Summer 2015 - Charnwood Borough Council

Charnwood News
Charnwood Borough Council’s Residents’ Magazine
Summer 2015
Have your say on
Charnwood! Turn to page 19
Inside this
On track for
Page 10
More reasons to
visit the museum
Page 11
Who’s your
Page 30-33
Loughborough Kia
(we’re in Mountsorrel)
Call 0116 230 3055 or visit
177 Leicester Road, Mountsorrel, LE12 7DB
Charnwood News
Charnwood News is Charnwood Borough Council’s residents’ magazine. It is sent to every
household in the Borough and is designed to keep residents updated on Council services and
local events.
The editorial content is provided by the Council’s Communications Team and the magazine is
produced at zero cost to taxpayers.
The cost of the magazine is met through the sale of advertising. Sales, design, production and
distribution are provided by CIS Group Ltd. To advertise or for more information, contact:
Telephone: 01253 885777 • Email: •
Things are looking up, but we
need to keep working together
Dear Resident,
It’s easy to contact us and we’d love to
hear from you!
Charnwood Borough Council
Southfield Road,
LE11 2TR
Tel: 01509 263151
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This information is available in different
formats and languages on request. Please
contact the Communications Team for
details on 01509 634603.
Charnwood Borough Council does not
accept responsibility for or endorse any
products or services offered by
advertisers. All information correct at time
of printing.
When you have finished with
this magazine please recycle it.
Printed on environmentally friendly paper
from renewable sources.
Now the elections are almost a distant memory we can focus on the
future and what we want to achieve as a borough.
I say “borough” quite deliberately because we cannot achieve anything as a Council on our
own and need the support of residents and partners. It’s very much a joint effort.
With that in mind we have launched our biennial Residents’ Survey - Your Charnwood, Your
Say. We want you to tell us what our focus should be and what you think of our services.
We will use that information to help set out our priorities for the next four years in our
Corporate Plan. As ever, the aim is to make our borough a better place for everyone who lives
and works here and of course, those who visit.
Achieving our goals will very much depend on also delivering excellent customer service.
That’s why I was so pleased to learn that more of our teams at the Council have achieved the
Customer Service Excellence Award (CSE)- the national Government standard. This assessment
tests the Council on five key areas of customer service including the involvement of the
customer, customer standards, and how the Council can improve.
The Neighbourhoods and Community Wellbeing Directorate already has CSE and now the
Planning and Regeneration team and Regulatory Services have also achieved the standard.
This is excellent news for us and customers. It shows how far we have come on our journey to
improve customer service and this kind of first-rate service is something our residents deserve.
I would like to pass on my congratulations to the staff involved in securing the latest
CSE standard.
More Council teams are aiming to follow their success.
Councillor David Slater
Leader of Charnwood Borough Council
Charnwood News
Early signs air quality is improving in
Loughborough town centre
pedestrianised area, compared with
average figures from the previous five
Air quality in Loughborough town centre
has improved significantly since the
opening of the inner relief road,
provisional monitoring figures have shown.
The recommended annual average level of
nitrogen dioxide, as specified in the Air
Quality Regulations (2000), is 40µgm-3.
The inner relief road and expanded town
centre pedestrianised area were officially
opened in November last year. It saw all
traffic removed from the town centre.
Provisional data gathered by the
Environmental Health Service at
Charnwood Borough Council show there
are already signs the air quality has
improved compared with previous years.
The figures show that the concentration of
nitrogen dioxide, a pollutant caused by
vehicle emissions and linked to an
increased likelihood of respiratory
problems such as asthma, wheezing,
coughing, and bronchitis has significantly
reduced in levels around the town centre.
David Slater, Leader of Charnwood
Borough Council, said: “Although this is
provisional data, it is certainly good news
for people who live and work in
Loughborough and also for visitors.
“We have worked hard to improve the
town centre and I feel it is a vastly
improved place to visit now that the traffic
has been removed.
“We will continue to monitor the situation
and will be able to draw more thorough
conclusions when we have a full year’s
worth of data.”
New monitoring figures show that nitrogen
dioxide levels have fallen in High Street and
Baxter Gate, which border the new
Building work well
Jobcentre Plus is due to move into the Charnwood Borough
Council offices in November.
Building work on a small extension near to the main entrance
is well underway at the Council’s Southfields office in
Loughborough. The extension will create space needed for
customer service advisers for both the Council and Jobcentre
Councillor Tom Barkley, Cabinet Member for Finance and
internal support services, said: “We are looking forward to the
completion of this work and welcoming Jobcentre Plus to the
Southfields office.
“We are committed to improving customer service and we
firmly believe having another agency on site will benefit our
The five-year average for High Street
before November was 63µgm-3 and the
average since November has been
35µgm-3. In Baxter Gate the five-year
average was 47µgm-3 and the average since
November has been 32µgm-3.
A further, smaller but measurable
improvement for residents has also been
observed along Barrow Street where
concentrations have fallen from 30µgm-3 to
To read more details about the air quality
work that Environmental Protection
undertake log on
Further consultation being
held on Core Strategy
A consultation is being held over a new proposed change to
Charnwood Borough Council’s Core Strategy. The Core Strategy
outlines the Council’s vision of where future development should
take place in the borough.
Planning Inspector Kevin Ward has already identified a series of
proposed changes - called main modifications - which are
necessary to make the Core Strategy sound. A consultation was
recently held on those proposed changes. However, following a
Wind Energy Ministerial Statement in June, Mr Ward now
considers that an additional proposed change is required to
clarify the approach to wind energy in light of that statement.
The consultation will run until September 2, 2015. People can
now comment on the proposed modification. They are available
to view on the Charnwood Local Plan website.
Comments should be sent to Jane Strachan, Programme Officer Core Strategy Examination, c/o Planning and Regeneration,
Charnwood Borough Council, Council Offices, Southfield Road,
Loughborough LE11 2TN,
Charnwood News
Get ready for the Loogabarooga Festival
member for Open Spaces and Leisure
Loughborough’s literary history is being
celebrated with the introduction of the
“This is a great way for us to share and
enjoy illustrated literature and also
encourage future generations to pick
up a book and immerse themselves into
the many worlds that have been
created with storytelling.”
From left: Loughborough MP Nicky Morgan, Martin Peters and Cllr Hilary Fryer.
The first ever Loughborough Children’s Illustrated
Literature Festival launched in June. The five-day
event, known as the Loogabarooga Festival, will
take place in the town from October 22-26.
The festival will celebrate incredible illustrations
and brilliant books, and showcase new and existing literature for
children through workshops, activities and appearances from some
of the nation’s favourite authors and illustrators.
Councillor Hilary Fryer, Charnwood Borough Council’s Cabinet
Martin Peters, Chief Executive of
Leicester Shire Promotions said:
“Although there are other established
literature festivals in the UK, the
Loogabarooga Festival is the first of its
kind dedicated to children’s illustrated
“With high profile authors such as David Walliams
and Jacqueline Wilson regularly dominating the
bestselling book charts, we can see how important
this literature is to children and their families.
