.7) ACEAH-TAS (5.8) 6II .od AS 9@ qlo!.€d noe lh. sloF .!d of dE li*e reildd of h f$ *ith lhe GiFocal of r.6F$e ([D which n $ou ir fi8c 4,2,19 - 4.2.21. IE valu of AC fd MG- MC,&,t4 ord MG-AILP s'!lo5 v.E mg.ltv. ar vdioB tebFatEs showinl lh. spo lMs behavid of .tLdption Th. vdus of pra6- \{liL t!. Th. valB of AH *ft of AG f6 MC.MC 3ysLo ihoe .m sporaDu beh!!id, p6iIiv. fq MG-MC{!6cj ald MG-AILP n.nE of .dsorplion pllss. while in 6. show the endodedic of MG,MC sysl.b n sho*s regativ. valucs .!d eprents tI. .xotl.mic ..dw of .deAti@ proq' Thc valu€s of dS wd ldiriE t( MC-MCf.aha od MGAILP 3y3LB shiL fd MG.MC ayst.n rt y r4 llo*ins Etrdon h.b,vid5J| PART TI DECOLORIZATION OF FAST GREE}I DT.E EY USING MONTMORJLLOMIT CI,AY (MC), LD& MODIFIET' MC AND AZADIRACITIA INUOT NEEM) L,EAITJ POWI'BR (AILP) Ih. @v.l of far tta dr! vs @i.d Nt by rle .dsapri@ prtEs @ dE wfe of !a$al srd bodi6.! .d&tbells lilc m.ieci!@ib clay (MC). LDg. Dodifi.d MC nrd azdn!.h$ itrdic. s.4rEf€r oa.mur Tt effcd of ldst d'l *d stdi.d by Lavcs (AILP). uldd dr. opriDizd ot llat t@iDm r&db.nbl rts .Jte@E fr tb. d.el6i?,ri@ ald d.toritic$ih of silg Mq MC-Bed th. Espetive atborbdb p.m.rcsl *a &d *s gGD adsq!. .. Th. optidmdoDr of varyine it! amut, Thc 6uli i.diclr.d AILP idlcsri$i.d by ddsrpdor capeiry fd obr.i!.d s1 1.0 gm about 76,60 4) of MC, 8O.l % !E of AILP- Tt disEiburi@ camci..l ((o) vdB at thc 6pe1iE aJru|s w@ obrliEd s 229, 34.3 .!d 2?.8 (myg) cpErircly. Orcntl, thc dsFim of fd gt@ dr by sing .dsoinds MC, MC.s !1 0.? gm and AILP vdiado of MC-@ vs y2.6 % sl 1,0 inc|fu *ith llc ilde in rhe ll'jMr &)d lh@ &qea&d, thc ir lh. % a<hotption yd6 oI F6pccrive adsdtd$ sho* lhe F€se@ ot mr initidly q l4s iregul& ald d.tativ. ft* cdg6 play a sienincst rcL in rhe adsorytion pb.loffi. Tb.y sEiL ih. barurd p.r1of the dt! od mvat of dtt @l@i6 12721. The ttF of o66dv.ri@ w dso obwc{t fo rhc adsDrid of dgeic &id6 @ ilc aud@ of liel, divid.d ch@al [275]. Ih. sdtl @ shom in Tafle 4.1.9 ed fige.s 4.2.22 - 4,2.24. Th. nmh6 ad$rplid dFrire s w@ pl{erld by t .?irg lhc ofliniad amur of adsdbc i. edg6. 5.4-2 Efict of rh.ldnr tim; Tablc 4.1,10 illulnalls lhe ldsorpriotr of i61 adsdb€dB by varyirg rh. m AILP .r 30 tii. niDler. the pdiod. v.lB|u mindd lbour 84,9% ald at a&dprim ole Fes showile r&doE Minm iBes.d s,a3 Er.ct of M@at ri'! MC-e and AILI of dyt ss obst d wirh rh. odsorptid of dyc iltclt& i. *s tir. ob6a€d dl oilur.s about 84.4 % eipetiwly. Ord .I, r& srsEd I2E8l. IrE Elq ot KD of FO-MC.@ syscn rlD adjolPtioD wd in@.d b€Irid fq FG_MC s@ parld. h ce tn ilJ!(:J:l* ir ti@ rdrl t6 de@s.d kru[s @ toUow lhe wnh 15 dye on MC, .rlsdpri@ 9.0% of KD w@ .ho Fo! FG-MC and FG-MC-DB dyst @ th. 10 glM showa in fi gBs 4,225 - 4.2.n, oadr€: Tr! rcmv.l of fet gE.n d}t ws o6&dcd by veyitrg th. d,€ c(@flrslim udhr rh. optibi4d at|r@r ald st.tirg ti4 of MC, MC-re dd AtLp. For AlLp srs&E rhc adsolptio! w6 in@a$d with Ihe iDole in c(enr.d@ of FG tb.n it droF od agai! il@*s. the nqiaun aderpdo ws ob*ry€d at 8.6x104 nol.dmi@r@nrarion. 'ft. valB of Xo *a! 3hwi.S tudoE b.havid lhrcugldt 6. systen. For MC. rhc i!