AGENDA ITEM NO. 1 (d) To: Procurement Sub Committee On: 21st January 2015 Report by: Joint Report by Director of Finance and Corporate Services & Director of Community Resources Heading: Contract Authorisation Report 1. Summary 1.1 The purpose of this report is to seek the approval of the Procurement SubCommittee to enter into a contract with Lightways (Contractors) Limited under the terms of Lot 2 of Renfrewshire Council’s framework agreement reference R111102690 for Street Lighting Maintenance, Repairs, Improvements and Developments. 1.2 The recommendation to award follows conclusion of a mini competition process run in accordance with the terms and conditions of Framework Agreement R111102690 for street lighting improvements at Johnstone town centre. 2. Recommendations It is recommended that the Procurement Sub Committee: 2.1 Authorise the Head of Legal and Democratic Services to award a contract for Street Lighting Improvement Works at Johnstone Town Centre to Lightways (Contractors) Limited, with a contract value of £258,662.10; 2.2 Note the period of the contract shall be 20 weeks. The anticipated contract start date is 9 February 2015; Page 1 of 3 2.3 Authorise an additional £30,000 contingency sum may be spent on this contract for unforeseen circumstances which are required on site. 3. Background 3.1 The street lighting in Johnstone town centre requires urgent upgrading to replace faulty underground cable networks which are now life expired and deemed irreparable. A temporary overhead supply has been installed to ensure that lighting remains operational however this solution is short term and not cost effective. 3.2 To deliver a sustainable solution for Johnstone town centre, the Council ran a mini competition under Lot 2 of the existing Street Lighting Maintenance, Repairs, Improvements and Developments Framework Agreement (Reference R111102690) to undertake street lighting improvement works in the Johnstone town centre area. 3.3 In accordance with the terms of Clause 27.4 of the Contract Standing Orders all four contractors on the Framework capable of performing the contract were invited to participate in the mini competition, only one tender response was received. 3.4 Lightways (Contractors) Limited offered a price of £258,662.10 for delivery of the full package of works. The works will be funded from the Street Lighting Capital Works Programme and fall within the existing budget for the financial year 2014 / 2015. 3.5 Street lighting materials will be provided by the Council and will include new LED lanterns for installation in Johnstone town centre. LED lanterns provide the Council with sustainable cost effective lighting solutions which reduce the total cost of ownership over a 10 year period in terms of lantern life, energy usage and cost of maintenance. 3.6 Due to the short term nature of this works contract, community benefits cannot be delivered. However, community benefits will be sought over the coming months for larger street lighting maintenance and any capital investment contracts. Lightways (Contractors) Limited currently deliver the Council’s Street Lighting Maintenance Contract which secures local employment within Renfrewshire. They have also been working with the Council to trial technologies which aim deliver environmental benefits. Implications of the Report 1. Financial Implications Financial costs for this project will be met from the Service’s Capital Budget. Page 2 of 3 2. HR & Organisational Development Not applicable 3. Community Planning Greener: The improvement works proposed under this contract will contribute to a safer and greener environment for Johnstone town centre providing efficient street lighting which uses less energy and requires less maintenance. Safer and Stronger: Renfrewshire Council has a statutory obligation under the Roads (Scotland) Act 1984 for the provision and maintenance of roads and footways. 4. Legal This mini competition has been conducted in accordance with the terms of Contract Standing Order 27.4 and the terms set out the Framework Agreement for Street Lighting Maintenance, Repairs, Improvements and Developments. 5. Property Assets None 6. Information Technology Implications None 7. Equality & Human Rights Lightways (Contractors) Limited has confirmed compliance with the statutory obligations in respect of Equal Opportunities. 8. Health & Safety Lightways (Contractors) Limited health and safety submission was assessed by Renfrewshire Council’s Health and Safety section at the point of framework award and found to fully compliant. 9. Procurement The procurement procedures outlined within this report shall ensure that the Council meets its statutory requirements in respect of procurement procedures, efficient and modern Government. 10. Risk Implications The existing underground cable network in Johnstone has been subject to a number of faults leading to the installation of temporary overhead power supplies. If the award of this contract does not progress, the Council may incur additional costs in terms of ongoing maintenance and repair of near redundant cabling and increased energy costs. 11. Privacy Impact Not applicable. Author: Bridget Lambert, 0141 618 6073 Page 3 of 3