The Production Function of Iran Agricultural Sector

Agric. sci. dev., Vol(3), No (2), February, 2014. pp. 183-187
TI Journals
Agriculture Science Developments
Copyright © 2014. All rights reserved for TI Journals.
The Production Function of Iran Agricultural Sector
Farshad Sameni Keivani *
Department of Accounting, Roudsar and Amlash Branch, Islamic Azad University, Roudsar, Iran
Ali Bidarian
Department of Accounting, the University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran
Mousa Najibi
Department of Management, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran
Ramtin Safabakhsh Ghasemi
Department of Management, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran
*Corresponding author:
Agricultural Sector
Production Function
First of all, the paper provides the background of production function and the situation of agriculture sector
of Iran. This survey determines the production function of the agricultural sector in Iran. The data which is
used in this study concerned to during 1986 to 2010. The website of Central Bank is the source of taking of
data. EVIEWS8 and SPSS software assists the study to estimate the production function of agricultural
sector by OLS method in a way of the linear function. The findings of the paper show in the short run during
the years of the study the coefficients of the labor and the real capital in Iran are -0.349610 and 4.332734,
respectively. But the coefficient of labor isn’t statistically significant. However, the coefficient of capital is
statistically significant. So, the quantity of output in agriculture sector in Iran increases 4.332734 units if the
capital in this sector increases one unit. It is so important to teach the workers, in this sector, who produce
with full efficiency.
A production function, in economics, shows the relationship between quantity of output and factors of production. It almost i ndicates by a
mathematical method which shows the maximum quantity of a product that can be derived from a specified number of inpu ts, generally, labor
and capital. Hence, the production function, explains from each feasible combination of inputs how much output in the best si tuation can be
According to Iran's economic structure and the relationship among the agriculture and other sectors of the Iran economy, it is so important to
invest in the Iran agriculture sector. On the other side, the agricultural activities usually occur in the rural areas so investing in agriculture sector
causes decreasing of unemployment rate in rural areas and to avoid emigration of the villagers to the cities [8, 29, 30 and 31].
In the following figure is shown the ratio of the agricultural value add to the gross national product in Iran at the period of this research [46].
Figure 1. the Maximum Ratio of Agriculture Value Added to the GDP
Farshad Sameni Keivani *, Ali Bidarian, Mousa Najibi, Ramtin Safabakhsh Ghasemi
Agriculture Science Developments Vol(3), No (2), February, 2014.
As we can see at the above figure, the ratio of the Iran agriculture value added has not been more than 0.16 percent in the period of the study.
According to importance of agriculture in the economic development and the economic structure of Iran the trends is not appropriate. The ratio
of the value added of agriculture respect to industry sectors in Iran show at the following figure in during of study years i n Iran other papers on
this subject include [32- 41]
Figure.2: the Ratio of Agriculture respect to Industry sectors in Iran
As we can see at the above figure, the ratio of the value added of agriculture respect to industry sectors in Iran is reduced over the time.
The production curves of TPL, MPL and APL in generally can be drawn as follows:
Figure.3: The production curves of TPL, MPL and APL
L1 L2
Many papers in economics to analyze firms behaviors assumes that production functions of firms are in form of the Cobb-Douglas production
function which first introduced by Charles Cobb and Paul Douglas [3,5,6 and9]. It is written as follow:
Q =F (L, K) = ALα1Kα2
Where, A, α1 and α2 are parameters. In this function, α 1 and α2 show the production elasticity of labor and capital, respectively. In this form, the
marginal product of labor can be estimated as the following equation [1, 2 and 4]:
MPL = α1ALα1-1Kα2
And the marginal product of capital is obtained as follow:
MPK = α2ALα1 Kα2-1
Hence, the marginal rate of technical substitution between labor and capital, MRTS LK,is:
MRTSLK = (α1/ α2) (K/L)
The Production Function of Iran Agricultural Sector
Agriculture Science Developments Vol(3), No (2), February, 2014.
The main aim of the study is to determine the production function of agriculture sector in Iran. Determination of this functi on will help the Iran
agriculture decision makers to take a good decision to reduce extra costs and increase productivity in this sector.
The main hypotheses in the study are as follow:
1. There is a significant relationship, during period 1986 to 2110, between labor and agriculture output in Iran.
2. There is a significant relationship, during period 1986 to 2110, between capital with one period lag and agriculture output i n Iran.
Hence, the main questions can be indicated as follow:
1. Is there is a significant relationship, during period 1986 to 2110, between labor and agriculture output in Iran?
2. Is there a significant relationship, during period 1986 to 2110, between capital with one period lag and agriculture output i n Iran
First of all, the paper provides the background of production function and the situation of agriculture sector of Iran. Achieving the aim
theoretical discussions and empirical studies was conducted using library methods. The required data, the related background information on
empirical studiers and literature was collected by internet and library ways. The statistical data are taken from statistical data of Ce ntral Bank of
Iran. After collecting the secondary data, it is necessary to determine to be or not to be the stationary for the data. Unit root test of Augmented
Dickey-Fuller (ADF) is applied for it. Then is used the linear function representing the relationship between the agricultural sector value add of
Iran as a dependent variable and its factors of production, labor and capital, as the independents variables other papers on this subject include
[12- 28]. The linear function which is used in this study is as follows:
Q = f (L, K-1)
Q = the agricultural sector value added in Iran
L = the number of employees in the agricultural sector in Iran.
