Bring Life Back In Adult Protective Services

Elder Abuse
E a ch year thousands of adult Ok l a h omans suffer
a b u s e, neglect and exploitation by family members
and other caregivers. Many victims are elderly, frail
and vulnera b l e, cannot help themselves and depend
on others to meet their basic needs.
For Others . . .
■ .Be aware of vulnerable adults with whom
you have contact — relatives, friends,
neighbors, co-workers, employees
of stores where you shop
■ .Don’t all ow friends, relatives, or neighbors
to isolate themselves
■ .Encourage older relatives and friends to make
plans for financial management and ca re
should they become unable to take ca re
of themselves
■ .Don’t volunteer to provide ca re or services
you’re not sure you can handle
■ .Learn to recognize the warning signs
of possible adult maltreatment, including self
neglect, and report suspicious situations to the
police or Adult Protective Services as soon
as you’re aware of them
Physical, behavioral, and environmental signs,
or signs of financial abuse are not necessarily proof
of abuse, neglect, or exploitation. They may be
clues that a problem exists, h ow ever.
Authori ty
The Adult Pro t e c t i ve Se rvices pro g ram is
authorized in Title 43A of the Oklahoma Statutes,
s e c t i ons 10-101 through 10-111.
The law states that any person who has reasonable
cause to believe a vulnerable adult is suffe ring from
a b u s e, neglect or exploitation shall report the
s i t u a t i on to authorities as soon as the person is
aware of the situation . Reports can be made to the
Ok l a h oma Department of Human Services APS
p ro g ram, or the local police or sheriff ’s department.
Reporting is the individual re s p onsibility of the
p e r s on who believes the situation to be one that
should be reported.
Although the reporting re q u i rement applies to
everyone, certain professionals are specifically
re q u i red by law to report situation s :
.O p e rators of emergency
re s p onse vehicles
.Other medical professionals
.Social workers and mental health
.Law enforcement officials
.Staff of domestic violence pro g ra m s
.Long term ca re facility person n e l
.Other health ca re pro fe s s i on a l s
Reporting is an individual responsibility.
.Anyone who reports a situation in good faith
is immune from civil or criminal liability.
.Anyone who intention a lly fails to report
a situation can be found guilty of
a misdemeanor upon conv i c t i on .
.Anyone who willfully or re ck l e s s ly
makes a false report can be civilly liable
for both actual and punitive damages.
.The law prohibits an employer from
retaliating against an employee for re p o rting
situations or suspected adult maltreatment.
OKDHS Pub. No. 03-08
Revised April/2005
This publication is authorized by the Human Services Commission in
accordance with state and federal regulations and printed by the
Oklahoma Department of Human S ervices at a cost of $100.00
for 500 copies. Copies have been deposited with the Publications
Clearinghouse of the Oklahoma Department of Libraries. DHS
offices may request copies on ADM-9 electronic supply orders.
Members of the public may obtain copies by contacting the OKDHS
Records Center at (405) 962-1721 or 1-877-283-4113 (toll free).
For Yourself . . .
■ .Maintain social contacts and
cultivate friendships
■ .Take ca re of your health through regular
medical and dental checkups, and be
honest with your medical advisers about
a ny problems you experience
■ .St ay active, both physica lly and mentally
■ .Learn about the changes that are part
of the normal aging pro c e s s
■ .Be thoroughly familiar with your financial
status, and have a plan in place for som e on e
you trust to handle your finances should you
become unable to do so, making sure your
income and assets will be available to meet
your needs
■ .Make your health ca re wishes known
t h rough an Advance Dire c t i ve—make sure
your doctor and lawyer have a copy, as well
as family members
■ .If you need help, ask for it from som e one
you trust to help — a family member, doctor,
lawyer, clergy, other helping pro fe s s i onals
or a friend or neighbor
■ .Remember that life’s circumstances can
change in an instant, and be prepared
to change with them
Adult Protective Services
Ac c o rding to the law, the Ok l a h om a
Department of Human Services administers the
Adult Protective Services (APS) pro g ra m . When
som e one is con c e rned about the well-being of an
e l d e rly fri e n d , neighbor or re l a t i ve, adult
protective services specialists listen and re s p on d .
