IV>£y.. >?. ll> — NEW YEAR'S DAY. ORIENT&L BT2\M NAVIATION (Jo. *■- PROPOSED SEASIDE PICNIC. A COMMITTEE APPOINTED. The public meeting held in the Council Chambers on Wednesday*night to con*- ' TBE Ootup&ny'a Steamships wul be 1 d'-iptit^aed wuh Her Btaieaty't fti«i,followo, for LONDON,callingai .Joiou^Kj, A-ien, Port, baicf, Marseilles, 9ibrjtt*r, Plymouth(withliberty to call it Biin tud) ;— sider tho question of organising a seasid* festive gathering for New Year's Day wasunfortunately poorly attended. His Worstup the Mayor (Mr E. Dockrill) occupied thechair. Lfeaven LeavM M«lb'n* In explaining the object of the meethteatuett. P«» Sydnoy N.Z., ing, His Worship Baid the credit for initiating the proposal to be considered that night yasdue to the Town Clerk, CORRESPONDENCE. who spoke to him on the matter Britannia 6525 Nov. 17 Nov.20 sending the letter to the Herald. before Tha The are not [We responsible opinions N.Z., Ltd., Auckland, American Tobacco Co. of for the ex- suggestion seemed to him (the speaker) will present to 7911Dec. 1 Dec. 4 pressed by correspondents. The writer's to be an admirable i.dk Neuralgia,Biliousness. one, and;although he name, as aguaranteeof most regretted .the attendance at the meeting those who forward to them 50 FAIR CIGARETTE 18 15 ■When the nerves are weak there is be enclosed in the letter].good faith, Anrirali*...69ol was notlarge, he was certain the movej wjat no tollmg may happen. You are ment found sympathy with many, ! (Pink) LABELS, OR 10 LABELSFROM THE TINS, a beautiful tired all the time, depressed, restless, DISPOSAL OF DISEASED 29 Jab. 1 Victoria ...6527 CATTLE judging from the number of people andaufßer greatly withheadache, back' 1901 TO THK EDITDB. who had Bpoken to him on tha a»he, nentalgia, and general discomj art Portrait, in Bas-relief,of Roberts or Kitchener- These COStly Photo■a*. « 15 Borne ...5515 Jan. 12 The time was coming when subject. Ba ther6 is » cure, as Mr. J. noticed in your columns oflast Sib, I Elliott, of W«st Perth, W. A., well weekthat the Stock Inspector had been New Plymouth's attractions as a sea side s are the latest novelty J° photography, and will not fade. 29 26 imalaya... 6898 Knows. *~He sends us his portrait, and killing and digesting diseased cattle on resortshould be better known. One of *ays; J As the quantity of these expensive productions is limited, early the Barrett Road "asystem adoptedin the objects was topopularise the Reserve Feb. 12 7912 Feb. 9 China being acquiied for sea baths, and by preference toburying." I think, Sir, if now arranging a popular programme he was wise, be in is and the inhabitants applicationgone you as, 26 ■a would when the stock hand of New Ply23 6603 Awadia .|M mouth were to walk around the place of sure there would be alarge attendanceof killing and see the digesting arrange- visitors from the country. be repeated. they cannot NJfiW Mr R. Cock asked whether in view of Ane J^ASSENtJER FAREB troin ments you would be quite of the opinion ZEALAND are aa under :— that burying would be quite preferable the paltry attendance from a population six or seven thousand itwouldbewise From any port inNew Zealand— to the present system. To-night the of go on with the proposal. There were To Plymouth or London, first-class— stench from these works at a considerable to a large number of people who should Kngle, £71 10a to £80 17«. For distance ia quite sickening, the stench £126 10s. take an interest in these matters, but twelve months return, arising from decaying meat. Presently who invariably To Plymouth or London,«eoond-clasB seemed to think that such we shall havo au outbreak of typhoid; BmgleIx42lß*to £46 '4?. For twejre then who will be to blame ? Ithink it proposals as the onein question should months retunijJE77. is time the new District Health Officer be carried nut by a few. His Worship repliedthat he was sorry Passengers for BrindM tranship at was appointed. I am,&C|, to see Mr Cock so despondent, but past Port Said. J. A. Maisey. experiencj proved that anything of a New Plymouth, 18th December. public nature that was undertakenalways The Secoad SaloonPassengers are promet with a liberal response. '"For many years IBuffered greatly with vided with First S*loon Accommodation ORGANISATION OF BACK ;r ineunilgia.in my head andalso with bilious. Mr J. Bellringer said he considered it la the steamers between New Zealand SETTLERS. j iobu. I had tried many Kinds of oedicinea > oulcuwo was the duty ofall present as citizens to apparently insurJmt without help. I and Australia. thentried m. TO THE BDITOB. do SALOON Acoommodawhat they could for tho welfare of the The SECOND \ mountable obstacles k >®W, V P \ 'J// /affiJ//A * Sir, You quote from an Otago paper place, and what he had seenduring his t<onin the above steamere hating been s one wa^ to over' givingthe advice to the back settlers to visit to the Old Country had thoroughly thoroughly reorganised, the company are organise. Sir, to do that one or two impressed him with the necessity of now enabled to offer intending passengers come t^em &n& see f tP^-j-y 89 vc ill* j\ men must take the initiation, and as the doing everything to push the advantages to Europe unrivalled Accommodation at I.F.S.settler holdshissection simply by which New Plymouth undoubtedly the aboveRates. v the goodwill of the Board, which means possessed 88 a seaside town. Indeed as Passage money can bepaid as thisend Wehave byy ears » the Commissioner, tie Commissioner long as he was am mber of the Council, for pasa&gaa from England. : TPwobottlesmade suchadifference inmy feel* of patient endeavour P ?or further particulars apply to the ! Jngs thatI wasgreatlysurprised. Mygeneral holds his office simply by the goodwill and the funds permitted, he would sup)health improved at once, my neryes of the Minister of Lands,and he in turn port any proposal to push the attracj > Afieot. a ainst al kinds of (Stronger, my headache disappeared, andwere mr depends upon the goodwill of the tionsand makethe sea shoreaccessible. iTew Plymouth :NEWTON KTKG. iserere Attacks of biliousness werecured." \v difficulties, sue- F r^',' l King," he (the 1.F.5.) would at once (Hear,hear.) ' Constipation alone will often cause | Iceeded in placing r incur the displease of the powers that ORIENT STEAM MrJ.Paulstated that, with Mr Cock, ; ibilioasness, neuralgia, and sick head* A* ft NAVIGATION Ayer's Pills are a safe and sure be, and theirbeautiful regulations would he was rather depressed at the paucity "j ache.for be of the attendance. When he saw Mr brought into play. He would not be cur© all liver troubles. And they allowed todo this or that because he was Bellringer's letter in the newspaper the cute dyspepsia also. | either too short in one leg or had a suggestion appealed so forcibly to him NEW PLYMOUTH TO LONDON, squint in one eye or something equally that he made enquiries, and qu;te agreed Via Colombo, Buez,Naples, Marseilles, and ridiculous, and at last when they had that a picnic asproposedwould certainly Gibraltar. harassed him until he was behind hand be a novelty and anattraction toresidents v [ _. on the highest pinnacle of popular favour. I Leave I Leave Steamer. | with his rent, they would evict " him, in thecountry. Hehad seenthemanager SydlieY ] Melbourne. " >~w asd then they would say, because of the Union S.S. Company, and ithad Anyone cansee clearly that Derby is g-* g"^._, L 22 Oecmber 25 "Omrah December he was behind hand witfi his rent." j been agreed to place the Mapourika for notapproachedbyanyotherbrandforVJCnilinC VtU&lliy Jan. 5, 1901 Jan. 8, 1901 "Ortona At first the Commission turned men from excursionists on the day in question; January 19 January 22 Orizaba the holdings at his own sweet will, refus- communicationhad alsobeen enteredinto DO YOU SMOKE DERBY? is February 2 Februarys Oroya ing to give reasons (becausehe had none with theRailwayDepartment, andhehad "Twin screw. Crockery afcd to give), but having got into difficulties expected toreceive adefinitereply before AndFortnightly thereafter. by so doing he has adopted the more that evening. The suggestion was to Toy Fancy and I Machiavelianmethod, and so is able to run the11o'clock train right on to tha Agents give a reason. Having been through the breakwater, and another train about ! Goods Importer, mill ONION BTBAMBHIP COMPANY, OP THE Iknow something about it. The twelve or half-past. Then they Brougham-street. for Palmerston asked for the also desired to get a special train invites the public Member whole in connection with to leave New about correspondence Plymouth 8 o'clock ZEALAND BHIPof Taranaki to INSPECT and XP^ 1-N PIN& CO-C0-'8 ROYAL COMPARE PBIOBS with any Honse my case, and after over six weeksconfab and bo give those visitors from the counamong themselves they consented to give try who desired an opportunity of spendISES-SS^ MAILLINE STEAMEBS the CurrentTear by Effecting a Life Assurance Policy with that office iaNew Zealand of nearly a part ; but they did not even do that. ing a. full day in the town. He was before the close of ths year. FOB LONDON Iremember a Union being formed in certain that the attendance would be Video, ,| Teneriffe, NOTE.— The Amount of PROFIT distributedamongst the Policy holders for the Via Monte Whangamomona, being a branch of the large, and that an enjoyable day could be WORTH andPlymouth. Wellington Union. Well, about two arranged. ONE YEAB, 1899, exceeded ex Landing Now Wak.uui, Wakatane, two voara after,Isaw a letter from the Mr C. E. Bellringer said the idea of Tokomaru, Delpbio, Tekoa, &c, and to Wellington Secretary, and to this efEect : holding apicnic had been suggested to Steams From Commandr Date. and Six Callow, in addition to our usual LABGE This is not now a Workers' Union, the hint by severalpeoplefrom the country, S^OOK, comprising nearly Government are swampingus withnomi- who hadcomplained that New Plymouth ACTUAL EXAMPLESof BONOS DECLARED asat 31st December, 18D9, on nees who control. New Zealand Li- was dead in not providing atlractlons for Paparoa Wellington Jaggard Dec.8 Whole-Life Policies effosted during October November, and December, 1899. beralism means Democracy that is a the general public. Wellington Weston Bakaia Jan. 3 Fapanoi Wellington Clifford Jan. 31 After some further discussion as to degovernment of thepeople by Seddon for" KeTer BunfEshire asarraneed . Feb. 28 the benefitof Seddon. I tails, it was agreed, on Mr Bellringer's Assured Paid am,&c, No. Sum Premium Policy Age. ffakatane as arranged Sutcliffe March connected with Geo. F.Baker. . motion, seconded by MrW. H. Skinner, tnat those present should form themNorth, December 16th. Palmerston Baoks, selves into a committee, with power to Crockery,Glassware, £ s d. £ 8. d. ' Warrants issuedfor Passages fromUnited add 6 11 0 5 8 0 to their number, to provide the 408,654 16 400 BANJO PATERSON'S LECTURE. necessary Plated Ware, Cutlery, 19 14 2 14 14 0 facilities for a seaside picnic. 4085211 22 1000 Bound the World (Ist eLms) through TO THE EDITOR. 4 7 8 0 Mr F. Bellringer, Captain of the Fire 408,3651 500 10 13 25 NEW Enamel Ware. Canada or United States,returning by New 14 6 0 Sir,— Your comments in yesterday's Brigade, stated thatif itweredesired the ICOO 23 10 10 408497' 29 \ Ecalaxia Shipping Company, or tfioe vtrta, 6 14 0 408,420^ 36 500 14 6 5 Fanoy Goods of every description, Herald on the so-calledlecture of the Brigade was willing to hold a torchlight 6 16 0 night before will be appreciated by most processionand fireworks display in order 408,530' 42 17 4 7 616 SCO . For freight or passage apply to Basket Ware, of those who went to hear the much to provide some entertainment, and he WEBSTER & MoKELLAR, lauded Special Correspondent andcame suggested some of the fireworks set aside All Annuals. Agante PRICES: ; away feeling that they had been fairly for the peace demonstration should be BONUBEB VEST whenPolicies hare been Two (2> Yeara in Force. "had." Whatever may be Mr Paterson's given, a collection to be taken up ashad REMEMBER the NAMEof OFFICE and ADDRESS, because NO OTHER SHAW BAVTLL AND Australasian Mutual Offioe DIVIDESPROFITS YEAELY. merits asa writer it was only too evident been done on previous occasions. yVflhff.S*^- ALBION Oo^Lntrrsß that as a lecturer he is a failure; esHis Worship remarked that the idea Branch Office— Customhouse Quay, Wellington. Also,LABGE ASSORTMENT of pecially coming ontheheelsofsuch anun- wasa goodone, andworth considering. EDWARD W LOWE, Resident Secretary. *TTILL deepatch their Teasels a* success as Donald MacDonald. Mr Cock explained that he was not Secretary, Vfanganui. TT under (carcumatanoeflpermitting) G. F. FRANCIS, District TOYS AND PRESENTS doubted The people ofTaranaki havegood cause sorry he had spoken on the apathy FOB LONDON. of complaint against Mr E. S. Smythe shown by the public inthis matter. There Of every description for theChristmas. whose fame asan impresariohad much were thirteen persons present, including STKAWEfcB. " to do with bringing, together the ex- two reporters and two borough officials. ' cellenthouse which paid dearly for an Hedid not doubt but what theproposal (ESTABLISHED 1861) TimelPortof Com hour and a quarter of vCry second rate wouldbe successfully carried out,but he w.«,» t«« Same. Ton man(J Sailing Dep. am, &c, thought it should beknown who it was IHB VEBY LATEST IN show. I /"lAUTIONtbe pablio against the Disgusted. that workedin theinterests of the town,' \ J many close imitations of their New Plymouth, 19th December, 1900. celebrated "CLUB" Coffee. Ap- y9"PBHP*!lW «^g»B3at AN EPIDEMIC OF WHOOPING JeH|22||Dl» pended is a copy of their tin with Af^jL\L Delphico 8273Sowden Jan. 17,W'^o i pSBSSSBStt&i wrapperremoved. The outer wrapper c£ijfc3sJkJ^B« HOSPITAL MATTERS. COUGH. 7755 Kidley Jan 31 W'g'tn iB of a lignt oraDß e tint ?° closelydo Last winter, during an epidemic of Oothicf 0 TO THE EDITOR. Febl4W*g Waiwera 6257.Stuart tu whoopingcough, my children contracted §^^^^^^SSm Borne firms copy these with their in- /f\jQ± J Hawke sells at a reasonable SIR, Havingalready,onbehalfof the the disease, ferior productionsthat allsuchshould BtTrff?fl\ having severecoughing spells. Aote^0 6364 jEvana Mar14 W g'tn Th/j general opinion conceiting .the new profit intimated to theGovernment our Boatd, nnwortby nrnB(^ aa anddi-honeat We had used Chamberlain's Cough s P n r n ß ( ^ s i P 'o£sM, act desire to facilitate a thorough enquiry Eeraedy verysuccessfully for croup, trade on the reputationof protiact Van Houten's Chocolate for eating attempts 0 Taking saloon passengers only, to fc=j m With* expectation of a large turnover, into the administration of theinstitutions naturally turned to it at that time, and and which ins now bo-511 on sale to the public for ■f- Will take saloon and stemgo paaand nearly the Whole Stockis under our charge, Ido not propose to founditrelieved the cough and effected Over fifty Medals and Certificates. so:nj nua&ln, is highly favorable. The public iengera. discuss with "Ratecorrespondent, your a complete cure. John E. Clifford, ibe anderaignedis empoweredto grant rcc i^.nsT that this Chocolate ranks as highly Imported Direot from the payer," whether itis costly and unsatis- Proprietor Norwood House, Norwood, pissages from London to New Zealand, *«y amo ig chocolates as Van Houten's Cocoa doe*) A factory as he appears to think. With N.Y. This remedy is for sale by the STARCH. Makers. Actual psyment for whioh haa been guaranteed IShgk himI that Commission sincerely hope any anio.ig cojoas; iv other words, that Van S New Plymouth Co-operative Society.8 ! in the colony. ' which may be appointed will consist of Amongst other numerous testi jE? Houtc.i's Chocolate excels in deliaiois flavor, g : (w^ NEWTON KING, and honest ! capable, strong-minded, men, wh^l-jsomeness [c\\ an.l in of composition. .WMx nionials Messrs Archd. Olark & Sons \r gjgg| f| |yv : Fresh drugs and chemicals are imAgent for New Plymouth > 1 J Notwithstanding large increased coat of so that the enquiry may be thorough and portedinto Sykes'Pharmacy every three 3^^^^SB ma^ers of the popular Zealaadia " ]jvjry dly much harm is dona by the IS? venture, the J. howfinding impartial. HOMEWABD BOUND frem the best English drug Crockerywaresnd Glassware in u*v cxc -ssi/j coasumpaoil of cheap confectioneries ever,to set your correspondentright on months "vmMVO.