@s.d rirb th. i@6. io c@dE!ri@ of dyc rhcD n v6 &c@{t with tn in@e in @@tu1i6. Ih. mdinun !6o.Iton w4 obsdvld ai cletrFari@ 6.3x10< ml.dnra 95.2 $. Fo. MC_B, the ads6Dri@ ws incl!&d rirh tb€ il|.!te ir co@!t6ti@ of dr! .dt rh€r d6r.,ed 12891. TlE luiob lsorption wa obw.d ar coeftari@ 9,OxlO I @l.ttnJ sbout 82.1 % fd fst sreD .ryc rysc6, IlE Bdts e 3u@iz!d i, TabL 4. L t I ed lig@s 4.2_28 - 4.2.30. &,rorpti@ w$ 5.4.4 {)SORPTION ISOTHERMS STT'DIES: srr,4.1 L.ngDulI .do.prion 'nE !&oipli@ cxpqi@nts i$rb.lD vs diff@t tlmpcErws tugilg ftob 3O3 0o 3l8K 4 sloq in fi88.4,2.]t4.2.33, th€ @lrs e suDb4irdr in TaDt 4,1,12- llrc i|rl:l!e i! rbe v.lB of K *ft d. ri$ in t opdlrw rd FC-MC. FG,MC- .s a@nptjlhcd !r md FG-AILP sysrm lr.dicB rhe 3bug .dsqtar.{rbmenl derrction !t hiehd l50 t mpentrB. It Erds thal l!. rd3orltio affbiy of dye id.a6 *ith lhe rie in t n'perdt@ so a<hdption i! hisbly f.vo.bL !t hiehd icnFr*ua, All ltE.d5olprion sysLs follow tegnun .dspdon idlm.rapl 11 3l8K f6 FG,MC. at 3o8K fu FG-MC- DB 4d ar 303K fd FG-AILP systes, tL l@olayd c{peily (VJ. fq FG- .!i t qc!r@ Gxcepr at 303(, ndn"dig rhe bigh .tfDity of dt€ .dsdprid ar low r.Eos.n6, WtiL i! .* of Fc_ MC and FG-MC DB strl!@ rh. valrc! of v! w@ inm.d wirh tn ri$ in MC 5"4,1.2 rC-AILP sysGo ws d€.G$€d with .udldl F rhc ill.Ile in r&orprto. isoan.E Figm .1,2.34 - 4.2.36 d.pi.r th. R.udlich plors wbjch w€F obkin d ar vdious t oFdtlG. Vdc ol K .!d tr rcF @pur.d f@ rt stoFs sd jnLepr! of 6.i. Bpetiv. ploB @ shoM i! Tabl.4.l,l3. Th. coqirni K rlll.s to rh€ d.g@ of a&.Ation, wnik n providB 6. Biimrid of ltc inrcBiry of ad.or?tim. Thc de@e in rnc rrlc of K win lle rj& i! r.q@te fd FGMC, re_Mc,lN ed FclAILp rystc6. EvdL lhal adsFi@ dfility ot f6l 8@n drr .t@,g vith tlE ds. ir tedp@r'E shosilg rhlr ad$rpdon n L$ favdabre 5,4,'1.3 Drbiri. R.dlst*evtb Isrhcn: Th. D R plors valM of X. veE plorcd and K re al vdious tornpdslues cdculaEd A@ tb. al hidhd s kDpcrar!&s t29 U. shos! in Fi8@ s 4.231 - 4.2.39. bLE F ed ,to!a of tEn BFcliv. r!. rd'a of E fd FO-MC &d FC- MC- @ sysrens, ft ss l.hpcnne, i!djc.ti!8 d incEs. i! dye rcrFon vrn rh. ilElte in plot3. Tablc 4- L 14 shows i|ms.6 wilh th. EDpdalle, Fir FG,AILP 3Fr.q Er €EFr. 5.4J q .@Pr of witn lhc i@e in al I 18 K 1292t. Tt .Eodylmik th. vdB vdB m d@es EDd.B 6II .rd AS re c{oda{.d nlo l[ sl@ @ {erept or lh. lilE ii. bipBd or rloperd@ (t/T) s shoq b fis@s 4.2.4S 4.2,42. The val$s ol AO fr FG-MC, FG-MC-DB sd FG,AILP syneff e rcgdive ar vaiatid of In KD sith 298 !o 313 K shNirg rhc t bvid of drdFi@ proes. \r,hitc r!. etus l5l e p6iriE fa FG-MC-B 3j6rd sbors rb. .trddtmi. .r@ of .d$prim pI@$.Ih. e8ative v.lB of AH i! c4! of FG-MC ad FC-AILP sy6re@s show rh€ exo$mic snr of adsnpti@ pro6s. Th€ vales of AS w€! rFsitive for aI tn. dsqba& sFEn [293]. of AH 5.5 PART I|I. DECOLORJZATION OF METEYLENE BLTJE DYE BY USING MC, AJLP AND SW": Rdbrd of MB dt! by rh. .d!o+rid @ lle surfaa of lstml @tdials litc mtDor dii' clay (MC), .zldjreti! irdi6 L.v6 (AlLp) ed shaD @t tib.. 5J,1 Efect of A'rut of Mc, AILP ud swF adeb.n6: OltillM rmutl of rhe lbove @tioo.d ltLorhoi. EE ilbtigst d, Tne Bu1r5 d.l adsqption of MB dy. oa lnc sufee of MC, AILP aad SWF wd in@led lle lll.lte in .d!dn all]fut dtd E&hes ro a cqu ibn@ t€luc ar 0.6 witb (8?.26) sD fd MC, 0.4 8m (82.0%) fG AILP ard O_3 gn (E4.?6) fc SwF. ln6 rhat &LroDrid wa d@!.d wib th. ilr.rle in rh. !