APS specialists visit the elderly person and
determine whether the person is a vulnerable
adult and if maltreatment has occurre d . The
pro g ram helps the vulnerable adult find and
obtain services.
Each year, APS re c e i ves and investigates more
than 15,000 refe r ra l s .
OKDHS Helps Oklahomans
The Oklahoma Department of Human Services
(OKDHS), the state’s largest public agency,
assists Oklahomans in need. Each month,
OKDHS helps more than 600,000 children,
people with disabilities, and elderly lead safer,
healthier, more independent and productive live s .
contact your local OKDHS office
To report maltreatment
after regular business hours:
OK ABUSE HOTLINE 1-800-522-3511
Elder Abuse
E a ch year thousands of adult Ok l a h omans suffer
a b u s e, neglect and exploitation by family members
and other caregivers. Many victims are elderly, frail
and vulnera b l e, cannot help themselves and depend
on others to meet their basic needs.
For Others . . .
■ .Be aware of vulnerable adults with whom
you have contact — relatives, friends,
neighbors, co-workers, employees
of stores where you shop
■ .Don’t all ow friends, relatives, or neighbors
to isolate themselves
■ .Encourage older relatives and friends to make
plans for financial management and ca re
should they become unable to take ca re
of themselves
■ .Don’t volunteer to provide ca re or services
you’re not sure you can handle
■ .Learn to recognize the warning signs
of possible adult maltreatment, including self
neglect, and report suspicious situations to the
police or Adult Protective Services as soon
as you’re aware of them
Physical, behavioral, and environmental signs,
or signs of financial abuse are not necessarily proof
of abuse, neglect, or exploitation. They may be
clues that a problem exists, h ow ever.
Authori ty
The Adult Pro t e c t i ve Se rvices pro g ram is
authorized in Title 43A of the Oklahoma Statutes,
s e c t i ons 10-101 through 10-111.
The law states that any person who has reasonable
cause to believe a vulnerable adult is suffe ring from
a b u s e, neglect or exploitation shall report the
s i t u a t i on to authorities as soon as the person is
aware of the situation . Reports can be made to the
Ok l a h oma Department of Human Services APS
p ro g ram, or the local police or sheriff ’s department.
Reporting is the individual re s p onsibility of the
p e r s on who believes the situation to be one that
should be reported.
Although the reporting re q u i rement applies to
everyone, certain professionals are specifically
re q u i red by law to report situation s :
.O p e rators of emergency
re s p onse vehicles
.Other medical professionals
.Social workers and mental health
.Law enforcement officials
.Staff of domestic violence pro g ra m s
.Long term ca re facility person n e l
.Other health ca re pro fe s s i on a l s
Reporting is an individual responsibility.
.Anyone who reports a situation in good faith
is immune from civil or criminal liability.
.Anyone who intention a lly fails to report
a situation can be found guilty of
a misdemeanor upon conv i c t i on .
.Anyone who willfully or re ck l e s s ly
makes a false report can be civilly liable
for both actual and punitive damages.
.The law prohibits an employer from
retaliating against an employee for re p o rting
situations or suspected adult maltreatment.
OKDHS Pub. No. 03-08
Revised April/2005
This publication is authorized by the Human Services Commission in
accordance with state and federal regulations and printed by the
Oklahoma Department of Human S ervices at a cost of $100.00
for 500 copies. Copies have been deposited with the Publications
Clearinghouse of the Oklahoma Department of Libraries. DHS
offices may request copies on ADM-9 electronic supply orders.
Members of the public may obtain copies by contacting the OKDHS
Records Center at (405) 962-1721 or 1-877-283-4113 (toll free).
For Yourself . . .