*l PASSENGERSII "Sour EAGLE STARCH is now houses. Sykes' Chemist 3 (opposite England westill " 1 |I"11B'^used andchocolatesof inferior quality, doubtful taste one or two points wherehe is evidently Theatre).0 oar with the best laundry in IT"" and doubtful composition. under misapprehension. He asks :"If possibleresults,and wecan confidently Booking your Tickets to there is nothing wrong, why may not any Ladies Our Sydney Agent has sent state itis a first-class starch, and suitiibstiin from Why altogether, not these and goods in Ladies and London or elsewhere, write for ratepayervisit theplace and speak to the us a case of sample able for all laundry purposes. Buhdtit.it:; lh-3 wholesome dig^sti.)le, LIST" and most (with "COOK'S SAILING have Girls' straw hats, the latest inmates?" This ib the first time I heardit suggested thatthe Board either fashionable varieties— also some choice map),posted free, giving dates and fares H)UT:;i'S C;i)COLATE by ALL LINES at Lowest Bates. No prohibits or discourages visits. As a new Zephyrs, Prints, White Pique, Netrly all Goods have been persomlty matter of fact we are only too pleased to Figured Muslins, &c. They are wondercommission chwged. Apply selected in aid England by Hawke, Mr have the ratepayers interest themselves ful bargains; call and see them at the COOK'S SHIPPING OFFIOE, Coffee, Pepper, Spice and Starch Auckland ; in the Homes and the Hospital, and we Melbourne Clothing Company's sale of boldi.i Tina of Croo-i -tt *5 and Tin; of Drops. gratefullyacknowledgethe cheering visits Sydney stock." Sp or W. J. BHAW, Al&o in Sqaare 1' b\ Ii and U Bars. and kindnesses of those whocome in the Don't Cough. Relief can be obtained ST. Agent, Brongham-st.,New Plymouth. CANNOT spirit of doing good and not to stir up immediately. Use "KEATING'S Passages booked to South Africa from strife and create dissatisfaction. The COUGH LOZENGES"— weIIknown as New Plymouth from £17 19s. only individual who has been warned the utterly unrivalled Cough Remedy. b774 TRY THE against interference with inmates and Strongly recommended by many eminent and theBoard physicians. They at once check tho Ihe Pablio are cordia'.ly invited to officials is not aratepayer, does not intendthat he or anybody else cough and remove the cause without INSPECT OUR BTOOK. shall come and go at will, making mis- any after-effect ; the most delicate can chief and causing discord where har- therefore take them. OneLozenge alone FOR mony ought" to prevail. "Ratepayer" gives ease oneor twoatbedtime ensures states that never more than two medi- rest. Sold everywhereintins 13Jdeach cal menarein consultationat theHospital Dear Sir, Irecently contracted a despite the fact that oneof thefour holds severe cold, accompanied by distressing of honorary surgeon, and symptoms. I, fortunately, mot a fellow c3BO the position whatever the gravity of the case he is Member, who advised me to take Impey's passed over." For several years there " May Apple." Iaccepted his advice, no as surhonorary has been such officer and the result was marvellous. I cannot geon in connection with the New Ply- too strongly recommend your medicine, mouth Hospital. We have two salaried judging by its effect on myself. Youare medicalofficers, viz.,Dr. Leatham, medi- at liberty to use this testimonial as yoa cal superintendent, and Dr. Walker, sur- think fit. Yours truly, F. Lawry, JUST OPENED,— geon, andas a rule these gentlemen are M.H»R.» able to dsal withcases without putting Inmany colonial houses the lady of theratepayers to the expense of further ANOTHER 20 thehouse does all the workof the houseDOZEN BOTTLE consultation. Ifthe staff require athird hold. All honour to them. It is tho they call in one of the other two doctors true spirit of Anglo- saxon colonisation in the town, and theBoard pays his fee, ■which them, and there is but it is entirely a matter for th°ir dis- nothinganimates derogatory in honest labour. cretion, and if they prefer Dr.Homo to Whatever minimises the disagreeable Dr. McCleland or Dr. McCloland to Dr. effects of such work may be regarded as Home, it is not for the Board or anyone a boon to tho fair sex, and of this nature am, &c, else to interfere I is Wilton's Hand Emollient, which, reF. P. Cokkill, gularly used, keeps the hands white,soft, Chairman Taranaki and Hospital Cases Is extra. and cool. Price Is6dper jar.0 Charitable Aid Board. WONDERFUL VALUE, December, Anyone wishing to make a Christmas 20th 1900.' THE or Now Year gift would do well to inJ.H. Parker's stock of Jewellery, The bestmedicine knownisSANDER spect Country Customers at flagstations please Watches, Solid Silver Goods, &c, &c. EUCALYPTI EXTRACT & SON'S addrail (Is 6d)|to PsO. JOrders. powerful effects in He has also a particularly fine display of Teßt its eminent " and Dress Rings, Muff coughs, colds, influenza, thp roliefis in Engagement FOR DAIRY SALE,-VALUABLE LAND! LAND! Chains, Brooches,Bangles, Watches, &c l stantaneous. Inserious cases, and acci Next FARM. Railway Crossing, Devon-street dents of all kinds,be they wounds, burns 0 beg to advisethePublio that we scaldings, bruises, sprains,it is the safest Central.Uew Plymouth. well-known Properties of Mr are carrying on businessin New no no inflammation. New Zealand in nature's remedy swelling gifts great The Were, James of Stratford. SALE,— Good DairyFarm, con- Plymouth (in Premises opposite tho onecontaining Like surprisingeffects producedincroup, Possesses charms for everyeye, of Bydne> Stock— NatnralWool , 143 acres, with 4 roomed New Plymouth. Coffee in as Palace, Egmont-street), together 197 wiih 9taining acres, bronchitis, inflammation of With sounds and rivcra, lakes and rifts, diphtheria, aud Merino Binglots a"d Pants Is dwelling-house and new cowshed,fenced, c450 LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS. lungs, swelling, &c, diarrhosa, dysentery, And mounts on which vast glaciers lie, lid, Woollen Sox lO<*, Men's Odd 1 roomed house, tables, trap sheds, cow NEXT BA.NK NEW SOUTH invited to send us parti- and well watered, all in grass, situate on Vendors are sbods, within 1 miles of Waitara diseases of the and urinary All makethis land a paradise, ; good kidneys 9 s aud 8a Men's k 6i, Tweed Coats 6s WALES. Road. The other oon'ainiDg 92 culars of properties whioh they may wish Radnor organs. SANDER & SONS' EUCA- With atmospherebo freshand pure, acres,all in grass, well watered, good 6-; Strong Tweed Troo en 4i lid, Men's road ;all profitable land ; well grassed j to dispose of. ; LYPTIEXTRACT is in useot hospitals IWhere coughs are cured wodo advise, Strong Tweed Suits 17s 6d. Catl aod and watered subdivided into several■] roomed dwelling and outhonser, also of othsr bargains ; paddocks ;20 acres ia turnips ;8 acres and medical clinics all over the globe; By taking Woods' Great Peppermint inspect the WATT & LAING, dairy with water power on property. TheTABANAKIBACON FACTOBT comparisonhun-'>rfcd.B £18 an aore. Terms Cure. Prioe, patronisedby His Majesty the King of I Egmont-stroet, is onr best friend. Mcl in oirrots. Price £16 per acre.— NewtonKino. Italy; crowned with medals and diplomas Persons interested in gold dredging can be arranged.— -Newton Kino. bB7B Opposite Coffee Palaoe. i« now giving dead weightfor bourne Clothing Co. b 714 No.BBB at InternationalExhibition, Amsterdam. shares, which have proved bo remunera " of Sydney Btock— 2oo sire Trust in this approved article and reject tiveinthe south, can inspect prospectus properly topped-otf Pigs between 112 FjEA.BUi o" Sale, on e!v»y terms o*n be 1"\OR of the best ttuildEgga SALE,One Known,— polled Mens Colo ed Moles (slightly 1 and1601bs. \\TANTED Accuracy and quick despatch given to all others.0 andshare lists with latest quotations at Road; i PADDOOKB of from 4to 26 Bites on South dry hay, straw, ing splc-udtJ in away DBokod pair, vijus uauul VV by water, to go at 3s lid & .;rt contraetbleaacoil^. dispensedat the oflwe of J. O. Davieu, Sharebrokey all prescriptions dispensed at Sykes " Family recipes accuratelyTheatre). Friond's New Stan viow.J. acres, jPlymoufch.— Apply with clone to to 0. Lar.d preserved DAVItW, or duff when 0 is 8s 6d. Melquality pries for this Sykes' J?haraaoy(oppoßite A. DBAKf, Devon-btreet.* b516 dish&Kbrr. b3Bl Pharmacy (opposite Theatre^Koyal).* .435 Agent, Devon-street* RoyalEgg Preservative. Fitzroy, bourne Clothing Cj. Taranaki ... „ ... ... VANITY ' KffCilCllCF „ „ * I/VW — * £lfr-L. — ' . i : \ PbOtOflraplK |Smoke Uanity fair Ci^mies and kCCP tbC labels — r^^^^s< <v^|*> «jb\ {^11liuWMlk *\ls Vu^^^mk f /^ "^v\^&s wffWw/M^^^m^^h\ w'l ' t s^"^ WF^^^^Am . — LOOKING[ ||jr, , . Debility .find „ „ THURBDAY. DECEMBER 20 1900 PRICE-ONEPENNY NEW PLYMOUTH iCfto^l^f^ |\VB/Vi Iv „ „ 1852. ESTABLISHED No 11,636 VOL XLVin .. Herald. ? > ! — Aim i Sarsapvw Ut^KKY Tobacco [ ......... > C. O. HAWKE, \ Bookseller, Glassware, SECURE A SHARE OF THE PROFITS AUSTRALIAN MUTUAL PROVIDENT SOCIETY L2sll4^ ![m^^' "^ RESPECTFULLY FOB s*=-^ £3000 Thousand Pounds Five Hundred ... ...... . OF GOODS, bash. ALL GLASSES Of GOODS Bonu7 , <pi^V . ft. .. TARirr^ B BLEINDI ICHAMPIWN , „ H > jQi^JDTHER M ife^lfS, 1/10, 2/2, 2[4. 2fe I I FAVORABLE. — XMAS CARDB. - — f I_J i^^^^^^^^^XM «^mm »vtJH — — JL HllTir %/J MS '" ' Mf^llJ^l Ad>3^ BEFORE -^ — SELL AT OLD PRICES. W. GREGGT&; CO., Ltd., (/or Eating? VAN Manufacturers, RATTRAY ij GOLUWATER'S XMAS HAMPERS. _ 1 BOTTLE WHISKY 1 BOTTLE BRANDY 1 BOTTLE WINE RUM 1 8 BOTTLES ALE 20 :- CASH TIGKER TEAS. TIGER TEAS. 2s Is lOd Is 8a Blend is now Blend is now Blend is now Blend is- now Is lOd Is 8d Is 6d WE DR4W YOUR ATTENTION TO And Ask you to Try it ! COLDWATER BROS., PIGST BE BEATEN. — — C. O. HAWKE. — LADIES' SAILOR HATS. — 2/11. DEVON-STREET, N.P. , WE THB — FOR EXCELSIOR DRAPERY GO. — SM'E ■ Proprietor, — FOR ABSOLUTE VALUE N. Z. CLOTHING FACTORY, FOR SALE Clothing. Best Value in Hats and Caps. Best Value in Gent»\ Underwear. Best Value in Ties, Scarves, &c. Best Value in Boots and Shoes. 2s 2d TIGER 2s BLEND, '"' Best Value in REDUCTION IN DUTY. NEW PIGS I PIGS! & PELIGHET BAY, DUHEDIN- KZ. CLOTHING FACTORY 2s 4<J — — ff^>^@ /^^3 EAGLE BRAND _ — — ' W. GREGG & CO., | ALWAYS ■ — — — — ° ShippingIntelligence. — THE TARANAKI HERAIfP, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20; 1900 GOLDMEDALLIST. I j - A report and ~ correspondence will be Breakingup Ceremonies at the The Central School. 'l !found on the front page of this issue. -UliUOHr " STEAJttSHIF Schools. " COMPANY OF NEW ZEA-i, -THURSDAY. DECD-MBEU 20, isJOO. . The correct return from the Waihi EXHIBITION OF WORK. LAND (Lnaxm) HiOK ( This ovenin?,-3.18. Gold Mining Company's mine forthe last CHETWODE SCHOOL, NEW PLY- On Wednesday afternoon there was j; 3„" r but WAter: ". Cc-niorto-v m»T-r 8 40. 29,673. four weeks was f ART ijgVPHOTOGRAPHER, CTTILL despatch steamers MOUTH. a small attendance of parents at tha " Son Set :Thte evening. 7.24. the VV as -under from Next to Messrs to Morey Son, paddock closing & DevonFrom a to a township with- The See the exhibitionof ceremony in connection with Central School SUN Rise: f :-ar>rrc vra "-i,: 4.38. BRANCH Breakwater, New Plymoutl Btreet,New Plymouth. in twentyyears" is an epigrammatic des- Chetwode School took place on Wednes- workdone by the pupils. This was tobe P4\9B? o* thr «oo>» :New Moon, 22nd ;weather andother circunurtanoespermitting) cription given the other day of Petone. day afternoon in the large class rooms regretted, since it seems to argue a lack December llh. 38*.15a. a.m. " For MaTVUK*Tj "From bush to a borough within twenty belonging to the school. There was a of interest on the part of parents in the Rototii, onFbidat, Dec. 2lat, at 9.45 p.m. HAS OPENED PERMANENTLY PORT OF NEW PLYMOUTH years" would fit Stratford. lOBAOOO. W NOTE :— large attendance of the parents .and education of their children, and is any25th, 9.46 p.m. Mapourika, Tuesday, on Dec. AEBIVED. SPECIALATTENTION to Studies paid On the application of Mr Samuel,pro- friends who manifested the utmost in- thing but encouraging to the teackers. Botoiti, 23th, Friday. 9 IN p.m. on Dec. *t 45 and Packed ia America. 2oz. December 20— Ngapuhi,sj., 890 tons, Nor- Mapourika, of Child Life Ensemble and Genre bate of the will of the late William Batten terest in the proceedings. The prizes The display was an exceedingly crediton "Tuesday, Ist Jan., 1901, at Premises latelyoccupied by bury,from Manukau. Passengers Mesdames / fins, 1/-; 4oil, 2/-. able ona, considering that no special pre, Pictures. 9.45 pjn. was this day granted by the Supreme weregivenaway by the Yen. Archdeacon paration Broderick, Bush, Whyte, Gomez, Beale, R. Q Knight, Saddler. had been made for it. The exThe Lady Principal (Miss! For Southern Ports Court of New Zealand to Elizabeth Govett. O'Donnell, Goldwat.r, Jones, Milne, Bell, hibits, Stanford) began by reading the school1 consisting of maps, drawings, Batten, the widow andsoledevisee of the report Misses Nurse, J3agley, Maxwell,Putt,Felton, Mapourika,onFbidat, Dec.2lst,at10a.m. wishes the for Manager notify year paintings, to the and specimens of writing were as follows :— There deceased. Thompson, Hon. W.Jennings, M.L.C., Barou Rotoiti, onTuesday, De^ 25th, at 10 a.m. Inhabitants of New Plymouth and are at the present time 60 pupils attend- shown in one of the large class SOLD EVHBYWtittBS. Bultzinilowen, Messrs Fitness, Newsham^ Hasourika, onFbidat, Dec. 29th, 10 a.m. IN BLACK AND WHITE A Mr S. Mitchell, manager of Mr R. ing the school, which shows a steady in- rooms,the desksin which weredecorated Surrounding Districts that the above Beattie. Richardson, Kearnan, Nixon, Muir, "Rotoiti, onToesdat, Jan. Ist,1901, at 10 Institute has taken a long lease of the SPECIALTY. Barr-Brown's agency, reports having creasein numbers throughout the year. by some of the girls with a large a.m. Board, Mulholland, Naylor, Mansfield,Jc ne?, " Waits for inward 'Frisco mail— may be above place, which is now being fittedup just completedin Auckland thesale of a Forlast year the numbers wero :First showof flowers, tastefully arranged. The Goldwater, Carpenter, "Stapp, Milne, Lloyd, Bell, Duncan,14 steerage. later. with all the latest improved appliances, property with 23 feet frontage and build- term 27, second term 31, third term 35. handwriting generally speaking was exWholesale from ENLARGEMENTS from Photoany ing thereon, adjoining Queen-street, for This year the numbers are : First term cellent, that of Standard VI.being parrendering extractions absolutely^ painless J. AVERT, graph in Black an_d White, Water Colours, £2500. Passengers are requested to obtain their and the adjustment of artificial teeth, bSIO 37, second term 47, third term 50 ; a ticularly good. The mapping work was Mapourika, from Mannkau, to-morrow New Plymouth. joining tickets the officebefore Company's , at or Oils. from a BiDgle tooth to a complete set Botoiti, from South, to-morrow most satisfactoryincrease. With regard also good, that done by Lily Frethey and An alteration has been made in the steamers. cost, Ngapuhi, from Manukau, onSaturday at less than-half the usual on the W. BAYNE, to be.observed by the telegraph to outside examinations, the school has Robert Neal being very meritorious. In Ngapuhi, from Manukau, onMonday English and American system. Manager. hours NOT ICE. office on ChristmasDay,Boxing Day,and been very successful. Dnring the past drawings those by Rita Crawford,Robert I t912 Cargo must be bookedat Company's office latess Botoiti. from Manukau,onTuesday New Year's Day. On the former the two years 14 pupils have entered for the Neal, Victor Rundle, Harry Skinner, and and deliveredatRailway not later than 2.30 Mapourika, from South, on Tuesday NOTfi OUR FEEBCALENDARexaminations, matriculation for Douglas Hood were exceedingly well office will be open from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m., vanouß pjn, on Tuesdays and Fridays for North, the Taranaki Meat Proprietor Ngapnhi, from Manukau. on Thursday o£ £1 1 0 FOR DEC, 1900— JAN., 1901. and for South Ii pjn. on Mondays &ad OompleteSets and 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. On the otherholi- the New Zealand University and the done ;infact, the whole of the exhibits Bazaars has.'ifowon *iew at the Thursdays. ' "-— the hours will be 9 a.m to 4 p.m., Trinity College musical examinations, bore evidence of careful teaching. In Itjnday Waiwakaiho Prime't'at Stock for*Christ30 13 days ' 3 both theoretical and practical, aiid so far the openclass an exhibit which received Cotcatry cargomust reach New Plymouth and 7p.m. to midnight. masas follows :i— ■'■' ■ Monday 24 1 31.1 Tooth, not from 0' 0 r "If 14 there has not been asingle failure. This a second- award was a painting by Monday's Single ports ' """" <-* -" for southern later than ., s^. 'r4o,F&BuH&ksr The the at enquiry by S.M., Nelson, ' and Thursday'sevening trains, and fornorth GoW 'Stopping, from... j '..r " flr 5 0 . . 2QTatI TUESDAY 8 15 year tho upper forms have been ex- Nora Dempsey, a spray of flowers on a 18_L25j" Heifjßrs.*■ charges against Tuesday and Friday morning's trains accom- Absolutely Painless ExtracPolice-Sergeant amined by NEW ZEALAND RAILWAYS EDNESDAY j 19 26 | 2 16 into the were examiners. Mr Gif- panel, an excellent piece of work. 200 Fat Sheep panied by fall particulars. dismissed without any ford, M.A., outside Mackay tions,otherwise no fee Daring the afternoon a concert waa Thpbbday of Bulls, having undertaken |~20 27 . I225.Fat Lambs 10 17 Passengers by defence, booked to London witnesses called for the through being " " Tkaiss le&TeNew Plymouth Station foe the Pure Gas 0 2 6 '""« English, arithmetic, and his- given in the Fourth Standard room by a Friday.......::. 10 Veal Calves 11 18 andthedecisions were greeted with ap- Latin, |21 28 Breakwater, connecting with steamers men- Orient line and A.