Siemens plc, Industry Sector, Stuart Moran – UK Head of Automotive
“Making it in Britain”
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Manufacturing is changing faster than ever before
Increase efficiency
Energy and resource efficiency
Shorten time-to-market
Enhance flexibility
Shorter innovation cycles
Mass customisation
More complex products
High production levels
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Automation –
Shaping Britain’s Industrial Future
•  Siemens Industry Sector is a
leading supplier of innovative
and eco-friendly products and
solutions for industrial customers
•  With our complete range of
automation technologies,
intelligent software solutions,
vast industry expertise and
closely integrated services, we're
increasing the productivity,
efficiency and flexibility of our
•  Engineering platform
for the unified design of
production facilities from process
controls to user interfaces
•  Lowers development costs by up
to 25 percent
•  Drastically shortens time-tomarket for new products
Future Factory simulation, Siemens Training Centre, Manchester
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•  “The Next Industrial
Revolution” Industry 4.0
Closing the gap between design
and manufacture expoiting
Cyber-physical systems.
Inspiring the next generation
Making it Great in Britain
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A partner to UK universities and UTC’s
•  A strong commitment to
working with universities
and recruiting top graduate
engineering talent
•  Valued partnerships with 11
UK universities and 6
university technical colleges
•  The Sir William Siemens
Medal Award – recognises
engineering excellence in
students at target
•  Sponsorship of the Mayor’s
Low Carbon Prize,
targeting London university
•  Chair of the national Baker
Dearling Trust Employer
Engagement panel for
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High profile champion for UK skills and engineering
•  Government Ministers view
Siemens as a business
committed to investment,
innovation and skills in
the UK
•  Leading provider of 300 UK
engineering apprenticeships
•  200 UK graduates
•  Ranked in Times Top 100
Graduate Employers
•  Siemens has been ranked
number 1 in the Industrial
Engineering / General
category for the third
consecutive year
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The UK’s first engineering education portal
•  Launched in conjunction with
the Cabinet Office,
Department of Education and
the Department for Business,
Innovation and Skills, the
portal will reach:
•  5,000 schools by 2014
•  4.5 million pupils by 2016
•  Example: BMW Mini and
Siemens ‘Lean Manufacturing”
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Lead sponsor of The Big Bang - UK’s largest
celebration of science and engineering for young people
•  Siemens have supported
The Big Bang Fair since its
inception in 2010
•  In 2013 over 65,000 young
people attended the event
held at ExCel
•  The key focus is to highlight
the exciting possibilities that
exist for young people with
science, technology,
engineering and maths
•  Siemens’ interactive stands
are manned by our
Graduates and Apprentices
with a specialist team
offering careers advice to
Mums and Dads
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Major sponsor of Greenpower Education Trust National electric car challenge for children
•  8,400 students participated
last year
•  Students have free access
to Siemens PLM software to
help design their electric
race cars
•  71% of participants said it
positively influenced their
decision to take STEM
subjects at GCSE
•  Our employees volunteer to
support race days, including
technical expertise from
Siemens engineers
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Partnership with world renowned
Science Museum on climate change gallery
•  Siemens sponsors the
Atmosphere Gallery at the
Science Museum in
London – world’s first
permanent climate science
•  3 million visitors to the
Science Museum in 2012,
of which 685,000 visited
the Atmosphere Gallery
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Siemens plc, Industry Sector, Stuart Moran – UK Head of Automotive
Thank you for your attention.
Restricted © Siemens plc 2014 All rights reserved.