Characterization of Traps in AlGaN/GaN HEMTs with a Combined Large Signal Network Analyzer/Deep Level Optical Spectrometer System Chieh-Kai Yang 1, Patrick Roblin 1, Andrew Malonis 1, Aaron Arehart 1, Steven Ringel 1, Christiane Poblenz 2, Yi Pei 2, James Speck 2, and Umesh Mishra 2 1 Electrical and Computer Enginneering, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210, USA 2 Materials Science and Electrical Engineering departments, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106, USA Abstract— A study of the effects of traps on the RF characteristics of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs is conducted using small and large-signal microwave measurements with deep-level optical spectroscopy. Different variations of the drain current swing are observed for illuminations of different photon energies. The time evolution of the current swing in transient measurements enabled to determine the optical transient time-constant and the equilibrium relaxation time-constant. The dependence of the Sparameters upon the illumination yielded results consistent with the variation of the drain current swing under illumination. A variation in the small signal transconductance and drain conductance was extracted at 2 GHz which presumably arises from the variation of the drain resistance under illumination. In addition, it was verified that the SiN passivation greatly helps in mitigating the RF performance degradation arising from deep trapping centers. Index Terms— Amplifier distortion, current, MODFETs, optical spectroscopy, charge carrier processes. device with a monochromatic light beam of sufficiently large enough photon energy will (1) release trapped electrons from deep defects in the conduction band and (2) emit holes in the valance band by capturing electron in traps on both AlGaN and GaN. The de-trapping of the carriers leads in turn to a corresponding increase in the drain current. In section II, the experiment setup and the method of analysis are presented. Section III includes the observation results in RF loadline and S-parameters measurements subject to illuminations and related discussions. Finally, in conclusion we summarize our results in Section IV. Large Signal Network Analyzer Signal Source Port1 Tuner DUT Tuner Current Sensor Shutter Current Sensor Bias Tee Bias Supply Bias Tee Port2 I. I NTRODUCTION GaN-based devices have induced great interests for high frequency, high power, and high-temperature applications owing to the wide bandgap property of GaN and the characteristics of AlGaN/GaN heterostructure favorable to high-power highefficiency operation [1]. Although the progress in the power density and total power available from AlGaN/GaN HEMTs has been remarkable, the phenomena of RF dispersion and current collapse [2][3][4][5], have remained critical issues that limit the performances of GaN-based devices and impacts its degradation. Many efforts have been devoted to study the causes of those negative effects and many possible explanations have been proposed[2][4]. Although the origins of those effects are still under debate, the presence of trapping centers related to surface, bulk, and/or interface states is considered as the main reason responsible for those effects. In this paper, we present a new system combining a large signal network analyzer (LSNA) and a deep level optical spectrometer (DLOS) [6] to characterize possible deep trapping centers responsible for RF dispersion or current collapse in AlGaN/GaN HEMTs. The motivation for using photoionization spectroscopy is as follow: the illumination of a collapsed 978-1-4244-2804-5/09/$25.00 © 2009 IEEE Monochromator Deep Level Optical Spectrometer Fig. 1. Experimental setup of LSNA/DLOS combined system. II. E XPERIMENTAL S ETUP AND M ETHODS OF A NALYSIS The experimental setup of a LSNA/DLOS combined system is depicted in Fig. 1. Port 1 is used for the gate and port 2 for the drain of the device under test (DUT). The quiescent operating point of the DUT is set by the two external bias tees and DC power supplies. The voltage and current sensors detect the low-frequency time variations of the device bias voltage/current which are displayed on the oscilloscope. In 1209 IMS 2009 the DLOS system, a 1000 W Xenon Lamp is used as a light source. The photon energy of the incident light in the 1.5-4.2 eV range is generated through a monochromator. A shutter is placed between the focusing optics and the DUT to control the duration of the illumination. For this study the DUTs used are on-wafer unpassivated and SiN-passivated AlGaN/GaN HEMTs on SiC substrate. 01 0.1 Pulsed-IV and RF loadline subject to 3.54 eV illumination I DS (A) S 0.08 A. CW-RF loadlines measurement 0.04 SDARK Pulsed-IV and RF l dli in loadline i the th dark d k A 2 GHz RF signal generated by a signal source is applied to the gate terminal which is maintained at a fixed DC bias point at VGS = -3.0 V and VDS = 5.0 V. The input RF power and DC bias applied at the gate of the HEMT device are selected to provide a gate voltage swing of VGS = from -6 to 0 V in order to ensure that the device reaches the pinchoff and saturation conditions, respectively. A monochromatic light beam generated by the DLOS system is then applied to the HEMT device. Since the occupancy of the traps can be affected by incident photons from the ambient light, the experiments are carried out in the dark. To reduce memory effects and allow for a reasonable relaxation toward equilibrium, the device remains in the dark after each measurement for typically 3 minutes before the next measurement is performed. The variation of the RF current swing is defined by: 0 0 B. S-parameters measurement The LSNA can function also as a vector network analyzer to measure the corresponding S-parameters of the HEMT device. The device is maintained at fixed bias point at VGS = 3.0 V and VDS = 5.0 V. A monochromatic light generated by the DLOS system is sent to the HEMT device. After the measurement is completed, the illumination is turned off. The 5 10 VDS (V) Fig. 2. Comparison of measured pulsed-IVs and RF loadlines at 2 GHz with and without illumination. experiments were also carried out first in the dark. Again the device were kept in the dark for three minutes between successive measurements at different photon energies. 