2016 Summer Camp Merit Badge Guide Camp T. Brady Saunders Heart of Virginia Council Merit Badge & Program Schedule Archery Art Astronomy Basketry BSA Paddleboarding (not a merit badge) Camping* Canoeing Chess Citizenship in the Community* Citizenship in the Nation* Citizenship in the World* Climbing Coin Collecting Communications* Cooking* Cycling* Digital Technology Electricity & Electronics+ Emergency Preparedness* Environmental Science* Fingerprinting Fire Safety First Aid* Fishing Fish and Wildlife Management Forestry Game Design Geocaching Geology Graphic Arts Indian Lore Instructional Swim (not a merit badge) Inventing Kayaking Leatherwork Lifesaving Mammal Study Mining in Society+ Moviemaking Nature Nuclear Science Oceanography Orienteering Personal Fitness* Personal Management* Photography Pioneering Plant Science Pottery Project COPE (not a merit badge) Reptile & Amphibian Study Rifle Shooting Robotics Rowing Salesmanship Search & Rescue Shotgun Shooting Signs, Signals, and Codes+ Soil & Water Conservation Small Boat Sailing Space Exploration Swimming* Weather Wilderness Survival Woodcarving * Eagle Required + New for 2016 Merit Badge & Program Schedule 9:00 -­‐ 9:50 PROGRAM -­‐-­‐ BLOCK 10:00 -­‐ 10:50 1 11:00 -­‐ 11:50 2 3 1:25 -­‐ 2:15 2:25 -­‐ 3:15 4 5 Ranger Challenge 3:25 -­‐ 5:00 6 (open block) X AQUATICS BSA Stand Up Paddleboarding + X Canoeing (2 HR) X X X Kayaking X Lifesaving (2 HR) X X Rowing X X Small Boat Sailing (2 HR) Swimming X X X X X Instructional Swim + X X X X Half-­‐Mile Swim + Tuesday Morning at 6:30am One Mile Swim + Wednesday Morning at 6:00am COPE/CLIMBING Climbing (2 HR) X Project COPE + X EAGLE AREA Citizenship in the Community X Citizenship in the Nation X Citizenship in the World X Communications X X Personal Management Personal Fitness X X X ECOLOGY Environmental Science (2 HR) X Fish and Wildlife Management Forestry X X X Geology X Mammal Study X Mining in Society X Nature X Oceanography X Plant Science X Reptile & Amphibian Study Soil & Water Conservation X X Weather X HANDICRAFT Art X Basketry X Chess X X Coin Collecting Thur -­‐ Fri Fingerprinting X Indian Lore Mon -­‐ Wed X X X X Inventing Leatherwork X X Pottery X Space Exploration X Woodcarving X X X X OUTDOOR SKILLS Camping X Cooking X Cycling (2HR) X X X Emergency Preparedness X X Fire Safety X X First Aid X X Fishing X X Geocaching X Orienteering X Pioneering X Search & Rescue X X Signs, Signals, and Codes X Wilderness Survival X X SHOOTING SPORTS Archery X X X X X Rifle Shooting X X X X X Shotgun Shooting X X X STEM Astronomy X Digital Technology X X Electricty & Electronics X Game Design X Graphic Arts X Moviemaking X X Nuclear Science X Photography X Robotics (2HR) X X TRADING POST Salesmanship X TRAIL BLAZERS Trail Blazers Will be escorted to their afternoon merit badge classes X -­‐ Will have opportunity to earn First Aid as a part of this course Totin' Chip + for non-­‐trailblazers Firem'n Chit + ADULT TRAINING CLASSES Red Cross First Aid CPR AED Adult & Infant + Aquatics Supervision Paddle Craft Safety + Aquatics Supervision Swim & Water Rescue + Safe Swim Defense & Safety Afloat Climb on Safely Trek on Safely Leave No Trace X -­‐ Tues & Wed X X Monday at 7pm at the Administration Building Tuesday at 7pm at the Kersey Shelter at the Waterfront Wednesday at 7pm at the Administration Building + not a merit badge X -­‐ Mon & Tues X -­‐ Mon & Tues Merit Badge & Program Locations 9:00 -­‐ 9:50 PROGRAM -­‐-­‐ BLOCK 1 10:00 -­‐ 10:50 2 11:00 -­‐ 11:50 3 1:25 -­‐ 2:15 2:25 -­‐ 3:15 4 5 3:25 -­‐ 5:00 6 (open block) Meet at Picnic Tables next to Administration