SSRG International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (SSRG-IJEEE) – volume 1 Issue 6 -August 2014 Analysis of Cascaded H- Bridge Inverter and Minimization of Total Harmonic Distortion P.Divya Jyothsna1 S.Harinath2 1 Lecturer in Govt. Polytechnical college, Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, India. 2 PG Scholor, Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, JNTU college of Engineering, India. ABSTRACT: This paper projects the different levels of voltage induction motor drives required high level inverter to cascaded H-bridge inverters and the minimization of total produce the waveforms nearer to sinusoidal and to minimize harmonic distortion by increasing the levels. For triggering of the ripple content. As the number of levels increases, the the semiconductor devices used in the inverter level shifting synthesized output waveform adds more steps, producing a pulse width modulation technique is used. Individually for staircase wave which approaches thesinusoidal wave with each level inverter we have developed the switching circuit minimum harmonic distortion.The stepped waveform is and also the inverter. The analysis of three level and five level synthesized byselecting different voltage levels generated by cascaded H-bridge inverters is done in MATLAB/SIMULINK the proper connection of the load to the different capacitive by applying level shifting PWM technique. The simulation voltage sources. This connection is performed by the proper results shows the improvement of output voltage waveform switching of the power semiconductors. The three and five and reduction of the total harmonic distortion by increasing level cascaded H-bridge inverters are analyzed how to the levels in inverter. produce the sinusoidal voltage and how the switches are operates with the level shifting PWM. Key words: Cascaded H-bridge inverter, Level shifting Pulse Width Modulation. I. INTRODUCTION The Voltage source inverter fed induction motor drives aremostly used in medium power applications. The voltage waveforms of two level inverter show that the voltage across This paper is organized into five sections. Following the introduction in section I, different levels of inverters are discussed in section II, the basics of the level shifting PWM in section III, the simulation of three, five and seven level inverters with results and comparison between them in section IV. Finally conclusion from section V. the motorcontains not only the required fundamental sinusoidal components, but also pulses of voltage i.e. ripple II. CASCADED H-BRIDGE INVERTER voltage. The output of inverter voltage is applied to the The cascaded multilevel inverter consists of a series induction motor then the performance of the motors are of H-bridge inverter. The general purpose of this degrades. Because of the ripple voltages the rate of change of multilevel inverter is to synthesize a desired voltage voltage with respect to time is more.Also high voltage rating from several separate dc sources, like batteries, fuel of the power semiconductors devices is required for inverters cells, solar cells, and ultra-capacitors. A single-phase used to run the high voltage motors. The medium and high ISSN: 2348 – 8379 Page 1 SSRG G Internationaal Journal of Electrical E and Electronics En ngineering (SS SRG-IJEEE) – volume 1 Isssue 6 -August 2014 2 struccture of a casscade inverterr with separaate dc sourcess [1]. Each separatte dc source is connectedd to a single-ngle phase toppology of thee phasse full-bridge inverter. Sin hybrrid multilevel inverter is sh hown in Fig.1; the bottom m is onne leg of a sttandard 3-leg inverter withh a dc powerr sourcceVdc, the toop is a hyb brid in seriees with eachh standdard inverter leg that the H-bridge H inverter can use a separrate dc poweer source the top is a hybbrid in seriess with each standarrd inverter leg g that the H-brridge inverterr u a separatee dc power so ource (Vdc/2). Consideringg