@ut. A! rhe pdrqt remvat of t/tB dt€ wa im.s.d *nh the ircieding i! thc douB of adqDen6 how.vs lhc rario of d}€ dsq!.d !dsb. 6 &.ss.d ltc icr& in lhc tu@r of .<lsot'.ra. Ihe dijEiburi@ @ftrcid (re) vdq at tb. qpetiv. @btl gft 50.32, 61,53? dd 84.?8 moy8n rclp.divcly 12891. tle Buhs e snoq in Tabte ed fi96 42i3- ro 4,2.45. 552 Efi..r oast Srg Efler of statirg aftd!.d! rift Tt s (Ko) eirh M by k .pi!g ws ilqdgai.d at rhc op{iE@ .d$pt@ €rpqi@aK s@ rhc opriEiad lie @ rhe |!|Md of dF am4l of .&dplid of MB dyc 6 Mc. swF by vaying 0t shaljle rim. MdiDM etuyd 85.5% ot dye ws obraiDed m AILP ot 40 nirures. Tt vdB of (D w@ al6o i!(l€4d wilh dE iDE& in lim [2941, For MB-MC ald i,tB-SWF lysi.G rhe nr.rnph adrorpdd or dy. s6 ob&rv.d Tablc 4.1.18 iuuFat.s rhe 152 al 25 niNla .bdt FE* sdsupti@ abo folo, rh. 553 End oa E6.5% showitrg oilucs about 83,9 * elp..tiEly. Ov.r aL rhc Edk n b.ldvic for MB,SWF 3yscd Th. yatB of KD ed 35 I! @ ot MB-MC and MB-AILP sysiem lbe adsorplio! qa im6.d with tlE ilxr6c i! ti@ and lb€n deeed ltcsulr! @ shom in ti@s 42,& 42,44_ sre panein. Co@b.tloo of lrtd veid @n@tari@ of @dytd. blu dtr rcE pr.p@d in odd ro invcsrisaL lhc o9!nm ntrge of @raE{i@ of rh. dye $lutim @d.r rle oproi4d dooDr of shr,ting 1i@. F( MB-AILP sysi.rb, de ldlolplid ws ilrc@.d with the iMcse in c@dEarioa of MB d}! rhd ir drcp€d ald i@&r, 1!. bqiDm rnlorytio (93,? 96) B obwed ar @inM ad$ptior ya obs.eed oltHlllid. ft. ycl6 of KD @ shoving r&don b€hovitr thmdNr rh. systco, Fd MC a l SwF s'6l!N, rh. ldsoAtior ws ild€ed win rh. ima i! co@nFari@ of dy. rlE! n w6 dccM.d *ilh thc i|Irle itr @@E ti@. Fo. MB,MC ,ysr.n rtx Ilr,M erdpuo v$ obs.lqt al l,25xloj@l.dDr cd..ntr.lid l.25xlo5 @l.dnr$ 94.1 %. For MB_SWF systed rh. .ddturion 9.2x lO5 noktn 6ulr' @ s@iz.d in labl. 4.1.t 9 ald FisG 4,2,49- ir.z.5 r. 5J,4 A&orpdd 5!5"{.r ar i about 80.8 %. Ite Istt @: L.ngnrrr &horydm lloat IrF crperiMr! for sMyirg rbe m Lrgnuir {dsdpti@ i$th6n w@ u .r r€np.hrB rudag filD 303 to tt8 I( @ shlm i! Fg6 4,2J2{.2_54, ed rh. v.tB of LsSDuir.mra s wcE hbdar.d iD labl.4.1.20, 1l. valB of K wft dmrs.d wir[ |n i! renp@re fd dd MB-swF (ded ar 308 K) sysl.m cxlibir.d ih. slotrg ad.d!a&,rd5ort .i illaEri@ ar toE r.DFdnEs. n cEatj th.,r rh. !&o!ptid dnnny of dy. d.cE@ wilh the ri& in r.Ep6or@ & ad&lptim is bjghly f.vdabl€ low teop4anss. For MB,AILP sysr.n valB of K *@ inc,.a!.d witn thc Eqfarrc.cpr al 308K. Th. mtuLyd c.p&iri6 (vJ, fc MB_MC tul(l n/ts,swF sysrc$i {@ !tl6.d wirt rte ri$ itr t .rc@r .1 3o8x fd swF, i4ridtja iise MB-MC 153 bish aftuity of dy. adldpti@ al hignd rhe val$ of i.EFdnEs, whit. i! v! s@ d..l!3g *ion* ir r.ry.ql@ I* of ME-AILP sysEn t321. Frcudlld A&o{'lio! ImrheD 5Sn2 Ega 4.2.554.2.5? Ep&Mts the &lurdlicb ploti *hich w@ oblaiftd ar vdious Ld!edws_ vds of K md ! *d @Dpu.d froo th. dop6 rxt inr4rpis ot llcn F3p.cnw pb$ e list d in Th. @dl! K Glar€s rh. d.a@ of ,dsdptioav[ilctrFDvidalh.stioari@of j .6iryof$r? I< i|rl]qc wid th. ris i! tmps.r@ fc MB-MC ed MB.SWF syst @ q.luding al 3tE K fd SWF sysrer Ii Ev€.ls th{ adsptid 6f6nity {o lbe eid atbdb€nB l@ in.rt&s wid thc nF i! r.r4@n& shdilg th.r .dsorFion is noc favq.blc al bignd t oFEtl6. I! ce of MB.AILP sysEn v.lB of K dress ,itt ite rie in Lrp.m@s indicarilg thar adidprioo t tlre fahEblc c lw€r t.oFines. wlriL |}c \Er@ of ! dr'ru6 pirh rh. ri* iD EDpdlse ior MB-MC ed rllB-SWF s'{l!es md ilm6s wi$ rbe r.n{@nr fq MB-AILP s$ten &d it dcviatcs ar 3(,EK. 55rL3 Dqbi.i! R.drrhL.rtul trort d Itr D-R plors ,w obt.irsl ar v&im 1!qEt!nr6 ec shom ir FiSu6 4.2.584.2,60. ol Xn dd I( *@ .at utaoed fioi tn. inc@pr .nd slopcs of $.n Bp€iivc plois, Trblc4.1.22sh@r lt vatu.! of E, For MB-MC syst m, ir w6 d€.t!e wirb rb. r.nFrarurc. While fd MB-SWF sysl. !q vd@s w.e dccrced wirh thc i@r6c in .3rb indrlg at 308L b (4 of MB_AU_P syird E valu6 w@ l'lcM6 wirl Bper ro ldpdorE.xepr !t 308K indicadlg e iF6e in dy. sdpnd witb rb. rie i! GDp.raAE. Eolqarw rld 5J.4,4 Tn thcn lherD.dyuolc PrnatFs valu.s oi AH and AS Epr* *q. c.Lulacd tion rh. slA. dd i depr of lh€ liDce of r.Dpqlr@ O/D s shoM j! ftgB 4.2.614,2,63. Th. valu* of AC for .tl rhe sysrctu w.E esanvc lnows spotrErcous b.D.vid. WliL rbe v.lE of AH l* eg.tirc i! ce of MB-MC alrt MB-AILP .ri@ of ln lb *ith th. EiPtejl sysL4, shoying ihe .ar@ of {djorptior p@ss, In @ of MB_SWF vds The p6itiE Epe*dioe cdothsDic bchdid of aderpd@ valEs of AS ws€ .bo politiv. fd all ih. adsdblle -ad:sb.nt sy8t ns. 5.6 PARI IV. DECOLORIZATION OT REACTIVE RED I95 DYE DY sFcr!" lhe USTNG MC, ft. tiLc ot Alt w@ AILP AND SWF: Etuval of RRt95 dy. by ldloQtion pr@6s *6 cdied oul. Ihe nluai mtcriar! m.twillonir. cby (Mc). lz.dirE llr i.dic! L.B (AILP) ald sh.+ vml fib.6 aSwF) w€E scLrled 5.6.1 EE ct oa s 8bdbe Amur of MC, s, A[.P tud Sl4T A&odols Oltirnd @u!rs of th. adsdbeft *@ inv*ti8aled Th. sults shoy.d rh"t adsoption of RRl95 dy. m lb. turfe of MC, AILP ed SWF lw imas.d sit rhc ad$rhdt @ut dd rc@n s d €quilibriun valE at 0.5 gf, (84 34]) for MC 0 6 sm (92.6%) fq AILP arld 0.3 sD (81.8%) tq SWF, and tbn ad$Dlion wa ddFed wirh th. inclt* in the mu1 ot a&orb.nB. TL p4414. emvd of RRl95 dve sa olso ift@s.d vith ti. ier.rsing .lrutt oI ltlso @G, hoe.E tbc 6rio ol dte dsdb.d d lhc adlqb.nt (KD) q@ de@$€d with ih. i|msing Moun of adsorh.ns The dilributi@c@ffici.nt KD(fuVgD) valB.t lh. slddre @rnis td 50.6 46 3 ed TE $dc e shom in TrbL 4,l.25 ald arg@s 42644j-66 'fn nnth6 a&oQliod e4cti!@G weE tu u!.lEr th. spdive optiniz.d alrut or ?0.2 rcsp€ 561 EEed olsb.E!8 tlm fq l[e eooval of dy€ *s inv6liSst d st th. oPtinM albuls of ldsdt nrl. Table 4.1.26 iltsE tB lh. ldsdpti@ of RRl95 dt€ ot MC, alt-P and swf adstrbenis by varying lhe shrring lift pniod Mdim@ Enoval of dv' wd obni..d d AILP ai 30 diDlct .b@t gOJ* Tb. v.t@ ol & l@ .l$ itl:t€a6 vitn In. i@e h titr, Plr RR195-MC ard RRI95-SWF sv .n the Bqim@ a&dption of sn.Iing tidE of dye w* obsvcd at 20 dinur.s !b@1 862% dd 35 bint* a!