■ .Maintain social contacts and
cultivate friendships
■ .Take ca re of your health through regular
medical and dental checkups, and be
honest with your medical advisers about
a ny problems you experience
■ .St ay active, both physica lly and mentally
■ .Learn about the changes that are part
of the normal aging pro c e s s
■ .Be thoroughly familiar with your financial
status, and have a plan in place for som e on e
you trust to handle your finances should you
become unable to do so, making sure your
income and assets will be available to meet
your needs
■ .Make your health ca re wishes known
t h rough an Advance Dire c t i ve—make sure
your doctor and lawyer have a copy, as well
as family members
■ .If you need help, ask for it from som e one
you trust to help — a family member, doctor,
lawyer, clergy, other helping pro fe s s i onals
or a friend or neighbor
■ .Remember that life’s circumstances can
change in an instant, and be prepared
to change with them
Adult Protective Ser vices
A c c o rd i ng t o t h e la w, t h e O k l a h om a
Depart me nt of Human S er vices adm in ist ers the
Adu lt Protective S er vi ces (APS ) pro g ra m . W hen
som e one is con c e rned abou t th e well-bein g of an
e l d e r l y f r i e n d , n ei g hb o r o r re l a t i v e, a d ul t
protective ser vices specia list s lis ten and re s p on d .
APS specialis t s vis it t he elde r ly person and
deter mi ne whether the person is a vulner able
adu lt and i f maltreatm ent has occurre d . The
pro g ram helps t he vulnerable ad ult fin d and
o bta in ser vices.
Eac h year, APS re c e i ves and in vestig at es mo re
than 15,000 ref e r ra l s .
OKDHS Helps Oklahomans
The Oklahoma Depar tmen t o f Hu man S er vices
(OKDHS), t he sta te ’s largest p ublic agency,
as si st s O klahoman s in n eed. Eac h mo nth,
OKDHS helps more than 60 0,0 00 children,
people with dis abil ities , and elder ly lead safer,
healthier, more indep endent a nd productive live s .
contact your local OKDHS office
To report maltreatm ent
af t er regular busin ess ho urs:
OK ABUSE HOTLINE 1-800-522-3511
Elder Abuse
E a ch year thousands of adult Ok l a h omans suffer
a b u s e, neglect and exploitation by family members
and other caregivers. Many victims are elderly, frail
and vulnera b l e, cannot help themselves and depend
on others to meet their basic needs.
For Others . . .
■ .Be aware of vulnerable adults with whom
you have contact — relatives, friends,
neighbors, co-workers, employees
of stores where you shop
■ .Don’t all ow friends, relatives, or neighbors
to isolate themselves
■ .Encourage older relatives and friends to make
plans for financial management and ca re
should they become unable to take ca re
of themselves
■ .Don’t volunteer to provide ca re or services
you’re not sure you can handle
■ .Learn to recognize the warning signs
of possible adult maltreatment, including self
neglect, and report suspicious situations to the
police or Adult Protective Services as soon
as you’re aware of them
Physical, behavioral, and environmental signs,
or signs of financial abuse are not necessarily proof
of abuse, neglect, or exploitation. They may be
clues that a problem exists, h ow ever.
Authori ty
The Adult Pro t e c t i ve Se rvices pro g ram is
authorized in Title 43A of the Oklahoma Statutes,
s e c t i ons 10-101 through 10-111.
The law states that any person who has reasonable
cause to believe a vulnerable adult is suffe ring from
a b u s e, neglect or exploitation shall report the
s i t u a t i on to authorities as soon as the person is
aware of the situation . Reports can be made to the
Ok l a h oma Department of Human Services APS
p ro g ram, or the local police or sheriff ’s department.
Reporting is the individual re s p onsibility of the
p e r s on who believes the situation to be one that
should be reported.
Although the reporting re q u i rement applies to
everyone, certain professionals are specifically
re q u i red by law to report situation s :
.O p e rators of emergency
re s p onse vehicles
.Other medical professionals
.Social workers and mental health
.Law enforcement officials
.Staff of domestic violence pro g ra m s
.Long term ca re facility person n e l
.Other health ca re pro fe s s i on a l s
Reporting is an individual responsibility.
.Anyone who reports a situation in good faith
is immune from civil or criminal liability.
.Anyone who intention a lly fails to report
a situation can be found guilty of
a misdemeanor upon conv i c t i on .
.Anyone who willfully or re ck l e s s ly
makes a false report can be civilly liable
for both actual and punitive damages.
.The law prohibits an employer from
retaliating against an employee for re p o rting
situations or suspected adult maltreatment.
OKDHS Pub. No. 03-08
Revised April/2005
This publication is authorized by the Human Services Commission in
accordance with state and federal regulations and printed by the
Oklahoma Department of Human S ervices at a cost of $100.00
for 500 copies. Copies have been deposited with the Publications
Clearinghouse of the Oklahoma Department of Libraries. DHS
offices may request copies on ADM-9 electronic supply orders.
