WIND EFFECTS ON STRUCTURES WIND EFFECTS ON STRUCTURES Fundamentals and Applications to Design Third Edition EMIL SIMIU Nlsr Fellow, Building and Fire Research Laboratory, National lnstitute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, Maryland ROBERT H. SCANLAN Vicw ol'C--hicago with Standard Oil Company (lncliana) huiltlilrpi lr('iu ('('ntr'r (Alt lritet'ts: Pcrkins and Will, and Edward Durell Stone and Associirtt.s) Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland " ';:-l:nEltA]ltr DO pOtsTO i:acuicjacle de Engenharra BIBLI' TECA Hr.' :3 oata I? 6o't .1lL *,{- I tg A Wiley-lnterscience publication JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC. New York / Chichester / Brisbano / Toronto / Singapore Soave sia il vento tranquilla sia I'onda ed ogni elemento tranquillo risponda ai nostri desir! Cosi Fan Tutte Act l, Scene V (Terzettino) This text is printed on acid-free paper Copyright All O 1996 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. rights reserved. Published simultaneously in Canada. Reproduction or translation of any part of this work beyond that permitted by Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act without the permission of the copyright owner is unlawful. Requests for permission or further information should be addressed to the Permissions Department, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 605 Third Avenue, New York, NY For Devra, Erica, and Michael paul. t0r58-0012. This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other prcfcssional services. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent prof'essional person should be sought. Library of Congre ss Cataloging-in-Publication Data: Simiu, Emil. Wind effects on structures: fundamentals and applications to design / Emil Simiri, Robert H. Scanlan. - 3rd ed. p. ciTl. Includes index. ISBN 0471-12157-6 (cloth : alk. paper) l. Wind-pressure. 2. Buildings-Aerodynamics. 3. Wind resistant design. I. Scanlan, Robert H. II. Title. TA654.5.S55 1996 624.1'76-dc2o Printed in the United States of America 1098765432 96-5238 PREFACE 'f 'lrt' tlrird edition of Wind Effects of Stuctures reflects the many developments tlrrrt occurred during the last decade in the wind engineering field. The text has lrt'en rcvised, updated, and augmented to include new information and/or refcrrnccs on, among other topics, windstorm damage and insurance, hurricane rrricnrrnctcorology, aerodynamics of circular cylinders for large Reynolds numlrt'r's, c<lmputational fluid dynamics, tail-limited extreme value modeling of rrorrtnrpical storm and hurricane winds by "peaks over threshold" methods, t'rn;rirical aeroelastic models, progress and limitations in wind tunnel modeling, tLrrrrping of flexible buildings, across-wind and torsional effects on tall struc- Iule:;, low-rise buildings, behavior of roofing, power lines, and wind load l:rt'lors. The material on suspended-span structures has been almost completely rt'wlillcn. A new chapter on standards has been added, which includes a useful rt'lt'rcncc to a diskette, appended to this book, containing an interactive comlrrrtt'r vcrsion of the ASCE 7-95 Standard provisions for wind loads.*f Wc thank the many colleagues who used our book in their professional prirt'ticc or as a primary text for teaching wind engineering and gave us the lx'rrclit of their comments. Special thanks go to Dr. R. D. Marshall, whose t'xpelicncc and judgment, particularly in the areas of wind tunnel-modeling rrrrtl winrl-loading codification, are reflected in several portions of this book, 'll Il. St'lnlan was rcsponsiblc lirr rcwriting Sccrs. 5.3.3, 6.1.1, 6.5, 6.6, and 13.1. E. Simiu rv;t: tt'slxrttsiblc lirr all othcr rcvisions antl ltltlitions. His contributions to this book are made in lrr: privitlc c:tllrcity ancl cio not ncccssruily lrl)lcsont thc position of the U.S. Department of ( onrnr'rcc ol ol tlrc Nirlional lnslilllle ol Slirntl:rnls irrrtl 'l'cchnokrgy. rllrr'tliskt:l1c's witttl loutlittg srtllw:trt', tt'lttrxlrrtcrl lirrrrr ltcl. l7-5, is in rhc public rkrrnain ancl r: r()l iul AS('li llrrlllic:rliorr ol tkrr'ttttrr.ll vll vial l'llllA(,1 I() llll lllllll)ll)lll()l'l ol 'l'okyo, wll(r llirirrs(irkirrgly ilu(l {o l)rrrli'ssor .l . Krrttrllr ol lltt' [ )trrvcrsily tlut a nutnbcr ol' .t,c.t c,l (lrt, tcx( ol' tlrc sr:t'oiltl crliti0rr rrrrtl krrrrlly lxrintccl (h:tttk rtttt'txlittlrs, charlcs Schmicg, Ira typogrirlllriclrl ornrrs. wc irlso wislt lo tir,*irt y, arrtl Nancy Lin, krr lhcir-hcllllirl cooPt.r'rrtion._. was the Russian translation irl'oLrr trixrk, a Chinese translation reit while welcomed '.lkrwing b! Tongli University Prcss, Shanghai' We publishcd norms' the latter';disregard of intemational copyright . [..tting Etuttl- Stvtu RoeBnr H. ScnNl,qN Rockville, MaryLand Baltimore, Maryland Mav 1996 PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION lrr tlrc alnrost ten years that have elapsed since the writing of Wind Elfects on .\tt'ttt'torrcs a number of significant advances have occurred in the wind engiIrr.e ring lield. These include the development of the following: improved microrrrt'tcrlrological models, particularly for atmospheric flows over the ocean, which :rle ol'interest in the design of offshore structures; procedures for the estimation ol e:xtrcme winds from short records; new information on the modeling of r'xlrcnlc winds in hurricane- and tornado-prone regions; improved procedures lor r:stitnating the along-wind response of structures; new procedures for estirrurting the across-wind and torsional response of tall buildings and the acrossrvirxl rcsponse of towers and stacks; simple and probabilistically rigorous meth,rrls lirr taking wind directionality effects into account in design; practical pro, t'rlrrrcs fbr the risk-consistent design of cladding for wind loads, which make rt lxrssible to achieve more economical designs for any given safety level, or s:rlr.r clcsigns for any given cost; methods for estimating the response of offshore :itru('lurcs to wind in the presence of current and waves; and new information t,n wirxl cffects on various types of structure, including trussed frameworks, lrylrrbolic cooling towers, and semisubmersible platforms. 'l'hc tcxt has been expanded to reflect these and other advances. It now rrrt'lrrtlcs fivc new chapters, as well as a new appendix that is intended to provide tlrt.r'cirtlcr with a brief introduction to modern structural reliability concepts. 'Ilrc original chaptcr on wincl ttttttrc:ls wlts substantially revised, and much new rrr;rtt'r'iirl was aclclcd to thc ollrrrl t'lt:tP(cr.s, plrrlicularly those on the atmospheric lrrrlrtlirry laycr, cxtrcrttc wirttl t'liltrrrlokrgy, blull'body aerodynamics, aerot.l:rslic ltlrcrxlntir, tall builtlings, lrrrtl (orrrlrtLr ellecls. Most of the new material r'orrsists ol'prlrclicirl tlcsigrr irtlotttr:tltotr ;tutl trtt'lltrxls. As in thc first edition, a tx I'lll ln(il l() llll :;l (:()Nl )ll)l ll{)l! consistcnl cllirrt lurs lrr't'rt nt:rrlt'l() l)()lnl ottl rrttrl tlist'ttss (ltr: ttttccrtrtitttics, limitatiorrs, rrrrtl crnrls irrlrt'r't'rrl irr vrrriorrs rllrllr, rrrt'llrtxls. luttl lcclrrriqttcs. Thc aulhors woulcl likt'l() ('xl)r'('ss lltt'rr wlrrnr:rpptccirrtiott lo I)r. I{. D. Marshall, who initiatcd antl tlcvclolletl tlrc wintl cngirrccring prograrn at thc National Bureau of Standanls; I)r. N. lsyrrnrov ol'tlrc Univcrsity of Westcrn Ontario, fbr contributions to Scct. 9.-l; rrrrtl l'rolcssor l). A. Recd of the University of Washington, forcontribu(ions to ('hrrp(cr ll. Spccial thanks are also due, for valuable comments and criticisrrr, t<l l)rol'cssor E. A. Arens ol'the University of California at Berkeley; Dr. R. l. Basu of H. G. Enginccring, Inc.; Professor O. Ditlevsen of the Engineering Academy of Denmark; Dr. B. R. Ellingwood of the National Bureau of Standards; Professor Y. Fu.jino ol the University of Tokyo; Dr. M. P. Gaus of the George Washington Univcrsity; Dr. P. S. Jackson of the University of Auckland; Dr. F. Mahmoodi of thc 3M Company; and Professor B. J. Vickery of the University of Western Ontario. However, the responsibility for any errors or omissions lies solcly with thc authors. We also wish to thank our Editor, E. W. Smethurst, Editorial Supervisor, Balwan R. Singh, Designer, Lee Davidson, and Production Supcrvisor, Linda Shapiro, all of John Wiley & Sons, and Technical Editorof the Russian translation (1984), Dr. B. E. Maslov. The references to the authors' affiliations are for purposes of identification only. The book is not a U.S. Government publication, and the views exprcssed do not necessarily represent those of the U.S. Govemment or any ol' its agcncies. Etr,tlt- Stnaru Rtx'kvilla, Mur.ylund H. Sr',rur.a.N PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION l'lrc wind loading of.civil engineering structures involves, in certain cases, t'rnsiderable complexities that must be taken into account in order to achieve s;rl'c and serviceable.designs. Examples of wind engineering problems that .r:quire special attention include: the dynamic .".poni" of tati structures; the pcrformance of exterior glass and curtain walls, particularly in high_rise uuito_ i'gs; the serviceability of pedestrian areas in clrtain types or t'uilt environ_ rrcnts, the oscillations and flutter ofsuspension bridges; it. u.tion oftornadoes rrr nuclear power plants; the estimation of the piobability of occurence of ('x(reme winds at a given site. Motivated by the need to provide rational descriptions of the phenomena rrv<llved and to develop. appropriate analytical and design tools, a vast spet'i.lized literature-not always easily accessible-has emlrged in the last two tlcc.ades. wind Effects on structure^s is an attempt to preseni a synthesis of the rrrrin trends of this literature in the form of a texi designed for use by advanced strdcnts of engineering,and by practicing structural lngineers and architects. l'hc tcxt devleops its chosen independentry anal as often as possible, _topics llirrn fundamental principles. In addition, extensive references are provided to :r widc range of primary sources. 'l'he level of preparation assumctr .r' rhc rcader corresponds tr that of thc bachelor's degrec irr st'it'rt.c .r cngineering. a approximately effort lr:rs bccn rnadc to avoid unncr'cssiuily t'l;rlxrrr(c "onrirtent rnathematical formulations. Silnplc n<ltions o1'probahirity rlrt.'ry. sr;rrrsr it.s :rrrtl thc theory of random pro_ t't'sscs ctllpl<lyccl in tlloclcrlt wittrl t'ttlirrrt't'rirr11 :uurlysis havc been prescnted in lrpltt:ntliccs, irr which iltluitivc itl)p1ry.1q lrt.:, lr;rvt. lrct.rr slr-6ngly clnphlrsizcl. 'l'lrc lilsl ol'llrc lcxl tlist'rrs:,t.:, 1xrt1 t'lirlr:r(ologit';rl :rspt't'ls ol'llrc wnlrl;r11.:tl, rrrit.lrirrc,tcgr.gl69iclrl, lrnrl r.trlnorrrrrt.lrl lllrl luc ol.inlt, irr wilrrl xt xll plrEl ACt r() llll t llisll FDltloN engineering. 'l'hc scconcl part proscnls l)itsic (:l(:tttL:ltts ol'acnrclyttittttic:s, structural dynamics, and aoroclasticity, lillkrwr:d by applications to thr: clcsign of various types of Structures and structural tnctttbcrs. Scparate chaptcrs are devoted to a discussion of wind-induced discotttlir( in and around buildings, and to assessments of the wind tunnel as a design tool. Wind engineering is a new and rapidly developing field. Cunent procedures for estimating wind effects, and the information on which they are based, should therefore not be regarded as definitive. It is the authors' strong feeling that areas of unceftainty must be carefully defined, and that the limitations inherent in current procedures must be stated clearly. This has been done throughout the text. The division of responsibility for the work has been as follows: E. Simiu has written Chapters 1-3, 5, 7,9-ll, and the Appendices, and R. H. Scanlan * has written Chapters 4, 6, and 8. The authors have, however, shared editorship on all parts of the text. exchange and extensive critical extended to the following persons who read thanks are sincere The authors' porlions of the manuscript and offered valuable criticisms: Professor H' A. Fanofsky, Pennsylvania state University; Dr. N. J. Cook, Building Research Establishment, U.K.; Dr. J. F. Costello, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission; Dr. H. L. Crutcher, National Climatic Center, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; Dr. J. J. Filliben, statistical Engineering Laboratory, National Bureau of standards; Dr. J. c. R. Hunt, Cambridge university, U.K.; Dr. G. E. Mattingly, Institute forBasic Standards, National Bureau of Standards; Dr. J. M. Mitchell, Environmental Data Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; Dr. R. N. Wright, center for Building Technology, National Bureau of Standards; and Professor J. T. P. Yao, Purdue University. All of them should share the recognition for the many improvemcnts their comments brought about. The responsibility for all errors or imperfections rests, however, wholly with the authors. Many thanks are also due to Devra Simiu and Robert N. Scanlan for careful reading and editing of the text, and to Mrs. Sue Murray, Mrs. Rebecca Hocker, and Mrs. Nora Scanlan for their capable typing effort. The authors also wish to express their indebtedness to the late R. S. Woolson, Editor, J. Frances Tindall, Editorial Supervisor, Joel L. Bromberg, Editorial Assistant, and Debbie Oppenheimer and Sandra CONTENTS INTRODUCTION PART 1 2 3 Evn I SrvItu RoeEnr H. ScaNI-aN Washington, D.C. Princeton, New Jersey June,1977 *Chaptcrs 4, (1, ilnrl ll ol llrc lirst ctlilioil trrrrr:spond in lltt'sctotttl irrtrl llrinl oditions to Clhilptcrs 4, 6, antl 13. l,9r'llrc st't.orrtl t.tlition, l{. ll. Scunltn lrirs tevist'rl lltc r'ltirplcr ott witttl lttttncls. antl Ii. Sirrriu lrls bcrlr n.s;xrrrrihh'lor tlrt'rrllrr'r'r'cvisirttts ittxl ttrltliliorts l() tltc t('xl. THE ATMOSPHERE ATMOSPHERIC CIRCULATIONS 5 THE ATMOSPHERIC BOUNDARY LAYER 33 EXTREME WIND CLIMATOLOGY 9'1 PART Winkler, Production Supervisors, all of John Wiley & Sons. A B WIND LOADS AND THEIR EFFECTS ON STRUCTURES Fundamentals 4 5 6 7 B BLUFF-BODY AERODYNAMICS 135 STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS 195 AEROELASTIC PHENOMENA 216 WIND TUNNELS WIND DIRECTIONALITY EFFFC IS 273 308 xlll xiv ll (,( 'N il N tl Applications to Design 9 BUILDINGS: WIND LOADS, STRUCILJHAL RESPONSE' AND DESIGN OF CLADDING ANt] TIOOFING 1O SLENDER TOWERS AND STACKS WII'H CIRCULAR CROSS SECTION 11 HYPERBOLIC COOLING TOWERS 12 TRUSSED FRAMEWORKS AND PLATE GIRDERS 13 SUSPENDED-SPAN BRIDGES, TENSION STRUCTURES, 14 15 327 383 404 420 AND POWER LINES 446 OFFSHORE STRUCTURES 487 INTRODUCTION WIND.INDUCED DISCOMFORT IN AND AROUND 511 BUILDINGS 16 TORNADO EFFECTS 17 STANDARD PROVISIONS FOR WIND LOADING APPENDIX APPENDIX APPENDIX 576 l'lrc rlcvclopment of modem materials and construction techniques has resulted of a new generation of structures that are often, to a degree rrrrkrr'wn in the past, remarkably flexible, low in damping, and light in weight. srrt'' structures, as welr as uu.iou, nou.r typ", of rigid A1 ELEMENTS OF PROBABILITY THEORY AND APPLICATIONS APPENDIX 551 42 RANDOM PROCESSES 43 ELEMENTS OF STRUCTURAL RELIABILITY A4 PRESSURE COEFFICIENTS FOR BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES rrr rhc cmergence 591 629 structures, exhibit an rrrt're'scd susceptibility ro rhe action of wina. acirdt;;,r,1;has become rr('(('ssilry to develop tools enabling the designer to effects with ;r lrig'cr degree of refinement than-was ".ti*ai"'*ind previ,ously ,"quiJ. wini rs rlr. discipline that has evolved, ilr"iurt-e."d; "ngrn"".rng rsu! uvvsuwD' fiom efforts ;rrrrctl a[ developing such tools. It is the task of the engineer to ensure that the performance of structures :'rr'jt:crcd to the action of wind will be adequate during their anticipated rife lr.rrr rhc standpoint oftroth^structural safety and t'r(,, rhc designer needs information regarding serviceibilitv. io'u"tieve this (r) tt" winJ'environment, tlrt' re l.tirn between that environment 12; arid the iorces it induces on,h" r,*",u.", ;rrrrl ('1) thc behavior of the structure under the action of these forces. 643 665 INDEX 676 ABOUT THE DISK 684 rHE WIND ENVIRONMENT lrrlr.rrr(i<ln <ln the wincr cnvinrnrrcnt needed in design includes elements de_ r,u'cd lhrrn .mctconrlogy, nticr()nlcte()tl)l()!,y, and climatology. Merc.nrl'gy pnlvirrc.s lr trcsr.r'iPr i.r,,,,,,i'"^prunation of the basic f.eatures of 'rlrttosltltcrr-ic lklws. Such ll.rrlrrt.s rrrirv lrt.ol.c.gnsirlcrabl" ;j;;ifi.;nce fiom a .'lttttlttt':tl tlcsigrr vic:wP.irrl. li,r't'rrrrrrIlt'. irr llrc t.usc.l,rr",nrnu,ir, the prcs_ t'ttt t' ol'ir rcgiorr ol' low irlrnosplrt,r,, 1,,,.r,n,,,.,. ;tl lllc cctllcl- <ll. lhcl slrlrrrr is lr l:rt'tr''l'rrrrj.r irrrp.rrirrrr'e r irr tir,, ,r,.,,,j.,, ,r rrrrr.rt.lrr.rx)w(rr prirrrrs. lN il i( )t )l,o l l( )N MiCrornCtcgnrftlgy lrltr.lrrlrls (p rlt'sr'rilrc llrr' rlt'lltrlt'rl sltlt('ltllc ol ltltttospllt't ic flows near the gnruncl. 'l'oltics ol rlirt't'l ('()n('('ltt {o lltc sttrtcltrrltl tlcsigrrt't'ilt clude the variation of nrcan spcorls willr heip,lrt irltovt: gtttttlttl, tlrc tle:sct-illtitlll of atmospheric turbulence, and thc tlcl'rctttltttcc ol' (ltc tttcitrt spectls ancl tll' PART A turbulence upon roughness of terrain. Climatology, as applied to the wind cnvirotrtttcttt, is ctlnccrncd with thc prediction of wind conditions at given geographical locations. Probability statements on future wind speeds may be conveniently summarizcd in wind maps, such as are currently included in various building codes. WIND-INDUCED FORCES ON STRUCTURES A structure immersed in a given flow field is subjected to aerodynamic forces that, in general, may be estimated using available results of aerodynamic theory and experiments. However, if the environmental conditions or the properties of the structure are unusual, it may be necessary to conduct special wind tunnel tests. Aerodynamic forces include drag (along-wind) forces, which act in the direction of the mean flow, and lift (across-wind) forces, which act perpendicularly to that direction. If the distance between the elastic center of the structure and the aerodynamic center (i.e., the point of application of the aerodynamic force) is large, the structure is also subjected to torsional moments that may significantly affect the structural design. STRUCTURAL RESPONSE TO WIND LOADS Because the aerodynamic forces are dependent on time, the methods of structural dynamics may have to be employed to determine the response. Furthermore, the random character of this dependence requires that elements of the theory of random vibrations be applied to the analysis. In certain cases. it may be necessary to perform an aeroelastic analysis, that is, a study ofthe interaction between the aerodynamic and the inertial, damping, and elastic forces, with the purpose of investigating the aerodynamic stability of the structure. From the foregoing it is seen that the design of modern structures subiected to wind loads requires the use of information and methods derived from a broad spectrum of disciplines. It will not be suggested here that complete answers to the questions involved exist at the present time. However, considerable progreSS has been made toward an understanding of some of these questions. As a result, procedures and techniqucs have been devclopccl lhat have significantly improved the designcr's irhility to ostinratc thc cll'ccts ol wirttl l-rorn thc standpoint of both strcrrgtlr ltrrtl scrvicr:lrbility. lt is lht: itittt ol tlris lcxt to prescnt thesc proccdurcs llul tt't'lrrrit;rrt's, to llrovirlc lltr-: lrirt'kgnrttrrrl trtlttcrial rccluircd firr rrntlcrsllrrrtlirrg, llrcir r':rliorr:rlc, rrrul lo cxrttttittt' t'rilit':rlly llrt'ir clrplrhilitics irs wcll rrs tlrt'ir lirtritlrli()ttri it,'i th'si1'.rr (txrls. THE ATMOSPHERE CHAPTER 1 ATMOSPHERIC CIRCULATIONS Wirrrl, or the motion of air with respect to the surface of the earth, is fundarrrt'ntally caused by variable solar heating of the earth's atmosphere. It is initrirlt:tl, in a more immediate sense, by differences of pressure between points ol t't;ual elevation. Such differences may be brought about by thermodynamic ;rrrrl rncchanical phenomena that occur in the atmosphere nonuniformly both in tilil(' irnd space. 'l'hc energy required for the occurrence of these phenomena is provided by tlrt' sun in the form of radiated heat. While the sun is the original source, the .,()rr'('c of energy most directly influential upon the atmosphere is the surface ,l thc carth. Indeed, the atmosphere is to a large extent transparent to the solar rrtli:rtion incident over the earth, much in the same way as the glass roof of a I'rccnltouse. That portion of the solar radiation that is not reflected or scattered lr:rt'k into space may therefore be assumed to be absorbed almost entirely by tlrc crrfth. The earth, upon being heated, will emit energy in the form of terrcslrirrl radiation, the characteristic wave lengths of which are long (of the order ol l0p) compared to those of heat radiated by the sun. The atmosphere, which r' lrrlgcly transparent to solar but not to terrestrial radiation, absorbs the heat r:rtlilrtccl by the earth and re-emits some of it toward the ground. I.1 ATMOSPHERIC THERMODYNAMICS 1.1.1 Temperature of the Atmosphere 'lir illtrstlutc thc nrlc ol'thc lctttgx'r'lrltul'tlistribution in the atmosphere in the pttxlttt'liott ol'wincls, a sirtrplilit'rl tttrxlt'l tll'atrnosphcric circulation will be n lMolit't il illo ollrot,l All()Nti I I AIM( )r;t,ilt ilt(; il il ttM()llyNAMt(il; prescntcd. In this rnoclcl thc cll'ccls tll'tltc vctlicitl vrtriittion tll'itir tcttlpcraturc, of the humiclity ol'thc air, ol'lho nrlirliorr ol lltc eirrllt, artd ol'l'riction will be ignored, ancl the surfhcc of thc carlh will bc rrssrttttctl to ho unilorm and smooth. It will be recalled that thc axis ol'nrllliou ol tlrc carlh is inclined at approximately 66'30' to the plane of its orbit an)rrrKl tltc sun (planc of the ecliptic). Therefore, the average annual intcnsity ol'stllitr ladiation and, consequently, the intensity of terrestrial radiation and thc lcnlpcralurc of the atmosphere will be higher in the equatorial than in the polar rcgions. To explain the circulation pattem that arises as a result of this tempcraturc difl'crence, Humphreys Il-l] proposed the following ideal experiment (Fig. l.l.l). Assume that the tanks A and B are filled with fluid of uniform temperature up to level a and that tubes 1 and 2 are closed. If the temperature of the fluid in A is raised while the temperature in B is maintained constant, the fluid in A will expand and reach the level b. The expansion entails no change in the total weight of the fluid contained in A. The pressure at c remains therefore unchanged, and if tube 2were opened, there would be no flow between A and B. If tube I is opened, however, fluid will flow from A to B, on account of the difference of head (b - a).Consequently, at level c the pressure in A will decrease while the pressure in B will increase. Upon opening tube 2, fluid will now flow through it from B to A. The circulation thus developed will continue as long as the temperature difference between A and B is maintained. If tanks A and B are replaced conceptually by the column of air abovc the equator and above the pole, it can be seen that, in the absence of other efl'ects, W0r rn FIGURE 1.1.2. Simplified model of atmospheric circulation. rrn atmospheric circulation would be developed that could be represented as in iig. 1.1.2. In reality, the circulation of the atmosphere is vastly complicated by the factors neglected in the above model. The effect of these factors will f bc discussed later in this chapter. The temperature of the atmosphere is determined by the following processes lt-2, I-3, l-4, l-5, l-61: o Solar and terrestrial radiation, as discussed previously in this o Radiation in the atmosphere. o Compression or expansion of the air. r chapter. Molecular and eddy conduction. o Evaporation and condensation of water vapor. 1.1.2 Radiation in the Atmosphere As a conceptual aid, consider the action of the following model. The heat rrrtliated by the surface of the earth is absorbed by the layerof airimmediately :rlrovc the ground (or the surface of the ocean) and reradiated by this layer in two parts, one going downward and one going upward. The latter is absorbed Iry the next higher layer of air and again reradiated downward and upward. 'l'lrc transport of heat through radiation in the atmosphere, according to this t'onccptual model, is represented in Fig. 1.1.3. 1.1.3 Compression and Alrrrosphcric pressurc is pnrtlucctl by tlrr-: wcight of the overlying air. A small (or particlc) of clry irir rrurvirrg vr.rtit'lrlly thus experiences a change of ptl'srittro to which thcro ctlrtcsltottrls lt cltirnp,e ol'lcrnpcrature. To determine the l;rltcr. lho oc;uation ol'stirle lirr'1x'r'lt'r'l llits('s iul(l thc lirst law <lf thcrrnodynamics rrr:rss l.l.l, ('in'ulittiotr l)irllcnr tluc to tcmpcrattrtc tlillercrtcc bctween two coltrl'llrritl. lirrrrrr /'/ry,rlr',r tl tlrt Ait hy W. .1. lltrtrrplttcys. ('opyright 1929, l94O hy W..l . llrrntlrlrreys. llst,rl wrllr lrcrrrrissiort ol Mc(irrrw llill lixrk ('otrtpany. FIGURIT r.rrrrns Expansion lrlc ttsctl: n lM():;l ,lll lrl{i (:llr(:t,t Ail{}t..ti: II Ilcirl rir.lrillrll Irt(, !lr.r r. lriltlr'r --f -- l,'l(;tlRl,l 1.1.3. Transport of heat through radiation in the atmosphere. pu-RT dq:c,flT*pdu In these expressions p is the pressure, (l. r. r) (1.1.2) the specific volume, R the spccific er air, Z the absolute temperature, dq the amount of heat transferred to the particle, and c, the specific heat at constant volume. Differentiating the first relation and substituting the quantity p der thus obconstant for dry tained in the second relation, there results dq:(c,,+R)dT*udp (r.r.3) Comparing this relation with dq : (l .t.41 crdT which cxpresses the first law of thermodynamics in the particular case of an n l M( 'r,t ,ilt ilt{ . I ilt nM( )t )yNn Mt(.1 kttowtt lrs Poissorr'r, or llrt'rlry rrtli:rbalic c(pr:rrr()n. lior tlly ;lt, ll/t.,, o.llitJ. A lirrrriliar e,x:ttttplr'ol tlrt'e'llecl ol'prcssrrrc r'llrnp,c orr llrt' lcrrrPcrirltrrt: is llrt' lrt':rtirrg ol'cornprt'ssr'tl :ur irr lr tirc pultrp. ll', in thc itltttospltr:t't'. tlrc verlical rnotiorr ol'irrr rrir'pirrccl is sullicicntly rrrpid, thc hcat cxcltiurgc ol'that parcel with its cnvir'onnrcnt tnay bc consiclcrcd t. bc negligiblc and thc assumption dq : 0 is appnrximatcly correct. lt then Iolkrws from Poisson's equation that since ascending air experiences a pressure rltrcrcase, its temperature will also decrease. The temperature drop of adiabatit'rrlly ascending dry air is known as the dry adiabatic lapse rate and is approximately 1"C/100 meters in the earth's atmosphere. consider a small mass of dry air at position 1 (Fig. 1.1.4). Its elevation and l('nrperature are h1 and z', respectively. If the particle moves vertically upward irt some reasonable speed, its temperature change will effectively be adiabatic, regardless of the lapse rate (temperature variation with height above ground) Plcvailing in the atmosphere. At position 2, while the temperature of the amlricnt air is 22, the temperature of the element of air mass is T) : T, - (hz /r,)'y,,, where 7o is the adiabatic lapse rate. Since the pressure of the element rrrrtl of the ambient air will be the same, it follows from the equation of state tlrirt to the temperature difference T5 - T, there corresponds a difference of tlt:rrsity between the element of air and the ambient air. This generates a buoyrrrrcy force that, if rz I Ti, acts upwards and thus moves the element farther ;rway from its initial position (superadiabatic lapse rate, as in Fig. 1.1.4), or, tl 'l'2 ) Tl, acts downwards, thus tending to retum the particle to its initial lxrsition. The stratification of the atmosphere is said to be unstable in the first r'rrsc and stable in the second. If T2: Ti,that is, if the lapse rate prevailing rrr llre atmosphere is adiabatic, the stratification is said to be neutral. A simple example of the stable stratification of fluids is provided by a layer .l water underlying a layer of oil, while the opposite (unstable) case would lurvc the water above the oil. isobaric (constant pressure) process (co is the specific heat at constant pressure), it is easy to see that c,, * R : cr. It is therefore possible to write, if the equation of state is used once more, dq Processes for which dq : : cpdT - dn RT -:_ p (l.l.s) 2(h2, r;) I: Lapse rate prevailing in the atmosphere O are referred to as adiabatic. For such processes, II the previous relation becomes qI_4oo _o T cpP (1. 1.6) which, alicr irr(cgltrtion, yicltls tlrc cquation ,1, 't',, (';,)"" (l l7) lrl(ltlRl'l I l..l= l,rl,i.( r,rt(.s Adiabatic lapse rate 1 0 AI MO:lt,l tf ntc otttct,l A t t( )Nr; \ lM( )t;t,nt nt( 1.1.4 Molecular and Eddy Conductlon 1.1.5 Condensation and Evaporation of Water Vapor The pressure of moist air is, according to Dalton's law, equal to the sum p of the partial pressure e of the water vapor and that of the dry air, p - e. It has bccn established experimentally that if the pressure e exceeds some value E, known as the saturation vapor pressure, condensation of the excess moisture will occur, and that the saturation pressure E increases exponentially as the tcmpcrature of the moist air increases. An elementary mass of ascending unsaturated moist air (i.e., for which < l) will experience a temperature drop that can be shown to be essentially equal to the dry adiabatic lapse rate. As the element ascends and its temperature decreases, its saturation pressure will also decrease. If the element reaches a level at which the ratio e/E becomes unity, condensation will normally occur. Above this level, water vapor contained in the air element will continue to condense. In the process, heat of condensation is released. This is equal to the heat that was originally required to change the phase of water from liquid to vapor, that is, the latent heat of vaporization stored in the vapor. The heat of condensation contributes to the mechanical work involved in the expansion of an ascending particle, which before saturation was performed only at the expense of the internal energy. The temperature drop of the saturated adiabatically ascending element of air is therefore slower than for dry or moist unsaturated air (Fig. 1.1.5). By furnishing energy that increases the temperature \ to,r, Mt(;ti typcs ol winds. 1.2 ATMOSPHERIC HYDRODYNAMICS 'l'hc motion of an elementary mass of air is determined by Newton's second l:rw DF : ma (1.2.1) where m is the mass, a is the acceleration, and D F is the sum of forces acting the elementary mass of air. It is the purpose of this section to briefly describe 'rr tho forces F and some of their effects upon the motion of air. 1-2.1 The Horizontal Pressure Gradient Force ('onsider an infinitesimal volume of air dx dy dz (Fie. r.2.r), and let the mean l)rcssures acting on the lower and upper face be p and p + (0pl0z) d1, respec_ tivcly. In the absence of forces other than pressures, the net vertical force rrcting on the volume dx dy dz will be -(0pl0z) dx dy da, or -)pllzperunit volume. similarly, the net forces per unit volume acting in the and y direction "r will be denoted -\pl0x and -0pl0y, respectively. The resultant of these forces is called the horizontal pressure gradient and is denoted -0pl0n, where n is thc normal to some contour of constant horizontal pressure. The horizontal l)rcssure gradient is the driving force that initiates the horizontal motion of air. lapse rate llll,) l. l.-5. l illtt'(s ol' corttlcrtsirlion ulxrr II parliclc: witlr n.spcr'l lo wlrat it woultl hirvc lrccrr urrtkrr tlrv arliabirtit. cottclititlns, tltc hcitl ttl cttttdcttsation hclps sul)lxrt1 corrvct.liorr ol thc 1ir t9 lrighcr levcls ol'thc ltlntospltcrc. 'l'his lactor is irrrpollirrr( irr tlrc gcncsis ol'cqlain {or saturation) \diabatic l,'l( ;t )t)yNn ol'a Molecular conduction is a dill'usion pft)ccss thlt cll'ccls a translbr ol'hcat. It is achieved through the motion of individual rnoloculcs and is negligiblc insofar as atmospheric processes are concerncd. Hddy hoat conduction involves the transfer of heat by actual movement of air in which hcat is stored. e/E , I tytrn( Lrlrsc nrlc l.'l(;tlltll 1.2.1. Vcrtic:rl Irr':,:.rrr.s ()r irr e lcrrL)nrrrry nrirss .l uir. 12 n lMolil'l ll lil(; cllt(;l/ln ll()N:i I 1' n I M{ t!;t't il !tl( I tyl)t l( )l )vNn Mt( tli l3 Htglr llrcsltrtrr An I o,r".,,.,, ol pressurc gradrent I-IGURE 1.2.3. Apparcnt rnotion ol'an air particle due to the earth's rotation. Low presure FIGURE 1.2.2. Direction of prcssurc gradient fbrce. t';rstcrly wind). In the Southern Hemisphere the reverse of these statements is llllc. 'l'hc nct lirrce per unit mass exerted by the horizontal pressure gradient, (l/p) t)1tl\n, is oltcn referred to as the pressure gradient force (p is the air density.) Air subjccted solely to the action of pressure gradient forces will move from rcgions of high pressure to regions of low pressure. The direction of the pressure gradient force is indicated in Fig. 1.2.2, in which the isobars (lines contained in the same horizontal plane and connecting points of equal pressure) are also shown. ll' the Coriolis parameter is defined f:2llsind F,.:2m(v x a) (r.2.3) wlrc:rc d is the latitude of the point considered, it follows that the Coriolis force ;rcting per unit of mass in a plane (P) parallel to the surface of the earth (Fig. I 2.4) on an element of air moving in such a plane with velocity v relative to tlre carth will have the magnitude 1.2.2 The Deviating Force Due to the Earth's Rotation F, If defined with respect to an absolute frame of reference, the motion of a particle not subjected to the action of an external force will follow a straight line. To an observer on the rotating earth, however, the path described by the particle will appear curved. The deviation of the particle motion from a straight line fixed with respect to the rotating earth may be attributed to an apparent force, the Coriolis force, the vector expression of which is [1-7] as f lrc values of f are given : (1.2.4) mfu in Table 1.2. 1 as functions of latitude. (t.2.2) where m is the mass of the particle, or is the angular velocity vector of the earth, and v is the velocity of the particle relative to a coordinate system rotating with the earth. Fc is perpendicular to crr and to v, is directed according to the vector multiplication (right-hand) rule, and has the magnitude 2nlc,rl lvl sin a, where a is the angle between o and v. Let N (Fig. I .2 .3) be the norlh pole, and consider an element of air moving in a straight line in space along the direction NP. If the motion starts from N at time t : O, at time / the particle arrives aI P, and the position of the meridian along which the motion started is NP'. To an observer on the earth, it appears that the element is deflected westward by an amount P'P. It can thus be seen that, in thc Northern Hemispherc, owing to the rotation of the earth, a wind initially dircctcd along a mcridian vcors to the right of its initial dircction; (lurl is, il tlirr:ctctl northwarcl il vc:crs lowurtl thc oast (bccomcs a wcstcrly wintl). ll tlilct'tctl sottlltwatd il vccrs lowrrnl llrc wcst (bccorncs an fll(;lllll,l 1.2.,1. l 'r,ntlr,lr.trl:, ol tlrt'lrltrlion vccl()r ('). 14 n lM()l;l'l ll lllc ()ll l(;t,l n ll()Nl; I ;' n I M( ): il ,t lt ||t( il\ I rlt( )l ryNAMt(:l TABLE 1.2.I. Corirllis l)ararnclcr. f:2asinb -') Latitude 0 l-ittitudo (rlcg) (s (deg) 0 0.1211 x l0 -50 a .f -- 2a sin $ (r 10 0.2533 ()( ) r5 0.3'175 ()-5 t.1947 r.2630 r.3218 20 0.49ttu () (rI(r4 10 I .3705 5 l5 ) t( ) ( l'r O ,lo .ll 5.5 /:l().1 lJ l(r\ 15 1.4087 tt( ) t.4363 1{-5 o (n/1 9o ') 1.1172 x 10-4 1.4629 1.4584 I Oll\ High 1.2.3 The Frictionless Wind Balance At sullicicrrtly grcat hcights, the eft'ects on the wind due to friction along the ground bccome negligible, and the horizontal motion of air relative to the surface of the earth is determined, in unaccelerated flow, by the balance among the pressure gradient, the Coriolis, and the centrifugal force. The effect of the forces acting on an elementary mass of air is shown in Fig. 1.2.5 (the mass is assumed to be in the Northern Hemisphere). If the particle started to move in the direction of the pressure gradient force (denoted P), it would be deflected by the Coriolis force F.o @ig. I .2.5a). The particle would then move in the direction of the resultant of P and F..o, shown as direction II in Fig. 1.2.5b. The deflecting force would now become F,.6, to which there would correspond a new direction of motion (direction III in Fig. 1.2.5b). When a steady state is reached, the wind flows along the isobars as shown in Fig. 1.2.5c. The isobars in Fig. 1.2.5 are depicted as straight, which means that in the is no centrifugal force. However, in the more general case of a curved isobar centrifugal forces will be involved. This case is taken up case shown there below. The steady velocity for which a balance between the pressure gradient force and the Coriolis force alone obtains is called the geostrophic wind velociry G and is related to the pressure gradient by the equation Low pressure (b) rvlrcrc P is the magnitude of the vector ,, .,, 'Q!!' pl' (t.2.6) P,/is the Coriolis parameter, and p is tlrt'lrir density. I l' the isobars are curved (Fig. 1 .2 .6) , the force P as well as the centrifugal I' C will act on the elementary mass of air in the direction normal to the r:,.birrs, and the resulting steady wind will again flow along the isobars. Its High pressure ll'rr\:tion Of wrrrrl (in the I (1.2.s) (c) FIGURE 1.2.5. Frictionless wind balance in geostrophic flow. N,rr 2u:Csin6:P:-'do/dn p pressure wind (in the tltorn Northern l"rrst)here) Itl(llllll,l High pressure Direction of Heqrisphere) Low preisurc (cycl<xric circulirlr0il) Low pressure {anticyclonic circulation) (n) (h) 1.2.(r. rvrrrrl lr;rl;rrri r ttr ( y( l()ni(' lurtl lrrrlit'yr'lorrit' llow 16 n tM()t;l'l tt Ittc otti(;lll n ll()Nl; A I Mil'.t'l il ltt( I li I rl to| ryNn Ml( :: l7 velocity results fiom the relations yl : , "r vn,f -r _ dp/dn Irl',rlltoil!l!'t(' (1.2.7) (;r,r(il,nt p the mass of air is in the Northern Hemisphere, the positive or the is used according as the circulation is cyclonic (around a center sign negative 6fl<tw prcssurc) or anticyclonic (around a center of high pressure), and where r is tlrc nrrlirrs ol'crtrvalurc of thc airtra.icctory.* The velocity I/r,is calledthe .tittttlit,ttt rt,itttl tt,lttt'ilv; it is ct;ttal ltl thc geostrophic wind velocity in the p;rrtrt rrlrrr t:rst' irr wlrit'lr lltc ('tlrviltlllc tll' (hc isobars iS zerO. If the radiuS of where, wrnrl luvtl if -layer depth) r'llr\';ll1!(' rs ltrvlt'. trr lllt' Nol'tltt'r-rt I lt:rrtisphcrc l';,, lirr cyckrrric wirrtls, '{ 'l',':: - ({)')'' (1.2.8) FIGURE 1.2.7. The atmospheric boundary layer. atrd vr,: t{, -le)' -;#)" o 2s) for anticyclonic winds. The sign of the radicals is given by the condition that Vc,: Owhendp/dn: 0. It follows from the expressions fot Vr, that for the same values of r, f and dp/dn, anticyclonic winds are weaker than cyclonic winds [1-1, p. 121]. The foregoing discussion explains Buys-Ballot's /aw, which states: If, in the Northem Hemisphere, a person stands with his back to the wind, the high pressure will be on his right and the low pressure will be on his left. In the Southern Hemisphere the reverse is true. 1.2.4 Effects of Friction The surface of the earth exerts upon the moving air a horizontal drag force, the effect of which is to retard the flow. The effect of this force upon the flow decreases as the height above ground increases and, as indicated previously, It is the wind regime within the boundary layer of the atmosphere that is of 'lrr.ct interest to the designer of civil enginlering structures. The questions of tlrt' boundary-layer height, of the variati,cn of wind speed and direction with lr.rrht above ground, and of the turbulence structure within the boundary layer .ut' therefbre discussed in more detail in Chapter 2. It will be noted here that unrike the gradient wind velocity, the steady_state r'irrrl velocity within the boundary layer crosses the isobars. consider a geo_ ''t.rphic flow (i.e., a flow in which the isobars may be assumed to be straight) 'rrrtl the balance of the forces acting on particles A and, B, which move hori_ z'rrrirlly within irs boundary rayer (Fig. t.z.s;. If ,4 (Fig. is at a higher l('vcl than B (Fig. 1.2.8b), its speed u and (by virtue oithe relation F, : mfu) rts ('.riolis force will be largerthan those orb. tre deviation;;gr; between tlrt'wind direction and the isobars will therefore be smaller " higher fir ttre tl;rs(cr) particle. The angle o will be zero at the gradient level and will reach rts.rrraximum value os nearthe ground. In the Northern Hemisphere the wind r.ltrcity in the boundary rayer may thus be represented by a spiral, as in Fig. l.).9. becomes negligible above a height 6 known as the height of the boundary layer High pressure of the atmosphere. Above this height the frictionless wind balance is established, and the wind flows with the gradient wind velocity along the isobars. The atmosphere abovc thc boundary layer is called the free atmosphere (Fig. 1.2."t). F" (Coriolis force) High pressure Low l)ressure S (fricliorr lorr:r') A l)[oction P {Jlressrrrc r;r;rlrr.rrt lorr r.) It()lt()rr *Strictly sllctrkirrl'., llrc r:rtlirrs ol ( lr v:r1lrt' ol lllc triricct()t] rtr:ry tlillt'r lirrltt lltc radius ol'curvaturc ll llrc isglr:rr'.'llrc tlilltrclr,r.rrlrV lrc lreliletlctl, ltowrrvt'1. il tt r':rtt lx':tssttlttctl th:rl lhc wintl llrlw is :rllptrrx irttitlt'ly slt':trly Low l)t{:ssrlr(: (r) lf l( ll lltl,) l.2.ll. llrl:rrrt'c ol lor, {.., rr (h) tlrr ,tt IItr':,1)lt('t i(. lroulrtlltt.y l:tyt.r 18 ATMOSPHERTC ctRCUl r;r AroNsi AIM()i;l't r nt(: M()lt()Nli 1g ol itttttosphcric t'tttttltltrttts itl s()tnc shorl tittre irltcl llrc t.ollecli6rr el'llrr-r rlirlir. 'l'hc calculatctl vitlttcs ol lhc six variablcs obllirrctl by irrtcgnrtiorr can (hcrr lrr.: ttsctl as initial corttlitiotts lilr a l'urthcr inlcgnrtiorr;;11rp. 'l'his succcssivc apPfilxitnation pK)(:L!ss is lhc lrasis of numcrical wclllrcl procliction tcchniquos lllirl came into bcing lirllowing the increasecl availability ol- observationsrncluding, more reccntly, observations obtained by satellites (Fig. 1.3.1)-and tlrc: clevelopment of modern electronic computers. Atrnospheric motions may be described as superpositions of interdependent lkrws characterized by scales ranging from approximately one millimeter to llr.usands of kilometers. To analyze such motions, it is convenient to classifz llrr:rn according to their horizontal scale. In meteorology three main groups of rrtrnospheric scales are commonly defined: microscale, mesoscale, and synoptic st'irlc. According to the classification of Il-g], the synoptic scale includes mo_ tions with characteristic dimensions exceeding 500 kmor so and time scales ol two days or more. The microscale includes motions with characteristic dirrrc:nsions of less than 20 km or so and time scales of less than one hour. The nrcsoscale is defined by dimensions and periods between those characteristic ol' rnicroscale and synoptic scale. FIGURE 1.2.9. Wind velocity spiral in the atmospheric boundary layer. In the case of a cyclonic storrn (or flow around a center of low pressure), will cross the isobars toward the center. The air will near the ground, the wind thus slowly converge and ascend. If the low-level convergence exceeds highlevel divergence, the mass and weight of the air column at the center of the storm gradually increase and therefore the inward-directed pressure gradient force decreases. As a result of such a decrease, the center of low pressure is dissipated and filling is said to occur. In the case of an anticyclone, the wind near the ground will cross the isobars away from the center of high pressure. In the lower portions of a high, if lowlevel divergence exceeds high-level convergence, the atmosphere will tend to spread out and sink, and dissipation of the center will occur. 1.3 ATMOSPHERIC MOTIONS Most atmospheric pmcesses can be described in terms of the quantities briefly discussed in the prcccding sections: wind velocity (i.e., horizontal and vertical wind), pressurc, tcmpcrature , density, and moisture. The behavior of these six quantities is govcrncrl by six cquations: the equation of state, the first law of thermodynanrics. tlrc ctluirtirtns <ll'continuity of mass and moisture, and the horizontal antl vcrlicll ccprations ol'tnotion. Proviclccl that an adequate data basc cxists, llrr:sc r:r;rrirlit)ns clur bc intcgratcd to yicltl it t;tutrttitative dcscription lrlOtIRli 1.3.1. ( Srrtcllitc vicw ol lrrrrrrt'irrrt' lrili )ccanic ;rrrtl Alrrrosplrcric Ailtrrtrrisl rrrl rnrr ) Se pl . 113. 1974 (coLrnosy National 20 n lMosl'l ll lll(; (;lilc(ll All()N:; I:r AIM{}!,t ,tililt(;M()Il(iNl; 2l ;rtttl ltlws itt sttttttttct. ()wirrg lrl tltc vlrsl llrtttl rturss ol llrt.Asi;rrr r'onlirrt.rrl, lll()llso()ll cllccts irl.r'(l('v('lolx'rl ttxrsl strorrgly irr Asitr. wlrcrc llrcy lurvt: tr t'olt Nortlr Polc Polar easterlies Polar front sitlcnrhlr: inl]rrcltct' orr lltc sr:lrsonal charrgcs ,z .z .z t/ tt t/ t/ l,'l(,llil{l,l 1..1.,1. lltt'llrrlrrr rrrt'ritliorrirl r'ircttluliott rnodel. After General Meterology lry ll l{. llyt'r:. ('opyrill,lrl l()17, l(4,1 hy llrc Mc(iraw-Hill BookCompany, Inc. Used wrllr 1rt'nnissiort ol Mt ( ilrrw I lill lltxrk ('olrtpittty. ol welrllrt.r l)itllcnrsi. Hurricanes. -lr<lpiclrl cycklncs are storms that dcrivc all thcir cnorgy I'r<lrn thc llrtt:nl heat relcascd by tho condcnsation of watcr vapor and <lriginatc, gcncrally, lrt'lwccn the 5 and 20 latitude circles. Their diamctcrs arc usually of the order ,rl' scvcral hundred kilometers. The depth of the atmosphere involved is of the orrlcr of ten kilometers. Hurricanes are defined as tropical cyclones with surface wirrd vefocities exceeding about l2o kmlhr. Spacecraft views of hurricanes are slrown ln Figs. 1.3.1 and 1.3.3. Hurricanes (known as typhoons in the Far East and cyclones in the region ol Australia and the Indian Ocean) occur most frequently during the late sum- 1.3.1 The General Circulation The combined effects of the earth's rotation and of friction break the thermal circulation cell of Fig. l.l .2 into a pattern that consists basically of three circulation cells as represented in Fig. 1.3.2 [l-2]. The theoretical pattem is compatible with the existence (at sea level) of a high pressure belt at the horse latitudes and of a low pressure belt at the polar front. In reality, the tricellular meridional circulation model is complicated by seasonal and by geographical effects. Seasonal effects consist of variation in position and intensity of the pressure belts and are caused by the annual march of the sun north and south of the equator. Geographical effects are caused by the difference in physical properties and by the uneven distribution of water and land over the globe. In summer, because the ocean surface warns up more slowly than the land, the air is colder over the ocean than over land. Just as in Fig. 1.1. I fluid flows in tube 2 from the colder to the warmer tank, air near the surface will be driven in summer by a pressure gradient force directed from the ocean toward the land. On the other hand, in winter the air is colder over land and the oceans become heat sources. 1.3.2 Thermally Direct Secondary Circulations: Monsoons and Hurricanes Secondary circulations are said to be of the thermally clircct typc if the centers of high or low pressure (i.e., the highs or the lows) aroutttl which thcy develop are formed by heating or cooling of the lower alttros;rhe rc. itrc scirsorral winrls tlurt lirrrrr r'ells ol (lrc gcncral circ:ulalion irntl tlcvr:krp rrrtrttntl llrclrrurlly prrxlttt'etl t'ottltttr'ttlitl Irighs irt wiltlcr Monsoons, ;1*W*d,* lrl(;llltli l.-f,1. Ilrrrlit'ilrc (illulvr ir, .,(.r.u l)v llrt' Apollo ( )t t':rrrit' lrntl A( rrlrsplrt'rit' Atlrr rirrr:,1 r ;rl inrr I crcw (cotrrtcsy Nlrliorrirl n IM():ll'l il lil(; (;llr(;t,l n ll()Nli at o f,i o@ >@ o:- _CO c -O oz I ":- z ON O oc >o "'I where strong uptlrllts i1i. l)t('sc1l , scl)itfttti()rl ol'lltt'lrottttrl;rly l;rycl-lllily occur. According to (illrlrlutr :rrrtl llrrtlson ll l ll :rrr r'xlttcssiott ol (lrc lirl'nr I tllt 1t ,lt ( ',' 1,, l) \ /{,,,t' I / I ti", r (r.3.r) P :l vs.!:Ee .l> g5 C3n-1i-. q V " h.:q -o 9b'u<=< lnor ancl oarly autumn months (August-September on the Northem Hemisphere, February-March on the Southern Hemisphere), except in the Northern lndian Ocean. Hurricanes normally travel as whole entities at speeds of 5 to 50 km/ hr. The mean directions of hurricane motions are shown in Fig. 1.3.4. It is noted, however, that individual hurricanes may follow unusual, indccd erratic, paths. World tropical cyclone statistics are presented in Fig. 1.3.5 ll-91. Data on tropical cyclones reaching the United States coastline are presented in some detail in Sect. 3.3. For detailed basic information on hurricanes, scc Il-10] and [3-62]. As seen in a vertical plane section, the structure of a hurricanc in the mature stage consists of five main regions, represented schematically in Fig. 1.3.6, in which approximate dimensions are also shown. Region I consists of a nrughly circular, relatively dry core of calm or light winds, calk:cl thc cyc, around which the storm is centered. The air rises slowly near thc pcritnctcr of thc eye and settles in its center. Region II consists of a vortox in which warm, moist air is convected at high altitudes (by the thermodynantic Incchanism discussed in Sect. 1.1) and forms tall convective clouds. Conrlcttsulion of water vapor occurs as the moist air rises, and this results in intcnsc lirinlirll and thc rclease of vast amounts of latent heat. It has been estimatctl lhitt lltc cttrrtlcnsation heat energy released by a hurricanc in one hour may bc ctltrivltleltl lo thc clcctrical t)1. 'l'lrc 1ir l'lows out energy used in the cntirc Unitcd States in onc wct:k ll of region II into an outllow ltrycr (rcgion lll). ln lcgiorr lV llrt' llow is vortcxtlike and settles vcry sl<lwly iltlo tllc lltlunclaty lltyct'tcgiolt V. llclow rcgion II, S R; f tslS-r :HSits;i ug.EaEa so o= vo oo 9= !'3:;t; I;6r-9f, lrl( ll ll{l,l 1..1.:1. Mcrrrr tlircctions ol' hurricane motions [1-9]. I 1: I o o -!biEa i-\i f u9Qoo< j t: Oh ci-ri >^ b X'6 o q I ) ii,; bs> € c^ > o 6 <i@ <a >5 l? l= l" lt; i: l; lri I i ai o@ 'io 9 *- O 3-g a i;o i: \ 6 oU. oc: .g o? O a6 di"; i1a lr (.) E 3>f a cc: - rf -O l^ l3 lo ,9 l:l> { l,'i :U@ L@ o- o 6 o : :+c: Y!r F:I b ^ 'll crooo ,o rj ra r z .cj ; oi@ ; uo -O- tn'j Ud ; v ; qo OO (llllotlr t,xl,rl[,r.r^V o o. (.) :@ z 3=3 >l'3P is l;\ ; .. o f, 14 p 24 n lM(),l ll lil(; (;llt(;(,1 n ll()Nli I r A I M{ il ilt(; ,:,t,t M( ) ll( )Nl; 25 h (km) T6 xI l0 "lt I .t l )ll 'l' tt lil(lllltl,l kilr-t*;E; .-- ! t #Sr (krrr) r.i*si',,. : .'4&''., 1..1.(r. Slrrrcturc ()l' a hurricane. is thc pressure that is approached as the radius r + @, p0 is the pressure at the center of the hurricane eye, (pn - pdlp is assumed independent of height, and Ra is twice the radius of maximum dp/dr, is fairly representative of typical hurricane pressure fields. If this description of the pressure gradient field is used, the gradient wind velocity field results from the expression of the gradient wind (valid for cyclonic winds) derived in Sect. 1.2. There results from this expression that the gradient velocity reaches a maximum at a radius of the order of R.. From this radius the velocity decreases rapidly to zero at the center of the eye, and more slowly to the relatively small values that obtain at large distances from the center. While the gradient wind velocity is directed along the isobars (see Fig. 1.2.5c), in the boundary layer the wind velocity has a radial component directed toward the low pressures, as was shown in Sect. l.2.It is this component that effects the inflow of the warm moist air at the ocean surface into region II, thereby maintaining the supply of energy of the storm. Over land the dissipative effect of friction increases, while the supply of energy in the form of warm moist air tends to be cut off. As a result tropical storms over land usually fill up within a few days at most. The destructive effects of hurricanes are considerable and are due to the direct action of the wind-which may reach peak surface velocities of 250 km/ hr or more-and, usually to an even larger extent, to the massive piling up of water by the wind known as storm surge, together with flooding by heavy in which f,ii "-e- q' ',lE-* k p6r rainfall (Fig. 1 .3.7).ln 1992 Hurricane Andrew alone caused damage estimated at more than $20 billion I l-121. Arctic Hurricanes. An'tic' lrrrrr.icltncs tlcsignulc polirr krws with a sylnlnctrical cl6utl signittrrr.t'iurtl winrls ol ;rl lt';rst.lO rrt/s (5ll krrots), wlriclr rcgulitrly cxccccl llrr: corrvenliorlrl llrrr'slroltl lol lrrrn'it':utc lirt'cc witttls. ;rrtrl irt wlriclr lltrxcs <ll .::a'!4 :fS-*;* .J..''r Ed {*$ sw L*il 1ffi,j+ i$iffi l.'l(;uRE 1.3.7. Hurricane damage, Mississippi (courtesy National oceanic and At- rr rospheric Administration). lrr:at at the sea surface are largely responsible for the structure and the mainl('nance of the storm Il-131. 1.3.3 The Extratropical Cyctone srrch circulations are produccrr cirrrcr hy rhc mcchanical action of mountain lrltrricrs on large-scale atmospltt'r'ic crrrrcrrls, ol by the interaction of air masses :rlong fionts. An examplc rll'tlltrttirgt't'rruserl by an cxtratropical storm is shown Iiig. 1.3.8. Air tnasscs arc charitclct'izcrl lry rt'lrrtrvt'ly rrrrilirlrr physical propcrties over lrolizontal tlislirnccs colrrllrllrlrlt'ln 111,.,1,,,,,.,rsiorrs ol'.ra"un, rlr contincnts. rrr 'l'lle ir physicitl PtrrPt:t'tics lttc;tcr;ttttr'rl ur tlr(' :,our'( (. regiorr arrtl nr:ty 5c rr16rlilicrl rlttl'irtg strbscrlrrcrrl ll'irvt'l ol llrr.;rrr rrr;r.,r, Arr rrr:rsst,s lrury be: r.llrssilicrl, lrc 26 nl Mo:itllil iltc (;ilrot,l A lloNl; I.r AIM{r:il,lilIil( 27 t\,4o111 ;11, Wrrrrr Wtttttt + - C*""ll -/Cold Warnr lrcrrl slopr: Colrl lrorrl slo;tc Ir'l(;tJlll,l 1.3.9. Warm and coltl lirrrrt skrps. rltrcntly ahead of cold fronts squall lines develop that may be associated with lruge thunderstorms and with tornadoes. The disturbance of the temperature, vclocity, or pressure gradient field may cause wavelike perturbations on the lhrnt that propagate as waves in a continuous medium. Major disturbances may ('iruse waves whose amplitudes increase with time and develop into intense vortices. The formation and development of the most intense large-scale cirt'ulation in middle latitudes, the extratropical cyclones, is connected with such rrrrstable waves occurring predominantly along a front. on the average, the t'xtratropical cyclones move eastward with velocities of the order of 20 km/hr irr summer and 50 km/hr in winter. 1.3.4 Local Winds 'l'hc influence of small-scale local winds on the general circulation is negligible. ll.wever, their intensity may sometimes be considerable and in certain cases f.ovcrn the design of buildings or structures. Foehn winds. Air ffowing across a mountain ridge is forced by the mountain If the air ascends to sufficiently great heights, condensation and prccipitation due to adiabatic cooling will occur on the windward side. After lurving thus lost most of its initial water-vapor content, the air passes over the t |cst and is forced to descend. Consequent adiabatic compression results in lrigh temperatures of the dry descending air. An example of a foehn wind is skrpe to rise. FIGURE 1.3.8. Damage caused by winter storm, Fire Island, New York, March 7, 1962 (courtesy National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration). cording to the source region, into three main groups: arctic, polar, and tropical; each of these may in turn be divided into continental and maritime. Continental polar air, for example, is dry and cold, whereas maritime tropical air is rnoist and warm. Transition zones between air masses are called frontal zones. The variation of the physical properties of the atmosphere across frontal zones being fairly rapid, the latter may be idealized as surfaces of discontinuity known as f-rontal surfaces. The intersection of a frontal surlace with a surface of equal elevation with respect to the sea level is called a front. srrggested in Fig. 1.3.10. _,f;-l_' -5"C ,"::i\,( ) -.,. ,,r' ) r-3,ooo ,1 ,/ ilt&" The equilibrium slope of the front between two air masses can be calculated approximately on the basis of simple hydrostatic considerations and varies normally between l/50 and l/400. A front is rclcrrcd to as a <'old.f'ront or as a warm .frrn.l (Fig. 1 .3.9) according as it movcs in thc tlircctiott <tl'thc wanlcr tlr coltlcr irir. Gcncrally, a warm l-r<lnt rrrovcs slowly irntl is rro( rrssociir(crl wilh violclrl wt'itlhc:r conclitions. On llrtr othcr hturtl, ir t'olrl lirrrrl ciur nrovc: rapirlly ltttrl r';tttsc s('v(:r'(: wcitlhcr. Irrc- ( l^ .L\- V )_ "',) +15"C l,'l(ll lltl'l t..1, ll). lror.lrrr rvirrtl. m 28 AIMosPHlBtcciltculAlloNS In the United States intense and highly turbulent winds of the fbehn typc, called chinook winds, develop on the slopes of the Rocky Mountains. In winter l .r \ l)rroction ol movement \-\ FIGURE 1.3.11. section through a thundersrorm in the marure stage Il-14]. tial speeds of tornadoes have been estimated to be of the orderof 350 km/hr, but the possibility that some may actuaily be considerably higher has not been nrlcd out. Tornadoes are observed as funnel_shaped clouds (Fig. I .3.12). The tangen_ (i.l speeds are probably highest at the iunnel edge uid d.op off toward the ccnter and with increasing distance outside the funnel. falling water is evaporated in the underlying atmosphere that is thus cooled and therefore sinks. The cold downdraft spreads over the ground in the manner of a wall jet (i.e., a flow caused by a jet impinging on a wall) and produces squally winds. This stage in the life cycle of a thunderstorm associated with strong downdrafts usually lasts from 5 to 30 min and is called the moture stage ll-141. As the energy supplied by the updraft is depleted, dissipation of the thunderstorm occurs. A schematic vertical cross section through a thunderstorm cell in the mature stage is shown in Fig. I .3 . I 1 . Characteristic of thunderstorms is the sharp wind speed increase, known as Jirst gasl, which is associated with the passage of the discontinuity zone between the cold downdraft and the surrounding air. Tornadoes. Tornadoes contain the most powerful of all winds t1-151. A torof a vortex of air, typically of the order of 300 m in diameter, that develops within a severe thunderstorm and moves with respect to the ground with spceds of the order of 30-100 km/hr in a path, approximately 15 krl long, clircclcrl prcdorninanlly toward the northcast. Thc maximum tangen- 29 2 The Bora. The adiabatic heating during the clescent of a very cold mass of 1ir that has passcrl ovcr il rn<lunlain hitrricr tlr it plitloittt tltily nol hc sullicient to t'llrrrgc it irrlo it wiu'nr wintl rll'tltt'loclttt ly1rc. As tltc still crlltl air falls grirvrl;rlror!irllv irrlo llrt'wrrlrrrcr rcgton ou lltt'lr'r sirlc, ils polr'rrlilrl cncrgy is I ptiliFtlr-rl itrll kittr.lir. 11!lrlrgV Wttrrll nl r.rlrr.rrrt. rnlcrrsi(y tuit.y lhus bc proe,l. r ltrltnr leti:+:rl lr1, g_ii,ilr t'l l5(l ,r(Xl ktrr/lrt sr'rntirlr'tl hy pcriotls ol'calm. 'lu' Wlttrl;q ol tlte !rrrtrt ty|e rrr r ur llt rttr-ilri rvltr'!t' tt slcr'p slopc scpitratcs a cold Flitlt,:Il ltlrll !l tr.taal lr!!t!i! Airrnrrp- llrr-lreil kttowtt lrorit wittds arc thosc that rrl r ur il ial:-;rlr- erirrl f'liiilrr- uir lllr: irrlllrlir:;l crursl ol tlrc Adriatic. Thunderstorrns. A necessary condition for the occurrence of thundcrstoms is thc fbrmation of tall convective clouds produced by the upward motion of woffi, moist air. The motion may be started by thermal instability or by the presence of mountain slopes or of a front. Thunderstorms are classified accordingly as thermally convective, orographic, and frontal. If condensation of the water vapor contained in the ascending air produces heavy precipitation, viscous drag forces exerted by the rain on the air through which it falls contribute to the initiation of a strong downdraft. Part of the )t;t,ilt iltc M()il()Nli krn chinook winds are notable for bringing sudden high temperature rises, with unusually rapid dissipation of local snow. Jel FJtetI Wltlcl*. I lrt- ir'l rllrt'l t'urrsisls ol irrr int'rcasc in wind intcnsity due ln tupngrirplrtr rrl r orrliplrirrlrorrs llrirl pirrtlttt't lr ('onvcrgcnce of streamlincs. The Intrrti;rl rvirrrl ol llrr'lowct ltlrtittc Virllery irt soutltcrn France is a wcll-known r'rirnrplt' ol ir lxrnr winrl inlcnsilictl by .yot cllbcts. n tM( nado consists l|l(;tjRlJ 1.3.12- 'lirrttitrlo ltttttt('l (utllrl('ry N:rtiorr:rl()t'crrrric irntl Atrrlrsphcric Arlrnin- islrilli()lt). 30 ATMOSPHERIC CIRCULATIONS ilrIIntNot: 31 FIGURE 1.3.13. Balance of forces in tornado vorrex. Slttt lrtlrt=',. t' {ltt' t'r'trltilirliirl lott'cs itt llrt' lolrurtlo v()t1cx l:u' cxcccrl lhc Coriolis llrt'l;tllr'r ttt;tv lrt'ttt'1',lrt'lrrl;ur(l llr('1ir;rtlrrlrl wirrrl t.t;rurlir)n (scc Sect. I .'l rri:rt lrt- rr,t illr.rr :r', tllt I tlt, t' l lirtitt llti ,1, (1..r.2) lt Ltlrrrit ili, lll{. r yr ll,,ltn1rllir ru'rrrrl vt'lot r(y, r'is tlrc rurliirl rlistance rillr-t nl ll!r. t Iilr=r, l, t', lltr, ;rll (l('rrsr{y, tntl tllthlr is l[c prcssure IrLiIIIFIrI it|ilit!' IItr' t;trIttt', I rirrl | 11' I I I t, \\'lurlr r('l)r('r.t'rrl:; rlrc lon.t.s lrc(irtg on a l)lrrticlc in a lilllt;lrlo \'iltlt'\, tl r:ttt lrt' rr'r'rr llritl llrt' ;rrt'sstn' ilt lt t<lrnad<l (locfcilr,ics loward ll5 ( ('lllt'l Iltr' rllllt'tt'trt't' lrt'lwt't'n llrt' plt'ssrrlc a( thc ccntcr iyxl at a f'ew Irrrrrrlrt'rl lt't'r lr,rrr rlrt' t'cnrt:r' .l rlre v()11cx .ury bc as high as 0. I ol' one irlrrrospltt'n', or lrlxrul J(XX) llsl'. 'l'.rrrrtlrr's lr:rvc rrls. hccrr rcp.r1cd, although much less fiequcntly rhan in thc Unitcrl Statcs, in Australia, wcstern Europe, India, and Japan. -l.ornadoes that occur in Japan are known as totsumaki.s. Typical diameteri lilr {atsumakis are of the order of 50 m. Their forward speeds are of the ordcr o1'40--50 km/ hr; the average length of their paths, which are directed gencrally toward the northeast, is about 3 km and their maximum tangential .speecls arc probably about 200 km/hr t1-161. The destructive effects of tornadoes on buildings are illustrate<t by Fig. 1,. r I"IGURE 1.3.14. Tomado damage in Rochester, Indiana (courtesy prof.essor Koehler, Ball State University). u. F. 1.3.14. REFERENCES ADDENDUM: LOSSES DUE TO W|ND STORMS l-l wind storms are the largest single cause of economic and insured losses due to natural disasters, well ahead ofearthquakes and floods [1-17, 1-lg]. In the l-2 l-3 w' J' Humphreys, physics of the Air, McGraw-Hilr, New york, 1g40 (reprint, Dover. New york. I964). H. R. Byers, General Meteorology, McGraw_Hill, New york, 1944. G' J' Haltinerand F. L. Martin, Dynamicnr and physicar Meteororogy,McGrawHill, New york, 19-57. united States, between 1986 and 1993 hurricanes and tornadoes caused about $41 billion in insured catastrophic losses, compared with $6.1g billion for all othernatural hazards combined [1-18, p.4], hurricanes being the largest con- l-4 L' T' Matveev, caused $10 l--5 l-6 M' tributor to the losses [1-19]. losses [ In Europe, in 1990 alone, four winter storms billion in insured losses, and an estimated $15 billion in economic -20 to l-221. Fhrt,st2s t..f rrtt'Atttr-,s1ilttrc,'167-513g0, u.s. Department of commerce, Nationar Tcc:rrrrit'rrr rr'rr.rrrrrri.' scrvicc, springfield, va. A. Miller. Mctutnil.1i.v, (, 1,, Mt.rril, (..1'rrrbus, OH, I971. Ncihurgcr,.t. (;. ririrr;icr.;uur W r) rr.rurcr., (/rttrcrsruntrirtlg tht A!n._ I.)nt,innncttl, W. ll. l;rt.r.trr;rrr. S;rrr l;l;, s1;haric 1973. 32 AtM()t;t't l-l l-8 l-9 l-10 1-l I l-12 l nt(: (ilt(;ut n il()Nli H. Goldstcin, Chssit'ul Mcclrttttit',t, Atltlison Weslcy, Ncw Yolk, 1950. F. Fiedlerand H. A., "Atrrxrsphct'ic Scalcs and Spccrral Gaps," Ilull. Am. Meteorol. Soc., 51 (Dec. 1970), I I 14,l I 19. Hurricane, U.S. Department of Commercc, ESSA/PI 670009, 1969. R. A. Anthes, Tropical Cyclones: Their Evolution, Structure and Effects, Monograph No. 41, Am. Meteorol. Soc., Boston, 1982. H. E. Graham and G. N. Hudson, Surface llinds Near the Center of Hurricanes (and Other Cyclones), National Hurricane Research Project. Report No. 39, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, DC, 1960. R. D. Marshall, Wind Load Provisions of the Manufactured Home Construction urul Safety Standards: A Review and Recommendations for Improvemer?/, NIS'l'lR -5 189, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD, I 993. I 1.1 S. Busingcr, "Arctic Hurricanes," Am. Scientist, 79 (1991), l8-33. l-14 'l'ltuntle rstorm, Report of the Thunderstolm Project, U.S. Department of Com- l-15 rncrcc, Washington, DC, 1949. E. Kessler, "Tomadoes," Bull. Am. Meteorol. Soc., 1-16 H. Ishizaki et al. "Disasters 5l (Oct. 1970), 1-18 D. D. Mclean, Chairman's Report to the Annual Meeting, First Annual Meeting of Insurance Institute for Property Loss Reduction, Seattle, October 12, 1994. 1-19 A. C. Boissonade and S. K. Gunturi, "A Knowledge-based Computer System for Financial Wind Risk Management," Proceedings, Computing in Civil En- l-22 LAYER Caused by Severe Local Storms Science Reviews, 18 (1993), 120-125. I-21 THE ATMOSPHERIC BOUNDARY 926-936. in Japan," Bull. Diaster Prev. Res. lesf., Kyoto University, 20 (March l97l),227-243. l-11 G. A. Berz, "Global Warming and the Insurance Industry," Interdisciplinary l-20 CHAPTER 2 gineering (K. Khozeimeh, ed.), Am. Soc. Civil Engineers, New York, 1994. G. Berz and K. Conrad, "Stormy Weather: The Mounting Windst<lrm Risk and Consequences for the Insurance Industry," Ecodecision, April 1994, pp. 65-68. Winter Storms in Europe-Analysis of 1990 Losst,s arul l;'utur( L()ss Potential, Munich Reinsurance Company, D-80791 Munich, 1993. Windstorm-New Loss Dimensions of a Natural llultnl, Munich llcinsurance Company, D-80791 Munich, 1990. As was indicated in chapter l, the Earth's surface exerts on the moving air a horizontal drag force, whose effect is to retard the flow. This effect is diffused by turbulent mixing throughout a region referred to as the ot_orp,lr"rf, bound_ ary layer. The depth of the boundary rayer normally ranges in the case of neutrally stratified flows from a few hundred meters to sl"ueJ kilometers, depending upon wind intensity, roughness of terrain, una ungt" of latitude. within the boundary rayer, the wind speed increases with elev?tion; its magnitude at the top of the boundary layeris often referred to as the gracrient speed. Outside the boundary layer, that is, in the f."" ut_orpt;;", ;# wind flows approximately with the gradient speed along the isobars. This chapter is devoted to the study of aspects of atmospheric boundarylayer flow that are of interest in structural design. The theoretical and experi_ mental results presented include descriptions of irean wind profileq the relation between wind speeds in different roughn"r, regimes, and the structure of atrnospheric turbulence. Since the structural engineer is concerned fimarlty wittr the effect of strong winds, unress otherwise noted it will be assumed in the lbllowing that the flow is neutrally stratified. The justification of this that' in strong winds, mechanical turbulence* dominates the heat convection by far, so that thorough turbulent mixing tends to p.odu." neutrar stratification, .iust as in a shailow raycr .f incompressible fluid mixing tends to produce an isothermar state. Ars., sircc wincr speeds are considerably lower than the specd of sound, inc<lrrr1'l'cssirririry rrury bc assumed in the study of the clynamics of thc flow. 'r'A tltrirlilitlivc rk:sclipliolr ol-llrc rrrt.clrrrrtrr.:rl ltrrlrrrh,rrrr.plrt.rr6rrrt,rr6rr is prcsclrlul i1 Sccl.,1..l. 33 34 2.1 il[ AtMr)til'ilt ilt(: rr()uNt)nny rnyt Irovl Itl.itNti |(Jt tl In Il()Ni; 35 vt'tlical vltriittiott ol lltr'ltot izotttrtl l)rL:ssur('1ll=lrrlrt'rrl tlt'1x.rrrls rr;xrrr llrc horilior llrc l)urposc ol tlris it.xt, it will bc srrllicicnt kl t'ottsidcrorrly lklws irr wlrit'lr llrc horizontal dc:nsily gllrtlicnl is rrogligiblc (c.g., l):rft)tft)pic l1ows; c.g., scc l2-2 1). In this casc rlrr: lrolizorrtul prcssurc gradient tlocs not vary with lrciglrt irnd l.hus has, througlrotrl lhc lroundary layer, the srrure magnitude as at tlro top of the boundary layor: GOVERNING EQUATIONS zorrtal dcnsity gr':rrlit'rrl. 2.1.1 Equations of Mean Motion The motion of the atmosphere is governed by the tundamental cquations of continuum mechanics that include the equation of continuity-a consequence of the principle of mass conseryation-and the equations of balance of momenta, that is, Newton's second law. These equations must be supplemented by phenomenological relations, that is, empirical relations that describe the spcci(ic rcsponse to external effects of the continuous medium considered. (In llrc cirsc ol'a lincarly elastic body, for example, the phenomenological relations t'orrsist ol'lltc: so-citllccl Hookc's law.) ll tlrc t'r;rrrrtiorr ol'conlinuity and the equation of balance of momenta are irvcllrp.t'tl with rcsllcct to litttc:, ancl if'tcrms that can be shown to be negligible ;rlt'rlroplrctl ll 1.2 21" thi: lirlkrwing cquations describing the mean motion in llrt' llrrrrrtllrty lrrye l ol tltt: rtlttursphcrc arQ obtained: U 0u IV }tl dx I 0v AV AV t/- 0x+ v-dv t ll) W+L il; w dV 02, I 0n p 6x -fv*:*:o l0n l0r. t.fU- -;r:0 r-+ p dz pdy l0o ;;,r*8:o AU AV AW E* i,r+E:o H: ,lrn,, *Y7 whcre z' is the gradient velocity, (2.t.s) r is the radius of curvature of the isobars, Eq. 1.2.7).If the geostrophic :urtl n is the direction of the gradient wind (see rrlrproximation may be applied, it follows from Eq. 1.2.6 that l0n : -: pdx fv" (2.1.6a) (2rr) l0n -+:-fu" pdy (2.r.2) wlrcre U, and Vr are the components of the geostrophic velocity G along the (2.1.6b) r and y axes. (2'l'3) (2.t.4) where U, V, and W are the mean velocity components along the axes x, y, and z of a Cartesian system of coordinates, whose z axis is vertical; p, p,f, and g are the mean pressure, the air density, the Coriolis parameter, and the acceleration of gravity, respectively; and r, and r,, are shear stresses in the x and y directions, respectively. The x axis is selected, for convenience, to coincide with the direction of the shear stress at the surface, denoted rs (Fig. 2.1.1). It can be seen, by differentiatingEq.2.l .3 with respect to,r or y, that the The boundary conditions may be stated as follows: at the ground surface lcvel the velocity vanishes, while at an elevation from the ground equal to the lroundary-layer thickness, the shear stresses vanish and the wind flows with the liurdient velocity. 2.1.2 Mean Velocity Field Closure 'lir solve the equations of mean motion, it is necessary that phenomenological t:lations (also referred to as closure relations) be assumed defining the stresses t,, and r,. A well-known assumption [2-l] is that an eddy viscosity Kand a rnixing length L may be defined such that ru : pK(x. AU !. z) ^ (2.1.7a) c,Z. llll,l :.1. 1 " ( 'oorrlirrrrlt' rrrts \,-.. : pK(x. K(x, y, z) : 1.21,, v, j, z) ., AV (2.r.7b) ^ dz. l(ur:)' * (Yu,)'1" (2.1.8) 'lrc usc ol' ljc;s. 2.1.1 -2.1 .tl in t'orr jrrnt'ti'n with l,)qs. 2.1.1-2.1.4 is rcfcrred Io its lhc tttcatt vckrcity licltl t'krsrrrt' lrr lir;s. 2.1.7 cithcr lho ultly viscosity ot'lltc ntixittg lcrrglh lir:kl rrrrrsl lrt. ,.tpr.t rlit.rl. 'f Itl( il r,, 36 ilil 2.1.3 n :r:' lM():;t't il nt(; lt()t,Nt)nt ty tull ANvi llll llYl't r()r rr rlirNil()ril,/()NrAr ry il{rMr}rir Nr ,t,:,il()w 37 Mean Turbulent Field Closure From the equations of balance of momenta fbr the mean motion, thc lirllowing equation may be derived (e.g., see [2-31): la lul3x r, * e).,h(9. u,\:,/q'\l)l- liA ;al +ve.n). c:0 .., * a l oI) r,,3V) (2.1.e) rvlrt'rt. llrt'lr;rrs irrrlit'lrlt'irvcllrging willr rcspcct to time, u, tt, w are turbulent lrlor rly llrrclrrrtliutrs irr llrr r, t,, ;: tlirct.tions, rtspcctively. 0.5 Iu I /' I r,'')"' llrr rt'srrll;rrrl llrrtlturlrrrft vt.lrxily, /,'is llrt.llrrctrurtirrg prssurc, and e is the t;tlc of ctt('tf.v rltsstlt:tltott l)('r unil rrurss. lit;rr:rliorr 2.1.9 is rclbrrccl to as the r:; tttrltttlttt! /.ittt'tit' .'tt.'t,q.\' r'rlttrtliott rrrrtl c'xPlt'sscs llrt. blrllurcc ol'turbulcnt cnergy ittlvcctiott (llle (rrttls itt lltc lit'st brlrt'kel ). pnrtlrrcliorr (thc lcrr.ns in thc second brackct), clillirsion, antl tlissipirtiorr. 'l'hc rrsc ol lxl. 2.1.9 and attendant phenomenological rclations-in c<lnjuncti<ln witlr llqs. 2. l.l-2.1.4 is rcf'crred to as the mean turbulent field closurc. Phcnorncrrokrgical dcscriptions of the quantities involved in Eq. 2.1 .9 havc becn attorrrptccl by various authors lz-4,2-5, 2-61 . Successful predictions of boundary-laycr characteristics based on Eq. 2.1.9 and various phenomenological descriptions have been reported in the literature [2-7], although differences of opinion with regard to the relative merits of these descriptions still exist. In particular, the mean turbulent field closure appears to be advantageous in the study of three-dimensional boundary-layer flows. Following [2-g] and 12-91, [2-10] proposed the relations {rf,+ r2,lt'': /p's2\ * ' \; z ) porq, Tu (2.1.10) t.1..) /v\ : q'n''^^.to'taz 1;1 (qr)r,, L -- LaQ/6) : ''' )Vl0z |Ul6z (2.t .1t) (2.t.t2) (2.1.13) in which ar = 0.16, 6 is the boundary-layer thickness, and e,. is the resultanl velocity at the edgc of thc boundary layer (or thc gr:rtlicnt vclocity in atmosphcric filrw). 1.O v/6 FIGURE 2.1,2. Empirical functions. From J. F. Nash, .,The calculation of rhree_ I)imensional rurbulent Boundary Layers in Incompressible Flow," J. Fluiel Mech.,37 (1969), Cambridge University press, New york, p. 629. In the case of the mean turbulent field closure in which Eqs. 2. r.g-2.r.r3 are used, the empirical functions that have to be specified are the diffusion l'unctions a2(yl6), and the dissipation length z7(y/6). Reference 2-r0 proposes lbr these functions the form represented infrg.'Z.t.Z. 2.1.4 Second-Order Closure 'fhe second-order closure consists in supplementing the equations of balance rf momenta and of continuity by the Riynolds which govem the behavior of the stress tensor components and are"qirations, dlrived from first principles 12-111. Reynolds equations contain unknown terms, including triple velocity correlations, for which suitable phenomenological relation, ,rruit be sought. To rbtain such relations, the method of invariant modeling has been proposed, which is based upon the following requirements. The -od"l"d terms must: (r) cxhibit the tensor and symmetry properties of the original terms in Reynolds cquations, (2) be dimensionally correct, (3) be invariani under a Galilean translbrmation, that is, a translation of the coordinate axes, (4) satis$z all the general conservation laws [2-1 r, z-rz]. The second-order closure has been applied, for cxample, to the study of the flow structure in the boundary layer near a sudden change of surface roughness 12-131. 2.2 MEAN VELOCITY PROFILES IN HORIZONTALLY HOMOGENEOUS FLOW It lnay bc assurnccl that in littgc st'lrlc sl()lnl:i, within a horizontal sitc ol unilirrm (lttghncss ovcr a sullicicrrlly lltrgt lt'lt lr ;r rr'p,ion cxisls ovcr w6ich rho ll.w is ilil AtM()lipltilil(; t()t,Nt)Aily tAyl il 3B i':' Ml AN FIGURE 2.2.1. Growth of a two-dimensional boundary layer along a flat plate. horizontally homogeneous. The existence of horizontally homogeneous atmospheric flows is supported by observations and distinguishes atmospheric boundary layers from two-dimensional boundary rayers such as occur along flat plates. Indeed, it is known that in the latter case the flow in the boundary layer is decelerated by the horizontal stresses, so that the boundary-layer thickness grows as shown in Fig. 2.2.1 . rn atmospheric boundary layers, however, the horizontal pressure gradient-which, below the gradient height, is only partly balanced by the coriolis force (Fig. 1.2.8)-"re-energizes" the fluid and counteracts boundaryJayer growth. Horizontal homogeneity of the flow is thus maintained 12-141. Under equilibrium conditions, in horizontally homogeneous flow Eqs. 2.1.1 and2.l .2, in which Eqs. 2.1.6 are used, become . - v: !0" p.f az (2.2.ta) u--u:-!0" pfaz " (2.2.tb) v^ 2.2.1 The Ekman 2.2,2 The Turbulent I 6Gt1 - v:4ct t2 where a : (.l.l2K)v2 * e-oz(cos az l2 2l and 12-151. A different type of approach was recently developed in l2-l4l in which, lrrther than resorting to a mean velocity field, closure is based on similarity t'onsiderations analogous to those used in the theory of two-dimensional boundirry layer flows. In this approach the boundary layer is divided into two regions, ir surface layer and an outer layer. It is logical to assert that the surface shear r,, rnust depend upon the flow velocity at some small distance z from the ground, thc roughness ofthe terrain (i.e., a roughness length zo), and the density p of thc air. Thus rs may be expressed as a function F of these quantities: - sin az.)l (2.2.2a) * sin uz.)l (2.2.2b) : F(Ui * Vi, z, zo, p) (2.2.3) and j are unit vectors in the x and y directions, respectively. r'onvenient to write Eq. 2.2.3 in nondimensional form as where i ui+vj : (:) /, \(0/ It is (2.2.4) U4. where the quantity U*: (?)"' (2.2.s) is known as the shear velocity ol' lhc lkrw and.ll is some function of the ratio 2.2.4 is a lirnrt 1vl' 1111: vve:ll-known "law of the wall" and describcs thc flow in thc surlitc:g litycr. In thc outcr laycr it can hcr sirrrillrrly irsscl'lc(l that the reduction of velocity l(t/,i + V*.)) * (Ui + lz.i)l rrl lu'rglrt ,'ttrtrsi tlcpond upon the surface shear r1y, the: hr:ight to wlrich thrr cllt't'l ol llrc witll sttt:ss hits diffused in the flow, ;:/;1y. Equation e-"Z(cos az. Ekman Layer ro model the shear stresses are represented by Eqs. 2.1.7 andif, in addition, it is assumed that the eddy viscosity is constant, thJmodel obtained is called the Ekman spiral. Equations 2.2.1 thenbecome a system with constant coefficients. With the boundary conditions U : V: 0 for z : O and U : U* V : Vrfor z: oo, the solution of the system is 39 Mcteorologists have attempted to solve Eqs. 2.2.1 using assumptions on the vlriation of eddy viscosity with height that are more plausible than the assurnption of constancy. A survey of corresponding solutions can be found in Spirat : t{'{ tiy t,il()l ll ll; lN ll()lll.1()NlAl ly ll(,Mrxil Nl ()(,li lt()w Ucluations 2.2.2. wlrrclr tk:scribc tltc Ilkntittt s;rit'irl. irtl' rcl)lcric:tltctl sclter rrratically in liig. 1.2.(). 'l'lrc ap,rocrnont ol' lhr:su ctlttitliotts witlt obscrvrrlitttts lrirs bccn fountl to be rrnsirtislactory, howcvol'. liot cxruttplc, whilc acc<lrding to Eqs. 2.2.2 lhc irngle rr,, hctwcen thc surlacc strc:ss 11 antl thc geostrophic wind direction (trigs. 2.1.1 and 1.2.9) is 45o, obscrvations indicate that, in blrotropic flows, dcpcnding chiefly upon roughncss ol'tcrrain, this angle may rrrrrge between approximately 6" and 30'. The causc of the discrepancies is thc assumption, mathematically convenient but physically incorrect, that the t,tldy viscosity does not depend on height. If in the above U Vt 40 nil AtM()t;t'ilI tl(i tx)(,Nt)nt ty tAyt l :':, Ml nN vt tr){ ili t,n()l ll Il; lN ll()lll,/()Nlnl ly ill )M(t(it Nt ()t |; |()w that is, thc boundary-laycr thickncss 6, arrrl thc tlursity p ol'thc air. 'l'hc cxprossion of this dependence in nondimensional lirrrrr is known as thc '.vckrcity defect law": ui+vj u4 _ u|i + v|i ., (;) u4 v.i -.1 *. (;) (*)l t (2.2.7) f{0 :1ln g'lkyi (2.2.8) fzG):gngr/!i+fj B and k are constants. Substituting Eqs. 2.2.g 2.2.6, respectively, where U4 ui+vi U4 i ('"; Usi + : 0 at z : anct ( k\ u.^ : 16 - ln - tt4 k 'i) ' . f i (2.2.12) 2.0 vu--4 k (usi + vs:)r az [ ,.r, (#) o, : : , t /, -t--tt trt * vi - : !t*i (2.2.16) where the integration is carried out over the boundary-layer depth. Since the lrrrlk of the mass transport takes place in those parts of the boundary layer whcre Eq. 2.2.6 holds-which include the overlap part of the surface layer tlrrwn presumably to a very small height-the velocity profile in Eq. 2.2.16 rrrry be approximately described by Eq. 2.2.6. rf Eq.2.2.15 is now substituted irrl<r Eq. 2.2.6 andEq.2.2.5 is used, the left-hand side of 8q.2.2.16 becomes 2.2.9 in Eqs. 2.2.7 (2.2.10) VRj (2.2.1s) f 6, it follows that J (2.2.t3) T [,u, ot const apl (2.2.16a) 'l'hat is, Eq. 2.2.16 is verified and the validity of Eq. 2.2.15 is established l),-141. Equation 2.2.14 may then be written as o:lu' . (^n- If Eqs. 2-2.10 and2.2.l 1 are now equated in the overlap region, there result llq: (2.2.14) (2.2.e) + r'.e) i t't4 t/.' whcre c is a constant. To prove this relation, let Eqs. 2.2.1a and 2.2.1b be rrrultiplied by the unit vectors j and i, respectively. From the expressions thus rrlrtained, and remembering that r, : r0, r, : O at the surface and that r, : /,, the two functions must be logarithms tz-16, 2-ril. The requirements of the problem at hand will be satisfied if f1 and f2 are defined as [2-14] Ui+Vi , d^Ux -._ irrrrrr tlrc lirnn ol' L<trs. and , ttt (nt+rn'"\ " ;,,,/ [ \ It can further be shown that the boundary-laycr thickness 6 may be expressed 2.2.6 and 2.2.7, and the condition that their right-hand sidcs bc cqual in the overlap region, it follows that a multiplying factor inside the function 11 must be equivalent to an additive quantity outside the function f2. rn the case of the analogous two-dimensional problem, it is well-known that f (; lts Il it is postulated that a gradual change occurs from conditions near the gnrrrnrl to contlilions in the outer layer, it may be assumed that a region of ovcr'f ir1r e xists in which b<llh laws are valid. Let Eq. 2.2.4 be written in the lorttt ll lhrrrr wlriclt thert. lirlIrws (2.2.6) where f2 is some function to be defined. ui t 41 o)')''' T (2.2.17) llquation 2.2.17 was oblairrctl irrrlt'pcrrtlcntly in [2-18] and [2-5]. The derivrrtion o1'12-51 is bascd <lrr tlrt'lrrrlrrrlr.rrl crrcrgy equation and the assumption rrl'ir rnixing lcngth pnrporlionlrl to .'. 'l'lrc tlrurntities A and B arc univcrsal ('()nslanls. lironr lho arr:rlysis ol olrst'rv;r(r('ns il wrrs liluncl that 4.3 < 1l < 5.3 irrrtl 0 < A < 2.tl12-14.215, I l!'1. .) l{). ). )O.221.2-22,2-2'3.2-241. On ilt lltt' u,urrl lrrrrrrr'l ;rrrtl irr lhc: irtrrroslthcn., llrc wt.ll (lre llitsis ol'cxpcritttt:ttls THE ATMOSPHERIC BOUNDAIIY LAYER l,;' known von Kdrmin's constant is generally assumcd to bc ft = 0.4.r, coefficient c in Eq. 2.2.15 is of the order of 0.25-0.3 \Z-ZO, 2-261. Mt AN Vl l{x.ily t,t t()t iltsi tN il()nt./()NtAt ty llttYl 11 ,; Nt ()ljti ll()W 43 4.O 3.O r) Z.3ti crn 2.O 2.2.3 The Logarithmic Law Equation 2.2.1O may be written as _ ,9 I It(2.):!r*n1 o (2.2.18) ?.o ll'l), rvlrt'rc .r rr llrt'lrt'ip.lrl rrlrovt'tlrc srrrlircc, z, is the roughness length, rrtttl l/( I tr' lltt' t!rr';ttt lvttttl s1x't'rl. lir;rurlion l.l.lli is known as thc logarithmic I o.+ tt It o.2 ) it tr' lillr'i{rittt'l('ornluliir;rl tt'sr'irlt lr lurs cstlrblishccl thirl thc hcight above gtrttttttl .'r ltp t{r t!lttr lr lttl ,r ,r tll nr;ry lo lrr: irpproxirnatcly valid, i:; rlr'Ilirrrl lrv lltr' Ir'lirlrrrrr llr=r r=ttl i1 0.1 o.08 o.o6 u*= O.147 m/s ze= O.OO9 1 cm o.04 0.5 0.75 1.0 1.25 (2.2.19) ,"'.,' 0.6 6 a (l 1.0 o.B 1.5 VELOCITY (m/s) whcrc b is a corrstlrrt. lhc onlcr ol'rrragnitutlc ol'which is 0.015-0.03 12-26, 2.271. As notcd in 12-261,l.c1.2.2.19 oxprcsscs the fact, well-kn.wn from laboratory experiments-including cxpcriments conducted in rotating wind tunnels [2-28, p. 148, 2-29]-that the logarithmic layer extends to some fiaction (of the order of lo%) of the boundary layer depth 6 (see Fig. 2.2.2). Figure 2.2.3 [2-30] represents averages of 14 mean wind profiles (average mean speed at 9.1 m above ground u(9.1) : 5.3 m/s) measured in nearry neutral flow near Dallas, Texas. It is seen that for the profiles of Fig. 2.2.3 the logarithmic law provides a good description of the data up to at least 100 m elevation. This is in agreement with Eq. 2.2.19.Indeed, for U(9.1) : 5.3 m/s, zs : 0.03 m, f = 0.77 x 10-4 Qable 1.2.1), and b = 0.022, Eqs. 2.2.1g arnd'2.2.19 yield zr = 100 m. Note in Figs. 2.2.2 and2.2.3 that the use of the logarithmic law for heights exceeding z7 is conservative from a structural design viewpoint. Equation 2.2.19 may also be shown to follow from the assumption that, in the region 0 1 z 1 21, the shear stress r, differs little from the surface stress rs (see, for example,I2-1, p. a89l), and the component Izof the velocity is small. Integration of Eq. over the height z7 yields ru : ro * ,f I', (vc - V) dz = ro * pf Vrzl Publishing Company. ltXlnlo; zo=3 cr -Ulu*= o 50F<(T9.1-T320)<60F (2.2.20a) *The acttral valuc ol ,/< has in roconl ycars bccomc thc objcct ol sorlc ilchatc 12-251. Hgwcvcr, cllculalions ol inlcrcst in t:rrgirrccring upplications dcscrihcrl irr tlris lcx{ urt rxrt allcctctl signilit'lrrrlly by lht' irtlrr:rl vlrlrrt. ol (. FIGURE 2.2.2. Mean wind profile as measured in a rotating wind tunnel 12-291. Copyright @ l9j5 by D. Reidel 10 l,'l(JIllll,l 2.2.J. Avcrugc ol l,l 1? t4 t(; 1r1 20 ll/rt. 22 24 ,l,cxlrs. nt(.iut \\,lt(l ;rrolrlt. rr.t.otrlt.rl rrrlrr. l)irlllrs. Allcr. 'l'lrLrillcl.:ttttl II (). l,lrP1x" "Wttrrl ;u!11 l('nrlx'rrrulr. l,r'olilc (''r.islit.s liirrrr ()lrst'r'vitliorrs olr rr l,:l(X) li 'lirr.vr'r." ./ 11t1tl At,.t .l (l()1y1 y, l()() .t0(r,;rrr Mr'lt'on rlolt it'lrl Sot, it'l y. It II llll n lM()l;l'l ll lilo lr()llNl)nl rY lAYl lr :,:, Ml nN vt trI tt\ I,t i()t It1; tN lt()l il./()Nlnt t\ ilirM{)(,t 'l'Altl,lt lpJ vrz,l : 2.2.1. Vnlucs ol'Sur.ljrt, ltorrghlrcss l,t,rrglh (11) Crrclliciclrls lirr V:u.ious 'l,y;x.s ol' ,l.rrrains (2.2.20b) qru Type of Surlircc where 4 is a small number. Using Eqs. 2.2.5 and2.2.13, lt is slrowrr in 12 2(rl irntl l2-3 rlu2* fvg ll nk ,u4 :.fB'*:Dj that thc logarithmic law holds, for practical l)urlr(rs('s. t'vt'rr lrt'yontl lrciglrts lrt wlrich r7 is of the order of 30%. Il. lor r'r:rrrrplt'. / l() 'r st't' '. Il - 30 m/s at l0 m above ground, zo : (l (f1 rrr (()lx'r l('rr:rirr). :rrul /r 0.02, il lillltlws then from Bqs.2.2.18 and ,l(X) rrr. lrr llrr.'t'irsc ol'stnrng winds, the validity of the Io1';1,r,1r"r'. 1;rw rrp 1o t'lt'v:rliorts rll'tltc ortlcr of 200 m has been confirmed by nrr':rsur('nr('nls rt'por1t'tl irr l2 12l lrrrd l2-331, as well as by observations at Sale ('r'rrrrlit'kl l2 .i-5 1 rrnirlyz.ccl in 12-221. f J .l-lf rrrrrl ()rr:rct'orrnt rll (hc lirrito hcight of the roughness elements, the following cnrpirical urodilication of'Eq. 2.2.18 is required 12-361. The quantity z, rather than dcnoting hcight above ground, is defined as = Densely built-up suburbs, townsb Centers of large cities, il (2.2.22) LJ "Reference [2-38]. "Values of eo to be used in conjunction with the assumption {t where 11 is the general roof-top level. Typical values ofzs forvarious types ofterrain, and the corresponding values of the surface drag coelilcients (defined as .:I n I' | ln 110/zo) 5.2-7 .6 7 .6-13.0 90-100 20-40 28.0-30.0 80-120 200-300 25.1-3s.6 10.5-15.4 61.8- 1 10.4 oi fuii-scare data, The surface drag coefficient r (Eq. 2.2.23) for windflow over water surjhces upon wind speed. on the tasis of a large numbe, or 1"pr9r -"urur.ments, the following empirical relations were proposed for the range 4 < u(r') < 20 mls [2-431: r : 5.1 x l0-4 [U(10)]046 r : lo-a [7.5 + 0.67U(10)] :l (2.2.24a) (2.2.24b) I where u(10) is the mean wind speed in m/s at r0 m above the mean water level. According to [2-44], tor UltO; ) 20 m/s or so l< is constanr. A more recent evaluation of existing measurements led to the expression proposed in [2-45] for wind speeds U(10) up ro 40 m/s: r:0.00r-s I [r I + exp ( tl0!!.5)l t..5. /l ' .0.00104 e.2.2s) il utlO) : 20 nr/s. ir liirrrr l:qs. 2.2.25 ancr 2.2.23 that 2.5 X l0 I ancl 7,, : 0.3-5 c.rrr. ll t.lrn lrt.vt.l.ilit:tl lhlrl , crr<lrs irr the cstirnation o1'wincl spoctls cluc ttl tlnccr-lrtittlrt's :rss.t irrt'<l witlr tlillcrcrrccs lrr'.ng [Jqs. 2'2'21t' 2'2'241't, antl 2.2.25 ittt' ittsil'trrlrt;rrt Atkliliorurl inlirnrrirli., .rr lhc surlirct'tlrlrg lirr-wirrtr fl.w.vt.r'lrrr',,,.,',,,, ,. prr.r;t.rrrt.rr irr l?,r{rl :rrrtr lr rr.2 l For examplc. z0 is expressed 4.1-4.7 : 0 [2_42]. given in 12-421. (2.2.23) in meters) are given in Table 2.2.1 [2-39,2-40,2-41, 2-421. Table 2.2.I also incluclcs suggested values o1'2,' lirr built-up terrain. The determination <ll'rcproscn(irtivc wintl pnrfilcs in brrill rrp tcrrain is gcncrally rlillicLrlt on acc()unl ol lot'rrl llow irrlllrrxrgcncitics (c.9.,llrosc associlr(crl wilh in which 2,1 : tl (2.2.22a) 2-3 wake effects). For this reason values of zo in built_up terrain may differ con_ siderably from experiment to experiment. ihe values listed in Table2.z.l are intended for use in structural engineering calculations in .on;un.tion with the assumption Za 0- They are based on a careful analysis where z, is the height above ground and za is a length known as the zero plane displacement 12-371. The quantity z will be referred to as the effective height. The flow parameters ze and z./ are determined empirically and are functions of the nature, height, and distribution of the roughness elements [2-38]. The roughness length z6 is a measure of the eddy size at the ground. It is suggested in [2-33] that reasonable values of the zero plane displacement in cities may be obtained using the formula ,r:H-? 1.9-3.4 3.4-5.2 l0-30 per l0 m2; Z+ 12 m l2*4}l\ Sparsely builrup surburbsb t.2,1.9 t.9-2.9 t-4 4-to Palmetto il 1-1R I 0.6 0.l-l Pine forest(mean height of trees: 15 m; one tree .'.' lt) tlrrt .:1 l0tr< 0. Mown grass (-0.01 m) Low grass, steppe Fallow field High grass I 45 iurl ol.Srrll:rt.t. l)r:rg 0.ol o.I Snow surface \2.2.21) tl; tt()w (t'nr) Sand" zt: Nt ()t x 46 ltE AlMosplt tirc llouNunny InyFR Ml AN Vl According to 12-1331, the influence on thc wavcs on thc wind prolilc appcars to be restricted to elevations below three wave heights; in this zone wind speeds are lower than indicated by the logarithmic profile. 2.2.4 The Power Law Historically the first representation of the mean wind profile in horizontally horrrogcncous lcrrain has been the powcr law, proposed l/(.',,r) {/(;,,,1 in l9l6 by /-.\" ('"' 12-471: (2.2.26) } \ r ,.'/ rrlrerr-,* irr;ur r'\lr(llt(=ttl rL'|t'tttlt'irl rrlxrrr 0l lctrrain ancl ;*l and zsz lt=lir rlr. lir. tprltl,, irl rlt,t. f, rorrrrr I Itt l.t .lHl il lii rrfiirltiit(=rl ( l) tlrirt lltr'powcr l:rw lroltls wilh consllrrrt cxponent rr ttp ll lltr= gtiulir'ltl lrr'igltl ri;rttrl (,t)llrirl i rtst'll rs ir lrrrrcliolt ol'rv alonc. The fi1ril nl llrt'rit' rri:iiiittlf tlttr; lrrrIltr.r llt:tl r "l;" (;) (2.2.27) lor 11y 1,11111 ll l:; tN ilOlll,/()NtAt ty ltilM0rit l.ll (,t |; Ilrw 2.2.5 Relation botwecn Wind Speeds in Dlfferent Roughness Regimes Considcr tw<l acliaccnl lcrrt'ltitts, cach of'unilirrrrr nrrrglrrrcss iurrl ol'srrllicirrrrtly large fetch. Lct tlrc nlttgltttoss lcngths fbr thc lwo lcl'ruins bc rlcnolctl by 1111 and 20, and assume that z9r ( zs. The retardation ol'thc llow hy surl'acc l'riction will be more effective over the rougher terrain; thcrclirrc, if the geostrophic speed is the same over both sites, at equal elevations the mean wind speeds will be lower over the rougher site. A schematic representation of the respective wind profiles is shown inFig.2.2.4. The profiles of Fig. 2.2.4 suggest the following procedure for relating wind speeds in different roughness regimes. To calculate the wind speed U(z* z6) over the rougher terrain if the speed U(24, zo) is known, Eq. 2.2.27 is applied to each profile; then the quantity G is eliminated from the two relations thus obtained, and u(2,, zs): (6)*"'(?)" " (r(,,,,,0,) t'llt'r'l tur crrginccling sirrrplilicltion of the boundary-laycr clcptlr clcscri;rtiorr givcn by l;.t1.2.2.1-5. Vllucs ol'D and a recommendcd for dcsign l)url)oscs irr l2-4ttl ancl l2-491 arc slrown in Table 2.2.2. Yalues of 6 (in opcn tr:rrairt artrl ccntcrs ol' largc citics) sintillr to those given in Table 2.2.2 were pK)poscd in 193,5 by Pagon [2-.5t), p. 7441. The ASCE 7-95 Standard 12-1391 is bascd on the valucs ol' a arrtl d given in 12-491. However, [2-1391 uses 3-s gust speeds instead ol'fastosr-rnilc speeds, and the power law exponents are adjusted accordingly-scc 'I'ablc 2.2.2. known, it follows from Eq. 2.2.18 Currently, the logarithmic law is regarded by meteor<lkrgists as a superior of strong wind profiles in the lower atmosphcrc 12-26,2-51, 2-52, 2-53, 2-54, 2-551. representation TABLE 2.2.2. Yalaes of 6 and Coastal Reference 2-48 2-49 2-139* *lirr 3-s grrsls Areas c, Recommended Open 10 l/il 5 12-491, [2-1391 Centers of Large Suburban Terrain and Terrain Cities 6 0 6 o (m) (m) (m) (m) 0. r6 l/ in [2-48], 213 2ll l7 t 19.5 275 274 274 0.28 400 14.5 366 U1 366 I 0.40 U3 U5 (2.2.28) where cv(zo),6(ae) and ot(zo),6(261) correspond to the roughness lengths Zs and Equation2.2.28 was proposed in [2-48] and will be referred to as the power law model. Recently, an alternative procedure has been proposed that is based on results of both theoretical and experimental studies I2-22l.If the speed U(zd, zs) is Zs1, respectively. 'l-ho socott(l itssttttt;rliott lcl)r'cscnls rrr 47 520 457 457 l,'l(lllltl,l 2.1..1. Wrrrrl lt.lot rty lrlrliles 48 lltt AIM()lil'ilt tit(; tr()t,Nt)nny tnyt n :';' Ml ANVI lr)rllt U(2,,r,:,rr) '' U*t:- (2.2.2e) 2.5 ln(zrlzor) where the notation of Eq. 2.2.22 is used. Applying now Eq. 2.2.29 to the two profiles represented in Fig. 2.2.4 and eliminating G, [r'* ('".* - o)'),.:lu' * (," o)'l''' u*, ^^,- rrr) 2.5u* a*. lnk (2.2.31) l.l.19, l.l. 10, rrrrtl 2.2.31 will be ref'erred to as the similarity model. As lrrrs bct'rr slrown in 12 22l, tl"rc unccrtainty with regard to the exact values of llrc corrstiurts ,4 urrcl /i in tlq. 2.2.30 turns out to be of little consequence insolirr as cstinratcs ol'wind speeds in the lower atmosphere are concemed. With possible errors of the order of 3% or less, it may be assumed A : 1.4 and B : 4.7. Also, the dependence of the results on z* andl is insignificant and may be neglected. For practical purposes, therefore, the ratios u*lu*1 may be calculated simply as functions of the roughness lengths Z1y and zor. The dependence of u*/u*1 upon Ze and zor can be represented by the relation [2-56] l'irlrurtitrrrs z r 0.0706 /Zo\ *1 -:t-l \zor ,/ u 12-421. The application of the similarity model will now be illustrated by a numerical example. The data used in the example were obtained by measurernents in and near London and were reported in [2-33]. At Heathrow, Z,t : 0.08 m, 2,,, = 0, and the measured mean wind at a height above ground zsr : l0 m is U(zrr, zo) : 11.7 m/s. The mean wind U(z' Zo) at a height above ground z, : 195 m is sought at the Post Office Tower in London, where zo : 2.5 m (2,7 : 0). zo (m) 0.(n5 0.07 tt o.83 I .(X) *l u a.r O.07 m and Various Values ar12-421 0.30 r.00 2.50 15 1.33 1.46 I 49 litrrrrr l')t;. 2.2.)t), rt,t O.(Xrti rrr/s. liRilrr 'l'irblt. ).).1. 11 ,711 ,,r 1.4(l; that is, r.r,,. - l.4l rrr/s. Usltli lit;s. )..2.31, {/(2,,,1,) l-5..1,1 rrr/s. lt is notcd that this rcsult coincitlcs witlr tlrr. irctuirl rncasLrrctl spccrrl ll .l.ll. If thc rncan spcc:rl rrcrul rhc l)ost officc'l'owcr ut ;,, r95 rn is calculated using the powcr law rrroclcl (hq.2.2.28) with thc paranrctcrs cv and 6 suggested in 12-481, therc rcsults U(2.", z.t) : 13.4 m/s versus the measured 15.3 m/s speed. It is of interest to estimate the extent to which the effect of thermal convection is significant in structural engineering and extreme wind climatological calculatlons. To do this, we use the following expression, based on the work of Monin and Obukhov f2-2, p. 282;2-51: U(z):T1,":-r(;)) where u* : friction velocity, k : von Kdrmdn's constant, zs : / : (2.2.33) roughness Monin-Obukhov function, and t : Monin-Obukhov length. If the stratification is neutral, L: a, tl, : O, and Eq. 2.2.33 becomes the wellknown logarithmic law (Eq. 2.2.18). The length L is defined by the following expression [I-4, p. 281]: lcngth, (2.2.32) However, subsequent research has shown that the similarity model must be subjected to empirical adjustments in the case of terrain for which z, ) 0.30 m or so. Table 2.2.3 lists ratios u*/u*1 based on full-scale measurements, corresponding to zs1 : 0.07 m and various values ze of practical interest TABLE2.2.3. Ratios u*lu*rf<tr za1,: ,:; lt()W Effect of Thermal Convection on Mean Speed profiles in Strong Winds Then 4O u4 Nt ()t 2.2.6 luprrrtiorr 2.2..10 tlt:tcrrrrincs tho valr.rc of the friction velocity {/(;,,, (2.230) l,lt{}l ll l:; lNll()lll./()Nlnl lyll{}il/(){il , u*l ,-8 (2.2.34) Qo T cpp g : acceleration of gravity (S : 9.81 mls21, T: absolute temperature, specific heat at constant pressure (co:240 callkg degree [l-4,p. 132]), air density (p = l.2kglm'|. and Q6 : eddy heat flux (usual orders of rrragnitude for Qo are 10 to 60 callm2ls [l-4, p.276]). where : : p r;, unstable stratification. In unstable air the following expression will be used |or tklL): r (;): I:: , - - 160 t^rT (2.2.3s) Equati.n 2.2.35 was pn)pos(:tl irr ltcl. I15. Acc'rding to Rcl,. 2-51 , it providcs a vory gtxrcl lrt to cxllcrirrrcrrl;rl tllr(ir ovt'r'rrrrilirrrn tcrrain and lor0 > :ll, > -2. (N<ltc thal /, is by tlt'lirtitiorr nt'|;11'ur,' rt lltc slrlrtilicati<lrr is unstirblc.) litlrrittiorr 2.2.35 is lcprcscnlcrl irr lirp1. .t..t 5 50 t Ht At M()lit,ilt nto ti()uNt)n ny tn yl il p 3.0 lr n t M( ll 3.0 2.3 3.5 4.O 4.5 L FIGURE 2.2.5. Function {(z/L) for unstably stratified flow. From E. Simiu, ..Thermal convection and Design wind Speeds," Journal of the structural Division, ASCE, l0g (July 1982), 16l t-1615. stable stratification. In the case of stable stratification it may be assumed that iltc t t,nBl,t t NCL 51 ATMOSPHERIC TURBULENCE Figure 2.3.1 shows that wind speeds vary randomly with time. This variation is due to the turbulence of the wind flow. Information on the features of atmospheric turbulence is useful in structural engineering applications for three main reasons. First, rigid structures and members are suu3e&eo to time-depen- dent loads with fluctuations due in part to atmospheric turbulence. Second, lThe estimates were based on the assumption that in unstably stratified flows 290"- and 7': (2.2.36) [2-25,2-51]. The length I is defined by Eq. 2.2.34; however, empirical studies in [2-58] suggest that under stable stratification conditions it may be reported assumed that L = l. I x (2.2.37) l03a3x a* is expressed in m/s. Table 2.2.4 lists estimated dcviations from the logarithmic profile (Eq. 2.2.18) for three representativc c.lscs of interest in structural engineering apwhere TABLE 2.2.4. Deviation of Mcan wirrd speeds from Logarithmic profile [2-59] (':rsc l " Elevation Unstable stratiliculion Stable stratilicltioll wirrrl sl)r'r'(l il 5.O _z 'llorrlly 'l Plicitlirlnsl.'l'ltc tcsrrlls ol 'l'irhlc 2.2.4 show llrirl srrt'lr tkrvirrliorrs rnay indeed bc ncgloctccl wltctr cslirrritlirrg wind prcssuros oll slrucluros (scc Case l) or when reducing to it c(tltlttt()ll clcvation largcsl rrr<lltllrly or ycarly wind speeds rccorded at a wcathcl' sruti.n (scc case 2). Howcvcr, lbr wind speeds u(10) .f the order of 5 m/s thc dcviations from a logarithmic profile are significant (see case 3). The lattcr conclusion is of interest fbr the design of structures, such as smoke stacks, that exhibit a significant across-wind response at low wind speeds. This response is usually enhanced if, as in the casl in unstably stratified flow, the actual mean wind profile is closer to being uniform than 8q.2.2.18. 2.O 2.5 "Hourly wirrtl s;xt'rl /'llorrrly wirrtl spct,tl ;t lrt :rt ;tt 50 rrr Case 2t' 200 l'X, _4%, l'X, 4'n, lO nt r'lt'vlrliorr ovt'r ollt'rr lt:r':tilt lll ilr r'li \:tlI)il rrv(.t rll)(.n l(.il;In lll ltr r'lIr.rlrrrrr r'l)(.il l(.il:ilil 'rv(.t Case 3' l5m l-5 m nr -4% - - LL /O l5 t2% * rrr/s e l.)rrr/s 1 rtr/', Itl(,illl{l,l 1,.1. l= Wrrr'l .,lrr'r.rl r('(.()t(l e : 50 kcal/m2 s 52 iltt AtMoril'ilt nt(; tr()t,Nt)At ty tAyt lt i, flexible structures may cxhibit rcsorriurl irrrrlllilicltiorr c:llbcts inclucc:cl by voktcity fluctuations. Third, the aerodynanric bchavi()r ol' structurcs-and, crlrrcspondingly, the results of tests conductcd in thc laboratory-rnay depend strongly upon the turbulence in the air flow. The following features of the atmospheric turbulence are of interest in various applications: the turbulence intensity; the integral scales of turbulence; the spectra of turbulent velocity fluctuations; and the cross-spectra of turbulent velocity fluctuations. Also of interest to structural designers is the dependence of the largest wind speeds in a record upon averaging time. 2.3.1 Turbulence lntensity 'l'hc sirrrplcst clcscriptor of atmospheric turbulence is the turbulence intensity. Lct u(z) dcnotc thc vclocity fluctuations parallel to the direction of the mean spccd in a t.urbulcnt flow pussing a point with elevation z (Fig. 2.3.1). The longitudinal turbulence intensity is defined as ulottz I(71: (2.3.1) u(z) where U(z) : mean wind speed at elevation z and rl r/2 - root mean square value of z.J Vertical and lateral turbulence intensity may be similarly defined. The longitudinal turbulence fluctuations can be written as u2 : where z* : friction velocity (see Eq. 2.2.18).It is commonly assumed that B does not vary with height.+ Values of B suggested for structural design purposes on the basis of a large number of measurements are listed in Table 2.3.1 12-421. The averaging time in Eqs. 2.3.1 and 2.3.2 should be equal to the duration of the strong winds in a storrn. It is commonly assumed that this duration is between 10 minutes and t A3). TABLE 2.3.1. Values of p Corresponding to Various Roughness Lengths a 0.005 6.5" "Based on mcasurcnrcnls rclxrrlctl irt Scc also 12-l'12l'. 0.07 (r.0 lt ttll . tt,ntttJt I N( lt 53 2.3.2 lntegral Scales of Turbulence 'lhe velocity fluctuations in a flow passing a point (Fig. 2.3.1) may be considcred to be caused by a superposition of conceptual eddies transported by the rnean wind. Each eddy is viewed as causing at that point a periodic fluctuation with circular frequency <,s : 2rn, where n is the frequency. By analogy with lhe case of the traveling wave, we define the eddy wave length as )t : (Jln, where U : wind speed, and the eddy wave number, K : 2rl)t. The wave lcngth is a measure of eddy size. Integral scales of turbulence are measures of the average size of the turbulent cddies of the flow. There are altogether nine integral scales of turbulence, corresponding to the three dimensions of the eddies associated with the longitudinal, transverse, and vertical components of the fluctuating velocity, u, u, rrnd w. For example, Ii, Ll,, and L'; are, respectively, measures of the average longitudinal, transverse, and vertical size of the eddies associated with the longitudinal velocity fluctuations (-r is the direction of the mean wind u and of the longitudinal fluctuations z). Mathematically, 1, is defined as u: #t: Ru,ur(x) dx (2.3.3) where R,,rr(x) is the cross-covariance function of the longitudinal velocity comporrents z1 = u(xr, !r, Zr, t) and u2 : u@r -l x, yr, 21, t), defined in a manner rrnalogous to Eq. A2.29, / : time, and u2t/2 is the root mean square value of u I (and a2). Note that in horizontally homogeneous flow, tj is independent olxl and y1 . Similar definitions apply to the other integral turbulence scales. From their mathematical definition it follows that integral scales are small il'the cross-covariance functions are rapidly decaying functions of distance, hour. tThe altemative notation o, : u2t/2 is also commonly used. iThis use of the notation should not be confused with its use as the safety index (Appendix 0 zo (m) n I M( )l;t't lrrlr cxarrrlllc, il l: l(l rrr. :1y - 0.07 nr, irrrtl l/( lO) l0 rrr/s, il lolkrws lirrnt Eqs.2.l.ltJ,2..1.1,1..1.2, and'l'ablc 2..1.1 tlrlr( thc trrlbrrlcrrcc intcnsity is /(30) : 0.162. (2.3.2) Bu'* ll 0.30 5.25 r.00 4.1t5 2.50 4.00 l2 7t); irrxl rrsctl irr i'orrjrrrrcliorr witlr luls 2.2.23 itntl2.2.25 Velocity fluctuations separated by a distance considerably larger than the integral scales are uncorrelated, and will therefore act on a structural c:lcment at cross-purposes. For example, values of r), and Li that are small compared to the dimensions of a panel normal to the mean wind indicate that thc effect of the longitudinal velocity fluctuations upon the overall wind loading is small. However, if D" and Li, uc largc, the eddy will envelop the entire pancl, and that effect will be signilicrrrrt. Equation 2.3.3 can be translirrrrrcrtl il it is rrssumed that the flow disturbance lrirvcls with thc vclocity L/(r) lrrrtl. tlrclt'lirlc. lhir( thc fluctuation u(x1, r -l t) rrury hc irlcntiliccl with a(,r1 tlll, r). wlrcrt./ tintc (Taylor's hypothesis). 'l'hcn rrnd conversely. 54 THE AlMOSPI IFRIC R(}I'NI)NIIY IAYI II Li, : :, #\,:, Il,,1r) dr Cardington Round Hill Brookhaven z(m) 15 t7 16 zo(m) Ii@) 0.01 82 0.04-0.10 55 1.00 36 The following empirical expression was proposed in range z: : Cz^ It has been : 0'2Li, [2-6ll for the height (2.3.s) (2.3.6) suggested that I \' = 5 (2.3.1) 0."[.: (2..1.t|1 1-"rt (z in rr-rctcrs) l2 l.'l()1. 'l'lrt' cxplcssiorr /,1, lM(,:it't il ilt(. il/ntlt,l l N(;r 55 0.01 0.1 1.O 10 zq (meters) l''l(;tlRE 2.3.2. values of c and m as funcrions of zo [2-611. Reprinted with permis',r.rr l'rom J. counihan, "Adiabatic Atmospheric Boundary Layers: A Review and ;\rr:rlysis of Data from the Period 1880-1972," Atmospheric Environment, 9 (1975), li/l 905, Pergamon Press. \virs proposed where C and m are given in Fig. 2.3.2 and z is the elevation (t) and z in meters). The application of F,q.2.3.5 to the data just listcd yields, approximately, the values 1: l5O m (Cardington), 140-120 rrr (lbund Hill), 70 m (Brookhaven), which are about twice as high as the mcasrrrctl values. According to 12-611 the integral scales L) and I.i, lrcr, rcspcctively, about one-third and one-half the integral scale Ij as givcn by lirg. 2.3.-5. However, according to 12-621, a better estimate of L) is obtuinrrtl lirrrrr lhc cxprcssion L', 0.001 in ,;rlctl in 12-611. 10-240 m: Il, n (2.3.4) where R,(r) is the autocovariance function of the fluctuation a(x1, l). Thc lcngth of the record from which R,(z) is estimated should be the same as that used to estimate (J and u2 (i.e., about one hour; see Sect. 2.3.1). Estimates of turbulence scales depend significantly upon the length and the degree of stationarity of the record being analyzed, and usually vary widely from experiment to experiment. For example, for open exposure, measured values of Lj reported in [2-60] (Part 2, pp. 31 and 32) vary between 120 m and 630 m at 150.8 m elevation (the average value being 400 m); between 110 rn and 690 m at 110.8 elevation (average value: 350 m); between 60 m and (r50 rn at 80.8 m elevation (average value: 300 m); between 130 m and 450 rn at 50.8 m elevation (average value: 200 m); and between 60 m and 460 m at 30.U rn elevation (average value: 200 m). Data reviewed in [2-61] suggest that Li is a decreasing function of terrain roughness. For example, the following data are listed in [2-61]: Site ll 12-641 and confirmed by subsequent measurements, as indi- 2"3.3 Spectra of Longitudinal Velocity Fluctuations fhe Energy cascade. It was mentioned in Sect. 2.3.2 that the turbulent vchrcity fluctuations may be considered to be caused by a superposition of .rltlics, each characteized by a periodic motion of circular frequency a : 2rn t.r flt u wave number K :2rl\,, where x is the wave length). The total kinetic of the turbulent motion may, correspondingly, be regarded as a sum of , 'rrtlibutions by each of the eddies of the flow. The function E(K) representing tlrt' tlcpcndence upon wave number of these energy contributions is defined as tlrt' cncrgy spectrum of the turbulent motion. ll'thc equations of motion of the turbulent flow are suitably transformed, it ,;rn bc shown that the inertial terms in these equations are associated with tr;rrsl'cr of energy from larger eddies to smaller ones, while the viscous terms ,rrtount fbr energy dissipation 12-63]. The latter is effected mostly by the ',rrr:rllcst cddies in which the shear deformations, and therefore the viscous ',lr('srics, arc large. In the absencc of sources of energy, the kinetic energy of tlrt' ltrr-bulcnt motion will decrclsc thirt is, the turbulence will decay-faster rl tlrc viscosity eff'ccts are largc, rrr.rc skrwly if'these effects are small. Molc prcc:iscly, in thc lallsl t'rrst' rlrt' tlt'r'lry tirr-rc is long if compared to the lrr'riotls ol'thc cclclics irr llrc hi1',lr wlrvr. rrrrrrrlrt:r rangc. Thc energy of these ,,ltlit's rrriry thcrclirrc hc consitlt'tt'tl lo lrt' rrpploxirrrtrlcly stcacly. This can only lrt'lltt't'trsc il thc: c:rrc:rgy inlo llrr.trr llrrorrl',lr ilrertiirl lr-utrsl'cr l'nrrrr lhc largcr ltklit's is lrlrltrrrct:rl by lhc (.ncllly rlr:,r,1|; lltrorrglr visr'ous rlli'cts.'l'ltc srrurll ('n('r'gy llll n lM()i'il'lll lll(; ll()(,Nl)nl lY lnYl ll , eddy motion is thcn dctcrrninccl solcly by lhc nrtc ol crrcrgy lrarrslcr'(or'. ctlrrivalently, by the rate of energy dissipation, dcnotcd t (scc [Jq. 2.1.9) antl by thc viscosity. The assumption that this is the case is known as Kolmog,orov's.first O ll 57 N(;t (2.3.t3) lr) lrqs. 2.2.5,2.3.12, and 2.3.13 are used. e llu' lrilihcl wrrvc rrrrrrrbcr rlngc t<l which Kolmogorov's first hypothesis applies, tlrt' rrrllrrt'rrr't'ol (lrc viscosily is srrrirll. ln this subrange, known asthe inertial tttl,t,rtt,t:r'.llrt't'rltly rnol iort ttury lrt'lrssuntctl to bc independent of viscosity, ;ur,l llrrr:, rlt'lt'rrrrint'tl solcly lry (lrt' r'trtc ol'cnerrjy transfer (which, in turn, is t't1rr;rl lo llrr'r;rlt'()l ('lr('rl'.y rlrssiplrtiorr). linrrrr this assumption, known as Kolnttt,tltt,(tt".