International Conference on Emerging Trends in Computer and Image Processing (ICETCIP'2011) Bangkok Dec., 2011 Series and Parallel Resonant Inverter Fed Ferromagnetic Load-A Comparative Analysis A. Suresh and S. Rama Reddy employs an unequal duty cycle operation of the switches in the convertor [7]. The asymmetrical voltage cancellation (AVC) is proposed in [8] where the author’s describes voltage cancellation for conventional fixed-frequency control strategies. In induction heating application the output power control using the mentioned techniques in fixed frequency and optimum duty cycle for ZVS operation are rather difficult due to variation of parameters in resonance load. In [9] AVC is implemented in full bridge series resonant inverter. The SRI needs an output power for matching the output power to the load and also it imposes restriction on bandwidth. The foresaid drawbacks in SRI can be overcome in PRI which is been justified by simulation results presented in the current paper. Abstract—Resonant converters find a very wide application in Induction heating, which requires high frequency currents. Series and Parallel resonant inverters are employed for this purpose. This paper gives a comparative analysis of series and parallel resonant inverter fed ferromagnetic load based on experiments carried out and finally concluded which is the suitable inverter for Induction heating application, whether it is Series Resonant Inverter (SRI) or Parallel Resonant Inverter (PRI) based on the experimental results. The results of SRI are compared with that of PRI and presented in this paper. Keywords—Series Resonant Inverter, Parallel Resonant Inverter, Induction Heating. I. INTRODUCTION I NDUCTION heating is a well known technique to produce very high temperature for applications such as steel melting, brazing and surface hardening. In each application appropriate frequency must be used depending on the work piece geometry and skin depth requirement [1, 2]. This technique requires high frequency current supply that is capable of inducing high frequency eddy currents in the work piece and thus results in the heating effect [1]. A large number of topologies have been developed in this area among them current-fed and voltage-fed inverters are most commonly used [3]. One of the most important advantages of current-fed inverter is the short circuit protection capability. However the current source inverter can only be controlled by using phasecontrolled rectifier for adjusting the DC link. This differs from voltage source inverter which has various controls. Recent developments in switching schemes and control methods have made the voltage source resonant inverters widely used in several applications require output power control. In pulse frequency modulation (PFM) the output power can be controlled by varying the switching frequency and it is operated at under zero voltage switching scheme [4]. The pulse density modulation (PDM) scheme regulates the output power by varying the period in which the inverter supplies high frequency current to the induction coil [5]. The phase shift (PS) control technique in [6] varies output power by shifting the phase of the switch conduction sequences while the asymmetrical duty cycle (ADC) control technique II. PARALLEL RESONANT INVERTER The PRI is shown in Fig1a.The inverter consists of two switches S 1 and S 2 with blocking diodes D 1 and D 2 , a resonating capacitor C, a DC inductor L 1 and an induction coil that comprises of a series combination of resistance R and coil inductance L. The full bridge inverter is based on the use of quasi square wave control technique. This control method uses the phase lock loop to automatically adjust the inverter’s operating frequency to a small constant leading phase angle when load parameters change. Fig 1a A parallel class D current source inverter Fig 1b Changing series circuit to parallel circuit To simplify the calculation of necessary circuit parameters, series combination of L coil and R eq is transferred to its equivalent parallel configuration of L coil and R p as shown in Fig1b.The R p is given as A. Suresh is Research Scholar Sathyabama University, Chennai, India S. Rama Reddy is Professor, Jerusalem College of Engineering, Chennai, India. 1 International Conference on Emerging Trends in Computer and Image Processing (ICETCIP'2011) Bangkok Dec., 2011 (1) where ω is the system switching frequency. The total impedance Z Total of the resonant circuit in Fig1a can be expressed as, T(s) Fig.2.c. V gs and V ds across switch1 (2) Voltage(V) and the resonant frequency is given as , (3) Note that the inverter is designed to operate such that the switching frequency is slightly higher than the resonant frequency for maximum output power. The parallel impedance at resonant frequency ω o is Voltage(V) Fig.2.d. V gs and V ds across switch2 T(s) (4) And the average output power P is provided as (or) (5) Fig.2.e Output voltage T(s) Voltage(V) III. SIMULATION RESULTS PRI FED FERROMAGNETIC LOAD Fig.2.a shows the simulink circuit of current source inverter for ferromagnetic load. For induction heating