Members of the public may obtain copies by contacting the OKDHS
Records Center at (405) 962-1721 or 1-877-283-4113 (toll free).
For Yourself . . .
■ .Maintain social contacts and
cultivate friendships
■ .Take ca re of your health through regular
medical and dental checkups, and be
honest with your medical advisers about
a ny problems you experience
■ .St ay active, both physica lly and mentally
■ .Learn about the changes that are part
of the normal aging pro c e s s
■ .Be thoroughly familiar with your financial
status, and have a plan in place for som e on e
you trust to handle your finances should you
become unable to do so, making sure your
income and assets will be available to meet
your needs
■ .Make your health ca re wishes known
t h rough an Advance Dire c t i ve—make sure
your doctor and lawyer have a copy, as well
as family members
■ .If you need help, ask for it from som e one
you trust to help — a family member, doctor,
lawyer, clergy, other helping pro fe s s i onals
or a friend or neighbor
■ .Remember that life’s circumstances can
change in an instant, and be prepared
to change with them
Adult Protective Services
Ac c o rding to the law, the Ok l a h om a
Department of Human Services administers the
Adult Protective Services (APS) pro g ra m . When
som e one is con c e rned about the well-being of an
e l d e rly fri e n d , neighbor or re l a t i ve, adult
protective services specialists listen and re s p on d .
APS specialists visit the elderly person and
determine whether the person is a vulnerable
adult and if maltreatment has occurre d . The
pro g ram helps the vulnerable adult find and
obtain services.
Each year, APS re c e i ves and investigates more
than 15,000 refe r ra l s .
OKDHS Helps Oklahomans
The Oklahoma Department of Human Services
(OKDHS), the state’s largest public agency,
assists Oklahomans in need. Each month,
OKDHS helps more than 600,000 children,
people with disabilities, and elderly lead safer,
healthier, more independent and productive live s .
contact your local OKDHS office
To report maltreatment
after regular business hours:
OK ABUSE HOTLINE 1-800-522-3511
E a ch year thousands of adult Oklahomans suffer
a b u s e, neglect and exploitation by family.
B e h a v i o ral Signs
.Anxiety, agitation
.Isolation, withdrawal
.D e p re s s i on
.Non - re s p on s i ve n e s s , resignation,
.C on t radictory statements,
implausible stories
.Hesitation to talk openly
.C on f u s i on or disori e n t a t i on
.Prevents vulnerable adult from
speaking to or seeing visitors
.Anger, indiffe re n c e, aggressive
behavior toward vulnerable adult
.History of substance abuse,
mental illness, criminal behavior,
or family violence
.Lack of affection toward vulnerable adult
.Flirtation or coyness as possible indicator
of inappropriate sexual relationship
.C onflicting accounts of incidents
.Speaks of vulnerable adult as a burden
.Believes vulnerable adult could do more
self ca re than actually capable of
E nv i ronmental Signs
.Accumulations, hoarding
.Inadequate shelter
.Drug para ph e rnalia
.Inadequate or spoiled food
.O f fensive odors
.Multiple prescription bottles from
multiple doctors or ph a rmacies
.Inadequate sanitation for pets
.Ve rmin infe s t a t i on
There is no guara n tee that you or someone you love
will never ex p erience maltreatment. You can lessen
the likelihood of maltreatment, however.
Financial Signs
.Frequent expensive gifts from vulnerable
adult to ca re g i ver
.Vulnerable adult’s personal belon g i n g s ,
papers, c redit cards missing
.Nu m e rous unpaid bills
.A recent will when vulnerable adult
seems incapable of writing will
.Signing over deeds to property
.C a re g i ver’s name added to bank account
.Vulnerable adult unaware of mon t h ly income
.Vulnerable adult signs on loan
.Frequent ch e cks made out to “cash”
.Unusual activity in bank account
.Ir re g u l a rities on tax re t u rn
.Vulnerable adult unaware of re a s on for
appointment with banker or attorney
.C a re g i ver’s refusal to spend mon ey
on vulnerable adult
.Si g n a t u res on checks or legal documents
that do not resemble vulnerable adult’s
Physical Signs
.Injury that has not been cared for properly
.Injury that is inconsistent with the
e x p l a n a t i on for its cause
.Pain when touched
.Cuts, puncture wounds, burns, bruises, welts
.D e hyd ra t i on or malnutrition without
illness-related cause
.Poor skin color
.Sunken eyes or cheeks
.I n a p p ro p ria te administration of medication
.Soiled clothing or bed
.La ck of necessities such as food, water,
or utilities
.La ck of personal effects, pleasant living
environ m e n t , personal items
.Fo rced isolation
Adult maltreatment can happen to any vulnera ble adult. It re aches ac ross all ethnic and economic groups.
