Review 総 説 Novel Technology for Digital Controlled UPS Inverter Lipei Huang* Yadong Liu** Meng Wang*** *Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China Philips Research Asia-Shanghai, Lane 888, Tianlin Road, Shanghai 200233, China ** ***School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853, U.S.A Abstract A novel digital PID control scheme for UPS inverter based on digital signal processing (DSP) is proposed in this paper. The capacitor current of output filter comes from the differential of the measurement of output voltage. Thus, a quasi double loop control is achieved. The analysis on dead time effect allows us to propose its compensation method to weaken the effect and reduce the total harmonic distortion (THD) in the output voltage in steady state. Experimental results show that the quasi double loop control with dead time compensation is effective. Moreover, to limit the output voltage distortion and improve the performance of UPS inverters, a novel robust deadbeat control method is proposed in this paper to deal with the problem. In this control method, a proportional element is added to the traditional deadbeat control in order to improve the robustness to parametric imprecision. Experimental results show that the robustness for parametric variation of the proposed method is much better than the traditional deadbeat control. This method has also very good static performance under linear load or nonlinear load compared with digital PID control. Therefore, this novel technology is easy to be realized in DSP and suitable for full digital realization of UPS. Key words : UPS inverter; Deadbeat control; Robustness 1 Introduction Conventionally, the controllers of UPS inverter were usually designed by frequency-domain-based UPS has been widely used in the fields of commu- analog control scheme. Compared with the analog nication, networks, medical treatment, etc, feeding implementation, digital control based on micropro- various critical loads such as communication device, cessor has many advantages such as no aging effect, computer server, and life support system. Low total avoiding temperature drift, and easy adjustment of harmonic distortion (THD) in the output voltage of control parameters. 2 ) UPS inverter under various loads and fast dynamic In this paper, a novel digital control scheme was response in presence of unknown distorting load are proposed. It has two features : (1) neither the output- 1) the main requirement for high-performance UPS. It filtering capacitor current nor inductor current is is worth noting that maintaining low distortion wave- sensed ; instead, the capacitor current needed by in- form under rectifier load is especially important in ternal loop is from the differential of the output volt- order to ensure that the usual loads, computers, and age and (2) a dead time compensation method is pro- communication devices work well. posed to improve the performance in steady state. © 2009 GS Yuasa Corporation, All rights reserved. 1 GS Yuasa Technical Report 2009 年 6 月 第 6 巻 第 1 号 To limit the output voltage distortion and improve modulation stage can be considered as an approxi- the performance of UPS inverters, various digital mate proportional element, since the switching fre- control methods have been proposed 2- 4) , such as re- quency is much higher than the bandwidth of control petitive control, deadbeat control, and sliding mode system, and most of high frequency component will control. be absorbed by output filter. Then the modeling of Deadbeat control, which originated from state main circuit part of inverter can be shown as Fig. 2. equations, has very fast dynamic response and can u x is the calculation result of digital signal processing 4) (DSP) controller acting as reference wave in PWM eliminate voltage variation in several control periods. However, stability of deadbeat control is poor espe- modulation stage. <u in> is the average value of u in in cially when the inverter feeds no load ; robustness a control period (half of switching period in this pa- is poor, that is, the control performance is sensitive per). to parameters of output filter. A robust deadbeat 3 Digital control scheme control method is proposed to solve this problem. This method adds a