& A.Line. Extractions under Gas 0 2 6 and Miss Gifford, M.A., Wanganui number of the girls and boys, under the 5aturday.;.. AUKtndsM>f Poultry. -« j 22 j 29 j 5 12 j 19 plause in a crowded Court, but the ap- tory, tioned below : Plain Extractions -.7. tf 1' 0 College, the French; Mrs McKellnr and conductorship of Mr Gray, who must be WEST COAST SOUNDS EXCURSION. plause was of course checked. Thursday, Dkcembe^ 20th, 1900. Mrs Stanford kindly judged the needle- complimented upon the efficiency the Thejjroprietor took most prizes fpr'fat DENTISTS' WORK BE- stock 9.30 p.m. Ngapnhi, forJtfor+h An initial supply of the new uni- work in the various classes, and Dr. pupils displayed. The following was the The s.s. WAIKA.RE will make this trip, OTHERFITTED Agricuutfral at the late Taranaki ' at small cost. . " ■ versal penny postage stamps having ar- Walker the calisthenics. With regard Fbiday, Decembee 21st, 1900. "leaving Dunedin on Saturday,12th January, Show. " to programme: Opening chorus, A happy c64if rived, they will be distributed to the the French Miss Gifford says : The family we; solo, A long, long time ago, 1901. Full particularsat Company's office. ALL WORK 5.45 a.na. Mapourika, from North TEN jb GUARANTEED Chief Postmasters an work done good quality, at early date. Inof a very the RitaCrawford;chorus, That old-fashioned 8 a.m. Eotoiti, from South rTHE MORTGAGE LOAN AND :.■:: yeabs. OrFICE BROUGHAM-STREET stiuctions have,however,been giventhat grammar being especially well-known by shoe; solo,This, my children, is my birth9.30 a.m. Mapourika, for South AGENCY COMPANY, Ltd. 8.30 p.m.— Botoiti, forNorth THURSDAY,DECEMBER 20, 1900. noneof the stamps are to be sold or used all the candidates." Dr. Walker said the day, Rita Crawford; choru3, A stranger, CONSULTATIONS FREE. . before January Ist. calisthenics generally were good, andthat a stranger; solo, When bent onadventure, makes Advances upon pHISCompany i&a&Rsngia NORTHERN STEAMSHIF passenger f^- A car will be attached to the upper division he had some diffi- Bert Stohr; chorus, Aladdin,alas; duet, 1 LAND,STOCK, FARM IMPLE A cable in Tuesday's issue stated MrM. Kelly, proprietor of theTara- in COMPANY (Lmrno)). the goods train leaving New Plymouth for N.B.— The Manager of the ""abovo MENTS, am your sister, Miss Muffet, Lulu Tunculty in deciding who wasreally,the best, I PROHotel, improvePresident is naki hashad considerable McKinley urgedby AGRICULTURAL that ' Breakwater about 3 p.m. Company pledges his word and offers; as DUCE, and six or seven of the girls being nearly bridge, and BertStohr; solo, The Captive Securities, otherAT I For Onehunga" ments effected to the house in view an New York to of influential newspaper a guarantee of gcod faith' £1000 to any CURRENT RATES. equal, but throughout two clssses, Maiden, Lulu Tunhridge; chorus, Sfedwithdraw the Hay-Pauncefote Treaty the holiday season. The building has the time kept with thethe living person if the teeth and material POST-OFFICE HOLIDAYS. music was very bad; solo, Since first Ileft my early FboxBbkaiwatbb— | been newly painted,the work being used by the London Dental Institute are Acts as Trusteefor Absentees and others lest America should be involved in also Cyril Clarke;chorus; The Sailor carried out in a mostsatisfactory manner a'scurate. Inthe needlework classes, the home," CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR. judges specially remarked on the excel- leads a joyouslife; duet,Here comes your (weatherand^other circumstancespermitting) not the same quality as used by alt dennational disgrace. What has led to by Messrs West & Sons.. tists. sister, Margery Tuesdays, the 25th December and Ist Ngapuht,on Thubsdat,Dec. 20th,9.46 p.m. lence Daw, Rita Crawford and the offering of this advice is a threat of the. work done by the Junior Forms of Applications ' for Loanu can by January, will be observed close holidays ; Ngapnhi,onSattjbday.Dec.22id, 9 45 p.m. At a meeting of the Committee ap- Division, theSeniors having undertaken Cyril Chrke; solo, For many yearsmy be obtainedfrom the in the Senate to jingo party ,BZ. Wednesday, spent, buton the 26th instant, post- Ns?apuhi,on Mondat, Des. 24th,9.45 p.m. Other Branches InvercargiU, Gertie O'Brien; solo, Don't arrangements for the a large piece of work than they had lime life was THOS. O. 'KELSEY, abrogate the Clayton-Bulwev Treaty. pointed tomake on offices are to be open in all branches from Ngapuhi, on Bat bdai, Dec. 2?th, 9.45p.m. Dunedin,Christchurch, Wellington, WanNew Year'sDay Mr for, withthe consequence thatthe latter let me cause you any alarm, Nelson Can7■ . Secretary. It is further stated that the Senate proposedpicnic nell; 8 a.m.to 10 a.m,.' The Ngapuhi carries a forecabin stewardess. ganui, and Auckland. W. L. wa« was too Are appointed duet, part youmy sister, Dorothy ?, Newman hurried. honorary Offices :Devon-streetj New Plyirioutb Foreign Belatiolls Committee, backed secretary, Onthe 24th and 31st instant all receivers andHis Worship the Mayor The Prinoipal addressed a fewremarks Freda Perry and Nelson Cannell; solo, and posting boxes will be cleared, and the Fbox Wattaba Principals ZEALAND t INSURANCE bya'Kepublican majority, recommend chairman. The Committee is leaving no to parents on the eviU resulting from un- When theheart is sad- and sore, Freda contents stamped and disposed of. . Kanieri, for Onehunga. Monday, Dec. 24th " W.-D. Pittar,- Dentist. stone unturned in its endeavours to pro- punctuality, and concluded by requesting Perry; chorus, New friends may be false ■ the Senate to supersede the Clayton* Mails usually desp tched on Tuesdays, the Kauisri, for Onehunga, M6nday, Dec. 31st A.T.Pittae Manager & Director. 25thinstantsndIst {.rjx mo, willbeolcse-1on Bulwer Treaty, and that it is feared vide anenjoyable day's outing by the Archdeacon Govett to present the friends ; chorus, .Welcome, Robinson Crusoe; solo, I was ablack savage,Reggie prizes. Capital..1 the Monday nights at 7 v"cli ck. Onthe 26th £1,000,000 Mr .McKinloy will acquiesce. For .seaside. KAWHIA— ".*,>„,..„, Iny Guarantee given from any Branch Subscribed Paid-dp and Reserves instant the usual despatcn of mails up to 10 Kanieri, fromFOB The Archdeacon in a happy speech Aickin; trio, Children should all agree, £420,000 the of imreference to the of the sitting 24th", proper understanding this .With Waitara, MONDAY,-Dec'. * a.m. will be made, and rcc ivers ani boxe3 holds gcod for 10 years throughout the Nellie Rita and Bella Ford; urged girls Collis, ' to work hard not for the .Unlimitedliability of Shareholders. portant item of newsit is necessary to Boardof Conciliation on Wednesday, we sake of prizes,but because it right solo, My name is Jury, at 11a.m. cleared as nsnal. New Zealand Ali Baba, bold, Allan b3U was to havebeen Waitara, MONDAY,Dec.' 31st, KaniMri. asked to that the explain delay from turn back to the beginning 1899, On the26th instant ore complete delivery of. do so ; he quotedRuskin, who though* Hill; final chorus, A sweet good-night. 2.30 p.m. by carriers will bemade at 8 am AND WEALTHIEST when the Senate passed the Morgan of six months mentioned by .one of the that the presentation of prizes wasnot a Miss EthelRamson ably accompanied the \.' THE OLDEST Painters' Union delegates was not caused FORTE, On the Monday evenings, the 24th and S.s. COLONIAL COMPANY. pH. for on the organ. Bill, providing a subscription of by the Board in any way. The Union good system, as it raised one girl to a singing Kanieri carriessaloon passengers only. 'The following 31stinstants, a delivery of town letters (re' is the prize list : capital pre-eminence thebulk ofthe above the and was others, required for the was gistered as well a3 ordinary) will bemade recently, DENTAL and the only registered SURGEON FIRE— Standard IV. Mapping: LilyFrethey, KAWHIA CARGO— AIIcharges to Kawhia construction of a canal across the reference filed on Bth December, the apt to cause her companions to regard over the counter from 7 p in. to 8p.m. against by. Loss are fire most be prepaidbefore shipment. her with envy. Every girlshould strive to 1; Winnie Reed, 2 ;Gwen Robbie and Sunday hours will be observed in the May be consulted at Avery's Buildings Insurances '' effected by this Company upon pro- Nicaragua Isthmus, and involving a Board meeting in the prescribed time. work so as to preserve the goodwilland Rita Crawford, 3. Drawing : Victor private boxlobbies onthe 25tU instant and all branchesof theProfession. on modification of the perty Claylon-Bulwer on the .most favourable terms. Men are still being up Passage' sent to the Ist {.rosimo. Usual hours on the26th in1 Tickets must be taken at the loveof her companions. The Archdeacon Rundle, 1; Chas.McLean, 2 ; Winnie marineTreaty of 1850. Colonel Hay and North Island Main Trunk railway, es- said Reed and Lily Frethey, 3. Writing : Company's Offices. stant. GAS ADMINISTERED. open Policies- Arranged. Merchan- Lord Pauncefote were appointed to pecially if good quarrymen, and work is that to those who werenot prize-winners, LilyFrethey, The railway travelling pest-office will run 2.Town cargomust bebookedatCompany 1; HildaButler, 2; Sydney theymust not be discouraged ;that and'Hulls dise, Freight, ns usual. Office and delivered" at Railwaynot later than Insured to draw up a Convention to dispose of going on vigorously. IAfter Christmas doubtless many of themhadworked quite Pipe, 3. ~ Thi,eph(WE No.175. 9 I; -All correspondence posted in the receiving 2.30 p,m, and from all parts,of the world. the difficulties under the Ckyton- there will be more men put on, and the as conscientiously as the prize-takers,and Standard V.— Mapping :Robert Neal, box at the railway station will be sent od Ly 3. Country cargo must reach New work will proceed apace. As aresult of eqnally deserved" the reward, but every- 1; Bertie Stohr, 2 ; Dudley Hood, 3. Bulwer and in last Treaty, February and aooomMr Fortevisits WedInglewood by morning train, every steame.- on Christmas night at 9.15 p.m. mouth Waitara NEW ZEALAND INSURANCE Hon. W. Hall-Jones' trip up theline, one couldnot come first. " urged the Drawing :Dudley Hood, 1;Chas. Lister, they arrived at an amicable settlement the piaiedby fullpartionlam. nesday. Telegraph Brancjlloubs. COMPANY'S ■ BUILDINGS, the tenders are oui for the three On- giils to takefull advantageHe D. WEBSTER, of the means 2 ; Harry Skinner, 3. Writing : Lily W. which,however, has not be of and to ratified Brougham King-streets, Corner On Ch utmas Day, 9 a.m. to'lo a.m and 7 garuhe bridges, which is a large confor their education, and so fit Brooks, 1; Nora Dempsey, 2 ; William Agent before March sth, 1901. By this tract. Tenders for the fourth bridge provided New Plymouth. p.m. to 8 p.m. On Hixing Day and New Offices: Egmont-street, New Plymouth, themselves to take their place3as the Girling, 3. Pen andInkSketches: Harry and Year'* Day 9 a.m. to4p.m. aud 7 p.m. tomidsettlement, known as the Hay-Paunce- over the Upper Wanganui will also be wives, D DENTAL SU.RGEON, Queen-street, Waitara. mothers, and perhaps leading wo- Skinner, 1 : Nellie Collis, 2;% Walter night. ACTING-MANAGER fote Treaty, Great Britainrelinquished out shortly. Cornerof DavonandEgmont-streets.. J. PATON menin the generation tocome. Nathan, 3. General : Hugh Bishop, IxIklephoneExchange. For Taranaki Province. opposite Entrance the earlier The right CoffeePalace. her under treaty to We regret to have torecord the sudden Principal wishes to thank Mrs plan and elevation of a cottage, 1;Nora Ilia s Christmas Day,9 am. to 10 a.m. AND NEW YEAS Agenciea throughout the District /CHRISTMAS f the Mrs H. against Stanford, protest exclusive construc- death this (Thursday morning of Mr F. Russell, Miss Dempsey, oil painting of flowers, 2 ; Other holidays, opeu asusual. \J GIFTS for Ladies andGentlemen. DENTAL WORK in all its branches tion and controlby the "United States Edward Pratt, a very old resident of New McEachen, and Mr T. Avery for present- Robt. Neal,landscape in sepia, 3. «T OO D F. D. HOLDSYTORTH, OBOTHERB Standard IV. Mapping :Flora Ross, & executed-AT THE LOWEST Government of a waterway connecting Plymouth. Mr Pratt was about as usual ing prizes. Chief Postmaster. NEW GOODS !& ; Bertie Frethey, 2 ; Alf.Dixon, 3. POSSIBLE CHARGES. The is the 1 following programme on of the and retired at inhis Wednesday, night oceans; the two but it was provided (limited.)' Gold Work and.Fillipgs a Speciality. Drawing:B.Frethey, 1; Geo. Pearce, 2; Far surpassing any Stock ever offered in This morning he did not entertainment provided by the girls i Jno. MANUFACTURERS OF that the canal should be neutral and usual health. Howell, 3. Writing: Pearl BulttAIL NOTICES Gas' administered, T)nly bestMaterials Pianoforte duet, "Huzarenritt," Olive the appear New Plymouth, at at breakfast and on his table, D'S WOO ROLLER FLOUR that it should be kept perpetually bedroom being visited his dead body was King and EthelLeatham ; French reci- lock, 1; Alice Beale, 2; Bertha Avann, 3. used. Workmanship guaranteed. Office, Mails will close at thu Chief Post r>ABKER'S,< Vacancy for a Pupil. open to the commerce of the world. found. Dr. Walker was called in and tation,"Le Corbeau etleßenard," eleven Penand Ink Sketches :Millie Oxenham, New Plymoßth as follows: O i ARKERS, Telephone159 The Convention stipulated also that pronounceddeath to be theresult of apo- girls takingpart ;Indian clubs, nine girls' 1; Alice Beale, 2. AGENTS FOR LANGDOWN'S 4V For Auckland and North, per s.a. WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLEB no military advantageshould accrue to plexy. The deceased, who was in his taking part ;"LittleRed Riding Hood," on OATMEAL Ngapnhi, close Thursday, December Visits InglewoodeveryWednesday, and Kindergarten Boom ;"French play, Christchurch Jubilee. any Power by .the seizure of the seventy-sixth year, has for many years "the 20th, at 7 p.m. be consulted""'at Mr Quigley's Phar ~ Bourgeois Gentilhomme (Moliere), led a veryquiet, retiredlife. §5 may f^ For Australia and Tasmania, close on of the gateways canal, : Medals Dunea the controlof (Gold Exhibition 1818, macy} in which the were taken by Keitha parts fc-< Friday, December 21st, at 6 a.m'' and Auckland Exhibition. MEMORIAL BANQUET. which was to be similar to that exer- With the advent of hot weatherand a Saxton,Dorothy Gray, OliveKing, Joyce 1899.) ■3* For South Africa, close on Friday, DeDENTISTRY. cised by GreatBritain over the Suez thirst comes the question, What are we Glynes, Madoline Evans, Leila Webster, 1PER PRESS ASSOCIATION.! cember 21st. at 6 a.m. Ganal, and the signatories were to re- todrink ? Messrs Humphries & Co. are Jessie McAllum, ElsieMcAJlum. Christchurch, December 19. A 4V For Wellington and Strath, per s.s. REDUCTION IN DENTAL FEES. BILKSTO N B &OpA P, . quest from the other Powers guaran- introducing Kola-Nip, a beverage manuMapourika, close on Friday, December memorial banquet in connection with the by Messrs Saarland & Co. 21st, at 8.30 a.m. Jubilee was held at the CanterburyHall, tees that vthey would observe the factured High School. Plymouth (XV New 'pHE AMERICAN* DENTAL It makes a pleasant For Auckland and refreshing North, per C^" and s.s. and wasa brilliant success,over 600 guests neutrality'of the new waterway. The drink when taken with soda or lemonade, L beg to intimate that they have purSTORES— WAITARA. Eotoiti, close onFriday, December 21st, being present, including the Governor, jingo press and jingoSenators opposed slightly bitter to the taste, andas may be at7 p.m. chased Mr A. D. Gray's disestablished' ' .* ' 13' -■ 11 -I g ' DISTRIBUTION OF PRIZES. theHons. W. C. Walker and Rolleston, " ,""■■<" " For and dental practice. ,t ,1*;.6,9i tdVjV. North, Ngaexpected ;''') <3" Auckland \. *.w theConvention because it didnot profrom the fact thai itis made The annualdistribution of prizes at the and Bishops Julius and.Grimes. per s.s. ' i puhi, close onSaturday,22nd December, We aro importing djrect from the Btocks of FLOUR, GRAIN, ano vide'for military,control-of tbe canal from theKola nut whichhasexcellenttonio School took place this afternoonin The Governor said that New Zealand at 7 pjn. manufactories in^N/ew Yorkand .London, GENERAL,PRODUCE always on hand ly the "United States. Most of the properties. Kola^Nip has been very suc- High the presence of alarge number of rela- had solved the problem of being able to CB" >"cr Australia,Tasmania, Ceylon,India, guarantee tHo teeth ufie3* by us tha at our Waitara 'Dep"ot, and cessfully can introduced which we. in and as Auckland, leading newspapers, however, China, Japan, Straits Settlement, &c, tives and friends of the pupils. Follow- pay good wages and to sell a goodarticle best procurable. supply at lowest poosiblerates, '" 1 : supported the Convention.warmly down here, no doubt it will ing is thelist :—: at a reasonable price. He said that the close on Saturday, I'ecember 22nd, at 7 The itbecomes ~ Sets from £1 Is;.Single Toothfrom ss. equally popular. become *' ' *' ~~^ pru. ii English. Form IV., Elsie Bollinger banquet was the largest he had attended Relations Committee 'of the Foreign z ;ordiPur6 2s 6d gas administration. ESSES & HUTCHEN, Senate eventually yielded "5^ Parcel mail forUDited Statesof America, "TW South African war has inspired Form 111., McDiarmid i; Form 11., inthe SouthernHemisphere. nary extractions,Is; GoldfStoppiugs and to outside many close on Monday, December 24 th, at 5 Mr G. G. Stead,in proposing the toast musesand song wiiters, the McDiarmid ii. Crowns at lowest fees. clamourand to report agreed theConp.m. the Navy, Army, and Volunteers, Barristers andSolicitors, vention with nn amendmentproviding of whomis Mr F. A. Grantham,latest who Arithmetic. Form IV., Fraser and of. All tholatest aud best appliances— tho f^~ For Samoa. Bawaiiau Islands, Japan, that New Zealand might at all suggested BROUGHAM-STREET. forwards us a of a Olive 111., copy song Baker; Douglas; entitled Form Form whole under the Canada, personal supervision of United Stn>--d of America, for Americaa control of the canal in "For their Queen and Union Jack," 11., Dockrill. events fill up the blanks caused by sick' British Colii-nbia, Central and South Mr Gray, who* will act as manager, oif A. member of the time of, war," This Committee had which has been set to music by Mr ness in tbe First andSecond Contingents, Firm'will attend afc Algebra. Form IV., Bewley i; America, British and Foreign West New Plymouth branch. " Indies, Stony.River every Sale,Day. and that Canterbury should fill up those previously been practically unanimous Lawrence Watkins. The song was 111., Katie Heldt; Form H., Form United Kingdom, and Continent Maud in theranksofNo.1company of the New Inolewoodevery Saturday. in favourof the Convention as agreed written as a welcome to the troops re- Connett. of Europe, via San Francisco, close on Note the Address-^ Waitara every Tuesday, from 10.30 to by Colonel Hay and LordPaunce turned from South Africa and was sung Monday, December 2^th, at 7 p.m. Euclid. Form IV.,Olive Baker; Form Zealand Rough Riders. CENTRAL CHAMBERS, In replyiug for the Volunteers, Colonel For money orde-s at 4 p.m., and recisa.ra. to 4.45 ■ I p.m. (Over Ambury Bros.), fote, and its change of front was for the first time at the Wellington 111., McDiarmid i ; Form 11., Maud Gordon tered letters at 6 p.m. Due in London said these had spokenfor them' House last week. The words are Connett. ;f Opera t«836 NEW electoral largely manoeuvre, inPLYMOUTH.! January 25th. . spirited andthe air a taking one, so that French Form IV., Bewley i; Form selves, and those who had gone to South letters for T tended to meet the Democratic despatch Notk. Late via Sau A MBS '-SANDERSON it is not surprising tolearnthat it caught 111., K. Douglas; Form111., Ada Bentley. Africa had proved themselves worthy ~~_*~~. I—-^-' THE NEW 'PLYMOUTH Francisco will be received at this office. 