“We hope to capture and develop this interest
throughout the festival.”
More details of the programme will be published on Facebook at, on Twitter @loogabarooga15
or on the website at
Excellent news for
customer service
More teams at Charnwood Borough Council have been recognised
for providing excellent customer service.
The Government’s Customer Service Excellence standard has been
achieved by the Planning and Regeneration Service and Regulatory
It follows on from the Neighbourhoods and Community Wellbeing
Directorate meeting the standard for the fourth time following a
review last year.
Councillor Jonathan Morgan, Cabinet Member for Customer
Services, said: “Customers are the heart of everything we do and
this is great news not only for the Council, but also residents.
“This achievement recognises the hard work that has gone into
improving customer service within these teams.
“Our aim is that one day all our services will achieve this standard
and we are well on the way to that happening.”
The assessor was very complimentary about the positive approach
of both staff and Councillors and recognised a clear commitment
to delivering excellent customer services. He highlighted the fact
that the Council’s front-line staff displayed a very positive attitude,
showed great pride in their work and took ownership of issues.
Charnwood News
Cameras shine light on crime-fighting….
as team pick up community award
Charnwood Borough Council has put the
spotlight on crime-fighting thanks to new CCTV
cameras. The Council has installed two cameras
fitted with high-powered spotlights which can
be activated at night from the town’s CCTV
control room. It is believed they are the first
cameras of their kind to be used in the Midlands
to monitor public areas.
One of the cameras was used on its first night
of operation to disperse some youths suspected
of starting a fire in Southfields Park. Three arrests
were later made.
Julie Robinson, Head of Neighbourhood Services, said: “The CCTV
network is a superb weapon in the fight against crime and this new
equipment makes it even more effective.
“This shows we are committed to
working with police and other agencies
to make Charnwood a safe place to live
and work for residents.”
Charnwood’s CCTV network now has 187
cameras. The CCTV team usually deal
with around 35,000 incidents a year. The
network has helped Charnwood Borough
Council’s CCTV team pick up an award
from the Loughborough Street Pastors.
The pastors, who are church volunteers who give their time to
provide help to people on a Saturday night out, have given the
CCTV team the Urban Trinity Award. The award celebrates and
acknowledges the support the team gives to the pastors when they
are on the town streets.
Discrimination: Seen it? Felt it? Report it!
Support is available to people who have
been targeted for being different. A hate
incident is any incident where you or
someone else has been targeted because
you or they are believed to be different.
This may be motivated by age, disability,
gender identity, race, religion/belief or
sexual orientation.
Charnwood Borough Council’s Community
Safety team works in partnership with the
Police and other services to help tackle
incidents that aren’t crime related via
relevant anti-social behaviour legislation.
A recent study carried out by the
University of Leicester found that many
victims said their experience of targeted
hostility took place within a public setting.
They said people often ignored what was
happening and did not help which often
contributed to a heightened sense of
humiliation and isolation.
For further information and advice,
Make your voice heard
To be able to vote at elections in Charnwood and make your voice
heard, you must be on the Electoral Register.
So the Council knows who is eligible to register to vote, we need
to know who lives at your address. Household Enquiry Forms
containing information the Council holds will be delivered to
homes in Charnwood during August. Please complete and return
the form as soon as possible.
You can also fill in the Household Enquiry Form at Alternatively, if all the
details listed on the form are correct, you can call 0800 197 9871
(freephone) or Text (sms) NOCHANGE to 80212 to confirm. You
will need the security codes printed on the form to use these
services. If you prefer, you can complete the form and send it back
visit and click on
Hate Incident Report Form. Alternatively
you can call 01509 634522 or visit the
Council Offices on Southfield Road,
Loughborough and ask to speak to a
member of the Community Safety Team.
Whether you witnessed an incident or
experienced it yourself, the Community
Safety Team can provide confidential
advice and support.
to the Council in the envelope provided (postage is free).
Please also tell us about any 16 or 17-year-olds living at the address
to make sure they can vote as soon as they turn 18.
Although you DO need to respond to the Household Enquiry Form
it is NOT a registration form. The information you provide will
enable us to send a separate individual registration form to all the
people in your household who are eligible and need to register.
Those who are eligible can also register online at or by calling 01509 634546.
For more details on the electoral registration system please visit
If you do not receive a form, or for more information, contact the
Council’s Electoral Registration Team on (01509) 632593, (01509)
632594, or (01509) 632595.
Bright futures lie ahead as Loughborough’s independent schools unite
Pupils and staff at Our Lady’s Convent
School (OLCS) in Loughborough are
gearing up for an exciting start to the
academic year as they prepare to join the
Loughborough Endowed Schools
OLCS educates boys from age 3-11 and
girls from 3-18. From 1st September, it
will become the fourth school in the
Foundation alongside Loughborough
Grammar School, Loughborough High
School and Fairfield Preparatory School.
All four schools have a long history of
providing high quality independent
education. They are situated on adjacent
streets in the town and pupils will
share a wide range of facilities and
curricular and extra-curricular
activities in addition to an
extensive transport network
which enables children to
travel to the schools from
across the East Midlands.
A major upgrade of the IT network and
computer facilities at OLCS took place
this summer with further investment in
facilities planned.
It’s an incredibly exciting time for our school
and for the Foundation. By joining the
Endowed Schools family we will maintain our
holistic approach to education and all that
makes us distinctive, particularly our Christian
ethos. At the same time we will benefit from
the synergy created by uniting four successful
schools, each with different strengths. We all
have new opportunities to look forward to.
Patricia Hawley, Headteacher at OLCS
Families who are considering an
independent education for their
children are invited to contact OLCS on
01509 263901 to arrange an appointment,
or to attend the Loughborough Endowed
Schools Open Day on Saturday 3rd October.
There will be an opportunity to meet staff and
pupils, take a guided tour of the beautiful
campus and specialist facilities, and find out
more about the schools’ future plans.
The Local Friendly Stop Smoking Service
Quit51 is the local friendly stop smoking service that works in your area. If you or
any member of your family or friends are thinking of quitting smoking, then look no
further. Quit51 works in conjunction with NHS to offer free non-judgemental
advice and support throughout you making a quit attempt, for up to 12
weeks. The support includes free Nicotine Replacement Therapy
(NRT) or other stop smoking prescription medication as required.
Our team of highly experienced local advisors are all fully trained
and qualified to the National Centre for Smoking Cessation Training
(NCSCT) highest level. Quit51 is one of only 7 stop smoking services in
the country to have also gained the prestigious NCSCT’s full
accreditation for quality and service. All advisors are fully conversant
with all aspects of smoking cessation so even if you think that you
cannot quit, then they are here to help. They have a vast knowledge of all
of the latest products that can help with your quit attempt as well as
being able to offer both behavioural and
motivational support throughout the full 12 weeks.
