International Journal of Electronics, Electrical and Computational System IJEECS ISSN 2348-117X Volume 4, Special Issue May 2015 Performance Analysis of Z- Source Inverter and Quasi ZSource Inverter Prof. Ravi Gupta Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Krishna Institute of Engineering and Technology Ghaziabad, India Sapna Teotia Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Krishna Institute of Engineering and Technology Ghaziabad, India Abstract This paper presents the comparative analysis of Z-source inverter and Quasi Z-source inverter (abbreviated as Q Z-source inverter).The Z-source employs a unique impedance network to couple the circuit to the power source. There are several disadvantages of the Z-source inverter such as input current is discontinuous and capacitor has high voltage stress that overcomes by the quasi Z-source inverter. The quasi Z-source is very much similar to the Z-source inverter. The quasi Z-source inverter have several advantages such as: reduce source stress, lower component ratings and simplified control strategies. Like Z-source inverter, quasi Z-source inverter also suitable for applications which require large range of gain such as in motor controllers or renewable energy sources. Keywords—Inverter,current source inverter, voltage source inverter, z-source inverter, quasi zsource inverter. 1. Introduction In Power electronics, inverter plays a vital role. Inverters are known as the circuits which convert a dc power into an ac power at desired output voltage and frequency. The ac output voltage can be fixed or variable frequency. The conversion can be achieved either by controlling turn – on and turn – off devices (eg. Bipolar junction transistor BJT, Insulated gate bipolar transistor IGBT) or by thyristors, depending on applications. Inverter are broadly classified as: voltage source inverter (VSI) and current source inverter (CSI). The voltage source inverter (VSI) has several limitations and theoretical barriers – The dc source has small or negligible impedance. In other words, it has stiff dc voltage source at its input side. R Load Vin L Load C (a) L R Load Vin (b) Fig.1. Traditional inverter (a) VSI (b) CSI 54 Prof. Ravi Gupta, Sapna Teotia L Load International Journal of Electronics, Electrical and Computational System IJEECS ISSN 2348-117X Volume 4, Special Issue May 2015 The ac output voltage is limited below the dc voltage. Due to the low internal impedance, the terminal voltage remains substantially constant with the changes in load. Therefore, it is suitable for single motor drives and multi motor drives. Due to low time constant of its internal impedance a short circuit occurs across terminal, causes current to rise very fast. For applications such as over drive, an additional dc-dc boost converter is needed to obtain a desired ac output. The shoot – through problem by electromagnetic interference (EMI) noise’s misgating-on is a major killer to the converter reliability. An additional LC filter is needed to control complexity [1]. On the other hand, the current source inverter (CSI) is one in which the dc source has high impedance. If the current source inverter is fed by the phase controlled rectifier through a large series inductor then the load current is controlled rather than the load voltage and inverter output voltage is dependent on the load impedance. Due to large internal impedance, the terminal voltage of the current source inverter (CSI) does not substantially remains constant with a change in load. In other words, it changes with a change in load. Therefore, a change in load on any motor affects other motors, if applied in a multi-motor drive. Hence, current source inverter (CSI) is not suitable for multi-motor drives. For applications where a wide range of voltage is needed, an additional dc-dc buck (or boost) converter is applied. Electromagnetic interference (EMI) noise’s misgating – off occurs which causes open circuit problem which is a major killer to the converter’s reliability. A series diode with a combination of high- speed and high – performance transistors such as insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) is required to block the reverse voltage. Therefore, it prevents direct use of low – cost and high performance insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) modules [1]. In addition, both the voltage source inverter (VSI) and current source inverter (CSI) have the same following problemsThey cannot be a buck –boost converter. Instead of it, they are either buck or boost converter at a time. The output voltage may be either greater than or less than input voltage, but not both. In case of reliability, electromagnetic interference (EMI) noise’s is a major killer. The main circuit of one type of inverter cannot be used for the other type of inverter. 