Indicate the answer choice that best completes the statement or

Indicate the answer choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
According to the chart, what do Algeria and Rwanda have in common?
a. They both adopted their languages when trade flourished.
b. They both speak Swahili.
c. They both speak French.
d. They both are near the Congo.
According to the chart, which language is represented most in these African countries?
a. Arabic
b. English
c. French
d. Swahili
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3. Which was an important trading state that arose in southeastern Africa in the 1400s?
a. Kilwa
b. Mogadishu
c. Mombasa
d. Zimbabwe
4. Ghana grew powerful because it
a. was located in the rain forests.
b. had deposits of gold.
c. had deposits of copper.
d. taxed traders and had a big army.
5. What did Sundiata do to the people of Mali?
a. conquered
b. destroyed
c. relocated
d. united
6. What skills did the Bantu spread through Africa?
a. farming and iron-working
b. pottery making and mining
c. weapon making and warfare
d. banking and trade
7. The slave trade increased as Africa’s contact with whom increased?
a. Bantus
b. Muslims
c. non-Muslims
d. Songhai
8. Mansa Musa traveled with 80 camels and two tons of gold to
a. Ghana.
b. Makkah.
c. Timbuktu.
d. Zimbabwe.
9. What animal did the Romans introduce in North Africa?
a. pigs
b. donkeys
c. horses
d. camels
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10. The Swahili culture was
a. influenced in part by Islam.
b. destroyed by European invaders.
c. on the West African coast.
d. unable to last to modern times.
11. The empire of Mali declined after the death of king
a. Ibn Battuta.
b. Mansa Musa.
c. Sundiata.
d. Sunni Ali.
12. Timbuktu was not only an important trading center, but later under Askia Muhammad’s rule it became an important
center of
a. Christianity.
b. Islamic learning.
c. the arts.
d. the theater.
13. Which is Africa’s largest desert?
a. Kalahari
b. Niger
c. Nile
d. Sahara
14. Mansa Musa expanded his empire by capturing the cities of Timbuktu and
a. Gao.
b. Makkah.
c. Sudan.
d. Zimbabwe.
Indicate whether the statement is true or false.
15. A caravan is a group of camels traveling together.
a. True
b. False
16. Mali was the first great trading empire in West Africa.
a. True
b. False
17. The Berber and Arab traders brought Islam to Africa.
a. True
b. False
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Enter the appropriate word(s) to complete the statement.
18. ____________________ is the second largest continent on Earth.
Indicate the answer choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
19. Mansa Musa of Mali
a. allowed different religions.
b. made Islam the official religion.
c. converted to Christianity.
d. built many Jewish temples.
According to the chart, which kingdom developed in Southeast Africa?
a. Axum
b. Mali
c. Songhai
d. Zimbabwe
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According to the chart, which kingdom traded enslaved people?
a. Axum
b. Ghana
c. Mali
d. Songhai
According to the chart, what did the kingdoms of Ghana and Mali have in common?
a. They both traded gold and copper.
b. They both traded ivory.
c. They were both in East Africa and traded iron products.
d. They were both in West Africa and traded salt and gold.
According to the chart, what was the capital of the earliest empire?
a. Adulis
b. Gao
c. Saleh
d. Timbuktu
Indicate whether the statement is true or false.
24. Powerful African states such as Ghana and Mali had strong central governments.
a. True
b. False
25. In Mali, only the king and his family could wear clothing that was sewn.
a. True
b. False
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According to the map, which cities were located in the Swahili settlement?
According to the map, through which bodies of water did the trade routes of the East African states pass?
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Indicate the answer choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
According to the passage, what is common in the part of Western Africa around Timbuktu?
a. a pattern of single settlement
b. a pattern of double settlements
c. cities named Gao
d. mosques
According to the passage, the settlement to the west of the contemporary city of Timbuktu was
a. Christian.
b. commercial.
c. Muslim.
d. pagan.
According to the passage, Timbuktu was settled
a. after 1100.
b. after 1200.
c. before 1100.
d. in the year 1100.
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a. G
​ hana
b. m
​ osque
c. M
​ ansa Musa
d. B
​ antu
e. S
​ wahili
f. I​ bn Battuta
g. N
​ ile
h. T
​ imbuktu
31. A
​ frica's longest river
32. A
​ rab lawyer from Morocco who reached West Africa in 1352
33. a​ Muslim place of worship
34. t​ he first great trading empire in Western Africa
35. g​ reat trading center in Mali conquered by Sunni Ali in 1464
36. m
​ igrated throughout Africa around 3000 BC and spread knowledge of farming and iron working
37. p​ owerful king of Mali who spread wealth while traveling to Makkah in 1324
38. b​ y 1331 meant both the culture and language of East Africa's coast
39. Why were camels more useful for desert travel than horses and donkeys?
40. What isolated North Africa from the rest of the continent during medieval times?
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Answer Key
1. c
2. a
3. d
4. d
5. d
6. a
7. b
8. b
9. d
10. a
11. b
12. b
13. d
14. a
15. True
16. False
17. True
18. Africa
19. a
20. d
21. a
22. d
23. a
24. True
25. True
26. Mogadishu, Mombasa, and Kilwa were cities along the Swahili settlement.
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27. Correct answers should include: The East African trade routes passed through the Persian Gulf, Arabian Sea, Gulf of
Aden, Red Sea, and Indian Ocean.
28. b
29. d
30. c
31. g
32. f
33. b
34. a
35. h
36. d
37. c
38. e
39. Correct answers should include: Camels, unlike horses and donkeys, can survive the desert heat. Their humps store
fat, and they can go days without water.
40. Correct answers should include: The hot, dry natural barrier of the Sahara isolated North Africa from the rest of the
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