What is Adult Maltreatment?
Adult maltreatment can take any of the specific
f o rms defined in section 10-103 of Title 43A
of the Oklahoma Statutes.
A B U S E is causing or allowing infliction of phys i cal
pain, injury, sexual abuse, sexual exploitation ,
u n re a s onable re s t raint or con f i n e m e n t , or mental
anguish OR deprivation of nutri t i on , cl o t h i n g, shelter,
health ca re or other ca re or services without which
serious phys i cal or mental injury is likely to occur by
a ca retaker or other person re s p onsible for prov i d i n g
services to a vulnerable adult.
is failure to provide protection, f a i l u re
to provide adequate shelter, nutri t i on , health ca re
or clothing, or causing or permitting harm or risk
of harm through the action , inaction or lack
of supervision by som e one providing direct
services to a vulnerable adult.
SELF NEGLECT is the action or inaction
of a vulnerable adult that causes the adult to fail
to meet essential re q u i rements for his or her ow n
phys i cal and mental health and safe ty due to the
adult’s lack of awareness or lack of ability.
is improper use of a vulnerable adult’s
financial, real or personal re s o u rces for the benefit
of another person through the use of undue influence,
c o e rc i on, harassment, d u re s s , deception, false
re p re s e n t a t i on or false pretense.
is the use of word s , sounds, gestures,
a c t i on s , behaviors or other com mu n i cation by a person
re s p onsible for providing services to a vulnerable
adult that is likely to cause a re a s onable person
to experience humiliation , intimidation, fear, shame
or degra d a t i on .
is a ca retaker ca u s i n g,
a ll ow i n g, or encouraging a vulnerable adult to engage
in pro s t i t u t i on or lewd, o b s c e n e, or porn o g ra phic
ph o t o g raphing, filming or depiction of the
v u l n e rable adult.
E a ch year thousands of adult Oklahomans suffer
a b u s e, neglect and exploitation by family.
B e h a v i o ral Signs
.Anxiety, agitation
.Isolation, withdrawal
.D e p re s s i on
.Non - re s p on s i ve n e s s , resignation,
.C on t radictory statements,
implausible stories
.Hesitation to talk openly
.C on f u s i on or disori e n t a t i on
.Prevents vulnerable adult from speaking to or seeing visitors
.Anger, indiffe re n c e, aggressive behavior toward vulnerable adult
.History of substance abuse,
mental illness, criminal behavior,
or family violence
.Lack of affection toward vulnerable adult
.Flirtation or coyness as possible indicator
of inappropriate sexual relationship
.C onflicting accounts of incidents
.Speaks of vulnerable adult as a burden
.Believes vulnerable adult could do more
self ca re than actually capable of
E nv i ronmental Signs
.Accumulations, hoarding
.Inadequate shelter
.Drug para ph e rnalia
.Inadequate or spoiled food
.O f fensive odors
.Multiple prescription bottles from
multiple doctors or ph a rmacies
.Inadequate sanitation for pets
.Ve rmin infe s t a t i on
There is no guara n tee that you or someone you love
will never ex p erience maltreatment. You can lessen
the likelihood of maltreatment, however.