proportional element to the tra- 3.1 Quasi double control ditional deadbeat control and can effectively improve the robustness of deadbeat control with the expense Multi- loop control has been researched in some of little increased static error and slower dynamic papers.2 In these control schemes, in addition to out- response. put voltage feedback loop, output filtering capacitor ) current or inductor current is also sensed to consti- 2 Structure of digital controlled UPS inverter tute a faster internal feedback loop. This sensing is conducive to widen the bandwidth of control system and improve the dynamic response of inverter. An UPS inverter is usually a voltage source According to Fig. 1, it holds : SPWM inverter in series with output filter. Take the du o i c = C dt half bridge inverter with IGBT switches as example, as shown in Fig. 1. The output filter consists of an (1) inductor and a capacitor with equivalent series re- Equation 1 shows that the capacitor current can sistance (ESR) r L and r C, respectively. In approximate be got by differentiating the output voltage. Noting analysis, the two ESR can be assumed to be zero. that differential element can be easily got using back- The inverter is a nonlinear system due to the ex- ward Euler method or Trapezoidal Rule in DSP, the istence of power switches. Fortunately, the SPWM current sensor for capacitor current can be saved. Then quasi double loop control can be got as shown in Fig. 3. Ud VT Ug1 1 DC link D1 rL Ud Ug2 VT2 iL L iC uin D2 Gv(s), Gi(s), and Gh(s) are voltage controller, current Main circuit controller, and zero order hold element, respectively. io rC C Load io SPWM modulation uo ux km <uin>+ - 1 iL sL + ic 1 sC uo DSP Fig. 1 Equivalent circuit of a half bridge UPS inverter. Fig. 2 Modeling of main circuit of UPS inverter. 2 GS Yuasa Technical Report 2009 年 6 月 第 6 巻 第 1 号 io kf ur Gh(s) +uerr - Gv(s) ++ ux Gi(s) +- km + - 1 sL udead Main circuit iL - i c 1 uo sC + iL is negtive Udead t -Udead kd s Gh(s) iL is positive kfu Fig. 4 Disturbance voltage equivalent to dead time effect. Fig. 3 Block diagram of quasi double loop control system. udead It holds : -T s T G h(s ) = 1 − e ∼ ∼ s s 0.5T ss +1 s kf (2) ur Gh(s) + uerr - Gv(s) where T s is the sampling period. After Gh(s) is linearized, the standard design ap- Main circuit - ux + + ic + + 1 iL + 1 km Gi(s) + sL + + - sC Gio(s) kd io s Kdrad Gh(s) proaches such as Bode plot approach can be used to design the controllers Gv(s) and Gi(s). Then all the uo kfu Fig. 5 Control diagram with dead time compensation and output current compensation. control parts should be discretized. In ref. 5 there is a comparison of several discretization methods for the application of switchmode power converters. The D2 provides current until VT1 turns on. So dead time conclusion is that backward Euler method is the best between (0, 1) to (1, 0) prolongs negative time of u in. one in terms of performance. Also backward Euler If i L is negative: method is very simple, and s- domain function can To switch (0,1) to (1,0), diode D1 provides current be transferred to a z-domain by replacing“s”with 1 −z 1 ” “ . Thus, its method is chosen to all the con- immediately once VT2 turns off, which is equivalent to on-state of VT1. So dead time between switch (0,1) TS to (1,0) does not affect u in. trol parts including dead time compensation and out- To switch (1,0) to (0,1), diode D2 provides current put current compensation as described below. kf is a feed-forward control element, which is con- until VT1 turns on. So dead time between switch (1, 0) to (0, 1) prolongs positive time of u in. ducive to decrease static error. Combine the two situations and suppose i L is an 3.2 Dead time compensation Referring to Fig. 1, specify that“1”denotes on- approximate sine wave with power frequency when state and“0”denotes off - state. Then state ( 1, 0 ) load is heavy enough, dead time effect is equivalent denotes that VT1 is on and VT2 is off, and other situ- to a square wave disturbance to u in according to ation is analogic. In each switching period there is principle of area equivalence. The square wave is as two switches: one is (1,0) to (0,1), and the other is (0,1) shown in Fig. 4. to (1,0). Analyze the effect of dead time in two situa- It