2. Z- Source Inverter A new lattice network known as impedance – fed power converter (abbreviated as Z -source converter)[2]-[5] is applied to overcome the above mentioned theoretical barriers and limitations of the voltage source converter and the current source converter and provides a good power conversion concept. L1 D1 C1 S1 S3 S5 S4 S6 S2 C2 Vs L2 Fig.2. Z- source inverter 55 Prof. Ravi Gupta, Sapna Teotia Load International Journal of Electronics, Electrical and Computational System IJEECS ISSN 2348-117X Volume 4, Special Issue May 2015 Fig. 2 shows the impedance fed power converter structure proposed. The z source converter consists of a unique impedance network that couples the main circuit to the power source, or another converter. This provides a unique feature of both buck and boost conversion capability , that cannot be obtained in the voltage source converter and current source converter. Fig. 2 shows a two port network that consists of two inductors and two capacitors connected in Xconfiguration which provides an impedance source connected to the load. The dc source or load can be either a voltage or a current source or load. The dc source can be a battery, fuel cell and load can be inductor, capacitor, resistor, or combination of these. There are six switches which is a combination of switching devices like insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBTs) and an anti-parallel diode. This impedance fed network can be applied to all dcto-ac, ac -to-dc, ac -to-ac, dc-to-dc power conversion. The control method of the Z- source inverter is described in [6]-[7]. The Z -source inverter operation modes – Active mode, shoot through mode, and three discontinuous modes. In active mode, only one device conducts in each phase leg. In active mode, the inverter is controlled as the voltage source inverter. The shoot through mode is that mode in which both switches in at least one phase conduct. In this mode, the voltage across inverter is zero. IL1 Ii + + IC1 Vd Vin - VL1 IC2 + + VC1 - - VC2 + Vi - - VL2 + IL2 Fig.3. Shoot through state of Z- source inverter IL1 Ii Iin + + IC1 - VL1 IC2 + Vd Vin + VC2 + VC1 - Vi - - - VL2 + IL2 Fig.4. Non-shoot through state of Z- source inverter In the shoot through zero state, the sum of two capacitors voltage becomes greater than the dc source voltage, Let assume that inductors L1 and L2 have same inductance (L) and capacitors C1 and C2 have same capacitance (C). The network becomes symmetrical. From symmetry we have the following equations as described in [1], [11]. 56 Prof. Ravi Gupta, Sapna Teotia International Journal of Electronics, Electrical and Computational System IJEECS ISSN 2348-117X Volume 4, Special Issue May 2015 During switching cycle T, the capacitor charges the inductor. Thus, the inductor voltage becomes , (4) During the switching cycle T, in the non- shoot through states for an interval T1, the equation becomes (5) (6) (7) Here is the dc source voltage, is the average dc link voltage In steady state during one switching period (T) the average voltage of the inductor must be zero, from eq. (4), (5), (6) and (7) we get, The average dc-link voltage, The peak dc link voltage as in (7) can be expressed as: Here, B is the boost factor. The peak dc-link voltage is equal to the dc –link voltage of inverter. The output peak phase voltage can be expressed as, M is modulation index. From eq. (12) and (14), In voltage source inverter, From eq. (15) output voltage can be stepped up and stepped down by choosing buck boost factor From eq. (3), (10) and (13), the capacitor voltage becomes, . The Z-source inverter consists of nine permissible switching states as the voltage source inverter has eight switching states. The Z- source inverter has one more zero state. This shoot through zero state occurs when the load terminal are shorted both the upper and lower device of any one or two or all the three phase legs. This shoot through zero state is not available in the voltage source inverter. In addition, Z-source inverter has the following drawbacks: The capacitor in the impedance fed X- shape network must sustain high voltage. 57 Prof. Ravi Gupta, Sapna Teotia International Journal of Electronics, Electrical and Computational System IJEECS ISSN 2348-117X Volume 4, Special Issue May 2015 It provides discontinuous input current in the boost mode. The discontinuous current is not permissible for many sources and requires large input filters. 