PHYS 123: General Physics II

PHYS 123: General Physics II
Fall 2016 Syllabus
Dr. Jeffrey W. Emmert
Office: HS 305H
Phone: 410-677-5415
Office Hours:
MoTuWeThFr 11:00 am - noon
(or by appointment)
GREETINGS and welcome to General Physics II! This is the second of a two course series in introductory physics
geared primarily toward students majoring in science disciplines other than physics or engineering. In this
course we will study a broad range of topics, including basic concepts of electricity and magnetism, wave
motion, and optics. Our examination of this subject matter will require extensive use of college-level algebra,
of which you are expected to have a good working knowledge. Satisfactory completion of PHYS 121 (or its
equivalent) is also a prerequisite, and you are consequently expected to have a solid understanding of
elementary Newtonian mechanics
The GENERAL GOALS of this course are twofold:
1) The primary goal is for you to gain a basic understanding of the physics topics covered in the course.
This will contribute to your general science background, supporting further study; help prepare those
of you who must take pre-professional exams covering physics; and hopefully encourage a perception
of the world as a more comprehensible, enjoyable, and fascinating place.
2) A secondary goal is to further develop your ability to think critically, logically, and analytically in
problem solving. These skills have wide applicability outside of the physics classroom.
SUCCESS in this course requires a significant time commitment on your part. This is a four-credit course, and
you should plan on spending at least the standard eight hours per week outside of class reading and thinking
about the material and solving problems. Take advantage of office hours, even if it’s just to stop by and say
hello. You are the primary agent of your learning! Learning is a biological process, and only the owner of your
brain (i.e., you, not I) can make the necessary neural connections. In particular, your active participation before,
during, and after each lecture is critical.
Before Lecture: Your first exposure to material will be from reading the textbook prior to lecture. Read
to understand, not merely to cover material or memorize facts. While reading effectively, you will likely
pause frequently to review older material that is referenced, think about new concepts and principles,
and refine your mental models. Several readings of the text may be necessary.
During Lecture: Lecture will not be mere repetition of what you have read. (There simply isn’t time!)
Instead, I will try to explain confusing issues, warn of common pitfalls, ask probing questions, and urge
you to think critically. Lecture will be most effective if you actively participate. Only a partnership
between you and me will fulfill the objectives of this course. If you become lost or confused, please
stop me and ask for clarification. I rely upon your questions about the material as well as your answers
to my questions in order to teach effectively.
After Lecture: In order to learn physics you must think about and interact with the course material.
Nobody learns physics by simply reading about it or listening to someone talk about it. You learn it by
making the effort to understand the material, building mental models, and solving problems using the
principles learned. Follow up on lecture by working the textbook example problems on your own. Read
and consider the Conceptual Questions at the end of each chapter, and work a few Problems &
Exercises from each section. The solutions to select problems can be found in the Student Solutions
Manual, which is available on MyClasses.
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• College Physics, OpenStax College (ISBN 9781938168000) – may be freely accessed or downloaded in
PDF format from or from MyClasses
• Physics 123 Laboratory Manual, Fall 2016 edition – may be freely accessed or downloaded in PDF
format from MyClasses
• Scientific calculator – see below
• MyClasses: Your class scores will periodically be updated on the MyClasses course page. If you notice
an incorrect score, please notify me immediately. The MyClasses course page also links to important
documents such as the syllabus, a continually updated class calendar, written assignments, and study
resources. MyClasses can be accessed from the main page of the Salisbury University website.
Email: I may occasionally communicate important announcements via campus email, which can be
accessed from the main page of the Salisbury University website. Please check your email account daily
throughout the semester.
• Academic Integrity: The physics department adheres to the policy of academic integrity included in
Salisbury University’s Undergraduate & Graduate Catalog and outlined in the Student Code of Conduct.
Any type of academic misconduct will result in severe penalty, including the possibility of a failing grade
in the course. An Academic Misconduct Incident Report will be filed with the Office of Academic Affairs
for all incidents, as required by university policy.
Attendance: You are expected to come to your scheduled lecture on time, prepared to ask and answer
questions and actively participate. You are responsible for all material covered and announcements
made in class. In the event of an absence, you should obtain this information from fellow students.
Unless there is an exam scheduled, there is no need to notify me regarding an absence. Please do not
come to class within 24 hours of having a fever!
Calculators: Bring a scientific calculator to every lecture. Only non-programmable calculators without
computer algebra systems and inter-calculator communication capabilities may be used on quizzes and
exams. A cell phone may not be used for a calculator, and calculators may not be shared.
Class Behavior: Please maintain yourself during class in a mature, courteous manner that promotes
the learning process. To assist in this, turn off cell phones, put away headphones and earbuds, refrain
from engaging in extraneous conversations, and avoid distracting or disturbing your classmates.
Violators will be asked to stop or leave the room. Such behavior will affect your final grade.
Copyright: The lectures that I deliver in this class and the course materials I create and distribute are
protected by federal copyright law as my original works. You are permitted to take notes of lectures
and to use course materials for your personal use in this course. You may not record my lectures
without my express consent, and you may not publicly display or distribute or allow anyone else to
publicly display or distribute my lecture notes or course materials without my written permission.