\.\('tttn(l ltvltttlltt',ti,t, il lollows tlrlrt lr rclirtion involving E(r$ and e Srrlrstituting Eq.2.3.14 into Eq. : (2.3.14) "1* kz 2.3.1l, if it is assumed that K:- 2rn u(z) Itolrls lot :;ttlltt tt'nlly lrrglr A: (2.3.ts) tlrcrc results l'll',(K ). (. r | (2.3.9) 0 nS(z,n): ^^_^_)/, --- 0.28t--'' - u4 whorc /j(/() is llrc cncrgy pcr ruril wavc nunll)or. The clirncnsions ol'thc quantitics within brackots in Eq. 2.3.9 are[L3T 2f, [L-r], and ILtT '1, respectively. From climensional consiclcrations (see Sect. 7.1) it follows immediately that E(K) : t:^nzuu (2.3. r0) ar62t3Y-s/3 S(rK) : (2.3.t1) aezt3 K-s/3 in which it has been established by measurements that a : 0.5 12-211. Spectra in the lnertial Subrange. Measurements carried out in the surface layer of the atmosphere confirrn the assumption that in horizontally homogeneous, neutrally stratified flow the energy production (see Eq. 2.1.9) is approximately balanced by the energy dissipation [2-3]. The expression of this balance may be written as ro dU(z) p (2.3.12) (2.3.16) I rvlrcrc the nondimensional quantityt in which rz1 is a universal constant. On account of the isotropy, the expression of the longitudinal velocity fluctuation spectrum* [which will be denoted S(K)] is, to within a constant, similar to Eq. 2.3.10. Thus lrr , il,ttltt,il l{/(:)-.a,1, lrr' It follows from this assumption that, 'r'A tldrrilctl tlistrrssion 1)l :il)('( n t Milr;t'ilt ilt{ w I rt'rrr since small eddy motion is dependent solely upon internal parameters of the flow, it is independent of extemal conditions such as boundaries and that, therefore, local isotropy-the absence of preferred directions of small eddy motion-obtains. It may further be assumed that the energy dissipation is produced almost in its crrtircly by (hc vcry smallest eddies of the flow. Thus, at the lower end of hypothesis. .r n known as the (2.3.17) Monin (or similarity) coordinate, and S(2, n) dn : S(2, K) dK (2.3 . 1 8) 'tlrurtion 2.3.15 implies the validity of raylor's hypothesis (see Sect. 2.3.2). 'l'hc left member of Eq. 2.3.16 is called the reducetl spectrum of the lon1'rtrrtlinal velocity fluctuations and is seen to be a function of height. Although rrrtlividual samples may deviate considerably from the predicted values, Eq. ' ]. 16 is, on the average, a very good representation of spectra in the highI trlrrcncy range [2-5 1, 2-52, 2-53, 2-&, 2-65, 2-67] and may, for engineering l)rrl)oscs, be conservatively assumed to be valid for f > O.Z [2_64, p.27, ; (t] , 2-691. As in the case of thc logarithmic law, for high wind speedi such ;r:r iuc irssutlcd in structural dcsigrr (<ll'the order of 2o mls, say or more), it is r,':rsorr:rblc t() apply F,q.2.3.1(r tlrRrrrglrout the height range of interest to the f r '.1 nlt'lurll cnginccr. dz. is plt'st'rrlt'tl irr Allllcrrtlix A) Iltls ttst'ol lllt'st:ttttl:tttl ltolrrli()rt / slrrrrtlrl n.t lx tr)rlu.,r'(l rvillr its previous rrsc:rs llrt.(.1yri9lis l ';il ;[ [('l('r. ilil 58 n tM()rit,t I nt(i il()t]Nt)nny tnyt il :r Spectra in the LOwer-Frequency Range. 'l'lrc krwcr-li-c(luoncy ltttgcr is tlcfined between n : 0 and thc lowcr cnd ol'thc incrliul subrangc. As rtotccl in [2-511, 12-52], and [2-65], in the lower-f-requency rangc sirrilarity brcaks down and the spectra cannot be described by a universal relation. Howevcr, dcscriptions that are useful for engineering purposes may be obtained by noting that: l. The value of the spectra for n : 0 is s(0) : +,ft], U (2.3.te) l. 3. 4. liirrrr lit;. 42.25.) 'l'hc spcctrurn S(n) is lnonotonically decreasing. 'l'hc spcctrum S(n) is continuous at the lower end of the inertial subrange with the curve S(n) given by 8q.2.3.16. 5. The area under the spectral curve in the lower-frequency range is equal to the mean square value of the longitudinal velocity fluctuations (Eq. 2.3.2) less the area under the spectral curve S(n) represented by Eq. 2.3.16. (This follows from Eq. A2.15.) Two comments on lower frequency spectra are in order. First, as in the case of the mean speed U, the mean square value u2, and the integral scale Lj, estimates of spectra in the lower-frequency range depend upon the length of record being used. For consistency, the length of the record from which S(n) is estimated must be the same as that for (J, u2, and I). As indicated in Sects. 2.3.1 and 2.3.2, for structural engineering purposes this lcngth should be equal to the duration of the strong winds in a typical storm. Corrmonly this is assumed to be I hour, although record lengths as low as l0 rninutes are used by some workers. The l-hour period beyond which winds in a typical storm may be assumed to become relatively weak is sometimes rcf'crrccl to as the "spectral gap" (or quiescent period) in a conventional reprcscntation of wind activity corresponding to a continuous range of periods, including daily, monthly, seasonal, yearly, and secular periodicities [2-681. Spcctra ol' longitudinal wind speed fluctuations for periods longer than about I lrtlttr ctlrrcspond to mesometeorological flow pattems. Thcy wcrc tcntativcly Ittotlclctl by Van der Hoven rBy virluc ol (he tlelinitiorr ol (lrr's1x't'trirl tlt'rrsily, lit1. 2.1. l() rrrrplics ir vltrisltittgly snrall, rathcr than it lirritc. t'orrlrilruliorrs ol llrrrlrr:rlirr1l totttlxrnt'nls willt zt'lr ltt'tlucrtty t() lllc tlrolln squatc virlttc ol lltt' lltttltt;tlrotts il ttlL ililillt,t I N(:l 59 ll l'l ll' wlttl ttolr'tl lltt' t'ris(t'rtcc ol's1rt:cllrrl lx.;rks irl pt'r'itxls ol'lrlrout 4 clays. lilut'lrr:rlions willr;x.r'irxls lorrgcr Lharr tlrtlsc tylricrrl ol'llrc: spcctral gop ir" tlrsrt:grrnlcd in slnrclru'irl crrgirrccring rnotlcls. 'l'lris irlkrws thc usc o1'Eq.2.3.19 :rrrrl ilcttts 2 to 5 trllrvcr as c()n.tponcnts 9l' a rcirs.,rlrflc rnicnrmeteoiological rrrtxlcl all<lwing thc cslitttittion of longitudinal spcctra fbr periods shorter than ;rlxrut I hour. A sccond comment pertains to the relation between the frequency zps11 &t r'lriclr the curve ns(n) reaches a maximum and the integral scale ri. As shown rrr l2-(rll, the assumption has been used in the literature that rxlu rr' is lhc nlcan squilrc valuc of the longitudinal fluctuations, U is tlrt'rrrt';rrr vckrc'ily, untl /,) is thc longitudinal integral scale.f F;q.2.3.19 Iollows lirrrrr lir;s. 2..1.4 ancl A2.25. 'l'he tlclivltivc ol'S(rr) wilh rcspect to n vanishes atn :0. (This follows wlrt'r'e n tM()l ;t,t " 2t flpeak (2.3.20) it was pointed out in 12-731 that the estimation of Il based on of u and npeal can be in error several fold, owing to the ',('rsitivity of Il to the assumptions conceming the spectral shape between n o irnd_ n. : ,peak.This shape is in general unknown and, thereiore, so is the . f lrrr.vsvsl, rrrt';rsrrrcd values rll;rtionship between Expressions for ,roses. The curve npear and Il,. the Spectrum used for structurar Design purt 'l nS(2, n) , u'* 2o0f (2.3.21) rrlrrrsc lirrm was proposed in [2-66], approximates very closely Eq.2.3.16 in tlr. rrrcftial subrange (zis the height above ground, n isihe trequency inHertz, rr , ;rrtl.f'are given by Eqs. 2.2.18 and 2.3.r7, respectively). Ii .un t" verified rlr;r( lir1. 2.3.21implies that ,/ : 6u2* (2.3.22) rrlrtlr, lilr built-up terrain (zo > 0.30 m, see Table 2.3.1), may result in an ,,\('l('stirnation of structural response of the order of 5%. Requirements pre_ rrrrrr5;fy listed pertaining to the value of .{n) and ds(n)ldn at-n :0 are not ''.rrr:;lit'tl. However, this is inconsequential as far as the design of most landlr.r:'t'rl structures is concerned, since their fundamental frequeicies of vibration ;r(' rriuillly higher than the frequcncy corrcsponding to tire lower end of the rrrt rtr:rl subrange. Therefore, pr<lvitlcrl that Eq. 2.3.22 is satisfied, the response ,'l :;ut'll structurcs does not dcpcrrrl sig,rrilit.rrrrtly upon the shape of the spectrum rrr llrt' lowor l-rcqucncy rangc (st.t' St.t.l. (). l.-l). Ilrc'cnt of'l'\. 2..1.)l ll 701 wrrs rrr.rivutccl by criticisrn of the l.r'lll;rrrtl rrst,tl irr rhc Natignal Building lrrlllv*1rt* cxprcssion, pnr; irr ('rrrlt' ol ('unutll l2-721: 60 Tt tE nTMOSt'Ht-llto tx)(,Nt)ntiy tnyt il ' nt -r'l ''" tl * ui- :4.0 "'ro" ns(z.. .1 A l lv'l( ', il,ill ttl( il,1il il,1 1 N(.1 6l (2.3.23) x : l2OOnlU(l0); n is expressed in Hertz and U(10) is the mean wind speed, in meters per second, at z : l0 m. Equation2.3.23 was obtained by averaging results of measurements obtained at various heights above ground and does not, therefore, reflect the dependence of spectra on height. In the irbscncc ol' rnodcls capable of describing this dependence-such models were rrrrf y tlr:vckrpcrl subscqucntly in the 1960s-Eq. 2.3.23 and similar expressions Prolxrst'tl in llrt' litcr-lrlurc havc pnrviclcd useful first approximations of the lonpiiiurlirr;rl trllrrrlt'lrct: in lhc atl'nospheric boundary layer. It is noted llr:rt llrt' th'Pt'nrlt'rrt'r' ol's;rectllr rln hcight is clcarly suggested by data published in which :1 N -'l 6l- r5 lJ 7ll (lrip. l.1..lir). As rrrt'rrliolrr'tl t'trlliu', llrc spccttrl tlistribution in the lower-frequency range lrlrs littlt' irrllrrcrree on brriltlirrg tcsponsc; however, the magnitude of the turlrrrlcrrl llrrclrrrtiorr r'orrrponcnts at licquencies cqual, or close, to the natural l'r'cclucncics ol'u tall structurc rnay affect its response very significantly. It is rrr thcrolorc ol'intcrcst to comparc thc higher-frequency components inEq.2.3.23 l6 (or, equivalently , Eq. 2 .3 .21). Such a comparison shows that Eq. 2.3.23 may overestimate the longitudinal spectra of turbulence in the higher-frequency range by as much as 100-4fi)%, as can be seen in Table 2.3.2 and Fig. 2.3.3b. It is also noted that Eq. 2.3.23 yields z2 : 6u2*, and that it implies S(0) : 0, or U:0 (see Eq. 2.3.19), which is physically not possible [2-3]. The von Kiirmrin spectrum [2-1341 0.002 to those of Eq. 2.3. 48q 'U nS(n) aU-* [' _' Wave number necessary to have Ii = it cycles/meter (2.3.24) ,,r(+)l can easily be shown that -lLu(r2) 0.01 (a) Eq.2.3.21 was proposed before the development of Eq. 2.3.16. Equation 2.3.24 satisfies the conditions S(n) + O and dS(n)ldn : O for n : 0. However, for Eq. 2.3.24 to be consistent with Eq. 2.3.16, 0.005 it U(10): 30 m/s, eo = 0.08 m would be 0.303t22, which does not appear to be the case in the atmosphere. That Eq. 2.3.24 is, in general, not consistent with Eq. 2.3.16 can be explained physically by the fact, discussed earlier in connection with Kol- mogorov's hypotheses, that the higher-frequency spectrum is independent of the large-scale features of the turbulence that determine Lj. Equation 2.3.24 is not used in applications where the magnitude of the higher-frequency components of the longitudinal velocity fluctuations is of interest. However, it can be used in applications in which the effect of the low-frcqucncy component could bc irnporlant, suclt irs thc analysis of structurcs with vcry long nalural n (cycles/s) (b) lfl(;UltE 2.3-3- (u) Longitudinal turbulcncc spcctra measured at Sale, Australia (based 20 rccords)12-ill. Frorn A. G. I)lvcrrporl, "'t'hc Spectrum of Horizontal Gustiness Ncrrr thc Gr<rund in High Winils,'' ettrrt. .l . lilt.1rrl Mcteontl. Soc., g7 (1961):202. 1/r; ('ornp:uison ol'spcctra givcrr by litls. J..1.21 rrrrtl 2.3.23. From E. simiu, ,,wind rrrr Sltct'trir rrrxl I)ynurric Akrngwintl ltcsPorrst'," t9 t0 .l . ,\rr.rrt.l)ir,., ASCE 100 (1974): lg97_ 62 lltE AtMOS|'l tLtilo t]()tjND^lty tAyt il TABLE 2.3.2. Yafues of nS(n)lu?* lirr 7., : l).0t1 nr an<l {/(10) z:100m n Cycles per z:300m Eq.2.3.16 f Second : or 2.3.21 f Eq.2.3.16 All or 2.3.21 of z, 8q.2.3.23 (3) (4) (s) (6) 0.1 0.255 0.70 o.43 0.24 0.15 0.586 0.37 0.23 0.13 0.08 t.4l 0.450 1.125 1.0 2.250 1.172 2.930 5.860 '5r Values (2) 0.-5 6lL,-.1',1' nS(2, n):\ ---u'x .f < cz I , 2(.1 ,,, .lil i 2!",,(.1', -- .l',,,1 r .1,( 1., * zt,,,,l tnfr. 0.98 0.54 o.34 , ,,, *2b2f,n (2.3.259) o I*l.f - Pt + b2(f^ -f ,'I I --2lo,f^ (2.3.zsh) b,:t-t.sf.dl (2.3.2s1) t'z:0t-azf,-brf? (2.3.2sj) llquations 2.3.25 are plotted in Fig. 2.3.4 for k : 0.4, zo : 0.001266 m, 35 m, U(35) :45 m/s (u*: 1.76 m/s), B : 6.0, f,:0.22, U: l8O rn, andJ, : 0.07. Also plotted in Fig. 2.3.4 isF;q.2.3.23 (intemrpted lines). I: Eqs.2.3.25 .f^ (2.3.25a) * o.ze.s azf '''' t brf, f^<f<f, (2.3.25b) I I f--f, (2.3.25c) '..r*/-ur where a* and/are given by Eqs.2.2.18 and 2.3.17, n is expressed in Hertz, z is the height above the surface (in the case of flow over the ocean, the height above the mean water level), f, is the lower limit of the inerlial subrange (f, - 0.2),f-is a parameter allowing changes in the shape of the spectral curve At: '' I j I forf < f,, !,,,,) lMr,!.t'ilt ilt(; il,lilitit tN(;t (2.3.2st) tt2 : pclirxls ol' vibnrlion (c.g., corrrpliant off.shore platforms, which have motions with lrcrirxls or irlrotrt 50 io 120 s). A modified form of the von Kdrmiin ril)r:ctnur, bascrl orr lirs( principlcs and reflecting the variation of the spectrum witlr lrc:ight irbovc gnrun(|, wils rcccntly proposed by Harris l2-l4}]. ljor thc purposc ol' studying thc sensitivity of tall building response to changes in the valuc ol'various parameters determining spectral shape, an alternative expression fbr the spectrum, consistent with Eq. 2.3.16, was proposed in t2-lo). This expression depends upon the parameter 0 and an additional parameter allowing the modification of the shape of the lower-frequency part of the spectrum, and is subject to the constraint imposed by Eq. 2.3.2. A similar expression was developed in [2-74] to study the sensitivity of compliant structures to changes in the values of the parameters B and Ij, and to changes in the shape of the lower-frequency portion of the spectrum consistent with Eq. 2.3.2. The expression of [2-74] is ( o,f + b,72 + d,13 n 30 rn/s l2-7(ll (l) 0.2 23 rtrt and ariQ)0 (2.3.zsd) z 8r : 0.26.f ,2tl o 0 00 0.05 0.15 r1llz) (2.3.25c) l,'l(;tJl{lt 2.3.4. Spcctrl ol' hrrrgitrrrlirrrrl vt'locil.y lluctr.ralions (Eqs. 2.3.25). ilil 64 n tM():;t'ilt nt(i lr()t,Nt)nl ty lAyt I :| Il : nS(n\ .-:4.0u'* -'" x (2 + Clrrh(r, : i: 12-1371: IJ(I0)l/0 (in (2.3.26) r in which i: Jl. lf,,,r(r, n) + iSf,,r(r, n) u1 and u2 indicate that the two records are taken distance between which is denoted by r. The coherence function is defined as [2-751 [Coh(r, n)]2 ) nt - zr)2 + C1Jy, u(t0) - yr)tlt,, (2.3.2e) I lil (2.3.30) rvirrcl, u(10) is the wind velocity at 7 : 10 m, and the exponential decay otrllicients C, C, (or C1r, Cy) are determined experimentally. ln homogeneous turbulence the quadrature spectrum vanishls [2-64]. rnthe ;rlrrursphere it appears that the ratio of quadrature spectrum to co-spectrum is :.rrurll and that the square root of the coherence function may therefore be :rss.rned, for engineering purposes, to be approximately equal to the reduced t rr spectrum cu,ur. on the basis of wind tunnel measurements, it has been :;rrggcsted in 12-771 that it is reasonable to assume in engineering calculations t (2.3.21a) : cf,,ur{r, a.t S'u,ur(r, points M1 and M2, the n) + ql,,,r(r, n) : 15f,,,,{r, n\12 se:;)se, (2.3.27b) (2.3.27c) n) ) 1sf,,1r. r)12 Qituttr.r) : ik:;)Nru n) lA tlctailctl rlistrrssion ol tlrss spt'tlt:r is ptcst:ttlttl irr Allpt:rulix A,?. 'A (2.3.27d) In Eqs. 2.3.27c and d, S(21, n) and S(22, n) are the spectra of the longitudinal velocity fluctuations at points M1 and M2. n) : Stt2(zr, n)Stt22r, n1"-i (2.3.31) rvlrc,rcf is defined by Eq. 2.3.30 and Cr: 10, C, : 16.* It appears, however, tlr:rl the exponential decay coefficients C, C, (or Cv, Cr), iatherthan being rrrtlcpendent of roughness, are generally larger for iougir surface conditions .rrt'lr as urban areas than for smooth surfaces l2-el. Moieover full-scale mea_ ',rrrr:rnents indicate that the exponential decay coefficients depend on height ;rlxrvc ground and, quite strongly, on wind speed, as shown in f,igs. 2.3.5 ind ; \.6 12-60, 2-781. The dependence of the exponential decay coeftcients upon rvirrtl speed is illustrated in Figs. 2.3.7aand2.3.7b, which represent Eq. z.i.zs where c;tu2tr. nlc1,k, Irr llqs. 2.3.29 and 2.3.3O, !r, !2, and 21, Z2 are the coordinates of points M,, / . the line M 1, M2 is assumed to be perpendicular to the direction of the mean ' The real and imaginary pafts in Eq. 2.3.21a are known n): (2.3.28) r'. altemativ ely [2-7 6], as the co-spectrum and the quadrature spectrum, respectively. The subscripts Q(r, t A The cross-spectruml' of two continuous records is a measure of the degree to which the two records are correlated and is defined as : 65 ll 2.3.4 Cross-Spectra of Longitudinal Velocity Fluctuations n) n) : (, .f: rneters). S'j,,r(r, t,ililt,t I N(:t x2)s'6 r 10001 U(r.)l I wlrcrc{/(10). Likc F.q. 2.3.23, Eq. 2.3.26 does not reflect the vlrrilrtion ol'thcr spcrclnurr with height above ground. However, it has over Eq. 2.3.23 tlte: rrtlvirrrtagc that it irnplies a nonzero integral scale of turbulence lf wlrt'rt til( kltowtt its tlltn'()w lt:urtl t.trrss t'orr-crlirliorr) wiri l)ll)l)()ri(,rl irr lJ-7(rl: g. Finally, we mention the spectrum proposed by Hanis in 1968 ti 'l'lrc lirlklwirlg ('xl)t('\\t('rr lot llrt's(luiur txrl ol llrr't'olrt,n'nt'c lirrrcli6rr (also Unlikc l:q.2.3.24, Uqs. 2.3.25 atc cotrsis(ctrt with Ilt1. 2.3.1(r. lkrwt'vo', tlrc:y do not satisfy the requirement dS(n)ldn : 0 lirr rr : 0. 'l'his rcquilotrtr:llt could be satisfied by modifying Eq. 2.3.25a in thc imrncdiatc vicinity ol'a : 0. However, such a modification is not necessary in practice since its efl'ect on results of engineering calculations would be negligible. Finally, it is seen in Fig. 2.3.4 that Eq. 2.3.23 significantly underestimates the spectral ordinates at very low frequencies. This is due to the fact, noted earlier, that Eq. 2.2.23 implies that n I M{ }t;t't rrrtrtlified modcl of the spatial structure of turbulence proposed in t2-147) eliminates the l'lhrwirrg two drawbacks of Eq. 2.3.31. First, Eq. 2.3.31 does not allow for negative values of tlrt'lttl'lrttloncc co-spcctrum, regardless of spatial separation. For homogeneous turbulence this rIr|lics lltat' contrary to its definition, thc mcrn ol'lhc lluctuating longitudinal velocity component 'hrs ttttl vitnish. Sccond' 8q.2.3.31 inrplics lurgc colrclalionsirlthe low-frequency components ' r'r'tr il lltc scpitlitlion is largc. Thc rrtort rt':rlrstit rrlrxlcl pnrposcd in 12-All may result in a tr'(lrr( li()f) ol lltc calcttlirtctl rcsoniutl ltslxrrs(' ol slt'lrrlt'r slntclrtros by as rnuch 1ts 25%. Sce also | .' t,lr{, 2 t491. 66 THE ATMOSPHFIIIC f]Ot]NI)AIIY IAYI II r ;,:t n lM(lt;t,t il lll(. lUl ilIlt tN(:t 67 0.0 8.0 o 6.0 (:ry C,, t/(10) 4.0 -* |, o.o I 0 E o -. ao I 2.O 3.5 20.8 m/s 0.6 5 o.a 0.4 € O O 0102030405060 9oo u(10) (m/s) Irl(;llltl,l 2.J.-5. Virliation Irllrrirr) ol-cxponential decay coefficient C,,, with wind speed (open l.l 781. 0.1 0.2 nll and nlcasurctl valucs ol'thc square root of the coherence function for records (takcn at points of cqual clevation) with U(10) : 20.8 m/s (Cr:u : 3.5) and U(10) : 35.2 mls (Cr, : 8.8) t2-601. The dependence of the exponential decay coeflicients upon terrain roughness, height above ground, and wind speed is insufficiently documented and therefore represents a source of uncerlainty in structural engineering calculations. It was pointed out in Sect. 2.3.2 that relatively large uncertainties remain concerning the integral scales of turbulence. In view of the close physical 0.3 0.4 yr-!ztl/ul'tol Run 1 0.1 o.2 nlly*y2ll/u11o) 18 Run 'l 1 7l lv,I v,] l(meters) | I o I o I rz I l"lolssl l:l;l:: I (b) FIGURE 2.3.7. Measured values of Coh(l lr _ !zl, n) t2_6O1. rclationship between turbulence cross-spectra and integral scales, similar uncertainties can be expected concerning the exponential decay coefficients. Nevertheless, results of recent research quoted in lz-sol ,ugg".i that the value L. = t0 is acceptable or even conservative from a structural design viewpoint. A similar conclusion regarding the value Cy = 16 follows froil 1Z_St1, ac_ C, is a funcion of the raiio ly, - yrltz, as shown in Fig. :":d:g^,g,ylich. 2.3.8. Additional research into the vertical and lateral coherence of the lon_ gitudinal velocity fluctuations is reported in [2-62] and, [2-g2,2-g3,2-g4, 2-85, 2-86, 2-871. In some applications the longitudinal (along-wind) coherence of the longitudinal velocity fluctuations is of interest. According to [2-gg], the longitudinal coherence between the fluctuations at two points M,1x, y, zj una M2(x2, y, z) , can be expressed by Eq. 2.3.28, where Ii --.'C,lt, (/t:\ ',1 F'I(;URI,l 2.3.6. Virrirrtiorr ol (', with wincl spcctl anrl hciglrl (opcrr lclr:rirr) l2 Tlll with cr : 3.0 ovcr warcr.rrtl tcptlrlccl in l2-t'tt)l suggosts thirt (', (2.3.32) (r.0 rvr:r r.nd. A thcorctical approach tlrr krrrliitrrrlirrirl cohcrcrrcc clcpcntls up1;n thc 68 lHf n tMosit,ilt llt(; tlotJNt)ntly tAyr lt :) rr,\,,,(l:, rr) u)r, 50 _ ll A lM(l:;l,t il iltl . il,t il tut t N( .1..1(r/' il 69 (2..j.-1.j1 I I l(ll"' 40 cy 30 According to n)casurcnrcnts rcportccl in [2-60, 2 ttOl, thc cn)ss-spectrum of vcrlical fluctuations ilt lwo points M1 and M2, ol'clcvution z may be expressed 20 ils S.,-(Ay, n) : S.(2, 11\s-8navtu171 10 o 0.t2345 in which Ay is the horizontal distance between the points M1 and. M2. The spectrum of the lateral velocity fluctuations may be written as lv1-vrltz l"l(,lllltf,l 2..1.t1. l)clrcntlcncc 1rl'(i,. upon ly, - yrllz according to [2-g01. copyright ) l()t{ l by l). ltcirlcl l,rrlrlislring ('ornpany. nS,(n) l5f -;T:(r+riJ-s' r, Irrrlrrrlcrrcc ilrtcnsity /(1), thc distance slrowrr in lrig" 2.3.9. lr, - rrl, e3.34) and integral scale He), as 2.3-5 spectra and cross-spectra of vertical and Lateral velocity Fluctuations It is shown in [2-31 that the spectra of vertical fluctuations up to about 50 m may be estimated by the formula (2.3.3s) 'l'he form of Eq. 2.3 .35 was proposed in [2-661 . Equations 2.3 .33 and 2.3 .35 , irr which the parameter/is given by Eq. 2.3.17, are consistent with the retluirement that, in the higher frequency range, the ratio of the vertical and lrrteral to the longitudinal spectra is equal to 413 [2-651. Cross-spectra of lateral velocity fluctuations can tentatively be assumed to bc given by an expression similar toEq.2.3.3l , with exponential decay coeflicients lower by about 33% rhan those used in Eq. 2.3.31 [z-go, 2-go]. Allcrnative expressions for the spectra of vertical and lateral velocity fluctuaiions, based on a modified von Kdrmdn formulation which takes into account the variation of spectra with height, were proposed in [2-140]. 2.3.6 Dependence of Wind Speeds on Averaging Time It fbllows from the definition of the mean value that mean wind speeds depend upon the averaging time. As the length of the averaging interval decreases, the c J rnaximum mean speed corresponding N to that length increases. The relation bctween the wind speed averaged over / seconds, u,(z), and the hourly speed, I X L/3u1p(z), may be written as c o () U,(z) : Uzr,cnk) + cG)71n (2.3.36) where c(r) is a coeflicient that depends on t and z, is the longitudinal turbulent lluctuation. If Eqs. 2.2.18 and 2.3.2 are substituted into nq. Z.Z.Ze . o 12 nllru FIGURE 2.3.9. t,ongiruclinal cohcrcncc as a lunction o| nl.i,l IJ f ur thrcc valucs o1. a : l(2.)lx, - .r.,11.;(r) 12 8el. ('opyrigh( () 1979 hy I). ltcitlcl l)rrhlishing (-orrrpirny. U,(2,) 'l'hc : U,,,,n,(.) 0t '' r(tl \ (l tt 2.5 tnetzu) / (2.3.37) cocllii:icnt ('(1) is clclcrtttittetl on llrc lrlrsis <ll's(atistical stuclics of wind sPcctl rccorcls. llcsrrlts tll'sur'lt slu(licH w('t(' rclx)tlcrtl l-ly I)urst l2-9 ll anrl arc 70 ilil n tMofit't il til(: n()t,Nt)nily tAyt il :,,1 ll()1il/()NtAt lY N()Nll{}M()(it Nt ()U:i lt{)w:; 71 glirllhic lcirttttcs ol llrc tt'rr;rirr) or'1o tlrc nrclcorrlogit'lrl rurlrrr.t'ol tlrc llow (as irr tltc cuso ol'ttrrpit'irl tyt'krrrcs rlr ol'thurtrlr-:rstorrrrs). Wlrilc thc structure of llrrizonlally honrogcrrr:orrs llows is basically wcll rrrrtlclsltxrcl, rcsults obtained in thc study ol'horizorrtully rxrrrhonrogcncous llows urc lo a large extent still irrcornplctc or tcntalivc. Sornc of these rcsults arc, ncvortheless, of interest to lhc designer and will thcrcfbre be discussed hcrcin. 1.5 81.4 5 ] t'. 2.4.1 Flow 1.2 ln the case dealt with in the preceding sections, of a horizontally homogeneous lkrw, it is assumed that the surface roughness is uniform over an infinite plane. In reality, a site is limited in size; the flow near its boundaries is therefore rrll'ccted by the surface roughness of adjoining sites. Useful information on the flow structure in the transition zones may be l_1 1.0 100 r 1 0,000 (s) l"l(illl{l'l 2.-1,10. It:rrio o| pnrbablc maximum speed averaged over period r to that luvcragctl ovct' ()llc lxrur l2-921. plotted in Fig. 2.3.10, which corresponds to open terrain conditions (zo = 0.05 m) and an elevation z : l0 m. values of c(t) consistent with Fig. 2.3.10 are listed in Table 2.3.3. Experimental results presented in 12-931suggest that Eq. 2.3.36 is applicable, with the values of the coefficient c(t) of rable 2.3.3, to wind ,p""0, over terrains with roughness lengths of up to Zs : 2.50 m. Mean speeds used in the design of tall buildings are hourly averages, while information on wind intensities is currently provided in terms of fastest mile wind speeds at about l0 m above ground in open terrain. Fastest mile wind speeds are averaged over the time required for thi passage over the anemometer of a volume of air with a horizontal length of one mile. From this definition it follows that for the fastest mile u|the averaging time in seconds is r : 3600/ UJ, w^here Uyis given in miles per hour. For eiample, if UJ.: 90 mph, then t :40 s and the corresponding hourly mean is, from Fig.,9ofl.2g 70 mph (31 m/s). A recent study 12-1441 essentially.o-nfi.-, the validity = of Fig. 2.3.10. For hurricane winds see Sect. 2.4.3. 2.4 near a Change in Surface Roughness ohtained by considering the simple case of an abrupt roughness change along :r line perpendicular to the direction of the mean flow [2-13, 2-94,2-95, 2-96, ) 9l ,2-981 (Fig. 2.4.1). Upwind of the discontinuity, the flow is horizontally lromogeneous and, near the ground, governed by the parameters Zs1 &\d u.a1. l)ownwind of the discontinuity, the flow will be disturbed over a height h(x). 'f 'his height, known as the depth of the internal boundary layer, increases with (ho distance x until the entire flow adjusts to the roughness length zs2 of the lcrrain downwind of the discontinuity. If the investigation is limited to the lower portion of the boundary layer, it rrray be assumed that the flow is two-dimensional. For steady flow, and neglccting the pressure gradient force-the effect of which was shown to be insignificant [2-98]-the equations of continuity and of balance of momenta nray be written as ua+w9!:taJ 0x 0z pAz (2.4.1) AU AW 0x 0z -+-:0 (2.4.2) Since Eqs. 2.4.1 and2.4.2 contain three unknowns, a third equation is required Io close the system. In the solution of [2-96] the mean turbulent field closure was used (F,q.2.1 .9), which, for two-dimensional flow and with phenomerrolrrgical relations similar to those proposed in 12-91 and [2-10] (see Eqs. HORIZONTALLY NONHOMOGENEOUS FLOWS Horizontal nonhomogeneities of atmospheric flows may be ascribed either to conditions at the Earth's surface (e.g., changes in surface roughness, topo- l. I. l0-2. l. 13) takes the form ---J1 TABLE 2.3.3. Coefficient c(t) ll t:(r) l0 3.00 2.32 20 2 (X) 30 r .71 -50 r .35 100 200 1.02 0.70 3(x) 0.54 600 1000 0.3(r 0. l(r II --{ 3600 0.(X) zo1, u l,'l(Jtll{lt 2.4.1. l;low 125 " fii,{c 11 zorrt's rlowrrwrrrl ol rr t'lurrrgc irr loLrghncss ol'lcr-rlin. llll n tM()lit'l il til(: tl()t,Nt)nny tn yl n ;, U A(rlpt w dtrlpl _ritll , I (rtp il(rtptfitlt\ 0.t6 0x a, p oz az \ az I az ) (rlol3/2 -n - ',L :0 ([ o l) Ii,ll.wirrg M.nin : kz established at distanccs (2'4'3) : N( )Nt t( )M( )( ,t Nt ( )llt; I I ( )wl; 73 rrrorc llrrrn -5 krn downward from the roughness A more "exact" model of the internal boundary layer growth : o.28zo,(*)'- I I 'l is (2.4.10) 12-991, 2.5u*t ln L (2.4.s) w:0 puz*t U:O 1,"-, , : olo o,. (#),,,1' l. )0;z:zozi) and rough-to-smooth transition. It is approximately valid for values h(x) < 0.26 where 6 is the boundary layer depth. For additional references on flows near a change in surface roughness, see [2-100] and [2-138]. 2.4.2 Wind Flow over Hills (2.4.7) wind tunnel investigations of simulated flows over ramps and escarpments are reported in [2-101, 2-102,2-1031. For open terrain conditions, ratios (u2lu)2 at various stations given in t2-1011 are represented in Figs. 2.4.2 and,2.4.3. (uz and u1 denote wind speeds at height z above ground downwind and upwind of the ramp, respectively.) Measurements of l2-lo2l tend to corroborate these results. The results of [2-101] and 12-1021also suggest that for ramps with slopes of about 2O% to 35%, the ratios (J2l()1 are, for practical purposes, independent of slope. However, for a ramp with a l0% slope, the ratios (U2 - U)lUl are only about one-half as large as in the case of a 2O% slope [2-101]. More detailed wind tunnel measurements of ratios u2lu1 for escarp- (2.4.9) -2.1.8). Equations 2.4.1-2.4.3 with the boundary conditions, Eqs.2.4.5_2.4.9, werc solved numerically in [2-96) for various values of the parameter m : ln(261/ zoz). In the case of the smooth-to-rough transition, the calculations indicate that three regions may be distinguished downwind of the discontinuity (Fig. 2.a.D. In region I (above line AB, approximately defined by a slope or t : iz.5;, the velocity is essentially equal to the velocity upwind of the discontinuity. This result is consistent with conclusions reached independently by other authors 12-941 and 12-95). In region III (below line AC, defined by a slope of about l: 100) it may be assumed, at least very roughly, that the flow is adjusted to the new roughness conditions, that is, is determined by the same parameters Zoz, u*z that would control the flow if the roughness length were everywhere Zs2. rn region II, as the distance downwind from the discontinuity increases, the velocity profiles deviate increasingly from the profile given by Eq.2.4.5 and the turbulcnc:c cncrgy varics graclually l'rom linc AB, whtre it is prcsunrably ncarly lhc sillllc:ts tlpwitttl ol'lhc tliscontirrrriiy, lo lirrc,4(1, wlrcrc it lrrtry bc i where zs, is the larger of zs, and zo, [2-100]. Equation z.4.lo was based on the analysis of a considerable number of data and holds for both smooth-to-rough (2.4.6) (2.4.8) w:o (see Eqs. 2.1.7 ol h(x) Zot r: tAl I y change, (2) for a distancc dowrrwirrtl ol' thc roughness change of less than 500 m the profile is the same as upwind ol'the discontinuity, and (3) in the interval 500 m < "r < 5 km the profile is logarithmic below line AB, with zero speed at the ground surface, and a speed at elevation x/12.5 equal to the speed at that elevation upwind of the roughness change t2-421. e.4.4) ir is assumed in [2-96] that in Eq. 2.4.3 rlrt' srunt' cxPressiorr lirr /. holils ncar the ground throughout the flow, inituding (lrc rlistrrrlrt'tl lkrw tlowrrwind ol' thc discontinuity. 'l'lrc lrorrntliuy corrtliliorrs lilr Eqs. 2.4.1-2.4.3 are IJ )N describccl irr lclrrrs ol llrt'I;u;rnr(:l(:r's io2, u*2. For practical purposes it may be assumed that ( l) tlrc Plrlilt' t'ollt'sporrcling to these parameters is completely in which l, is the mixing length. In horizontally homogeneous flow, the validity in the surface layer of the Iogarithmic law implies the following expression for the mixing length [2-l]: L ,t ll( )lit,/( i ii ii l i L I I I I I l L l ri l'l(;tll{l,l 2.4.2. Wirrrl lrtoltlt:, r)\'( r ;ul (':i( iul)nr('nl ll lOll 74 iltf ArM(xil,ilf nto t(tt,Nt)Any tAyt tt '4 ll()|il,/oNlnl lY N()Nl t()Ml ,{it Nt (}(,li |()wl; t f" .l 't.ttt,\lt.\lt ,l ,, J ,, elt,l (2.4.t2) lnd I /L\"" //.r : g \;/ (The quantity / is the thickness of the intemal boundary layer created by the change in surface shear stress as the air flows over the hill. This internal boundary layer is similar to that caused by changes in terrain roughness.) For any hill symmetric about x : Q, ;(0) can be expressed in terms of Kelvin lunctions as shown in [2-104]. In the particular case FIGURE 2.4.3. Wind profiles over an escarpment t2_l0ll. /x\ : r\z) T +1ld ments with 25%, 50%, and loo% slopes and for a cliff, as well as measurements of the root mean square of the longitudinal turbulence fluctuations, are reported in [2-103]. The ratios urlu, of t2-1031 are similar to those of Fig. 2.4.2, except at low elevations (about 5 m above ground) where they are larger by about20%. Results of theoretical and numerical studies of wind flows over hills have been reported in [2-lM, 2-105,2-106,2-lo1 ,2-108]. For a hill with maximum height ft, a longitudinal scale L(L >> /r) and a profile hf(xlL), wheref(xlL) < 1 (Fig. 2.4.4), the following resulr was obtained in [2-1041: U, .l _-_:: * ul (2.4.13) ho ln2(Llz$tr(o)(", z) Lln(llz) rLn(zll) + ln(//zo)l I (2.4.t4) in which L is the horizontal distance from the top of the hill to the point at which the height is half the maximum height ft, the quantity o : l. Values of l?(0) corresponding to the profile 2.4.14 are represented in Fig. 2.4.5 atxlL: 0 (top of the hill), xlL: -0.5 and xlL:0.5, for llzo: 1gz, Llzo:2.1 t lOa (curves A), llz(): 10a, Llzo : 3.2 x 105 (curves B), and llzo : 1gs, Llzo:3.6 x 106 (curves C). Values of t(U2 * U)lUl (L/ft) calculated in l2-l04l are listed in Table 2.4.1. The analysis and results of [2-104] are valid (2.4.11) : in which U2 is the wind speed at (x, a), U1 is the wind speed at (x -@, z), ze is the roughness length, x is the horizontal distance (see Fig. 2.4.4), z is the height above surface of the hill at the point considered, il(0) is the approximate value of a dimensionless quantity representing the perturbatlon to the upwind velocity due to the presence of the hill, 0 L li'l(Jllltl,l 2,4.4. l,rolilc: ol l low lrill. - 01l l,'l(;tll{U 2.4.5. Vulucs ol f ;low Ovcr a Low llill." r?("' Qrtrtrt o4 08;(.))_>. -0.2-0.1 6 iio)e , " )=ou l;rortr l' S .l;rt'ksotr:rtttl . ('. ll. lltltl. "'l'urbulcrrrt .lt,ut llrtvtl ll,'1,'r,trtl . ,lttt.. ll)l ( 197.5). 929 ().55, .1 76 llt n tM()sl,lFilto n()(,Nt)Ally tAyt n \l IYN()Nl l()M()(il Nt t)t,i; lt()Wl; TAIII-|t 2.4.1. Values of l(U, - Il)lIltl(l,lltl il 'l'op ol'lliil zll zull : 10 ' ,.t/l - ft) 4 0.0 0.6 2.09 2.46 2.33 2.20 1.0 2.O8 t.5 1.9'7 2.1 l .88 0.1 0.3 ;,,// - l0 1.87 t.72 2.13 2.07 1.92 l .85 1.78 1.97 1.87 1.79 1.73 5 t.72 1.66 t.62 lirl hills in rural tcrrain (zo : 0.03 m) with 0.1 < Z < l0 km and with ratios l(1,,/1,)0 '. For cxample, if a6 : 0.025 rr7, L :500 m, and h : 25 m, tlrcrr, lirrrrr |tq.2.4.13,2.111 l: 1.0 x l0 3, to which there corresponds, from 'l'ablc2.4.l, UzlUt: l.l2atzll:0.1 (or z 2.5 m). Thetheorybecomes = lcss accuratc in rough terrain (zo : 0.5 m), the actual speeds U2 being lower hll, > than thosc givcn by Table 2.4.1. For flow over escarpments (Fig. 2.4.6), the following relation is derived in [2- lOe]: !:=r+!!1n(Ltzdh"' (zlLi)2+U+(x/L)12 Ut L 4r ln(zlzi klL\2+.1-(xtL)12 ( in which notations similar to those of Eq. 2.4.1r are used. It is suggested in 12-1091that Eq. 2-4.15 may be applied to flow over escarpments with t << 5 km and with slopes as large as 202" or so. For example, if L : 250 m, h:50 m, and zo:0.025 m, for x: L andz: l0mthe ratio U2lU,: 1.19. According to [2-1031, Eq. 2.4.15 provides useful indications of the trends x and z, rather than dependable quantitative of the variation of u2lu1 with results. Full-scale and wind tunnel measurements of flows over two- and threedimensional hills and over embankments are reported in [2-l0g] (which extends the analytical approach of [2-1041ro three-dimensional hills), and [2-tlo,2-lll, 2-112, 2-113,2-114, 2-115,2-l4zl. As noted in [2-ll0], estimates obtained independently in l2-lo4l, [2-105], and [2-106] agree well with each other and with the full-scale measurements of [2-110]. A sirtrplc: ttterlltrxl lot r'itlt'ulrrlirrg wirrtl spr:ctl irrt.r't.:rscs ( "spectl-ups") lirr buildings l<lcalctl ()ll lw() tlitttt'ttsiotral ridgcs or cscarl)nrcnls or orr axysinrrnctric hills is includccl irr llrc AS('lj 7-9-5 Stancl:rrcl 12-l'3gl iintl, in corrrputcrized fbrm, of thc cliskcilc cornpu(cr-llascrl Vcision of ASCE 7-95 Standard Provisi'ns krr wind Loads" [17--51 appcnded to this book. as parl "l)cvckrpmcntal 2.4.3 The Hurricane Boundary Layer The horizontal inhomogeneity of a hurricane wind flow over a uniform, horizontal surface is associated with the variation of the pressure gradient with distance from the centerof the storm (see Eq. 1.3.1). tn aerivinfthe logarithmic description of the mean velocity profilei near the ground ftq. Z.Z.fS; it was assumed that the flow in the free atmosphere is geostrophic lSect. 2.2). This assumption does not hold in the region of highest winds of the mature hurricane; the question therefore arises as to wheiher or not Eq. 2.2.1g is applicable in this region. Several analytical solutions of the hurricane boundary{ayer problem have been atempted so far [2-116,2-117,2-llg,2-llg, z-l2iJ], att oi wnicn appty to steady, axisymmetric mean flows. The solutions of [2-116] through p lirjl are based on the assumption that the eddy viscosity is constant, and they .unnoi therefore provide a reliable detailed description of the flow near the ground. A considerably more realistic modeling of the turbulence effects is used in l2-l2ol, in which the equations of motion and continuity are supplemented by the turbulence closure relations discussed in Sect. 2.1 (Eqs. 2.1.g-2.1. 13). Th; system of equations thus obtained-in which the expre.ssion for the pressure gradient field given by Eq. 1.3.1 was used-was solved numerically assuming values of the surface roughness of 0.002 m to 0.90 m, differences between the high pressure in the far field and the low pressure at the storm center of 60 mb to 140 mb, and radii at which the gradient wind has a maximum value of 30 km to 50 km. According to 12-1201, in the lowest 400 m of the boundary layer the mean wind profiles differ only insignificantly from the logarithmic profiles described by Eq. 2.2.18. As Table 2.4.2 shows, for decaying hurricanes the increase of mean wind TABLE 2.4.2. Yariation of wind speeds with Height in Hurricanes caror and Edna Height Carol above Ground (m) l,'l(Jlllll,) 2.4.(r. lrlow ovL:t' cscitrpnlcllts noltrlions l2 1091. 77 Edna Mean Max. l-rnin I 1.3 t4.s 22.8 22.9 18.1 l(). 45.7 24.1 t58 r08.2 t25.(l 29.1 l.t tl Mean Max. 1-min t.8 17.0 20.3 25.9 259 30 r I rJ 78 IltF ATMospHEntc frot,ND^ny iAyt y n HoFtzoNTAt spceds with hcight in appnrxintalc ircconlirrrcc wilh tho logarithnric l1w w1s documented in 1954 following thc passagc ovor lJnxrkhaven National Laboratory of hurricanes Carol and Edna 12-121, p. 461. More recently [2-122] reported extensive observations of mean wind speeds recorded at elevations from 9. I m to 390 m during the passage of four decaying tropical cyclones over northwestern Australia. The mean wind profiles were in most cases irregular, and as noted in [2-1221, a wind speed maximum was often observed at 60-200 m. Nevertheless, the profiles corresponding to the largest l0-min wind speed observed during each storm at 9.1 m were by and large consistent with the logarithmic law and a roughness length of 1 to 4 cm, as can be seen in Table 2.4.3, in which the only significant anomaly is the speed observed during cyclone Karen at 59.7 m elevation. whether the logarithmic profile holds in the case of mature hurricanes remains an open question. Implicit in the provisions of the 1975 Southern Building code 12-1231is the assumption that hurricane wind profiles are considerably flatter than would be indicated by the logarithmic law. To date there is no conclusive evidence that this is the case. Since design wind speeds specified in building codes correspond to an elevation of l0 m or so, the use of this assumption in the design of tall structures might be imprudent. According to a study of tropical storm and hurricane records peak gust factors for hurricane speeds are about lo% higher than indicated in Fig. z.3.lo for extratropical storms t2-1351. The conclusions of 12-1351(see also Iz-1391, p. 155) were based on the analysis of about 12 records. Reference !2-l4ll contains information on gust factors, longitudinal turbulence intensities, scales and spectra in typhoon Mireille, that traveled over omura bay (Nagasaki) and passed directly over the anemometer placed at 100-m elevation on a tall building at the shoreline. The gust factors were found to decrease as the mean speed increased. The turbulence intensity during the period of the strongest 10-min wind (about 25 mls) was over 25%. Theturbulence scale was estimated to be 780 m during that period and 2g0 m during the 10-min period preceding it. The von Kdrm6n spectrum (Eq.2.3.24), with thc lurbulonco scitlc:s.ittsl irrtlicatotl, rnatchctl thc rncirsul'ctl spcctra wcll, cxcept lirr thc rangc ol'abrlut 0.o25 to 0. l5 Hz, whcrc it undcrcstimate<l the measured spectra by as much as l0]ol, fbr certain frequencies. Finally, according to l2-l4ll, surface wincl spccds in the eye can be comparable with or higher than the estimated speeds at the gradient height level; see also comments following Eq. 3.3.7 and Ref. I N( )Nt t( )M( x lt Nt ()t,s I I ow$ 13-791. Two more notes on hurricane winds are in order. First, in the immediate proximity of the eye, flow separation occurs and the boundaryJayer assumptions break down (see Sect. 1.3). The implications of this phenomenon to the designer are not yet well understood. Second, as the hurricane moves inland, filling occurs (see Sect. 1.3) and the maximum winds tend to decrease. Empirical descriptions of the wind intensity reduction as a function of distance from the coastline were proposed in 12-1241, [2-1251, and [2-l5l]. According to [2-1251, the ratios of peak gusts at 50 km, 100 km, and 150 km inland to peak gusts at the coastline are, approximately, 0.90, 0.80, and 0.70, respectively. See also [3-57] to t3-601. A hurricane wind speed record, which clearly indicates the passage of the eye, is shown in Fig. 2.4.7. The nonstationary character of the record of Fig. 2.4.7 is noteworthy, as is the contrast to Fig. 2.3.1. For techniques to characteize turbulent fluctuations for nonstationary records, which are typical of hurricanes but characterize other storms as well, see [A2-14] to [AZ-241. 2.4.4 Thunderstorm Winds The cold air flow which, in a thunderstorm, spreads horizontally over the ground was compared in Sect. 1.3 to a wall jet. Just as in the case of the wall jet, the surface friction retards the spreading flow, which may thus be expected to be similar, near the ground, to an ordinary boundary layer [2-126, 2-127, 2-1281. of particular interest to the designer is the so-calledfrst gust (or gustfront), that is, the wind occurring in a thunderstorm that exhibits a considerable and relatively rapid change of speed and direction (Fig. 2.a.8). Following l}-l}9l and [2-130], the wind speed increase and the time interval during which this TABLE 2.4.3. l0-min Speeds at Various Elevations Corresponding to Maximum 10-min Speed at 9.1 m during Four Tropical Cyclones Height above Ground (m) Wind Speed (m/s) Beryl (12173 12:00) 9.1 59.7 21 19t.4 32 Trixie Beverly Karen 18:30) (3175:2r:O0) (3177; t90O) (2175; 22 28 31 32.5 39.5 41 279.2 390. r 30.5 5l 43.5 48.s 36 34 .57..5 Noto: Nurrrbcrs ilr pirrcrrlltcscs irulit'irtc tltc rrronth, ycar, trrrrl lrorrr ((iM'l') 4ti..5 79 l0 MDIIT f,'l(;tlRl,l 2.4.7 , I Plrl lrrrricrrrrr. wirul sllcctl reconl. I lll n I M( ): it ,l ll lll( I ll( )l,Nl )/\t ty I n., I I n lMr I c. l77m f. 444m '"t ilI t{tl . tt()t ,Nt)nl t:;{)il ()|t nlJ lt()w ty lnyl it tllt( Bl itttc:rvitl A/: (l) rr;t lo l(X) rrr :lltovt' gtrrrrrrtl wirrtls slrt't'tls v:rry wrllr lrt:iglrt irr accortlancc witlr llrt'1o1,:rrrlltrrric lrrw, urrtl (l)) irlxrvr' l(X) lrr llrt'vtrr-ilrti1ll gl wincl spccds witlr hc:iF,lrt is Ircgligiblc. ('t'his is rerrsolrirlrl-y t'orrrplrliblc with the rccords of Fig. 2.4.8.) Ntl rolation betwccn wirrtl spcctls in tlillorcnt rclughness regimes, based on a rational model of the thunclcrstorrrr wind lklw, has been derived so far. To convert thunderstorm wind spccds rccordcd over open terrain into wind speeds over built-up terrain, the samc procedure is used in current practice that is applied to extratropical cyclone winds (Eq. 2.2.26), even though the notions of gradient height and gradient speed have no meaning in the case of thunderstorms. whether or not this practice is acceptable for structural engineering purposes is a question that merits investigation, particularly if it is recalled that, according to [2-131], about one-third of the extreme wind speeds recorded in the United States are associated with thunderstoms. 2.5 ATMOSPHERIC BOUNDARY LAYER EFFECTS ON OCEAN FLOW If suflicient data on wind flows over the ocean are available, it is possible to model the ocean waves induced by those flows. Such modeling is referred to as hindcasting. A vast literature on this topic is available (e.g., see [14-34,p. 5201). b. 90m e. 355m Mechanisms by which kinetic energy is transmitted from the atmospheric boundary layer to the ocean water are exceedingly complex. In some applications one may assume, however, the existence of uniform surface shears at a hypothetical horizontal ocean/atmosphere interface (see Sects. 2.2.2 and 2.2.3). one among many instances were this assumption is used is the recent modeling of wind-induced along-shore ocean currents over bottom topography characterized by comrgations normal to the shore. It was shown in [2-145] that the equations of motion of the wind-induced ocean motions can be represented approximately by the equations * : a. 45m a AyH(x, y, z) -t eg{x, t) d i : - u* H(x. y.;) * 2 : eg(x, z, t) d.266m FIGURE 2.4.8. Thunderstom wind speeds recorded simultaneously at six elevations from 45 m to 444 m above ground near Oklahoma City (courtesy of National Severe cg2()) (2.s.D Storms Laboratory, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration). increase takes place will be referred to as the gust size A,V and the gust length At, respcctively. Depending upon thunclerstorm intcnsity, thc gr-rst sizc rnuy vary appnrxirtr:t{cly l'roltt S ltt/s to 30 rtr/s, whilc lhc gtrst lengtlr nuly rangc ll'otn ir l'cw rrrirrulcs (o ?0 rrrirrrrlt's ()r-s(). 'l'lrc llrtlllrlt'r'slotttt wiltrl tt'trtllls n';xrr'lt'rl irr l.) | lOl r;rr1'1'r':;t ilrrrl rlrlrirrl'tltt' where e is small, x is a basic along-shorc specd, y is proportional to the outol-phase component of a strcarn lirnction lilr rnoli<tn due to the topography, z is thc cnergy-cnstropy, ancl ,(r ,tj, = ,:r t r1y ,.\'. ,(r I t\tl. ,. 1,, I {r l)1r,, I tltll (l-5 l) 82 lltt AIM(xitlll tito tlot,Nt)nny tAvt H(x, y, z) : j.y" + zx t ,l(r,lil n r:).*' 1t'r1l;xn, nt I I nt N(it ,1; =I tD'l 2ll 2-12 and where 6 is the amplitude of the bottom topography comrgations, er is a friction coefficient related to the eddy viscosity of the ocean flow, and €ze and er(t) arc, respectively, the steady and fluctuating wind stress at the ocean surface. The wind stress fluctuations of interest in this problem correspond to the very low frequencies studied in [2-1431. Reflecting the effect of the bottom comrgations, Eqs. 2.5.1 form a bistable system capable of chaotic behavior even if the fluctuating wind stress is assumed to be harmonic, as was done in 2-13 12-t451. The model used in [2-145] becomes more realistic if it is assumed that the wind speed fluctuations are random, rather than harmonic. Using chaotic dynamics techniques developed in [6-101], and van der Hoven's results on the spectra of low-frequency wind speed fluctuations [2-143], the case of random wind excitation was studied in [2-146]. Among other results, [2-146] provides estimates of lower bounds for the probability that during a specified time interval, the amplitudes of the wind-induced fluctuating currents do not exceed a safe threshold associated with the barrier of the unforced system's double potential well. REFERENCES 2-l 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 2-1 2-8 H. Schlichting, Boundary Layer Theory, McGraw-Hill, New york, 1960. L. T. 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Kristensen, H. A. Panofsky, and S. D. Smith, "Lateral Coherence of Longitudinal Wind Components in Strong Winds," Bound. lnyer Meteorol., 2L (le8l). le9-205. 2-82 2-83 C. F. Ropelewski, H. Tennekes, and H. A. Panofsky, "Horizontal Coherence of Wind Fluctuations,' Bound. Inyer Meteorol., 5 (1975),353-363. S. Berman and C. R. Steams, "Near-Earth Turbulence and Coherence Measurements at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md.," Bound. lnyer Meteorol., ll (1977),485 506. 2-81 J. Kunrlu antl Il, Iloylc:s. "Fuflhcr Consitlcrrtion ol'lhc llcighl l)cpcntk:ncc ol tlrc l{rrol ('oltt'r't'trt't' irr llrc Nllrrrrrl Wirrtl." Ilttiltl. l'.ttvit,,rr l.l (l()711). 175 I tt'1 nt IIIu t{(.1 r, a7 I t'i-5 It. l'1 . llllrl , A N'lt 'tt 2-tJ6 Vr'tlicrtl ('oltt'r'r'ttct ol Wurrl Mt';rsrlr'tl irr lrn (Jr-ban Ilorrrttl:ry l.;r-yt'r. llttuurl. lrtt,tr Mtlttttttl ., t) 1l()/-\). 1.17. G. Il.. 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Cohen, "Dynamic Response of Tall Flexible Structures to Wind Loading," Proceedings, Technical Meeting Conceming Wind Loads on Buildings and Structures, Building Science Series BSS 30, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC, 1970, pp. 115-128. 2-93 2-94 P. Sachs, Wind Forces in Engineering 2d ed., Pergamon, New York, 1978. H. A. Panofsky and A. A. Townsend, "Change of Terrain Roughness and the Wind Profile," J. Royal Meteorol. Soc., 90 (1964), 147 155. 2-95 P. A. Taylor, "On Wind and Shear Stress Profiles above a Change in Surface Roughness," J. Royal Meteorol. Soc., 95 (1969), 77-91. 2-96 E. W. Peterson, "Modification of Mean Flow and Turbulent Energy by a Change in Surface Roughness under Conditions of Neutral Stability," J. Royal Meteorol. Soc., 95 (1969), 561-515. 2-97 R. A. Antonia and R. E. Luxton, "The Response of a Turbulent Boundary Layer to a Step Change in Surface Roughness, Part I, Smooth to Rough," -/. Fluid Mech. , 48, (1971), 121-161. 2-98 C. C. 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"A Wrrrrl lrrrrrrt'l lrrvt'sligrrtion ol'lhc Winrl Spccd itlttl 'l'ttrltttlcttcc ('ltltntt lt'rslrr :, ( 'lo:.r' lo llrt ( irrrrrrtl ovt'r' Virriotrs lisr'trrprrrclrl ,Slr:r1rcs," liltruttl. ltt\\'t i'lt'tt't'rr,l l.t, tlt, l/1. .t"t1 .t71, BB ilil ntMo: ;t,t lll(:l()uNt)Altyl/\\ttl r.r( '2-104 I'. S..lltt'ksott ltrltl .l ('. ll. llrrrrt. "'lurlrrilcrrl l;low ovcr it l.()w llil. .l lirttttl Mclrontl. Jar'., l0l (1975), ().)t) ()\'l 2-105 W. Frost, J. IL. Matrs, rttttl (i. ll. l'it'lrl. "A lllrntlary l,aycl Anulysis ol' Atmospheric Motion Ovcra Scrrri lilliplit'rrl Srrllrrcc Obstruction." l*tuntl. 2tvcr Meteorol., 7 (1974), 165-184. 2-106 P' A. Taylor, "Numerical Studics ol'Ncutrally Stratitied Planetary Bounclary Layer Flow Above Gentle Topography," Bountl. Layer Meteorol., 12 (1977), 37-60. H. Ngrstrud, "wind Flow over Low Arbitrary Hills, " Bound. Inyer Meteorol. , 23 (1982) rt5-124. 2-lo7 2- 108 P. J. Mason and R. I. sykes, "Flow over an Isolated Hill of Moderate J. Royal Meteorol. Soc., 105 (1979), 383-395. 2 lo9 2-ll0 2-lll Slope, " P. S. Jackson, "A Theory for Flow over Escarpments," in proceerlings oJ the Fourth International Conference on Wind Effects on Buildings aml Structures, London, 1975, Cambridge Univ. press, Cambridge, 1976, pp. 33 40. N. o. Jensen and E. V. Peterson, "on the Escarpment wind profile, " J. Royal Meteorol. Soc., lO4 (1978), jl9-j28. F. Bradley, "An Experimental Study of the profiles of wind Speed, Shearing Hil1," "/. Royal Meteorol. soc., Stress and rurbulence at the crest of a Large 106 (1980), 101-123. 2-ll2 2-ll3 R. E. Britter, J. C. R. Hunt, and K. J. Richard, ..Air Flow Over a Two_ Dimensional Hill. studies of Velocity Speed-up, Roughness Ell'ects and rurbulence," J. Royal Meteorol. Soc., l07, (1981), 9l-110. G. J. Jenkins et al., "Measurements of the Flow Structure arouncl Ailsa Craig, a Steep, Three-Dimensional Isolated Hill," "/. Royal Meteorol. soc., r07 (l9gl), 833 851. 2-ll4 c. Sacr6, "An Experimental study of the Air Flow over a Hill in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer," Bound. Loyer Meteorot., 17 (lgjg),3g1_401. 2-ll5 T. Hauf and G. Neumann-Hauf, "Turbulent wind Fkrw over an Embankment," Bound. ktyer Meteorol., 24 (1982),351 369. 2-116 S. L. Rosenthal, A Theoretical Analysis of the Fie kl ol'Motiptt in the Hurricune Boundary zrzyer, National Hurricane Research pro.iccr, Ilcp.rl No. 56, u.s. Department of Commerce, Washington, DC, 1962. 2-ll7 R. K. smith, "The surface Boundary Layer of a Hurricanc,' 'l't,llus,20 (196g), 413-484. 2-ll8 G. F. carrier, A. L. Hammoncl and o. D. George, "A M.dcl of the Mature Hurricane," J. Fluid Mech., 47 (1971), 145-1j0. 2-ll9 E. Simiu, "variation of Mean winds in Hurricanes," J. Eng. Mech. Div., ASCE, 100, No. EM4, Proc. paper 10692 (Aug. 1974) 833_837. 2-120 E. Simiu, V. c. Patel, and J. F. Nash, "Mean wind proliles in Hurricanes.,' J. Eng. Mech. Div., ASCE, 102, No. EM2, proc. papcr 12044 (April 1976), 265-213. 2-l2l Survey of Meleorologicttl Frtttors Partincnt to Rt'tlut,tirn of Lpss sf'Lifc und Propcrty in Hurricutrt' Siluttlitn.r, Nutionul Flurricanc Rcscarch prgjcct Rcp6r1 No' 5, tJ.S. l)cP:trltttt'ttl ol ('onttttcrcc. Wclrlhcr Ilurcur.r, WasIirrgl1trr, IX', March l()57 .t r, Bg l(..1. Wilsorr. "( lr;rr:rtlt.risl i(.s ()l lll(.srrlrr.lorrtl l.:ryt.l Wrrrrl Slrut.lrue irr'l'r.op lclrl ('.yt lorr,'s,' llrrrt'lrrr ol Mclt'" l)r.lrt . ol irlrtl 'l'cchnology, Mcllrottlttc, I'lt'Jr:tli'tl lirr Ittlcrttationirl ('orrli'rr'rrr't'on'llo;lrcul (lyclones, Perth, Austlllilr. Nov- l()7(). 2-123 Srnthcn Stt,tthtrd Buildittg Ci,rlr, llirrrrirrgltrrrr, Ala., 1965, p. l2_5. 2 124 w. Malkin, Filling ond Intensity Changt:; irr Hurricanes over Lanj, National Hurricane Research Pnrject, Report No. 34, u.s. Department of Commerce, I lll Washington, DC, 1959. 2-125 J. L. Goldman and r. Ushiyima, "Decrease in Maximum Hurricane winds afterLandfall ,".1. Struct. Div., ASCE, 100, No. STI, proc. paper 10295 (Jan. t974), t29 t4l. 2-126 M. B. Glauert, "The Wall Jet," J. Fluid Mech., f (1956) 625. 2-127 P. Bakke, "An Experimenral Investigarion of a wall |et, J. Fluid Mech.,2 (.t957) 467. 2-128 J. Bumham and M. J. Colmer, On lnrge Rapid Wintl Ftuctuations Wich Occur when the wind Had Previously Been Light , Technical Report No. 69261 Royal , Aircraft Establishment, Famborough, U.K., 1969. 2-129 M. J. colmer, "on the Character of rhunclerstorm Gust-Fronts," Technical Report Aero 1316, Royal Aircraft Establishment, Famborough, U.K., 1971. 2-l3o R. w. Sinclair, R. A. Anthes, andH. A. panofsky, variationof the LowLevel winds During the Passing of a Thunderstorm Gust Franr, NASA Contractor Report No. CR-2289, 1913. 2-l3l H. c. s. Thom, "New States, .r. Struct. 1801 Distributions of Extreme wind speeds in the United Div., ASCE, No. ST7, proc paper 603g (July 196g), l7g7_ . 2-132 S. D. Smith, "wind Stress and Heat Flux over the ocean in Gale Force Winds," J. Phys. Oceanography, l0 (May l98O),'709-726. 2-133 L. Knigermeyer, M. Gninewald, and M. Dunckel, "The Influence of Sea Waves on the Wind Profile," Bound. lnyer Meteorot.,14(lg7g),403 414. 2-134 T. von Kiirmein, "Progress in the Statistical rheory of rurbulence ," proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., Washington, DC (1948), 530-539. 2-135 w. R. Krayer and R. D. Marshall, "Gust Factors Applied to Hurricane winds," Bull. Am. Meteorol. Soc., 73 (1992), 613-6lj. 2-136 J. Bidtry, Personal communication. 1981. 2-137 R. I. Harris, "The Nature of wind, in The Modern Design of wirul-sensitive Structures, Construction Industry Research ancl Information Association. Lon- don, U.K., 197 l. 2-138 D. M. Deaves, "computations of wind Flow over changes in surface Roughness," J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerdyn., 7 (1981), 65-94. 2-139 ASCE 7-95 standard, Minimum Desil4rt Loads for Buildings arul other struc,ure.s, American Socicty o1'Civil E,nginccrs, New york, 1995. 2-140 R. L Harris, "Sorttc litrflhcr 'l'lrorrglrls on thc Spcctrum of Gustiness in Strong Winds," J. Wind l,)n,q. ltttl. .'lt,trnlltr. ll. (1990). 461 461 2-l4l Y. Tamura, K. Shilrrlulrr, :rrrrl lr.. llilri, "Wirrtl l{csponsc o{'a 'lirwcr ('l'yphtxrn Obscrvation al thc N:tglrs:rki llrrr:, li'rr llrsr'lr l)orrrlorcrr)," .1. Witrtl lin.4. ltrt!. . Acnrl. . -50 ( l9().1). .1O() l lti 90 lltf n tMOSI,I l nt(; nouNl)nny tAyt n 2-142 A. I). Pcrcira, M. ('. (i. Silvrr, l). X. Vtr'1,',irs, ruttl A. (i. I-opcs, "Wilul 'l'Lrnncl Sirnulatiorr ol'thc likrw arourttl 'l'wo I)irrcrrsionul l-lills," .1. Wirul lhtg. lnd. CHAPTER 3 Aerod., 38 (1991), lO9-122. 2-143 I. Van de Hoven, "Powcr Spcc:(rurrr ol' Wintl Vclocity Fluctuations in the Frequency Range fiom 0.0007 to 9(X) (lyclcs pcr Hour, " J . Meteor. , 14 (1957), 1254-t255. 2-144 J. Ashcroft, "The Relationship betwccn the Gust Ratio, Terrain Gust Duration and the Hourly Mean Speed," J. Roughness, Wind Eng. Ind. Aerod.,53 (r994). 33 l-355. 2-145 J. S. Allen, R. M. Samelson, and P. A. Newberger, "Chaos in an Model of Forced Quasi-geostrophic Flow over Topography: An Application of Melnikov's Method," J. Fluid Mech., 226 (1991), 5ll*547. 2-146 E. Simiu, "Melnikov Process for Stochastically Perturbed Slowly Varying Oscillators: Application to a Model of Wind-Driven Coastal Currents," J. Applied Mech., ASME 63 (June 1996),429-435. 2-141 S. Krenk, "Wind Field Coherence and Dynamic Wind Forces," Proceedings, IUTAM Symposium on Advances in Nonlinear Stochastic Mechanics (A. Naess, ed.), Trondheim, Norway, July 1995. 2-148 J. Mann, "The Spatial Structure of Neutral Atmospheric Surface-Layer Turbulence," J. Fluid Mech.,273 (1994), l4l-168. 2-149 J. Mann, "Fourier Simulation of a Non-Isotropic Wind Field Model,"' in Structural Safety and Reliability, (G. Schueller, M. Shinozuka and J. Yao, eds.), pp. 1669-1614, Bakkema, Rotterdam, 1994. 2-150 J. Blessman, O vento na engenharia estrutural, Editora da Universidade, Universidade Federal de Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brasil, 1996. 2-151 J. Kaplan and M. DeMaria, J. Appl. Met.,34 (Nov. 1995), 2499*2512. EXTREME WIND CLIMATOLOGY Climatology may be defined as a set of probabilistic statements on long-term weather conditions. The branch of climatology that specializes in the study of winds is referred to as wind climatology. Wind climatology provides the designer and the code writer with information on the extreme winds that might affect a structure during its lifetime.* Such information is required for making rational decisions on the magnitude of the wind loads to be used in design. This chapter is devoted to a review of problems involved in the description of the wind climate for structural design purposes and in the development of criteria for the definition of design wind speeds. Procedures for estimating extreme winds are presented, and the uncertainties inherent in these procedures are discussed. Some of the material included herein is heavily dependent upon probabilistic and statistical notions and tools. These are presented in some detail in Appendix A1. The reliability of climatological statements based on the analysis of extreme wind speed data is clearly dependent upon the quality of the data. This topic is discussed in Sect. 3.1. The question of the prediction of extreme wind speeds in well-behaved wind climates and in hurricane-prone regions is dealt with in Sects. 3.2 and 3.3, respectively. The dependence of extreme wind speeds upon direction is discussed in Sect. 3.4. Information on the frequency of occurrence of tornado winds of various intensities in the United States is presented in Sect. 3.5. In the United States surfacc wirxl spoocls rcpofted by the Weather Service have traditionally been exprossc(l itt tttilcs pcr hour (l mph : O.447 m/s). In *Wincls othcr than thoso ol'inlcrcsl t5. lirrn lr slrr( lurrl sirlr'ly vicwpoittt will bc rlcalt wilh in Chaptor 91 I X llil Ml wlNI) ( il tMn :t I wlNt):it ,l lt) l)n tn t( )l ( x iY ltt' lrt'rlrrrrrlly t'xplt'ssul irt rlrrrlrt'rrl rrrlt's (I nuli - l.l5 rnilc). Iior corrve:rricrrcc, wlrt'r't'lrpPnrplirrtc:, lhcsc trnils will rrlso Itrtrriclrttc-rollr(ctl wot'k, lt:rrgllts 'l'Alll,lt J.l.l. ('orn.t.liorrs lo Spt't'tls lrrtliclrlc:tl be used herein. By 3-Cup "S" 1'ypc Anemometer, mph 3.1 WIND SPEED DATA To provide useful information on the wind climate at a given location, wind speed data recorded at that location must be reliable and must constitute a micrometeorologically homogeneous set. lrrrlie:rlc<t Wirrrl Sllctrls l-l-21 By 4-Cup Anemometer, mph [Up to 31 Dec, [1928-l93l"l ob-rc 1g2l"l Whole Miles per Hour ob-g t7-26 +l 9-12 27-35 l3-16 36,44 45-52 t7-20 2t-24 53-61 3.1.1 Reliability of Wind Speed Data . The instrumentation used for obtaining the data (i.e. , the sensor and the recording system) may be assumed to have performed adequately and was properly calibrated. If it can be determined that the calibration was not adequate, the data must be adjusted-whenever the information needed for that purpose is available. I Example The following information is excerpted from [3-l] regarding the 5-minute winds given in the original U.S. Weather Bureau records taken before 1932 "Up to 31 December 1921 , all recorded wind speeds were the uncorrected readings of 4-cup anemometers. From 1928 through 193 1, all speeds from the older 4-cup anemometers were corrected to agree with the readings of the 3-cup instruments, then being introduced, readings from which were not corrected to true speeds. From I January 1932 onward all readings, whether from 3- or 4-cup anemometers, were already corrected to true speed in the original records." Official U.S. Weather Bureau instructions fbr the correction of 3- and 4-cup anemometer readings are given in Table 3.1.1, which is excerpted from [3-2], and whose use will now be illustrated. At Williston, N.D., the original readings of the maximum 5-minute wind in 1922 and 1930 on record at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration are 56 mph and 37 mph, respectively. Using the corrections of Table 3 . I . I , the true speeds (according to U.S. Weather Bureau calibrations) are 56 - l2 - 44 mph and 37 - 2 : 35 mph, respectively. 2. The sensor was exposed in such a way that it was not influenced by local flow effects due to the proximity of an obstruction (e.g., building top, or instrument support). For most U.S. weather stations, the existence of such an obstruction during the period of record is noted, in principle, in Local Climatological Data Summary sheets (LCD Summaries) issued by the Environmental Data Scrvicc ol'thc National C)ccanic and Atmospheric Admlnistration l3-31. 3. 'l'hc: lrlrrxrsplrt'r'ic slrlrtilit'irtion lrray bc: 97-t05 25-28 29-32 33-36 37-39 40-43 44-47 106-1 14 48-5 I tt5-122 r33-139 52-54 55-58 59-62 140-149 63-65 62-70 Wind speed data may be considered to be reliable if: assurrretl lo havc hccn rrcrrtr:rl. 'l'his Corrections in 7 t-79 80-87 88-96 123-132 150-r57 66-69 158-166 70-73 t6t 174 175-184 74-77 78-80 r85-192 193-2(n 8l-84 85-88 89-9r 92-95 96-99 100- 103 104-106 107-t l0 I I l-114 I l5-1 l7 1 l8-l2l 122-125 126-128 129-132 33- 136 t37 -140 "Reference [3- l]. 'Movement of anemometer cups obst.rvt.rl 0 -l -J -4 -5 -6 -l -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -t9 -20 -21 1a -23 -24 -25 -26 a1 -28 -29 *30 -31 *32 r - J-t l4t-t43 -34 - 3-5 I x tltl Ml wlNt) ( il tM/\ t( )l ( )( iy 94 ;llMAll()ll llsstlllll)ti()ll is itcccp(itblc lirl witrtl spcctls;rt lO rrr;rlrovt'glorrrrtl irr opcll lcll-irirr in cxccss ol'2-5 rnph rlr so (scc Scct. 2.2.-5). 3.1.2 Micrometeorological Homogeneity of Wind Speed Data A set of wind speed data is referred to herein as micrometeorologically homogeneous if all the data belonging to the set may be considered to have been obtained under identical or equivalent micrometeorological conditions. These conditions are determined by the following factors, which brictly cliscussed below: . wiil be Avcrirgirrg tirnc (i.c., whcther highest gust, fastest mile, one-minute avt'r:rgc, livc nlinulc avcragc, etc., was recorded). o Ilciglrl irl'rovc gnrurrtl. . l{orrglrrrc:ss ol' surnlunding tcrrain (exposure). . Avantging 'l'ime. If various averaging times have been used during the pcriod o1'rccord, the data must be adjusted to a common averaging time. This can be done by using Eq. 2.3.31 and Tables 2.2.1 and2.3.3, or Fig. 2.3.10. (For hurricane wind speeds, see also Sect. 2.4.3.) Data averaged over short time intervals, such as highest gusts or fastest miles, may in certain cases be affected by stronger than usual local turbulence effects, and thus provide a somewhat distorted picture of the intensity of the mean winds. In principle, it is desirable, therefore, that the data used for the description of the wind climate be averages over relatively long periods, say five minutes or so. However, owing to the current data collection policy of the u.S. National weather Service and the availability of 3-s gust speed data at a large number of stations in the United States, the ASCE 7-95 Standard lz-1391 uses 3-s gust speeds at lO-m elevation as basic wind speeds.* 2. Height above Ground. If during the period of record thc erevation of the I anemometer has been changed, the data must be adjusted to a common elevation as follows: Let the roughness length and the zero plane displaccment be denoted by z6 and 27, respectively (zo and za are parameters that clefinc the roughness of terrain; see Sect. 2.2). For strong winds (i.e., with speecls cxceeding l0 m/s or so), the relation between the mean speeds u(ar) and u(z) over horizontal terrain of uniform roughness at elevation z1 and Z2 above ground, respectively, can be written as xThe National Weather Service and the Federal Aviation Administration are currently implementing the Automated Surface Observing System (ASOS). It is anticipated that by the year 2000 there will be 1700 ASOS units in operation. The ASOS anemomctcr reading is sensed once a second. Every fivc sccttnds it rlnning ilvcnlgL- is eomputcd, which is rclorrctl kr as a (igsl. A 2-rninute running avcrilgc ol thc 5 s irvcrllgcs is irlso conrprrlctl lrrrtl is rrst'il rrs rr rrrcirsrrrc ol thc prcvailirrg winrl.'l'ltt'st'tltoiccs rtl:rvt'nrgirrg lirrrc wcle rlct'lrrcrl t() l)('nr()sl rrsr.lrrl lor:rvilrlion purJxrscs l.l (rl{ 1 . rrl r 'ilttl Ml wlNl I l(.'.tl ( /(;'. ,) r:;t,t tll:; tN wt lt ttt ltnvt t) (,t lMn il: lnf(;, lrrl(i, ;',,111:ul r95 (3. r. r) :'.,111;'.qyl Equation 3. l. I lirllows clircctly from Eqs. 2.2.18 ;ttd 2.2.22. For open terrain : O, and the values ol' the roughness lcngth 2,, can bc taken from Table 2.2.1. The power law (Eq. 2.2.26 and Table 2.2.2) may be used in lieu of Eq. 3.1.1. As noted in sect.2.2.3, considerable uncertainties subsist with regard to the values of the roughness parameters in built-up terrain. Good judgment and experience are required to keep the errors inherent in the subjective estimation of the roughness parameters within reasonable bounds. It is clearly advisable to investigate in individual cases the effect of such possible errors upon the predictions of extreme wind speeds. Za 3. Roughness of surrounding Terrain In many cases anemometer locations have been changed during the period of record, for example, from a town to a neighboring airport station. The corresponding records can, in principle, be adjusted to a common terrain roughness by using the similarity model (Eqs. 2.2.29 and 2.2.31 and rable 2.2.3) described in Secr. 2.2. As indicated in sect.2.4.1 , this model may be assurned to be applicable in horizontal terrain at each station the terrain roughness is reasonably uniform over a distance from the anemometer of about 100 times the anemometer elevation. In terrain in which sheltering effects by small-scale obstacles are present, the data may be adjusted by using a procedure presented in [3-4]. A situation commonly encountered in practice is one in which, while the if anemometer may not have been moved, the roughness of the terrain surrounding the anemometer has changed significantly over the years as a result of extensive land development. In such situations the adjustment of the data to a common roughness may pose insurmountable problems, unless detailed information on the phases of the land development is available. Anemometer elevation and location changes are listed for most u.S. weather stations in Local Climatological Data Summaries t3-31. wind climatological information for various locations around the world is available in [3-77 , 3-78]. 3.2 ESTIMATION OF EXTREME WIND SPEEDS IN WELL-BEHAVED CLIMATES Infrequent winds (e.g., hurricanes) that are meteorologically distinct from and considerably stronger than the usual annual extremes are referred to herein as extraordinary winds. climates in which extraordinary winds may not be expected to occur are ref'erred to us wr'l/ ltehuvctl. In such climates it is reasonable to assume that each of thc tlrrt:r in rr st''s ol'thc largest annual wind speeds contributcs to the dcscripliott ol'llrc plrb;rbilis( it'l'rr.rhlrvirlrof the extreme winds. A statistical analysis ol'sttclt rt st'tir's r'lrrr llrt'rt'lir.t' bc cxpcclcd t<l yicld uscful prctlictions ol' l<lng*lorrrr wirrtl t.xllt.rrrr.:, 'l'htrs, in tt wcll-hchltvtrtl t'lirrrrrlt',:r( :nrv 1'rvcrr st;rliorr ir rirrrtkrn virrilrblt'rrlry 96 I x tilt N/lt wtNl) (.1 lMn l( )l { )( l:lllMnllillt 'Y bc tlclirrr,tl, wlticlr corrsisls ol tlrc l:rrIr':;l yt':rrly wtrrtl sllcctl. ll llrr'sllr(rorr ts 9pc lirr wIich wiltrl rccortls ()vcl lt rrrrtttlrt't ol tttttset'tllit'c yoilrs ittt'lrvltil:rble:, thcn thc cuntulativc dislributiolr lirrrclion (('ll1'1 ol'tlris ritrlclottt vllriitlllr-: tttay be estimated to charactcrizc thr: pnrblbilistit' bcltitvi<lr of thc largcst annual wind speeds. The basic clesign wintl spectl is thcn dclincd as the speed corresponding to a specified value p ol' thc Cl)lr or, cquivalently, to a specified mean recurTence interval N.* R wind cttrrcsponding to an /V-year mean recurrence interval is commonly referred to as the N-year wind. This section is devoted to the question of estimating (1) the CDF of the largest annual speeds and (2) errors inherent in the wind speed predictions. Such errors include, in addition to those associated with the quality of the data (sec Sect. 3.1), modeling errors and sampling errors. Modeling errors are due to an inadequate choice of the probabilistic model itself. Sampling errors are a consequence of the limited size of the samples from which the distribution parametcrs are estimated and become, in theory, vanishingly small as the sample size increases indefinitely. 3.2.1 Probabilistic Modeling of Largest Yearly Wind Speeds Extreme wind speeds inferred from any given sample of wind speed data depend on the type of distribution on which the inferences are based. For large mean recurrence intervals (".g., N > 50 years) estimates based on the assumption that a Type II distribution is valid are higher than corresponding estimates obtained by using a Type I distribution, while estimates based on af reverse Weibull distribution wittL tail length parameter ^Y < 15 , say, are lower. According to [3-5], extreme winds in well-behaved climates may be assumed : 9. However, to be best modeled by a Type II distribution with p : 0 and 7 subsequent research has shown that this assumption is not borne out by analyses of extreme wind speed data f3-6, 3-1 , 3-91. In [3-6] , 37 year-series of 5-minute largest yearly speeds measured at stations with well-behaved climates were ruUi""t"A to the probability plot correlation coefficient test (see Sect. A1.6) to determine the tail length parameter of the best fitting distribution of the largest values. Of these series, 72% were best fit by Type I distributions or by Type distributions with "v : 13 (which differ insignificantly from the Type I distribution); ll% by Type II distributions with 7 < ^Y < 13; and 17% by Type II distribution with 2 = I I 7. Virtually the same percentages were obtained in [3-7] from the analysis of sets of 3'7 data generated by the Monte Carlo simulation from a population with a Type I distribution. On the other hand, the analysis of sets generated by Monte Carlo simulation from a Type II distribution with tail length parameter 7 : 9 led to percentages differing II *Rccall that lV: tlf f ' 7r) (scc Appcntlix Al,Irq. Al-). lDifl'crcnccr hctwccrr spet:tls cslirrrirlctl ott lltc basis ol T'ypc II tlistributions rntl lhc -l'ypc I tlisll'ibrrlion ilttrt'rrst.lrs.y tlcclclrsr's. l)illi'rcrrt'cs hclwcctt s;rt:ctls lt:tsctl on lhc'l'ypt I tlisllilrtlliott :uxl rcvt'rse Wt'ilrrrll rlislrilrttliotrs rtlso irtt tt':tse its 1 tlt't'rrl:tst's ot t"lltt Mt WtNt):;t,t tlrl ; lNt Wt lttililnvt tr(.t tMAilti 97 sigrrilicirnlly ltttltt lltost' r onr'sporrtlirrg to tlrc irclrrirl wirrtl spcc:tl tltrlir. ()rr thc basis ol'thcsc t'csrllls il r'rrrr lrt'conliclcntly statcd that in woll-bchavccl clirlates cxtrcmc wintl spr:ctls lrlt' rrrotle lctl rn<lre realistically by thc Type I than by the Typc II distributiorr with ^y ,., 9. This conclusion was reinforced by studies reported in [3-9], in which tcchniques similar to those of [3-7] were used in conjunction with wind speed data at one hundred U.s. weather stations listed in [3-9]. As indicated earlier, the Type I distribution results in lower estimates of the extreme wind speeds than the Type II distribution with 7 : 9. An interesting result obtained in [,{1-36] is that at most stations in the United States even the Type I distribution appears to be an unduly severe model of the wind speeds corresponding to large mean recurrence intervals; at these stations a better fit to the data is obtained by reverse weibull distributions (see also end of Appendix Al). Thus, structural reliability calculations based on the assumption that the Type I distribution holds are in most cases conservative [Al-36]. For this reason we will assume in this section that the Type I distribution model holds. The degree of conservation inherent in this assumption is generally modest for basic (5O-year) speeds, but it can be very significant for wind speeds corresponding to nominal ultimate wind loads, i.e., 5O-year wind loads multiplied by a wind load factor (see Sect. A.3.3). 3.2.2 Estimation of and Confidence lntervals for the N-year Wind: Numerical Example It is shown in Sect. Al.7 that, given a set of data with a Type I extreme value underlying distribution, several techniques can be used to estimate the paramof the distribution and, hence, the value of the variate corresponding to a given mean recurrence interval.* However, inherent in these estimates are sampling errors. A measure of the magnitude of the latter can be obtained by calculating confidence intervals for the quantity being estimated, that is, intervals of which it can be stated-with a specified confidence that the statement is correct-that they contain the true, unknown value of that quantity. Techniques that can be used to estimate the N-year wind, and confidence intervals for the N-year wind, are discussed in some detail in Sect. A1.7. one of these techniques is presented and illustrated below. Using the approximation -ln[-ln(1 - l/N)] = ln N, it follows from Eq. Al .74 (which is based on the method of moments) that the estimated value Dp of the N-year wind u1y is eters 0N = X I 0.78(lnN - 0.577)s (3.2.1) where X and s are, respcctivcly, rlrrr sirrrrplc rncarn and the sample standard deviation of the largest ycarly wilrtl spt'erls lirr (hc pcriod of recorcl. *InAppendixAlthisvalucistlcrxrh.rl lry(i,q711,rllrr.rr./r I inlcrval, In this chaptcr lhc trottrliolr (i,( I l/N I r,. r,, rrr,r.rl l/N:rrxl Nisllrt, 1rt.ir1 t1.(.rtrroncc IXIlilMl I i;llMn ll()t\t wlNl)(.1 lMnl()l ()(iY l.& + l.46tln ru - O.SZtl the results of lines (l) and (2) ol"rable 3.2.1are small.'rhis is consistent with the conclusion of Sect. Al.7 that the e{iiciency of the method of moments (Eq. 3.2.1) is generally adequate for structural design purposes. In Table 3.2.1 the errors in the estimation of the 50-year wind are of the order of lo% at the 95% confidence level. Since the wind pressures are proportional to the wind speeds (see Chapter 4), the corresponding errors in the estimation of the pressures are of the order of 2O%. An altemative approach to accounting for sampling errors, which applies the theorem of total probability, is suggested in [3-51]. To reduce sampling errors, [3-8] resorted to the consolidation of records from different stations, thereby creating "superstations" with large sample sizes. This approach, if valid, would be quite attractive: for example, the information yielded by a "superstation" consolidating 2o-year records taken at 100 stations would be equivalent to information yielded by a 2000-year record. However, according to [A1-15], statistical tests did not validate the "superstation" concept for extreme wind analyses based on peak gust speeds. For that concept to be valid, the population distributions for the station records being consolidated would have to be identical, and in addition those records would have to be mutually uncorrelated. In general, the first of these conditions cannot be assumed a priori to be true. Second, if the records consist of peak gust speeds, the observed lack of correlation between records taken at different stations may be spurious; that is, it would be likely to occur even if the corresponding mean wind speed records were well correlated. The apparent lack of correlation would be an artifact due to the strong random variability of the ratios between gust speeds and mean speeds. For these reasons the "superstation" concept may yield inadequate results. In our opinion this is likely to be reflected in the quality of the wind speed map specified by the ASCE 7-95 Standard [9-5], which is based largely on the "superstation" concept applied to peak gust speed records. I l.l(ln rV - O'S;Zt'l'' ,/n ; (3.2.2) wlrt't'c rt is thc samPle size. Example At Great Falls, Montana, the largest yearly fastest-mile wind speeds :34) were rrt l0 rrr above ground during the period 1944-1971 (sample sizen l3-t)l: 51, 65, 62, 58, &, 65, 59, 65, 59, 60, 64, 65,'73, 60, 61, 50, 74 60, 66, 55, 51, 60, 55, 60, 51,51,62,51,54,52,59,56,52' 49 (mph). The sample mean and the sample standard deviation for these data are X:'5g mph and s : 6.41mph. From Eqs. 3.2.1 and3.2.2 it follows that for N : 50 years and N : 1000 Years' = 76 mph |wn = 91 mPh lso : SD(irooo) = SD(i5o) 3'7 mph 6'4 mph As shown in Sect. A1.7, the probabilities that u vl is contained in the intervals 68%' 0v1 + SD(01y), 0n t zsD(|il, and 0p + 3SD(0,'v) are approximately 95%, 68%, the gi%, ana 99%, respectively. These intervals are referred to as Great 34-year the and 99% confidenci intervals for u7, and are shown fbr Falls sample in row 1 of Table 3.2.1. It is also shown in Sect. A1.7 that the width of the confidence intervals can 3-2.3 Methods for Estimating the Extreme speeds at Locations with TABLE 3.2.1. confidence Intervals for the N-year wind at Great Falls Mean recunence s0 interval, N (years) lnsufficient Largest Yearly Wind Speed Data 95% 687 Confidencc level 50 1000 1000 1000 50 (1) Estimated by method of moments (2) Estinratcd using C.R. lowcr bounil 76 6.4 16 + 1.4 9l + 12.8 76 + I l.l 9l I5.0 '76 r + 3.1 9l + 76 I .l.l 6.2 gg bc rctlLtcctl il it lttott't'lltr'rt'ttl t'slitturtor is uscd; lurwcvrrr', llrc intcrvals cannol bc trarnrwcr lltirtt tlrrst' ohlrrirrr'tl by using the Crarrcr,llacl (C.R.) lower bouncl (Eq.Al.77). tt<tr tlrr: (irt:;rt Irlrlls sltnple, the confidence intervals based on the latte r are shown in linc (2) ol 'l'ablc 3.2.1. lt is seen that the differences between As Prt.vipttsly rurlctl, irtltr.:tcrr( iil lltt't':-lrlrItlt':; ol l'1u 11t'q s:tttlpllttl', t'ltot:.. ll lirllows l.nrrrr I')t1s' n I 76 lrrrtl Al'/o (wlritlr:tlt'lrltst'tl ott lltc: tttcllrotl ol ttttr llcllls) llrirt thc staurlanl tlovialiorr ol tltt'srtttplirtg ert'tlt's in thc cslilrr:rtiolt ol r',y cln hc writtcn as .\1)0r^) -- 0.781 ()t I i: ilil [It wtNt) :;l'l I t)t; lN wt il ilt ilAV' t) (]t lMn il ti 9l I lO.O 7(r I (). \ 9l + 19.2 ()l Il5.o There are about one hundred u.S. weather stations for which reliable and relatively long wind speed records arc available (e.g., records overperiods of 20 years or more). Some of thcsc sl:rlions c()vcr arcas of tens of thousands of square miles, over which-lilr rrrc(t:onrkrgical rcasons or owing to topographic effects-the extreme wincl clirrrrrtt' is rrol rrt't'r,ssirrily uniform. Thcre arises therefore in practice thc prohlcrrr ol t'slirrrrrlirrl'('xll('tn(: wintl spcccls at various locations where long-tcntt t'ccottls ol llrc l:rr1'r':rl yt'lrll_y witrtl spcctl tlutl tlo 191 exisf. lo0 txiltt Mt wtNt)ct tMnt()t ((iy r:' Ir;ilMAil()N ()t I . |ltt Estimates Of Extreme Wind Speerls lrr a Marirrc EnvirOnmenl. l{t'lcrt'rtt't' (o clt'l'y ottt sttt'lt 1.1-l ll lists ilrrcer rrrcllrorls tlrir( ,iu1', ur lrrrrrt rplt', :rvltilitblc spcccls lltt' cxltctttc itte itssot'iltlctl wltt'tt' cnvirorrrttcrtls lilr lrrarinc cstitnatcs 'l'hc inlorrnlrkcs usc ttl'climattlltlgical lirst rrrt'llrrxl with extratnrpical strlrtrrs. physical rclating ol' modcls s(or.rrr paramctcrs ol' thc iuttl mation on various those parameters to the surface wincl spcctls. lt is shown in Sect. 3.3 that such a method can be applied to estimatc oxlt'cttlc wind speeds in hurricane-prone regions. However, as noted in [3-lll, owing to the complexity of the surface wind patterns in extratropical storms, the usefulness of this method appears to be uncertain in regions where such storms are dominant. A second method listed in [3-11] is the use of objective analysis schemes. These consist of (1) an initial guess at the surface wind on a regular grid, (2) an automated procedure for screening wind reports from ships to eliminate erroneous readings, and (3) a procedure for correcting the initial guess on the basis of the usable set of ship reports, which involves relations among the surface wind speeds, sea-level pressures, and air and sea temperatures. Details on objective analysis schemes and of errors culrently inherent in such schemes (which may range from lO% to 30%) are given in [3-11]. The third method listed in [3-11] is referred to as direct kinematic analysis. The method, which involves subjective judgment by experienced analysts, consists in synthesizing discrete meteorological observations to obtain a continuous field represented in terms of streamlines and isotachs. Objective or kinematic analyses applied to a sufficient number of strong storms make it possible to provide estimates of extreme winds that may occur at any one location. As indicated in [3-11], one of the major diliculties in conducting such analyses is that much of the vast store of existing data is currently not accessible in readily usable form. Estimation of Extreme Wind Speeds from Short-Term Records. A prac- tical procedure for estimating extreme wind speeds at locations where longterm data are not available is described in [3-12]. The method, whose applicability was tested for a large number of U.S. weathcr stations, makes it possible to infer the probabilistic behavior of extreme winds from data consisting of the largest monthly wind speeds recorded over a period of three years or longer. Estimates based on the monthly speeds, denoted by 0n.., are obtained by rewriting Eq. A1.74 as follows: 0N.^ = x. + o.zAPn(l2N) - 0.5771s* (3.2.3) X. and sa are, respectively, the sample mean and the sample standard deviation of the largest monthly wind speed data, and N : mean recurrence where interval in years. The standard dcviatitln tll'thc sanlpling error in thc cstirlation tll'I'x7.,,, obtaincd from l'it1s" Al .76 irrrtl A I .70 as ,S/)( /',,r,.,,, N/,1t wtNt) l;t 'l It)ti IN wt |t tlt ltAVt t) (.t tMn il: o /ttl l.(4 ) I 1.4()llrr( llN) I r.rlrn(t2N) - o.sztl'l',, where n-: O..5771 (3.2.4) h:, sample size. Example At Great Falls, the sample mean and the sample standard deviation of the largest monthly fastest-mile wind speeds at l0 m above ground for the period September 1968 through August l97lx (sample size n*:36) aret^ :42mph, s^:6.96 mph. From Eqs.3.2.3 and3.2.4, the estimates forN : 50 years and N: 1000 years are 0s0.. : 74 mph SD(0s0,) = 6.23 mph iuxn,^: 90 mph SD(irooo..) : 8.85 mph i It is seen that the estimated speeds based on the set of 36 largest monthly data are only slightly lower than those obtained from the set of 34 largest yearly speeds (|so:76 mph and 01es0 : 91 mph; see Sect. 3.2.2); however, the sampling errors are larger. Similar calculations carried out for 67 sets of records taken at 36 stations are reported in [3-12], where it was found that the differences iso,^ - lso, where 056 is the 50 year wind speed estimated from long-term largest yearly data, were less than sD(0s0.) in 66% of the cases and less than twice the value of sD(05s,-) in 95% of the cases. This remarkable result, confirmed by additional calculations reported in [3-13], indicates that the estimates based on largest monthly wind speeds recorded over three years or more provide a useful description of the extreme wind speeds in regions with a well-behaved wind climate. Inferences concerning the probabilistic model of the extreme wind climate have also been attempted from data consisting of largest daily wind speeds 13-121, or of wind speeds measured at one-hour intervals 13-141. one problem that arises in this respect is that data recorded on two successive duys u.. generally strongly correlated. A second and more serious problem is that the daily (or hourly) data reflect a large number of events (e.g., moming breezes) that are altogether unrelated meteorologically to the storms associated with the extreme winds. These events can be viewed as noise that obscures the information relevant to the description ol'thc cxtreme wind climate. Indeed, it was verified in [3-12] that estimatcs ol' cxtr-cnrc winds based on daily data differ significantly from estimatcs obllrirrt:tl lor krrrg,lcrrrt rccords of largest yearly speeds. This conclusion is a.litrtittri ltut'lirl irrlc'r'ctrc:cs based 9n hourly data. ir is *For the actual data. scc thc l,octrl ('liru:rlolo1,r, .rl I ):rt.r ',rrrrrrr;rrit.s li1. tltr. ycitrs l()()ll l.)7.1: ,;' "'--=\ \ T i I 'l 1O2 I x I ill Mt wtNl) (;t tMn t( )t ( x iy l,lstirrlrlcs ()l'L:xirL:nlL: wirttl spct'tls lr;r:;t'rl orr st'ls ol tllrllr itt cxccss ol s1r't'rltcrl {hrcshokls (scc cncl ol'Sccl . A I.7) lrrt' rt'llrlcrl irr l.t l0l lirt' sltorl r('('()11ls. It was shown in Scct. 2.4.4 tltal lhrrrttlt'r.slot'rrr wirttls havo I'caiures tlrirt rlillcr markedly fiom thosc ol'othcr typcs ol'wirrtl. (ic:ncrally, extremc wind spocds are analyzed without separating thundcrslonr tlata lrcm the other extremes. Whether it would be useful to extract thcsc tlata l'rorn the mixed sets and analyze them separately-despite the difficulties this would entail-is still being debated I t--Ft--FatsHia-!!txxx,FtsFa__xt FFrxF!a I tF lF t0 I a I t0 I to I I I I I tJq I ou d rI t<otd x I FOJ rNuI r! .J I FIO I 6F U t€ra <'c tN a ; t-n r>(-J tua t= rd t! tN6 lo-: r+U Ho td* ln loa I I 3.3 ESTIMATION OF EXTREME WIND SPEEDS IN HURRICANE-PRONE REGIONS t / l\l "v:-tnl-tnlr-:ll | \ N/l I I I I II I I I I I a I !a! tn IN I I I I I t I -Y r Y . tNq I F^ l6l H No .. tr I iO r €F I Od I OU iu I I €C r ou a I I I I I H a o to !d : trHfil .z j = tr aF I I I HoOO I I ld I ru+IIF I a I I I I I I t I I I I a I I I I I A lr I FFF I Od ao u I (F I I NO rJ I I I I I l>t Fo Hr Jo FG too t ' : = 9l = -: O- lE.> i6 r cr ldG :E-o r uu I ox I >u lF U a where N is the mean recurrence interval. In virtue of Eqs. Al .43 and A1.45, a Type I extreme value cumulative distribution function would be represented in Fig. 3.3.1 by a straight line, whose intercept and slope would be equal to the distribution parameters p and o, respectively. To the extent that the population of largest yearly speeds would be described by a Type I distribution, the actual data would then approximately fit a straight line. In Fig. 3.3.1 this is roughly the case as far as the winds of less than hurricane force are concemed. However, if-as in Fig. 3.3.l-the hurricane-force winds are included in the set being analyzed, clearly the fit of a Type I distribution to the data is extremely poor. A bettcr fit can bc obtainccl il-a Typc II distribution with a snrall valuc ol' thc tail lcngth pirrrrrrtclcr is usctl. Howcvcr, As slrowrr in 1.1 (rl. 1ln:1lir'1i1;11r,i,r1' cxlrclnc wintls irr ltttl-rit'lrltt'plottc tcgiotts b:rscrl ort'l'ypt'll tlisl r.ilrrrliorrs lrlt'irr Zt I t3-s01. We now consider the prediction of extreme winds in climates characterized by the occurrence of hurricanes. It was suggested in Sect. 3.2 that in a wellbehaved wind climate each of the data in a series of the largest yearly speeds contributes to the description of the probabilistic behavior of the extreme winds. However, in a hurricane-prone region most of the speeds in a series of the largest yearly winds are considerably lower than the extreme speeds associated with hurricanes; they may therefore be irrelevant from a structural safety point of view. This situation is illustrated by the plot of Fig. 3.3.1, which shows the S-minute largest speeds recorded at Corpus Christi, Texas, between l9l2 and 1948 [3-6]. It may then be argued that in hurricane-prone regions the series of the largest yearly speeds cannot provide useful statistical information on winds of interest to the structural designer, much in the same way as the population of a first-grade classroom-which might include a teacher-is of little use in a statistical study of the height of adults. That this is the case is suggested below. The abscissa in Fig. 3.3.1 represents the reduced variate o o a I I I I rJL t o< u I NFu I I I I t oI o Io o o ? n 6 -Frl-FrttsFFtHrHlrF- oooo oooo oooo COoo oooo oooo oooo OaFr EOFF I o I I xxx I FxH oooo 0o oooo oo oo I xFx | -HH I xFx -O = 9 ,li g I . ! I z tI o J: = -H C, \O UJ -5 uo-! A =.r oo J ootsoo UL l J l@ G@ FO Ud 103 l0,l Lr l :'llMn ll()N ()l I 1lilt Ailt wtNt, r,(rIilMt wtNt){]tl\/nt()tI)(iY :,t 't t lr:, ll! lIrlilili t\|t t,lr{ r,il r ttMAll .. l(}1r , .i',( s tlnloalisiic. l'ot cxlttttpl,', ltltrtrl' r'rr{ lr ;l tlistrillrrtiorl trt tllt' l()l'l lir!r, r,, ol'thc llrrgcst yclu-ly slx'('(l:,;rl ('orlrrr:, ('lrlisti wotrltl yicltl, lirr'(lrc r trr':rtr'rl 1000-ycar wind, a valu('()l l()fr0 rrrplr rr lirlicttlous rcsult l.l ()1. 1t,,.r ',{ uous difficulties als() arisc il rrrixr"rl lirt't lrt'1 pnrbirbility distributions arr' ii ,,1 lt 51. lndeed, sincc hurriciltlcs ill(' l:rl('('v('ll(s, thc number of hurricane r,,r rr'plcrl cyclone) wind spccd cllttlt irr lt t'e,.'ttltl ol'thc largest yearly winds ,,i,.1 1v1'l at any one stati()n is small (t:.g., irr lrig. 3.3.1 only two of the data r,l'r(':iL:nt hurricane wincl spccds). 'l'hcrclirrc thc confidence intervals for the , tr!('nrc wind preclictions arc, in gcncral, unacccptably wide (e.g., for N : l{x) years, of the ordcr of irgo(l + 0.6) at the 68% confidence level; see 1r l5l). It is for this rcason that the 50-year fastest-mile wind estimated in 1l 5l for Corpus Christi on the basis of a mixed Fr6chet distribution is only -+- /(r mph at 30 ft above ground in open terrain. This value appears to be severely Iow; indeed, in the pcriod 1916-1970 Corpus Christi was hit by three devastating hurricanes 13- l6l with fastest-mile winds of up to 120 mph at 23 ft above ground in open terrain (see Corpus Christi 1970 Local Climatological Data Annual Summary). Because this series of the largest yearly winds does not appear to provide a 0.17 o:11 suitable basis fbr predicting hurricane wind speeds, alternative bases for such predictions have been proposed in the literature, which are now briefly discussed. In this procedure, proposed in [3-17], it is assumed that the behavior of the FIGURE 3.3.2. Probability p, of an annual extreme wind being produced by a tropical storm. From H. C. S. Thom, "Toward a Universal Climatological Extreme Wind Distribution," in Proceedings, lnternational Research Seminar on Wind ElTects on Buildings and Structures, Vol. I, p.682. Copyright, Canada, 1968, University of extreme winds is described by the cumulative distribution function Toronto Press. 3.3.1 Procedure F(u) Based on the Maximum Average Monthly Speed :p,"^p[-(;) "] * (1 '] - p7)exp[ (;) (3 3 1) where zr is the wind speed, p7 is the probability of an annual extreme wind bcing produced by a tropical storm, and o is a scale parametcr. The parameter ,rr, determined in [3-17] as an empirical function of the mean number of tropical storm passages per year through a five-degree longitude-latitude square, is represented in Fig. 3.3.2.The parameter o is given in Fig. 3.3.3 as a function ol' the maximum of the average monthly wind speeds recorded at the station concerned over a reasonably long period (e.g., ten years or so). The application of this procedure is illustrated in three cases: West Palm llcach (Florida), Boston (Massachusetts), and Columbia (Missouri), for which pt = 0.43, Pt': 0.72, andPr: O, respectively (Fig. 3'3.2). At West Palm llcach, thc maximum of the average monthly speeds in the period 1952-1974 (olrtainccl lnrrn thc Local Climatological Data Summaries) was 13.9 mph at 30 It lrhovc gnlrntl. linrnr lrig.3.3.3, o - 5l mph. Thcrcfbre lt( t'\ on ,.xll (;;) -' | , ,,r, ,.-,,1 (; '| ) (r i2) o 2 4 6 8 t0 12 14 l(i l8 20 22 24 26 2830 32 34 Maxirnrrrrr nr()nlllly,rvcr,r;r. wirrtl speed (mph) FIGURE 3.3.3. Scalc panunet('r'o. l;rrrr ll (' S.'l'lrolrr, "Toward a Universal Climablogical Extrcnrc Wirrtl l)islrilrrrlr.rr." nt l'trtt t't'tlirr,q.t. lntcrnational Research Sctninar on Wintl lillccls otr llriltlirrl':, ;urtl Strrr, trrcs. Vol. l, p. 6112. Copyright, ('rulttllt. l9(113, Univcrsily ol lolonlo l'r, ,.', 106 l:l I x I nl Ml wlNl r ( rl lMn l( )l ( )(;Y r llll /,ilrv)1" i( lolkrws lrrrrr Ilt1. .1.-1.2 tlrlrl tlrt't'sltrrrtt(t'tl Recalling that N 50" l(x), irrrrl l(x)o y('iilri itrt: /'5{) , 102 rrrPh, t'1,x, N-year wincls lirr N : l9ti trph, rcsllc:t'livt:ly. 120 mph, and t/l(xx) At Boston, the highcst of thc avcrirgc rttrtrrlhly spccds rccordcd bctwccn 1950,1914 was 18.8 mph at 30 fi abovc grouncl in opcn terrain. To this valuc thcrc corresponds o :63.6 mph. With Pr - 0.12, it follows from Eq. 3.3.1 that thc extreme wind estimates are zr5s : 106 mph and z/rur : I 19 mph. It is norcrl that the estimates presented in [3-5| otc l/5s : 88 mph and ales : 93 rrrph, that is, considerably lower than those based on Eq. 3.3.1. Al Cblumbia, Missouri, the probability of occurrence of hurricanes is nil irntl lit1. 3.3.1 becomes F(u) :".0[ (;) '] (3.3.3) ll:llMn 95 mph and z1ooo : 123 mph. It is noted that the estimated 88 mph, extremes of [3-51 are lower, that is, u5o : 70 mph and 1]roo : 85 mph. The extreme speeds at Columbia were also estimated assuming the validity of the Type I distribution, with parameters inferred from the l95l 1974 series of the largest yearly speeds at 30 ft above ground in open terrain. The results thus obtained were t/56 : 66 mph, zroo : 69 mph, and ?1s00 : 8l mph, versus z'so : 88 mph, urut : 95 mph, and zr1ee,l : 123 mph, as estimated on the basis of Eq. 3.3.1 with the attendant assumptions of [3-17]. Among these assumptions is the relation implicit in Eq. 3.3.1 and Figs. 3.3.2 and 3.3.3 between maximum average monthly speed and the extreme wind speeds. No fundamental meteorological grounds are offered in [3-17] or elsewhere in the literature for this relation which, frorn the evidence available so far, does not appear to be justified. ycrrrs) I Based on Climatological and Physical Models of Hurricanes To illustrate the principle of this procedure, an estimate will be made of the probability that hurricane winds in excess of 155 mph will occur at any one specific site on the Texas coast. The following information will be used in the estimation: o Average number per year of hurricanes with-wind speeds in excess of 155 mph moving inland in the United States, t iss. According to the National Weather Service, there have been two such hurricancs in thc past 75 ycars or so, the Labor Day Florida Kcys hurricanc in 1935 ittrtl ltttrricittlc Cltlnillc in 1969 l3-181. A rcasonablc ostirnittc is tlrt'rr ll,tt - 2ltrrlricttrros/ (75 ycirrs) 0.027 htrrr/yc:irr. ll)i; lN llllllltl{ nl]l l'lt{rl.ll r |M/\il:, llll .i"i,l lrrrr r'lyeltr. Avcragc rrrrrrrlrt'r'lx'r'y(:ll ol'all hun'icattcs trrovittg irrllrrrtl irr 'l-cxas, a7. From Fig.'J.J.4. ttr = 2J hurricancs/((r-1 yclr's) = O.43 hurr/year. o Average width ol'area swept by winds in cxccss ol'155 mph in one hurricane, I'lz. According to [3-20], thc path of destruction of the Labor Day Florida Keys hurricane was 35 40 miles wide. It will be assumed conservatively that winds in excess of 155 mph affected a width W : 30 miles of that path. In the case of huricane Camille, it appears that it may be assumed conservatively W : 20 miles [3-211. A reasonable value to be used in the calculations is then W : (30 + 20)12 : 25 miles. It will be assumed that the average number per year of hurricanes with in excess of 155 mph moving inland in Texas is t55 U7 2,100 : 3.3.2 Procedure Wllil):,1'l lrr v('irr ol lrutt'it':rttt's nr()vlrl' rttl;rrrrl trr tlrt'I lrrilctl Sllttc:s, ll(rlrtrtricuttcs/ 1r,,,.'l'lris(ilr:ur{r(ytrrrlrt't'slitturtcrlI'nrruliil'.. t.t..[:r,, 'l'hc maximum of the monthly wind speeds recorded between 195 l-1974 was l-5.7 mph at 30 ft above ground in open terrain so that o : 51 .O mph and zr.e : [Il Avt'r'rrl.:t'rrrrrrlx'r (63 o ll()N l)l I "llrl speeds (3.3.4) '-t ,t;tt U1 (Implicit in Eq. 3.3.4 is the assumption that the probability distribution of the hurricane intensities, given that a hurricane has occurred, is the same throughout the U.S. Gulf and Atlantic coasts.) The length of the (smoothed) Texas coast being about 375 miles, the probability sought is P(u > 155 mphl : ,'r" ' :375 :0.00042 (3.3. s) that is, approximately ll25OO per year. The estimate just presented has several significant weaknesses. First, the errors in the estimate of utfs could conceivably be large, the estimate being based on a 7S-year-long record containing just two relevant data. Second, the assumption that the rate of arrival of hurricanes is uniformly distributed over the length of the Texas coastline overestimates the probability of hurricane strikes over the coastline segment adjacent to the Mexican border (by about 25%), and underestimates that probability (by about25%) nearerthe Louisiana border (Figs. 3.3.5 and 3.3.6). Third, the reliability of the estimate of er7 is difficult to ascertain. Indeed, according to Fig. 3.3.6, u7: 1.6/(100 x l0) entries/yearlnmi of coast x 0.53 huricanes/entry x 330 nmi of coast :0.28 hurr/year, versus 0.43 hurr/ycar, as obtained from the data of Fig. 3.3.4. (This discrepancy is possibly thrc to lltc courtlirrg ol'ccrtain tropical cyclones as hurricanes in [3-l9lr';. lirrullr. tlrc esl inurlcs ol'14/:rrc largcly subjccfive, since l3 l9l w:rs lcvisctl irr l()/li.rrrrl r', ul)(l.rl(,l,rnrrr.rllr lry llrt'N:rtionlrl llrrlritlrrrr'('crrlcr Arlditiorlrl ittlirttt:rliott otr Norllr r\ll,rrrlr, lrrrrrr,,ur". r', ,r\r;rilirl)lc irr l1 -5 11 lrrtrl. on llrpt', irr I I 5'1 1. lirr irtlirtrrtrliort tttt Wr':,lcttt Norllr l'.r, rlr, lr{rlr! .rl ( \r lor( s. rt't' I I 551 'r'Rcl'crcncc l3 -521. z 4z U_ Eg lrrrrl lrtrtl lrrrtl J 'ir r r r'l' lrirrlrrrrl o> UO k(J(rU =o =or 2 -< -E zo& -rrll o(/)r I i ':tz d> ao\ z 64 - trl o zz uJ< 9U >E KE. UU 9 -P FF zz UU L E!a dgt ool E .c.F ! OO tlc o i ^il =t I :(/o U(E >, ,-j = dotr tE iP :q I .:!d trE - c.S ;: \ -- g '=o-5". .: g2\o cn , -. -^O (t) TE .\(r \90 8'r o9"i iin LF* dJ9Y rc =o H 5 .r-.i " O ;h E 5 _* boU 9()trl tdE rIOr ?rH t%n <. aJ .o! -C s?e e4Aa0; __ llE@ lrrl nO rl o-'x Ao, --^r=jfA^ t:11\\ 108 qm t'aJ.\ & \'p try /ls ,/e {| _-*1t1) -V ^iJ ) .' u/ 't l!t,l :- -1,, !' '.1 ,1,":, ; '.'i;:'l l'j -, 109 tll Nurrrlr:r ol ONN to crrtrrr..;/l(X) yrr;rrt/lO ntnt rr rt, of O coasl A N il rrr dl ^o _o ',o o su,4 s.) lu.)t(l().tl U() Uotll:tU.t()llil.l() slsll(1 .)(ll u() Jlls ll lll sJrlrlr(lr:(l().r(l l)Ur/r\.rlt.).t lxJ.l() ifuillolx)rU or.ll ()l r-lrr:().r(l(lu,)All.).).llJ l)lilr JArsuitlr).r(l -rrr()J v 'spaads pully'r ouea!ilnH 6u//|€tu//ls3 Jo, arnpacotd opec auow bo 'uorleturlse eql ur pe^Io^ur serlureuecun eql lo cillJrd InJ8urueew ,{1pcrs,(qd 'Juelo u JeJo feqt 'peeds flqtuoru eSeJa^e rununxuru eql uo pesEq lepotu eql e{rlun'1eq1 sr s'€'€ puE ?'€'€ 'sbgJo ernlBeJ Injosrr rl lt JFts I {A _+(, o5i-At5 tD'O 3 --i qlnx !iH=' 1a-- Lake Charles, La.+ =.? o!1 fii 'oslv 'seleJ esuBJnsur Jo suorluurrxoJdde lsJg JoJ 'eldl'uexe JoJ 'suorSer ouo.l(l -auBclunq ur seJnlcruls Jo eJnlreJ Jo ,{lrlrquqoJd eqt 1o seleturlse ssoJS Surluilr JoJ esn etuos Jo eq ,{?lu peurllno lsnl qrBoJddu oql sesselr)lee,$ eseql etrdso( I 'lle^\ se l4 Jo uorleurlsc crll lu€JuruSrs eq eJoJeJoql ,{uu ro.ue aql :plou aql ur uo{Bl aJo,r s}uetueJnsuour ul oU 3a o a 'lZZ-fl c 3 g (rtuu) pelteu sll?^rctul ocu€lslp IElspoc qlr.iv\ dutu rotscol .S.t.g .du()i)1.,1 o St. Marks, o 3 aa^ o aD+ Fla. t *-/(F-,- Ft. Myers, 0a.n'3 (-a 9=io = v;-Fot! a5 A;l Miami, d )oz.-\\ Fla. \,1* Fla. l f - ?ft u+!r t6='^ 5 =yd =! J.9 oxe ir5 - Cape Hatteras, N.C .DD@ -o 3 6 l./ YoI \o+a; -J-ur!) 6 -3b r*^ ' a6 ry=-J :'m r 9s)99 I 5qo! Ratio (hurricanes/total srorms) @ I @ Alx)t()lvv\It:) (tNtM tv\t IIIx 0rr I 112 I x tttl Ml wlNl) I li;llN,4nll()N()l l!llli ( )'ll' wllerc tlcvcl6pol in l-3,2-1 l.'l'his ir1-rprxrclr wrrs srrbsctlrrcrr(ly irplllit'tl irr l-l bltsis ol' tltc ott cstirrratctl extreme wind speecls associatccl witlr lrtrrricrrncs wLlro the climatological and physical modcls dcscribcd bclow' fint WtNt):it't tt)l; tNil( ,tilil(nfJt I.t t.,rJt 1.t tMnil:, ll3 'l'ltc tttltxilttrrrrr rvrrrtl sl)(.(.(l:tl l0 r1 lrlrpvt'(lrt.6t.t.:rrr srrr.lltt.c, itvctirgctl ovcr l0 lrrirrrrlt's, rr p,rv(.n by lhc clnpiriclrl rcllrliorr ') t/( 10, R) : 0.865/",(/t) I 0..5,r (3.3.7) Climatological Models 1. The hurricane frequency of occurrence is modeled by a Poisson with a constant rate. 2. 13-261. This rclation corresponcls to thc avcrage of data observed during the 1949 hurricane that crossed Lake okecchobee, Florida [3-27, 3-2g]. whether Eq- 3.3.7 can be assumed to be generally valid is uncertain. For example, according to [2-l4ll, during typhoon Mireille observed surface wind speeds over ground (which are lower than over the ocean) were comparable in the region of the eye with estimated winds at the gradient height. However, according to [3-79], measurements indicated that the 10-m level sustained surface winds over water were generally within 55% to 85% of the winds measured by reconnaissance aircraft at 500 m to 1800 m. Reference 13-791also suggests that the logarithmic process The probability distribution of the pressure difference between center and pcriphcry of the storm, Ap,,"*, is lognormal. To eliminate values of Ap.,* jrulgctl, in thc light of historical data, to be unrealistically high, the tlislribrrtion is ccnsorcd stl that AP,."* ( 101.6 mm (4'00 in) of mercury l.\2.]1.(Ntl(r:tlrirtA/).''.*:l0l.6mmcor.respondstothelowestatmo_ sgrlrcle l)rL:ssurc cvcr rccorclcd worldwide t3-25].) Theoretical studies appcru. (o cottlirttl this bound l3-61]. l. 'l'hc p(rbability distribution of the radius of maximum wind speeds, R, is krgnorrnal. This clistribution is censored so that 8 km < R < 100 km to avoid unrealistically "tight" or "broad" storms 13-231' 4. The average correlation coefficient between R and Ap-,^ is about -0'3' (see 13-221, pp. 68 and 69.) All other climatological characteristics of law appears to be valid up to about 1g0o m but that at aboul 3000-m -1_ hurricanes are statistically independent. The probability distribution of the speed of translation, s, is normal. This distribution is censored so that 2kmlhr < r < 65 km/hr 13-231' 6. The probability distributions of the distance between any specified point on the coast and the hurricane crossing point along the coast (or on a line normal to the coast) are curves matching the historical data. Separate curves are defined for entering, exiting, upcoast heading, and downcoast heading storms. 7. For entering storms the probability distribution of the direction of storm translation is a curve matching the historical data. For exiting upcoast heading and downcoast heading curyes the distributions are uniform between 130" of the mean directions of storm translation. In all cases the storm path is assumed to be a straight line. elevation winds may be less than at the surface. Let the center of the storm be denoted by o, and consider a line oM that makes an angle of ll5'clockwise with the direction of motion of the storm. The l0-minute wind speed at l0 m above the ocean surface at a distance r from o along line oM is denoted by u(10, r). The ratio U(10, r)lU(10, R) is assumed to depend on r as shown in Fig. 3.3.7 13-261. Let the angle between a line oN and line oM be denoted by 0. 