Building Ranger Challenge AQUATICS BSA Stand Up Paddleboarding + Canoeing (2 HR) Kayaking Lifesaving (2 HR) Rowing Small Boat Sailing (2 HR) At the camp waterfront Swimming Instructional Swim + Half-­‐Mile Swim + One Mile Swim + COPE/CLIMBING Climbing (2 HR) Meet the first day at the Picnic Table at Rock Throwing Range Project COPE + EAGLE AREA Citizenship in the Community Citizenship in the Nation Citizenship in the World Communications Meet at the Eagle Pavilion, located behind the retreat field Personal Management Personal Fitness ECOLOGY Environmental Science (2 HR) Fish and Wildlife Management Forestry Geology Mammal Study Mining in Society Meet at the Nature Lodge, located across from the Trail Blazer Area Nature Oceanography Plant Science Reptile & Amphibian Study Soil & Water Conservation Weather HANDICRAFT Art Basketry Chess Coin Collecting Fingerprinting Indian Lore Inventing Leatherwork Pottery Space Exploration Woodcarving Meet at the Handicraft Pavilion, located next to the Volleyball Court OUTDOOR SKILLS Camping Cooking Cycling (2HR) Emergency Preparedness Meet at the Outdoor Skills Area, located next to the Health Lodge (also called Scoutcraft Area) Fire Safety First Aid Fishing Geocaching Orienteering Pioneering Search & Rescue Signs, Signals, and Codes Wilderness Survival SHOOTING SPORTS Archery The ranges are located behind the Administration Building Parking Lot Rifle Shooting Shotgun Shooting STEM Astronomy Digital Technology Electricty & Electronics Game Design Meet in the Conference Room inside the Camp Administration Building Graphic Arts Moviemaking Nuclear Science Photography Robotics (2HR) TRADING POST Meet at the picnic table outside of the Trading Post Salesmanship TRAIL BLAZERS Trail Blazers Will be escorted to their afternoon merit badge classes Meets every morning at Eagle Plaza (the flagpole where we do morning announcements) -­‐ The Trail Blazer Area is located across from the Nature Lodge Totin' Chip + Meet at Trail Blazer area during free time Monday & Tuesday (for Scouts not taking Trail Blazer Program) Firem'n Chit + ADULT TRAINING CLASSES Red Cross First Aid CPR AED Adult & Infant + Aquatics Supervision Paddle Craft Safety + Aquatics Supervision Swim & Water Rescue + Safe Swim Defense & Safety Afloat Climb on Safely Trek on Safely Leave No Trace These will be announced at the Scoutmaster Senior Patrol Leader meeting each day. + not a merit badge MeritBadge&ProgramPrerequisites PROGRAM--BLOCK RangerChallenge AQUATICS BSAStandUpPaddleboarding+ Canoeing(2HR) Kayaking Lifesaving(2HR) Rowing SmallBoatSailing(2HR) Swimming InstructionalSwim+ Half-MileSwim+ OneMileSwim+ COPE/CLIMBING PREREQUISITES Mustbe14orolder.SeeprogramspecificsinProgramGuide. DIFFICULTY Advanced Mustpassswimmerstest. Mustpassswimmerstest.Needsphysicalstrength.Water shoesrequired. Mustpassswimmerstestanditishighlyrecommendedthatyou haveearnedSwimming&Canoeingmeritbadge,otherwiseyou willmostlikelyneedtospendadditionaltimeatwaterfront masteringskills. MustPassSwimmersTest.MusthaveSwimmingMeritBadge. Bringlong-sleevebutton-downshirt&longpants. MustPassSwimmersTest.Physicallychallenging. Mustbe13,haveswimmingmeritbadgeandpassswimmers testandoneadditionalboatingmeritbadge,otherwiseyouwill needtospendadditionaltimeatwaterfrontmasteringskills. MustPassSwimmersTest. None TuesdayMorningat6:30amatWaterfront,bringaspotter. WednesdayMorningat6:00amatWaterfront,bringaspotter andhavecompletedthehalfmileswim. Intermediate Mustbe13yearsofagetoparticipate.Mustwearlongpants. Nohiking/workboots.Mustwearsneakers. SeeProjectCOPESection.Mustbe14yearsoldbySeptember1 