1; '-^z-^FI-X£s^—l complaint that the RepuUican on from the first, and already a second Latin.— Form IV., I. Skinner; Form soldiers of the Queen. without paymentof late fee,up to8p.m. INVESTMENT & LOAN SOCIETY ARCHITECT Mr W. Wood proposed success to policy (that is, Mr McKinley's) large edition is in the press. Half the 111.. I.Dempsey; Form 11., X.. Heldt. onday of closingmail. (Permanent):;,;;, >. Canterbury, and thiß was responded to be friendly profi'sare given was' too to It was to to the various Form D. England. History.— 111., Roy; 11., For Auckland and North, pot s.s, Form Office t King's Buildings, Corner of the outcomeof theviolent anti-English patriotic fundsof the colony. by the Hon. W. Rolleston, Mr^C. Lewis, C. Woodhouse. Ngapuhi, close on Monday, December [instituted 187&] . " " Devon and Brougham-btbeets, Geography.— Form IV.,Fraser i;Form M.H.R., and MrA.E. G. Rhodes. 24 tlj,at 7 p.m. sentiments fostered by yellow A number of Maoris were in largo PLYMOUTH, NEW CEOSSING, Mr Rolleston said the abolition M. Chong; Form 11., S. Barnitt. (3J" For Tonga, Samoa, and Fiji, close on journals and Irish-American organs. Hawera on Saturday. Of course thefact 111., Incorporated under Th6 Building Monday, December 24th, at 7 p.m. DEVON- STREET CENTRAL, Science Form IV. Bewley i., and of provinces had not abolished Can? Societies The then Presidential cam- that Mr "Banjo" Patersoh wasin Hawera Act, pending 188Q.^ which was written on the terbury, MONEY. H, F. D. HOLDSWOR i. ScienceForm 111. K. Heldt. NEW PLYMOUTH. paign no doubtinfluenced theRepub- was known to many of the natives, Fraser ' Chief Poatmaater. hearts of the people. He had been the Scienoe Form II. McDiaraid, ii. -" great who take a in. the ;'.|'/ 'Directors : interest war. \ v LEND,— Several thato-andpounds lican party in shelving the question, MrPaterson happened General Excellence. Mary Roberts. link between the past and the present, gS* Note. A Specially Fine Display Messrs H. Weston (Chairman), J. to walk out ofhis B. > on good security, at 4$ The B.s. Ttakaia will be 'he nestrHome hope for the future. He per cent,and for one of Mr Bryan's planks was a hotel, aud the word was Engagement and Dress Rings, Muff Attendance.— G. Shaw, I.Skinner, E. and hadgreat passed W. Cottier, W. F. Brooking," upwards. round Connett, boat carrying produce from Wellington, of to the lead Canterbury had set condemnation of the Hay-Pauncefote by ' young Maori who had been at Fookes, A. Bleasdale, D. Roy, M. referred T...-Furlongs ituwrC. T. Rnndle, and leaving on"January 3rd, 1301. The closing Chains, Bangles, Brooches ;Lad/es' and o.ne to New Zealand Apply in railways, telegraphs, M. Chong, C. Woodhouse, S. Treaty ns a surrender of American lecinre on the previous evening: Roberts, day at tha Works will be Thur.-day, the.27th Gents' Gold,Silver, andNickel Watches ; C.T. harbours, education,and farming, and it STANDISH & KERR rights and interests. Whether orno "theThere Solid Silverand ElectroplatedGoods,&c,, December, 1200. at 3'O'cluck p m. ' g »- 8 Mr Paterson." "Who he?" Barnitt, Billing, Osborne i, Osborne ii, remained for her to develope for elecSolicitor.:.R.-p^Hughes/Esd.' &c. All at most Reasonable Prices. Mr McKinley was afraid to declare asked a p;i-'riarchal native, who was Fraser i, Fraser ii, Hill, Woodhouae, trical Bankers ;The Banfcof New Zealand. TjIRANK the enormous forces pent DEATH. himself, the ratificationof the treaty seated on tha kerbing discussing a Douglas, Reed, Paul, Matthews, Me- withinpurposes her river gorges, (loud applause.) banana. "He the war and make a Diarn^id ii. granted,on,approvedsecurity go to PRATT.— On December 20th,.suddenly, at until actually postponed was March Mr E.G. Staveley proposed theSouth | ARCHITECT his residtnce,Peridarve3-sfreet,EdwabD from one i& twelve'years, on tho about the Poer. Ihear him last African Contingents. (Trooper Taylor, next, and now as the date approaches korero .Pratt.a»e4 35. night. he the and Society's revised tables of re-payment.' i (.Eight years with Oakden< & Kemp, ■ the ,question Pycolly, good man," WAITARA NEWS. is being revived by the then the native added proudly, "' First Contingent, speaking for himself Melbourne.) These are exceptionally liberal,and comhe MANUFACTURING pare and several comrades said that when threats of the jingoes to abrogate the tho man from Stony River." There's favourably with"( any of the' best FOR LEASU. fit they would be glad toserve Drawings and Specificationsprepared. Clayton-Bulwer Treaty if f>he amend- not the shadow of adoubt that the war Tfrom ode own correspondent.] physically JEWELLER AND WATCHMAKEB colonial institutions. the Empire again if required (loud There are no deductions of any sort ments proposed by the later Conven- correspondent stood higher in the Wokk was commenced at the Freezing applause.) r)A A ACRES Firs'.-clasn B acb Lind, either by way of bonus, commission, or Office :DEVON,STREET, #V \J with Dwelling and outbuildiDgs, tion are persisted in, without pro- native's estimation because he thought Company's Works this morning. (Next Avery's). Aveey'b Buildings viding years, the annual school To Let for 2 years and 8 months from entrance fee3. for military control of the canal Mr Paterson belonged to a district in As in previous Bush Fires in Southland. ;Deed£ to-payfor, when Ist January, 1901, at 15« per acre."! e'see No Mortgage Taraaaki. Star. concert will be held this evening. An ' A and Varied Assortment of the. Large by' United States. That their P. 0. to purchi3o stock etc coni-iiiibg of 50 programme has been prepared, MOB TON, theloan is^ovjar £100 and- not-'less than excellent are not altogether empty &nd Mr Edward in the Dicey, threats reminiscences Cow,30 CalveH. 33 Acres ("st*, 10 Acres JEWELLERY, ELECTROPLATE ANT, three years'duration. ~<■ willbe found to be even in advance TWO SAWMILLSDESTROYED. of Lord Russell of Killowen which he and those already given. Patrons will find Auditor,Land and Estate Agent idlemay be judged from the fact that has Giaßß Hay, Butter Factory at.il Plant. Borrowers can redeem at any time,and contributed to the Fortnightly of [V&H PRBBB ABS CIATION. I theNew a Times, York some novel items, and will need to see Manager formerly strong Plymouih' on reasonable of New Bank Apply sharp. S avings very terms. Review, recalls an interesting AT MOST REASONABLE PJtICES. Invercargill,December 19. Bushfires that their cCI 7 NEWTON KING. buttons are sewn on. supporter of the Hay Pauncefote of opinion by that distinguishedexpression securely judge on One item is by thenativechildren attend- occurred in various parts of the district 47 Office open daily from 10 a.m. to 4 A.gent for :Mntual Life Association of Treaty, urges the President to with- the subject of trial by jury. I recolyest«rdjiy. Messrs Collins and Roff's p.m., Thursday afternoons exoepted Australasia & Imperial Insurance Co. draw it lest America should beinvolved lect," he says, "oqce remarking tohim, ing the school. A dramatic sketch, very sawmill, NOTICE. NEXT AVERY'S, in the Seaward Bush, with its in had become Lord Chief Justice, laughable, is included. disgrace. national The after he Foreign Interest,Rents, and Accounts Collected. Relations CLARENCE lIEJNNEIiL, Much regret hasbeen expressed at the stock of timber, was entirely destroyed. rpHE New Plymouth Savings Bank £Devon-stbfet, New Ejuymodtu. Senate, on that ifIwere on my trial as an ionocent enforced Committee of the retirement of Captain Jonas, The mill wasinsured for £1000 and the 1 will be CLOSED from 24-b DeSecretary and -Treasurer. would sooner be tried by a judge the other hand, appear to think that man I whohas received notice from theDefence timber for £750 in the Commercial cember, 1900, to 4 h January, 1901, in £Offioes :Brougham-street,New than by a jury. His answer was to the Department Republican the is party strong enough that owing to age he must Union Office. Plymouth. DIOHMOND & OELLRINGEB Office:Brougham-street,New Plymouth elusive, for the Christmas Vacation. that if I knew as muoh of judges retire. The action Mr Massey'sMill, at MabdBush, was to support Mr McKinley in carrying effect of the Department in H. WESTO.v, as he did Ishould changeray opinion, the ratificationof the new treaty ;and and that his experience was that juries, allowing Captain Jonas to have gone so also destroyed. Insurance, £400 inNew c612 TARANAKI LAND Solicitors, ViV.-Presidend. PLYMOUTH BAVINGB the Zealand Office. BUILDING AND INVESTMENT NEW PLYMOUTH. cable adds that it is feared Mr as a rulo, took a more common-sense far in the work and expense of forming At Otatara, a mile of tramway was BANK, tSOCEBTY (Permanent). AN ANCIENT BELIEF. McKinley will acquiesce. The abro- view of a case than the judges." A the corps seems on a par with other destroyed, and at Makarcwa thebarn and mattersemanating from the samesource. MONfcY Ttt LEND in &um<« to suit The ancients believedthatrheumatism ESTABLISHED 1860. 1gation of the Clayton-Bnlwer Treaty similar view was lately expressed by the cheers* were given for Captain cowshed of D. Finlayson, containing Three [EBTABMSHEfI 1885.] who Chancellor, was the work of a demon within a man borrowers. Lord that remarked wool, grass seed,&c, were destroyed. would be tantamount to a breach of Investmentsrequired for three sunr* o/ President : , were more generally right than Jonas at paradelast evening for the work Any one whohas had an attack ofsciatic The buildings were insured for £200, faith with the whole world, but there juries hehad done up to the present, and three Incorporated under The Building His Excellency the Governor. is that both judges. possible or inflammatory rheiunafism will agree £200 and severai|f>maller sums It Lord but the contents were uninsured. can be little doubt that it wouldbe Halsbury and Lord .Russell of Kill- for Captain Taunton for his valuable SocietiesAct, 1880. that the infliction is demoniac enough to a827 Vico-President,' aimedchiefly at Great Britain. There owen may have been influenced in services. warrant the belief. Ithas never been H. Weston, Esq. :Messrs 'Alex. Shuttlewort are evidently those in America who arriving at this conclusion by the freCRICKET. " " claimed that Chamberlain's Pain Balm \XT i1 O T T I E R Directors Trustees : (chairman), D. Shnttleworth, Bichard fear that the anti-British feeling is quency with which juries,agreed with would cast out demons, but it will cure INGLEWOOD NEWS. A. Shuttleworth, Esq. R. Cock Esq. J. Cock, Paul, T. X Skinner, W. L. W. L.,Newman, Esq. SOUTH AUSTRALIA V. NEW rheumatism, andhundredsbear testimony HOTEL BROKER AND VALUER. strong enougli tomake itrisky " to say them in their forensic days; but it is ' J. Wari .iiq. Newman, and Newton King. , SOUTH WALES. to the truth of this statement. One theleast-r-to give the yellow jour- obvious thattheir opinionis sufficient to FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT.| Mr I Solicitor: Olivor Samuel.,, application relieves the pain, and this LAND AND ESTATE AGENT. United Press Association By Klectrio The New Plymouth Savings Bank- is nals a chance to work their purpose. dispose of thff attack which Sir George The fourth annual show in connection BANKERS:The Bank of New Zealand. quick relief which it affords is alone Telegraph Oopvrijrht. open for the transactionof business every At the time of the" Cuban war our Lewis made upon trial by jury a short with the Horticultural Society to be held rather," worth many times its cost. For sale time "I would said Received December 20, 1.35 a.m. ago. Sir N EW weok from day PLYMOUTH.— 11 a.m. to 1 'and on cousins rep.m., very ■American were on March Society Thursday next, has adhered to the-prin14*h promises Adelaide, December 19.— -NewSouth npHE by the New Plymouth Co operative Lewis, be tried by a judge with spectful, but, after all, their respect George whichit was founded, viz., Saturdays also from 2 to 4 p.m. to be verysuccessful. As the resultof a Wales in their second innings cßf L ciple on profits Society.0 made only highly- trainedlegal mind thanbyajury recent canvas.} by Alessrs that all the be equally divided FOUR *rER OENT. by the year paid may have been largely assumed. We his Peach and 261, of which Gregory contributed taken haphazard from the neighbouring Petherick in Inglewood £20 in 81, among tho Members, Borrowers and for any sum deposited from-£1 to £100 shall shortly see how far President shops." money Trumper 53, Even ahighly-trainedlegalmind and Noble 46. South Aust Willis Street, Wellington, One shilling doposits received, but no Investors alike. were tralia thus won by special prizes articles, and for R educed is inclined mind McKinley dealing may, questions Impey. to trust it. when with an ininngs and 35 during the IToliday Mb.M. 31st July, 1900 The Society has recently altcrod its interest allowed until the accumulation of fact, be affectedby temperament. One promised. Season, to December 31st, at Rules, Dear Sir, Please send me three more Itappears that in my report of the runs. making the following important amounts to £1. " advantages of the of trial primary by jury May Applk." bbtlles of your Wo acknowledge 2s 6dfrom Mr W. H. I cannot concessions to Borrowing Inglewood School Committee Ihad :— The following team has been picked to This is a public institution of 60 years Scott towards the William Baker memo- is that individual tendencies have Irss omitted the word pupil. Itshould have speak too highly of it. It has entirely m" c. p. cottier's studio:.£& j (1) The procuration feeMembers of 1per cent. standing, box than on the bench. scope represent jury in the relieved me from the headaches which the Governor as rial fund. " with President, has been abolished.' boon a female pupil teacher was required Tariki, Tikorangi in their -match with The Law Journal. at Tikorangi, on Boxing Day :— used todistress meon busy days ;and a insteadof female teacher. (2) The Society iiow'pays the costs of who alno appoints ft Vice-President aud Throe charges against two persons of I G. Cunningham, member of my family who used tosuffer C. Oliver, J. Sarten. J possession of ashapely hand adds every mortgage, irrespective of the Trustees to manage. evading tho Omata tollgato will beheard to The AM tlio ough wo winh down, McKenzie, ; shapechronic thecharm of womankind but J. Whitehead, F. Andrews palpitation from and indigestion Priee^are Iamount borrowed,and AT THE BAH! in the Magistrate's Court to-morrow liness, or beauty of form, is not all that R. Lye, E. Sarten. G. Foreman, P. that only the best,material Further ' " ' has been restored f0,,. perfect health itundtrstood .information can be greatest obtained morning. The compliment ever paidto a £3) Leaseholds,■with.provisionssuch as ''■■ is requisite to the hands of the fair sex. medicine was thatpaid to Impky's May Scrimgeour, J.Lye. Play commences at through taking hirEY's "May Awn:." will be used. exist in■ "perpetual leases "-, a'ijd "leases from theManager Mr Newton King notifies a lino of60 Whiteness and softness are likewise Apple," when, during nm,yours gratefully, E. W. Wilton. I in perpetuity," are now ,accepte~d as P. C. MORTON, the recent Tariff 11a.m. Burgess Butcher. Agents for Taranaki : fat sheep and 70 2j to 3 year bul- necessary attributes. Itis not given to Debate, M's.H.R. testified openly in the prime securities for loans. for the Waivakaiho cattle sale all of Eve's daughters to possess hands of j House to the efficacy of this greatremedy Fraser & Co.c Astonishing accounts of the efficacy of Particulars as to tho working of the A well-known resident of the Hutt locks TfcßMfl CASH. Work booked will Society faultless contour. But all of them may a guaranteed cure for allliverdisorders. the Great Canadian and the conditions on which certifies that the Great Canadian Seaweed to-morrow. Seaweed Cure as a Liver disorder is the cau?oof that tired b ) eh:rj<d usual \ r!ce. their hands whiteaudsoft the use I keep by Cure specific can be has cured him of chronic A bottle was for rheumatism and rheumatic subsequently presented money may borrowed be obtained rheunia The Minister for Minos has received to biul drowhy fiolirijj tliat you aro Buircrinj. 