Financial Signs
.Frequent expensive gifts from vulnerable
adult to ca re g i ver
.Vulnerable adult’s personal belon g i n g s ,
papers, c redit cards missing
.Nu m e rous unpaid bills
.A recent will when vulnerable adult
seems incapable of writing will
.Signing over deeds to property
.C a re g i ver’s name added to bank account
.Vulnerable adult unaware of mon t h ly income
.Vulnerable adult signs on loan
.Frequent ch e cks made out to “cash”
.Unusual activity in bank account
.Ir re g u l a rities on tax re t u rn
.Vulnerable adult unaware of re a s on for
appointment with banker or attorney
.C a re g i ver’s refusal to spend mon ey
on vulnerable adult
.Si g n a t u res on checks or legal documents
that do not resemble vulnerable adult’s
Physical Signs
.Injury that has not been cared for properly
.Injury that is inconsistent with the
e x p l a n a t i on for its cause
.Pain when touched
.Cuts, puncture wounds, burns, bruises, welts
.D e hyd ra t i on or malnutrition without
illness-related cause
.Poor skin color
.Sunken eyes or cheeks
.I n a p p ro p ria te administration of medication
.Soiled clothing or bed
.La ck of necessities such as food, water,
or utilities
.La ck of personal effects, pleasant living
environ m e n t , personal items
.Fo rced isolation
Adult maltreatment can happen
to any vulnera ble adult. It re aches
ac ross all ethnic and economic groups.
What is Adult Maltreatment?
Adult maltreatment can take any of the specific
f o rms defined in section 10-103 of Title 43A
of the Oklahoma Statutes.
A B U S E is causing or allowing infliction of phys i cal
pain, injury, sexual abuse, sexual exploitation ,
u n re a s onable re s t raint or con f i n e m e n t , or mental
anguish OR deprivation of nutri t i on , cl o t h i n g, shelter,
health ca re or other ca re or services without which
serious phys i cal or mental injury is likely to occur by
a ca retaker or other person re s p onsible for prov i d i n g
services to a vulnerable adult.
is failure to provide protection, f a i l u re
to provide adequate shelter, nutri t i on , health ca re
or clothing, or causing or permitting harm or risk
of harm through the action , inaction or lack
of supervision by som e one providing direct
services to a vulnerable adult.
SELF NEGLECT is the action or inaction
of a vulnerable adult that causes the adult to fail
to meet essential re q u i rements for his or her ow n
phys i cal and mental health and safe ty due to the
adult’s lack of awareness or lack of ability.
is improper use of a vulnerable adult’s
financial, real or personal re s o u rces for the benefit
of another person through the use of undue influence,
c o e rc i on, harassment, d u re s s , deception, false
re p re s e n t a t i on or false pretense.
is the use of word s , sounds, gestures,
a c t i on s , behaviors or other com mu n i cation by a person
re s p onsible for providing services to a vulnerable
adult that is likely to cause a re a s onable person
to experience humiliation , intimidation, fear, shame
or degra d a t i on .
is a ca retaker ca u s i n g,
a ll ow i n g, or encouraging a vulnerable adult to engage
in pro s t i t u t i on or lewd, o b s c e n e, or porn o g ra phic
ph o t o g raphing, filming or depiction of the
v u l n e rable adult.
E a ch year thousands of adult Oklahomans suffer
a b u s e, neglect and exploitation by family.
B e h a v i o ral Signs
.Anxiety, agitation
.Isolation, withdrawal
.D e p re s s i on
.Non - re s p on s i ve n e s s , resignation,
.C on t radictory statements,
implausible stories
.Hesitation to talk openly
.C on f u s i on or disori e n t a t i on
.Prevents vulnerable adult from
speaking to or seeing visitors
.Anger, indiffe re n c e, aggressive
behavior toward vulnerable adult
.History of substance abuse,
mental illness, criminal behavior,
or family violence
.Lack of affection toward vulnerable adult
.Flirtation or coyness as possible indicator
of inappropriate sexual relationship
.C onflicting accounts of incidents
.Speaks of vulnerable adult as a burden
.Believes vulnerable adult could do more
self ca re than actually capable of
E nv i ronmental Signs
.Accumulations, hoarding
.Inadequate shelter
.Drug para ph e rnalia
.Inadequate or spoiled food
.O f fensive odors
.Multiple prescription bottles from
multiple doctors or ph a rmacies
.Inadequate sanitation for pets
.Ve rmin infe s t a t i on
There is no guara n tee that you or someone you love
will never ex p erience maltreatment. You can lessen
the likelihood of maltreatment, however.