Inclement Weather: In case of inclement weather, call the Gull Line at 410-546-6426 for weather
related closing information, or check the Salisbury University website.
Students with Disabilities: If you require an accommodation in this course based on the impact of a
disability, please inform me during the first week of class.
Writing Requirement: You are expected to demonstrate proficiency in “writing across the curriculum”
by writing logically, legibly, and lucidly.
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• Exams: There will be two midterm exams administered in lecture as well as a comprehensive final
exam. The midterm exams will be cumulative, but will focus on material that has not been covered on
the previous exams. If you suspect that you will miss an exam, contact me beforehand to make
necessary arrangements. In extreme, unexpected circumstances (e.g., death in the family, severe illness
verified by a physician), if notice is given prior to the beginning of an exam, I may at my discretion allow
you to make-up the exam.
Assignments and Quizzes: A variety of assignments and quizzes will be given throughout the semester.
I encourage you to collaborate with others in developing homework solutions. Please discuss the
material and help each other learn the concepts. However, you may turn in only the results of your
own efforts – not group solutions, and certainly not solutions directly borrowed from someone else.
Subsequent to any collaboration, the written homework solutions that you submit for grading must be
developed entirely on your own. For instance, if you develop a solution through collaboration during a
tutoring session or with help from a website, you must put it aside and write your own solution without
referring to it. Violation of these rules concerning assignments will be considered academic
misconduct. Assignments and quizzes will not be weighted equally, but their relative values will be
indicated by the number of points they are worth. Written assignments are due in class at the
beginning of class. No late submissions of homework will be accepted, nor will make-up quizzes be
provided. If you suspect that you will miss a lecture in which an assignment is due, submit your work
early or have someone else submit it for you in class. Of your assignments and quizzes, the three lowest
scores (by percentage) will be excluded in calculating your overall score.
Laboratory Exercises: The laboratory component of your grade is determined by your laboratory
instructor. You should attend all laboratories at your scheduled time.
Grade Calculation: Your grade will be determined based on the following percentages:
Two midterm exams (2 x 20%)
Final exam
Assignments and quizzes
Laboratory exercises
Total = 100%
Grade Scale: Letter grades will be assigned based on the following scale applied to the total percentage
earned in the course:
90 – 100%
80 – 90¯ %
70 – 80¯ %
60 – 70¯ %
00 – 60¯ % = F
Superior work; demonstrates a thorough understanding of the subject
Excellent work; demonstrates an above average understanding of the subject
Good work; demonstrates an average understanding of the subject
Fair work; demonstrates a below average understanding of the subject and/or may
not have completed some coursework
Unsatisfactory work; does not demonstrate an adequate understanding of the
subject and/or may not have completed significant coursework
At my discretion, I may lower one or more of the letter grade limits after the final exam. Apply your
energies toward earning an acceptable grade from the beginning of the semester, and if you experience
difficulties, seek help immediately!
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Tentative Lecture and Laboratory Schedule
Fall 2016
Week Of
Laboratory Exercise*
Lecture Topics
29 August
Electric Charges, Conductors and Insulators, Induced
Charges, Coulomb’s Law, Electric Fields and Field Lines
5 September
Charges and Electric
Electric Fields and Field Lines (cont.), Electric Potential
18, 19
12 September
Electric Field Mapping
Electric Potential due to Point Charges,
Equipotential Lines, Capacitors, Dielectrics
19 September
Electric Currents, Batteries
26 September
Batteries and Bulbs
Ohm’s Law, Resistance and Resistivity, Electric Power
3 October
Resistance, Voltage,
and Current in Circuits
Resistors in Series and Parallel, Emf, Capacitors in
Series and Parallel, Voltmeters and Ammeters
10 October
Magnetic Field
Midterm Exam 1 (ch. 18-21)
Magnets, Magnetic Fields and Field Lines
17 October
Magnetic Induction
Magnetic Forces, Magnetic Flux, Induced Emf,
Faraday’s Law, Lenz’s Law
24 October
Magnets and Motors
Motional Emf, Transformers
31 October
Springs and Simple
Harmonic Motion
Simple Harmonic Motion, The Simple Pendulum,
Resonance, Waves
7 November
Standing Waves
on a String
Superposition, Interference, Standing Waves,
Intensity, Sound, Sound Level
16, 17
14 November
Sound Waves
Doppler Effect, Sonic Booms, Human Hearing
21 November
(No Laboratory)
Midterm Exam 2 (ch. 22-23, 16-17)
28 November
Reflection, Refraction, Ray Diagrams, Thin Lenses,
Human Vision
25, 26
5 December
Mirrors, Lens Combinations, Total Internal Reflection,
Dispersion, Diffraction, Polarization
25, 27
* The laboratory exercises in the laboratory manual are not necessarily in this order.
Comprehensive Final Exam
Thursday, 15 December 10:45 am - 1:15 pm (HS 341)
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