Page 1 of 12 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Answer all Questions. All Questions carry equal marks Exam Duration 3 hour Examiner: A.J. Al-Khalili Note: No books, papers are allowed. Hand held calculator is permitted. In case of doubt as to the meaning of a question, clearly state any assumption you make. All necessary constants and formulas are provided in Annex A You may use the CMOSIS5 and the SPICE parameters provided in Annex B =============================================================== 1. Design a four stage pad driver to drive 200 pf load with 20 ns rise and fall time. Calculate also: a) the approximate dynamic power dissipation at 10 Mhz; b) the power bus width if the limiting value of current density is 1.5 mA/μm. 2. Design a 3 input CMOS static NAND gate for: a) minimum area; b) minimum propagation delay; c) equal rise and fall time; d) determine the worst case rise and fall time if the NAND gate is driving a 0.1 pf load. 3. Design a gate to implement the function F(A,B,C,D) = (AB + CD)’ in Pseudo NMOS. Analyze the circuit for valid operation at logic high and logic low. 4. Design and implement a 4 input AND gate using Dynamic DOMINO logic. Analyze your circuit from charge sharing point of view. Size your circuit and determine frequency of operation. 5. Analyze the Master Slave flip-flop given in Fig. 1, and determine: a) set up time; b) hold time; c) high clock period; d) low clock period; and e) maximum frequency of operation of circuit (Assume all transmission gates to have equal propagation delay, and all inverters to have equal propagation delay). Page 1 of 4 SPICE Transistor Parameters Parameter NMOS PMOS Units Source Description Page 2 of 12 VTO KP GAMMA PHI LAMBDA RD RS CBD CBS IS PB CGSO CGDO CGBO RSH CJ MJ CJSW MJSW JS TOX NSUB NSS NFS TPG XJ LD UO VMAX 0.7 40E-6 1.1 0.6 0.01 (40) (40) -0.8 12E-6 0.6 0.6 0.03 (100) (100) 0.7 3.0E-10 3.0E-10 5.0E-10 25 4.4E-10 0.5 4.0E-10 0.3 1.0E-5 5.0E-8 1.7E16 0 0 1 6.0E-7 3.5E-7 775 1.0E5 0.6 2.5E-10 2.5E-10 5.0E-10 80 1.5E-4 0.6 4.0E-10 0.6 1.0E-5 5.0E-8 5.0E15 0 0 1 5.0E-7 2.5E-7 250 0.7E5 V (A/V2) (V0.5) V 1/V ohms ohms F F A V F/m F/m F/m Ohms/sq . (F/m2) F/m (A/m2) m (1/cm3) (1/cm2) (1/cm2) m m (cm2/Vs) m/s (1) (5) (1) (3) (5) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (3) (3) (3) (1) (1) (1) (1) -zero bias threshold voltage -transconductance parameter -bulk threshold parameter -surface potential -channel-length modulation -drain ohmic resistance (w=6μ) -source ohmic resistance(″) -zero bias B-D juction cap. -zero bias B-S juction cap. -bulk junction sat.current -bulk junction potential; -G-S overlap capacitance -G-D overlap capacitance -G-bulk overlap capacitance -diffusion sheet resistance -zero bias bulk junction cap. -bulk junction grading coef. -bulk junction sidewall cap. -sidewall cap. Grading