25 (1) where SDARK = IDS,M AX (DARK) − IDS,M IN (DARK) is the dark drain current swing and S = IDS,M AX − IDS,M IN is the drain current swing under illumination. Both drain current swings are defined in Fig. 2. Also plotted in Fig. 2 are the pulsed-IV characteristics for the maximum gate voltage measured using the same DC bias points. A good correlation between the pulsed IV and RF loadlines is observed for this particular device. Note, however, that this correlation is not always observed and was found to be strongly foundry dependent. This is presumably due to the fact that in high performance devices the electron capture rate is believed to be ultra fast and in such a case the DC bias point is no longer setting the trap average occupancy. In addition, time evolution measurements were also carried out to study the trap response first when the illumination turns on and next when it is turned off. The measurement procedure is the same as described above except that the LSNA measurements are performed for a fixed delay which is controlled independently from the illumination duration. It is to be noted that a LSNA measurement samples the RF waveforms in 10 ms during which it is assumed the traps state are not varying. S 0.02 V Variatio on of c currentt swing g (mA) IDS = S − SDARK IDS 0.06 20 SiN-passivated Unpassivated 15 10 5 0 -5 1 547 1.547 2 0474 2.0474 2 5476 2.5476 3 0484 3.0484 3 5449 3.5449 4 1357 4.1357 Photon Energy (eV) Fig. 3. Photoionization spectrum of the variation of current swing for SiN-passivated and unpassivated AlGaN/GaN HEMTs. III. E XPERIMENTAL R ESULTS AND D ISCUSSIONS A. CW-RF loadline photoionization spectrum measurements Fig. 3 shows the variation in drain current swing of the RF loadline relatively to the dark case as a function of the photon energy for both unpassivated and SiN-passivated HEMTs. For the unpassivated device, it can be observed that when the energy is larger than about 3.3 eV, a significant increase of the drain current swing is observed and two noticeable different levels of increases are identified as well which correspond to the onset energies of GaN bandgap and AlGaN bandgap at 3.4 eV and 4.1 ev, respectively. As the energy falls below the GaN bandgap, unlike the result in [2] where only the light with energy larger than the bandgap affected the drain current, 1210 TABLE I T IME CONSTANTS OF THE VARIATION OF CURRENT SWING FOR DIFFERENT ENERGIES OF ILLUMINATIONS 3.10 eV τ1 τ2 τ1 Optical Saturation 2.05 sec. 10.00 sec. 0.14 sec. 0.75 sec. Thermal Relaxation 6.40 sec. 29.53 sec. 3.39 sec. 13.74 sec. an increase, although small, can still be observed in the plot in the range of energy between 2.1 eV and 3.3 eV which may correlate with the corresponding energies of the deep trapping centers inside the bandgap. However, no observable increase can be seen when the energy falls further below about 2.1 eV. A possible explanation has been proposed in [2] to interpret the large increase in drain current for energies above bandgap as originating from the elimination of the virtual gate on the surface between gate and drain. On the other hand, for the smaller increase observed for energies below bandgap, the work in [4] has pointed to a possible relationship with the trapping centers in the GaN bulk region. For the SiNpassivated, the effect of the illuminations on the variation of the current swing is largely reduced which shows that the process of passivation with SiN has a great influence on the performance of device. V Variati ion of ccurrentt swing g (mA)) 12 10 3.10 eV illumination 3 54 eV illumination 3.54 6 4 C. S parameters measurement In Fig. 5, the measured S21 parameters of both unpassivated and SiN-passivated HEMTs for different energies of illumination are plotted together on the Smith Chart for a frequency range sweeping from 1 GHz to 13 GHz. For the unpassivated device, the results show that the value of S21 is strongly influenced by the illumination at low frequencies when the transconductance dominates the DUT response. The dependence of |S21 | versus photon energy dependence obtained is similar to the results for the variation of the drain current swing of the RF loadline. Again a significant increase in magnitude of S21 appears when the energy of the illumination is above the GaN and AlGaN bandgap. A small increase is found in the 2.1 to 3.1 eV range of photon energy below the GaN bandgap. Also at lower energies below 2.0 eV, no noticeable change in the magnitude of S21 is observed. 