oftheyearparticipating.MustwearlongPants!Nohiking/work boots.Wearsneakers. Climbing(2HR) ProjectCOPE+ Intermediate Intermediate Advanced Intermediate Advanced Intermediate Beginner Intermediate Intermediate Advanced Advanced EAGLEAREA CitizenshipintheCommunity CitizenshipintheNation CitizenshipintheWorld Communications PersonalManagement PersonalFitness ScoutsshouldbepreparedtodiscussRequriements5and8at camp.DiscusswithScoutmasterandwithhisapproval completerequirement7andrecordoncampcommunity servicelogavailableinthedocumentssectionat www.bradysaunders.net Intermediate ScoutsmustbepreparedtopresentReq.2atcamp. Intermediate ScoutsshouldbepreparedtopresentReq.3batcamp. Intermediate ScoutsshouldbepreparedtopresentReq.3and6atcamp. Intermediate MustcompleteTBSPersonalManagementpacketandturnin onthefirstdayofclass. http://bradysaunders.net/camp/documents/2015/tbs_perso nal_management_packet.pdfThispacketneedstobestarted atleast90daysbeforearrivalatcamp!!! Advanced MustcompleteTBSPersonalFitnesspacketandturninonthe firstdayofclass.Bringrunningshoeswithyou. http://bradysaunders.net/camp/documents/2015/tbs_perso nal_fitness_packet.pdfThispacketneedstobestartedatleast 90daysbeforearrivalatcamp!!! Intermediate ECOLOGY EnvironmentalScience(2HR) FishandWildlifeManagement Forestry Geology MammalStudy MininginSociety Nature Oceanography PlantScience Reptile&AmphibianStudy Soil&WaterConservation Sustainability Weather Requireslargetimecommitments,2detailedreports,complete partsofRequirement3beforecamp.Recommendedminimum ageof13. Completerequirement7beforecamp. Bringpaper,pencilandmeritbadgebooktoclass. Bringpaper,pencilandmeritbadgebooktoclass. Workonrequirement3candbepreparedtodiscussatcamp. Bringpaper,pencilandmeritbadgebooktoclass.Research eitherA,B,orCorrequirement8andbepreparedtofurther developwithyourinstructor. Complete4A1,4F2,4E1and4G2. Bringpaper,pencilandmeritbadgebooktoclass. Completerequirement4beforecamp. Requirement8Aor8Bbeforecamp Complete7Aor7Bor7Cor7Dor7E Completerequirement1:water2A,Food2A,Community2Bor 2C,Energy2Bor2C,Stuff2A.Requirement5mustbe completedaftercamp. Bringpaper,pencilandmeritbadgebooktoclass. Advanced Intermediate Intermediate Intermediate Beginner Advanced Beginner Intermediate Intermediate Intermediate Intermediate Advanced Intermediate HANDICRAFT Art Basketry Chess CoinCollecting Fingerprinting IndianLore Inventing Leatherwork Pottery SpaceExploration Woodcarving Completerequirement6beforeclass.Bringmeritbadgebook, paper,andpenciltoclass. Bringpaper,pencilandmeritbadgebooktoclass. Bringmeritbadgebook,penandpapertoclass. Needtobring$2toclasstomakechange.Bringmeritbadge book,penandpapertoclass. Bringmeritbadgebook,pen,andpapertoclass. Bringmeritbadgebook,pen,andpapertoclass. Completerequirement8beforecamp. Bringpaper,pencilandmeritbadgebooktoclass. Completerequirement7beforecamp.Bringmeritbadgebook, paper,andpenciltoclass. Bringmeritbadgebook,pen,andpapertoclass. 2Amustbecompletedbeforebeginningtheactualcarving. BringTotinChipcardwithyoutoclass.TrailBlazersoffersa TotinChipclassonMonday&Tuesday. Beninner Beginner Intermediate Intermediate Beginner Beginner Intermediate Beginner Intermediate Intermediate Intermediate OUTDOORSKILLS Camping Cooking Cycling(2HR) FirstClassRankRecommended.BeforeCamphavecompleted 4B,5E,7B,8D,9A,9Band9C. WillbeeatingahandfulofmealsnotattheDiningHall.Willbe goingonafieldtriptoalocalgrocerystore.Theywillneedto finishrequirements6A,6B,6C,6D&6Ebeforeoraftercampto completethemeritbadge. 