If you are interested in giving up smoking or want to know more about how
to go about it contact 0800 622 6968 for further details.
Go give it a go, you never know you might just surprise yourself this time.
Family Law Department
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• Disputes over children
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your first visit
with this advert*
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*T&Cs apply and not in conjunction with any other offer or products.
Call us on:
Loughborough Office:
01509 217770 or 01509 635484
Coalville Office: 01530 815747
Forest Street, Shepshed, Loughborough, Leics, LE12 9DB
Tel: 01509 502112 / 01509 504511 Fax: 01509 601113 / 01509 650764
Email: /
Principal: Matthew Parrott
Shepshed High School and Hind Leys College share a campus
which is beautifully located in acres of fields and woodlands,
close to the M1 at the edge of Shepshed. Students across
both schools come from a wide area that includes Castle
Donington, Whitwick, Loughborough, Kegworth, Hathern and
nearby villages. We provide a 10-19 year education on the
same site and you are most welcome to come and visit both
schools and experience the calm, hardworking atmosphere.
Throughout September and October we will be hosting a
number of Open Events where prospective parents and
students can come and see our schools in action and meet
with our expert staff. Check our website and the
local press for the timings of these events.
Charnwood News
Campaign comes
back to tackle
A successful campaign to tackle litter, fly-tipping and dog fouling
has been launched once again by the Borough Council. The Don’t
Muck Around campaign will target people who litter, fly-tip and
fail to pick up after their dogs in Charnwood. It will also encourage
residents to report those who commit offences.
In the past five years the Council has issued 25 Fixed Penalty
Notices for dog fouling. In the past 12 months, the Council has
also successfully prosecuted 15 people in connection with flytipping. Some were prosecuted for a duty of care offence, which
means they failed to check that individuals removing the waste
had an Environment Agency licence to do the work.
Councillor David Hayes, Deputy Cabinet Member with
responsibility for Regulatory Services, said: “The Don’t Muck
Around Campaign has been hugely successful in recent years and
I am sure it will be once again.
“It’s the public’s responsibility to ensure they put rubbish in the bin
and pick up after their dogs. If they don’t they could be fined.
“With regards to fly-tipping, we simply will not tolerate rubbish
being left by the roadside in our beautiful borough.
“What people need to also realise is that if they don’t dispose of
waste themselves, they need to use a licensed waste carrier when
getting rid of rubbish! It may appear cheaper at the time to use
someone who knocks on the door with a van, but they could find
themselves prosecuted if the waste is not disposed of properly. I
hope latest prosecutions serve as a reminder to people that
dumping rubbish is unacceptable, illegal and costs us all in clearing
it up.”
You can report an offence online at
or by emailing or calling
01509 634564. If you’re on Twitter, follow @CharnwoodBC and use
the hashtag #dontmuck
Riversdale Refurbishment Update
Refurbishment work is progressing well at Riversdale Court, our
sheltered accommodation for the over 60s. The £3.1m
improvement project will convert 25 bedsits into onebedroom flats and is on track for completion in the autumn.
Internally, the rewiring, wall partitions,
window frames and door frames are all
installed. Externally, the underground brick
work and foundations are laid for the new
extension. Scaffolding is erected and the
brick and block work is progressing well.
Tenants have now chosen their kitchen
cupboards and worktops, tiles and
flooring and carpets. Some tenants have
also visited the site to see how the work is progressing.
Tenant Louis Henry said: ‘I was really happy to be able to go into
my new flat when I visited the site. There is still a lot of work to
be done but I can see that it will be
much bigger and give me more room. I
can’t wait to move back!”
Leigh Harper-Davies, Lead Member for
Housing, Revenues and Benefits said:
“The Council is delighted to be able to
create these new flats. The
refurbishment will make a huge
difference to the residents giving them
modern, spacious flats.”
Nominate your sporting heroes
The hunt is on for unsung sporting heroes for the seventh annual
Charnwood Sports Awards.
Nominations to celebrate the success of people who make a
difference in sport and physical activity in Charnwood are now
This year there are 13 categories for juniors, seniors, subs, coaches
and volunteers, so let us know who has gone above and beyond
for their sport.
The deadline for nominations is 5pm on Friday, September 18. Visit for more information on
this year's categories and to fill in a nomination form.
Charnwood News
Welcoming the new
Mayor of Charnwood
The new Mayor and Mayoress of
Charnwood have been busy since taking up
their roles in June. Mayor of Charnwood,
Councillor John Capleton and Mayoress
Meg Jenkinson will support two local
charities during their civic year, the Sorrel
Youth Café and Twenty Twenty.
The Sorrel Youth Café provides a safe place
for young people in Mountsorrel and the
surrounding area to meet with friends, chat
and use the internet. Twenty Twenty is a
Loughborough based charity which helps
hundreds of disadvantaged young people
each year.
The Mayor said: “It’s a big honour to be
appointed Mayor and to hold the office
that has been in existence since 1888 when
Queen Victoria granted the Borough
charter to Loughborough.
“Meg, the Mayoress, and I are committed
to our roles and we are determined to
perform the duties to our best ability.
We’ve enjoyed the engagements up to now
and the best part has been meeting some
lovely sincere people.
“We look forward to representing the
borough throughout the forthcoming year
and to working with the people of
Get inspired at the museum
Looking for a gift for
that person who has
everything and you
don’t know what to get
them? Visit Charnwood
Museum’s new shop for
inspiration, with a wide
range of products you’re
souvenirs and pocket
money toys to rocks,
minerals and jewellery. It
also sells Ladybird
merchandise featuring
iconic illustrations and
the work of local artists.
This year also marks the centenary of Ladybird Books being
produced in Loughborough and to celebrate, the Museum has
had its Ladybird Corner re-designed and updated.
This permanent exhibition now features more Ladybird books
from the collection on display, digital touchscreens that detail
the history of the company from its humble origins to the present
day, with the personal stories of former employees.
There is a bespoke Ladybird chair where you can sit together and
listen to as well as read stories old and new.
Charnwood. It’s going to be hard work but
should also be enjoyable.”
The Mayor takes up the role after serving
as borough Councillor for Mountsorrel for
the last eight years.
Community safety
The Council has been holding a summer-long series of roadshows
about community safety.
The Improving Lives Roadshow gives residents the chance to
share their views on issues including anti-social behaviour,
housing and general community concerns.
Residents have been filling in a survey to help identify community
safety issues and everyone who completes a form has been
entered into a free prize draw to win a hudl2, kindly donated by
Tesco Extra in Park Road, Loughborough.
The last two roadshows are at:
• Syston Carnival, Central Park, Syston - September 5, 12pm - 4pm
• Anstey Gala, Recreation Ground, Stadon Road, Anstey September 5, 12pm and 4pm.