coef. -bulk jinction sat.current -oxide thickness -substrate doping -surface state density -fast surface state density -type of gate material -metallurgical junction depth -lateral diffusion -surface mobility -maximum drift velocity SPICE Level 3 Parameters Parameter NMOS PMOS Units Source Description THETA KAPPA ETA 0.11 1.0 0.05 0.13 1.0 0.3 1/V - (1) (1) (1) -mobility modulation -saturation field factor -static feedback Page 2 of 4 Other Electrical Parameters Page 3 of 12 Gate (Cox) Metal1 – Field Metal1 – Poly Metal1 – Diffusion Poly – Field Metal2 – Field Metal2 – Diffusion Metal2 – Poly Metal2 – Metal1 Capacitor P + - Poly (0.1%/V linearity) Capacitance (pF/μm2) 6.9E-4 2.7E-5 5.0E-5 5.0E-5 6.0E-5 1.4E-5 1.6E-5 2.0E-5 2.5E-5 6.9E-4 Edge Component (pF/μm) 0.5E-4 0.4E-4 Source (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (4) (4) (4) (4) (*) (1) 0.2E-4 2.0E-5 0.5E-4 Resistance (ohms/sq.) Source N+ Diffusion P+ Diffusion N+ Poly Capacitor P+ P-well Metal1 Metal2 3 × 3 metal1 – P + Diffusion Contact 3 × 3 metal1 – N + Diffusion Contact 3 × 3 metal1 – N + Poly Contact 25 80 18 300 4K 0.035 0.030 121 44 25 (1) (1) (5) (1) (1) (4) (4) (5) (5) (5) Maximum operating voltage: 5 volts. Sources: (1) D. Smith of NTE, presented at CMC Workshop June 6-7, 1985. (2) Calculated by SPICE: e.g. –RSH is used to calculate RD & RS. (3) SPICE default. (4) D. Smith of NTE, April 1986. (5) Typical Measured DC result. (*) Estimate – Capacitors assumed to be equal to gate capacitance. Page 3 of 4 Page 4 of 12 D QN CP G3 G1 G2 G7 G10 G6 G4 G5 G8 Master G9 Slave Fig. 1 Page 4 of 4 Solution Q Page 5 of 12 S = CL/CN-1 Y = CLoad/Cin N =log Y/log S Y = S4 N = log S4/ log S = 4 CLoad = 200 pF 4 stages tr = tf = 20 ns Wp = 3 Wn 1. 1 tr = 4CL / βpVdd 2 3 4 C1 C2 C3 CLoad 200pF CL = 200pF neglecting drain capacitance tr = 4CL / Kp’(Wp/Lp)Vdd Wp4 = 4CL / Kp’(1/Lp)Vdd tr Let Lp = Lin = 3μm = (4)(200 × 10-12)/(12 × 10-6) (1/3μ)(5)(20 × 10-9) Wp4 = 2000 μm Wn4 = Wp4 /3 = 666.67 μm C3 = Cox [ WnLn + WpLp] = Cox [ WnLn + 3WnLp] = 4Cox Wn4Ln4 C3 = (4)(6.9x10-4 pF/μ2)(666.67μ)(3μ) = 5.52 pF Using a scaling factor of 4 (Why scaling of 4? First one scaled for tr & tf . The last 3 scaled equally.) Wp3 = Wp4/4 = 2000/4 = 500μ Wn3 = Wn4/4 = 66,67/4 = 166.67μ Wp2 = Wp3/4 = 500/4 = 125μ Wn2 = Wn3/4 = 166.67/4 = 41.67μ Wp1 = Wp2/4 = 125/4 = 31.25μ Wn1 = Wn2/4 = 41.67/4 = 10.41μ All lengths = 3 μm C2= 4Cox Wn3Ln3 = (4)(6.9 × 10-4p)(166.67)(3) = 1.38 Pf C1= 4Cox Wn2Ln2 = (4)(6.9 × 10-4p)(41.67)(3) = 0.345 Pf a) Pdyn= CT Vdd2 f CT = C1 + C2 + C3 + CLoad CT = 0.345 pF + 1.38 pF+ 5.52 pF + 200 pF = 207.215 pF Pdyn= 207.215 × 10-12 × (5)2 × (10 × 106) = 51.8 mW b) Idynamic = Pdyn/V = 51.8 mW/5 =10.36 mA J = 1.5 mA/μm Page 6 of 12 Width of bus = 10.36mA/1.5(mA/μm) = 6.9 μm Better approximation ⎯ The Vdd bus should handle the peak current. The