@r ?85 s; BF.tirely. Ov.r oI, thc adsdpti@ p|rls shsing r@dm b'havid f6 RR195-SWF 155 s'$on. ft. val@, of rs al$ follow th. s@ panm, RXI95-AILP syst tu th. ad$ptio wq ilrcllls riib &crrs.d. Rgulll c 5.63 EE rt of bilirl In cqc of RRI95-MC &d thc ilre iD li@ 6d rhcn aboM in figs 4,2J74,2,69. Coltqintio of lt. wft vei.! in odq ro d€tedin. tne Ninu ltl@ol by L.pile tle opiiD@ .m!m aid shllils tiE or ads!.ft_ For AILP sysco, rbc adldpri@ *3 iEElEd wirh rh. i'{l!e ir @tmturid of RRl95 dy! rhd n doFd ard .g!in imEdcd. nG Nind adsdpti@ (q).8 *) wd obF.d at 3.0:lor noldnJ.onenhadd. nE vale! of (o vm shoriq mdm b.havitr coDmtrarioN of RRl95 dl€ solurioD sylLb. Fd MC ed SWF, d. .ds!pli@ ws itEllls wil! th. nEIte oEotdio of dy. tb.r ir ss &crrg wirh th. i|l.|!* i! @I6n don. Fq thrcoghour the i! -"'r-"- adiorprio wc obw.d al LOx loi nolioi s 83.8 th. nsinu adsqption @@d ar 3,0x10 I not.dni .bNr 80.5 RRI95-MC sysc6 dE %. For RRI95-SWF %. Th. Bulls 5,6.4 e A.boqom 5.6I.1 L.ngn r@&iz.d in'l&b 4,1,27 ^dfiEr$ 4.2,704.2.12. letEm: . AdlorDdon rro&eru: lh. ads?tior erpdi@ts l@ @oplbh.d !t difi@t r.DpqsnEs @gi!g toD 303 !o 3l8K a sl(M itr fu6 42.73, 4.2.?5. ft.n 6d$ e sull|Mizd h T.btc 4.1.2E. D6Me in l! vdB of l< rit rh. ris in r.q.ErG fd RR195-SWF sd RRI95-AI-P (ex@pt al 303K) orc€.riotr prcdicB rhc strong rdlnbare-ddsb. I Ev.rl! th.1 rhe adupdon dftuity of dy! de|s6 i! t op6dw s adsprioo h tiCy falqauc !t tow r.Eeqar6. For at wilb tb. d& systld. It low* r.hFalws, RR|95-MC stsr.u hig!.sr vrlE of K ws obraiEd at 3O8K Th. (VJ, for RR195-SW! dd RR195 AILP syst s, ilm&s @Ly( with rh€ rie in cq&ity t Dp.r.t@ fd AILP sysleD, ildic.ring bie! amnity ot d!€ adsdlriotr sl higher l!npc6$M. Wlilc i! o& of RRI95-MC lysreo tlc valB of V. lhow E dob cx@pr at 303K b.!.vi6 d diffedt r@Far@ (303-318K). 156 t61t 2 Frudcn A&o.!do! I&tLtu Fiews 4.2,764.2.1E dQicr! lbe FFudtich ploB whicL w4 oblained at vsios ( od n w ooput il t@ rh. slop6 &d io|e@tt3 of rhcn Rl!.criE plol3 rtich 4 lbrd in TabL 4.t.29. Thc ccr&r K Etar.s ro the &gE. ot a&dptjor whiL n previdd rlE dtimrid of intensity oa rlF ldlorptid. fte vatB of K v@ imarl wil! th. rie in re4.trre f6 RRl95,Mc (cEpr c 303K), RRl95AILP dd RRl9s-SwFsyst @. It erds thlr ldqplio afnity fm rh. GFcrirc idsorb.nb N@ itmes wit! lhe ris. itr &tDqatw sho*in8 tiar .dsorption is moe flvc.ble ar highd r.opdalG. wliL th! wlB of n w@ d.srsd wim rhc ris jn rDpeErw fq au syst 4. i.EI.t"rG. vdB 5.6.41 of rhbbln R.dabL€vkl &ot[.m *@ ob..i..d !r vdiG rcdFrarEs G 3hou i! Eg|B_4.2.794.2.31. Vales ol X. Bnd K e@ c.tculacd ftsn rh€ i eeF &d slops oi $eir $petive plol5. Iable 4. L30 shows th. valB of El For RX195-AILP &d RRI95-SWF sr6r.N. ir sG ddEq wil[ dE rie i. tmpnjw. Fd RRI95-MC sr5r.D, E valE, lft it:ll@6 with th. i@ing i! Lbpcra!