50 40 30 E E d l0 Physical Models l. I The maximum gradient speed is given by in which it is assumed that dp dn whr-'l'c rv is ohl:tinctl Eq' 1'2'8 in which r : R' and 1 6 5 4 - (3.3.6) dAP,,t,,, lirr crrrpiricirl tllrtrr l3-2(r. t,l .1 2ltl rrr(;rjrr,r-r..1.7. rr;rrr',, I 0,,) lil';li , ttrt1111li) |r .r(,1 I l4 I Xi lll Ml wlNl) ( ,l l[/n l( )l ( )( ir:r r:iilMn il()u ()r rrrr () irlolrg lirrc l'lrc lO tttittrttc wirrtl sllectl l/1 lO, r'. //) trl :t tlis(lttlt't' r' llrttt (.rN is givcn by Lhc cxPlcssion l'l 2(rl: U(10, . ' r,0) : {/(lo' r') I ,' cos (/) center of witul vckrcity vector has a cornptlncnl. t.lirccted toward thc lltt.s{tll'llt'().Theanglebetweenthatvcctorandthetangenttothecircle region O I r tt'rr(r'tt'rl rrt O varies'iinearly between 0o and 10" in the ' /i :rrrtl l)ctween 10" and 25" in the region R < r < l'zR' and is r'r1n;rl l,r .15" in the region r > l'2R13-261' llr,' :,lorttt clccaj results from a decrease with time of the difference storm at the center and pressure at the periphery of the lrt lrl,r'r'il rr l)tcssure ()r(llrtlce with the relation Lp(t),:ir : APn,"* - 0.02[1 + sin {lr I''(U ll(,r!r Notc that physical models proposed in [3-28] are in some rir,rtliliccl wittr respect to the corresponding models o1' l3-26]. dcscribedearlierdefineawindfieldwhichdependsuponthepositionofthe hurricane.Toeachpositionofthehurricanewithrespecttothesiteofinterest therecorrespondsawindspeedatthatsite.WindspeedscausedbyahurricaneThe number of such po-sitions. at the site are calcurateJ ro, u sufficiently large caused by the hurricane largcst among these speeds is the maximum wind speed atthcsitc.Asctill.mspccdsisthusobtained,whichisusedasthcbasicset ol'ltttrricrrrtc wind ol'rllrlu lirr tlrt: cslirrurtion ol'tlrc prtlbilbility ol'()cctrffcllcc 'l'lrt'st' sPr'ctls :tR' tltttkt'tl lry rtrilgtriltttlc 'l'lrc i (lr srrt:rllt'sl spt't'tl ilt lt lr wiltrl spt't'rl:; is tlt'ttolt'tl lry tt,. r15 < uln) : 1"',', (3.3.10) (3.3.11) < u, r) where p(n, r) denotes the probability that n storrns will occur in r years, Assuming thatp(n, r) is a Poisson process (Eq. A1.34), Eq. 3.3.11 becomes < u, r:) : ! o' (\t)'" ^" n:O ' nl (3.3.rZa) -(4- - ')"3txt41' r:0 nt (3.3.tzb) _ --)tnl - 1,1 (3.3.t2c) -( where \ is the annual rate of occurrence of hurricanes in the area of interest for the site being considered. For z : r, F(u 1 u, r) is the probability of occurrence of wind speeds less than u in any one year. consider now the wind speed, ui.The probability that u I u,in any one storm is _t cases slightly wind speeds were lrstirnates of the probabilities of occurrence of hurricane mileposts (Fig' 56 adjoining rrtrrrrirrcd inl3-24lby assuming each of the areas of characteristics climatological r 1.5) to be hit by m : 1000"hurricanes. The respective the from simulation llrc hurricanes were cletermined by Monte Carlo to historical data. For each of the rz hurricanes' lrKrbabilistic models as fitted with the physical models thc climatological characteristics used in conjunction 1:, : i^ ofu < uln)p(n, r) n:0 F(U F(U Sr'ct.2.3.6. (1Mn I u, r). The total (3.3.e) (rllrr'rt'tluctionofwindspeedsduetoincreasedsurfacefrictionoverland t u'irollu'(10) : 0'85' where u/(10) and u'(10) r" r'rv('n by the .rtr.lltcl0-minutespeedsatl0-melevationoverlandandoverwater, rr':,lrcetively.ltcanbeverifiedthatthemodeldevelopedforextratropical a some'.r,,,,rrs (Flqs.2.2.29 ancl 2'2'31 ' and Table 2'2'3) would yield rvlurt smaller ratio Ul( l0)/U''(10)' / llrt: clependence of wind speeds upon averaging time is modeled as in s..'t ,,1 rr): ; rN ilr,rrrr{ Ar]r The probability that U < u in z years is denored by F(U probability theorem (Eq. Al.5) yields given in inches of rrlrr rr. / . travel time in hours, Ap(f) and Ap"'o* are (0 < d < 180')' track rrr'r{ rrry. and @ : angle between coast and storm in repotled 12-1241' llrr', rrttrtlcl is consistent with measurements sPt't.tls, ,r l,cl llrt'lllrlxrlrilily llr:tl llrt'wttttl spt't'rl irr rrrry orrt.slorrrr is lcss tlriyr sgl.rrc vttltlc' tr, bc tlt:ltolt'tl lry /',, l'lrt'pnrblrbility llr:rl llrt. lrililrest wirrtl {/ irr rr st1;rnrs is lcss lltart ll t':rrr lrt.wttltr.n:rs ( ,l,lrt. ,r( ( I\,4r '|Y A (3.3.13) "' -_ m*1 Thus F(.U < ui, l) : e ^(t i/m+t) (3.3.t4) For each of the mileposts in Fig. 3.3.5, estimates of hurricane wind speeds corresponding to various probabilities of occurrence (or mean recurrence intervals) were obtained in t3-24l both at the coastline and at various distances inland lrom rhe coastlinc. Results of a rccent stucly inrlicrrlt' llr:rt'irrrc wincl speed data obtained by simulati<ln and ftrrnring lhc brrsis ol llrt't'stirrr:rtr.s ol'13-241 rnay be clcscribecl by thc rcvcrsc Wcitrull rlistt'ibrrtiorr l l /ll 'llr;rr tlistr.ilrution lurs lirnitcrl uppcr tail and is consistcnl willr llrt':rsslrnlll rln tlr;rt lrrrrlt.lrrre witttl sPct:tls irrc hrltltttlltl. Ilcl'crt:ncc 1,1 7l l lllrvi(l(':i 1rl()llrjrtrr)!r {)1 :rt r'r'ssirr1,, llr1;st' tl:rllr (llrt' rllt(lr is ltlso ltvirilltltlt'irr ll.i ()l). lr:; rr,,.ll tr.. ( r)!nIrttr.r l)r1)t,tiuns lor llrt.(.sllu:tlt()lt I l6 I X llll Ml wlNl) { )l lMn l( )l (l( tY ol ltttttit'ltttt'witxl ()l tllc t(lvcrst: Wcilrttll tlislt'ilrrrtiorr l)ill;lllrt'l("ls:tttrl witlr vltt'iotts lllcan rcctlrt-ctlcc irttcl-vltls' lnrrrr tlrc "tt'rtc" s1.rc:ctls owittg ltt llsti.urtctl hurricanc win..l ,gr.,,1, tlillr'r lrrtxlclittg' irrttl sarrtllliug crrors .5se'vuti.., pnlhabilistil ltx)clolillg, lllysiclrl (i.t'.'clrrtrscluctothelimitcclsiz,ctll.(Itctllttlrsirttrplc.sbr:ins.u'"..])ljtlrwind tll'thc ordcr rll'50 ycars' it was shown spt'etls with lltcan .""u""nt" intervals ()f thc sanrpling errors, duc t<l thc limited rrr I I ]01 rhirt thc *tunJura deviation (about 100 years), is about l0% of the :;t.r .l t.lirrrrt.r.gical Jata availaule about 15% fot 2000-year speeds' ,1.,1 ,,r':rr,'.1 s1,".,1*' it is wind speeds-that-are similar conceptually I'r.t.t.tlrrrt.s ti,' "*ti,niting-r,u.ri.un" for the purpose of studying r. lt .)\l rvt'rt' ,r.,u"r.rf"J-in i: i1]^ana tS-:Zl for estimating hurricane wind methoJ lnil | r, ;ril(' 1't'ttt'trtlccl *uu"'' A simplified ..1,,,,1', \\'it:' l)l()l)()scd in [3-56]' sPtetls Boundary' Shapiro Hurricane' Mrrrlr.' (--irrlo Simulations Based on the boundary-laver flow in a translating hurricane I:ryt.t Mtt<Ial- 'l'hc #;;il; empirical physical models^based on his\\';,'. .,l,r,r('\trrtrtlocl i"i;-;ii Lt uling in ittit section. Shapiro [3-57] r.rr,;rl ,lrrr:rt.l.gicat Jata,-as lndicated earlier of the hurricane boundary-layer flow based 1|1'r,r.lr11ir'tI ,..' ..pp.o*i*ut" model equations' complemented by the orr ,r ,,rrrr1,lrlr,..t ,olution of the Navier-stokes height 6 and the eddy viscosity are l()ll{,\\rnr' :rssrtttrptions: the boundary-layer to the '), uid th" frictional drag due (..r.,r,,rr (;, I m; f ='i;1dt;t; empirical an times velocity flow to the square of the Irrrr',1;rltott vt'ltrcity i, "qtluf rin"u.iy with flow velocity. Rather than obtaining rrr"il"J* trrt t'rr , r,r.llicient of motion' a simplified approach tlrr' lrrllv rrottlinear solution of the equations w;1.'tt''t..lwltcreinthevelocitywaswrittenaSthesumofanaxisymmetrictetm lttt,lllrt.lllsttwot",m,ofuseriesreflectingtheflowasymmetryduetohurricane is truncated af'ter the first two terms is lriilr:,l.rlr()il. The facf that the series of the fully nonlinear sot':,trrrr,rlt'tl by Shapiro to result in an approximation p' f q96t' This errorcstirnatc doesnot include Irrrrrrrr lrr within uAoiZS% t3-57, Shafully nonlinear solutions wcrc available' the if nr,r,l, ltttg crrors; boundary the of s(ructure "u"" 'f'L detailed uut" to iescribe the 1,rr,, rrurtlcl would ";;;; eye wall [3-57' p' 19951' the near !,rv.r. cspecially modcl wcrc reported in [3-58]' liesrrlts of ri-ufution' Uu'"d on ih" Shapiro approach' The rcsults of the simulations rvlrrth used Shapiro's truncated series Owing to a new and' tlrllt:r from those of 13-241 inone main respect 13-591' conservative than its less is that ilr ()ur opinion, *"diil. nuing rate model speeds inland' Otherwise' in wind yield.lower Ref. t'iOl,the! toLrnterpart in to ln" Sit"pit mode-l'-they yield wind speeds-comparable spitc of the use "t rnual use of data and models from those of 13-241. Although Ref' t3-581 [3-60])' ;?; basecl tn [3122] (i'e'' an earlier version of obtained 13-601, whereas f3;4f speeds wind E,stimated this is not a Source of significant dill.erences. shows cstimatcs fronr [3-24], are lisrccl;; i;;i;3.3.1, which atso in i & E c tr QOOO N t' .1 t'i a ]f o r60o -o tr Qr9n d d 9'l r$€r E o o 9N6@ q) z tr 6 q) o -: I O€-O ! o al o. o. r ! I @ r@ot n €660 rr@o 6666 r€r- o E I ro €aoh Eq 9+@N i o o6 @9-$ d oo : >(J 9E O .o N-a$ ! cno$ OO-d 3 .o o $tr€ o liE |'r c, a' I r: +-CO q,) ! -: o abO e8 F2 |= 69 :"." (td ,+ - ,:,,, &c<rl.l F6 8r ^r 13_581 t3-29l.arrtl|3-71|.Ntltc(Iur{(lrr:clllllparistlnstll'|3_5ttIllclwcclrtltt:cstitrratcs -.) \c (, '-:" !, i- 'i9'=! -t E-'E E! L .. !'. 'C E= ll7 IIB I x tltl Ml wllll) (,1 IMA l{ <ll'13 5ttlirrrtl 1.1 241irrc irrvirlitl 0wirr1', lo lrrr irrtorrsislt'rtt'y itt lltt'll:tltslirtlttlttiotts of hourly spccds iukr lirstc:st rrrilc spt'ctls. 'l'ltcse Ir'ltttslitt'tttttlirttts lttt brtsctl itt (lre e:slirrur(t's ol l.] -5ltl, bLt( ott lht: tlill'crcnt [3-58] on the moclcl ol'12-1351 lirr of [2-91] for the cstimatcs ol'1.1-241. lior 50-yc1r spcctls, tlillcronccs between [3-24] and [3-58] excecd 10"1, lol trrilcposts 2(n. 3(X), ancl l3(X). For model 2000-year winds the differences excccd lO'/,, l'<tr milcposts 700 and 1700. At l0 m above open teffain, the hourly spced corrcsponding to the largcst 2000year estimate of [3-71] is about 47 mls at l0 m over water the cstimate of the largest 2000-year hourly speed would be about 41 x 1.2 : 56.4 mls' that the wind load factor $,u : 1.3 spccified in the ASCE, 7-95 Standard would in most cases coffespond for windscnsitive structures to nominal ultimate wind loads with mean recurrence intcrvals of, roughly, 500 years or less. For the other sets of estimates of Table 3.3.1, the load factor d' : 1.3 would in many cases coffespond to nominal ultimate wind loads with even shorter mean recuffence intervals' These results are reflected in the average estimated ratios of 2000-year speeds to 5o-year speeds, which are about I .3, 1.4,1.45, and 1.46 for the sets based on t3-7ll' the squares of these values are 13-241, I3-2g1, and [3-58], respectively, so uUo"f t.Z, 1.g5,2.1, and 2.15, respectively. The results of [3-71] and Table 3.3.1 therefore indicate that for wind-sensitive structures, the wind load factor for hurricane wind speeds should be larger than 1.3, even if hurricane design wind speeds are multiplied by a factor of 1.05, as is done in the ASCE 7-95 Standaid t}-t3gl. For additional details, see [3-80], tA3-3ll and Sect. A3.3' Load Factors. lil l:;,Mn )l { )( iY It is shown in [3-71] Estimates of Hurricane/Tropicat Cyclone Wind Speeds for Various Lo' cations Outside the U.S. Estimates of hurricane/tropical cyclone wind speeds based on models similar to those of 13-241 were repofted lor French overseas departments and territories in [3-63] and are summarizcd in Table 3.3.2. Estimated standard deviations of sampling errors in m/s were 2.2 (3.4),2.5 (4.2),2.0 (4.0), 1.6 (2.5) and 3.9 (12-3) for 50-yr (1000-vr) speeds at Guadaloupe, Martinique, R6union, New Caledonia, and Tahiti, respectively' Estimates of hurricane speeds are reported in [3-64] for the Eastem Carribean, Jamaica, and Belize and in [3-65] for the Northern Australia Coast. For information on westem Norlh Pacific tropical cyclones, see t3-ssl. Saffir-Simpson Scare. The National Hurricane Center, the National Weather Service, and emergency management departments use a classification of hurricanes into five categories (Table 3.3.3). The central pressure and wind speed portion of the classification was proposed by H. Saffir in 1970, while the storm surge portion was added subsequently by R. Simpson. Thc avcraging timc, height above grouncl, and surfacc cxposurc (i.c., whcllrcr ()l)cll lcll'llilt or wlttcr) 'l'Alll,l,l '()N -1.-].2- {)t I r.,llA,lt WtNt) :it,t tt)ti lN ,'t.'( A,t t,t tr', l'lslirrrrlrrl wirrl s;x'r'rrs (r(!r'irr s;x.r.rr irr r0 (.t tMn ' :, l1g rrr ()vcr.irrt.()rcarr) !.r-6rl Mcan rcturn period (yrs) sr. New Barthilcrrry (iuatlcloupc 25 50 32 37 Martiniquc 32 Ildunion Caledonia 29 35 100 4t 40 39 500 49 r000 48 52 47 50 51 38 38 40 40 43 48 50 43 48 49 Tahiti 30 34 39 47 52 for the wind speeds are not specified in the classification. For this reason storrn effects and evacuation requirements for the various categories are described for the use of, among others, emergency management personner 13-661, rather than structural engineers or building code officiils. Mixed Distributions. Hurricane-prone regions are also subjected to winds not with hurricanes (or tropical cycrones), whose effects can be accounted for by developing mixed distributions of hurricane and nonhurricane wind speeds. Since the occurrence of hurricane winds and the occurrence of nonhurricane winds are independent events, it is possible to write associated F(.U < u) : F11(J <. u)F7s11(J I u) (3.3.1s) where F(u ( rz) is the probability that the wind speeds u associated with any storm are less than u in any one year, and Fs(U ( z) ancl Fuu(J I u) are the probabilities that hurricane speeds and nonhurricane wincl'ri""a, are less thal a in any one year.-The probability Fs is determined as shown previously in this section' The probabitity F,vi7 is determined as shown in sect. 3.2. TABLE 3.3.3. The Saffir-Simpson Scale Category 1 2 3 4 5 Mean Wind Description Speeds (m/s) Storm Surge (m) 33-42 43-49 t.2-1.6 t.7-2.5 50-.5f1 2.6 3.8 #) 3.9- -5.-5 ( i r clrlcr Minimal Moderate Extensive Extreme Catastrophic .59 ( ilctrlcr lltlur (r() llr:rrr.5.-5 North Atlantic Examples Agnes 1972 1964 1965 Camille 1969 Cleo Betsy David 1979 l2O {xllll Ml wlNlr (. r ,t wllll, i,il lt I :ilr )Nn I il v r\ vir' ('irlculirliorrs tcptttlt:tl irr 1.1 l':l lsll(rw thlr( lltt'Prrrlrirbility /'lll 'r) yt:1r's' 5O N ' lc('llll('ll('r'ilt(t'l'vltls lulrlly tltc rurn" r,li I,'tr(/ < tt) lirl'lttcltlt ttl'Itotllttlrricltltc Fo. N : 20 ycars, cstiptl(ccl wirrtl spce:cls tlr:rt irrcltttlc: tllt: cllcc( 5%' Nrlto that lly al-tout spcctls wiltcl wincls cxceed the esl"imatccl hurricailc whcrc Hattcras' tll'Capc ntlrth these conclusions are not neccssarily appliclrblc nonhurricanewindsmaycontroltheclcsigna(coflainlocatitlnsl3_33|. 3.4 WIND DIRECTIONALITY the Witrtl cllbcts on various structures and components depend not only on well' as nrilgrritudo of the wind speeds but on the associated wind directions lr.i this rcason, knowledge of continuous joint probability distributions of exand code develtrcrne wind speeds and directions would be useful for design 0pmentpu,po,",.However,sofarnocrediblemodelsforsuchdistributions have been proposed in the literature' 20 30 40 50 50 distributions In the abience of such models, wind effects and their probability information of basis the on may be estimated in well-behaved wind climates of largest yearly wind speed data recorded for each octant over data have periods oT ZO y"uit, tuy, oilong"r (see Sects' 8' l '2 and 8' l '3)' Such Summary in stations [3-341. teen published for a number of U.S. weather consisting in the statistics of largest yearly wind data recorded at Sheridan, Wyoming, in seen that h is 3.4.1. Fig. in period lg58-1l:i'7 (iee 1'aUte 8.1.2) are shown norththan weaker wincls blowing from the noftheast are considerably ihi, or southwest winds. west"u*" in which As shown in Sect. 8.1.3, there are important practical applications largest the of distributions information is needed on the univariate probability directions, compass principal yearly wind speeds associated with each of the blowing from una on the correlation coemcients for the largest yearly winds wind speeds yearly largcst the any two directions. In well-behaved climates fitted always-adequately not ioi ony given direction are in most cases-though corthe in indicated As values. [8-141, UV fVpJI distributions of the largest comprincipal eight of the two in any retatlon between wind speeds occurring correlation pass directions is in -ort .ur"r weak. For example, the estimated : 1,2, i and " ' ' 8) directions i(i,i coeflrcients between wind speeds from fairly are values These 3.4.1. Table in are shown for Sheridan, wyoming, coefcorrelation the of values the where typical. However, there are stations values estimated 28 the 8 of where Michigan, dci"nt, are higher (e.g., Detroit, are larger than 0.45, although none exceeds about 0'6)' largest An important practical p-ut"- faced by the designer is obtaining the at directions compass principal eight of the yearly wind ,p""d dutu for each sourcc io.ution, not covered in [3-341 . There are two such sources of data- One Ot:canic and Nlr(irlnlrl thc hy storecl rccorcls consists of the original LrnpLrblishecl thc rrcctlctl Atrn0sphcric Arlrilinisf nrtiorr (NOAA). Ob(aining ittttl e xlrltt'lilrg A st't'otttl littlr'('()llsllllllllI rriltl irtcortvcrricnl lrollr rl:lltr lhltil tlrttst.rct'()ttls is FIGURE 3.4.1. Summary statistics of largest yearly wind idan, Wyomine (1958,19j1). speeds by direction at Sher- of published Local Climatological Data summaries issued NoAA. Directionar largest yearly speeds in the published data differ in a few cases from the corresponding speeds in the original records. source consists monthly by The reason for these differences is that the published data consists largest daily speed for every day ofthe year and (2) the direction for of (l) the that speed. TABLE 3.4.1. Estimated correlation Coefficients for Directional wind speeds in Sheridan, Wyoming Direction I 2 3t 4 5 6 1 lt I -0.05 1 symmetrrc 0.35 0.01 0.12 0.16 -0.1-5 -0.34 0.04 0.34 | 0 17 I *0.031 0.03 0.10 0.03 0.01 t -0.22 0.07 -o.12 -0.16 -0.16 0.20 | 0.07 -0.01 -0.43 0.40 -0.41 0.01 0.32 I IXiltt Mt 122 WtNt r,, l,ll()ltnllll llll :; ()t ()(;(:tlilt il t.t(.t o; )(jtMnt{)l (x;Y 11rt thlnt )() wtNt): ; t23 Cgnsidcr, lirr cxartrplc, lIc ctrse wlrr'tt'in lr givr'tt ycltl lltt'lrrr'g.est prrlrlisllt'tl (r-5 rltPlr, speeds fbr wincls bckrwing l'nrrrr lhc r)()11lr lrxl lltc c:ltst arc 70 tttplt ittttl (ha( occurrccl' witttl n<lrtlr thc clay salnc on thc that respectively. It is conceivablc the winds blowing from the east were 69 rnph. Thc highcst wind spccd f'rom the east would not be reflected in the published data' An exhaustive study of original and published data listed in 13-341 for 24 stations showed conclusively that the extreme wind speed estimates based on published data differ insignificantly (by about 3% or less) from those based on ihe original clata. It is, therefore, appropriate to base structural engineering calculat"ions on the largest yearly directional fastest-mile wind speeds obtained l'rorn l-ocal Climatological Data summaries t8-14]. A novel probabilistic appnxrch to thc modeling of directional extreme wind speeds, in which the extrcnrc valuc distribution parameters are functions of direction, and which accounts lirr the correlation among extremes across directions, was reported in I 3-67 l. In hurricane-prone regions estimates of hurricane wind effects can be carried out on the basis of hurricane wind speed data generated by Monte Carlo simulation for each of 16 directions, as shown in sects. 3.3 and 8. 1 .3 (Eqs. 8. 1 .218.1.23). Such data-used in 13-241 fot estimating extreme hurricane winds blowing from any direction-are listed on tape in [8-9] (see also t3-7ll) for 56 mileposts (Fig. 3.3.5). 3.5 PROBABILITIES OF OCCURRENCE OF TORNADO WINDS consider an area ,40, say, a one-degree longitude-latitude square, and let the tornado frequency in that area (i.e., the average number of tornado occulTences per year) be- denoted by D. The probability that a tornado will strike a particular location during one year is assumed to be P(S):t- a (3.s.1) Ao where vi : P(viP(s) P(Z) is the probability that the maximum wind bc higher than United States (units are l0 5 probability per year) [3-351. which is taken from 13-351. Figure 3.5.1 is based on Eq. 3.5.1 in which D was estimated from l3-year frequency data, a : 2.82 sq. miles (as estimated in [3-36] for the state of Iowa), and,46 : 4780 cos S, where @ is the latitude at the center of the one-degree square considered. Estimated probabilities p(zn) are shown in Fig. 3.5.2, also taken from 13-351. These estimates are based upon observations of 1612 tornadoes during l97l and 1972, and the rating (largely subjective) of these tornadoes according to an intensity scale proposed in[3-371.* It is noted that in estimating the probabilities of Fig. 3.5.2 it was assumed that tornado path areas are the same throughout the contiguous United States. The maximum speed of the tornado corresponding to a specified probability where c is the average individual tomado area. In certain applications, for example, the design of nuclear power plants, rather than the probability P(S)' it is oi interest to esrimate the probability P(S, Z0) that a tornado with maximum wind speeds higher than some specified value tr/' will strike a location in any one year. This probability can be written as P(5, FIGURE 3.5.1. Tornado strike probability within 5-degree squares in thc contiguous (3.s.2) spccd in a tornaclo will 2,,. tlsiirlu(cs 6l'p1rl'rlrbililics /'(S) in thc Urtitc:tl Slrrlt's rttt' sllowtt irl lril', 1.5' l. of occurrence can be estimated using Figs. 3.5.1 and 3.5.2. According to t3-351, "in order to adequately prorect public health and safety, the determination of the design basis tomado is based on the premise that the probability of occurence of a tornado that exceeds the Design Basis Tornado (DBT) should be on the order of 10-7 per year per nuclear power plant." The required probability P(Ze) is then determined from the relation P(r/o)P(S) : t0-7 (3.s.3) *According to this scale tomadoes may bc dividcd into the following classes: F0 (maximum wind speed <72 mph), Fl ('73-112 mph). F2 157 rnph). F3 (l5tt 206 rnph), F4 (207-260 rnph). F-5 (261-318 mph), and F6 (3 19 3ll0 rnphy (lll 124 I X llll Ml wtNl) ( ;t tMn l( )l ( x iY 1,, t,t t(rt rnilll llll :; ()t (xt(;lItl il N(.t ()t t()t tN/\t )() wtNt]:i r25 FOR ENTIRE CONTIGUOUS I t too =9 fla t7 3o z FoR ALL STATES wEsT oF 1O5O w LoNGITUDE ;5 4 FIGURE 3.5.3. Calculated tomado wind speed by 5-clegree squares for bility per year [3-351. o.l o.2 0.5 I 2 5 lo 20 3040506070 80 90 95 9899 PERCENT PROBABILITY l'l(;llltl'l lsl -1.5.2. Percent probability of exceeding ordinate value ol'the wind speed [3- wlrt't' lhc value of P(S) for the location considered is taken f'rom Fig. 3.5.1. 'l'lrc wincl speed corresponding to the probability P(lze) so determined is then rrlrtrrirrccl l'rom Fig. 3.5.2. The average tornado intensity with a l0-7 probability P('r ycar for each 5-degree square in the contiguous United States, based on litl. 3.-5.3 and Figs. 3.5.1 and 3.5.2, is shown in Fig. 3.5.3 13-35]. lior nuclear power plant design purposes, the contiguous United States are tlivided, in [3-35], into three tornado intensity regions shown in Fig. 3.5.4. 'l'hc corresponding tornado winds are given in Table 3.5.1. Thc pressure drop due to the passage of tomadoes can be estimated from tlrc ccluation f<rr thc cyclostrophic wind. Using the relation Vr, : drldt, Eq. I ..1.2 crrn hc wrillcrr lrs 1.5 -l) 7 proba- wherep is the pressure, / is the time, 2,, is the translationar speed, p is the air density, R- is the radius of maximum rotational wind speed, and z, is the maximum tangential wind speed* t3-351. Assuming R- is typically 150 ft for intense tornadoes and that Vt = Vrur, Eq.3.5.4, in which the parameters of Table 3.5.1 are used, yields approximately the values of rable z.s.z 1z-2s1. Following the development in [3-35] of the estimates summarized in Tables 3.5.1 and 3.5.2, vaious attempts to improve the probabilistic and physical description of tomado winds have been reported [3-3g, 3-3g, 3-40, 3-41 , 3-42, 3-43,3-44,3-45, 3-46, 3-4i1. Using as a point of departure tornado risk maps presented in [3-46], a regionalization of tomado risks that divides the contiguous United states into four areas was proposed in [3-45] (see also [3-44, p. 4801. Regional tomado occurrence rate (per mi2 per year) were estimated in [3-45] from a29-year (1950-1978) data bank maintained by the National Severe Storms Forecast Center and comprising about 20,000 reported tornadoes. These regional occurrence rates are corrected in [3-43] and [3-45] to account for: l. Failure to record tomado intensity, which affects about lo% of the total number of reported tornadocs. J'his corrcction is based on the assumption that unrated tornadocs ntay bc apporlionccl anrong the various intensity categories according lo lltc tcporlctl tor-rriukr licquencies lor those categories. ( l0 r'llrt'nrlational spcctl (,,, is tltc tlsttll:rtl ol tlrc tirrrllr'rrtrrl;rrrrl rirrli:rl vt'ftx,itit.s. :t,, I'il{ )ilnltil ilil :i l'Alll,lj J.5.1. llcgirlu:rl'lirrrratkr ()t ( x;cunt u N( .t ( )t t( )nNn t ,( ) wtNt)ti 127 Wirrds Radius of Maximum Maxinturtt Region Speed (,,,,* (mph) Rotational Speed tr/,., Translational Rotational Speed 2,, Wind Speed R," (mph) (mph) (f0 70 60 50 150 150 150 il I 360 300 290 240 m 240 190 in tomado reporting efficiency. The number of reported annual tomado occurrences in the United States has increased from about 250 in 1950 to 850 rn 1979. The growing trend in the number of reported tornadoes during this period has been ascribed to a corresponding increase in population density. An explicit relation to this effect has 2. Temporal variations c.t c.) bo l.) o cn o o F o $ o z la ar) iN Not \'$rr N€ F trr been proposed in [3-47]. Corrections accounting for tornado reporting efficiencies were effected in [3-45] by averaging the 1971-1978, 19701918, 1969-1978, and 1950-1978 data and assuming that the true occurrence rates are equal to the largest of these estimates. 1_ Possible errors in the rating of tornado intensities on the basis of observed damage. The reason for the occunence of such errors is that maximum tornado winds are in practice not measured, but inferred, largely on the basis of professional judgment, from observations of damage to buildings, signs, and so forth [3-42]. 4. Inhomogeneous distribution along the tornado path of buildings and various other objects susceptible of being damaged. In the possible absence of such objects over the portions of the tornado path where the winds are highest-or even over the entire tornado path-the rating of the tornado is bound to be in error. The effect of corrections for such errors is to increase the estimated probability of occurrence of tomadoes with higher intensities. 5. Variation of tornado intensity along the tornado path. Accounting to this factor results in smaller estimated risks of high tornado winds than would be the case if the maximum tornado winds (by which tomado intensities TABLE 3.5.2. Regional Pressure Drops and Pressure Drop Rate Total Pressure Drop Rate of Pressure Drop Region (psi) (psi/s) I 3.0 2.25 r.5 2.O 1.2 il u 0.6 124 I x I tll Ml wlNl) (.1 lMn l( )l ( x iY arc ftrlc(l) wu'c unili)r'rtt lrlortpl lltc t'rtlttt'p:rllt. ('ot't'ccl itttrs clli'c'lctl in l3-451, bascd upon lhc irrtalysis ol rhrt'rrrrcn(ctl lorrrarkrcs, lctl to risk reductions by a llctor ol'abou( livc lirr li4 (orrratlocs antl about tcn lirr trt According to [3-72, p. D-ll, the ANSI/ANS-2.3.1983 Standard was not approved by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Efforts to develop an improved standard are under way. Reference [3-73] is an overview of recent developments conccrning dcsign critcria fbr tomadoes. It notes that ncw Nuclcar Rcgrrlat<lry Corrrrrrission c:ri(cria ckr not clclinc tornaclo clcsign crileri:r on l; 129 -1.5.J. Slrrrrrlitltl 'l!rt'rtirtlo ('har:rclerislics (llxlraclcrl li-6r1 Arlcrican Nali'nal slanrl.rrl ANsl/ANs-2.J-l9tt-] with per'rissirrr publisher, ilre 'l'thc American Nucletr Socill.y) Probability ol' Exceedance, per ance. N(;t 'l'Alll,ll F6 tornadoes. The corrections for the factors listed involvc subjective judgments that may be formalized by Bayesian techniques (see Eq. Al.6). In [3-45] the corected rates of occurrence differ insignificantly from the uncorrected (prior) rates, with the following exceptions. For the three areas of the regionalization map proposed in [3-451 in which the most intense tomadoes recorded in the period 1950 1978 were F5, it was estimated in [3-45] that rates of occurrence of F6 tornadoes, rather than being zero, are about 1/20 times the rate of occurrence of F5 tomadoes. For the fourth area of that map, in which the most intense tornadoes recorded in the same period were F4, it was estimated that the corrected rate of occurrence of F4 tomadoes is about six times the uncorrected rate, and that the rate of occuffence of F5 tornadoes, rather than being zero, is 1l2O times the corrected rate of occurrence of F4 tomadoes. Reference [3-43] suggests that the velocity ranges associated in [3-37] with the tornado ratings F 1 through F6 (see p. I I 1) are overconservative by amounts varying from about 5% for Fl tornadoes to about 2O% or more for F6 tornadoes. The wind speed reductions proposed in [3-43] are used in [3-45] as a basis for suggesting a reduction of the 360 mph, 300 mph, and 240 mph wind speeds, specified in [3-35] for regions I, II, and III of Fig. 3.5.4, to 300 mph, 225 mph, and 200 mph, respectively. In the authors' opinion, the arguments adduced in 13-431 in favor of such reduclions are tentative, in some instances at least. For example, to support the contention that the maximum wind speeds in a tornado classified as F3 are lower than the values proposed in [3-37], [3-43] interprets a 133-167 mph estimate of the velocity causing the collapse of a chimney during the Xenia, Ohio, tornado of 3 April 1974 13-42, p. 17151 simply as a 133 mph estimate 13-43, p. 16251. On the other hand, it should be noted that the estimates of [3-35] and [3-37] are also tentative. A position that is to some extent a compromise between [3-35] and [3-45] was adopted in the American National Standard ANSI/ANS-2.3-1983 [3-481, which divides the contiguous United States into three zones, denoted as 1,2, and 3. Zones I and 2 cover, approximately, region I of Fig. 3.5.4, while zone 3 covers approximately regions II and III. Table 3.5.3 lists the maximum tomado wind speeds Z-o^, the translational wind speeds Vr,, the radius of the maximum wind speed R-, and the maximum atmospheric pressure drop po, given in [3-48] for tomadoes corresponding to various probabilities of exceed- l lt Ycar 107 V rrru V,, Rnro* Zone (mph) (mph) (f0 (psi) I 320 250 70 540 435 t.96 55 180 40 320 0.70 260 200 57 45 453 355 0.85 2 J 106 I 2 l0-5 1.35 1.46 3 140 32 253 o.4l 1 200 45 355 2 150 100 JJ 25 270 0.85 0.47 o.20 3 185 a probabilistic basis, although_the design parameters it accepts for new nuclear reactordesigns are in the 10 6 range 13-74,3-151. Reference [3-76] is a study of tornado climatology in the contiguous United States based on the National Severe Storms Forcast Center's tomado data base for the period January l, 1954, through December 31, 1983. Strike probabilities were estimated in [3-76] on the basis of expected tomado areas, conditional probabilities of tornado intensities were based on affected area, rather than on number of occurrences, the intensity distribution was based on a weibull model, and design wind speeds were based on regional intensity distributions. wind speed io obtained were 50 to 100 mph lower than the estimates of [3-35], and tornado design basis wind speeds suggested in [3-76] are 200 mph and 330 mph, respectively, for the United States west and east of the Rocky Mountains. For additional information on tornadoes, see also [3-69] and t3_701. It was noted in [3-40] that probabilities of a target being hit by a tornado wind in excess of any specified threshold depend upon the iize olthat target. This topic is analyzed in detail inf3-44,3-451, where the estimates are based upon statistics of tomado intensities, path lengths, and path widths on the one hand, and on the geometric characteristics of the target on the other. It is suggested in [3-49] that tornado wind loads dominate the design of most transmission lines over 10 miles in length over wide areas of the united States. REFERENCES 3-l A. Court, "Wind Extrcrrrcs rrs I)esiArr li:rt.t9l.s," .l . ltnttrklirt 1953) 3-2 39 .,256 Manualof SutitccOlt.scntttitttt,t,ll.s Wr':rtlrr'r St'r'vir.c. Wirslrirrgt6rr, p.92. (.1tly 5s I)(', l()5 l, 130 3-3 3-4 3-5 txtnt Mt wtNt)(;l nl tMnt()t (xiY Se!tctivt (]uidt ttt ('litttutit'I\tttt,\tutn't',t, Kt'y lo Mclcoxrlogicrtl llt:r'ortls l)oc umcntation No.4. ll,lirrvinurrrcntll l)lta Sc,r'vicc. [1.S. l)cp:rrtrrtcttl ol ('tltltmerce, Washington, DC, 1969. J. Wierenga, "An Objectivc B,xposurc (lrrrcction Mcthotl lirr Avcragc Wind SpeedsMeasuredataShelteredLocation,".l . futyul Mctcttrcl. SttL'.,1112 (1976), 24t-253. H. C. S. Thom, "New Distributions of Extreme Wind Speeds in the United States," J. Struct. Div., ASCE, 94, No. ST7, Proc. Paper 6038 (July 1968), 1787- I 801. 3-6 3-7 3-tt E. Simiu and J. J. Filliben, Statistical Analysis of Extreme Winds, Technical Note No. 868, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC, 1975. E. Simiu, J. Bi6try, and J. J. Filliben, "Sampling Errors in the Estimation of Extreme Winds," J. Struct. Div., ASCE 104, No. ST3 (March 1978), 491-501. J. A. Peterka and S. Shahid, "Extreme Gust Speeds in the U.S.," Proceedings, 7th U.S. National Conference on Wind Engineering, (G. C. Hart, ed.), Vol' 2, t993,503-512. 3-9 E. Simiu, M. Changery, and J. J. Filliben, Extreme Wind Speeds at 129 Stations in the Contiguous (Jnited Stares, NBS Building Science Series 118, U.S. Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC, March 1979. Winds from Short-Term Records," J. Struct. (1991), 375-390. 3-11 V. L. Cardone, A. J. Broccoli, C. V. Greenwood, andJ. A. Greenwood, "Error Characteristics of Extratropical-Storm Wind Fields Specified from Historical 3-10 V. Gusella, "Estimation of Extreme Eng. ll7 2511. Eng., ll0, Struct. No. 7 (July 1984),1467-1484. 3-14 M. Grigoriu, "Estimates of Design Winds from Short Records ," J. Struct. Div. ' ASCE, 108, No. ST5 (May 1982), 1034-1048. 3-15 H. L. Crutcher, "Wind Extremes," in Proceedings of the Second U.S. National Conference on Wind Engineering Research, Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins, 1915. 3-16 A. L. Sugg, L. G. Pardue, and R. L. Carrodus, Memorable Hurricanes of the United States, National Weather Service, Southem Region, NOAA Technical Memorandum NWS SR-56, Forth Worth, TX, 1971. 3-17 H. C. S. Thom, "Toward a Universal Climatological Extreme Wind Distribution," in Proceedings of the International Research Seminar on Wind Effects on Buildings and Structures, Vol. l, Univ. of Toronto Press, Toronto, 1968. 3-18 "The Hurricane Disaster Potential Scale," Weatherwise 27,4 (Aug. 1974), 169' I 86. 3-19 C. W. Cry, Tnpica! Cyt'loncs of the North Atlnntk' Ocean Trucks urul Freof llurrictmc,s urul 'l'ntpical Stonn.s, l87l l9(t-1 , 'l'cchlricll l)ttpcr No. .55, tJ.S. l)c:pirrlrrrr:nt ol'('onrrrrcrcc, Wcatltcr llttrcrttt, Wrtslritrg{ott. l)(', l()(r5. qut:n.cics l3l 3-20 (i. Ii. l)unn rrrrtl ll. .l . Millcr, Atlantic Hurricanes, 3-21 Louisiana State Univ. Press, Bakrn Rougc, l9(rO. H. C. S. 'l'horn ancl R. D. Marshall, "Wind and Surge Damage due to Hurricane Camille," J. Watcrways, Harbors, and Coastal Eng. Div., ASCE, 97, WW5 (May 1971), 355-363. 3-22 F. P. Ho, R. W. Schwerdt, and H. V. Goodyear, Some Climatological Characteristics of Hurricanes and Tropical Stonns, Gulf and East Coasts of the United States, NOAA Technical Reporl No. NWS 15, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Washington, DC, May 1975. 3-23 L. R. Russell, "Probability Distributions for Hurricane Effects," J. Watenuays, Harbours, and Coastal Eng. Div., ASCE, 97,WW2 (Feb. 1971), 139-154. 3-24 M. E. Batts, L. R. Russell, and E. Simiu, "Hurricane Wind Speeds in the United States," J. Struct. Dlv., ASCE, 100, No. ST10 (Oct. 1980), 2001,2015. 3-25 Worldwide Extremes of Temperature, Precipitation, and Pressures Recorded by Continental Area, ESSAIPI 680032, Environmental Data Service, U.S. Department of Commerce, October 1968. 3-26 Revised Standard Project Hurricane Criteria for the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts of the United Sfafes, Memorandum HURT-120, U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric ddministration, Washington, DC, June 1972. 3-21 V. A. Myers, Characteristics of United States Hurricanes Pertinent to Levee Design for lnke Okeechobee, Florida, Hydrometeorological Report No. 32, U.S. Weather Bureau, Department of Commerce and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Washington, DC, 1952. 3-28 R. W. Schwerdt, F. P. Ho, and R. R. Watkins, Meteorological Criteria for Data," J. Petroleum Technol. (May 1980), 872-880. 3-12 E. Simiu, J. J. Filliben, and J. R. Shaver, "Short-Term Records and Extreme Wind Speeds," J. Stuct. Div., ASCE, 108, No' STll (Nov. 1982),2511- 3-13 M. Grigoriu, "Estimation of Extreme Winds from Short Records," J. il ilt Nct t; 3-29 Standard Project Hurricane and Probable Marimum Hurricane Windfields, Gulf and East Coasts of the Uniled States, NOAA Technical Report NWS23, U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Washington, DC, Sept. 1979. P. N. Georgiou, A. G. Davenport, and B. J. Vickery, "Design Wind Loads in Regions Dominated by Tropical Cyclones," Proceedings Sixth International Conference on Wind Engineering, Feb. 1983, Gold Coast, Australia, inJ. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerod., f3 (1983), 139-152. 3-30 M. E. Batts, M. R. Cordes, and E. Simiu, "Sampling Errors in Estimation of Extreme Hurricane Winds," J. Stuct. Div., ASCE, 106, No. ST10 (Oct. 1980), 2tt-21t5. 3-31 V. J. Cardone, W. J. Pierson, and E. G. Ward, "Hindcasting the Directional J. Petroleum Technol., (April 1976), Spectra of Hurricane-Generated Waves," 385,394. 3-32 E. G. Ward, L. E. Borgman, and V. J. Cardone, "Statistics of Hurricane Waves in the Gulf of Mexico," J. Petroleum Technol. (May 1979), 632-646. 3-33 C. S. Gilman and V. A. Myers, "Hurricane Winds for Design Along the New England Coast," J. Waterways and Harbors Div., ASCE 87, WW5 (May 196l), 45-65. 3-34 M. J. Changery, E. J. Dumitriu-Valcea, and E. Simiu, Directional Extreme Wind Speeds.for the Design of Buildings and Other Structures, Building Science Series BSS 160. National Burcau of Standards. March 1984. 132 I x I lll Ml wlNl) ( il lMn l( )l ( x iY nr ] .15 li. ll. Mtrrkt'c, .l . (i. llcckqlcy, ltrtl li lr. Srrrrtlt'ts, l't'r'ltrtitttl lltttit litt Itttt'r'irtt ('rtttt llt,giotrrtl litrtttttht ('ritt'rirt, Wn Sll I l(X) (ll(' ll), ll.S. Atorrrit littt'tgy I)(" I974' 3-l(r H. C. S. Thom, "Tornatlo lrnrbabilities," Mrnt. wuttltcr Rcv.,17 (l)cc. l-5-l ('. rnission, Ollicc ol' l{cgLrlatittrr, Wirslritrglotr, 1973), 110-736. 'lltnrudt)(s and Hurricancs b,r- Arert .l-.17 'l'. 't'. Fujita, Proposed Charact.ariz.atiort of rttrd Inrcn.sity, Satellite and Mesometcorology Rcscarch Project (University of ('lricago), Rcsearch Paper No. 89' 1970. ] ilt y. K. Wcn and S. L. Chu, "Tornado Risks and Design wind speed," J. Struct. /)ir'., ASCIE (Dec. 1973), 2409-2421. I l() .l . l{. tiaglcman, V. U. Muirhead, andW. Willems, Thunderstorms, Tornadoes tttnl lluiaing Damage, Lexington Books, Heath, Lexington, MA' 1975' \ 40 lt. G. Garson, J. M. Catalan, and C. A. Comell, "Tornado Design Winds Based on Risk," J. Struct. Dlv., ASCE (Sept. 1975)' 1883-1897' 3-41 R. F. Abbey, Jr., "Risk Probabilities Associated with Tornado wind Speeds," Proceedings symposium on Tornadoes, R. E. Peterson (Ed.), Texas Tech. univ', Lubbock, June 22-24, 19763-42 K. C. Mehta, J. E. Minor, and J. R. McDonald, "wind Speed Analysis of April 3-4, 1974 Tomadoes," -/. Struct' Div., ASCE (Sept' 1976), 1709-1724' 3-43 L. A. Twisdale, "Tornado characterization and wind speed Risk," /. srruct. Div., ASCE (Oct. 1978), 1611-1630. 3-44 L. A. Twisdale and W. L. Dunn, "Probabilistic Analysis of Tornado Wind Risks," J. Struct. Div', ASCE (Feb. 1983)' 468-488' 3-45 L. A. Twisdale et al., Tornado Missile Simulation and Design Methodology, EPRI NP-2005, Electrical Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, california, Aug. 3-54 Tenth Conference on Severe Local Storms, American Meteorological Society, Oct. 1977, Omaha, NB. 3-47 R. F. Abbey, Jr., and T. T. Fujita, "The Dapple Method for computing Tomado Hazard Probabilities: Refinements and Theoretical Considcrations," Eleventh Conference on Severe Local Storms, American Meteonrlogical Society, Oct. 1979, Kansas CitY' 3-48 American National Standard for Estimating Tornado and Extreme Wind Characteristics at Nuclear Power Sites, ANSI/ANS-2.3-1983, American Nuclear So- ciety, La Grange Park, IL, 1983' 3-49 L. A. Twisdale, "Wind Loading Underestimates in Transmission Line Design," 3-50 3-51 Transmission and Distibution (Dec. 1982), 40-46' L. A. Twisdale and P. J. Vickery, "Research on Thunderstorm Wind Design Parameters," J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn-, 4l-44 (1992),545-556' Y. K. Wen and K. B. Rojiani, Discussion to "sampling Errors in Estimation of Extreme Winds,,by E'. Simiu eta]l', J. Struct. Div., ASCE 104 (1978)' l815_ 1817. 3-52 C. J. Neumann, G. W. Cry, E. L. Caso, and B. R. Jarvinen, Tropical cycktnes ctf the North Athntic occun, 187 l-1971 , National c)ceanic and Atnrosphcric Atllninistrirtion. Nutiorral ('lilnatic Ccntcr, Ashcvillc, NC, Junc l97tl. (rrlxlrr(ul vcrsiott: llislorrclrl ('lirlrllology Scr-ics (r 2' l9(X)) .1. Nerrnlurrr rrntl M. .l . Prsylak, F'rcqutnt:y arul Morion oJ Atlantic Tropical Cycltnrr.t. N()nn 'l'cchnical Repoft NWS 26, National oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Washington, DC, March 1981. B. R. Jarvinen, and E. L. caso, A Tropical cyclone Data Tape for the North Atlantic Basin, 1886-1977: Contents, Limitations, and (Jses, NOAA Technical Memorandum Nws NHC 6, National Hurricane center, National oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Coral Gables, FL, 1978. 3-55 z. xue and C. J. Neumann, Frequency and Motion of western North pacific Tropical Cyclones, National Hurricane center, National oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Miami, Florida, May 1984. 3-56 J. J. Sanchez-Sesma, J. J. Aguine, and M. Sen, "simple Modeling procedure for Estimation of Cyclonic Wind Speeds," J. Struc. Eng., ll4 (1938), 352370. 3-57 L. J. shapiro, "The Asymmetric Boundary Layer Flow under a Translating Hurricane," J. Atm. Sci., 40 (1993), lgg4_lggg. P. J. vickery and L. A. Twisdale, "prediction of Hurricane windspeeds in the U.S.," J. Struc. Eng.,l2l (1995), t69t-1699. 3-59 P. J. Vickery and L. A. Twisdale, "windfield and Filling Models for Hurricane Windspeed Predictions," J. Struc. Eng., l2l (1995), 1700_1709. 3-60 F. Ho, J. Su, K. Hanevich, R. smith, and F. Richards, Hurricane crimatology for the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts of the rlnited states, Nws 39, National oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 1987. 3-61 K. A. Emanuel, "The Maximum Intensity of Hurricanes ," J. Atm. Sci., 45 (1988),1143-1155. 3-62 K. A. Emanuel, "Towards a General Theory of Hurricanes ,,, Am. Scientist, 76 3-58 (1988),371-379. 1981. 3-46 R. F. Abbey, Jr. and T. T. Fujita, "Regionalization of the Tomado Hazard," rrlir N(jtis 133 3-63 D. Delaunay, Vents efiremes dfrs awr cyclones tropicaux dans les DOM-TOM, Cahier 2078, Centre Scient. et Techn. du BAtiment, 4 av. rect. poincar6, paris 16, France, May 1988. 3-& A. G. Davenport, P. N. Georgiou, and D. Surry, Hurricane Wind Risk Study for the Eastern Carribean, Jamaica and Belize with Special Consideration of the Effects of ropogrctphy, Res. Report Blwr-ss3l, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada, 1985. 3-65 L. Gomes and B. J. Vickery, on the Prediction of rropical Cyclone Gust speecls Along the Nonhern Australia coasr, Res. Report R27g, school of civil Eng., University of Sidney, 1976. 3-66 H. Saffir, "Florida's Approach to Hurricane-Resistant Design and Construction, " "/. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. , 32 (1989), 221-230. 3-67 S. G. coles and D. walshaw, "Directional Modeling of Extreme wind Speeds," J. Appl. Stat.,33 (1994),139-158. 3-68 ASOS Tool Box, Surface Observation Modcmization Oflice, 8455 Colesville Rd., Silver Spring, MD 20910, Junc 199.5. 3-69 T. P. Grazula, "Significant'lirr.irtl.c:s," .l " Wind llng. Ind. Aerodyn.,36(1990), l3l-15r. 3-70 L. A. Twisdale antl P..l . Vicke'y, "l,lxr'errc wrntl ltisk Assessnrcnr," pp.46-5 509, Pnbabilistic Strttt trutrl h,llt ltrtrrir..s lltttrrlltntk, ('. Srrrrtl:rrirr:r jln, (ctl.) Chaprnan lntl lllrll, Nrw York, lt)t)5. 134 txttuMt .l-7 I li. 3-72 sirrrirr, N. 73 114 A. lltrckcrr, rrntl 'l'. M. wlrrrlt'rr, 1,.):;tintttrt',t ttf'llurrir'ttrtr,witttl Slttul.s lt.v th<, 'l'tttkl; rn'tr 'l'ltn'sltttltl' 19.1,'11,,r1, NIS'l' 'l'cchnicirl Note l4l(r, Natitlnal lnstitutc ol'Slarrtlarrl irrrrl 't'ct.llroLrtriy. (i;rithcrsburg, MI), l()()6. DOB' Stanrlanl l(120-94, LJtritctl Stirlcs l)r:p:rr(rncnt ol' Encrgy, (icnrrankrwn, MD. 3 wrNr)ct tMAl()t (xly PART B 1994. J. D. Stevenson and Y. Zhao, "Mrxlcrrr l)csigrr ol'Nuclear and Other Potentially Hazardous Facilities," Nuclcar S'zfi,l.y (in prcss). U.S. Nuclear Regulatory commission, "Final sal'cty Evaluation Report Related t. the Certification of the Advanced Boiling water Design," NUREG-1503, V.l. l, July 1994, National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA 2216t. i /5 l.s. Nuclear Regulatory commission, "Final safety Evaluation Report Related rhc ccrtification fo the System 80+ Design Docket No. 52-002," NUREGl;162, Vol. I, August, 1994, National Technical Information Service, Spring_ licltl. VA 22161. .l . V. Ramsdell and G. L. Andrews, Tornado Climatology of the Contiguous lltritul states, NUREG/CR-4461 pNL-5697, May 1986, National rechnical lrrlirruration Service, Springfield, Y A 22161. WIND LOADS AND THEIR EFFECTS ON STRUCTURES I I r. | ](t | 71 stnt(tural Engineering, Loads-Design Manual 2.2, NAVFAC DM 2.2, Navy lrar:ilitics Engineering command, 200 Stovall St., Alexandria, virginia 22332, I7tt 'l'ccltnical Manual-structural Design Criteria, Loads, Army TN 5-g09-1, Air Iirrcc AFM 88-3, Chap. l, Departments of the Army and Air Force, 1992. M. D. Powell and P. G. Black, "The Relationship of Hurricane Reconnaissance t"light-Level wind Measurements to winds Measured by NoAA's oceanic platlirrms," Int. J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerod.,36, (1990), 381-392. E. Simiu, Discussion of "Prediction of Hurricane windspeeds in the u.S." by P. J. Vickery and L. A. Twisdale, submitted toJ. Struc. Eng. (Apil 1996). 198I \-l() l-ttO . FUNDAMENTALS CHAPTER 4 BLUFF.BODY AERODYNAMICS The subject of aerodynamics covers a very wide range. of necessity, therefore, only a few highlights can be emphasized in the present chapter. The field received its great initial impulse from the efforts in the early twentieth century to achieve heavier-than-air flight. Since that time it has continually received strong contributions from a great variety of aerospace studies, and from the sustained, intensive development of machines with internal flows, such as jet engines, pumps, and turbines. In addition, interesting new advances in applications of aerodynamics to civil engineering structures have occurred in the last three decades. Dealing as they do with the natural wind, these applications of aerodynamics are limited mainly to relatively low-speed, incompressible flow phenomena. In this application, aerodynamics is also closely associated with meteorology and concemed in particular with turbulent flows in the boundary layer of the earth's atmosphere. Besides a primary concem with the mean velocity of the wind, two aspects of these turbulent flows are of interest to the structural engineer: the state of turbulence of the natural wind approaching a structure and the local or "signature" turbulence provoked in the wind by the strucrure itsell. Since moir structures in civil engineering present bluff forms to the wind, emphasis is placed, in wind engineering, upon bluff-body aerodynamics. This fact, characteristic of a new situation not emphasized as strongly in aeronautical and other previous studies, has occasioned new research on the details of, flclw effects around bluff forms typical of such structures as buildings, towcrs, ancl bridges. In this context, interest centers particularly on details ol'thc clcvclopment of body pressures by the givcn flows. As pointed out by Roshk<l in a rcccnt rcvic:w, "llrc: pnlblcrrr ol' blrrll lxxly r35 136 nt lI I ,t I (i{'vt iltltN(, t(Jl,Ail()Nl; il()l )Y nl ll()l)YNnMl(ll ll1;w rclrpritrs irlrrrosI errlilcly irr llrt't'trpttit';rl. rlt'st'r'iptive tt'ltltlt ol kttowlt'tlgc" l4 tttil. Altlxrr.rgh ctx)rnl()us lrtlvlrnt'r:s lurve lrt't'tt lttttl lttc bcittg rrtitrlc itl colttirr tllc sllcltutali6nal lluicl clynarrrics (C-Irl)), so llrt'resrtlts ltitvc boctr Itltltle:sl (CWts)('onrl)ulirliontrl wind cnginccrirrg ils known cializ,cd branch ol-CFD comlbrt pcdcstrian lor llow ott wittcl rcsrrlts qualitativc proviclc Lllrl)/CWE can pufposcs (Chapter l5), although cvcn irr this casc no delinitive validations itppcar to be available [4-89]. Howcvcr, lilr structural engineering purposes, 0wing t() the computational problcms arising in large Reynolds number, turlrulcn(, separated flows (Sect. 4.3), current methods are inadequate and/or lrnrhihitivcly expensive. For details on the current status of CW-E, see [4-90 ro 4 92, 4-951. ln this chapter a few basic theoretical principles and experimental facts are r-r:vicwed that lay a foundation for the study of wind engineering' 4.1 a,, t.,,* dxadx. dxt FIGURE 4.1.1. Forces on an elementary volume of fluid It can similarly be shown that the net force component in the i direction due to the action of all the stresses o,; is ), uo o, 0x1 GOVERNING EQUATIONS Denoting the components of F by F,(i given by Newton's second law, are Consider a fixed elemental volume dV in a fluid. The vector velocity* of the fluid is commonly expressed bY u:ui+/j+wk (4.1.1) j, k are unit vector components along the usual three fixed rectangular coordinate axes x, y, 3. For compactness of notation let x, y, Z be replaced respectively by x1, x2, x3, I't, u, wby u1, tt2, tt3, and the unit vectors i, j, k by i1, i2, ij so that Eq. 4.1.1 may be rewritten where i, t: 3 (4'l'2) ''i" '?' i The force acting on the fluid contained irt the volume dll consists of two parts. The first part, referred to as the body lforce and caused by some force held, such as gravity, will be denoted byFp dV, where p is the fluid density. The second part is due to the net action on the fluid of the internal stresses oa(i, i : 7,2,3). For example, the contribution to this action of the normal stress 01 (see Fig.4.1.1) is -otr dxz ar, + (o,, + # ff4,,tdxrdx. (4.1.4) 1:r 4.1.1 Equations of Motion and Continuity *,) *, dr, -- : ai dxl oot' ,rv dr' cLrt dvl (4. 1.3) tlrr :rpltlicirliorrs wlrr:rt' llrclt.t'xisls lt sirtglt' inllx)t'lirtll tttt':tlt llttw vt'lot ily lti lotttltltttir'rl lry vlrri:rblc c()n)l)on('nls. lltt'nrt':rrr llow is ollctt lirkt'tt:ts ltt'irr1g irt lltt" t rlit't'tliott. tltllt vclotrlv (l(:,il'lllll((l rrs l/. fltc tcslx'r'livc r. \',.'(()llll)()ll('ttl:i lltt'tt lx'irt11 rlcsrlltt:rlr'rl ltr l/ I tt I' tt 137 Du, p dV : A where the operator Fip dV DlDt, known * : 1,2,3), I the force balance equations, a",, (t ,",i,0, as the substantial : 1 ,2,3) (4. r.s) or the material deivative, is defined as follows: Da:a+ Lu- (4.1.6) Dt 0t i:r '0*i Since Eq. 4.1.5 is true for all volume elements, the factor dV may be divided out of Eq. 4.1.5 and the equations of motion, in component form, of a fluid particle can be written as Du,: *,1,#, .l a" ,i,' rF, (i : 1.2.3) (4.1.1) Various forms of this basic equation can be derived depending upon the nature of the forces d and stresses o4 acting upon the fluid particle. Before examining these particular cases, it will be useful to recall the principle of mass conservation. This principle states that the rate of increase of the fluid mass contained within a fixed closed surface must be equal to the difference between the rates of influx to and effiux from the volume enc.loscd by that suriace. The equations of continuity can then be shown to be [4- | . 4-21: I I rl i)(Nri\ op /lr i)r (-1.I n) 138 Bl Ut I tr()t )y * At n()t)yN^t\,4t(;r; l'or lttt ittcottt;ltcssiltltr lltritl whe tt'irr rro r'lr;rrrg,r. irr tlt'lrsily /) ('(:(:ut.s, llris rr.rlrrt.t's Itr .', arr. L..', i r 0.r, 'l I (i()Vl llNlN(i l(Jlln ll()Nri -l 39 lirrllhcr, by rlivitlirrg tltc wlrolc s(rtss /r'rt,srrl o,, lt( it lltlitl ptlint itt(o prcssttrc strcss (6r'sirrrply l)ft,,t,\ur(, tltirl is, rtorttutl sltcss) 1t ltttd tltvitrtorll' s(tcss, dclincd as 0 (4.1.9) du : 2r' (r, _ iu, -i, ,--) (i, j : l, 2, 3) (4.1.1 l) 4.1.2 The Navier-Stokes Equations tjnlikc a solid, a fluid under static conditions is incapable of suppor-ting any slcady-state stresses other than normal pressure. In dynamic situations, on the othcr hand, it may support shear in a time-dependent manner. Most often, in lltricl-mechanical applications, it has been adequate to assume then that the strcsscs involved are either normal pressures or ascribable to viscosity only. lrluicls with internal shear stress proportional to the rate of change of velocity with distance normal to that velocity are termed viscous or Newtonian. For cxurnple the shear stress ol2 in the simple two-dimensional flow pictured in lrig. 4.1.2 is expressed as otz: lt out * (4.1. l0) where I ( 6u, 8ri\ eii:i\a*-i,) (4.1.t2) " fr. i:j ur:Lo. i+j (4.1.13) the following breakdown of stress oii can be obtained: whcrc the proportionality factor is defined as the fluid viscosity.* : oij -pbij + 2r, ("i- +r, @.r.4) -i, "--) Using this form of stress for a Newtonian fluid results in the equations of motionx , r : \) Dui _,_op.ig\r*/ : oF, 0"fi (", 16,i . 0x, 7:r dx; ( ^4,'^r)\ (4'l'15) j : 1,2,3) are the well-known NQvier-Stokes equations. If Flq.4.1 .12 is used, and if the viscosity p may be considered to be ionstant throughout the fluid, then Eqs. 4.1.15 become Equations 4.1.15 (i, 3 ,o#: oF,- y-, rl FiGURE 4.1.2. Linear velocity increase with distance from a wall. liler. ilr'('it lcngth ily lorcc timc vt'kre lcngth r 'l'ypitirl v:rlrrcs ol lirl t'x;rnrplt' lirr:rir:uttl wlt(cr irl 20,, lr ltuu 0 ()(X)ltt p/t.rrr s, (irttttttllt ttttil: trtr'/r,rrr'r, r!lrr,lr. I lrrisr. I 111,,, 11lt.rtr s -1 a Z k:1 @uol\xo) 0*, (4 116) ) Further simplification occurs in the case of an incompressible fluid, that is, one for which Eq. 4.1 .9 holds. Equations 4.1 .16 can then be written in the vector form r'l'hc units ol viscosity arc ' (,; W. I . lcngllr tirrrc Du :rrc PDt O.Ol 1ilt,rtr (].()(]lO') : pF P ii -r tt i>I f(txti - t; I tlX; s llrl r/lt ilior :r rrrort'tlt'liriletl ir(('()tlrrl s('('. lirt t'rittttltle, l'l ll. l'l .ll, l'l ll' or l'l'll A.t.t7t 140 ilr Ur I il()t)y * nt il()t)yNnMtcl; ;r :, llowlNA(:llllvl l)l'Alll v(|l lllxll()w t4l 4.1.3 Bernoulli's Equation lJor a lluirl that, in aclditi<ln to hcirrg irrerrrrprcssiblc, is irryl,rr.irl is actcd upon by ncgligiblc bocly lirlccs, llt1. 4.1.17 rctluccs to Du i, al, e Dr : -,?,; '' . (/r 0) (4. irrrtl /I l. l8) srnenulrrurs ll'the coordinate axes are so oriented thatJl corresponds to the direction of rnotion, and if the flow is steady, it follows immediately from the integration \ // Ja -(' u dr \,,/ -\- ol' [lqs. 4. I . 18 that jl"l'*4:consr (4.1.19) ll ovory point of a streamline. Equation 4.1.19 is a special form of Bernoulli's tltt'rtrcm and is most commonly written as lpu' + p: wlrcrc (4.1.20) const a is the flow velocity along a streamline. The quantity |puz has the of pressure and is referred to as lhe dynamic pressure. 'l'his important equation is widely used to interpret the ie-lation between rlirncnsions i)rcssurc and velocity in atmospheric and wind tunnel flows. Detailed comments on llcrnoulli's equation and its applicability in fluid flows-including flows in which viscosity is present-are provided in Sect. 3.5 of [4-3]. 4..2 FLOW IN A CURVED PATH..VORTEX FLOW ('orrsicler a two-dimensional flow u"rr")lio locally concentric streamlines a tlistance dr apart and having radius of curvature r (Fig. 4.2.1). For the flow to nraintain its curved path, it must experience an acceleration toward the center trl'curvature of the streamlines of amountu2lr, where z is here used to designate tlrc local tangential velocity of the flow. Let the pressure acting on the fluid e:lcrrrcnt under consideration be denoted by p. The pressure differential from onc strcamline to the next along r, which is responsible for this acceleration, is r/7r. The equation of motion for the fluid element is then FICURE 4.2.1. Flow in a curved dp .dr : pu'; Path (4.2.1) Bernoulli's equation (4.1.20) then permits calculation of the pressure along a curved path of such a streamline flow. In particular, one may consider the case wherein the flow is completely circular and the value of p6 in Eq. 4.1.20 is the same on all streamlines. This is the case of vortex.flow. Differentiation of Eq. 4.1.20 yields du do Pui+,rr:o (4.2.2) which, when combined with Eq. 4.2.1, yields du ur dr (4.2.3) Equation 4.2.3 can then be integrated to yield rlp dA : p d.r dl ll r wltcrc trr is tltc llrritl tlcnsily lu'rd dA is thc arca <lf thc clcntcrrt in ir pllrrrt: rrtlrrrral to llter plitltc ol'llrt'ligrrlc. 'l'lris rclulion inrlicirlcs lhlrt lltc l)rrsriur'(. t.lurrrge rror.rnirl l() lllc sll'ctttttlitres ol'lt r'tttvt'tl llrtw irr tlrc: :rbscrnt'e ol irrry ollrt.r' lort.r.s rs ur:C:const (4.2.4) 'I'his simplc law sta(cs lirr irrr inconrprcssihle, inviscid fluicl thc thcrllcticlrl (hypcrb1;lic) rclation bclwct'rr positiorurl t'rrtlius r antl tangcnliltl vclrtcily rr irt lt .lit't'rrtrtc.r. 142 lil ul I il( )t )y n t tt( )t )vNn Mtcii .l Itt lttt ;tcltt:rl lit't' votlcx, ltowcvt'r. llrt' r'llct l:r ol vrscosily il'(. l)t(',.r(.nl ils wt'll.'l'llcy llltvc ttol llcctt ittt'ltttlt'rl rtr llrt'srrrrplt tlt'r'iv:rlion irlrovc.'l'lrcst.will Ititvt', itt l)ilrt, lllc cll'cc( ol'"lockirrg," s()rn('l)()rtr()rr ol lhc lluitl (ltclrr llrt.t'r'lrlg.) logclltcr alttl citusittg il to ft)lllc lrs lr liliitl lrtxl-y irrslt:lrtl ol'as thc pclli.t.l llrritl rlcscrilrtxl by l-q. 4.2.4. T'hus locirlly, neru'thc t'crrlcr ol'a I'rcc vgrtcx. llrc vclocity u intrtu:sc,t with radius, whcrclrs ucconling to Eq.4.2.4 il tlt,crttt,scs witlr irrcrctrsing r. This latter condition lctually hokls outwarcl fnrrn a tnu1sitiln tr',t\i.rt irr which rz attains its maximum valuc. 'l'hc value of a in such a region rs rlt'Perrtlcnt on the values of the fluid viscosity and of the total angular monrcnlunr rrl'thc vortex. Figure 4.2.2 lllustrates qualitatively the pressure ancl vt'krt'ity rclrrti<lns that hold in a free vortex occurring in a real fluid. It should lrt'rrrtt'rl tlrirt thc free vortex here described differs from the forced or conttttttttt'rl rrlTr'.r that may develop in a fluid held in a rotating container. 'l'lrr' llcc vortex is of interest in many flows that occur in engineering aplrlrt';rtirrrs. lior cxample, atmospheric flows along the curved isobars of the rvt'rrf lrcr nrrl) ilrc described by generalizations of Eq.4.2.1 . These have been rlt'strilrt'rl irr scct. 1.2, where additional Coriolis forces have been included. 4.3 :l lt{ )l lNl )n I lY I AYI I l" n lll ) :;l l'l\l tn I l( 'l'lrc lrngc: ol vist'o:;rly v;rlrrt's lo bc lirtrtttl itrrl()rt1l vrtriotts lluids is vory grcat. 'l'ltc viscosity ol lrir lrt rurlrrrirl rrrclorlrolrlgicitl 1tl'cssrtl't:s ancl {ctnpcraturcs howt'vcr has a r-clltively srrlrll virluc. Noncthclcss, in stlrrtc circumstances this small viscosity plays irrr irrrprlllnt nrlc. An imporlanL rnanif'estation of the viscous cll'ccts of air occut's in tlro lbrmation of boundary layers. Consider an air llow over and along a stationary smooth surface. It is an cxpcrimental fact that the air in contact with the surface adheres to it. This cituses a retardation of the air motion in a layer near the Surface referred to aS tlrc boundary layer. Within the boundary layer the velocity of the air increases l'rom zero at the surface (no slip) to its full value, which corresponds to the cxtemal (as opposed to boundary layer) flow t2-11. A boundary-layer velocity profile is depicted in Fig. 4.3.1. Air, since it has mass, evidences inertial effects according to Newton's sccond law (or, more specifically, the Navier-Stokes equations). The two most influential effects in an air flow are then viscous and inertial, and the relation ol'these to each other becomes an index of the type of flow characteristics or as a Phenomena that may be expected to occur. This index can be expressed nondimensional parameter G", the. Reynolds number, which is a measure of thc ratio of inertial to viscous forces. For example, consider a volume of fluid with a typical surface dimension L. Then, by Bernoulli's theorem, the net pressure p - po caused by fluid flow at velocity U, which is of the order of p[J2, creates inertial forces on the fluid element enclosed by that volume which I p HEIGHT u =C/r VELOCITY I'r.ssrrrt' :rrrtl vt'krt iry rlisrrilruri.rr rr ;r 'rirrr'\ lr.r' 143 BOUNDARY I AYERS AND SEPARATION t, lll(illlll'l 'l.l.f- )ll Itl(llllll,l .1.,!. L I\ lr( .rl lrrunrl;trv l;tyt't vt'lot'ily lllirlilt'. 144 ilt rJr I il( )t )y l\t il( )t )yNt\Mt( ,l :l li()t ,Nt)nnY tnYt ilr; ANt) ::t I'nt tn |()N 145 /){/ /. . ()rr lltt'ollrr't lr;rrr,l. llrt'visr'otts stt't'sst's otr llrr"t'lr'tnt'rtl Irr.t'ol lltt'onlcl ol lrllll,, sr> visto:;rly rt'l:rlt'rl l()r'('(':j itr(r ol tltt: otrlt'r rtl 1r.llll, ' /,'. 'l'lre lirlio ol'irtctlilrl (o vistorrs lolt t s rs tlrt'rr ol'lho rlttlcr ol' irr'('()l llr('()r(lt't ()l (lle : 'olJ L pUL ll p( )l , I!: (4.3.1) lLv y : pl p is called the kinematic yi^r<'o,ril_y.* (See also Sect. 7.1.) Thus, wlrcrr 61. is large, inertial effects preilominate; when it is small, the viscous t'llccts are the stronger ones. It is noted that the concept of Reynolds number rs. irr rclaticln to the boundaries affecting a flow, a very local thing; that is, the st'lt'c(ion of the representative length Z for the calculation of G" depends upon tlrr' irrtcrcst ol'the investigator in local details. Thus a flow over a given object rrr;ry tlcvckrp a wide variety of Reynolds numbers, depending upon the particrrl;rr rcgion focused on for study. When discussing the whole flow that envelops rr llivcrr lxily, it is usual to select for the length -L some overall representative tlirrrrnsion ol that body. Iirrrrrtlrrry-layer separation occurs if fluid particles in the boundary layer are srrllicit:rrtly dccelerated by inertial forces that the flow near the surface becomes n'vt'r'sctl. 'fhcse deceleration effects occur as a result of the presence in the llow ol'arlvcrse pressure gradients. Such severe adverse pressure gradients as t'rrrr lrr: llrocluced, for example, by the flow over the comer of a bluff body I't'nt'r'irlly cause flow separation. Through processes that are not well understrxxl, thc scparation layers generate discrete vofiices, which are shed into the wrrkc llow bchind the bluffbody (Fig. 4.3.2). Such vortices can cause extremely lril',lr srrctions ncar separation points such as comers or eaves. Iilows ol-practical interest have Reynolds numbers ranging from nearly zero to irs lrigh as 108 or lOe. Steadily increasing the Reynolds number of the flow ()v('r irr) obstacle generally produces a widely varying sequence of flow phen()rncnlr lirr which the Reynolds number provides a convenient index, as is st't'rr. lirr cxample, in Sect. 4.4. ll'" as is true in most cases, the flow over a body has separated at some wlre:rc: ''l vpical valucs of kinenratic viscosity for air and watcr are. respectively: : r,".u : /,i, 0. 150 crn2/s at 20'C 0.01 crn2/s at 20'C A t orrrnror rrrril lirr kincrrratic viscosity is thc .stote: I stokc - FIGURE 4.3.2. Flow separation at corner of obstacle. l)oint,* the wake will contain the effects of vortex formation. Depending upon tlrc magnitude of the Reynolds number, the flow willbe turbulent to a greater or lesser extent. Many turbulent flows may thus be typically viewed as wake lkrws in which upstream objects have already "stirred" the flow in some such rnanner as has been described. Turbulence can bc caused by means other than thc stirring mechanisms mentioned above (e.g., by thermally induced convection), but for the majority of flows of importance to wind engineering, turbulcnce can be considered to be initiated mechanically, as described. Thus, for r:xample, trees, buildings, or telrain upstream of a given point play an important role in developing the turbulence of the wind observed in the atmospheric lroundary layer at that point. Descriptions of turbulence in the natural wind are given in Sect. 2.3. When turbulence is present, one turbulent layer of the fluid tends to produce Iurbulent motions in adjacent layers, as, for example, in a wake or boundary ltyer. This takes place through transfer of momentum from one layer to another. A similar phenomenon occurs in the absence of turbulence when a lirrninar, as opposed to turbulent, boundary layer is created. The difference bctween a laminar and a turbulent boundary layer is that, in the former, the transfer of momentum occurs at the molecular rather than the macroscopic scale. The fluid viscosity p is in fact the result of such molecular transfers of nx)rnentum. As noted in Sect. 2. I in the context of atmospheric flows, turbulent lxrundary layers may be viewed as being governed by an equivalent kinematic viscosity callcd eddy viscosity, whose value reflects the large momentum translcrs induced by turbulcncc. I crrr/s - 0.001764 ltrls A rrrclrrl :rplrlrlirrt:rlc lorrrttrl:r lor lltL'l{t:ynoltls rtrrrrrbcr in:rit'lrl lrllrul lO"(':urtl ;rlrrrosplrcrit' lr( r;sllr( rs (r/ (X)() l// . r|lrt'ri {/ is in Ittt'lr'r's l)r'r s('('on(l :rrrtl /. in nr('l('rs l lrs lrr'r'rrrrrt s (r.) }O l//. lor l/ rrr lt/:, :lrrl / rr l1-( l llrt lltt' t'rrsr' ol lrirlirrls (x ( lrrr( r( (' ol llrl,.,r'lrrr.rlrorr r:, rr:rr;rlly tk'sirt'tl lts l:rlc:rs possilrlt':rlorrl', tlrc lrtxly. in ;rttottlrrtttt rvillr llrr' ,rlnr "l , t'nlr'rllrr,' Irr':,r,lr( rlisttilrttlions 1o iltt li':rsr' lill :rrrrl tr'tltttr' tlt;t1', lry ttttlttts ol llcrttttt'lttr Iorrr 146 4.4 n UI I Ir( )t )y n t tr( )t ,yNn Mt( il .l 'l Wnlll nl.Jl'V()l lllXl0liMnll()Nl; tl.l tW(llrlMl il:;l{)t!At |()W WAKE AND VORTEX FORMATIONS IN TWO-DIMENSIONAL FLOW lrt thc lilllowing discussion, lho lklw is assrrrrrctl (o bc smooth (laur"inlr) arrd two-rlirncnsional, that is, indcpcntlcnl ol'lhc c<xrrclinatc normal to tlrc planc ol vicwing. Consider a two-dimensional llow around the sharp-edgccl flat platc shrrwn in Fig. 4.4.1 . At a very low Rcynolds number (e.g., ULlu: 0.3, whcrc L is the dimension of the plate across the flow), the flow turns the sharp corncr and follows both front and rear contours of the plate ( At rr slightly higher Reynolds number (&" = l0) obtained by merely increasing tlrc llow velocity over the same plate, the flow separates at the corners ancl t'rt:alcs two large, symmetric vortices behind the plate that remain attached t<l (lrt: back of the plate (Fig. 4.4.1b). At increased Reynolds number (G" = 250) thc syrnmetrical vortices are broken and replaced by cyclically altemating vortit'cs that form by tums at the top and bottom edges and are swept downstream ( l;ig. 4.4. I c). A full cycle of this phenomenon is defined as the activity betwecn llrc occurrence of some instantaneous flow configuration about the body and llrc ncxt identical configuration. At still higher Reynolds numbers, say Ge 2 It){)t) (Fig. 4.4.1d), the inertia forces predominate; large distinct vortices have littlc possibility of forming and, instead, a generally turbulent wake is formed Ilchintl thc plate, its two outer defining edges forming a "shear layer" consisting ol'a long series of smaller vortices that accommodate the wake region lo thc udjacent smooth flow region. Overall, these results dramatically illustratc rDe FIGURE 4.4.1b. Flow past a sharp-edged plate Ge = 10. e Q.3 (, (o) lll(;llltl,l.l., (b) lihrw pirsl lr slt:u1r t'tllicrl pl;rtt.(11,. -- O I ) l,'l(illllll,l'. l;kru |1r;l ir "lrirrI r'rl1'r'r; ,t1,,,. ,t,, _) 5() 147 t4B lll l,l I lt()t)Y At n()t )YNnMt|1 ,l .t w^l,.t I v(,t illx l()l tMnll()N:; lN tw()trlMl Nt;l{)Nnt ll()w Qe=l qe (o) 149 =20 (b) @ VON KARMAN VORTEX TRAIL 30 39" S 5OOO (c) WAKE FIGURE 4.4.1d. Flow past a sharp-edged plate Ge > 1000. thc changes in the flow with Reynolds number, proceeding from predominantly viscous effects to predominantly inertial effects. Next the renowned case of two-dimensional flow about a circular cylinder (rig. 4.4.2) is briefly examined. A number of flow situations can be created by increasing the flow velocity, each situation being identified by a specific llcynolds number range. At extremely low values of Reynolds number (G" = l) thc flow (assumed laminar as it approaches) remains attached to the cylinder thrrrrgh<rut its complete periphery, as shown in Fig. 4.4.2a. At G" = 20, the lklw lirnn rcnrains symmctrical but flow separation occurs and large wake ctklics urc lirnnctl which rcsidc ncar the downstream sudace of thc cylinclcr, rrs srrggcstt:tl irr Iiig. 4.4.2b. lror 30 < (R" < -5000, al(crnuting vor.ticcs arc slretl liirrll tltt't'ylilrrlcr rttrtl lirt'nr ir clcar "vorlL:x lr;ril.' rlowrrslreirrrr.'l'his ltltt'ttolttt'ttott wirs litsl rt'1xrt1ctl by llt<rlrltl l4-.5 1 irtrtl vorr Klrrrrr;ur l.l O; 11r;*. cuuuS.z{S 2OOOOO 5OOOs.4.3 ZU(JUUU (d) 4"2ZOOAOO (e) l|l(;uRE 4.4.2. (a) Flow past circular cylinder (Re = l. (b) Flow past circular cylinder ill" = 20. (c) Flow past circular 30 < G" < 5000. (d) Flow past circurar cylinder .5(XX) < G" < 200,000. (e) Flow past circular cylinder G" > 200,000. 1.1 .2c). The finer details ol this striking occurrence are still not fully underslrxrtl, and the process cor.rlirrrrcs to be the focus of many studies, both experirncrrtrrl and thcoretical 14-21 l. llchintl thc cylinder there is establishcd a stag gcrctl, stablc arrangctllcltl ol'vorlit'cs lhlrt rrrovcs <tffdownstream at a vcltrity stttltcwltitt lcss thltrr tlurl ol lltr'sttt.lirrrrtrlirrg llrritl . In this rangc ol'llc:yrroltls tttuttbcr lltc w:rkc llow is lr.litlrvcly snrtxrllr irnrl rcgrrlirr aplttl I'r-onr lltc vorlit'csr lllclttsclvt:s.,4..1 tlt'1rrr'ts llrt'slrt':rrrrlirrcs ol tlrc wlrkc llow lx'ltiltl ir 150 ilr ur r tt()t)Y AI lt()l)YNAMlcl; 't .l w^t,t Ailll V(lt iltx I()llMn il()Ni; tN tw(,t)tMt N:;t()NAt il()w r5t r-ffi--r-.- , . "eff@f 3 3 ""etrt o.2 ll e R"6 STxf t ^3 I O Smooth o.1 o ^o 105 k/D=0.0003 k/D=o.oo12 k/D:0.0101 106 107 REYNOLDS NUMBER lislablishrncnt, National Research Council of Canada. l"l(;uRE 4.4.4. Relation between the Strouhal number and Reynolds number for cirt'trlar cylinder. From W. C. L. Shih, C. Wang, D. Coles, and A. Roshko, ,.Experinrcnts on Flow Past Rough circular cylinders at Large Reynolds Numbers," J. wrut circular cylinder in a water tunnel [4-7] within the above-mentioned Ge range. 'l'hc lkrw in this photograph was made visible by the emission of dye from the irnd t'y I irttlcr. takes on different characteristic constant values depending upon the cross-sec- l,'l(;tjRli 4.4.3. Vortex trail in water tunnel. Courtesy of the National Aeronautical I,)rg. Ind. Aerod., 49 (1993), 351-348. As ltcynolds number further increases into the range 5000 < G" < 200 000, (hc irttlchcd flow upstream of the separation point is laminar. In the separated lLrw (hrcc-dirncnsional patterns are observed, and transition to turbulent flow (x'('uls irr thc wake-farther downstream from the cylinder for the lower Reyrxrltls rrrrnrbcrs and nearer the cylinder surface as the Reynolds numbers increase l.l l()l l,or thc largest Reynolds numbers in this range, the cylinder wake rrrrtlcr-gocs transition to turbulence immediately after separation, and a turbulent wrrkc is pnrtluced between the separated shear layers (Fig. 4.4.2d). Ifcyonrl 61" = 2OO 000 (Fig. 4.4.2e) the wake narrows appreciably (giving lisc lo lcss drag; see p. 158). ( )thcl bluff bodies, notably triangles, squares, rectangles, and other regular ;rrrrl ir.rcgrrlar prisms, give rise to analogous vortex-shedding phenomena. 'l'lrc prorllrnccd regularity of such wake effects was firQt"rgp-pged,by,$trquhal l.l ttl wlxr pointccl oul that the vortex-shedding phenomenon is describable in tcrrrrs ol':r rror.trlirncnsional number (the Strouhal number): ND s-? i wlrerc N, is tlrr. lit't1rrt'rrr'y ol lirll cyclcs ol'votlcx slterrltlilrg. /) is it t'ltltlrtt:lct'islic tlirrrt'nsiort ol llrc lrtxly lrlojt't'terl ott lr pltrttrr tttll'ttnl ltt lltr'tttr'lttt llow vclocily, u is the velocity of the oncoming flow, assumed laminar. The number S tional shape of the prism being enveloped by the flow. Figure 4.4.4 t4-g6l shows the relation of 3 to G" for a circular cylinder in the range 10s < G" < 107. The values of Fig. 4.4.4 were inferred from the unsteady pressure measured in smooth flow at about 90 degrees from the front stagnation point. ('oherent vortex shedding was noted to disappear at Reynolds numbers beyond and summarized in l4-9], there was no increase of the Strouhal number to values near 0.5. Table 4-4.1 [4-l0l also lists a number of values of s for different cross-sectional shapes for Reynolds numbers in the clear vortex-shedding range, the approaching flow being laminar. A certain amount of debate continues on the question of whether or not lrcriodic vortex shedding gan still be exhibited at extremely large Reynolds rrurnbers, say, G" >> 108. If one substitutes an effective eddy viscosity (see scct. 2.2) for the actual kinematic viscosity of the fluid, it is conceivable that ir ncw Reynolds number range can be calculated in which altemating vortex shcdding from extremely largc bluff ob.jects can once more be forecast. In this wly thc occasionally ohscrvul lrttgc vorlcx trails in ocean currents downstream ol' islands may possibly lrc tt't'ottt'ilt'tl with srn:rllcr-scalc expcrimcntal <lbscrvlttiotts. Irigttrc 4.4..5, lttl ittslltttt'c, is lr lcpnltlrrcl ion ol'a satcllitc photogrlph l4 Ill ol'tt voflox tllril irt tltt' itlrrroslrltt'tt' rn;rtlc visiblc by ckrutl Jlrc:sctrctr irr, tltc votliccrs slttxl lhrrrt lltt' nrrtttttl;rrn l)('irh ()l ( irrrrrltrlrrpc lsltrrrtl ovr'r' 12(X) rrr 4 x l0s, and contrary to results reported by some observers .l ill liltlt()t )Y nl ll()l )YNnMl(.1, 152 : Val0e ol Prolile drmensions, in mm Value 0l :/ " r25{l_l___T 0.120 { rz.s{ 0.1 37 P ^"htffi o.147 l*so--l r= 1.0 ,=0.5 _-_> ,,} r= 1.0 2.O *;w .* ; t= tw(rtrtfi,,iltl.,t{rlll\l ttow .r..\li<{ffCi .,t *a\\."{f\ q . ,r*' .,* };1* ,, ,r" I'Altl,l,l 4.4.1. Slroulral Nurrrlx'r' lirr rr Vrrrit'l.y ol' Slritpr:s Profile dimensrons, .t w^t, I /\lillv{)l illxl(}ltMnll()Nt,tt.t r2s{[-l- ilH ['r] 0.120 +-t2.5 c<-T 0.150 1..-so-t 0.145 1.0 ..,,.s, ' 0.144 0.t42 i$:i. 0.147 i;:-le . / 0.13 r= 1.5 rzs{f-.1 [-*-] I 0.145 $-t_ I [ru! / r= 1.0 o 140 L-uo-t E_l t_ l*rs*zs.l.zs! 0.153 125{l-J 0.134 0.137 0.12 I 0.143 0.168 + 0.156 G 0.160 0.145 ,t 1l8OO..*r. tttOO T-l Ll 0.200 Q t l-. '/izrrr.r. AS('li, l2(r \i1,r.r,.. liRrril .'wirrrl lirr.t.t's orr Stlrrt.lrrR's," o.1 .'l (l(x'l), ll.t,l I''IGURE 4.4.5. Satellite photo of cloud vortices downstream of Guadalupe Island (off Itlla Califomia) [4-l l]. Courtesy of the National Aeronautics and Space Administralion. 0.135 L_*-J .., :.l i!,i,,i.1;*6,'.:i, :-' .,,-'all$::,"i.' 1 r= l.O 0.145 Cylinder " q&: &d' f.-.-l I .-ig .. l4 0.145 of Mexico. The photograph spans some 250 km. Assuming, as in [2-1171, an effective value of (kinematic) eddy viscosity an = -50 m2ls, a full-scale Reynolds number of the order of 1010 for the phenomcnon (based on u 1.5 x l0 5 m'ls; would be reduced to an effective value = ol'((R")"s = 3000, which falls well within the laminar vortex-shedding range. Assuming the island to be about 20 km long, the distance between successive pcriodic voftex centers is roughly 55 km. Further, assuming a Strouhal number lirr thc island peak as S : 0.12, a mean wind velocity of U :30 m/s, and rrrr cfl'cctive island clirnrrrrsion ol'/) = 6000 m yields the vortex-shedding frchigh off the Pacific coast (lucncy 0 ll()11 l.)( t()) (il()() (r - lo IIIZ I ill t,t I il( )l)Y n t il( )l )YNn fi4 .l ', Ml( ii lW()l)tMl tl',lol lnl llll(.1:;()t'l (-.._-- \-'\) - - - l;. lrlll/\l lrrl lM t\ I -_*7 "';ffit .lllllr ; *:.."s,ffit I l(.llltl,l 4.4.7. lillcct ol'splittcr plate on flow behind a circular cylinder [4-13' I r' I I llow dircction. Thus it becomes possible to inhibit the establishnear wake of the ,.i rir'l;rlurtt l'rocly, as first pointed out in [4-13]. (See Fig. 4.4.7.) The action of rlrr.. pl:rtt'is to prevent the flow crossover and thus to quiet the entire wake ll,,s' t.)tr:rlitativcly, the presence of the plate has the same type of effect as i, rr1'tlrt'rrirrg thc body in the stream direction and causing it to approach, to .,,irr, ;rppnrxinration, the form of a symmetrical airfoil. Following this type of ,rtri,r();r('lr it can bc seen that elongated bodies, oriented with theirlong dimenr,,rr l';urrllcl to the main flow, tend to elicit relatively narrow wakes, many r.. rtlr,rrt lrpprcciablc voftex production. ll llows irbout square and rectangular prisms are compared (Fig. 4.4.8), the ,|il:il(' rs sccn (at reasonably high G") to produce flow separation followed by ,r n'rrlt'. (rrrbulcnt wake, whereas the more elongated rectangular form (dethat 1,, r.lrr11, orr lcngth-to-width ratio) may exhibit separation at leading comers r. l,rllrrwt'rl rl<lwnstream by flow reattachment and finally, once more, by flow ,p,u;rtr()rr rrt thc trailing edge. Thus it is seen that not only does the bluffface ,,1 rlrr'lrotly prcscnted to the fluid affect the resulting wake, but the streamwise i, rrlllr rrrrtl gcncral form of the body also play important roles in the wake form. irr',lr.rr1r tlis(inction to the casc of Fig. 4.4.8b, if the rectangle is placed with rr. l{)rr)'. tlirrrcnsion normal (o thc llow, the wake exhibits a strong voftexi,,,l,lrrr1, i'lnractcristic, lirlkrwctl at highcr G" by a turbulent wake not unlike rl,.rr ;rr11f111'gtl by thc sltiu'1'r ctlgctl llirt platc (see Figs. 4.4.|c and4.4.ld). ,r1,rr,r;11 11i11g lrl(ltll{lt 4.4.6. Satcllite photo of Jan Mayen Island (Arctic Ocean). From Weather, 1I. l0 (Oct. 1916), 346. wlrich in turn gives a shedding period of Z : 1/N" l/7'yiclcls a calculated vortex separation of S : 30 x 166l : 50.000 m : : 166l s. Employing S : 50km with rough fireasurement of the photograph. Anothcr intcrcs(ing photograph ol'largc-scalc vol'tcx shedding is prcscntcd in Fig. 4.4.6 nr rr ol ir v()flcx trail by placing a "splitter plate" in the ,I II rr rlislurrcc consistcnt l.l t2;.'' lt lll WIrcrr contlilions:rlc srrclr thirl ir rlistinct voflcx triril is l)rescn( in lhc wrrkc, llow ct1)sli()v('r-:rll ol (lrc llrtly occttrs llltl hrts it ('()nllx)n('rrl rrolrnirl lo lltc lurs lx'trr lrroul'lrl lo llrr' ,rlllrtlrott ol lltt :tttllllrs llltl lt sitttll;r |rrrlrlr rtr r', ltr';rlr'rl rrr l.l i{)l ! PRESSURE, LIFT, DRAG, AND MOMENT EFFECTS ON WO I)IMENSIONAL STRUCTURN ! rlrrrt" ,l.5.l I FORMS srrl',1qesls l s('( l11 )rl ol .r lrlrrll lrotly ltttttr'tst'tl itt lt llrlw ol vclot'ily it llrt. ll6w will tlt'vt.l91r lpt:rl ;'t,..,.,rrr{.', /, r'\,('l llrr' lrrxly irr ttcr'olltrilt'c willr !l, r il{}illli':; t't;tIt(iottl 156 tlt t.I I il( )t)Y At il( )t ,t )YNAM|(:ii h il | c ri oN two DtMl NtiloNAl riffflll:lllll^l t .=.t.t^"t ATTACHMENT l) t p pl r.'orrsl Ei, lr'l(;Ljllli 4.4.8. Flow separation and wake regions of square and rectangular cylinders. ()llMli 157 (4.5.l) wltetc tlrc cottslirttl lroltls irkrrrg a strcarnline irrrtl l/ rrl)rrsonts thc volocity on tltc strctttrline itt thc itnrttcrcliatc vicinity ol'tlre hxly (i.c., irrrrrrccliatcly outside llrc llrundary llyer tltal lirrrrrs on its surlacc). 'l'hcr intcgration of the pressures ovcr thc body surlitce rcsulls in a nct fbrcc and a lnolnont. The components of tlrc lirrcc in thc along-llow and across-flow dircctions are referred to as drag ilnd, respectivcly. 'l'hc drag, lift, and moment are quite obviously affected lry llrth the shapc ol'thc body and the Reynolds number. 'l'hc body may, lirr cxample, be contoured with the express purpose of rrrininrizi'ng drag and rnaximizing lift, resulting in an airfoil-like shape. Again, ;rs in rnany civil engineering applications, the shape of the body may not be ;rrucnable to such special adjustment; its form will most likely have been fixed lry other design objectives than purely aerodynamic ones. Nevertheless, the lill, clrag, and moment developed by the fluid flows about the structure will rt'rrrlin of strong interest because these are effects that must be designed against. ll is usual to refer all pressures measured at a structural surface to the mean rlynrunic pressure )pU2 of the far upstream wind or the free-stream wind at rorrrc distance from the structure (e.g., at a point well above it out of the lrrrrrrrrlary layer). Thus nondimensional pressure cofficients Co are defined by Lr: P-Po (b) | (4.s.2) wlrcrc U is the mean value of the reference wind and p - ps represents the prl'ssure difference between local and far upstream pressure p6. Such nondirrrcrrsional forms enable the transfer of model experimental results to full scale, irrrtl the establishment of reference values for cataloguing the aerodynamic ;rro;rcflies of given geometric forms. Arralogously, the net wind-pressure forces (per unit of span) F1 and Fp in tlrc lili and drag direction, respectively, can be rendered dimensionless and of lift and drag cofficients Cy and Cp as r'rlrrcssed in terms L, rvlte ' FL -- iPu'B t t, : Fn t_pu)n (4.s.3) (4.s.4) tc /J is somc typic:al t'cli't't'ttt'c tlittrcrtsiorr ol'lhc s(ructure. For the net flowM lltcr crtrlcsPotttlittg cot'llir'icrrl is tttrlttt'e:cl lnolncnt t,'l{;llltl,l 4.5.1. l.ill irntl tlritg rtn irn itrhil!rt!y ltltt!l hrtly ( 'tt : ttt 1,,, ,: ,r: (4.5..s ) 158 I tlt Ut n,, til l(,t:i ()N lw()l)lMt t!!;l(lt,tAt !iililt( illt t^t t()t tMl; tK)t)Y nt ll()l)YNnMl( Su br; rit l59 ical 4r.61 a U xlOs t1 .o O + o o O brr N' o .4c=l.lxlO' 107 106 Reynolds number,4e FIGURE 4.5.2. Evolution of mean drag coemcient with Reynolds number for a circular cylinder. After L. R. Wooton and C. Scruton, "Aerodynamic Stability," in The Modern Design of Wind-Sensitive Structures, Construction Industry Research and Infirrmaticrn Association, London, 1971, pp.65-81 and 14-221.* When the flow is fluctuating as a consequence of oncoming turbulence, vortex-associated flow changes, or signature (body-induced) turbulence, the above quantities become time dependent. In such cases, when time-varying litrccs ancl moments occur, mean values of force coefficients aS well aS spectral clcnsity clistributions of these quantities are required for their fuller description.' (Note that in two-dimensional flow L1 , Fp, ?fid M represent corresponding valucs per unit of dimension normal to the plane of observation. In threedimensional cases, correct dimensionality is preserved by including an additional factor B in the denominator of each expression.) Retuming to the prism of circular cross section in smooth flow, the variation ol' its mean drag coefficient Cpmay be represented as in Fig. 4.5.2, where the clcpendence on Reynolds number is shown. Note particularly how Cp drops sharply in the rang6 of about 2 x l}s S Ge < 5 x 10s. This region of sharp clrop is called the critical region and corresponds to a condition wherein the layer that forms f ransition from laminar to turbulent flow occurs in the boundary on the surface of the cylinder. The turbulent mixing that thus takes place in tlrc boundary layer helps transport fluid with higher momentum toward thc surlace of the cylinder. Separation then occurs much farther back and the wake c()nscquently narrows, finally producing a value of the time-averaged C, that is only about { of its highest value. As G" increases into the supercritical and thcn ihe transcritical range (G" = 4 X 101. CD increascs once more but rcnrains much l<lwcr than its subcritical values. l,llcccrrl tl:rtu lrl ll(rl slrow llr:rl tlrt.tlrirg c0cllicicttls itt thc lt'giorr 5 l{)' (ll, ' lO/ :rtt'stttltllct' lly ltllrttl l5%' llllrrr lltost'tttrlitltltrl irr lrig 4'5 2 rtlt lltt: hitsis ol t';ttllr': tltlrttttt;tltrttt Sct' Appr'rrtlir A.) o" "o" , ,oaorra' l,'l(;tlRE 4.5.3. Influence of Reynolds number on , ylirrtlcr l2o" l8o" pressure distribution over a circular (after [4-22]). lrigure 4.5.3 depicts a typical distribution of the mean pressure coefficient in smooth flow as a function of angular position. I'lrt' rcsults are evidently sensitive to Reynolds number.* 'l'lrc drag coefficient of an elongated rectangular-section body in smooth flow tlrrg. 4.5.4) [4-14,4-231 is also a function of the narrowness of its wake, but rlrc krwer limit of wake width is approximately the full width of the body. The n,rrkc width at somewhat lower G." is much greater than the body width, and tlrrs is accompanied by higher cp;then, when flow reattachment to the body ;rlrorrt the circular cylinder lx'1iins to occur, the drag cocfficient drops. This is a function mainly of the r'lrrngirtion blh of the brxly, irs shown in the figure. Flow in the critical region l:' ilccompanied by turhulcrrcer, irncl thcrcfirrc this region is shown as a shaded lr;urtl ol'possible valucs in lrig. 4..5.4. liigrrrc 4.5.5 14-1.5 1 illrrsrrrrrcs tlrt' t'volrrliorr with Rcynolds number of the rrrt':ttt tlrag cocflicicttt ol'it stlttirtt irt srrroollr llow tlrrrirrg successivc rlodificaItotts ol'ils corncrs. Nolrr llrirt otrly llrt.slttlP t'orrrt'r't'tl stlrrar-o cxhihits practicirlly rllrt'lrcsstttr:s ('on('sl)on(ling k) /l ll" irrrrl ll lltt lltsc l)ti'r{ilr', rt rlx r livrll' ',lrr;',rlrliorr lloirrl :riltl ll"i{1" ;rrt l() itri llt(.plt.ssrrrt.trl llrt. 160 nt t,t I lt()t)y At n()l)yNAMt(]ri 4h rIil(lii il 2.2a--r-- t ' I8J- r r rr ()N twot)tMl Nl;l()Nnt 1;ililt(;ililtnt t()ilMli r --r--Tt-T- r --l ----'!- [-1r,4 f , t, =oozt , , ,, , l'"_l r ___r rr r ---) u--D]n 1.2 161 0.8 r/h = 0.167 0.4 (h) 0L 0 FIGURE 4.5.4. Effect 24 of afterbody o 6 upon drag of a b/h rectangular cylinder 14-14), 'F 14-231. k1h unchanging drag with change of Reynolds number. This is simply accounted for by the early separation ofthe flow at the upstream corners and the shortness of the afterbody that practically precludes the possibility of flow reattachment, whereas squares with rounded corners tend to possess the same kind of critical region for the drag coefficient as seen earlier for the circular cylinder. Note also, in the case of the circular section, the dependence of the drag upon the roughness of the cylinder surface. This dependence was studied in detail in 14-241. (See also Sect. 11.1.1.) Because of such effects, certain features of the flow in tests over wind tunnel models can be expected to be independent of the Reynolds number, while others may be quite sensitive to it. Thus it can be argued that cerlain Reynoldsnumber-insensitive flow phenomena may be encountered in tests in which the llow will always break cleanly away at the same identifiable points. certain types of bodies such as the circular cylinder offer extended regions of possible llow separation in which the location of the actual separation points depends rupon Reynolds number. with such bodies the entire structure of the flow will hc highly Reynolds-number-sensitive (see Secr. 7.3.2). l'or cxtremely low Reynolds numbers the drag coefficient increases greatly irs ir rcsult of viscous effects. This is illustrated in Fig. 4.5.6 t4-I41, which 1fL:;)icts Cpfor circularand square flat plates for 10-2 < G., < 107. (Analogous cllccts on lift and moment do not necessarily follow, though some distortion is vcry likcly.) sincc thc prcssurc dil'l'crcnces across a sharp-cornered square vary with time, llte soctional lili crrcllicicnt will also be a function of time: C1.: C1,Q). Figure 4.5.1 14- l6l illustra(cs tl.rc spcctral density of c7. plottcrl as a lirnction of rrll/{/, whcrc rr is l'r'c:t;ucrrcy in Hz, B is thc dimcnsion ol'rhc: sitkr ol'tlrc scprarc, ittttl l/ is ttlcitll (tttr"()trring vt:krcily (irssurnccl to bcconslirrrl llrlorrg.lrorrl tlte lc:gion I = 0.007 k/h: O.OO2 h:0.001 8105 2 r/h:0.5 (circular section) \--' 8106 8l 07 2 Ee sanded --- surface k) Smooth surface FIGURE 4.5.5. Influence of Reynolds number, comer radius, and surface roughness on drag coefficient, square to circular cylinders (r is the corner radius; k is the grain size of sand). After [4-t51.x co o.t to-2 lo-l t03 t02 t04 t05 to6 l07 9tt FIGURE 4.5.6. Typical rlr:rg coc{licicnt as a lirnction o1'Reynolds number [4-141. *Motc tcccnl tllta lor circtrlitr cylittrlcts l,l tl(rl rrrt in gcncrirl tprrirliltrlivc itgrcclllcnt wilh tllrsc gl IriP,.4.5.5 btrl intlicatc lltirl lirl l;tti,ic l{r'ynrltlr rurrrlx'rs thc cylirxk:r rrurglrrrr":ss brings irlxlrt ir sonrcwhitl slr'ongcr irrcrcitsc irt tllrg t62 lil ul I Ir lt)Y n t il( ltlYNAMtcl 50 o J t o L llo J O s lll tb lr N 0.05 ./,t 0.02 0.01 rrl a h U o O ii /'f tr p d ! o ir o.2 a (r o5"1o"15o20"25"30"35"40"45" \'\ ANGLE OF ATTACK, o \:t, tpj' .rt"# ,ff dt U ]- /l N + SMOOTH STREAM F l F O l J L L il 0.5 CNr..{r/2pua)u o o 2 1 t4 o( li f,l t63 a I k; 10 cn t()t tM:i E 20 a N ()N lw()t)lMl N:it{)l.JAl f;lltll(jillilnt 1,, tt|(.11; 0.005 Turbulent 0.002 Smooth -+_o+ stream lfl(;URE 4.5.8. Variation of the coefficient of fluating normal force, C1y_.. with angle ol attack for a rectangular prism. From B. J. Vickery, "Fluctuating Lift and Drag on rr Long Cylinder of Square Cross-Section in a Smooth and in a Turbulent Flow," "/. Iluid Mech.,25 (1966), Cambridge Univ. Press, New York, pp. 481-494. ( stream shape and NB/U l"lGURE 4.5.7. Spectrum of lift fluctuations on a square-section cylinder for flow nonnal to a face (G" : l0s). From B. J. Vickery, "Fluctuating Lift and Drag on a l,.ng Cylinder of Square cross-Section in a Smooth and in a Turbulent Flow," ,/. lluid Mech.,25 (1966), Cambridge Univ. Press, New York, pp. 481-494. ol'lkrw under consideration). In both smooth and turbulent flow, a high spectral 1rt'rrk occurs at the Strouhal number nBlU : 0.12. 'l'his is clcar evidence of periodic voftex shedding. For any given bluff body, tlris shodding is not a purely sinusoidal phenomenon, as seen from the spread t. rrtlrcr I'rcqucncics ol'thc spcctral peak in Fig. 4.5.7; however, a good first lrprpIrrxirna(ion lo tho lili lirrcc pcr unit span occurring at the peak Strouhal rrrrrrrbcr is givcn by lr, t,pU)B(-, sin <,:t lift coefficient that depends on the particular a : 2rn, r? satisfying the Strouhal relation. where Cl is a mean 0.02 0.05 0.100.20 0.50 1.00 2.00 ('1..5.6) cross section The root mean square (rms) value of the fluctuating normal force coefficient on the square section is shown in Fig. 4.5.8 t4-161 as a function of angle ol'attack a with respect to the mean wind direction. Here the turbulencex is sccn to lower the highest normal force below, and to raise the lowest normal lirrce slightly above, the respective laminar values. Figure 4.5.9 l4-ll presents two photographs of flow over proposed bridge tlcck sectional forms as visualized in a water tunnel flow containing fine alu(ry,,,,. rrrinum particles. Figure 4.5.9a shows a section that produces severe flow scparation; Fi9.4.5.9b portrays the flow-smoothing effect of a modified section providing lower lift and drag. Rcf'erence [4-10] prescnts mcan values of cp and c. obtained under laminar llow conditions for a largc rrurnbcr ol-scctional shapes common in construction, irs takcn lnrm il2-21ntl 14 lltl; scc'l'ablc 4.5.1.l4-171, an<l 14-621. r'lltc ltttlrttlcttec clt;tt;tt'lt'rislits itt lltt sr';rlt' l.:l/J. lirlt'r'lrl st:rlt' O.,l/1. lrrrlrrrlt trlr'rrrrrrrt ol lir1l .l 'r lJ wcrc tlrc lirllowirrli: klrpitrrtlil:rl ! ltl( u.,tl\, lll'i, nr 164 ilt t,t I 80t)Y nt tt()t)YNnMt(;1; Iit(;t:; ()N tw()l)lMl Nlit()Nnt :;ilIt,(;lUllAl l()ltMt; 1€5 'l'Alll,ltl 4.5.1. 'l'wrl l)irtttttsiottul l)rug urttl l,ilI ('rnllicicrrls lirr Slructrlrul Slurpes Prtlth arrrl w[r(l rlilFr lh)il cD cL *M-r. 2.O3 0 r,96 2.01 - o -[ -I 2.O4 0 1.81 0 -D#l FIGURE 4.5.9a. Visualization of water flow over a model bridge deck section. Courtesy of the National Aeronautical Establishment, National Research Council of Canada. ------- L- -l _L +lJ -lF +ll 2.O 0.3 1.83 2.O7 r.99 -0.09 1.62 - 0,48 o 2.O1 nllr ilhlll FIGURE 4.5.9h. Visualization ol'watcr flow ovcr a paI1itlly slrcirrrrlirrctl rrrtxlcl lrlitlgc dcck scction. (-ottrlcsy ol (lrt' Nrtlionul Acntnitulicitl lislitblislrrrrt'ttl , Nitliorrrrl l(cscirrclr ('outrt'il ol ('lrturtLt. \rrlrrr'. Iilorrr .'Wirrtl lirrtt's ott Sltttr lttrr': /irrrrr A5('lr. ll(r ( l()(rl ), I l.l.l I l()t{ rrrrtl I ll Jl 166 Bt Ut I not)y Al tr()t)yNAMt(;ri tf, tlt(;l;()N 'l'hc rosults ol"l'ablc4.5.1 are irppliclrblc lo nrcnrbors with luryc lrspr:cl urtio (ratio of length to width) \, or lo rrtcntbcrs with ond platcs (abutrncnts). For members with small aspcct ratio (c.g., < l0) and no cnd platcs (abutmcnts), ^ drag cocflicients are smaller than in end flow effects are significant, and thc Table 4.5.1 (see Sect. 4.6.2). The drag coeflicients are also modified by the presence of turbulence in the oncoming flow. Experiments have shown that in most cases of interest in practice these modifications are small Il2-2, 12-51. For this reason wind tunnel tests aimed at measuring aerodynamic forces or trussed frameworks with sharp-edged members are to this day conducted in smooth flow [12-1, 12-6]. Note, however, that in some cases the effect of turbulence on the drag force can be significant. For members with rectangular cross section, this effect depends upon (l) the ratio blhbetween the sides of the cross section and (2) the turbulence in the oncoming flow. If the ratio blh is small, no flow reattachment occurs following separation at the front corners. twot)tMt Nlit()NAt l;ltlt t(;lt,ttnt t('ttM!; 167 l)cpcntlirrg ttlxrtt ils tttlt'ttsily, thc) turbulcnccr cirrr crrlrirrrcc llrc llow (,ulti1n1r(.nl in thc wlrkc ittttl, lltcrcliut. (:itusc stK)n8,cr sucliorrs lrrrtl lirrgcl tlrirtl (1,'ig. 4.5.10a). ll'thc ntlio /r//r is sullicicntly largc, tlrer turhulcrrcrr ciur t'rrrrst. lLrw rcattachmcnt which wottltl rrot have occurrcrl irr srrrtxrlh llow arrtl llrrrs nsrrll in reduced drag (lrig. 4.5.lob) 14-25,4-26|. A bcaurilul visualizltion o| r|c llow around a body with rectangular cross scction (blh :0.4; srn<xrtlr lkrw, Re : 200) is shown in Fig. 4.5.n [4-87] and may be compared, qualitativcly, with the smooth flow case depicted in Fig. 4.5.100-see also [4-94]. -the dependence of the drag coefficient upon turbulence intensity is shown for two ratios blh in Fig. 4.5.12* 14-261. Additional studies on turbulence effects on drag and lift of sharp-edged bodies are reported, in [4-271, 14-281, and [4-85]. The effect of turbulence in the case of bodies with rounded shapes is, essentially, to reduce the Reynolds numberat which the critical region (Fig.4.5.2) sets in. This is shown in [4-291, which includes, in addition, information on the fluctuating lift and drag forces on a rigid cylinder due to vortex shedding and to turbulence in the oncoming flow (see also t4-301). For a recent, wide-ranging review of turbulence effects on bluff-body aerodynamics, see [4-87]. Reference [4-14] is compendium of drag effects that contains limited data obtained in smooth flow on models of buildings and structures. Hrgher drae f !-,/ 5 (b) FIGURE 4.5.10. Separation layers in smooth flow (solid line) and in turbulent flow (intemrpted line). After A. Laneville, I. S. Gatshore, and G. V. Parkinson, "An Explanation of Sonrc Ell'ccts ol'Turbulence on Blufl'Bodics," /)rrcclrlirg.r, l,ourth International Conl'crcttcc, Wirrtl llllccts on Buildings antl Slnrclrrn's, ('irrrrbritlgc t)niv. Prcss, Carnhritlgc, l()77. |I'IGURE 4.5.11. Flow around rectangular cylinder (b/h - O.4, G." : 200). From Y. Nakamura, "Bluff-Body Aerodynamics and Turbulence," ./. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerod., 49 (1993). 6s-18. t'Notc llral lir Itlh - l, (), irs ohl:tittcrl in l,l 2{rl lol srrrrxrllr lkrw <lillors by ll-xlrt l0%, lirrrrr tlrc vitlttc lislcxl in 'l'irhlc 4..5.1. l)illctt'rr('cs ol llri$ ottlcr or l:rlgt'r' irrc c()null()n t:vt:rr lirr rr.strlls ol sinrplt: wirrtl lunnrl {(:sls. lrl t,l 168 I lr()l)Y nl lt()l)YNAMI{;l 't F nt t,nt 1;t Nln ltvt I l()w I lil (;t:; ||J ilillt I t)tMt N:;t()Nli 169 40 o (E F z CD UJ o tr LrUJ o o zo o. t- o.4 JUJ 048121620 (E (E o (J _y, u., enl FIGURE 4.5.12. Dependence of drag coefficient upon turbulence intensity. After A. Laneville, I. S. Gartshore, and G. V. Parkinson, "An Explanation of Some Effects of Turbulence on Bluff Bodies," Proceedings, Fourth Intemational Conference, Wind Effects on Buildings and Structures, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1977. 4.6 REPRESENTATIVE FLOW EFFECTS IN THREE DIMENSIONS Most flows have a three-dimensional character, principally as a result of their contact with boundaries. For example, if a hypothetical laminar flow consisting of an air mass displaced uniformly as a single unit encounters an object, it will be diverted in several directions. Also the passage of such a flow along a surface sets up boundary-layer velocity gradients. Three-dimensionality is clearly inherent in turbulent flows. Although the general equations for fluid flow remain available for application, few flow problems in three dimensions have been satisfactorily solved in a purely analytical fashion because of the considerable complexities involved. As a result, most three-dimensional studies rely partially or wholly upon experiment. Therefore, this section is mainly concerned with broad aspects of three-dimensional flows, with conditions of testing, and with some representative results obtained by test. 4.6.1 Cases Retaining Two-Dimensional Flow Features The success of the two-dimensional flow models discussed in the previous section has in a few cases been considerable because sorlc actual flows retain certain two-dimcnsional t'catures, at least to a first approxinrllion. Consiclcr, forexample, lhc casc ol'a long nld ol'squarc cnlss scclirttt itt:rtt lrit llow with unilorm nroarr vcrkrcily norrrurl (o onc lircc:. lixccgrl rtt'rrr llrr't'rrrls ol llrc nxl, r1"/D I,'IGURE 4.6.1. Spanwise correlation of the fluctuating pressure difference across the t'cnter line of a long square-section cylinder for flow normal to a face (G" : 105;. lirrm B. J. Vickery, "Fluctuating Lift and Drag on a Long Cylinder of Square CrossScction in a Smooth and in a Turbulent Flow," J. Fluid Mech., 25 (1966), Cambridge Oniv. Press, New York, pp. 481-494. llrc mean flow may, in this case, be considered for practical purposes as twotlimensional. However, the effects associated with flow fluctuations are not itlcntical in different strips, the differences between events that take place at rrny given time increasing with separation distance. This is shown in Fig.4.6.1 l4-16] for the pressure difference between centerlines of top and bottom faces ol'the rod under both laminar and turbulent approaching flow.* It is observed tlrat the three-dimensionality of the flow manifests itself through spanwise loss ol'correlation R7s between pressure differences (measured respectively between ;xrints,4 and A' at section.4 and points B and B' at section B), this correlation krss being strongly accentuated when turbulence is present in the oncoming llow. From this example one may infer that fluctuating phenomena, including vortcx shedding, cannot nonnally be expected to be altogether uniform along lhc cntire length of a cylinclrical botly, cvcn if the flow has uniform mean speed :rntl thc body is gcrlrnctricirlly trrtilirrrn. ln practicc, rncan llow t'orrtliliorrs rrpwirrtl ol'tall slcndcr structurcs arc usurrlly no( unilorrrr, ls trssrrrrrctl irr (lrt'sirrrplr'r.('ilri('r tliscrrsscrl ahovo; inrlcctl, in r'l'lrt'lrrrlrrrlt'rttt't'lr;uittlt'lislir's lvr'tr'lltr'',;trrrr';r" ttt llrr'r'r1x'tttttr'rrt ol liil',.'1.5.11. 170 ilt t,t I il()l)y nt il()t )yNnMr(:l ,l thc atlttospltcric ltrlLtlttl:rty lltyt:t'tlrt'rrrt'rrrr llow vclocily itrcreirscs witlr lrciglrr. Also certain tall structurcs (c.g., sllreks):ur lt()t gcorrrctrically unilirrrrr.'l'lrcsc important features-in addition to thc incitlcnl lurbLrlcncc-furthcr dccrcasc the coherence of vortices shed in thc wako ol'structurcs. 4.6.2 Structures in Three-Dimensional Flows: ',1 Nlnllvl ll()Wllll{il:;llJ Srrrrxrlh l,'low l.l-lll, l! 2l Itrrelurtgttllrr l)lirtc on (inrrrnrl (Standing on I-ong l{cctarrgular Platc in Nonnal Wind" and differences between drag or pressure coefficients measured in a uniform and in a boundary layer flow. The existence of such differences was first pointed out by Flachsbart in 1932 t4-311. we consider first the case of a rectangular plate normal to the wind in a lll llllll I l)l[/l N:;l{)Nl; 'l'Altl,l,l 4.(r.1. l)rrg ('rx'llil'irrrls l'rrr a llccllrrgrrlul l'lrrlt'Nolrrrirl lo Wirrrl irr Case Studies The complexities of wind flow introduced by the geometries of typical structures and by the characteristics of the terrain and obstacles upstream emphasize the need to carry out detailed studies of wind pressures experimentally using wind tunnel models and simulation. In order to give some idea of the type of results so obtained and to emphasize the important roles of the boundary layer velocity profile and of the turbulence in such results, a few examples are cited bclow. wind flows about buildings are prime examples of three-dimensional flows that cannot be described acceptably by two-dimensional models. Ftgure 4.6.2 il5-l ll suggests such a situation. Here a tall model building in a wind flow is preccded by a lower building. This latter trips off a vortex in the space between buildings. Air descending close to the windward wall flows through openings beneath the building at ground level. Regions ofaccelerated flow are produced around vertical and horizontal corners of the building. In the areas of vortexflow, through-flow, and corner streams, many design problems are presented by the special characteristics of the locally accelerated flow. (See Sect. 15.3 p. 188.) A few examples are now shown of ri lll l'lll Aspcct (',, ratio I .0 2.O -5.0 1.18 1.19 l.2O 10. 20. 40. 1.23 1.48 I .66 Sidc) oo I .98 1.0 10. l.l0 1.20 oo 1.20 I'l'hc values listed in [4-10] were taken from [2-2]. Some of these values were incorrectly in [4-10] and therefore differ from those shown in this table. trrrnscribed snrooth flow. The drag coefficients depend strongly upon aspect ratio and upon whether the plate is held in midair, as in the case of a tralfic sign, or stands on the ground, as in the case of a free-standing wall; see Table 4.6.1. For rcctangular plates on the ground, the drag coefficients of Table 4.6.1 are reasonably consistent with mean drag coefficients obtained in boundary layer flow 14-931. Reference [4-93] contains additional results on free-standing walls, rncluding pressures in the presence of a building upwind or downwind from tlrc wall. Note that the aerodynamic force normal to the plate is not necessarily largest when the yaw angle a (Fig. 4.6.3) is zero. For a plate with aspect ratio X : 5, the dependence of the aerodynamic force normal to the face of the plate upon cv is shown in Fig. 4.6.3. It is seen that for ot : 4Oo the aerodynamic lirrce is larger by about 15% than in the case cv : 0o. A similar, though sornewhat smaller, increase was reported in ll2-21for a plate girder with aspect rrrtio X = 10. The effect of turbulence on a square plate normal to the flow was studied in 14 251, where drag coefficients were measured for both smooth flow and turbulent flow with 8.3% turbulence intensity and 7 .6 cm longitudinal turbulence scale; see Table 4.6.2. Note that the drag coefficients measured in smooth flow differ slightly among 1.2 08 (',, 04 0 o4 l"l(;tJltlt 4.(r.2. Mrrirr Icit(tttcs ol lhe llow rrnrrrn<l :r lrrll lrrriLlirrll rrrrrlt.l Il5 III lr'l(;llltl,l 4.6.J. lX!l)(:nrlt'rrt't'ol tlt:r1'. tocllrr'rctrl lot pl;tlt'willt itspccl ntlio \ tlirccliorr ol lrolizon(rrl wirul I l.) .'l 5 ttpott 172 lll Ul I ll()l)Y nl lr()l)YNAMI(:i; ,l 'l'Alll,lil 4.(r.2. lh'ug ('rx'llicitrrls ri lll l'lll iil Nln llvl ll()W lllll lri ll! llllll I lrlMl t..l!;l()l.l!i 113 l'rrr Sr;uarr: l)latc Nrlrrttrtl lo lhe Mr.un lr'krw l4-2sl Wrrrrl Plate Sizc (cm) 5.08 10.16 15.24 20.32 x x x x (',, Sntrxrlh Wtrrrl ---d> 'l'urbulcnt 5.08 t.12 10.16 15.24 1.09 l.1l t.26 L22 t.20 20.32 l. l5 I.t8 themselves and from the value of Table 4.6.1 (CD : l.l8). Note also that as the ratio between the longitudinal scale of turbulence and the dimension of thc plate decreases, the influence of the turbulence on the magnitude of the drag coemcient becomes smaller. These results are further discussed in Sect. 7.3.3. Figure 4.6.4a shows a model used for measurements reported by Flachsbart in 1932 t4-311. The measurements were conducted in both smooth and shear (boundary-layer) flow (Figs. 4.6.4b and c). The measured mean pressure coef'ficients Q, referred to the free-stream velocity, are shown in Fig. 4.6.4d for smooth flow and Fig. 4.6.4e for boundary-layer flow (interrupted and solid lines represent pressures and suctions, respectively). It is seen that the differences between the results obtained in the two types of flow are significant. Similar results were subsequently obtained in 14-321 and [4-33]. Figure 4.6.5a depicts mean flow patterns around a vertical wall of heightto-width ratio I : 1 with uniform approaching flow. Figure 4.6.5b depicts the same situation in boundary{ayer flow. Figures 4.6.6a and 4.6.6b display the pressure coefficients developed on the faces of a cube resting on a horizontal surface (due to flow normal to one face) first in uniform flow, then in a bound- aryJayer flow. Figures 4.6.7a and 4.6.7b present similar results for a tall building. It is noted that in Figs. 4.6.5b,4.6.6b and4.6.7b the pressure coefficients are referred to the free stream velocity t4-201. Loads on structural parts (e.g., cladding) are determined by the algebraic sum of the extemal and intemal pressures acting on these parts. In the ideal case of a hermetically sealed building, the internal pressure is not affected by the external wind flow (Fig. 4.6.8a). If the building has an opening on thc windward (leeward) side and is otherwise sealed, the wind flow will create a positive (negative) internal pressure, as shown in Fig. 4.6.8b (Fig. 4.6.8c). In most cases the opening or porosity distribution over the building envelopc is not known, and intemal pressures could be either positive or negative (Fig. 4.6.8d). Building standards (e.g., [2-491) specify intemal prcssurc cocflicicnts generally believed to be conseryative fbr use in design. lrrvcstiglrtiorrs into thc magnitude of intcrnal prcssurcs and of thcir dcpcntlurt'c orr tirrrt' lrrt' rc;xrr1e:tl in 14-521 to l4--571, which contuins adclitional rclcrctrccs. (' lll o Io 2.O Srrrnnurry ol rrrrxh'l l(':,1:, rr :;rrlxrllr rrtrl lrottntiary-laycr llow. F'nrtl \\'rrrlrlrtrt'k lrrrl gcsclrloss('nr' llr(l nllr'rrt ( i('lr;ru(l('." lry ( ). liluchsbafl, in Iirgtltri, ,1, t lt't!\l\','lrttr Vt'r,tttt',tlt .it (;tttttut:('tr, lV l,it'li'rrrrrg, 1,. l'rrrrllll, rttttl A. llt t., (r'rls. ), Vcllirg vott ll . ( )lrlt'trlrotttp, l\ltttttr lt irrr,l ll,'rlirt, l().J2. l, llJlllll,,.l.(r.4. 174 Bt t,t I B()l)Y nl lr()l)YNnMl(i:; 4l z llll lillAlloll()l llMl v^l tYlN(it()t t(:t t{ r wt[]D vt I{ '( .ltY 175 !- E H r'0 r.0 0 AP "p-ifr" FIGURE 4.6.5a. Flow pattern and center line pressure distribution of a wall of heightto-width ratio I : 1 in a constant velocity field. From W. D. Baines, "Effects of Velocity Distribution on Wind Loads and Flow Patterns on Buildings," Proceedings, Symposium No. 16, Wind Effects on Buildings and structures, held at the National Physical Laboratory, England, in 1963, published by HMSO London in 1965. lrlGURE 4.6.5b. Flow pattern and center line pressure distribution over a wall of hcight-to-width ratio 1 : I in a boundary-layer velocity field. From W. D. Baines, "Eflccts of Velocity Distribution on Wind Loads and Flow Pattems on Buildings," Pro,'rulings, Symposium No. 16, Wind Effects on Buildings and Structures, held at the Nirtional Physical Laboratory, England, in 1963, published by HMSO London in 1965. 4.7 THE RELATION OF TIME-VARYING tlurt analytical calculation ol'such rcsults is not possible, it is usual to employ lirrrnulas l'eaturing unknown cocllicicnls that may be evaluated by experiment. FORCES TO WIND VELOCITY IN TURBULENT FLOW For a given body immcrscd in a wind flow it is of intcrcsl (o crtttvc:tl irrlilrntation on vclocity lluctualions into inlirnnation on prcssttrcs ovt't lltt'lrotly or on rcsullanl lirrcc:s iurtl nl()nrc:nls. Sinc:c: tttrtst rr:itl lltlws lttr' sttlltt it'lttly t'oltllllcx 4.7.1 Drag Forces 'l'lrc nct tlt'itg lirrcc c()nsisls ol lltr rt'sttll;url ()v('r'ir givcrrt botly surlircc ol'trll t'orrr1'roncnls ol'clcrrtcntlrl lirtcr':; llurl ;rrr';rlrlqnr'tl witlr llrt'tlnrg, orirlorrg wintl, 176 tJttJt I tlot)Y 4 AFllol)yNAMtct / lilt ilttAil()N ()t ltMl vnllYlN(i l()t t(;l :; t() 0.2 0 --.5 =-.-.80--_-......-...=-_.70- ) -0 ,0 11y151; vt t(x;t ly 177 0./0 5 ) -.6 0 -\--.80at--J -.2 _-.70r' (_ __--s__-- --.65 - \--__ -.60 --., --/ - '.