0 Emollient, per jar tism of Wilton's Hand fc23 after all other 1/6 member Members affection continue every House, from a the of the and to come in. The telegram stating remedies had failed that work of "iiuiu ;yijit sue 'lisifu lined to workor cut. The Seaweed Cure ia not an embrocation diverting the Creek near the Blackball Gattnby'sßLUE FLAG LIVERCORE now speak in high terms of its go>>d treatment of rheumatism and gout by Ht M. BAtTCHOPE, and can't get proper rest. You foel lif < , MONEY TO LENDSecretary. but a medicine to take, and its effects are Coal Mine, was completed yesterday, (Registered). Tho remedy for Dyspepsia, effects. All chemists andstoresstock it : internal remedies has hitherto been unis not worth living. (kuteiiby'H ]Jf,UJ' marvellous. There is now no reason to and the stream is now being turned Biliousness, Headache, Constipation, Brougham-street, 2/- per bottle. Agents for Taranaki : certain, but all doubts as to the value of FLAG LIVEE CURE (registered) will Bums for Investment on suffer from rheumatism or gout when a into tlio inino, but as the volume of Flatulence,Bad Temper,andall Liverand Burgess, Fraser & Co.* the Canadian Cure are now removed, it New Plymouth speedilyr<-»(.ore joutohealthand activity approved security at current rates, few of having completely cured n>my chronic Flag bottles Seaweed Cure will afford wator has diminished since the line Stomach disorders. Blue Livkk Piuvij wgctiiblc. Price 2/6, from -111 aad.oa favourable terms. Wade's worm fig?, the wonderful worm permanent rolief. Sold by A. E. Sykes weather set in, no estimate can be made Curb stirs up Sluggish Liver. 2/6 perbot VVado'a worm ligs are most effective cases. Sold by A. E. ,S>kes and all enemies and storekeepers. Wholesale J. E. WILSON, worriers, never fail for adults or children. and all chomists. Wholoßalo, Komp- as to when tho fire in the mine is likely to From all Chemists and Storekeepers andnot unpleasant;childrenithrive after chemists. Wholesale,Kempthorne,Pros from all merchants.0 Solicitor Brougham-stroet, Price ls.°j thorno,Prosner & Co.° taking them. Prioe la.* aer & Co.* 4 be extinguished. Wholesale from all Merchants.0 V -- . GOLDEN W. H. Bartlett, EAGLE - — — - FLAKE CUT LONDON DENTAL INSTITUTE — ' C\XJT THK EXPORTED Portraits ARRIVALS. 1 - " — — — — —— THE 1-0 — - „.„ ... - . ....... — — - 1 NEW COMPANY. ...... 1 _ — The Taranaki Herald. PUBLISHED DAILY. — — IT7I JT ' — g^ljiPl - "' '' - . . .V —. — * 5*5 ETDKASCH, " , — . — — _ — " " Jn plsiiiiifiit~~ . . — mml ! :. 1V - '-'- — - . . WBIGIJT Aft I — Ji'flr — -- - — '°" A. L. CC — - LOANS - — — - , VALUE - — " . NEW " , " — — " PHOTOS - -- — " — - — — . - SEVERAL , — — — \JBSSENGEB, b — — — an _ TO. ' Mills? - — — " — — — -. ■ Ll NEXT~RAiLWAY ..^ "' . — - * . " . — — — Tfi£ TABANAKI HERALD, THUBSDAY, DECEMBER1 20/ 1900 * BRITAIN & THE TRANSVAAL Commonwealth Inauguration. LUCAS MEYER REPORTED SHOT. SIR W, J. LYNE TO BE FIRST — — PREMIER, — — BOER LOSSES AT VRYHEID AND NOOITGEDACHT. By Cnited Pres3 Association. — Electric Telegraph. Copyright. THE WAR IN CHINA. \ ~, Sales by Auction. Teuders. Waiwakaiho. FIBM STAND BY BRITAIN AND "TIENDWRB required for FUBZB AMERICA. 1 GrfcTJBBISG t>J acres atGlenavoD. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21. By Electrle —For particulars apply C. W. Goverr, United Press Assrvciation. Solicitor. c660 Teleeraph Copyright. NEWTON KING Beceivel December 20. 0.33 a.m. TENDERS. Will sell by auction at bis Waiwakaiho London, December 19.— Sir E. M. Yards, on Friday, December 21afc,'— Satow has been instructed to demand certain additions to the joint note of the fTpESDFRS aro in»ited, and will-l'e 1-j A CALVES TO YEARLINGS t. received at tha office of ih9 Crowa LLV 40 12 to 15 months Mixed Powers. America is co-operating to ensure the Dairy Factory Comja**y, Queen-street, 50 12 to 18 months Steetß binding and operative character of the Savf Plymouth, up to 4 o'clock p.m. oo j|jg|jj!| 35 18 months to2f yearStems 22nd D»:ember, 1900, for the %SE*|s&l2 Springing Heifers A&i&tj arrangements. France is restoring everything seized FR >.C I'luN of a CUBESEFACTORY 30 Cows and Heifers %£& Toko. belonging to the Chinese Government C£3!?jSe2s Store Cow« (o be seen at Sppu'rlcation Plan and JljgWjs!!; 2 Bulls and individuals except war material and "be Conpany'a iffice. i&r'ji'lO 2J to 3 year Bullocks supplies. No tender necessarily cccepted. 60 p"nie F*t Sheep "&JSE cfi32 COMMERCIAL. "=■ ISale at 12.30 o'clock. ' c597 United Press Association By Electric —. — ,: " Wanteds, &o. DID not know that yon coulr T X buy mch good thiDga in New Flymonth. Tl ere are only one or two CASH ADVERTISEMENTS undr this headingnot excedmg Sixlun words shops in Wellir gton " where you can feet are inserted for SIXPENCE; or imchnicethingis." for one week, 2s 6d. If orders com' by letter it must beuiderslo'M that double The above is only one of the many theserates will be charged ttnlen decomexpressions of surprise made by visitors paniedby cash when inspecting 1OST, o\it of an express, on Tuesday mornW ing, Lemon-street and Gillstreet,— 3between SAWS and other Carpenter's fools.— Beward at Roberta's Stor?, JilliotSPLENDID BTOOK OP street, for part or all C859 WILL CUVB AWAY IOSI,from Omata,— Bay COB, about 14*1, L bobtail,no visible brand. Last seen at Bell Block. Reward on recovery.— " J ey's TTew shipments are constantly arriving Stables. c645 tomeet the increasingdemand for-FirstNTED.— Good, Steaiy GENERAL A BPECIAL ORGAN in class Goods. HAND for Country Store ;grocery, case, Irgh top, mirror Aa and books. Apply "Alpha," ha buys for Cash from the best nrapt-ry, back, two knee swells, grand known Hevald,stating salary required and exT. AVERT manufacturer*, peiience. gi.es .organ, ootavo couplers. c s7o Lis customers not only THE LATEBT *nd BEST MADE English GOODS A. BOi" t> assist in milking.— Apply C. B. Suaw, Norfolk Road, or but the of the DISCOUNT he Stanley VV. Shaw, NP. C675 receives for beiuga cash buyer. to Sell. Lady's BICYCLE ; UpNTKD The following are a of tha Now »t cheap. May ba fccii and particulars FtfßCHAgllß^ on ibo Time Payment Linefl, Ilit an inspectionfew is necessary to had ttC. I.Cottier's fetu-lio. c663 '«fh of a or Organ '.or/or' Piioo give an idea of the Lirge Yaiietv ' * of Uf ANTED,— A General SERVANT for OURISG D h]CTSMBER will Good", to hand :—: wi Wellington. —Aj.ply Mro 1odglas, . Tcpeivt) an rqm' -hara in the Silver Mounted Pursts, PocketBooks, Currie-strect. cgg4 Organ men|tio- >d, and the Catd Cases, Blotters, &c. iUAyTEI>,— lounprGlUL (o A. will be invited assist in Dressing Paso? and Fittal Travelling " f ' '- fthireholders ifonstwoik. where another tervant is *arly in Jjßuary to arrange Bags, from 7s 6d to j£s 5$ Mrs It. G Bacchopk, Canin^ton ior disposal. Ladies' Oomt anione,Uan>i Bags, Jewel keftL— c649 Cases, Workbaskels, W'orkbostP, Scisso' R"aTl. Uasep, Desks, Glove aad Handkerchief BURNISHED House, 9 rooms,to let for sis ; I months splendid fr it and vegetable Bircea gardens; chnnuiiig position; stabli g.— Pboto Albums, Screens a^d Frames Mountcdjßru-h Seta, in cnaes and for Apply to Bewley &. G ipfiths cB5l from 10a to £5. Single Man or Municd Couple FOR OHBIBTMAS MONTH wo have hanging-, Fancy Stationery, Gold Kib *lmes, ti milk on Fountain about 80 cows, at opened up a Special Shipment Pens. Awakino Apply, riot instance, to C. B. of Pianos direct from the Lever, flymouth. New c654 factories Rich.Lipp & fioho, Five 2s 6d Novels Bioadwood & Sons, 'Bohm. Inorder to clear,Immediately,— Quart BOTILSS for 53. . Time payments from 20s ia any quantity. Is per dozen— E«MONT Bhewehy, Qnecn-sirect. monthly. c635 For Sale; in good order. A Bargain. Melboubne ClothingComand pasy. c&52 Ingreat variety. (Special Discounts to WHte Pique KNOWN.-L.dies' Outside Skirts, just arrived— to be Schools ) at 6/11 each, worth 12/3.-Cabh OnE DRESDEN PIANO CO., Bibles,Prayers, and Hymnsin cases. cleared HAI.AOB. c567 Poeta,inhandsome binding. The Devon-street, N«w Plymouth. KNOWN,— New MiUum BAIBINS, «d per lb, at Vbalb k Box's CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR c585 OABDS— LatestNovelties. to Sell.— Lady'a BICYCLE; nearly new. For particulars, apply ' j1X L," Hebald Office. G. W. HENDERSON, Commercialand Pocket Diaries. c469 A HOUSEMAID.— Apjly Representative. Imperial ChristmasNumbers ofPears', London Hotel. cSoa News,Blackand White,English Graphic, Ac, &o. For Received December 19,10.47 p.m. S\d\ky, December 19. Sir W. J. Ljne has been summoned to form the London*.December 19. Privateletters first Federal Ministry. state the Boers shofc Lucas Meyer for Recivvl Djcomber 90. 1.15 a.m. alleged treachery. The BoerJosses at Yryheid totalled 253. a Sydney, December 19. Mr Reidhad long interview with the GovernorThe Boers' dead and wounded at General on Tuesday night, when the Nooitgedacht filled nine waggons. was discussed. The ex-Preheld out in premiership Mauy Northumb»rlauds ~ mier all along made no secret of his crags and escaped in the dark. They opinion that Premier of the Mother arrived ia straggling ban'da at Rasten- Colony shouldthe be asked to form the first burg. Cabinet. ■ Sir W. J.Lyne had an interview with THE PUNISHMENT OF COLESMr Barton, but what took place is not BURG PRISONERS. known. Telegraph. ■Copyright Received December 20, 1.6 a.m. MESSAGE FROM THE QUEEN TO UNDEB DISTBESS WABBANL Received December 20, 9.9 <t.m. Sydney, December 19. The Citizens' HER TROOPS. TO STEAMSHIP OWNBHS. December 19 The total London, " are Seddon 20, Committee gratified at Mr SATURDAY, DECSMBEB 22. Received December 12 23 a.m. quantity of wheat and flour afloat ~ for^the " London, December 19. The senten- allowing the New Zealand troops to United Kingdom is 2,235,000 quarters A PPLIOATIONS are invited from ces passed on the Colesburg prisoners remain. NEWTON KING " Owner?, stating subsidy /x. Steamship ' Sir W. J.Lyne's selectioncreatedmuch andfor the Continent 890,000 quarters have satisfied the Loyalists. The Hon. from the chat would bo riquired, for a two(2) Has receired instructions Shares anddebentures: Bank of A«s surprise. Public opinion was strongly Justice Solomon, who presided, referred Bailiff, to sell by auction at his mart tralasia, £73 ss; Bank of Now South years' service between New Zealand, to the enormity of their crime and im- inclined to the belief that Mr Barton Wales, £40; on December Saturday, 22nd,— .Booth Afrioa. The Australia, Union Bank of Australasia, West and pressed his hearers. Several prisoners wouldbeselected. SirW. J Lyne visited £38; National Bank of New Zealand,, steamer wontd require to be of from i SET PLATFORM SOALEB Government House this evening. Lord wept on being disfranchised for life. 10s;Bank ofNew Zealand, four per 3000 to 4 it-0 ions register, and have J, 1Knife Cleaner, and Sundries. £3 The RandRifles are rapidly recruiting. Hopetouncommissioned him toundertake cent. 102;New Zealand Loan and Mer- suitablerefnge atiug auoommodation for The Standard says Mr Bryn Roberts thetask. He obtained to the endof the cantile, fourper cent, 94. the coaveyauoe of frozan meat sad Bale at 2 o'clock. owght to be compelledto withdraw and week to consider the matter, andplaces tallow sales 1250 casks were daity produce. It is also desirable c678 the, At himself in communication with the other apologise for hi3vituperation of brave fine, and 28s uhat a uomoiodatiisn shcnld sold; mutton, passengti550 Premiers toascertainhischances ofform- offered men. will be ; applicants 26s 27s be led <tnd . 6d;medium, 9d; beef, fine, 3d; provi Amusements. The Quten has sent a message through ing a strong administration. medium, 265. required to uttta what passenger ao8k Evslrn Wood, paying a grateful Received December 20. 9.15 am oommoddtwu w uld be a^ailible. The tribute to the signal cervices, admirable Sydney, December 20. Sir W. J. steamers to l«a»e New Zealand about spirit, zeal, and discipline, of all ranks of Lyne asked Mr Barton to join his ad SPORTING. once »v /y six (6) weeks, steamers Yolv^teers, the Militia, Yeomanry, and ministration, but thelatter refused. calling at, not less than threi (3j nor TING, Colonial troops. Her Majesty expresses Mr Wise, Attorney was WOODVILLE SUMMER MEG aiore thau six (6) New Zealand ports, deep regret at the sickness and loss of amazedwhen he learned General, , Day. t, First ■"tubpor.s to be named in conditions of life, andhighly values the personal and Lynehad been sent for. that Sir W. J. SECOND CONCERT. contract. From ihe final port the f PER PEEBB ASSOOIAT'OH.j pecuniary sacrifices made in the" cause of Mr Reid expresses decided approval of steamers would proceed to FremantljK, J) the Empire. Ske relies oh those still the course {Continued yestmtlay from taken by Lord Hopetoun. It Westralis, and thence to Durban. East abroad to use their best efforts to aid the was (he says) the only course fairly open Grandstand Hack IXindcap. Robin London, Port Elizabeth, and Capetown. i regular troops, and trusts soon to wel- to him. "So far as Mr Bartonis con- Gray. 1: Russley Belle, 2; Transport, 3. It is necssary that the draught of Thursday* Deoember 20th. come them home. cerned," said the ex-Premier, "if Ican Div.,'£l3 ss. Time, lmin 33 l-ssec. when loaded should be stated, The Government has appealedto em- accept the situation with perfect equani- Woodville Handicap. Murmur, 1; steamers asitis desirable that ie should be Bach ployers to continue patriotically to keep mity, I am sure Mr Barton should be Palaver, 2; Volley, 3. Good race. Won as would enable them to enter Booth situations open and minimise thesacri- able to do the same. The realchoice of by a length. Time, 2min14 l-ssec. Div., African ports and proceed to lha uaual fices madeby the sen. PROGRAMME:— a Federal Premier will come about when £8 12s. wharves Incomputing the subtiidy 're TABT I. Flying Hack. Jewel Gun, 1;Marian- quired Received December 20, 1.24 a.m. the Federal Parliament meets. The the it wonldbe a oondition that " Keller Bella Mustella, 3. Won by a length London, December 19. The Times choice of Sir W. J. Lyne willconduce to thus, 2; rates of freight upon all cirgotboa'd not Overture, Lust-piel whip. Timo, 18|sec. lmin Obchestra. says that the Queen's appeal to continue a clear-cut issue upon fiscal issues. Mr without the (hose ruling between the colony exceed" in aidof the regulars implies a know- Barton's attitude was deliberately chosen, Div., £5 ls,MidLondon by the ordinary steamship Cantata, May Day Macfarren ledge that tne auxiliaries summoned to and was that of a man without a policy. Borough Handicap. Armoureux,. 1;. lines. : Society. 3r3 lmin Time, 2; the breakdown of are an Calceolaria. supplies Proposal, avert Such a man would be dangerous as the r The lowest or any offer will notneceselement of the highest value, wherein firstFederal JPremier." 32sec. Div., £2. PART 11. sarily be accepted theregular army is seen tobe now wantWelter Hack.- Kaiwhakaroa, 1; Passion Applications, addressed to.the Secre- 1. March Schieffarth ing. Mounted troops have become the OPINIONS ONSIR W. J. LINE'S Fruit, 2; Brown Bill, 3. Time, 2min tary of Industries and Commerce, WelCHEBTBA. "O16sec. Div., 1 6 10a. pivot of the-operations. On them, above APPOINTMENT. will be received to the 2. Good Beloved lington, Quartette, Night, up , Electric. St. Denis, 1; Calceolaria, 2; all others, commanders rely, and for more (30th) January prox. Received December 20, 8.15 a.m. IPinsuti of theirkindLordKitchener is appealing Warnote,3. Time,lmin Q4-ssoov Div t thirtieth BY ORDEfi. Mrs Ambury, Misi B.Bayly, December 20 The Tele Sydney, £2 ss. to the Colonial Governments and the graph »■"■" Auckland, 7tb December.1900. Messrs - ' ■ Sale or To Let " Whits and W*b»ter. says that Lord Hopetoun's task British public. -i. .6526 3. Song, Bedouin's Love Song" Pinsuti Second Day. was to select the man with' the best Mr Wilfbed Black. CASH " WooDYru.E, December' 20.— Glorious chanceof forming aFederal Ministry not ADVERTISEMENTS under LORD ROBERTS'S HOMECOMING. to Artists Colours and Painting Materials. this heading 4. Duet, When the Wind Blowethin not exceeding Sixteen words bethereward of any partyor political weather and good attendance for second are or Results : \Smarl inserted service, gratify any to provincial feel- day. for SIXPENCE;or for PLANS FOR HIS RECEPTION. MissesBoldsworth & Skert. one week, 2s 6d. If order* come by Stewards'Hack. Fireball, 1;Wai-iti, A PPLIOATION3,.addressed to the ing, but to, do simple justice to the AusBeceived December 20, 857 a.m. Violin Mazur" Solo, 6. letter it must be understood that deuble itlynarski 2; Rata, 3. Won comfortably. Time, people. London, December 19. -LordRoberts tralian J\. Minister of Industries and Com Mr Cooke. The thesertites will be charged unless accomsays it"would be idle to lmin 344-ssecs. Div., £10 12s» PRINTER, BOOKSELLER, BTAmerce, Wellington, will be received up^ to 6. Song, will arrive at the Solent on o* (January say thatHerald (Selected) panied 2;' ly cathj Rimu, theselesfcion was not a surprise. Hurdles. 