GENERAL PHYSICS II – PHYS 1404 Objectives: General Physics II is the second part of a sequence of two algebra-­‐based introductory physics courses whose main two objectives are to provide students with a rigorous description of physical phenomena and to improve students’ problem-­‐solving abilities. Topics: We will study the following topics: Electric Forces and Electric Fields, Electrical Energy and Capacitance, Current and Resistance, Direct-­‐Current Circuits, Induced Voltage and Inductance, Alternating Current, Selected Topics in Geometrical Optics. Homework: Several homework sets will be assigned. Homework is a key component of this course, as acquiring and improving your analytical skills critically depends on the number and variety of problems you attempt to solve. Solving homework problems in groups is encouraged. Homework will be collected in class on the announced due dates and no late homework will be accepted. Laboratory: The Laboratory Section in mandatory and your final grade will be strongly influenced by your performance in the Laboratory Section of this course (see table below). Exams and Quizzes: There will be two midterm exams during the regularly-­‐scheduled class periods. In addition, we will have a comprehensive final exam at the end of the semester. There will also be approximately seven quizzes. Quizzes are intended to better prepare students perform under time pressure on the midterm and final exams. Grading: Laboratory and HW 15% Midterm 1 25% Midterm 2 25% Final exam 35%