To report anti-social behaviour to the Council, or for more
information, visit
Alternatively, call 01509 634533/4522/4920.
Residents can also take part in an online version of the survey.
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provide a variety of services, for ages 16 to 50+ years, including education, supported living, residential care,
residential experiences (Respite) and day services. Our users access a variety of vocational settings, including
Sip & Surf and Barrow of Treats (shown below) which are open to the public. Our provision is mainly based in
the community, with empowerment, independence and inclusion very much at the heart of what we do.
A: Homefield College, 42 St Mary's Road, Sileby, Loughborough, Leicestershire, LE12 7TL
T: 01509 815696 W:
Day Services
Homefield Day Services (HDS) are a part of Homefield College.
We are based in Sileby & Thurmaston (Leicestershire)
and we offer exciting and tailored activities.
Our activities promote social inclusion for adults with learning disabilities and mental health problems.
Sessions run Monday to Friday, from 10.00am to 2.30pm (with occasional special events at evenings & weekends)
Available activities include:
Art & craft club, book & film club, Friday enterprise club, ‘moving on’, horticulture nursery skills, woodwork
Sip & Surf
If you would like to know more about us and the services we provide please contact : Mike Anderson, HDS Manager Tel: 01509 814 827
Barrow of Treats
Café selling home-made
cakes, hot & cold
drinks, lunches, all to
eat in or take away.
Drinks Voucher
1 Free Drink
Barrow of Treats
Exp 19/12/15
Open Mon-Sat
Telephone: 01509 416561
22 High Street,
We are proud to announce the
opening of our new Sweet
Shop, opposite the cafe. Selling
an even bigger range of
traditional sweets, sweet
masterpieces and lovely craft
gifts. We also sell made to order
party bags and wedding favours.
Print Shop and internet Café
Print a number of personalised
items including mugs, mirrors,
money boxes, badges and
much, much more
Use our internet café to browse
the internet, scan and print.
Print Shop
Exp 19/12/15
Homefield College: ‘Achievement Through Experience’
Mon - Sat
09.00 to 4.00
Telephone: 01509 261915
Email: sip&
16 Market Street, Loughborough
Charnwood News
Feel Alive from 65
Come along and join a week full of activities to help celebrate
Leicester-shire and Rutland Sports’ Feel Alive from 65 campaign.
The week will promote an active lifestyle in older adults with a
range of taster sessions being offered from Monday, September
28 to Sunday, October 4.
Activities include walks, tea dances, walking football, a games
morning, bike rides and many more. For more information or for
a timetable of activities, please contact Sam Chamberlain on
01509 632 535 or email
LRS is also holding and Oldest Athlete awards celebration evening
on Thursday 29th October. More information about the evening
and nomination process is available at
Love your local market
Green bench Eco Tech judges Lewis Jones and Sarah Ritchie with
the Living Bench team from Newbridge High School
The borough Council was delighted to support an innovation
challenge aimed at inventors of the future.
The Young Innovators Challenge programme is sponsored by
global science company 3M in Loughborough and the
Loughborough Echo.
The programme aims to encourage primary and secondary school
children across the borough to develop an interest in science,
technology, engineering and maths
We love our local markets and after receiving your feedback
through the year, we’re excited to continue to make them the
best they can be. As well as our weekly Thursday and Saturday
markets in Loughborough, every Friday we have a Vintage and
Craft market and on the second Wednesday of each month, we
have our Farmers Market.
The programme features an Eco Tech Challenge to complement
3M’s commitment to sustainability, to recognise the focus of the
Loughborough Echo on local green issues, such as the
Loughborough in Bloom campaign, and to support Charnwood
Borough Council’s goal of increasing rates of recycling in the local
You can get involved in our Harvest market which is coming to
town on September 25 and the excellent French market makes
its return on October 30-31. To find out more, visit
Sarah Ritchie, Contracts Manager for Environmental Services was
able to judge the Challenge, alongside Lewis Jones, a PhD research
student at Loughborough University.
Grants can help
energy projects
In the Challenge, students were asked to design and make a
garden article or a wildlife habitat made entirely from recycled
SHIRE Community Climate Change grants are available for
projects in Leicestershire including Charnwood to improve energy
efficiency and reduce the potential impacts of climate change
for community buildings.
Sarah said: “The imagination of the children was really amazing
and I was delighted to help out with the judging. I would like to
congratulate everyone who took part.”
They are available to Parish and Town Councils, local community
groups, faith groups, charities, community building management
committees and more. Grants can help cover energy audits,
installation of energy-efficiency measures such as new heating
systems or insulation and training.
For more information, visit
We pray, we live, we play, we learn
We are a happy and caring community, striving to achieve excellence in everything we do.
We are proud of our long tradition of educating both Catholic and non-Catholic children of Shepshed
and surrounding areas since 1846. We welcome all children and aim to give each child the opportunity to develop
academically, physically, emotionally and spiritually in the way we pray, live, play and learn each day.
If you would like to visit, or know more about the school please contact us.
Britannia Street, Shepshed, Loughborough, Leicestershire LE12 9AE
Telephone 01509 503353
Headteacher: Mrs Catherine Murphy
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(Full Page)
Charnwood News
Cash available for the
Backing for advice and
support services
A project to strengthen the advice and support sector in
Charnwood has achieved a number of successes. Charnwood
Connect is a Big Lottery funded project developed by The Bridge
in partnership with Charnwood Citizens Advice Bureau.
The Charnwood Connect Partnership includes seven other
organisations in the borough including Charnwood Borough
Over the last 18 months, the project has made a significant
difference in the provision of advice services in Charnwood by:
Advising more than 300+ extra clients
Reducing waiting times for properties by 40 per cent
Reducing missed appointments from 50% to 25%.
Recruiting, training and matching 35 volunteers across
the whole partnership, contributing more than 9,000 hours
since September 2013, at an estimated value of £195,000.
Do you rent your
own property
Tenants who rent properties privately are being urged to look for
landlords who are signed to the DASH Landlord Accreditation
Officers in the borough Council’s Private Sector Housing team
advise people look for the DASH logo as it means landlords have
signed up to the scheme.
DASH Accreditation offers people working in the private rented
sector the opportunity to gain a Quality Mark in recognition for
the good work that they do.
The Quality Mark identifies the individual or company as one
which has attained certain standards and commits to upholding
a Code of Conduct therefore giving a professional advantage.
Visit for more information.
Pots of cash which can help community and voluntary groups
and local Parish and Town Councils in Charnwood are up for
Charnwood Borough Council have five grant programmes
available throughout the year which can support the
improvement of community buildings, help sport and leisure
groups and cover payments for health related projects.
The Thrummy Drummer Dementia Group, which offers support
for dementia suffers and its carers, were awarded a Staying
Healthy grant last year. Jane Hanson, who helps run the group,
said: “The money from the grant has really transformed our group.