(. rilI,, 99 l/rl { f*'no l*,no (a) FIGURE 4.6.6a. Pressure distributions on the faces of a cube in a constant velocity field. From w. D. Baines, "Effects of velocity Distribution on wind Loads and Flow Patterns on Buildings," Proceedings, Symposium No. 16, Wind Effects on Buildings and Structures, held at the National Physical Laboratory, England, in 1963, published by HMSO London in 1965. Fugy l lfl(luRE 4.6.6b. Pressure distributions on the faces of a cube in a boundary-layer 't' field. From w. D. Baines, "Effects of velocity Distribution on wind Loads rrrrtl lrlow Pattems on Buildings," Proceedings, Symposium No. r6, wind Effects on lhrildings and structures, held at the National physical Laboratory, England, in 1963, grrrblished direction. The time-varying drag FoQ) on a body completely enveloped by flow is conventionally given by the formula whcre B is (b) : [pu2gynzc,, lypicirl lrorly rlirncnsion irnrl (i7, is lhr.: rrsrrirl a (4.7.t) tlrirll t.rx'llicicrrl by HMSO London in 1965. Irr Eq. 4.7.1 a seconcl tcrrrr .l' rlrc lirrrrr pn\au1rlldtlc. is often included, 1r;ulicularly if the lluitl irr tprcstiorr is rclirrivcly rlcnsc, for examplc, as in thc trtse: ol'walcr; (),,, is an cnrpitit':rl "virlrlrl nritss" erx'llicicnt intcn(lcd lo ucc()111 Ior cll'ccls linkctl trl thc lltrirl itt t t'lt'tirlron. At lrrrrlly llrc cocflicicrrl (1,, trppr:trr.s Io bc ttsr.:l'trl itt citsc:s wlrt'n'itt lltr'llttirl ruirrr urvolvt'rl is tr;.r1'rrcciirblc rclir(ivc to 178 llr t,t I l1()l )Y 4 nl ll()l)YNnMl(;i / llll llt tn it()N ()t ItMt v^l tytN{i t()t t(jt j; t() wtNt) vt t(x;ilv l7g 5 . -0',1 to -0.49 -0.9 z f f *'"0 *'"0 .6 std? Fro nt Bock (a) FIGURE 4.6.7a. Pressure distributions over the sides and top of a tall building model in a constant velocity field. From W. D. Baines, "Effects of Velocity Distribution on Wind Loads and Flow Pattems on Buildings," Proceedings, Symposium No. 16, Wind Effects on Buildings and Structures, held at the National Physical Laboratory, England, in 1963, published by HMSO London in 1965. S idc Bock (b) lrlGURE 4.6.7b. Pressure distributions over the sides and the top of a tall building rrurdel in boundary-layer vclocity ficld. From w. D. Baines, "Effects of velocity l)istributi<rn on Wind Loatls irrrtl lilow P:rltcrns on Buildings," Proceedings, Symposittttt No. 16, Wind E,ll'ccts orr lhriltlings irntl Stnrcturcs, held at the National Physical l.rrboratory, Iinglancl, in l()(r.1. lry IIMS() Lonckrn in 1965. 180 Bl tJt I lr( 4 )l)Y n I ll()l)YNn Mloii / illl ilt tAil()N ()t ltMt VAnytN(i tr)lu F.i trr 6111.11, vt t(x.ilv 1Bl r'':'rrllrt'icttlly stttitll t'ottt;trtretl lo llrc crlntlttliort rlrslrrrrt'e.s ol llre lltrgllirlrotrs 1, r'.;ttttl tt', srl lltitl, lirt tlrt'l)ttrl)()scs ol'lhc: lllrrblt'trr rrl lr;rrrrl, llrcsr. lirller rrriry lte ,,rttrltlt'lctl kr bc ptrr'lirt'll-y corlclulcrl. Sirrec irr llrt. lupilr wilrtls rrsulrlly ol'grllrlcsl rrl{'r('st lo wintl crrgirrcclirrg u(tllU ftrrcly cxr.t't.tls o.l, r' nriry gcnuirlly bc nt';rl,'r.',r.,,, (o) HERMETIC witlr srrritll c:r'nrr (b) WINDWARD OPENING BUILDING yiclding I"n(t) rllrt'rt' thc stoarly - F,, 1 plJulrTll(',, arrcl tlro lluctuating parts F,,: WIND (4.1.3\ of thc clrag lirrce are, respectively, lpo2cotu, t u\Ol (4.7.4a) :l!ltl (c) sucrroN oPENTNG,r, Fo: pUu(t)yz'Co ?'t:iro:,X:*. FIGURE 4.6.8. Mean internal pressures in buildings with various opening distribu tions. From H. Liu and P. J. Saathoff, "Intemal Pressure and Building Safety," ./. Struct. Div., ASCE, f08 (1982), 223*2234. the body mass. One can then visualize it as specifying a hypothetical mass which, given the acceleration dUldt, accounts for the net force due to all thc variously accelerated fluid elements in the entire flow around the body' In most flows of interest in wind engineering. however, the entire term containing C.',,, contributes only a negligible part to Fp. For this reason it is usually neglectctl in this context, and it is not retained in what follows. A three-dimensional flow will have three components, U(t)' V(t), and W(l), in three mutually perpendicular directions. In the neutrally stratified flows* ol' strong interest to wind engineering the mean wind velocity -U is horizontal, and the wind then can be represented as the sum of mean and fluctuating I'rrrrrr litl. 4.1 .4b it is seen that Fp(t) varies directly as u(t). This is true ro a lrrr,r ;rpPtrxirnation only, since observation of physical flows reveals that cp irrirv ilscll'also vary as a function of the frequency components of ,r(/). Irr orrlcr to cxamine the statistical characteristics of Fb@, it is useful to ,n"r(l('r' ils spcctral density Sro@).one first calculates its autocovariance functirn (s('(' Appcndix A2., Eq. A2.21): , 111,,(r) : W(t) : V(t) u(t) l, 11.(), irtttl ('hitplt'l 2' 1l .l.l FbG)Fb(t + r) I prurFilcrpe4t + n (4.1.s) rrlllr t' S6,(n) r.'\1r1rt'rrrlix : t J* .\'1,;,(rr) w(t) Rp,{r;cos 2trnr dr (4.7.6) A2, Eq. A2.20), it follows that (4.7.2t the means of u, u, and w being zero. One may then express drag in the horizontal direction by means of Fq.4'7 'l with U(r) as in Eq. 4.7.2. In general, when time-varying vclocities arc llttts introduced, the imperfect spatial correlation of thc vckrcily llucttutti(tns Itrtlsl also be considered. Howcvcr, hcrc it is first assutnctl lhtrt lhc lrtxly in tlttcsliolt *Sco Clt:rptcr 1fr/2 -' ,l'i f ) ,,rnb{,lnptr + 11 dt : : components. U(t):D + uO) @.7.4b) : p2O2 F C2rS,1n1 (4.7 .7) f trr rrlrrrlr rlris through hy (t,p(/; lll)'' yie:ltls rhc spectral density sc, of the fluctn,rtrrl' rlr':tg cocllicicnl : ,!,,,{rr) 't. ;, 't;l'l' (4.1 .8) llrr" t'rlttitliott will l.ltr vitlitl ovr't lltl t;rn1:t',r! lrt'rlrrt.rrt'it's ol',\',,(l) prrrvitletl lrll l\ rr'ntitin ;x'rli.ctl.y cot!rlirlr.rl in .ui!iuuri.{l ;rlrovt'_ llowcver, ltt.r.ttttst. in r llr'r 182 ttt ut llll ilt lAil{)| (}t ilMt vnl tylN(i l()l t( t!, lil wtt.Jtt vt t(t{.ilv 4I I tt()l)Y Al li()l )YNAMlcl practice this assurrrptiorr tkre:s rrol lroltl, il is rrsturl (o ittcltttlr-: itrt lttlitrsllttcttt factorto preservc thc validity ol'l')t1. 4.7.t'|.'l'his is tlonc by writirrg (4.7.11) as 56r(r) - ,\..(rr ) t(r) 4Ci, :';',;' \ - (4.1.e) UJ o where the newly introduced factor y21r1 is termed the aerodynamic admittance* of the body in question and represents a modifying adjustment (fbr an actual body) of the ideal case of a body enveloped by turbulence with full spatial F F correlation. This modification brings the drag coefficient spectrum into alignment with actual conditions. Thc aerodynamic admittance is a function of body shape and dimensions ancl of the characteristics of the turbulence. For a given body it is thus a tiequency-dependent function. Figure 4.7 .l l4-3slsuggests the manner in which = z z o = o o o (E UJ 12(n) varies for a square flat plate placed normal to a turbulent flow with uniform mean speed. The decrease of the aerodynamic admittance with increasing frequency corresponds to the fact that the smaller turbulent eddies have shorter wavelengths; thus those eddies with higher frequencies will suffer loss of coherence more rapidly than do the large eddies. References [4-36] and [4-37] appear to be among the earliest to have introduced and used aerodynamic admittance concepts in buffeting problems. 4.7.2 Relation of Wind Pressures over Slender Buildings to Wind Velocities The type of arguments employed in Sect. 4.7.1 in relation to total drag forces is now applied to the case of a high-rise building of rectangular plan form, with the horizontal wind blowing normal to one face. In this instance, the along-wind structural motion is dependent on the windward and leeward pressure distribution in a manner that is conceptually simple. The pressure acting at a point Q of elevation z on the surface of such a body in a steady flow of velocity U(z) may be expressed as p(Q) : ip(I2tz'tCo<Qt - pQ) + p',(Q, r) (4.1.1t) .141. to-r I to ^B/U ,'1 ll'irul-Sensitive Stuctures, Construction Industry Research and Information Associ,rrrrrrr, l-ondon, 1971, pp. 42-48. By permission of the Director of the National physical l;rl)orirtory, U.K., and the Director of the Construction Industry Research and Inforrrr.rtiorr Association, rvlrt'rc 2 and p' U.K. have the following values: pe) p'(Q) : I -rrlr+-s!l I It_(z)l rpcptetu'k :) 4! . okfi{n) oc,Q)u'alz (4.7.12) ro, ,r,, rvlrcre overbars indicate the mean values. ' A bricf numerical example is in order here. In the atmosphere u21z1t/2 = rrnd U(z) :2.5u*lnl(z - 2.,1)lz1l (see Eqs. 2.2.18 and.2.3.2 and Table Forcxample, il'1,, - 0.03 rrr, ?.,1 O, and U1 l0) :40 m/s atz : 50 = 'jrr,r, ,,,' ', rl'(':) rt't.t *Thc ttso ol'tltis letttt irr wirrtl trttgitttrctittg is ltlt cxtcttsitllt ol lls otif itt:tl ttsc itt :rt'trtttltttlicitl conlcxts l4 lo-2 l.'l(lllRIl 4.7.1. Aerodynamic admittance of a square plate in turbulent flow. After p. W llcarman, "Wind Loads on Structures in Turbulent Flow," in The Modern Design (4.7.10) where p is fluid density and Co is the appropriate pressure coefficient at this point. In the case of unsteady flow U(z) : U(<) + u(2, r) the pressure may be approximated by p(Q, r) to-3 ',o () ()llt lltitl lltc cltrrt ilr rrr-:glct'lirrli lltt' trorrl!rrr':rr lt'rrrr rrr litl .1.7. ll is lcss lhln ),X,. 184 lll ut I u()t)y nt n()t)YNnMt(;li 4/ : )pD'Q)c,,(Q) (4.1.t4) p'(Q, t) : pOQ)u(Z, t)Cp(Q) (4.1.1s) as in the case of many buildings, the horizontal dimensions of the body are small compared to the scale of turbulence, it is reasonable to assume that thc fluctuating pressures affecting along-wind response-which consist entirely ol'thosc on the windward and leeward faces-may be given by If, p,(e) : pU(z)u(2, t)C,(e*) (4.7.16) : pry1a1u(2, t)C{e) (4.',l p,(e) where Q", and .r1) Q1 are points on the windward and leeward faces, respectively, and where ,\'j,,,,,t1t,. Q,. rr) ,tf,,,,tr'. tttN(ttl (4.1.21t whcrc S,f,,,r(r, n) is lltr: ('() sl)octrum <lf thc lorrgitutlirrll vckrcity lluctuati()ns .lt lxrints Q1 and Q2 (Qj bcing thc pro.jection ol'Q, orr u planc. nonnal to the mcan wind direction, that contains Q), and r is thc clistancc bctween Q1 and Qi. 'l'hc f'unction N(n) is ref'crrcd to as the along-wind cnrss-correlation coefficient. 11' B1 and Qz are contained in the same vertical plane normal to the mean wind (i.e., if their along-wind separation is zero), then N(n) = l. For nonzero rrlong-wind separation, an expression of N(n) is given in Sect. 4.7 .4. In the t'rtsc Q1 = Qz, so,(Qr, d: c3(Q)p',O2k)s,(2,) 4.7.3 Pressure Fluctuations on the Windward (4.7.22) Face of Bluff Bodies n theory of turbulent flow around two-dimensional bluff bodies has been dein 14-391, which has subsequently been applied in [4-40] and [4-4ll to the study of surface pressures generated by turbulent velocity fluctuations. 'l'hc theory is based, essentially, on the following assumptions: (l) the turbuIcnce intensity is of the same order of magnitude as, or lower than, the turlrrrlence intensity typical of atmospheric flows, (2) the body is sufficiently long {lrat end effects may be neglected, (3) in the flow region upwind of the body :rrry velocity fluctuations induced by wake flow are statistically independent of thc velocity fluctuations caused by the oncoming turbulence and so the latter t'irn be studied separately. Fundamental to the approach of [4-391 is a generrrlization of "rapid-distortion theory" which allows the linearization of the er;uations describing the turbulent motion near the upstream face of the body. 'I'his linearization follows from the assumption that the changes in the mean llow associated with the presence of the body distort the turbulence sufficiently r:rpidly so that, during the distortion process, the nonlinear inertial transfer of cncrgy between eddies of different sizes is negligible. The equations for the turbulent nondimensionalized vorticity vector a,)i G : | . 2, 3) are then [4-39] vclcrped c,(Q*): #+ (4.1 .18) C/Q):ffi (4.7.1e) where z is the elevation of point Q, or Q7. As discussed in Chapter 9, it is usual in current procedures for estimating along-wind building response to assume that Eqs. 4.7 .16 and 4.7 .17 are valid regardless of the ratio of building transverse dimensions to the scale of turbulence. This point is brought up again later in Sects. 4.7.3 and 4.7.4. In calculating along-wind structural response (see Chapter 5) information is required on the spatial correlation of pressures applied at any two points Q1 and Q2. Such information is supplied by the co-spectra of fluctuating pressures (quadrature spectra being assumed negligible). Assuming the validity of Eqs. 4.1 .16 and 4 .7 .17 , the co-spectra take the form S,',i,(Q,, tB5 'l'ltc co spt't'tnrrrr,\f,,,,, rrury lrc cxllrcssctl irr llrc lollowilrl' 1,,t"t' Morc gcncrally ancl anuklgotrsly lo llrr'rllrrg tcsttlls lrlrcatly tliscttssetl irt Scct. 4.'7.1, calc'J,lations reportcd in l4-.ltil itrtlit'irtt: tlrirt (hc lirlkrwing tclations arc satisfactory, with insignificant erK)r, lirr 7r lttttl 7r': pQ) lllr nt tAill )ft()t ilMt vnttytN(it()t ll:t t; t( )vt t()(]ily Qz, n) : co(Q)cp(Qr)p'DQ)u(z)sc,,,,(Qr, Qz, n) D6, (4'7 '20) That is, the co-spectra of the pressures are proportional to the co-spectra of the fluctuating longitudinal wind components in the undisturbed oncoming flow at the elevations of the two points. The pressure coefficient C,IQi) rcpresents windward or lccwarcl vatlucs dcpcnding upon whcthcr lhc poirrl Q, is on the windwarcl <lr lccwitnl sitlc. Dt .i \fi, + cdr^ :t " dxj (i:1,2,3) (4.7.23) wlrcrc l; (i : 1,2,3) is tlrc norrtlirncnsionalizcd velocity fluctuation vector 'I'hc nondimensionalizccl prcssiur'('7)' is givcn by lF' dl; ittr, =l ilt t"" , ,, t"4\ )i / rrI t)\t ' ilt,/ r r \ (i r. 2. 3) (4.1.24\ 186 lil t,t wherc Oi I tt()t)y nt n()t )yNnMtcli 4t lilt ilt tnit()N()t ilMt vnnylN(il()l the high-frequency pressure fluctuations is somewhat greater than the coherence of the high frequency velocity fluctuations in the undisturbed flow. In structural engineering computations this "piling-up" effect can be taken into account by choosing appropriately small values of the exponential decay coefficients in Eq.2.3.29 or 2.3.30. 4.7.4 Pressure Fluctuations on the Leeward c ; *An irrotational flow is one in which the components ,,:# y,,,,_y,_ .ti;q _*, ".:y,_y, -' - ^ -' -/zv-- - fP- 50.0 7s.0 100.0 125.0 25.o Time 1s0.0 (s) lfl(;uRE 4.7.2. Yaiations with time of wind pressure on the windward and on the k'cward wall of a building. After w. A. Dalgliesh, "statistical rreatment of peak Gust ,rrr Oladding." J. Struct. Div., ASCE, 97 (1971),2173-218j. forthe function N(n) in Eq.4.7.2l.In lr.y choosing an appropriate expression l.l-45| an expression for this function has been proposed of the form N(n) : t ll E- '1(r 15.4nA,x U - e-'El (4.1.2s) (4.',|.26) wlrcre u is the mean wind speed at elevation (213)H; Ar is the smallest of the tlirrrensions B, H, and D; B is the width; F1 is the height, and D is the depth .l'the prismatic body. Full-scale and wind tunnel measurements reported in l,t-461, [4-471, t4-48], and [4-49] suggest that this expression is adequate for pnrctical use. 4.7.5 Peak Local Wind Loads 'I'hc adequate design of roof members, roofing, cladding, and other elements srrsccptible to failure due to the local action of wind (e.g., solar collectors l'1 601) is of foremost impoftance for reasons of both safety and economy. It is thcrcfbre desirable that wincl-inch.rccil loads on such elements be ascertained :rs roalistically as possiblc l4-591. lAccording to l4-(r71, ltowt:vcr, ul any givon Ircqucncy thc prcssun':rrrrl vchx rlv rpt.r'trr lurve lhc sanrc skrpc. -- 0.0 Face of Bluff Bodies however, that the pressure fluctuations on the leeward side are less strong than indicated by Eq. 4.7 .17 (e.g. , see Fig. 4 .7 .2 taken from t4-501). It is reasonable to assume, therefore, that the use in design of Eq. 4.7.17 is conservative from a structural safety viewpoint. Also of interest for design purposes is the question of the extent to which pressures on the windward side of a building are correlated to the pressures on the leeward side. It is intuitively clear that this correlation cannot be perfect. The correlation will be greater for eddies with large wave lengths-which can be thought of as enveloping the body in the same manner as the mean flowand will decay as the wave lengths decrease. This dependence can be expressed zer<r. t87 o d According to Eqs. 4.7.16 through 4.7.19, the ratios of the pressures on the leeward face to the pressures on the windward face are the same for both fluctuating and mean pressures. Results of full-scale measurements suggest, all :, t()wtNttvt t(x]ty (i : l,2, 3) is lhc trotttlitttt'rtsionirlizcrl rrrcirn vclocily vc(.[or, wlrosc field is approximately irrotatiotrirl.* 'l'lrt' lrorrrrtlirry conclitions arc csscntially the following: (l) at large distanccs lirrrrr (hc b<ily, thc velocitics approach their values in the undisturbed flow ancl (2) in thc immediate vicinity of the upwind surface of the body, the velocitics at, cach point are perpendicular to the outward normal from that surface. Calculations carried out on the basis of the above equations and boundary conditions suggest, for example, that whenever alL" < I (where a is the typical horizontal dimension of body and I is the longitudinal turbulence scale), Eq. 4.7.22 is applicable, on the windward face, up to frequencies r, = 0.15 Ula, where U is the mean speed of the undisturbed flow 14-411. For higher frequencies the pressure spectra decay more rapidly than the velocity spectra so that, for structural design purposes, Eq. 4.7.22 is conservative. That this is the case appears to be confirmed by experimental results reported in t4-421, t4-431, and [4-44].r Calculations also suggest that the smallei eddies are "piled up" against the upward face of the body and therefore that the coherence of are t(:l 'l'hc clcrncnts potcntially ittvolvctl irt lirilurcs duc to local wind loads are trstttrlly rclativcly rigitl so llurl llrt'tlyrr:urric lrrrrplilication ol'thc rcsponsc is ltcgligiblc. Thc witrcl krlrtl rrclirrl'. ort lrrt clt'rrrt'nl is tlrr:rr cqr.ral to llrc sulrr, ovcr lltt'crttirc itrcit ol'thc e:lctttcttl. ol llrc inslrrrrllrrrt'orrs l)11:ssutcsi intlrrccrrl by wirrtl. I)trring cvcly sl()rttt llris loittl tt':tr'ltr's;r pritlr. lltt'clcrrrr:nl coltccrrrrctl, tirrtl its 188 uttl I connections, must bc closignccl lo srrsllirr lhe llcuk wind load attaincd cluring the N-year storm, whcrc N is thc lttcan rccut'rotlcc intcrval of the dcsign wind speed specified for that element. The total wind force acting on an element such as a roof member or a curtain wall could, in principle, be measured directly. However, the experimental setups required for such measurements are prohibitively expensive and impractical. For this reason forces acting over an element have recently been measured by devices that automatically add pressures occurring simultaneously at several points of the element, weighted by the respective tributary areas. In particular, such techniques have been used at the University of Westem Ontario to measure wincl l<rads <rn models of low-rise structures 14-71, 4-72, 4-'13, 4-74, 4-75, 4-16,4-771. These measurements, as well as results of full scale tests, [4-51, 4-1t1,4-79,4-801 have been used to develop new design load provisions for rnain f-rames and for parts and portions of low-rise buildings that have been recently incorporated in various standards, including [2-1391; see also Sect. 9.5. Local pressures can have strongly non-Gaussian distributions, especially at comers and edges; see [,4.2-13]. 4.8 Atlt)t Nt){ tM B()DY nl not)YNAM|(;li l Bo rcllcctctl witttl is slroufl('r llrrrrr rlit'ccl wirrtl, irrrrl llrt'rrron'ri() lrs ()lrc is cklscr to tlrc obslaclc lhrrl rclle't'ts rl. I lravc cxpc:rir-:rrcctl llris ir rrrrrrrhcr-ol'tirncs by irppnlaching l l()wcl'tlurt is alrrxrst l(X) lbcl lrigh irrrtl is situatccl at lhc nortlr t'nrl ol'tny ganlcn in Monlb:rrtl. Whcn a stnng wintl l'rkrws lhrrrr tlro s<lutlr, up Io thirty stcps lirrur llrc towcl onc fbcls stnrngly pushetl, alicr which thcrc is :rn interval ol' livc ol six stcps where one coascs to bo pushcd and where thc wind, which is rcllcctcrl by thc tower is, so to spcak, in equilibrium with the tlircct wind. Aficr this thc closcr one approachcs tho tower, the more the wind re llccted by it is violcnt. lt pushes you back much more strongly than the direct wind pushed you forward. The cause of this effect, which is a general one and t'rrrr be experienced against all large buildings, against sheer cliffs, and so forth, rs not difficult to find. The air in the direct wind acts only with its ordinary s1rccd and mass; in the reflected wind, the speed is slightly lower, but the mass is considerably increased by the compression that the air suffers against the obstacle that reflects it, and as the momentum of any motion is composed of thc speed multiplied by the mass, this momentum is considerably larger after I rc compression than before. It is a mass of ordinary air that pushes you in the lilst case, and it is a mass of air that is once or twice as dense that pushes you b;rck in the second case. I SECONDARY WIND FLOW EFFECTS In addition to the wind loads caused by the direct action upon the structure of the wind flow, it is of interest in certain situations to examine secondary effects produced by wind, such as the blowing of roofing gravel [4-58,9-63], and the drifting of snow. Systematic studies of these effects have been reported in 14-63,4-&, 4-65,4-66, 4-81, 4-82, 4-83, 4-841. Mention is also made of wind action as a factor that influences the energy consumption of buildings by increasing air infiltration. It is shown in [a-68] that energy losses due to wind-induced air infiltration can be reduced significantly by the sheltering effect oftrees acting as wind breaks; the energy savings thus achieved may in certain cases be as high as l5%. The results of [4-68] were obtained in wind tunnel tests and were subsequently confirmed by fullscale measurements [4-69]. ADDENDUM For the sake of its historical interest, we reproduce here a note by Count Buffon describing the flow changes occurring upwind of a tower, for which it offers a charming (if scientifically no longer tenable) explanation. A translation of the note follows. d I'Hitloire ADDITIONS A l'Article gui a pour titre: Des Vents riglis, page zz4. I. Sur Ie Vent riflichi, pege 2+2. T J r': oors rapporter ici une obfervation .;,ri rne paroir avoit 6chappC I l'attcncion Phyficiens , guoique tour le rnonde 'l<'s li'it en drat de la viLifer ; c'eft que le vc'rr riflichi eft plus violent que Ie vent rlrrcdt, & d'autant plus qu'on eft plus 1,,rt's de I'obftacle qui le rerrvoie. J'en ri llir nonrbre de fois I'expirience , en .rl,prochant d'une tour qui a prls de , cnr pieds de hauteur & qt-ri fe trouve lirtrdc au nord , ) l'extrCrnirC de rnon i.rrrlin, I Montbard ', lbrfqrr'il lirrrfflc rrrr grand venr du nridi, on lc lcrrr lirrr('nrent pouflc iulqu') trcnte p:rs rlt' l:r r,"'r i ry,ris <1uoi , il y a trn irrrcrv.rllc ,h. tirrtg t-ru On Reflected Wind I must rcporl hcrc lrrr obsr:rvlliorr which it sccnls to Ittt'ltits t'st'rt1tt'tl lltt'ltllcttiion ol'plrysic'ists, cvt'rr llrorrglr cvt'r'yorrc is in ir posiliott lo vt'ttly rl. ll st't'rrts llutt Nanrelle. t t lix pas I oi l'on cclli rl'trre t6 Suppldment ooufG & or) Ie veur, qtri eft r6flichi par la tour, fair , pour ainfi dire , iquilibre avec Ie vent direCt ; aprls cela, plus on approche de Ia tour & plus Ie vent qui en eft riflechieft violenr, il vous repou(e en arriire avec beaucoup plus de force que le venr direC! ne vous poufibit en avant, La caufe de cer efter qui eft gin6ral , & dorrt orr peut faire l'ipreuve contre tous les grands bntinrens, conrre les collines coupies ) plornb , &c. n'eft pas difficile I rrouver, L'air dans le vent dire& n'asir qu€ par fa vireffe & [a nra(fe ordirraire ; dans Ie vent rdfichi, la vite(G eft un peu dirninude , nrais Ia eft confiddrablemenr augmerrrie par la cornprefiion que I'air fo'rftie rna{Ie contre l'obftacle qui Ie rdflCchir ; & comnre Ia guantird de tout rrrouvelrlent eft compolie de Ia vire(G nrulripli6e par Ia nraflb , cette quantird eft bien plus grande apris Ia courprefiion gu'suparavanr. C'eft unc nra(G d'air ordinaire, qui vous pouffb dans le prenrier cas, & c'eft ttrrc rnafG d'air une ou deux fois plus , U"t vous repcu(G dans le lccond lt:;:t" ()l n()le {)rl rcllcclcrl wiilrl l,trtttt llt\lt,ilr Nttlutrllt', (ir,ttr,tttlt tt l\trticuliin,, ('(ilttriltutt l(.\ lilrtlttt'.t tlr Itt Nttlurt, Itrrr M. lc lrtttlr rlr llrllltt, Vol I l. lttlcrtrlirrtl rlrr .l:rrrlirt t^l tlrr (':rltitrel rlu l{oi, rk' l'Atrtrlcrilir liritrrr,'irist', rk' r'clle rli'r :ir t.ilr.r r=lr lo[rr' lrIrrrt'rrrr'. A l'irris, l)r' l,'lrrrPrrrrrrre I rrr'silrrilc Itoyrrlc, I //ll 190 tJt t,r I tKltlY ilt IItil nt ti()t )YNnMt(;:; REFERENCES 4 l.| L. M. Milne-Thompson, 'l'hutrctittl llvlnnlvrutmir'.r', Macrnillan, Ncw York, r 96-5. 4-2 H. Rouse, Advanced Mechanics tt lluids, Wilcy, 1958. 4-3 G. K. Batchelor, Fluid Dynamics, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1967. 4-4 V. L. Streeter, Fluid Mechanics, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1966. 4-5 H. Bdnard, "Formation de centres de giration ir I'arribre d'un obstacle en mouve4-6 ment," C.r. Acad. Sci.,147 (1908), 839-842. Th. v. Kiirmiin, "Uber den Mechanismus des Widerstandes den ein bewegter Kcirper in einer Fltissigkeit erfdhrt,'' in Nachrichten der Kdniglichen Gesellschaft r Wi s s e ns chaft en, Giitttngen ( 1 9 I 1 ), 509-5 I 7. de 4-1 4-8 G. A. Dobrodzicki. Flow Visualiz.ation in the National Aeronautical Establishment's Water Tunnel, Aeronautical Report No. LR-557, National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, 1912. V. Strouhal, "Uber eine besondere Art der Tonerregung," Ann. Phys., 5 (1878), 216,250. L. R. Wooton and C. Seruton, "Aerodynamic Stability," inThe Modern Design of Wind-Sensitive Structures, Construction Industry Research and Information Association, London, 197 l, pp. 65-81. 4-10 "Wind Forces on Structures," Trans. ASCE, 126, Part II (1961), 1124-1198. 4-11 NASA Skylab II Photo 73-H-9@, 73-HE-777, released Oct. 2, 1913. 4-9 383. 4-16 B. J. Vickery, "Fluctuating Lift and Drag on a Long Cylinder of Square Crosssection in a Smooth and in a Turbulent Stream," J. Fluid Mech.,25, Part3 . ('ottlt'ltt'sttt' ;ttrrl and Applied Mathematics, University of Maryland, College Park, June 1972. 4-20 W. D. Baines, "Effects of Velocity Distribution on Wind Loads and Flow Patterns on Buildings," in Proceedings of the Symposium on Wind Effects on Buildings and Structures, Vol. 1, National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, U.K., 1963, pp. 191-223. 4-21 J. H. Gerrard, "Thc Mcchanics of thc Formation l{cgion ol'Vorticcs Bchind Blull'Boclics," J. l''luid Mach. 25 (1966), 401-41.1. 4-22 A. Iloslrko. "lixpt'rirrrcrrls orr lltc likrw l)lrst lr ('ttt'ttl;rt ('vlttttlt't :rl Vt'r'y lliglt Itcynoltls Ntttttlrct." .l . I"lrtirl Mt'rlr. lll ( l(X)l), .\'15 lt(r. lltt A l ;rrrt'villc, "A livitlrrrrlrott ol l)rr1i ('ocllicicrtl Mcirsurt'rrrr'rrl: Cambridge, 4 27 U.K., 1977. J. A. Robertson, C. Y. Lin, G. S. Rutheriord, and M. D. Stine, "Turbulence Effects on Drag of Sharp Edged Bodies," J. Hydr. Div., ASCE, 98 (Jdy 1972), 1187-1201. 4-28 B. E. Lee, "The Effect of Turbulence on the Surface Pressure Field of a Square Prism," J. Fluid Mech. 69 (1975),263-282. 4-29 R. M. C. So and S. D. Savkar, "Buffeting Forces on Rigid Circular Cylinder in Cross-Flows," J. Fluid Mech. 105 (1981), 397 425. 4-30 T. M. Mulcahy, Design Guide for Single Circular Cylinder in Turbulent Crossflow, Technical Memorandum ANL-CT-82-7, Argonne National Laboratory, March 1982. 4 3l O. Flachsbart, "Winddruck auf geschlossene und offene Gebtiude," in Ergebnisse der Aerodynamischen Versuchanstctlt zu G)ttingen, L. Prandtl and A. Betz (eds.), Verlag von R. Oldenbourg, Munich and Berlin, 1932. Jensen, Shelter Effect Investigations, Danish Technical press, Copenhagen, 4-32 M. 1954. 4-33 M. Jensen and N. Franck, Model-Scale Tests in Turbulent Wind, Danish Technical Press, Copenhagen, 1965. ,4-34 W. R. Sears, "Some Aspects of Nonstationary Airfoil Theory and Its Applications," J. Aero. Sci., 2 (1941), 104. ,1-35 P. W. Bearman, "Wind Loads on Structures in Turbulent Flow," in The Modern Design of Wind-Sensitive Structures, Construction Industry Research and Information Association, London, 1971, pp. 42-48. (1966), 48r-494. 4-17 P. Sachs, Wind Forces in Engineering, 2d ed., Pergamon, Oxford, 1978. 4-18 Swiss Code of Practice, No. 160, Article 20, 1956. 4-19 G. E. Mattingly, An Experimental Study of the Three-Dimensionality of the Flow Around a Circular Cylinder, Report No. BN295, lnstitute for Fluid Dynamics lgI 'l'hc Arrrcrit'lut Sot'rt'ly ol Mechaniclrl l,)rrgilrecrs. Nt.rv York. 4-24 O. Giivcn, ('. lrirlcll. lrlul V. C. Patcl, "sulllrt.c llorrl-',ltncss llllccts on thc Mcln Flow Past ('ircrrlirr ('ylintlcrs," J. Iluid Mtth. gtl (19u0), 61 1-7Ol . 4-25 P. W. Bcarrrrittt, "Alt lnvcstigation ol'tlrc liolcos orr Iilat Platcs Normal to a Turbulent Flow," .l . lluitl Mach. 46 (191 l). 177,198. 426 A. Lanevillc, I. S. Gartshore, and G. V. Parkinson, "An Explanation of Some Effects of Turbulcncc on Bluff Bodies," Proceedings Fourth International Conference, Wind ElJects on Buildings and Structures, Cambridge University press, 4-12 Weather,3l, l0 (Oct. 1976), 346. 4-13 A. Roshko, "On the Wake and Drag of BluffBodies," J. Aeronaut. 9ci.,22, 2 (1955), 124-132. 4-14 S. F. Hoemer, Fluid-Dynamic Drag, published by the author, 148 Busteed Drive, Midland Park, NJ, 1965. 4-15 C. Scruton and E. W. E. Rogers, "Steady and Unsteady Wind Loading of Buildings and Structures," Phil. Trans. Roy. ,Soc., London L269 (1971),353- I,; ('otttplrisorr ol ('olt'r'liolr Mcllrrxls Iist.rl lor I wo l)rrrrt.rrsrorurl ltt.t.l altgulitr('ylitrtlt'rs," l';rpct No.79-Wn/lrli .1. Arlrrrlrl Mt.t.lirr1i, l)cc. f '/, l()7(), .1 itt 4-l tJ( 't-36 H. W. Liepmann, "On 'I'31 ,1 lU the Application of Statistical Conceprs to the Buffeting Problem," J. Aero. Sci., 19, 12 (1952),793-800, 822. A. G. Davenport, "Buffeting of a Suspension Bridge by Storm Winds," -/. Struct. Div., ASCE, 88, No. 5T6 (1962), 233-2&. R. Vaicaitis and E. Simiu, "Non-Linear Pressure Terms and Along-Wind Response," J. Struct. Div., ASCE, 103, No. ST4, Proc. Paper 12837 (1977),903, 906. l.l9 J. C. R. Hunt, "A'l'hcoly ol 'l'urbulcttl Iilows Round Two-Dimensional Bodics," ./. Fluid Mcclt., (rl, I'rrr1 .l (l()7 l). (r2.5 7(Xr. I '10 J. C. R. Htrnl, "A'l'ltcoty ol lilttt'ltt;rlirrli l'r.cssrucs orr Illull'llorlics in'l'rrrbtrlclrt lil<rws," in Itnx't'ulirt,ti.t rtl lltt' ll l l'..lII l..lllll ,\t'rrtltolitrttr ttrt lilol' lrulrttt,tl Slrtrt' luntl Viltnttitnt,r, l(lrtlsrttltr'. Wr'r,l ( it'rrrr;rrrv, l()'/1. li. N:rrrrlirsclrct (c(1.). ,Sl)t.ill gt'r' Vclllrg, lle llirr, l()/,1. pp lrr() -'O l 192 nt tJil D()t lll lllll )y At n()l )yNnMt(;l 4-41 J. C. lt. Hurrt, "'l'ulhulcrrt Velocities Nr:r'llttl lilttcluirlittg Srrrllrce I'rcssrrrcs on Structures in'l'ulhulcnl Wintls," irr I'nxvnlitrg.s tl tlrt Iirurtlr lnttnuttiorrttl Conference on Wind F)ffccts ttrt lluiltlirr,qs tuul Strudur(s, l,undon, 1975, Carnbridge Univ. Press. Cambridgc, 1976, pp. -109 320. 4-42 B. J. Vickery and K. H. Kao, "Drag or Along-Wind Rcsponsc ol' Slcnder Structures," J. Struct. Div., ASCE,98, No. STl, Proc. Paper 8635 (1912), 21-36. 4-43 P. W. Bearman, "Some Measurements of the Distortion of Turbulence Approaching a Two-Dimensional Body, J. Fluid Mech.,53, Part 3 (19722),451461. 4-44 R. D. Marshall, Surface Pressure Fluctuations Near an Axisymmetic Stagnation Pr.,lnl, NBS Technical Note No. 563, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC. r97l 4-45 J. Vcllozzi and E. Cohen, "Gust . Response Factors," J. Struct. Div., ASCE, 94, No. 5T6, Proc. Paper 5980 (1968), 1295-1313. 4-46 R. Lam Put, "Dynamic Response of a Tall Building to Random Wind Loads," Pnx'ccdings of the Third International Conference on Wind Effects on Buildings arul Structures, Tokyo, Japan, 1971, Saikon, Tokyo, 1972, pp. 429-440. 4-47 H. van Koten, "The Fluctuating Wind Pressures on the Cladding and Inside a Building," in Symposium on Full-Scale Measurements of Wind Effects on Tall Buildings, University of Western Ontario, London, Canada, 1973. 4-48 J. D. Holmes, "Pressure Fluctuations on a Large Building and Along-Wind Structural Loading," J. Ind. Aerodyn., l, | (1975), 249-278. 4-49 K. H. Kao, Measurements of Pressure-Velocity Correlation on a Rectangular Prism in Turbulent F/ow, Report No. BLWT-20, University of Westem Ontario, London, Canada, 1970. 4-50 W. A. Dalgliesh, "Statistical Treatment of Peak Gust on Cladding," J. Struct. Div., ASCE, 97, No. ST9, Proc. Paper 836 (1911),2173-2187. 4-51 R. D. Marshall, "A Study of Wind Pressures on a Single-Family Dwelling in Model and Full-Scale," J. Ind. Aerodyn., 1,2 (1975), 177-199. 4-52 G. A. Euteneuer, "Druckansteig im Inneren von Gebduden bei Windeinfall," Pressures Induced 4-54 H. Liu and P. J. Saathoff, "Internal Pressure and Building Safety," J. Struct. Div., ASCE, 108 (19822), 2223-2234. 4-55 P. J. Saathoff and H. Liu, "Intemal Pressure of Multi-Room Buildings," -/. Eng. Mechs. Dlv., ASCE, f09 (1983), 908-919. 4-56 R. L Harris, "The Propagation of Internal Pressures in Buildings," J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn.,34 (1990), 169-184. 4-57 B. J. Vickery, "Intemal Pressures and Interactions with the Building Envelope," J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn., 53 (1994), 125-144. 4-58 J. E. Minor and L. W. Beason, "Window Glass lrtilrrrcs irr Wirrtlstornrs," J. Struct. Div., ASCE,, 102, No. STl, Proc. Papcr lll3.l4 (l()7()). 1,17 l6O. 4-59 "Hanc<rc:k (illrss l}clrkagc: A ('ornbination ol' littrrs'f " Rtutnl (Miry l()76), (). l'.rr.t,ittct't itt,q Ncu.,l 103 60 ll. |. Mclk'rur. "Wrrrrl l,orrrl lilli'c(s on l;lll l'irrlr Sol;rt ('ollt't lots." .l ,\trttr'1. l,.lttg.,lll{lttxry. l,l t l.5l ,1 .61 "Ncw Appnxrtlrt's lo l)t'silr,rr Against Wirxl At'lion." irr A. (i. l)rrvcrrlxrr( (lil.), Ctnrsc No/r,.r', 'l'lrr' llorrrrtluly Laycr Wirrtl 'l'rrrrrcl l.lrlxrlrrloty. tlnivclsily ol' Wcstorn Orrtirrio, l,oruLrt, ('anacla, 197L 1-62 J. Blcssllun. Atnnlintinrirt dus Con,slrucor),s, Iililorit tlrr tJnivcrsiditdc, Pontr Alegre, Brasil, l9tl.l. ,t-63 R. J. Kind arrtl l{. 1,. Wardlaw, Design o.l'Iilxtlir4ts A14,uinst Gravel Bktw-ofJ', Repoft No. 1.5544, National Research Council ol'Canada, Ottawa, 1976. 4-64 R. J. Kind, "A Critical Examination of the Requirements fbr Model Simulation of Wind-Induced Erosion/Deposition Phenomena Such as Snow Drifting," ,4rmos. Environ, f0 (1976), 219-227. 4-65 C. Mateescu and H. 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Stathopoulos, "Wind Loacls orr l.ow ltisc lluildings: A Rcvicw ol'thc Statc of the Art," Eng. Struct., 6 (l9tJ4). ll9 l3-5. 4-81 J. T. Templin and W. R. Schricvcr, "l.oarls duc to Drified Snow," J. Struct. Div., ASCE, r08 (1982), t9t6-t925 4-82 J. D. Iversen, "Small-Scale Modeling of Snow-Drift Phenomena," in Wind 4-19 J. l). llolrncs, Tunnel Modeling for Civil Engineering Applications, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1982. 4-83 R. J. Kind and R. L. Wardlaw, "Failure T. A. Reinhold (Ed.), of Loose-Laid RoofWind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn., 9 Mechanisms Insulation Systems (High-Rise Buildings)," (1982), 32s-341. J. 4-84 R. J. Kind and R. L. Wardlaw, "Wind Tunnel Tests on Loose-Laid Roofing Systems for Flat Roofs, " Proceedings , Second International Symposium on Roofing Technology, National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD, Sept. 1985. 4-85 I. S. Gartshore, "Some Effects of Upstream Turbulence on the Unsteady Lift Forces Imposed on Prismatic Two Dimensional Bodies," J. Fluids Eng.,106 (1984), 418,424. 4-86 W. C. L. Shih, C. Wang, D. Coles, and A. Roshko, "Experiments on Flow Past Rough Circular Cylinders at Large Reynolds Numbers," J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn., 49 (1993), 351-368. 4-87 Y. Nakamura, "Bluff-Body Aerodynamics and Turbulence," -/. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn., 49 (1993), 65-78. "Perspectives on Bluff Body Aerodynamics," Aerodyn., 49 (1993), 79-100. 4-88 A. Roshko, J. Wind Eng. Ind. 4-89 A. Gadilhe, L. Janvier, and G. Barnaud, "Numerical and experimental modeling of the three-dimensional turbulent wind flow through an urban square, ' ' J . Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn., 46-47 (1993),755-763. 4-90 S. Murakami (ed.), "Cunent Status of Computational Wind Engineering," -/. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn, 35 (1990), l-318. 4-91 S. Murakami et al. (eds.), "Computational Wind Engineering," J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn., 46-47 (1993), l-912. 4-92 D. CHAPTER 5 Laurence and J.-D. Mattei, "Current State of Computational Bluff Body Aerodynamics," J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn.,49 (1993),23,44. 4-93 C. W. Letchford and J. D. Holmes, "Wind Loads on Free-standing Walls in Turbulent Boundary Layers," J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn., 5l (1994), l-21. 4-94 Y. Nakamura and Y. Ohya, "Vortex Shedding from Square Prisms in Smooth and Turbulent Flows," J. Fluid Mech., f64 (1986), 77-89. 4-95 A. Baskaran and T. Stathopoulos, "Prediction of Wind Effects on Buildings Using Computational Methods-Review of the State of the Art," Canadian J. Civil Eng., 2l (1994),805-822. STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS Structural dynamics is the discipline concemed with the study of structural rcsponse to time-dependent loads. This chapter reviews certain elementary results of structural dynamics theory and derives expressions for the response of structures subiected to distributed stationary random loads. These results are then applied in the particular case where the loads are induced by wind to obtain expressions for the along-wind response, including deflections and accclerations. Several of the results obtained will also be useful in other applications occurring throughout the text. 5.1 THE SINGLE.DEGREE-OF-FREEDOM LINEAR SYSTEM ('onsider the system represented in Fig. 5.1.1 consisting of a single mass ttt ('oncentrated at point B and of the member /8 assumed to have negligible nrass. The displacement x(r) of the mass nr is opposed by (1) a restoring force sLrpplied by the member /B and (2) a damping force due to the internal friction that develops within the system during its motion. It is assumed that the restoring force is linear, that is, proportional to the displacement x(r), and that rlrc damping is viscous, that is, proportional to the velocity dxldt. It follows tltcn from Newton's secon(l law lhat the motion of the mass is described by tlrc cquation ,,ri'I (\ I A.r I'll) (s. r. r) /'i/) is tlrc lirtrc tk'gx'ttr['rtl l(]jr(l :r('ltnl', ott (ltt: tttttss, I is thc sllrirrg t.6rrslllrl (11r lIc slilllrcss) ol llrt'rrrt'rrrlrrr ,'lll, r'ts kttowlt its lltt: cocllit'it'ttl ol wlrcre: r95 196 lilN(il l l)t (int t ()t 1ilil t,{)M ltNt Ail r;yl;ltM !i r llll -l.trr ,l' rurt I llrc slcatly-stlrle solrrliorr [-tm ol lit1. r(/) .5. 1 .2 ItuItQt) 197 is c<ts(2rnt (.s.1.6) $) wlrcrc 2(t(nln) d:tan , | -hk$ H(n) viscous damping, and the dot denotes differentiation with respect to time. It (s.1.8) (s.1.9) rrray be written as -l (2rn1)2x : F(t) m x(t) (s.1.2) 5.1.2 where I Ik- ' 2r\lm .C * - (nl n,12fiJt1r;7y F(t) : Fs sin ZTnt is common to write Eq. 5.1.1 in the form Sr 4r2 nlm{lt 'f'lrc quantity F(n) is known as the mechanical magnification factor or met'lrttnical admittance function of the system with parameters m, n1, and (r. Similarly the steady-state response to the load FIGURE 5.1.1. Schematic of a single-degree-of-freedom system. X -f 2(,(2zrn)* : (s.t .7) , 2,,/km (s.1.3) (s.1.4) are known as the natural frequency and the damping ratio of the system, respectively.* The quantity zJtcm is known as the critical damping coefficient : FoII(n) sin(2rnt - g) (s.1.10) Response to an Arbitrary Load Lct the system described by Eq. 5.1.2 be subjected to the action of a load ct;ual to the unit impulse function 6(r) acting at time / : 0, that is, to a load rlcfined as follows (see Fig. 5.1.2): 6(o:0 forr + 0) FLI t lllJ, bl)dt:t ) (5.1.1r) and can be shown to be the value of the damping coefficient beyond which the free motion of the system is nonoscillatory. The damping ratio is expressed as a percentage of the critical damping. 5.1.1 Response to a Harmonic Load It can be easily verified t5-ll that if F(/) : Fo cos 2Tnt xThe quantity @1. 22"11, (s. r .s) is tclcrlctl to as lltc natural circular I'rcquoncy rrrrtl is t.orrrnrrrly rlcrrolctl hy Il(;lll{1,: 5.1.2. tlnil irrrprrlsc lillctiorr. t98 ,, st n[,o I ulln L t)YNAMloti /1r(rr) I il[ r"[" crrs'rl litN(il t ,t,t1)c.s J,, .\,, l"'r"'' H)tr) sinro - ],, ,t, r,\ J,, sin I)t (iltil ()l Iltl Il)r]il/ lll.ll All :;Yr;lltrrt 100 2zutr1(i( r,) t'.,s )trttt, tlt, 2rnr,G( r.,) sirr 2rttr; tlr, tlt; dr, (.5.1.1(r) (5.1.l7) I'ltc addition of Eqs. 5.1.16 and 5.1.17 yields thc firllowing relation between II(n) and G(r): H21n1 The response of the system to the load 6(r) is a function of time and is denoted An arbitrary load F(r) (Fig. 5.1.3) may be described as a sum of elemental impulses of magnitude F(r') dr' each acting at time z'. By virtue of the linearity of the system, the response at time / to each such impulse is G(l - r')F(r') dr' and the total response at time / is J' * o,, - r')F(r') dr' (5.t.12) where the limits of the integral indicate that all the elemental impulses that have acted before time / have been taken into account. With the change of variable r: t - r',F, becomes x(t) LetF(t) - F6 cos 2rnt.It : *rou - J- r) dr (s. 1. 13) follows then from Eqs. 5.1.6 and 5.1.13 that H(n) cost : Qz) f cos Ztrnr dr Using now Iit1s.5.l.l4 I : I rrntl 5.1.15, G(r) sin 2rtt'r tlr () itir is possible lo wlilc Jn Gr')G(ru) cos 2rn(r1 (s.1. 14) (s. ,S,(n) - 12) dr1dr2 (5.1.18) : t f) _&(r)cos 2rnr dr :2[- 1,,, tf'/2 -t r) dt'l 2rnr dr J - I .* V ) ,'rx(tlx1 lcos : , J--(r,*T I f ',- 1- J-r,z ['" ,, IlJoI x Jo I tr,,r,, * r - : t J; *',, ' cos 2trnr I. ls) er1)F(t - 11) dr1 rt\ clrtl]ro, -l) znm a, [j, *", [J-- ^",' * 11 * 12) arlarrlar, : 2-Jo [ Jo I tcO)c(rr)cos and /y'(rr) sin q5 J; l)()cess with spectral density Sflrz). The expression for the spectral density of tlrc response S"(n) can be derived using Eqs. A2.20, A2.21, and 5.1.13: G(/). : f- 5.1.3 Response to a Stationary Random Load 'l'hc case is now examined in which the load ,F(r) is generated by a stationary FIGURE 5.1.3. Load F(r). x(ty : r- I J _ *o,r rt , J,, j,, 2trn(r1 - 12) dr1 dr2 r2lcos2rn(r I rr - r) (i(rr)(i(r,)si n 2ntt(r1 - r.) dr1 J ,,r,r,t, ,, r,)srrrlrrr(r d(r * 11 - 12) dr2 I rr r;)tl(r I 11 r;) ( 200 silrt,(;ttlnAl 11 t)YNnMlcli r. 2" l. where, in thc last stcp, thc itlcrttity cos2rnr = cos Zrnl(r I rt r:)-(r1 -r)l From Eqs. A2.20, A2.23 and 5.1.18, there follows Sln) : This result is extremely useful in applications. See also 5.2 (s.1.21) nzg1so1nS [5-l] to [5-4]. r(2, Structure It may be regarded as an experimental fact that a continuously distributed elastic structure with low damping, when excited by a sinusoidal force, will vibrate in resonance at certain sharply defined characteristic frequencies. Associated with each such resonant or natural frequency, there will also be a characteristic, or modal, form of vibration amplitude distributed throughout the structure. Such forms are called the normal modes of the structure. For example, Fig. 5.2.1 depicts the first four normal modes of a vertical cantilever beam. These characteristic deflection modes and associated frequencies are properties ofthe structure, independent ofthe loads, and represent very fundamental dynamical evidences of its internally distributed inertial and stiffness properties.* In fact, the set of normal modes may be regarded as a fundamental set of special deflection forms by means of which any general deflection of the structure may be expressed. Thus, if z is a running coordinate (e.g., height) of a structure, the modal deflection forms of lateral ("{ direction) vibration may be written as x; (z), where /) : At t r:yr;ltM r(:, /) lllily lrt'exlttt'sst'tl :ts 2Ol lltt' sttttt 15.2. I ) )",t.)t,t,l whcrc the coeflicients t,(r) inclicate what fructiort ol'caclt ntotlc r,(z) ctltcrs (ltc p,ivcn deflection pattern. The coefficients {r(l) arc callod Lhc gcntruliT.ed ut' ttttlinat€s of the system. An important property of the normal modes xi(z) is their mutual orthogonality with respect to mass weighting, by which is meant that I,r.,.- THE MULTI.DEGREE OF FREEDOM LINEAR SYSTEM 5.2.1 Natural Modes and Frequencies of a Continuously Distributed 1 l lll (i1l I ()l llg ltlr)M ttfJt 'l'ltcrr :ttry tlclle:ctiott (s. r.20) is used. Mt t'(t)"' (z)m(z) dz :o (i + i) (5.2.2) wlrore rn(z) is the mass of the structure per unit length. Since the system is actually continuously distributed but responds at each rrl its resonant frequencies like a single vibrating entity (or single degree of ln:cdom), it becomes very useful and convenient to liken continuous systems to single-degree-of-freedom systems. It is helpful in this context to use the ('rrorgy approach. The kinetic energy of a single mass M is )M*', where i is rrs vclocity of displacement. We now seek the corresponding energy for the rlistributed system. 'f'he lateral displacement being x(2, t), the elemental kinetic energy at point .is im(z)lx(2, t)21 dz 'l'lrc kinetic energy (KE) of the whole system is therefore KE ll r : ; J.r.,., .,.,[*k, t)]2 dz 6-2.3) thc system is vibrating in the single resonance modex;(z), then *(2, t) : (s.2.4) xiQ)EiQ) :.o thaf the kinetic energy becomes T KE - +Mtt? wlrt'rc I FIGUR E 5.2-1. Fint fbur normal modes of a cantilcvcr bcam M, \ .l..1 .r, r,, *Dctails <ln pnlccrlrrtt:s lirrtlclt:r'rrrirring, rtortttirl ntotlcs antl ttitlttt:tl ltt'r1ttr'tttit'r tttrty lrt' lirtttltl. lilr cx:rtnplc, irr l5 ll ot l5 11. (s.2.s) A./, t r,(: )l'rrr(.:) r/r (5.2.6) is kttowtr lts lltr.: ,qlrtr'rrr/t ,',1 trnttt ol lltt' rvslt'trr ilt lllt: itlt ttorlttltl lttrxlt'. ii l,! 2O2 liltr,otunnr (illt I ()l lnt I l,()M ltr.ll Alr !;Yr;llM t)yNAMtoli ln this scnsc a cttntinttous sys(qnr vibrlrtirrg irr irny orrc ol'ils rlrnrrirl nroclcs may be viewed as thclugh it worc sintply ir sirrglc{ogrcc<rl-l'rccdr)tl systotn with a mass M; and velocity {,. 5.2.2 General Expression of the llrt: gcrrcrirliztrl krrt't' (),(l) will bcr I 4,, Q,u) Response lt(:,, l).t,(:,1 I. o'1"],, tl:. xik.) F(t) =. Consider a structure for which it may be assumed that the displacement in the direction x is the same for all points in the structure that have the same coordinate z (Fig. 5.2.2).It can be shown [5-2] that if the damping ratio is small the generalized coordinates €i(r) satisfy the equations {,(r) .11. 203 5.2.3 Response to a Harmonic ll tr concentrated load F(t) t 2(,(2rrt,)fr(/) + 12rni)2tilt):T (5.2. r0) Load : Fs cos 2rnt (s.2. 1 1) of coordinate z1,by virtue of Eq. 5.2.10 tlrt: generalized force in the ith mode will be rs rrcting on the structure at a point (,, n,, and M, are the damping ratio, the natural frequency, and the gcncralizcd mass (Eq. 5.2.6) in the ith mode. The quantity QiG) is known as Lhc gcncruliz.ed force in the ith mode and has the expression whcrc ei(t) : \i ,u,t)x{z) dz (s.2.8) is the height of the structure, and pk, t) is the time-dependent load per unit of length acting on the system. It is seen that each of the equations 5.2.7 is of exactly the same form as the equation of motion of the singlewhere Q,(t) t,(t) : Foxik)Hi@)cos (Zrnt - $') * z) (s.2.9) where 6(z - zt) is defined in a manner similar to Eqs. 5.l.ll, that is, if the structure is subjected to a concentrated force F(r) acting at a point of coordinate - 2f i@lni) |- Fo (s.2.t4) (s.2.ts) r (nln;)' -_ t): + 4y,2tnl n,\'\"' (nlni1212 from F,q. 5.2.1 that the response t txrrdinate z is of the structure at a point of I xik)xik)Hi(n)cos(2rnt - $) (s.2.t6) is convenient to write Eq. 5.2.16 in the form x(2, t) : FoH(2,, 21, n)cosf2rnt - 6(2, zt, n)l (s.2.11) rvlrcrc, as fbllows immcrliittcly l'rrrn lrqs. A2.4t and N:2.4b, tt(t..7.r, structure. u,{11 , It lirllows lt FIGURE 5.2.2. Schcrnatic ol'a slcndcr +rznl o, : tan x(2, H (5.2.13) wlrcrc Hi(n) : F(t)6(:z (s.2.12) ol liq. 5.1.5: degree-of-freedom system Eq. 5. 1.2. If the load nQ, t) is such that : 2rnt F11xi(z)cos of Eqs. 5.2.7 wlll be similar to the solution 5.1.6 rrrrtl the steady-state solutions .F1 nk, t) : lr) : ] Il r.,,.,,,,::r)r/,(rr)t.,s,/,, I I I r,(:)r;(z1rff,f,,l*in,l, | | (.s.2. ItJ) lt . r L;.t;(z).r,(11)//,{rr)silt o(z' z1' n) : lan {x1k.'lx1k.1)H,(rr)cos : il il Mt,l ll l)l (illl I (ll Iilt I t)()M ItNt <15,; <}, Similarly, the steady-state response at a point of coordinate z to a concentrated load F(t): Fssin2rnt (5.2.20) l':',: + I I";, I J,, J," r;t., (i(:.,r. r,\t,1u ?.2.r1)[,2(t t r\ tlt At I f ;Yt;il M r - r,ldr,l I {'- I GQ, q, r)F{t -t r - r) dr2 ('+ Jo I G\2. zz, r)F2Q -t r - r)' dr2'l | dr xI IJ0 acting on the structure at a point of coordinate Z1 elr' be written as | x(2., t) : FyII(2, 21, n)sinl2rnt - 6(2, \, n)l 6.2.21) I r: fIJo Gz,21.zlt|lJo\ G{,z.zr,r)Rp,(r * rr - 5.2.4 Response to a Concentrated Stationary Random Load [,ct thc rcsponse at a point of coordinate z to a concentrated unit impulsive load 6(t) acting at time / : 0 at a point of coordinate z1 be denoted G{2, 4, r). Following the same reasoning that led to Eq. 5.1.13, the response x(2, t) of the structure at a point of coordinate z to an arbitrary load F(r) acting at a point of coordinate Z1 czn be expressed as x(:2, t) : I, ou, zt, t)F(t - r) dr (s.2.22) + I r2'sdr2ldr1 l r- ctz. zz.rzllJo I f*.. z2'r)Rp,(r t rr Jo r - r27dr-,ldr, I f[l+ Jo I CAz.z1.r'll 'lJo\ G1z.zz.r2)Rp,p,(r I rr - r2ldr2ldr, 'l ("I f+ Jo I G(2. 22. ryt | \ Cl,z.21. r2lRprp,(r * rr - 'r2\ LJo | | dr2ldr, l (s.2.24) Note the complete similarity of Eqs. 5 .2.11 , 5 .2.21 , and 5 .2.22 to Eqs. 5. 1 .6, 5.1.10, and 5.1.13, respectively. Therefore, by following the same steps that led to Eq. 5.1.21, there results S,(2, 21, n) : H2(2, 21, n)Sp(n) (s.2.23) where S,(2, zr, n) is the spectral density of the displacement x(2, t), the mechanical admittance function H(2, q, n) is given by Eq. 5.2.18, and Sln) is the spectral density of the force F(r). 5.2.5 Response to Two Concentrated Stationary Random Loads Let x(2, /) now denote the response of the structure at a point of coordinate z to the action of two stationary random loads F1(l) and Fr(t) acting at points of coordinates Z1 and 22, respectively. The autocovariance of the response can be written as R,(2, z) t l''' lim .,. \ - t'ql J t': .r(2, r)x(z. t -t r) dt wlrcre the definition of the cross-covariance function (Eq. A2.29) was used. 'l'he spectral density of the displacement x(2, t) is S,(2, ''J- n) : 2 l"\ &(2, r)cos 2zrnr dr : 2 [ &(2, r)cos 2trnl(r i rr - rz) * (rt - r)l - J_' d(r + rr - rz) (5.2.25) l.t'r Eq. 5.2.24 be substituted into Eq. 5.2.25. Using the relations H(2., z,i, n)cos 4,k..:.i. trt II(2., z.i. rr)sirr y'r(.l, .1,. rt) 2trnr dr (5.2.26) ,r, ,'. .:,, r)sin 2trnr tlr (5.2.21\ J,] ",..Z;.7)coS ' [ .t ,, 206 sillt,ott,nnl (which arc siurilar to llqs. 5.1.14 irrrtl 5.l.l5) H(2, zr, n)H(2, 22, n)coslg(2, z.t, n) : f f Mll il l)l {illl I ()l l lll l l,r )M IllJl All :iY:;ll [/l nI r)yNnMtori G{z' zt' r)G(z' - (5.1..]l rrrrtl 6Q., zz, n)l z2' r2)cos Ztrn(rv - :- [- [- .1,, J,, ,,., /:t- , 21, ft) - Qk, 12) dt1 dt2 sj.,,,'{n) ;rrrrl, zz, n)f r)G{2, Zz, rz) sin2rn(r1 : - sf,,,u(rr) ilthe statistical pnrpcrlics of the loads arc thc same, that is' - :,2) S,(2, dr1 dr2 + ' ttr. tl' zt : (s.2.34) n) : 2H2(2, 21, n)Se,(n) (5.2.3s) Zz, S,(2, 5.2.7 Distributed Stationary Random Loads {S$,r,(nlcosl6k, (5.2.30) where S"(2, n) is the spectral density of the displacement at a point of coordinate z, H(2, Z;, n) are the mechanical admittance functions defined as in Eq. 5.2.18, Sa(n) is the spectral density of the force F,(r), and Scr,rr(n), Sf,p, are the cospectrum and the quadrature spectrum of the forces F1(r) and Fr(r) defined as in Eqs. A2.33 and A2.34, respectively. I lr(' spectral density of the response to a distributed stationary random load rrury be obtained by generalizing Eq. 5.2.30 to the case where an infinite rrrrrrrbcr of elemental loads rather than two concentrated loads are acting on the .,tnrcture. Thus, if the load is distributed overan areaA, and if it is noted that rrr lhc absence of torsion the mechanical admittance functions are independent ll tlro across-wind coordinate S,(2. ' Magnitude of the Response Consider two random stationary loads F1(r) and Fz(r) acting at points of coordinates Zr and 22, respectively, and such that Ft(t) : Ft(t) at all times. By definition, in this case the cross-correlation equals the autocorrelation, SF,r, : S",(,e), and Sp,p, : 0 (Eqs. A2.21 and A2.29, A2.20 and A2.33, A2.23 and A2.34). The loads F1(r) and Fr(t) are said to be perfectly correlated. The spectral density of the response to the two loads can then be written as (Eq. s.2.30) cosld(2, 2.1, tt) In thc parlicullrr casc wltctt ;' - $k, r.,, z.z, 2H(2.,24, n)H(7.,7.t, n)llS7,,(rr) 11) y, the spectral density of the along-wind fluc- trrrrting deflection may be written as 5.2.6 Effect of the Cross-Correlation of the Loads upon the ' : lo;s115. 2H(2, 21, n)H(2, 22, n) n) : {U'(r, zt, n) + H2(2, zz, n) + Sp,(n) I'lr(' spectrum of the structural response to the action of the uncorrelated loads r:, tlrus seen to be only one half as large as in the case of the perfectly correlated 22, n)Spr(n) q, n) - 6k, zz, n)l + Sf;,o,(n)sinf6(2, zr, n) - 6k, zz, n)l\ S,(2, if n) - [H'(2, zt, n) + H2(2, zz, n)]Sp,(n) wlrich carr bc derived immediately fiom Eqs. 5.2.26 and 5.2.21 , and following thc stcps that led to Eq. 5.1 .Zl, there results n) : H2(2, 4, n)Sp,(n) r H'(2, (s.2.33) tt '\1,(rr), (s.2.29) S*(2, ) ('tllsitlcr rrpw llre t'rrst'wlrclt'tlrc loatls /"r(l) itrrtl /',(l) irrc strch thlrt llrc:ir 0. 'l'hcn, by Llqs- A2.'1.1 irrrtl A2'14' , nrss covariipllce: /11,,1,,( r ) (s.2.28) H(2, zr, n)H(2, 22, n)sinfg(a, Zr, 2O1 n) : tt I I Il(2. 21. n)H(z.72. 1) J,t Jt x {Sfio;@)cos[d(2, Zr, + Sf;;oi(n)sinI6k, zr, n) n) - - Q(2, zz, n)f 6Q, zz, n)l\ dAt dAz (s.2.36) rVlrt'r'er /)i anJ pi denotc prL:sstlr(rs ircting at points of coordinates 11, Z1 and y2, ,, n'sllcctivcly. It r':ut bc vcriliccl that llirrlr lir1. 5.2.-l(r lltc:rc lirlltlws* (s .2.3 r ) rll1,rrsitr1,, ', .t l/ li1s.5.2.lllillxl 5.1.1(r.'1 ,' l.l :tllrl 'r'lt.A.r,lrr;rrrtl A].4/r. lrot':rtlclivlrliolrol lil 't. l t)ll irr l('nns ()l cotttplt'x v;tti:tlrlt'r, r,r'1 1'r 208 l-;lru(;l(,nAt s,(2.r) vr\(r "/ t)yNAMtoti l,:| lXnMl'l I nl ('lltiWlrllr lltril,r,Nl;l : -L ) > rr(r)'\/(:) l6ra 7 7 ,,i ,,i ltt,u, " {lr " x ' ll r_ (ntn,)zl2 + 4yl@tn;2\{t - (ntn)212 //l t"I + +yllntn)2} ,z- ,4' | I - (;)'l l' - (;)'l + 4rci::,JI^ln*,,,,,*/,,, ' I ll sfi,;1n1 dA, dA2 J, J, * r, fr :,1, - (;)' I - z r, I,[, - (;)' ]] x1Q)x1Q,)sfi,,{n)dA1dA,) p(y,z,t) dA 6.2.3i) I r-.- If the damping is small and the resonant peaks are well separated, the crossterms in Eq. 5.2.37 become negligible and S,(z, r) *? :I tO \ In *,rr,rr,,rr) ^ I6ranlul {11 - 5.3 EXAMPLE: ALONG-WIND s'oio;(r) dA I dAz (ntn)212 + +y!1zntn,12l (s.2.38) /J RESPONSE To illustrate the application of the material presented in this chapter, the of the along-wind response of tall buildings will be dealt with below. 5.3.1 If in Eq. 5.2.8 the load p per unit of length is independent of time, the corresponding along-wind deflection, which will be denoted by x(z), results immediately from Eqs. 5.2.1 and 5.2.7: dz X[Z) tliig. 5.3.1) may be written as p(z):ipG.+ case Mean Response XlZr:./t:'l{ Pktx'(zl i r'niM; - FIGURE 5.3.1. Schematic view of a building. C)BU2(Z) (5.3.3) rvlrt'rc p is the air density, c, and c7 are the values, averaged over the building rvrtlth, of the mean pressure coefficient on the windward face and suction , .t'llicient on the leeward face, respectively, and U(z) is the mean speed at rlt'vir(it>n z in the undisturbed oncoming flow. Equation 5.3.1 then becomes _ x(z) : I ^ _ \- l{ IJ2<zlx,(zt + ct)B ,p(c, l\j4*; dz *,1r1 (s.3.4) (5.3.1) 5"3-2 Fluctuating Response to Wind: Deflections and Accelerations A:; irrtlicatcd in Chapter4, thc co-spcctrum of the pressures at point Mr, where , , : \: x?k)m(z) az p denotes thc linro-irrvarian( loacl. As indicatctl in ('hirlttcl'4, lhc rttcan wincl loatl aclirrg (s.3.2) ootlinatcs (yr, zr), (.y:, :.,), rcsl'rcctivcly, may be written Sl,ii,,t(n) ='S,11'(::,' rrl,f/,1'1;',, rt)('olt(.1',,.v.r, zr . z.z, orr ir lrrriltlilrg ol'wiclth n)N(n) (-5.3.-5) ol llrr' plt'ssrrrcs irl poinl M,(i - 1,2) ;ttr'lltr':rr'r'oss wintl lrrrtl llrc irlolrg-wintl . r.rss coltclirliorr cocllit'it'rrl, rcrpr't lrvt'ly lly rlt'lrrrrrorr, il hotlr M, ir,td M, irrt' ,tlr,.'r'c ,S,1/'(l;, rr) is thc slrr't'ltirl rlt'rrrrly and M2of as :rrrtl ('olt(.)r1,.)r-r, 11, 1.,. /l) :ttrrl N( l) 210 stttu(;tt,liAl l, l)YNnMlo:i on the same-windward or lccwatd--lirco ol' tlrc stl-ucrlutc, N(rr) expression for Sr(z; , n) is, approximatcly, so,(zi, n) : o'czu2{z)s,(zi, Al I rr.j( i WlNl ) I ll lil 'oNl;l 21 1 Siltrilirlly tlte lirr'1icsl lrcitk ol lhc: itlottg witttl irt'r'clclrrliorr is, = I . 'l'hc (.s..r. t .t ) (s.3.6) rz) wlrcrc where C : C. or C : Cr according as M; is on the windward or on the leeward face, and Su(zi, n) is the spectral density ofthe longitudinal velocity fluctuations at elevation z; in the undisturbed oncoming flow ll I XAMI 'l I (l : 1,2). Equation Kr(z) 5.2.38 : 12ln vr(7)Tltt2 + o.517 12 ln v1(2.)Tltt2 (5.3.14) thus becomes p) r, .. .\,(:, rr) : l6rrl xitzl tc'z, + 2C*C,Nln) + ? ri *i@ .f f f x Coh(y1 , ;trttl cil u{z): xi(z)xiez)u(z)u(z)Stt2(2,)s',''(zr) J. !2, Zr, Zz, n) dy, dyz dz1 dz2 (5.3.7) fS,tz. n) dn )o From Eq. A2.l6b it follows that the mean square value lff7e,*-)d,,) o,(z) H u,(z)H (5.3.8) u* Jzk) : t4* where, as indicated in Appendix A2 (Eqs. A2.38 and A2.43), the peak factor &(z) is, approximately, 0.571 f2ln v,(z)Tfit2 (s.3.1r) lff I (s.3.18) (5.3.19) rvlrt:ro rxg is the mass of the building per unit height at some specified elevation, L rr(z):l+1#)' (r: o, t,z,3) M' m(Zl : f' )'*;tzt '"' dz z- and ",(z): Jzk) (s.3.r7) (s.3.10) K,(z)o,(z) K,(d : [2ln v^{ilTlt'2 -l - tlts (s.3.16) is the friction velocity (see Chapter 2)-or any suitably chosen reference vt'locity-and in the case of the fluctuating deflection, r.u*(Z) 4r' ulz)H _ Jzk) (s.3.e) The expected value of the largest peak occurring in the time interval Z is, fl16 : J(z) u; : t./ J; nas,(2, n) dn pBH Jg(z) orQ)H: pBH - . Jt\Z) ) of the along-wind acceleration is olk) (s.3.1s) ll is convenient for computational purposes to rewrite the fluctuating re\t)onsc in terms of nondimensional quantities in the form The mean square value of the fluctuating along-wind deflection is (Eq. A2.15) oitzl : I Jff ,os,(2. n1 dn lt'2 n2s,(2., n) dn J,T S,(z' rr) rln l"' (.5.3. l2) i,' tt, I ll+ I Y .)/ u (s.3.20) (s.3.21) (s.3.22) r5 I )lr 212 rit nt,(i I t,n^t Lll IxAMl,l I t)YNn Mt(;ri 1-. : l'"' J,, It' ..blt.llY,,(.ll : Y,,(f) : (,H(iwlr'JtIIilt.t,oNt;t 213 (s.3.24) 'tl -nH f:U4 6f,(i) Ai (s.3.2s) (s.3.26) tr - (ftf,)')z + lzf,(iti)1z J, J, J: J. [,, x x,(Z 1tx,(z )) o(z tt (y) + c?) otz,t lt# N+* + 2c,c,N l" (s.3.21) - U(Z) : U(Z\ --:----: (s.3.28) U4 I 5.3.3 Total Fluctuating Response to Wind as a Sum of Background FIGURE 5.3.2. Spectral densities S(n)lH(n)|2, S(n,)lH(n)12, and S(n). and Resonant Contributions Consider a single-degree-of-freedom linearly elastic system with mass m, natural frequency n1, and damping ratio f1 . Let this system be subjected to the action of a forcing function with a spectrum S(n) such that S(n) : So (n = 0) ll'the damping ratio f1 is small, the bulk of the contributions to the total ol is due to the "resonant" portion. with reference to Fig. 5.3.2itmay lrr' observed that if S(n) is not constant, a fair approximation to the integral v:rlrrc r- (5.3.29) " I "i: Jo where 56 is a constant. The mean square value of the response can be written AS sstlntnll2dn (5.3.33) o|, + (s.3.34) ronsists of two contributions: "i : cso Jn lHtn'112 dn oj: (s.3.30) of,, rvlrcrc where lH(n)l' : ,l : o,', :-- The quantity lH(")l'is an analytic function; therefore, the integral in Eq. 5.3.30 can be evaluated by means of complex integration or integral tables to yield (see [5-3], p. 501) , "' -' I ittr 17ni,,1,,,t Aa 'sl' (5.3.32\ ^@ Jn S{n,ylHtnllz dn f- S(nl dn oi, : .1,, l'lr:rl is, il' Ar, Az, ancl A1 lrrt. llrt. trlclrs urrtlcr lhc curvcs l/i(rr)12 ancl S(l), rcsltr,rclivcly (lri,l.5..1 .1). thcrr lllr) .'1,:.'1,1.'1, (s.3.3s) (s.3.36) S1n lH1n1l2, (5..1.17 ) 214 rirnt,(:tt,nAt t)YNnMtcl; nr (';, I l(',,,(jN(rr1) I ('i'n[1 (( I c'l )'r 4i The intcgral ol'tr,q. -5.3.:15 is givtn by lx1. .5..1..12, with S| =- (s.3.38) .5(rrr) and the integral in Eq. 5.3.36 can be obtaincd if the function S(n) is specified. In the case of atmospheric turbulence this may be assumed for structural engineering purposes to be a decaying function as suggested in Fig. 5.3.2. Hence it may be concluded that f- I Jo strtln(r)12 dn | [('- Tvtr - --;-r-l \ s@) dn + +(- r slnl) | lor ntm- | Jo I *- : / _\ G:{l-g'l H/ \ di + J; f"Y,,(i) #,ii'Ytr(Jr\ (L : 1,2,3) I f- v',t|t 4 J, dI cl,,+zc,,,c,N(n)t ('i rlrtry llr-r wt'illcrrt lts of along- (s.3.40) Coh(y', !2, Zr, Zz, n) : is NIC?QI "^e [- + c10t t u( + U(z)l Zz ;i N(n\: lt i-;f (5.3.41) as follows: Z1 yr)zlt ,J -) ) (t (s.3.48) - e 2t) (s.3.4e) : 15.4nLx t, _ 6. tt UGn, and A"r is the smallest of the dimensions B, (s.3.s0) H, and, D. (s.3.42) REFERENCES (s.3.43) ": &*^,"'n^' lll (s.3.47) rvlrt:rc C, and C, are known as exponential decay parameters, It is convenient to define the quantities G and G is r-tsctl, llrc c;rrirtrlily G lrinally, recall that expressions for S,(2, n) in Eq. 5.3.27 are found in Chapter .' rrnd that, as indicated in Chapters 2 and 4, it is reasonable to assume acceptable, numerical calculations were carried out for a large number of cases corresponding to a wide range of typical buildings and terrain roughness conditions. The calculations showed that the approximation is of the order of l%. It was also verified that for L : 1,2,3 the background term may be neglected, and therefore 1,,( f ,) (s.3.46) rvrrrtl response. wherefl : nlHlu*. To verify the extent to which the approximation involved in Eq. 5.3.40 If the notation Y"(f )l''' odi l,,tlrurtions 5.3.42 through 5.3.47 may be used for the computation Irrt: )n OilI)f"Yrl.f ) df *: I l-t; J' rt ('irn be verified that, approximately, (.- : ff,fl'r,,tf,l 1.s.1.-15) I ",, Lt'l tltc mcan spcctl l/ in litl. -5.3.2li bc rcprcscrrlctl by lhc logirlitlrrrric llrw. l'ltt'zcro planc clisp-llcclttcttt r,7 will thcn hc a par:irrrrctcr in thc cx1'lrossion lirr rli Il'thc quantity 63 is dolincd as The first and the second terms of the sum in Eq. 5.3.39 are usually referred to as the background part and the resonant part of the response, respectively. The above relation can similarly be applied to Eq. 5.3.24: rrrr 7 215 , (s.3.39) I = l',,t il ilr l{{.t !, Y,,( l,\ (5.3.44) i I W. C. Hurty and M. F. Rubinstein, Dynamics of Structures, prentice-Hall, Englcw<xrd Cliffs, NJ, l9(r4. 1.1 .l . I). Robson, An Inlnxlut'tirtrr ttt liltrrtlottr Vihnttion, Elsevier, New York, 1964. 1l 1,. Mcinrvitch, Arutl.vtit'ttl Mt'lltttl,r itt I'iltnttiorr:s, Mac:rnillan, Collicr-Macnrillan ('irilarla, l.l(1.,'li)r'()nl(), l()(r7. i 'f 'f'.'l'. Srxrng ltlttl M. (iligotrrr, l{tttthutr l'tlrtttlittrt.t rtl Mrtlutttitttl tttttl Slnrt'trtntl ,\'l'.r/.'r,r,r, l)r'crr(ir't' Illrll, lirrlllr'rvlrxl ('lrll',, Nl, ltt().1 I vrrl rllx CHAPTER 6 AEROELASTIC PHENOMENA A body immersed in a flow is subjected to surface pressures induced by that flow. If there is turbulence in the incident flow, this will be the source of timedependent surface pressures. Such stresses are also caused by flow fluctuations initiated by the body itself. Further, if the body moves or deforms appreciably under the induced surface forces, these deflections, changing as they do the boundary conditions of the flow, will affect the fluid forces which in turn will influence the deflections. Aeroelasticity is the discipline concemed with the study of phenomena wherein aerodynamic forces and structural motions interact significantly. An aerodynamic instability car, be a phenomenon occurring wholly within the flow alone, as when a trail of vortices or a rapidly diverging wake is shed from a fixed body. But if a body in a fluid flow deflects under some force and the initial deflection gives rise to succeeding deflections of oscillatory and/or divergent character, an aeroelastic instability is said to be produced. A purely aerodynamic instability such as vortex shedding may occasion structural deflection as well, initiating a phenomenon having aeroelastic character. All aeroelastic instabilities involve aerodynamic forces that act upon the body as a consequence of its motion. Such forces are termed self-excited. The purpose of this chapter is to discuss fundamental aspects of aeroelastic phenomena that need to be taken into account in the design of certain structural members, towers, stacks, tall buildings, suspended-span bridges, cable roofs, piping systems, and power lines. Not all of these phenomena are presently completely understood. Indeed, only a few theoretical forrnulations from first principles exist for modcling acrodynamic firrces on oscillirlirrg lrrxlic's. In nrost investigations, crnpirical ntotlcls arc sct up in which llrc r'sst'rtt't'ol'tlrc: itcr<ldynamics rrrrrs( l-rc cortlribtr(ctl by c:xpcrirttcrtl .'l'lrc t'ottt'slrorttlirrl':rrr:rlylicitl 216 t;l ll l)l)lN(i nNl, llll ltx tr [] I'1il t!()Ml N()N 211 rttrxk:ls trstrirlly iltr'ltttlc itsl cn()uglr;latlrtte(crs lo ttrirlt'lr llrt'slnrrrllt'sl olrst'r'vt'rl It':rlrtros ol'lltt: plrt'rtonr('nit. Srrr'lr rrrotlcrls lrt'llrus nurrlrurlly tlt'sc'r'iptivc. lrrrl rro( cxplanatory itr llrc serrsc ol' r'cvcaling blrsir' plrysit'itl t'trrrst's; srrlrllr: lrul rulx)flllnl dctails ol'lltt':tt'ltutl llrritl-structttt'c inlt't'irt'lit)n nrily irr t'cllrrirr t'lrscs lrr lcli unattcndctl. lirnpirical modcls rrtay only bc uscd lirr tho prcrliction ol'acnrclastic oll'ccts rl thc ranges of thc govcrning nondimcnsional paranrctcrs in the modcl arc , Lrsc: to those of the prototype. Most commonly, it is thc Rcynolds number of tlrt'llrototype that is not realized in the model. As a result, uncertainties subsist rrr irrtcrpretation of model test results. (See also Chapter 7.) Most of the empirical models described in this chapter apply to situations tlr:r( nray be considered, at least approximately, as two-dimensional. In practice, tlrn'c dimensional effects are present, owing to any numberof factors such as: lhrw adjustments near the ends of finite cylinders; spanwise variations, either ,,1 thc body cross section (e.g., for tapered stacks) or of the body deformation; rr,rrnrnifbrm mean flows; or imperfect spatial coherence of the incident turbuIrrrt:c t)r of the vorticity shed in the wake of the body. Information on three,lrrrronsional effects is in most cases scarce and must be obtained from wind trrrrncl experiments. 'l'hc topics dealt with in this chapter include vortex shedding and the assor r;rlcrl lock-in phenomena, across-wind galloping, wake galloping, torsional ,lrvt'rgence, flutter, and buffeting response in the presence ofself-excited forces. {i.1 VORTEX SHEDDING AND THE LOCK.IN PHENOMENON lr wrrs seen in Sect. 4.4that under certain conditions a fixed bluffbody sheds ,rltcrrrating vortices whose primary frequency N" is, according to the Strouhal rt'lltt ion. " :s N^D U (6.1. l) rvlrcrc S depends upon body geometry and the Reynolds number, D is the rrrss-wind dimension of the body, and U is the mean velocity of the uniform llow in which the body is immersed. The frequency N" is also that of the net l,r rnrrtry forces acting transversely to the direction of U while the primary lrt't;rrcncy of net forces acting in the flow direction will be 2N". Actually the ru'l lirrcc vector defined by thc intcgral of instantaneous pressures over a given I'lrrll bocly will vary in magnitutlc lrntl rlircction with time in a fairly complex rrr;rurcr dcpcnding upon rlc:tirilctl lllrly gc()luotry and Reynolds number of the llow. Only thc l'rcqucncics ol its prirrt'i1xrl lurnrrlnics urc givcn by N, and 2N,. ll tltc brxly thll ins(igirtt's llrt'vorlt'r slrt'rhlirrg is cllslicully supp<lrtctl or il' It rs subjcc( lrl lrtcrtl c()rtl()ur rlclottu;rltrrtt. rl will tlt'llcct wlrolly or locirlly lrnrl, lry lrtis uc'tirttt, irtllttcttcc llrr' lot;rl llon, Nol rrlrrry ol tlrt' lirll' ol' possi ,r, 218 ntllol lnt;ll(; I \/(rl illx I'l ll N()MI Nn bilitics latcnt irr this situation lurvt'lrt't'rr slutlit'tl in tlctiril. l)cliltrttitblt: stccl shells have givcn risc l.o so-callctl ovrrlling oscillations l6-ll unck:r thcsc ctlnditions. Many examples of cross-wintl rigitl-cttnttlur <lscillalions havc bccn noted; and in water flows impoftant along-lkrw dcflections have been observed [6-2,6-3,6-4]. Unless otherwise noted, it will be assumed in this section that the structure is a cylinder with a rigid surface, the oncoming flow has uniform mean velocity, the deflections of the body are the same throughout its length, the body is elastically sprung and possesses mechanical damping in the across-wind direction, and it is rigidly constrained in the along-wind direction. Under the action of the vortices shed in its wake the cylinder will be driven periodically, but this driving will elicit only small response unless the Strouhal frequency of ;r ltlrrll cllrsiit'lrrttl.y rrrrtlt'r at this point that the body mechanical frequency controls the vortex-shedding phenomenon even when variations in flow velocity displace the nominal Strouhal frequency away from the natural mechanical frequency by a few percent. This control of the phenomenon by the mechanical forces is commonly known as lock-in. In dynamical systems theory this phenomenon is referred to as synchronization. Observations show that during lock-in the amplitude of the oscillations attains some fraction, rarely exceeding half, of the across-wind dimension of the body. The effect of lock-in upon vortex shedding is represented in Fig. 6.1. 1, which shows that in the lock-in region the vortex-shedding frequency is constant rather than being a linear function of wind velocity, as suggested by Eq. 6.1.1 (and as it in fact is outside the lock-in region). No completely successful analytical method has yet been developed, starting from basic flow principles, to represent the full range of response behavior of trt{ tr [.J I't 1 il u{)Mt Nt)N ll llrs, 219 irtstelrtl, lrecrt lorrrtl rcirsontrbly lirrrllrrl lo lrrrrltl errrpirit'irl rtrxlt'ls:rrrtl trr:rlt lr llrr'ir'Pcllirlrrrirrrt't' l() r(:irlily hy ir jrttlit'iorrs t'lurit'c ol'pitrirtttclers. ltclt'rt'rrt'cs l(r ll lo l6.t.ll. ()5 plovitlc irrt ovcrvit'w ol'sorrrc ol'lltc rcet'rrt li(cr.rrlrrrt' l{r tt7l, ancl l(l-9 ll to l(r 1 rrr llris arca. 6.1.1 Analytical Models of Vortex-lnduced Response Assurnc first that the circular cylinder dealt with above is fixed not only in the wind direction but in the across-wind direction as well. In this case a rt':rsonable first approximation to the across-wind force perunit span acting on rrhrrrg tlrt' cylinder is F : )pUzDCl5 sin c,r"/ (6.1.2) rvlrcrc c,r" :2rN, N" satisfies the Strouhal relation (Eq. 6.1.1), and C15is the lrlt c<refficient. (For a circular cylinder and Reynolds number 4O I G.. I 3 " 105, in a uniform smooth flow C15 = 0.6 16-4, p.721. An important feature of this across-wind force, however, is that it is imperl'cctly correlated along the cylinder span. When the cylinder is allowed to oscillate, this simple expression for the forcing function F is inadequate for rwo rcasons. First, the across-wind force increases with oscillation amplitude rrrrtil a limiting amplitude is reached. Second, the spanwise correlation of the :r,'ross-wind force also increases, as indicated in Fig. 6.1 .2. Let y denote the ;r. lrss-wind displacement of a cylinder of unit length for which the effect of tlrc imperfect spanwise force correlation is not explicitly accounted for.f The ltluation of motion of the cylinder can be written as m1) F ll l)l )lN(i nNl) llll llrt';rtlitrt ol vollcx slrctltlirtl, alternating pressures approaches the natural across-flow mechanical frequency of the cylinder. Near this frequency greater body movement is elicited, and the body begins to interact strongly with the flow. It is experimentally observed :;l -l cy + l{y : 5(y, i, y, t) (6.1.3) rvlrcrc ru is the cylinder mass, c its mechanical damping constant, k its spring :,tillhcss, and $ its fluid-induced forcing function perunit span, which may be ,lt'pcndent on displacement y and its time derivatives ) and j; as well as on requency Iililc. Much effort has been spent on finding by empirical means a suitable expreslirr $ in Eq. 6.1.3 that fits the experimentally observed facts. The com1'lt'xity of such an expression will depend on the detail and completeness with rvlrich the experimental facts are observed, on the one hand, and on the needs to bc rnet by the subsequcnt predictions from the model, on the other. :,rorr c f o o f f E f o z rltctt'rtl slutlios in contputlrlion:rl llttitl rlVrr:rrrrir's lr:rvt't'x:urrinctl a limited numberofsuch F low velocity FIGURIT 6.1.1. I,lvolution ol'vorlcx-shcdcling licqucncy willr wintl vclocity ovcr clas- tic slnrcturL:. | {r cases ()l.l | . rllrrs t'lli:tl is irttrrtrrtlctl lirt r'trtpirrtrrlly rr l() .'l (rtr';rlso ('lr;rl)t('r lO, lit1s. 10.2,(r, 10.2.7, and I ll).1 l(r). 220 Al llol lAlill(: I't lt N()Mt Nn ri I v()t iltx :il < J lilt tlx;t( tN t,ilt N()Mt N()N 221 ,orO ..rO 2.8 s(f) .'rr 9 F. il t)t)tN(i ANI) .r, l'r l0 05 00 .-*--'lti*-.# ur t.4 0i o .to a.z .o5 06 (a) 68 SEPARATION ,/D o.0B 240 s(0 YID 200 160 0.00 120 80 z 9 40 F .o.oB 0 J lrl c (b) E o (J 0 004 6 5 YID SE PA RAT ION ,/D S(0 0.000 4 5 2 FIGURE 6.1.2. The effect of increasing the oscillation amplitude al2 of a circular cylinder of diameter D on the correlation between pressures at points separated by distance r along a generator: (a) smooth flow; (b) flow with turbulence intensity l1%. Reynolds number =2x t o 004 t 104. 1After t13-951.) Among the many empirical analytical models of vortex-induced oscillation 0 (c) f lrl(;URE 6.1.3. Across-flow oscillations y/D of elastically supported circular cylinder: (rr) before lock-in; (b) at lock-in; (c) after lock-in. (After [6-931.) are a number that recognizethe near-sinusoidal response ofthe cylinder at each of two prominent frequencies-the Strouhal and the natural frequency of the structure. The response in each of these two simultaneously gives rise to a beating oscillation when the velocity of the cross flow is not precisely at the lock-in value. Figures 6.1 .3a, b, c depict some illustrative experimental results for deflection response ofan elastically supported circular cylinder before lockin, at lock-in, and after lock-in, respectively, together with the corresponding displacement spectra, where f, , f, are the Strouhal and natural structural fre- quencies, respectively. A considerable variety of empirical analytical models have been devised to represent the vortex-lnduced response of bluff cylinders t6-951. one particular aspect of the phenomcnon itsclf that has been notcd is that thc wakc of the bluffbody, composctl ol'a "strcct" ol'altcnratcly shcrl vollit'cs, slrows itspccts ttl'a scparatc "oscillitlot'," couplctl in u lirirly c<lrrrplt.x nr;uur(.1 to llrt'irrilirrting rrrcchanical body. Another characteristic of vortex-induced oscillation is that, wlrile self-excited, it never proceeds to divergent amplit,fdes but enters a limit I .yclc of relatively modest level. Numerous qualitative or semi-quantitative attempts have been made to set rrp associated, descriptive mathcmatical models, in particular several so-called torrplcd oscillator models govcrnccl by two differential equations, one for the slrrrcture and another frlr ils wlktr. whilc such efforts have not been unrewardrng, it is oftcn thc casc lhlrt lhc rnos( irrrlxrr(ant cngineering need is to be able {rr lirrccast the largast suslrtittt'rl r'('sl)()nsc lrrrrplilutlc ol'the structure alone, that rs, lhal which <lccr.rrs al lock irr A tttorc lirrritctl silrgk: rlcp,rn'rtl ltt't'thrttt tnorlt'l is tlrcn <llicn usclirl.'- ('11'nct' l(r-9(lI lurs suggcslctl: 222 nnr()r rnritt(; iI t,t tt NoMt NA mIi + 2r,ry+,?y I )ou'n l + Y2(K) r,,n, { (' - #) L where D is a frontal dimension of the structure, the Strouhal relation aD i K : DalU, l;l ll l)t)lN(i ANI) illl d)] and :2rS <o t" (6.1.4) satisfies (6. r.5) ln this rnodcl, which obviously exhibits aspects of a Van der Pol oscillator, Y., t, Y2. ancl Cy, arc parameters, functions of K, that are to be fitted to observations. Various cxploitations of this model may occur. In particular, aspects of nonlincar, scll-lirniting amplitude are inherent in it. in agreement with similar efl'ects witncssed with vortex-induced oscillation. In effect, the model allows for linear, fluid-instigated "negative damping" at low amplitudes, an effect reversed at higher amplitudes. At lock-in o J @r and Y2 = O, C1 : 0, since at lock-in the last two terms are found to be small compared to the term reflecting the aerodynamic damping effects. Then Y1 and e remain to be determined from experimental observations. At steady amplitudes the average energy dissipation per cycle is zero, so l'ttt : dt : - prrDYl (, D'/ lr' ,, - ,*) 1" 223 o (6 r t(r'l ll) ,,r' y(/) = D lolD lr - ((Ai - yblA'd exp (-ayf,Ut/4D3)lt/2 (6.1.12) rn which Ot:-( 'fhe value of cv pDzYt (6.1.13) 2m is determined from the model test as follows: Defining R, where .4n is the amplitude of y at lrc cvaluated as l'lo^y, Jr L t()|l!lr.l ttilt NttMt N()N 'l'lrc rnodel is usclirl irr prctlicting prototypc aclion lirrrrr thc bchavior ol'laboIirlory tests. A process by which thc parameters 1, and c may be cvaluated from a model It'st will be describcd. If, at lock-in velocity, the mechanical model is displaced Irr irn initial, higher amplitude ! : Ao and then released, it will undergo a tlccaying response (Fig. 6. 1.4) until this latter levels out at the steady-state vlluc ye given by Eq. 6.1.10. It can be shown [6-94] that this devolution of rrrrrplitude is describable by the form AolA, that where c,rZ rllx wltt'rc S is tltc Sllrtrlutl rrrrrrrlrt.l=1tr.l.l) irrrtl,f,, lllc,!r',r,/r,/r nrtnrlu't tlr.liur.rl lrs . + c,,1x1sin (c,,/ + V()l n cycles after the release, cv may 6) 2zr. Assuming that y behaves practically sinusoidally, ) : )o cos cdt (6.1.1) leads to the results \',, *:,vtr : \inr'at ,vrLo (6.1.8) (6.1.9) Then (6.1.6) yields the steady amplitude solution {'.lrqdl" (6. r. r0) lll(;tJlllt (t.1.4. l)cciryirrg rrrrlcr vort0x klck-irr. oscillrtlirrrt lo:lt'ruly ;.lirtt'ol lrlrrll, clrrslic:rlly sprrrrrg rrrrxlcl 224 tnl;llo nt n()t I Vrll illx l'l llN()Ml NA (Y - 4ri/)' . 1,,t,i,, lt;vil l" u,'l ,,y,1 I ll,, ^, I ol so that Y1 and e are given bY ,,: #1"#+ ' : r6rrsl (6. l. 2ma (6.1. r6) ody, ll t6. + 0.43(8rr'sts..)lt tt l.l7t 6.1.2 An Empirical Model Developed for the Estimation of the physical significance is discussed subsequently. The term 0. l0 Experimenl Eq.6.1.17 -\o '\q, 0.05 o\_ 0.00 I .0 \o l .5 --o_....--o-o 2.O o 2.5 5.0 5.5 4 .0 Scruton number FIGURE 6. / \1, 1.5. Maxililurn arnplitudcs vcrsus Scnttott llttttthct'(lrlicr l(rr.)31). 225 r'r l tr, ) tt wrillcn itt l6 ttl'll itt thc lirrrrr I ,J;,'l , K'6(U/U,,) is an acrodynamic coefficient, and U,., : alDl(2rS). The ;rlxrvc term is equated to the product -2mlo<'s1, where f, is defined as the rrt'lrdynamic damping ratio, which may thus be written as r": -+r.,(*o,)l -,*il (6. l . l8) : \D the aerodynamic damping vanishes, so the structure no longer t'rpcriences any aeroelastic effects causing the response to increase. The coeflrcicnt \ may thus be interpreted as the ratio between the limiting rms value ol (hc aeroelastic response and the diameter D.) The total damping ratio of the :'vslcm is then (,:(iJ" A model derived in effect from Eq. 6.1.4 was developed in [6-88] for application to the design of chimneys and towers with circular cross-section. It is noted in [6-88] that the product pUzYrlXl of Eq. 6.1.4 is considerably less than mal, so that in practice the term Yz(K)ylD may be ignored. It is also noted in t6-881 that in the case of alandom motion, the term ,yzlDt of Eq. 6.1.4 may be replaced by the ratio y2l(XD)2, where \ is a coefficient whose o /,1/ /))'r(A) lilr:ti tH t,t il il()Mt u()N r.vlrcrc Response of Chimneys and Towers YJD ll l)l)lN(i ANI) llll 2a11,r)'K,,"(#) 11'.,r y2l12 r.29 )o: lrc1. 6. 1.4 is ls) liurploying an analytical model of this type for a circular cylinder the maxirrruur arnplitudcs ol Fig. 6.1.5 were obtained. On the same figure (dashed curvc) an cmpirical fbrmula of Griffin, Skop, and Ramberg [6-33] is plotted. This lonnula, for circular cylinders, has the form D | (6. r.14) I :il (6.1.19) f is the structural damping ratio. The aeroelastic effects are, in effect, rntrrduced in the equation of motion simply by substituting into that equation tlrc total damping ratio f, for the structural damping ratio f. 'l'he validity of this simple approach was verified in [6-88] by numerical :trrrlies and by comparisons with experimental results reported in [6-39]. Figure (r 1.6 shows the dependence of the measured response 4*. : y't''lD upon the rt'tluced wind speed 2rUlalD for various struclural damping ratios f. Figure tr. 1.7 shows calculated versus measured ratios y'^^'.lD for various values of the l)rrameter K, : m(l pd, where yill'" ir the rms response corresponding to the rrrost unfavorable reduced wind speed. Three regimes are noted in Fig. 6. 1.7, ,,'r'rcsponding, respectively, to (l) vibrations whose character is largely due to tlrt: random nature of the forces associated with vortex shedding (forced vibratiorr regime), (2) a transition zone, and (3) self-induced vibrations (lock-in rt'girnc). Vibrations typical of these three regimes are shown in Fig. 6.1.8. Notc that the ratios of peak to rms response are about 4.0 in the forced vibration rcginrc, an<I about r.D in th. Iock-in rcgime. llascd on inferenccs I'nrnr cxpcrirrrcntirl clata available in the literature, Itr tttll prop<lscd curvcs rcprcscnling ( l) tlrcr tlcpcnclcncc of K,,9,,,,- upon the Itt'yrr<rlrls ntttnbcr 61": IJI)l t', wltt't't'4,,,,,,,,,, rlt:notcs thc maxitnutn valut: of K,,r(l.llIJ,,) in snuxrlh lklw (lri1l. (r. l.()). rrrrrl (l) tlrc tlcpcnrlcncc ol'thc ratio rvhcre Anlol lAt;ll0 I'lll NoMl NA fi r v(lilil x ril ll l)lllN(i ANI) llll o E l()r,h tN t,l I N()Mt N()N 227 Experimental [6-39] (:itc:600,OOO) .06 Calculated F ul o l F J(L " Lock-in Regime o trj c) l o UJ E .O2 89tO 7 2rU 't "Transition" D Regime I FIGURE 6.1.6. The response of a model stack of circular section for different values of structural damping (Ge subcritical). From L. R. Wooton, "The Oscillations of Large Circular Stacks in Wind," Proc. Inst. Civ. Eng., 43 (1969),573-598. t--* "Forced Vibration" Regime I Koo(UlU-)1Ko0',- upon UIU,, for smooth flow and flows with various turbulence intensities #tt2lU Gig. 6.1.10). 0.1 For a vertical structure experiencing random motions described by the re- 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 2.0 4.0 Ks lation Vk):zt?v?rrt (6.1.20) I [6-89] proposes the following expression for the total damping in the ith mode: (r;:lifl"; (6.1.2t) u, :-#lrr,, -r,*) (6.1.22) Il, K,u(z) Kri : [#l' 1t,i ,112,1 dz. l,'l(;[JRE 6.1.7. Measured and estimated response in smooth flow. From B. J. Vickery Ii. L Basu, "Across-Wind Vibrations of Structures of Circular Cross-Section. Part I l)cvclopment of a Mathematical Model for Two-Dimensional Conditions," J. Wind I rt,q. lnd. Aerodyn.,12 (1983), 49-73. ;rrrtl -' 1(r,:- \tri x,,,,12.1Y!121 dz \ I',\ .v itz.l (6.r.24) dz. rvlrr:rc C and L,; are thc structrrnrl irrttl tltc rrcnlclynarnic damping in the ith mode y?(z) az (6.1.23) ol vihralion, rcspcctivoly, /),, is llrt'tlirrttrelet'rrl clcvation z : 0, D(1) is thc rlilurrclcr at clcvation l, /r is llrr'lrr'ip,lrl ol lhc slnrclul'o, nr,,i is lhc cquivalcnt nliris por unit lcngilr irt (ltc itlt rrotlc ol vrl)!irlion, tle:lirtcrl as 228 At n( )t l A:i il(: t ,t il ti r v( )ilil x N( )Mt Nn K,/ri,,, 1;1il I)t)tN(i ANt) ilil I ( x.h tN t,lI N( )Mt N( )N 229 ; l'.' r lt Y0 D K 0.8 d0 {.5 Ks/Kao = I 0.1 I Kr/K"u t 0or , fT L ) ul- ,f 0.8 .n. I 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 u FIGURE 6.1.8. Simulated displacement histories for low, moderate, and high structural damping. From B. J. Vickery and R. L Basu, "Across-Wind Vibrations of Structures of Circular Cross-Section. Part I. Development of a Mathematical Model for Two-Dimensional Conditions," ,/. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn.,12 (1983), 49-13. 1.3 r.4 1.5 1.6 t.7 u", I,'l(;URE 6.1,10. Dependence of ratio Kuol Koo-o* upon ratio (JlU.,for various turbulencc intensities. From B. J. vickery and R. I. Basu, "Across-wind vibrations of slrlrctures of Circular Cross-Section. Part L Development of a Mathematical Model lrrr Two-Dimensional Conditions," .l() 73. l. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn., 12 (1983), pp. (6.1.25) Ml is the generalized mass in the ith mode. Equations 6. l.2l to 6.1.24 are lr;tscd on the assumption that aeroelastic effects occurring at various elevations ;nrLl Mrch No. > 0.15 o /' z' o Nr.h No < o t5 ;rrc linearly superposable. For the relatively small values of the response that are acceptable for chimr('ys and stacks, the estimated response depends weakly upon the assumed vrrltre of \. It is suggested in [6-89] that the value \ = 0.4 is reasonable for rrsr: in estimates of the response of concrete chimneys. 6.1.3 Experiments on the Lock-in Phenomenon in Turbulent Flow l;nrrn tests in turbulent flow with Rcynolds numbers of about 75,000 on a 200cylindrical oscilllr(or with lincar springs, statistics of interest for l;rligttc studics were obtaincrl irt l(r ()()l on klck-in l'rcqucncy intervals and acrosswirrtl oscillations during irnrl lrlicl krt'k in. l;igrrrc 6. l.ll shows time histories ol'( l) wind spcctl lluc:tulrliorrs lrrrtl (l) lrr'lrss wirrtl rrulli<lns that cxhibit irrcgrrl;rl' lockotl-in rlscillittiort cpisrxlt'r. l,t'l llrc lowr'r'lrrrtl rrppcr cntl ol'lho lock-in lrr'tlrrcrrcy irrlcrvlrl bc tlcrrolt'rl 1',t.rrt.rrr'lrlly lry..l trrul /1, r't:sltcclivcly.'l'lre: pr.ob, rrrrrr diameter Rt YNOr t)s Nti!ilil R FIGURE 6.1.9. Experimcntal data, and sr.rggestcd dcpcntlcncc ol (,,,,,,,,, rrpon Rcynolds numbcr. Fnrrrr Il..l. Vickcry anrl R. l. Basu, "Ac:nrss Wirrrl Vilrllrtiorrs ol'Stnrcturcs ol' Circular ('trrss Scclirlt. l)iu1 I. I)cvclopnrcnl ol :r Mrllrr'rrurllt lrl Mtrlcl lirr 'f-wtr-l)itttcttsiottirl ('olrrliliorrs." ./. Witttl l,.lrr.t:. ltttl. ,'lt,nult'rt . l: (1,)ttl). .l() 71. :rlrilislic bclutviot'ol',4 lrrttl /l w;rs lorrrrrl rrr ltr t)t); to rlilli'r'lrt't.otliltg lo wlrr.llrt.r. 230 n t n()t tn li ilo t't tt N( )Mt NA 67 E t! -o o t (D ! 0.40 0.30 0.30 ozs I < o.2o o o.ts -l o'o -] 0.20 1 0.10 .94 3 E =10 E8 o.os 0.00 .=4 o_ EC 1.00 1.20 1.25 0.95 0 100 200 300 400 s00 FIGURE 6.1.11. Time histories of longitudinal wind 1.15 Bt A, 1'10 600 0.90 1.05 speeds and across-wind displace- 0.85 0.95 Time [s] 1.00 ments [6-99]. 0.80 0.90 1.00 At (l) dVldt is positive when the longitudinal turbulent velocity Z crosses the lower threshold A and when it crosses the upper threshold B (in this case the notations A = At andB = 81 are used); (2) dVldtis negativewhen Zcrosses B end when it crosses ,4 (in this case we denote B = Bt and A = A); (3) dVldt is positive when Z crosses ,4 (which is again denoted by Ai, changes sign during lock-in, and is negative as Z again crosses ,4 (which in this case is denoted by A); and (4) dVldt is negative when Zcrosses B (which is denoted by Br), changes sign during lock-in, and is positive as Zagain crosses B (which in this case is denoted by Br). Scatter plots of crossing limits are shown in Fig. 6.1.12, where the abscissa is normalized with respect to the Strouhal number, which was about 0. 175. Stochastic properties of successive lock-in intervals were found to be independent. For additional details, see [6-99]. ACROSS-WIND GALLOPING Galloping is an instability typical of slender structures having special crosssectional shapes such as, for example, rectangular or "D" sections or the effective sections of some ice-coated power line cables. Under certain conditions that are defined later herein, these structures can exhibit large-amplitude oscillations in the direction normal to the flow (one to ten or even many more across-wind dimensions of the section) at frequencies that are much lower than those of vortex shedding from the same section. A classical example of this type of instability is the acnrss-wind large-amplitudc galloping ol' powcr line conductor cablcs that havc rcccivcd a coating ol'icc untk:r contlilions ol'l'rcczing rain. 1.10 Br 1.20 0 6.2 l.oo 0.85 0.90 0.95 1.00 1.05 Ar (D^ EO -{ 1.OO 1.10 1.20 Br FIGURE 6.1.12. Scauer plots of lock-in frequency inrerval limits [6_99]. Early and clarifying analyses of the galloping problem appeared in [6-40], to [6-50] have dealt with the problem as lu nonlinear phenomenon. In across-wind galloping the relative angle of attack of the wind to the structural cross section depends directly on the across-wind vclocity of the structure. Experience has proved that knowledge of the mean lift and drag coefficients of the cross section obtained wder static conditions rrs functions of angle of attack suffices as a basis upon which to build a satislactory analytical description of the galloping phenomenon. Galloping is thus 16-411, and[6-42]. References [6-43] governed especially by quasi-steady forces. As in the case of the vortex-induced oscillation, the phenomenon will be conceived of, and dealt with analytically, as two-dimensional in nature. Further tluestions related to galloping response are discussed in t6-461 to [6-50]. A study of a system of two elastically coupled square galloping bars that can cxhibit chaotic motions, reported in detail in [6-100], is summarized in Sect. 6.2.2. 6.2.1 Analytical Formulation of the Galloping problem llclirrc presenting thc basic unirlyticirl lirrrnulation, it is of interest to note some ol'thc rccognizcd litcraturc lhlrl lrr.lrts lhc gall<lping phenomenon. Rcf'crcncc l6-4131 rcvicws tho siatc ol lltc lttl rrtttl prescrrls a compact analysis 9l'tlrc pnrhlcrrr. lt irlso poinls orrl tlrt.t.:lly lurtl lrirslt.t'orrll.ibulions ol'(iltrrrul l(r_401 Ittttl l)t:tt lllrrttlg l6-4 1,6 42 1. l{clt'rt'rrt't's l(r.l llrrntl l(r 4t)lcorrslilrrtt.irrrl.rorlirrrl 232 Atlr()LtAlitt(; t'ltt ri NoMl Nn :, n(:ll( )lil: wll.Jl I I iAl I I )l'|lN( i 233 FIGURI.I (t.2.2. Elfcctive angle of attack FIGURE 6.2.1. Lift and drag on a fixed on an oscillating bluff object. bluff object. contributions particularly toward clarifying the nonlinear questions related to the aerodynamics. Reference [6-50] offers a critical discussion of existing analytical models of galloping. Consider a section of a prismatic body in a smooth oncoming flow (Fig. 6.2.1). Assume that the body is fued (i.e., experiences no motion, oscillatory or otherwise) and that the angle of attack of the flow velocity U. is a. Below is obtained an expression for the force coefficient in the y direction. First, the component of the mean drag (mean force in the direction of U,) can be written rclative velocity of the flow with respect to the moving body is denoted by U, lrnd can be written as U,: l'he angle of attack, denoted by a, (U2 + while the mean lift : (mean force in the direction normal L(oi : (6.2.1) )pulncrla\ to U,) : -D(o)sin a - L(cv)cos If {(cv) is written in the alternative form Fn(cv) : If the body has mass ru per unit length, is elastically sprung, and has linear rrrcchanical damping, its equation of motion can be written in the usual form mly+2lt}1_alyl:F, whcre (6.2.3) cv (6.2.4) )pttzBco,1o) f is the damping ratio and c,r1 the natural circular frequency, and where lrrrdy and for the fixed body are the same so that Fy(cr) is given by Eq. 6.2.4 whcre Cp,(a) is given by F,q. 6.2.6. Let us first consider the case of incipient (small) motion, that is, the condition irr the vicinity of i : 0 wherein (x= : (6.2.s) U,cos a it follows from Eqs. 6.2.3 and 6.2.4 that Ce,(cv) : -tcr(a) * Co(cy)tan alsec cy (6.2.6) The case is now c<lnsiclcrcd in which thc samc hody tt,stillrtlr',r irt lltc ac()ss- wind direction .y in a lkrw witlr vclocity l/ (F'ig. 6.2.2|.'l'ltc tnirgnitttrlr-r ol'thc (6.2.e) /'',, denotes the aerodynamic force acting on the body. It is assumed that the rrroan aerodynamic lift and drag coefficients C1(cv) and Cp(cv) for the oscillating where U (6.2.8) is The projection of these components on the direction y is then F,(cY) lu arctan (6.2.2) |puI,ncr1a1 (6.2.7) is AS D(e) i\t,t n '=0 U l,or lhis condition l,'' -. oF'l i)rv 1," u (6.2.t0) ,, wlriclr lcarls (o cxalrrinutiott ol lltt'lttr'tot r/(),,/r/rv lirrrrrtl uptln tlill'crcrtliation ol lu1. (r.2.(r (o lutvc tltt: vltltle' ltl rv O. 234 nl ltot lnrill(] I't il NoMt ri NA tl('1 ,l ,/t 1,, ("1,,: , (6.2. r r) ,',,),, u[ dl ,, Thus for small motion the equation o1-Inotion takcs the form mly+2(rJ+rlyl : -)pu'n (# . ,"),+ ;, n(:ltt):;:;wltnt) (i^t t0t 'tN(i -' t-^ 235 Y TJ' CORNIR RAI]IUS =O O5D (6.2.12) Considering the aerodynamic (right-hand) side of the equation as a contribution to overall system damping, the net damping coefficient of the system is 2m(a1 * )oun (* . ,,),: o (6.2.t3) 5Uo where, by analogy to the first term of the left-hand side, which is known as mechanical damping, the second term is referred to as aerodynamic damping. From the well-known theory of the linear single-degree-of-freedom oscillator with viscous damping it follows that the system tends toward oscillatory stability if d ) 0 and toward instability if d < O. Since f, the mechanical damping ratio, is usually positive, instability will occur only if lrl(;URE 6.2.3. Force coefficients on an octagonal cylinder (G,e: 1.2 (9*.,) \ dd /o <o symmetry, cannot gallop. To summarize the problem to this point, the initial tendency of a slender prismatic structure toward galloping instability can be assessed by evaluating its time-averaged section lift and drag coefficients and assessing the sign of the : the dependence of CTand Cp upon a is known, the coefficients.4, through , can be evaluated as follows. First, Cp, is plotted against tan cv. Since tan cv ilu, CF, can then be approximated by the above polynomial using either a It'ast squares fit or some other technique as desired. Reference [6-48] applies tlrc method of Kryloff and Bogoliubotr [6-53] to the solution of the resulting rurnlinear equation, postulating as a first response approximation: .'1 !: a cos(c,11/ * @) y : -aor sin(o1r * * Cpat a:0. For many problems of wind engineering this initial assessment suffices to describe possibilities of incipient instability relative to galloping. For example, Fig.6.2.3 16-51,6-521depicts the lift and drag coefficients for an octagonal post structure having a region of wind approach angle (-5' ( cy ( 5") where the structure is susceptible to galloping according to the Den Hartog criterion. To pursue the problem further, however, and describe the galloping action in detail requires full development of Cp, in powers of ylU. Reference [6-48] suggests an abbreviated power series with several odd powers of ylU and with an appropriately signed second-power term to smooth the fit: cr, ^,(L) - ^,(t)' fr - ,,, 106) [6-52]. ll This is the well-known Glaueft-Den Hartog criterion, a necessary condition for incipient galloping instability (a sufficient one being d < 0). It is clear from Eq. 6.2.14 that circular cylinders, for which dCylda = 0 because of their expression dCl,lda x (6.2.14) (;)' . ,, (.;)' ^,(,r)' (().2. l-5) (6.2.16a) S) (6.2.16b) whcre a and S are considered to be slowly varying functions of time. Three of curv'es Cp" as functions of a and the corresponding galloping r1'sponse amplitudes a as functions of reduced velocity UID<,:1 are identified (scc Fig. 6.2.4). The only possible oscillatory motions are those with amplitrrtlcs a traced in full lines in Fig. 6.2.4.If the speed increases fromUoto U2 tl;ig. 6.2.4a), the amplitudc of'thc rcsponse is likely to jump from the lower t() tllc upper branch of thc solitl curvc. Il thc specd decreases from U2 to Us tlrc .jump occurs fr<rm (hc ul)l)cr l() llrc: lowcr curvc. l{clbrcncc [6-491 discusscs llrc loilx)r)sc ol'eklnglrlctl thrcc-climcnsional bodIt's by ttsc ol'thc sccliotltl llrt'oty otttlirtt'rl rrlxrvc lrutl nrcntions tho cll'cct of lkrw turbulcncc r.rl)on llre g:rllopirrlt. lt is rrolcrl llurl ttrlbulcrrcc clrrr llirrrslirrrn slt'luly ost'illitliotts ittlo ttttslr'irtly on('s, r('(lu( t'llrt'rrr;rllrrilrrtlc ol'(ltt'irt'txl-yluutrir' lrrrsic types 236 ntn()LtnsilC l,ilt {':l WAI\I {inl l()l'lN(i N()Mt NA 23'7 k1 h1 krz uo U1 u2 u/D(4 h2 k2 FIGURE 6.2.5. Schematic of double galloping oscillator. - hz:6.35 mm and lengths 0.215 m. The spring constants 56 N/m, kz -- 78 N/m, and kn : 145 N/m (Fig. 6.2.5). To prevent ilr:;pllccments due to drag, the bar ends were attached to fixed points by thin rvrrcs with lengths r : 400 mm. The bars were observed to gallop in phase, lrrrt t'xriept for relatively low flow speeds 4 this oscillatory form alternated in rrrrlrrcrlictable, chaotic fashion with a second oscillatory form wherein the two l';rrs g,alloped with higher frequency in opposite phases (Figs. 6.2.6a, b). The urt':rrr cxit time of the system from the region of phase space corresponding to tlrr in-phase oscillations decreased as the flow speed increased. ( )rrc conclusion of the study concerns basic limitations of empirical fluidi'l;r:rtic rnodels. As is shown in earlier sections and elsewhere in this text, such rrrotlt'ls can be adequate for some applications. However, it should be rememI'r'rt'tl that the relatively small number of empirical fluid-elastic parameters that rlt lrnr: the models may not be capable of reflecting in sufficient detail the , , ,rnplcxities of what is after all an infinitely dimensional fluid-structure system, ,1,'r;r'r'ihcd by a Navier-Stokes equation whose boundary conditions are depenliius with sides ft1 U/D'{U., I FIGURE 6.2.4. Three basic types of lateral force coefficients and the corresponding galloping response amplitudes tr. From M. Novak, "Galloping Oscillations of Prismatic Structures," J. Eng. Mech. Div., ASCE, 98 (1972),27-46. r','rt',1.1 : damping, and in ceftain cases, depending upon its scale and intensity, destroy the necessary conditions for galloping. Under certain conditions of an initial triggering disturbance larger than the steady-state amplitude, certain sections can experience galloping at much lower velocities than those required in smooth flow. Finally, it is noted in [6-49] that galloping oscillations also depend upon the extent to which the mean angle of attack varies as a function of the magnitude of the wind drag. The closely similar problem of a long flexible beam free to deflect in both along-wind and across-wind directions is analyzed in [6-54]. Reference [6-55] discusses the effect of incident wind skewed to the long axis of a galloping body. For information on galloping tendencies of stranded cables, see [6-901. rl'rrl rrpon the solution of the system itself. Therefore, unless its range of 6.2.2 Galloping of Two Elastically Coupled Square Bars I' II WAKE GALLOPING Reference [6-1001 dcscribcs an cxpcritncnt concluclcrl irr ir wrrlt'r'lrrrrrrt:l on lhc behavior ol a syslcnt ol'two cl:rstically rcstraincrl arrtl t'orrplt'rl :rlrrrrrinirrrrr :;(lurrrc ,,1 r;rlrtlity is carefully circumscribed, an empirical fluid-elastic model is bound r,' lrt'inadequate as a predictive tool. We referthe readerto [6-100] fordetails ,rrr tlrt' rnodeling problem for this case study and similar cases. l'lrc laboratory observations just summarized gave rise to the development ,,1 ;r rrurthcmatical theory of chaotic motions (i.e., motions that are apparently r;rn(lonr and exhibit sensitivity to initial conditions) applicable to nonlinear rrrrrltistublc systems subjected to excitation by noise (see [6-10l]). For an apt,lr,;rliorr of the theory to thc problem of wind-induced along-shore currents rr\r'r ir c()rrugated ocean botltlrrt, scc Scct. 2.5. llrt't':rst. is rurw coltsitlcrt'tl ol lwo t ylttttlcrs, onr'ol wlrit'lr is locitictl upsllcitln lltt'otlrct'. Unrkrr ecrlitirr t'olrlrltotu; lltc rlowttsllt'lrttr cylitttlt:t'rrtlty l-rc sttll- 238 nFH()t lnl;il(: l,l ll N()Ml li Nn :l Wn 11l ( in I I 1)l 'll..l( i ?39 FIGURE 6.3.1. Spacer in four-bundle power line. in a four-cable bundle of a power line.) With the spacers in place, it r', tlrc cable region between them that is most susceptible to wake galloping ! 'rn(litions since cable freedom of motion is greatest there. Wake galloping may occur only under conditions where the frequencies of r,' lx)nse of the downstream cylinder are low compared to its vortex-shedding lrt'rprcncies and to those of the cylinder located upstream. Just as with the lrlrt'rrrrmenon treated in Sect. 6.2, wake galloping is governed by parameters tlr;rl tlcscribe mean (rather than instantaneous) aerodynamic phenomena and can .r :il)rccr Time (s) lr,' rrrcasured when the body is fixed. 'l'hc wake of the upstream cylinder may be pictured as suggested in Fig. t, 1 2. Investigating this wake with a "probe" consisting of the downstream , ylirrder itself reveals a distribution of along- and across-wind forces (Fig. t' I -1) acting on this cylinder as a consequence of its particular locations in the urrkc. One important finding is that the across-wind wake forces have a ten,L'rrt'y to center the downstream cylinder, that is, draw it toward the wake (b) FIGURE 6.2.6. (a) Observed time history of displacement y'; (b) observed time history of displacements y, (solid line) and y2 (interrupted line). From E. Simiu and G. R. Cook, "Empirical Fluidelastic Models and Chaotic Galloping: A Case Study," J' Sound Vibr., 154 (1992\, 45-66. jected to galloping oscillations induced by the turbulent wake of the upstream cylinder. This has proved to be the case, for examplc, fbr powcr transmission line cables grouped in so-callcd buncllcs, that is, lirr grottJrs ol' ctlncluctors consisting of two, lirtrr, six, cighl, or rrrorc panrlltrl r'irlrles scpltntlctl hy rrrcchanical spucol's irr tlrc rlirccti()rr lliursvL:l'sc to tlrcil splrtt. (l;illrtn'(r.l.l tlc:picts UPSTREAM CYLINDER lll(;Illll,l (r.-1.2. Srr'(ion:rl l',('()nlr'lry. t ylirrtL'r:, irr w:rkt'P,lrlloPirrg Pltt:rtotttctlott 240 lr:l Wnl,t rinl l{tl,[!{t Al n()t tnlilt(; l'ilt N()Ml NA ffiffi=ffiil:t ft,'n-q{ nffiffi Wffi . LIFT FIGURE 6.3.3. Qualtitative sketch of the distributions of mean velocity, drag, lili on a circular cylinder in the wake of another. and l'l(;llltlt f centerline, contrary to the possible intuitive expectation that, since the outer flow beyond the wake edges is faster, by Bernoulli's principle it should tend to pull the downstream cylinder outward, away from the wake center. An explanation has been sought for this apparent anomaly, which may tentatively be ascribed to numerous criss-crossings of the flow field inside the wake by time-varying local jets of fluid that have strong components directed inward toward the center. These jets, or local fluid velocities, would tend to create repetitive drag forces directed, on the average, toward the wake center. This view of the phenomenon has been supported to some degree by flow visualization studies in a water tunnel t6-561. As indicated in Fig. 6.3.3, the centering lift is strongest at about a quarter of the total wake width outward from the centerline. When the downstream cylinder located a few diameters of the upstream body behind this latter is displaced-for any reason-into approximately the outer quarter of the wake (see Fig. 6.3.2), it enters a region of galloping instability. ln this region a galloping motion will begin, growing in amplitude until an apparent limit cycle is reached. This motion consists of large oscillations in an elliptical orbit with the long ellipse axis oriented approximately along the main flow direction. The direction of the elliptical orbit is such that the cylinder moves downstream near the outer edges of the wake and upstream nearer the center of the wake, or clockwise above the centerline in Fig. 6.3.3 and counterclockwise below it. These directions coincide with the intuitive assessment that net drag forces will be higher in the outer, faster portion of the wake and lower in its interior. References [6-56] to [6-65] cover various aspects of the wake galloping phenomenon. An oscilloscope trace of a developing wake galloping orbit is shown in Fig. 6 .3 .4 [6-52]. For a useful review of interference and proximity effects, see [9-ll. 6.3.1 Analysis of the Wake Galloping ilI Wul*"**-* "-*.*rtt"*f# 6.3.4. Amplirude trace of a wake galloping orbit [6-52]. courtesy of l,rtr.rrrrl Aeronautical Establishment, National Research council of Canada. the "rrt' windward, producing a wake, and one leeward, within that wake. The l.t'wrrfd cylinder will be assumed to be elastically sprung in both horizontal vcrtical directions about some position (x, y), where X, yare along-wind 'rrr.l ;rrr,l rrcross-wind coordinates conveniently centered on the windward cylinder. l'lrc cquations of motion tbrthe leeward cylindermay be stated in terms of tlrt't'xcursions (x, y) of that cylinder away from (X, y): * lrt'rt: /r? mt+d,*IKux*K,ry:F" (6.3. la) mli+dry*Kr"x+Knny:f, (6.3.1b) is the mass per unit span (normal to the figure) of the leeward cylinder; ,/,. r/,, are respective damping constants; K,,(r, s : x, y) are direct and cross_ ,,rrPling spring constants restraining the motion of the leeward cylinder; and I , , /,',, are the net X- and I-force components. Ncxl, if c, and c, are defined as the steady average force coefficients referred r'r lrt't: stream dynamic pressure )p(l')that apply to the cylinder located at point r \ )'). then it can be shown that the incipient forces in -r and y directions may lrr' 1'r111psssd as [6-65.| U Y r@-- EQUILIBRIUM POStTtON Phenomenon Thc phcnonrcnon is lrrrirlyzrtl lrs il'i(s l.xrsic irtgrctliettls wt'tt'lwo tlittrettsiottitl, :ts wlri tkrrrc irr llrt' pn't'r'rlirrll set'tiotts. ('ortsitlt'l lwo t ylltttlt'ts 1l;i11. (r.1 .5). 241 IYPICAL LIMITING ORBIT ;';rl lopirrli lrrlrlysrs. 242 nLn()t tnlitt(; t'l ll N()Ml Nn olllit l\(/), \'(/)l rrriry llc ctrlt.rrllrlt.rl. l.l( .t 24:l ll tlr.slr,tl. lry rrsirrli {i I | : tp'zDt(X . * ft,) - * t-,r, t) (6.3.2b) As irr o(hcr trcnlclirsl ic pltc:norrrcrtir, tltrr slr.ut.ltrlrl Plrrirrrrt, t.xt,r.l slrorrg r.rllll)l ovcrlhcchar-nctoristicsol'wakcglrllopirrg. lrrlr:rrl it'ulirr', irrt.irrrylrrgrrrrt rrr,rtlt'l stuclics thc valucs ol'thc spring consllurls K,,(r., ,r .r, .1,) r.t.t;uir.e lxrl Itr'ttl:tt itttcntion. This is cspccially truc irr tlrc rcllrcscrr(irliorr ol'tlrc ucligrr 6l' xoe)\t : Yoert tox andy in Eqs. 6.3.1 (6.3.3a) (6.3.3b) and 6.3.2 and setting the determinant of coefficients of Eqs. 6.3.1 equal to zero. It follows from Eqs. 6.3.3 thatthe solutions X are unstable if trr > 0 in the calculated value of form \:Xr*i\z (where i : J=), since they then contain a diverging exponential factor. Such solutions are then sought for the parameters associated with a number of points Y. The agreement between the theory and experiment has been found to be satisfactory, as seen in Fig. 6.3.6 16-56], where the curves indicate points at which marginally unstable solutions (i.e., where \ : iXz) are found. Forthese - ;11111 (.1.1.f . ,;rlrlt's, a sub-jcct that has received rnuch attcrrtiorr l(r-(r0, 6-(12, ,'rrl:;rrlc thc scope <lf the present discussion. {i 4 (r-(r-5 1 'l l). Under the effect of wind, the structure will be subjected to, and will r l() rcsist, a drag force, a lift force, and a twisting moment. As the wind i.hrt ity increases, the twisting moment in particular increases also. This in trrrrr (wists the structure further, but this condition may also, by increasing the ,llctlivc angle of attack of the wind relative to the structure, further increase tlr. twisting moment, which then demands additional reactive moment from rlrr' :;lnrcture. Finally, a velocity is reached at which the magnitude of the windrrr,lrrt'r'rl moment, together with the tendency for twist to demand additional '.rrr( lurlll reaction, creates an unstable condition and the structure twists to il':,rrrrc(ion. The problem is one of stability, quite analogous in a structural to column buckling. Just as column buckling occurs when a critical ",'rr,(' ,r 'lrrrrn load is reached, torsional divergence occurs at some critical divergence r.l't'iry of the wind. The phenomenon depends upon structural flexibility and tlrr' rrIrnncr in which the aerodynamic moments develop with twist; it does not ir( rL 1rt'rtrl upon ultimate structural strength. lrr tlrc case of thin airfoils, the aerodynamic twisting moment increases with angle of attack. In other, more complex structures, it may be that rrr, rt'irsccl EXPERIMENT x/D II Ali|(i AX I'J Y/D FIGURIt 6.3.6. Mclsurctl :rrrtl prcclictccl stability hottrttlrttit's 561. lirl is TORSIONAL DIVERGENCE THEORY -5 but llrt' phcn<lmenon of torsional divergence was at first most closely associated rrrrlr :rircraft wings and their susceptibility to twisting offat some excessive air ',g','t'tl. 