LOCATION Where a place is located 2 Types Absolute Location: exact position on the globe. Typically measured using lines of latitude and longitude Relative Location: Where a place is compared to or in relation to other places. Ex: Horizon Elementary is 1 block South of PHS. Plymouth, WI Absolute Location: 43.7N 88W Relative location: 11 miles West of Sheboygan PLACE Characteristics that make a location unique Physical Characteristics Landforms, eco systems, and climate Plymouth has kettles Las Vegas has dessert, mountains, canyons Human Characteristics How people live, work and visit a place Ex.: languages, customs, beliefs government REGION: group of places with at least 1 common characteristic Formal Certain characteristics found everywhere like laws Ex: States, cities, countries are all political regions Functional Central place and areas around it that are affected by it. Ex: Amazon drainage basin Ex: Chicago, IL Perceptual: areas determined by how people feel about an area. Ex: Upper Midwest- no exact borders (IL yes or no?) Ex: Mexico North America or South America? MOVEMENT People, goods, and ideas move between places. Ex: New Orleans uses ships on the Mississippi (MS) River to transport goods, gas, and, oil. Ex: Silk Road across Afro-Eurasia exchanged goods, religion (Buddhism), and disease (Bubonic Plague) Today?????? The Internet, TV, Magazines http://www2.newcanaan.k12.ct.us/education/components/docmgr/default.php?sectiondetailid=7021&fileit em=756&catfilter=377 HUMAN ENVIRONMENT INTERACTION How people use and affect their environment How have they changed it? What are the consequences? (+ or -) Accidental or intentional (on purpose)? How the environment affects how people live Think/pair/share an example of HEI. Previous ex: Wind farm off of Cape Cod In case you learn better through listening…. http://www.teachertube.com/viewVideo.php?title=5_Themes_of_Ge ography&video_id=132237