1; Waitio, Grey AND TIONEB, 2nd. the. Position v IMPORTER OF Mr Milleb. " had been assumed that that Mr Ribbon, 3. A pretty" racei'TKimu and the 20th December, for w v CASH The thaaksgiving servics at St Paul's It e Zealand FANCY GOODS, of SECRETARY to t New 7. Song, The Promise of Life Coioen Federal record and as persona Waitio fightingout a finishin thestraight. COB SALE,— CASHREGISTER in perfect ' Industries Cathedral has been deferred until the Barton's and Commerce Department. Miss G. Holdbworth. gratissima all the federating States Time, 2min 64 4 saec. Div., £3 14a. F worting condition. Teed & Co. c872 endof the operation3 now inprogress in gave him a in and NEW qualifications,^ general Age, expe8. "The from the PLYMOUTH. Song, bleesage claim to be consulted. Lord South Africa. have just opened for the Xmai "O LEI,— 2J acre PADDOCK in Gk)?errience of applicants to be stated in their c276 I King" Pinsuti TURF ITEMS. may have felt there was street.— Apply to W. J. Shaw. Further arrangements are that Lord Hopetoun c666 MrF. L. Webstek Season a as safety well aspropriety in offeringthe A correspondent writes that consider- applications. Salary, £450 per annum Roberts -will land at- Southampton on Premier (Bevan) 9. of .1 Song, Flight Ages" LBT,— 6-roomed HOUBE and SHOP "O parent of the the BY colony task. able interest was takenin a footrace beORDER.January 3rd. and will be received by the Ittrusts Sir W. J. liyne will succeed Mis» Nixon. I in Currie-street, thoroughly renoraled ; Auckland, 7th December, 1900. in tween Mr C. E. Brewer, of lnglewood,, ' Stock of Prince of Wales and other Royalper- forming a Ministry. Failure would rent low.— Apply T. Colsov. c624 0523 10. Chorus and Orchistra, "The sonages, aud by the Army Headquarters be most unfortunate at the present and Mr Wheatley, of Lepperton, which Miller'd Goods Wooing"' Fanning LET,for one or two months after tha EN'S "O Strong SHIRTS, was run the other The slake was WORKING day. l\y| Staff in London. Thence he goes to juncture andembarrassing toLord HopeSociety. WAITAR A FREEZING AND Jl 1/11,2/6, 2/11, giv* reliable wear. I cudofJanuary, Comfortably furnished £5 a side. Mr Brewer, who received a THECOOL Buckingham Palace for luncheon. toun. BTORAOE Co Ltd., IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. All Wool Knit Sox, 9*d. lid, 1/-. All flroomed HODSE; Shacklock and gas' from his opponent, won the event. start Conductor: Mr A.E. Fletcher^ Wool Flannel Undershirts, Melbourne, December 20. ■ Sir The stewards of the Wellington Rac mush pleasure in announcing Accompanists Full stoves.— Apply-A. C. Fookzs & Co. MR BRYX ROBERTS'S CHARGES. George :M^sdames Hempton and Turner declined to say anything ing Club held a special meeting on Mon" size Merino Panta, 1/9, 1/11.2/6.A grand c570 to Farmers and other Shippers of Pope. your are well worth line in "White Shirts for 3/11.— NEAL, beyond that he was somewhat surprised day last to consider the running of Mel- Frozen Meat that they have decided to 0* All the Lines to Lease, with purchasing clause, A DENIAL FROM LORD Leader of Orchestra: Mr Haigb. inspection. at the course taken . CashClothier. lbO Acres, splendid gr<<BS, mostlyploughat the Spring meeting. The case OPEN THE WOBK3 for the coming KITCHENER. The Age says the unexpectedhas hap- wood able, large qoantity firewood, situated on wasoncemore adjourned. season on Tquhbday, the20th Decemc, ReceivedDecember 20,8 57 a.m. Admission : 2s and Is. in the selection of an erstwhile metal pened road, only 3 miles from centre town. Petoi is mentioned as a good thing ber. London, December 19. Mr St. John mortal enemy of Federation. Itis one for Doors open at 7 30; start 8 p.m. Tha following are a few quotations :-*AND YOUTHV SUITS as Rent, lis acre for about 5 years;purchase the Auction Stakes at the Taranaki The Company, therefore, is now pre- Tickets Brodrick cabled the substance of the of the singular developments of the at s at Avery obtainable T. and time. as ever. Another shipment clause £11 per acre. ApplyE.J. Caethew. charges brought by Mr Bryn Roberts to As an administrator Sir W. J. Lyne has Summer Meeting. The connections' are pared*to grant Bpace to shippers at the Gilmour'a. c596 LADIES' BKIRTS, from 2UI escb. aslast.cheap All Wool New Zealand Tweed reported to be sanguine aboutthe chance. usual rates for the next ooean steamer, LET or Lease,— A Good RUN of 109 Lord Kitchener, -who replied that Mr experiences"which Mr ' Bartonwouldhave Latest quotations for the Auckland whioh will leave the roadstead about the We havea Magnificent Lineof WHITE Suite, sizas 5 to 8, 8/11; 9 to 11, 9/6 ; acres, twenty minutes from centre of story was absolutely without lacked. Lord Hopetoun'scourse will not - Roberts' " SKIRTS, 14, 12 11' grand quality, BOXfNG NIGHT. PIQUE to Mothers ehould see this city, Devon-'treet, wett end, adjoining Mr Cup :—4: 4 to 1 against La Gloria, sto 1 middle of January. foundation. be widely disapprovedof. wide ribbed, and' tho v«Ty latest cut, line. Youths' 3 garment Suitein durable Stanley Shaw's onouc side and Westown oa wanted; 5 to 1Bluejacket; 6 to1Coronet; For further information apply to Adelaide,December 20.,— Hie Regis- to 1 Skobeloff; ; IN BEOBEATION clear at 6s lid eaoh these are and GROUNDS, Serge Tweed, Ideal;, THE to well cut and lowest the other.— For further particulars apply 8 to 1 12 to 17 - NEW PLYMOUrH. BOER INVASION OF CAPE THE SECRETARY,- ". ' Veale & Sox. Po=se3sion January Ist, ter says constitutional logical advantage Fulmen.Tortulla, and Miss Delavalj,l4 honestly worth12s 61. The Pique prices.—NEAL, Cath Olothi«r. Freezing COLONY. The Waitara fend isoh the side ofLord Hopetoun's 1901. selec- to 1 Military, and Dayntree^' 20 to 1 c563 iteelf is worth la6d per yard. ' Storage Oo ,Ltd. Cool tion!' '";">* . fTIHB Board of Trustees has imported ▲ Lovely Line of LADIES' TAN KID Malatua; 100 to 4 Beddington; 100 to 2 Dwelling and Full QuarterTHE INVADERS DEFEATED. Waitara, December 11th, 1900. sizes, in all at 2s lid SUITS GLOVES, per Etill at Bedrock acre Section, situated in Lemsn-strcet. Paphos; 100 to1-Knight of Athol. Beceired December 20, 9.3 a m. 0559 from London a Fine Atsortment of Fire* ; Prices. Suits that will wear, of Price £375. Apply E. J. Cabthew. pair :very light kid. Australian Telegrams. On Tuesday morning atTllleralie there ' ' , Loxdox,December 19. One column t r the NEW COLLAR in All Wool New BUOHING, Tweei, woiks for festival andintends Zealand No 611 purposes, large 22/6, a number ofhorses out. were 'seen of invaders is advancing npon Philips- - UnitedPress Association.— By Klectrio aU colours ; also suitable for Cuffs. 25/6, 29/6, real sterling value. AU Wool Coronet, assisted at various stages by Boarding I7OO Acres hishly improved SALE,— and < town, inNorthern Cape Colony. At the Trousers, 6/li, great A Tweed novelty. 8/11, ati 10,9; Telegraph.— Copyright. three of his stable mates, galloped tiro Bush Farm, 1500 investEnglish grasses, same time Commandant Hertzog baa Girls, Day School Beceived December 20, 10.30 a.m. same valua as when Neal started, ho ha■" subdivided into 8 large miles on the tan. The son of Castor was paddocis, 8-roomed advanced *itha strong ctfmmando to near r> « ised bis prices. Our best Saddle in theGround* on no Boxing Night, house, cow she3, wool shcJ, aud other outnotrequired to make time, but hemoved PORTIA STREET, STRATFORD. Sydney, December 20. .Burghersdorp. December 26th. Cas'j Tweed Trousere, sitAiated ou SEAL, very building-, 12/b. ium'u metal roal.c'ose throughout in taking style, and apMercery Clothior. Our Clothing Sharp fighting has taken place between The Indian troop?will arrive here to- parently to creamery and township,suitable for dairyhad no difficulty in settling the Principal, Mrs Rooney, theBritish forces and both Boer com- morrow. Melbourne,December 20. ing audsheepfarmingcombined. Price only Attractions too numerous to particularise Department, ones that were bring along. sent to him mandos,in'each instance the British being M.M., M.R.C.P. £5 15s per acre; terms easy.— Apply E. J. A/ Bill bas been introduced in the Beddington and Rosella ran sevenfursuccessful. POPULAB PBIObS. OTKONG CORD TROUSERS, 4/11, Carthbw. IS REPLETE WITn AN tan, Legislative Assembly longs moving to enable Victoria fast on the both* in a As ÜBual. report The latest is to the effect that to contribute on a populationbasis for an very free, manner. La Gloria and Miss '■pflß School and Firac Term will comK> will stand hard wear. Beautifa) UP-TO-DATE STOCK. Immediate SAL.E,— I6S Acre Dairy the Boer guerillas are retreatingtowards increase C(me One ! pence Fob. 4cb, 1901. Come All 11 3iriped Tennis Shirts, 2/11, 3 11. Pain, Farm, owner leaving Taranaki, 4 pad in the Governor-General's salary Delaval put in a couple of circuits on the Ji)elioate the Orange River. and backward receive girls ten' and Paperhmgers' Drill Overalls, idocks, new weH-fiuiihel house, 12 bail cow from £10,000 to £20,000. gniSs. The pace was, however, never core and attention. God Save the Queen. Strong Striped Serge for shed, outbuildings,'stockyard, &c, metal The Pacific Cable Authorisation Bill really on, and they were slowing down at special 2/6. Batchers' You aro all Invited to Inspect our nnder the Tho Musical in '(PKfc TRESS ASSOCIATION) Department c 616 2milea to railway, post-o'lice, school, aprons, has passed all stages. the end. Both mares moved freely, but sare of Mr Ilooney. 2/11yard.— NEAL,Cash Clothier. road, We do not get offended if Stock. and factory. Very cheap, only £5 15s; Adelaide, December 20. The "Wellington, December 20. if preference had to bemade La Gloria to prepared buy. yon are not terms easy.— Apply E. J. Cabthew. Prospectus onapplication References WANTED KNOWN. Premier hasreceived a cable from Major The Eastern Extension Cable Com- would most likely have got it. Bluepermitted to His tfopor tho Obief JAPAN SILK Handkerchiefs, Cradock complimenting the New Zea- pany will reduce the rates to 3s 6d per jacket struck out nicely at three-quarter kit-rily : Ju*t Sir Robert t-tout. the ce, and .to hem stitched, just opened, from landers on their conduct in thelast big word on IstJanuary. Thare will be no pace in a task extendingto two circuits Okato Wesleyan Church N. MILLER, L 0.8, London Biohop Cowia. engagement. CASH PALACE CO. Yokohama, via Sydney, 1/3, 1/11, 2/3 on the tan. Fulmen and Skobeloffi gal- AnglicanP.imate, Anniversary. alteration in the press rate. rfi4B wonderful value; sea window 2/6, Agent-General The has also cabled lopedtogether on the tan, thelast ronnd fitceived December 20, 10.30 am. Newest Patterns in Silk Ties, lOJd, 3 for Dental Surgeon. that the point attacked by the New Zeaof two circuits being run soundly. fcEW PLYMOUTH PAINTERS' PICNIC AND ENTERTAINMENT Sydney, December 20. landers was very strong indeed. The Straw Hatf, on New Year's Day. 2/6. Men's fashionable present Mr Skobeloff presents a hard, well-trained New Zealand residents will UNION. f good quality, silk strips bands. 2,11, Add ess: Arove A.E.Sykes',chemist, Northumbrian and Irish Infantry bad Seddon withan address of welcome. appearance. Dayntree jumpedoff onthe c365 Devon street,New Plymouth. worth 3/9.— NEAL, Cash Clothier. been repulsed intrying to take it but the Owing to firesin the Coolamon district tan, and after conpleting three quarters MEETINGof the SPECIAL above Telephone185. New Zealanders stormed and captured many farmers are totally ruined andtheir of amile by himself The Needle led him. OARTY will held /^IARDE^ Thursday, CJm'on te on it. Dayntree never succeeded ingetting on 20th December, BAND VjARbEN J ARTY at Council Clumbers, at familieshomeless.TABANAJrtI FARMERS' CLUB. The Premie", speaking at the reIn aidof BellBlock(Jhurch Enlargefires round Albnry are subsiding. terms with his stable" mate, who came 7 p.m.' sharp. ception of the Southland Pipers, in re- AtThe home a length in front, but the pray son Business— Re Beferenoe to Conciliament Fund, to be held at least thousand worth of -pounds' ten df the Clab whoare de« ferring to the War, said we had still - of Castor was not urged to any.severeex- tion Board. REV. F. A. BENNETT'**, on sirons of obtaining Buio Slag, twelve or thirteen hundredmen in South wheathas been destroyed. , tent. Ideal, Renown, and Paphos, in ''Thomas-Phosphate," for next season, Thursday,January 31st. Africa who must be encouraged, and it Indian file, Wero indulged in a half-pace Fines strictly enfonc I. DEVON St., NEW PLYMOUTH, New Zealand Telegrams. are requested to leave their orders with W. R. PiiOOTOR, was his intention to ask the Cabinet to task'on the tan. Renown showed sympthe Secretary ou or ttfore Saitjbday, President. in future advertisement. c 667 Particular agreeto fill up theblanks in contingents. df but soreness, toms Ideal and -Paphos 22nd instant. , c6OB TTi 8 ntw openedup a Splendid Stlec[PER PRESS ASSOCAITION.] They could not allow Colonel Robin and ; moved niceand free. Formula decisively 0 MUBBELL FLEETWOO n, B? OHRI6TMAB HOLIDAYS. IS THe dressed, dowu the two;year oldKissalinein bis officers to remain at thefr jnt withc632 tk-creia-c. out men. The Premier said he was ENCOUNTER BETWEEN ENTIRES. a gallop, over five'furlongs on the tan, confident there ■would be an immediate Wa'ehouses will beOLOSED NORTHEBN STEAM (CAREFULLY BELECTJD). Wanoanoi, December 19. Hastings got over six furlongs on the, j Stock Sydney of ttlouirs -Boys' 1 'for Cbtittcna? Hwlidajn ou 25<.b, BQIP Co., LtU. response to any call made. The GovernTwo- draught stallions had a fierce en- grass in taking style. Hohoro conceded At Is lid, Men's Splendid Tennis Shirts Note the following Lines ;— ROOM, FACTORY, ment bad decided to allow returned New" counter last weekin a paddocknear town, Sparkling Water a lead of nearly 10 26tb,and27th December and lot January, 2i Men'n Flax lid, Strong Workiog rxcuaaioN— Zeaianders at present in Sydney to take with the result that one, valued at £200, lengths, and beat her easily over six fur- 1901. DEVON-St. GOVER-St. tSLirtu1b lid. Wbite Bhirts 3slid.Men's Very Speoial Lin« of part in the Commoawealth celebrations. diedfrom the effects of the fight. He longs. Jabber, looking really well, and BURGIS^. FRASBR & CO. WAIIABA TO KAWHIA. Hartl Hats 3i lid. C .me aim compare Muslins, J. H. COOK & CO., seized the other entire by the ribs with moving in a very resolute manner, was with similar goods offered *>y other & EWISN* Suitable for BARGOOD, SON, Dresses, Kanieri will Waitara for his and carried him round the half the s.s leave teeth, woik^onHhe'tan, pace' restricted to houfea Melbourne Clothing Co. Speech by Lord Salisbury. :paddock. " 6d per yard. Kawhit,Monday, 24th,at 11 a.m. I as was also bis stable-mate, Intrepid. c665 _j BUILDERS, CARRIAGE of Sydney Stock— Boys' Shirts THi2 MOST"PRESSING- "SOCIAL PASSENGERS BY THE WAIKARE. After cantering four furlongs, Formosan EDUCATION BOARD OFFICES. The ss. Kanieri will leave Waitara for Grand Line in prepared to Build to Order any Monday, 31st, at 2 30 r» v Muslin, 6d, Sailor Sui's & 61, Braces 4d, was required to shift himself, and when NainSook Kawhia, QUESTION. of Vehicle short notice ; at Style Wellington, December 20. Onebunga Serge on SaturKnickern (every size) Is 1Id Hoys' TheKaoiari leaves For Pinafortts, 4) of the BestMaterials and Workmanship, got to the head of the straight his Cnited Press Association. -By Electric " above Offices will be CLOSED day, Amongthe passengers by the Waikare he pair,Bojs Gaps 3d, Boys'Straw Ha s9d the 29th, and Saturday, the sthJan , and 6d per yard whistling propensities were clearly ap- npHK Telegraph. Copyright. December, 1 from 22nl to and at Prices. ISOO, from Sydney are Justice Simpson, of parent, for the son of St. Leger makes a 7th for Waitara, calling at Kawhia for re- Fa»hion»bl« Reasonable Come early and secure som^ of the BitSeof-ived December 20, 8.50 a.m. Inspection is invited of oar finished gains. Melbourne (llothing Co. Loxdox, December 19. Speaking yes- New Fouth Wales, on a holiday tour; great noise. Nor'-west and Straybird January. 1901. turn exonisioniftto. Striped Muslins,, at Show which consists Boom, . woik the Ferguson, Mr Wm. to the P. 8. engineer WHITCOAIBE, " terday n6~a luncheon at the Conservative Return fare, 20s (excluMre of meals) were exercised over the steeplechase For Rlomes, 7£d per of Baggies, Gi^s, Dog Carts, Sulkies, of R^dnpy Stock— Men's tailorSecretary. Unions' Conference Lord Salisbury de- Wellington Harbour Board, returning course, both fencing well. Malatua was c674 Beturn Tickets available for fourteen QILE y*rd made Vienna Suits paddedsbonlderr, Spring Drays, &o 0 clared that there are mattersstill calling from the Old Country; and Mr Holds- out, but he was restricted to walking from date of i»Bue. days Piquoß Drills, Country and Custofitting, No. 121. marvellous Birgain-. Telephone worth, Chief Inspector of the Union exercise. LAND TRANSFER ACT NOTICES. urand for explanationin connection with South White and Coloured, mers can ring us up fr om any bureau. Melbourne Clothing- Co ,corner Devon MONSTEB BEGATTA and Africa. It may be (he said) that we S.S. Co. A At a Committee meeting of theWaiIs le 3d lOJd, yd per id hereby given that the SHORE SPORTS of all kinds will be and Liardet-streefß shall have to scrutinise everystep taken, DIVORCE COURT. taraJockey Club, on Monday evening, I'^ein severalparcelsofLandrnrtioafter held in Kawhia an! an excursion on A very speoialGalatea, but whatever attitude we assume towards The Chief Justice granted Arthur accounts were passed for payment and a described FOttGiil !