'lir fbrm a conceptual picture of what occurs in such a situation, consider ;r tlrrrr uirfbil, or any other analogous structure, such as a bridge deck (Fig. (r x: Y l6 litls. (6.3.2r) where U is the free upstream velocity and U, is the average wake velocity in the udirection at (x, Y), and D is the projected across-wind dimension of the cylinclcr. Expressions similar to Eqs. 6.3.2 were first developed in [6-58] and 16--591. Values of C", C' and their derivatives are obtained by direct measutrnlont ol'timc-avcraged values in wind tunnel model studies. Cases of inlcrcs( havc conccrncd smooth circular cylinders and the rougher surfaces of s(randccl wire cables. Analytical solution of the problem, in which the forces given by Eqs. 6.3.2 are clcarly self-excited only, proceeds by assigning values X, ',r'lrrlions, tltc ,l lr rl l:,1( lll^t lrlvt il( it , .. "rt'n) , ,', ;, - ,.', ,),, ] r;" -- )pr./2D[(a# r, li wrrke grrlloping I"l(illlllt) (r.'1.1. (it'otttt'lty irtt{l l)it!;trttr'l('t', l'r l.r:.i,rr:rl rlrvt.rllt'rrt.t.prrrlrlt.rn 244 At ti()t ln:;ilo t,l il N()Mt Nn li4 the acnldynarnic twisting nl()nrcnt rhrtrs ttot lirllow tlris sirrrplc lr.:ttrlettcy. As it result such structures may not lirllow tlrc pirltcrrr clcscribcd ahovc; in lirct, depending upon the relation bctwccn acnltlynarrric rnomcnt and anglc of attack, some structures may be immune to torsional divcrgcnce. Finally, it should be noted that in most cases of practical interest in civil engineering the critical divergence velocities are extremely high, well beyond the range of velocities normally considered in design. be denoted by \pU)ll1cr,, u": * (t,izrfyl A,,rv 1(r..t..{ ) rvlrcrc -t k" and a, respectively. 245 lrrlrrlrlittg lhc lrcrrttlyrlrrrrit'lo llrc irrlc:r'nirl slnrt.lrrr.lrl It'irrls lo llrt' t't1ur LMo - Assuming that the mean wind velocity is U and that the deck width is B, the aerodynamic moment per unit span can be written as N(:l lt()lt 6.4.1 Analytical Modeling of Torsional Divergence To analyze the torsional divergence phenomenon, consider, as in Fig. 6.4.1, the section of a structure that can rotate against a torsional spring about some pivot point (or elastic center). Let the spring constant and the angle of rotation l()l t!;lrtNAt l)lvf n( it acul , da lo=o I (6.4.s) llrc divergence problem is summarized (in this two-dimensional description) lry liq. 6.4.4. We now examine its solution. l)cfine )t : )pu'zE. Equation 6.4.4 then becomes (k"-)\C'Mo)o:XCys (6.4.1) |pUzB'Cr(o) where Cy(a) is the aerodynamic moment coefficient about the twist axis. An example of the dependence of Cy upon cv in the case of an open truss bridge deck is shown inFig. 6.4.2. At zero angle of attack the value of this moment is M,(O) : )pU2BzCro \Cro k" l'lrc solution of Eq. 6.4.6 for cv >\Cho (6.4.6) approaches infinity (diverges) for the value 6.4.2) where Cye : CyQ). Fora small change in c away from a : - .k" A:- O, Mo may be (6.4.7) C,, given to first approximation by l lris therefore defines the M,:;pu'Elr^ * dCrl do l":n "] critical divergence velocity: (6.4.3) (6.4.8) 'l'hc problem may readily be generalized to three dimensions, but this is rt'scrvcd fora specific application in Chapter 13 (Sect. 13.1.2).It should also lrt' noted that the problem considered here is that of incipient instability only. ll rrurre complex structural action with increasing velocity occurs (due to a o (DEGREES) rrrrrrc complex curve of Cy vs. a, for example, than that shown in Fig. 6.4.2), tlrc rlivcrgence problem can be solved by a systematic solution of the relation t,pl l) d {'n,1,r) - k,,rr (6.4.e) FIGURE 6.4.2, Monrcrrt cocflic:icnt lirr a blull'stnrclurc irs ir littttlion ol'irnglc ol Iol tttty titngc ol'vclocilics rlt'sitt'rl= 'l'lrc prlsrril ol this pr<lblcrrr is l-rcyorrrl lhc attack. :rirrr ol' this scction- 246 6.5 n I I t()t:t Ati I l(; I 'l ll N( r;f, tlilil|t )Ml Nn FLUTTER One of the earliest aeroelastic oscillaliorrs lo bc rcc<lgnizcd was thc lluttcr ol' airfoils. The term "flutter" has been variously uscd; recently, htlwcvcr, this use has become more restricted. The most common present uses of the term employ additional qualifying terms, for example, classical flutter, stall flutter, single-degree-of-freedom flutter, and panel flutter. All of these terms were originally employed in aerospace applications, but some have carried over to wind engineering. flutter oiginally applied to thin airfoils. The term also finds application today to suspended-span bridge decks. It implies an aeroelastic pheClassical nomenon in which two degrees of freedom of a structure, rotation and vertical translation, couple together in a flow-driven, unstable oscillation. Coupling of the two degrees of freedom-indispensable for thin airfoil flutter under normal structural circumstances-has come to be the identifying sign for classical flutter. Stall flutter is a single-degree-of-freedom oscillation of airloils in torsion driven by the nonlinear characteristics of the lift in the vicinity of the stall, or loss-of-lift condition. This phenomenon can also occur with structures having broad surfaces that can stall depending on the angle of approaching wind. Socalled "stop-sign-flutter," the torsional oscillation of traffic stop-signs about torsionally weak posts, is an example in a nonaeronautical area. Single-degree-of-freedom may include stall flutter, but may simply be associated with systems undergoing strongly separated flows. Bluff, unstreamlined bodies are typical examples. Prominent among these are the decks of suspended-span bridges, which can in various instances exhibit single-degree torsional instability. These are discussed in more detail in Chapter 8. Panel flutter is a sustained oscillation of panels-typically the sides of large rockets-caused by the high-speed passage of ait along the panel. The most prominent cases have been in supersonic flow regimes and so have not appeared in the usual wind engineering context. Flutter of taut canvas covers and flag flutter are, however, phenomena related to panel flutter. It is likely that, in its detail, flutter in practically all cases involves nonlinear aerodynamics. It has been possible in a number of instances, however, to treat the problem successfully by linear analytical approaches. The main reasons for this are two: First, the supporting structure is usually treatable as linearly elastic and its actions dominate the form of the response, which is usually an exponentially modified sinusoidal oscillation. Second, it is the incipient or starting condition, which may be treated as having only small amplitude, that separates the stable and unstable regimes. These two main features enable a flutter analysis to be based on the standard stability considerations of linear elastic systems. It is characteristic of flutter as a typical self-excited oscillation that a structural system by means of its deflections and their timc clcrivativcs taps <lll' energy from the wind flow. lf'thc system is givcn an irritiirl tlisltrrbancc, its motion will cithcr rlccay rlr tlivcrgc (i.r:., its oscillllirlns will lrt'tlrtrrt;rt:tl rtr will 241 1'row itttlcrlittilr.:ly) itct'onlrrrg lo wlrcllrcl llrt'cnctJ'.y ol rrrolton t,xlr;rclt.rl lroln tlrt'llow is lcss llr:rtt ot'cxccctls tlrc crterrgy tlissipirlt.rl lry llrr'sysl(.nr llrrorrg,lr rrr,'.'lt:ttticltl dalnping. 'l'hc thcorctical clivitlirrg lirrt. lrt.lwr't.rr llrt' tlct':ryirrg :rrrrl rlrvt'lgcttt cascs, nalllcly, sustaincd sinusoitlal ost'illirliorr, is tlrcrr r.r.rt.1lgrrizctl :rs tlr,' t'ritical fluttcr condition. lrr llro treatment of flutter, in the prcscnt wirrrl cngirrccrirrg corrlcxl, orrly , l,r:;sicll lluttcr and single-degree-of-fiecdorn llr-rttcr will bo cliscussccl. |i 5"1 Equation of Motion for an Airfoil or a Bridge Deck ('r,rrsitlcr a section of an airfoil or a bridge deck (Fig. 6.5.1) subjected to the ;rr rr()n ol'a smooth oncoming flow. The section is assumed to have two degrees r'l lr.trtf<rm: bending displacement and twist denoted by h and cv, respectively. .\ rrnil span of the system has mass tn, mass moment of inertia 1, static unlr;rlrurcc s (equal to the product of mass m and a distance, ab which separates tlrt' t'r'rr(or of mass from the elastic center),* vertical and torsional restoring lirr(('s characteized by spring constant c1"and c", and coefficients of viscous ,l;rrrr1rirrg c1,&ndco. withthesedefinitionstheequationsofmotioncanbewritten lt, ()(r. 6-67J mi+sa+coh+Cph:Lt S1;+ld]-coarCoa:Mo (6.5.1a) (6.s.1b) 0rB4 )*- l,'l( jl lltl,l (r.-5.1. Ntrt:rtions 'Nllt llr;tl willr lr lixt'tl sign (onv(.nliotr, ,\ trr:ry lx. ;rl,rlrvr. {}t n(.},,:tliv(.tlc;.rltlilrg 9rr llrc l6clt(i9rt rl,r\\,;il(l 0r ttll) 0l lltt'et'ttlt'l ol rrltss $tllr rr..,;r,tI lo llrr.t.l;rsltr.r.t,rtlt.t. 248 nl lt()l lnlill(; l'l I I r,ilt il 249 where L1, and M,, arc:, rcspcc(ivcly, (lrc st:ll-cxcitul lrcrorlytrirntic lili irntl ttrrlment about the rotation axis pcr uttil sprttt. l)csignating by ru thc radius ol' gyration of the body about the centcr o1' rotation and using notations sinrilar trl those of Sect. 5.1, Eqs. 6.5.1 become mlli + ad t 2(6a6h + af,t4 : f a.. Il-h + & + 2l,a.a + r3rl lr; ro (6.5.2a) :Mo (6.s.2b) whcrc f,,, f,, arc damping ratios-to-critical, and c,.r6, @q are the natural circular licc;ucncics in h and a degrees of freedom, respectively, defined by ,cn @n: -m ,Co ,": i (6.5.3a) (6. s.3b) In the case of bridge decks that are symmetrical, the center of mass lies in the vertical plane of the centerline. In this case a : 0. Usually the rotation axis lies in this plane also, though it may be at some vertical distance from the center of mass. In the case of bridges with arched decks the effective rotation axis may lie well below this center. When accounting for the dynamics of the deck, the mass moment of inertia 1 is calculated above the effective rotation axis and hence is typically, even for a uniform deck, a quantity that varies 300 *=+ l''l(JURE 6.5.2. Real and imaginary parts of the Theodorsen circulatory function c(K) tt(K) + iG(K). 'fhe theo,retical expressions for sinusoidally oscillating lift z and moment M airfoil are, respectively: orr :r flat plate Lr: -pb2((Jra t rti - rbait) - across the span. Actual determination of the effective rotation axis is a structural problem outside the scope of the present discussion. 2rpC(k) lUcx + h + n1| - Ocj (6.s.4) Mo: 6.5.2 Aerodynamic Lift and Moment In the case of thin airfoils in incompressible flow, Theodorsen [6-66] showed from basic principles of potential flow theory that the expressions for Lp and Mo are linear in h and a and their first and second derivatives. The coefficients in these expressions, referred to as aerodynamic cofficients, are defined in terms of two theoretical functions F(ft) and C,(k) 16-661, where k : balU is the reduced frequency, b is the half-chord of the airfoil, U is the flow velocity, and r,r is the circular frequency of oscillation. The complex function C(k) ot which F(k) and G(k) are the real and imaginary parts, respectively, is known as Theodorsen's circulation function (Fig. 6.5.2). For aircraft flight regimes in all velocity ranges, wide research has developed further analytical expressions for all necessary aerodynamic coefficients. There exists a vast literaturc on the subject, to which [6-67] to [6-701 and [6-951 arc usclirl in(rocluctions. Attention is confinccl hcrc lo thc low-spccd incomprcssiblc lkrw n'giltrc. {"(l - euba + rb2([ + - arbi] + 2pUb2r(\ + a)C(k) [Ua + h + U1] - dc1 -pbz a2)ix (6. s. s) wlrcrc c(k):F(k)+ic(k) (6.s.6) I' balu is the reduced frequency, <,r is the oscillation circular frequency, b rs crlual to Bl2, B is thc chorcl of the airfoil, p is the air density, u is the rr;rlrnrach laminar flow vckrcity , ttlt is thc distance from the midciord to the r.lirtion point, ancl rr antl /r rrrt.. n's1'lcctivcly, angular rotation and vertical tlislrlaccrncnt, l6-661, l6-671. 'l'lrt' firrrcri.rrs (r.5.2. lior blull'objccls ol'wirrtl /'Ik), G(k), are shown in (.nl1ut('(.trrr1, irplrlit':rliotrs, it Fig. has n<ll l<t tlirte ltcerr *J 25O AERoflntillo l'lll N()Ml |]r, IIiltiltt NA possible to develop cxprcssi<lns lilr thc ircrotlytuttttic cocllicicrr(s stltrting I'rtlttt Lasic fluid-flow principles. Howevcr, it has bccn shown in [6-7 ll that litr srnall oscillations the self-excited lift and moment on a bluff body may bc trcatcd as linear in the structural displacement and rotation and their first two derivatives, and that it is possible to measure the aerodynamic coelficients by means of specially designed wind tunnel tests. Such tests indicate that just as in the case oi the airfoil the aerodynamic coefficients of a bluff body are functions of the reduced velocity. Various forms for the linear expressions for L1, and Mohave been employed. Thc classical theoretical (and some experimental) work has used complex numbcr lirrms based on the representation of the flutter oscillation as having the complcx fbrm ei''. However, in the wind engineering practice developed to tlatc in the Unitcd States real forms have been employed. Below are stated commonly uscd lincarized forms of this type [6-71]: Ln: lpu'nfraftrl Lr+ xuitxrui * xznl(x)a + K'Hf *) (6.s.1) L Lr+ rc$rxrui * xz,s,t(x)a + K'4*] Ba K: U: B(2rn\ (6.s.e) ../ rvlrcrc the coefficients kL, quantities a, hlu, and BalU are effective angles of attack and therefore also nondimensional. The typical term in Eqs. 6.5.7 and 6.5.8 can be viewed as following the classical pattem of expressions for aerodynamic lift force per unit span, such as *The reduccd frcqucncics li, usotl in ucnrnuutical practicc, and K, ttscrl ilt witttl ctlgittt:crirrg' dillct in that ft is dcfinccl in tcrrrrs 0l tlrr: hull.chortl lt - Ill2, whctcits li)r l(':ls()lls ol toltvt'trit'ttt'c K is tlolinctl in lontts ol thc lirll cllrll lJ, its irt li1. (r'5.(). rl,v ,, ((r..5.lOl h \*I m'l 1- U k';, etc., have h ,DA -l d\ +m'i-l @/ m'6a (6.s.11) (6.s.12) come to be called the "Kiissner coef- lrt'icnts. " ln real terms, the following equivalences among the coefficients of the above rxlrcssions may be verified, when oscillations U B is the chord, deck width, or along-wind dimension of the structure, U is the uniform approach velocity of the wind, and <o is the circular frequency of oscillatioL(i is the frequency of oscillation). In Eqs. 6.5.7 and 6.5.8 terms in ii, Ahave been omitted as being of negligible importance in wind engineering. (ln aeronautical practice terms in ti and it but not h areretained.) The coefficients II,t and Af (l : 1, 2, 3) ate nondimensional functions of K' The t,ttll'll'l(,' h "/ * o:**ki,a+ol::.\ -rpu'b D@ e/ \0, t Mu: -rpU'b' (6. s.8) where additional terms in h are included and the reduced frequency K is defined as* = lol surall anglc ol'attack a. Formally, (cnns suclr lrs K// jr' or' A'il I lrrc lhrrs rrturlogtrus to lift coefiicient derivatives tlC1,ldu.'l'lrcsc lcrnrs slrorrltl bc re lcrlctl Itt as vnrr|loral derivatives, however, and thcy go ovol' into stoacly-stalc rlcriv;rlivos, such as dC1.ldu, only for K - 0 (zero liocluorrcy). Irnrrn an cxpcrintcntal point of view this means that the aerodynamic cocllicicnts of Eqs. 6.5.7, 6.5.8 , :ur be measured only if the body is in an oscillatory state, whereas dCylda is ohlrrined under static conditions (i.e., with the body fixed; see Sect. 6.2). The l:rt'trrrs K or K2 preceding Hf and,4f could just as well be included with these lrr(lcr in a total coelficient of some other designation if desired, but the evolution ol lhc theory [6-71] has identified them as nondimensional factors. References | {r 7 I I through 16-771discuss various experimental techniques used in the United Stir(cs, Japan, and France for obtaining the nonstationary aerodynamic (flutter) tlt'r'ivatives. In France, through usage at ONERA (Office National d'Etudes et rlt' llccherches A6rospatiales), the following alternate forms [i3-45] have been t rst'tl: Lr" : M,: )p(JzP[*fto t,1t(t'I)('t 251 h: hoei'' (6.s.13) Ot : d6€ ioi (6.s.14) .ur'postulated: K)Hf:*2rk']:-2rKF (6.s.1s) K)rr! 4c /t - -rk'i: -rKl ; lt,o*r\;-')r) K)H{ : -trki,: h')rt.l'-, -*1r,, (j zr ,l ]rkl. " I A lll | ,,) ,,n t "ry: l(;l I ^l \ I (6516r (6.-5. r7) (6.5. lr() / ' AEROELASTIC PHENOMENA KzAf : -rm'l -n '2: ^'l K2,1,* : trKF (i . ,) :;1-;t : t *t 04 00 -04 -,o (". ;) . *o (,, - i)] In case a -trm'o : + 2KG(, . ;)] _B i -12 0 -16 -20 I a 2 4 6 I 101214 : +lt *f, * ,) K'H{:-"lro-Tl (6.s.22) -0. -0. : | rcn K2AY:;l;-"-T) rc2t{:llt*"_{91 - 2L32 4) :I wo1 D2 4 6 8 U 0 \* ? og 1.6 (6.s.23) 2 0 -2 a 2 4 6 B 10 12 14 0 2 4 6 B t01214 U/nB lllnB 5 2 0 (6.s.24) 2 -? XX w\^ 1 (6.s.2s) (6.s.26) tD1214 /nB 4 4 0 K,Htr:;"I'-T] I x U/nB -L.2 K'H7: -2rKF x''qf / 3 the above equations reduce to x,ef 0 4 0 (common for bridges, though not usual for airfoils in aircraft), KzHt 0 /nB 5 :;lt (* . *) . ,. (" .;) + KG("' - ;)l -;l+ -:t l,.4 [_ a 2 4 6 B rA1214 l.i (6.s.2t) KzA; : i! 0,8 (6.s.20) K2A{ tl L,l (6.s. re) 4 b _B -10 a 2 4 6 I 101214 0 2 4 6 I U/nB Il/nB ^ ''+_- NORI\IANDY CREAT (6.s.27) } TSURUM ID1214 I BELT _€_- AIRFOIL ( EXPERIMENIAI I (a) trf and Af for a thin airfoil (i : 1,2,3) : l, 2,3,4) shown in Fig. 6.5.3b. After [13-109]. lrlGURE 6.5.3a. Aerodynamic coefficients (6.5.28) rrrrcl three streamlined box decks (i .! fM. rr llr (6.s.29) (6.s.30) Sample experimental values of the coefficients r1f and Af for streamlined bridge sections are shown in Fig..6.5.3, where forpurposes of comparison the analogous coefficients Hf and,ef rcr a thin airfoil are also given. 8.5.3 Solution of the Flutter Equations llccause of $gge_pendgncg 9{ thg aerodynamic terms up,gn K, the analytical rlrlution .ql-lbg.-fluJte"f problem becomes more involved ihan ttre compai?bte stubility solutions where quasi-steady aerodynamics holds. under K-dependent crunditions, a typical solution method is as follows. A value of Kis choien and thc values of r1f and Af conesponcling to rhut value"iie obtained from plots ol'these experimental functione, It is then nssumccl that h and cv have soluiions lrnrportional to €i'r which arc inserted lnt() Eqs, 6.5"2,6.5.7, and 6.5.g, The ,!^\r.."- { / . 254 Al ll()t lAiiilo I'l il N()Mt Nn ri', IIt,tilil :]6000 -.-....- Il.'A. Ilcrc:ausc 25b Il.,l, 1{r.5. of its intsrost in applicatiorrs, u usclirl vlu'itrrrl on thc solrrlion tl ) orrl lrrrctl abovc is skctchcd bclow.* Let s:- TSURUMI FAIRIA/AY BRIDGE Ut (6.s.32) B l,r' rr n<lndimensional time (or distance). Noting that o:T:#f,:, 31000 GREAT BELT EAST BRIDGE (6.s.33) )'vB lrtlrrrrlions 6.5.2 and 6.5.4 can be reduced to It" h' .h | 2(nKnE + Ki;: oB2 l h, Tlorr ; i tr KHla, + x2H!a + x'nr- L] Bl (6.5.34a) ,t" + 2loKoa' + NORMANDY BRIDGE K2.u : 4l II *nrLB + KAta' + K2Ala + K,4 *f (6.s.34b) : BallU, Ko : BaolU. l'osing now the solution forms rvlrcrc K6 AIRFOIL (b) !:bri't B B. FIGURE 6.5.3b. Box decks for three bridges (dimensions in millimeters), and airfoil. After [13-109]. determinant of coefficients of the amplitudes of h and o is then set equal to zero as the basic stability condition. This constitutes in fact u .ornpl"" quartic equation in the unkno*n flutt", frequency c,r, which must then be solved. The solution obtained will. in general. be of the lorm o : .,r * rc,.r2 with u2 * 0. and will therefore represent either a decaying (r,lz > 0) or a divergent (co2 ( 0) oscillation. A new value of K is then chosen and the procedureis ,"p"ut"d until the solution_is-purely (or very nearly) imaginary, tirat is, until <,r, Q, = so thal Q = @r. To that solution lhere corresponds th! flulter condition at real frequency co,. Let l(, be the value of K for which @ : @t Thc critical flutter velocity is then a: -honix' B &oei(t'* O) : uoei't : (6.5.35a) (6.s.3sb) o4eiKt lrr;rrirtions 6.5.7 take the form I | -,r' + 2ifhKhK + I f oB2 - l; oB2 .l iK'HI +'- K'HT il lrrlrkt' ltitctitlt wirtgs, britlgc tlt:t'ks ,,1 Ki-4(iK2Hf+x'uttl\ '' m -'lB lcvg : 0 ttt:ry cx;r'ricrrt t' sigrrilic:rrrl llt('(lriUl lirrcc).'l'lris is txrl litkctt ittlo irtcorrrrt (6.5.36a) swly (rnotion akrng thc dircction rrr tlris st.r'liorr, lrrrl scc lit;s. 13.1.43. 256 nLnoLIn:;ltC t,ilt N()Mt Nn l-+ eKzA{ + (i FAi' I nd :,,q!-4r,n1l*o-u -i'^ - r -l Deflning an unknown X x-- (6.5.36b) (6.s.37) {n1 of Eqs. 6.5.36 equal to zer-o results in a complex degree four. This breaiii down inio-*two real equations, assuming that X is always real at the flutter condition. These two equations are ' solved successivcly fbr different assumed values of K, and their roots X are plotted as functions of K. At the point (X,, K,) where the two plots cross,.the and setting the determinant rpolyndriiial in r I , i Xof flutter condition is identified [6-66, 6-671. The flutter problem as treated above is seen to be a semi-inverse oroblem srqle-the aerodynamic coefficients are functions of the solutioir fiEffil;-unO a range of frequency parameters K m11st therefore be used to survey the solution region. Altemate methods are also available, though they are beyond the scope of the prbsent discussion. One of the more important of these approaches involves the use ol aerodynamic indicial funcrions [6-671 ro 16-701 and t6-78. 6-79]. Such functions, derivable from the coefficients H! and,4,I , represent the response of the bluff section to a step change in angle of attack. They also permit representation of transient response problems under the general hypothesis that linear superposition of effects remains valid. Reference [6-80] makes use of individual response functions in predicting bridge response under natural wind (see also Sect. 6.6). In general, the use of such functions gives rise to more involved calculations than the stability determinant method sketched above. Avoidance of the more general indicial function approach is justified in those cases where structural frequencies and natural modes are not greatly altered by the aerodynamic forces. - / the fluttei equations and the nature of the flutter phenomenon in the case of bridges as opposed to that of airfoils. In the flutter of airfoils under normal structural conditions (center of mass not excessively far aft of the rotation point) it is impossible for single-degree-of-freedom flutter to occur since both degrees h and u are individuilly positively dampedx (i.e., Hf and A! are negative for *Because of the formal similarity between the mechanical damping terms in the left-hancl si6cs of Eqs. 6.5.2 and the terms containing the coefficients af and;f in eqs. 6.-5.7 and 6.5.g, tho latterare referred to as aerodynamic damping tcrms. The diflbronccs 2(j,o,,rrr \pUr@)XUl anl 2(.u,,1 l}t.,t ll llN(i lil :;l'oN:,1 tN illl I'1il l;l NCI ()l nl ll(tl lA!ill(. I'lll Nr}Ml }!n 257 ;rll valucs ol'K). 'l'his is tlrc birsic rcirsort wlty t'lirssit'rrl ;rirloil llrtllr'r', il rrrrtl vrlrorr it occurs, rrrrrst irrvolvc couplcrl llcctkrttts; llrirl ts. ll nnrsl lrr'ir torttltliott rrr which it is mainly thc coupling (not tltcr tlrrrrrlrirrg) lct'ttts llrrl liovt'nt lltt' K:, as (, {i - |oUt{n'1X'l'{{U {,/) arc rclcrrccl to as nct (or total) tlarrrpinll irr tlrr.tlrlrslirtionirl untl tlrt: rotational mrxlc, rcspcclivcly. (Scc also Scc(. (r.2.l.) I('sl)OnSC. On theotherhand, as shown in [6-7 Il, ccrtairt ty;lcs ol'struclurc (c:.g., sotttc: opcrn-truss s_uspension bridge decks) exhibit,rl-j (torsiorrirl tlarrrping) cocf licicrrls tlur( change s!gn-from negative to positive with aclvancing values ol'rcduccd wirrcl velJcity*UlnB (where n : itZn). As a rcsult whether or not coupling t ocllicients exist, single-degree torsional motion becomes unstable and drives ;r sclf'-excited flutter due to its net negative damping. Thus purely single-degree lf trttcr, or "single-degree-driven" flutter, can exist for cases where Af evolves .rs tlcscribed above. 'l'he flutter of three-dimensional structures is essentially based on the twotlrrrrcnsional theory presented above and is discussed in Chapter 13. 6.6 BUFFETING RESPONSE IN THE PRESENCE OF AEROELASTIC PHENOMENA Itull'cting is defined as the unsteady loading of a structure by velocity fluctuaIrorrs in the oncoming flow. If these velocity fluctuations are clearly associated rvith the turbulence shed in the wake of an upstream body, the unsteady loading rr lclbrred to as wake buffeting. Effective analytical models of the wake bufIt'tirrg phenomenon do not currently exist in the wind engineering field. On the orlrcr hand, notable contributions [6-82] to [6-85] have been made to the prob-. k'rn ol the bu.ffe-tjgrg of_linelike stru_qjllres by atmospheric turbulence. Many of llrt' icleas employed below can be traced to origins in these references. 'l'hc problem dealt with in this section is that of buffeting by incident turlrrrlt:nce that develops in an atmospheric flow over relatively homogeneous rr'r ririn-open, suburban, or urban. For such turbulence it_is possible, in certain r :rscs, to _!hg response to buffeting forces for .bo,th those structures that "Sp-q_gl rkr not andihose that do exhibit aeroelastic interaction"with the wind forces. 'i'r'tion 5.3' deals with aerodynamic loadings that are independent of structural rrrotion. However, structures like slender towers or the decks of suspended,,1r;ur hridges, which exhibit aeroelastic effects, are also of considerable interest rrr prlctical applications. The present section is concerned principally with the r{'slx)nse of such linelike structures. ti-6-1 Aerodynamic Forces on Linelike Structures ('()nsi(lcra linclikc structurl:. willt sprutwise: r'rxlrrlinatcx, that is being buffeted lry rrtrrrosphcric turbuloncc. ll tlrc ost'illirliorrs ol'thc stnrcturc in each responding rrrorlt' itrc srrrall, il rrriry bt: irssrrrrrt'tl tlr;rl tlrt' rrcrotlyttatnic bchavior of thc ',lnr('llrrLr is linciu. 'l'hc: ltcrorlyn;uruc lort't's t'orrsisl ol'rr strpcrposition <ll'(l) , 1 "'l 258 At n( )t t Al; nc I'l il N( )Mt NA r;{; l}t,l llllN(i self'-excited lirrccs ol'llrc tyllc tleralt witlr irr Sct't. (r.-5 irrrtl (2) brrlli:lirrg lirrcc:s induced by the incidcnt turbulcncr:. Bufteting Forces. For turbulence intensities typical of winds in thc atnrospheric boundary layer, and for turbulence components with fiequcncics that are of interest in practice, it 1ryy*.pe .assumed that the squares ancl products ol' the velocity fluctuations u. u. and, w are negligible with respect to the squarc of the mean velocity U and that the force coefficients Cp , C1., and, C11o arc independent of frequency in the'?nge considered. As a result expressions for the buffeting forces based on quasi-steady theory are acceptable, so that for scction ,r of the span the buffeting drag, lift, and aerodynimic moment (sec Fig. 6.6.1) can be written as 6NTE : c,r(oi f l+2 -L(r) : c.r*o * , u(r.ultlf *lel D(t) FNTE [r u(x- t\ (6.6.1a) U I- dal'd:q0 **",a]ry (6'6' lb) Fih lr^*, + cD(ao) #ll' *, ryfl. *1,=,,*f M(tl :I lr l I tt(v t\ I sr | (6.6.1c) where B is a typical body dimension such as deck width, ,4 is the across-wind area per unit length projected on the plane normal to the mean wind speed u, T lilt;l'ol.l:,r ltJ llll l,l rl til N(;l ()l Al ll(,ttA'iil{ I'1ilill)Mt flA r 2lio rs lltc tlistrtttcc ol lltc tlt't'k nutss ccrltcr lo lltt't'llt'tlrvr'rol:tltorr;rrt:.. l/ r.{/)iul(l rr(/):rrt: tlrc wintl sPct:tl corttlxrttt:rtls irt llrt';rlorq;' wrrrrl ;rrrtl llrt'vt'r'l rt';rl rlnt't'(iotts, l-cspoclivcly,'r'iuttl rvly is lltc rrtcirrr ltrrglc ol itllirck rrrrtlcr wrrrtl irtlrorr. lrr li,t1s. 6.6. lb artcl (r.(r. lc thc dintcnsiottlrrss rtrlio rr'(l)/l/ rr'prr':i('nls :tn ;rr111rrl:rr' llrrt lrlrtion l'rom thc mcan anglc o1y. ln lic;s. (r.(r. l , lhc tplrrrtity l l I )rt(tll I ll r', olrtrrined by squaring the sum ll + u(t)ll.l Ilrrrtl negkrc(irrg lltcr st;trirrrr ol ils ,,,'. on(l tctm, as shown in Sect. 4.7. I Self-excited Forces. lt was indicated in Scct. 6.-5 that fbr a body oscillating u,rllr circular frequency o in both the vertical displacernent and the torsional rrrrrtlcs, the self-excited lift and moment L1, and Mo may be expressed as in l r1s. 6.5.7 and 6.5.8. Since the random buffeting load action on a structure may be viewed as a '.rrptrrposition of elemental harmonic loads (see Appendix A2), the vibrations nl llrat structure may, conespondingly, be viewed as a superposition of harrrronic responses induced by these loads. Each such oscillation induces, in tum, .rrr clcmental self-excited load expressible by Eqs. 6.5.7 and 6.5.8.i {i.6.2 Buffeting Response of a Suspension Bridget l'()r nlany types of bridge deck sections the aerodynamic coupling coefficients 6.5.7 and 6.5.8 may be disregarded in first approximation as having run()r or negligible influence, so the vertical and torsional motions of a straight lrrtlgc may be taken as uncoupled. The aerodynamic coupling coefficients are ,,1 socondary importance particularly in those cases of common occurrence rvlrt:rcin single-degree torsional instability is manifest (i.e., where,4f changes ',r1in with increasing UlnB). lixpressions forthe bridge response will now be sought following a proce,lrrlr closely parallel to that employed in Chapter 5 to study along-wind re',lx)nsc. Here, however, the effect of aerodynamic self-excitation terms will be t:rkt:n into account in addition to the aerodynamic buffeting forces. 'lirrsion will be dealt with first. Consider a full bridge for which the torsional rrr l,)qs. h rl (luirtions 6.6. lb and 6.6.1c are written assuming that the linelike structure is horizontal (e.g., I'ritlgc). In the case of a vertical structure (e.g., a tower), the vertical velocity component w(r) .r rrrrrsl bc rcplaced Lft) c.m. = I -a- r.o. =EFFECTIVE ROTATTON AXIS OF SECTION I r.o. FIGURE 6.6. l. Bull'cting r.rccs MASS CENTER OF SECTION 'n sccri.n .r'. li'clik. srnr(.rrrc. by the lateral velocity component z/(t). '\n crluivalent altemative fomulation is to employ the aerodynamic indicial function approach l(' /ll. 6 79, 6-80, 6-971 wherein the frequency-dependent information contained in the self, \r'ilrli()n acrodynamic coefficients n! and,4f is first converted into time-dependent indicial ,r,'trxlyruttttic lunctions and the aerodynamic forces are then expressed in terms of an integral over tlrr' plxluct of an indicial lunction and thc structural motion. This approach, typically employed !r l,ttsl ttsponsc stuclics lirr aircrrrli, usually lcarls to cxplicit time-history calculations, but these ,rrr'ltvttitlctl in thc prcscrrt con(cx1. llctc lirrtc tlcpcntlcnl lilrrnulations will be transformed into '.ptt lr:rl, ol lrcrlrrcrrcy tlcpcrrtlcrrl, tlcscriptiorrs ol rt.sporrsc :rrnplituclcs. Iltts ptrrbk:rtt is llclrtctl rrrolt: y1t'lrt'r:rlly ilt Sr'tt. I i.1.,1. 260 n f nol Asi I t(: I 'l u N( )Mt NA r;(; ltt,l ll llN(i lll i;l'()rl:;t rN llll I'lrl l;l N(;l ()l At lr()t tA!,il{ response at any spanwisc soclion .r is rv(.r', l). 'l'hc losp()nse ctrrr bc writtcn in terms of generalized coordinates as : \ ai(x)p,(t) a(tr, t) * c,(x)a(x, t) * k"(x)a(x, t) ( will hc irssrrrrrctl lo lirke: M,,(K) rc.6.2) where pr(t) are the corresponding time-dependent generalized coordinates ol. the problem and o;(-r) are the torsional vibration modis. The equation of motion of the deck section x is I(x)ir(x, t) t,r; : JfL(x, t) (6.6.3) /(r) is thc local mass moment of inertia of the deck about the ell-ective r.l.ti'n axis ancl r',,(x) and k,,(x) are, respectively, the effective structural damping ancl stillhcss .l'thc sccti'n. To bring the generalized coordinates into the Iipi(t) where * 2(o,(2rno)bie) { is the generalized + (2rn,,)2p,(t)l : ttt ( (r. (r. ll ) I will lx: rlrrdorrr : M.(K) I Mg6(x - x1)cos 2rnt (6.6.e) - x1) is the Dirac delta function (see Eq. 5.1.11), so the generalized I.r('c, Eq. 6.6.7, becomes rvlrt'rc 6(x : pL )nlU"tXl + Mg6(x - x,)cos 2rntlu,(x) dx (6.6.10) ol' a(x, t) from Eq. 6.6.2 in Eqs. 6.6.8 and 6.6.10 implies thar calculation rll bc required of factors having the form I r:,t' u : I )ou'n'lnnrror"r", , *',.rfrxr,, Jlt(x, t) (6.6.4) inertia n ,.1 2Bl lk:lirrc applying the full random gust ntorncnt, lct a singlc sinusoidal com;xrrrr,:rrl of amplitude Mo and frequency n bc applied at spanwise section x : r, 'l'lrcn the applied distribution moment is Mo, M,,(t) lirrrt+ (willr il il{tMt NA rvlrt'tc K : 2rnBl U while the time-dcpcndont gusl conllillution tr,cc lrq. 6.6.1c). whcrc pnrblcm, Itq. 6.6.2 is used fbr .'(x, r) in Eq. 6.6.3. The result is then multiplied through by <r;(x) and integrated over the full span Z, yielding tltr.: t,t J, I@)a?@) dx (6.6.s) f-, and ndi are, respectively, the damping ratio and the natural frequency (Hz) in the ith torsion mode and Mo, isthe generalized force. Implicit use has been E 4@ [^t t;t")*,f"1 a, j Jo " rvlrcr.c G;7 : 4 r Gijpj(t) (6.6.11) : I3 oioi dx and made of the orthogonality relation ft )o l(x)a{x)a1(x) dx : O (i+j) I, ,U (6.6.6) : J, *o, : a;(x1) (6.6.12) l'lrt' lirst occurs in M.(K) and the second occurs in the single sinusoidal comrottr'ltt. Sirrce the modes ai(x) are dimensionless and of arbitrary scale, rrrt'rrt to normalize them arbitrarily, for example, setting I The generalized force M.,(t) has the form Mo, xt)oq@) dx t)a,(x) dx I f' : ; Jn aitxl d"x (6.6.7) The attention of the reader is drawn at this point to the similarity between Eqs. 6.6.2-6 -6 -5 and Eqs. 5 -2. r, 5.2.6, 5.2.7, and 5.2. g. Both sets iepict the usuar modal approach to a dynamics problem in a continuous structure. In the present context the distributed moment per unit span will have both self-excited and active, time-dependent components, the fomer associated with the motion and the latter a function of the gust velocity c.rrrprlrcnrs in thc atmospheric flow passing <lvcr r.hc structure. Thc scll'-c,",l ..,,,,,1.,.,,rr:nrs (scc I it is conve- (6.6. r3) 'Wrntl lunncl tests performed by thc wlilcrs havc tcndcd to indicate that the destabilizing effect ''l llrt scll oxcitcd ftrrces acting on a srtslrt:rrsiorr britlgc dcck is somewhat reduced by the presence in thc incidcnt llow. 'l'hc rrst' in cirlcrrl:rlions ol'acrodynamic coeflicients H,t and l' ,rbl:tinql unclcr sm<xrtlr lkrw totttliliorrs is llrt'rclirrr lhorrghl hcrc to bc conscrvative. Model r \lrliltl('ltls l(r-ll(rl crrtployirtg 1t:r'lrrrirprcs ol rrrrrLrrrr :rrr:rlysis ltavc shctl lurthcr light on thc cli'ect ,'l lrrtl)ttl('tlco ttpott lltc vrtlttcs ol //,+ :url .1,' lirrll t'x;rLllrliorrs ol'lhc cllcct ol'lrpplr)priatcly '',,r1|rl ltlrlrttlt'ttt't: tttt lltc llrrllertlt'tivitltvt':, ol lr;1111'1' rlt'r'lrs rr'rrr:rilr lo lrc titlrictl orrt. ,,1 lrrtlrttk:ttcc 262 Arnotlnt; n(; I't l N()Mt NA {; : L, but llurr. irr gcncral, lilr i *.i, rlrc valucs <ll' ar1.much less than L.It will bc assurnccl hcro that Gii U +.i ) is nogligihlc, which is reasonable for bridges in which /(x) is approximately constant acK)ss the span, as can be seen from Eq. 6.6.6. The net value of the generalized fbrcc one may then note that G;; Gi1 ;tttt (; lJ(,t II ilN(i ilt :;t,()N:,t tN ilil I'tit l;l NCI ()t nl li()t In:;lt(; t'ilt N()Mt Nn 2ti3 I "i':1,,,,(,(\) ('ialrvlv( r )l ((r (r.lO) M*, then is Mo,= p[JzB2Ll*ffnff + KzAtK)p,] + uoo,1*)cos 2trnt l'lrrrs, rcf'erring to Eqs. A2.29 and A2.33 (Appontlix A2), tlrc nrorrrcnl cosl)cctnun between sections x1 and x2 may be writtcn (6.6.14) s Equation 6.6.4, which describes the motion of the ith mode, may then be written with use of Eq. 6.6.14 t as Iilpi|) + 2t,",(2Tfi,)b,@ + (2ili.,)2p,(t)l: Msai(x)cos2rnt wherc new cfl-ective fiequency rio, and, damping that "r,: T-,: n'-, - nfrfrj| I "?ti [3 [! *t@nf (6.6.17) - (ntn")'fi4,qUfi (6.6.18) where sfa,^a'(n) is the co-spectrum of the buffeting moments M1 and M2 per unit span which act, respectively, at the coordinates x, and x2. Equation 6.6.1c describes the applied aerodynamic moment per unit span due to steady wind and gust components. In this equation, the moment and drag coefficients Cyand Cp are functions of the mean twist angle as(x) at the spanwise section x, and the velocity components u and u are also functions of x and time. For convenience the following notation is introduced: Cyllus(x)l = Clalas(x) + C,,1u,,{.01 l' lo yefas(x r,,t *,,( r I tlC s I .*s(r,rl 1a )lC'M[ag(x)t c',a[as(x )]c yfc,s(x 1), .ala.@)l \!' 8# fi# 8#) (6.6.21) (6.6.16) a;@)ai@)Sfr,u,@) dxr dxz t6rafi,t! {ft 2C r, -t 2C TaBfas(x)lC have been introduced such + ,'l* *1r,,,., i", u, (6.6.15) Equations 6.6.16 and 6.6.17 introduce the effect of the aerodynamic selfexcited forces into the response at frequency n. Equation 6.6.15 (i : 1,2,3, .. .) is similarin form to8q.5.2.7 forwhich the generalized force is given by Eq. 5.2.12.In Chapter 5 the system defined by Eq. 5.2.7 is analyzed under distributed random loading, leading to Eq. 5.2.38. Completely analogous steps hold here, yielding the following resuit for the spectrum of torsional response: S,(x, n) = i fi,,,{ n ) : | ), lrt, (6.6. t9) liv:rluation of CTap and C'7a at values 11 and -r2 requires knowledge of the mean rlt'llcction distribution os(x) over the span. This can be obtained by a static .trrrly of the type discussed in Sect. 6.4.1 or may be described in terms of the lorsional vibration modes by the expression os(x) : 2ltlpu'n'cr4to!"r)lcvi(xr) i 4T-n;,1,- dx' - ,..' o''(x\ (6'6'22\ rvlrich is a result derived from Eq. 6.6.4by neglecting all time-dependent terms. f lrr: solution of Eq. 6.6.22 for a given wind velocity u requires an iterative :rppnlach, starting conveniently with ao : 0. lnEq.6.6.21 the co-spectra Srt*r(n) and lfi.,@) are negative in value and .rlrlrrcciably smaller in magnitude than lf,,,r(r) and Sfi,,(n); they may conservrrt ivcly be neglected. 'l'hc root mean square of the fluctuating torsional response at section x is o'1x; : f- )n s*{x. nldn (6.6.23t I',"rrk values of the fluctuating torsional response may be obtained by following ',tt'ps sirnilar to those of scct. -5.3. Mcthods of calculation relative to the quanlrlrcs rlrcntioned abovc arc tliscrrssr.:tl in ('haptcr 13. Il'tlro vcrtical (bcncling) r'eslx)nsc ol tlrc brirlgc is written as h(.r.r) )J/r,{r)r7,u) (t l,2....) 16 6.241 264 AEnofl Asltc t,lt {;t; ltt,lllllN(illliil'()l'Jl;l N()Mt NA where /z;(x) are the verlical bcnding rrroclcs ol'vibration arrtl r7; 1rc lhc gcncralized coordinates for these modes, thcn, by a proccss cor.nplctcly arraklgous to that described above for torsion, the spcctrum o1'the vertical rosponsc can be shown to be Sn(x, n?@ n) = i 13 r6ran|,tvt! [! h,@,1h,(xr)s?.,r,(n) ctxr ctxz (ntnp;212 + +yf,1ntrr;t] {[t - lt'J llll I'llllilN(:l ()l nllll)lln:,ll( l'lllt'l{rlvlltl^ 265 Ilrt' rrrcarr, nlciul s(luiu(' irrttl pclk vcrlicirl r'(:slxrrsr'b r'rrtt llrt'tt lrt' t rtlt'til;rlt'rl. irs lirr lolsirlrtrrl lL:sponsc, by lollownrll rlt';rs srtttillt lo lltrtst' ol Sc:c:t.5.3. 'lo calculatc |hc ulong-winrl rcsponsc, contpletcly rulrloplorrs pttter'tlttres to llrosc abovc arc uscd, thc basic lbrcing lirrtcliorr bcirtg tltc tlnrg lrs givcrt by 1,.t1. (r.6. la; a knowledge of along-wind vibra(iou rtttttlcs is irlso rctlrritetl. rv:rs irrtlica(crl lrlrove (6.6.2s) where 6.6.3 Outline of the General Buffeting Response Problem of Linelike Structures nL M:1, m1x1hl1x1 dx l.r't the across-wind bending and torsional modes of a symmetrical linelike r,lrrrcturex be representedby hi@) and a;("r) as in Sect. 6.6.2, so that sectional is the generalized inertia, m(x) being the deck section mass per unit length, n1r, the natural frequency* in the ith mode, and ;,,, the aerodynamically influ- tlt'llcctions h and q (Fig. 6.5.1) under dynamic excitation enced system damping defined by :(n : (n, . - pB2L .,. n ,M UfK) i, (6.6.26) where K : 2rBnlU and f1,, is the mechanical damping ratio in the ith mode. The co-spectrum of the time-dependent lift forces z1 and Lzper unit length of span, which act respectively at span points xr andx2, is (from Eq. sf,,,(n) : l* rr, 4' l+c,too{,1)l t 1)lCL6[c.s(x), 2 C Tfc's(x c1[cve(x)] -t C;s[c.s(x 1)]C Lr1oq(x), dC,l El":*0r., + A U Cpfuo@)l a(x,t):lo.{x)p{t) (6.6.2eb) Mi[Qi + 216(2rnn)ei -t (2rn1,)zqil : Ii[Fi + 2(*,(2rn.,)b, + (Zrn.,)2pil : I, "O, t)hi@) dx J. **, t).,i@) (6.6.30a) dx (6.6.30b) S(x, r) and 5lt(x, /) are, respectively, the lift and moment per unit span r of the span. ln order to obtain the necessary system admittance functions, J(x, l) and :)lt(.r, /) are alternately specified in the following manners. For lift-associated r.vlrcre :rl scction (6.6.27) ;rr where C'yefas(x)l : (6.6.29a) Analogously to previous formulations (Sect. 6.6.2) the equations of motion fi# fi#) h(x,t):Vh{x)q{t) (rrrtrchanically uncoupled about the centerline) become 6# * 2C yfag(x2)lC Ln[cxor,)t fi# are (6.6.28) *There is no aerodynamic inllucncc in this casc upon the natural Irctlucrrcy, owirrg to lhc assumcrl absence in thc basic rrxxlcl ol tcrnts in l. I llrrittances, S,(x, t) : Lt t 5lL(x' t) : M" l"ei2""'67x - xrl ior rnoment-associated adtnillitnccs, tlror rrnsyrrrrrrctrical slrlrclurcs (,t / 0, lirl rr lort'c rrrrtl ll)on)cnl rclcrtctl 1o lltt' t'litsltr' ;trtr r 1), llr(' lr'('irlnl('nl is anakrgous, with aorodynamic 266 At n()t lnl;lc I'lr NoMr Nn ltl llltl fl{:l !, -:'1r,, ril, 26/ REFERENCES , M,,,,i,,,,,,61x - x,1 I). J..lohns r:t ll., "()n Winrl-lntluccrl lrrslrrlrilrlit's ol ()1x'tr litttk'tl ('itt'ttl:rt Cylindrical Shclls," in Pnxvulings tl'tltt' ('t t'ttt'r' ttrt lltlrlt'r' Sltttltttl ,\n rtt' turcs,The Haguc, 1969. A. M. Haas irrttl ll. virrt Kolerr (etls.). lrrslitrrle 'l'N() lirr Building Matcrials and Structurcs, I)clli,'l'lre Ncthcllirntls. pp. lt{5 212. L. R. Wootton, M. H. Warner, R. N. Sainslrrrry, urtrl l). ll. (l<xrpcr', Osrilltttiort o.f Piles in Marine Structures, Construction lntlustry llcscarch and lnlirrrnation Association, London, Report No. 4l , 1912. R. King, M. Prosser, and D. J. Johns, "On Vortex Excitation of Model Piles in Water," J. Sound Vib.,29 (1973), 169-188. R. E. D. Bishop and A. Y. Hassan, "The Lift and Drag Forces on a Circular Cylinder Oscillating in a Flowing Fluid," Proc. Roy. Soc., London, Series A, rr I Modified equations of motion (6.6.30) can then be written that are similar Eq. to 6.6.15 though now coupled by the presence of the full set of unsteady motion derivatives proportional to HI and Af . From these equations, aero- rr .) dynamically modified mechanical admittances can be calculated analogously to previous results, but now for two coupled equations. The results, representing ( l) the across-wind deflection due to a concentrated harmonic lift at section x1, (2) the torsional deflection due to a concentrated harmonic lift at x1, (3) the across-wind deflection due to a concentrated harmonic moment atxy, and (4) the torsional deflection due to a concentrated harmonic moment at x1, may be designated, respectively, Hnr(x, xr, /t), Hot(x, xr, n), HnuQ, x1, n), and Ho1a(x, rr I (r 'l (r 'r G. V. Parkinson, G. Feng, and N. Ferguson, "Mechanisms of Vortex-Excited Oscillations of Bluff Cylinders,' ' Proceedings of the Symposium on Wind Effects on Buildings and Structures, Loughborough University of Technology, rr (r N. Ferguson and G. V. Parkinson, "Surface and Wake Phenomena of VortexExcited Oscillations of BluffCylinders," "/. Eng. Ind., ASME,89 (1967), 831- '] where L1, and M. are the self-excited aerodynamic span given by Eqs. 6.5.4. lifi and momcnt per unit 277 (1964),5r-74. xt, n). Assuming now that the structure is subjected to a distributed buffeting lift L(x, t) and moment M(x, t) as defined by Eqs. and, the spectra of across-wind bending and torsional response can be calculated by integrating elemental effects. Designating by 51,p, Sr,u, 5u,4, and S1a,7a, the cross-spectra corresponding respectively to the lifts and moments at x1 and x2 as suggested by their subscripts, the following typical expression for vertical response spectrum S6(x, n) is obtained: s{x' n) : 838. (t I R. T. Hartlen, W. D. Baines, and I. G. Currie, Vortex-Excited Oscillations of a Circular Cylinder, University of Toronto Technical Report No. 6809, To- (r li rr 1) G. H. Toebes, "The Unsteady Flow and Wake Near an Oscillating Cylinder," Trans. ASME, J. Basic Eng.,9l (1969), 493-505. ronto, 1968. fL fL J. J" lHft6' x1' n\Hv(x' x2' n)s7,1,(n) + Hfr@, x1, n)H61fx, x2, n)Sy,yr(n) + HftAx, x1, n)H1,1(x., xy, + Htt{x, x1, n)H1,1fx, x2 n)S7a,7ar(n)l dxr dxz n)S11a,yr(n) where F1* denotes the complex conjugate of F1. It should be remarked that both the mean speed of the flow and the values of lift and moment may, in the above expressions, be a function of x. In that case modal orthogonality relations can no longer be used (e.g., as was done in Eq. 6.6.14), and the expressions forthe modified admittances become more elaborate; however, the attendant calculations can be conveniently programmed for electronic computers. 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Yokoyama, "Some Approaches for Improving Wind Stability of Cable-Stayed Girder Bridges," in Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Wind Effects on Buildings and Structure,r, London, 1975, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1976, pp.241-249. (r l(t Y. Otsuki, K. Washizu, H. Tomizawa, and A. Ohya, "A (r "/J (t ltl Note on the Aeroelastic Instability of a Prismatic Bar with Square Section," J. Sound Vib.,34, 2 (1914),233-248. H. Loiseau and E. Szechenyi, "Etude du comportement adro6lastique du tablier d'un pont ) haubans," T.P. 1975-75, Office National d'Etudes et de Recherches ,46rospatiales, Chdtillon, France. R. H. scanlan and K. S. Budlong, "Flutter and Aerodynamic Response con- siderations for Bluff Objects in a Smooth Flow, " in Proceedings of the IUTAMIAHR Symposium on Flow-lnduced Vibratiors, Karlsruhe, West Germany, 1972, E. Naudascher (ed.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1974, pp. 339-354. Overhead Transmission Lines," J. Sound Vib.,20,4 (1972), 417-M9. K. R. cooper, A wind Tunnel Investigation of rwin Bundled power corurucrors, Report No. LTR-LA-96, NAE, NRC, Ottawa, Canada, 1972. tr /9 R. H. J. A. Watts, K. R. Cooper, and R. L. Wardlaw, proposed Wind Tunnel Tests Programs for Bundled Conductor Subspan Oscillations, Report No. LTR_LA99, NAE, NRC, Ottawa, Canada, 1972. R. H. Scanlan, A wind runnel Investigation of Bundled power-Line conductors, Part VI. Obsenations on the Problem, Report No. LTR-LA-121, NAE, NRC, Ottawa, Canada, 1972. T. Theodonen, General rheory of Aerodynamic Instability and the Mechanism of Fluter, NACA Report No. 496, 1935. (r l{0 tr R. H. Scanlan and R. Rosenbaum, Aircrafi vibration and Flutter, Macmillan, New York, l95l (reprint, Dover, 1968). (r fl.l A. G. Davenport, t, l{;l A. G. Davenport, "The Response of Slender, Linelike 6-68 Y. C. Fung, The Theory of Aeroelastict4,, Wiley, New york, 6-69 R. L. Bisplinghoff, H. Ashley, and R. L. Halfman, Aeroelasticity, Addison- 6-70 Wesley, Cambridge, MA, 1955. R. L. Bisplinghoff and H. Ashley, Principles of Aeroelasti.i/.y, Wiley, New York, ntl 1117. J.-G. B6liveau, R. Vaicaitis, and M. Shinozuka, "Motion of a Suspension Bridge Subject to Wind Loads," J. Stuct. Div., ASCE, 103, No. 5T6 (1977), lll K. R. Cooper and R. L. Wardlaw, "Aeroelastic Instabilities in Wakes," in Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Wind Effects on Buildings and Structures, Tokyo, 1971, Saikon, Tokyo, 1972,pp.647-655. (r 1J2 H. W. Liepmann, "On the Application of Statistical Concepts to the Buffeting Problem," J. Aeronaut. Sci., 19, 12 (Dec. 1952),793-800,822. "The Application of Statistical Concepts to the Wind Loading of Structures," Proc. Inst. Civ. Eng., 19 (1961), 449-472. Structures to a Gusty Wind," Proc. Inst. Civ. Eng.. 23 (1962), 389-407. A. G. 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Sithzcvltri, "lixpetrttctrlirl Arrrrrlyn;rrrrrr ('nr,llrr tr'irt,i rir thc Arurlyticirl Slutly ol'Suspcrrsiorr lllitlp.e lrlutlcl ." .l [tlr't li I'trt, ,\, r , l l, t bon, 1966, pp.273-284. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Wind Effects on Buildings and Structures, Tokyo, 1971, Saikon, Tokyo, 1972, pp. &j-655. 6-63 2l l (t'14 T. Okubo and N. Narita, "A 6-60 A. simpson, "wake-Induced Flutter of Circular cylinders: Mechanical Aspects," Aeronaut. Q. (May l97l), l0l-118. K. R. Cooper and R. L. Wardlaw, "Aeroelastic Instabilities in Wakes," in !; :rrtrl St'll lirt'illrl lt('sl)()ns('s ol a lllull s(ntetun. in :r 'l'trl'lttllcltl Wintl," tkrloritl tlnst'tl;tltott. l)r'llrrllrrt'lrl ol'('ivil lingirrcr.,lirrlg, l'r'incelorr Onivclsity, lt)'/ /. 272 6-87 At I tot R. l(l l'l ll N( )MI NA l). lllcvirrs.l;lov,-lnrlucrtl l,'iltrttttrtrt,ltl etl., Vrut Noslnttttl ltcitrlroltl, New York, 6-88 I n fi I 1990. CHAPTER 7 B. J. Vickery, and R. L Basu. "At'nrss Wirrtl Vibrations ol'Structttrcs ol'(lit' cular Cross-Section, Part l, Dovckrprrrcnl ol' a 'l'wtl-Dinrcnsional Mtilol lirr Two-Dimensional Conditions," "/. Wind. Ett11. Ind. Aentdyn, 12 (l9tt3)' 49*73. 6-89 6-90 R. I. Basu, and B. J. Vickery, "Across-Wind Vibrations of Structures of Circular Cross-Section, Part 2, Development of a Mathematical Model for Full Scale Application," "/. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn., 12 (1983), 15-97. D. J. B. Richards, "Aerodynamic Properties of the Severn Crossing Conductor," Proceedings of the Symposium on Wind Efects on Buldings and Strut'' tures, Yol.II, National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, U.K., Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London 1965, pp. 688-765. 6-91 6-92 O. M. Griffin and R. A. Skop, "The Vortex-Induced Oscillations of Structures," J. Sound Vib., 4 (1976),303-305. K. Y. R. Billah, "A Study of Vortex-Induced Vibration," Doctoral disserta- 6-93 tion, Princeton University, Princeton, (1989). I. Goswami, R. H. Scanlan, and N. P. Jones, "Vorlex-Induced Vibrations ol' 6-94 6-95 6-96 Circular Cylinders. I: Experimental Data; II: New Model," J. Eng. Mech., r19 (1993), 2210-2302. F. Ehsan and R. H. Scanlan, "Vortex-Induced Vibration of Flexible Bridges," J. Eng. Mech., ff6 (1990), 1392-l4ll. E. H. Dowell (ed.), A Modern Course in Aeroelasticirlr (Chapter 6: "Aeroelastic Problems of Civil Engineering Structures"), Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1995. E. Simiu and R. H. Scanlan, Wind Effects on Structures, 2d ed., Wiley, New York. 6-97 1986. R. H. Scanlan, "Problematics in Formulation of Wind-Force Models for Bridge Decks," J. Eng. Mech., ff9 (1993), 1353-1375. 6-98 S. Murakami, A. Mochida, and S. Skamoto, "CFD Analysis of Wind-Structure Interaction for Oscillating Square Cylinder," in Wind Engineering, Proceedings, Ninth International Conference, Eastern New Delhi, Wiley, New York, pp. 671-682, 1995. 6-99 C. F. Christensen and O. Ditlevsen, "Fatigue Damage from Random Vibration Pulse Process of Tubular Structural Elements Subjected to Wind," in Proceedings, Third International Conference on Stochastic Structural Dynamics, San Juan, Puerto Rico, Jan. 15-18, 1995. 6-100 E. Simiu and G. R. Cook, "Empirical Fluidelastic Models and Chaotic Galloping: A Case Study," J. Sound Vibration,154 (1992),45'66. 6-101 M. Frey and E. Simiu, "Noise-Induced Chaos and Phase Space Flux," Physica D,63 (1993),321-340. WIND TUNNELS ,\ltlrough the science of theoretical fluid mechanics is well developed and orrrputational methods are experiencing rapid growth, it remains necessary to I't'rlirrrn physical experiments to gain needed insights into many complex effects , flow. This is the case in the well-established field of for which wind tunnels were first developed, and, to an even ;r:sociatcd with fluid ,rt'rorrirutics, 1'rt"rrtcr extent, in the practical study of buildings, structures, and machines that '.1;rnrl in the earth's near-surface atmospheric layer. lior the most part such structures have been designed for other purposes than ;,r,rvitling minimal resistance to the air moving about them. They have therelort'. in recent decades, been the focus of what is termed bluff-body aerodyrr,rrrrics. In such aerodynamics there is much emphasis on flows around sharp , r)nlcrs, on separated flows, and so forth. These situations are among the most rrr'()n(lite when it comes to both theoretical and computational methods. The rvrrrl tunnel is thus naturally resorted to as an investigative tool in this context. I'ypically the full-scale bluff body is immersed in a turbulent atmospheric llrrw lrlachsbart determined as early as 1932 (see Sect.4.6.2 and Fig. 4.6.4) tlr;rl sirnulations of the aerodynamic behavior of buildings should be conducted rrr rl,irrtl tunnel flows with characteristics similar to those of the natural wind. t 'rrrlcrrtly, the vast majority of tests are carried out in wind tunnels that simulate ,rtrrrosphcric flows. (In some instances tcsts in smooth flow are still accepted, lrrr 1'x'1111p1s, in the case ol'lrurssccl fiameworks-see Sect. 4.5 and Chapter | ' ol lirr prcliminary invcstiglrliorrs ol'thc gcrlrnetric shape of bridge deck ',, t liorr rrrorlcls. H<twcvcr, (lrcst' insltrrrt'cs iu'(' tlrc cxccption rather than the rrrlt').'l'ltr:lc is thcrolillc il iilri)rl', inl('t'sl irr glrinirrg a knowlcclgc-firr latcr ','Ptrttltteliort in lltc wintl luturt'l ol llrt'rlrlrrrc ol wintl llows irr thc ctrrlh's 273 274 / I lt^til( j l;lMll Alllli nt {rtiutf wrNl) tt,NNt t:i (hc witttl tttltttol boundary laycr; "l"argct" charuc(clistit's to be tltrlllic:alctl in are acquired from meteorological ilrvcrstiliirliolts ol' tho attnospltcric boundary layer (see Chapter 2 and l7- ll to l7-41). Simulation occurs at reduced getltnctric scalc fbr obvious reasons oi cconomy and convenience. The question of scale then opens up the whole area tll' physical similitude and the necessary underlying theory, which places emphasis on'u ,"t of dimensionless numbers and/or similarity criteria applicable to both flow and test models of structures placed in it. With characteristics of the target flow and scale factors for similitude established, it soon becomes apparent that certain of the model criteria established for similarity cannot in fact be satisfied under typical, everyday test conditions. The wind tunnel modeler is thus launched upon a series of inevitable compromises that render his task complex, revealing ii as an art of both perfotmance and interpretation rather than an exact science. A basic discussion of similarity criteria is presented in Sect. 7.1. Wind tunnels usecl in civil engineering applications are briefly described in Sect' 7'2, which also includcs comments on some difficulties in achieving similarity between wincl tunnel and atmospheric flows. Section 7.3 is devoted to scaling problems, insotar as they affect the aerodynamic and aeroelastic behavior of ihe models to be tested, and to the question of wind tunnel blockage. Section 7.4 reviews some attempts to validate results of wind tunnel tests by comparisons with full-scale *"uru."-.nts. Information on general wind tunnel testing rechniques is provided in [7-5] to [7-10]. Reference [7-11] is a useful compendium on wind tunnel modeling for civil engineering applications and inin particular, useful information on modern wind tunnel instrumenta- "lud"r, tion. 7.1 BASIC SIMILARITY REQUIREMENTS ',r,rttrrl ltlUtlysis ltirsCtl ott lr sct ol'physicirl l)iuilntclt' th it:i:,unt(.(l (! tlr,' wintl tunncl llow. tltf ; 215 l,n(ttt lo ;111,.,'1 I I "1 Dimensional Analysis l'rt t'oltcrctcness, lct it be assumed that thc lilrcc /,'tlcvclo;x'rl sontcwlrr.r't.on ;r lrotly itnmersed in a flowing fluid is a lirrrcliorr only ol'tlrrr lirlkrwirrg six l';il;ililctcrs: density p, flow velocity U, sonrc typical dirrrcnsion 1), sonrc I'rcrlur'rr('y rr, fluid viscosity p, and gravitational acceleration g. One writes n ! p"rfn'rut'g( (7.1.1) l'lrt'rt' rv, . . . , f are exponents to be determined. There are three basic quantrtr('ri: nrass M, length L, and time T, to which all of the above parameters are rlrrirt'rrsionally related. Writing the dimensional equivalent of each of the quanrllrr's in Eq.7.l. I results in the following dimensional equality: Y! t (y)"(n)',.' (;)'(#) (#)' (7 .1.2) Ir',rrr which the following three independent equations are obtained by equating ,,,r rt's;xlnding exponents: M: 1:o*e L: 1:-3cv+B+-y-e+f T: _2:_p _6_e_Zf (7 .1.3) l lrt'sc cquations may now be solved for any three of the exponents in terms rrl llrt' r'crnairring three; for example, In analyzing any problem-more particularly one that is expected to be studied experimentally-it is usual to identify a set of governing dimensionless parameters. These parameters are in certain cases obtained by first writing the partial differential equations that describe the physical system at hand. These equations are then rendered dimensionless by dividing each of the key variables by a reference value having corresponding dimension. When the process is completed, a number of dimensionless groups emerge as factors goveming the physical behavior of the system. Maintaining the values of such groups intact i-- on" situation (prototype) to another (model) will automatically ensure similarity. In the case of fluid flow, this process involves the conservation equationi for mass, momentum, and energy, together with the equation of statc of ttr" fluid. These are written and converted to dimensionless form in thc manner describccl. In thc prcscnt chapter, however, an ltllcrnitlivc: ltnd simplcr 'l'lris is rt tliltrcnmethod fbr arriving al lho rliutonsionlcss gft)ups will srrllit'c. trr,l cv:1-e 0:2-€-6-2f 7:2-e*6+f (7 .t.4) irlrr'rrt't' it is seen that p ! pt eg2-e-b p' !-- ,l tt tr ( 2fD2-E+6+(16rert 'i; )' ( ,,"",,) (?i )' (7.1.s) (7 .1.6) 276 wtNf) r UNNII rl / t ilntit(] lil[]4il Aililr ilt r,lt ,iltl Ml r!||; it fbllows that thc dirncnsionlcss lirrcc cocllicicnl* I;lpIJ)l)) is a function of the dimensionless numbers DnlIl , p"l pIlD, and Dglu). The dimensionless numbers mentioned are of coursc alrcady wcll known in fluid mechanics. For example, when n is the frequency n, of vorlex shcdding from a bluff obiective of cross-sectional dimension D, then From this .:s Dn- (1 U tvltclc tt., is lher shcirr, or'll'it'l iorr, vcrlocily, lrrrl .t,, ts It'rrgllr (scc'l'ablc: 2.2.l). Notc lhirt U :GO (7.1.8) 5t:- l.t' 'l'hus simple analysis reveals the several dirnensionless groups that play key r,lt:s in wind tunnel similitude, particularly in aiding the transfer of results lrorn experimental model to full-scale prototype. 'l'hough it is not directly pertinent to the present discussion, it is worth |.irrting out here that, were thermal effects to be included in the above analysis, tlrrr:c additional commonly occurring dimensionless numbers would rurrrtcly: (7. 1. l0) I'randtl number: go : lpl/) is tccognizcrl rrs lltc tlynlrtttic l)rcssurc FCP K (7.1.t2) lickert number: nu' Coo (7.1.13) F,, ': iil; lirrrr llrt'llcrrrorrlli ",:+(#) (7 .1.14) r'lrcrc Q is specific heat at constant pressure, K is thermal conductivity, and t/ is absolute temperature. Note that the Richardson number consists of a diilr('nsionless temperature divided by a Froude number; G; plays an impor"tant r'k: in thermally induced convection in the atmosphere. Because this ihapter r:r t'oncemed principally with mechanical effects, the last three numbers are not ,'rrrphasized in what follows. 7.1.2 Basic Scaling Considerations *Typically coefficients of lift force F. and drag force F, are written where "-".g", v !6t5 a U4lg c .t .t t) (7.1.9) viscosity has an order of magnitude near the ground given by F, - iirr. (7 l{ichardson number: UD which is sometimes more specifically called the molecular Reynolds number when z : pl p is the kinematic molecular viscosity of the fluid. In some applications (see Sects. 2.1 .2 and 4.4), a turbulent Reynolds number may bc employed in which z is replaced by /tu.b, an "eddy" or "turbulence" kinematic viscosity. It is tentatively suggested, in [7-12] that in the atmosphere such a c, u.l D,,< is called the Rossby number. The group y.l pUD is the reciprocal of the well-known Reynolds number 6l€-' oUD ll7l. lrinally, thc rocipr<lcal ol'thc group /),q/l/'' is t'rllcrl lft' lirotttlt' ttrtttrltt,t.: quantity Dfr slr.lir(.c rlrrp, lit1. 7. l. lO yit.ltls t.orrslrlcrrtbly lowt.r.virlucs llr:rrr lh<rsc suggcslctl (irlso lcrrrlativcly) irr 12 .1.7) is the well-known Strouhal number. When n is n-, a characteristic mechanical frcqucncy associated with a structure, then Dn^lU is termed the reduced frequ(n(y relative to a steady flow past the structure of velocity U; its reciprocal Uln,,,D is the associated reduced velocity. The group nzlU-where z is height abovc ground, n rcprcsents a frequency associated with a component of variablc wind vcl<rcity, and U is mean wind velocity-is a dimensionless frequency.f' (called thc Monin coordinate) often used as abscissa in depicting wind velocity spectra (see Eq. 2.3.17). Further, if n is replaced by the circular frequency./. : 2<,r sin @, which is the Coriolis parameter (where c,r is the rotational speed of the earth in radians/second and S is the latitude-see Eq. 1.2.3), then the lltr Z7.l r'r1r:rtiorr (str lul. ,1. 1.20) It will bc rccognizcd in lhe: cottsirlt'r';rliorr ol'tlirrrt.nsionlcss numbcrs ab6vc thut rut tlislincti<ln is lnarlc ils l() s()ut1'(' or.or.i1,.lr ol'lr givcn paritnrclcr: il cirrr ltc llrritl' s(ructural, <trolltcr. l;ot'cxirttrplt', :r lt'rr1illr, llt.rlucrrt'y, rlcrrsity, or vr' ttut,y lrtr itssociltlcltl willr rlrrt'r'lt;tt;tt'lr'u:.l rt ol llrt' llrritl or slrtrclul.r, irrurrt,r.sctl irr I i 278 wlNl) lt,NNl lli / t llnl;t(: ritMil Attil r nt rrr fiil it. This implics IhaI rutirts anr()ng strch rluirrr(i(ir:ri nlr.rsl ltc tttititttltittctl ctltts(itll( from prototype to model. For cxatttplc, il' p,, antl p/ arc thc ilcrtsity ol' lhc structure and of the fluid, respectively, thcn (fi). : (",,), (:'i,'),, lcsl NI:, 2'l.J (/.1.1()) (''i,') ,r'lr- llrc li'cquency l;t'ulc )r,, l'<tr ull pcrtincrrt Mt lr.t't1ut.rrt'it.s (7. l . ls) ,\u p refer respectively to model and prototype. Sincc this holds as well for geometric ratios and geometric shapes in general, it implies that all model shapes must be geometrically similar to prototype shapes and that, for example, vibrational modal shapes of prototype structure must bc maintained in the corresponding model. Likewise frequencies from all sources must bear the samc ratios to each other in model as in prototype' Further, sincc oscillatory deflcctions must maintain proper proportionality from prototype to (1.t.20) where the subscripts m and \ilr()s('tcciprocal is the time scale X7.. It rrury be emphasized at this point in this illustrative discussion that \r, \r,, ,rrrrl tr,, lrave been fixed either arbitrarily or in consequence of some unavoidable i rrt rrrilstilnce. we now inquire as to the consequence of invoking Froude num- l','r sirrrilitude, requiring model, dirncnsionlcss damping ratios that affect such deflections must remain the same in prototype and model. There now may be examined a typical set of scaling factors together with the process by which they are set. Three such factors may be arbitrarily chosen. The first might be an arbitrary length scale: _D^ (#)^:(#), r2 ' x.\, (7.1.16) 'Dp :l (7 .t.21) (7 .1.22) lrt'tt' L" is the gravitational scale factor. In most instances gravitational effects rlu.,t lro considered to be the same in model and prototype, so \, : 1, whence rt set, for example, by comparison of model size to prototype size. (It will be seen subsequently what particular considerations enter into the setting of a length scale when turbulence is involved.) A second choice might be a con- \r: J\. (t .1.23) venient velocity scale x,,, : U^ -:r UI' (1 .t.17) r'lrt'rr liroude scaling is respected, this may contradict an original choice for Ar lrr rn<lst cases it is convenient to accede to Froude number scaling, adjusting ,t, ,rlt'orclingly, whence frequency scaling takes the value \r:l/ set perhaps by available wind tunnel speeds compared to expected natural wind JI" (7 .1.24) speeds, and a third might be a density scale -P- (7.r.18) Pp \rr'rrtiorr kr gravitational effects may be required for certain structures (e.g., or for certain cases where convective air motions are iml,'rrl:ur(. As noted above, the latter are disregarded in the present discussion. \\'t' rrow rnay examine the effect of invoking Reynolds number scaling: ',rr',Pr'rrsi()rr bridges) usually forced upon the experimentalist by fixed circumstances (e.g., testing in airof the same density as that surrounding the prototype, whence Xo : l). Given the fundamental exigencies of mass, length, and time, the three fixcd scale choices, once madc, condition all others in conscqucncc ol'the requircment that the dimcnsionlcss groups maintain their conslitrtcy l'trlttt l)K)totypc to model and vicc vcrs1. 'l'hrrs, lilr cxanrplc, thc rcducctl I't'etlrrcrtt'y rctlttirctrtcn( ("',',,") ll Irolo( ltncl tttotlcl (+) (7 .1.2s) ltlc lrollt itt irit rrrrrlt'r'lrlrrxrspltc:ric conditi<lns, Rcynolds rrrunlrt'r scllirrg rcrlrrilc:s sirrrlrl-y llrirl A1tr1 I or' 280 wrNr) rt,NNt ll ^r, l/^/ Arcr'prs ,., -,,,,,,,,,,,. ,;:.;" ;,,,:" ,.' ;,, ;,.::, :,':,;,::.',,, ,,.-, "',:. lcw, il'irrry, lrrlxrr:rloly invr.sligltigrrs ol lhc lrottntlitly laycI l.ylre, havc hccrr t].1.26) rlt'vtltcd t<l thc sirtttllltliott ol'rlownsl<lpc wintls, lrrrllicirrr., crylwalls, trlrnacl'cs, ;rrrtl thundcrstorllls. (Ntltc, lrowcver, thc tcn(ativc sirrrrrllrtion ol'tornado-inclucctl which is, in general, in sharp conllict wilh olhcr rcquircr.ncnts sct ahovc, ftrr example with: x/: Jt lorccs in J7-151.) 'l'unnels used fbr civil engineering purposcs havc cnrss sections that rarcly t'xcccd 3 m x 3 m. (A notabre exceptirn is thc g m x g m tunnel of the Nrrli.nal Research Councir, ottawa, canacra.) Three types of wind tunnels have lrt'.rr used for simulating atmospheric flows. They arl referred to as long tun_ ,r'ls, short tunnels, and tunnels with active devices, and are described in sects. I )'1., 7 -2.2, and 7.2.3, respectively. Sections 7.2.4 and 7.2.5 comment on tlrc possible effects of violating the Reynolds and Rossby number similarity rt't;uirements upon the simulation of flow turbulence. (t .1.21) in the case of Froude scaling. Thus Reynolds number scaling is seen to be incompatible with the prior setting of length and velocity scales unless testing is undertaken at full scale X. : 1. Another view of the same effect is that, for example, under Froude scaling, Reynolds number scaling is hugely distorted: \*":9+:\r,\r-\jrz (Ge), To illustrate, if X/. : (7 .1.28) 7.2.1 Long Wind Tunnels 1/300, then / I \t'' :r,* I x'":(:oo) (7 .1.29) indicating a tcst Rcynolds number less than one five-thousandth of G" for the prototype. It is notcd that some aeronautical testing achieves Reynolds numbers closer to prototype values by using rarefield or compressed fluids, or fluids with lower kinematic viscosity than air, such as freon. A further recent stage involves use of gases at cryogenic temperatures t7-131. Rossby number scaling also proves to be intractable under most circumstances, since an equivalent Coriolis acceleration effect (as represented byl.) cannot practically be realized to the frequency scale Xn mentioned above. Such an effect would require some means for imparting lateral acceleration to the flow, which is not easily achieved, 12-281,12-291, V-141. Thus normal wind tunnel testing in air under standard gravity and atmospheric conditions typically entails fundamental scale violations of the Reynolds and of the Rossby number. 7.2 WIND TUNNEL SIMULATIONS OF ATMOSPHERIC FLOWS To achieve similarity between the model and the prototype, it is desirable to reproduce at the requisite scale the characteristics of the atmospheric flows expected to affect the structure of concern (see Sects. 4.6 and 4.7). Thcsc characteristics have been outlined in Chapter 2.They inclucic (l) thc'variation of the mean wind spccd with height, (2) the variation ol' lrrrlrrrlt'ncc intcnsitics and integral scalcs with hcight, and (3) thc spcc(rrr irrttl r'r'oss slx'('tr:r ol-turbulcncc in tho lrlrlng wirttl, rrctrtss-wirttl, ltntl vcrticltl rlitr't ltotts lrr lrng wind tunnels ([7-16,7-17]) a boundary layer with a typical depth of o 5 to I m develops naturally over a rough floor oi the order oi)o to 30 m in It'rrgth (Figs. 7 .2.r u-541, 7.2.2, 7.2.3). The depth of the boundary layer can lrt' increased by placing at the test section entrance passive devices or tn" typ", rlt'scribed in Sect. 7.2.2. s,ch an artificial increase may be necessary, particrlrr'ly in simulations of flow over the ocean or over terrain with low or moderate r'rrghness. The height of most tunnels may be adjusted to increase slightly rvrtlr position downstream. The purpose of such an adjustment is to achieve a /('11) pressure gradient streamwise, which would otherwise not obtain, owing trr losses associated with flow friction at the walls and with internal lrrt'lion due to turbulence. Atmospheric turbulence simulations in long wind tunnels are probably the that can be achieved in the present state of the art. However, even when l';rssivc devices such as spires are not used, similitude between the turbulence rrr thc laboratory flow and in the atmosphere is generally not achieved (see t'r'rs- 7.2.5 and7.3.1). The rack of similitude becomes stronger if, for ex_ ,rrrrlrlc, spires are employed (see Sect. j.Z.Z). 7 "2.2 Short Wind Tunnels Irrrrrcls used foraeronautical purposes are usually designed fortesting in smooth ll,vv ilnd therefore need not have long test seciions. tutuny such tJnnels have lrr't'rr coflvefted for use in civir cngineering applications by adding, at the test rirrr cntrance, passivc dcviccs, such as grids, barrierr, r"n."rlund "r't spires, tlr:rr gc:ncrate a thick bounrlirry lrrygr.. 'l'lrr: il<xrr.f the test section, which is rr"rr;rlly <ln thc order tll'5 rtr lorrli, is t'ovt'n'tl wilh nlr.rghncss clcrlcrrts (l;ig. 1 ' "Il Vitritltts typcs. slrrrPes, irrrrl r'rrrrlrirrirliorrs ,rl';lrrssivc rlcviccs l1rvt, lrct.rr ',rrlilicslctl arrtl corrlrrcnl(:(l ulx)n rrr |/ l{rl to l7 .}51. * 1) itt UC L) \ ri, ,\ ={l \ t |'r:t "r, ;21 ; jtr L r:- cblt a )4 =.y OO, = 4,. 20 o. {--Dirtance ..1 u:- 11 1) '- c z\ .) cF ,, !' l,' l() ' ilr lil,tl,. N(,1| =-J E l-J W)\tt,u ttl- ca '= \ \-H l--l --: g'E j .rril{i,irnr.Ir. 15 I't' I IJ 10 from leadinq edqe of Eell mouth I f(;uRE 7.2.2. Devclopment of boundary layer in a long wind tunnel. After A. G. l):rvcnport and N. Isyumov. "The Application of the Boundary-Layer wincl runnel to rlrt' Prcdiction of wind Loading," in proceedings. Intemational Research Seminar on wirrtl Effects on Building and Structures, Vor. l, p.221. copyright, canada, 196g, I lrriv. of Toronto Press. <E a> .-- ? -: a- ,I --i .d, ()c O a F c F 5- -, : -.t *l v, f .d x ':l !3 r, I E o cl \; .ao ti : = a a c0 .E 0. )et-t ii .. '/, -o .X n, -vtt= 0 u-' trtr E^-o '= =1 Yu', =ut ,*ui Ei iu !il a 'a n Y ,c . al -. ^l F\e dc ;,i ijil I f i r,lr -l lrE'i l'l( jl lltl,l 7.2.-1. 1);rsln';rrl vit'tv ol I rrnr'l I .rlrrrl:rloly. I lrt. I Irrtvr.r,.rl\ ;r lorr;, ,r.,,,,; trlrrrr.l (r ,,1 \\, ..t, rn ( )ill.rrr,r, llrrlrrllrry l.trVt.l Wilrrl 2$:l wlNt) iltNNt il I Wlljl ' ltll\lNl l:;lMlll nll()N:i{ll AlMrr',1'lll lll( llrrw', 1'lllr FIGURE 7.2.5. A proposed spire configuration. From H. P. A. H. Irwin, "The Design of Spires forWind Simulation," J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn., 7 (1981), 361-366. FIGURE 7.2.4. Spire and roughness arrays in a short wind tunnel (courtesy of thc National Aeronautical Establishment, National Research Council of Canada). Reference [7 -26] proposes the following procedure for the design of spires 'l'he desired mean wind profile occurs at a distance 6ft downstream from the slrires. According to [7-26], the wind tunnel floor downwind of the spires sluruld be covered with roughness elements, for example, cubes with height k srrch rhat (11-261to [7-28]), : f *o [(3) '''(?) - ' "''[(a) 0s] + 'z ] (7 22) with the configuration of Fig. 7.2.5:* 1. Select the desired boundaryJayer depth, d. Select the desired shape of mean velocity profile defined by the power law exponent, a (Eq. 2.2.26). 3. Obtain the height h of the spires from the relation 2. h:- 4. obtain 1.396 l*al2 the width of the spire base from Fig. 7.2.6, in which height of the tunnel test section. (1.2.t) rl is rhc f,'l(lIJRlt, 7.2.6. Graph fbr obtaining spirc wirllh. Iinrrn H. P. A. H. Irwin, "'l'lrc l)r's11'1q 1;l Sllircs lirr Winrl Sirrrtrllliort," ./. ll irt,l l,.rr,t1 Ittrl. .4rntl.vrr., 7 ( 191{ 1 L l(r I lrrrsc xThe base length of thc triangular splittcr plalc in Fig. 7.2.5 is /r/,1. 'l'trc l;rtt.r;rl sp:rt'irrg bclwccl the spires is h12. ln praclicc, thc witlth ol lltc lunncl ncctl rrol lrt' trrr intr.1lr:rl rrrrrltiplt' ol /r/2. It't' 286 il wrNr) il,NNl r:; whcrc 1l is lhc sltrrcirrg ol llrc nrtrg.lrrrt'ss t'lt'rrrt'rrls lrrrtl C,:o116l '|v ' Equation 7.2.2 is valid in the range 30 ll+rvl < (1.2.3') I 6D2lkt < 2000. A study of the dependence of flow features upon the type of passive deviccs being used was recently presented in U-171. Figure 7.2.1 ll-l1l shows thc mean velocity, longitudinal turbulence intensity, and vertical turbulence intensity profiles at (l) 6.1 m and (2) 18.3 m downwind of the test section entrancc, fbr flows obtained by using three different types of spires, the wind tunnel floor be ing covered by staggered 1.27 cm cubes spaced 5.08 cm apart. In Fig.7 .2.7 the boundary-layer thickncss 6, the mean wind speed U at elevation 6, and thc power law exponent rr (Eq. 2.2.26) are denoted by deha, Uinf, and EXP, respectively. It may bc assumed that the mean flow with exponent cy : 0.16 at station x : 6.1 rn, and the mean flow with exponent a : 0.29 at station ,r : 18.3 m, are approximately representative of open terrain and suburban terrain 4 o JE _t) 3 -o q-o c\ '-E f i'lnfilrrrrirliorr on irrlepnrl st:rlcs lirr llrc wirrtl lrrrrncl llows is rrol rt lrrrlcrl CDO qq : -_, -a: L: -: - = cr jj€:@ -oaF\o) v_t (o 6, o) NOrfi, o u ,: !J =\ L CD q oE @5 4 oo4ir o q: I -s l E<l d) bO gd-L .! '= E9; e? 2F\6 --(v)t Aro\t o)@r- : om E .vo.i -. ii\-r-rr -t! cn. EO conditions, respectively (see Table 2.2.2). Some modelers adopt a geometric scale equal to the ratio between the boundary-layer thickness measured in the laboratory and the value 6 of Table 2.2.2, even though the latter is nominal, rather than physically significant (see Eq. 2.2.15 and Sect. 2.2.4). If this geometric scaling criterion is used for tho simulations of Fig. 7.2.1 , the geometric scales are found to be 0.751215 : 1136l for the flow with a : 0.16. and l/400 forthe flow with a : 0.29. Thc respective longitudinal turbulence intensities at 50 rn above ground are about 0.07 and 0.15, versus about 0.15 and 0.225, as obtained from Eqs. 2.2.18, 2.3.1 ,2.3.2, and Table 2.3.1. As expected, the discrepancy between the longitudinal turbulence intensity in the wind tunnel and the "target" value in thc atmosphere is more severe at the station x : 6.1 m, which would corresponcl to the fetch available in a short tunnel. Figure 1.2.8 ll-l1l shows spectra of the longitudinal velocity fluctuations measured at station x : 18.3 m and elevation z/6 : 0.05 in the three flows described in Fig. 7.2.7b. Forthe flow with a :0.29, it isseen in Fig. 7.2.1t that at the nondimensional frequency nzlU(z): 0.8, nS(n)luz = 0.05, versus 0.06, as obtained from Eqs. 2.3.2,2.3.16, and Table 2.3.1. Unlike the turbulence intensity, the higher-frequency spectrum measured in the wind tunncl is in this instance relatively close to the "target" value.* The results of []-l7l and of other studies (e.9., U-241, 17-531) indicate that, regardless of the type of passive devices being used, simulations in short wintl tunnels generally do not achieve similitude between the turbulence in the laboratory and in the atmospheric flow. ,l ti o - o q q j, -e.. F: yo :.8€ 'oo-E o7l-P/Z ! - ^* *avr\ 6 2 >\v !Ft^ 18.h8 o o { -' { ^t:! _9 E E.Ud= -^ o [j E ^^o fo4 {o d o_ )< LrJ rt(o@ N-E o ooo eE oOO -(, o ouro -(, Ot-3 (}o 9(oo) c\ (n @ o) .-E ) or@r.(s) (v oo< o : ! o-i1 .vJ, G) - $ oQ eat E. 6 a '. ,-l -' L z6)H (o :f f, 6t q o I Eq ol t-P/z o N < lGt oc! o : EFA 3 9/ -_.= \ .: (Jsdl-: it' oo >,= = c v >.\+ 'r'"bv sv < /. r' Yg.i -' g5 u rioou '. q 6 -S N^I- o:3 -. r o'd.\ o\ .-r E Is={ C( b +'i D ".5i: \JAE tr€<4, tt l / I ll ?47 t C9 q GI F H o z lrJ F z H uJ (J z, J lrJ OE rO ; ! o OG'O SrS)O od6; ('ct9 t o @ d. d q-O -G)!f O q c\ $I .-€ D 6< o)@l't t p D F J { Cd z 6 F lrj F 9: o e F Ed (J ! -a-' f o lrj J l .D d f F J z. ts dg 6 E I @ E(D< O^ q:rQ {{a @ E (o\ o { o E (. EJ d lC9 o o o6roaoe ino@@scl oE p0 o -tt (}la c\ .-e ) (rt ooo (9 qq9 I q l-P/z U OO(9 OOO ouro tt F- O @ o)crt- (o^ (9j o 6< 4 o J o ;) F H trr lr.l 9. - H trJ 2 t^J .i-Ct c\ .-E ) (oo, o oo) .o@ F ri ID h o o I 'E @ae< ,! Oa Or: @.-- .rl (D5l. tOv q; F. T oE o (9o :0 q qq l,o F.!too F d E .a \) o a 9'- o e d ) & ; B<' I I l-P/z t(\ rd 9o $JO d c,l F q E-1 1 o oo at (9 $(oo) o) (v) ao F- (rt Gr@< F H (9 z. o1 o E<R o{E H 6 o E I o] ov FI c; (J F (Y L H oo (\, C9 o @ o q o1 l-P/Z 288 aq< d, Gi trJ { H F c; o (9 z lrJ F z H o o UJ o1 u', a € .t or@1.. I F H ! trO-(',rt (\, o { c\ .-e 2 trJ J d g Esa-- @ o H (9 z o J * I f d@ e @ a f z z H lrl d4 H .n q &E 6oo @< aD F H oE ocpo ro C9OO dcr;a; ;! ,o99 oc9 l(o @o o I oc) :q o q o7l.P/z oQo Ic,l o I 269 wtNt) tUNflt t : l jllll' lrllltll I :;lMl,l n ll()N:i ()l n IM(1: ;l,l ll ltl(. ll()W:, :'!| I D EXP o .26 .2O ^o29 gol soot csto r . aoo6 t6 . w6a t'l(;tJl{lt 7.2.11. Spcctra of longitudinal velocity fluctuations measured at 18.3 rrr downwind ol spires. Reprinted with permission from J. E. Cermak, "Physical Mocleling of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer (ABL) in Long Boundary-Layer Wind Tunnels (BLWT)," inWindTunnel ModelingJbr Engineering Applications,T. A. Reinhold (ed.), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1982. 7.2.3 Tunnels with Active Devices FIGURE 7.2.9. Upstream view of rhe test scction and jets of the 1.20 x 1.70 m closed-circuit jet tunnel. University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace Studies (courtesy I)r. H. W. Teunissen). In tunnels equipped with jets (Fig. 1 .2.9) it is possible, within certain limits, to vary the mean velocity profile and the flow turbulence independently of each other [7-29,7-301. Such tunnels are relatively expensive and do not necessarily result in superior flow simulations. However, they may be useful for basic studies in which the effect of varying some flow characteristics independently of the others can be studied in detail. Active cascades of moving airfoils (Fig. 7 .2.10) have been recently designed with a view to creating, and simulating effects of, large-scale turbulence over bridge deck section models l7-31, 7-321. 7.2.4 Reynolds Number and Turbulent Flow Simulation It is suggested in [7-33, p.204,7-34, p. 266, andT-35, p.290], that Reynolds numbers of turbulent flows obtained in the laboratory downwind of square mesh grids may in some cases be too small to give rise to a turbulence spectrunr having an inertial subrange. It is further suggested [7-35] that the Reynolds number based on eddy size should be the order of 105 to ensure existencc ol' this subrange. Applying analogous rcasoning to a devclopcrl lurbulcnt houndary layerof depth, say,0.5 rn, in which the intcgral scalc lcrrg,llr /,) (rr rrrcusurc ol' typical eddy sizc) is :rbotrt 0. 125 rn, u Ilcynolils rrtrrrrlrcr ;rl :r vt'locily ol' lr m/s may bc culcrrlirlt'tl Itl( il lltl,l 7.2.111. Mt't'lurrtit;rllv tlr rvcn sirrrrrl:rliorr l7 l-?1. :rrr l.rl r ;r:;t :rtlr lol low l'rctlrrcncy lurbulencc 292 wrND ruNNr tr /:' 6le : ur .:. ": u l2(o. r25 x l0 1..5 ) wtNl) il,NNl t:ilMt,l All()Nr;()l nlM{r'.l,llt lilr 'lrrw', 2q:l .-10' Thus typical boundaryJayer simulations of the kind discussed may be expectccl to develop velocity spectra with satisfactory inertial subranges, though at lower velocities and turbulence integral scales they may be borderline. EI ils 8 .-l JI 7.2.5 Rossby Numbers and Turbulent Flow Simulation Failure of Rossby number equivalence in typical test circumstances is due to coriolis parameter f, above its automatically achieved full-scale value. Rotating wind tunnels (12-28, 2-29D, or tunnels with porous walls and acnrss-wind suction imparting lateral acceleration to the flow [7-17] arc currcntly not used in civil engineering applications. An investigation into the effect ol'the Rossby number on boundary-layer flow is therefore in order. It was shown in Sect. 2.2 that the approximate depth of the atmospheric boundary layer may be expressed as /////t Area of experimental data the difficulty of scaling the 0.05 where 0.5 1 t, l(;t.lRE 7.2.11. Logarithmic plot of velocity distributions in turbulent boundary lay- F. H. Clauser, "The Turbulent Boundary Layer," Advances Mech., 4 (1956), Academic Press, New York, p. 9. r'rs ()vcr plates. After (7.2.4) ns(2, z* : U(h)l{2.5Ln(hlzd\, U(h) is the mean speed at a reference heighr h, zois the roughness length, andf, is the Coriolis parameter. Equation7.2.4 can also be written in a form that emphasizes the dependence of the atmospheric boundary-layer depth 6 upon Rossby number: 6:cGo 0.2 6 l1t1t!. a = o.zsT 0.1 (1.2.s) where c = 0.25h1{2.5ln(hlzi} and G.o : U(h)lhf,. The boundary-layer depth 6 is seen to be an increasing function of wind speed. For high wind speeds such as are of interest to the structural designer, it follows from Eq. 7 .2.5 that 6 is of the order of several kilometers. For example, if z6 : 0.05 m (open terrain), U(10) : 25 m/sec, andf,: lO-a sec-l(corresponding to an angle of latitude 6 = 45o, see Table 1.2.1), then 6 = 5 km. The region of interest to the structural designer, that is, the lowest few hundred meters of the atmospheric boundary layer, is thus seen to amount to about one-tenth or less of the full atmospheric boundary-layer depth. As noted in [7-36], both in the atmosphere and in the laboratory the mean velocity profile is very nearly logarithmic over the region consisting of the lower one-tenth of the boundary layer or so (see Sect.2.2 and Fig. l.Z.1l). Moreover, measurements suggest that in this region thc turhLrlcnt cnergy production is approximatcly balanccd by the energy dissipiriiorr (ltig.7.2.l2 ancl 17-371) so that thc lottgitLrclinal vclocity spcctrurn in llrt'int.11 i:rl srrl'rllrngc rnay bc cxprcssccl in txrrrtlinrr:nsiontrl lilrrrr lrs Ux n) : 0.26 f -r,, (2.3.t6) wlrcrc n is the frequency, z is the height, and f : nzlU(z) (see Sect.2.3). lrtluirtion 2.3.16 is not valid in the upper region of the boundary layer where tlrt'cnergy production differs significantly from the energy dissipation (see Fig. t).t2). ('onsider now a long wind tunnel in which the boundary layer develops rrrrtrrrally over a rough floor and in which the boundary-layer depth is of the ,rrrlcr of I m (Fig. 1.2.2). Assume that the height of the building being tested rs 200 m and that the model scale is 1/400. Since, as was shown above, the r,'gion of the atmospheric boundary layer over which the logarithmic law holds rs (rrnder strong wind conditions) a few hundred meters high, it is reasonable {() irssume that Eq. 2.3.16 is valid throughout the building height. However, rrr tlrc laboratory similarity theory suggests that Eq. 2.3.16 can only be applied lo a height of approximately 0.1 m from the wind tunnel floor, to which tlrt'rc would correspond a full-scale height of just 40 m above ground. A schematic representation ol' thc situation just described is given in Fig. / I 13, which shows thc bourttllrry llrycr that dcvclops in a long wind tunnel (lrrll lirrc), and thc atmosphcric lrourrtllrry lrrycr rcrluccd to model scalc (br<lkcn lrnc). 'l'ho lowcr onc-tcntlr antl llrc orrlt't rtirtc lenllts ol'thc b<luntlitry laycr irrc tk'rrolctl hy /,,,,, ancl (),,,,, rcsptrt'livcly. lot lltt'witttl lrtttttcl llow, itrrtl by /,,, lttltl (1,, respr:clivcly, lor llrc lrtrrrrrsplrt'rrt' llow. ll t'lrn lrc sccu itt lrig. 7.2.l.l tlrtrl rr;r i 294 WINIJ I UNNFI /3 Si WIND IUNNFt lilMt,l All{,N ()l Al llol)YNnMl(: nNl) Al ll(}l ln:illtr lll llnvl()l I 295 ovcr tttost <ll'thc wirttl lrrrtrtcl lrorrttrlary-llrycr tlcpllr llrc irlrrrosplrt'rrt' llow rrr llrt' lrtwor laycr L,, is sittrulalctl by tltc llow in lltc otrtcl r('p,ron (),t tt wlrt'lr, rrccxrrding to similarity thcory, L.,q.2.3.16 woultl rrol hc t'x1rr'r'tctl lo lroltl. 7.3 WIND TUNNEL SIMULATION OF AERODYNAMIC AND AEROELASTIC BEHAVIOR OF BLUFF BODIES 'l'his section considers some practical aspects of the dependence of the aerorlynamic and aeroelastic response of wind tunnel models upon the turbulence t'lraracteristics and the Reynolds number of the flow. rrc:rodynamic distortions due to blockage effects. 7.3.1 I v I c .G _,0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 o.4 0.52 0.6 0.7 0.8 6 FIGURE 7.2.12. Energy balance in a turbulent boundary layer. After A. A. Townsend., The Structure of Turbulent Shear Flow, Cambridge Univ. Press, New York, 1956, p. 234. (l ,t 'l'hc details of the dependence of the aerodynamic and aeroelastic behavior of lrtilies upon the turbulence characteristics of the flow are not fully understood. llowever, it is clear that for the effects of turbulence on the model to be similar to those on the prototype (i.e., in order forthe turbulent eddies to envelop or otherwise affect the body or part thereof in a similar way in the atmosphere rrnd in the laboratory), it is necessary that the ratio between some typical length t'haracterizing the turbulence and some characteristic dimension of the body be thc same in both situations. lt is convenient to adopt the integral scale Lj (see Sect. 2.3.2) as the charrrcteristic length of turbulence. The geometric scale factor of the simulation, l), : D^lDo, should then be given by (7 .3.1) where (Lj)o and (Il)^ are, respectively, an estimate of the integral scale that in the atmosphere at some representative elevation (see Sect. 2.3.2), irrrd the integral scale measured in the wind tunnel flow at the corresponding clcvation above the tunnel floor. The application of Eq. 7.3.1 is discussed is rrbtains Atmospheric boundary layer (reduced to model scale) lir--l- FIGURE 7.2.13. Lowcr and outcr rcgi.ns of the bouncr,ly lirye'i'rrrr: wintl tunncl and in thc atmosphcrc. also briefly discusses Effect of Turbulence Characteristics of the Flow Dr:w ,l i, It | 7-381. Equation 7.3.1 is violated in many instances because of the difficulty of rrchieving sufficiently large integral scales in the laboratory, particularly in short wind tunnels (see Sect. 7.2.2). However, even if Eq.7.3.1 is nominally satisliod, it should be recalled that integral scales are poorly known and can vary lhrm measurement to measurcmcnt by a factor of five or even ten (see Sect. ).3.2). thus, the assumed valuc ol'lhc ratio (lj)-lUi), can differ significantly lnlrn its actual value. An atlompt to asscss crnrrs rhrt' lo llrt' irrrl'lcll'cct sirnulation <ll'thc intcgrul scirlc <ll'turhuloncc is rcporlr:tl in l7 lt)l lirr. llrt' l)rcsslrrcs at vlrriorrs lxrinls ol' 296 il wtNt) iltNNl l: /:r wtNl) iltNNl I i,lMt,l n iii )t.t I I nl lt()l lyNnMt(] Ail! ) nl |{ )t tl\"il, nt |/\\/ti )tt l Alll,l,l 7.-1.1. l{:rlios ol'l't:th, Mt:ut, :tntl l{NlS I'r'rsrurr.r orr l/l(ll) ;rrrrl Nlrxltls lo ()orrrspolrrlirrg lDrt.ssrrrcs orr l/SlX) Morlel" ti t(x) I I lAl' 30.5 .',)" 1.34(0.93) t'/t' 0.90(0.97) (,t' 1.00( I .02) I I r' 0.69(0.75) t/' 0.84(0.83) (rlli' 1.05(1.07) t a 68 111 Pcak .l Mcan nls l't'ltk Mr'.rrr /-l) nr:, 1.09(0.51) 0.62( O.(XXO. o.'/t{( Lo I) L.)(r( .f .,1O1 o.()i,i( l.o/) 1.67( 1.90) l.l3(1.90) 0 u4( I) L20(0 r.00(0.43) 0.60(0.67) 0.83(0.91) 0.80(0.67) 0.96(0.93) l.40( 1.40) l/lll) I/"rl| r.r6(r.48) r.6-5(0.19) ?1lI LO t(() f{t{) ( ).()l(o.l.iti ) I) 1.0,1(0.71{) 0.63(0.7rJ) r.00(0.7-5) 0..53(0.57) 0.90(0.95) 0.83(0.90) 0.81(0.79) 0.83(0.e 1) 0.73(0.81) n r.07(0.97) 'Nrrrttbers not between parentheses comespond to open exposure. Numbers between parentheses rrrrcspofld to built-up exposure. 'Srrc(ions. , I 1.0 m I | a r'l 6 )q 47 a ' 4.9 m 24.4 m FIGURE 7.3.1. Schematic view of building with pressure taps (After I7-391). 'r c ssu res. ;rntl lluctuating pressures associated with separated flows can be properly simrrlrrtcd even if only the small scale turbulence is correctly reproduced. This r'vould require (l) the correct reproduction of the longitudinal and lateral turlrrrlcnce intensity, and (2) the use of sufficiently large models. Thus, as is the ( rsc for the prototype, higher-frequency components of the longitudinal velocrly spectrum that affect the separated flow would be contained within the inertial rrrbrange; see Sect. 7.2.5, Eq. 2.3.16. /.3.2 the building represented schematically in Fig. 7.3.1.In the investigation of U-391 the integral scale was not varied independently of the other flow features. Rather, the wind tunnel boundary-layer flow was kept unchanged while the dimensions of the model were increased. It was estimated that the integral scale Iiinthe wind tunnel was equal to about l/500 times a nominal integral scalc judged to be typical of atmospheric flows. Measurements were made on l/500, ll25o, and l/100 models of the same building. Ratios between the peak, mean, and rms pressures measured at several points on the 1/100 and 1/250 models, and the corresponding pressures on the l/500 model, are listed in Table 7.3.1. It is seen that in some instances the influence of the model size upon thc test results is significant (e.g., for the peak pressures at tap 29, 1/100 scale, or tap 1 I l, l/100 scale and 1/250 scale). Note also that the pattern of variation of the ratios of Table 7.3.1 is irregular. This may be due, at least in paft, rtr the fact that by changing the height of the model by the factors 2.5 and 5, thc turbulence intensities at the elevation of the points under consideration also changed. The effect of turbulcncc features upon the modcling ol'lrcrorlyrr:rrrric hohavirlr 17 4t)l to l7 421, Accorcling ro 17,40. 7 .lll. rlrt. nrle ol' thc intcgral (urbttlcttc'c: scitlc ilt wirttl (unncl sirrrrrlirliorr is rrrrrror tl rro( 1t'pligi$t:. is discusscd in Reynolds Number Effects Slrarp comers tend to cause immediate flow separation, independently of the licynolds number of the flow. For this reason it is generally assumed that if tlrc flow is adequately simulated, pressures on rectangular and other sharpr'or'flered structures are adequately reproduced in the wind tunnel. However, lrlrrllbodies with long afterbody extensions downstream may exhibit flow reatt:rchment, which does depend on the Reynolds number. Such circumstances rrny affect the values of the across-wind forces experienced by the body. Few lrrll scale supporting data on this topic are available to date. Note also that if tlrr: details of a scale model require extremely small dimensions (as, for ex:rrrrple, in modeling the members of a truss structure at a scale of 1/500 or lrt'low) it may be that the drag coelicient applicable to such a member can be rrrrtluly influenced (raised) by Reynolds number effects. Figure 4.5.6 bears out tlris tcndcncy. lrt thc case of bodies wilh curvc:cl surfaces, Reynolds number deficiencies ,;rrr llavc significant cll'ccts. 'l'lris is sirrrply illustratcd by the evolution of both rttr'lttt tlntg crlcflicicnt untl Slrotrlr;rl rtrrrrrlrt'r'lir rr cir-cular cylindrical section as :r lirrrction ol' llcyrrolrls trrrrrrlrt'r (st'r' liilrs. .1..1.,1 :rrrtl 4.5.2). As irrtlic:rlctl ilr ('lrirplt'1 ,1 , lltt':r,'torlyn;unr( l)('lritviorol'srrch b<xlic:s rlcpcnrls ,rlt wltt'lltt't (ltt'lrotttttl:tt'y l:ryt'ls olt llrr', rrrvt'tl :,rul:rtt's;u('llrrrrinlrror (lllrrlitrlly 298 wrNt) tuNNt l /it wtNt) or fully) turbulcnt. Sincc bounclary laycrs occurring ll tt,NNt I l;tMl,t n lt()N ()t Al ll( )l)YNn Mtc n Nt , n I il( ,t I n !;t t( lr! ItAVtilI I ?!lgl lrigh llcylroltls rrurrrbcrs it is logical t() attcmpt tho rcpr<lduction ol'lull-scalc ll<lws ar<lunrl smooth cylinders by changing laminar boundary layers into turbulcnt oncs. This can be done by providing the surfacc with roughness elemcnts (scc 14-151, U-431 to [7-46], and Fig. 4.5.5). Ir is suggested in 17-441rhar rhc thickness e of the roughness elements should satisfy the relations are turbulent, lirrroollr rrrorirl Morlcl:; willr 0.U nrrr attrl wrtlr 1 rnrrr wires Ue 400 U e D l0-2 -2-10+1 whcro U is thc rncan wind speed, a is the kinematic viscosity (u = 1.5 x l0 s m2lsec in air), ancl D is the characteristic transverse dimension of the ep model. For exarnplc, in the case of the DMA tower (Fig. 15.3.22), the roughness was achieved by fixing onto the surface of the 1/200 model thirty-two equidistant vertical wires. Three sets of experiments are reported in[7-44] in which the surface of the cylinder was (1) smooth, (2) provided with 0.6-mm wires (elD - 7 x 10-3;, and (3) provided with l-mm wires, respectively. It was found that the highest mean and peak pressures were more than twice as high on the smooth model than on the models provided with wires. The differences between pressures on the model with 0.6 mm and the model with l-mm wires were small. The influence of the roughness on the magnitude of the mean pressures at 2O m (full-scale) below the top of the building is shown in Fig. 7.3.2 in which the mean pressure coefficient 4 is defined as follows: Ln: jPul p is the measured mean pressure, p, is the static reference pressure, U, is the mean speed at top of the building , and p is the air density. Approaches of the type described above were found to yield acceptable where l,'l(iURE 7.3.2. Influence of model surface roughness on pressure distribution [7-44]. Corrections for blockage depend upon the body shape, the nature of the of concern (i.e., whether drag, lift, Strouhal number, and so fbrth), the characteristics of the wind tunnel flow, and the relative body/ wirrd tunnel dimensions. Basic studies on blockage are summaized in 17-471 rolT-491and in [7-50], which also contains a bibliography on this topic. It is concluded in [7-50] that, in the case of drag, the following approximate rclation may be used for the great majority of model configurations in all flows, rrrcluding boundary-layer flows: rrt:rodynamic effect results in cases not involving aeroelastic motions. However, if aeroelastic effects are present, wind tunnel tests in which such approaches are used can provide an utterly misleading picture of the behavior of the prototype CD I + KSIC (7.3.2) (see Chapter 10). 7.3.3 Wind Tunnel Blockage wlrcrc Cp, is the corrected drag coefficient, Cp is the drag coelficient measured rrr thc wind tunnel, S is the refercnce area for the drag coeffrcients Cp, and Cp, rurtl C is the wind tunnel cnrss-scctional area. The ratio S/C is referred to as A body placed in a wind tunnel will paftially obstruct thc passagc of air, causing the flow to accclcratc, This cffect is refbrred to as bkrcklrgr:. ll'thc blockagc is substantial, thc ll<lw anttttttl lhc nrodcl , and thc rnork:l's rrcrrrtl,yrtrnric.hchuvi11r, arc no longcr rcprr-:srrrrlirlivc: ol' prrrlolypc c<lntliliorrs. 'l'hc c<lcflicicnt K has bccn rlclcrrttirtc:tl only for a limitcd numbcr ol'situirliotts. lior oxalnplc, in thc clrse ol'ir lrlrt'with a rcc(angular cK)ss sccli()n sl):ut rrirrg thc crrtirc hcight ol'a wirttl lrrrrrrt'l willr rrornirrirlly snroolh lkrw, A wlrs tlt'ltrrtttittctl lo tlcpcrttl ttpon lltc rirlto ttll, irs slrowrr in lrig. 7.-1.,1 (rr lrrrrl /r lrlt' lrkrckagc ratio. WIND TUNNELS 'eH.9" l:i r--o--"-1 ll r :,i " ,- - :"e 60 1l:l:,j; Fr '1, all =rtilr€tr Li1 -d- ut*-4 H'P.,= g eCA d 0E9. = <-z = ]]: ::']1:j:.* E z- ; 6- 5 E H3 !3 x -\, : -=6a = = rntrHov -ad X tsc ' !LAW. 5 Or:5\O Oy'r{\O I oed,: ts o ts-q-c ch o q) 4,^' = h..oo9il -a E E @d =o. C 3;F.r .tzlEx V -5-R' S i 69 E FF .. E,H O U lteE =s * *c,.U. p 60?\ ts=s cr9 FO.o,5 :^ i,; sd t_t: lll03 lSnsslud t^isws 60 l lll0l lSnsslSd = NVlw l-iNFll\ a/b FIGURE 7.3.3. Blockage correction factor K for two-dimensional prism with alongwind dimension a and across-wind dimension b in nominally smooth flow [7-49]. the dimensions of the along-wind and across-wind sides of the rectangular cross section, respectively). The effect of turbulence on blockage by flat plates was studied in [7-48] for flows with uniform mean speed, and was found to be negligible in most situations. On the other hand, it is stated in [7-50] that this effect can be significant. Thus, according to [7-50], turbulence does not increase the drag on a square plate, as concluded in 17-251 (see Table 4.6.2). Rather, the increased drag reported in 14-251 was only apparent, and it was the blockage effects that were affected differently by various turbulence levels. For a basic study of blockage effects on bluff-body aerodynamics, see t7-551. Despite such ongoing debates and various continuing uncerlainties. it may be assumed that for blockage ratios of 2% the blockage corrections are likely to be about 5%, and that the magnitude of the blockage correction is proportional to the blockage ratio [7-50]. EEbg CF, >v o: toro : 9i.F"& <-z I-----1 l.l - Oz* 6- o o XFlr BE F-fr I e :8e Bx-,65 E6 o d) @r :\d E E;T"E oVA > ] :..H'o! -ad E ! = 3E<5S '" iJ>es -.-=r\ '8: =Z .r I r F- tr Y=:. 7.4 VALIDATION OF WIND TUNNEL TESTING Despite the numerous full-scale measurements reportcd in lhc litcraturc, the number of dependablc comparisons between modcl anrl plototypc rcsults rcmains relativcly srnall. liigurcs 7.4.1 m,J 7.4.2 slrrrw ir cotttllrlisorr hctwccn rL 5€ , * cJ o= P:,A tiliNFz-o E oi, i 301 302 wrND rUNNr rs; /4 wind tunncl and l'ull-sclrlo nrcasurcnrt.rrls ol prt'ssurcs on llter ('olrrrtrcrcc ('orrt't tower (Fig. 15.3.17). '['hc winil tttttncl vrrlrrui wcrc providccl at lhc rlcsign stagc and are represented by opcn circlos. 'l'hc solitl lincs join avcftlgc valucs ol' estimates derived from actual observations ol'prcssurc dillbrences on thc builcling; the shaded areas indicate the standarcl clcviation of the full-scale estirnatcs l7-5 U. It is seen that the agreement between model and full-scale measurements of the mean pressures is satisfactory.* However, it appears from Figs. 7.4. I and 1 .4.2 that local fluctuating pressures attributable to vortex shedding (fluc, tuating lift) differ at some points significantly in the wind tunnel from thc pressures on the prototype. Further data for this building are available in [7-51] and [7-52]. Figure 7.4.3 shows acceleration spectra obtained from full-scale measurements and from tests on a model of the building with seven lumped mass levels. It is seen that in this case the model tests tended to underestimate the response in the intermediate-frequency range but appear to be adequate at the low and high ends of the spectrum. Model/full-scale comparisons for pressures on low-rise buildings are also reported in 14-74,7-4Ol to f7-42,7-53,7-561. According to V-561, compari- VAI ll)All()N ()l Wllllt ltllltll I ll 'iilf lrr ilo;l ril'll+l rtl,{" A,lr " i"* 'tl e. Lti E 1.2 o-u 0,4 L o O 2-O - O O N N o 10J 6 E rc2 E a z. ul o 1 E. F 1 00 200 J00 400 Azimuth, degrees. I -a o fuli Scole CSU UWo (rough exp,) UWO (smooth exp,) rc0 (a) (h) l'l(;Illtlt 7.4.4. wind pressure coefficients on the Texas Tech Experimental Buildlirll-scale and wind tunnel measurements: (a) wall pressures; (b) corner roof pres'.rtrr's. Iinrm W. H. Tieleman "Problems Associated with Flow Modelling Procedures l,u l,ow-Rise Structures," J. Wind. Eng. Ind. Aerodyn., 4l-44 (1992), 923,934. _t a 10' rrl' E fi-2 0.0 o.2 0.6 FREQUENCY (Hz) FIGURE 7.4.3. Full-scale and model north-south acceleration spectra, Commercc Court Building. Reprinted with permission from E. A. Dalgliesh, "Comparison ol' Model and Full-Scale Tests of the Commerce Court Building in Toronto," in Wind Tunnel Modeling for Civil Engineering Applications, T. A. Reinhold (ed.). Cambridgc Univ. Press, Cambridgc, U.K., I J00 I I IJ (L *In Figs. 7.4. 2OO I Full Sco e CSU -o UWo (rough exp.) o UWO (smooth exp,) rc1 C) (L = O0 Azimuth, degrees- J rnoan l7-5 I l. 1.0 1982. and'7.4.2 tltc ltlthrcviatiott IIMSM clcrxrtcs r'(x)l nrr'irr \(lllir('virlu('itl)()rl lll(' '.rrrrs bctween full-scale and wind tunnel measurements on low-rise gable-roof I'rrrltlings suggest that the wind tunnel does not model accurately the flow '.i'|':illrlion on the windward roof, so roof pressures often differ significantly in tlrt' rrrrltlcl fiom the prototypc. Sirnilar discrepancies occur between pressures nr,'rrsurr(l 0n models of diflcrcrr( scirlcs; scc Fig. 7.3.1 and Table 7.3.1. Figurc /'1.'l shows rncasuremcnts ()n ir lirll sclrlc:'l'cxas Tcch University cxpcrirncnlar I'rrrltlirtg ittttl Coloratlo Slirlc: []nivcrsity lrrxl I lnivcrsity of Wcslcrn Orrtirrio wintl Ittttttt'l ttttttlcls rll'tlritl hrrilrlirrg. Wrttrl ltttrrrt'l nre:rsulcnlcn(s lrrcl scrr:rr lo llc ;rtr't'lrlltl'rlc lilr llrc w:tll ltrcsstrtt's ltttl t;tttlt'irr;rrlcrqrrlrtc lirr lhc nrol r'()lnr.t. 304 wtND I(JNNI I ri ilt However, accorcling lo l7-41 l, a corrsitlcllrlllt: irrrpnlvcrttcnl ol tlrc wirrtl lunncrl modeling of roof corncr and ttthcr prcssul'cs can bc achicvcd by placing srnall spires directly upstream of the modcl lo sitnulatc correctly thc turbulencc intensities, as well as the spectral densities at a I'requcncy l}U(h)lB, lbr botlt the longitudinal and lateral turbulence (U : mean wind speed, h : building height, B : characteristic dimension equal to h for low-rise buildings and ttl the least horizontal building dimension for tall buildings). REFERENCES 7-l D. A. Haugen (ed.), Workshop on Micrometeorology, American Meteorological Society, Boston, 1-2 1-3 MA, 1973. Charat:lcristics fi'Windspced in the Lower I'ayers of the Atmosphere near the Ground: Strong Wintl,r (Ncutral Atmosphere), ESDU Data Item No. 72026' Engincering Scicnccs Data Unit, London, 1972. Charude ristics 0.f'Almlsphcric Turbulence near the Ground, ESDU Data Items Nos. 74030, 14031,75001, Engineering Sciences Data Unit, London, 1974. 1975. 7-4 7-5 J. Counihan, "Adiabatic Atmospheric Boundary Layers: A Review and Analysis of Data from the Period 1880-19722," Atmos. Environ., 9 (1975), 871-905. A. Pope and J. J. Harper, Low-Speed Wind Tunnel Testing, Wiley, New York, t966. 7-6 1-7 S. M. Gorlin and I. I. Slezinger, WindTunnels andTheir Instrumentation, Israel Program for Scientific Translations, Jerusalem, 1966' R. C. Pankhurst and D. W. Holder, Wind Tunnel Technique, Putnam, London, 1-8 E. Ower and R. C. Pankhurst, The Measurement of Air Flow, 4th 1968. ed. , Pergamon, Oxford. 1969. 1-9 P. Bradshaw, An Introduction to Turbulence and Its Measurement, Pergamon, Oxford, 1971. 7-10 W. Merzkirch. Flow Visurtlization, Academic, New York, 1974. 7-ll T. A. Reinhold (ed.), Wind Tunnel Modeling for Civil Engineering Applications, 1-12 Proceedings of International Workshop, Gaithersburg, MD, April 1982, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1982. R. Britter, "Modeling Flow over Complex Terrain and Implications for Detcrmining the Extent of Adjacent Terrain to be Modeled," Wind Tunnel Modeling for Civil Engineering, Applications, T. A. Reinhold (ed.), Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, pp. 186-196. 1-13 High Reynolds Number Research, D. D. Baals (ed.), NASA CP-2O09 (19'17) Proceedings of Workshop, Langley Research Center, Hampton, 197(r. VA, Oct' 7-14 D. R. Caldwell and C. W. Van Atta, "Ekman Bountlary l.aycr Instabilitics," J. Fluid Math..44, P'arr l (Oct. 1970), 19-957-15 M. C. Jischkc and Il. 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Panofsky, The sutface rf Atmospheric Turbulencc, Wiley, New York, 1964. 7-38 N. J. Cook, "Dctermination of the Model Scale Factor in Wind-Tunnel Simufation of the Acliabatic Atnrospheric Boundary Layer," J. Ind' Aerodyn',22 (t911-18),311 321. 1 l9 A. G. Davcnporl. l). Surry. T. Stathopoulos, Wind Loads onLow Rise Buildings, liinal Rcport ol' l)hrscs I and ll, BLWT-SS8-1977, University of westem ontario. l,otttlolt, Canada, 1977. 'l-40 W. H.'l'iclcrlan, "Pnrblcms Associated with Flow Modelling Procedures 1or' Low-Risc Structures," J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn., 4l-44 (1992),923-934' l-41 W. H. Tieleman, "Pressures on Surface-Mounted Prisms: The Effects of Incident Turbulence," J. Wind. Eng. Ind. Aerodyn., 49, (1993),289 300' 1-42 D. Surry, "Consequences of Distortions in the Flow Including Mismatching Scales and Intensities of Turbulence," in Wind Tunnel Modeling for Civil En' gineering Applications, T. A. Reinhold (ed.), Cambridge Univ' Press, Cambridge, 1982, pp. 137-185. 7-43 E. Szechenyi, "supercritical Reynolds Number Simulation for Two-Dimensional Flow Over Circular Cylinders," J. Fluid Mech., 70, Part 3 (August 197 5), 529 542. 7-44 J. Gandemer, G. Bamaud, and J. Bi6try, Etude de lct tour D.M.A. Partie l, 7-45 7-46 Etutle des e.fforts dfis au vent sur les faqades, Centre Scientifique et Techniquc du Bitintcnt, Nantes, France, 1975' B. J. Vickery, "The Aeroelastic Modeling of chimneys and Towers," in wintl Tunnel Motleting .for Civil Engineering Applications, T. A. Reinhold (Ed.). Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1982, pp. 408-428. O. Giivcn, C. Farell, and V. C. Patel, "surface-Roughness Effects on the Mearr Flow Past Circular Cylinders," J. Fluid Mech',96 (1980)' 673-701' 1-47 P. Sachs, wind Forces in Engineering,2d ed., Pergamon Press, oxford, 1971t. 7-48 V. J. Modi and S. 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Wrrrrl l,rr.ssrrrt,s .rr :r lliglr ltist' llrultlrrrlt," .l Irttl. ..lttt,rlrvr., | ( l{)l.r). .)i (,() I \)' W- A. l)lrlp,lit'slt, "('ottt;rrttisott ol Mtxlt'l ;rrrrl l,ull Sr:rlt. lt.sls ol llrc (,orrrrrcrc.t: (lourt IJuiltlirrg irr'lonrlto," in Wirtrl l'rutttt.! ll!,,,lr,ltrr11 fitr.(,ivi! 1,.)tt,qitrtt,rittg Al4sl.iuttiotts, 'l'. A. l{oinho[l (otl.), (,irrrrlrritll,t. t trriv,.r.sity l)rcss, Carrrhrirlgc:, l9tl2. pp. .575-589. / 5-l I{. D. Marshall, "A Study .l'wintl I'r1'ssrr1's :r sirrglc-Family Dwelling in M<del and Full Scale," .l . lnd. Acnxlrvr., 1,2 'rr (ocr. l9'5), llj_19g. l5'+ R. D. Marshall, "wind'r'urrncrs Applictr t. wind Engineering in Japan," -/. Struct. Eng., ll0 (1984), tZ03 122t. / -5-5 H. utsunomiya, F- Nagao, y. Ueno, ancl M. Noda, "Basic Study of Blockage Effecrs on Bluff Bodies," J. wind. Eng. Intr. Aerocryn., 49 (lggi),247-256. / 5() G. M. Richardson and D. Surry, "comparisons of wind-Tunnel and Full_Scale Suriace Pressure Measurements on Low-Rise pitched-Roof Buildings, " J. wincl. Eng. Ind. Aerodyn., 38 (1991), 249_256. ; CHAPTER 8 ltI l,lt()rItrilltt ,t{)ilt:;llMA|N(,I,il()llntilt jl, t,1,.|ililil1t0ll,. .l(l!) ust'. A st:t'ontl'rlrrrt' tlilt ttsst'tl irr sct'1. li. I "r. l:;;rllrr()l)r:rlr. l{rr r1rr.,1r..,11,11 ,tl clrttklirtg lurrl olltt.r rrrt.lrrlrr'rs lrol srrlrjt't'lt'tl (o:.r1,1111sq;rrrl rl1,rr.rrlrr, ,rrrrlrlllg r'lttitltl <lr :totrlclttslit' cllt'c'ls. ll rrlilizcs (l) t'xlrt'rrrt. wnr(l :,lr('i.(l rl;rl;r rt.r lrr1.rl oI cslitrtatccl lilI circlr ol tlrc ti (rlr l(r) plirrt'iplrl ( (]rnl]:r:i:. tllt.t lr.rr:;, ;rrrrl 1.,; ;rt'rodynarlic clata, llascd ott wincl tunncl lcsls, ()n llr('(l('lx.rrrlt.rrt.t.rrpon tlrrct lrorr ol thc wind cflcct being ctlnsidcrcd.'l'hc wirrtl spt't'tl :rrrrl lr.'lxly,r,,,r,,,.tllrlrr ;rrt. rrsccl to create timc series of cxtrclnc wirrtl crllL't'ls, liirrrr wlrit'lr il rs lxrssilrlc {rr t'slitnate a univariate probability distribu(ion ol tlrc: llu-gcsl wirrrl cllcct, irs wgll ;rs lhe requisite design loading (c.g., thc winrl kracl with a -50-ycar nlcan rc('rrrrcnce interval). The practical application clf this proceclurc-par-ticularly fbr t'lirclding design-is simple and straightfirrward. The third p.o""dur", discussed WIND DIRECTIONALITY EFFECTS rrr Sect. 8.1.3, utilizes the eight univariate probability distributions of the largest ve:arly wind speeds recorded for the principal compass directions [g-2, a-11, :rrrtl the fact that the time series of the largest yearly winds blowing from tlillbrent directions have as a rule weak mutual correlations lsee Sect. 3.+;. 