Financial Signs
.Frequent expensive gifts from vulnerable
adult to ca re g i ver
.Vulnerable adult ’s personal belon g i n g s ,
papers, c redit cards missing
.Nu m e rous unpaid bills
.A recent will when vulnerable adult
seems incapable of writing will
.Signing over deeds to property
.C a re g i ver’s name added to bank account
.Vulnerable adult unaware of mon t h ly income
.Vulnerable adult signs on loan
.Frequent ch e cks made out to “cash”
.Unusual activity in bank account
.Ir re g u l a rities on tax re t u rn
.Vulnerable adult unaware of re a s on for
appointment with banker or attorney
.C a re g i ver’s refusal to spend mon ey
on vulnerable adult
.Si g n a t u res on checks or legal documents
that do not resemble vulnerable adult ’s
Physical Signs
.Injury that has not been cared for properly
.Injury that is inconsistent with the
e x p l a n a t i on for its cause
.Pain when touched
.Cuts, puncture wounds, burns, bruises, welts
.D e hyd ra t i on or malnutrition without
illness-related cause
.Poor skin color
.Sunken eyes or cheeks
.I n a p p ro p ria te administration of medication
.Soiled clothing or bed
.La ck of necessities such as food, water,
or utilities
.La ck of personal effects, pleasant living
environ m e n t , personal items
.Fo rced isolation
Adult maltreatment can happen
to any vulnera ble adult. It re aches
ac ross all ethnic and economic groups.
What is Adult Maltreatment?
Adult maltreatment can take any of the specific
f o rms defined in section 10-103 of Title 43A
of the Oklahoma Statutes.
A B U S E is causing or allowing infliction of phys i cal
pain, injury, sexual abuse, sexual exploitation ,
u n re a s onable re s t raint or con f i n e m e n t , or mental
anguish OR deprivation of nutri t i on , cl o t h i n g, shelter,
health ca re or other ca re or services without which
serious phys i cal or mental injury is likely to occur by
a ca retaker or other person re s p onsible for prov i d i n g
services to a vulnerable adult.
is failure to provide protection, f a i l u re
to provide adequate shelter, nutri t i on , health ca re
or clothing, or causing or permitting harm or risk
of harm through the action , inaction or lack
of supervision by som e one providing direct
services to a vulnerable adult.
SELF NEGLECT is the action or inaction
of a vulnerable adult that causes the adult to fail
to meet essential re q u i rements for his or her ow n
phys i cal and mental health and safe ty due to the
adult’s lack of awareness or lack of ability.
is improper use of a vulnerable adult’s
financial, real or personal re s o u rces for the benefit
of another person through the use of undue influence,
c o e rc i on, harassment, d u re s s , deception, false
re p re s e n t a t i on or false pretense.
is the use of word s , sounds, gestures,
a c t i on s , behaviors or other com mu n i cation by a person
re s p onsible for providing services to a vulnerable
adult that is likely to cause a re a s onable person
to experience humiliation , intimidation, fear, shame
or degra d a t i on .
is a ca retaker ca u s i n g,
a ll ow i n g, or encouraging a vulnerable adult to engage
in pro s t i t u t i on or lewd, o b s c e n e, or porn o g ra phic
ph o t o g raphing, filming or depiction of the
v u l n e rable adult.
Reporting is an individual responsibility.
.Anyone who reports a situation in good faith
is immune from civil or criminal liability.
.Anyone who intentionally fails to report
a situation can be found guilty of
a misdemeanor upon conviction.
.Anyone who willfully or recklessly
makes a false report can be civilly liable
for both actual and punitive damages.
.The law prohibits an employer from
retaliating against an employee for reporting
situations or suspected adult maltreatment.
OKDHS Pub. No. 03-08
Revised April/2005
This publication is authorized by the Human Services Commission in
accordance with state and federal regulations and printed by the
Oklahoma Department of Human Services at a cost of $100.00
for 500 copies. Copies have been deposited with the Publications
Clearinghouse of the Oklahoma Department of Libraries. DHS
offices may request copies on ADM-9 electronic supply orders.
Members of the public may obtain copies by contacting the OKDHS
Records Center at (405) 962-1721 or 1-877-283-4113 (toll free).