peak current can be approximate by using ipeak = C.dV/dt ≅ C. ΔV/Δt where ΔV =5V Δt = tr or tf tr stage 4 = 20 ns tr stage 3 = (4)(5.52p)/12×10-6×500μ × 5/3μ = 2.21 ns tr stage 2 = (4)(1.38p)/12×10-6×125μ × 5/3μ = 2.21 ns tr stage 1 = (4)(0.345p)/12×10-6×31.25μ × 5/3μ = 2.21 ns When all outputs switch 4 ipeak = ΔV ∑ Ci/tri i=1 = 5[200pF/20ns + 5.52pF/2.21ns + 1.38pF/2.21ns + 0.345pF/2.21ns] = 66.39 mA bus size = 66.39mA/1.5mA/μm = 44.26 μm better approx. 2. 3 input CMOS NAND a) minimum area Wp = Wn = 3μm Lp = Ln = 3μm Vdd A B WnA = WnB =WnC = WpA= WpB =WpC = 3μm LnA = LnB =LnC = LpA= LpB =LpC = 3μm C OUT A B C Page 7 of 12 Vdd b) minimum propagation delay Wp = √μn/μp Wn = 1.7Wn 5.1 μm Equivalent inverter 3 μm WnA = WnB =WnC = (3)(3μ) = 9 μ WpA= WpB =WpC = 5.1μm All lengths = 3 μm Vdd c) equal rise and fall times βp = βn ⇒ Wp = 3Wn 9 μm equivalent inverter 3 μm WnA = WnB =WnC = (3)(3μ) = 9 μ WpA= WpB =WpC = 9μm All lengths = 3 μm d) Worst case rise time Vdd A B C OUT A Charging 0.1pF B C The worst case rise time will be when only one input is low and the other two are high. ( one PMOS “ON” and top twoNMOS “ON ‘a and B’). tr = 2.2 τcharge Page 8 of 12 τcharge = Rp (3 Cd⏐PMOS + 3 Cd⏐NMOS + 2Cs⏐NMOS + CL) Assume all transistors are minimum size and that Cd⏐PMOS + Cd⏐NMOS + Cs⏐NMOS = C tr⏐worst = 2.2 Rp [8C +CL] Rp = 1/βp(⏐Vgs -Vt⏐) = 1/[Kp’ Wp/Lp(⏐Vgs -Vt⏐) ] = 1/Kp’(4.2) Rp = 1/(12 × 10-6)(4.2) = 19.8 kΩ Cd = Cj×AD + CjSW×PD + CGSO × W Assume a drain capacitance of 40fF tr⏐worst = (2.2)(19.8k)[8×40x10-15 + 0.1 × 10-12] tr⏐worst = 18.3 ns Worst case fall time Vdd A B C OUT A 0.1pF B C Assume minimum size transistors Wn = Ln = 3μm tf = 2.2 τdischarge τdischarge = (3Rn)(3Cd⏐PMOS + 3Cd⏐NMOS +2Cs⏐NMOS +CL] Again assume Cd⏐PMOS + Cd⏐NMOS + Cs⏐NMOS = C τdischarge = 3Rn (8C +CL) Rn = 1/βn(Vgs –Vt) = 1/40×10-6(4.3) = 5.8 kΩ Assume C = 40fF tf = (2.2)(3)(5.8k)(8×40×10-15 + 0.1 × 10-12) tf = 16.1 ns Page 9 of 12 3. F = (AB + CD)’ Vdd = 5 V When the function equal 1 there is no problem Since there is no path to ground and the PMOS charge the output node to Vdd. Voff = Vdd When the output is to be low we have a problem since there will be a path from Vdd to ground, and hence the output voltage will depend on the ratio Zpu/Zpd M5 F A M1 M3 C B M2 M4 D ⎯ Consider on inverter when the output is low the PMOS is saturated since Vds < Vgs-Vtp assuming that VOL =0.5 V which is a good value since it is less than Vtn. VOL < Vtn the NMOS will be in linear region Vds < Vgs – Vt Vdd Vout Idp(sat) = In (linear) βp/2[Vgs –Vtp]2 = βn[(Vgs – Vt)VOL – VOL2/2] assuming Vgs =5V and ⏐Vtp⏐=Vtn = 1V Vin βp/2 (4)2 = βn[(4) VOL – VOL2/2] we can neglect VOL2/2 βp/2 (4)2 = βn(4) VOL VOL ≅ 2βp/βn = 2 (Kp’ Wp/Lp)/(Kn’ Wn/Ln) =2 (Kp’ /(Kn’)(Wp/Wn) Let Lp= Ln =3μm VOL = (2/3) (Wp/Wn) Let VOL = 0.5V ⇒ Wp/Wn = (3/2)(1/2) =3/4 ⇒ Wp = (3/4)Wn Let Wn = 4 μm ⇒ Wp = 3 μm Vdd 3μ Vout Vin 4μ We can use this equivalent inverter to size the gate Vdd = 5 V 3μ F Voff = Vdd VOL ≅ 0.5V Page 10 of 12 VOH = 5 V VOL = 0.5 V ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 4. 