3. Quasi Z- Source Inverter To overcome the above problems of the impedance – fed converter (abbreviated as Z- source inverter), this paper compares a new topology known as quasi Z -source inverter (abbreviated as QZSI) [8]-[9] and its control method can be used for ac-to-dc , dc-to-ac , ac-to-ac , dc-to-dc power conversion. C1 L2 L1 D1 S1 S3 S5 S4 S6 S2 Load C2 Vs Fig.5. Quasi Z-Source Inverter Fig.5 shows the general quasi Z-source inverter structure. Its internal impedance network connects the converter main circuit to the power source or load. The quasi Z- source inverter consists of two inductors L1 and L2 and two capacitors C1 and C2. The inductor present in the quasi Z-source inverter reduces the source current. The capacitor voltage is lower than in case of Z- source inverter. The quasi Z-source network connected the converter to the dc source and load. The dc source can be a battery, fuel cell, photovoltaic cell and load can be inductor, capacitor, resistor, or a combination of these. The six switches are a combination of switching devices like insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBTs) and an anti-parallel diode. The continuous quasi Z- source inverter provides an earthing between the dc –link and input source, by which there is a reduction in common mode, noise can occur. The low voltage stress is obtained on the capacitors. C1 L2 L1 D1 Vs S1 S3 S5 S4 S6 S2 C2 Fig.6. Continuous quasi z- source inverter 58 Prof. Ravi Gupta, Sapna Teotia Load International Journal of Electronics, Electrical and Computational System IJEECS ISSN 2348-117X Volume 4, Special Issue May 2015 C1 L2 L1 D1 S1 S3 S5 S4 S6 S2 Load C2 Vs Fig.7. Discontinuous quasi z- source inverter In the discontinuous mode of quasi Z- source inverter, the aim is to obtain the low voltage stress on the capacitors C1 and C2 again. This low voltage stress on capacitors results in more space-saving designs. There are nine switching states (vector): six effective states, two additional zero states and one direct zero state. The direct zero state and traditional zero state will not affect output voltage. In the active state, only one device conducts in each phase leg [10], [12]. IC2 + - + IL2 VC2 IL1 VL1 - + VL2 P + IC1 + VC1 VPN - Vin N - Fig.8. Active state quasi z- source inverter During switching cycle T, in the active state for an interval , the equation becomes, The shoot-through state is that mode in which both switches in at least one phase conduct. In this mode, the voltage across inductor is zero. iC2 - + VC2 iL2 iL1 + VL1 + iC1 + VL2 P + VC1 Vin VPN - N - Fig.9. Shoot-through state quasi Z- source inverter 59 Prof. Ravi Gupta, Sapna Teotia International Journal of Electronics, Electrical and Computational System IJEECS ISSN 2348-117X Volume 4, Special Issue May 2015 During switching cycle T, in the shoot-through state for an interval , the equation becomes, The average voltage of inductor is zero. From eq. (27) and (28), we have, 4. Experimental Result The simulation can performed to verify the above advantages of the quasi Z- source inverter. The simulation can be performed for both Z-source inverter and quasi Z- source inverter. The parameters can be set for both Z- source inverter and quasi Z- source inverter and results are as follows. Fig.10. Source stress as a function of load Fig.11. Source stress as a function of frequency 60 Prof. Ravi Gupta, Sapna Teotia International Journal of Electronics, Electrical and Computational System IJEECS ISSN 2348-117X Volume 4, Special Issue May 2015 Here the fig. 10 shows graph of source stress with variation of load for both quasi Z-source inverter and Z-source inverter. The source stress in quasi Z-source inverter starts from 22.27 W and in the Zsource inverter it starts from 24.90W. The fig. 11 shows graph of source stress with the variation of frequency for both quasi Z-source inverter and Z-source inverter. From the above both graphs, it is shown that the source stress is reduced in the quasi Z-source inverter as compared to the Z-source inverter. 5. Conclusion There are disadvantages of the Z-source inverter which are overcome by quasi Z- source inverter as is clear from the finding reported in this paper. The quasi Z-source inverter has several advantages which include reduced source stress, lower component ratings and simplified control strategies. It is also suitable for renewable energy applications. References [1] Fang Z. Peng. (2003). “Z-Source Inverter”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Applications, vol.39,no. 2, pp. 504-510. [2] F. Z. Peng, M. Shen and Z. Qian. (2005). “Maximum Boost Control of the Z-Source Inverter”, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, pp.833-838. [3] F. Z. Peng and Y. Huang. (2008). “Z-Source Inverter for Power Conditioning and Utility Interface of Renewable Energy Sources”, IEEE. [4] Fang Zheng Peng, M. S. Fang. (2005).“Maximum Boost Control of the Z-Source Inverter”, IEEE , pp833-838. [5] U Shajith Ali, and V. Kamaraj. (2011) . “A modified space vector PWM for Bi-directional Zsource inverter”, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Electrical and Computer Technology (ICETECT), pp. 342-345. 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