'l'lris procedure can be applied to any type of structure or structural member, rrrcluding structures or members subjected to wind-induced aerodynamic am, lrlilication or aeroelastic effects. Wind effects on structural members depend upon direction for climatological, aerodynamic, and structural reasons. The extreme wind climate at any one site is, in general, nonuniform with respect to direction owing to basic atmospherit. circulation pattems and/or the presence of local obstructions. Aerodynamic behavior depends upon direction for most structural members; examples rangc from cladding to bridges. The dependence upon direction of the structural response of a member subjected to a given aerodynamic load can be simply 8.1.1 Procedure Based on Theory of Random processes lr this procedure the mean wind velocity is regarded as a stationary twotlirrrcnsional random vector process, u(r), with speed u(r) and direction d(r). lirrilure is assumed ro occur tf u(0) > g@) (i.e., the curve g(d) is the failure lr.undary in the velocity space; see sect. A3.1.2). Forexample, if the relation lrctween the wind effect Q@) and the wind speed u blowing from direction 0 illustrated in the case of a circular flagpole in horizontally homogeneous terrairr, anchored to its foundation by four bolts located at the comers of a square basc plate. For any given wind speed. the uplilt lorce on the anchor bolts is grcalcr by a factor of V2 when the wind direction is parallel to the diagonal of thc base plate than when it is parallel to one of the sides. This chapter describes procedures for estimating probability distributions ol Iargest yearly wind effects which account for the dependence upon direction ol the extreme wind climate and of the aerodynamic and structural behavior ol' the member. Also described in this chapter are procedures for estimating prolr abiiities of failure and safety indices for members sensitive to wind direction ality effects. 8.1 PROCEDURES FOR ESTIMATING PROBABILITY DISTRIBUTIONS OF LARGEST YEARLY WIND EFFECTS Three such proccdurcs arc currcntly availablc;. Thc lirst pnrt't'tlrrr.c is htsctl orr the theory o['s(ationirry nrnclorn pn)ccsscs I13-1, lt-2. u ll l( is slrowrr in Scr't. 8.1.1 that in (hc prcserrl st:tlc ol'lhc rrll tlris proct'rlrrn'is rrol :,rrlr'rl lir.pllrcliclrl 308 Q@ : h(iluz@) (8.1.1) thcn the boundary g(0) has the expression s(0) wlrcre R is the prrncl). : ttt n Lnot lt/z (8. r.2) I limit state (e.g., the wind pressure causing failure of I a cladding 'fhc mean rate at which the vector u(r) crosses the boundary g(0) in the rrrrtward direction is denoted by u,rand may be referred to as the mean failure rrrrc. If the values of u1| arc srrrall, failure is a rare event and its probability rrury bc assumed to be .l' lhc l).iss.n typc. The probability that in the time rrrlcrvatl 7'no luilurc will oct'tl.(i.t'.. lhc: llnrblrbility that the velocity vector will not cnlss llrc liriltrrc lrrttutrl:rry,r;(//) irr llrt'ou(wirnl direction) can be written t'lll. tl t '1't (li. L.l) t wlNt) t)ilil(itl()Nnl llY llll(.1:i 310 (Eqs. A1.34, A2.39) so ihlrt tlrc pnrbtrbilily 4 : t ol lrrilrrrr': tltrrirrg tirrrc 7'is (, ,1!,t (tt.1.4) The fact that there is no failure during the time interval Z means that thc largcst wind effect Q occurring during that interval is less than R. Thus Eq' 8.1..1 yields the cumulative probability distribution of Q corresponding to the valtrc Q: R: Fo(Q<R):g-'nr (8. I" : ,Etr 1it,(')lu(,) s(0)lfu,ots(01, ,l It (8.1.6) [8-1, 8-2], where U, : derivative with respect to time of the projection of thc velocity vector U(0) on the normal to the boundary g@), U(0) : wind speed, fu.o : joint probability density function of wind speed and direction, and Efi' : average of the positive values of U,, given that U(0) : g(0). Attempts to evaluate the mean rate vp have been reported in [8-1] and [8-3], where in addition to the assumption of stationarity of the wind velocity process, the assumption that U, and U are statistically independent was used' SO Etrtu"@)lu(0) : s(o)l : Efftu,@)l I'llr)r I lrlllll :, l ()ll l:;llMn llu(i l'ltl,lll\ltll ll, Irl',iltlill,ilillj l:rlgt'.'l'ltt'sc rlist'tt'p:trrt'rr's tltrr lrt':rlllilrtrlr'tl lo llrt'rr,,r'r,l rrrrrl,,1rr.r.rl rl.rl;r lo lr l:rrgt' t'xlcrrt willt ltrt'lt'onrlop,rtlrl Plrt'rrurrrr.u;r {r. l, rronlntt, lrtcczcs) thltl itrc ttttrcl:rlctl to tltc slt'ott1'. willls ol lrr(t'rt.,,l lt .,lltr lul;rl ,lr.,,r;'rr As ntllccl in Scc:t.3.2.3, such n:ctlttls crut lrlrvrtlt':r rrrr:,lr':rrlnrl', lr.l,r:, l'r .,1.r tislical inf'crcnccs ctlnccrning cxlrcnlc: wirrrl spt'r'tls l,irr tlrr:, r(':r,on, rnr1,..,.. rt'liablc cstimates of the tcrrns lifflIl,,lllt0l ,r](//)l rrrrtl .l ,, ,ltt.l,ll :ur. rrurtlt. orr ;rssocitttctl tlrc basis of data pertaining to stft)ng wirttls, llrt'rrrt'llrtxl n'vit'wt.rl irr llris st.r.liorr r';ulnot be used with confidcncc lirr stnrc(unrl tlcsigrr l)utl)()srrs. I .-s l whcre zp is a function of R. In particular, if Z: I year, Eq. 8.1.5 represents thc cumulative distribution function of the largest yearly wind effect, that is, thc probability that thc largcst actual wind effect in any one year is less than l spcci(icd wind effect R. Thc mcan outcrossing raLc vp may be obtained by using Eq. A2.47, which is valid r,rnclcr thc assumption that the random process is stationary. If polar coordinatcs arc uscd, it fbllows from Eq. A2.47 that ,o: ll I (8.1.7) The quantity EfflU,(:0)l can be estimated fiom spectra of wind velocities on the basis of Eq. A2.l6a. Under the assumption of stationarity, these spectnr and the probability density fu.oof Eq. 8.1.6 can be estimated from continuotrs wind velocity records or from comparable types of records, such as wintl velocities recorded at one- or three-hour intervals [8-1, 8-3]. Once Eff[U,,([t)l andfu., are obtained, Eqs. 8.1.5 and 8.1.6 can be used to estimate the ctr mulative distribution function of the largest yearly wind effect. In [8-3] largest ycarly wind loads estimated by thc procctlrrrc tlcscribcd irr this section wcrc conlparcrl in a nurnbcr ol cascs witlt llrrgt'st ycrrr-ly lo:rtls obtained on (hc bltsis ttl'itc(tutl trtcasttrcttlcnts. 'l'ltc rlistn'Plttrt'it's lrt'lwt:cll tltt' rcspcctivc cunrrrllrlivt' tlis(t'ilrtrliolt lirnc(iorts wt. tt' lotttttl lo lrt' ttltltt t't'pllrlrly B-1.2 Procedure Based on the Time Series of the Largest Yearly Wind Effects 'l'lris procedure is applicable if the wind effect Q@) can be described by an ('\pression of the form Q(0) : )pC@)C,,(0)U'(h, (8. r.8) 0) rvlrcre p : air density, C(0) : coefficient transforming wind load into wind cll'ccts (if Q(0) is a wind pressure or suction, C(0) : l), Cp(0) : aerodynamic t'rrcfficient corresponding to wind blowing from direction 0, and U(h, 0) : rncan wind speed corresponding to the direction d at the reference height lr :rbove ground. It is assumed that the influence coefficient C(0) is independent ,tl' U(h,0). It is also assumed that the coeflicient Q,(0) is independent of or ,rrrly weakly dependent upon U(h,0). These assumptions exclude from considt'ration members subjected to significant dynamic amplification or aeroelastic t'll'ccts. 'Ihe details of the procedure discussed in this section differ according to whether the region being considered has a well-behaved wind climate or can t'xperience hurricane winds. The two cases are therefore treated separately. Struclures in Well-Behaved Wind Climates. Let U,(h,0) denote the largest vrrlue of U(h, 0) during year i. The largest wind effect Q; during that year is tlrc largest of the values Qi(0) obtained by substituting U,(h,0) for U(h,01in lrc1. 8.1.8: e, : )p max[C(0)Co(ilU?(h, (8.1.e) 0)] Notc that in conventional engineering practice, wind directionality effects are rrtrl taken into account; that is, the largest yearly wind effect calculated for ,lcsign purposes, Ol""', ir assumed to be given by Onlrrrr ]/) frurxl('(//)(),((/)lnrt;x1U!{h, l,1t(',r,,.,r1 l,' {l t I 011 (8.1.10) (lJ. r . r r) 312 wlNt) t)lll oil()Nnt ly I IIrt lltl :, I()l l l:;lllvln llN(i I'l t()lrnlilt ll, ttr',ililnililr,il', l tct:i whercU;(h) - maxp[ U;(/r,0)l dcnotcs llrc lurgcst uttnttal wittcl spcc:cl tcgarcllcss of direction, and C*o^ : (8. r. r2) max[C(0)C,,(0)J 0 Example Consider a 100-m tall building located in an urban environment, for which it was estimated in [8-5] that U(h,0)lUJ(0) : 1.39, where Uy(0) : f-astest-mile wind speed at l0 m above ground in open terrain, and lr : 3ltt m. The largest yearly fastest-mile wind speeds Uf.(0) recorded during a given ycar in the region being considered are listed in row I of Table 8.1.1. Thc r.ncasured peak suction coefficients Cp(O) reported in [8-5] for a cladding panel located at 94-m elevation near a conrer of the building are listed in row 2 ol' Tablc 8.1.1. Thc corrcsponding suctions, Q(0), calculated by Eq. 8.1.9 in which C(g) = I ancl p : 1.25 kg/m3, are listed in row 3 of Table 8.1.1, and represent thc largest suctions induced in the cladding panel by winds blowing from the cight directions of the compass during the year being considered. It is seen in Table 8.1.1 that the largest suction induced during the yearol' concem by winds blowing from any direction is Q1 : maxlQ(0)l 0 : (8.1.13) 703 Pa effects were not taken into account, it would follow from Eq. 8.1.11 that Ol" : ) x 1.25 x 3.33 x (1.39 x 31.3)2 :3939 Pa. It is seen that in this example the value obtained by ignoring wind directionality effects is considerably higher than the actual value of the largest yearly wind suction, Qt : 1O3 Pa. Note, however, that this would not have been the casc had the directional distribution of the wind speeds and/or of the suction coel'ficients been relatively uniform, or had the directions corresponding to thc If wind directionality maximum values of Ct,@) and Uy.1(0) coincided. If extreme wind speed dara Ui(h,0j) (j : 1,2, ... , 8 or 1,2, ... , 16) are available for a su{licient number n of consecutive years (:e.9., m - 20), a set of largest yearly load data, Qi, (i : 1,2, ... , m) can be calculated by TABLE 8.1.1. Largest Yearly Wind Speeds, Suction Coefficients, and Largest Yearlv Sucfions DiTectionNNEESESSWWNW u1.{:0) (mis) 2 ct,(0) .J Q,@) (l'a) t2.5 8.9 0.07 l.(Xr t3 tot r0.3 426 22.3 10.3 0.51 0.61 106 ll(r 22.3 22.8 0.(r(r .)()(r /o 3 r .3 l.12 0.2,1 i 284 rrsing I,)t1. lJ.l.(). linltr llrt'st'tllrtlr it is lxrssrlrlt- lo r.:,llnt;tlr.llrc :ll:l l11.1,l 11111111, rlrsllibtttiott ol'Q trntl v:rriorrs stirlistics tlrirl lrriry lrt.rr:t'rl lul .1...,,,,,, l)lulx)s(.5 ()ttc sttch slalistic is tlre wintl krlrtl Q,y col't1'slxrrrtlrnli lo ilry nr(':ur r('(ulr('n((' rrrlcrvtrl N. It is convonicnt lirr ctlntpulatiottal prtrpost's lo tlt'lirrt' llrc rlrr;rrrlily, rt'lt.r'lt'tl to lrs cquivalcnt wind spccd, ,t "'' - \ | nurx,,l Q({/)l ]pc),,,,,* }r (8.1. l4) J rvlrcrc C,-o^ is defined as in Eq. 8.1.12. The largest yearly equivalent wind :;pccd during year i is u.q,i:l+r,*,*)" (8.1. ls) Stltistical analyses of sets of data, Ueq,i, reported in [8-6] have revealed that tlrt' probability distributions of the largest annual equivalent wind speeds may I't' assumed for design purposes to be Extreme Value Type I. This assumption rs trsually conservative. Note that if the equivalent wind speeds have an Extreme Vrrlue Type I distribution, the distribution of Q is not Extreme Value Type I. I-ct U.op denote the equivalent wind speed corresponding to a N-year mean r('currence interval. Assuming that the distribution of U"q is Extreme Value l'ype I, it is possible to write (see Eq. 3.2.1) U"qN = a"o * b"o ln N (8.1.16) wlrore a.q:7.q - o.45s"o b.o : 0.78s.0 (8.1.17) (8.1.18) ;rntl X.o and s"o : sample mean and sample standard deviation of U.0.,. The wincl effect Qlr corresponding to the mean recurrence interval N can then be rvrittcn (Eqs. 8.1.15 and 8.1. i6) as Qn = ipC,-u^(a.q I b.o ln N;2 (8.1.19) It is clcar that failure to takc wind directionality into account (i.e., the use of lrrrgcst ycarly wind effects oslirrrirtctl by Eq. 8.1.10, rather than by Eq. 8.1.9) wottltl rcsult in some citscs itt trrrreirlisticirlly inllatccl cstimates of the wind load toltcsptlncling to an N-ycrrl rlr(':ur rr'( unt'rtt'c irrlcrvtrl. This is shown in thc lollowirrg cxltrttplc, prcse:ttletl irt tlr'l;rrl ()n :r('r'()lnrt ol'thc plrcticul ilrrl-lol'lutrcc ol sttclt crtlculrrliotts irr clirtklirrp', 1,,1;r:rs tlt'srlirr 314 wtNt) t)ilil (:il()Nnt ily I ll t( * t,, (:l l)l,l ll l; l()l I llillMn llN(, I'il(ltiAilil il r trl..iltilrt lil()N:; Example'l'hc largcst ycurly Iirs(csl rrrrlt'wrrrtl spt'r'tls lrl l0 rn irlrovt'glorurtl irr open teffain, U7, clbtaincrl lirrrrr rt't'oltls (rrkt'n rrl Slrcritlirrr, Wyorrrirrg, irr llrt' period 1958-1911 arc listcd in rnph irr 'l':rlrlt' 13.1.2. (Surrrrrrary sttrtistics lirr these data are shown in Fig. 3.4.1 .) Wc scr:k thc -50-ycar wincl-inrluccrl suc(ion, QN:so, on the cladding panel of the prcvious cxample, lor which thc acrody namic coemcients are given in row 2 ol"lablc 8.1.1, and the ratio U{h,0)lUJ(0) is approximately equal to 1.39. From Eqs. 8.1.9 (in which C.(//) : l) and 8.1.15, it follows that the largest yearly equivalent wind spcctls during the period 1958-1977 have the values shown in Table 8.1.2, where thc corresponding sample mean {o and sample standard deviation s"u are also shown. From Eqs. 8.1.16 through 8.1.19, h:so:974 Pa (20.3 psf). If the load is calculated without taking wind directionality into account, thc nominal 5O-year load is (Eq. 8.1.11) (8. 1.20) TABLE 8.1.2. Largest Yearly Fastest-Mile Wind Speeds, Ur, Loads, Q,, and Equiralent Speeds. {,,;.,.t wltct'c {f lr -50-yclrr-lirs(cst-ltrilc wirrtl slx'r'tl (rrr rrr/:,) t'strrrurlrrtl l.nrrrr thc sct ol'largcst ycarly spcctls rcgartllcss ol tlircclrorr. lirorrr llrt: tllrttr ol-'l'ablc 8.1.2, I/1so:74.25 ntph (33.2 nr/s), irrrtl Qfi"",,, ,l,l,lo I,l (92.5 psf), versus the :rctual -50 ycar load, 0t s, -,914 l'rr (20..1 lrsl ). Directional largcst yearly lirstcst-ruilc wirrrl spccd data at a number of weather stations in the United states arc availablc in [8-7]. Similar data that may be rrsed for design purposes can also be obtained fiom monthly Local climatoIogical Data summarics publishcd by the National oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (see Sect. 3.4). structures in Hurricane-Prone Regions. In hurricane-prone regions the load rlata used for inferences conceming design loads are not yearly maxima. Rather, lhey are associated with hurricanes, which occur at irregular intervals. The rrpproach used in this case is the following. A large number m of hurricanes is gcnerated by Monte Carlo simulation on the basis of climatological information trn hurricane storms, as shown in Sect. 3.3. For each hurricane the load e; and the corresponding equivalent wind speed U"o,; (see Eqs. 8.1.9 and 8.1.15) are then obtained. Following exactly the same steps used in Sect. 3.3.2, the curnulative distribution functions of the largest load and of the largest equivalent wind speed occurring in any one year are found to be Largest Annual Fastest-Mile Wind Speed at 10 m above Ground in Open Terrain (mph)"'" Year NE 1958 t959 1960 1961 1962 1963 t9& 1965 t966 28 20 41 25 36 25 2t l8 22 23 3r t4 22 33 l5 36 1967 44 1968 36 1969 28 t970 t97t 28 33 23 1972 t9l3 1974 1915 1916 t97l 2l l4 l9 l6 l3 l5 l9 28 24 22 23 28 22 31 24 20 44 Notc: X.., "l rrplr /'V:rlrrt:s 31 - SW 23 19 16 30 22 23 18 20 19 16 19 15 20 22 26 t9 t9 19 28 19 16.11 rn/s; O,447 nr/s. ,r,.,, 50 29 34 36 36 33 34 33 34 40 3s 36 35 31 36 32 37 27 33 40 2.1 I 23 25 26 21 16 36 19 t7 14 36 2t 22 37 22 37 15 25 28 38 36 50 40 43 47 41 63 54 66 51 51 39 53 61 49 55 46 57 39 47 34 Fo(Q NW Q,(Pascals) sl 70 38 60 4s 60 38 60 52 60 48 s'7 54 60 43 55 39 6I 4t 62 40 47 34 66 37 s3 31 41 44 47 39 64 49 56 33 st 33 47 44 s6 nr/s. irr ilrrlits:rrc l:ul'r'\t y(''lrly rvirrrl spt't'rls lirrrn;rll rlirctlrorr, U"u.i(m/s) 103 399 18.4 13.9 553 16.3 718 728 643 782 708 419 464 438 459 598 18.6 384 13.5 553 419 653 16.3 289 ll.t3 64t3 17.6 15.1 5 t.\ 18.7 t7.6 19.4 18.5 14.2 315 < Qi): Fu"r(U,,t< _ - Xll-i,ttr{ U.q.i) t)l (8.1.21) where \ is the annual occurrence rate of hurricanes in the area of interest for the site being considered. Continuous probability distribution curves, F(e < 17) and F(U"q I u"o), that best fit Eq. 8.1 .21 (e.g., reverse Weibull or Extreme Value Type I distributions) can be estimated by using standard statistical techrriques. Note that the mean recurrence interval of the load e, and of the equiv:rlcnt wind speed U"o , is 15.0 14.5 I _ e-Atl t4.9 17.0 t4.2 t] .l i/(m+ t)l (8.1.22) A similar approach is reported in [8-4]. A computer program for estimating hurricane-induced wind loads in accortlirnce with the procedure outlined here is described briefly in [8-8], and is rrvailable on tape in [8-91 . Stored in the program are hurricane wind speecls t'orrcsponding to the 16 compass rlircctions at 56 mileposts located atdistanccs -50 nar-rlical rnilcs along thc: (irrll'rrnrl Atlunlic coasts (see also [3-7 ll). Thcsc spcctls worc <lbtaincd 1'rolrr t)(X) Irrrlrit'lrrrt'wintl licltls gcncratecl hy Morrlc ('trllo sirrrrrlir(iorr lrI cach lllils:1.rosl , rrs'rl in St.t.l,3.3.2, unrl wcr.e rrst'tl irr ll"i l0l rrntl irt llrc tlcvt:lo1'rlttt'nl ol llrt'rvrrtl :;;x't'rl rrr;rp irrclu<lc:tl ilr llrt'Arrrt.rit.;rrr Nlrliortrrl SllrrttLrrtl n.58. I l()li.) lt{ I ll ol 316 wtNt) I)iltt (;il()NAt ily I IIIcr llllllll:. In cases whcrc it is.iutlgctl tlr:rl tlrt'lltrb:rlrili(y tlistlibrr(iorr ol lhc lirrgesl yearly loads, Fy(Q I q), ntay bc irlleclcrl by lxrtlr hurricanc urrtl rllnhrrrricrrnc winds, the following expression should bc uscd: Fo(Q <0: Fa"(Qn ( 4)Fo*"(QNu < (8. r.23) 4) where Fq^(Qs < 4) : cumulative distribution function of hurricane-inducul wind loads, Qs, estimated as shown in this section, and Fp*"(Orvu < Q) = cumulative distribution function of loads induced by nonhurricane winds, cstimated as shown in the previous section (see also Sect. 3.3.2). 8.1.3 Procedure Based on the Univariati Probability Distributions of the Largest Yearly Wind Speeds Recorded for Each of the Principal Compass Directions A simplc pnrccdurc is now presented that may be applied to any type ol' structurc, including structures subjected to aerodynamic amplification of aeroelastic effects. It was pointed out in Section 3.4 that the correlation between extreme wincl speeds occurring in any two directions is generally weak. As shown in Appendix Al (Eqs. A1.64), two uncorrelated variables having a joint Extremo Value Type I distribution are statistically independent. It can be shown thal statistical independence also holds for any number of uncorrelated variablcs whose joint distribution is of an extreme value typelAl-241 . In practice it can therefore be assumed that the largest yearly winds blowing from the eight principal compass directions are statistically independent. The cumulative probability distributions of the largest yearly wind effect may thus be written as Fo(Q <R) : : Prob(ut 1 r'r, u2 1 Prob(rrr < a{) Prob(t,, ut2, ..., us < (8.1.24a) uL) < ut21... Prob(u3 < r.,/3) g.l.24b) where erj is the wind speed from direction i causing the occurrence of the wintl effect R [8-14]. Note that if the wind speeds occurring in all directions wcrc: perfectly correlated, then Fo(Q < R) : Prob(ar < utr) (8.1.2s) where I < k < 8. Equation 8.1.25 indicates that Eq. 8.1.24b is conservativc from a structural design viewpoint. Bonferroni techniques applicable to bivar' iate extreme value distributions were used in [8-15| to cstimatc bounds lirr probabilities Fo(Q < R). The estimates showcd that in clinrirlcs rx)( pK)nc (o hurricane occurrenccs, Eq. 8. 1 .24b typically ovcrcsliuurlcs rrnrr;rl l:rilurc prrrl'l abilities by a lactol lrl'lcss than two. Sirrrilar (cclrrritlrrr's rrury lrr'rrpplicrl to hurricanc wirrtls" lirl t'xrrrrrplc, rrsing cs(ittt:rlctl tlittt liorr;rl tl:rl;r :rv:rillrlrlc irt llt 9l or 1.1 7ll nlllr',r\il iy it\ll,l{.1:; ,lll 8.2 ESTIMATION OF FAILURE PROBABILITIES AND SAFETY INDICES FOR MEMBERS SENSITIVE TO WIND DIRECTIONALITY EFFECTS 'lo detemrine whether a mcmbcr scnsitivc lo winrl tlircctiorlrlily cllccts is rrr' ccptable from a safbty point o1' vicw, ils rrorrrinirl lailLrrc probability (or its safety index) is compared to that ol' a rtrcrrrbcr.juclgcd to be acccptablc. 'l'hc rnember is then redesigned as nccdcd until thc rcsult of this comparison is satisfactory. An application of this rcliability-based approach to the design of glass cladding for a tall building is presented in Chapter 9. This section describes procedures for estimating nominal failure probabilities and safety intlices required for the application of this approach. 8.2.1 Estimation of Failure Probabilities Consider a member whose resistance is R, and denote by Q the largest load cffect acting on the member during any one year. Failure occurs for any pair of values R, Q such that R - Q < 0. In most applications R and Q may be russumed to be independent, so the probability of failure in any one year can hc written as P, : (.Jn Fn@tfs@) dq (8.2. r) (Eq. ,{1.21), where Fa : cumulative distribution function of R, and fq : probability density function of Q. The function/q is related by Eq. Al.ll to lhe cumulative distribution function, Fg, estimated as shown in Sects. 8.1.2 rrnd 8.1.3. The probability of failure during the n-year lifetime of the structure t'an be obtained from Eqs. 8.2.1 and A1.31. The probability of failure so obtained is conditional upon a given set of values of the random parameters (lrat determine the functions R, Q, Fn, and fq. Conditional probabilities of llilure can be useful in certain applications in which the objective is to assess tqualitatively the relative reliabilities of various members. Unconditional failure probabilities can be estimated by using an expression sirnilar to Eq. A3. I, provided that (1) the probability distributions of the various rrrrdom parameters that determine R, Q, Fa, and fpare known and (2) such t'stimates are not computationally prohibitive. In a number of situations of practical interest it is in principle possible to use reliability-based design methrrrls that employ the safety index as a measure of structural reliability. Nevertlrclcss, difficulties pertaining to thc choice of the target safety index for at least sorrrc situaticlns remain unsolvr.rtl. 8.2.2 Estimation of Safety lnclices 'l'lrt'ltursl t'orttlttttttly ttst'tl s;rlt'ly ur(l('\ ()rr rvlri,lr rt'li:rlrilily t';rlt'rrl:rliotrs irrt' lr;rst'rl lr:ts lltt' t'xPn'ssiort 318 lr:'r:;ilMn|ol.|'rt wlNl) t)ililcil()Nnt ily tiltct tnilt,ilt I't t()iln||illilt :, ,,.r\t tt, Ilt rt{t, itl tt:rltts tll'tttt';tlts. t'ot'lltt'lt'ltls ol vltt'iltlirltt, ,lilrtl t ont'l.rltotr t ot'llrr rr.1l., 6l ru,,,rr, lrlttlorrrv:rriirblcsl,(i l,l,..,,a)irlrrl .\,(/ llrt. ,u I l.rti I .'. rtl. lrighcr-tlrclcr tcrtns irr tlre:sc cxprcssions lrt.ilrp rrt.1ilt.r.{t.rl l lior r.r;rrrrlrlr,:, ol :, clrlculations, soc uqs. A3:26 n3.2tt irrtl lll lll)r lrr rno:.r rlt.:,r1,11 :,rru;rtr()n:, tlrlrt involvc wind action. R arrcl Zn errrt lx't'slinurlt.rl rrrlt'pt.rrtlt.rrtly ol (),,;rrrtl f vo,, I u(h,0) Sfructures with Specitied Orientation. 'l'lre t'rrrrrrrlirtivc: tlistributiel lirlclion Fy"o,, of the largest lil'ctirnc c:(luivalont wirrd spcccl 4u, ili F l1'l(JtJlllt tt.2.l. Wincl dircction, 0, and angle of orientation of structure, a. ",)) : lF u"u(u.,)1" (8.2. s) :rnd the standard deviation J(a"q,). in addition to wind loads, arc we then treat the case of structures with unknown orientation, which is of interest for the development of building code provisions on wind loads. In general, Q,: A, + Q', : itB + p') (e,^o^ + c,^^*) 1O"o, + U!r,)2 Q, = present. (8.2.3) X,) (8.2.4) where, for example, the random variables XiG : 1,2, . . . , m) may denotc memberdimensions and material strength, and X1(j : m * l, m I 2, . . ., n) may represent aerodynamic and micrometeorological parameters. * Equations 8.2.3 and 8.2.4 can be expanded in Taylor series; approximate expressions for the mean values and coefficients of variation of R and e,, can lhcn bc obtaincrl tThe cxprcssitlns lilr /? ltlttl Q, ttt:ry tortliritt lr rrrrrrrbcr ol toltrrrrorr v;rrr;rlrlr':,. llr;rl is. .y X, lin (8.2.6) whcre the bars and primes indicate mean values and deviations from the mean, rcspectively. we assume that the values p and c^"" used in calculating u"0,, (lrc1. 8.1.15) are the mean values of these two variables. The following apprrrximate relations follow from Eq. 8.2.6: also consider the case where gravity loads, r -: ltr :rrrtl i - trt I l. ",,,,(u (lrq. A.3.2), where n : lifetime in years and Fu.,t: cumulative distribution lirnction of the largest yearly equivalent wind speed u"o obtained as shown in soct. 8.1.2. From the distribution Fy"u,, it is possible to estimate the mean u"on (8.2.2) (see Eq. A3.29), where R and vp: mean value and coelficient of variation of the limit state, and Q, and vg,, : mean value and coefficient of variation ol' the largest lifetime load effect. we consider here only members that do not experience significant dynamic amplification or aeroelastic motions [8-13]. Load effects for such members can be described by Eq. 8.1.8. Expressions for Q, and V9, are first developed ftrr the case of structures with a specified orientation angle, a (Fig. 8.2.1). Wc sornc vafrrcs t Associated with the largest lifetime equivalent wind speed u.q,, is the largest lil'ctime wind effect Qn (see Eq. 8.1.14): lnn-nQ, ^ vTii;tr u: R:R(Xr,X2,...,X.) Q, : Q,(X,+t, Xm+2, . . ., t vb,, lpC,,'u^A?r,,(l = vl + vzr^.^, + I Vtr"o,,) vL",,, (8.2.7) (8.2.8) 'l'hc coefficient of variation, 26,,,"*, reflects the variabilities of the influence t trclhcients c(0) and of the aerodynamic coefficients Co@). For example, the inllucnce coefficients transforming pressure on cladding into maximum tensile slrcss in the panel depend upon the panel thickness, which, forthe same nomrnirl thickness, may actually vary somewhat from panel to panel. Aerodynamic r'ocllicients for any given structure can-and usually do-vary from experiment lo cxperiment. It is possible to write rsirtrPlcr rnanipulations are possiblc in ceftain instances; see Eq. 8.2.6 and subsequent deriva- lr()lls- llris is lnlc r:von in (hc casc ttl gl;tss cl:rrklirrg, which experiences latigue under wind loading ,ttrl wltosc sllctlSllr is inllttcrrtt'tl l)y lll('nirlurc ol thc wincl prcssure fluctuations. As shown in ( ltrrPlt'r (), lhis ittlltrcncc crttt lrr' ittr'orlxrr;rlt'tl irr llrc cxprcssion ol thc load Q, so values of R an6 ll t;ttt lrt'trsctl ilt lit;. IJ.2.2 tlr:rt (()l('rlrrrrl kr rrrrrvt'rrliorlrl l():l(ling pa(tcrns indcpcndent ofthe lrtnt ltislory ol lltr':rt'lrr:rl wilrrl lo:rrlr {lol t.rrltrIlt'. l(, (()usl:utl lo:rtls ol (r0 s rlrrnrlion). 320 * wlNl) l)llil oll()Nnl llY llll(.1:; vi,_,, t ,' r l'r ( , t{.2.u; where V6 and Vg,, are the coeflicicnts ol' vitr-ilrtittlt ol' C:({/) antl Q,(0)-'r' We now derive expressions for U.u, and Vu",t,, lirr thc casc whcrc it nray bc assumed that the data (J"r,1(Eq. 8.1.15) are best fittcd by an E,xtrernc Valttc Type I distribution. As mentioned previously, this assumption is gcncrrtlly conservative. From Eqs. A3.8-A3.9 it follows that : s(a.',) : U"q, whcrc X,.,, ancl s,.,, X"o + 0.78s"q ln n (8.2. r0) (8.2. l r) s.o arc dcfincd fbllowing Eq. 8. I . 18 and n : lifetime of structurc in ycurs. 'lir cstirttirlc Vrt,,r,, wc considcr the relation O (8.2.t2) :,,,c2c-,coc"D![f ",r, where U"u,, and 7!!,," : estimated and true (but unknown) mean value of thc largest lifetime equivalent wind speed, and c1, c2, c3, c4, c, : coefficients witll mean equal to unity that reflect, respectively, (l) errors in the measurement ol' the fastest-mile wind speeds over open terrain, (2) errors in the transformatioll of the fastest-mile wind speeds over open terrain into mean wind speeds at l0 m above ground in open terrain, U0(10), (3) errors in the transformation ol' U0(10) into mean wind speeds at 10 m above ground near the building sitc, U(10), (4) enors in the transformation of U(10) into mean wind speeds at thc elevation, h, near the building site, u(h), and (5) sampling errors in the estimation of (J.q, due to the limited size m of the sample of data U"r.iQ : 1,2, . .. , m). The coefficient of variation Vu.r, can therefore be written as vru.u,: vL, + vl, + vf,. + ,i^ * *. lff (8.2.13) whete V,, (j : 1,2,3, 4) are the coefiicients of variation of c;, and s, '' standard deviation of sampling error in the estimation of U.on. Approximate estimates of the sampling errors s, can be obtained by noting from Eqs. 8.2.10 and 8.1.16-8.1.18 that, fot n:50 years, Ueqn:5gyr = U"qru:soy' so that the respective sampling errors are approximately the sanrc for these two quantities. From F;q.3.2.2 it then follows that tt = where ru : size of data sample U"u., 4 *- (8.2.14t t", (i : l, 2, . . ., 8:' t:;ltM/\il(irl o, tAilUlu I'tt()ilnillt ililr. r.,/\t tty tNl)t{:t :t :12 I Example lisl irrrtrtt. tlrt' srrlt.ty rlrrlt'x, /i (llt1. l{ .r..)). lor /r' /.5 psl'1}.590 l)u), V4 - O.2), p 1.2.5 k11/rrr\. (, 0.0.5, (),,,,, t.|.1. f( U, Vcr,:0.i, X.u,, 16..17 rrr/s.,.r",, l.l I rrr/s, irrrtl rrr 20 (scr. ,l'irblc lJ. 1.2), 1,, : V,, : V,, : V,., : O.05, rt . -50 ycars. From Eqs. 8.2. l l, ti.2. 10, 8.2.t4, 8.2. 13, 8.2.9, 8.2.8, anc| 8.2.7, s(u"en) - 2.ll.,mls, U4t,,:22.61 mls, J., : 1.89 rn/s, Vu,,tn: O.tOt, Zc.^,u* :0. I, Vo,, : 0.3+0, Q, : lO92 Pa. From Eq. 8.2.2, p :'2.94. case where Gravity Loads Are present. Equations g.2.7 and g.2.g are if the gravity loads acting on the member may be neglected (as in the case of cladding panels subjected to wind roads). However, if"(l) the effect applicable of the gravity load is significant and, (2) the most unfavorable load combination occurs when the wind load reaches its largest lifetime value while the gravity load has an "arbitrary-point-in-time," rather than an extreme, value.* then Q,:Qao-o + G v;: ' vba"-o-+ YL f r + --c )' /, * o'"o\' \ Qac=o/ \' C I (8.2.1s) (8.2.16) O"tg: g ?nd.Vo,l.":s : me?n value and coefficient of variarion of largest l!"1" lil'etime wind load esrimared by 8q.8.2.7 and g.2.g. respecrively. and 6ind v6 : mean value and coefficient of variation of "arbitrary-poinrin{me" gravity load, respectively. structures with unknown orientation. A procedure is now presented for r:stimating safety indices for members of structures whose orientation is not known. such a procedure can be useful for the development of building code provisions on wind loads. The unknown orientation of the structure can be considered as one among scveral uncertain factors that determine member reliability (member resistance, :rcrodynamic coefficients, influence coemcients, etc.). To the extent that struc- trrre orientation is included as a random variable in a properly conducted relirrbility analysis, the reliability of members in a structure sampled at random will be acceptable regardless of structure orientation, just as the reliability of will be acceptable even though, owing to :rrry properly designed steel member tlrc variability of the steel strength, actual yield stresses might be lower in some t':rscs than the average yield stress. 'l-he mean value and thc variance of the largest lifetime loads acting on the rrcrnber undcr consideration, avcragcd over all possible angles of orientation rv ol'thc structurc to which llrc rrrcrrrbcr hclongs (Fig. are nt). +Equations tl.2-7 lrrxl ll.2.ll:rrt: trpploxirrurtc hccitttsc (l) lcrrrrs rtl rtrtllt lttl'lrtr llt;rlt lw(l illt' ncglcctctl,:rlrtl (2) it is;rssrrrrrul llurt llrt'vlrriirbililit:s ol lltt'llttkrtr, llt,tl rIlcrtrtlttt't,,,,,, lrrrtl l/,.,,,, ,h'1x'rrl lrt l'lif iltlv tllr'lt rlltt r ltoll nNt a,, l" I .lo ql,,,,r)/(,r) 'Sct' tlisr'rrssiorr irr A1r1x'rrrlir A l lqllrrs 1rl, I tl .\ I ,) r/rv (8.2.11) .t 322 wtNt) t)ilil (;il()Nnl ilY I ttlcr:; (Q.,, - Q,,)'' lil Iilrl - I.:' 10,,(rv) 0,,(,v)l.r (n.1. llt) l'(u) tlu : a is uniformly distributed, that is,/(cy) : ll2r. Other assurnptituts can be made, as necessary, if predominant structure orientations are known to sume that exist. In addition it is assumed that wind speed data are available from 8 compass tlircclions. (ll-data arc available from 16 directions, the number 8 in the equa tirrrrs that lirlkrw rnust bc changed into 16.) Using Eqs. 8.2.11 and 8.2.lti it carr bc slrowrr alicr soutc algcbra that Q,: jPcrn,* i,,?, U.-.,,,ta, )2 [ ( = ftl + stf, + v2r,^^.y* t::, - L* t:: , u,,,(o,)2 tr [*t:: , u*,(o,)2 rt + + + I vL.,,,(d,)t ,t.r. I 'r, u"qJ.,Jo [t + 6 v'r.u,,(o,)l Vrr"",,@,\l jI ) v2u,u,1"'ril (8.2.20, j REFERENCES A. G. Davenport, "The Prediction of Risk under Wind Loading," Procecdingl Znd International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability, Munich, Scpt . 1977, pp. 51 l-538. 8-2 Y. K. Wen, "Wind Dircction and Structural Reliahility." 8-3 lApril 1983r. I028- r04L Y. K. Wcn, "Winrl l)ircction utrtl Stntclttritl llcli:rlrilitv ll ll0 (l9tt4). 125.1 1264, .l . Srrrtct. .l ling.,lllt) .,\trtrt't . l,.rr,q., llitul Iirtttrtl Strt,lt',,1 .ltl.ntttt ()111,'t'lilttlrltrt,tl. Fluid Mcchanics and Wincl lingirrccriltg l'trr1r,r':rrrr. ('ollt'1it' ol llrrl'rr11'1'1i111i. 1',,1 orado Statc Univcrsity, Ft. (lollirrs, Nov. l()7t3. E. Simiu and J. J. Fillibcn, "Winrl l)ircclion lrllccls on ('lutltling lrrl .Slluc(ulul Loads, " Eng. Struct., 3 (July l9t3 I ). ltt I ltt(r. lJ6 M. E. Changery, E. Dumitriu-Valcca, and E. Simiu, Directional Extreme rJ-7 Wind Datafor the Design ofBuildings and Other Structures, Building Sciences Series BSS 160, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC, March 1984. E. Simiu and M. E. Batts, "Wind-lnduced Cladding Loads in Hurricane-Prone Regions," J. Struct. Eng.,109 (Jan. 1983), 262-266. Hurricane-Induced Wind Loads, Computer Program, Accession No. PB Speed r.t-8 9 82132259, National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA, 1982. tt-10 M. E. Batts, L. R. Russell, and E. Sirniu, "Hurricane Wind Speeds in United States," J. Struct. Dlv., ASCE, 106 (Oct. 1980), 2001-2016. I the American National Standard A58.1, Building Code Requirements for Minimum Design Loads, American National Standards Institute, New York, 1982. U-12 K. Rojiani and Y. K. Wen, "Reliability of Steel Buildings Under Winds," -/. Struct. Div., ASCE, 107 (Jan. 1981),203-221. t{-13 E. Simiu, "Aerodynamic Coelficients and Risk-Consistent Design," J. Struct. Eng., l09 (May 1983), 1278-1289. ll 14 E. Simiu, E. Hendrickson, W. Nolan, I. Olkin, and C. Spiegelman, "Multivariate Distributions of Directional Wind Speeds," J. Struct. Ezg., lll (April lJ 18-131. In Eqs. 8.2.19 and 8.2.20, U"c,(o,) and V11.r,(a,) are the mean valuc and the coefficient of variation of the largest lifetime equivalent wind spectl Urr,(o,), estimated for the structure with angle of orientation cYr as in Eqs. 8.2.10 and 8.2.13. Use of Eqs. 8.2.19 and 8.2.20 inEq. 8.2.2 yields the saf'cty index of the member being considered in the case where the orientation of thc structure is unknown. The case where gravity loads are present is treated in ir manner entirely similar to that shown for structures with specified orientation. 8-l ty1i11vrrsorr, J. A. Pctcrk:r anrl .l . lr. (lcnturk, n5 t't I vn,, l) Srrrry, irrrtl A. (i. l);rvt'rrporl. "l'r,',1r, lrrrll Wrrrrl lrrrlrrrt'rl llcslxltse irrlltrrit':urt'Zorrcs,".l .,\urttt. /)rr',AS('l'., l(lltlrcr l()l(r),.rIII ll. V.'l |,1 ,+ l't (t.8. t I 2350. largest lifetime wind load acting on the rncmbcr givcn that tlrc angle of orientation of the structure is cv, and/(cy) : probability density functiorr of structure orientation in the region being considered. It is reasonablc to ls where Q,@) ilr 15 1985),939-943. E. Simiu, S. D. Leigh, and W. A. Nolan, "Environmental Load Direction and Reliability Bounds," J. Struc. Eng., ll2 (1986), ll99 1203. *''w \ a\ PART B WIND LOADS AND THEIR EFFECTS ON STRUCTURES II APPLICATIONS TO DESIGN CHAPTER 9 BUILDINGS: WIND LOADS, STRUCTURAL RESPONSE, AND DESIGN OF CLADDING AND ROOFING 'l'ltc design of buildings is based on estimates of (l) overall wind effects, which rrrtrst be taken into account in the design of the structure, and (2) local wind r'llbcts, which govem the design of components (e.g., purlins) and cladding. lrr gcneral, the aerodynamic information needed to estimate overall as well as krcal wind effects cannot be determined from first principles and must be obIrrincd from wind tunnel tests. However, for a number of common situations llrc acrodynamic information is already available, and procedures for estimating slructural response which incorporate that information may be employed. This is lhc case for tall buildings that (1) have geometric shapes that are not unusual rrcrodynamically or structurally and (2) are not subjected to strong interference e ll'ccts caused by the presence of neighboring structures. As an approximate grridc it may be assumed that if the distance between two buildings exceeds $ix to eight times the average of the horizontal dimension of the buildings, rrrutual interference effects will be negligible for practical purposes. For more rrlincd guidelines and an excellent compendium of information and references rrrt interference effects, see [9-1]. It is noted in [9-21 that a square building kratcd in urban terrain near a building with similar geometry and dimensions will perform satisfactorily, regardless of the relative position of the two buildrngs, if it is designed to withstand the loads (including the across-wind loads) il would experience in the absence of the neighboring structure. See also [9-3, ,) 41. 'l'his chapter is divided into six sections. Sections 9.1,9.2, and 9.3 discuss, rcspcctivcly, methods for cstirnating thc along-wind, across-wind, and torsional lcsponsc of flcxible buildings unullbctcd hy intorlbrcnce effects. (Buildings arc lclbrrccl lo as .flexible il' thcy cxl)r'ricn('r! sigttilicant clynermic arnplification cl: It'cts cluc to thc acnrdynatnic lottrl lltu'tttutirttts. A rough critcrion is put lirrth 327 328 lllrll l)lN(ili wtNI) t()nl r:;, :,ilil,r ilJt!r\t ilt .,1,{)t]:,t ANt) l)l :;t(.N {}t lror}t il!(, by the ASCE 7 9-5 Stlrntllrtl l() 51, wlrrt'lr tk'lirrt's lr lrrriltlirrg rrs llt'xrlrlt'il tlrt. ratio between its hcight ancl Ic:rst lrolizorrlrrl tlirrrerrsion is lirlgcr lllrrr lirru'. or its fundamental natural frequcncy ol'vibrlliorr is lcss thun I llz.) l)yrrirrrrrr. amplification effects influence the structural krads ancl can crcatc two kirrtls ol serviceability problems: (1) occupant discomfort due to cxccssivc buiklirrg :rt, celerations (see Sect. 15.1) and (2) nonstructural damage due to cxccssivc sr.ry drift. To avoid such damage, some designers limit story clrifi scvercry, c.g. r, l/600 at the design wind speed; see [9-73]. The serviceability problerrs .ury be solved by increasing the structure's stiffness, but in many instancos rrrr economical complementary solution is to use damping devices. These arc tlis cussed in Sect. 9.4. Section 9.5 is concerned with overall and local wincl kxrtlr on low-rise buildings, that is, buildings with relatively low height which, owirrg to their relative rigidity, do not normally exhibit dynamic amplification cllct'rs Cladding and roofing clesign for wind loads are discussed in Sect. 9.6. Note that Ihc vast rnajority of available results based on wind tunnel tcs(irr1t or analytical turbulcncc rnodcling were obtained under the assumption that tlrr, atmospheric flow is stationary. In reality some flows, including hurricane llows, are highly nonstationary. Some efforts to study nonstationary flow effects lrrvt. been reported recently; see [A2-14] and [A2-15]. 9.1 ALONG-WIND RESPONSE Until the 1960s drag forces used in structural design calculations were spccilictl on the basis of climatological, meteorological, and aerodynamic consideratiorrs alone, independently of the mechanical properties of the structure, that is, ol its mass distribution, flexibility, and damping. It was subsequently recognizt'tr that for modern tall structures-which are more flexible, lower in danrpirrg, and lighter in weight than their predecessors-the natural frequencies of viblr tion may be in the same range as the average frequencies of occurrencc .l powerful gusts and that therefore large resonant motions induced by wind rrurv occur and must be taken into account in design. The resonant amplification of structural response to forces inducecl by rrt mospheric turbulence was first studied by Liepmann in a classic paper orr tlrr in 1952 [9-6]. The application of Lieprnlrrrr.:, concepts to civil engineering structures required the development of representing the turbulent wind flow near the ground. Such models wcrc l)r(l posed in 196l by Davenport [9-7], who developed on their basis a proccrltrt, for estimating along-wind tall building response [9-81 . vellozzi an,J ('olrt'rr developed a modified procedure, in which, in contrast to l9-81, it is rccognizr.rl that the fluctuating pressures on the windward face <ll'lr hrriklirrg urc rx)l lx.r buffeting problem published fectly correlated to those acting on the lccwarcl lircc l() ()l 'l'lris correlation is accountccl lor in [9-91 by u r-crlrrcliorr llrttor. llowt'ver'. it lr:r:, been shown that tlwirrg l() thc way irr which llris l:rt' rrlrplrr.rl. (lrr'llnrt.t'rlurr. of [9-91 untlcrcs(irttlrlt's llrt'r'esorr:rrrt trlrrplificlrtiorr t' l,) l()1, l,) cctlttrc lilrcslirtr:rlirr1l:rlorr1l wirrrl n'slxrrrst'lrlrst'rl r.r;:rr-rrlr.rlly on l() Ill. A pro i^il lr:rs lrt.r.rr r'r:,r 329 (ltt' (':rrr:rtlr;rr Slrrrr.lrrrlrl l)t.st1',rr M;rrrrr:rl l() l.ll. Vit.kcl.y srrbst: "', lutlt'tl ilt rlu('nlly tlcvclopt'tl :r Ilott'rlrur'slrrrllu lo llr:rl ol l() fil (lurl :rllows" lrowcvcr, l.r lll()lL'llr:xrltility willr n'spt't'l lo llre clroir't'ol ecrl:rirr rrrclconlkrgical param,lr'rs lt) l3l. An ttltcrl'tt:ttivc rrpptrr:rr'lr is rrst'rl in l() zl-3 1, which utilizcs cquations ,,1 crltrilihriullt anlonll ltolizolrtlrl lirrucs trl crrclr llrxrr. lrr llrc proccdurcs ol'19-l2l lrrrtl l9-l.ll i( is ussurned that the characteristics ,,1 rlre turbulcnce do n()t viuy wilh hc:ight abovc ground. Actually, according r,' tlrc rcsults clf moclcrn rnctconlkrgical research, the energy of the turbulent llrrtltnttionS that causc rcsonant oscillations in tall buildings decreases signifi,.rrrlly at higherelevations (see Sect. 2.3.3). Computerprograms forcalculating .rl.rrs 1ryip4 response, in which this decrease is taken into account and which 'll,rw therefore more economical designs, have been deveioped independently iir l() l4l to [9-16]. ()rr the basis of [9-14] and 19-161, simple procedures were deveroped in l't I 7l and [9-18] that account for the dependence of turbulent fluctuations on ir,'r1llrl, and on whose basis rapid manual calculations of the arong-wind re'tx)nsc can be performed. The procedure of [9-18] is easy to use, and it is , ()nsistent with specifications in which the mean wind profile is represented by tlrt' krgarithmic law. we include it in this chapter for users of such specificarr'rrs. ThiS procedure also applies to elevated structures, such as signs whose lrotloln side does not reach to ground level. 'l'he commentary to the ASCE 7-95 Standard [9-l] includes a procedure .r,l;rptcd from [9-18] by A. Kareem [9-19], which accommodates wind climate .rrrrl wind profile information expressed in terms of 3-s basic wind speeds and rlr(' I)ower law, respectively. In addition to being compatible with the format .rrrtl rcquirements of the ASCE, 7-95 standard, Kareem's version has over the 1rr.r'cdure of [9-18] the advantage of added flexibility with respect to the choice ,'l thc fundamental modal shape. It is available, in interactive computerized 1,rp111, 2s part of the diskette "Developmental computer-based version of ASCE /().5 Standard Provisions for Wind Loads" [17-5] appended to this book.* All the procedures mentioned above are based on the assumption that, around rlr. structure, the terrain is approximately horizontal and that its roughness is ,r':rsonably uniform over a sufficiently large fetch. In practice it may be nec, ',:jiuy to adjust the results obtained on the basis of this assumption by taking nrt() llccount the effect upon the flow of changes in the terrain roughness upwind ,'l tlrc structure (see Sect. 2.4.1).1 If the topography of the surrounding terrain , ' urrusual, or if the building is strongly affected by the flow in the wake of I or lruildings in lrurricanc prrltc it ir irnprrn:rn( to verify that thc convcrsion factor liom '('!'.i()ns t',.r1 lirrsl l() lllcan lrtturly tttcrtrt slx'('(l us('(l t'xplicitly or irrrplicitly in thc calculation pnrccclurc l'|{ (oll\i\l('ttl wi{lt lltc cottvtitsiott l:rr'lor rrsr'rl irr llrr'Sl:rrrrlirnl to ()blllill tlcsign pcak gusl spcc(ls lr'rtrl 1|.'1,1r;t\r'titl'('(l r)V\'t lr,il)'( t lilI, Ilt, t\,t1., l ,rr lrtliltlirrgs lot:tlttl ort lwrt rlrttrcrr"rorr:rl r,l1', r, rrrrrl t:,r rr;rrrrt rrls :rrrrl orr lrxisynrrttt.llit. lrills, ;r rrrr;rlctttt'lltrxl lilt:rltul;tlitrl'rnr.trrr rrrrrl ,.1,rrrl rrr,!r..r,.i.,( .,1r.(.(l 1l)s")isilrr.lrllgrl 1t llt(.nS(,lt /r)'r $l;p1111;1111 l() \l (\('( ScrI .).l ). ('lt,ll)1, r I / rrrrl r!r..l.r'llr. I)r.r't.lplrrrrr.lrltrl ( llrrlrrrlr.l lr.r.,r.rl \ ( ri l(,ll (tl AS('lr / r)'r Sl:ttrl.ttrl I'tor r',rrrr'. l,,r \\ rr,,l I ,'.',1. I I / ',11 .r1r;r.rrrlr.rl to lll., lr,,,l. 330 lJt,ilt)tN{il; wtNt) t()nt ): ,. t;illl,r.l jltnt ltt :,t ,{)t,l:;t nNt) t)t r,t{;t.J ()t n()()r rrJ(, large neighboring buildings, arralylicrrl pnrcr:tlrur:s becorrc irrirlrplrt'rrlrle llrrl wind tunnel testing is necessary. Another assumption common to all thc abovc-rncntionccl pnlccrlurcs is llr:rl the mean wind is normal to the building face under considcration. Wincl tunrrcl tests suggest that, in cases commonly encountered in tall-building clcsign pr-lt. tice, to this assumption there correspond the highest values of the along-wirrrl response [9-2, 9-20). In the case of a square building, the peak along-wirrrl response decreases continuously as a function of mean wind direction, frorl ir maximum value that corresponds to the case where the direction is normal lo a building facc to about 0.8 times that value when the direction is parallcl to rr tlirrgorxrl l9-21. 'l'hc gcncrltl li'rttttcwork ttl'lhc aklng-wind response problem is presented in St't'l ().1.1. scctiorr ().1.?. tlcscribcs thc procedure developed in [9-lg] lil cslirrrlrtirrg tlrc rrlorrg wirrrl rcsponsc ol'prisrnatic, oralmost prismatic, structurc:s lirr whiclr it nrly bc lssurncd thal (l) the fundamental vibration mode shapc is lrl.rpnrxinraloly a straight line and (2) the contribution to the response of the sccond and higher vibration modes is negligible. Also described in Sect. 9. 1.2 is a procedure for estimating the along-wind response of point structures, that is, structures that may be viewed as consisting of a single mass concentratctl at a height H (e.9., water towers) 19-181. In the procedures described in Sect. 9.1.2, referred to here as simplified, all computations can be carried out man ually. If the shape of the fundamental vibration mode deviates strongly from ir straight line, or if the contribution of higher vibration modes is significant, the use of a computer program is required as indicated in sect. 9.1.3. In Sect. 9.1.4, results of numerical calculations are used to discuss some of the approximations and errors inherent in the models being used. 9.1.1 Basic Relations, Equivalent Static Wind : i(2.) * x,,o*(z) (9.1.1) where x(z) is the mean deflection, and x-o^(z) is the maximum fluctuating deflection in the direction of the mean wind. It is convenient to express ,r,,,,,"(:) in the form r,."*(Z) : ,t I At (,ll(,willt ) l{l r,,,,,,(.') A,(.:)rr,(.:) :,1 .ot.l:,t :l:ll (9.1.-l) rrlrr'tt'o,(;) is llre lixrt nr(':ur s(luiuLr vlrlrrt'ol tlrc:rlolrg wincl accclerations and A,(.:) is u pcak lirctol', thc virlrrc ol'wlrit'lr is rrsrr:rlly ubout 4. 'l'lrc gus( tosp()lric lirctor is rlclirrctl lrs (i(z) I - I t*"'l(z) i(z) lr( rnaximum along-wind deflection can then be written X,,u*(z) : (e.t.4) as G{z)i(z) (9. 1.5) It rs convenient to define an equivalent static wind load that would induce in rl,('structure along-wind deflections equal to those caused by the gusty wind. It l.llows from Eq. 9.1.5 and the assumed linearity of the structure that the ,,lrrivalent static wind load is equal to the product of the gust response factor i'r lhc mean wind load. l'lrc general expression for the mean deflection x(3) is given by Eq. 5.3.1. as the respective peak r,rr rrrs (Eqs. 9.1.2 and 9.1.3) are obtained from Eqs. 5.3.8 through 5.3.15, iii wlrich the general expression for the quantity s"(2, n; (the spectral density ,,1 tlrc along-wind fluctuating deflections) is given by Eq. 5.2.37.It follows lr.rrr thcqe equations that the calculated deflections and accelerations depend rr1r,n the properties of the structure, that is, its dimensions, mass distribution, rr.rlrrrirl fiequencies, damping ratios, and modal shapes, and upon the assumed iii,':rn and fluctuating wind loads. llrt' lluctuating deflections and accelerations as well Loads The total along-wind deflection may be viewed as a sum of two parts: the mearr deflection, induced by the mean wind, and the fluctuating deflection, inducctl by the wind gustiness. The maximum along-wind deflection of the structure ul elevalion z may thus be written as X-o-(z) * K,(2.)o,(z) (9.t.2t where o,(z) is the root mcan square value of the fluctr"rating tlcllcction rrnd K,(;) is the peak lactor, lho vltlr-rc tll'which is usually irlxrrrt maximurn along-wirxl lrccclctlrliorr lrury hc cxprcsst'tl ;rs l to,1. Sirrril:trly tlrr. ', L2 A Simplified Procedure for Estimating Along-Wind Response l ,rllrrwing [9-171, a procedure for calculating along-wind response is now pre,r'rrlctl, applicable to prismatic, or almost prismatic, structures for which it may l', rrssumed that (l) the shape of the fundamental mode of vibration is linear .rrrrl (2) the response to wind loading is dominated by the fundamental mode. I lr. lirst of these assumptions is acceptable in a large number of situations of lr:rt'rical interest such as in the case of typical multistory framed structures r, 1'.. sce 19-21, p. 4281 or [9-22, pp. 60 and 242]).'the second assumption ,rrll gcncrally hold if the ratios of natural frequencies in the second and higher i,r,rtlt's to the fundamental frequency are sufficiently large (see Sect.9.l.4). \1.'. givcn in this scction is a pnrcedure for estimating the along-wind response ,'l lxrirrl slnrcturt:s, that is, structures that may be viewcd approximately as , ,'rrsisting ol'a sirnplc rrlrss M c<lnccntralctl lrl tr hcighl l/. ll;tsic Assumptions. 'l'ltc procctlttrc pn'st'rrlt'tl in llris st.t'liorr is blrst'tl on llrt. l.llr r1yi11;' :rssrtrtrPl iolrs. 332 I tit . 2. 3. 4. [l t)tN(i:i wlNt)t()At):i.:;ililt(.ilt|lAt ilt :;l ,()N:it nNl)l)l :;l(,N()t tt(xrt 'l'hc bchavior ol' llrr: slnrctrrrt' is lirtr'lu ly t'llrstic. The f'undarrrontal ttrotlc ol'vibt'lrtiort is rr lirrcirr lirrrctiorr ol ground, that is, x{z) : 7.111. The contribution of the second and highcr vibration uxrclcs is negligible. The mean velocity profile is described by the relation u(z) : 2.5uxlnZ - Za Zo l0 U(.2):2.5uxln- z >- za * l0 z < z7-l lO l<l il tN(i lrciglrt rrlxrvt' thc rcsl'rorrst. (e. 1.6) (9.t.1\ 211 (lrr lils. (). l.(r lrntl t).1.'7, i., i1y, and 2,7 ?rc expressed in meters.) 'l'hc rrsc ol'thc logarilhrtric pnrfile above elevation (z,r * l0) meters implic:s thc assunrl'rtion ol' horizontal homogeneity of the flow. This assumption mly not hold ovcr rcgions neara change in surface roughness, as indicated in Secl. 2.4. However, in such regions Eq. 9.1.6-with suitable values of the pararn cters u*, Ze, and ZaTma! be used to obtain reasonable upper and lower bounds forthe value ofthe response. Equation 9.1.7 is used, conservatively, on ac- of the uncertainty with regard to the actual nature of the flow near building for z < z7 f l0 or so. count 5. and Table2.3.1, and by Eq. 2.3.16. 7. 8. nl ollt iwllltrttt ,,t,|il"t l3J t:tsc tll wcltlctl slt't'l slltt'ks, ol r'ct'l:utt ptt'sltt's:;t'tl .,l lt( lur(.r., ut ol :,llt( {lt(':, ol lltt: li:urtctl (trlrc lylx' l() ll, 9 l.ll. lrr irtltlilrolr lo llrt. trrt.t lr;rrl,:rl rl,rrrrPnr1,. lltc ltct'tlrlyruuttic tlirrtllirrg nrily, irr Plint'iPlt'. ;rl:;' lrt' r;rIr'rr rrr' ;rt r,lrrr 'llrt. :rt'trrtlynatrtic tllrrtrpirrg, wlticlr rrriry ltt'lp r-t'tlutt'lltt'nr;rl,rrlrrtlt.ol llrr.r{.r()n:url oscillati<ltts, is associltlctl willr cltrrrtgt's irr (lre rt'l:rlrvt' vclot rly ol llrr. :rrr rvlllr r(^sl)cct t<l thc builclirrg as thc little r oscilllr(t's ;rlrorrl l(s nr('lut rlt' lx)stlt()n. Its clctennination is vcly uncorlllin, irrrtl il is tlrt'n'lirrt';l'rrtlt.rrl to rrt'glccl it irr st nrctural calculations. According to [9-691, darnping nrtios llrvc signilicant statistical variability, r.vith coefficients of variation ol'about 0.4 to 0.8, depending upon building rypc; mean damping ratios increase with vibration amplitude in accordance with a power law with exponent ll9 to lllo measurements indicate that 5- to .]O-story buildings tend to have roughly 60% larger mean damping than building .vcr 20 stories high, presumably because energy dissipation by the foundations lurs a smaller relative contribution to the damping of taller buildings; on the lrirsis of limited observations, it appears that for buildings with more than 20 slories, concrete buildings exhibit only about 3o% more damping than steel lrrrildings. To reduce occupant discomfort due to wind-induced building accelerations (scct. 15.1.1), the damping inherent in the building may be augmented through thc use of dampers (Sect. 9.4). ir The mean velocity U(z) in Eqs. 9.1.6 and 9.1.7 is averaged over a periotl of one hour. 6. The longitudinal velocity fluctuations are described by Eq. 2.3.2 !rt The mean and the fluctuating pressures are described by Eqs. 5.3.3 antl 5.3.6, respectively. The expressions for the mean response are thereforc given by Eqs. 5.3.4 and 5.3.2, and those for the fluctuating response hy Eqs. 5.3.7 through 5.3.15 (or the equivalent expressions in nondimensional form, Eqs. 5.3.16 through 5.3.28). The spatial cross-correlations of the fluctuating pressures in the acrosswind and along-wind directions are described by Eqs. 5.3.48 and 5.3.49. rspectively. [errain Foughness Parameters, Zs, 26. The variation of mean wind speed with height is determined by two parameters, the roughness length ze and the zcro plane displacement z7 (Eq.9.1.6). The roughness length may be inter1r'cted physically as a measure of the turbulent eddy size at the ground level. Values of zo suggested for structural design purposes are given in Table 9.1.1 (scc Sect 2.2.4). ln densely built-up cities (or in forests) rhe buildings (or trees) obsrruct the llrw near the ground; the mean flow thus begins to develop above an elevation rr:lbrred to as the zero plane displacement and slightly lower than the average lrcight of the surrounding buildings (or trees). For design purposes the zero Pllne displacement may be assumed to be zero in coastal and open terrain and, il'the values of zo of Table 9.1.1 are used, in built-up terrains as well. 'l'AIILE 9.1.1. Suggested values of Roughness Lengths 'l'crrain Response Parameters. A brief discussion is now presented of some of thc structural, micrometeorological, and aerodynamic parameters involved in tlrc estimation of along-wind response with a view to assisting the structural clc signer in their interpretation and selection. Damping Ratio, (,,. Suggested valucs fbr mechanical <lirrrrpirrg nrlios ol'stc:cl and reinforcecl concrclc I'nrntcs arc 0.01 and 0.02, leslx'ctiv('ly l() Ill l,owcl' values ol'lhc Itrcchitttit:rrl tlrurtpirrg rrriry llrvc lo bc rrst'tl. lor ('\iunl)l(', in lll(' l'ypc ol' It'r'r'lin Coastal"'/' .. ,,(rtr\ 0.(X)-5 0.01 Olrcn' o.03 0. r0 zn Sparsely Built-up Suburbsb 0.20 0 40 for various Types of Towns, Densely Centers Built-up of Large Suburhs/' Cities/' 0.80- L20 "ApPlitirblt'1o srru('lurrs tlirt'tlly t'xlxrst'rl 1. wirrtls blowirrg lirrrrr opcn watcr. ''V:tlrrt's ol :t,, 1o lrt'ust'tl irr t.orrjrrrrt.lrorr willr llrt ;rssttrrrpliott :t,, O. 2.00,3.00 334 tttrtt t)tN(iti wtNI)lo^t l;.::lltt r{.il|rnt ilt '()N:;t nNt)t)t :;t(iN1)t n()()t iit tN(i rt Exponential Decay Parameters, C, C..'l'lrt' n:rrnrw llurtl spirlilrl cr()ss ('()r relation of the fluctuating prcssurcs in tlrr: lrcross wirrrl tlircctiorr (llt|. 5 .1 '16; is a measure of the extent to which prcssurcs trpplicrl al dillcrcnl poirrts ol'tlrt' same building face act coherently or at cross-purposes. 'l'hc srrrallcr tlrc vlrlrrt's of the parameters C, and C, in the expression fbr the cross-corrclation lhc rnon' coherent will be the action of such pressures and, therefore, thc largcr llrt. Friction velocity, u*. The friction (or shear) velocity a* is a measure of the wind intensity over terrain of given roughness. If the mean wind at a specificrl reference height above ground za is known, u*. can be obtained by using Et1. 9.1.6: U*: U(zn) 2.5ln[(zn (9.l.ltt - z)lzo] ., In designing tall buildings it is reasonable to use mean wind speeds averagctl over a period of one hour. In this chapter the symbol u will denote hourly mean speeds. If mean wind speeds (J' are specified that are averaged ovcr' periods t different from one hour, the mean winds averaged over one hour can be obtained by using Fig.2.3.10. For convenience, the information includcrl in Fig. 2.3.10 is summarized in Table 9.1.2. (Forbuildings in hurricane-pronc regions, see also first footnote of Sect. 9.1, Sect. 2.4.3, and [9-5, p. 155].) For values of / not included in Table 9.1 .2,linear interpolation is permis sible. If the wind speeds are given in terms of fastest-miles u7, the averaging time in seconds is given by : 36OOlUr. (9. l.tll TABLE 9.1.2. Approximate Ratios of Probable Maximum Speed Averaged ovcl Period / to That Averaged over One Hour (at l0 m atrove Ground in Open Terrain) t l0 30 60 lo0 200 5(X) (XX) 3(,(X) I (s) u'lu l.-53 1.41 L12 l2tt I24 l. llJ 0il{ . Wltjt I nt ,t ,r )t.|,t 3:15 I r,ln. , Syr:r rl l, l:rilr r:;t'ly llrrrlt ('olrsl:rl ( )lx il 0. tts l.(x) I Iorvrts, )crrst'ly rr;r litrilt Strlrrrrlrs Su hr l l.5 r Clcntcrs -u1r ol' Largc rbs Citics l.45 I .33 As indicated in chaptcr 2, thc retardation of the flow due to increased terain causes thc mean speeds over built-up terrain to be lower-for any ,'r\'('il large-scale storm-than the mean speeds at equal elevations over open r{ rririn. Since wind climatological information is commonly provided in terms ,'l wind speeds measured over open terrain (generally at airport weather, the problem arises of converting this information into wind speeds apf irtrrlrlc to a built-up environment. In Sect. 2.2.5 this problem was shown to l'{' solved as fbllows. Let u*1, 201 denote the friction velocity and roughness l, nr',lh over open terrain, and let z* denote the friction velocity over terrain rr rrlr roughness length 20. For the surface roughness categories of Table 9.1.1, .r;r;rrrrximate ratios u*lu*1can be obtained from Table g.1.3. once z* is known, l/( .:) can be calculated by using Eq. 9.1.6. r,r111'l111gss r. This parameter appears in Eqs. 5.3.1r and 5.3.14, which rrrrlrcats in effect that the expected peak values of the fluctuations will be higher rl llrc: duration of the storm increases. The assumed storm duration is implicit lturation of storm, In meteorological work, the reference height most commonly used in zn l0 m. r Al l .\lll,l,l '). 1..1. ltirlios it ,ltt ,, lot \':n.iolls Sur-lirr.r. ltoulihrrcss ( ,:rlt, response. On the basis of wind tunnel tests, it has been suggested that it is reasonahlt. to assume Cy: 16 and C. : l0 [9-13]. The procedures presented in this section are based on these values. However, as indicated in Sect. 2.3.4, full scale measurements do not always confirrn this assumption. As shown in Sccl. 9.1.4, the effect upon the total along-wind response of changes in the valucs of Cu and C of as much as 30% to 4O% is, in general, relatively small (of tlre order of 5%-10"/"). However, the effect of such changes upon the accelerations may be considerable. (See also footnote following Eq. 2.3.31.) ! l.ll lo/ tor l.()() ut" of design mean 1,1,1''" speeds averaged over one hour, that Mr:an Pressure and suction coefficients, is, I: 3600 c*, cr. The mean pressure and '.rrt'tion coefficients are functions of the shape of the structure (see chapter4). Ir rlrc case of tall buildings with a rectangular shape in plan, it may be assumed (,, 0.8, C/:0.5, andCp: C*,+ Ct:1.3. A"tt:an square value of rurbulent velocity Ftuctuations. The ratio, p, berr't't:rr the mean square value of the longitudinal velocity fluctuations,7, and rlrt' square of the friction velocity, u?* @g. 2.3.2) depends upon surface rough- r('ss. ils shown in Table 9.1.4. i i\lll,lJ 9.1.4. Approximate Ratio p (':rlrgories i ype ol Icrlrirr Ctxtslal ti (r 5o : it"r* for Various Surface Roughness Sparsely Dcnse ly Ccnters Built-up Iluilt-up )pcn Suburbs Subu rbs ol'Largc ('itics ().(X) 52s ( 4. t{.5 .l (x) 336 aUlLDlNos: wtNt) ro^l)li, lirlrt,(;ilrrnr nr rl,()Nlir , nNr) r)l ,,;r(iN ()r n()()r rN(i 1f Expressions for the Along-Wind Response. Using thc basic ussunr;'rtiorrs listed earlier in this section and relations given in Scct. 5.3, rcsults ol'nurncrical integrations were closely fitted in [9-18] by simple functions, and cxprcssions for the along-wind response were developed that are listed in Table 9. 1.5 lirr buildings with a nearly linear fundamental mode shape (Fig. 9.1.1), and in Table 9.1.6 for point structures (Fig. 9.I.2). In Tables 9.1.5 and 9.1.6, h and H are the vertical dimensions shown in Figs. 9.1.1 and 9.1 .2, b : across-wind dimension of structure, d : alongwind dimension of structure, Zs : roughness length (see Table 9.1.1),70: zero plane displacement (for practical calculations it may be assumed that : 0), nr : natural frequency of vibration in fundamental mode of vibration, ux =. f'riction vclocity, Cp: drag coefficient (Co: C* + C), C*and C1 : avcrrgc prcssurc coefficient of windward and leeward face of building, respcctivcly, M : L<ttal mass of structure with dimensions b, h, and d in Fig. 9.1.2, z. : hcight above ground, M(z) : mass of building per unit height, poQ) : bulk mass o1'building per unit volume, f1 : damping ratio, p : mass of air per unit volume, 0 : coefficient given in Table 9.1.4, T: duration ol' storm (Z : 3600 s), x : mean displacement at top of structure, 6 : gust response factor, X-u* : peak displacement at top of structure, oj : rrns acceleration at top of structure, and iu^ : peak acceleration at top of structure. (tz) M, : | + (13) q* fl4)t: 0.26bth - n,h (4) .f' : L (15) o, u+ t1 (5lClxt :*-Z*r(l-cL) : 1232L4 Qh (7) N(h: c@) @ c'?Drc) : c?" + 2c*ctN(f) (6) (9) (10) M(z) (il) G 3.55 : (17) K, + c? 0 rJ 6 : *u,)" \'' [1.175 1- 2ln(u,T)ltt) o, QD x,,,.,. cl, 0. 1, respectively, which is the case : Example Consider ;rlrlc 9. 1.3, u*lu*1 ,,r 'lrrlrlc 9.1.5, o,,t Ml (21) K\. =. I l. l7-s + 2 ln(nit')ltt' q ( ?1" cf,r./,r : o.5e " -. l : 1.33, and a* : 2.98 m/s. Then, refering to the equation Q:9.60 (Eq. l); J :71.83 (8q.2); G :591 (Eq.3);,fr tt.74 (Eq.4); x, :2.63 (Eq.6); N(,fr) : 0.31 (Eqs. 7 and 5); C'zDJ.(f) : I I I (llq. 8);x: : 4.34 (8q.9), M(z) : 245,OOO kg (Eq. l0); G : 353 (Eq. I : Gi Cubhq* '.1:l a building with h : 200 m; b : 35 m; d : 0.175 Hz h : 0.01; po : 20Okg/m3; C. : 0.8; Cr : 0.5; and ('t, 1.3. The building is located in a townf (zo = | m, see Table 9.1.1). It r', :rssumed p : 1.25 kglm3, and the fastest-mile wind speed at l0 m above l,rrrrrrrd in open terrain (zo : g.Ot m, see Table 9.1.1) is UdlO) :78 mph. Iirorn Eq. 9.1.9, the averaging time forthe fastest-mile wind speed is r = l(r s, and from Table 9.l.2theratio Ua6lU = 1.25, that is, the hourly wind '.lrcerl at l0 m above ground in open terrain is U1(10) = (7811.25) mph = '/ 13 rn/s and u*1 : 27.81[2.5 ln(10/0.07)] :2.24 m/s (Eq. 9.1.8). From f') ln; nr (18)G-r*&? eol .1.()\ ( l,let ctz W#(f o rol.Jt;t :rlrlcs 9.1.5 and 9.1.6 are in principle applicable only Nttrnerical - M,(2rn,l2 Mr(2rnr) \ :;t if nlhlU(h) > 0.1 and for most structures. In practrtt'. they may be used even if these conditions are not met, in which case the r,'srrlts obtained will be slightly conservative.x f u,lllU(H) = Mr(2rn,)' (19) X*.. bdp1,Q.) ' (-\--:' ix,t I r _ ttu( ; wlt{ I l lt rall building with rectangular cross section. \tpG/Ol + G/ [ r, \./, / )out* Cobhq* u'*= qr=,,( n6)u. ,,r .v, x,' x, : : # f, Me)22 l FIGURE 9.1.1. Schematic of TABLE 9.1.5. Equations for Estimating the Along-Wind Response of Buildings with rrr Approximately Linear f,'undamental Modal Shape t9-l8l Zs n wnYl 2.,1 / ,),\ r'-l)Q:z(t-3)ln"h'/ "-l \ (2) J : 0.18Q1 6ltQ2 (3) G : I ' \ ptott'tltttt: sitttilltr to -l'ablc ().1..5. irlso birst'rl on tlrt' wolk ol' 19-lul but adapttrl lo rrsc willr ,1'tlsl spt'etls ltrttl tltc ltowt'r l:tw rvirrtl s;xt'rl prolilr', is irrt'lrrtlctl irr llrc ('ontrrrt.rrl:rry 1o lltr' Ui('li 7 ()5 Slrtlttl:ttrl l() 5l :rrul is ;tv:rl;rlrlt irr llrr'rlr:,kt'llt ol I I / 5l rrlrlrt'ntlt'tl kr llris lxxrL 'llt:,;tsstttttt'tlllIIlllttlel:tiltlrttlllrrl'rr,t,1r,,rrr,,1,,11,,y11,.ovr'l;rrlisl;trir.t,lpwirttlplirllt.lrsl K,o, 1 t!,lltl r'., :t &* , Scr'l l.)\/r .1..1. I ). 1l I Al oNo wtNt) tit litroNt-it 339 h \ S ^1 s.,!l +'lP € I o\ a) L a 3 cet- l\5 dll+ c <l-_ \ €51^ sc i ; i .r'\ "lh - lX + dlr'< € + -le ilSSlS Y s$lss$ ='$ --.' vt\ t+ s ll L)l -ll ll ll "_" ll tt 6 ll ll >-$ '* d J q u tf d g,xF ra) a.t ca \o + F- oo o, o .i *t +qrt-vt!_!l il -Nt i -tve*t ll l< 6 C.l N v v! () q a.l c.l .-Y FIGURE 9.1.2. Schematic of point srructure. o : 16,333,300 kg (Eq. 72); q*: 5.55 kg/m/s2 (Eq. l3); x : 0.1g4 l4); o,:0.074 m (Eq. l5); u,:0.114 s-'(Eq. 16); & : 3.63 (Eq. l7); G :2.46 (Eq. 18); Xpu" : 0.452 m (E^q. 19); dj : 0.058 mls2 1eq. ZOj; Kt : 3.75 (Eq.2l); and X.u* : 0.218 mts2 1yq.2ZS. fn \ ll); M1 m (Eq. l.\ I 's b0 co (\ o 6 I b0 \ .s\ rd tl 3 \I ,61 lltt A,\ ci -bt ul u^ c'r I o- l'-i + i' s - l.\ l\ =r's l\ -s l\)--_ U,.<f q,l;la-\lr; | ,Slq v \O J. \O O + H ^t ,ql ru's u n O I 3 \' \ vl o\ 'c; + a \o o c.l a rd L rd \a UG +U 5 !J p _r ! {l x -'5 -i {l s ,, \5 "5"':.-U q< c.) $ n ll \o n 6 jj__ 6i r l,G rr ll ll q \ \O =U F-go O\ e s oi ll d € O 3g 9.1.3 Computer Programs for Estimating Along-Wind Response For certain structures the assumption that the contribution to the response of the higher modes can be neglected may not be realistic. Also, it miy be of interest in cerlain situations to employ micrometeorological and aerodynamic rnodels different from those incorporated in the procedures of rable 9.1.5 or l9-5]. In such cases, in lieu of those procedures, a computerprogram must be used to estimate the along-wind response. The computation of the response amounts essentially to the evaluation of the integrals in Eqs. 5.3.1, 5.3.2, and 5.3.7 through 5.3.15. computer programs have been developed in which suitable numerical integration schemes are used and in which the specified struclural, micrometeorological, and aerodynamic information is incorporated as input or in specialized subroutines. A computer program developed by the National Bureau of Standards is available on tape in [9-14]. 9.1.4 Approximations and Errors in Estimation of the Along-wind Response Irl this section estimates basctl orr nurncrical calculations are presentcd of errors itssociatcd with uncertaintios rcgirnlirrg ce:rtirirr lbllurcs ancl paramctcr valucs ol'lhc lnoclcls cmployccl. 'l'her t'rr['rrlirtiorrs werc r,irrlicrl oul lirr lhrcc typicll 338 tstJtLDtN(i!i: WlNl) 340 l()nl):;, i;lllt,(;ll,llnl lll lil'()Nl;l , nNl) l)l :;l(iN ()l li()()l lN(i TABLE 9.1.7. Description rll'lluil<lings St'ltclcrl its (last Stutlits llt B Building H I 365 2 150 60 60 3 45 45 (Hz) D (m) 45 45 45 i l) r, u* QM kg/rrrr 0.10 0.20 0.01 150 0.0r r50 1.00 0.01 150 O ti a il ,a, .l I (t) I 6J -:- u! UT wind speed 0.07 m) was assumed to be Uv : buildings selected as case studies and described in Table 9. 1.7. The at l0 m above ground in open terrain (zo : 7-5 mph, wherc U7 is the fastest-mile of wind. I f* F (-) Contribution of the Higher Vibration Modes to the Response. The root ol'thc lluctuating deflections and accelerations were calculated for 2 in open and town exposure. The assumed modal shapes in I ancl builclings are similar to those represented in Fig. 5.2.1. The damping modes three first the ratios were assumed to be fr : h: f: : 0.01. Calculations were carried out : 5. separately for the casas n2ln1 : 1.2, n3ln1 : 1.5 and n2ln1 :2.5, ry|ry The contributions of the higher (i.e., of the second and third) modes of vibration to the response are listed in Table 9.1.8. The contribution of the cross-mode product was also included in Table 9.1.8. This contribution represented about half of the amounts shown in columns 1 and 5 and was altogether negligible in all other cases. mean squarc C! "J (a il {i 0) z expression 9\O oo O\ crr) tr-:f "? lt s\ --.: n6l a o! o:/ tl 4) L Oa ()+ il q lnfluence upon Calculated Response of the Deviation trom a Straight Line of Fundamental Modal Shape. A convenient means for estimating the influence upon response of the fundamental modal shape is provided by the oc! E (.) c.) C) r o o. X o,_l*^yI2aO l*7-lax IJ] a) (9.1.10) a .l derived by Vickery [9-13] on the basis of the assumptions that the power law (Eq. 2.2.26) holds and that the fundamental modal shape is described as follows: Q 0) lr x(z) : (;)' ( il ON OJ *N "? ll s\ n_I s\ (.) h@ i € o\ where .y is a constant. In Eq. 9.1 .10, o" is the rms of the fluctuating deflections, x is the mean deflection, Q is a function of geometrical, mechanical, ancl environmental parametcrs, independent of "y. It may bc assumcd, roughly, that d can vary bctwccn 0. l0 krr ()pcn cxposurc and 0.40 lilr ccrttlcrrs ol'largc citics. It Ioll11ws thcn l!rlrr l;.q. 9.1.10 thal lirr ry =. 0. l0 tlrt't'rtlt'ttlittctl rittitls o,/.r rd bo Fl F * a..l FA 34t tluilt)tN(i:; wtNt) l()nl ):;. i;lltll(.lllllnl 342 calculatcd assulning lll i;l ,ri' '{)N:;l nNl) l)l :;l(iN ()l ll(){)l lN(; ? : 0-5 irrrtl 7 1.5 tlilll'r by llxrtrl l%' ll'orrr llr:rl 7 : I (i.c., a lirroar llntlarrrcn(al rrurtlitl slttPc). l'ot'rv Across-Wind Correlation of the Pressures and Along-Wind Response. It was noted in Sects. 2.3 and 9.1.3 that uncertainties subsist willr regard to the actual values in the atmosphere of the exponential decay coclli cients C, and C.. It is therefore of interest to estimate the errors in the calculalt'rl TABLE 9.1.9. Ratios It, lilr Cl - 4, (', (r..1 (t'rrst. (r). lrrrrl lil. lirrrr. ilrlel,rnc:tlitrlc irr which ( ' (".wcrc asstllllt)tl t'itlrel tottsl;rrrl llrlrrrglroul tlrc licqucncy cascs rangc (casc 4) Exposure Opcn I 'l'own Building Building 2 Opcn Towrr ( )pcrr 'l'own f,,, l.(x) I .(X) l.(x) l(x) 0.9r3 097 0.91 o (,,1 f,,, 0.10 o ()\ 0.() 0. l9 o.t) l O (Xr O.(Xr o()I o()I o 8/ f,,, l(x) ancJ beyond ('hangcs in the valucs <ll'C,, anrl (' in thc lowcr-f-requency range were found trr lravc little efltct on thc rcsponsc (cascs I ,2, and 3). lf for frequencies near :rrrtl beyond the tundamental fiequency the values of these parameters are c, 6.3, Cr: l0 (cases 4 and -5), the total response is approximately 5% to It)% higher than if C. : 10, q : 16 (cases 1,2, and 3); however, rhe :r,'t'clcrations increase in rhe case of the taller buildings by 20% to 4o%. If c, 4, ct: 6.4-a situation that may be encountered in moderate winds such .rs occur during full-scale measurements of tall building response-then the r()tirl response is about l0% to 2o% higher than in the case c. : lo, cv : | (r. while the accelerations of the taller buitdings are higher by 30% b aon . I'lrc significant dependence of the exponentiar decay coefficients upon wind ',1rt:cd reflected in Figs. 2.3.5 and2.3.6, and the sensitivity of the along-wind ;rt'cclerations to variations in the values of these coefficients suggest that caution r:; in order in the interpretation of full-scale building acceleration measurements ;rntl the extrapolation of results based on such measurements to design situaI l( )nS. 11.2 ACROSS-WIND RESPONSE I .ll buildings are bluff (as opposed to streamlined) bodies that cause the flow l. 1;nd".ro separation, rather than follow the body contour. Depending upon ()nclitions discussed for certain classical cases in chapter +, tie wake flow tlrrrs created behind the building exhibits various degrees of periodicity, ranging ( lrrrn virtually periodic with a single frequency to fully turbulent. In each of tlr('sc cases' at any given instant, the wake flow is asymmetrical (e.g., Fig. I 1.3). The across-wind response is due principally to this asymmetry, although tlrt' lateral turbulent fluctuations in the oncoming flow may also contribute to t lrt' :rcross-wind lorces. lixpressions based on first principles for estimating the across-wind response ,l tall buildings do not currently exist. However, lr;rsctl t)n such infbrmation hrrve .l :0.01 : 'rr lo havc ltlwcr vltlttcs ltl low lt'ctqrrcnt'ics:rrrtl lrighcr valucs near tlrt' lirndamcntal li'cqLrctrcc rr, (cust:s 2, -3, urrtl -5). empirical information obt:rilrcd fkrm wind tunnel measurements is available concerning the across-wind r( sl)onsc of tall buildings not sub.jcctctl to inteference effects, and expressions [X",o*1y,,/[X",uJo.or Building 343 wilttl l('slx)lls(' llt;tl t or,'sP,rrrrl lo lxrssilrlt' r.uors ln lltt' v:rlrrt's ol lltcsc l)irtilttlctct's. 'l'lrt' lrlonli lvrrrtl lt.:;1xlr:;t' ol lruiltllrrl,s l. .1, lurrl .! ilt oPerr trrrtl l()wil cxl)()sufL:s w;rs llrt'rt'lorr'r':rlr'rrl;rlt'tl st'p:rr:rlt.l-y lor'(' lo. (',, l(r (casc nificant effect upon the calculated ratio o,/x. Spectra in the Lower-Freguency Range and Along-Wind Response. ll was shown in Sect. 2.3.3 that no universal relation exists describing the shapt' of the spectral curve in the lower-frequency range and that this shape appean to vary strongly between sites and between atmosphere and laboratory. 'l\t estimate the effect of this variation, the response of buildings 1, 2, and 3 (scc Table 9.1.7) was calculated for open terrain and town exposures, using lrr expression for the lower-frequency portion of the spectrum of the longitudinirl velocity fluctuations that depends upon a parameterJ,, as in Eqs. 2.3.25. Ratios [X-o*]y',,/[X."*]0.c,: of the peak response calculated by assuming various valucs J, to the peak response based on the value l, : 0.03 are listed in Table 9.1.9. The results of Table 9.1.9 show that the dependence of the peak responsc on the shape of the longitudinal spectrum in the low frequency range is rclit tively small, particularly for taller buildings. It is also noted that as indicated by Eq. 5.3.41 the influence of the spectrrrl curve shape in the lower frequency range upon the value of the accelerati<llts is negligible. ,(tl{:,t ,rloltp. calculated assuming 0.4, the corresponding diff'erences arc about 3'/,,. lL is thus scctl lhll ttttltlcr:tlt' deviations from a straight line of the fundamental rnodal shapc havc rtrr irtsig. tnfluence upon Calculated Response of Errors in the Estimation of the Roughness Length. To estimate the magnitude of the error associated witlr unccrtainties regarding the actual value of the roughness length, the responst' <rl'builclings 1,2, and 3 was calculated for coastal, open, suburban, centcr ol' lowr.r, irntl con(cr of large city cxposures. The zero plane displacement was irl Irll crrscs irssrrrrrod t<l hc zcro. Thc calculations showed that the sensitivity ol llrrr lc:srrlts (o cvcn llrrgc crrors in thc estimation of the roughness lengths (e.g., 50%,) is lrtlcrlbly srrrall (abovc l0%). n(.ttrl,t.wllJlr lil:,1 l(x) I bc:cr11 1111lp1;1;cd in thc literaturc. Dilltrcnt t \l)lcrisions arc applicablc ltccolrlirrl', (o wlrcrhcr ()r nol thc rrns vrrluc ol'(hc :rttrtss wintl tlscillltlirllts irt (lrt'tip ol (lrt'lrrrilrlinll. (,\, t:xcocrls tr r'ri(it';rl vrrlrrt' 'r',,- ll'o, ) o,,,,, l0ck-irr clli't ls l)( ( ()rlr(' :,r1,rrilrr';rrrl. lrtttl llte :tt'lrrss wirrrl lolrrls .rrr<l rtst'ill;rlitltts ittt'tt'itsr' rts llrr' \\'rn{l r,l)( ('rl:, r!rr'r(.:l\(. Slrlr'lgli's slrpllll so llr:rl lot'k irr t'llt't'l:; rl,r r,,r rrr( ur (lurrrr;, llrt.rr :rnlii.ip;rlt.rl lrlr. 'lt'si1'1;1'1; lrt. i l i' 344 llult-ulNGS: WINU tOADS. 5i1tll,(:ltlllAl lll r;l'()NSt, ANIJ DESI(JN For square tall buildings, oxpcrinlclll;i rr.rpoflctl in l9-20, p. suggest that it is conservative to assutttc ilrat ? = (oPen terrain, zo T = O.ort (suburban terrain, zs trs! b = 0.045 (city center, zo = = Ol ll(X)l lN(i 1).1' A(;llOt;liwlNt) nt ttll antl l9-241 a @ : JA:, a h a 1 m) 2.5 m) horizontal across-wind dimension of building. where b these ratios are largely tentalive. A It is emphasized a thut (worst direction) r/A 6ycr. Several expressions for estimating o.v are available in the literature. In all these expressions, the wind is assumed to blow from the most unfavorable directions (in the case of a square building, normul to a building face). Vickery [9-251proposed the expression gyo),(h) JA : ^l u(t lf' t 'l;lil : (Zrn)2or(h) (e.2.21 teristics that do not differ drastically from those shown in Fig. 9.2. 1. The Supplement No. 4 to the National Building Codc of Canada l9-l2l proposed an expression that may be written in thc fonrt = ttiltxttt') I ti, i;,,0.(x)5e = v 4.1 JA:, h 3.4 2OOkg/m3 FIG[]RE 9.2.1. Characteristics of rt(ttl l,' tt Jlulltt' I 0.2,31 models tested in the wind tunnel [9-251. (e.2.1) f,,; Equation 9.2.7 is based upon measurements of the response of building modcl$ with a linp4r fundamental modal shape and with geometric shapes, slenderncsn raios JA/h, densities, and dampingratios shown in Fig. 9.2.1. h is notcd in [9-25] that the use of Eq. 9.2.1 should be restricted to buildings with charac. o,,(ttt h f = 0.0t p where or(ft) : rrns of across-wind oscillations at top of structure, gy : Pcak factor expressing the ratio of the peak response to rms response (8, = 4.0), h : height of building, ,4 : cross-sectional area of building, U(h) : mean wind speed at the top of the structute , fl1 : fundamental frequency of vibration, f1 : damping ratio, p : air density, pr : bulk mass of building per unit volumc, n and C : constants determined empirically from wind tunnel measurementi (n :3.5, C: 0.0006 + 0.00025). The rms of the accelerations at the top of the structure, or(h), can be estimated by using Eq. 9.2.1 and the relation or(h) Pn l JA:, m 1 4.2 h7 VA Structures for Which 6, 345 + @ + o.o7 m) = lil\)Nlit where b : across-wind and d : along-wind dimension of the structure. It can lrc seen that Eq. 9.2.3 is similar toEq.9.2.2 (where o, is given by Eq. g.2.r) trxcept that the exponent n : 3.5 is replaced by n :3.3, and the coefficient (' : 0.0006 + 0.00025 is replaced by c - 0.0006. Equation 9.2.3 is based on measurements on models similar to those described in connection with Eq. e.2.1. we note that unlike [9-25] and (9-121, which do nor differentiare among Iruildings with the shapes shown in Fig. 9.2.r, [9-74] and [9-g1] report wind Irrrrnel test results according to which buildings with square cross section have ir rnuch greater across-wind response than circular buildings or square buildings with chamfered comers. Reference [9-81] contains detailed results on wind e ll'ccts and their dependence on wind direction for buildings of square cross scction with and without chamfered corners or spanwise openings. Expressions in which measured modal force spectra are used follow from l;.t1. 5.3.32.If Se(n) across-wind modal force, and the notation : orl n,b I ngefnptU(h)l 'lu&rl- ppuruW (e.2.4) is uscd, Eq. 5.3.32 becomes o,(h) = ;r:i::,, ,, n,,',r,r,1, r,u)ttt)hh f ().2.s\ lll :;l'()Nlil , nNll l)l l;l(iN ()l ll()()l lN(i llt,ll lllNcs wlNl) l()nl):l, iilllllclt,llnl tlis(ributccl ovcr llrc bLriltlirlg hciglrl, that the building has a square shapc in plan, ancl that tho llntlantcrrt:tl rtt<xlrl lf it is assumed that thc nrass is unilirlrrrly shape in linear, then M, : (9.2.tt1 \o6bzh bb ! O t< (Eq. 5.2.6), and qq NI =...=.=.??q?=.?=:.*: -qen\.1r-s)-oc>no---no-^i :ta)lnOOo-@-@-€ .tdN--dNN__N_ a,(h) :0.0337 I I utn ,e 12 I ol --bY Qn \r .i (9.2.1) oi rrNN--NNN-J-: Noto thrrt thc quantitics i: I )- +r I #l'' := a ->- -t--.::: ^: and . N-nNO€-Qq-rc)d i = 4.45 x ro 3l#)" (9.2.e) of f based on measurements reported -€hc>^i -----N- *. -vlq + o- =t - o 6io roi ON aq nr t- -' -.'--SN6O--O€^OO r+r;od6ddri6.i+6G; ! r) d+ I r€ tl s{ ':oq-5.)-bnon*\-boo O,O.O^i Os-i .+sssO>+ TT ++ r' 7 r :o :i- r. @ - o o * o * -i -i a-- N o ! oc; OE .2A >q o€ n€od N -oooooc)€oboro€ o-,$€rocjr+Adqjd<t ':e=CLr,cc=bcc.=oooonooi -io.o^i N_N+___ -<rN* xE € nog nr *r -cEqEtgoQinonno o6onnesqidoodrodri a9 .E 9po oE aY- sfr ON ll o r: -j-: r rr o ol ,! ss \n nro, 1, i -:t"leon€n-b>6.o_ b -a,c-ncn.rd6-; \! '1'.. f:q "-' -: q ql1 r,n€a>n+o€.or; ! il i.; --cj -i ++ ! !c ro :.r"9ql-:enqE-:,:qq :rr-ornr€@r@c)r v +t s4 dr; @ { d the case because in rougher terrain the turbulence intensity is higher, which irt tum causes the across-wind force to have a less peaked spectral density (Fig. 9.2.2), as well as a decreased coherence in the spanwise direction. Note tha( there are significant discrepancies among values oi i obtained by various rc searchers. For example, for urban terrain, nPlU(h) : 0.105, and b/h ' 118.33, f : O.tO according to 19-261, versus t : O.ZZ on the basis of dalil from 19-271; for urban terrain, nlblU(h) : 0.105 and b/h : ll4, i : O. tt zccording to [9-281, versus i : O.l5 on the basis of data from [9-27]. Dilf'cr ences between values of lgiven by Eqs. 9.2.8 and9.2.9 and those from l() 241, [9-26], t9-271, and [9-28] are also relatively large in several instances. Numerical studies [9-29] show that, as in the case 0f along-wind responsc. the contribution to the total building deflections ancl itccclcntlions of t.t.totlcs higherthan thc funilarlcntal rnodc is ncgligiblc in prirr'tit'r', ttltlcss ll'tc rlt(itls ol natural frcqucncics in lhc highcr rnodcs to lhc lirntlirlttcttlltl l'n't;trr'ttt'y tttc clost' ^ ^ *_*__N: :- for square building models itl in Table 9.2.1. Also included in listed are and [9-28] 19-241, 19-261,19-211, Table 9.2.1 are values of f given by Eqs. 9.2.8 and 9-2-9. Table 9.2.1 shows that for any given nlbl(t(h), f is a function of terrain exposure and the slenderness ratio b/h. For example, the peak values of 7 firr urban terrain appear to increase by a factor of approximately two if b/h clc" creases from l/3 to 1/9. Also, according to data from t9-241, 19-271, antl t9-281, the peak values of lincrease as the terrain becomes smoother. This is Values ^ '.::':::-:: * ^ ^5- '-qqEr,:qqEqeoo ' j -- a a .; 9r: oh io ir o o E. 't ^rio n * o nFonn€on^i ^i ++,+ri ri ci -,rrOrd-Ai€n@€O ___N<_N'-; (9.2.8\ {a il t..=-b=cc.=tcco= 14.45 r r.8o)'o-' tr o il c.r q o$ n Ncr€.FNOOrcF-n&Orc -+$6++^i^i^i-;d+doi ,:t=bcc==L=:o: d.--hON€-OnO$@ implicit in Eqs. 9.2.1 and 9.2.3 are, respectively, a -joi 6i +i^i rr f f $+ o -: 6 {?-9:ta,-o.o'+m+.i-i -o .'o $ fqNN 6 6 N o Qc 6.: ! i € HE t'J q EE -OO 9? "d Lp -i --oo - q Ftr o O<< --= -&>e& tro!- .9e 34t st O - fo- 348 LIUILDINGS: WIND LOAI)S, ri I lllJ( )I t,i l^l lll til,ONt-itr, AND t)t. StGN Ol [(X)t tN(] n(;t tor;li wtNt) lil tipoN$E 349 l lrc tttcarr lrourly wirrtl sperccl at thc top ol' thrr lrrriltling is thcn [t(h) : 2.5u* lrl(/,/it)), or u(lt) -. 2.5 x 2.98 x ln(2(X)/1.(x)) .tt).4 rn/s. Thc fbllowing 1.0 n,blulltl:0.155: h/h ' l'15.7: i' = 0.075 (Tableg.2.l, o, : 0.23 m (Eqs. 9.2.7 or 9.2.5); oi, : 0.2g m/s2 (Eq. tj .'.2). Assuming that the peak t'actors arc gv 3.-5,.g0 4.0, it follows thit = llrr' pcirk across-wind response and accclcration arc L,"* : 0.805 m, l.u^ = f.rrrlrs irrcObraincd: riulrrul)iu.r tcrrain), I I I rrr/s2. These values are larger than thc corresponding values of the alongrvrrrrl rcsponse calculated previously, that is X-o^ = 0.452 m andX_* = 0.21g rrr/s'. lrigurc 9.2.3 shows the mean and rms along-wind response and the rms *t ross-wind response of a 1/400 model of a 64-story building in urban teq4in. 'I'lrt' characteristics of the model : were the following: h : 0.658 (l 154 ttt (where,4 is the floor area), n, : 8.3 Hz, n, : 8.49H2, and ^, l"Ji: l, 0.01 (where n and I denote frequencies and damping ratios, respectively) I'l l0l. Results of wind tunnel tests for the model of a 53-story building are rlrrrwrr in Fig. 9.2.4 for open and urban terrain t9-13]. I 101 0.01 0.1 | nb/U(h) FIGURE 9.2.2. Shapes of f2 curve in open and urban terrains. After A. Kareem, "Across-Wind Response of Buildings," J. Struct. Dlv., ASCE, 18 (1982), 869-887, I hl 1oo l" l!' nl# to unity, that is, substantially lower than those occurring in typical high rise ;l buildings. For a square building model with height to width ratios h/b : 8.33 located in urban terrain, it was found in19-26] that the across-wind response decreaser from the maximum value that corresponds to wind normal to a building face, to about 5O% of that value when the angle between the mean wind direction and the normal to a building face is about l5o. The peak across-wind response and the peak along-wind response induced by wind parallel to a diagonal ul' the cross section have approximately the same value; that is, they are appn)ximately equal to 0.8 times the peak along-wind response induced by wind normal to a building face 19-261. Numerical Example The building considered in thc trtrnrcricll cxamplc of Sect.9.l.2 is again assumcd to bc actcd upun by wirrtl colrrrslxrncling to u fastest-mile spccd al l0 nr abovc gnluncl in opcn lerririrt l//(10) , 7ti rnplt, Ilt 5 :'I or/h 2 10 I 1 5 235J1015 U(1.8 h.l n,,1f A l'l(,illlll'l 9.2.3. Mcln rr'trrrl itkrttg witttl tttttl rrxrl rlrrrrr s(liliuc ol irkrng-win<l lntl lcnrsstlt'llt'cliotts ttl it (r4-sloly ltrrilrlirrg rrrork'l wrtlr tr t'ilt,rrlirr slrapc irr plln l9-.101. 350 BUILDINGS: WIND t.OAlJS. Slllti(;lt,llAl lll t;l'ONSt ANIJ DFSIGN (]f Il(X]I !, ING it l()lilil()NAl ilt lil'()Ntit 351 'll) Along-wind -A>----- *------2 .r' --r / l() ry ll',,,i', /' I = 0.01 /;r Urban exposure -./Across-wind 5 Arons-win{--9 --/' /' ../' -r-'licross-wind -- -2 r *F't i'1 = o'01 5 10 o o.oo17 .f) v0.04 v0. 055 I l) 4 lr'2 5 k 5 o 0.001 96 o0.001 92 .0.01 56 .0.0167 v0.0450 v0.0626 5 o 0-00147 o0.00250 .0.0180 o0.01 49 10 64 .o.o1iz v0.0510 w.0423 vo. 15 oPen exPosure o0.001 .0.014 t5 ' I I ;l:l]ll (a) 6----g-t' 10 - f], fl ,l Wind speed ar 47O m above ground (m/s) o 0.00 20 5 t5 U/f^B u o0. 001 / J o47t f 30 50 40 Wind speed at 300 m above qround (m/se) FIGURE 9.2.4. Ratios of peak along-wind and peak across-wind response to mean 51015202530 along-wind response for a 53-story building model with a square shape in plan in urban and open tenain [9-13]. 5 t0 oO.00229 r 0.01 t5 25 o 0.001 90 .0.01 60 u/f0B 78 v0.0534 o 0.00234 Figure 9.2.5 19-751 shows the across-wind response in smooth flow, flow over suburban terrain and flow over urban terrain, for prismatic buildings with several depth-to-width and damping ratios. The model scale was estimated to be about 1/600, and for all models the height H, the sectional area BD, aruJ the density were 0.5 m, 0.0025 m2 and l2Okglm3, respectively. In Fig. 9.2.5, fs, (J, and h*, denote, respectively, natural frequency of vibration, wind speed at building top and root mean square of across-wind response at building top' respectively. 9.3 TORSIONAL RESPONSE Severe distorti<lns duc to the combincd cllccts ol'ilcl'()rir' wirrtl krittls and lorsional momcnts occurro(l rluring tho 1926 Floriclt ltttt'rit'tttlc itt lwrl Miarni high .0.0133 v 0.0476 l)" 0 I l) 40 510152025 u/ f 0r0203040 0+ 5 10 15 ?O u o./BD smoot h open / f ^,/BD U terrai 25 l- 5,to t0, to , to20, 15 0 t/ n f '9 "/to ?5 a,/BD urban area lil(;t.lRE 9.2.5. Across-winrl rcsponsc of prismatic buildings (circles and triangle intlit'lrtc clamping ratios). Fnrln I'1. Krwli. "Vortcx Induccd Vibration of Tall Buildings," .l . Wirul l,)ng. Ind. Affrxl.,4l-U ( I9r)2). Il'7 128. 352 llt,ill)lN(iii WtNl) l()nl )li, lilllll(.1(lltnl lll l,l '{rNlil nNl) l)l :;l('N t)l ll{)( tr I )l lN(i rise structurcs, thc l-5-story llt:alty llrriltling, rltttl lltc l7-s(ory Mtrycl Kiser (thc tli Building t9-3 11. Both buildings hacl utrusuillly nitrK)w shapcs in plarr x rrr)''l'he:ir' 42 14 mensiois in plan of the Meyer-Kiser Builcling wcrc about l'rantcs ol' Structural Systems consisted of steel frames. The two transvcrse cnd 0'60 rrr of about the Meyer-kiser Building experienced horizontal deflections and -0.20 m, resPectivelY. Following these incidents engineers became concerned with wind-inducctl torsional edects, as shown by subsequent developments in the literature, irr cluding a 1939 ASCE report that dealt with such effects in some detail [9-32' mentioned irr 9-331 .\everrheless, wind-induced torsion of tall buildings is not codc or building U.S. in any rhc 196l ASCE srate-of-the-art repoft 19-341, or muy This deficiency starrtlartl tlcvclopccl hclirrc the ASCE 7-95 Standard [9-5]. wincl' against provisions of cxpl:rin wltll itppcll-s l<l havc bcen the absence inclucctl torsion in f hc original clesign of the John Hancock Building in Boston' which by virluc ol'its shapc is particularly sensitive to both across-wind antl torsional cll'ccts. Torsional cffects are due to the fact that in any individual building the centcr of mass and/or the elastic center do not coincide with the instantaneous point of application of the aerodynamic loads. Ad hoc tests simulating these effects have-been conducted for a number of years on individual building models' However, until recently, relatively little work has been performed toward thc development of design information and analytical procedures for use by struc tural d-esigners. -by A first attempt at studying analytically torsion induced ort fluctuating wind loads was reported by Patrickson and Friedmarr buildings potentially usefirl [9-35]. More recently, Safak and Foutch have presented response ol' torsional and methods for estimating the along-wind, across-wind, of sufficie nl absence to the owing rectangular buildings 19-36, 9-371. However, lirt usable presently not are methods the infonriation on aerodynamic loads, design purposes. WinA tunnet and full-scale research studies of torsional response were firsl reported in [9-26] and [9-38]. Reference [9-26] includes information on wintl induced torsional moments in an isolated square building model having a heigltt to width ratio h/b : 8.33 in flow that simulates urban conditions. Accordirrg to the results of [9-26], torsional moments are largest when the mean wirrtl velocity is normal to a building face. As the angle cv between the mean wirrtl velocity and the normal to the building face increases from 0o to 45', the torsional moments decrease from their maximum value corresponding to o ' 0o to about 25% of that value for a : 45". Assuming that the mechanicirl properties of the model are similar to those of typical high rise structurc-s' il was estimated in [9-26] that, for a : 0", the peak torsion-induced respottst' of a corner column is approximately 65% of the peak along-wind rcspotrsc ol corresponding to a : 0o. For ty:45", the peak torsion-induccd rcsptlnsc corrcsptltttliltg rcsp()nsc pcak along-wind <tf the u .o-"1. column is ab6ut 15% toa:0o. ()lt Systcmatic wirrtl trrrrrrr:l slrrtlirrs corrtlrtc(etl rrl lhc Illrivt'r'sily ol'Wcslet'rt I r 'l l',lr )l lAl i il ',1'r rf l',1 l;rtl() wel-(' sttlrst'tqttcrtlly tt'Potlt'tl irr l() l()l (o l() .f .tl.' 'llr,'r-,,' :,lrrtlrcs lutvt' lt'rl l(' llr(' li)ll()wirrg crrrpilit'rrl t'llrtiott lol cslirrr;rlirrl' {lrc Pt';rk lr;r:rt' lortlrrt' /i,,,,1 {/(/r)l rrrrlttccrl by wincls witlr spc:ctl U(lt) al tllc l()l) T',,,,,,1U(h)l : {rl'i' ltttttll ol lltt' lruilrllrrl,,: I,q/'/,,,,,,1 t t(h)lti (9.3. r) rvlrcrc ry' is a reduction coefficicnt thut is briclly cliscusscd subscqucntly, gr. = I l"i is a torsional peak factor, and thc Iincar antl nrrs [-rase torque, T[U(hl ana 1 ,,,,,1U(h)l are given by the expressions 7 : (9.3.2) o.o38pL4 hn?ru? I,.-l U(h)l = 0.00167 !Sr ptonr'rU','r (9.3.3) u(h\ If (e.3.4) nrL , Jlrl ds (e.3.5) At2 ln Eqs. 9.3.2to9.3.5, p is the air density (p = I .25 kglm3), ft is the height ()l lhe buildiflg, trr and f7 are the natural frequency and the damping ratio in rlrr: fundamental torsional mode of vibration, ds is the elemental length of the I'rrilding perimeter, lrl is the torque arm of the element ds (i.e., the distance lrctween the elastic center and the normal to the building boundary at the center ol the element ds; see Fig. 9.3.1), and z4 is the cross-sectional area of the l,trilding. Equation 9.3.2 and 9.3.3 are based upon the experimental results slrown in Figs. 9.3.2 and 9.3.3, in which the ordinates are the reduced mean ;urtl rms base torque, f, : Tlbfahn?) and o, : l,'l( Tn,"(t/zl(pL4hn?i, respectively. il ll{l,l 9.-}.1. r'lltt'ttsttlls ol lltt'st'slttrlics rvtrc Lrr'll\ I'r"\rl,rl t,r tlr, Notrtliorts ,rrrtlr,'r., lrY l)l \ l:;yttrrrov 354 Fltlll l)lN(ifl: wlNl) loAllli, $llit,(llllltAl ltl tit)oN$t , ANr) l)trit(iN ot lt(x)t tN{i lr 1o o 6 l a cc o F z t! 10- o uJ 4 c I ul 2 F 2 l a (r + \ 6 o f o tlJ 4 1 I )t o 10 I' F a - '/. (E lo I 4 2 1o-1 o uioo ur - UJ tr 6 10 -3 8 6 I / 2 -4 2 to-l FIGURE 9.3.2. Mean base torque for tall buildings with various shapes in plan (courtesy Dr. N. Isyumov, Boundary-Layer Wind Tunnel Laboratory, University of Western Ontario). <d TH la 4 10 ::::l "l 4 b REDUCED VELOCTTY N "" I A^Q *'/ sc o 10' ' o u1o, ' o ufo, R A ;:;::1" 10-s I la l EH OE |- 6 PS rG o uJ o I 10' s\ 8 6 P* 2 HH 100 s-\' ul EF 4 HH 8 355 'u FH 100 ir t oilr;toN^t ilt r;t 'r )Ni it / / I a\ OE 53 I 2.7 ;:;i'.r' 4 AA 2 4 6a 2 10 1 Oo UT - REDUCED VELOCITY 4 6A 1 1O2 lrl(;URE 9.3.3. Root mean square of base torque for tall buildings with various shapes rrr plan (courtesy Dr. N. Isyumov, Boundary-Layer Wind Tunnel Laboratory, Univerr.rly ol' Westem Ontario). The torques 7 and f-. are each induced by wind with reduced speed U, ancl with the respective most unfavorable direction. In general, the most unfavorable directions forTand 7-, do not coincide. In addition, in most cases neitherol' these directions will coincide with the direction of the extreme winds expected to occur at the site. For these reasons, the coefficient ry' in Eq. 9.3.1 is less than unity. It is estimated in [9-39] that 0.75 < t! = I in most cases. The peak torsional-induced horizontal accelerations at the top of the building at a distance u from the elastic center can be written as ^ AU 2g7T^.u =- p6bdhri, (e.3.6) where 0 is the peak angular accclcration and r,,, is thc rirrlirrs rll'gynrlion. For a rectangular shapo with unilorrn bulk mass pcr unil volurrrc & b2+d2 (e.3.7) 12 lirl. 9.3.6 was obtained in [9-39] assuming a linearfundamental modal of vibration. shape ;rrrtl ncgligible contributions by higher torsional modes Numerical Example For the building considered in the numerical examples rrl Sccts. 9.1.2 and9.2, h : 2OO m, b : d : 35 m, U(h) : 39.4 mls, p6 : .l(X) kg/m3. It is assumed that the natural frequency and the damping ratio in tlrc lirndamental torsional modc of vibration arenr:0.3H2 and f7: 0.01, rt'slrcctivcly, and that thc air clonsity is p : 1.25 kglm3. lirrrrrr Eq.9.3.5. t,: tl(ltl2l{ol4)lb :35 m. Then U,:39.41(0.3 x 35) .1.75 (tlq. 9.3.4),-rpv.+1 l.11 x 107 Nm (cq. 9.3.2),7,,,,. 139.41 : 1.95 . l0/ Nrrr (lic1. 9.3.3), 7,,,,,, r).2 r 107 Nrn (liq. 9.3.1 in which it is assutttctl 356 rl, tll,lt t)tN(i:i wtNt) l()nt):;. t;ililt(:l,ilnt ltt :,t '()N:it , nNI) t)t :;t(iN ()t tt(x)t tN(i = 1,8't'l'hc llcrrk l()lsi()rr rtttltttr'tl ltolizorr(lrl rrt't'clcllrlion ill tlte t()l) : 35 x ,1212 - 24.1 rrr; is /,t,,,.,,1, -. 0..17 nr/s'. N.)tt. lltirl llris corner (e,' exceeds the peak along-wind accclcralions but is substarrtially lcss lhirn tlrc peak across-wind accelerations calculated in thc previous numcrical oxanlplcs. According to wind tunnel tests reported in [9-82], fluctuating torsion tlcpcntls strongly on building cross section, being largest by far tbr triangular builclings, intermediate for rectangular buildings, and lowest for D-shapecl and diamontl shaped buildings. Such dependence is not apparent from Fig. 9.3.3. The peak combined effect of the along-wind, across-wind, and torsionlrl loads can bc obtained by summing up vectorially the individual peak effects ol' thcsc krads and rnultiplying the result by a reduction factor (e.g., equal to 0.g) il lllll l, Irl\Mt'l ll:i nNl) Vl:,(.()l ll\l;ll( li/\Ml'lllri I,l \/lr l . ,|at7 ,'.rr{lrtlrltkc lolrtls lrrrtl l() i,nl)lx)rl lttotlttllrt sttlrslltttltttt':' llr.rl lrior,irL'lltt'tl:,:tlrlt' I'urltlrng spirce. 1l-4-1 Tuned Mass Dampers llrt' 'l'MD cclnsists o1'a rclativcly srrurll vilrrrtoly sysl('nl (nlrss, splirrg, rrrrtl ,l.rslr1xlt.) attachcd to a structurc whosc viblrrtiotts it is tlcsigrrctl to rrritigatc. It rr':rs invcntcd in 1909 by Frahm itntl hlts trntil rcccntly bccn usod prirnarily in rrrt't'hanical engineering systcms. ln thc last dccadc TMDs have increasingly Tuned dampers consist of a mass, usually of the order of 05% to l% <tl' the total mass of the structure, that is added to and interacts dynamically witlr the structure. Inherent in or attached to that mass is a system that dissipatcs energy during the relative mass-structure motion. Active controls may be usotl in wind-sensitivc structures, including the Centerpoint Tower, lirrlrrcy, Australia 19-441, the CN Tower, Toronto 19-451, the John Hancock ! .rryg1, Boston (equipped with dual TMDs designed to control both torsional ,rrrtl lateral motions) 19-46, 9-471, and the Citicorp Center, New York City l') 113. 9-49, 9-501. Generally, the purpose of the TMDs is to reduce building rrrot ions insofar as they affect occupant comfort, and the effect of the TMD is !r()r (aken into account in strength calculations [9-46,9-41]. A schematic view of a TMD operating on the top floor of the Citicorp Center r:, slrt)wn in Fig. 9.4.1. The mass of the TMD consists in this case of a400r.n q1tn.r"," block bearing on a thin oil film. The TMD structural stiffness is I'r,rviclcd by pneumatic springs which can be tuned to the actual frequency of tlr,' building as determined experimentally in the field. The TMD damping is 1'rovided by hydraulic shock absorbers. The system includes fail-safe devices r. l)roVert excessive travel of the concrete block [9-49]. Additional information ,'n l'MD equipment and control systems is given in [9-46]. 'l'hc theory of the tuned mass damper was developed by Den Hartog [9-51] lrrr tlre system shown in Fig. 9.4.2, with Cr : 0 and a harmonic load F(l). ( lrr thc basis of results given in t9-5 11, the theory was subsequently extended rrr l() -521 to include the case where C1 * 0 and F(r) is a random load with , rrrrstant (white noise) spectral density. In Fig. 9.4.2, Mt, Cr, Kr, and M2, C2, A , rrlc the mass, damping, and spring constant of the structure and of the TMD, r, slrcctively. proposed which by various means ensure dynamic interaction (e.g., springs or I which uccounts lirr thc fact that, in general, individual peaks do not occur. sitttultttttgrttsly. Il'llrc cornhincd elTect so calculated is less than an individr,url cll'cct, it is tlrc lltlcr tlrat should bc considered in design. Morc rcccntly, based on acnrdynamic data reported inIg-21, [9-66] presentctl a rigor<tus dynarnic analysis of torsional moments which takes into account thc of the distance between the elastic center and the center of mass of tht: structure; see also 19-831 . el1'ect 9.4 TUNED DAMPERS AND VISCOELASTIC DAMPING DEVICES Two main types of device have been employed for the reduction of tall building vibrations in translation and/or torsion: tuned mass dampers, and viscoelastic dampers. Devices intended to reduce torsional vibrations must consist of at least two units located at sufficient distances from the elastic center of thc structure. to improve performance 19-76]. Several types of tuned dampers have becrr pendular devices) and energy dissipation, and which may have more or lcss elaborate control systems 19-161. In tuned liquid ilampers (TLDs) most of tht: mass is due to liquid contained in a tank, and liquid motion provides or con tributes to energy dissipation [9-71 , 9-78]. The latter may be increased hy placing obstacles in the liquid's motion, for example, cruciform poles [9-791 or floating elements t9-801. In Sect. 9.4.1 we discuss in some detail the dcvicc known as tuned mass damper (TMD), which illustrates the basic principle common to all types of tuncd dampers. Section 9.4.2 discusses viscoelastit' lx ('n cmployed llect of TMD upon Deflections and Accelerations of Structure. The , llt't't ol'the TMD can be viewed as being equivalent to changing the damping ,,rrr,, ()l'the original system (not provided with a TMD) from the value f1 : t ,l:J K tM I to a larger value f" Thus the deflections and accelerations of mass ,'1/, irr thc system of Fig. 9.4.2 can be obtained by calculating the deflections .urrl rrccclerations of miss M1 in the system with dampinE Cn: ZJX,tt4y" ,i'wrr in Fig. 9.4.3. Using results fiom [9-49] and [9-52]it can be shown that I dampers. For a recent rcvicw of'clarnping dcviccs firr thc t'orrlrrl ol wirrtl-intlucctl ll3 1041. ltcl'clcncc l9 ll3l rliscrrsst's t'orr{rol ol vilrr.:rti6rrs 6l tall builclings crlrrsisl irrg ol lrrcglrslnrelrrrcs tlcsil'.lrt'rl t,r rvtllr:,1:urrl wirrrl lrrrrl vibrations, scc \,, 2 rv1((troj rv11(rv.,rv 1 rvl) I cYy) - a1la] cvl(pj * 2cvr') * rrr (9.4.1a) rr l rt't t' (().1 Ilr) 9,4 .:o : od Eo o6 .: >E I r6 3t I) DAMPERS AND VISCOELASTIC DAMPING DEVICES 359 OE oo =o ff o IIJNI I o dg Mt a I U9 c o z I >| {) ts o >' D g,P €.: Ee z!6 U FIGURE 9.4.2. Schematic of system equipped with a tuned mass damper.* JI o B o z @1 0) g 3* o O co c 9g o o 8_E gE o8B Q2 g A3 U Pr D o c o ((tf + b) (9.4.1c) t+fze+p)+4f(&z 2ft + 2fzf (l + p) (9.4.ld) 2lzf (e.4.rf) (9.4.1e) Itt lJqs. 9.4.Ia through 9.1.4f, q c o 2f ii -,i. o-t' Fa ?t) EF 3g 9e s6 !o g- tE >s .ju iE o\ [l frl eg rg cq aE sb og A &a ?n Eo 8;a oE 3e 6 E! ! o5 3E- e:r 4 FIGURE 9.4.3. Notations. +f iigrrrcs 9.4.2 t<t 9.4.6 arc rcprotluccd l'r<tn Engineering Structure.s, Vol. tirissiolr ol' thc publishcr, lluttcrwoflh Scicntilic t_td. 358 4, No. 5, with pcr- 360 BUILDINGS: WlNt) lOADri, tilllt,(llllllAl IIfSPONSF, ANI) lll til(iN (ll llO()l lN(i p: MzlMl (9.4.19) f : a2la1 (e.4. th) : ',: JK1M, (i 1,2) | : C/(2M;a) (i : t,2) Forexample,if col lArili(r DnMl|rN(i p:0.01,/:0.98, (e.4. li) (e.4. r.i) :0.01, J; fln'=o+0.8fr >fl Forexample, tf p :0.01 and f1 (9.4.2) & (9.4.3) 2 : 0.01, then flpt= 361 Displacements of TMD Mass. lrr dcsignirrg rr 'l'Ml) systln, alkrwancc lnust lrt' lrtadc firr thc clisplitcotttcnts (travcl) ol'the 'l'Ml) nrirss. 'l'ltcsc clisplaccments ;rrc in practicc rclativcly largc. Frlr cxarrrplc, irr lher clsc ol'citicorp Center, IMI) displacements induced by a stonrr with l l0-yoar rcturn period were rslirrrated from model tests to bc on thc orclcr ol' 1.00 m. Lct the displacement of the TMD lnass with rcspect to mass M, be denoted r' (Fig. 9.4.2). The displaccrrcnt duc to resonant amplification effects only ol nrass Mlinthe original system (shown in Fig. 9.4.5) is denoted by"r1,s. (It is t'rrrphasized that.rl,e does not include contributions due to mean or quasistatic lrxrtlirrg.) Using results from [9-49] and [9-52), it can be shown that the ratio rrl llrc mean square values of x2 and -r1,s, denoted by xlno^, is given by the rt'llrl ion 0.033 and fipt= 0.05, ;-:z '.1nom (dcnoted by fin'): ,rO, 12 - ti Iry and f2:0.0515, then f,, = 0.03226. The dependence of f" upon f2 is shown in Fig. 9.4.4 for fr : 0.01, /: 0.98, and various values of p. [9-49]. Note that for each pr there exisrs an optimal (maximum) value of f" (denoted by l3p') which can be sought by rcprcscnting 8q.9.4.1a graphically. Alternatively, it is shown in [9-53] that with ncgligible errors, the following approximate relations can be used tbr preliminary design purposes to obtain l?Pt and the corresponding value of f2 f1 t)t vt(;t xi.o zSPtt a1(a2c"3-cr)-uso.! if p1 :0.01, /: 0.98, fi : 0.01, and f2 : 0.0515, then : r1,,,,,,,, 13.7. The dependence of x22no^tt2 upon f2 is shown in Fig. 9.4.6 for (r ' 0.01, "f : 0.98, and various values of p.19-491. lrrrl cxample, Ocsrgn of TMDs for Actual Structures. Because buildings are multirlcp,rcc of freedom systems, the model shown in Fig. 9.4.2 is not a rigorous rt'prcsentation of a building with a TMD. The error inherent in the assumption thirl the building equipped with a TMD can be represented by the system of a lJl 12345678910111213 (2 ("/.) FIGURE 9.4.4. Dcpcndcncc of t. upon t2 and p. Allcr I{. .l . Mr'Nurrrirra, "'funerl Mass Dampers in lluiltlings," .1. Strrct. Div., ASC|i. l0.l (l()77). l7t{5 179u. (9.4.4) l,'l(il llll,l 9.4.5. Notations. 362 ll(lll I)lN(;1; WtNl ) t()nt)li, l;ltt(,(.illilnt ilt :;t ,oNt;t nNI) t)t :;t(iN ()t il(){)t tN(i il I r rW I Il',1 lll Jll I )ll'l( i:: 363 )vcrlrll tl:ttttpttt;r. rt'tltrirt'tl :rs lr Iutrt(iorr ol llrt' r,1x't llrctl lt('ln tccurfoncc irrlr:t'virl ol'tlrc winrl lorrtlirrg (c.ll., lO or l(X) y(',us). Irnvinrrrrrrcrrl clrirrlrc'(cris(ics itl (lilnllx't l(x':rll()ls (r..g., trir tcntpcrature). ( lirr (liulpcr tlispl:rt't'rrrt'rrt, :rrrtl rctprisik: damper stiffness. lir.cqucncics <ll' vibration ol' brriltlirrg (tlrursl:rtiorral and torsional). S;lrrco availablc llrt' tlatnpcr design includcs llrc sclcction ol'the material properties (shear loss rrr'xlrrlus, loss tangent, and thcir toulpcraturc dependence), and the size and rrrrrrrlrcrof dampcrs; see l9-67,968,9-1O,9-7 1,9-121 fordetails. Buildings , rluippcd with viscoclastic dampers include the World Trade Center, New \ olk. and the Columbia Center Building, Seattle. (I,5 3 4 s 6 t'uf' e 10 11 12 13 FIGURE 9.4.6. Dependence of upon f, and p. After R. J. McNamara. ",*',, "Tuned Mass Dampers in Buildings," J. struct. Div., ASCE, r03 (1977), 1785-l79tJ. Fig' 9.4-2 (where Mr, Kr, and c' are equal, respectively, to the generalizccr mass, the stiffness, and the damping in the fundamental mode of the building not equipped with a TMD) was estimated for a particurar structure in t9-53 i. According to the approximate estimate of t9-531, the simplified model of Fig. 9 .4.2 led in that particular case to an overestimation of the equivalent damping ratio of the structure by a factor of about 1.2. It is noted that results reported in [9-54] on the dynamic response of lighr equipment attached to structures are applicable to thl study of the errors in herent in the model of Fig. 9.4.2. These errors are generaily negrigible for structures with ratios of frequency in the second mode to fiequency in thc fundamental mode of the order of two or larger. 9-4.2 Viscoelastic Dampers viscoelastic dampers are passive devices that have the advantage of not rc quiring constant operational monitoring and of not depending on eiectnc powcr.. Like tuned mass dampers, viscoelastic dampers are used for acceleration rcduction only. The buiiaing damping they achieve can attain 4% or more, antr for very large buildings their construction costs were estimated to be about 0.5% of total construction costs l9-lo, g-jll. The fbllowing l)ctors ncccl to bc considcrccl in thc tlcsigrr 6l-viscgclastit. dampers*: 'l'l)crsorr:tl (rrrrtttrrrrir':rliorr lry l)r lr M;tlrrrrrrrli, lM (.otilP;rrr\,. ljl l,.rrrl NlNt 1,Ii., LOW.RISE BUILDINGS Itriltlings with relatively low heights are, as a rule, rigid and do not exhibit '.ry'nilicant dynamic amplification effects. As was shown in Sects. 4.6,4.'7,1.3, and7.4, wind loads on any given .,, trrlrl building or model depend upon several factors, including the characterr'.tr('s of the oncoming flow, model scale, area affected by the wind load, and r.rlro ol'openings to gross area of the building envelope. Recent work on the , llt'cl of these and other factors was reviewed for low-rise buildings by Stath{,lx)ulos (see [9-84, 9-85] and references quoted therein). ASCE 7-95 Standard [9-5] windloading provisions for low-rise buildings .,r,' bused to a considerable extent on results obtained in wind tunnel tests at tlrt'(lniversity of westem ontario and Concordia University. Despite the small .,;rlc at which the tests have been conducted (usually l:200 to 1:2000), it has l,t't'n the consensus of code writers in the United States and Canada that they I'r,,r,itle a reasonable basis for codification, with occasional adjustments reflect,,r)' l'osults of full-scale tests or the desire to calibrate new provisions against , rrsling practice. The tests have confirmed that the fluctuating part of the load , .rrr in many instances be significantly larger than the mean loid and that, for ,ury givcn storm, peak pressures and the ratio between mean pressures and lirrt lrurtirlg pressures decrease as the terrain roughness increases. lir:sults on the influence of geometric parameters have been used to simplify t;rrrtlrrrcl provisions. It was found, for example, that for buildings with small lr, rlht-to-width ratios and length-to-width ratios of 1.0 to 3.0, the loads do not rL pi'nd significantly on length; wind loads increase with building height but tlr,' tk:pcnclcnce of pressure coeliicients on height is reduced if they are refer, rr, r'tl wi{h rcspect to the velocity pressure at the mean roof height; roof slope '. rrrr irrrl'rotlitnt paramctcr l9 tt6l. Wt' rtotc llutl stunclutrl lirrrrrlrls lrrc bcing devclopcd that wrtr.rlcl all<lw thc use ,'l tl;tlrt bltscs oltlrtittcrl lirrtr winrl lrrrncl lcsls, as opposccl lo thc usc ol'rlata '',ttttttt:tt-it's, wlrit'lr is lypit':rl ()l ( ur('n{ sllrttllutls. Mlrny ol'(lrc silrrplilit'lrtiolrs ir:,rttlt'rl lo itt t'tult'n( s(:lrrl:rrrl:. \r'orrlll 11,,',.'1i,11.n,, lorr1,,t.l i,,.n,.,"rl, rrtslr';rtl 364 lll ,tt t)tN(iti wtNt )l()nl r:,,:.ltillr tunt\t lt :;t'()N:,1 .nNl Il)l :;t(il,l ()t l(x)t l) Itr",t ill(.lrrt tWlilt ) ll)/\l r:; tN{; of using conscrvativo otlvcl()l)cs ()l l)r('ssur('rllrl:r, tlc:sigrrcl's woul(l lt:soll lo (ltr. more economical or risk-consistcllt ol)ti()ll ol'usirrg thc <lrigirral tlu(a corn. sponding to the set of gcometric paranrcte rs ol'intcrcst. 