— Daring this raid will be brought nnder the p o- Saturday, January sth, will be made to the jpast we must remember thatupon the Disher, warehouseman, a decree nisi for statement showing the profit in cor.necFor boys'suit*,at Gd of Byduey Btock we can supply you of "The JLmd Transfer Act, Gannet Island in' the k.b. Oairloch for ' unless issue of that great enterprise rests the divorcs from his wife. Edith Clara tion with the November races at £205, vision* yard per be forbidHousewifHehoulcf with all kinds of MenV, Women's aud lodged' 1885, caveat rpHE Oaieful glory and perpetnity of the British Em- Disher, on the ground of desertion. Hapuka fiihing. Excursionists will aUo wasadopted. Girl*' Boots »nd Sho63,Mipner«. &c, at ding the' fflmo within one month from have an opportunity of viniCmg ibe larse Newest Designs in JL always huy pire. "We must spare no effortto achieve V(Hrvellou3 Prints, THE COLCHESTER CASE. a eof G.izatte containing thisnotice. block of land iheGovernment aie shortly Bus»iu Pric«3, Don't fail ultimate complete crowning success in Only pure drugs, guaranteedfree from cbo From 6jd per yard tv nariicipate in the Great.Monster Sale. 855 JJHN EDWAHD WJLSON. ffoing to open for selection, the Hot South Africa. i Charles Lillywbite, supposed to be all adulterations used in dispensing at Part of 1own of New Plymouth. Belt Springe, Wonderful Oaves on the R» Very Special Line in Melbuurn> Clot>hiag Co He also said that the most pressing jArthur Blatch, accused of the Colchester Sykes' Pharmacy (opposite Theatre).0 Silks, A. 3 roods 36"29 penh J3. Occupied by knanai River,and Nilive Settlements. social question of the day was that of Imurder, was further remanded to-day at of i\Y<lut;y Stuik-A eplei.did 153d,156d,159d,2s overcrowding. The existingconditionof theMagistrate's Court till 27th. Accused In the summer months use -Hughson's applicant. lot cf Hosier , C'j i -.->", Shafting, 6d per yard Diagrams may be inspected at this Early application*) for tickets should affairs in certain congested cenires is a protested on account of the evidence of Edinburgh Tonic, as used in Royal Ini'owoK Mir^elli at'd Sdfia Quilts, rmary Edinburgh. Readtestimonials. o office. ; Plan1586. THE SAFEST, scandal to civilisation, and their first duty bis being Blatch being so slim. ' made at 'be Company's Offices,Qaetn Oolonred i'lank ta, Liu^i. if.. >>o. [ Dated this 20th day of December, be PUKES'1 was to provideadequatehealthfulhabita- INSPECTION OP THE FEDERAL Dress Material, street, W itaru, and Bgmont-streut, New i»arjatu'i 10 ckar quit-iiiy MJbiuiae 1900, at the Lands New AND BEST Registry Offioe, tions for the poor. All the newest Shades, flymouth. ESCORT. CLEAR THE Plymouth. CloOiiigCo la 6d to 4s 6d per yard The Federal escort,66 ofnil ranks,and W. D. WEB3TEB, LIKE R. L. STANFORD, Plain and Fanoy Black A FOLLOWER OF MEASLES. theSouthland Pipers wereparaded on the COMPLEXION BI«)YCfjE»FOtt XVIAS Agent, New Plymouth. 0873 Di-triot Land Begis'rtr. Lustres, 3ii many instances a persistent cough Basin Reserve to-day, and inspected by / fho Gkv und. Dt £:7 10s with toss6dpryd of In The BLEMISHES SOAP Is lid speakWard, follows an attack measles. the Premier. Hon. Messrs Tyre.«, at«i r.c £18 iOd «ith DanUNIONSTRAM SHIP COMPANY OF FOR WASHING CLOTHES. | Burßili The MlttS OPPORTUNITY OF ing of this, Mr Walter B. Beel, editor oi Mills, Duncan, and Carroll were also !'».*' vjlua ovfT offered.— lops. NEW ZEALAND, Limited SEEING All the newestlinesinLadies' Scarves, Elkin (N.C.) 'Times, says :—" Three present. Thecorps looked very smartin Taont:*"s Cycle Depot, New Apply &'). Bows, weeks a-,'o Ihad an attack of measles, their new uniforms, but their marching Plymouth. NOTICE TO CONSIGN6FS AND Grtnd line in Ladies' Gem Hats, In which left me with a bad cough. Itook called forth some criticism from the PreSHIPPKRa. Untquille'l for ibo Eath and and Is 6d each. several dose3of Chamberlain's Cough mier in his subsequentspeech. ThekeyKawhia Regatta and Lav.dry. Ladies' Trimmed and Uatrimmed Remedy, aad the cough has entirely dis- note of his address was a charge to the Carnival, Millinery— all the latest styles. appeared. Iconsider Chamberlain's men toremember that all eyes of the new ./■K -l^l or charged loaded W//h Good line in Ladies' Hose, Lisle medicines the best on the market." For nation would be upon them, and urging NOTI O K. EfmkJmKßgJ* ' on Chiis' mas Day,and no 3rd, 4th, and 6th JANUABY, 1901. Thread and Cashmere, Is per pair. sale by the New Plymouth Co operative them to resist temptations that would Bi^^*=i cargo will bereceived for "Wa,ter bedt Cold lane in Galatea The r>OOKMAKBHS and th ir Cerks or Very Bpeci»l Boys' Society. 0 meet them. Instant dismissal would folREGATTA, MONSTEB PICNIC and ." Onehunga onNew Year's Day. Soap in the market. Is to 4s 6d eaoh. L* Agecte are hereby notifitd that low misdemeanour. The corps leave for EXCUftSIOKS, SHORE BPORTfc*. Straws, MenV, Youths', and Boys' Clothing. A manufacturerslot of sample Men's Sydney to-night. A 0. WALKER, they WILL NOT BIS ADMITTED to and Boy»' suits, trousers, coats, and c6BO Branch Manager. the Taranaki Bacecourse at the Sommtr Waitara Slat Dei leaves Steuier Soap Bullions of Women nic Catlcura vests, &c, choice goods, splendid finish Meeting on Deoember 26th and 27ifa, ~~ nionniiyT of5p«rootit llowed 1900, arriving New Year's Day. Tiokets Exclusively for beautifying the akin, for the Accidents and Fatalities. and perfect fitting PureIndigo Vicunas, FOR SALE. 1900. ctopplDg of fallinghnlr,for fofteniog and whitavailable for fortnight, affording intendUIOOUUN ItoallOashoQstomen. NOTICE. pure wool tweedp, &c. Most wonderful eningred,rough bands, for annoyingIrritations, MUSSELL - FLEETWOOD, ing selectors in New Block of Land near [PKlt PRESS ASSOCIATION.] < Secretary. 100 free or offensive perspiration, wnsbc* for bo moderate on all of over £1. c639 bargains, at the Melbourne Clothing sold, prioe,— freight paid parcels at a of opportunity Kiwhia an excellent trcakccoscs, CinusTCHUKCii, many Dccemder 20. Walter for saaatlve nntl* ulcerntlvo '« The Sycaraoree," A Pretty Home; John Compauy's sale of Sydney stock, corner place and having some good ion. aeeinsf tcptic purposed, andfor allIbe ut>cs ol tbo toilet, employedby 0 a Woakley, driver, Manning of Devonand LiardetStreets. walkfro aElliot' streetstation, Information reexcursion in Northern Samples posted free. TIN, IRON, AND ZINC WORKER, bath, nursery. * 5minutes < & Co., brewers, was killed through being Soldaud with \\ acres land, partly surrounded by S.tt. Co.'s advt. been in business for 27 by ill CflouUl ChemUU. Forrx* Dbdo Tennis and Cricket. Just arrived, run. I'ropi.,Boston, U.S.A. over by a. cart. Ho leavesa wife and Ciixu.Corp.,Sole a w<-ll sheltered No. 78. ol?3 trees, Telephone large gar shelter years, notifies that he is now direct from the manufacturers, a large family. GEO. H. BUCKEBIDGE, DEVON SIREET tree«, also large iowl deu, with fruit good RETIRING FROM BUoINESB, and assortment of Slazenger'a & Winden's 0672 lion. Sec Mr Batterworth'e). (Next ] REWARD. &c. a now well bnilt house of 7 less than run, ; 1 SHILLINGS is OS hisGoods at coit Selling tN Racq<i"t3. including the E.G.M. Special You can depend on ridding your [ooms, beautifully fiohh*3, two frontages Boots! Biots!— Don't pi-ice. He horeby requests that all Pasti. s uad Wisden Champion ;also, Wade's worm of worms with 2s 6d of Sydney Stock Boyn' and ten » hillings whan six at\d.eightpenco Accounts doo to him be paid by SUt 4ibfl Currants fiorn W. W. Jury's Stable?,— Nvith verandnhs,bathroom with fireplace, Slaz- - .>r'a1900 Balls. Croquet sets. A children wonderful worm worriers. Is 0 fOST, 2s 6d J Ono Uhtstuut AIARISJ, ono Brown "orch, wa-.li houae, copper set in, and Men's Suit*-, % grand atojk of chd will Buffiee. 2<iow id your opportunity to December. All accounts not pnid by 4lbs Suluuifcß good ccfion of Cricket Bats, Practice figs, the convduieuwp. lcatb( .j.ul gave r head on r For address we '?ill when the hands of ■libs Raisins 2s Id apply ; very toitaro«, money buying mall «:aeb. beat miikes and Boots and thatdate will be placed in and '.%> .eh Balls, Nets, &c. J. Avkky Preseripfious faithfully and accurately O LOING Who]. Ac and Retail Tobaccoois,' dispensed at Sykes' Pharmacy (opposi 74 slaughter the prioas during thusale.— Shoes. Visit tho Melbourne Clothing bin solicitor to collect without further Beat Candied Peel) Alove reward will be given to anyone <t Roberto's Store, Elliot-stroet. c679 Melbourne Clothing Co. Co.'s Great Sale of a Sydney Stock. notice. Business Premises to let. c565 Theatre).0 returning tostable. Devou street.0 United Press Association By Electric Telearaph.— Copyright, Received December 20, 12.33 am. — — — — — m — N.P. PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY. — ... . — WANTED WANTED WANTED, , — — " — — BICYCLE — WANTED " — WANTED Presentation Books Children'sAnnuals THEATREJOYAL " ... " ... — WANTED,— — — "". TO-NICHTI TO-NIGHT — — — WA — - _ FANCYGOODS. — j — — AVERY'S W.VNTED,— — — THE DRESDEN PIANO GO. " . — THOB.~AVERY, ... — JPALACE." WE " Beautiful — New — , ■ HAVE — . — BOYS' . — — FARM TO . ■ — ■ . 4-ROOMED — MEN'S First-class GRAND PYROTEGHNIp DISPLAY for — and FOB - — PURE . FOR MB. i A GB\ND MEMBERS ' -.. OUR fyX" WBkwßmsa - — . Ho" 'SUMMER GOODS .-^ BEST&3O10 . — — J. & W. JENKINSON, - ■ SA.IJ3 SHOW SALE ABE — . — NOTICE D')S'f f TANIVVUA. — S\l(B IS "I^~IHOTHIHfI jdMjjfj^ SOAP f|l> CIUJSAP — — DON'T X A WH I A- *^* . , — " a A — Abbott, TO — . — _— HAVING ■' J SALE — BOOTS! THE READY MONEY STORE, THE TABANAKI HERALD, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1900 A. S. HASELL, J. CILMOUR & CO., OLOTTILSU TENT AND OILSKIN MAKUhAurURER (Wholesale and Re'iai.) v THE OITY TAILOR. ! " ■ < ■ "■» ___> 05 Booksellers, . O <Commercial and OURRIE STREET. Tents, Tarpaulins MALQUEES, Rick Cloths, Binder Aprons, Fancy Stationers, - is" 1 AND FIRST-CLASS. TAILORING Fancy Goods Depot, IniFASHION, FIT, and f- WORKMANSHIP. All garments guaranteed not: o shrink. No boy or girl labour employed. No oldBtock. GoodSelectionofModem in Fashionable Tweeds UH Shades. .^ CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETY'S BLOCK, v DEVON AND CURRIE-STREETS, CURRIE STREET. NEW PLYMOUTH. . . * mm Tailor, L^ DEVON-STREET, /— s Two doors above Theatre Royal. THS OITY BRANDT & CHILCOTT, £J TAILOR.' b693 DEVON HOUSE, Devon Street, New Plymodtu. \8 PRESENTS. XMAS TOILET PREPARATIONS, Jewellery and Electroplated Ware of£ DEVONSTREET CENTRAL i The Pharmacy BANK OF NEW A Large Stcck ofCONFEOTIONEBY. ? NEXT and FANCY GOODS is now being dupla/ed. 500 Watches, from 7s 6J t > £6 10s. : ' Field and Opera Glasses aspecialty. SEE WINDOWS. BRANDT & C iILCOTT, Devon-st. £32 10^ ' £12 10b. " ZEALAND. won REDUCTION IN CHARGES. Soap. NW PLYMOUTH TO OPUNAKE! Monday, Wednesday,and Friday. Leaves« Booking Office, New Plymouth, at 8300 bll66 a.m. :leavesRailway Station at 9 a.m.; arrivingat Opunake at 4 p.m. OPUNAKE TO NEW PLYMOUTH.[. Tuesday,Thursday, andSaturday. Leaves>s Post-cffice, Opuuake,at7.30 am. ;arrivingat New Plymouth at 230 p.m. Through fare— Single 10s, Return 17b.9. THE BEST "OBTAINABLE. — Norihern8.8. Co.'s Buildings, EGMONT-BTREET. Call andInspect my Property List. JTI; stitnte for ordinary ale. J3T A A JL. Fitting has been proved to be the pleasant and invigorating Summer Drink, k, most Popuhr and Up-to-date that has at the factory. WILL PAY YOU To inspect theNew Stock of SHOES Importedexpressly for the ALL KINDS OP not require to be fitted on ; the Cutter is scientifically correct. LEARNT IN ONE LESSON. Those wishing to learn Dress Cutting should call on the Agent (Mrs Leslie Waxkeb) st once, as she is leaving here at end of month.OLAB3EB EVERY MORNING. Address :Liardet-street, next Recreation Grounds. . FRUIT SYRUPS, Equal toEnglish make, in stock. " WE WILL FORWARD ON BECEIPT BOTTLED ALE AND STOUTf in Quarts or Pints. In gplerrr XMAS TRADE, Supplied did condition, and equal to any " produced in the colony. BY tar FIRST AWARD and GOLD 3 McEweni MEDAL for PaleBitter Ale, Aucklandg Bros. Industrial Exhibition. 1899. OUR LA.DIES' "FEATHERWEIGHT" SHOES A SPECIALTY. Al BUTCHERY^ BROUGHAM-STREET, NEW PLYMOUTH. Telephone 97. THE EGMONT BREWERYf AISD AERATED WATER FACTORY Business at Polono for '.lio last ■ teven year*, [ESTABLISHED 25 YUARS.] to notify tho Public of Nw« Plymouth and aurronndingdistrict purchased the above, and has that he hopes, by strict attention to business, combined with prime quality meat, to merit a fair share of public patronagn. A trial roßpectfuUy Rollcited. Orders called for and dclivoroddaily. cl!s HOTELS FOR SALE DAKOB ALBUMSfor PIANO. WIRE NETTING, *° H WAKI)&CO., I LOOK! BROUGHAM.STREET, NEW PLYMOUTH. b692 IROMTONGEBB AND HARDWARI IMPORTERS, Brongh*ni*street. New Plymouth . EXTRA PAIR OF TROUSERS GIVENj % Waxine Soap. A Poßltiv* Ours for Indigestion,Internal '» Uloerations, andall diseases arising from Impure Bloot. USB ROSS^INTMBNT For Poisoned Hands, Burns, Scalds, h Chapped Hands, and Soros of all doMriptions. Hu no WANTED RO triUU ■ — — ments EPSON'S , Look out !Show, in endless variety. Qm Go/s AUCKLAND'OLOTHINC GO. EXTRACT KING'S BUILDINGS,? s _ ofMEAT Devon-Street. 939 FOR Tea, goups Beef O. H. RBTFORD, WBRTHBIM Time Payments. Allowance en old miobines. Agent for H. Oscar Hewett Co., Machine Agents. ft TJp-to-Date PIANOS Gravies, Sauces, etc. GUARANTEED n ABSOLUTELY PURE. And of tbe V»ry Highest Quality. solrijr from Cattle passtd by Mwufactuwl , the QoTemment * — "■■"■"I , AUCKLAND TAILORING CO., B^ckn, tiie ADDRESS Saddle and Girth Galls, Fore Uddera and AND"ORGANS. Note Addren— C. H. RETPORD, DEVON {STREET WAITARA AGENCY. I KING'SJJUILDINGS, VeterinaryInspector. Obtainable throughout the Colony. ASK FOR IT, And lake no other. LIBERAL DISCOUNT FUtt CASH. Fancy Goods We solicit a share of your patronage. i for onr Exbilit at Local c314. IMPORTANT TO GENTLEMEN. First-Glass and Gents'. Tailoring. ALSO MOWERB AND HAY RAKES. Sole Agents : feEWING MACHINES, WHEELER AND WILSON .#" SEWING MACHINES. OPENING ANNOUNCEMENT. also successful in winning the GOLD MEDAL at the hands of the same Judges, in competition with all tho le.ding makeis. No otherDrill received any award whatever. NEW ZEALA.NDLOAN&MER. Men's, Boys', to Youths' ITHE CANTILE AGENCY Co., Lid. Local Agents: D. BERRY & Co, CLOTHING ' IMPORTER, AND SOLE AGENT OINTM£NT~FOR ANIMALS> Note equal for Sore Shoulders, WANTED —— CITY BOOT MART. EGMONT-STEE T,NEW PLYMOTH £ £ ACRES at ttell Block. f)t) Also, 150 Acres, First-class Dairy Pnp«re3 by the ROSS ANTIDOTE Brougham-street. MIS1 Co., Dunedin, Farm ; good houao and outbnilriings ; i and Bampden, Otago. Known,— lf creamery. Cheap. you mileirom rannot GEO. BTKUART, "" > RL Broker,Valuer, and Fintn. quarterget a tin of Frl nd's Bo'si Eggr GEO. UOBY, b665 I^at.Hgor. PresHUvativj from >our sr.or. keeper write fcfold by all storekeepers,ond by cial Agent, Iligh-etro^t, AUOK a7'J J Land Agent \ direct to the niauufact urers, W. and G. LAND, has tho hrgeat list of Freehold SYKES, Known, That Frioad SALh. Several Good Uwi- Turubull aDd Co., Wellington, enclosing Known,— That the beat and Leasehold Hotelsin Auok'and. , twelveHiamps for sample tin.to piepervei Diitributing Agent for TaranakiDistrict. dence Sitesin town and suburbs. Hoyal Egg Preservative].!* from un«i EggiPreservative in the market | LflHsea to 20 ytars. Freeholds * fifty dozen eggsl ,J C, "j Devon Street. for Apply Davies, eqnalled oggs. preserving to bM6 cllG» b515> «57 b515 £1000. Friend's. LDWARO WHITEHEAD, the Great Exhibition of ImpleAT in connection with the abova Show, the Judges, Mr Richard Tout, PIGS !PIGS I PIGS ! , 111 Workmanship. 89* Fqnal to any1 Art Needlework. Tailoring Firm in New Zealand. A Never-Failing Remedy. in Animals. THE BEST OBTAINABLE. Also a large assortment of Blaok an<ld Tan goods at JACKOON'S CITY BOOT MART. T^VEBYTHING of the Beat Fit and USE ROSS PILE OINTMENT, ROSS WITH EACH SUIT. IS THE GREAT HERBAL REMEDYI 021^ FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD. Teats, and all Wounds and Open Sores9 FREEHOLDS FOR SALE. LADIES JAO i, AND FARMERS' FAVORITE DRILLS. The Farmers' Favourite Drill Was 12 5 PERCENT DISCOUNT ALLOWEID I USE ROSSJNTIDOTE. WALTER A. WOOD BINDERS D. BERRY & Oa, I "KING'S BUILDINGS' I Sp HERB BEERS BXTRACT g _"££ will make8 gtlloM ■ imks 11Ur Bottle of Beer. ■ SSSSm Oolonr* Ground in Oil and Dry, Reaa Mixed Paints. Varnisheß v Enamel Lacquers, Gold Sise,Patent Knottinj Terebene, Patty, and all Painter Single and DoubleBoiled LinseedO *" of £150 eaoh. _ ASPHALT. Manager of Longbeaeh, and Professor' Scott, Engineering Expert, awarded a BILVER MEDAL to the WALTER A. WOOD BINDER, the Only Medal given for Binders on the Show Ground. " of First Group of Shares, Six HundredSnares ASPHALT. Genuine White Lead, Gennine Rai : OFF ASK FOR __ GENTLEMEN J. DARROGH, Jnst One Girl wnitis, posted Is ld Geo. Garry's £Yh Olde Knglisho Barn able on alternate Mondays. Dance," posted 7d The First For1nightly Payment to be ChimesGavotte(W. Impeti),posted Is 9d made on Monday, the sth dayofNovember. Any person may after that date« EDWIN J.KING & SON, become a Member by paying up thebackk Music Sellers, 27a Willia-st. subscriptions. 