&, .x@pt .t 308 K tenFrduc, itutioting d il|fue h dyc 6dFim wirh rh. ilxlte in leDpetlrr, Th. D-R plot! !,6'5 lt inotlyDr cPiru.rh valB of AII &d AS wft cdcubt d ftoo th. stope !d ilrcEpr of th. lires @irim of ln KD rirh rh. Eiped of t qalra (l/T) @ shNo in 6elG 4.?.E2 4.2.84. rh. v.lrcs of AG fd RRI95-MC, RRI95,AILP &d RR195-SWF 6ysLd *.rc rc8atiE !t diffMr reDlqarrs lbowing tbal ad&rprion pr@ss is sponrd@, Th. v.lG of dH re EglriE fd RRI95-MC, RRt9tAILp rad RRI9s.S.W! systtu Thc sho{ing th€ cxod@ic narw of ad$plion dl tt adldbar. -adscbot pres. ftc rolEs of AS e6 pciliE fd !yri€6. t57 5.7 PART Y. DECOI,ORJZ{TION OF MATEIT,NE ALU4 MALACHITE GREF4 FAST CRAEN AND REACIIIT RED T95 DYES BY USING MIXSD BED B,ESIN efici.ey id crcie!. rcsin fd rh. rcmval of MB, MG.FC ed RRl95 dys havc be! in€sriglr.d udd rbe opriEizcd cordiritu. traly ioiliat dyB co@tmrio., .ou.t r!!. ed @ut of Bin. Th. Eooval 'tl of aixed bcd Opdnir.don of r6h Doe€. @vd of M8, MG. FG .!d RRt95 6 a tumd@ of d6a8c by oird b.d mir Th! ain @ut w$ vei.d fron 0,1e io 1,2 go dd eqrilibrd.d fd Fi8@ 4.2.85 sho*s th. @ hN. rh. BUI! 3hokd lnr ni*d b.d 6itr ha rioils b.bavid wirb E!.rd5 ro ltr EEovd of MB, MG. FC but it snd difl.Enl pen fd RI{95 d}€.Ir gcG.l, llc mul of rclin ilme! tlF !!mv.l .ffEi.lcy of alt lhe d'lr. I! 6!lts show.d tno1 L0 tm nixed t d 6in d6age hry€ sinihr p.rfm"@ fd thc adsoQtim of MG, MB a 98.0 96 16 MB, 95.0 % fd MC &d 84.0 96 .d&rFi@ fd FC dy., Bu 40 96 .llqpti@ of RRl95 d)E wa ohdnd @ rb. 3uf& of 0.I I nix.d b.d cja .lbwing ard FG lo* arE&ti@ berw@ ad!od.!r ed qhorbrl! i! I hd bur ir giv6 bsr Esutt up !o 24 hoN sray titr p.riod. A3 cxp€.Id. ih.i rh. .quilibriu concoFarim *@! *ith th. italte in .dsod.rt dGsg. beae i@ing ldsdnst alrur povid.s SolE adeDdd sit6 fu lhc ads6pti@ of dy. mLolas, Itre nri!6 d3dprid dpailMr wcFm 5.7,2 by r..pi!8 tte opridi4d ,]|)INl of a<born .c. Optlnldtlo. ol Conbd rim. Efrer of 6Drrc dc fd r[. E@vd oa dF ws iNBdgald by reepilg rh. opri@ @o!r of nir.d bcd Bitr TabL a.l.32 iltsftrcs th. lrtupti@ of MB, MC ed !c dd RR195 dy6 on bncd b.d Bb by v{yirg rh. co !.r tim p.riod Dag.s ton t5 120 nir MdilrM &mvd of ME dy. *s obtaiftd !r l2O milut s atour 984 *hne MG &d FG giv6 954 .!tl 84% rcmvd spetiEly. ft { lls be sa d.r s .@r-:l tir ielas it Emv.l .ffri.rcy of rt dy., l@ d$ i|rotes. For RRI95-MBR 153 systeo about 88.0 % @novd of dye ws obqrd in 24 hous. OEr a!, ge p@ss dy$ sysr.m r. show s5& behavid fq Allorpdd th. rctuval other s sho*n in iig@s 4.2.86. b.rt rDr of MB. MC, FG, RRl95 dFs on bn d b€a qpEsed i! t .@ of ad6dpri@ isrh.m, 5.t3.l I -!gi adsorDlon ,.s! cd b. msth.@licrlv rA.t orDaid&orhcm a& e4qil@l3 re e.dptisi.d ar 3O3K EoForN rd .u th. dy€s stsrd a dbu il liec 4,2,89, 4,2.90. TItn Gd|l e 3ullrlMal u Tlblc 4. L33. 'n@w8 d.c@ i!r[. vat6 of( jn !h. Fq@Eap@ dlsrc>RRIgj>MG TIE > MD wnich Plldi.|l th. stroog !d&rb{.-sdsort or iDtq.droa oi FG.MBR sysc@ Th. vdu4 ot eonolaJe .rp@n, ffJ iD@s.<t fq ft drs MB > RRl95 > Mc > re .r @h reep.rre, iod.ati!8 rhc highd lffriri6 o, dyq !dqpri6. 5.7J.2 FEudtid Ade.!{on ldt m Fige6 4.2.91. 