can use the output o voltage V1 of this leg l is either +(V + dc/2)whenn S1 iss closed or –V – dc/2 when n S2 is closedd.This leg iss connnected in seriees witha full H-bridge H inveerter, then thee outpuut voltage V2 of th he H-bridge inverter iss eitheer+(Vdc/2) whhen Sa1 and Sa S 4 are closedd, 0 when Sa1, Fig.44 Five level casscaded H-bridgge inverter III. SW WITCHING PATTERN P SC CHEME I this paper, a level shifteed pulse widtth modulationn In technnique is emplloyed. Sa3 or o Sa2, Sa4 aree closed, or –(Vdc/2) – wheen Sa2 and Sa33 are closed. An example ou utput waveform that thiss topology can acchieve as sh hown in thee Fig. 2.Thee topology of the proposed a 5-level3-phaase cascadedd hown in Fig. 3. 3 hybrrid multilevel inverter is sh A.. Level shifted PWM A m-level Cascaded An C H-bbridge inverteer using level shiftted modulatioon requires (m m–1) triangulaar carriers, all havinng the sam me frequenccy and ampplitude. Thee frequuency modulaation index iss given by . Levell shiftted PWM techhnique is classified into thhree types. 1)) In phase p disposittion 2)Phase opposition disposition d 3)) Alterrnate phase opposition o disposition. 1 IN PHASE DISPOSITIION 1) Fig.33 Three level caascaded H-brid dge inverter In phhase dispositiion method all a the carrier waves are inn phasse with each other o as shown in figure beelow ISSN: 2348 – 8379 www Paage 2 SSRG G Internationaal Journal of Electrical E and Electronics En ngineering (SS SRG-IJEEE) – volume 1 Isssue 6 -August 2014 2 Fig.6 Switching pattern in IPD 2 PHASE OPPOSITION 2) O N DISPOSITIO ON In phase opposittion dispositio on (POD) modulation m alll Fig.88 Switching pattern in APOD D carriier waveformss above zero reference aree in phase andd are 180 1 0 out of phhase with those below zeroo as shown inn figurre below IV. MATLAB MODELING G AND SIMU ULATION RESU ULTS s is carried out in followingg In this simulation threee cases. i) Cascadeed 3-level innverter with level shiftedd pulse wiidth modulation. ii) Cascadeed 5-level innverter with level shiftedd pulse wiidth modulation. Casee i:In this casse we will finnd out outpuut voltage andd Totaal Harmonicss Distortion for 3-level cascaded H-Fig.7Switcching pattern in n POD 3 ALTERN 3) NATE PHASE OPPOSITIO ON bridgge inverterr. The sim mulation diiagram correesponding waaves forms aree as shown inn figure. DISPOSIT TION I case of altternate phasee disposition modulation,, In everyy carrier waaveform is in out of phhase with itss neighhbor carrier by b 1800as shown in figure below. b ISSN: 2348 – 8379 www Paage 3 andd SSRG G Internationaal Journal of Electrical E and Electronics En ngineering (SS SRG-IJEEE) – volume 1 Isssue 6 -August 2014 2 Fig.99 Three-level innverter Fig.112 THD analyysis of 3-levell inverter withh level shiftedd PWM M. Casee ii: In this caase also we will w find out output o voltagee Fig.10 switching circuit and THD for 5-llevel cascadeed H-bridge inverter withh levell shifted PWM M. Fig.11 line voltage of cascaded 3--level inverter Fig.133 Line voltage of 5-level 5 cascaded H-bridge H inverter. ISSN: 2348 – 8379 www Paage 4 SSRG G Internationaal Journal of Electrical E and Electronics En ngineering (SS SRG-IJEEE) – volume 1 Isssue 6 -August 2014 2 increeases the Total Harmoniccs Distortionn is decreasess and the t machine performance p is improved. Refeerences: Fig.13 THD analysis of 5-level caascaded H-briddge inverter. Table LEVELS V. %THD % 3 39.88 3 5 22.78 2 [1]. Keith Corziine and Yaaakov Familiaant “A New w Casccaded Multileevel H-Bridgee Drive.”IEEE E Transactionn on Power P Electroonics, Vol.17, No.1, Januarry2002. [2].R Rodriguez, J.S. J Lai, Fang F Z. 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CONCL LUSION: In this paper p a threee level andd Five levell cascaaded H-bridgge inverterwitth level shifteed PWM hass beenn designed and a compared d their THD Ds. Form thee compparison we haave to identify fy as level of the t inverter iss ISSN: 2348 – 8379 www Paage 5