2 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Delay (s) Fig. 4. Time evolution of the current swing variation subject to 3.54 eV and 3.10 eV illuminations for unpassivated AlGaN/GaN HEMT. B. Time evolution CW-RF loadline measurements The time evolution results of the variation in drain current swing of the RF loadline for illumination with two different photon energy of 3.54 eV and 3.10 eV respectively, are shown in Fig. 4. The results show that when the illumination is turned on, the amplitude of the current swing will initially increase rapidly with time and then saturates after a certain illumination time is reached. Similarly, when the illumination is turned off, the amplitude of the drain current swing rapidly drops but this decrease slows down for longer elapsed time. For τ2 a photon energy of 3.54 eV (above the GaN bandgap), the optical saturation and equilibrium relaxation time constants are much shorter than that for the photon energy of 3.10 eV (below the GaN bandgap). Presumably, these time constants may be arise from the capture and the emission of carriers from different deep-trapping centers. Table I lists the fitting results obtained for those time constants under illuminations with photon energies of 3.54 eV and 3.10 eV, respectively. Imag ginary part off reflec ction co oefficie ent Time constants 8 3.54 eV 3 S21 2 1GHz 1GHz 1 1.0 13GHz 2.0 0.5 SiN-passivated p 13GHz 0.2 0 -0.7 -0.6 -0.4 0.0 Unpassivated 0.5 2.0 Inf -0.2 02 -0.5 -1 -2.0 -1.0 Energy range 3.4-4.1 eV -2 + Energy range 2.1-3.3 eV . Energy E range 1 1.5-2.0 5 2 0 eV V -3 -6 -4 -2 0 Real part of reflection coefficient Fig. 5. Variation of S21 subject to different energy of illuminations with frequency sweeping from 1 GHz to 13 GHz for SiN-passivated and unpassivated AlGaN/GaN HEMTs. 1211 Again the process of SiN passivation helps to mitigate the negative effects caused by the deep trapping centers in the device resulting in an increase of the current swing and smallsignal gain. are both very small due to the already large 2DEG charge concentration in the drain region near the gate. Further detailed device modeling will be reported elsewhere to backup these assertions. 0.06 IV. C ONCLUSION 0.055 Real(Y21) ((S) 0.05 Unpassivated p SiN-passivated 0.045 0 04 0.04 0 035 0.035 0 03 0.03 0.025 15 1.5 2 25 2.5 3 35 3.5 4 45 4.5 Photon Energy (eV) Fig. 6. Photoionization spectrum of the real part of Y21 at 2 GHz for SiN-passivated and unpassivated AlGaN/GaN HEMTs. 6 x 10 -3 5.5 Real(Y Y22) (S S) 5 4.5 Unpassivated U i t d SiN-passivated 4 3.5 A measurement system consisting of a combined large signal network analyzer and a deep level optical spectrometer was presented to characterize the effects of traps on the smallsignal and large-signal RF response of passivated and unpassivated AlGaN/GaN HEMTs. It was demonstrated that for illuminations with photon energies above the GaN bandgap, a significant increase of the variation of the drain current swing was observed in the CW-RF loadline measurements. For illumination with photon energy below the bandgap, a residual variation was detected presumably originating from deep energy levels. The time evolution of the drain current swing for energy of illumination above and below the GaN bandgap enabled to determine the optical transient timeconstant and the equilibrium relaxation time-constant. The measured small-signal S21 and S22 parameters under monochromatic illumination provided consistent results with the large-signal drain-current swing measurements obtained from the CW-RF loadlines. An improved performance for illuminated devices is also observed in the variation of the real part of Y21 and Y22 from low to high photon energies. This presumably arises from the variation of the drain resistance under illumination in unpassivated devices due to the traps residing between the gate and drain region. On the other hand it was seen that the process of SiNpassivation which deactivates the deep trapping centers at the surface and desensitizes the device to both trapping and illumination greatly helps in suppressing the degradation performance observed in unpassivated AlGaN/GaN HEMTs. 3 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 2.5 2 5 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 Photon Energy (eV) 4 This work was supported by the Office of Naval Research (ONR) under Grant N0014-08-1-0101 organized by Dr. Maki. 4.5 Fig. 7. Photoionization spectrum of the real part of Y22 at 2 GHz for SiN-passivated and unpassivated AlGaN/GaN HEMTs. To further evidence the influences of the illuminations on the device performances, we plot in Fig. 6 and Fig. 7 the real part of the small signal transconductance Y21 and drain conductance Y22 respectively. The real part of Y21 increases from 0.027S to 0.035S and the real part of Y22 decreases from 0.0056S to 0.0046S from low to high photon energies in the unpassivated device whereas it remains approximately constant in the passivated device. The increase in the transconductance is presumably due to the decrease of the drain resistance under illumination which negates the effect of the virtual surface gate. The decrease of the drain conductance is itself certainly due to the decrease of the 2DEG width under illumination [7]. In passivated devices theses effects although still present are negligeable given the drain resistance and the 2DEG width R EFERENCES [1] U. K. MISHRA, P. PARIKH, AND YI-FENG WU, “AlGaN/GaN HEMTs An Overview of Device Operation and Applications,” Proc. IEEE, vol. 90, no. 6, pp. 1022-1031 , June 2002. [2] J. M. Tirado, J. L. Sanchez-Rojas, and J. I. Izpura, “Trapping Effects in the Transient Response of AlGaN/GaN HEMT Devices,” IEEE Trans. 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