It’s allowed us to buy kitchen equipment, games and musical
“It is really noticeable how much of a lift the money has given
everyone involved in our group, it’s important for everyone
involved in Thrummy Drummer to get laughing and enjoying life
“There is a real need for groups like ours in the community and
it’s wonderful that we have the support of Charnwood Borough
Council. I urge everyone to take advantage of these grants.”
Councillor Jonathan Morgan, Charnwood Borough Council’s
Cabinet Member for Community Cohesion, said: “The Council is
dedicated to ensuring residents can be a part of their
communities and grants such as these are great ways of making
this happen.”
The five grants programmes available from Charnwood Borough
Council are:
• Community Development & Engagement Grants provide
funding up to £10,000 for community organisations running
costs and equipment.
• Community Facilities and Feasibility Studies Grants can
provide up to £20,000 for renovation and improvement of
community buildings
• Loughborough Community Grants cover costs of up to £2,000
for activities beneficial to the community.
• Staying Healthy Grant provide £250 - £2,000 for health
related projects.
• Sports and Leisure Grants can provide £50 - £1,500 for
voluntary sports organisations and individuals.
For application forms and more information on grants available
from Charnwood Borough Council visit,
email or call 01509 634730.
Charnwood News
www.charn k/su rvey
Residents are being urged to have their say
on Charnwood Borough Council services
and the issues that matter the most to
them. The Council has launched its Your
Charnwood, Your Say Residents’ Survey to
find out find out how satisfied residents
are with the Council and life in the
Cllr David Slater, Leader of Charnwood
Borough Council, said: “We want as many
people to take part in our residents’ survey
as possible.
“Only by listening to our residents can we
tackle the issues that matter to them most.
The information we gather will help us set
our priorities for the next few years.
“This is your opportunity to help shape the
borough of Charnwood.
“It is also a chance to tell us what you think
of our services. The feedback we get from
customers will help us make them better
and more efficient.
“By working together, I am confident
Charnwood will become stronger and a
better place to live, work and visit.”
The results of the consultation will be
measured against the Council’s Corporate
Plan to find out if the Council is meeting
The survey will ask residents to tell us their
priorities, rate how happy they are living in
the Borough and how satisfied they are
with services.
In the 2013 survey, 94 per cent of
respondents said they were happy living in
the borough and 85 per cent were satisfied
with the way the borough Council delivers
its services. A total of 82 per cent of
respondents felt it was easy to find out
about Council services and 80 per cent of
the people who had contacted the Council
were satisfied with the experience. More
than three quarters were satisfied with the
way Council tax was being spent.
Feeling safe at home and in the area, having
a variety of shops and markets and being
able to go to good parks were the top
three things that were important to
Since then, the Council has continued to
tackle anti-social behaviour and last year
created an Anti-Social Behaviour Hub. The
hub brings different agencies together to
make sure information is shared efficiently
and solutions can be found as quickly as
possible to help victims who are suffering
at the hands of others. The Council has
also added new CCTV cameras and
recently expanded a bike crime prevention
The Council has continued to invest in
parks and Queen’s Park in Loughborough
was once again awarded Green Flag status
last year. And in 2014, the Council invested
£150,000 to improve its market and
contributed towards the extended
pedestrianisation of Loughborough town
centre to make it a better shopping
experience for all.
Visit and
have your say. To ask for a paper copy of
the survey, please contact the Council on
01509 634705 or email:
Thinking about redecorating?
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*Free tester pot to be redeemed before 31st December 2015. Limited to one per customer.
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cake we offer a free consultation
service at a time to suit you.
Get In Touch Sharon’s Sugarcraft
1209 Melton Road, Syston,
Leicester LE7 2JT
Telephone: 07789 742635
Facilities include:
• Café - ideal for meeting other parents
while the children are playing
• Three storey play structure
• Special area for under-2s
• Free WiFi
• Party plans available
• Card payments accepted
Open Monday-Saturday 9.30am to 6.30pm
Sundays & Bank Holidays 10am to 5pm
Call us for further details on 01509 504298
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The National Forest
Wood Fair 2015
School goes from strength to strength
‘Students show respect for each other and their teachers’
Wreake Valley Academy continues to go from strength to strength. In the past year £1 million has
been invested into the building, improving both facilities and the learning environment.
The school has had an excellent Ofsted inspection with all areas being graded as ‘Good’
and student achievement at GCSE and A level continues to rise year on year.
Further developments are in the pipeline and the
school is currently awaiting a decision from the
Football Association regarding the building
of a 3G pitch on the site.
Students can join the school either at
Year 7 or for the Sixth Form.
Details of open evenings are on our website:
‘Students make good progress’
Charnwood News
New signs mark gateway to town and borough
Attractive new signs featuring
well-known landmarks in the area
have been unveiled.
The new “gateway” signs have
been placed at various locations
on main roads leading into the
borough and town by Charnwood
Borough Council.
Carillon in Queen’s Park. The
Carillon was built after the First
World War to commemorate the
men of the town who gave their
lives. It is the only purpose-built
carillon tower in the UK.
The signs on the edge of
Charnwood feature a picture of
that well-known landmark Old
John Tower at Bradgate Park.
Councillor Hillary Fryer, Cabinet
Member for Open Spaces, said:
“The new road signs give a really
warm welcome to Charnwood
and Loughborough as they feature
two of the area’s most well-known
The signs on roads leading into
Loughborough feature the famous
“I am delighted to see them up
around the borough.”
Make sure you use licensed taxis
Charnwood Borough Council is reminding
residents to stay safe and only use licensed
taxis. The advice includes pre-booking taxis
and checking drivers have proper
identification badges. The vast majority of
drivers do follow the rules, but the Council
will take action when necessary.
Councillor David Hayes, Deputy Cabinet
Member with responsibility for Regulatory
Services, said: “People place a great deal of
trust in taxi drivers and they have a duty to
make sure they comply with the
regulations that are put in place in the
interest of public safety.
“Not only will we take action against
drivers who do not follow the rules, but we
encourage people to follow our advice
when using taxis.”
A taxi company owner and a driver were
recently fined in court after schoolchildren
were dropped off in an unlicensed vehicle.
Three people also had their Hackney
driving licences revoked after being
convicted of fraud in court.
• Confirm the agreed price for the journey
before you get in. If using a Hackney
Carriage, check the driver starts the meter
• If your journey goes outside Charnwood
you should agree the price before you start
the journey
Stay safe with our top taxi tips:
• Pre-book a taxi before you leave and ask
the operator how long it will take.
• Check with the driver who they have
come to collect to ensure it is the taxi you
• Confirm it is a Charnwood Borough
Council licensed vehicle. Check the plate
on the rear of the vehicle and that the
driver is wearing a driver’s badge issued by
the Council - it has a photograph of the
driver and badge number.
