Permission to use student-developed intellectual property

Intellectual Property Form #3
Permission to use student-developed intellectual
This agreement is made between:
The student identified in the Placement Details at the end of this document (“Student”)
The State of Queensland represented by Queensland Health of 147-163 Charlotte Street, Brisbane
QLD 4000 (“Queensland Health”)
Queensland Health has agreed with the education provider identified in the Placement Details
below (“Education Provider”) to allow its students to undertake placements at Queensland Health
as part of their studies.
The Student is completing studies with the Education Provider and wishes to undertake work
experience (“Placement”) with Queensland Health under the provisions of a formal agreement.
Queensland Health may have the need to use materials and documents the Student develops in
the course of a clinical Placement, including to improve patient care, management and treatment.
The Student agrees to permit Queensland Health to use the intellectual property rights in those
materials on the terms of this document.
In consideration for Queensland Health agreeing to allow the Student to perform the Placement at
its facilities:
the Student agrees to disclose and provide to Queensland Health all documents,
inventions, discoveries, programs, charts, tools, software, reports or any other materials
created or developed by the Student in the course of the Placement (“Materials”), as such
Materials are created;
Version 1.0. Effective From: May 2010
Principal Project Officer (Intellectual Property)
Office of Health & Medical Research
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subject to clause 2 below, the Student grants an irrevocable, transferable, royalty-free, nonexclusive licence to Queensland Health to use the intellectual property rights (including
copyright) in or in connection with the Materials for any purpose related to the operations of
Queensland Health (this licence includes the right for Queensland Health to sublicense
those intellectual property rights without the consent of the Student);
the Student consents to Queensland Health disclosing the Materials to any third party
without the consent of the Student;
subject to clause 1(e) below, the Student consents to the infringement of any moral rights
the Student may have in connection with the Materials, including Queensland Health
adapting, modifying and commenting on the Materials as its sees fit and not attributing
authorship of the Materials to the Student; and
Queensland Health will endeavour for a period of 30 days following the end date of the
Placement (as set out in the Placement Details below) to acknowledge the authorship or
co-authorship of the Student to substantially unmodified Materials in the form of a verbal
statement at the beginning or end of presentations where those Materials are published, or
in writing at the beginning or end of a document where those Materials are published.
Subject to any obligation of confidentiality the Student may have in respect of the Materials, the
Student may continue to use the Materials in the format in which they existed at the end of the
Placement (ie prior to any modification by Queensland Health) for the purpose of his or her
studies (but not for commercial use), provided that any such use of the Materials by the Student
must not include the words, logo or any other trade marks of Queensland Health or its divisions,
districts or units.
This document represents the parties’ entire agreement, and supersedes all prior
representations, communications, agreements, statements and understandings, whether oral or
in writing, relating to intellectual property rights in the Materials. Amendments to this document
must be made in writing and signed by both parties. This deed is governed by laws of
Queensland, Australia.
Placement details
Full name of student
Street address of student
Education Provider
Queensland Health division / unit and
Name of subject and course code of
Education Provider relevant to Placement
Version 1.0. Effective From: May 2010
Principal Project Officer (Intellectual Property)
Office of Health & Medical Research
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Start and end dates of Placement
Made as an agreement in Queenslan d
Signature of Student
Signature of witness
Full name of witness
Executed by the State of Queensla nd acting through Queensla nd Health on:
Signature of Authorised Officer
Full name of Authorised Officer
Signature of witness
Full name of witness
Document Custodian
Principal Project Office r (Intellectual Property)
Office of Health and Medical Research, Queensla nd Health, GPO Box 48, Brisbane Qld 4001
Phone: (07) 3234 1479
Website: /ohmr/html/rcpu/intel_prop.asp
T his s tandard form (without any details inse rted) is license d under a C reative Comm ons Attribution Non-Commerc ial 2.5
Aus tralia licence. T o view a copy of this licence, visit /licenses/by -nc/2.5/au /. If an y details
are inser ted in this form it is CON F IDEN T IAL and the above lice nce do es no t ap ply.
© State of Queens land (Q ueensland Health) 2010
Versi on 1.0. Effective F rom: Ma y 2010
Princi pal Pr oject Officer (Intellectual Pr operty)
Office of Health & Medical Research
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