holds: tions. U dead = 2U dT df switch If i L is positive: As far as switch (1,0) to (0,1) is concerned, diode (3) where T d is dead time, f switch is switching frequency. D2 provides current immediately once VT1 turns off, Feedforward compensation based on disturbance which is equivalent to on-state of VT2. So dead time is available to weaken the dead time effect as shown between switch (1,0) to (0,1) does not affect u in. in Fig. 5. As far as switch (0,1) to (1,0) is concerned, diode If k dead = 1/k m holds, the effect on u o of the distur- 3 GS Yuasa Technical Report 2009 年 6 月 第 6 巻 第 1 号 pulse width ΔT (k ) can be computed by making u o(k bance u dead will be eliminated. + 1) in the first equation in 6 equal to the voltage ref- Note that when an inverter feeds light load or no erence u ref (k + 1). It holds load, i L can not be considered as a sine wave with power frequency, but a wave with switching fre- ΔT (k ) = quency, then the dead time effect can be neglected. 1 Ψ u (k + 1) - 11 u o (k ) g1 ref g1 Ψ 12 Then, the dead time compensation should be enabled g1 only if the load is heavy. In this situation, inductor iL (k ) - P1 g1 i o (k) - h1 (11) g1 current i L is similar to load current i o. So it is reason- Deadbeat control depends on the precise mathe- able to decide the sign of u dead according to the sign matical models of controlled object. Ideally the actual of i o in this paper. parameters of the inverter should be identical with A single phase UPS inverter is implemented using calculating parameters used in equation11. However, the proposed control scheme. Experimental results the precise systemic model is difficult to be obtained; of the inverter under rated resistive load show that moreover, the actual parameters may change during THD of u o is 2.94% when the dead time compensa- operation. tion is disabled, while THD of u o is 2.64% when its A typical UPS inverter main circuit is considered compensation is enabled. Thus, the proposed dead to study the influence of parametric mismatching. time compensation is effective. Fig. 6 (a) shows the discrete system block diagram of traditional deadbeat control. Symbols with“^” 4 Robust deadbeat control stand for calculating values and symbols without“^” stand for actual values. The poor robustness makes In the circuit of a single-phase half-bridge UPS it almost impracticable in UPS application. The pro- inverter (Fig. 1). If ESR of capacitor is neglected, the posed deadbeat control is shown in Fig. 6 (b). The capacitor voltage u c equals to the output voltage u o. difference between two types of control methods is a u o and the inductance current i L are chosen as state proportional element k w added to the new proposal, variables, and the load current i o is treated as disturbance. The system state equation is ・ x = A ・ x + B ・u in + D ・i o (4) y = C ・x (5) r Io(z) CTP̂ CTĜ Uref(z) T T where x =[u o i L] , A =[0 1/C ; -1/L 0] , , B =[0 1/L ] , + T T D =[-1/C 0] , C =[1 0] + ΔT(z) CTĤ CTĜ - u in is input voltage of LC filter (that is output voltage of inverter bridge) and is either +U d or -U d in the Φ= e =[Ψ 11 Ψ 12 ; Ψ 21 Ψ 22] T P = -A 1(I - e AT ) D =[p 1 p 2] -1 H = U dA (I - e AT (6) ) B =[h 1 h 2] C P̂ CTĜ Uref(z) (7) + (9) T Φ Io(z) (8) T G = 2U d e(AT /2) B =[g1 g2] X(z) T where T H 1/z (a) Traditional deadbeat control The discrete state equation can be expressed as AT G + + ++ + CTΦ̂ two level patterns. x (k + 1) = Φx (k ) + GΔT (k ) + Pi o(k ) + H P - 1/(CTĜ ) 1/(CTĜ ) - KW + ΔT(z) CTĤ CTĜ P G H + + + + 1/z X(z) Φ CTΦ̂ (10) (b) Proposed deadbeat control where T is the control period, ΔT (k ) is the acting time of positive voltage +U d in the k th control period. Fig. 6 Discrete system block diagram of deadbeat control for UPS inverter. In the traditional deadbeat control, the required 4 GS Yuasa Technical Report 2009 年 6 月 第 6 巻 第 1 号 ^ where usually 0 < k w < 1 and disappears if k w = 1. ter deviate from the calculating parameters ( L = ^ The transfer function from U ref(z) to X (z) in Fig. 6 1.3 mH, C = 20 μF). L changes from 0.5 to 2.0 mH ^ (b) is ( 38.5 - 153.8% L ) , and C changes from 10 to 30μF ^ ^ ^ X (z) CTG =[ (zI - Φ) + GCTΦ]-1G U ref(z) kw ( 50 - 150%C ) . The prototype still has good perfor- (12) mance when the deviation is within a