The partner for progress
Answers for Saudi Arabia.
The Kingdom
of Saudi
Arabia is
and we are
delighted to
our share.
Siemens’ activities in Saudi Arabia date
back to the early 1930s, when the country
imported its first power plant equipment.
Together with its local partner E.A. Juffali
and Brothers, Siemens has built a longstanding, trusted partnership with the government and the private sector. Today we
are regarded as a reliable partner and a
corporate citizen committed to contributing to the prosperity and progress of the
Kingdom. In February 2011 we announced
a major investment that will support the
Kingdom in making the best use of its
­natural resources and in turning its vision
of a knowledge society into reality.
Arja Talakar
Chief Executive
Saudi Arabia
As a global pioneer in
technology, engineering, and
infrastructure, Siemens has
always applied the highest
ethical standards.
Our products and services
have contributed to Saudi
Arabia’s development for many
decades. I am convinced that
our investment in the power
industry of the Kingdom and
Nicolas Paetzold,
the job creation will
Head of the
make Saudi Arabia a
­Siemens Energy
significant hub for
technological excellence.
Localisation Project
in Saudi Arabia
Driven by the spirit of research and development, Siemens
helps make fossil power generation more efficient.
engineers continuously strive to further improve their
About 50 per cent more electric power can be generated
products and solutions and take the efficiency rates of
from a given amount of fuel with an H-class turbine, which
gas and steam turbines to new levels. The new H-class
in turn means fuel savings and higher plant profitability.
­turbines are a prime example of how turbine technology
The power to move
things ahead
Estimates are that Saudi Arabia’s population will increase
will conduct the local manufacturing of gas turbines and
from 28 million to 40 million within the next ten years.
rotating equipment as well as services and repairs of com-
To meet the significant rise in power demand, the in­­
ponents for the Saudi Arabian power market.
stalled capacity will have to double. It will be necessary
to build new power plants with a combined capacity of
Today, one-third of the electric power consumed in the
at least 4,000 MW every year. This is why the Kingdom is
Kingdom is transmitted and distributed by Siemens equip-
making major investments in the expansion of power
ment. Siemens supplies efficient and reliable products and
­supply capacities.
solutions for various power plants. Raz al Khair power
­station, for instance, is one of the most important mega-
Siemens is highly committed to supporting Saudi Arabia
projects in the Kingdom and can ge­nerate about 21 TWh
in meeting this challenge. The company will invest
of power per year – enough for some 2.7 million people.
­hundreds of millions of US dollars to build a manufacturing and service center in the Kingdom together with its
local partner E.A. Juffali and Brothers. The state-of-the-art
­facility will be built in Dammam, from where Siemens
~ 50
> 2.7
per cent of possible
fuel savings with
­Siemens 8000H class
gas turbines
million people can
obtain electricity
from Raz al Khair
power station
As a global technology company, Siemens recruits talented
and qualifications increase the wealth of ideas in the com-
people around the world and creates an environment in
pany and strengthen our power to innovate. Our teams
which they can best develop and contribute their skills.
also reflect the diverse composition of our customer base
Diverse teams with a broad spectrum of skills, experience,
and help create a local competitive edge.
The capacity to create
Siemens Saudi Arabia currently has more than 1,850
Every employee starts with a thorough introduction to
employees working at five different locations. The new
the job and to the company. An individual plan for the
facility will create further qualified jobs in the Kingdom.
first months and a personal mentor also help make the
While most of the new employees will have a background
start easy. Later, regular constructive dialogue with direct
in engineering or business, such as engineers and com-
supervisors allows employees to recognize individual
mercial controllers, the company will also be looking for
strengths and opportunities. International employment
dedicated and talented people from other disciplines as
is a matter of course for motivated and talented staff
well as for skilled and semi-skilled staff. Siemens also
members. Fast-track development programmes for espe-
­supports the government’s efforts to effect social change
cially talented staff, such as the Siemens Finance Excel-
in the country by recruiting Saudi women, and promotes
lence Program, are the foundation of outstanding careers
the careers of young Saudis with targeted professional
at S
­ iemens and cultivate individuals who dare to ask the
recruitment and training programmes.
toughest questions and share a mindset of openness and
The employees’ expertise and know-how are the most
­valuable assets for a technology company, especially
Visit our website and discover more about work life at
in growing markets such as Saudi Arabia. This is why
­Siemens: www.siemens.com/jobs
­Siemens cares about sustainable staff development and
provides employees with numerous trainings, seminars,
and self-development programmes as well as opp­ortun­­
ities to gain interesting work experience abroad.
employees work
in the Kingdom
new employees
joined Siemens
Saudi Arabia in 2010
Learning is a key requirement for people and a prerequisite
education – a responsibility we share as a corporate
for individual and societal development. The economic
citizen. We have developed comprehensive education
future of any society depends to a great extent on the
programmes that help gifted children and youth
quality of its natural science and technical education.
throughout their primary, secondary, and post-secondary
It is a society’s responsibility to provide a forward-looking
The energy to build
the future
Siemens is committed to establishing the latest technolo-
To promote and encourage the creative thinking, research,
gies and to developing specialist and engineering knowl-
and exploration skills of Saudi students, Siemens Saudi
edge for the power industry in the Kingdom. In coopera-
Arabia is running the Discovery Box programme in cooper-
tion with Saudi Petroleum Services Polytechnic (SPSP),
ation with Saudi Aramco. The Discovery Box kits handed
Siemens will provide vocational training programmes for
out to students contain a variety of tools and materials
40 young Saudi nationals. After a three-year training, they
that make it possible to easily and safely conduct age-
will work for Siemens Saudi Arabia. The programmes
appropriate, scientific experiments in electricity, energy,
include theoretical and practical courses as well as applied
environment, and health. Implemented in coordination
“on the job” apprenticeships based on the proven German
with the Ministry of Education, the programme aims at
reaching some 50,000 students in early school grades
through the distribution of 3,500 scientific kits in a num-
Further encouraging human capital development in
ber of schools throughout the Kingdom. So far, we have
the Kingdom, Siemens collaborates with Saudi Electricity
distributed 1,000 Discovery Boxes to 357 targeted schools,
Company (SEC) for its Expert Development ­Program.
and 520 teachers have participated in the corres­ponding
Selected SEC employees will receive one year of training
training courses.
at various locations of Siemens in Germany and in the
USA to enhance their expertise in the field of energy
In cooperation with SAGIA, Siemens also organized the
SAGIA Commercial Training Program, which aims to provide promising young professionals in the Kingdom with
world-class management and leadership skills as well as
business administration experience.
students in the Kingdom
are t­ argeted by the
­Discovery Box programme
Discovery Boxes h
­ ave
already been distributed
to 357 ­targeted schools
We are
to powering
the future
of the
Published by and copyright © 2012:
Siemens AG
Energy Sector
Freyeslebenstrasse 1
91058 Erlangen, Germany
For more information, please contact:
Siemens Ltd.
Toll Free: 800 SIEMENS (7436367)
Head Office:
Thadeq Street (near Jaafar
bin Mansour Road)
Gharnata District
P.O. Box 9510, Riyadh 11423
Printed in Saudi Arabia
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bleached paper.
All rights reserved.
Trademarks mentioned in this document
are the property of Siemens AG, its affiliates,
or their respective owners.
Subject to change without prior notice.
The information in this document contains
general descriptions of the technical options
available, which may not apply in all cases.
The required technical options should therefore
be specified in the contract.