• If you have a problem with a taxi you
should make a note of the driver’s badge
number and the number of the licence
plate on the rear of the vehicle and report
it to the Council’s Licensing team. Ask for
a receipt for the fare
• If you have a dispute over the fare quoted
and the fare charged, query it with the
driver, get a receipt and query it with the
operator you booked the taxi with. If
unsatisfied contact the Council’s Licensing
Team on 01509 634562
Protecting your home and your kit
Here are a few tips to protect your home
and vehicles this summer
• When out in the back garden, ensure
your front door is secure.
• Put garden tools and games away in a
secure garage or shed after using them
• When leaving a room unattended, close
the windows and doors - especially on
the ground floor
• If you want to leave windows open
while you sleep, fit window restrictors
so they cannot be fully opened
• Keep all valuables out of sight
• Consider fitting outside security lighting
or a visible alarm to help deter burglars.
Using shingle or gravel on a driveway
can also help.
Charnwood News
All you need to know about trees
People often contact Charnwood Borough
Council about trees. They want to know if
they can prune them, chop them down
entirely, or whether they are
someone else’s responsibility.
We’ve put together some
information about what can
and can’t happen to trees in
our borough.
Landowner’s responsibilities
Trees on your property are your
responsibility and you have to make sure
they are safe. It is recommended that trees
are regularly inspected, preferably by a
qualified arboriculturist. Landowners must
ensure branches do not obstruct roads,
footways, pavements and pathways.
Borough Council
The Council is responsible for maintaining
the 60,000 trees it owns. The Council also
has specific powers to protect
trees by making tree preservation
orders and it is responsible for
making decisions on applications to
carry out work to these trees, and
those protected by virtue of a
conservation area designation.
Tree Preservation Orders
TPOs protect individual trees, groups of
trees or woodlands where they make a
significant contribution to the quality of
the Borough's environment. Trees may be
worthy of protection because they have
intrinsic value, they may contribute to a
particular landscape or they may screen an
eyesore or a development. A single tree
may have a rarity or scarcity value or a
group of trees or woodland
may be important collectively.
If you think that there are trees
in need of protection then
contact the Council. The
Council will then assess the
amenity value and can make a TPO where
County Council responsibility
The County Council is responsible
for trees on land it owns and along
the adopted highway corridor. The
authority’s policy aims to maintain
them in a safe condition and for the
benefit of the local environment.
What can you do
with problem trees
Contact the landowner, whether
that’s the borough or county
Council or a neighbour if the tree
is on their property.
You have the right to cut back tree
branches that overhang onto your
property. It is however always best
to discuss with your neighbour
about any trees / hedges you wish
to cut back before doing so.
Planting trees
Trees should be planted in the planting
season, which runs from October to March.
Consideration must be given to their size
and form in maturity and the implications
to this may have on surrounding features
such as buildings, gardens and footpaths.
Additionally, choosing a species with
suitable characteristics is important. For
example, it would be inappropriate to
plant an evergreen tree where light is
already lacking.
Caring for trees
Avoiding storing hazardous materials near
trees (road salt, fuels etc), causing damage
to branches or roots, and avoiding pruning
unless entirely necessary is
advisable. Where pruning is
required, it should be carried
out in accordance with
arboricultural best practice.
Consideration should also be
given when removing trees,
to ensure
specimens are not exposed to winds they
have not previously adapted to
What the Borough
Council is doing
The Council is currently running a pilot
project to carry out a greater range of work
on its trees. The idea stems from the
findings of the Tree Policy Scrutiny Panel.
Scrutiny Panels are created to look at
specific issues and make recommendations
to the Cabinet, which may or may not be
accepted. The panel was chaired by
Councillor Roy Campsall.
For more information, visit
Section 106 Funds Scrutiny Panel
A scrutiny panel was also set up look at ensuring local communities
and Councillors have a greater say on how Section 106 funding is
Under Section 106 agreements, developers agree to provide a sum
of money towards community facilities or infrastructure or provide
them directly, as part of a planning permission in order to address
the effects of the development. The panel looked at how decisions
on Section 106 funding involved communities and Borough
Councillors, in particular in Loughborough which does not have a
town Council.
The panel recommended to Cabinet that all Borough Councillors
whose wards were affected by a Section 106 agreement should be
involved and kept informed from the earliest possible stage and
throughout the process. The panel also recommended that a
similar approach was used for involving parish and town Councils.
Cabinet accepted the recommendations and guidelines are being
drawn up. The panel was chaired by Councillor Brenda Seaton.
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24th September 5:00pm - 7:00pm
Presentations from our Exec Team throughout the evening
Our evening is for you to experience a little of what goes on at
Humphrey Perkins School. Current pupils will be available to guide
parents around the school and talk about what goes on day to day.
There will be ample opportunity to talk to our talented staff, and
governors about what makes Humphrey Perkins such a great place to
learn. A printed programme of the evening’s events will be available
upon arrival.
If you feel that your child would perform best in an environment that
encourages personal success, creativity, innovation, self belief,
character, and also instils a sense of discipline then we look forward
to seeing you at our Open Evening.
At Humphrey Perkins School we inspire pupils to achieve academic
excellence and support them to develop character, self-discipline and
Humphrey Perkins
Success Unlimited
Tel: 01509 412385
Our School was founded nearly 300 years ago by the Rev. Humphrey
Perkins. Today the secret of our success lies in who we are and the
values that we hold. Five simple values describe our School; we have
a 'Child Focus', empower 'World Class Learners' with an ethos of
'Honesty’, ‘Integrity’ and 'Professionalism' and an attitude of 'Serving
Others' and a belief that there is 'No Ceiling' to what can be achieved.
An environment of innovation and creativity has brought sustained
success and an excitement to learning that is rare to find. Our high
quality teachers bring together the very latest technology and theories
of learning and blend them with traditional standards of behaviour,
courtesy and appearance.
Our unique curriculum enables pupils to study all eight areas of
learning through to GCSE and provides an exceptional foundation for
further education. We enjoy strong parental support encouraging our
pupils to develop the competencies and skills needed to achieve
success and build positive home-school relationships.
Your School
Your Future
You can make a
difference to a young
person’s life as a Mentor
A charity dedicated to helping disadvantaged young people is seeking
volunteers from the Charnwood area to join the TwentyTwenty
Mentoring Scheme and become life changing Mentors.
Young people in the Charnwood area are already receiving the support of Mentors
to keep them engaged in education and away from anti-social behaviour and
crime. The award-winning Mentoring scheme trains adult volunteers to form
positive one to one relationships with young people aged 11 - 19 years.
Working with a young person for one hour a week for 12 months, volunteers are
vital role models who provide structure, fun activities as well as helping young
people achieve life changing goals.
Mentoring Coordinator for TwentyTwenty said ‘‘we currently have a waiting
list of young people in the Charnwood area who really need the help of a volunteer
Mentor. Mentoring is incredibly rewarding and you really can make a difference.
If you can spare one hour a week to have fun with and support
a young person please get in touch’’.