K-1= the capital stock in the agricultural sector in Iran with one lag period.
In this survey, the linear model is qiven as follows:
Q = α0 + α1 L + α2 K-1
Where the dependent variable is Q, the agricultural sector value added in Iran, and independent variables are L, the number of employees in the
agricultural sector in Iran, and K-1 is the capital stock in the agricultural sector in Iran with one lag period. The study used the data that is derived
from Economics Time Series Database of Central Bank of Iran from 1986 to 2110.
Hence, the linear regression model can be used to estimate the production function in this research. The statistical population limits to Iran
economy. The studied variables in this study are annual time series data mainly from 1986 to 2010. The study applies EIEWS8 and SPSS
Software. Final, using appropriate statistical analyzes investigate significant of the model and coefficients.
Results and Discussion
First of all, it is necessary to check the time series data is stationary or not which it can be provided in some ways using EVIEWS8 or other
software. One of all is Unit root test of Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) which is used by this survey. Due to the results of the ADF test, at 5%
confidence level, all of the data are not stationary at the level but only the natural logarithm of capital is stationary at the level and the other
variables in the natural logarithm of the variables are stationary at the first difference. In other words, however the Q and L variables have unit
root test at the level but have not unit root test while the natural logarithm of the variables are used in the Cobb Douglas function [7, 10, 43, 44
and 45].
The ADF test results are as come at the following table:
Table1. The results of ADF test
The names of
ADF statistics
The Critical
Value at 5%
The Stationary
1st difference
1st difference
1st difference
In order to estimate the relationship between the production of agriculture sector and the effectives variables in Iran are applied the linear
regression model. The function coefficients can be found from the below table [42 and 43]:
Table2. Coefficients of Model
Farshad Sameni Keivani *, Ali Bidarian, Mousa Najibi, Ramtin Safabakhsh Ghasemi
Agriculture Science Developments Vol(3), No (2), February, 2014.
Dependent Variable: the agricultural sector value added
Method: Least Squares
Sample (adjusted): 1987 2010
Included observations: 24 after adjustments
Std. Error
Adjusted R-squared
S.E. of regression
Sum squared resid
Log likelihood
Mean dependent var
S.D. dependent var
Akaike info criterion
Schwarz criterion
Hannan-Quinn criter.
Durbin-Watson stat
And for this model we can write as follow:
Substituted Coefficients:
Q = 34880.22 +-0.349610*L + 4.332734*K
According to the results of the paper we can tell, in the model, the coefficients of the number of employees in the agricultural sector in Iran and
the capital stock in that sector are -0.349610 and 4.332734, respectively. Due to the information of above table α 1 is not significant at %5
confidence level. But the coefficient of capital, α2, is statistically significant. So, the quantity of output in agriculture sector in Iran increases
4.332734 units if the capital in this sector increases one unit.
Due to ANOVA test, the coefficients of the variables are also statistically significant (see the ANOVA table as the follow):
Table 3. ANOVAa
Sum of Squares
Mean Square
a. Dependent Variable: Q
b. Predictors: (Constant), k, l
Due to the ANOVA data in table 3, the Sig is near to zero so the correlations are significant among the agricultural sector value added and the
independent variables also the t-test statistic confirms it and also the value of R-Square is enough big which indicates the contribution of the L
and the K on the agricultural sector value added of Iran is 0.758218%. The closeness of R2 and Adj-R2, 0.735191%, shows the Goodness of fit
of data. Generally, one of hypotheses is accepted and the other is rejected means that:
1. There is not a significant relationship, during period 1986 to 2110, between labor and agriculture output in Iran.
2. There is a significant relationship, during period 1986 to 2110, between capital with one period lag and agriculture output in Iran.
The coefficient of the labor is not significant in this survey because most of workers in the agriculture sector in Iran are unskilled so the
efficiency of them is low and also the ratio of labor with respect to capital is high.
This paper determines with using linear method by applying SPSS and Eviews8 Software, the production function in agricultural sector of Iran
covering data 1986 to 2110 which has been taken from the website of Central Bank of Iran. This paper examines the changes in the production
factors how much effect on the change in the agricultural sector value added in Iran. The results of the study show that increasing capital in the
agriculture sector causes to increase the agricultural sector value added. So the agriculture sector in Iran needs to support the Iran government
more than the past. However, according to the findings there is not a significant relationship between labor and agriculture output in Iran. It is
so important to teach the workers, in this sector, who produce with full efficiency.
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