0270 WELLINGTON. Entrance Fee :2sper «hue. No Member can hold more than Fivec FOR SALE,— Shireß inone group. rpHAT Beautiful and VAT.UABLE Books of Rules can be obtained from 1 TOWN RESIDENCE AND tho Secretary for the Bam ofOne Shilling nicely planted GROUNDS, the property each. of Mr L W. Alexander, situated on Forms of Application for Shares obcorner of Vivianand Morley-streetf,con- tainable from ncres tair.inf?1J freehold, together with J. O. DAVIEP, Secretary, 9-roomod house, scullery, bath room, ol66 Devon-street,New Plymouth. extra wash-bouse, and copper fixed,out bouses ;water and gas laid on throughout ;buggy house and loose box. Also, leußehold, 10 years to run ;3 2£acresacres leasehold, 1 year to run. Price, £1750 ;terms if required. Apply New ton Kino. ol Jt2» Berlin JUST For Painters— HAVE on hand, freshly openedup PROSPECTUS direct from England, a splendid lo of best quality Boots and Shoes fo)r OP THE (Late R. G. Knight '& Co.), Summer wear, inoluding Black and Taiin Kid Button and Balmoral!9 BUILDINGSOCIETY Saddler and HarnessS Qlaoie These are very light, dressy goode an<id value— from 20a to30sper pair splendid Maker. PLYMOUTH Ihave a epeoially good assortment o]t (Starr-Bowkett ,System.) Gents' Tan goods which Ican etrongl ~~~" Incorporated under the provisions of >f recommend. T allow you 5 per ceni< The BuildingSocieties Aot,1880." discount forcash purchase at A SPECIALTY. (REPAIRS CT JAOKSON'S OITY BOOT MART. Directors : Maura J. Avery,D. Bwy, F. DookriH, E. G. Frcst, J. 0. George, S. W7 TENNIS RACQUETS RE-STRUNG. Shaw, and U.K.Wilson. A Large Shipment of White W*lkiu| Secretary and Office: Shoes for Summer wear just openei J. C. Davies, Devon-street, New Ply* „ op»t mouth. [1 JAOKSON'S CITY BOOT MART. NEW TO STAND THE SEASON, THHE Standard-bred5-year. TCnp 1 old TrottingColt, *^ .„ Requisites. IRONMONGER, NEW PLYMOUTB B New PlymouthandStratfprd ■ From £200 to £5000. ' b654 .At the Farm ; SOLE BBOS., New Plymouth. Abba, Agent for W. H. TisdalTa FISHING By Blackwood Albadallah (imp.) ;dam. GOODS. Caroline, by Berlin (imp.) OPENED, a Good Stock of— Berlin-Abb*, is related to such noted Rods, Reels, Lines), Traces, Nets performersas Fritz(the ohimpiontrotter Baskets, Oasts,Minnows,Flies, &o. of Australasia, who covered a mile in All Goods markedat Wellington Prices. 2.15) ; Brooklyn, aim st full brothei (two mil* s in 4.57J) ;and Calista (amil* Compare Goods and Prices" before pur- in 2.18), and won the time test trotting race he'd at the Victoria Agricultural. chasing elsewhere. Showrecently; Ist prize and chamuion Powder,Shot, Caps, Cartridges, of all at N.P. Show for 1898. Will visit Inglewood on Wednesday descriptions, cheaper than anywhere else and New Plymouth on Fridiya and in New Zealand. Saturdays, Terms -£3 3s for Bingle mare (two or GUNB, RIFLES, REVOLVERS, by more mares as per agreement) for th* Best Makers on sale. season,payableIst January.1901. Owner «T ALL REPAIRS GUABANTEE : at first eervice held responsible. Good grazing for mares sent from ftequal to best Englith work. distance at Is 6d per week. All ca.r»-Plumbers for Dairying butno responsibility. taken, Inspection Invited, For furtherparticularsapply to SeasonTinnedSteel Sheets 20,22, andz goagi!»" BAFE AND OTHER KEYS MADE J. tfcORAOKEN, Black and GalvanisedHoop Ion, 2 * 010 Westown, AND FITTED. ____, lOg. and 2 x 3/16 in long lengthtf Pipe fj Galvanised and Fittings, a ver Send it r Prices, _— complete ock. Milk Cocks andBrae w Cooks of all kinds. Wheel Top Glob and Peet's Valves,&c, &o. FROM 1 FOOT TO 6 FEET HIGBB rpHE Shares are paid by Fortnightlj IBub?oriptiors of2s per Share pay- — ( BEGS OF 4s 6d tissue TN Postal Notes or StampsNO3 1, 2, 5, I 17, 8 of JRoHt. Cocks& Co.well-known — DEVON STREET, NEW PLYMOUTH sieeß and guages. Sheep Shears, Waird For particularsapply to and Payne's, Burgon and Ball's, anad Trades Union. Tur~oy and Waahilita O. E. SHERRATT &Co., Shear Stones. Cliff a Yurda,Devon-street. b972 LONDON A LARGE SHIPMENT! - QUEEN STREET. r. w.Thxon, Manager of the Gear o'npiny Retail OF * N.B.— No old oows killed so weow tfuarantee all Prime Quality. or The Popular — Iron Age Implements, oon s*! undersigned are prepaared to lay Sparkling prismg Seed Drills, Combined DriLI?" rpH A down a FIRST-CLASS and Wheel Hoes, Single and DoubJ Wheel Hoes, Diamond ToothHarrow Le Butt'sSeed Drills. Cahoon Han ASPHALT IN THREE METHODS. Seed Sowers. Hornsby'e Celebrategj Price ranging from Is 3d to 2s 6d. Also |CHBIBTOHUBCH JUBILEE SHOW, to GRADE, REPAIR, and TOP' Ploughs, RL R, and RA. Oorbettfc B DREBB existing Tarred Paths . Digger Ploughs anjj Colonial Pattei FURTHER VICTORIES with the best materials. Harrows. Farm and GardenTools coj FOR THE all descriptions Galvanised Wu 1 ALL WORK UNDERTAKEN NETTINGi' Netting. Barbedand Plain Wire in"I and lewt. coils. Fencing Btaplee, a»fl GUARANTEED. FROM CHEMISTS, EQUITABLE Goods, £GU3. SOLE, £ I FRISCO DRESS CUTTER. and guaranteed non-intoxicating. Can in been brought into the district. bBOB.b be had of the principal >r Garments cut from 'Frisco charts di storekeepers,or IT WIRK NETTINGJ ARRIVED1 : EXJUST S.S. GOTHIO Teed & Co., > FT!BISSystem of Dress Cutting and -pEOOMMENDED.as the best sub* Prime Canterbury Hams and Baoons . PREPARED ONLY BY paullia, — To Farmers— i ; O. -tXxL-LViJLt* GUNMAKER, AND Direot Importer of Sporting * Kola Champagne Royal Record J. be equalled in thi« the quality listrot. TO STAND THE SEASON, At Mr Gus. Pole's Farm, Main North Road, Waitara Wtsfc,— T^HE fashionablybred Trotting StalIlion, TIP-TOP (Judge Belden-r Lily Vermont). Term?, £2 10aper mare, for full particulars see cards. For ailother particulars appl? to f D. BERRY & Co IWIRE i Land and general CommissionAgentandSharebroker, Best Fat Freezers w* Freezing Siieep beg to inform the pnblio that they ar< cow killing these and similar beastsa. Customers can th refore rely onit tbiit None. Sole Brot hold an unbettei re cordof First Prises for thelast ' v<Fe I years for Phime S\_t Stock. Lunch eaoh day at Okato, la. « 0* Booking Offices Co-operative 4T Please call earlyStore, Currie-street, New Plymouth ~ Middleton's Hotel, Opunake Inconjunction withthoaboveservice,a |a Large Waggoa can bw ai'runged for carrying Merchandise, Furniture, &c., atlt TNVITE attention to their Large and reasonable rates. 1 Varied Shipments of Seasons'Goodil8f > T. P. HUGHBON, suitall classes of buyers, imported b to Proprietor. recent direct steamers— For Dairy Factories— , Our Celebrated Brands of Separate)lt Machinery, and Cylinder Oils. Engin Paokings of all kinds. Nortn Bntis Robber Belting, all sues to 6 mclh Patent Anhydrous Leather Beltinj Rubber Suction and Delivery Mm &o.} do. . ill11H tH^/-' ¥sj. 'fari tfl< ■ Directions with each packet. J. S.S. MEDLEY, SOLE BROS.. at tho U«e Show 10Guinea Wold Cap for the Besi HATING Pat Bullock and the First Prize for th< ROYAL MAIL 00A0H BOTTLED ALEANDSTOUT ___ — MEAT-JMEAT. NEWTON KING. ABKFOR Waxine^ ..I Ist Priae Ist Pirae OKEY, SON, AND ARNOLD, — Champagne Ginger Stout. Novelties, New I J. H. KISGSLEY, Manager. SUMMER BEVERAGES - WILL CO ASFftßflS 20EMS? — rHE _ TEED'S CATTLE DRENCH. WHEN A - - ! A. — I VEALt AND SON WHY BUY EGGS WHAKAMARA, HAS Presents _ - ANNOUNCES MANURES. MANURES. BRINSMEAD PIANOS. AND EARP . Clydea- I MISS COTTIER MANURES. MOST IMPORTANT! RE — " Famous r * riiHE suffering andailing fromNervous Q O-e Bile o*||tHe t-hop is sioeked with X Affections, Bladder and Kidney Troubles, Depression, Atrophy, Exhaua rpHE DATE for_SETTLB.MEBT of'f Confectionery, tion, Bad Memory, Excitable Tempera ment, Irritability, Tired Feeling. Weak ACCOUNTS due to *ue late Firm of>f Dose upin Patriotic, Glass, acd Usefold Back, Paina and Noises in tbe Head, Packets The otherside | Sleeplessness, canrely on obtainingrelief is devote1 eolely to by consulting(personally or by post free) SomethingEntirely Newr OKEYS, ARNOLD, PROFESSOR NOTMANN, M.E., in Tea ! G., Market Place, Christchurch (opFancy and Toy Goods. EM posite .Colombo-street Bridge). The only Electro-Botanical Expertadvertis- Is hereby EXTENDED to December ing (with 20 years' EuropeanExperience CILli AND INSPECT. and eight years before the New Zealand 31s'', 1900, after which date all Accounts public), who will guarantee a thorough cure. Proprietor of the onry guanmeed NOT PAID OR ARRANGED FOR WE SOLICIT A TBIAL OF OUR Electric Belts andother specialElectrical ASBESTOS, BELL'S appliancesin thecolonies Write, stating will be placed in the hands of our Sterling, MILL BOARD, ALL KINDS OF F your case, and you will receive honest Iv lead packets. PACKING, ENGINE and opinion free. You can botreated suoG oescfally at your own home,and to conCOMPOUND BOILER COVERING la at my Stock vince the most sceptical will forward Kandy Koola, NEW PREMIBEJB, Electric Appliances and Concentrated In leid packets and fancy tins. Treatment' on easy terms of payment. 1 Thousands of testimonials from those j*11 EgmontSt., NewPlymouth Yong, Pan who had wasted their time and money Mountain growD. CompoundBoiler Covering, Mr Wf can beinspected daily from 10 am. till CENTRAL H. Duncan, manager The Glena 9 p.m. Testimonial. Ashburton, February Oroua Co-operative Dairy Factory Co> Ceylon, HARDWARE DEPOT, writes :—": Inow have boiler jacketed d sth, 1900. Prof Notmann. DearSir,— la handsome lib and*$lb caddies. The Asbestos makes a splendid job, and id Iam pleased to say Ifeel in perfect NEW PLYMOUTH. it appears to save al least one-quarter of of health every way since taking the last courseof treatment- My head is quite fuel, probably more." AT 2s PER LB. clear, my memory has improved, IBleep do not feel tind, or sweat at-night well, I R. CHAMBERS now. lam improvingrapidly. I never thought it was possible for any human being to alter my life to such an extent <w you have, through your kind and easy DEVON STREET, NP. erms of payment and excellent treathad tried so many. No words ment, for I ProparaiionJlis'1eminently serof mine can express my gratitnde.— viceable in Inflammatoryand Feverfaithfully, Yoare J.N.Burrows. a903 ish Disorders ; asd Itacts as a safe proventative of milk fever, checking feverish and symptoms, rendering the milk pure SIXPENNYTIN and wholesome. Its timely use will re pay thestock owner tenfold. DIRECT IMPORTATION. gtuci/ 1 s M EXTENSION OF TIME. HEALTH ASSURED. j fifffiv — . CORKER OF BTREETB. TEED & CO., (Next the Colonial Pkno Co.) GIVEN AWAY. McCormick." MESSRS J ALL BEST MAKES. COMMODIOUS SCIOP, IN THE NEW BLOCK, evesy descriptionnear'y house, A PERFUMERY. A NNOUNCE thai they have opeued i TS. and ' DEVON & EGMONT AND J\. irom now till the New Yearinthec m ' Proprietor, H. COLLIER & CO., BRUSHWARE, J. CiLMOUR & GO. —. ___ FOR Don't Fail to Visit us.~ PARIS EXPOSITION 1900. J. TAYLOR Grand Prize Awarded A NNOUNOEB to the Taranaki public 1 J\. thathehasassumed proprietorship " to the . of this welland fuvourably-knowo oi Hotel, NEW YEAR, 1901. Directt Importers ¥ Ladies' and Gentlemen's manures 0 STAND THIS SEASON, 19C0, NEW PLYMOUTH. Glasgow Geordie, dam Bessy by IMPORTERS, lyane of Clyde, imported from Scot-and hopes by s rict attention to business /DEAR'S, WANG ANUI, WEBT- ai id. Whakamara is a dark dappled to merit the share of public patronage VT FIELD, AND PATEA Manureß «a<accorded Practical Tuners bis predecessor. The bouse, \ ba y, standing seventeen ha"da high, withSuperphosphate,and Lime. MORROW, which is conducted on up-to-dateprinBASBETT & sp lendid bone and plenty of muscle, and. Repairers. Co., of Christchurch, have just a perfect temper. His stock are nnciples, is recognised aa tbe commercial 800 Saoks Prime Seed by cable h ate of the coast. c331 beenadvised ' from Chicago that ri ralled in the district, being good " the Grand Prize at the Paris Expo- wi irkeiß and bringing good prices,. Sparrowbills» has been sition awarded to the McCor- re ilising from thirty pounds (£3O) each. Taranaki Hotel. miok Harvesting Machine Co., acd that H a will travel as follows 'if inducement FKOM —i the latter were also KELLY (late of Patea), the Priies than all the awardedmore Special oi cere: other competitors put Mondays, to Tarata, arriving at ClifA Large VarietyiofNew Season'sSwedes J Proprietor,announces that he is « ft rd's Store at noon,andleaving again at pprepared to cater in first-class style for together. M Mangolds and Oarrot Seed. This is only whatmight havebeenex- 01 le o'clock for Pnr&ngi,leaving onTueatthepublic. Only thebast Spirits, Wines, pected «r tfcCORMIOK FIKST di ,y morning. aand Beers retailed. Excellent table. Tuesdays, Kaimate Road Weat toGoodaccommodation. Moderate tariff. EVERYWHERE. Send for Quotations. KING, T ariki, returning MountainUoad home. c 330 L Agent for Taranaki. b573 Wednesdays, at home at Inglewood. GREAT VARIETY. Thursdays, Bristol Boad South, reMODERATE PRICES. Hotel, Masonic Waitara. STREET, BBOUOHAM irning Junction Road. EASY TIME PAYMENTS. I I TIH/C New Plymouth Li IUiVL Fridays, Midhirst, whoa inducement B.F.BUOKTBOUGHT, Proprietor, o: fers. that he has assumed oa View a Choice and Varied Saturdays, at Inglewood. Proprietorship of this popu'ar Selection of Terms £2 per mare, due andpayaHfee SOLE AGENTS— I <house. theThe Best Accommodation. 1January Ist,1901; and groomage fee: Wines, Beers, and Spirits of the best Fancy Goods, i 2 €d, payable at service. b846 quality. Xmas and Year A. SGHRODE Bridge Hotel, Waitara. Owner andCai ds. 4 NEW MODELS. Effectual, b 669 Or Groom in Charge. Cheap, and NEW SCALES. MRSE. WARD, Proprietress. NEW DESIGNS. IN LEATHER GOODS-Purses (plain Reliable. and silver mounted), Hand Bags, T?XOELLENT Accommodation. Best v TheFinest Piano in the market." ( Ladies' and Gents' Dresdug Oases. Salt, JJi Beers, Wines, and Spirits Good 25 tons Agricultural growth Ail of superb style and quali'y. Table. Rooms for Commercial Travel* TTNRIVALLfciO for promoting attached, Writing aclera. and Bait Stables Decks and Materials Dainty Livery \J of pasture, increases milk prod 'tion, Wall Calf friars (extensive collecb847 and keepsstock healthy. .Invaluablei Pianos Tuned. tion). Exquisite Ornaments. for either farm or g rden. Specially Bed House £&* Nothing like the Elegant Show o' Pianop Repaired. recommended for winter application. TO STAND THS SiOAisON, BAKKtSTWARE ever seen in New DEVO N-S TREET EABT. Fianos Exchanged. Pl} mouth 1 Thoroughbred TROTTINGtons Guano, 20 Art Needlework. Silks. Wools. isTALLION, Pianos letonthehire system Cheapest and Beat Fortuiaor in the BISHOP, Proprietor, C. markot, now offoring at bpecially ReCleaveland. \ A NNOUNO*S thatthijpopularhouse> Children's Toys and Books. duced Kates. £3. Fee, £3. f\. has been entirel; re- built aui reCHRISTMAS ANNUALS furnished, and he cannow cater tor tbe Also on hand SECOND-HAND PIANOS frpm £8. For particulars apply jfco of all descriptions. style Bes.t accomFULL STOCK OF GEAR OO.'B., public in first-class and table. best J tJ. ttUSSELL, Only* Beers, modation BONBDUBT. Soiled Pianos at b Shop Also, Several N.B.— To- be Up to-Date and Well- t>2B3 Wines, and Spirits retailed. Moierate \V«stown. Remarkably Low Prices. tariff. Eight loose boxes and other con- Informed join MISS OOTTIERS To Arrive Early— veniences are attaohed to tbe premises.J MAGAZINE CLUB. FISON'S CELEBRATED POTATO) Telephone p36 No. 3. MANURE, =« ALDHEB3 BKOBGHAM-STEfiBT. SUGAR CO'H SUPERPHOSPHATEI, c499 ft SPECIALORCHARD MANURE. ""^ PIANOS )*4*> ORGANS -^ { Criterion Hotel, MANURES H. COLLIER & GO., PIANO AND ORGAN GALL AND INSPECT OUR XMAS AND XMAS, 1900 AND NEW YEAR DISPLAYS. Please Note Address V8F _,( f.w.*jTnsen, pr^ that owing to expand- Oilakin Clothing of every description ing business the adjoining Shop in stock. Coats,&c,re-dressed. Flags, Marquees, Tents, Tarpaulin has been added to the bu'aineM. Awnings, &c, on hire. Fishing Tackle, Flax and Manila Ropes,Plough Lines, &c. Direct Importer of all kinds of Cane vas, Cotton, and Lio'en Duck. — ___. H. COBNBB OF ANNOUNCE "* Customers patronising my Establishment can rely < Hone Covers,Cow Bsgs,PigNetß, &c. ~ fIAVING secured the assistance of Firbt claspTailors from Wellingam now prepared to ton, I execute orders at shortest notice. . rl manures:! |\ [ESTABLISHED 1872.] O. OOLDWBLL has been appainted sole agent for the sale of the Tarxsaki Herald »nd Budget io Mtt Waitaia.l 81RVTFOBD BACON FACTORY Co Ltd. will be eceive'J at Mr Newton I~)IGSKing'sHaymarkH Yards onMON DAY"* iv tuum\ ins'ead of Fridays. — c543 Known, Tho cleanest V\7ANTb;D vv easieat, aud beßt way to preserve is witb Friend'sRoyal Egg Preservative' Bggs """■" : A. E. WANTED - Knovtj,— Friend'sß ya Printed and by the Proprietor Egg Preservative is sold in dry Henry Weston, at the "Taranaki WANTED When required for use ir. is Hrrald" General }\i.Uuvj Es^M'sh powder. a dissolved in boiling waterand allowedto b515 cool, thenjabbedover the eggs. published ment, Ourrie-street, New Plymouth Taranaki.— Decehbeb 20 199Q.J .-3