Anyone interested in becoming a Mentor can call Tyler Fixman on
(01509) 236144 or email
For more information about the charity TwentyTwenty please visit
More about Twenty Twenty:
TwentyTwenty helps hundreds of disadvantaged and disengaged
young people each year to develop self-belief, self-worth and motivation,
while achieving academic qualifications and learning work-ready
skills to help them find and keep good jobs.
The charity, which was set up in 2007, has two centres - in Leicester and
Loughborough. Both are run by dedicated teams of staff and volunteers who
provide a welcoming and positive environment while offering much-needed care
and support to young people who need it most.
Interviews available on request
Twenty Twenty is an award winning charity dedicated to a mission
of helping disadvantaged, disengaged, and extremely hard-to-reach
young people (aged 11-24) to succeed in education,
thrive in their personal lives, and achieve long term employment.
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Workers' Educational Association
We offer courses in Loughborough town centre
and around the county
If you would like a brochure please telephone us on
01509 268636 or visit to download
You may be eligible for free courses
If you are interested in teaching for the WEA, please contact us
We are always open to suggestions of new courses to run.
Loughborough courses are held at Quest House
Woodgate Chambers, 70 Woodgate
and Gorse Covert Community Centre
A warm welcome awaits at Charnwood Indoor Bowls Club
for experienced bowlers, improvers or beginners.
Coaching is available and we have leagues for men,
ladies and mixed bowling, as well as casual sessions
where you can just turn up and play.
A welcome pack is available and
rates are very reasonable.
f our
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that helps you keep
one month
and helps you
and try it ou
You can contact us by email at
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Our staff are happy to welcome you to our members only
club, please feel free to pop in and take a look around
at what we have to offer.
We have 10 full size, top quality Snooker Tables along with a
Pool Table, Darts and B.T. Sports. The club also has a large
car park and a wonderful garden (with smoking area).
Opening Times:
Mon - Thurs: 10am-11pm • Fri - Sat: 10am-12 Midnight
Sun: 10.30am-10.30pm
Why not visit us...
Rear of 1269 Melton Road, Syston, Leicester, LE7 2EN
Tel: 0116 260 2503
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Have you made
your will yet?
For help with
we come to you.
For a brochure or an appointment
Please call 01509 507334
or 08450 568571
or email
Members of the society of will writers
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Established in 1987, the Sanctuary has taken in and
rehomed hundreds of cats and kittens from Leicestershire
and the surrounding counties. We believe that every life
is precious and every animal deserves a loving home.
Please help Loughborough Cat Sanctuary by providing a
caring and loving home for an unwanted cat or kitten.
If adopting a cat isn’t something you are able to do,
why not show your support for the
Sanctuary by donating online?
Donations can be made by visiting
For alternative ways in which you can help,
or for more information, visit the website
el P
Royal Way, Loughborough
Your Friendly Local Specialists For...
The Falcon Centre based in Pinfold Gate,
Loughborough is the hub of Youth Shelter providing
accommodation and support to vulnerable people who
are homeless or at risk of homelessness and who have a
medium or high support need. Becoming homeless in adult
life can lead to a loss of confidence and sense of failure. The
feeling of loneliness and being excluded from mainstream society can
have a very destructive impact on a person’s emotional and mental health.
On the 18th and 19th July #Beacon24 event saw Shaun Crowson and
Simon Hardy along with 35 other keen runners, cyclists and walkers
take part in a 24 hour 6 mile route endurance run around Beacon Hill
Country Park, including local police officer PC Gary Bailey. The run
started at 12pm Saturday and ended 12pm Sunday with 931.5 miles
covered during the 24 hours in order to raise funds and awareness for
the Falcon Centre.
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There is still time to donate and sponsor this event to raise much
needed funds please go to
We would like to thank all those that have sponsored the event
including Robert Hardy Gas Services, Swithland Water, High5
nutrition, Frabjous food and many more including all those that have
donated raffle prizes.
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5W LED GU10 450lm £2.99 available in Warmwhite and Daylight
45W LED panels 600x600 £40+VAT available in Daylight & others
• RGB and colour changeable LED Panels also available
• Fluorescent tubes and fittings - 8ft 100W tubes in stock
For more information and advice please call us on: 0116 260 2299/
0116 269 4843 or email us at:
1314 Melton Road,
Syston, Leicester
Tel 0116 2161777
or 0797 0032814
For more information about the support offered at children’s centres, please talk to
the staff at your local centre or call 0116 3055241 or speak to your Health Visitor.
loughboroughccparents, shepshedccparents, mountsorrelccparents,
ansteyccparents and thurmastonccparents.
Allsides roofline
Domestic & Commercial
We run a range of services in our centres for families
with children from birth to five years.
We aim to provide the right support at the
right time and that may include:
• Support for families before and after their baby is
born, either in the home or in local centres.
• Help and advice for parents and their babies from birth to two.
• Support for parents and their children until they are five.
• Supporting children to learn through play sessions, parenting sessions and other activities
• One-to-one support from Family Outreach Workers to help with a variety of needs.
Guttering, Slipped Tiles,
Cleaning, Valleys,
Signs, Lighting
Provides a full range of high
quality care tailored to suit the
needs of the individual
• All aspects of personal care • Shopping, prescription collection
• Household cleaning, washing etc.
• Preparing and assisting with cooking and serving of meals
• Sitting service and escort duties
We have a large team of carers committed to providing a service for
elderly, disabled or seriously ill people who wish to remain at home.
Field House, 19-23 Field St, Shepshed, Leicestershire LE12 9AL
Tel: 01509 505243 Fax: 01509 651193
Charnwood News
Your local Councillors
Following the May elections the Council has a few new faces.
Here’s a handy list of who your local ward Councillors are and how
to contact them.
Charnwood Borough Council has 41 Conservatives, nine Labour,
one Liberal Democrat and one Independent Councillor.
Councillor David Slater remains in his role at Leader of the Council,
and Councillor Jonathan Morgan is the Deputy Leader.