'I'his issuc is tliscLrsscrl in Chapter 17. Tests have also been performed to obtain information on the cfl'cct of'buil.| ing orroof configuration on the loads. Forexample, it was found that nega(ivr, pressures are lower on hipped roofs (four-slope roofs) than on gable roofs (twO slope roofs) t9-871. The ASCE 7-95 Standard incorporares results f'rom [9-tt7l, as well as results on two-level flat roofs [9-88], sawtooth roofs [9-89], arrrl multi-span gable roofs [9-90] (see Chaprer l7). The influence of tributary area on loads can be ascertained by summing rrP the sirnultaneous pressures (or pressures multiplied by appropriate influencc cocfficients) at a sufficient number of pressure taps over the area of concerrr, using thc pncurnatic avcraging technique t9-911. Recent progress in the devcl opment of dcviccs capable o{' rneasuring local pressures and performig spatilrl integration ol' pressures is rcported in [9-92], which describes a device witlr length 55 mm, width 35 mm, and depth 25 mm, equipped with 32 pressurr measuring ports whose frequency range is 0 to about 2OO Hz. Architectural features such as parapets [9-93] and roof overhangs, both ol which are accounted for in the ASCE 7-95 Standard [9-5] (see Chapter l7), as well as eave details (i.e., whether roof and wall meet at a sharp angle or an' connected by a curved transition surface) [9-94,9-95], were fbund to influencc local pressures, in some cases significantly. For a study of wind effects on mobile homes, see [9-l l2]. 3(i5 rlrllt'tr'ltl oticttl;rliolrs I llrt' prl;xrst' ol llrr. rLk t orr:,r:,lt.rrl tlt'si1',lt PtrrcctlLtrc lrtr'st'ttlctl irt tlris tllrlllt'l rs l() r'litrritt:rlc or rr'rllrtr'srrtlr lrorrrrrrilirrtrtitics. 'l'ltt: t'oltvcltliottitl ltrrrl (lrc lisk t'orrsislt'rrl tlt':r1',rr prrrt't'tlures havc a number .l r.t)illnlon s1c:1)s. 'l'lrcsc rrr.t: r.t:vit.wctl irr sr.t.t. ().(r.1, which also includes a {l(:;('lil)lion ol'tltc slcps tlrirl tlislirrguislr llrc lwo plrcctlurcs. Section 9.6.2 sumrtt:ttizcs rcsults <ll'clcsign upplicirliorrs tlurt illustr-lrte the economic and safety .rlv;ur(agcs inhcrcnt in (lrc risk consisrcnr pnlccdure. Section 9.6.3 lists a few l',r:;it' rcf'crcnces on wind cllbcts ol'rrxrfing. !1"6-1 Conventional and Risk-Consistent Procedures for Designing (:ladding Glass I'rrt'ctlures fbr conventional and risk-consistent design of cladding glass entail rlrt' lirllowing common steps: l. Obtaining information on the extreme wind climate. Converting basic wind speeds (e.g., fastest-mile wind speeds at l0 m above ground in open terrain) into wind speeds used for aerodynamic reference purposes (usually, mean hourly wind speeds at the top of the l building). Obtaining fiom wind tunnel tests information on the time-dependent aerodynamic pressures acting at various points of the building facades. t. Converting the information on time-dependent aerodynamic pressures into equivalent wind loads with standardized time history, that is, loads whose effect upon the cladding panels is equivalent to that of the actual time-dependent loads. 9.6 DESIGN OF CLADDING AND ROOFING FOR WIND LOADS The main purpose of this section is to present a risk-consistent procedure lor the design of glass cladding subjected to wind loads. The procedure is appli cable to buildings with specified orientation and requires the availability ol sufficient (l) wind speed data characterizing the extreme wind climate in tht, region of interest and (2) aerodynamic pressure data obtained in the wind tunncl for various zones of the building facades. The procedure presented here differs from conventional design practicc irr two respects. First, in conventional practice the design of each cladding pancl is based on the requirement that the nominal wind load corresponding to ir specified mean recuffence interval N lusually iv: so years) may not cxccr,(l a load capacity corresponding to a specified probability of failure p7 (usurrlly P/: 0.008). Second, in conventional design practice wind clircctionality is trot taken into account. As shown in scct. 8.1 .2, this cun lc:lrrl to signilicant tlis crepancies betwccn thc norninal loacls uscd in clcsigrr rrrrtl tlrt':rclrurl kratls. 'l'lrc safety level ol'(hc cllrtltlitrg clrn llrcrclirrc: hc slnrrrl'ly norrrrrrrlirru :rrrroltg llrt. vari<lus ztlncs ol'llrt'lrtriltlirrg llrclrtlr:s trrril t1rr9rr.11 ltlr.rrlii;rl lrlilrlirrl,s lt:rvirrli (r. Estimating design wind loads using information on the wind climate and on the equivalent standardized wind loads. Obtaining information on the load capacity of the cladding panels. 1 Adopting a design criterion relating the design wind loads to the load tt. capacity of the panels. Designing the cladding glass. lior. additional details, see [9-96]. lxtreme wind climate. The conventional design procedure uses information of direction. To apply the risk-consistent rlt'sign procedure, the information needed to characterize the extreme wind ()n oxtreme wind speeds regardless ,lirrralc in regions not subjected to hurricane winds consists of directional larg('sl yolrly wincl speeds. Such information may be extracted l'rom rnonthly Local Altlt'rtsttrt'olllrccllrtltlings:rli'lylcvt'llol;lzorrt lorlrrriltlirrll)isgivt.nbyllrcr:tliolr,/rr,,lrr'lrrlt.rr llt('('xl)('('l('(l ttttlttltt'r ttl lt:tttr'ls llrrrl lrrrl rlrrrrrrl' tlrr' lilr'lirrrr'r)l llr(.slnr(lul.rrrrtl llrr. lpl;rl rrrlrrlpr ,rl ;r:trrt'ls lor llr:rl zolrr.(ol lruiltlrlrll) 366 rrt,'r)rN(i:i wrNr) r()nr ):;. rit*r( rrrnl rrr :,r,()N:ir . nNr) r)r l;r(iN ()r ,()()l rN(i Climatological l)a(a sttttttttlttics issrrt'rl lr.y rlrt' Nirtiorlrl ()ccrirnit. rrntl Alrrr, spheric Administration (sce Scct. .1.4;.'lllre,sc clatl arc usually rcc.rtlctl .vcr open terrain (airports) and should be rccluccd to a comrnon cllvati.n (usrurlly 10 m above ground). In hurricane-prone regions directional information on hurricane wind spcctrs can be obtained by Monte Carlo simulation (see Sect. stored 3.3.2) or tiom crat, in [8-9] (see also [3-71]). conversion of Basic spe^eds to Aerodynamic Reterence speeds. Givcn uf(r},0) (i.e., theiastest-mile wind from direction g ar l0 m above ground in open terrain), the corresponding hourly u(h,0), at elevation h over the building site can be estimated mean speed, by using Eqs. 9'l'6', and 9.r.9 and the micro"meteorological paramete'rs of rabrcs 9.1- l' 9- 1.2. ancl 9- r .r. p','r cxampre if u/(10, 0) : ls mph and the building has hcight h : 2oo rn and is lrcatcd in a iown with roughness length upwintr of thc building z0 = 1.00 nr, U(200,0) 39.4 -1, frJ" = in S".tr. 9.1.2 and 9.2). For hurricane wincls, sce Secr. 2.43 "^"-pi", and fq_S, p. iSSt. the basic wind speed Aerodynamic Pressures on Buflding Facade.s. Information on aerodynamic pressures is obtained fiom wind tinnel tests. It r, pr"ro,t"o in terms or. aerodynamic pressure coefficients defined as C,(Mi.0^7 : --P(M,.i- 6r1 louzth. ; t) il( )( )t [J( , l ot t wll{l) r'.;r lirrrctiolr ol (lrc rtllitrl strt.rrl'tlr ,\10;:rtrtl ol llrc klrtl p(l) (Fig. 9.6. l). This ol tlre initial strength from probability ,lr:;trrlrutions obtainctl cxpt'r'irrrcnlrrlly, us wcll as thc calculation by numerical rrrr'llttrtls o1'the nonlirrcitr rclirlion bctwccn the loads p(t) and the normal stresses ,'tlllr.6r, r), tbrasuflicicrrt nurnbcrol'points M1anddirectionsd/of thestresses. llrt'lpproach is applicd to panels subjected to (1) loads with the time history /'t /):rrrd (2) constant loads with a 60-s duratiorr, poo, which are commonly used rrr N.flh American design charts. Probability distributions of the load capacity ,'l rlrc panels are obtained for the loads p(r) (indexed by their mean value /'(/)) and for the 60-s load pon. Let these distributions be denoted ay Polpal .rrrtl P2,,,(p6,e), respectively. The 60-s load pfifl equivalent to the load p(r) is lrvt'rr by the relation .rp;rlrriqgll cntails Mortlt' (':rr lo sirrrrrlrr(iorrs p"u?, : P;J{P,lp(/)l} Equivalent 60-s Wind l_9ads. Wind pressures p(.M1, 0r) andthe corresponcl_ ing pressure coefficients CrMi,01) are randomtynuJiu#ng run"tion., of tirrrc that depend upon the position M1 and the mean wind direction 01 (e.g., scc Fig. 4.7.2.). The load capacity of glass cladding panels depends upon the entirc tirrre .. history of the load. This, dependerce cln^in principre be inkr acc.unt rry using basic fracture mcchanics relations to clescribc thc cl'lccl ol'lirtig'c c;*rsctl by the fluctuating loacl, thal is, thc tirnc-clcpcnrlcrr( gnrwth irr l5c sizc: .l. llrrws present on thc srrrlirccs luxl crlgcs ol'lhc;, :rrrrl llrr.r..orrst.tlut.rr( lilnt, (e.6.2) l lrrrs, fbr any point M1 and wind direction 0p, an equivalent aerodynamic coefirt rt'nt can be defined as : C},n(Mi.01,1 ors directional maxima. 367 ,l.Pt'tttlt'ltl tlt't'tt';tsr'ol lltr' y'l,r::. -lrt'r11'(11 ,\(/) l() \til l lrc I;rrlrrn'lotrtl is ol-rtainccl li,rrt lllL: ctttttliliott llt:r( l:rrlrrrt' ('('( lrs wlrt'rr llre tt'lrsiolr stl('ss (r(/), which is in r', n('r'lll lr norrlincltr-lrrrrt lrorr ol llrr. lo;rtl7r(/), is t.r;rurl lo llrc strcngth S(f), which (e.6. t) p(Mt, 0*) is the pressure at point M1 of the facade, induced by wind blowing from direction 91 with u ,''"un hourly speed at the top of the building, u(h,00; p is the airdensiry;,ay.d cr(\, d1) is the pressure.i.m.i"n, ar poinr M; corresponding to lhe_wind direciion'd^. pressure coefticienrs c,,(Mj. d1 ) arc recorded as functions of time for various wind directi"", B- v-Jrious points of the building facades' including points near corners "i Measurements and eaves. are usually made for angles 0r: k x 15. (k : 1,2, .. ,)q although occasionally the increments may be smaller than 15. to alow detection or t ( )/\t ): ; pZlru,. ot -" \pU'(h.0*) (9.6.3) -------- s(r) l5 "(t) i'r'?, MPa ih.r, { l0 50 I I t50 ?fl) 1{l,r,, 'q,o' 2s0 300 350 a{t0 450 5{10 /( .) l"l(Jtlltl,l 9.(r.1. livolrrliorr ol tt rr:,r,rrr ,,tr,' l,tr't' rtl 1tl:rss 1ll:rlt'. lr:rilrrrr' ltr:. ;tt tr!!rt ()( ( .ilrii I '11 .,tr( )(, n,'tlr r,villr lllrtt' :rl :r lxrirrl orr '. | (, ')ri I lltr 368 llt.,ll l)tN(it; wtNl) l()nt )l;, :iillt t{.ililt^t ilt:;t ,{)Nt;t nNt) I)t :it(iN ()t il()()t tN(i The approach just dcscribcd lrirs so liu'lrt'crr rrscrl orrly irr cxpl1;r.irl6ry ilvcs tigations t9-58]. Currently a sirnplcr appnr:rch is usctl lirr rlcsign psrl)()scs, 1r which it is assumed that the actual fluctuating loacl causing lailJro is oquivale,rrl to a constant load with asmall duration, tpr, and a magnitudc equal t. thc pcirk fluctuating load averaged over the time ipt , ppr. It is iommonry assumecr thlrr trp = I s.* The l-s constant loadprp must in tum be converted into an equivalent 60-s load p[[. It can be shown from basic fracture mechanics relations that rhc stresses o6e and onr induced by the 60-s loadpifi and the 1_s load pr1,, respcc tivcly, are equivalent from the point of view of their effect on glass if x o[,, 60 : oirx I (9.6.4) whcrc rt is thc cxponcnt in thc phenomenological relation describing subcritical crack gnrwth. For soda limc glass it may be assumed for practic-al purposcs that n : 16 [9-59]. From Eq. 9.6.4 and the simplifying assumption that thc load-stress relationship is linear, it fcrllows that P'fi = o.78n,, (9.6.s) (e.g.' see t9-601). Thus, in this simplified approach, the equivalent 60-s aenr dynamic coeffrcient for any point M1 and wind direction g; ias the expression c;1,(Mi. or1 = YP'illtJr) lpu)th. (9.6.6) (,1 nl rl)lN(i nNl) il()()l lNt(, t{rt t Wll.ilr l{)/\t r,, :tfi!} n'lrit'lt ltirs tltc slrntt' lolnr trs lttl. t{. Llt. 'l'lrc rlt.sll'11 lvlntl lt,;rrl:; r.;rrr tlrt.rr.lorr. lrt' t'slirrrirlctl lrs slrowrr in Sccl. lJ. 1.2, irr wlritlr yri,ilt /'tr. t)t.l:rrr.l {',,,1,{ Ilt. 0Al '.lrorrltl bc substitutcd lirr p(rrl) arrtl ('(//)(,,({/). rt' 'l'lrc cstirnation <ll'clcsigrt wirrtl loruls tlillt'r's irt'tollurlr. lo 14,11,'11,,., tlrt' r'orr rt'ttlional orthc risk-c<lnsistcn( tlcsigrr pntcctlrrlr'is rrst'tl. lrr corrvt.lrllorlrl tlcsilirr Irltclicc equivalent 60-s l<lacls witlr :r 50 yr.:trl rnc:ut tccut'r't'rrct. intglv:rl, 1",,,)\ n1(M) are estimated withtlul cortsitlcring llrc cll'ccts ol wirrtl tlircc(iorrality. l'.r'this reason the actual mcan rccurrcncc intcrval, N.,,r.tlt'the clcsign load fiom panel to pancl. ln thc case of panels for which the direction l,,,ij ,,, varies ,rl (hc most severe extreme winds coincides with the direction of the largest ,rt'nxlynamic coefficient, N"., ir indeed 50 years. However, for most other l);illcls Nacr exceeds 50 years, in some cases by one or even two orders of rrr:rgrritude (see Sect. 8.1.2). A second consequence of not accounting for wind directionality is that any trvo buildings that are identical in all respects but have different orientations r'ill cxperience different numbers of panel failures during their lifetime. Indeed, ',ilrcc conventional practice does not account for wind directionality, it will v rt'ltl exactly the same cladding design for the two buildings even though, owing t. thcir different orientations with respect to the direction of the most severe r'\trcme winds, the two buildings will exhibit different degrees of sensitivity to wind effects. lior the risk-consistent design procedure it is necessary to estimate the mean ,rrrrl lhe coefficient of variation of the equivalent 60-s largest lifetime load. This r:, tlone as shown in Sect. 8.2.2 (Eqs. 8.2.7 to 8.2.14), in which pffi, and | ,,,,,, should be substituted forQ, ancl Vn,, respectively. Load capacity of cladding Panels. Information on the load capacity of , l;rtlcling panels can be obtained from manufacturers' charts [9-55, 9-56]. These Estimation of Design wind Loads. From Eq. 9.6.3 if follows thar the equiv p[[ are given by the relation alent 60-s loads 0i : l)l l:l{,l.J ()l o*t For additional details, see [9-97]. pzl,(Mi, t ipcil,,(Mj, 0iu2(h, 0k) (9.6.1) *The peal valueprl depcnds upon the record length (orstom duration) z. commonly T = 20 min to r hr (full-scale), to which therc corresponds a laborabry record it is assurrrcrl length 7,,, T(D,,,/ D)l(u,,,lu ), whcre D,,,lD u,,lu are the mode I gcomctric and verocity scare, respccrivt.ry .and, For structural rcliability calculations it is dcsirable to estimate thc nrcan xnd standrrd dcvirrti'rr of thc peak pressurt.Tr,,,. siner.. lirr lny givr,n v:rlrrt./rU). 7r,,r 1,,,,,, ra.,,,,1 ,,, ,.....,,,..;. ,,,,, can be donc fntnl sovcr:tl lccortls wilh lcrrgth 71,,, or hy trsirrp k'r.lrrrir;rrt.s h:rsul .rr *rrrlrrrr processcs thcory (sct: lirl. A2.:1.1, l4 751, l9 (r.11. irnrl cspr,t.i:rlly l1)(rll, llri,.lr r.lrrt:rirrs rrst.lll practical rcsults). ,lr:rrts include estimates of the standard deviation and of the 0.8 percentage P'irrt of the load capacity of panels with different sizes for annealed, heat,lrt'rrgthened, and tempered glass.x The charts of [9-55] and [9-56] exhibit rrrrrlual inconsistencies, and apparent internal inconsistencies have been noted rrr l() -551 (see [9-57, 9-58, 9-59], which report research aimed at improving rlrr'sc chafts). ()wing to fatigue effects, the load capacity of glass panels depends upon the trrrrc history of the applied load [9-57,9-58,9-59]. The load capacities given rrr l()--5-51 and [9-561 have a standardized time history; that is, they are expressed rir l('f'rlrs of constant loads with a 60-s duration, denoted by puu. ' Ilrr'o li lx'r(cll(rtgc point ol lhc kr:rtl t lrp:rt ity is thc load to which lhcrc r:orrcs;rontls ;r prolr:rlrility ,'ll;rrlrrrtoll.lJritrrclsouloll,(XX)(sct.Sct.t Al5).Irrlirnrurlionorrkr:rrlst.orrt,s;xrrrrlirrl,1oo1llq.1 I'r,,lr;tlrililit s ol l:rilrrrc is :rv;rillrlrlt. rn l1) 'r(rl 370 tltlt t)lN(it; wtNl) l()nt)ll, 1;iliU(.ililtnt ill :;t'()Niit nNt) Ilt lil(iN ()t il()()l lN(i trt .triil rrt i:tnDl)lfl(, /\lll) llt)(), Ir111 t7y11.11) l()/\l):, :lIl Design Criteria. Tho convcntionirl tlt'sigrr lllrcr:tlrrrc uscs lhc litllowing rlesigrr criterion: p66(0.008) > p"f,,o(Mi) (9.6.13) i wherep[fl.r0(M) is the equivalent 60-s wind load estimated without considcrirr;i wind directionality effects (see discussion above), and p6s(0.008) is the 60-s load capacity of the panel corresponding to a cumulative failure probability ol 8 panels out of 1000. 'fhe risk-consistent design procedure is based on the requirement that thc probability of failure of each panel during the lifetime of the building be lcss ii lhan a spccilicd valuc Pr. It is now shown that this requirement leads to a design critcrion cxprcsscd in tcrnts ofequivalent 60-s loads and of60-s load capacitics. Considcr thc sal'cty indcx p dclined by Eq. A3.29.It is possible to writc . ' L)-- ln(Dn lP'A) tv",t + i :;::iU*" (9.0.tr1 v;d,1"' 9.6.2. Division of a high-rise building face into zones of equal glass thick- rill i where p[fl,, and V r"r, are the mean and the coefficient of variation of the largcsl equivalent 60-sec wind load during the lifetime of the building, the subscript /, represents the lifetime of the structure in years, andf6s and Vp^, are the mcitll and coefficient of variation of the load capacity. From Eq. 9.6.9 it follows thirt B60 of the glass panels may change as a function of elevation, as in the case John Hancock Building in Boston. In other cases the same glass thickness rr used over an entire building face or even over the entire building. For Lrt'1s[iens where wind-borne missiles, including roof gravel, may be expected trr lrit the cladding, special zones are suggested in [9-62]. Wc denote a zone in which the glass type and thickness is uniform by D, (i l, ...n).If the conventional design method is used, Eq.9.6.8 must be ,;rr(isfied at all points M1 within D,: rrt'ss ,,1 the should satisfy the relation Pon > P'8,(.Mi;exptP(V'?";,,( Mj) + v?,uJt''l (9.6. r0) where B is the value of the safety index corresponding to the failure probabilily PJ (see Eq. 4.3.37). Equation 9.6.10 is the design criterion used for risk consistent design. [p6o(0.008)]; The question of the selection of the safety index 0 or, equivalently, of tlre failure probability Py, is discussed next. > max [p"d5o(Mj)] (9.6.11) Di It is possible to estimate the expected number of failures inherent in the design l';rscd on Eq. 9.6. 11 as follows: Each zone D; is divided into subzones Aii(j l, 2, n4) over which it may be assumed that the wind loads do not vary ',11'rrificantly.* Using Eqs. 9.6.9 and ,{3.37, it is possible to calculate, forany 1'rvc:rr orientation of the building o7, the safety index 0ii1 and the lifetime prob- of construction it is necessary to divide the building facackrs into zones, each characterized by a single type of glass panel. Thus, for alty given architectural pattern defined by the location and by the height and witltlr of the panels, the design of the cladding consists of (l) dividing the buililirtlq facades into such zones and (2) selecting the type of glass (i.e., whethcr rrrt nealed, heat-strengthened, or tempered) and the panel thickness for each zottt'. ,rlrility of failure P|; of the panels within A,,. Lct the number of panels within A,, be denoted by nnii. For the building ,lt'signcd by the conventionltl rncthod (Eq. 9.6. 11), the expected number of ;':rrrr:l lhilures in subzonc,4;i rlru'ing lhc lifctimc of the structure with orientation An example of division into zones of equal glass thickness, suggcslctl irr t8-111, is shown in Fig.9.6.2. This division rnakcs il possiblc to provirlc stronger panels al uncl ncar thc cclgcs and cavcs, wlrct'e lretrxlyrrrtttic prcssutl's are usually Iargcsl . Ilowcvcr-, <ltlrcr possibilitics r:xisl . liot r'xlrttplc, thc thick rlrr pnttlitc. ,4,, luc tltc ltilrttlrrry :rrt';r:. ol llrr' prcs:rrrrt lirl)s ()r lllc wirrtl lrrnrrt'l rrrodcl <lf the i'rrlrlirtg (or'. il rt ltilrutltt'y iue:r ('tl('lrrli, lrr'lrrrrrl llrc trrrrlrrt'r ol /),, llrt.porlion ol lltirl tributary ,rr,';r tottlltint'tl itt lltc zottc /),). Design. For ease *A 1 i 372 cv1 lll i;l'()Niil . nNl) l)l :;l(iN ()l ll()()l lN(i BtJtil)tN(iti: wtNt) t()nt )1i, :;ilt{,(;l('lrnl isx nt1i1 : n1,iiPI1,1 (9.6. I2) The expected total number of panel failures per lifetime for thc zonc 1); itttrl for the entire building are, respectively, s-/ -t nn:4ntu (9.6. r3) -t L ntr ny: s-1 (9.6.t4t I lixpcricrrcc appcars to indicate that the cladding in any subzone ,4, designctl in tccortlarrcc with thc conventional method (Eq.9.6.8) is acceptable from a sal'cty point ol' vicw if thc aerodynamic and climatological data upon which thc <lcsign was based are adequate. It might then be argued that the probability P7 corresponcling to the saf'ety index B used in Eq. 9.6.10 may have the value: Pf : nllaf {PLJti} (9.6. rs) is the largest of the values P!;. However, such a choice of Py for use in risk-consistent design might bc imprudent. The authors believe that it is reasonable to adopt as a design ob' jective an expected number of panel failures per lifetime for the entire building where mnx;.1,, tph| n7 : l)l :,1(ir! ()t ct nt )tilN(i nNt) il(x)t til(, t()t I VVllJt, trr/\t ): , :ll], irily onc lrirrrt:l tlrrrirrg llrc lilt.tirrrt.ol llre lrrriltlirrli rs lj tt,lrt,,. wlt.r,,. rr,, rr rlrt, Iol:tl lruttttrcr rll llttltt'ls ol'llrc lrrrilrlirrg. 'l'lrc s;rlcty iirtlt.r is 1i tlrcrr t, rrsirrg IJq. 43.17' itrttl lltc clatltlirtg lirr clrch r,ont l), is tlcsrlirrt'tl lry tlrr.rrsk ( ()nsistcnt pntcorluro in accorclarrco willr lit;. ().(r. lO: lpooli > maxT;, {7ri,il,,( M)cx1.tlf}(V),,,,1M; t V,:,,,,,,)t,,1 (9.6. l7) A c:rmputer program fbr thc crcsign .r'cradding by Eq. g.6.11 in c.nluncti.n with Eqs. 9.6.16 and 43.37 is rcfbrcnccd in t9-611. Illustrative results obtained lry using that program are prescnted in Sect. 9.6.2. 9-6.2 Economic and safety Advantages of Risk-consistent Procedure Design I Iir illustrate the potential i advantages of the risk-consistent design procedure, rt'sults of computations taken^from [9-61] are presented for a 200-ir tail uuitaing rcpresented in plan in Fig. 9.6.3. rt was assumed that the building is located in lerrain with uniform roughness in all directions (zo 1.00 m; anO there i'c no neighboring structures influencing the building aerodynamics.that Aerody_ rurrnic pressure coefficients obtained in the wind tunnel were l : extracted from li l max nl (9.6. r6) Indeed, the conventional design procedure, ignoring as it does wind directionality effects, can be viewed as providing sufficient safety levels for all buildings, regardless of their orientation. This can be interpreted as meaning (l) that thc expected number of failures rej inherent in the conventional design procedurcr is icceptable even for buildings with the most unfavorable orientation cv1 antl (2) that if the conventional procedure is used, building with more favorable orientations are overdesigned. If Eq. 9.6.16 is adopted as a design objective, the probability of failure <tl' *The failure condition for each panel of a zone is defined by the event Pa - P"d < 0. Notc thirl these events are not in all cases statistically independent, since the loads induced on vatittttr' panels, and in some cases the load capacities ofvarious panels, may be correlated. Howcvet, Eq. 9.6.12 holds regardless of whether the failure events are independcnt or not. This ctn lrt' shown by considering thc simple cxample of n,, coins. Let lailurc dcnotc the occurroncc ol "heads." The expectation o1'thc numbcr of failurcs that would occttt il lltc rt,, coins wt:rc losst'tl once is 1, : ll2nt,.This is truc rcgarcllcss ol'whcthcr thc luiltrt' ('v('trls ilr(' irrtlt:pcrttlcnl (lts itt the case ofcoins liaving c:rt'lt lrn intlcpcn<lcnl rttotion) or grt'r'li'clly toltt'lrtlt'tl (lrs itl lltc tltsc ttl il set ol'n, coins, lixcrl onkr :r wciglrllcss holrrtl wilh :rll lltt' "ltt';rls" ott llt( :i:tlll(' sitle, so llt:tl llilurc 11l grrt: coilt worrltl r'rrllril lirilrrn'ol:rll llrc rr,, toitts) Nolt llr;tl rrlrrlr'lltt t'r1x'tlit(iotts ol Ir, Wottkl ? ltt.lltC Slrtrrt'irr llrt lwo r'lrsts. lltL'sl;tttrl:ttrl (l('vl:llllrll'. ttlttlrl ttol \ e o. dr \ lil(;lJltl,l l).(r..1- | )rrri.rr,,rrrrr'. ol lrrrrlrllrrl, rrr pl:rrr ; llt,ll l)lN(il; wlNl) l()nl ):; 1;lltu(.ililtnt ttt t,t,()Nl;l nNl) l)l 1;l(iN ()l tt{)()l lN(i 374 I 'l':rlllt'tJ.I.]. 19-601. 'l'hc wincl clinratc was assunrc(l kr lx'tlt'lirrctl by thc tl:rlrr ol forwhich summary statistics arc givcn in Itig. -1.4.1. 'l'ho lucadc:s wcrc tlivitlerl into zones of uniform glass thickncss in accorclancc with liig. 9.6.2. lt w:rs assumed that the cladding consisted of anncaled glass pancls with dirncnsions 1.8 x 1.8 m. The information on the load capacity of thc pancls was lakcrr from [9-56]. Approximate typical prices per unit area of panels with various thicknesses were obtained from glass distributors. These were used as a basis for performing estimates of the nominal cost of cladding glass inhercnt in :rny given design. From an inspection of Fig. 3.4.1 it is apparent that the wind effects arc not cqually severe for the parallel faces AD and BC (or AB and DC) of the building. shown in Fig. 9.6.3. Nevertheless, as noted earlier, the conventional design mcthod would result in this case in identical designs for those faces. It is also clcar that the severity of the wind effects on the various faces depends upon the orientation oi of the building. Again, this is not reflected in the conventionrrl method, which results in identical cladding designs regardless of the buildirrg orientation a;. The cladding of the building shown in Fig. 9.6.3 was first designed in accordance with the conventional method. The nominal cost of the cladding so designed was estimated to be $361,000 for the entire building. Using the pnr cedure described in the preceding section, the expected number of panel failurcs per lifetime inherent in the conventional design was estimated for various buikl ing orientations cy;. The results of the estimates are shown in column 2 of Tablc 9.6.r. Also shown in Table 9.6.1 (columns 4 and 5) are nominal costs of claddirrg, designed by the risk-consistent procedure on the basis of the following desigrr objectives: the expected total number of failures per lifetime is equal (l) to tlrc vahe n! of column 2 (see column 4) anil (2) to the value n]: 12.0, whiclr corresponds approximately to the most unfavorable orientation of the buildirrp, (see column 5). ll I I I ll l.l(.l 37s ('ottsitlt't lltr' tlt's11'111. lr:r:.r'rl orr llrt' lusl ol llrt'st' lwo olrlt.r'lives- lt is scclt tlr.rl irt (ltis t':tst'lll('('((),s lrtltit'vr'tl :rlt'ol lltt'oltlt'r'ol'5'/,, kl l0'/,,. ll,lv1'v1'1', llrc lrrt'l llr:rl llrt' r'orrvt'rrliorr;rl rlr'sip,rr is :rcce:lltlrhlc to building in.;,,'t (iolt trullrorilit's, lt'1'.:rrrllt"ss ol llrt' lrrrilrling or.icrrtlrliorr, irnplics [hat in the r rr'\\, ()l ll'tcsc uutlrol'ilit's srrtlr :r rlt'sigrr is srrllit'icntly sal'c cvcn in those cases rrlrr'n'lho builcling olit'rrltr(iorr is rrrrllrvol'rrblc; as notcd in Sect.9.6.1, this ,'lr:,t'r'vlrtion lcacls to tlrc rrtkrpl iorr irs ir tlcsign objective of an expected number , 'l l;tilttt'cs pcr lil'ctintc apptrrxinra(cly cqual to the largest of the estimated values ,,', \l 1,2, . .. , 8). A cornparison between columns 3 and 5 of Table 9.6.1 1[i11, for buildings with favorable orientations, the use of the risk-con.r'.tt'rr( design procedure can then result in significant savings (in the case , i:rnrirrcd here, almost 25%). As stated earlier, the results of Table 9.6.1 were obtained for building fa,.r,k's divided into zones in accordance with Fig. 9.6.2. As indicated in l') (rll. similar conclusions hold for designs in which the glass thickness is , "ilslilnt over an entire building face. (;.3 'r Effects of Wind Loads on Roofing l.'t t crrl material on the perfbrmance of roofing in strong winds shows that wind high suctions, which may induce peeling failures, panel failures, .rrgrlxrrling member failures, or system failures, and (2) scour of roof gravel l') ')li l. A procedure for the selection of gravel size and parapet height to avoid ,,r:rvt'l scour (displacement) and, more important, gravel blow-offfrom the roof ,. I'rolroscd in [9-99] (see also 14-63, 4-eD. lrr rrrcas of the roof where calculations indicate gravel blow-offwould occur, rlrr' usL: of concrete slabs instead of gravel is recommended. Alternatively, the ,,r.rvt'l should be fully embedded using a double-surfacing technique [9-100]. It,r:,t'tl on obseruations of roof behavior during hurricane Hugo, it has been ,i ( ()n)nrended that for buildings less (more) than 13.7-m high, parapet heights ,.ur (lruse (l) i', :rr lcast 0.3 m (0.6 m) [9-101 ,9-102]. l;or wind-related information on mechanically attached single-ply systems, ,,, lt) l03l; metal edge flashings, see [9-109] and [9-ll4]; asphalt shingles .'rr, I tlrcir attachment, see [9-104, 9-105]; roof fasteners, see [9-ll0]; looselrr,l rtrol'insulation systems, see [4-83, 4-84,9-lll]. Studies of wind effects ,'rr trlt'nxrf.s, including pressure distributions on gable roofs and around indi' ',irr;rl [ilcs, are summarized and referenced in [9-106]; see also [9-107]. It was TABLE 9.6.1. Nominal Costs of Cladding for Various Designs Conventional Practice Risk*Consistent Procedurc Nominal Cost. Orientation Number of Panel _ Failures, nf (l) Nominal Cost ($) (2) (3) from Col. 2 ($) (4) 2.5 I 1.9 36 r .000 330.(XX) 2u0,(xx) 16l .(xx) 1.15.(XX) .14.5 .(XX ) Ltl .l(r I .(XX) t.15.()(x) .1t30.()(x) .l(, I .(XX) t,15.(XXt r.l5.(xx Building 0" 45" 90" t3.5" l.) I Design Based on Value Di Nominal Cosl . Design Blsctl : on Valuc ri 12.0 (:f) (\) ) I, 'rrntl that aluminum shingles behaved poorly in hurricane Andrew, while sprayrl 11'11 polyurethane fbam roofs performed outstandingly [9- I 08]. r 1 r1 III FERENCES ') | lt. 1.. Wirlllrrw, "lttlt'tlt'rt'ttr r' ;rrrrl l'roxirrrily lillccls," in llitrtl l,.rcitttl Viltnr lutt',\." Il lior l., l (r rl 1, $1y1i111','r'Vt'rllrg. 11..* y,r1l,, lr)rtl tiutt,\ ()f ,\!ntt 376 9-2 9-3 9-4 9--5 T. A. 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Acnxl.\,rt., .ll ( l()l.lli). .)51 .l(rl liool lirps with l)arapcts," ovcran Industrial Building," J. Wind lhg. ltrtl. Aotrlt,rr., -llt ( 199 l), 325 333. 'f . Stathopoulos ancl H. l.rrt'lriiur, "Wind-lnduccd Pressures on Eaves of Low Buildings," J. Wirul l,.ng. Irtrl. Acrtxlyn., 29 (1988), 49-58. E. simiu and E. M. Hcnclrickson, "Design criteria for Glass cladding Sub- jected to Wind Loacls," J. Struct. Eng.,ll3 (19g7),501_518. E. Simiu and E. M. Hendrickson, "Wind Tunnel Tests and Equivalent l-Min Loads for the Design of Cladding Glass," J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn.,29 (1988),49-58. 'tt)l.i ') 9-82 D. I. Beneke and K. C. S. Kwok, "Aerodynamic Effect of Wind Induccrl Torsion on Tall Buildings, J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn.,50 (1993), 271-280. :lBl ') J. E. Minor, "Perlormance of Roofing Systems in Wind Stoms," Proceedings of the Symposium on Roofng Technology, National Bureau of Standards and National Roofing Contractors Association, 1977, pp. 124-133. (x) R. J. Kind and R. L. Wardlaw, "The Development of a Procedure fbr the Design of Rooftops against Gravel and Scour in High Winds," Proceedings of the Symposium on Roofing Technobgy, National Bureau of Standards and National Roofing Contractors Association, 1977, pp. ll2 123. 100 T. L. Smith and J. R. McDonald, "Roof Wind Damage Mitigation: Lessons from Hugo," Professional Roofing, Nov. 1990, 30-33. ') l0[ T. Smith, R. J. Kind, and J. R. McDonald, "Hurricane Hugo Tests the Performance of Aggregate Ballasted Single-Ply Systems," ProJessional Roofing, Aug. 1992,29-34. 't 102 T. Smith, R. J. Kind, and J. R. McDonald, "Hurricane Hugo II: Testing the Performance of Aggregate Ballasted Single-Ply Systems," ProJ'essional Roofing, Sept. 1992,32 38. ') 103 T. Smith, "Mechanically Attached Single-Ply Systems," Profbssional Roofing, Mar. 1992,14. ') 104 D. E. Shaw, "Better Uplift for Asphalt Shingles?" Professional RooJing, Mar. 1993,30 32. () 105 T. Smith, "Asphalt Shingles: The Importance of Corect Attachment," Professional Rrxfing, Dec. 1992, 54. ') 06 C. Kramer and H. J. Gerhardt, " What are the Effects of Wind on Tile Roofs? " 1 Professional Roofing, June 1993, pp. R7-R10. ') 107 c- Kramer and J. H. Gerhardt, "wind Loading in permeable Roofing Systems," J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn., ff (1983), 34j-358. l0l] r. Smith, "Hurricane Andrew: A Preliminary Assessment," ProJessional Roof') ing, Oct. 1992, 58. ') l(X) R. McDonald, P. P. Sarkar, andH. Gupta, "Wind-lnduccd Loadson Mctal Irdgc F'lashings," Wirul I)r,qitrecring, Prccecding.s, Ninth Inttnuttiotutl Crn .li'rcrrt'c tn Witul I,.rt.rlirtr't.r'irt,q. Vol. l, pp.69 ltO, Wilcy litrstcr-n l,t(1., Ncw .1. I )t:llri. ') Il0 li. A. llirsk;rr';ttt:ttttl () Ilull I r':rltt:rliort ol'llool liitsl('n('ls trnrlt'r I)vrr:rrrrit' 382 9-11I 9-ll2 UUILDINGS: WIND LOADS, Slllt,(; lt,llAl lll I]PONSF, AND DESICN ()l lttX]l lN(i Wind Loading," Wind Enginccrittg, l'nx'ttdirt14s, Ninth lntanuttiotuti (,rence on Wind Engineering, Y<tl. 3, pp. l2O7*1217, Wilcy B,astcrn Ltrl., Ncrw Delhi. Y. Sun and B. Bienkewicz, "Wind Loading and Resistance of Lr>osc-Laid llrxrl' Paver Systems," Wind Engineering, Proceedings, Ninth International Ctrtli,rence on Wind Engineering, Yol.3, pp. 1255-1266, Wiley Eastem Ltd., Now Delhi. R. D. Marshall, Wind lnad Provisions of the Manufactured Home Constru* tion and Safety Standards-A Review and Recommendation for Improvemenl, NISTIR 5189, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD, t' CHAPTER 1O 1993. 9-l13 R. Zhang and Q. M. Feng, "Vibration of Tall Wind," Proceedings, Third International Buildings under Turbulcnt Conference on Stochastic Structurul Dynumics, San Juan, Puerto Rico, Jan. 15-18, 1995. 9-114 T. Smith, "Hurricane Hugo's Effects of Metal Tech.,2 (1990), 65-10. Edge Flashings," Int. J. Rooling SLENDER TOWERS AND STACKS WITH CIRCULAR CROSS SECTION slcrrtlcr towers and stacks are designed to withstand the effects of both alongwrntl and across-wind loads. The along-wind response can be estimated by usrrg, the computer program of [9-14]. Simplified methods may be used if irlrlrnrximate estimates of the peak along-wind response in the fundamental rrrrxlc are sought. Since the gust response factor G depends only weakly upon llre lirndamental modal shape (see Eq.9.1.10), it can be calculated by using 'l'irblc 9.1.5. The peak along-wind response is then obtained from the relation ,\, ,,,,,^(Z) : G7{z), where.rl(z) is calculated using Eq. 5.3.4 (with t : 1). 'l'hcse procedures must be used with appropriate values for the average rvrrrtlward and leeward drag coefficients C, and C1. For slender towers and rt;rcks with a circular shape in plan, it may be assumed in all cases that c, : ( l. so that the total drag coeffici ent Cp : C, . Information on the magnitude of ( j, irrrd its dependence upon Reynolds number, surface roughness, and aspect rrrtio is provided in Sect. 10.2.2. sc:vcral procedures for estimating across-wind response are currently avail*lrlc. Among these, the procedure developed by Rumman [10-l] has been rvrrlt:ly applied to the design of reinforced concrete chimneys. The basis of this luoccrlure is largely intuitive. Nevertheless, it appears that the results of its {rl)l)lication have been satislactory in practice. ll is generally agreed that thc kriuling ancl response models inherent in Rumlll;tlls' procedure are not cntirerly crtttsistcrr( with aclvances made over the last lrvo tlccaclcs in the ficlds tll' ttticttrtttt'lcotrrlogy, ircrrxlynamics, and acnrclastic- tty. According to llG2l tltis corrkl irr t't'rlirirr silrlrtiotrs lcacl to thc unclcrcsti- itutlitttt tll'thc acr<lss-wintl tcslxrttsc, lrrrrlit'rrlirrly in llrc scconcl nurtlc rll'vil'rr-ir. ll(ttt. l)nrcctlurcs in wlticlt tllolt'rrrlvnrrt't'rl rrplrrrrirt'lrcs irrc tttilizcrl wcrc 383 384 :;t f Nt)t developcd in tt l()wl ltl; nNl) i;ln(.hl; wl lll{illl{:tll nlt (;ll()l;l; l;l (;ll()N [0-31, arrd by Vickerly, l]rrsrr. :rrrtl ('lalk in [10-21 arrtl r() ll0 ztl ttr \vlr(flc t) is ail tlerrsity ,.lt"vrrli9rr r.,,,. ('t is lltc e.'l'hc litr-cc tlO-el. The ESDU procedure [0-31 is bascd on a rrodified vcrsiort ol' lhc lrxrtlc:l consisting of Eqs. 6.1.4 and 6.1.5. It considers two response rcgions, trnc itt which the forces associated with the motion are ignored and another in whiclr the effect of these forces is taken into account. The response of the structtllt is estimated for each of these two regions, and the structure is designed fbr thc: higher of the two responses. It is suggested in [10-4] that a drawback of thc: ESDU procedure is the lack of a natural transition between the two response regimes, which introduces an element of arbitrariness in the application of thc r ilr rMMAt.t :, t't rr'r.t trt rttt 381=r 1p 1.J.5 kg/rrr'), l/(,,,',) is llrt'r'ttllt:tl wrtttl sllcctl itl lill coollicicrrl, irntl /)(l') is lltt'tli:trrtt:let ol sttttclttrc itl /'ir(:) is assruttcrl to l'rc pt'rtr't'll-y toln'littctl splrrtwisc. lit'lcrcrrcc Il0-IIsuggcsts 2,,, : lt' wltcrrt: /r is tlrt'lrciglr( ol strttctttrc' ()thcr'rcrrccs suggcst 2.,., : 2l3h to -5l(r/r I l0- l0l, or t:,,, 213h ll0- I ll- 1'hc wind ,,1x.ctls U(2,.,) producc at elcvatioll 2,,, votlcx shotldirtg with licquencies equal Ir) lhc natural f'requencies of thc structtlrc, so U(2",) : -I niD(2",) (t : 1,2,...) (10. r.2) proccdure. 'l'hc Reynolds number at elevation Thc proccdurcs dcveloped by Vickery and coworkers imply in effect ther lirllowing appnrach. A nominal response is calculated which coresponds trl thc assurnption that acroclastic effects do not occur. The actual response is thcn obtained through rnultiplication of the nominal response by an aeroelastic correction factor which varics continuously over the entire range of possible aenl elastic effects. The derivation of that factor is explained in some detail in Sect. 6. 1.2. Because of uncertainties inherent in them, these procedures should bcr used with caution. Structures that are light in weight and have low structural damping (e.g., ceftain steel stacks) could experience unacceptably severe aeroelastic effecls unless provided with aerodynamic or mechanical devices for the alleviation ol' across-wind motions. Some of these devices have proven to be quite effective and are routinely incorporated in the design of steel stacks. This chapter describes Rumman's procedure (Sect. 10.1) and the procedurcs developed by Vickery and coworkers (Sect. 10.2). These procedures are applicable to isolated structures.* Also presented in this chapter is informatiott on aerodynamic and aeroelastic devices for the alleviation of the across-wintl response (Sect. 10.3). I zn, is calculated as follows: I G." : (10.1.3) 61,000 U(2",)D(2",) inm/s andD(zn) inm). ForGe ) 3 x 106orsoitisusuallyassumed 0.220 to 0.25. From Eqs. 5.2.8, 5.2.10,5.2.14, and 5.2.16 it follows tlr;rt lhe peak deflection for the structure excited in the ith mode may be written tU(:.,.,) :', ": .i) i ir Y,(zt : #? D2e",) \',o3ffi4 (10.1.4) r,u, rvlrt'rc y;(Z) is the ith normal mode of vibration, f, is the damping in ith mode, i *, : Io, (10.1.5) m(z)Y?Q) dz for design purposes [0-U. According to [10-11] it was determined from observations that tall reinforced ( ()ncrcte chimneys with constant or nearly constant diameter do not appear to , \l)cricnce unacceptably large motions if their Scruton number c;, defined as PROCEDURE In this procedure it is assumed that towers or stacks with a circular cross sectirllt are subjected to a sinusoidal force per unit length with amplitude Fo(z) : iCrpLI2(2",)D(z) -/ (l0. r. r) 2Mi f, . \ ,itz.l ,tz n (10.1.6) PD'(Z,,\ .Jrr *If several stacks are grouped in I il t, llrc generalized mass, and m(z) is the mass of the structure per unit height. I .r rcinforced concrete chimneys ratios C1lfi = 13-16 have in many instances r:, Irr't'rr assumed 10.1 RUMMAN'S t, a row, buffcting fbrccs associatcd with vo(cx shctlclirrg tutt r'; lrrlgor than filur. 'I'lrc pcak m()tncnt l( trrry clt'vlrlron.'ts rlotttitt:tlt'tl lty crlnlribtttiorrs tltttr ltr rrrt.llitrl litrccs.'l'hcrrclirrt', rlt'rtolttt!: llrr'rt':rl':tr'tt'lt'tltliotl lt( clt'vitlioll.l lry cause the response of stacks located downwind of thc first structurc in thc row lo bc irs higlr ir: fourtimes the responsc ol'an iclcntical but isolalcd stack. l-irrri(txl tlulrr ort lltc rcsponso ol grottlx'rl stacksareavailablcinllO(rl,ll024l,ll0-25l.liorallxrnrtrghlcvit'wrtl ittlirt'ttutlionutttl lilct:tlttrc on interference antl proxilnlly cllccls on cylintlrictrl s(lll(lllr('s, scc l() II ),(.t), tlrC pclk tntttttcttl:tssrtt't:rlt'rl rvtllr &.i llrt'tllt tttotlt'ol vilrr':tlitttr is 386 :jLLNt)ftr towilri ANt ) litA(:Ki; wt ilt oiltoUt An (in()tili :it (iil()N trL,(z) = trt(2,,)Yi(2.)(z.t J. * t():' ( 10. z.) dz., t.7) l,l t(x;l l)t,lll 1; l)l vl lol,l l) ltY vl(;hl lty ANI) (;0w(lilt(t nl; 387 Atterrrllts to ohlilin srrc'lr irrliu'rrraliorr lhlrtt wintl trrrtrtcl t('sls (c.9,.. irt ll0 l2l), ilrI llr:norillly rrrrstrcct:sslirl, owirrg (o scvclt scirlc cllc'r'is. l,or llris rcilsott i( ltas lrt'crr pointcd out that wincl tunncl sintullliotts ol'lltt: irctrrss-wintl ltchavior ol' .,lt'ntlcr structurcs with circular cK)ss sccliort tttttlcr wittrl klads cannot bc uscd lor tlcsign purposcs unless caretully intcrprc(orl irr tlrc light ol'acroclastic thcory ph J(Li({ = 12rn1)2 \ *(r,)yik)kr o1 ;rrrrl ol'clata obtained f-rom z) dz1 ( full-scalc tcsts ll0-lil. l0. r .n) 10.2.1 Basic Approach to Estimation of the Across-Wind Response The shear force at elevation Z1 ma! similarly be written Si(21; = (2rn;)2 Io, *r',r',r,,, or, as (10. r.9) Example Consider a chimney with constant circular cross sectigrr for which D : 17.63 m, h : 193.6 m, and n1 : 0.364 Hz [10-9]. It is assumed CLlh : 15, y{zlh) : 17lh)t67, m(z) :58,000 kg/m for z < hlL, m(z) :41,000 kg/m for z ) hl2, and S : 0.22. From Eq. 10.1.5, M, = 1.87 x 106 kg. The critical velocity in the first mode of vibration is u(zu,) .. 29.15 m/s (Eq. 10.1.2). The corresponding Reynolds numberis G" : 3.4 x 107 6q. 10.1.3). The peak."rpon*i at elevation zis y,(7) : O.s\(zlhllbT nt (Eq. 10.1.4), and the peak moment at the base is Jll(O) = l.l7 x 106 kNrn (Eq. 10.1.8). If it is assumed fr : 0.02, then the Scruton number cr :4.3 (Eq. 10.1.6). Lt'l o',1)""(z) denote the rms value of the nominal across-wind response at elev;rtiorr z in the ith mode of vibration. The rms value of the actual across-wind r('slx)nsc at elevation z in the ith mode is denoted by ou;(z). The following rrlrrtion holds: Numerical o,i(z) : (r, . ,,--r;" o]? (z) (10.2.1) ivlrt'r'c fr is the structural damping ratio, far is the aerodynamic damping ratio, ;rrrrl l(,/(i I (",)lt'' is the aerodynamic correction factor in the ith mode. Estimation of Nominal Across-Wind Response. The nominal across-wind r('slx)nse is obtained by subjecting the structure to the across-wind aerodynamic loirtls it would experience if it were at rest. No aeroelastic effects are taken rrr(o account, and the only damping that affects the motion is the structural rl;rrrrping. 10.2 It PROCEDURES DEVELOPED BY VICKERY AND COWORKERS was mentioned earlier that these procedures may be viewed as, in effcct, estimating the across-wind response in two phases. First, a nominal responscr is calculated by assuming that the structure is acted upon by the across-winrl aerodynamic loads it would experience if it were at rest. The nominal response therefore does not reflect any aeroelastic effects, since the latter involve loads associated with the motion of the structure. The actual response is obtaincrl through multiplication of the nominal response by a correction factor that ac counts for the aeroelastic effects. The approach used to estimate the nominll response and the aerodynamic correction factor is described in Sect. l0.z.l. Information on the requisite aerodynamic and aeroelastic parameters is proviclctl in Sect. 10.2.2. Approximate expressions for the across-wind responsc arr given in Sect. 10.2.3. It is emphasized that, although the procedures presentccl in this section 1re conceptually advanced, they yield results that may bc rrnccr(1in t9 within irl least 3O%. This is the case in part because the structurirl tllrrrrgling is in lrosl cases poorly known. In addition, much of thc availlblc irrlirrrrrirtion conccrnirrg, the aerodynamic ancl acr<lclastic parillnctcrs (soc Set't. l0.l.l) is orrly lcrrltrliver. ln a turbulent flow the structure at rest would experience a superposition of tw() ilcross-wind loads. The first of these two loads, due to vortex shedding in tlrr' wake of the structure at rest, is denoted by L{2, r). The second load, due lo tlro lateral turbulence in the oncoming flow, is denoted by L2(2, r). The load L1(;-, t) can be written in the form LrQ, t) : )pC{2, t)D(z)U2(z) (10.2.2) ,,o that its spectral density is Sy,(2, n) : l*pDQ)Ut(z)l2Sc,Q, n) (10.2.3) Atcrrrding to [10-2], measurements indicate that the spectral density Sgr(2, n) lrc represented by thc bcll-shaped function , :rn nt'{},' "' J n|,,,,,"^n[ I l-:-vull] (to 2'4) u,ltctc rt tlcnolcs lhc lir:t;trcrrt'y, r,i l.i lltc votlcx slrcrllling l'rcqucncy givcn by llrc tclrrliort 388 sr t NDFn towlnri l ANI) s |ACK!; wt il 1.0 4 = 10.'l = 0.1 83 (:il tcul Ar1 cno$ri st c iloN t0? Ilt(x;l l)lllll r; l)tvl loPIt) llY vloKl ltY I, nr ttS, (n) )(t) tp()1Jl'!17.1 r'(i, I ANI) oowolrKElr$ /) 389 (r0.2.8) I(2.\ Spcctral and cross-spcctrul irrlonrurtion on thc lateral velocity fluctuations a(r) rs givcn in Scct.2.3.-5. lnlilrrrration on the aerodynamic parameters B,3, cl t'i"t, o, and Cp is givcn in Scct. 1O.2.2. 'l'he mean square valuc of the nominal response induced by each of the loads /,1(/) and lo(t) can be estimated as in Sects. 5.2.7 or 5.3.2.The mean square virluc of the total nominal response is equal to the sum of the mean square vrrlrrcs of the responses due to the loads L(t) and Z2(r). However, because tlrcsc loads are uncorrelated, the peak value of the total nominal response is It'ss than the sum of the individual peak responses due to Z,(r) and LzQ).* 0.1 0.01 10 2- 10-1 1 ttD U FIGURE 10.2.1. Power spectral density of lift force coemcient c. measured on Hamburg television tower. From H. Ruscheweyh, "wind Loadings on the Television Tower, Hamburg, Germany," J. Ind. Aerodyn., I Estimation of Aerodynamic Correction Factorl!,lftt + e"ill't'. One of the tlrlliculties that arises in the estimation of the aerodynamic correction factor is llur( relatively little reliable information is available on the structural damping rrrtios f;. Ranges of values fi suggested in [10-7] are listed in Table 10.2.1. (1916),315-333. TABLE 10.2.1. Suggested Structural Damping Ratios " SU(z) D(z) (10.2.5) s is the Strouhal number, and B is an empirical parameter that determines Type of Structure Structural Damping Ratio Unlined steel stacks and similar structures Lined steel stacks 0.002-0.010 0.004-0.016 0.004-0.020 Reinforced concrete chimneys and towers the spread (bandwidth) of the spectral curve. This model is compatible with results of full-scale measurements (Fig. lO.2.l). The cross-spectral density ofthe load L{2, r) can be expressed as [10-41: Sr,(zr, zr, n1 : Sl,2Q1, n)St/,2(22, n)Rs(21, 22, n) Ro(zr, zz) : cos(2ar)exp(-arz) r: .rl- _ 1-21 -l4l D(a) + (10.2.6) (r0.2.7a) I D(72) (r0.2.1b) The parameter a in F,q. 10.2.7 a is a measure of the decay of the cross-spectral function Sr,(4, zz, n) with the distance lz, - zrl. Associated with the parameter a is a correlation length z which is a measure of the spanwise length beyoncl which the force fluctuations are no longer correlated. The lift force Lr(t) is the projection on the across-wind direction of the drag force induced by the resultant of the mean velocity U(2.) and of the lateral turbulent velocity u(2,, t).In large-scale turbulence this lorcc hus an anglc ol' attack with respect to the along-wind direction equal kt t,l L/, irrrtl its pr<r.jccti<ln on that direction is r'lt is of interest to estimate the extent to which the effect of the load Lz(r) is significant from a 1rr;rtlical point of view. Using the information of Sect. 2.3.5, it can be verified that the lateral vr'krt ity fluctuations differ from the longitudinal velocity fluctuations as follows: (1) the ordinates rrl rlrc spectral density at high frequencies are largerby 33% forthe lateral than forthe longitudinal llrrr'trrations, (2) the area under the spectral curve is lower by 50% for the lateral than for the l,rrr1'.itudinal fluctuations, and (3) the exponential decay coefficients are lower by about 33% for tlrr' l:rtcral than for the longitudinal fluctuations. Calculations then show that the peak nominal ,rr rrrss-wind response due to l4(r) is of the order of 5O% of the peak fluctuating part of the alongrvrrrl rcsponse or, roughly, abottt 25% of the peak total along-wind response. It lirllows that if the ratio between the along-wind response and the nominal across-wind rr'rlx)nso estimated without accounting for IaQ) is small, then taking L2Q) into consideration will lrirvc rr negligible effect on the magnitude of the nominal response, particularly in view of the l;rcl rrrcnlioned earlier that L'(t) and Lr(t) are uncorrelated and that their peak values are therefore rrot rrtltlitive. On the other hand, il'thc ratio of along-wind to nominal across-wind response is lrrplr, lhc design will be govcrncrl by thc along-wind response regardless of whether Zr(l) is ,t((r)untcd fbr or not. Finally, il'lltc lirlio rrrxlcr considcration is close to unity, accounting for / ,(l) wrruld incrcase thc pcak notttitt:rl irt't-oss wintl rcsponso hy ahout 25% if Llt) and Lr(r) wcrc i ()r('lltcd; howcvcr, sincc this is rrol llrr' trrst', lhc irrcrcrrsc will only bc of thc ordcr ol' l0 to lr',?,. lirrthcsc roasons,1oa lilsl nl)l)roxrrilll()n, llrc lirt'c inrlucctl by latoral turbulcncc lluctuir trrlns nlity bc ncglcclcrl, ttttlcss lltc clilnuulr'(l ;x'rk rrkrn;i wintl:rtttl irt'toss-wirttl tespottse lt:rvr' trl)l)r1)xinritloly lhc sirrrrc virlrrc, itt wlticlt r'irrf lltr ir|ilrrs wirul rcs;xrrrst' slr()rrltl lrt'itrr1;rrrcrrlcrl lry rorrpllrly l0%. 390 SLENuEn towfti.ri AND sIACKsi wt ilt oill(:r,t An cn()ri$ sfcTtoN t0 The approach to the estimation ol' thc ar:nrdynarnic darnping ralio 1,,; is rlc= scribed in some detail in Sect. 6.1.2. Inlbrmation on the acroclastic parartrcter K,6 needed to estimate l,; (see Eqs. 6.1.36 to 6.1.38) is summarizcd in Soct. t0.2.2. ? I'll()(il l)lllll li * =,.[,,.r., ,(x)71 l)t vn ',,r,,(r) ol)fl) nY vloKl ltY nNl) c()woltKt _,rl] (n,.= 2 x r0(' The purpose of this section is to provide information on the drag coefficicrrt Cp, the Strouhal number S, the rms lift coefficient Czytt2, the bandwidth parameter B, the parameters describing the spanwise correlation of the acrosswind load, and the aeroelastic parameter K"s used to calculate the aerodynamic damping ratio f,,,. 6t,OOO U(dD(z) (10.2.9) where u(e) is the wind speed at elevation z in m/s and D(z) is the outside diameter in meters; upon the turbulence in the oncoming flow, upon the aspect ratio h/D(h) , where h is the height of the structure and D(h) is the diameter at the tip and upon the relative surface roughness klD of the structure, where ft rirlio as follows: (10.2.12a) (to.2.rzb) h is the height of the structure and D(h) is the diameter at the tip t3l). wlrrrro llo RMS of lift ( irrc suggested is the height ofthe roughness elements. For steel stacks and reinforced concretc chimneys and towers l0 3 < kld < 10-5 [10-7]. It is assumed herein that klD vaies only within this range. o.otr (, - hl (10.2. t0) where Cf, is the value of the drag coefficient taken from Fig. 4.5.5c. Fronr elevation h - D(h) to the top of the structure the drag coefficient may bc assumed to have the value Co : 1.4 Ci for all structures regardless of aspcct ratio (see [l0-l3l). The main effect of turbulence in the oncoming flow is to decrease the Reynolds number corresponding to the onset of the critical region defined in Fig. 4.5.2. strouhal Number. The following values of the Strouhal number in [10-13] (see, however, [4-86] and Fig. 4.4.4): C7''". The following values of the rms purposes (see [10-13]): (see lift coefficient G,.<2x105 (t}.2.l3a) 2x10s1Ge72xtO6 (10.2.13b) I / ft\ 12) +0.03515 + log,o(=)l "',"\D/l) t Drag Coefficient Ce. The dependence of Cp upon Reynolds number anrJ surface roughness is represented in Fig. 4.5.5c for cylinders with aspect ratior hlD(h) > 20. Forstructures with aspect ratios l0 < hlD(h) < 20it may be assumed that up to the elevation h - D(h) the drag coefficient has the valuc Co: c'o[t - ( lirrr2 X lOs < 61" < 2 x 106 thc vortcx shcclcling is random, and the Strouhal Eq. 10.2. I I b corrcsponds to the predominant frequencies of tlrt' lkrw in the wake. In Eq. 10.2. llc the coefficient c depends upon aspect The aerodynamic and aeroelastic parameters depend upon the Reynolds num. bcr : 391 rrrurrbcr given by 10.2.2 Aerodynamic and Aeroelastic Parameters G.. lti G" > 2 I x 106 (10.2.13c) lrr liq. 10.2.13c the coefficient d has the expression = 12 d- < h olny < tz (10.2.14a) (lo'2'14b) I lrt' lilt coefficient also appcars to depend significantly upon turbulence intenrrty. However, little inlirrrrrirlion on this dependence is available to date. are suggestcd S:0.20 G"<2x105 0.22 <,S < 0.4.5 2 x 105 ? (11,, :- t v l0(' Bandwidth Parameter (10.2.11il) (l0.2.llh) B. l{cli.r'r'rrt'tr l0-4 suggcsts that ll 00t( , )tt' ,,, ( r0.2. r5) 392 .LENDER towflis AND !.itAoK:i Wt llt (;i,(;(,t An (i'oss tiE(;iloN r() I I'ir( xri L,' where u'is the mean squarc valuc ol' krrrgitudinal turbulcncc lluctuations the mean wind speed. According tu ito-e1, for practicar purposes 'rrtl it rrruy be assumed B = 0.18 for all flows. uis At:\ (10.2. t6b) obtain Koo: U -,.nt) t ", (r t *", (+,) u- < o'85 (t0.2.t7a) < (10.2.r7b) o.8s {,.,.0 t.o = t.t (10.2.17c') ",(rr,-,t) ,,=[,<r3 (10.2.17d) ",(oou -,rtt),, o = nti 393 (tO.2.ZOa) * (10.2.20b) (t0.2.21) lro J-rt.t D(h) (ro.Z.z*a) | 1.0 - 0.(X |/ 12.5 - *n \I D(h\/ \. \ r < 12.5 == D(h) (to.2.22b) lir;rrirtions 10.2.20 reflect the fact that if the wind speed at 10 m above ground ir, rclatively low the atmospheric turbulence may be weak. This can lead to a t onsiderable enhancement of the aeroelastic effects (see Fig. 6.1.10). t0.2.3 Approximate Expressions for the Across-Wind Response l'lrc across-wind response in the ith mode of vibration may be estimated as o.55a, = 12 oo:\J (10.2.16u) Aeroelastic Parameter Kro. on the basis of tentative information from [10-4] and [10-13], the foilowing approximate expressions may be used to I U(10 rrr) lr.u lIto u(lonr)= 12r at:oe+o2|'"r,,,(f) *rl spanwise correlation Parameters. For Reynords numbers G" > 2 x rot it may be assumed that in Eq. 10.2.7 the coefficient a : l/3 and that to this value-there corresponds a correlation length L D t10-41. For G" < 2 x l0'. I = 2.5 [lO-14]. Then, using the noration =g : LID," ^ : (z.s G."<zxtos " [ ,.0 G" > 2 x ro5 ilunt li Dfvf I Ol'il) try vr(;Kr ny ANt) (;()w()llK[ {,< {,< 1.84=t r 84 ori(z) : t?t''y,(:r) (r0.2.23) Y,(z) : gyioyi(z) (10.2.24) Byi : C2t/2 _ sr (10.2.17e) r2ln(36oon;)1,,, * ,ffi;,g, I ll/2 lisC2 r/2 | snom'r L(r, + r",li 0o.z.2s) (t0.2.26) I ph Si(z) (to.2.t7tl = 12rn;\2 ), mk)Y/z) (r0.2.27) dz1 ph SlLik) where A1 ( at: : t.O 1.8 [r o I 1 (10.2. tn) Q(L2A3Q4 G" ( lOa < G" < ros < G" toa (10.2. los 19n) (r0.2.19h) (10.2. t9c) = 12rni\2 ), ^Q)r,(r,)kt - d dzt (10.2.28) rvlrcrc oni(Z) is the rms of the deflection at elevation z in the ith mode of vrlrlrrtion, t?''' it the rms of the corresponding generalized coordinate, li(z) in llrc ith rnodal shape, )i(z) is thc pcak deflection in the ith mode of vibration, ,r;,., is thc peak factor, a1 is llte rtirtural I'rcqucncy in the ith mode in Hz, ,i,,,,.,"' is thc rms norrrinirl ge rrcrirlizr'tl crxlrtlinalc in thc ith mode (which tollr:sponds to thc rcsprrtsc t'sl itttrrlt'tl lry itssrrrnirrg tha( no acroolaslic cfl'ccts j- 394 SLENDEII lowEllsi ANI) silAcKli wl lll (illl(;trl All (;liosis t0,, SFCTI()N -t occur and that the motion is all'cctcd Only by structural damping), li/(f, in thc l")\t,, is the aeroelastic correction f'actor, f, is the structural danrping ith mode, f,, is the aerodynamic damping in the ith mode, si(z) and sT[;(z) arc. respectively, the shear force and the bending moment at elevation z due to thc acrbss-wind response in the rth mode, and m(z) is the mass of the structure pcr unit length. To estimate the across-wind response, expressions a19-ne^ eded for the rms of the nominal generalized coordinate in the ith mode, tiu.,i"'. and the aentdynamic damping in the ith mode, f,,. These expressions are given below r"purut"ly for (1) structures with constant cross section and (2) tapered structuies. In both cases the expressions are valid only for relatively small ratios or;(h)lD(h), firr e xample 3% or less (to which there would correspond negligiblo valucs <rl'thc sccont.l tcrm within the bracket of Eq. 6.1 .22).It is noted that, in practicc, thc tlcsign of a structure will be acceptable only if the ratios or(h)/ D(h) inhcrcnt in that dcsign arc indced small. Ntmerical Examplo ('onsidcr the chimney described in the numerical exirrrr;rlc ol'Scct. 10.I (h : 193.6 m, D : 17.63 rrr, n1 : O.364Hz,y(zlh) : (.'lltltl'7, m(2.) :51i,000 kg/m for z < hl2, m(z) :41,000 kg/m for z > hl ). Mr : 1.87 x tO6 tg;. It is assumed fr : 0.02, klD: 10-s, and zs : ll0-5 rn. We seek the response in the first mode. Assuming tentatively that 3 : 0.22, the critical wind speed at elevation thl6: 161.3 m is u...r :0.364 x 11.6310.22 :29.16 m/s (Eq. 10.2.31), to which there corresponds a Reynolds number G..:3.4 x 107 > tlit1. 10.2.9). The aspect ratio is hlD = ll. It fbllows that 3= lt, .lt Structures with Constant Cross Section. The following approximatc proposed in were 10.2.1 in Sect. described expressions based on the approach vitzt dz = LY#t : 1 2 x l0(' lc, lO.2.l2b) (Eq. 10.2.16b) (Eqs. 10.2.13c and IO.2.l4b) 44.7 m r ffi''': [10-e]: ,z (Eqs. 10.2. 0.178 S:1.0 4t'' = 0'143 I ffi I'n(x:t l)unl ri t)[vLLopEu By vtcKERy AND cowoRKERS 395 u(10) (Eq. t0.2.29) 0.115 m > 12 -m (Eq. 10.2.31 and, 70.2.32) S *El, \oo r?u, o,]''' (r0.2.29) K'o(l) = 0.465 (Eqs. 10.2.17c, 10.2.18, 10.2.19c, lO.2.2Ob, 10.2.21, and 10.2.22b) Soi = -# *'""' \oo'?u> o' (10.2.30) 1.25 kglm3), Mi is the generalized mass in the where p is the air density (p ith mode (Eq. 10.1.5), and D is the outside diameter. The critical wind specd corresponding to the ith mode of vibration has the expression - fl,D It vcr,r - _L lnt l0/zn) tnr(y6ieru"'' ancl Sccl. 2.4.1). EtD - 0.130 m (Eq. t0.2.26) (Eq. 10.2.25) / \ l7 o,rk):or:o(re:..1 / (10.2.32',) 1I(,(0) . : 1150 x l-67 ) ^ \167 ) ^ 106 Nm'2.23) (Eq'to'2'24) (Eq. 10.2.28) Notc that the results of the calculations depend strongly upon, in particular, llrt' rrssumed value of the structural damping ratio fr . Had the value f1 : 0.01 lrt'err appropriate, the rcsults oblainccl would havc been larger than those obr;rrrrctl in this example by a lirclor ol'l(0.02 - 0.(n43)/(0.01 - 0.0043)lt'' = I 'l'iltlc 2.2.1 (Eq. 10.2.30) Ytz):o'st(u:.01 where h is the height of the structure in meters ancl z1y is lhc: rottghncss lcngllt in meters for the tcrrain that detcrmines thc wind pnrlilc ttvcr' lltc uppcr half of the chimncy (scc -0'0043 (10.2.3 r) Information on the structural damping ratios f; is given in Table 10.2.1. lnformation on the parameters, 3, Ctt'', S, and Krs is given in Sect. 10'2'2' Note that in Eq. 10.2.2Oathe speed U(10 m) corresponding to the ith modc irr m) : 8lr:3'94 S u(lo f"r ()(). fapered Structures. 'l'lrc lirlhrwirrp. rrlrlrlrxirrrirlc cxprrssions hirsotl orr lhc irlrprlach dcscribccl itt Sert't . 10.,'.1 wr'rc ;ttulxrsr'rl irt ll0 ()l: 396 st LNDEn towl fitAcKli wint (;lt(;t,t An cno$li sfcloN HS AND t?o^.,(2",)t'' = O.o I 6C i.t t ) JJt /2 ( r)/42M,Ptt2(2",) . - 0.lD(2",) dD(dl A - d, 1,,, : -# J, (ffi)["#]' ", r0.2.33) (t0.2.34) v?(z) az (r0 2 3.5) where the notations of Eq. 10.2.29 are used, Do : outside diameter at basc, is the elevation corresponding to the critical velocity 2,., lJrr(Z",) u(z; 2",) : ryd, ln(zlzo) : Urr(Zn,) ln(zn,lzo) (10.2.36) (10.2.37) Since, as in Eq. 10.2.26, - L )'" *;/t"' (\fi * hik"')/ it follows that the maximum response in the ith mode corresponds to the max. imum value taken on by the function F,(2",) : Da(2",)yi(2",) {P(z")Ki r (,,(2" )f\t/z vltoPf t) tlY vl(]KillY ANt) cowonKElls 397 : 365.8 m, outside rlirrrrrotcr at thc baser /)o .17.8 rrr, outsidc diarneter at the tip D(h) : 72.6 m, t'trrrstant tapcr (i.c. , dl)(r,)ldr. - lDo - D(h)llh), fundamental frequency n1 0.252 Hz ll0-91. ll is assurncd that the fundamental modal shape y(zlh) : t.'lhf .the mass pcr unit lcngth m(z) :180,000(l - O.9zlh) kg/m, the strucIrrrul damping ratio in thc first mode f1 :0.01, the relative surface roughness rrl lhe structure klD - lO-t, and the roughness of the terrain z0 : 0.008 m. We: seek the response of the chimney in the first mode of vibration. Assuming tentatively S = 0.2, the critical speed U". > 0.252 x 12.610.2 15.9 m/s (Eq. 10.1136), to which there corresponds G" > 67,000 x 15.9 ". 12.6 = 1.3 x 107 (Eq. 10.2.9). The aspect rario is hlD(h) = 29.0. k krllows that S = (Eq. 10.2.11c) 0.23 4', : o.l5 and e6 is the roughness length for the terrain that determines the wind profile over the upper half of the chimney (see Table 2.2.1 and Sect. 2.4.1). t',{r1''': t)t Numerical Exampla ('orrsitlcr ir chirnncy with hcightll p Da (2..,) y,(2.,,,) lrlz,,1 t.i(2,,) l0r I'tt()t:f t'{[lt ii (10.2.38) To determine that value, it is in practice necessary to calculate F(2",), and, in particular, loi(Zr,), for a sufficiently larger number of elevations O I 2", < h. As pointed out in [10-8], if the structure is very lightly tapered (i.e., if dD(a)ldzl,:,,.. and therefore p(2",) is small-see Eq. 10.2.34), rhen the approximations on which F;q. 10.2.33 is based are no longer valid and Eq. 10.2.33 ceases to be applicable. In that case the chimney is assumed to behave as if it had a constant outside diameter D equal to the average diameter of its top third [0-9], and Eqs. 10.2.29 to lO.2.3I are applied with the same values of rhe parameters E, C'rt'', and S as those used in Eq. 10.2.33. In practice, it is therefore necessary to calculate both the value of the rcsponsc yiclde<t by Eqs, 10.2.33 and 10.2.35 and the value yielded by Eqs. 10.2.2q ancl 10.2.31. lt follows from [0-21 that the response to be assunrccl lor sinrctrrrirl rlcsign purposes is the smal.l,er <ll'thcsc tw<l valucs. S:1.0 Mr : 3.3 x 4r : 1.0 az : 0'9 q+ : 1.0 (Eqs. 10.2.13c and lO.2.l4a) (Eq. 10.2.16b) 106 kg (Eq. 10.1.5) (Eq. 10.2.19c) (Eq. t0.2.21) (Eq. 10.2.22a) l'lrc coefficient a2 (Eqs. 10.2.20) depends upon the wind speed U(10 2",). As mentioned earlier, the function 4(2",) must be calculated for a sufficiently lrrrgc number of elevations zei to obtain the value that maximizes the response. Wr: show here calculations for z"r:365.8 m and 2",: 182.9 m' lior 2", :365.8 m, U".(365.8) : 13.70 m/s (Eq. 10.2.36) and U(10; 365.8) 9. I m/s < 12 m/s (Eq. 10.2.37). Therefore az : 2.0 (Eq. 10.2.20a). It tirrr be verified that f"1(365.8) = -0.0065 (Eqs. 10.2.17 and 10.2.35), and /,1(365.8) = 1.6 x 106 ma (Eqs. 10.2.38 and 10.2.34). ltor zn, : 182.9 (n, U,, : 27 .61 m/s (Eq. 10.2.36), U(IO; 182.9) : 19.16 ttr/s ) 12 mls (Eq. 10.2.37), az : 1.0 (Eq. l$.z.2$b), f"tQ82.9) : -O.OO42 tlitls. 10.2.17 and 10.2.35), F(182.9) = 4.6 x 106 ma 1Eqs. 10.2.38 and 10.2.34).It can be verified that the largest value of Fr(2",), and therefore the lrighcst response in the first mode occurs for 2", = 182.9 m. It follows that {i,,,,,. r(182.9)'/2 : o.Q6 m t',08Lg1t'': 0'079 r' o,tk) : o.ole( ' \' ln \.l( / (Eqs. 10.2.33 and 10.2.34) (Eq. 10.2.26) (Eq. 10.2.23) sltNuEtl lOwillli ANI) :i r n(;Kli wr il l oil rct,l ) n.r 36s.8 / \ == Sltr(O) : l29O x 106 Nm Ytk) :0.304( The response Al l 0lrolili ril o l l()N ilt (Eqs. 10.2.24 dnd t0.2.25) (Eq. 10.2.28) will now be estimated by using Eqs. 10.2.29-10.2.31. Thc av' of the top third of the chimney is D : 16.8 m. ll erage outside diameter follows that I22-tr2_ i,,n,. r' = 0.035 x0.15 ra ,. *, :0.0625 x 1.0 1.25 x 16.8t q2l - j-n.* / .. ^365.8\r'2 ( 16.8 5 / m Uu: l8'4- (Eq. 10.2.31) t2-m (Eq.10.2.32) S 1.25 x 16.82 t^,: --(0.9 3.3 x 10" = -0.0039 x il vtAiloN ot vollll x tNt)t,clrtj ofi(il t.AiloNS 'l'lrtr ltclicitl sltitkc syslerrr consisls ol'throc thin rcctangular strakes with a prtt'h ol'onc rcvoluliorr itr .5 ilialrrctcrs and a strake (radial) height of 0.10 rllurrclcr (to 0. l.l (liilnlertr:r lor vcry light or lightly damped structures) applied rrvcr lhc t<tp 3301, b 40%, ol'thc stack height. The effectiveness of the system rs rrot impaired by a gap of 0.005D between the strake and the cylinder surface llt) 16l. Referencc ll0-l7j reports the remarkable results obtained by using llris system (with 5-mm thick strakes, 0.6-m strake height, and 30-m pitch) in of a 145-m tall and 6-m diameter steel stack (Fig. 10.3.1). lr<rr Reynolds numbers 6le 12 x l}s or so, in flow with about 15% (e.g.,3% to 5% of the diameter), the vortex street reestablishes 'ilnl)litudes ilscll', and the aerodynamic devices become ineffective t10-301. It is noted that llrc strakes increase drag, as shown in Fig. 10.3.2 t10-181 . Shrouds can also be effective in reducing the coherence of shed vortices. A r,thcrnatic view of a shroud fitted to a stack is shown in Fig. 10.3.3. Results S u(ro) > At Irulrrrlcnce intensity, helical strakes were found to reduce the peak of the acrossrvrrrtl resonant oscillations by a factor of about two, as opposed to a factor of llrorrt 100 in the case of smooth flow [10-23]. It appears that the performance ol s(rakes can be unsatisfactory in the case of stacks grouped in a row [10-28, l(l 291. Also wind-tunnel and full-scale tests indicate that for large vibration (8q.10.2.29) m :t 365.8 0.55)5 (Eqs. 10.2.30, 10.2. l7 c, 10.2.18, lO.2.l9c, 10.2.20b, 10.2.21, 10.2.22a) / orlk) :0.0?e(#J) - Y(z) : o'm+(fr) 12 t fltr(o) : l28o x (Eqs. 10.2.23, t0-2-26) r2 lo6 ' Nm (Eqs' t0'2'24,10'2'2s) (Eq. 10.2.28) It is seen that in this case the response yielded by Eqs. 10.2.29-10.2.31 ix approximately the same as that obtained by Eqs. 10.2.33-10.2.35. 10.3 ALLEVIATION OF VORTEX-INDUCED OSCILLATIONS Aerodynamic Devices A common method of alleviating vortex-induced oscillations is the provisiorr of "spoiler" devices that destroy or reduce the cohcrcrrcc ol'thc shcd vrlrtice:lr [10-26, 10-27]. Of the various types of such dcviccs, ort('ol lhc rrrost oflcctive ,lrr'wt'ylr, "lrLrll-Scalc Mclsrrrcrrrcrrls orr Slccl ('hinrncy Stacks," ,l . [ru|. Aerodyn.,l is the helical strakc syslcm lirst clcscribctl in ll0:1.51. t I t, /(r l, l(;llltll 10.3.1. Stccl clrirrrncy witlr hclictl strakes. From G. Hirsch and H. Rus- ). l4l 147 . 400 SLENDEII tOwr..n..j ANt) StA(;KS -o Wt lil C[l(]tjtAU CROSS SECION ilr E o ! J, 401 0 0.52D to 0.070D). .E r.o c o ! T/D = O.12 T/D = O.06 Mechanical Devices ! Srrch devices include hydraulic dampers and tuned mass dampers (TMDs). ()a E s .,rrlrstirrrlially rcducod witlr only thc top 25'I, ol'lltc tnorlcl hc'i8,ht shroudcd. The rrrrrsl cll'cctive shrouds wcrc l()und to bc lhrtsc with l gap width w = 0.12D ;rrrtl an open-area ratio between 2O%' antl .l(r%, (with lcngth of square s : E ,9 .o .9 ilr Nor ol wirxl tunncl cxpcrinrenls rclx)ilo(l in ll0-l(rl slrowctl thirt oscillutions wcrc 1.5 o a il 0.5 Plain cylinder o O o G O 105 106 Reynolds 107 numberl)ttl FIGURE, 10.3.2. Effect of strakes on drag coemcient. From L. R. Wooton and C, Scruton, "Aerodynamic Stability," \n The Modern Design of Wind-Sensitive Stru* tures, Construction Industry Research and Information Association, London, U.K,, 1971, pp.65-81. By permission of the Director of the National Physical Laboratorl, U.K., and the Director of the Construction Industry Research and Information Association, U.K. 'l'hc use of hydraulic dampers to reduce vortex-induced oscillations is dislrrssod in [0-19]. An example of such an application is given in [0-17], wlrich mentions the use of three hydraulic automotive shock absorbers installed ;rl 120" angles in a plane view between a 47-m high stack and a separate tr'ucture at the 18-m level. 'l'hc tuned mass damper (TMD) consists of a secondary vibratory system iruirched to the structure and located near its top (see Sect. 9.4). If excited by lrulnonic (or quasiharmonic) oscillations of the structure, the TMD will vibrate rrr opposition to these motions and thereby reduce the amplitude of the structural rrslx)nse. The basic theory of the TMD is discussed in [10-20]. One of the Irrs( tuned mass dampers used in a large structure was designed for the Centerpoirrt Tower in Sydney, Australia. The mass for the damper was in this case pnrvided by the water tank of the tower t10-2U. Further applications of TMDs trr rcduce tower oscillations are discussed in 19-791, |0-221, and [13-91]. REFERENCES T-,f l() I lo I I( I' Lo.o, ) .l l{),1 W. S. Rumman, "Basic Structural Design of Concrete Chimneys," J. Power Div., ASCE, 96 (June 1970), 309*318. B. J. Vickery and A. W. Clark, "Lift or Across-Wind Response of Tapered Stacks," J. Struct. Div., ASCE, 98, No. ST1 (Jan. 1972), l-20. ESDU, Across-Wind Vibrations of Structures of Circular Cross-Section in Wind or Gas Flows,ltem 78006, Engineering Science Data Unit, London, 1978. B. J. Vickery and R. I. Basu, "Across-Wind Vibrations of Structures of Circular Cross-Section, Part 1, Development of a Two-Dimensional Model for Two-Dimensional Conditions," J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn., 12 (1983), 49-'73. FIGURE 10.3.3. View of shroud fitted to a stack tl0-161. From D. E. Walshe and L. R. Wooton, "Preventing WindInduced Oscillations of Structures of Circular Section." Proc. Inst. Civ. Eng.,47 (1970), l-24. lo 5 lo (r R. L Basu and B. J. Vickery, "Across-Wind Vibrations of Structures of Circular Cross-Section, Parr. 2, Development of a Mathematical Model for Full Scalc Application," ./. Wirul Eng. Ind. Aerodyn.,12 (1983),75-97. I). .1. Vickery, "Across-Wintl Buft'cting in a Group of Four In-Linc Modcl (lhinrncys," lo / l. Wirul lit,q. ltul. Atnxlyn.,8 (198 l), 171-19?. Ilasu und l]. .l . Vickcry, "A ('orrrparison ol'Modcl arrtl Irrrll-Scrrlt: lltr lrrvirrr irr Wintl ol 'lirwe ls:rtttl ('lrirrtrtcys," I'rrtt't,t,tlitrgs Witul 'littrttcl Mtutt'ftff:-'-'' R. l. 402 SLENDEn tOWEltS AND STACKI] Wl lll clllOULAll (il|OSS SECIION llr for Civil Engineering Applir:utiotrs, (iaithcrsburg, MD, April l9tl2, Clrrthritlge Univ. Press, Cambridg, B. J. Vickery, "The Aeroelastic Modeling of Chimneys and Towcrs," Prrrceedings Wind Tunnel Modeling for Civil Engineering Applications, Gaithcrsburg, MD, April 1982, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1982. B. J. Vickery and R. I. Basu, "Simplified Approaches to the Evaluation ol'thc Across-Wind Response of Chimneys," Proceedings 6th International Conl'crence on Wind Engineering, March 1983, Gold Coast, Australia, in J. Wi.nel l0 14 1982. l0-8 l0-9 Eng. Ind. Aerodyn., f4 (1983), 153-166. Maugh and W. S. Rumman, "Dynamic Design of Reinforced Concrcte Chimneys," Journal Am. Concrete 1nst., Sept. 1967. l0-ll G. M. Pinfbld, Reinforced Concrete Chimneys and Towers, Viewpoint Publications, Scholium International, Inc., Flushing, NY, 1975. 10-12 K. C. S. Kwok and W. H. Melboume, "Wind-Induced Lock-in Excitation ol Tall Structurcs," J. Struct. Div., ASCE, f07 (1981), 57-72. l0-10 L. C. I. Basu, Across-Wind Response of Slender Structures of Circular Crost Section to Atmospheric Turbulence, Vol. I, Research Report BLWT-2-1983, University of Western Ontario, Faculty of Engineering Science, London, Ontario, Canada, 1983. l0-14 A. G. Davenport and M. Novak, "Vibration of Structures Induced by Wind," Chapter 29-II in Shock and Vibration Handbook,2d ed., C. M. Harris and C. E. Crede (eds.), McGraw-Hill, New York, 1976. 10-15 C. Scruton, Note on a Device for the Suppression of the Vortex-Excited Oscillations of Flexible Structures of Circular or Near Circular Section, with Speciul Reference to lts Application to Tall Stacks, NPL Aero Report No. 1012, Nutional Physical Laboratory, Teddington, U.K., 1963. 10-16 D. E. Walsh and L. R. Wooton, "Preventing Wind-Induced Oscillations of 10-13 R. Structures of Circular Section," Proc. Inst. Civ. Eng., 47 (1970), l-24. l0-17 G. Hirsch and H. Ruscheweyh, "Full-Scale Measurements on Steel Chimncy Stacks," J. Ind. Aerodyn., l, 4 (Aug. 1976), 341-347. 10-18 L. R. Wooton and C. Scruton, "Aerodynamic Stability," in Modern Design of Wind-Sensitive Structures, Construction Research and Information Associu= tion, London, 1970. 10-19 A. Brunner, "Amortisseur d'oscillations hydraulique pour chemindes," Jtttrr' nles de I'Hydraulique, 8, Part III, Lille, France Q9e). lO-20 J. P. Den Hartog, Mechanical Vibrations,4th ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, 1956. lt," Eng. News Reunl, 187,24 (Dec. l97l),23. 10-22 R. H. Scanlan and R. L. Wardlaw, "Reduction of Flow-Induced Vibrations." 10-21 "Tower's Cables Handle Wind, Water Tank Damps in Isolation of Mechanical Vibration Impact and Noise, AMD, Vol. l, Soctittrt 2, ASME, New York, 1913,35-63. 10-23 I. S. Gartshore, J. Khanna, and S. Laccinole, "Thc lill'cctivcncss ol'Vtttlex Spoilers on a Circular Cylinder in Smooth and'l'rrrbrrlcttl likrw," in |liud Enginee ring, Procccdings o1' thc Filih Intcrnationll ('ottlcrclrcrr, lirtrt Collitut, CO, July 1979,.1 .li. Ccrnrak (ccl.), Porg,trlrrttlt lltcss, ()rlirnl, l()110. il lil NCt $ 403 W. lllnerrkllnl) iul(l W. lllurlrrcr., ..'l'r.iutsvcrse Vihrirliorr llclrirviorol.(.vlirrtlcr.s in [.inc,".1. Wittl l'.,ttg. ltul. Arnxl.yrt.,7 (l9l{l)..]7 5.1. lo .15 H' Ruschowcyh, "l)rrrblcrns with ln-l,irrc Stlcks: lixpcricncc with lrull-Sc:alc Objccts," Eng. Srrut'r., 6 (l9tt4), 340 143. l() 2() M. Zdravkovich, "Review ancl Classilicltion ol' Various Acrotlvnarnic and Hydrodynamic Means for supprcssing V.rtcx Shctlding," J. winct Eng. Intl. lll l7 l0llt l{l l9 Aerodyn., 7 (1981), 145-189. M. Zdravkovich, "Reduction ol'Eft'cctiveness of Means for suppressing windlnduced Oscillation," Eng. Struu., 6 (19g4), 344_349. H. Ruscheweyh, "straked In-Line steel stacks with Low Mass Damping," -/. Wind. Eng. Intl. Aerodyn, 8 (1981), 2O3-21O. H. Ruscheweyh, "Dynamische windwirkung an Bauwerken," Bauverlag, Wiesbaden, 1982. l0 |0 H. Ruscheweyh, "Vortex Excited vibrations," tn wincl-excited vibrations Structures, H. Sockel (ed.), Springer-Verlag, New york, 1994, 5l_g4. oJ' il.r l)l ti(;llll,ll()N ()l wlNl) lo^t)tN(l CHAPTER 11 As usual, il is eonvcrricrrl lo tlcscrifu (lrc l)lcssurr:s in tcrrrrrs ir nlcAn and a lluclttltittg prrtl . ol'lhc 405 surn of 11.1.1 Mean Pressures 'l'hc rlcan pressurc at a point clolinccl by thc hcight above ground z and the irrrgular coordinate d (Fig. I l.l.l) can be expressed as: pk.0l : jplCne. ilu'(d + CpiU2(H)l (11.1. 1) (p = 1.25 kg/m3), U(z) is the mean wind speed at t'lcvation z in the undisturbed oncoming flow, Co(2,0) is the mean external wlrorc p is the airdensity is the height of the tower, and Coi is the internal pressure cocllicient. Based on results of full-scale measurements, [11-2] suggests Cpr = 0..1.t'The following tentative relations, based on wind tunnel and full-scale rrrilsurements, have been proposed for the external pressure coefficient Co(2, 0r I I l-31: f HYPERBOLIC COOLING TOWERS rcrisure coefficient, Much research into the wind loading of hyperbolic cooling towers has been conducted following the wind-induced collapse in 1965 of three out of a group of eight cooling towers at the Ferrybridge Power Station in England tll-ll, Principal areas of investigation have been (1) the spatial distribution and the variation with time of the wind loading on the tower surface and (2) the response of the tower to wind loads, including the dynamic effects induced by fluctuating wind loads. This chapter summarizes and references the principal results cur' rently available in these two areas. * These results are presented in Sects. I I ' I and ll.2 for towers that are not significantly affected aerodynamically by the presence of neighboring structures. Information on groups of cooling towers iB F1 Cr(2, 0) = coQ,o) - I- Cok,0) : | B sinc (r fr) (ll.l.2a) 0<0<0b (11.1.2b) 0> CoQ,06) B=1I : oo 0 04 (y)'" 0u (l l.l.2c) + AC, (11.1.2d) presented in Sect. 11.3. 11.1 DESCRIPTION OF WIND LOADING Wind-induced pressures acting on a tower are determined by the characteristictt of the oncoming flow, the tower geometry, and the features of the tower surface. In addition the pressures depend upon the Reynolds number of the flow, which is in most cases of the order of 107 to 108 for the prototype, and hy about two orders of magnitude smaller in the wind tunnel. On account of thil dependence it has been necessary to complement wind tunnel test by full-scale measurements. FIGURIi I l.l.l. *The authors would likc lo acknowlcclgc thc valuablc cottlribttliotts to lltis t ltitDtt:t lty l)tolcstrttl' D. A. Rccd. 404 'tWirxl lttrrrre l rncilsurr:nrcllls <;trolcrl llyltcrltolic ctxrlittg towcr-noliltions. itt rrt (r' irr rrrrvcnlc:rl lowcrs; lltrrl is, ( ),, ll l .t l sttltpcst lltrrl sornt'wllrl lrigltt:r t ut r'vr'tt (l (r () irtlt'rtritl l)l('sslrr('s lr 406 HYPEIIUOLTC C(X)UN(i tOWl ilri r r I t)t li(;t ilt ' I t( )N ()t wtND I c)Al)tNCi 407 maxCo N o () o o 4 6 8ro-2 2 4 6 810-t l,'l(iURE 11.1.3. Distribution of pressure coellicient Cr,. After H. propper and J. Wt'lsch, "Wind Pressures on Cooling Tower Shells," in Wind Engineering, proceed2 rtt,tl,s rf' the Fifth International Conference, Fort Collins, CO, July 1979, J. E. Cermak Pergamon Press, Elmsford, NY, 1980. (rtl.), ROUGHNESS COEFFICIENT k/a ll.l.2. Approximate pressure difference ACo as a function of roughnesa coefficient kla for towers with 36 to 144 ribs. After H. J. Niemann, "Wind Effects on Cooling-Tower Shells," J. Struct. Div., ASCE, f06 (1980), 643-661. FIGURE C- lnB ln[sin 90(0"/01)] (11. l.2c) ll : where height of tower, ACo is a function of the ratio kla of the rib height, k, to the distance between ribs, a, represented in Fig. 11.1.2, a is an exponent characterizing the mean wind profile (Table 2.2.2), and the angle 0 is expresscd in degrees. The angles 0o,0r, and06 are represented in the schematic pressure distribution diagram of Fig. 11.1.3. Values forthese angles are given in Fig, ll .l .4a (based on full scale measurements on the Schmehausen tower) and in Figs. ll.l.4b and 11.1.4c (based on wind tunnel measurements) [ll-20]. Numerical Example Assume that, as in the case of the Martin's Creek towcr, : 127 m, kla = 0.02, and cv = 0.17. We seek the values of Cnk,0) lbr : z 95.4 m and 0 : 35',70", and 97". H From Fig. ll.l.2, LCo - 0.65. For z:95.4 m, Fig. ll.l.4q yields 0,, = 97".Itfollows thatB :2.1 , C:2.14 (Eqs. = 35",0r ='loo,and06 1l.l.2d and ll.1.2e). From Eq. 11.1.2b, Cp(95.4 m,35") = 0, Cr,(95.4 rrr, 70') - -1.1, and Cp(95.4 m,97") = -0.38. values of the external pressure coefficient c,, at thc towcr throat obtainotl from full-scale measurcmcnt by a numbcr of invcstigirl()rs ltro sh<lwn in lrig. I 1.1.5. Note that the values obtained for the tower of [11-6] differ appreciably Irorn the other sets of values. This is due to the absence of ribs on the external srrrlace of that tower. Note also the agreement to within about 15% between tlre values obtained in the numerical example and the values measured on the Mrrrlin's Creek tower at the throat elevation z : 95.4 m [1]-2]. Figure 11.1.5 llso shows an example of differences between values of e obtained from a rt't of wind tunnel tests on the one hand and full scale measurements on the ollrcr. 11.1.2 Fluctuating Pressures sllcsscs induced by fluctuating pressures are usually comparable in value to \llcsses induced by the mean loads. The purpose of this section is to present r lcscriptions of fluctuating pressures for use in the estimation of tower response. Atltlitional information on fluctuating pressures is presented in [1]-5] and lr 22l. RMS of Fluctuating wind Pressures. The rms of the fluctuating wind pres',rrlt's. o,,(2. 0). may bc wrillcrr irs ot,Q,,0l \1t{'i,8.,0\ll;(:.1 (ll.l.3y p is lhc air dcnsity, l/(.:) is llrc rrrt'rrrr wirrtl slrerertl trl clcvirtiorr;, irrrtl t'i,l:.,0) is an cttrpilit:itl llttclttttti!lg prt'Hriur(r r'ocllit'icrrl. Alltrrrrltls lo rclirlc tvltt:ro 408 HYI)FRBO| tc coot tNG rowFil$ lr I l)l !i(;llil'ilt)N ()t wlNt) 0o ot 0o t()nt )tN(i 409 Numbrlr ol rlba Weisw€iler 52 v Martin's Croek 84 oscfrnehausen 144 - - Wind tunnel Aco = 9.6g d =0.13-O.17 A (a) 600 900 Ret Ro o Maomin 8.bx 1O -3 2.2x1O-2 5.4x 1O 6.5x 1O ' 7 1x1O8 1 1-6 1-4 1 1-2 1 2.3x1O-2 4-6x1O7 -11-4 1O 5 11-7 '| 1200 1 500 1 .6x 800 ti (b) 750 I I 1000 1250 I I 0 01 0o 1.0 0b lrl(;uRE 11.1.5. Mean pressure coefficient around the throat section of hyperbolic r'rxrling tower for four full-scale data sets and one wind tunnel set. After Tien-fun Sun ;rrrtl Liang-mao zhou, "wind Pressure Distribution around a Ribless Hyperbolic Coolirrg'fower," J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn., f4 (1933), l8l_192. Aco = 9.7t d = o.18 * o.u [\ (c) 0 25o 5Oo 75o jOOo 1250 0.4 0 FIGURE ll.l.4. Angles 0o, 0,, and 0u (after tll_201). ,'n' l' ,,r \ 0.3 !q\r, 0) to the turbulence intensity of the oncoming flow have been reported and Il-3] [11-8]. According to itt_:1, Ci,tz, ' ol = 1.8 o' u(zt C; in (11.1.4) where o, is the rms of the longitudinal velocity fluctuati.ns. Thc variation Ci'Q,0) with d at the elevation of the throat is 'r. sh<lw' ftrr.tlrccr scts of mcir- surements in Fig' . 1 .6 tr.r ation depends upon thc ratio ' ?l) krir, According k) whcrc r r r -3 r I r r r r i, rhis varit is rhc hciglrr'r*ror. lrrt. r.irrs irnrr /) is .-a7/ 0.2 \ \ 0 -.-.- l.-1.- :- 0.1 0 30 60 90 t20 150 Full-scale [1]_8] Full-scate [1 1-9] Model [1 1-10] 180 Degrees lrl(;IIRli ll.l.6. t'rxrling towor. F'lLrctrrlting l)ltssllr c'rrcfiicicnt arouncl thc throat ol'a hypcrbolic 410 il t HYPERBOLIC COOLING IOWI-I1!i ?.o 1.0 k/D = 5.4x1O-a NIN 9lv ol o .t nro=r.r-to-lFl ^U-C olo goo 600 .l 2oo k/D =4"5x lO 1 4ll ir, LO k/D=2"Ox1O-3 1500 )l()Al rlN(i lfr -\ h/l) =4 br ll) k/l): o 3Oo WtNt o.5 ' o licltll'li()N(l, k/D:o ,/-)) 1.5 --l /--k/D=5x10 " Olo t)t o 300 600 800 900 1 200 r 50. 1 o 800 0 0 FIGURE 11.1.7. Ratios Ci(2, 0)lci,k,0) for towers with various roughness param"Wind Pressures eterc klD at elevation z - 0.7 F1. From H. Propper and J' Welsch, " in Wirut Engineering, Proceedings of the Fifih International CO, July l97g' J. E. Cermak (ed'), Pergamon Press' ElmsCollins, Conferenit, F.rt on Cooling Tower Shells, ford, NY, 1980. 4.O 3.O 1--L0 Ii a -\ = O.27 = O.18 2.O 1.O o lower the diameter of the tower at the throat. Note that the coefncients Ci are 120' < < 0 60' region in the towers smoother for the than for the rougher (Fig. 11.1.7). Spectra of Fluctuating Pressures. The following expression for the spectra o 3oo 600 90o 12Oo .tsoo 18Oo 0 l,'l(;URE 11.1.8. Parameters a,(0), bo(0), and B,,(0). From H. Prcipper and J. Welsch, "Wind Pressures on Cooling Tower Shells," in Wind Engineering, Proceedings of the liilih International Conference, Fort Collins, CO, July 1979, J. E. Cermak (ed.), I't:rgamon Press, Elmsford, NY, 1980. of fluctuating pressures was proposed in [11-3]: nS,(2, 0. n) (11.1.s) o?Q,0) l. Windward region (0 So(2,0, Z',0', n) : < 100',9' < 100'), R,,(2, where {, n)Ry(O,0', n)S}/z(2,0, nlsto/212,,0,, n) (11.1.e) | a'@\ d(0): - , (1 'YpQ):[m]"'"' (11.1.7) 1.1.6) 2 = 100', 0' = 100'), SoQ, 0, z',0', n) : R,(2, z', n)R,(O,0', Leeward region (0 nySltz(2,0, n1stotz1z,,0,, n) (1 xog) : | ., / D\''''ltuttqt n, lb;'"(o) (;/ | ,^ ( where n is the frequency, the parameters a(0), bs(0), and Bo(0) are given in Fig. 11.1.8, a is the power law exponent (Table 2'2'2), D is the diameter at thJ throat, and Ii is the integral scale of turbulence (Sect' 2'3'2)' Cross-spectra ol Ftuctuating Pressures- According to lll-l2l' quadraturc spectra are negligible; that is, the cross-spectra arc ltlr pntclicitl prlrposcs cquill to the co-speitra. Thc lirll<lwing rclations wcro pf()porictl irr lll-l2l lirr the cross-spcctra <tl' lho pn:ssurc lluctuations: 1.1.10) At'cording to [l1-12], cross-spectra of pressures on the windward region, on llrc one hand, and pressures on the leeward region, on the other, are negligible. 'l'his is a simplifying assumption that is not entirely consistent with results re lxrrted in 1-3]. [ ln Eqs. ll.l.9 and 11.1.10, : R,(0, 0', rt) R1(),0'. tt\ R,,(2., z.' . z) exp( ( (lr.r.r2) -p,i) cxp(- Az.fz) (',(0,0'\R(10 * 0'1, n) (ILI.1.1) 412 HYPERBOLIC COOLING TOWEI|ti il 1' c2(0,0') 600 c2(0,0', 0 =12Oo y(s, 0, t) _\- I m 9= correlation coemcients c2(0,0'\. From H. pnipper and J. welsch, ''wind Pressures on cooling Tower Shells, " in wind Engineering, proceedings of tha Fifih International conference, Fort collins, co, July 1919, J. E. Cermak (ed.), Pergamon Press, Elmsford, NY, 1980. exp(- tszf|) nlz - z'l u(6) (1 1. l. l4) (11.1.15) - l0 0'l ' 360' tnD' i, u(6) (11.1.t6) ESTIMATION OF TOWER RESPONSE ttl thc cstirnation ol'towcr rcspolrse lurvt. bcrrlr prlpgsctl, For towcrs that cxhibit no sigttilicanl rcsor)iull irrrrplilir'rrtiorr cllircls, lll-71 Several approachcs qi,,,(t)sin mTly^.,(s) (11.1.7) tt'lxrrted in [1]-13]. ln [l1-14] and Il-15] finite element methods of analysis are used in con[rilction with step-by-step integrations in the time domain. one advantage of srrclr an approach is that it can accommodate nonlinearities and changes of the |hysical properties of the structure during the loading process. Time histories ,l lluctuating pressures used in this approach can consist of measured data, as rrr lll-l4lx and Il-15], or can be simulated by Monte carlo methods from rlrcctral and cross-spectral information. More recently, ARIMA (Auto Regresrrvtr Integrated Moving Average) methods have been used for representing llrrc(uating loads in the time domain tll-161. Time-domain solutions, though grotcntially useful for research purposes, are costly and may be impractical for rorrtine design. where P1 = 7, 0z = ll, 0t = 25 U1-121, U(6) is the mean wind speed ut the gradient height 6 listed in Table 2.2.2, and Cz(0, 0'), as obtained in ll 1-31, is given in Fig. I I . I .9. 11.2 + wlrcrc s is the distance along the meridian, 0 is the angular coordinate, r is the lntrc' qm.i and q'.,, are the time-dependent symmetric and antisymmetric genrlirlized coordinates for mode m, i, respectively, and j^.i3) is the vertical modal slrrrpc, An attempt to use a spectral approach to estimate the response was also ll.l.9. it: [q.,,(r).os m0 18Oo 60. - o'1, n1 : 413 lol tlrc ntcritlional irnrl cirr,'rrrrrlt rcrrlirrl t'otrt-lrrtions ol llrc llrtt'itraling prcssttros to obtain tho variarrecs ol'llrc rrrt.r'itliorrrrl, cilt'iiruli'lcrrliirl. ;rrtl n<lnnal displaccmcnts ol'tho towcr shr:ll. 'l'his approach was superscdcd hy lll l2l, whiclr cnrpl,ys u spcclrirl irp= lrloitch in which models of spcctra artrl c:nrss-sprrctrit ()l'ptt:ssiu'c lluctuir(ions (st'c Scct. ll.l) are used to obtain thc spoclnrl rlcnsilics <ll'thc rcsponso by rrrclh<rds fundamentally similar [o lhosc ol'Sccts. 5.2.7 anrJ -5.3. 'l'hc spcctral irppnrach is applicable to towcrs ltlr which resonant amplification effects are rrlinificant, as well as to towers which-as is most commonly the case-are r.rrlliciently stiff that resonant amplification effects are negligible. In both cases tlrc calculations can be carried out by using a computer program similar to that lrslcrl in [9-14], but modified to account for differences in geometry and in the rrrotlcling of pressures, as well as for the fact that a typical response of the Itrwcr, rather than having the form of Eq. 5.2.1, is written as - 1.0 R(lo ot lr)Wl tt ttt tji,(lNlit t'rrtPltlys cxprcssirttts c2 ( 0, 0', FIGURE t silrMAlt()N spectral methods, as developed in [1]-12], were applied in [1]-4] to study llre rcsponse of typical reinforced concrete towers with ratio HID :2.0 (D : rlrrrnrctcr at throat). The results obtained indicated that the resonant amplifi.irlion cffects contributed less than 57o to the total response. A typical diagram ol thc ratio N11lq,at the stagnation point is shown in Fig. ll.2.l for U(e,n.ou,) 45.4 mls (N' I is the mcridional stress, q, : (ll2)pUr(z,n^,o,), p is the air (l('tlsily, and U(2,1.,,,,,) is thc rncan wind speed at the clevation of the towcr llrroirl). It is secn that in this clsc tlrc pcak total responsc dillbrs insignilicantly rlk'r':tttsr: tttcirsutul tl:rlrr wclr. irvtriltthh. ully lor lll(' tllroill sccliotr, ol llrt. hrrrrlr rr rrrllorlr. tlr:rt llrr' verlit'irl tlisllilrrrliolr il wirs rrr lll l4l 414 il ? HYPERBOLIC COOLING TOWERS FStiMAiloN ot towt tt nt fit()Nst 41S 180 160 't 40 't20 o o 6E 1OO *Bo FIGURE N1 1, ll.2.l. Ratios of meridional *")o",," ' stress, at stagnation point to dynamic pressure, 4r, at elevation of tower throat. After H.-J. Nie- mean mann, "Wind Effects on Cooling-Tower Shells," J. Struct. Div., ASCE, 106 (1980), &3-66t. soo Nrr/gt 1000 (meters) from the peak quasi-static response (obtained by neglecting resonant amplifl' cation effects). The latter is approximately twice as large as the mean response, It is shown in [11-4] that for the type of towers studied therein, the design may be based on an equivalent static pressure Pk. 0) : Cok.O)qokl (11.2.l) where, in open country, 7-10.23 qp(z) = '(;) lipu2(to)l$ (rt.2.21 o 6 = 280 m, p is the air density (p = I.25 kg/m2), U(10) is the hourly mean wind speed at 10 m above ground, and @ is a factor accounting for resonant amplification effects (1 < d < 1.1). where An equivalent static pressure approach is also included in [11-17], in which the expression for the equivalent pressures is consistent with the format used for dynamic pressures in the American National Standard A58.1-1972 tll-181, Reference tl1-171 recommends the use in this expression of aerodynamic coef' ficients obtained from wind tunnel or full-scale tests, and of a gust loading factor to be determined by a dynamic analysis. The use of a single gust loading factor implies that the stress amplification due to wind gustiness may be considered for practical purposcs to be the samg at all points of the towerand forall types of stress. As shrtwu in Ill-231, thiti assumption is not necessarily correct in all cascs. Itl(;uRE 11.3.1. Tower locations at Ferrybridge c Generating station. From J. Arrrritt, "Wind Loading on Cooling Towers," J. Struct. Div., ASCE, f06 (1990),623_ ()41. 'll 416 11.3 ftr ilyt't rtll()t t(: (.()()l lN(i l()wt ttl' ilt IIllt , .,.'. ' (( \.....-,))r / GROUPS OF HYPERBOLIC COOLING TOWERS Wind-induced stresses in the tower shclls can bc considcrably trrorc scvclc irt the case of groups of towers than for isolated structures. This was httrttt: ttttl by the behavior during the November l, 1965, stormx of thc cight lowcls ttl the Ferrybridge C Generating Station (Fig. 11.3.1), three of which collapst:tl while five survived. The inquiry of Il-l] indicated that failure was duc lo large tensions in the windward face of the towers. On the basis of wind tunne I tests and of infbrmation on the design of the towers, it was estimatcd irr tll-l9l that the mean hourly wind speeds at l0 m above ground, U(10). rtl which failurc of thc towers could be expected to occur had the values showtt 'l'Alll,l,l I l.-1.1. listinratcd Wind il l-1.)l Tuwcr u(10) IA t9. t Speeds Corresponding to Tower Failures (m/s) \i:yi/ .lt)t, ,lr. I .1/ (trl / ..\ (( ))t \z/ ,*"/ l*, nn |"u I 4l I (( '")) | l{},) m; r\; tl5 iliI "'iil ;"' ee q = 177 dB 2 rn,iil;,7 loA ,---\ (o)' I / Yli";^" Tin""/ l,l(JURE 11.3.3. Ratios of stresses amplified by interf'erence effects to corresponding (d, is the diameter at throat: d3 is the diameter at base). After ll L Niemann, "Reliability of Current Design Methods for Wind-Induced Strcsses" rn Nutural Drafi Cooling Towers, P. L. Gould, W. B. Krdtzig, I. Mungan, and U. wirtck, (eds.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1984. '.rresscs on isolated tower IB 2A 28 t9.l 19.1 23.4 3A 21.5 3B 23.8 44, 21.6 4l] 21..1 ru'l'able ll.3.l. The wind speeds U(10) during the storm were reported to rise llrrn about l8 m/s to about 20 m/s. The reported sequence of tower failures rv;rs fbund to be consistent with the results of Table tl.3.l [ll-19]. It is noted in [1-19] that higher mean and fluctuating loads ofien occur t'lrcn the wind blows through a gap between upstream towers. Details on ,listributions of mean fluctuating pressures on the surf'ace of towers placed in tlrc wake of other buildings or in groups are given for specific configurations rrr lll-l9l on the basis of both wind tunnel and full-scale measurements, and of full-scale tests. to interlerence eflbcts can also occur in the case ,rl lrairs of cooling towars (Fig. I1.3.2). Laboratory data on such amplifications .rre shown in Fig. 11.3.3 for various wind directions and distances between rrr I I l-81 on the basis Stress amplifications due llr('towers in a pair (max n11 is the maximum hoop, max n22 is the maximum rnt'r-iclional tension, min n22is the maximum meridional compression, max ln12l r:; thc maximum shear force). It is seen that in some instances the amplifications ,rri'considerable (over 3O%).k is noted in Il-23] that cooling towers can also I't'uclvcrsely affected by the presence of adjacent buildings within a power pl;urt. REFERENCES FIGURE 11.3.2. Cooling towers, Lin-rerick Gencrating Sllliotr, l.irrrcrick, Pcnrrsyl ilt vania. Courtesy of Philadclphia Elcctric Cornpany, l,irrrclick ( ie rrt'r'rrlirrg Strttiott. il.1 tThc approxitultlc nlciur witttl tlittt'lion is sltowrt irr lrrli II I I Ilcport of'thc Cotttrtritt,'t'rl lrrtluiry intrt thc t2l (ixtlitrg'lltvt.'rrs trl l"trr.l,britlgt otr Mttrtlttv, I Not't'ttrlrcr /9fi.5, ('cntrul l')lcctl-icily (icnerirlirrg Illolrtl, Il.M. Slitliottrrrv ( )llicr'. l.otttlott, l9(r(r. N. .l , Sollcnlrcrgt'r. l{ ll S,:rrrl:rt. :rtttl l). l). llillirtglorr. "Wirrtl l,o:trlittl' :ttttl llt's;xrrtst'rrl ('txrlttrl, lrtrltr:,. ' .l ,\trtttl.1)lr'., AS('lt, l(Xr (l()li0). (rOl (r'l 418 ll-3 HYPEntsoLtc cooltNc town*i trt H. Pnipper and J. Wclsch, "Wirrtl l)russurcs on C)rxrling'lirwcr Shclls." irr Wind Engineering, Prcceedings ol'thc Filih lntcrnational Conl'croncc, liort (lol- ll2l lins, CO, July 1979, J. E. Cermak (ed.), Pergamon Press, h,lnrslord, Ny, 1980. Il-4 l1-5 H.-J. Niemann, "Wind Effects on Cooling-Tower Shells," J. Struct. Div., ASCE, 106 (1980), 643-66t. J. F. Sageau, In Situ Measurement of the Mean and Fluctuating Pressure Fie lds around a 122 Meters Smooth, Isolated Cooling Tower, Electricitd de Francc, Direction des Etudes et Recherches, 6 quai Watier, Chatou, France, Sept. 1979. 1l-6 T. F. Sun and L. M. Zhou, "Wind Pressure Distributions on a Ribless Hyperbolic Cooling Tower," Proceedings 6th International Conference on Wirul Engineering, Gold Coast, Australia, inJ. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn., f4 (1933), ll-l S. H. Abu-Sitta and M. G. Hashish, "Dynamic Wind Stresses in Hyperbolic Cooling Towers," J. Struct. Diy., ASCE, 99 (Sept. 1973), 1823-1935. 1l-8 J. F. Sageau, Caract€risation des champs de pression moyens et fluctuants d la surface des grands airorefrigdrctnrs, Electricit6 de France, Direction des 18r-r92, Etudes et Recherches, 6 quai Watier, Chatou, France, July 1979. 1l-9 H. Ruscheweyh, "Wind Loadings on Hyperbolic Towers," J. Ind. Aerodyn., I (1976),335-340. l-10 A. G. Davenport Natural Draught Cooling and N. Isyumov, The Dynamic and Static Action of Wind on Hyperbolic Cooling Towers, Vol. 1, Research Report No. BLWTI-66, Univ. of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada, 1966. l1-ll M. Pimer, 'Wind Pressure Fluctuations on a Cooling Tower, J. Wind Eng, Ind. Aerodyn, 10 (1982), 343-360. ll-12 M. G. Hashish and S. H. Abu-Sitta, "Response of Hyperbolic Cooling Towers to Turbulent Wind," J. Struct. Div., ASCE, f00 (1974), 1037-1051. l1-13 M. P. Singh and A. K. Gupta, "Gust Factors for Hyperbolic Cooling Towers," J. Struct. Div., ASCE, 102 (1978),371-386. 1l-14 P. K. Basu and P. L. Gould, "Cooling Towers Using Measured Wind Dara," J. Struct. Diy., ASCE, f06 (1980), 579-600. 1l-15 R. L. Steinmetz, D. P. Billington, and J. F. Abel, "Hyperbolic Cooling Tower Dynamic Response to Wind," J. Struct. Diy., ASCE, f04 (1978), 35-53. ll-16 D. A. Reed and R. H. Scanlan, "Cooling Tower Wind Loading," in proceedings of the 4th U.S. National Conference on Wind Engineering Research, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle, July 2629, 1981, Vol. 1, pp.254-261. ll-17 Reinforced Concrete Cooling Tower Shells-Practice and Commentary, ACI 334, lR-71 , American Concrete Institute, Derroit, Michigan, 1977. I l-18 American National standard Building code Requirements for Minimum Design Loads in Buildings and Other Structures, A58.1, American National Standards Institute, New York, 1972. ll-19 J. Armitt, "Wind Loading on Cooling Towers," J. Struct. Dly., ASCE, 106 (1980), 623-64t. ll-20 J. Welsch, Der Einfluss des Windprc{ils aufdia stu!ix'lt,rt Witullnttttspruthutt gen von rotationshypcrfutlischcn Ktihllurmschulcrr, l,clrlsltrlrl I, lnslitut liir korr. struktivcn Ingcnicrrrhau, Ruhr-Univcrsitiit llochutrr. l t.lrnrruy l t)ll{. I ll 22 ll73 l tit N(l ll 419 I). A. l{ecrl irrrrl li. Sirtriu, "Wintl l,oarls rur ('rxrlinp'lttwt't's," l)rrrlt Slrrlc ol tho Art l{cpol't on Wintl lill'ccts ort Sintcltttcs, ('ontntillr't'ott Witttl lilli'c'ls, Arncrican Strcicty ol' (livil linginccrs, l9ll4. Y. Kawarabata, S. Nakac, and M. Haracla, "Srttuc Aspccts ol'thc Wilrtl l)csigrr ol'Cooling Towcrs," J. Wind ling. lrul. Aanxl.yrt. l4 (l9tl3), 167 lti0. H.-J. Niemann, "Reliability ol'C,'urrcnt l)csign Motlrods lir Wind-lnclucotl Stresses," in Natural Drrsught Cutling'l'owers, Procccdings tl'thc 2nd Intcrnational Symposium, Ruhr-Bochurn, Gcrmany, P. L. Gould, W. B. Kr:itzig, l. Mungan, and U. Wittek, cds., Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1984. x l:, CHAPTER 12 (or'1r,i1111'1s1, (lrc slrit'lrlirr11 tlt'pt'rrtl:; orr llrt' rttttttlrt't lrlrtl slttrciltg tll' tlrc tt'ttsscs 1ol ginlcrs). 'l'lrc slr:r;lc ol llrc rrrr-:rrrbcrs, tlurl is, wlrt'llrcr tlrc tttctttbcr are rounded or lurvc sltrrp ctlgcs. Iiorccs orr lorrrrtlt:tl rrctttbcts dcpcnd on Reynolds numbcr 61" ancl on lhc rougltttcss ol lltc tttotttbcr surface (see Fig. 4.5.5). For trusscs with sharp-ctlgctl rttcrttbcrs the elI'ect of the Reynolds number and <ll' the shapc ancl surlacc rtlughness of the member is, in practice, negligible. The turbulence in the oncoming flow. As noted in Sect. 4.5, the effect of turbulence on the drag force acting on frameworks with sharp-edged members is relatively small in most cases of practical interest ll2-2, l2-5, 12-141. A similar conclusion appears to be valid for frameworks composed of members with circular cross section in flows with subcritical Reynolds members. For this reason, and owing to scaling difficulties, in most cases wind tunnel tests for trussed frameworks are to this day conducted in ltltsri('s . . TRUSSED FRAMEWORKS AND PLATE GIRDERS smooth flow [l2-l , l2-5, 12-6]. o The orientation of the framework with Trussed frameworks subjected to wind loads have routinely been used in struc_ tural engineering applications for more than a century. Nevertheless, the statc of knowledge conceming the effects of wind on thii type of structure is still imperlect and provisions concerning such effects included in various standards, codes, and design guides are in some cases mutually inconsistent and in clisagreement with experimental data ll2_ll. For any given wind speed, the principal factors that determine the wind loacl acting on a trussed framework are: o The aspect ratio \, that is, the ratio of the length of the framework to its width. If end plates or abutments are provided,lh" flo* around the frame_ o work is essentially two-dimensional, so that for aerodynamic purposes thc length of a framework may be considered to b" infinit". The solidity ratio @, that is, the ratio of the effective to the gross area of' the framework-x For any solidity ratio s the wind load is-for practicar purposes independent of the truss configuration, that is, of whether a diagonal truss, a K-truss, and so forth, is involved. o The shielding of portions of the framework by other portions locatecl upwind. The degree to which shielding occurs depends on the configuration of the spatial framework. If the framework consists of parailcr *The effective areas of a plane lruss is the area of the shadow pnrjccrctl by ils rrrcrrrhcrs .. :r plane parallcl to the truss, thc pnricction bcirrg norrnal kl thl{ plrurc. 'l lrt' 1,1i;.r :rrr.;r .l :r pl:r'c truss is thc arca ctlntlinctl within thc oLrtsitlc conlorrr ol' (lurl tlrrss. Ilrt. ,lll,.r.tir,,. lrrt.:r lrrrtl llrt. gross area of-a spalial It:ttttcwrtrk itte rlclirrctl, rcsyrr't'livcly, ;rs llrt. r'llr.r trrr. rrrr.;r .rrrrl tlrt. g.rss arca 420 ol'ils upwintl Ilrcc. 42 I respect to the mean wind direction. l'his chapter reviews the aerodynamic behavior of trussed frameworks and plate liirders, including single trusses and girders, systems consisting of two or more yrlrrallel trusses or girders, and square and triangular towers. Test results are oltcn presented from several sources with a view to allowing an assessment of llrc errors that may be expected in typical wind tunnel measurements. Throughrrrr( this chapter the aerodynamic coelicients are referred to, and should be rrscd in conjunction with, the effective area of the framework, A1 . Wind forces on ancillary parts (e.g., ladders, antenna dishes) must be taken into account in design in addition to the wind forces on the trussed frameworks llrcmselves Il2-1 , l2-l7l. Drag and interference effects on microwave dish irntcnnas and their supporting towers were studied inU2-271. Drag coefficients lirr an unshrouded isolated microwave dish with depth-to-diameter ratio 0.24 wcre found to be largest for angles of 0 to 30 degrees between wind direction rrncl the normal to the dish surface, and are almost independent of the flow Itrrbulence (Co = 1.4). For a single dish the ratiofo between the incremental total drag on the tower due to the addition of a single dish and the drag for the isolated dish depends on wind direction, and it is higher than unity (as high as 1.3) for the most unfavorable directions. This is due to flow accelerations rrrtluced by the dish. As more dishes are added at the same level of a tower, irrlcrf'erence factors are still greater than unity, but tend to decrease as the nrrrnber of dishes increascs. According to |2-271 an empirical formula for the inlcrl'crcnce factorgivcn in ll2 2l'll is loo krw by a factorof more than two for t't'rlirin wind directions; utr ltlte I'rutlivt' lirrrrrttllr is proptlscd in l12-271. Akrng-wincl cl'l'ccts on (()w('r'r.i rrr;ry lrt't'slinr:rtt'tl lry rrsirrg procctlurcs suclt :ts wcrc rliscussccl in Sccl. 9.2.1 'l'lrt' tlt'r,t'lopttrt'rttlrl ('()lnl)ulcr bltsc:cl vt:rsitttt ol'tlrc AS('li 7 ()5 Stlntliu'tl ;lnrvisrorrs u:,('r,:,u( lr rr pror't'tltrt'lirr lltrxiblt'l()w('r's (ll7 5l stc tliskt'lttr:tppt'rtrlt'tl lo lltrs lrool.) 422 ilttit;l;t t) tnnMt w()t il\ii nNt) t,l /\il (,ilil)t rr:; t l;,t :;lN(,ll Ref-erence U2-291 rop()ns lirll-scirlc nlcirsurcnrL'nts ircconlirrg (o wlriclr ircross wind effects on square towers with anglc rrrcrrrbcrs arc conlllaritblc (o rrlorrg wind effects. It proposes a semiempirical proccdurc lirr cstintating lolsiorurl effects, which are due largely to the presence of eccentrically locatod antonnir dishes. For studies on wind effects on cranes and guyed towers, see [12-l-5 1, |2-161, and [12-17] to 112-261, respecrively. 12.1 SINGLE TRUSSES AND GIRDERS Figure 12. I . I summarizes measurements of the drag coellicient C$) tor a singlc truss with infinite aspect ratio normal to the wind. The data of Fig. l2.i.l were obtained in the 1930s in Gottingen for trusses with sharp-edged membcrs l2-2, 12-31,* and in the late 1970s at the National Maritime Institute, U.K. (NMI), both for trusses with sharp-edged members and trusses with membcrs of circular cross section.i It is seen that differences between the Gottingen antl the NMI results for frameworks with sharp-edged members do not exceed l5/,, or so. For single trusses normal to the wind and composed of sharp-edgctl members, ratios Cg)(},)/Cg)(\ : o) of the drag coefficients corresponding ro an aspect ratio \, -^ Q i d O E o o o b0 ta '. --.._._--. o o 0.8 .+ =- t-l _- Fig. 12.1.2 tl2-31. Drag coeflicients C!j) reported in [12-5] for trusses normal to the wind. composed of sharp-edged members, and having aspect ratios l/6 < \ < 6, are listed in Table l2.l.l. Also listed in Table l2.l.l are values C$)(X : *l obtained from the drag coe{ficients of [12-5] through multiplication by thcr appropriate correction factor taken from Fig. 12.1.2. It can be seen that dil' are shown in ferences between the values C!'(\ : lllllllllllllll ---* oo) based on U2-51 and the corresponding *References tl2-21, 112-31, and [12-41 are available in English as Building Research Estahlislr ment Library Translation No. IT2202, Building Research Station, Garston, watford, U.K. lThe NMI measurements for trusses with members of circular cross section ret'erred to in tlris chapter were carried out at Reynolds numbers 104 < 61" < 7 x 101 [12-61. +Figures 12.1 .3 and 12.4.5 to 12.4.8 are reproduccd with pcrmission oI CIDEC'I'(Corniti Irrtcr national pour le D6veloppement et I'Etude clc la Construction Tulruluirc) |ront llirul [iprct,.s rtrt UncladTubular Structurcs, H. B. Walkcr (cd.), Constrado Publit:rtiorr l/75. ('onstructiorrirl Slccl Research and Develttptttcnl Orgirnization, ('nryrlon, ti.K., 1975. Ilrr.y ;rrt. lr:rst'tl irr plll orr rcscarch work carrictl oul by ('ll)li("1'irrrtl n:ylrrlr:tl irr ll2 ltl ln(l ll.'(rt Angle-sectionmembers 0.6 on the one hand, and to an infinite aspect ratio, on the othcr, Flachsbart U2-2, 12-31and NMI values of Fig. 12.1.1 do not exceed 20%. Figure 12.1.3 [12-7] summarizes results of tests on trusses with membcrs of circular cross section (x : -) conducted in the subsonic wind tunnel lt Porz-wahn, Germany [12-8] and in the compressed air tunnel of the Nationar Physical Laboratory, U.K. tl2-101.+ Note that for Reynolds numbers G" < lOs the drag coefficients in Fig. 12.1.3 differ by about 5% or less from rhcr corresponding results of Fig. l2.l.l. A framework whose solidity ratio is 6 : I is a solid plate (or a girdcr). o 1.0 0 0.1 0.2 )) I norno section members [ nectaneutarmembers 0.3 0.5 0.6 0.4 Solidity ratio 01 08 ro Drag coefficient C$) for single truss, \ : o, wind normal to truss. linrm R. E. Whitbread, "The Influence of Shielding on the Wind Forces Experienced lry Arrays of Lattice Frames," in Wind Engineering, Proceedings of the Fifih Inter' rttttional Conference, Fort Collins, CO, July 1979, J. E. Cermak (ed.), Vol' 1, Pery'rrrrron Press, Elmsford, NY, 1980, pp. 405-420. lrl(;URE l2.l.l. l'lrc drag coefficient coffesponding to wind norrnal to the plate can be obtained l2.l.l and 12.1.2. Additional information on the aerodynamic lrrrhavior of rectangular plittt:s is givc:n in Sccts. 4.5 and 4.6. ll was shown in Scct.4.(r llr;r( llrc lrt'rorlynlrtttic lirrcc norlnal t<l a rcctangular plirtc with aspect ratirl \ - 5lrt lO is lrrlllt'l wltt'lt llte yitw:tttglc'r'is rv -'1O" lrrrrn Figs. tlurl il'lhc winrl is nortttirl lo llrt'pl:rlt'1l'r1i '1.