4.2,92 dcpi.r ihe Reundlich athdpri@ isthab, whjch *erc ohaiad d vdiN r.ol€ranrB. Tlblc 4.rj4 shows thc v.lB ot K !4t L Tle @Br! , prcvides ue eslituli@ of irteoiq/ of t!. adsqpnon shile X rcl.cs @ o! d.!E or adultion. The inllse in dE valres of K eith rhe rise in r.nFrdu. rq RRI95-MC (qepr at 303K), RRI95-AILP &d RRI95-SWF sy!0eb!, sho*s that aoso.plon 0end.rcy is n@ favqrbL .l hign6 r.nFBiftE, Whih lh. valB lcop.rar@ for alt rh€ sysr.tu. shoping t i oecM4 *ltn th. &@& ir bidrs capdqes, of dsc in DR A&orpdon I!.AeE! The D R plols f6 MB. RRI95, FO .tut MG d,!6 wnn @n reopeetuE @ s[ou in Figs.4,2.93, 4.2,94. on d b€d vdB ofx! Bh w@ obrain d or atd K w@ catdl'led tDn dE inr.Gpr &d 3lop6 of rh. cF.rirc ptorr. 4, r.35 ,hos lh. val@s of q 4d K. Fo. dl !h. srsr.os E, y6 d@!*d wbict wd Ep@nlql s MB> RRI9>MG>FG, Ile vctB of X! fd alt systeD, ed (r@s€.t s FG> RRt95> MG>MB. I59 CONCLUSION ln th. pFFnt !rdy, cspei.lly sith tt Ftuvd of eidic, b6ic ud E&1iv. dys w@ 6i.d b our sMy provca ud wst walcr rroo 1el1il€ induily c@ds hadlul eff4r d livil8 lhe waLr poUulion. The irdBlti6 pericddly fbn bodiq. I is l@$ey lo nal d't .m@ls pnq io di*he8e rhen into oq{tr ad s!!@. Th. ubeal.! wsre @ar.s sveral Probt tu b aquti. liva and hulr6 ltd i6 veious rDEar fo. .nvilolwnt md ao svsr.o, ne 3!!t gis *4 d.Etop.d to r.d@ tb. Lvcls of @ld b ur. ditr.d polularr.. For u's l!&r @liNos .ffod. ,@ qi.d or in rb. wdld io r.d@ rb. .trcr of rbce porrurdts. Ix. cfidr *ft d@. i. . D]&e lbal adooi.lly ir gd viabL {.t mt 6 qda buxt ! on rh. c.@Ey of t!. (e[y. Fo. rhn purpe saqldon dd i@ .r@8. rcdliqq w@.dopLrd tq Ih. ltfuv.l of dyes &oD dF wdte*.16. ft. nl|ud ard nodi6.d at!6dD.rrj }@ elcct d fd tbc cnrcD.togephic @laining amval of dycs ed @l@rs i4luding mn|odil@ite c|.y. szsdjruhra jrdjq ed sh..p w@t fib.s ald Eired b€d si! 6 dctdgjng olr.dals. A! €frot wrs do.e io en!fte tc aGoryrion cap&iry ot b@l@riltoliF by epa8lolion cchni{E od c@ug w mdifi€d sun@. It. nod,fred sude sho!! b€fts Emovat i.!!i€!c, b hw bort4oriu@it clay, It @ odiltdic iotr clay (MC) w6 rDdif.d vill pt6pn,lc !trd LDHS ai u&d fd llc !&d s.dsdt ,! fd r[. tlmval of aabcbiie t\ Etuvd of dFs. wXilc MC *6 f6t g!e!. De&ytce btE a.d rq.riE r.d 8E .dsd!,rior .ap4ity w.a bd Emql @ 50 x loi M of oat .i!c ala (Mo) d!€. ftr F.{ G|a dt! (Fai) alout 95.@ % EDvd of dy. es d coearari@ 6.3 x tO. of dJ€ whcE s fd M.thtkEc blE aldd 96.90 % l!@vrt es obrri!.d !t 6.? x reddcd lboor t95 .t)6. TtE 9?_70 % cd@trdioa of dlE. Fd A!&dv. @nr.ador of L0 x loi M of d'€. rd tO. M t95 lbar 86.68 % &tuv.I vs ohdEd at ldot n6 iactudio! pho6phar,! nodifi€d D@rmilonic clly urt LDHS Eormi oic ch, s@ sp.cL6c fd Lh. Fooval or quonic ard 4@dc dE3 T!. oodifi.d dodrficd By si.s MCr!d.! rdsdb. rh. (mv.t of ndactn gktr dye (MGr 160 lbdt 97,80 % ar 5.0 r 10. M derr"arion of dyE s[6 s in ce of MC-6 witn 6per 10 lsr gtu dtr lbod E5.$ * Eeval w6 ot6.ncd .r I O x lO. w6 obw€d flmN ire in $! Alia It hs edici!.I prcpdtia bu1 in anlfu s.ell i13 leavd wft f.Is aod ceat a problen They enpto]€d fd sycli!8 .frl puincdio of olofurs. Th. t.!res w@ 6lct d tron m md ues lear.d a1 UniBity eca. Aft6 res{y tElrnents tb.y .d b. rdlizd s adsorb..t. By balch The Azadb@hla Indic. is 6 ldioDtion .xldi@IlIs .bout 96.60 EE@al ot nata.hilc 8ja (MG) dr! wa obhin d !r @EnFstiotr 3,0 x lG4 M, for fa$ gtli dy. (FG) dye ab@r .ds.rprioo w3 obEir.d.l.