Cllr Eric Vardy, Lead Member for Plans and Regulatory Services
Cllr Stephen Hampson, Leader Member for Regeneration, Town
Centres and Section 106 Agreements
Cllr Hilary Fryer, Lead Member for Open Spaces and Leisure
Cllr Leigh Harper-Davies, Lead Member for Housing, Revenues
and Benefits
The Cabinet positions are as follows:
Cllr Jonathan Morgan, Deputy Leader of the Council and Lead
Member for Community Cohesion and Customer Services
Cllr. John Sutherington
Liberal Democrat
0116 2204643
Cllr Pauline Ranson, Deputy Lead Member with responsibility
for Revenues and Benefits
Cllr. Iain Bently
0116 2671703
Cllr. Hilary Fryer
01509 620938
Cllr. David Gaskell
0116 2674746
Cllr. Sue Gerrard
0116 2600906
Cllr. Pauline Ranson
01509 416928
Cllr. Deborah Taylor
0116 2350126
Cllr James Poland, Deputy Lead Member with responsibility
for Leisure
Cllr. David Snartt
01530 244804
Cllr. Renata Jones
Cllr. Serinda Shergill
0116 2675425
Loughborough Ashby
Birstall Wanlip
Barrow & Sileby West
Cllr Tom Barkley, Lead Member for Finance and Internal
Support Services
Cllr David Hayes, Deputy Lead Member with responsibility
for Regulatory Services
Birstall Watermead
Cllr David Slater, Leader of the Council and Lead Member for
Whole Council and New Ways of Working
Cllr. Dr. Julie Bradshaw MBE
07469 978237
Cllr. Harley Hachem
Loughborough Nanpantan
Cllr Anne Williams
01509 235455
Cllr. Christine Harris
01509 557701
Cllr. Jewel Miah
01509 767431
Cllr. Geoff Parsons
07444 355604
Cllr. Margaret Smidowicz
01509 556314
Loughborough Shelthorpe
Loughborough Southfields
Cllr. Sarah Maynard Smith
07847 850722
Cllr. Luke Smith
01509 413141
Loughborough Storer
Cllr. Roy Campsall
01509 236322
Loughborough Lemyngton
Loughborough Garendon
Cllr. Keith Harris
01509 557701
Cllr. Bea Cooper
07930 088586
Loughborough Outwoods
Loughborough Hastings
Loughborough Dishley
& Hathern
Charnwood News
Cllr. Ron Jukes
01509 269433
Cllr. Jonathan Morgan
01509 236971
Cllr. David Hayes
07771 713344
Cllr. Robert Sharp
01509 232186
Cllr. Paul Mercer
07768 766618
Cllr. Ted Parton
01509 215842
Cllr. Sandie Forrest
01509 412477
Cllr. Jenni Tillotson
01509 551258
Cllr. John Capleton
0116 2303244
Cllr. Leigh Harper-Davies
0116 2303451
Cllr. Leon Hadji-Nikolaou
0116 2375747
Cllr. Brian Page
0116 2362527
Cllr. Bill Bebbington
01509 769707
Syston East
Syston West
Cllr. David Slater
01509 621816
The Wolds
Cllr. Richard Shepherd
01509 413903
Cllr. John Savage
07702 056586
Cllr. Christine Radford
01509 502974
Cllr. Andy Paling
07576 666323
Cllr. Stephen Hampson
0116 2606252
Cllr. Ken Pacey
0116 2607724
Cllr. Tom Barkley
0116 2605986
Cllr. Eric Vardy
0116 2601657
Cllr. Jenny Bokor
01509 881428
Cllr. Matthew Brookes
Cllr. Mark Lowe
0116 2696575
Cllr. Joan Tassell
01509 506661
Cllr. Brenda Seaton
0116 2127686
Cllr. Paul Murphy
07977 409279
Cllr. James Poland
07764 966677
Quorn & Mountsorrel
Rothley & Thurcaston
Shepshed East
Shepshed West
Cllr Daniel Grimley
0116 2600899
Charnwood News
Charnwood News
Get advice from Clockwise
Travel about in a green way
A credit union has moved to a new location to make it easier for
people to access and Charnwood Borough Council is urging
residents to go along to find out more.
Residents in Charnwood are being urged to think green when
getting around.
After nearly eight years at Loughborough Baptist Church,
Clockwise Credit Union has moved its weekly drop-in session into
Loughborough Library in Granby Street.
The borough Council works in partnership with Clockwise Credit
Union which offers an alternative to high street banks and is
owned and controlled by account holders and members.
Clockwise is a not-for-profit co-operative organisation which
means that the money members make and save stays in the local
community. It also gives all its members access to low-cost loans
and can provide on-the-spot decisions.
The weekly sessions at Loughborough Library are every Thursday
between 10am and 1pm Staff from Clockwise will also be
available at Syston Town Council offices on the third Wednesday
of the month, between 9.30am and 1pm.
The website can help residents
look at the different ways to complete journeys such as by car, bus,
train or bike.
Residents can also find out about car sharing on People can find like-minded
others who want to share car trips, saving money and emissions.
People can register for regular journeys, including daily commuting,
as well as any one-off trips, and then search to see if anyone else
is going their way.
Charnwood Borough Council is committed to supporting
sustainable transport and has created a web page with links to the
above sites, plus others which have handy information on
sustainable ways to get around the area. That includes cycle routes
and footpaths. Visit,
For more information on the Clockwise Credit Union visit
Help your kids take the
plunge this autumn
Crimestoppers calls for
more volunteers
Parents are being urged to sign their children up to a local swim
school this autumn. Research by the Amateur Swimming
Association (ASA) has revealed that over nine million adults in
England are unable to swim.
Crimestoppers is calling for more volunteers to help tackle crime
in Leicestershire and Rutland. The charity has helped to keep
communities safe since 1988 through its anonymous reporting
line 0800 555 111.
Fusion Lifestyle, which operates three leisure centres in
Charnwood on behalf of the Borough Council, is keen to tackle
the issue by encouraging parents in Charnwood to get their
children learning to swim at an early age. Fusion runs a Swim
School programme across the 3 Charnwood leisure centres,
Loughborough, Soar Valley and South Charnwood.
To date, it has received 1.5 million pieces of information, which
resulted in over 130,000 arrests and charges. Over £129 million
worth of goods have been recovered and over £321 million worth
of drugs have been seized. As many as 2,000 calls were received
last year regarding incidents in Leicestershire and Rutland leading to nearly 800 positive outcomes.
Matt Smith, General Manager at Loughborough Leisure Centre
said: “At Fusion Lifestyle we are committed to providing
accessible and affordable swimming lessons to as many children
and adults as possible.“We believe that swimming is an essential
life skill, as well and an enjoyable and challenging sport. “Our
Swim School programme is extremely popular, and we look
forward to welcoming many more learners to our pools this
Volunteers have been vital to the charity’s success and there are
currently over 600 people helping to promote Crimestoppers’
message in local communities.
To get parents involved, Fusion is offering a free one month Adult
Choice membership for every child place booked on the Swim
School programme via Direct Debit payment until October 20,
2015. You can find out more about Swim School availability in
your local area by visiting registering your details here
Crimestoppers volunteers commit up to eight hours per month.
They attend local community events. They also work on
campaigns to raise awareness of crime and promote the
Crimestoppers service.
If you’re interested in volunteering for the charity in Leicestershire
and Rutland, email a CV and covering letter to
For more information about Crimestoppers visit
Come and join us!
RNIB College Loughborough will be opening its doors on
Saturday 3 October, from 10:00am until 2:00pm for our
Family Open Day.
You’ll be able to join taster sessions in our enterprises
and hear about our independence programme,
day time activities and Further Education provision.
Date for your diary:
Winter Craft Fayre - Saturday 28 November
Call us today 01509 611077 to find out more
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