7B&7Cshouldbecompletedbeforecamp. Intermediate Advanced Advanced EmergencyPreparedness Requirement1canbecompletedconcurrentlyorbefore attendingcamp.BeforeCamphavecompleted1,2B,2C,7,8A, 8Band8C. Advanced OUTDOORSKILLScontinued FireSafety FirstAid Fishing Geocaching Orienteering Pioneering Search&Rescue Signs,Signals,andCodes WildernessSurvival SHOOTINGSPORTS 6Aand6Bneedtobecompletedwithparentsorguardians beforecamp. 2Dtobecompletedbefore/duringcamp. Bringfishingrod*,tacklebox*andbait*.9tobecompleted beforecamp.Willspendquiteabitoffreetimefishing. 7,8AorBorCorD,and9tobecompletedbeforecamp.Bring GPSifyouhaveone. 7A,7B,8AorB,9,and10tobecompletedduringfreetimeat camporaftercamp.Meritbadgebookisrequired.Bringa compass*. 2Atobecompletedbeforecamp.Meritbadgebookrequired. Practiceknotsandlashings. Completerequirement5beforecamp.Bringanoteorprintoff certificateforthisrequirement. Bepreparedtoworkwithyourtroopandmeritbadgeclasson requirement7.Thisclassrequiresalotofbookworkand homework.Itisnotabeginnermeritbadge. 5beforecamp. Intermediate Intermediate Intermediate Advanced Intermediate Intermediate Advanced Advanced Advanced Takesalotoftimetoqualify.Willneedapocketknife*for builidnganarrow. Intermediate Completerequirement1Fandturninareporttotheinstructor. Difficulttocompletewithoutexperience. Advanced Completerequirement1Fandturninareporttotheinstructor. Difficulttocompletewithoutexperience.Recommendminimum ageof12duetodifficultyhandlingthefirearm. Advanced Archery RifleShooting ShotgunShooting STEM Astronomy DigitalTechnology Electricity&Electronics GameDesign GraphicArts Moviemaking NuclearScience Photography Bringmeritbadgebook,penandpapertoclass. Bringmeritbadgebook,penandpapertoclass.Complete requirement1beforecampandbringitwithyoutoclass. ElectricityandElectronicsaretwomeritbadges.Theywillbe offeredconcurrentlyandascoutmustparticipateinboth. Electricity:Dorequirement2beforecamp,bepreparedto discusswithyourcounceloratcamp.Bringacopyofyour familieselectricalbillforrequirement9a.Electronics:Research requirement6beforecampandbepreparedtodiscuss. Needanotebookforyourdesignersnotebookforgame*.Bring meritbadgebook,penandpapertoclass. Bringmeritbadgebook,penandpapertoclass. Bringmeritbadgebook,penandpapertoclass. Completerequirement4Abeforecamp,bringitwithyouto camp.Bringmeritbadgebook,penandpapertoclass. Bringmeritbadgebook,penandpapertoclass. Advanced Intermediate Advanced Advanced Intermediate Advanced Advanced Intermediate Robotics(2HR) Bringmeritbadgebook,penandpapertoclass. Advanced Bringmeritbadgebook,penandpapertoclass. Intermediate TRADINGPOST Salesmanship TRAILBLAZERS TrailBlazers Totin'Chip+ Firem'nChit+ ADULTTRAININGCLASSES RedCrossFirstAidCPRAEDAdult&Infant+ AquaticsSupervisionPaddleCraftSafety+ AquaticsSupervisionSwim&WaterRescue+ SeeTrailBlazersectionofprogramguide. None None RegisterwiththeHealthofficeratcamp.Costs$20for certification. Mustbeaswimmer. Mustbeaswimmer. Beginner Beginner Beginner Merit Badge Registration Merit badge registration is done through the Doubleknot online program. When you register for camp, the person with the main email contact will be given access to the Doubleknot system. You can link into the program at www.bradysaunders.net. Registration opens on March 15, 2016 for merit badges and programs. Camp T. Brady Saunders tracks merit badges using the Doubleknot merit badge report. By request we do use blue cards for tracking merit badge completion. We record merit badges electronically and a printout of the completed and partially completed merit badges is issued. If your Troop or Council requires blue cards, please bring them with you completely filled out and have the merit badge instructors sign off on them the last day of class. Do not leave blue cards with the merit badge instructors.