(@lt!rid of 1,8 x I04 M. tihile 95.20 * @oyL4 bl4 (MB) w6 otrailcd dte aloot 9r.50% I!€ lhep at @@r!ri@ Fmval wc obt jtEd w@l fibd (SWD ftfiyld. blE es de ar 3,0 used 6,? 93.90 % Emovst x t(!6 M. Rd c&rivc rd of 195 x tG5 M. s .arud edub.ot ftr lle rcooval oi ard &a.dve Fd 195 dy.!, t !hoe.{t lbNr 83.20% ahoval for mtnyL.c blE dyc (MB) al @nqlrrri@ 9.2 x lO. M wiit€ ftr r&dve Gd 195 dn rRRl95) .bqrol,rJEfvat,4ob@edd 80, t06Mof dye. Bh (MBR) ws stso .ppli.d for r!. Fmval ol dr€ by io! dchage do<L For tc 6ry&{iv. |!!bd of drB by.dsplid ald i@ dcha& ch&@bglptric tsnod ed .ffel of cdt&t ti4 @ rb. Ftuvrl of drs ss Dcri8lrld udd rh. opiiriad l@out of oixed bcd Bi!. MqiblD Etuvd or MB dy€ *6 d at 120 Mircd hed oidut vB vhL 95 and 84 % E@ral X o als b€ 3d lhar $ th. slay tirne jncfu rctuval .ficjcncy of ibe dy* v* 3 indees 9E% MG ed FO giv6 dbour 88.0 % rcmoval of dyc ole w6 obsv.d in 24 hob. over atl rhe atts@tio p@6s w4 3howing sa@ b.naviq fd aI rhe dye 3y!t n t tu D. Bur4rcd riar nixed bcd io e\charge rc6o i5 uctul for lle Eroval of att l'!€s or dycs includjlg eidic, Ibe !4iorpli@ iso{h@ €{u.'tiG, r sgppn, Rlundtid &d DlbjliGR drlhr.viich {D'R) w@ at& eoptotd lo fi!.t f.sibiXry of .dsprid pt@$. ft v6 @tud.d lJrlt x,rGlioD is flvdcble c aI |.bpfanr tu8iB ed aLo sDovjrs It@ doDiudnr t6l qul|!.In @@uEy lilc P.tilt ! wh@ !*Fse r.dP.r.rr i! lulllE h 40-45 oC by lt6. @Uods *at waL. d h. puiry, n i! c@oicd d<l f.sibt @Oo{L I1 vs de tlat adloQd@ d loqd l.l|pe.tes wd phylisqption in wnicn D'rLihyd or srbdbrle w@ fdrd @ !d!orb@r lurfE whilc ar hithd r.rpalluB chloisplid w6 oh&rvld rd |mhF of ..ldt r! w6 fq@d ar rh. sufe of gplying TIE tlanodrneic srdy p|@$. pLys e ioF.i.!r erctlmic rcL !o damiE rbc fGihitiry of rh. soE w@ @(iott mic also h adothmic srsleos tn .@rDt of n !t F4uirEd io pFed. rb. ryst r w6 vdy lw ald agligiblc a n @ o!q@@ by niCt r.qeinG i! hor &arba of I[c l]Mry. I!,16t of th. sysrc@ !h@ heblvior but sMi.! il wa i.rerydlt d that ldMptio pr@ss is m@ favd.bL ed ..@oicd aay fd tt Emvd of dtrs &d @ldrd.r by uilr lov 6r .!d rsrc .rt!6i.1, Iley w@ Eyclc<l ed @ly fc th. @vd of qat nrni?6@ i! ale dvirctut lly ftiodly c6od. Bon t[e above Inpo rrcc ol R€se.rd Wo*: ml vnual ch&.ltrirric of irdurrid a.rivirio dd u!.d in .irndr rI induti* i! li. mld sEh s p4d |@ulduir& dyitrg cldti, l.arbq ftrrbdr Coltu is tbe p[m@uticd .!c, Ite nESd.r.d di&bagc of dDn.fAMls i! e96 @d stsls @.14 conditid to N dvitr)tn@r. ndts .!d rhen pdorsFlb6is p|@s spei.llt afr€d.d by tbb uldaii.bL cfilql' Maly of rb. dtet haE $om he.rdos proFnj.s md N tonc in lrtw dE to r!. pwe of eo*i. sEEte wlich hare ligld loricity.!d M,biod.E dibiliy. ft.y .ffet @ rhc BOD a!.1 COD vdq @d @rdnt ih. b&!ds fa rh. @ic tif., A FEgr r. daolorizlrion Brxl moval of dtrs by .d6dptiotr dxl ion achrgc chrcMlo8r.phic El{bod5 poves to be liglmc{t *ay ro tr.lre th. rly. @!&!r. Tt i@dt!@ ed Finting, @pliclrid of tud flvi@t l !oi!t of dFs i3 ruy eirh qper ro o.dicind. indsEi.l ud of vi€*, 162