4 input AND gate Vdd Vdd Φ OUT N1 Cin A B C D Φ C1 C2 C3 of inverter ⎯ Cin = Cd⏐PMOS + Cd⏐NMOS +Cg⏐PMOS +Cg⏐NMOS ⎯ C1, C2, C3 and C4 are modeling the source plus drain capacitance. C4 When Φ is low, the PMOS will charge up the output node to Vdd. Also during this time the inputs can change. Page 11 of 12 When the clock is low the PMOS is charging the output node towards Vdd. However, if A goes high then the N1 node voltage will drop due to charge sharing. The worst case would be if all the input go high since there will be charge sharing between Cin and C1, C2, C3 and C4. Vk Cin 5V C V(0-) = 0 V When one of the inputs goes high we have charge sharing and the N1 voltage will be VN1 = (Cin(5) + C(0v))/(Cin + C) VN1 = 5Cin(5)/(Cin + C) To make sure that VN1 does rate decrease very much Cin >> C Let Cin = 10C ⇒ V = (10/11)(5)= 4.5 V To achieve this we should make the width of the PMOS large so as to increase the capacitance at node N1. The frequency of operation is given by 1/td where td =(tr + tf)/4 tr⏐worst = 2.2 Rp (Cin + C1 + C2 + C3) tf⏐worst = 2.2 (RnA + RnB + RnC + RnD + RnΦ)(Cin + C1 + C2 + C3 + C4) assume C1 =C2 = C3 =C tr = 2.2 Rp (Cin + 3C) tf = 2.2 Rneg(Cin + 3C + C4) where Rneg = RnA + RnB + RnC + RnD + RnΦ f = 4/{2.2[Rp(Cin + 3C) + Rneg(Cin + 3C + C4)} +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Question 5. Page 12 of 12 a) Set up time: the setup time is required to allow the input signal to propagate through G4, G5 and G6 to setup at G3. However inorder to turn off G4 and turn on G3 when the clock is going high the clock signal must pass through the two inverters. (Which are working in parallel with the setup time). Therefore the setup time will be less than TG4 +TG5 +TG6. The setup time will be given by tsetup = TG4 + TG5 + TG6 – (TG1 − TG2) where T denotes the delay time of the gate. b) Hold time: the input must remain stable as the clock is going from low to high. The clock signal must pass through G1 and G2. Therefore thold = TG1 + TG2 c) The high clock period: The clock must remain high long enough to let the signal from the master propagate through G8, G9 and G10 to setup at G7. Therefore tclock⏐high = TG8 + TG9 + TG10 d) The low clock period: The clock must remain low long enough to let the input signal to propagate through G4, G5 and G6 to setup at G3. Therefore tclock⏐low = TG4 + TG5 + TG6 e) fmax: fmax = 1/(Tclock⏐low + Tclock⏐high) fmax = 1/(TG8 +TG9 + TG10 + TG4 + TG5 + TG6) Let TTRAN denote transmission gate propagation delay Let TINV denote inverter gate propagation delay fmax = 1/(2TTRAN + 4TINV) fmax = (1/2)[1/(TTRAN + 2TINV)]