class D inverter is used. This inverter converts DC input power into AC output power. This conversion is achieved by turning on and off alternately switches 1 and 2. Fig.3.a Circuit Diagram of open loop system The open loop operating system makes use of PRI. The output voltage of the inverter is sinusoidal, in the case of low damping factor and the operating frequency near resonant frequency to achieve maximum power across output and for soft- switching operation as shown in Fig2. But the harmonic effect of the voltage and current are not considered while the output contains harmonics in this technique. The AC output of the inverter and the RMS value are shown Fig.3.b and Fig.3.c respectively. Fig.2.a Circuit Diagram Fig.2.b shows the AC input voltage. Driving pulses and output of MOSFET1 are shown in Fig 2c. Driving pulses and output MOSFET2 are shown in Fig 2d. Output voltage of the inverter is shown in Fig 2e.Output voltage is sinusoidal due to resonance action. Fig.3.b AC input voltage with disturbance T(s) T(s) Voltage(V) Fig.2.b AC input voltage Fig.3.c Inverter Output voltage 2 T(s) International Conference on Emerging Trends in Computer and Image Processing (ICETCIP'2011) Bangkok Dec., 2011 Voltage(V) The output voltage of the inverter is measured with the help of voltmeter and it is observed using a scope. Similarly the current through the load is measured with the help of ammeter and it is observed using a scope. Input voltage and output voltage with a disturbance are shown from Fig.6.b to 6.f Fig.3.d Rectifier Output voltage T(s) IV. CLASS D SRI A class D inverter is generally used to energize the induction coil to generate high frequency magnetic induction. Fig.4 shows the class D inverter system for induction heating. The class D inverter consists of two switches S1 and S2, a resonant capacitor C1, inductor L1 and an induction coil. Induction coil is represented as parallel combination of inductor L2 and resistor R. Fig.5 represents the equivalent circuit model of the class D inverter. The currents in positive and negative half cycles are as follows: (6) Fig. 6.a: Circuit diagram (7) Fig.6.b: Output voltage and current T(s) Fig.4: Class D inverter system for IH Fig. 6.c: Circuit diagram of open loop system Voltage(V) Fig.5. Equivalent circuit V. SIMULATION RESULTS OF SRI FED FERROMAGNETIC LOAD Class D inverter simulink circuit is shown in Fig.3a. For induction heating class D inverter is used. This inverter converts DC input power into AC output power. This conversion is achieved by turning on and off alternately. Switches 1 and 2 .The voltage across the load is measured with the help of voltage measurement block and the output current is measured with the help of current measurement block and they are observed using a scope. Driving pulses given to the MOSFET are shown in Fig. 3b. Output voltage and current are shown in Fig. 3c. Both are sinusoidal due to the presence of L and C. The variation of output with the variation in the input is shown in Fig. 3d. The output voltage increases with the increase in the input voltage. The circuit of open loop system is shown in Fig.6.The rectifier output voltage increases due to the step rise in input. T(s) Voltage(V) Fig.6.d: Input voltage with disturbance T(s) Fig. 6.e: Output voltage with disturbance RMS Value) 3 Voltage(V) International Conference on Emerging Trends in Computer and Image Processing (ICETCIP'2011) Bangkok Dec., 2011 Fig.6.f: Rectifier output voltage T(s) Fig.8 Input Voltage v/s Output Power VI. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS The Experimental set up is as shown in Fig.7. Parameters are listed in Table.1 are presented from Fig.8 to Fig.10. The variation of output power with input is shown in Fig8. The variation of output voltage with input voltage is shown in Fig9. Variation of output power with resistance is shown in Fig10. Fig.9 Input Voltage v/s Output Voltage Fig.7 Experimental Set Up Fig.10 Output Resistance v/s Output Power VII. CONCLUSION From Fig.8 and Fig.9, it is observed that output power and output voltage of Parallel resonant inverter are higher than that of series resonant inverter. Therefore Parallel Resonant Inverter is a better choice for Induction Heating application. TABLE I SYSTEM PARAMETERS Parameter Switching Frequency Resonant Capacitor Induction Inductor DC Inductor Coil Sym bol f Value REFERENCES 35 KHz [1] C L 100 KpF 12 µH L1 6 µH [2] [3] 4 Chudjuarjeen.S,, “ Full bridge current fed inverter with automatic frequency control for forging applications”,IEEE tecon 2004,Vol 4,pp.128-131,Nov 2004. C.Chunwattanapraniti, “Half bridge current fed inverter power supply for Forging Applications,”25th electrical Engineering Conference,Thailand,pp.97-101,2002. E.J.Davies,J. and Simpson,P.,1979,Induction Heating Handbook,McGraw-Hill,UK. 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He has pursued research in the area of resonant converters in 1995. He has 2 years of industrial experience and 18 years of teaching experience. He is a life member of IE, IETE, ISTE, SSI, and SPE. He has published 20 papers in the area of Power Electronics and FACTs. 5