certain range. The RMS value deviation of voltage is less than 2% The transfer function from voltage reference to out- under rated load and less than 4% under no load, and put voltage is the THD of voltage is less than 1.5%. Only when both T^ C G ^ -1 U (z) C TX (z) (zI -Φ)+G CT Φ] G i(z) = o = = CT[ G U ref(z) U ref(z) kw k (g z + g2Ψ 12 - g1Ψ 2) (13) = w 1 q (z) L and C are reduced to 38.5%L (0.5 mH) and 50% where proposed robust deadbeat control and the digital ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ (30 μF), respectively, the system becomes unstable. Table 3 shows performance comparison of the ^ q (z) = g 1z +[g1Ψ11k w + g2Ψ12k w - g1Ψ22 - g1Ψ11]z + 2 ^ ^ ^ PID control. The prototype has desirable static per- ^ g2k w(Ψ11Ψ 12 - Ψ 11Ψ12) + Ψ 21(g1Ψ12k w - g 1Ψ 12) + ^ formance under different kinds of load. Besides, load ^ Ψ 22 (g 1Ψ 11 - g1Ψ11k w) change also causes little disturbance to the output If k w = 1, and the calculating values and the actual voltage during dynamic process. Moreover, experi- values are the same, equation 10 can be simplified as mental results prove that the system can remain G (z) = 1/z stable when actual parameters deviate from calcu- (14) lating parameters. Thus, with the proposed control It means that with the traditional deadbeat control, method, the inverter has both small static error and the output voltage follows the reference in one control period in case that there is no parametric misTable 2 Static performance with parametric deviation for proposed robust deadbeat control method. match. Table 1 lists the constraints for actual parameters Output filter L / mH C / μF 2.0 30 1.5 30 1.0 30 0.5 30 2.0 20 1.5 20 1.0 20 0.5 20 10 2.0 10 1.5 10 1.0 10 0.5 in traditional and proposed deadbeat control to make the system stable. It is obvious that constraints in the proposed method are much loose, and the control method is robust when actual parameters deviate from calculating parameters. 5 Experimental results Experiments using the proposed robust deadbeat control method were carried out on a half-bridge in- Rated load No load THD / % U o / V 100.3 1.09 101.5 100.0 1.11 102.1 100.5 1.12 102.4 100.9 1.19 102.9 100.3 1.10 102.3 100.5 1.10 101.4 100.6 1.13 101.8 101.0 1.30 103.3 100.1 1.12 101.5 101.2 1.15 101.9 101.4 1.27 103.1 Unstable Uo / V THD / % 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.20 1.05 1.11 1.13 1.34 1.14 1.17 1.30 verter system. Table 2 shows the static performance of the output Table 3 Performance comparison of the robust deadbeat control and the digital PID control. voltage when the actual parameters of output fil- THD of output voltage under no load / % THD of output voltage under rated load / % THD of output voltage under rectifier load / % Voltage regulation of output voltage / % Sampling frequency / kHz Table 1 Constraints for systemic parameters in deadbeat. Parameters L / mH C / μF Ud / V Constraints ^ ^ ^ _L _C > _U d > Traditional deadbeat > ^ ^ ^ Proposed deadbeat >70.23%L >49.1%C <146.94%Ud (k w = 0.7) 5 Proposed robust Digital PID deadbeat control control 1.57 2.51 1.56 2.64 2.82 3.8 2.19 6.75 17.24 34.48 GS Yuasa Technical Report 2009 年 6 月 第 6 巻 第 1 号 fast dynamic response and is robust for parametric experimental results on this method prove that it deviation. greatly improves the robustness of deadbeat control and has good steady state performance. 6 Conclusion References A novel digital control scheme for UPS inverter has been proposed. The quasi double loop control 1) Liviu Mihalache, Proc . IEEE APEC , p. 590-596 (2002). with dead-band compensation can make inverter 2) Ying-Yu Tzou, IEEE PESC , 1, 138-144 (1995). working stable with small output filter. A novel dead- 3) Kai Zhang, Yong Kang, Jian Xiong, and Jian Chen, beat control method for UPS converters was also IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics , 18(3), proposed to improve the performance of UPS invert- 784-792 (2003). 4) Chihchiang Hua, IEEE Transactions on Power Elec- ers. A proportional element is added in this method tronics , 10(3), 310-317 (1995). to improve the robustness to systemic parameters. 5) Duan Y and Jin H, IEEE APEC , 2, 14-18 (1999). The method does not require much computation and can be easily realized in DSP. Systemic analysis and 6