(r. l). llowt'vt't, lirr lrrrsses willr lltr'lrolizorrl;rl,rrr1'1, l',1\\{(rt lll rrr,.rr rrtttrl rlttr'rlloll.ttrrl llr ttotttt;tl lrt lltt' ,,l,lfl:]/,,*;rrrglt'is Illr..,{isttJ lltnMl w()l tKli nNl) I't n il (,ilil)t il:; r:':,r'nllr:;()l lltl ,:;1 ,l :,ntlll{)l l'l All (;llll)lll:: 4?:i ,i'' 03 0.5 1/^ FIGURE 12.1.2. Ratios C!j,)(\)/Ctj)(\ TABLE l2.l.l. (2) Clj)(X : . . ^ o.) wincl nonnal to truss [12-3]. I | ' I'l 3 1 Drag Coefficients for Simple Trusses o.t4 (r) c8, (: : o), u)- 1.40 + 5% - 1.45 o.29 1.54 - + o.77 0.4'7 5% 1.65 1.21 - + 5% l.l8 + 5% t.45 - 1.35 1.0 1.28 I r* *2.l0 I, s I I llll 6 7 E 9 I 2 105 I I t l' | | ll a 4 l(;URE 12.1,3. Drag coeflrcient C!i)forsingle truss with : o, ll ' s 6 7 8 9106 Rg I 2 members of circularcross wind normal to truss [12-7] (courtesy Comitd Intemational pour le l)('vcloppement et I'Etude de la Construction Tubulaire, and Constructional Steel Re- ',r'tlion, X '.,'rlch and Development Organisation). *Reference [l2-51. cB): clj)(v, * solidity ratios { < 0.4 or so the maximum drag occurs when the wind normal to the truss Il2-21. 12.2 PAIRS OF TRUSSES AND OF PLATE is GIRDERS We consider a pair of identical, parallel trusses, and denote the drag coefTicicnt coresponding to the total aerodynamic force normal to the trusses by C9@), where a is the yaw angle. Forbrevity, the notation C|Q): C!'zr)it used. The cases where the wind is normal to the truss (a : 0) and wherc rv * 0 are considered in Sects. 12.2.1 and 12.2.2, respectively. 12.2.1 Trusses Normal to the Wind Two parallel trusses normal to the wind affect each olhc:r lrc:nrtlynirrrrically, srr that the drag on thc upwincl and on the clownwincl trrrss will lurvt'rlrirg cocrlli cients VrCtj)and V,,Cff), rcspcctivcly, whcn: f ilj) is tlrt'rlr;r1, 1.1y,.11;,.1t'rrt lirr.;r single truss n<tnnlrl lo lhrr wirrtl trntl, in gr:ncrirl \lrr / ,1,, / I ll lollows tlurl (t2.2.r) vrr) liigure 12.2.1 shows values of Vr and Vyy, repofted in [12-41 for three types truss, all with sharp-edged members and infinite aspect ratio, as functions ,,1 thc solidity ratio d, and of the ratio between the truss spacing in the alongrvirrd direction, e, and the truss width, d. Values of Vy and Vn, also reported tn ll2-4], for four types truss of truss with sharp-edged members and aspect r:rtio \ : 9.5 are shown in Fig. 12.2.2. On the basis of the data of Figs. l.l.2.l and 12.2.2, [12-4] suggested the use for design purposes of the con',('lvative values C(3)lCr:) given, for eld > 1.0, in Fig. 12.2.3. l{ocent measurements conducted at the National Maritime Institute, U.K., rNMl) on trusses with infinite aspect ratio are summarized in Fig. 12.2.4. l(r'lercnce l2-6 suggests thc lbllowing approximate expressions based on the r,'srrlts ol' Fig. 12.2.4: .l ,r," ''(:;)''' ' lrrt (rttsst's willr slrlrlll t'rlgt'rl tttt rrrlr,'t:'. ;ttttl lirr0 < (, < 0..5 ( l :.1.1) PAIRS OF TFUSSEB AND OF FiI ATF (tiItDFItIt TRUSSED FFAMEWORKS AND PLA'TE OIRDERS til +lLr-*iFt 1.0 0.8 1.0 o.4 ---":91:: lou l {:,' 4Em f ,p .^ 0.430 \f. '--)' -v-llostt 0.4 --r' /t I "t/nt'arP:0 . { 0.8 0.6 ==270!2t-",-ffir'o = ---;>o = o 427 !t-*;;iJ=;>-+--a---:;- o = 0.545 o.2 -_arv-' *, ,.a"=9.545 L-- 0.2 0 2.0 1.0 zt.tzazzO' '{----y'"t , -o.2 3.0 4.0 6.0 e/d 1.0 (c) 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 FIGURE 12.2.1c. Factors V, and Vnfl2-4). e/d (a) c'B' c*:z-Qe 4rt q=O.404 0.8 a_ _ ,-z ae 0.6 _b ___ = 0.234 'P --, - -- -a---tr.. .^ ;,r;;;; = n LnA : T . 'y,z--x''---x-'-^-__---Lu--------b $NN4 0.4 ,\r'-o ot (r2.2.3) \t/ 'P=O 234 1.0 : , or/ fbr trusses composed of members with circular cross section. The nominal solidity ratio $" in Eq. 12.2.3 is related to the actual solidity ratio as shown in Fig. 12.2.5. Figure 12.2.6 shows ratios CB)|C$) for trusses with sharp-edged members and aspect ratio X : 8 t12-11. a' o.2 0 -o.2 -t' -.r 2.0 -!!1'-"t9-r-YT!9:':-'-'-" c= 0 411a--:-----------?o -o-t"oer@ -,- "\- ------o!{-l --- + - - --+ --'-r',*r@ --./ 1-.-.s:j-i-*7=; - -,2":irl_ _ "- _ _) - - o- - - - -'e- - - - - 4- - - -' rvlodetc),r=0627 /ito''- 3.0 e/d v (b) FIGURE 12.2.1a,b. Factors V' and VilIl2-41. 1.0 FIGURE n.2.2. odgccl menrbcrs, 2.0 .l 0 4 0 rl lr,0 6,0 7.0 8.0 Factors V, nnrl V,, lirr lirur selr ol'two purullol trussos with sharp9.5, wind nortttal tr tntsl:,s ll2 41, \ : 428 TRUSSED FRAMEWORKS ANI) PI AII (IIIII)I N!] l? ! PAltls of Ilil,Jssl ti ANt) ot I'l Alt oillt)t 429 nfi 2.2 2.L 2.0 1.9 1.8 r.7 CB) cg) 1.6 1.5 r.4 *t,,lttt *,, 1.3 I 1 r.2 _^[ ,(U 1.1 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 t{l 0.7 a lel FIGURE 12.2.3. Approximate ratios c$) lC$) proposed for design purposes by Flachsbart |2-41. Examples: 1. Consider a truss with sharp-edged members, solidity ratio @ : 0.1g, spacing ratio eld: 1.0, and aspect ratio \ : oo. From Fig. l2.l.l, cS) = 1.70 according to both Flachsbart and the NMI tests. From both Flachsbart's and the NMI t.e^lts, C$ttC$\: Vr * Vrr 1.5 (Figs, and 12.2.4a), so C$) = l.7O x 1.55 = 2.65. = Note that according to Fig. 12.2.3-p.loposed by Flachsbart as a deliberately conservative design chart_C(]tlC')t = 1.83, which exceeds the value based on Figs. 72.2.1a and l2.2.4aby about2O%. 2. Consider a truss with sharp-edged members, solidity ratio @ : 0.46, spacing ratio eld: 1,.Q, and aspect ratio X = 9.0. Approximate values of drag coefficients C$), ratios.CSrtCg, : Vr * V,,, anO corresponding calculated drag coefficients C$), based on the Grittingen tl2-41, NMI [12-6] and western ontario [12-5] information, are listed in Table 12.2.1. It is seen that while the difference between the values c$) based on |2-41 and [2-5] is abott l2%, the corresponding values Cfi) are vir- tually identical in this case. Note also that thc clilibrcncc between thc values Cf;) based on [12-61, on the one hancl, arrtl orr l12-41 or l12--51, on the other, is about 25%. -0 0 0.1 02 0.3 0.4 05 0.6 07 0.8 q (o) lflGURE 12.2.4. Factors Vr and Vtr for two parallel trusses with (a) rrrcmbers and (D) members of circular cross section, sharp-edged \ : o, wind normal to trusses. lirom R. E. Whitbread, "The Influence of Shielding on the Wind Forces Experienced lry Arrays of Lattice Frames," in Wind Engineering, Proceedings of the Firth Interrttttional Conference, Fort Collins, CO, July 1979, J. E. Cermak (ed.). Vol. l. Pergamon Press, Elmsford, NY, 1980. pp. 405-420. 12.2.2 Trusses Skewed with Respect to Wind Direction Wc now consider the case in which the yaw angle is cv * 0. For certain valucs a the effectiveness of the shielding decreases, and thc drag cocfliciont flll'}(cv) characterizing thc total l<rrcc normal to thc trusscs is largcr ilrln lhc valuc C!]). (Rccall that, by dclinition, Cll\fq : C'i|'.) Ilati<rs rnax lC(,ltkyl )/('If ) rcporrccl in ll2-51 lirr lnrsscs wilh sharp ctlgtrl ol' 430 TRUSSED FRAMEWORKS AND PLATE OIRDEFE 0.35 0.30 o.25 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 tl,ltt 0.3 FIGURE 12.2.5. Equivalent solidity ratio 0.4 {. o.7 0.8 for trusses with members of circular cross-section and solidity ratio d. From R. E. Whitbread, "The Influence of Shielding on the Wind Forces Experienced by Arrays of Lattice Frames,' ' in Wind Engineering , Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference, Fort Collins, CO, July 1979, J. E. Cermak (ed.), Vol. l, Pergamon Press, Elmsford, NY, 1980, pp. 405-420' 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 i e r ) (b) T i/ FIGURB 12.2.4. (Continued) "t"'--- tt\ / !iv ir members and aspect ratio eld: l.o, O :0.286, versus CptC$) : X : i 8 are shown in Fig. 12.2.7.. For example, for and X : 8, the ratio max {C?'tol}lc8't --'--a=0286 = 1.77, 1.59 (Fig. 12.2.6). l,*-*--*- --'*---* if --- -----+--- e= 0'464 l4t rc\ **--o____.o\\\ c= 0.773 12.2.3 Pairs of Solid Plates and Girders Figure 12.2.8 shows the dependence of the factors Vl and V11(see F;q.12.2.1) upon the spacing ratio eld for a solid disk and for three girders normal to the wind [12-4, l2-lll. For certain values of the horizontal angle cv between the wind direction and the normal to the plates the ratio C\\@ltCllt rnay be larger than unity. For example, for a ptate with aspect-ratio \ = 4 und spucing ratio eld:0.5, if 40' z .r < 65", then Cl3)(a)/C\3' 1,20 Il2"ll. = FIGURE 12.2.6. Ratios C!l)/C!i) ftrr tnrsses with sharp-edged members, \ : 8, wind normal to trusses. From P. N. Gcorgiou rrnd B. J. Vickery, "Wind Loads on Building ljrames," in Wind Engin,eering, Pnxvcding,r ol' the Fifth Intcrnatbnal Crryfercnce, Fort Collins, co, July 1979, J. Il, ('ennpk (ctl,), Vol, l, Pcrgamon Prcss, Elmslirrd. NY, 1980, pp. 421-433. 431 452 TRUSSED FRAMEWoFKS AND PLATE GIFDERS I2,3 MULTIPLE.FFAME ARRAYS 433 TABLE 12.2.1. Drag Coefficients Based on the Giittingen, NMI, and Western Ontario Studies a----l Flachsbart NMI Westem Ontario t2-4 t2-6 t2-5 1.5x0.95=7.43o 0.23+O.92=1.15b 1.7x0.95=1.62" 12.7' cgtcg' 1.29',t 1.30r CB' l.l5xt.43:r.64 2.08 1.65 References cg) 0.6 "Figs. 12.1.1 and l2.l .2. brig. 12.2.2. 'Figs. l2.l.l and 12.1.2. '|Eq. 12.2.3a or Fig. 12.2.4a. .Table 12. l. l. ---r A --+til xtffitta=2.0 +l [lrt -t"dt4 Ud=L3.6 + #ei "BtW, l/d= 9.5--c-- trig. t2.2.6. i il tl tl !l ill -0.2 _. ':-A-- \l'--t' . \rQ \ ---- -^--'(t::lo -o----:1.5 a\.. \ \\.r\io.'a--: "\lr..\oi)..t*..-- : 1.0 -.. \.\- \+ 8.0 tt^ - --_ FIGURE 12.2.8. Factors V, and V,, for two parallel solid plates (girders) [12-4, tz-rtl. ---- + Data concerning the effect of bridge decks on the aerodynamic forces acting on pairs of plate girders are available in [12-12]. =0.50 \-o = oj 7.0 1.0 i\\t\t' o 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 e/d -= '\.----.=i;'\ \\\o -: \ rttt -0.4 -^-- \'\l. t o;;i:.-----i \\ \ 1.0 FIGURE 12.2.7. Ratios max {C|@)llCg) for trusses with sharp-edged membeni, )\ : 8. From P. N. Georgiou and B. J. Vickery, "Wind Loads on Building Frames," Wind Engineering, Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference, Fort Collins, CO, July 1979, J. E. Cermak (ed.), Vol, 1, Pergamon Press, Elmsford, NY, 1980, pp.42r-433. 12.3 MULTIPLE.FRAME ARRAYS 'l'he first attempts to measure aerodynamic forces on multiple frame arrays were roported in and [2-6]. [2-l] For frames normal to the wind, thc drag coefficients for the first, second ... n-th frame may be writtcn ns VrClj), Vrcltt V,,Ct|, where c[j)is lhc drag coefficient fora single l'ruttte nonnul to thc wind. Thc clrag cocllicicnt lilr the array of frames nomral lo tlre winel is tlrur cl'j' = clj'tvr * v2 r I V,) ( 12.3. l) 434 TRUSSED FRAMEWoFKS AND PI ATF oInDET:IFI \fj I2,4 SQUARE AND IIIIANGULAH TOWERS 435 (,1 : Factors 1,2, . . . , n) for arrays tlflthrce, four, and five parallel trusses with sharp-edged members and infinite aspect ratio are given in Figs. and for spacing ratios 0.5 and respectively [12-6J. Drag coefficients C$) for the same arrays are shown in Figs. 12.3.2a and 12.3.2b tl2-61. Also shown in Figs. 12.3.2 are measurements of c(p tor trusses with infinite aspect ratio and members with circular cross section 112-61. eld: lst eld: l, Frame -{ Frame Symbol o configuration .......-.= -----+r 1.0 o 0.9 - tt it l TI L-J rirtl 12 3 45 s + I\ ,ltl,Qtt tltn 05 t )@ OC il 0.2 nl 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 (b) o e/d A 02 = 0.5 FIGURE 12.3.1. (Continued) 1.0 o 2.0 + 3.0 te 01 Ratios 4.O o"2 0.3 0.4 0.5 u.b 0.1 (a) FIGURE 12-3.1. Factors'rj (i : 1,2, . . . , n) for arrays of r parallel trusses (n = 3,4, and 5) with sharp-edged members, X : oo, wind normal to trusses. (a) Spacing ratio eld: 0.5. (b) Spacing ratio eld: 1.0. From R. E. Whitbread, ..The Influencc of Shielding on the wind Forces Experienced by Arrays of Latticc Frames," wind Engineering, Proceedings of the Fijlh International ConJbrence, F<lr1 collins, co, July 1979, J. E. Cermak (ed.), Vol. l, Pergamon Press, Ehnslirnl, Ny, l9tt0, pp. 4051 420. cfltc$) measured : in [r2-rl for trusses with sharp-edged members and aspect ratio x 8 ar9 shown in Fig. 12.3.3. As pointed out in Sect. 12.2, the drag force normal to the trusses doei not reach a maximum when the trusses are normal to the wind, but for some yaw angle cy ;e 0. Ratios max lc?@>l tc\) measured for the trusses just iescribed are shown in Fig. 12.3.4 lt2-tl. 12.4 SQUARE AND TRIANGULAR TOWERS As pointed out earlier, thc aenxlynarnic crrcflicicnts givcn in this chaptcr aro in all cases referred to, ancr shourcr be usotl in conjurition with, thc clJ.ectivc irrca of thc fiamework, A.s. For nqunre rrnrl triunguliir lowcnt, zll is rhc cll.ective illt,lilit l) lltnMl w()llKli nNl) I't n ll (,llll rl ll:i 436 l:,4 :i(.)llnlil nNI) ilInil(ilil/\t I towt il,. 4:ll -r---I r-@) 4.4 4.8 4.0 4.4 3.6 4.0 -1 I cg) -D n:5 n:4 oAngle ser:tiorr mernbers x Crrcular-sectron members 3.6 J.Z 1.6 ,6 2.8 2.0 2.4 L6 2.O -\_lr:2 t.? -*--*---)5* " 0.8 16 tt-l r2 --\! --x-n:2 x\--x--x-n: 08 0.4 0 -ra_ 0 0.1 0.2 0 3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0 7 a (a) 0.8 I I I {\ A - ___. _ ----. -- -L' = 0.286 a , I I OM 0 0 1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0,u a (b) FIGURE 12.3.2. Drag coefficients C$)forarrays of n parallel trusses, 1 : oo' wintl normal to trusses. (a) Spacing ratio eld:0.5. (b) Spacing ratio eld: 1.0. Frorrr R. E. Whitbread, "The Influence of Shielding on the Wind Forces Experienced by Arrays of Lattice Frames," Wind Engineering,, Proceedings of the Fiilh Internationul Conference, , FortCollins,CO,July 1919,1. E.Cermak(ed.),Vol. l,PergamonPress. Elmsford, NY, 1980, pp. 405-420. area of one of the identical f'aces of the tower. The influence of wind gustiness on the tower loading and response can be determined by using the methods firr' estimating along-wind response discussed in Chapter 9'x For information on guyed tower response and design, see [4-10], 14-111, and I l2- l1l ro 12-261. 12.4.1 Aerodynamic Data for Square and Triangular Towers 'l'ho rcsults of wincl tbrce measurements on square towers can be expresscd irr tcrrns of the aeroclynamic coefficients C,v{cv) and C7(a) associated, respectively, with the wind force components N and Z (N = 7) normal to the faces of tlrt: *The width of the structure used as an input in these methods should be equal to thc actual witlllr of the framework. This ensures that the lateral coherence of the load lluctuations is lakctt ittlo account. On the other hand, the depth (along wind dimcnsion) ol'thc ll-atttcwork slurtrltl lrr' assumed to be equal to zero in order not to ovcrcstinlatc thc lavorahlc cllcct ol tlte itlortg wittrl cross-correlations ol thc fluctuating loatls (scc Scct. 4.7.4). lrirrlrlly, thc itrc:t ol lltt' li:ttttt'wotl per unit height at any givt:rr clcvlrliorr. uso(l to cslirnirlt: llttr ttterttt ittttl llrt' llur'ltlltliltli tlr:rg lirt t s. shoulcl bc cqual to lhc clli'r'livr':rr('it l)cr rrlrit lrt'ig,hl :tl lltltl t'ltv:tliort e,d IGURE 12.3.3. Ratios c!j)/c!j) for arrays of five trusses with sharp-edged members, \ - 8, wind normal to trusses. From P. N. Georgiou and B. J. Vickery, '.Wind Loads trn Building Frames," wind Engineering, Proceedings of the Fifih Intemational conli,rcnce, Fort Collins, CO, July 1979, J. E. Cermak (ed.), Vol. l, pergamon press, If lilmsford, NY, 1980, pp. 421-433. tower (Fig. 12.4.I) and in terms of the aerodynamic coefficient Cp(a) asso- ciated with the total wind force Facting at a yaw angle cv : tan-r (Z/N). Note that Cp(cv) : tcfo") + C2r1a11t/2, since, as indicated earlier, all aerodynamic eoemcients are referenced to the effective area of one face of the frame- work, Al . For a triangular tower (which has in practice and is therefore assumed here Io have equal sides in plan), the results of the measurements can be expressed irr terms of the aerodynamic coemcients Cp(cv) (Fig. 12.4.2). The aerodynamic t:ocfficients Cr(0") and CF(60') correspond, respectively, to wind forces acting in a direction nornal to a side and along the direction of a median (Figs. 12.4.2e and 12.4.2b). Measurements of loads on a tapcrcd square tower model with sharp-edged rttcmbcrs, aspect ratio \ = oo. lrrrrl soliclity ratio averagcd over the height clf lhc k)wcr d 0. 19 (rangilrg lnlrr y'r O. 13 irt (hc hasc to @ : 0.47 at tltc = (ip) wcrc rcportccl in lhc I().]Os lry lr.:rlzrrrryl rrrrtl Sirilz ll2-131. Ilrrtil rcrcc:ltlly (ltcsc: Ittoasurclncnls ltltvc lrt't'rt llrt' l)ur( rl);rl s()ur'((' ol'rllrlrr ()n s(luiu1' l()w('t'ri. 'l'ltc: crlcllicic:nls (i(rv), (',(rv). ;rttrl {', 1rv) olrl;unt'rl in llJ l.\l ltl' lil v:rriorrs irrrgltrs rv in 'l'lrblt' I J .l I Ittt-rv 45" tltt' v:tlttt's ol (''1,(,r ) .rnrl ( r(,r) :,lrottltl lrt' r't1rr:rl, lr:l Porrrlt'rl qf 438 I?.4 TRUSSED FRAMEWORKS AND PLATE OIRDERS SOUARE AND II]IANGIJIAII iOWrIIH 439 $ -L ']l ^t^ "flti ;l t.^ \;'... \'6.\. \^ u-\*i..:--o -i3:r o-{-_ -V- -' J-d-=g zi- ___A Eo o=30' -. - - - --{ 'ts\'i-* 'x.-_;atji.-_-::1 NI EI (a) (b) (c) FIGURE 12.4.2. Notations. ;;l;-:l=Tr- -----: 1.0 0.5 0 1.0 a.t"."r, of five trusses with sharp-edged 8. From P. N. Georgiou and B. J. Vickery, "Wind Loads on Building Frames," Wind Engineering, Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference, Fofi Collins, CO, July 1979,1. E. Cermak (ed.), Vol. 1, Pergamon Press, Elmsford, NY' FIGURE l2.3.4.Ratios max {Cf,'1ultClt, members, \: 1980, pp. 421433. out in [12-131, the 4% difference between these values in Table 12.4.1 is due Itr measurement errors. Note that the value C^(0") :2.54 is close to the values inf'erredfrom [12-5] and [12-6], whichare, respectively, C,,(0") : Ct) = I.5 x 1.73 :2.60 (as obtained by linear interpolation for 6 : O.I9 and eld : 1.0 from Table 12.1.1 and Fig. 12.2.6), and C"(0") : Cg) = t.7(0.93 + 0.58) : 2.57 (Eq. 12.2.1, and Figs. 12.l.l and 12.2.4a). Note also that while (hc largest tension (compression) in the tower columns is caused by winds rrcting in the direction a : 45" , the largest stresses in the bracing members trccurfora:27". Measurements of forces on square towers with sharp-edged members oo) were more recently conducted at the National Maritime Institute, (\ : u.K. (NMD ll2-141. coefficients cr(0") and ratios cp(u)rcp(O") based on these nrcasurements are shown in Figs. 12.4.3 and 12.4.4, respectively. Note, for cxample, that for 6 = 0.19, Cr(0.) = 2.60 (Fig. 12.4.3), versus Cr(O") : 2.54, as obtained in [12-13] (Table 12.4.1). The agreement is less good for lhc ratio cF(45")/cF(O"), which is about 1.12 according to Fig. 12.4.4, and rrbout 1.40 according to the data of rable 12.4.1. As shown subsequently in llris section, data on square towers composed of members with circular cross scction suggest that the NMI results are more reliable than those of [12-13]. 'I'ABLE 12.4.1. Aerodynamic Coefficients: C"(o), C.(a), and Co(o) for St;uare Tower with f = 0.19 and ), = o [12-13] (t 0" 9" (,v(tr) 2.54 )11 2.54 0.19 2.76 J,05 J..r0 (', (c) FIGURE 12.4.1. Notations. ('1"Qx) 18" a 270 36" 45" 2.97 3.0I 0,7{) 1,36 2.84 2,05 3.50 2.60 2.49 3.60 f,r l;'4 l;()unl rl nl.Jl) ilttnil{irt t\il t1)wt tt,. 441 Lr(0") 08 0.2 o o Angle members-smooth flow. Angle members-turbulent flow. + Square shaped members-smooth flow FIGURE L2.4.3. Drag coelficients Cp(O") for square tower with sharp-edged membcrr measured at National Maritime Institute, U.K. From A. R. Flint and B. W. Smith. "The Development of the British Draft Code of Practice for the Loading of Latticc Towers," Wind Engineering, Proceedings of the Fifih Intemational Conference, Fctrl Collins, CO, July 1979, J. E. Cermak (ed.), Vol. 2, Pergamon Press, Elmsford, NY, 1980, pp. 1293-t304. - - n 1?, e = 0.535 5 1 5 6 7 8 9 2 105 3 4 s 6 7 8 9106 4z 2 FIGURE 12.4.5. Drag coefficients Co(0') for square tower with members of circular r'mss section [12-7] (courtesy Comitd International pour le Ddveloppement et I'Etude tlc la Construction Tubulaire, and Constructional Steel Research and Development ( )rganisation). cr@) cr(0.) Sguare Towers Composed fion. I oo: 15' 30' 45' FIGURE 12.4.4. Ratios Co(a)/Co(O') for square tower with sharp-edged mcrnlrt'rr measured at National Maritime Institute, U.K. From A. R. Irlint and B. W. Srrritlr. "The Development of the British Draft Code of'Practicc lirr tlrc Loltling ol'Lirtlit'c Towers," Wind Enginct'ring, Pnx'rcdings rl tha [,'i.lilt ltttt'rttttti,ttrrtl (',rt,rrcr,, ltrrt Collins, CO,.luly l9l9,.l .1,1. Ccrrrrlrk (ctl.), Vol. 2, ll'r1'.:rrrron I'n'ss. lllrrrslirrtl, N\', 1980, 440 pp. 1293 I304. of Members with Circular Cross Sec- Figures 12.4.5 and 12.4.6 [12-7] represent, respectively, proposed aero(l_vnamic coelicients Cr(O') and Cp(45') as functions of Reynolds number Ge lirr towers with aspect ratio }, : oo, based on recent wind tunnel test results rcported in [2-8] and [2-9]. The values CF(45') of Fig. 12.4.6 may be regarded as conservative envclopes that account for the loadings in the most rrnlavorable directions. Rcsul(s ol'tcsls conclucted at NMI in both smooth and trrlbulent flow at Rcynokls rrtrnrlrt't.s (11,. : 2 x 101 li)r solidity ratios @ : rx') rrurtt'lt thc r.rrrvcs ol'ljig,. 12.4.-5 urrcl O ll , O : 0.23, ancl <,f - 0. I I (^ ll.' l.ll \ llrt' r;rtrr' (; (,1i")/('/ (O") is r'plsltlcl.lrfly t'lost.r' to LI l.'l rrlrt'tt'trl rrr'lrrlrlt' I-).l I 'l'lris worrlrl lr.rrrl lo ,ottlirnr lltc hrrxrrl vlrlirlity ol llrt NNll rr',,rrll . on .,(luju(. 1()\v(.1\ rvrllr slr:rrP t'rlgt'rl lttclttlrt'r's rlisr'rrsscrl t';ultt'r ln llu', '.( ( lt'n 11.4.6 to within ab<lul 5%, or lt':i:; lhat lirr 0 < ,h . thitlr lrt lltc virltrc N<rtc 1', 442 c Inul;l;l l) I nn Mt w( )t rh:, n l\| ) t,t n l ( ,l l,t * tr. l;'.1 :;(Jl ,nt il nt..ll | iltlnt.t(,t,t nll l()Wl tt:; 4A.-l n(45) 5 1 5 6 789 10s 7 r 4 s 6 r I 9106 q, 2 TIGURE 12.4.7. Drag coe{ricients c1.(0") and co(60') for triangular tower with membcrs of circular cross section [12-7] (courtesy comitd Intemation"al pour le D6veloppe_ rncnt et I'Etude de la Construction Tubulaiie, and Constructional Steel Research and I)evelopment Organisation). 3 1 5 6 r s 9 1S 2 3 4 s 6 r I 9 10. !/te ? FIGURE 12.4.6. Drag coeflicients Cr.(45') fbr square tower with members of circulal cross section [12-7] (courtesy Comit6 Intemational pour le Ddveloppement et I'Etuilc de la Construction Tubulaire, and Constructional Steel Research'and Developmcnt 0rganisation). Triangular Towers composed of Members with circular cross section- Figurcs 12.4.1 and 12.4.8 [12-7] represent proposed aeroclynamic cocr'ficients c/.(0") = cr(60') and cp(30") as functions of Reynolds number 61" fttr t<twcrs with aspect ratio X : oo, based on measurements reported in tl2-81, It2-91, and [12-101. FIGURE 12.4.8. Drag coefficients C,.(30") for triangular t()wcr with rncrrrbcrs ol circular cross section ll2-71 (courlcsy c.miti rrrtcrn.ti..:rr prrrr lt' r)t:vt'r.ppcrr*rrr t.r I'Etude de la Constnrctitln'ftrbulairc, lrnrl ('onslrucliorr:rl Slt.r'l' rrrrtl l)t:vt,l opmcnt Organistrl iorr ). I i,,(30') '1.0 444 ilttjlitit t) |tnMt w()nKt; t nNt) r'r n r {;lu)l rr:i REFERENCES l2-l l2-2 P. N. Georgiou and B. J. Vickery, "Wind Loads on Building lilrrrrcs." l4lirrrl Engineering, Proceedings of the Fifth International ConfcrcnL'c, Forl Collins, CO, July 1979, J. E. Cermak (ed.), Vol. l, Pergamon Press, Elrnslirrd. NY. 1980, pp. 421-433. O. Flachsbart, "Modellversuche iiber die Belastung von Gitterlachwcrkcn durclr l. Teil: Einzelne ebene Gittertniger," Der Stahlbau, T (April 1934). Windkriifte. 65-69. l2-3 l2-4 Loading on Opcrr Framed Structures," Proceedings Third Canadian Workshop on Wind Engi neering, Vancouver, April 198 l. 12-6 l2-7 l2-8 l2-9 R. E. Whitbread, "The Influence of Shielding on the Wind Forces Experienccd by Arrays of Lattice Frames," Wind Engineering, Proceedings of the Fililt Internatktnal Conference, Fort Collins, CO, July 1979, J. E. Cermak (ed.), Vol. I, Pergamon Press, Elmsford, NY, 1980, pp. 405-420. Wind Forces on Unclad Tubular Structures, H. B. Walker (ed.), Constradrr Publication l/75, Constructional Steel Research and Development Organiza tion, Croydon, U.K., 1975. G. Schulz, The Drag of ktttice Structures Constructed from Cylindrical Metn bers (Tubes) and its Calculation, CIDECT Report No. 69/21, Drisseldorf, Wcst Germany, 1969 (in German). G. Schulz, International Comparison of Standards on the Wind Loading ol' Structures, CIDECT Report No. 69/29, Drisseldorf, West Germany, 1969 (irr German). 12-lO R. W. F. Gould and W. G. Raymer, Measurements over a Wide Range tl Reynolds Numbers of the Wind Forces on Models of lnttice Frameworks, Nlt tional Physical Laboratory Sc. Rep. No.5-72, Teddington, U.K., May 1972. l2-ll G. Eiffel, ln Rlsistance de I'Air et l'Aviation, H. Dunod & E. Pinat, Paris. l9l 1. 12-12 J. M. Biggs, S. Namyet, and J. Adachi, "Wind Loads on Girder Bridges." Transactions, ASCE, f2f (1956), l0l-113. 12-13 D. Katzmayr and H. Seitz, "Winddruck auf FachwerktLirme von quadratischcrrr Querschnitt," Der Bauingenieur, 2lI22 (1934),218-221 . 12-14 A. R. Flint and B. W. Smith, "The Development of the British Draft Coclc ol Practice for the Loading of Lattice Towers," Wind Engintt'ring, Prot'cctlittgl of the FiJih International Conferenr:e , Fort Collins, ('O..luly l()79, J. U. ('cr mak (ed.), Vol.2, Pergamon Press, l9fl0, pp. 129.1 llt),I 12-15 J. F. Eden, A. lny, and A. .1. Bullcr, "('rlrncrs itt Slorrn Wirrrls." l'.'rr,q. ,\trttt't.. 3 (r981). r75 rtto. lt N(.t :; 445 l.) l(r .l . li. lltlcrr. A..l . lhrllt'r. rttttl .l . I'rtlit'ttl . "Wirrrl lurrnt'l 'lcsls orr Mtxlcl (-'mrrc Slrttt'ltrcs." l'.rr,q. ,\trrtr't ., 5 (l()8 ]), .ll"i() -)()S I ) l1 (i- A. Savitskii, (lrlt'rtltttittrt.t litr' ,,ltttt'ttrrtr ltt.tttrllrttiotr.s, 'l'cchnical Translation Il llt l -l- O. Flachsbart, "Modellversuche iiber die Belastung von Gittedachwerken durch Windkrdfte. l. Teil: Einzelne ebene Gittertreger," Der Stahlbau, T (May 1934) 13-79. O. l.'lachsbarl, and H. Winter, "Modellversuche iiber die Belastung von Git tcrlachwcrkcn tlurch Windkr:itte. 2. Teil; Rdumliche Gitterfachwerke." Drr Srultllnu, tt (April 1935), 57-63. l2-5 P. N. Gcorgiou, B. J. Vickcry, and R. Church, "Wind nt I r 19 'l"l'79-52040, prrblishcrl lirl llrt' Nrrliortirl Sticnec Iioundation by Amerind Publishing Cb., Ncw l)cllri, lgllf , :rv:ril;rlrlc liurr National Technical Infbrmation Scrvicc, Springlicltl. VA 22 l(, I . V. Kolouick, M. Pirncr, (). Iiischcr, and J. Niiprstek, I{ind Effects on Civil Enginecring St rudur(s, Elscvicr, Amsterdam, 1984. R. J. McCaffrcy and A. J. Hartmann, "Dynamics of Guyed Towers,', J. Struct. Dlv., ASCE, 98 (1912), 1309-1323. 12-20 J. W. Vellozzi, "Tall Guyed Tower Response to Wind Loading," proceedings Fourth International Conference on Wind Effects on Buildings and Structures, Heathrow, September 1975, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1976. l22l R. A. Williamson, "Stability Study of Guyed Tower under Ice Loads," -/. Srruct. Div., ASCE, 99 (1973),2391-2408. 12-22 J. E. Goldberg and J. T. Gaunt, "Stability of Guyed Towers,,' J. Struct. Div., ASCE, 99 (1973),'741-1 56. l) 23 l)-24 R. A. Williamson and M. N. Margolin, "Shear Effects in Design of Guyed Towers," J. Struct. Diy., ASCE, 92 (1966),213-260. F. Rosenthal and R. A. Skop, "Method for the Analysis of Guyed Towers,', J. Struct. Div., ASCE, f08 (1982), 543,558. Brown and J. W. Melin, Guyed Tower Program Listings and l)-25 D. M. (Jser's Manual, Technical Report sponsored by United States Coast Guard, U.S. Depaftment of Transportation (Contiact DOT-CG-52604-A), J. W. Mellin and Assoc., Urbana, lL, 1975. 1226 A. G. Davenport and B. F. Sparling, "Dynamic Gust Response Factors for Guyed Towers," J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerod., 4l-44 (1992),2237-2248. l) 27 ll28 J. D. Holmes, R. W. Banks, and G. Roberts, "Drag and Aerodynamic Interf'erence on Microwave Dish Antennas and Their Supporting Towers,', J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerod.,50 (1993), 263-2'70. rnttice structures: Pan 2-Mean Fluid Forces on Tower-like space Frames, Engineering Science Data Unit, ESDU Data Item 81028, 1988 (rev. ed.). l)29 K. Hiramatsu and Action of Wind," K. Akagi, "The Response of Latticed steel rowers to the J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerod.,30 (1988), 7-16. CHAPTER 13 b,it' -o tsEp ;i= o qs cJ u> !!^ > ::: zv=t SUSPENDED.SPAN BRIDGES, TENSION STRUCTURES, AND POWER LINES b t ri I t N. I t! { Structures that consist of or depend for their integrity on cables or membranes may exhibit an increased susceptibility to wind effects. Notorious examples arc the Brighton Chain Pier and the original Tacoma Narrows Bridge (Figs. l3A and l38). The purpose of this chapter is to present information and references conceming such structures, including suspension and cable-stayed bridges, ca- t & d { \ o R t' ,s )*\ sI \ and power lines. 9) t [, I SUSPENDED-SPAN BRIDGES (i.e., suspension and cable-stayed) bridges must be designed to withstand the drag fbrces induced by the mean wind. In addition such bridgcs are susccptiblc to aeroelastic effects, which include torsional divergence (or latcral buckling), vortex-incluced oscillation, flutter, galloping, and buffeting in thc prcscncc of silf--excitecl fbrces. The study of these effects is possiblc only on the basis of infbrmation provided by wind tunnel tests. Various typcs of such tcsts arc briefly clescribed in Sect. 13. 1. I . Procedures for analyzing thc: susceptibility of suspended-span bridge decks to aeroelastic effects and pertincnt design considerations are presented in Sects. 13.1.2 through 13.1'5' It is noted that the action of wind must be taken into account not only lirl' the completed bridge, but for the bridge in the construclion stagc as wcll. Irr 'l'tr general, the same methods of testing and analysis ap;rly ilr (ltt' two cltscs' wirrrl. t(:lltp()rlll'y decrease the vulnt3rability of thc parfially cornplotr:(l bt.irlp,c lo ties ancl damping rlcviccs arc uscrl. Also. lo tttittilttizt'lltt'rt:;l' 446 ol sl trrttg wittrl q ( ble roofs, fabric structures (air-supported or otherwise subjected to tension)' Suspenclcd-span ! {t jt l, i :i E, t' I t; \ \ -J .l d I t w * w: $ ,#, N $ ai* -- -Ez- JV '34) 'od., ttt 13.1 ^ i* ,1,} r #, io€.5 ar.o 6}EO cn--"!3 s 6-|:.. '=o\ -a@t .'! ! c Or5Cs N ^ U_ L A os.=U 91|,= /r c9!Y !,XgH e^a) zAv* P e.? 3-o =Yaoa .-9V ,r! ! ^ = -!d* ,@H+ aJ r Coo v H p.i .:5bt *-a (.)e3_. F 3;3 e :,-E b05 h."'tr@.=t m,=A or3-o(a " -a i.A' -i!!; beed O!d; !FAS U c.)V li g'^Fi -9 rn4=. H 9'-, <-a2a 4=&R .U gd l.-E a)i,-ti tu .1\ il 444 t;U:;ltt Nt)t t)r;t,nN tit rilxit i; il N:,t()r..r :,rtr,(.l,nr :; nNr) r,()wr tr lNt * r:r : YW!,,,.,,.,. &" qsaiid:,,,'i;,' ,!q4$.,i., r :;U:;l 'l Nlll t):;l'nN lllillxit li 449 ll''1,1. ltti*.'..';l .iirg$rr,:-rrrip ..,,r.;{. ., id Flutter of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge, November 10, 1940 [13-1, loading, construction usually takes place in seasons with low probabilities ol occurrence of severe storms. Aeroelastic phenomena may affect, in addition to the deck, bridge toy_or' hangers. and cables. Problems relatecl to the design of these. or similar. clc ments are dealt with in Sect. 13.1.6. lflGURE 13.1.1. Model of Akashi Strait suspension bridge (courtesy of T. Miyata, Yokohama University, and M. Kitagawa, Honshu-Shikoku Bridge Authority, Tokyo). 13.1.1 Types of Suspended-Span Bridge Wind Tunnel Tests The following three types of wind tunnel tests are currently being used to obtain information on ihe aerodynamic behavior of suspended-span bridges. l. l'ypically a support structure consisting of taut wires or tubes, or of a fine-wire t'ltcn&rl, supports the geometrically simulated deck structural form. Usually lirndamental vertical and torsion modes are simulated. The model is enveloped of the full bridge. In addition to being geometrically similar to the full bridge, such models must satisfy similarity requiremc-nts pertaining to mass distribution, reduced frequency, mechanical damping, arrrl shapes of vibration modes (see Chapter 7). The construction of full-britlgc models is thus elaborate and their cost relatively high. The usual scale of srrclr models is of the orderof 1/300, although scales of l/100 have been usecl irr rr few cases [3-l] to [13-6]. A view of a full-bridge model in a wind tunncl is sholvn in Fig. 13.1.1. 2. Three-dimenskna.l. partial-hridgc mtxlcls. ln rrrtxkrls ol'tlris typt: thc rrririrr span (or occasionally lrull'ol'il) is rrrrxlclcrl in rrrr t't'orurrrrir':rl ;rlrpnrxirrurliorr. Tests on models i1 three-dimensional simulated boundary-layer flow in the wind tunnel. '3. Tests on section models. Section models consist of representative spanwisc sections of the deck constructed to scale, spring-supported at the ends to :rlkrw both vertical ancl torsional motion, and, usually, enclosed between end plrrtcs to reduce aeroclynrrtrtic c:ntl cllbcts (Fig. 13.1.2). Section models are t'lrrtivcly inexpensivc. 'l'lrt'y t':rrr lrt' r'onslnrctctl to scales of the order of l/50 to ll25 s<l that thc tliscrcp:rrt'ics lrt'lwt'r'rr lirll-scllc and modcl Rcynolds numlrt'r''r'irrc srrrallcr lluru irr (lrc t'rr:rc ol lrrll lrlrrllit'lcsls. Scclion trttlclcl.s are quite lry ll,ol lr tlistrrssir)il ()l lt('ylt()l(ls ililrillr'r ',rrrrtl.rttl\ ri ilIrtt ilr{ [l',. sct ('lt:t1tlt'ts'1 itrrrl 7. lit,lil,l Nl)l l)til'nN lililtxit :;, il Nl,t()t'J :;lltl,(iil,1il:i. ANt ) t,()wt n ilNl ** i,l,l;l'l l:| I i tllrl lr l;l'nll llllll)(il ', 451 (lt 04 t 0.3 0.2 ,v (rlr'r1) 0.8 0.6 0.4 0 o.2 ,0 C, -0.8 CM -o.2 -0.4 useful for making initial assessments, based on simple tests, of the extent ttr which a bridge deck shape is aeroelastically stable. Finally, section models have the important advantage of allowing the measurement of the fundamental aerodynamic characteristics of the bridge deck on the basis of which comprchensive analytical studies can then be carried out. These characteristics includc: a. The steady-state drag, lift, and moment coefficients, defined as: vD .o - wrB C," : , ?M _ ,-, L, lpu'n i,urB, -0.8 F--Q--n -2.4 -0.6 FIGURE 13.1.2. Section model of the Halifax Narrows Bridge (courtesy BoundaryLayer Wind Tunnel Laboratory, University of Western Ontario). +nl - l.t) B 1a -30-20-10 0 10 20 30 a (deg) -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 a (deg) FIGURE 13.r.3. Drag, lift, and aerodynamic moment coelficients for Tacoma Narrows Bridge [13-l]. 30 replacement Tacoma Narrows Bridge [13-1] and in Fig. 13.1.4 for a proposed streamlined box section of the New Burrard Inlet Crossing t13-81' aerodynamic coefficients. These coefficients characteize forcls acting on the oscillating bridge and are discussed self-excited the in Sect. 6.5.2. Examples oimotional aerodynamic coe{ficients F1,f , .4f (t : 1, 2, 3, 4)for various types of bridge decks are given in Fig' 6'5'3' questions pertaining to the laboratory ditermination of H,f , A! are teviewed in [13-9] and [13-88].* c. The Strouhal number S (see Sect. 4.4)' b. The motional (l3. r. r ) (13.1 .2) (13. r.3) where D, ,L, and M are the mean drag, lift, and moment per unit span, respectively, p is the air density, B is the deck width, ancl U is thc nrcarr wind speed in the oncoming flow at the deck clcvalion. 'l'lrcsc cocllicicnts are usually plotted as functions of thc anglc rv lrt'lwt't'rr tlte lrorizrlrrltrl plane and thc planc of thc briclgc clcck. ('ocflicicrrts ('t,. (', . irrrtl ('p, rrrl' shown in Fig. 13.1.3 lirr lhc opcrt lntss britlgt' tlt'r'l' ol llrt' rt'lrlirt't'rrrcrrl 1g.1.2 Torsional Divergence or Lateral Buckling I-ateral buckling of a bridge deck may be viewed as that condition wherein, mogiven a slight deck twist, the drag load and the self--excited aerodynamic divcrgcncc Thc ttlrsional instabilitydivergence r-ncnt will precipitate a torsional phcn<lmcnon has been analyzccl in Sect. 6.4 in thc casc ol-a lwtl-tlittlcttsiottltl r,l' rrr.rt, rct.t:.1 slrrtlias'rrls // ] ;rrrtl ,1 f' hlrvt: bccn irrclrrtlgl; :tlso, tlr:t1' r't'lltlt'tl t rx'llit icttl: l, 2, l, 4) lltvc lrt't'tl iltltrxlrtr ''rl (:;t't' Ii; l I l 4l :rrrtl I I l ltt1l)' t,',!' li 452 st,sPFNI)H)t;t)AN Slillxit li, llNlit()N tilnuott,nl t;, ANt) t'()wt n ilNt 1.20 tttt t:l I lit,lit'l Nt)t t) l;t'nN Bnil)(it l; I tt 453 (:lcnrcnls ()l lhc nritltrx ('1 :rrc tlt:rrolc:tl by r';; arxl rcprcsotr( thc anglc ol'twist (yi irl .r' - .r'i irttlrtccrl lry lr rrrril lolsional nr()nlcnt acting at x : xi. Lct lrr) rcprcsurl tlrr colurun rrratrix of the angles of twist a;. In matrix nolll ion J--/<.-".-"-/ \J *rl- CD ttlr 0.0 {cv} CL rl tttt 0.0 ttlt : Cr{M} (r3.1.4) {M} represents the column matrix of the torsional x : x;. These moments can be written as where at moments M1 applied -.t0 _.40 u, : )pu2B2tt,Cr1ai) .20 *.80 Al, is the span length associated with point xi. The problem is now susceptible of solution by iteration on Eqs. 13.1.4 and 13.1.5. First it is assumed o; : 0 for all j and M1 are calculated from Eq. 13.1.5. Inserting these rcsults in Eq. 13.1.4 yields a column of values cy;; reinserting these into Eq. 13.1.5 develops new moments, and so on. The process will converge for any chosen velocity less than the critical divergence velocity that conceptually is approached in an asymptotic manner by the iterative method suggested. The process is simplified, however, in the case where Cr,(o) can be approximated by a linear function -.30 - 10.0 where -1 .20 0.0 a tttt 0.0 d CM A Handrails - Q No handrails 0.0 tt dC, Cy(u) = da guardrails - no guardrails (13.1.6) where CMs : Cu(O). Using the notation trtt 1: -I oU'B"A,L, lnd assuming A/, : A/ lrlt 0.0 0 FIGURE 13.1.4. Drag, lift, and aerodynamic moment coeltrcients for proposed deck of New Burrard Inlet Crossing [13-8]. Courtesy of the National Aeronautical Establishment, National Research Council of Canada. structure. In this section the analysis of Sect. 6.4 is extended to the case of a tull bridge. The data needed for the analysis are the experimcntully rrrr::rsrrrcrl rngrncnl coefficient C7a@) and the torsional flexibility matrix (',.oIthc tlt't'k. l.ct.r', arrcl x1 G, i : 1,2,. . . , N) ilcn<ttc valttcs tll'tho c<xlnlirrirlr' r irkrrrlq tlrt'splr1. 'l'lrc for all i yields {o\ 10.0 : c, | (dcM * arr] ,Ld" " I ac^,c.lI {o) : lr, -n licluation 13.1.9 (13. 1.7) 2' p -.20 -10.0 cro -a-F -.10 -.30 (13.1.s) Cr{Cuo} (r3.1.8) (13.1.9) will havc inlirritc (lolsiorrllly divergent) solutions when the tlctorrninant 1," ",','n''''l ' (r3.r.r0) 454 lltjljl'l Nl)l l)l;t'AN nnllxil :;, ltNt;t()N tiilil,{:t{,ilt :;, ANt) t,()wl ti ilNt : ;l,l;l 'l Nll,l t):it 'nN ilhil){:t: Equation 13. l.l0 yiclds a sct tll' c:hllrrctclislic valucs 7r ol' whiclr llrr: : pc corresponds to the lowcst vclocily IJ - IJ,. lilr torsional divcrgr:ncc: f l ltt2 U-:l----:--l ' lp,pB'LL) 455 1r ( 1) 1.8 rr trrin,r, In general it is found that only torsionally weak bridges incur the actual danger of torsional divergence/lateral buckling at wind speeds attainable irr practice. It should also be noted that for many bridge decks the moment inducctl by the horizontal wind is negative (i.e., it twists the bridge deck so as to creatc a negative angle of attack, the wind then approaching the upper side of thcr deck). Such decks are not highly susceptible to torsional divLigence at wintl speeds in the usual range; however, if the slope of the curve dCTalda vs. o is positive, a thcorctical torsional divergence is still possible. 13.1.3 Locked-in Vortex-lnduced Response open truss sections generally "shred" the oncoming flow to such an extenl that large, concerted vortices cannot occur and vortex-induced oscillations ol' the deck are weak. However, in the case of bluff deck sections of the box-or open box-type, instances of severe vortex-induced response are known to havc occurred. one such instance is cited in [13-10]. To reduce the oscillations, fairings were added to the section as shown in Fig. 13.1.5, which includes results ol' wind tunnel measurements. It is noted that in this case the water surface is close to the underside of the projected prototype and could thus be expectcrl to affect significantly the flow around the deck. For this reason the water surface was also modeled in the laboratory. Additional examples of streamlined bridge deck forms are shown in Fig. Velocity (m/s) FIGURE 13.1.5. Vertical amplitudes of vortex-induced deflections for various bridge deck sections of the proposed Long creek's Bridge [13-10]. Courtesy of the National Aeronautical Establishment, National Research council of canada. 13.1.6. Analytical Procedures for Estimating the vertical vortexJnduced Response. Under the action of the mean flow and of the shed vortices, the moclcl section will be subjected to a self-excited and to a vortex-induced lift. wirh notations used in Sect. 6.5 and assuming that the vertical and torsional modcs arc uncoupled aerodynamically, the equation of motion of the section will htr mfi + z(1,a]t + aihl : ) ou'n L, ["rt," * ,,,,in ,,1 (t3.1.t2) where o is the voftex-shedding circular frequency and 11,f and c1.v are coclli cients to be determined. If the model is given some initial vcrtical cle{irrrnali91. its response will have the form h: (ho + h,e l'')sin(at I 4t\ (t.l.I.n) l,'l( Jl lltl,l l.l, l.(r. St rr.,rrulrrrr.,l I rr rrly,1.,;,., l, lor rrr:., 456 riiltr,cluHEs, AND powEn ilNtti suspENDED-SPAN BRtDGES, rr Ntit()N fit. where fte is the steady-state amplitudc, rf is a phasc anglc, ancl 7 antl fi, arc constants identifiable from the experimental observations. It can then casily bc shown that 47maf,h6 Lrt/ - PU:B (13.1.r4) llr(x) 1,,,,,, Ht:,+[n3-"'] At lock-in 0) = (13.1. ls) 0)h. The dimensionless quantities Cry and HI are applied to the prototype bridge in the following manner. If fo is the assumed mechanical damping ratio of the prototype, the total (aerodynamic plus mechanical) damping in the prototype case can be written as To:lr-*'f (13.1.16) t) : hr(x)q(t) Mi| I2Tpoflr + ,lqrl c,r1 is the circular frequency of the chosen mode and generalized mass of that mode: *, : I: hllxym61 ax (t3.t.2r) m[li then I1f + 2l6aph + ..lh] h2\ h : ou'nxnf (t -e -l;. B'/ U (13.1.22) and e become the aerodynamic parameters. These are presumed to be Chapter 6. The steady-state amplitude ho in a manner similar to that described in of a bridge deck section model is then given - +s,,lt'' _ B-'l"1ur ,HT as (t3.r.23) I where S., is the Scruton number defined as (m c ru --_LOB2 (t3.1.24) (13.1.18) The coefficient F1f may be viewed as the value obtained at low oscillation M, is thc amplitudes by any one of the several identification schemes employed to obtain l'lutter derivatives. If the steady-state (vortex-induced) amplitude he is also rneasured in a section model test, then e is given by . Hr - 45,, e:+&nrBfHf (13. r.19) L is the span ol'tlre pnrtotypc bridgc. The maximum amplitudc at vortex-induccd rcsonancc is llren givcrr hy where m(x) is the mass per unit span and a following (Van der Pol) form: : )pu!nc,,[J'a,r"r axl sin1,,r + 4; In Eq. 13.1.18, (13.1.20) account of strong nonlinear effects. An altemate, nonlinear model (see Sect. 6.1.1) may also be employed. If the description of section activity as given by Eq. I3.I.l2 is modified to the (13.1. l7) q{t) is governed by the following equation: hlx) The accuracy of the above procedure is acceptable only if the difference between the mechanical damping ratios of the model and of the prototype is small. If this difference is large, the procedure may become inapplicable on evaluated from section model tests The prototype being assumed to respond in an early bending mode ft1(x) according to the relation h(x, +U,rli,, ilt)ol s _eu(ne_rv lr(:)l I \2 / 1."^ mrofif, : number for the bridge deck, and that pU .?n{:, r ll; 1,,(.t) ,/.t : til ,AN lll For example , if h(x) is a half sinc wavc ovcr the span of a bridge with uniformly distributed mass, the del'lection at the span center is n6Al3, fl.p: apl2r,,4 is the net area of bridge deck projected on a vertical plane normal to the mean wind (per unit span), S is the Strouhal where U, I t;t,t;t,l Nl)l l) Altcrnatcly, (13.1.2.s) if Hf is not obtaincd lrcm a low-amplitudc irrstcacl thc m<ldcl is alkrwcrl to oscillllc cl<lwn lnrnr an inititl rrrotlcl lcst, lrrrl lalgcrittttplittttlc 458 :;t,tit,t Nt)l t):;t 'nN trl lt)(it :;. l N:;t()N Auto a stcady, lockcd-in stal.o ol'nrclrsuretl anrl)lilu(lc: be determined fiom KHT t mlfio :-__10-+ 2pB'l *, 1;ulr{:tlu i;. nNt) t'()wt n ltNt :; 11;, tlrc vlrlrrc I ol'//'f' rrury ' B' ] ( 13. r S is the Strouhal number and R,, being dcfined as (13.1.21) t, 4sB2.l,cl,-nlnil ( 13. I .28) the response amplitude ratio of first to nth cycles of am- -r (usually a simple, low-frequency one) must be considered as well as the probable nature of the spanwise correlation of the lock-in forces. Referencc ll3-941has considered these parts of the problem. The sectional equation of motion is Eq. 13.1.22: where + 2tp6h + @iht: )ou,nrcu, (' - ,U;)L o3 r.2er it is further assumed that h : h(x, t) : pI/ltlKl/i' x lt ,p(x)BtG) being the single dimensionless mode of frequency (13.1.30) co1 : {o cos u--uL B x;l <,l/ i 113.1.34) (13.1.35a) : I e4$)I(x)d-r Jrpon L (13.1.3sb) The strength of vortex-induced forces is dependent upon the local oscillation amplitude of the structure; there is also a loss in their coherence with spanwise separation. For example, Fig. 6. 1.2 depicts the correlations between local lateral pressures separated spanwise along cylinders displaced vertically sinusoidally with different relative amplitudes.x A general review in [3-94] suggests that under such conditions an appropriate correlation loss function can be approximated by selecting/(x) to be the mode shape <p(x) itself, normalized to unit value at its highest point. For example, with a mode representing a halfsinusoid over a span L, f (x) may be estimated as f(x):sin7 (13.r.36) is (13.1.3 r) At steady-state amplitude, as noted earlier, the damping energy balance per will be zero, a condition that defines the vortex-induced cycle of oscillation amplitude *otol"' at the Strouhal frequency, that is, where 2trSU ]t ilt c,: [ 'P2(x)f(x\(tx ' Jrpon L c,- responding to locked- in vortex shedding and {(t) the corresponding generalized coordinate. This assumed to undergo the purely sinusoidal oscillation t@ I r.r'(r){r(/)l{(r).p'r(r) f (x)th (13.1.33) 7fX <p(x) il'n fl where 1 is the generalized full-bridge inertia of the mode in question and The information given in Eq. 13.1.23 is applicable to the section model only. To extrapolate it to a full bridge, the oscillatory structural mode involved mtti : IE +zfuri + r?,t]:]pun3mufrc,- eczt2lt nh; I At-h6,) plitude decay (Eq. 6.1.14). ) in which /(x) is a l'unction atltlitionally inscrtcd to account for spanwise loss ol'coherence in thc vortcx-rclatcd forces. If integration of the left-hand side is extended to the full bridge, integrating the right-hand side of Eq. 13.1.33 spanwise results in a is given by (x--lllr I .26) where K :2trS :;1,:;l't lll )l lr( r)/l'9'( rylj.(/) tJi,,r1,l; tcr;,lrlr t) l6rrs j I ,, -)lcr'r q{r 'l rCaHf (13.1.37) ] (13.1.32\ If /z from Eq. 13.1.30 is inserted into Eq. 13.l.Zg unrl tlrc n'srrlt rrrrrltil-rlictl hy Bp(x), the action of thc scction r/x <11'lhc slnrclrrrt: :rssot'i;rlctl witlr sp:rrrwisr: point x is sccn to hc rlcsc:rihccl by thc: clrlutrliorr whcre thc Scruton numbcr is rlcrlirtul rrs tllcsttlls tlrrirlitlrlivcly sintillu kr llrrrsc ol l;r1' lr L) lr:rvr"lrt't'rr rt'lxrrlt.rl lirr \(luill(' I I l ()61. l)r t:]nr, ilr I3,I SUSPENDED-SPAN BRIDGES, TENSION I;IIIIJCIURES, AND POWIF LINES 460 s,r:h For the case of a sinusoidal mode the values of C2 and C4, respectively, are Hence by (13.1.39a) :o 33es (13. r.39b) cq: I, ,*' Tf nl : natural frequency : sluss -^;tt- ^ pL l - Jo| ^n"'dx <p : sin rxlL, I: mfiLlz , (trrB. Eq. 13.1.37, I c"n! - 4s--lt'2 eC+Hf l 'r ^lto.+zul x 1.r87 -4(0.03059)lr/2 :21' (417r)(0.33es)(1.187) I so that the predicted peak-to-peak amplitude is 2lsB : observations at the site reported in [13-1], for modes amplitude "could hardly have exceeded 3 ft." 2.35 ft. From visual of this type the double a Full-Span Bridge Theory. The flutter phenomenon was studied in some detail in Sect. 6.5 under the assumption that two-dimensional geometrical conditions hold. In the case of a fuIl-span bridge, the deformations of the deck are functions of position along the span so that this assumption is no longer valid. A generalization of the results of Sect. 6.5 to the case of the full-span bridge is presented herein. An example is included. Let h(x, t), p(x, r), and u(x, t) represent, respectively, the vertical, sway, and twist deflections of a reference spanwise point .r of the deck of a full bridge: slug ft2, I: :0.03013 _l 13.1.4 Flutter and Buffeting of p ' :0.002378 461 0.66H2 B:39ft For : su -L An example [13-941 will be drawn from the historic Tacoma Narrows case 1940. This bridge underwent considerable vortex-induced disturbance prior to its demise by torsional flutter [13-93]. Pertinent data, forexample, relative to an 8-noded vertical mode of this bridge are of BRIDGES (m (0.0025)(88.5) l. : ntl't,: ,E: 4O,,'A..u;: 0.030586 , Cz : 0.4244, C4 : 0.3395 ("standard" values) 5,, (13.r.38) fL "rxdx cz: Jnsin'TT:0.4244 SUSPENDED.SPAN N h(x,t): j:Z tt,14ng,1t1 0'0025 (13.1.40a) I N Interpreting data from Ref. [13-94] K : U : Ba U : 3.1343 35.2 mph Hf : l.l8l e Then : a(x, 4l'l I : at lock-in 51.6 p(x, t) : a;(x)t(r) (13. r.40b) I N (13.1.40c) 4rn,{;4ffi,{r) fr - at lock-in at lock-in t): i:I where h,(x) , p i@) , ui@) are respectively the values of the ith modal deformation fbrm at point x of the deck and {,(t) is the generalized coordinate of the ith mode. If 1r is the generalized iner1ia ol' thc motion for that mode is IlEt t 2l'ie,L, lull bridge in mode l, the equation ol' | *it,) - et (r3.r.4r) 462 sust,t Nl)t t)til,nN ilnlxit i;, il Nr;t()N liiltt,oil,nt t;, ANI) t,()wl tt ltNl ;* :l where f, is the damping ratio tll'tho ilh rturrlc, o; is its mdian nalrrrlrl lictprerrcy, and Qi is its generalized force, delincd by I Q, : I J deck f(Lo" + L)hiB + (Do" + Dr)pB * (Mon * M)ail tk (t3.t.42t In the expression for Q, the following definitions of forces per unit span at x hold: section Aeroelastic (self:excitation) forces under sinusoidal motion: r*:)ou'alr*of Lr* ratB] u*:)ou"'l*f Lu* xe;ff + x'eto + K'U*] o*:)ou'alxrf + K2H{a + er+ Kpf B+ + Kzpla + K,r|.|,) K,fp'f (13.1.43a) (13.1.43b) (13. 1.43c) :,t ,:;t ,t Nt)l tlrrtttititt, ttr itplltrrpt M, : Do: : puzBz ?rr,oT - (*) u@, )ou'alzc, \ ")il t#l t)f UI cxplicitly in the buffeting fbrce expressions. In the example to be presented below, these do not happen to be important forces, though they could be in certain specific cases. In whgl"f.qllews only a.si11gtg;ggde approximation to the total response will be postulated. This ttinO'of isdffiption is justifiable from observation of the lact that typically just one prominent mode will become unstable and dominate the flutter response of a three-dimensional bridge model in the wind tunnel. Clearly multi-mode response can also occur. This somewhat more complicated problem has also been treated in the literature [13-86] t13-9U. On the other hand, the mode-coupling forces of the wind are usually not strong compared to those of damping. This problem will not be pursued here. Following the 5-i5rgle-mode folm of analysis, any mode i may be considered in Eqs. 13.l .41 . The corresponding modal forms are then introduced into Eqs. 13.1.40 to 13.1.44. This results, when all but those flutter derivatives shown ure ignored as of lesser imponance. in frequency t .- ,pu'B''t (KB ffi wf cr,o, + * j*.0 [LbhiB -t D6p;B * P'f Gpp, + Atc,,.,fti + x'.e{c,,;,) M6u;l dx (r3.1.4s) (13.t.44b) in which (13.1.44c) in the : (r3'r'44.) Note;' In the force expressions above, it is assumed that there is no interaction between the aeroelastic and the buffeting forces. This circumstance is partially compensated by measuring the aeroelastic forces under conditions of turbulcncc [3-89].x Furlher the sectional buffeting forces are written in a form that cx presses their dependence both upon time-independent gust components antl steady-state force components, this again being partially accounted for by as sessing the "static" force coefficients at their mean values under turbulcnl flow. Modifications to these expressions introducing indicial lift-growth lirnc tions can be made t6-971. These lead, ttrltrtilltttrr'r' ltrrrt liorrs l(r ()71 (lrlrt lypiclrlly tlcpict a clirrr- Irtive or do n<lt inlnrclucc iurporlanl crnrrs, as in an cxample to follow. Further, sclf:developed local, or signuturc, turbulence efl'ects are also not represented Q, w(x- r) l 463 irtutiott witlt ittcrcrrsrrrg llet;rrt'nt'.y ol llrc lirlt'r: lcvcl liirrrr lltut ol'thc stcadyslatc lilrcc. Itr wlritl is tlist'ussctl subset;uurlly lhc ccluivalcnt ol'unit aerodyrtatnic adtni(llnce: is lrrcilly irssrrrrrr:rl. 'l'lrcsc ussunrptions arc usually conserv- Buffeting forces: I " f u(x-tl (49! Lo + + " : :2'pU-B l2C, | -- U \ d.t t;r|,,' :i t):;t 'nN tlt ltxit or power spcctr.rrl *Turbulence was fbund ttl havc a stntng llvorablc cll'cct on (hc llrrttt r vckrt ily lurtl lhc rcslxrrrsr. to vortex shcdding of a sccliort trurdcl ol'{hc Quincy l}ritlgc. :rntl orr tlrt llrrrlt'r vckx'ity lirr lr lrrll model ofthcl,ion's(iirlcllrirlgr:rrcrrsstlrcllrrlr':rnl irrlt'l (Vlrntorrvtr)llt$\l:st.r':tlsolll lO,ll Gqq : f lq, ,..*n?olf : h,, Pl or a;f (t3.1.46) Because of the linear nature of the resulting equation of motion, it may be seen that under this formulation the conditions of system stability are independent ol the buffeting lorces. The system equation t:i + Z^yioioti -f <,sioti _ Qio(t) Ii (13.1.47) rnay bc rcwrittcn with a rrcw ll't:tlrrcncy oig, a new damping ratio "y,, anrl huli'cting firrcc Q;7, dcfinctl. r'cspcctivt'ly, hy .r;;' ,,' "',!,," ,','II(;, ., ( ir l.l.1.,1r{) 484 suspENDED-spAN BRIDGES, TFNritoN ,.ilnuctuRES, ANt) powrFt uNr s 27iaio : Qiilt) : 2(iai - ff * ).,,n[Luh,n it is then ne-cessgry thqt "yr < 0; this "" *g9S-,,,*11"1instabilitv crirerion For instability Hf Go,n, + pf Gp,p, + Atco,o, -- -t M6a;l D6piB dx #,1, . + utrftPt Nt)t t) llt,AN tthilxll ti ( 13. r M:2cu+!+c;Y9't) ,.'U"'U (13.1.50) leads finally to the sinsle- I I) :2Cr'r'f 4nyor,h, + pf Gp,t,, + Af G,,,,",1 (13.1.49) lr )ou'n\ 13 oto,,,,)t, ( At,,4f have been (13.1.54c) Defining two new functions p(x), rl,@), p@):2[Cyh;(x) * Cpp;(x) + in which only the important flutter derivatives F1f, Pf , .s4b) *(x): (CL+ Cp)h;(x) + Claai@)] C'1aai@) (13.1.55a) (13.1.ssb) the integrand of Eq. 13.1.53 becomes retained. An a.ssumpJion inherent in this criterion is that the flutter derivatives retain full coheidiiCe among spanwise sections. The effect of reduied ioiierence can be seen qualitatively as analogous to a reduction in the values of the Lh1 r Dpi t Ma; : er;\4f + {(x)W; (13.1.561 Gq,q,' In practice the flutter derivatives I1f and Pf are most often negative in value,* while,4f may take on positive values for advanced values of reduced velocity 2n (13.1.52) The effect of the flutter derivative A{ (an "aerodynamic stiffness" effect) is, in many practical cases, almost negligible. This reflects the relative magnitudes of the larger structural, versus the aerodynamic, stiffness for typical bridges. For buffeting analysis, the generalized force may be rewritten /l\ The method of solution adopted here will be to seek the power spectral density of the bridge deck deflection. This is partly motivated by the fact that the power spectral densities of the wind components u(t) and w(t) are known or can be reasonably estimated from the results of research. Defining the Fourier transform of {, as Ei(<at with; as ax : ouzB2tl [.rr * DP, + Ma;|7 ,,, Jo*. \i )O,rt,t (13'1.s3) lr',0 : JJ, - <,sz : fT l* J, tiu)e-i"tdt tne Fourier transform of the response equation for {, becomes + 2i,pioc,rlfi : ry J.".* [rt"l Wf + t@)-*f]+ (13.1.s8) where L *Pf : 2c,- 4-'') U + (c!-*Cr)t w(r' t\ (13.1.54a) Multiplying Eq. 13.1.58 by its complex conjugate and by 2lT, we obtain, in going to the limit T --+ @, the result y?t(r?o - r')' + (2tio:ioa)2lElf may be obtained by equating the expressions for the drag , : /r\ \;) ,: / l\ \r/ Ncglecting thc tcrm in (13.1.s7) /2, thc rcsult is p(u - n)BCD [ [,,,. ..,dx"dxr, :_ ( eurnrty' \ ,L ) l.,l " tx,,' xb'') r t ou2Bxp,i, ,- Pl = *-2ClK. whcrc (13.1.5e) SUSPENDED-SPAN BRIDGES, TENEION STRUCTUHES. AND POWEF LINES TI (r", xo, @): j* '7fit x + lg@)u*(xb, a) Since the power spectral density o) -t A,>u(xo, Sg,g,(c,r) rlt(x,)w(x", a)l a)l rl,@)w*(xa, of {; is defined S-(n) (13.1.60) as ) : 13,1 gUSPENDED.SPAN - BRIDGES 336zul UU (13.1.6sb) + l0(nz/lJ)5t''l where z* is the friction velocity defined by Eq. 2.2.5, ru is frequency, and z is deck height. In calculating.lg,4, as in Eq. 13.7.62, it can be observed that the following types of integrals require evaluation: (13.1.6r) l* ;#f : j f e@)e@"-ctxa-xut/t++ *, : J f ,r,<*.1,r,<rol"-ctx'-x6ttt ++ R, we find that ,*[(' - (fr)')' * (,, : lolt2g2tlz I + "' I ll JJ deck I Zt *e)'],,,,,r,r <'t) st*,(') xt, a)l++ '' I I 03.1.62) in which the cross spectra Su, and S,, have been neglected. (While limited data presently suggest that this is a conservative assumption, knowledge of these quantities in applications can improve accuracy.) From this point on, the distributed cross power spectral densities of z and w will be assumed to take the real forms (neglecting their imaginary components) I cl*" - xnl I = sr(co) "*ot--l I cl*' - x'l s*(xo. x6, c,r) = s,(co) "*PLx6. c'r) / {13'l'63a) I (13.1.63b) 2onl U : 2OOzuzx qt + 6OrzlU)P ptttzt,x?o [1 The variance of - {; (<,r/c,r;s)2]2 + f2y,(alc,:,o)12 {ReS,+ nrs,}h 03.1.67) is "?, : J; (r3.1.68) s4,4,(n)dn which, for example, can be approximated with the aid of the formula (see Eq. 5.3.39), [- Jo s(,r)an tl - (nlnsy2lz + [271;nlns)]2 l* g1r1a, :_ Jo o,t)u" *' rno_s@o) (13.1.69) 4,y Referring to Eqs. 3.I.65, we find that J; S,(n)dn (13.1.64) z being the frequency of mode i. According to chapter 2, power spectral densities of z and rv in the atmosphere may be approximated by the expressions (Eqs. 2.3.21 and 2.3.33), S,(n) : I where C is a constant (see Chapter 2) satisfying 5nl _<c<_ U_-_ (13.1.66b) so that, finally, le@')e@6ts"(xo' x6' t!t(x.)rlt(x)5,,@o, su(xo. (13.r.66a) (13.1.65a) : J; S*(n)dn = 6u2* (13.1.70a) l.7uzx (13.1.70b) so that a buffeting calculation f<lrmula is obtained for the variance of {;: "i,:l#)'[^,[ t#*6u2* . orl*Y*tr,,.lJ# (r3.r,7r) *+ 468 liL,st,t NL)LD:;t'nN tlnt{xit l;, n Nl;t()N liilt(,(:tt,t u li. nNt) t,()wUt ilNt l; i;t,t;t on,@) : h;(x)Bog, (13.1.72u) oo,(x) : p,(x)8o4, (13.1.126) o,,(x) : a;(x)og, (13.1 .72c) 0. ti 0.,'1 0.2: 0.0 metric, L : lateral, V : : symmetric, ,4S : antisym- metric torsion). Flutter. The torsional aerodynamic damping coefficient ,4f exhibits a pronounced change of sign with increasing velocity, indicating the possibility ol' single-degree torsional flutter (Fig. 13.1.8). Mode 7 was selected as the mosr vulnerable to flutter instability (Fig. 13.1.9). It is the torsional mode with both the lowest frequency and greatest Gn,r, value. Experience has shown (e.g., in rl.o FIl - 0.2 -0.4 0 4 6 B IrlnB 10 I'IGURE 13.f.8. Aerodynamic coefficients A! (i : 1,2,3,4), Golden Gate Bridge (courtesy of Dr. J. D. Raggett, West Wind Laboratory, Carmel, CA). the original Tacoma Narrows case) that the lowest antisymmetric torsion mode is typically the most flutter-prone in long-span bridges. In the Golden Gate Bridge case this mode is practically a complete sine wave along the main span, with a node at center span and practically zero amplitude on the two side spans. The pertinent parameters in this case are, in the units* kip, ft, s: : 0.005 (arbitrary choice) 1z : 8.5 x loe lb ft s2 p : 2.38 x l0 6 kip ft-a s2 : 0.002378 : 0.002378 slugs/ft3 fz Ib ft-a s2 (lolden Gate Bridge l Frequency 7.0 Gn,n, G,, Gon', 8.03E-05 I 0.049 L 2.62E-16 3.33E-01 0.087 ASVI '7.398-t5 t.tlE-15 3 o.lt2 L 3.25E-01 1.728-14 3.09E-01 l.24E 02 0.129 0.140 SV, 1.90E-01 I .91E-01 7.828-t4 1. 16E- 14 2.438-14 3.44!,-0_L 5.58E- l4 3.87E- I 3 6.611;.-12 3.32F.-02 l.29lr I (X) 50ti 2.11tt.-Ot 2 5511 0l . I lt o .5 1 0.t64 0.t92 n s'l'r 8 o.t91 S'l', () l0 Type 2 4 3 -7.0 z TABLE 13.1.1. Frequencies, Types of Modal Forms, and Modal Integrals for +' 0.0 A; ./.. { vertical, and Z: torsion. Values of the modal integrals G,/;,,,, suggest the importance of the mode: in Table 13.1.3 the largest in each category (i.e., vertical, lateral, torsion) is underlined. The most pronounced modes are mode 6 (vertical), mode 1 (lateral), and mode 7 (antisym- "'I Ar -+ l 'l'hc vibration nxrdcs and ficquencies of the bridge, together with their modal in(cgrals (),,,,,, warc obtaincd for the first eight modes with the results given in Modal lirrtns arc suggested by the notations S \, 0. (i Example In this example parameters of the Golden Gate Bridge are employed. A I :50 scale section model was used to obtain flutter derivatives H,t and A! (t : l, . . ., 4). A set of these derivatives forzero-degree wind angle of attack in smtxrth flow is prcscnted in Figs. 13.1.7 and 13.1.8 [13-97]. l3.l.l. 4ti9 l.o Then from Eqs. 13.1.40 thc standanl rlcviatiorrs arc ohtairrctl Tablc 'l t{t)t II:,l'nt.t |ililtr(it ,, .) t2 1.25F.-14 I I7,r r lil FI(;URIt 13.1.7. Acnxlyrlurric cocllicicrrts //1" (i l. I, t,,l) ( iolrlt'lr ( iirlt' liritlgt. ol'l)r. .l . l). l{lrggell. Wt:sl Wirrrl Lirlxrr':rlory. (':rlrrt.l, ('A) (cttutlcsy rl kip Iil. lO(X) lb lirrcc; I lb lirrtt' l .l.lli Nr'ulrrrr'.. r' t.' .) ltls () lil rrr/s tl),ll,i I3.I 471 SUSPENDED.SPAN BHIDOES B=90fi I : 6451 ft troro, - L.z ')_9 The flutter criterion in this case reduces to * *<- u t1 1 - {) o9 Fqtr 4hlt pB"Goro.,l or At oo o.6 3 O- From the graph (with n - nt : forel'6ig. - 13.1.8) the corresponding reduced velocity value 0.192 Hz) is o o U 1: () o8 o-tzt 4'32 which corresponds to a critical laminar-flow flutter velocity of iotrd >E !t= U,,: oe g.x hou !r+ 6)A (){: 5r trx fE9oq 0) V:E rqE IF -.r &e, \JE -4 Fr6 o rt b o o60ao (9 ASVr SV' ASTr ST' i Frequency (Hz) 2 4 0.0870 0.1285 7 0.19t6 8 o.1972 These additional data were used lus 0l At (soqouD luourocqdslp leed ol lead : : z: zo ' 470 81.9 * TABLE 13.1.2. Generalized Inertia of Full Bridge for Four Modes Mode 6\O ftmikm - : 50.9 * : Bufteting. Four modes, mainly active over the main span (see Table 13.1.1), were examined, as listed in the following table: 'ro r\C! :74.65 (4.32)(0.192X90) 4144 ft : main span length 0.02 ft 220 fl = dcck hoight U 2.5 ln(z/r,') l0 e I, 0b ft 15 .71 6.15 8.50 8.59 s2) 472 13,1 SUSPENDED.SPAN SUSPENDED-SPAN BRIDoES, TENSIoN STnUoTUHES, AND PoWER LINES : Ct : Co with 0'34 0.215 K (*tn''i"" = P +7 +'2r2{l+e-K\ ft:,,, { I\t r: c+ Cu:0 dC,, d" The modes involved were assumed to have the forms of simple sinusoids: : h6 / sin( ?r"r \ lrsl , /2nx\ a " sin(\lrt /I ' /nx\ otsvt : as sin[ " \/rrl : hnsv, &6 R(c) : R(c) : (T)' O,,' "O .rn\ ++ e3.t.77a) (t3.1.77b) I\t *: c+ . /2rx\ : ll ,i,2f:,i,zfr:,-Ctx'-xut fw':p:vp.W.# ,^ / Using these approximate expressions, we obtain the following results: (13 178a) (r3.r.78b) We now have the two following forms of Eq. 13.1.71: For a purely vertical mode, For a vertical mode Ra: 4c,htRc) (t3.t.73a) Rv : (13. r.73b) (CL * Co)z n?AtC> 4 :l#l'l<",'r\t# + (cL For a tonional mode, nr: +C2naf,ng\ J"J,t" ffi : (T)' or-' e-cv"-',,,, t.r",.))V 03.r.7s) For a purely torsional mode, 4 TXosinffi Trxn t c)z "?,lt# * (13.1.74b) where, for symmetric modes, Rrcl: f f + 6".) (13.t.74a) n, : c,ja{n1cy R(c) (r3.r.76b) with I QASVT (r3'r'76a) 1V;;y and, for antisymmetric modes, : -0.lll hsr, BRIDoES 47s ++ (r3 r.75a) ( r3. r .75b) :lutill'f,rr*,,,'lY# + + ou'*) (c'vai)2lt#? * t.r,'.))V (13.1.80) Using the data, the results of Fig, 13. 1.9 ure culculated. In each casc ni6 is the natural trequency of the mocle in qucntion. 474 t;t,til,t Nt)t t) lit'nN nnlxit :i. n Ni,t( )t.l i.llrt(;llill :; nNl ) t,()wl l ltNl The calculations just prcsontc(l arc inten(lc(l lo hc illuslralive . * Iil I : l)ct;rils rrrrtl approximations may difl'er sorncwhat accorclirrg t.o thc tlcsigncr's .jutlgrrrcrrt. Dependence of Aeroelastic Stability upon Bridge Characteristics. aeroelastic stability of a bridge is controlled by several factors: l. 'l'hc: Geometry of the bridge deck. Unstable shapes include solid girdcr or "H-section" types of deck form; open-truss deck sections with closed, unslotted or unvented roadways; and certain very bluff cross sections. On the other hand, stability is enhanced by streamlined forms and by open-truss sections that contain vents or grills through the roadway sur- flce. o.l'vibrution rf the bridge. High torsional frequencies tend to cnhancc stability. Examples of torsionally stiff shapes are closed torsion box scctions, rlr dccp trusses closed by roadway and wind bracing to constitute a latticed tube. On the other hand "H-sections" are torsionally weak. Stability is also enhanced if the torsion-to-bending fre- 2. I'-rcquencits quency is high. Mechanical damping of the bridge. Aeroelastic stability is clearly enhanced if the mechanical damping ratios of the bridge are high. We also mention the possibility of enhancing the aeroelastic stability of a bridgc by vibration reduction devices. Such a device, consisting of tuned mass dampers (TMDs; see Sect. 9.4.1) provided with disk brakes and not requiring any power source, was installed on the 1939 Bronx Whitestonc Bridge t13-1081. 4. Deck inertia. Heavier systems increase the flutter threshold. 13.1.5 Galloping The susceptibility of a bridge deck to galloping can be determined by inspecting the plots of the lift and drag coelficients C7 and Cp versus a (e.9., Figs. 13. 1.3 and 13.1.4). The condition for incipient galloping instability is (see Sect. 6.2): dCt da +cD<0 (13.1.8 r) of large-amplitude across-wind galloping of suspended-span bridges havc: not bcen reported to date. It follows from Eq. 13.1.81 that avoidance of deck shapes with regions ol strongly negative lift curve slopes is conducive to stability. Cases :;lll,l'l lllrl Ir'.1'l\lI Illlllr:l 475 ll srlst't'pt ilrilrly (() v()tl('\ tntlttt't'rl vibt;rlrorr r,.; lr prnlrlt'rrr. out'ol llrrr't'ly1x.s ol solrttittlt ctttt, itt gcnt't;rl, lrt'rrst:rl. l;ilsl, llrr. slrlllrr.:.s ol llrr- rrrt'rrlx't t:rlr lrt' ittcrcasccl so lhal llrc o.ilicirl witttl vcloci(.y t'xr't't'tls llrt' vt'lrx rllt's llr:rt rrril'lrl lrt. t:xltoctccl to occur clurirtg the: lili'ol llrt'strrrtlrrrr'. l'o t'rrlt'rrl:rtt.llrt't'lilicrrl vclocity U,,, thc lirllowing rr.:llrlion is rrsrrl: u,, : tt,l) s- (13.1.82) whcre n I is the fundamental frequency of vibration in the across-wind direction, /) is the across-wind dimension, and S is the Strouhal number of the member. Ilccause the dimension D of an individual member is small compared to the integral scale of the atmospheric turbulence, it may be assumed that the member bchaves aerodynamically as if the flow were smooth so that the Strouhal number can be taken from Table 4.4.1. Second, devices may be used that spoil the coherence of the shred vortices. llelical strakes and shrouds of the same design and with the same proportions rrs indicated in Sect. 10.3 may be employed on circular members. Figure 13.1.10 shows a spoiler device consisting of staggered fins that was successfully used {o suppress the oscillations of a pipeline suspension bridge [10-23,13-48]. This tlcvice would not be effective if the member were exposed to winds blowing lrom any direction (as would be the case if the member were vertical) rather than from just the direction parallel to the plane of the fins. Figure 13.1.11 shows perforations in the web of an l-section member that reduce vortex- induced response and galloping if the wind direction is normal to the web but wcre found to aggravate the galloping problem if the wind direction is parallel lo the web. Finally, in certain cases tuned mass damper (TMD) devices may be emlrloyed. The principle of these devices was discussed in Sect. 9.4. An example ol' a TMD used to control the oscillations of bridge I-beam members is described in detail in [l3-49]. The device consists of a cantilevered rubber-shank ;#- 13.1.6 Structural Members Towers and bridge members of circular, squarc, I or H scclion lnay bc sus ceptible to wind-induced vibrations, particularly urrrlcl llrt':reliorr ol'shcrl vor. tices. Itl(illltl,l l-1.1.10. Sl:rg,picrt'tl lrrr.,,rrr;r lrrlrr'lrrrt':,rr:,1x'rrsiorr lrlitllit'II t.lli, lO.ltl 476 :il,t;t 'l Nl)t t):;t,nN tnil)ct :i, llN:il()tt :iililr{jil,1il li. nNt) t'()wt il ilNt U U U U FIGURE 13.l.ll. Perforated web of l-section member. pendulum weighted at the lower end. The weight employed may be of the order O.l5% or more of the weight of the structural member. To reduce vortex-induced oscillations of individual cables such as those in cable-stayed bridges or the deck hangers of suspension bridges, cable-to-cable ties, friction or hydraulic dampers, or TMD devices may be employed. In cases in which the oscillations cannot be prevented, fatigue-free cable terminations rnay have to be used to avert damage at the supports. Mitigation measures may also be necessary to reduce large-amplitude vibrations (0.6 to 2 m double amplitude) that were observed in cables of cablcstuyccl bridges under the combined action of rain and wind. Wind tunnel studies cstublislrcd that the vibrations are due to mechanisms that include the formation ol't[:strrhilizing rivulets at the upper part of the cable [3-105]. The use ol t':rbles with protubcrances was found to be effective in suppressing the vibra- <tf l iorrs . 'llrt' rrriligirlion ol' bridgc tower oscillations by means of TMD and tunctl lrrlrritl rLrrrrpcr ('l'l,l)) dcviccs (see Scct. 9.4) is described in [9-79]. 13.2 rr:' : TENSION STRUCTURES, POWER LINES, AND POLES 13.2.1 Cable Roofs Vilrr':rlions ol' crrblc-srrl.rpotlctl nxll,s arc causctl prirrcipirlly by btrll'clirtg lirrccs tlrrt: lo irrcitlcrrt trrrtl slrrrcttrr-c inrlrrcctl lurbrrlc:rtcc. ll is lil.t'ly llr:rl llrrttr:r'(srrll. ll tJ:,1()N:illll,{:ll,l tl :,, l'0Wt n ilUt '. /\ l,{rl l.. 477 cxcilctl rlst'illitltolt) ol r';tlrlt' trrols is t'irt't'. sirrtt' ruoi{ tool :ilnt( lul(':. (l() u()l pcrtrrit erttrlttglt tlerllcclion lo itttlttt:c signilit;rrrt tlr;rrr1',t'r. rrr llrr' ;rt'r,rrlVnilnl(' lilrccs.'l'hc rturgrritrrclc: ol tlrc htrllctirrg lirrct's tlrrr lrt'rrrvt'slrp,;rlt'rl rrr wrrrtl lrrrurt'l tcsting ol'acroclastic or rigitl nurtlt:ls. lrr llrt' lrrllt'r t'lrst' lrxrtlrrrll Irrnt'tiorrs lo lrt. used in dynamic studics can bc: tlt'vt'lopt'tl l.nrrrr llrt'n'r'otlt'rl llrnt'tlt'grt.lrrltrrl pressures. Unwanted vibrations will rtol occrrr il lhc cirblc nxrl'is sullicicntly still'. Stiffness is achicvcd by thc pnrvisiorr ol'sullicicnt wcight, fbr examplc. in the form of precast concrctc r<xrl'pancls, by prctcnsioning of cables; and/or by the provision of a stifl'ening systcm of tensioned cables with curvature opposite to that of the main, load-bearing system. In double-curvature roofs, the loadbearing and stiffening cables form a network-in most cases, orthogonal. Unless carefully designed, such roofs may exhibit serious vibration problems that have, in the past, necessitated the provision ofadditional ties and the lubrication ofcable intersections to reduce noise caused by cable-to-cable friction. In single curvature roofs, stiffening cables may be provided at some distance underneath the load-bearing system, as in the case of the well-known Utica, New York auditorium. The two layers of cables and the vertical members joining them fbrm elements with considerable stiffness that prevent the occurrence of any significant wind-induced oscillations. Recent studies on wind effects on cable roofs are reported l 3-s3]. I in [3-50] to 13.2.2 Air-Supported and Tensioned Fabric Structures Long-span fabric structures, especially of the air-supported type, are a relatively new architectural and engineering development Il3-541 to [13-58]. In many instances their design has been based on rudimentary representations of the wind loading tl3-581. Attempts to develop more realistic and elaborate wind loading criteria or wind tunnel modeling procedures are reported in [13-59] to I l3-631. 13.2.3 Power Lines and Poles 'l'he design of power lines requires the estimation of drag forces and the pretliction and/or mitigation of wind-induced vibrations. A comparison between drag coefficients on standard aluminium conductors with a steel core and trapezoidal wire conductors is reported in [13-98]. Wind tunnel tests showed that for wind speeds higher than 85 km/hr, drag coefficients Iirr trapczoidal wire concluclrlrs urc srnirllcr than for standard conductors. RefLrrcnce ll3-991 reports thut wintl lrnrrcl rrrrrl lit'ltl lcsts rlrr 3.(16-rrr long slanrlanl t'rtttcluctors yicldcd sirrtilur tllrrp, t'ot'llit'icrrls. liir'ltl nr('lrsurcnlcnls ol' swing lrrr glcs antl insulaltlr lirtccs sltowt'tl llr:rl rvrrrrl lortt's t':rlt'rrl:rlr'rl lry lrssrrrrrirrl', rrrri lirrlrr wirrtl lrllrtls hitsctl ()tt rn(';r:rur('{l tlr;r11 trx'llt( l('nl:. ()v('r('sltnritl(' lltt' lrtlu:rl ll.l-99, l3 l(X)l A lrkt'ly ctlrl;111;s111111 ltr'r,.;rl lt'rr:,1 rrr l|:rt, rr tlrt'rrrr 1lt'r'li'r't sPirliirl coltcrcrtt't' ol llrr' ;r,'r,r,lyniunr( l,r;rrl:, I I | / l lirtcc:s I 478 lit,r;t 't Nl l t) r;t'nN nt lilxit :, l f..t:,tot.t r,ll,{ nll :;. nNt) t,()wt n nNt :; 'l'hr: rrtaill viltl'atiolr ;ttrrlrltrtns ol lorrp, sp;rrr t'irlllt:s:rntl Jllwt:r lirrt.s:rle irs lirll slllrn glrlkrpiltg, rrrrtl subsp:rrr wirker intlucctl galloping. These problems arc briclly discussocl bclow. I,or aclcli(iorurl irrlirr mation and studies on wind effects on power lines, sec ll3-641 kr ll3-7 ll, rrnrl sociated with voncx-shodding, ll3-1011 to [13-103]. VortexJnduced Oscillafions. Vortex-induced or Aeolian oscillations in long span cables are generally caused by winds with speeds of the order of 2 to l0 rn/s. The oscillations generate packets of narrow-band random waves arriving irl lho cirblc supports. Since the cable is not perfectly flexible, the waves causr: oscill:rlory honcling strcsses near the supports that result in fatigue damagc, rlrlt'ss lrrrr(c:ctivo rrrcasurcs are taken [13-72, 13-73, l3-],4]. In the casc ol' slr':rrrtk'tl wiri.:s lirtigrrcr tlirrnagc can be produced by shear-induced friction, which :rlli't'ts rrr:rirrly tlre irrrrt.r wircs. APPtrtrtcltcs Ltsctl to prcvcnt fatigue failure include the provision of speciul cttsltiortccl suppotls that allcviate the bending stresses and applications of thcr Ir-urctl rrrass clarnpcr ('l'MD) concept such as the classical Stockbridge dampcr ll3-7-5, 13-16, 13-771. The Stockbridge damper (Fig. 13.2.1) consists ot'ir roactivc countcr-vibrating mass with a fairly wide band of frequency possibilitics. 'l'hc cllbct of the mass is to suppress to a large extent the last half-wavc (ncarcst thc support) generated by the cable oscillation. Like all TMD deviccs (scc Scct. 9.4.1), the Stockbridge damper is not an energy dissipation device: to any apprcciable extent; it is, instead, an anti-resonant spring-mass devicc. stockbridgc dampers or similar devices can be readily purchased for a wide nrngc ol' spccific applications. Full-span Galloping. Full-span power line galloping occurs most characru. istically when ice forms on conductors and creates a new surface contour tlr:rt is pnrne to galloping tl3-781 to [13-80]. ilt II nt N(;t :; 479 Mclttts ol ltllt'vt:rlrttl' llrt'l';rllopirrg ol'powcl lirrt.s lrirvr: ilrclutle:tl rrrcltirrg 6l' ict: by cilt-ryirrg lril'111'1 ('un('nls lr'rupoliu'ily irrrtl llrus hcrrling lhc clblcs, instal llrtion ol'g:rlltlllirrg w:tttrirtll scns()rs localr:rl al sul)p()rt towcis in rcgigns whcre cablo icing is knowrr lo tlrkc pl:rco, urrti-galklping acroclynamic {evices designed kl spoil thc l<lcal llow, and tuncd rlass clampers at the center of cable apun.. subspan Galloping. Subspan galloping, or wake-induced lateral galloping (see Sect. 6.3), has occurred repeatedly in grouped or bundled conductors I l3-8ll to [13-84]; for a recent review see [9-ll. countermeasures have included (l) detuning the various cables in a bundle from each other by means of special spacers and (2) increasing damping by providing energy-diisipating spacers or by lowering the cable tensions, a measure that results in an increase of the inherent self-damping of the cable. None of these solutions has been f'ully effective. In particular, some highly complex and costly spacers with articulated and spring loaded arms have been found to be unsaiisfactory. conceptually simpler-although again costly-solutions have included a large increase in the number of spacers used between supports so that subspan lengths are cut down and the corresponding frequencies are raised, and a continuous twist of the conductor bundle from support to support, which breaks the spanwise coherence of the vortices shed in the wake of the windward conductor. The continuous twist solution has been judged, so far, to be impractical for application in the field. Poles with Partial lce coating. Experiments on circular cylinders with approximately uniform coverage by ice or snow over about a third of the circumf-erence (Reynolds numbers based on diameter 50,000 to 500,000) indicated that such coverage can create strong susceptibility to galloping motion, pafiicularly for ice or snow thicknesses of about 3% to 6% or tfie rytinaer diameter ll3-1061. The research of t13-1061 was motivated by massiu" loss", of poles with partial snow coverage in an Aleutian island wind storm [13-107]. REFERENCES l3-l l.\ \, 2 ll -l ll4 F. B. Farquharson (ed.), Aerodynamic stability of Suspension Britlges, parts Bulletin No. ll6, university of washington Engineering Experiment I-v, Station, Seattle, 1949-1954. C. Scruton, "Sevem Bridge Wind Tunnel Tests," Sur-veyor, 107, No. 2959 (Ocr. 1948;, 555. C. Scruton, "Expcrirtcnt:rl Investigation of Aerodynamic Stability ol suspclsion Bridges with spccill llct'crence to proposed sevcm Briggc.,, l,rpr. Cir.,. l'.ng., l, Pull l. No. 2 (M:rr. l9-52), lg9_222. A. Hirai, I. ()klrrrclri,:trrrl lr'l(;tilllt l.].2. l. Stoc'kbritlge tlrrrrr;x.r l. Miyrtl:r, "On thc Bchlviolol'srrspt'rrsrorr llritlpr.s Acri,r," irr l't., t ttlirt,g.t rtl rlta lnttrtutri.rttt! ,\\,rrtltrt.tit,tt rtrt ,\'rt.s J)t'tt\i.)tt llritl,4'.t, l.:tlrorrlotio N;r( i()nitl tlc lirrgcrrlrllilr ('ivll, l,islr11rr. l()(r(r, rrrrrlcr wirrtl pp. 24() 2.56. l;tJlil't Nl)l I)l;l'nN llllll)(il :i, llN:;l()N :;lllll(:l(,lll 48O I i;' nNl) l'()wl ll llNl lilttltrr-, ittttl ('. li. l'. llowert' y' '\trttlt'ttl Ilritlgt'luring lircctitttr ttnd (ltnltltlitnt,llc.lxttl Wintl Action on u Suspcnsion No. BLWT-3-69 with Appendix BLWT-4-70, F-aculty of Engincorirrg Scicttce:. university of western ontario, London, Canada, May 1969 and March 1970. W. H. Melbourne, West Gate Bridge Wind TunneL Tcsl.r, lntcrnal Rcporl, 13-6 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Monash University, Clayttln, Vic toria, Austrialia. l3-7 A. G. Davenport, 'The Use of Taut Strip Models in the Prediction of thc Response of Long-Span Bridges to Turbulent Wind Flow-Induced Structural Vibrations," in Proceedings of the IUTAM-IAHR Symposium on Flow-ln ducecl Structural Vibratktns, Karlsruhe, West Germany, 1972, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1974, PP. 373-382. 13,t3 R. L. Wardlaw, Static Force Measurements of Six Deck Sections for thc I'n4xxr:d Ncw Burrard Inlct Crossing, Report No. LTR-LA-53' NAE, Na{ir>nal Rcscarch Council, Ottawa, Canada, 1970. l3-9 R. H. Scanlan, Rct:cnt Methotls in the Application of Test Results to the Wirul Dcsign o.f' Long, Suspended-Span Bridges, Report No. FHWA-RD-75-11-5' Fecleral Highway Administration, Office of Research and Development, Washington, DC, 1975. 13-10 R. L. Wardlaw and L. L. Goettler, AWind Tunnel Study of Modifications ttt Improve the Aerodynamic Stability of the I'ong's Creek Bridge, Report No' LTR-LA-8, NAE, National Research Council, Ottawa, Canada, 1968. 13-11 Y. K. Lin, "stochastic Analysis of Bridge Motion in Large-Scale Turbulent Winds,' ' in Wind Engineering , Proceedings of the Fifth Intemational Conference, J. E. Cermak (ed.), Pergamon Press, Elmsford, NY' 1980' t3-12 13-13 13-14 l3-15 l3 16 l7 13-18 l3-19 W. H. Lin, "Forced and Self-Excited Responses of a Bluff Structure in a Turbulent Wind," Doctoral Dissertation, Department of Civil Engineering, Princeton University, 1977. R. H. Scanlan and R. H. Gade, "Motion of Suspended Bridge Spans undct' Gusty Wind," J. Struct. Dlv., ASCE, 103 (1971)' 1867-1883' D. B. Steinman, "Aerodynamic Theory of Bridge oscillations," Proc. AscF), 75, 8 (Oct. 1949), ll47-1184. D. B. Steinman, "Aerodynamic Theory of Bridge oscillations," Proc. ASCF), 76, I (Jan. 1950), 154-158. R. H. Scanlan and A. Sabzevari, "Experimental Aerodynamic Coelficients irr thc Analytical Study of Suspension Bridge Flutter," J. Mech' Eng' Sci',ln stituti<rn ol'Mcchanical Engineers, London, ll, 3 (June 1969)' 234-242' R. H. 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"'l'ltrcc Diltlcnsional Bchavitlrof GalIeping irr'l'clccornrrrrrrrir':rliorr (':rlrlt's ol liigrrn: ll Scc(ioll," .l . Wind ling- Irul- l.l l0I y. Iruiino, M. llo. irrrtl Il. A(r(,(l\ttt., -l(l ( 191{t'l). I / .)(' t .,! ilillxil ti, lFNtil(lN rillil,t;il,n] l;. ANt) l,OWl il llNl li f.l-102 'l'nttt.sttri.s:;iort Litrt, lIqli.rnrt.r, liltrA ll,trrtl lrtt!ttr.ttl (.otttlttt.tot. M(,lit,,t. li,ltl<l DL- 100-4, ljlcctr.ic:al l)owcr ltcsrrirrclr lrrstitutc, .]4 l2 Hillvicw Avcrtuc, Itrrlo Alto, CA 94304. tgig l3-103 M' E' criswe, and M. D. Vanderbirt, Reriabirity-based Dasil4rt ..r..r,n,t.srnis sion Line structures, E.RI EL-4793, Electricj po*", n",iurch rnstirurc, 3412 Hillview Avenue, palo Alto, CA 94304, l9g7. CHAPTER 14 l3-104 G' H. Hirsch, "Damping y,:(.ti;{;o Measures to control wind-Induced vibrations,,, in vibrations of structures, H. sockel ("d a;;;;Vertag, ), New l3-10-5 M. Matsumoto, N. Shiraishi, and H. Shirato, .,Rain-wind Induced vibrations .l'Cables of Cable_Stayed Bridges,,, J. lVind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn., 4l_44 (te92) 2011_2022. I I l0(r 1"' H' Durgin' D' A. palmer, and R. w. white, ..The Galloping Instability o| Ice Coated poles," J. wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn., 4l-4 (rgg2), 675-6g6. l.l 107 Ir. H. Durgin (personal communication, 1995). l'l loti 'Harmonizing with the wind," Eng. News Record., oct.2, l'l 109 P. p. Sarkar, New lcrentification Rridges ro wind,.D^epartment of Ilaltimore, MD. 1992. 1944, pp. OFFSHORE STRUCTURES Methods Appried to the Response oJ.Flexibre civil Engineering, J.h;. H;;;il-- university, wind loads affect offshore structures during construction, towing, and in ser- vice. They are a significant structural design factor, especially ii the case of large compliant platforms, such as guyed towers and tension leg platforms. wind can also affect the flight of helicopters near offshore platiorm landing decks il4-1, 14-2, 14-31, as potentially dangerous conditions may be created by flow separation (see Sect. 4.3) atthe edges of the platform. Let the horizontal distance between the upstream edge of the platform and the upstream edge of the helideck be denoted by d, and let the depth of the upstream surface-pro- ducing the separated flow be denoted by l. on the basis bt *ind tunnel tests, it has been suggested that the elevation ft of the helideck with respect to the upstream platform edge should vary from at least h = 0.2t if d = 0 to at least h = O.5tif d = tIl4-21. This chapter includes information on wind loads on offshore structures of various types (Sect. 14.1), and on the treatment of dynamic wind effects in the case of compliant structures (Sect. 14.2). 14.1 WIND LOADTNG ON OFFSHORE STRUCTURES Methods for calculating winrl loacls on offshore platforms are recommended in lrrlrorirtory irnrl lirll-scalc mcasurements indicatc that thcsc mcthods may, itt sttlttt' ittsl:rnt't's, lurvc scriorrs lirni(utions, particularly instllar as thcy d<l nol it('('()lrrtl tor llrt'l)r('scn('c ol'lili lilrcrrs, rrrrtl irccolll ll4-4lto tl4-8]. Howcvcr, irlsullicicntly--rlr ttol :tl itll lirr slrit'ltlirrli rrrrrl rrrrrlrr;rl t'llr'cls. I;6r. cxiuttplc, accrlrling lo wirrrl lrrnrrr'l (t.:,1 rt.:;rrlls lirr lr jltt.k rr;r (st.ll. clcvlrlirrg) 1ll:rllirrlrr Il4 ()1, llrt'rttt'llrorl:, ol Il.l .ll:rrrtl Il.l 5lovt.n'sl ilrurlt.wintl 447 488 ()t I liil( )nt 1; il tt,o t(,nt * s; kriuls on.jack-up units by at lcast .)-5,/n. 1q,;1;"r,rtcs bascd on lirll,scalc tluta lirr Ittl atrchorcd scmisubmersible platlirrnr ll4-l0l suggest that thc rtrolhotl 6l' f l4-5f ovcrprcdicts wind loads by as much as loo%. It has therclirrc bcconrc c()llllll()ll practice to obtain design information on wind forces on platlirrnts lirrrrr laboratory tests. Most tests provide data on mean, as opposed to gusting krirtls. ln using such data the effect of gustiness should be accounted fbr by :rrurlyticirl ffleans (see for example, Sect. 14.2). Possible Reynolcls numbcr e llccts shoulcl also be assessed with care. 'l'lris sr:ction briefly reviews a number of wind tunnel tests conducted for st'rrrisrrbnrc:rsihlc units and for a large guyed tower platform. Wind tunnel test irrlirrrrrirtiorr on.jack-up units, on jacket structures in the towing mode, and on tw() tyl)cs ol'concrete platform is available in [14-9], t14-lll to [14-14], ll,t \51, ll4-191, and [14-40]. $ o o 14.1.1 Wind Loading on Semisubmersible Units A st'lre tttltl ic view of the model of a semisubmersible unit used for tests reported in l14 l-51 is shown in Fig. 14.1.1.* 'l'hc sirlc lbrce and heeling moment coefficients are defined ti 0) ir .o a as o CY: , -Y tpU'(5O)A, (14. l. l) -o E 4) CK:, "K >pU'(50\A.H, (14.1.2) whcrc Y is the side force, K is the heeling moment, p is the air density, U(50) is thc mcan wind speed at 50 m above sea level, .4" is the projected side area, :urtl H, is the elevation of the center of gravity of ,4". Coefficients CY and CK lu'c obtaincd separately for the overwater and for the underwater part of thc rrnit. 'l'hc overwater coefficients reflect the action of wind and should be obt:rirrtrtl irr a llow simulating the atmospheric boundary layer. The underwater t'rx:llit'icrrls account for hydrodynamic effects and should therefore be measurecl irr rrnilirlru ll<lw. liigrrlcs l4.l .2 'tntl 14. 1.3 show values of CY and CK measured in [14-l-51 Ior tlrt' t'rrst' ol'trn upright dralil 7r,,. : 10.85 m (corresponding, for the unit lrt'rrr1, 11111fr'.;t'tl. (o:r tlisplirccrncnl'of lJ,729 tons). As noted in [14-151, thc l!urlx)sr'ol tltr'lt'sls lirr lhc undctwater part is to determine the elevation of thc r't'rrtr'r ol rt'lrt'liorr (i.r:., thc point of application of the resultant of the undcrw:rtt'r lort'cs) lirl thc l'r'cc-lkrating unit. For an anchored or dynamically posirlrlittrt's l'l.l.l tlrlorrglr ()v(rlrrrrrirrP, 14.1.(r arc cxccrptcd o o o () V) t D tu lrom E. Bjerrcgaar{ :rrrtl S. Vt:lsglu1r, ..Wirrtl lllli'(l()rl:tSctnisttbtttcrsiblc,"PapcrOTC3063, Pnx'raliu.rit,()llshort'l't:c6nokrgy ('orrl('11'tr((', lLtttslott,'l'X, May l()71'1. ('opyright 197t3 Ofl,shrlrt:'li.t.lrrrolo;,y ('orrlt'rt.rrt.t'. Ilrcrr|li1',lrttlr;tli71.11 rstlrctlcplhrtlirtutrclsionolthcrrnitirrllrt.t.vt.rrlrr'r'lrlrllitrprr(c.g..li1. :ttt:tlt1,,lt'ol lrcr'l y'r O"). 'Ilrc tlispl;ttt'tttt'tt1 is lltt'vrtlttntr'ol w:rlcltlisllllrct'rl by tlrc illrnrr,r:t'rl p;nt rrl llrr'rr1t I i 489 ()l l.(;l t()nt 490 llilt(,(;tt,nt * I t4 r wtNl) t()nl)tN(i ()N ()t tlit t()t il 1iilil,(:tUnt li 49'l 1 0.5 0 - 0.5 WIND -1 , TM0o:6.4 3 m 0.5 u " " 0 0,5 9.00m 10.8 5m 15.25m 1 sponding to 100-knot beam winds tl4-151. ft'f(illf{ltl 11.1.2. Values CY and CrK as functions of wind direction :rrr11li's ol lrt'cl y'r rlt at different lirr the overwater part [14-15]. tionerl rrrrit llrc ccnter of reaction is determined by the anchoring forces or by lltc tltnrslcrs I l4- l5l. liigrrrc 14. 1.4 shows estimated values of the heeling forces induced by 100krrol lrcrrrn winds* for various values of the upright draft T1as" and of the angle ol' lrccl <f . The elevations of the center of action of the overwater (wind) force lrrtl ol' thc ccnter of reaction on the underwater part are shown in Fig. l4.l.5. It is sccn that as the angle of heel increases the elevation of the center of action ol'(ltc wind force decreases. This decrease is due to lift forces arising at nonzero irrtglcs ol'hcel FIGURE 14.1.4. Wind heeling forces corre- @. The heeling lever is defined as the ratio of the overturning moment to the displacement of the vessel. Values of the heeling lever for 100-knot beam winds, obtained from the wind tunnel tests of [4-15], on the one hand, and by using the American Bureau of Shipping method U4-41, on the other, are shown in Fig. 14.1.6. (The displacements listed in tl4-l5l for the 6.43 m, 9.00 m, and 15.25 m drafts are 12,740 tons, 16,963 tons, and 19,495 tons, respectively.) It is seen that for large angles of heel the differences between the two sets of values are considerable. This is largely due to the failure of [4-4] to account for the effects of lift. It is noted in [14-16] that the largest overtuming moments are commonly induced by quartering winds. In the tests of [14-15] and [4-16] the water surface was modeled by the rigid horizontal surface of the wind tunnel floor. Following the method de- ,l 0,s lDistonce obove 2SJVoterline (m) U 0 deg 0,5 Tggo=$,1, 1 \-."- - " " " I6 9.00 m 10.85m 15.25 m $,1 -db*'w't" \-90 \di 360 deg Itl('lliltl'l 14.1.-1. Valucs C)'and C'Kas functions of direction ry' at dill-crcnt y'r lirl lltc rrrrt[:rwllcr pan ll4-l-51. anglcs ol' lrrt'l -'-e"\. .-'y''--'- rWitttls blowirtp', rtkrttg lltt' :rxis Y (lrig. 14. l. l). Wind blowing rrkrrrl', tlrr. :rrrs \ :rn''r1'tl (g (or lxrw) wirrtls. Wirrtls wlrost.tlirt:t.liorrs ltisccl lltc:uty',lr.s lrr.tu',rrr'., .y:rrrtl y:rr.r. tt'lr'trr'tl lo :rs rlululrrirrlt, wirrtls. ,,1 ;rs lrt':ttl lr'l(ltJRll, 14.1.-5. Illcvlliort ol'ccrrlcl ol :rt'liorr ol wirxl lorccs lrtxl corrcslxrrxlirrl', ccrrle r ol \l lrt'(iorr orr llrc rrrrtlcrwrrlcr lllrrl ll.1 l5l. rt' * I4 I WINI) IONI)IN(i ON OI I SHOIII] SIHUCTUBES 492 Modol Tesls A B S {ts-- ---- 6.43m 2 DRILLIN. RlGs BENorNc sHoE - {- - - --- 9.00m --)(-- ---10.85m ----o-.15.25m utu 493 / -tt2oo ToN (1a1 Ms) CLUMP.WEIGHT €ffiffi l. '3o' HEELiNG LIMIT I 22" (ra2shm) 0' 5o 10o 15' 20' DtA. PEBIMETER PILES Angle of heel frl(;lJltl,l 14.1.6. Wind heeling levers obtained from wind tunnel tests 64" and from Amer- I (1372mm) OlA. MAIN PILES l 12OO' (oAOm) ANCHOR CABLE - 6" (l27mm) OIA. COATED icirn llrrrcuu ol'Shipping (ABS) method [14-15]. scrilrr:rl in ll4-171, tests reported in [14-18] were also conducted by placing llrc rnoclcl in a tank filled with viscoelastic material up to the level of the wind Iturrrcl flxrr. This facilitates the testing of models of partially submerged units. Itclbrcncc [4-18] also includes results of tests conducted in the presence ol' rigirl ohstructions aimed at representing water waves. The results revealed that wuvcs could increase the overturning moments substantially. This suggests thc ncccl lirr improving the simulation of the sea surface in laboratory tests. 'l'hc acrodynamic testing of the Ocean Ranger semisubmersiblex is reportcd DIA. ANCHOR PILE tower platform. (A schematic view of the platform, installed in over 300 m of water in the Gulf of Mexico, is shown in Fig. 14.1.7 |4-241; see also Fig. 14.1.8.) The mean wind profile created in the laboratory matched closely both the power law: in ll4-3t)1. The problem of combining hydrodynamic and wind loads was by conducting I : 100 scale aerodynamic models in turbulent flow lltxrr with rigid waves, and using lightweight lines to apply the measurccl rrrcirrr rrrrl lluctuating wind forces and moments to a l:40 hydrodynamic rnodcl It'stt'rl irr contlilions sirnulating those experienced during the storm. Additional wintl lrrrrrrt'l tt:sts ol'scrrrisuhmcrsiblc units are reported in[14-14] and [14-l9l Io I l.l ))1. I l/t 401. lnrl I l4-411. <182snm, FIGURE 14.1.7. Schematic view of Lena guyed tower platform. From M. S. Glasscock and L. D. Finn, "Design of a Guyed Tower for 1000 ft of Water in the Gulf of Mexico," J. Struct. Eng., ll0 (1984), 1083-1098. u(z') ;rtltlrc:sscrl ovcl f2" : / - \l'12 urrol ( (101) 14. l .3) rr 14-1.2 Wind Loads on a Guyed Tower Platform l{t'lr'r't'rrt't' ll,X 2ll prcscnts rcsults of wind tunnel measurements on a l:120 st';tlt' rrotk'l ol'llrc ovcrwittcr part of a structure similar to Exxon's l-cna guyctl r'lltt'()tt'itrt lllrrrgcl llrtl citltsizctl olt licbntatry 15, 1982 in Hitrcurirr l'rcltl. Illr krrr sorrllrt:irst ol Sl .hrlur's Nt'wlirtlxllittttl. itt it slonrt with l7 rrr lo 20 rn wavc heiglrtr, lrrrrl l.)o hrrr/lr to IlO krrr/ Itt wrttrl s1x't'rls. ll w:ts lltc l:rr11t'sl sttbtttt'tsibk: oll,slrore tllillirrl', plirlllrrrr rrr llrr'rror|r1.,1(r rrr lrililt lrottt Lrt'l lrt ogrt'ltlirttts tlt't k rttttl witlr l2O rtt ktttp. pottlrxrrrs. All ol llr, li l , rlu' rrrcrnlx rs wt.r(. losl rtt lltt' :rtr'trlr'nl i and the expression for sustained winds (i.e., winds averaged over at least one minute) recommended by the United States Geological Survey [14-7] for use within the Gulf of Mexico: rJkt: uoo) / - - (:r-:,) \01128 (14.1 .4) where z7 : 2.2 m and z is the elevation above thc still watcr lcvcl in rlclcrs. The airlwater boundary was modeled by the rigicl horizonlirl surlircr: ol' llrc wind tunnel floor. Forcc irnrl rrxrrncnt cocliicicnts wcrc tlclirrctl llv n'llrliorrs ol thc typc ('t J" llrtl'1 11,;,'1,' (l,l I 1) I ()t I lill()l11 494 1;lllt,(;l{,lll li l.l I wlNl) l()nt)lN(i ()N ()t t:iu()nt t;nl,clt,lil l; 495 Y CD, CMD Drilling Derrick (2 t x +224.9' -tI Derrick Structure (2) - + 163.5' Flore Boom "A Wind Tunnel Investigation of Loads and Pressure on a Typical Guyed Tower OlTshore Platform," Paper OTC 4288, Proceedings, Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, TX, May 1982. Copyright 1982 Offshore Technology Conference. FIGURE 14.1.9. Notations. From P. J. Pike and B. J. Vickery, @ Decx Slruc'iure (enclosed @ + ) Dritting Pockcges ( 2 ) @ P- ronts 5B.O'- u(r6t CT. CMT @ Crews Quorters (2) Subslructure Well Conduclors Elv. O.O (14.1.6) where F and M are the mean force and the moment of interest, p is the air density, U(16) is the mean wind speed at 16 ft above the water surface, and the reference area AR and length l,a were chosen as 1 ft2 and I ft, respectively. in ll4-231are represented in Fig. 14.I.9, which also shows the notations for the respective aerodynamic coelficients. The The force and moments obtained Deck r56'x 156'x 57 Flore Boom to' rJ- moments characterized by the coemcients CMD and CMT were taken with respect to a distance of 6.2 in. (62 ft full-scale) below the still water level. The measured values of the aerodynamic coefficients are represented in Fig. 14. l. l0 for several platform configurations. The configuration for the base case was the same as in Fig. 14. 1.8, except that the deck structure was not enclosed. Additional results in Il4-231 show that the effect of enclosing the deck is ncgligible for practical purposes, as is the effect of the well conductors. Rernoving the flare boom results in torsional moment reductions, but has negligible effects otherwise. It is shown in|4-231that drag forces and drag moments based on wind tunnel measurements are smaller by about 30% and 2O%, respectively, than the calculated values based on tl4-71. To check the extent to which the results depend upon the laboratory facility bcing used, the same structurc was subscqucntly tcsted indcpendently in a .-J Skid Bcse 67'x32'x8' lro dction of Boom I eo' I t+2' I I different wind tunnel ll4-2-5 1 ltt tnosl c:rscrs ol' signilicrrncc lnrrn ir rlcsign vicwpoint the results obltrirrt:tl irr ll,1 2.5 1 wt'n' liugr'r llurrr tlrosc ol'll4 211 hy anlounts that did not cxcct'rl lO to \Oi)l, I Nole: Helidecks Resl on Top of Crews Quortcrs Itl(llJlll,l 14. (ittycrl lowcl-Platlirrlrr: (b) (a) siilc t'lt'v:tltott, (/') l)l;trr ll4 rl)illr'rerrtt'slrt'lwt'ettttsttllsol;r,'ro,l\tt.rtttt, 25 1 lirtilitrr's;ttt':tlso ttrtlt'rl itt Srr't I (r nr.l.nrrrrrl.,rrrrrlrril'1lrr'Il'r'n'l{lll\ utrltll(t.11 1.1 F. U u O -. () - O ;, IrYNnMt(. | lllclli ()N (;()Ml'l lnNl ()l l:;l l()l l :;llill(:l([il :; 497 BASI CAS[ L w/0 fasl otRRlcK w0 B0rll oEnnlcl(s ' w/0 DBtU-t]{G EOUIPiIEM zDECl(COilFlGURATloll N r L u a r: U O O L C o F z U I a = I'IIND DIBECTION b) 0 l,,llND DIRECTI0N (c) SIASE CASE EAST OBREK WO BOIH DERRrcT\S () WO I - z o W0 oRlUJilG EoUlPillEl{I 2 FIGURE f4.1.f0. (Continued) DECK GoilHGURATtoil U / ,**-tt- /P I I u a ./ *F*t^: 14.2 :.--t","--- \: - ' ,\V''i U E a DYNAMIC WIND EFFECTS ON COMPLIANT OFFSHORE STRUCTURES Compliant offshore platforms are designed to experience significant motions TM,T{SVEBSE MOMEIIIT (CMT) under load. An important advantage of compliance is that the forces of inertia Irssociated with these motions contribute to counteracting the external loads. ln the case of large offshore structures installed in deep water, compliance has the additional advantage of making it possible to design platforms with vcry low natural frequencies in the surge, sway, and yaw degrees of freedom* ( c. g. , I /30 Hz to I / 150 Hz, depending upon type of platform and water depth) . Wavc motions have narrow spectra centered about relatively high frequencies (c.g., trom lll5 Hz for extreme events to about I Hz for service conditions). 'l'lrus, aside from possiblc second-order effects, compliant platforms generally r IJ t : ) tkr not cxhibit any dynarnic amplilication of the wave-induced response. t.lnlikc wave motions, winrl spcccl lluctuations in the atmospheric boundary lrrycr arc charactcrizccl l'ry brorrtl bltrttl spcc(ra (scc Fig. 2.3.4). For this rcason I'IIND DIRECTION (b) 14. 1.10. Wintl tLrnncl tcst rcsults. From P..1. l)ikc rrntl ll..l . Vickcry, "A Wirrrl 'l'trrrrrcl Irrvcstigalion ol'l-uacls antl Prcssurc on a'l'ypic:rl ( irryt'rl lirwcr-Oll,shon' l,'l(Jlllll,) ll,ilrt'irt tttolions ilr lltc lorrliitrrrlur;tl. tr;rr:vrt:r', rrttrl vr'tlir':rl tlirct'liolt ltlt' lt'lt'rtt'tl l() its .rrrrli(, llt\',;rtttl ,/tcilr,, tcspcclivcly. Arrl',rl;u rlolroli rr .r lr;rrtv('rs(', lurrlr,iltrtlirr;tl, :ttttl ltotizottlltl Pl;tttr' rrtt ttlt'rtul lo lts toll. pilt lr, rttr,l \/it\\. lr".l! ' lr\' lY l'l:rllilnt,"l'irPt:r'()'l'('42llll, I'nxcttling.s,O.ll.shrtrt'll'r'ltttolrt,t:\'('t,nl('tt'ntt'.llorrslorr. l'\. Miry l()1{2. ('opyriglrl l()tl2 ( )ll.slrorc 'l'ccltrtology ( 'ortlt'tt'rrt r' 496 rti&. 498 ()t Il;l t()nt liutt,(itt,lu l;l l' l)YNnMl(: Wl[]]) I lll(;11; ()N O()Ml'l lnNl ()l l:;l l()l tl l;llll,(;ll,ltl I il ltrrs ltccrt sllr(ctl irr lltc litcr-ulurc llrrrt wintl incluccrl rlynanric iurrlllilir'ir(ion cllccts orr cotttpliilnt structurcs arc signiliclril ll4-23,ll4-261. A rnorc gt-liu:(lc(l ol'thc cl]'ects of wind gustincss was prcscntetlinl14-271as pafl rll' of thc response to environmental loads of the North Sca Hutton tcnsion lcg platform (Fig. 14.2.1, see also tl4-281). According to ll4-271: "Wirrd gusts are typically broad-banded and may contain energy which could cxcitc surgc motions at the natural period. These would be controlled by surgc tlrrrrrping. 'l-hcorctical and experimental research is required to clarify the iml)()r'liulcc ol' this mattcr. " irssossrfronl ilrr cvaluation l; 499 Irrve:sligirliorrs irrlo llrt'bchirvior ol'(otlsi()tl lcg pl:rtlirrrrrs utrclor wind loads rcJrortotl in ll4 291 trrrtl ll4-.101 wcro basccl ott lhc assulnption that the response to wind is dcscribccl by a systcrn with proportional damping, the damping ratio bcing ol'the rtrclcr of 5%. Howcver, it was shown in [14-31] that for structures cornparablc to the Hutton platform, the effective hydrodynamic damping is considerably stronger, and that the wind induced dynamic amplification for krw-f'requency motions are for this reason negligible. Section 14.2.1 describes thc approach used in t14-311 to estimate the response of a tension leg platform to wind in the presence of current and waves, and a simple method for estilnating the order of magnitude of the damping inherent in the hydrodynamic loads. 14.2.1 Turbulent Wind Effects on Tension Leg Platform Surge Under the assumption that the extemal loads are parallel to one of the sides of the platform shown in Fig. 14.2.1 , the equation of surge motion can be written AS Mt : (14.2.1a) F,(t) where F,(i) = F,(t) + Fh(t) + R(t) (14.2.tb) In Eq. 14.2.1b, F,(t), FhG), and R(/) denote the wind force, the hydrodynamic force, and the restoring force, respectively. Not included in Eq. is the damping force due to internal friction within the structure, which corresponds to a damping ratio of the order of l% and is negligible compared to the damping forces associated with hydrodynamic effects. Wind Loads. Like the hydrodynamic loads, wind loads consist of a component flow separation, and an inertial component associated with the relative fluid-body accelerations. However, it can be verified that the inertial component is about two orders of magnitude smaller than the component due to flow clue to scparation, and can therefore be neglected in practical applications. To estimate the wind-induced drag force it is assumed that the elemental rlrag fbrce per unit of area projected on a plane P normal to the mean wind spccd can be written as p(y.:. l'f (Jllfll'l 14.2-l- Sclrcttntic vicw ol'thc Hutkrn tcnsion lcg plrtlirrrrr. Irnrrn N. llllis. .l ll.'l'clkrw. li. Atttlctsott, urttl A. L. Wrxxlhcatl. "lltrllorr'l'l ,l'Vcsscl Slnrclrulrl ('rrttlillttr':tlrrrrt rtlttl l)trsig,lt liclrturcs," l'}apcr ()'l'(' 442J, l'tttt t,t'rlirr.r;.t. O llillrrc 'l' llrlol'y ('ottli'rt'trt't', l lottslolt, 'l'X, Miry l()t12. ('opyl'iglrl l()l.i-! ( )llslrort' 'll't lrrrology ('orrlt'tt'lrt r'. 11 - !p,,C,,(t, z)Iu(y, z, t) - i?)f (14.2.2) whc:rc /r,, is thc air tlcrtsily. { ),( r'. l) is thc pressurc cogfiicient at clcvatiolr l: Irrrtl lxrrizolr[:tl crxrtrlitut(t' t'ttt lltc plrtttc P, / is thc titttc,,r is thc surgc tlis plirt't.r1etr(, lhc tl<lt tlt'trolt:, rlrll, r, rrlr:rliorr witlr tcspcct trl litrrc, ltlttl tr(.y, :, /) is lltt' wirrtl spccrl rrpwirrrl ol llr,' :,lnr(lur(' irr tlrc tlirct'liott ol-lltc tttclttt witttl. 500 t otIr;il()ril riilr(,(;ilililli 'f'lrc spccrl u(.y, ?., l), can bc cxprcssr:tl lts a stttrr ol'lhc ntcan spc:ccl tlrc llrrctuirting spccd u'(y, 2., t)'. u(y, z, t) : U(z) * u'(y, z, t) {/(l) unrl wlrt'rt' ..1,, Io tlrt' rrrcrrn : (14.2.3t s7,;,.,(n) dz J^,,rrr.z. 1dy (14.2.4) is thc projection of above-water part of the platform on a plane normal wlnd speed. 'f 'lrt' nrerrn speeds can be modeled by the logarithmic law (Sect. 2.2.3). Thc sl)r'( llr ol thc longitudinal velocity fluctuations can be modeled by Eqs. 2.3.25.* 'l'lrt' t'r'oss spcctra of the longitudinal velocity fluctuations are modeled by Eq. 'l'hc cllcct of longitudinal separation should also in principle be taken irrto lrecotrnt . However, it follows from information presented in [2-89] that tlris cllct't is ncgligible as far as fluctuating aerodynamic loads on offshore l.l.lO. slru('tlrrcs irrc concerned. lt cirrr hc verified that the mean square values of u' and i and the mean vrrlrrc ol'thc product u'* are small compared to the square of U. It then follows l'nrrrr llr1s. 14.2.2, 14.2.3, and 14.2.4 that the mean drag load can be written SL",(.y,, '' #Tu\^"'"'' z)u2(z) dY dz - ,,,\n"Cn', z)u(z)u'(2, t) dy dz .t. l.rl). nrttgc dy1 dv; tl?.1 tl:.; S" (n) : as (t4.2.9) lrsr^"r;rt of the process uLqU) : ? "'"rt cos(Zrn1 -t $,) (14.2.10) In Eq. 14.2.10 the phase angle S; is generated by random sampling from a uniform distribution in the interval 0 < fi < 2tr. Let the spectrum of the force F',c,,,(t), defined as : (r4.2.1t) p oC oAoU(2")uLq(t) be denoted by Sp"o,,(n). ClearlY s"*,,I,) = (14.2.6) (14.2.1) rNolt' lh:rl lor lhc licrlucncy r - 0 Bqs. 2.3.25 yicld a spectral onlirurlc ,S(0) prrrgrrlional to tlrc irrlt'1ir:rl lrrrllrlcncc scllc /,), in accordancc with lundarncntal princilllcs (st'c Iitq. 2.1 l9). On llrt^ ollrt'r lr:rrrtl. li1. 2.-1.2.1 (c.9,., quotc(l in ll4-231) yiclds S(0) O, urrtl i1 tlrcn'lon'rrult'rcstirrrirtt's lltt'spt'tlrrl otrlirtirlt's itt llrc z) (r4.2.5) :rrrtl l;,, is thcr clcvation of the aerodynamic center of the above-water pan of the lrlrrtlirrrrr. linrrn lic;s. 14.2.2 to 14.2.5 it follows that the fluctuating part of the wirrrl rlrrrlq lorrtl (hut would act on the platform at rest (i.e., with i : 0) is I'i,.,(r) 2.1, From Su,"o(n) it is possible to generate by Monte Carlo simulation realizations whcrc lhc overall aerodynamic drag coefficient is : : s,.*o(n) F 1c,,,(t) = ip"C/"U'(2") lz, The spectrum Sn,(n) can be estimated numerically by assuming Cr(li, z) c,(i :1,2). An equivalent wind fluctuation spectrum can then be defined lts F,(i) 501 : ,i,\^, Jr,, ,r,,.u,' ;1)( ),( v.,' ::.,){/(::')l/(;:,) (l.r.l.ri) x I :; 'l'ltt'liottltt't wlrcrc l[c sgbst'r'i1tt l rcl'crs to llre llrct tlrir( tlrt'pl:rllirlrrr is irl lr's( . translilnrr ol' (hc auloc<lvariattcc litttc(irtlt ol' /"i ,(l) yie ltls 'l'hc totul wind-induced drag force is F,(r) ()N (i()Ml'l IANI ()l l:ill()l ll :;llltl('ll'lll l4:' l)YNnMl(i wlNl) I lll(;l:; ol lypicirl nalttral lictlttt'tttit's lot torrrplrurl slrrrclrrrcs (liig. (t4.2.12) sr,.,(n) Thus aio(l) can be viewed as an equivalent wind speed fluctuation that is perfectly'coherent over the area Ao and whose effect upon the structure at rest is the same as that of the actual fluctuating wind field. The total wind load acting on the platform can thus be expressed as F,(t) : ip,CA,lU(2,) + u'.r(t) - *(t)12 (14.2.t3) Numerical calculations have shown that if the difference between the elevation of the helideck (or the top of the crew quarters) and the underside of the lower deck in a typical drilling and production platform is less than about two-thirds to three-quartors ol'tlre-witlth ol'thc rnain clcck, thc tcrm C](z' in lit1. 14.2.|t. z2)2 of p,q.2.3.30 can bc ncglct'tctl wlrt'rr ev:rlrurling tlrc ilt(c:grlrl litcttlIol'ltlXrtt( lltlrrr(', llrt'ttlr:rt('issrrritllel. Thisisaconsequenccol'the 1.5. 'l'hc appnxinruligrr'ttl rrt ttclr,lct lirrp, ( "(.11 l:,)' is sliP,lrlly t'6tr scrvltivc l-nlln a slntt'trrllrl cnllln('('r lrll lt()lttl ol vir'w ltltorrlllr trrsll'.ltillt';rlrtIV ()l l:;l t()ilt liiltt,(;tUtil A/llJl) I IIrI(;t:i ()N (;()Mt't tnNt ()t t:il l()nt tiillt,(:tt,llt ti 503 tllrrrrpirrg cocllicicrrl . ll wlrs rrssrrrrctl lirl converrit'rrct' irr ll4 .lll tlrirt lltt' wirvt' rrrotiorr is rrronoclrronlrtic', lrt:rrcc lhc:rbscttcc rtl sct'otttl ortlcl tllilt lirtccs irt l;.q. 14.2.ltt ll4-311. l( was lssunrcd in lrtklilion lhlr( /J O, sincc llrc I'lrrlilr(ion tlarrrping at low licqucncics is ncgligiblc ll4-121. 'l'he total wave-induced exciting lirrcc arrtl tltc sut'gc-irtltlctl tnrrss cutt bc cstimated numerically on the basis of p<ltcntial thcory. Altcrn:rlive:ly, thcsc lwo Lcrms may be assumed to be given by the incrLia c()rllp()ncnl ol'lltc Morisott equation: lil(lllltl,l I r 14.2.2. Integration domain t) A= p.Xlv4(c-ut.l and lrrrslirrrrrrl iorr ol' variables. F" = s()). N()linlt, thcn, that for any arbitrary function O, I,, J, *,, Y, * Y,l) dY, (tY2: * I' *u,,, t) dt (14.2.14) (l;ig. 14.2.2), and assuming Co(li, zi) = Co, U(zi) : U(2"), and Su,(n) = ,t,(:,,, rr1, (i - I ,2), it follows after some algebra from Eqs. 14.2.8,2.3.30, rrrxl 14.2.9 that S,."q(ru) = (r4.2.15) Su(zo, n)J(n) , n) is the spectrum of longitudinal velocity fluctuations at elevation J(n) is a reduction factor accounting for the imperfect coherence among llrc llucl.uating wind pressures at different points of the platform, given by the wlrcro 5',,(2,, :,, , and cxprcssion .r(n) r'; lrr : -3 [-*0,-E) + (r - ;) texp(-r) - r]] n : c.b' u(2") - (14 Hydrodynamic Loads. The total hydrodynamic load F1, can o" F,, * F,,- Ax - I].r (l4.2.lti) wlrcrc /'), is thc (ollrl hytlr<ltlytltttric viscotts lirlcc, /,,. is llrt'lotrrl w:rvc irrtlrrccrl r'xt'itirrg lirrcc, y' is llrt'srrrgc:trltlt:tl rrrirss, lrrrtl /J is llrt'srrr1't.wlrvr'r'lrrli:rliorr t u11 - rt*) (14.2.20) (14.2.21) /2r\2 :;I (r"i (t4.2.22) ll4-34, p. 1571. The total hydrodynamic viscous load may be described by the viscous component of Morison's equation F,, [rr,: tDi where 11 is the wave height and k,, is the wave number given by be written in thc lirrrrr . 2z-r\ rH ^"'cos\k.Xt r.- /. uii:Te -T) lirl. 14.2.1'7, b is thc width of main deck. Equation 14.2.15 can be used in Irt'rr trl lirls. 14.2.213 antl 14.2.9 forthe Monte Carlo simulation of the equivrrlcnt vclot'ity lluctuations aiu(t) (see F,q. 14.2.10) needed in the expression of tlrt'lolrrl wintl kxrcl acting on thc platform, Fu(t). l* ll4-34, p. 3l], where p, is the water density, vu is the elemental volume of the submerged structure, C-u is the surge inertia coefficient corresponding to v,r, X is the horizontal distance from some arbitrary origin to the center of V; along the direction parallel to surge motion, ui and u;1 are the current velocity and horizontal particle velocity due to wave motion, respectively, at center of v,,. Equations 14.2.19 and 14.2.20 may be employed if for the component being considered the ratio of diameter to wave length, DIL < 0.2 ll4-34, p. 2831. Since forT* = 15 sec, L: gTz*l2T = 350 mll4-34, p.2831, where 7", is the wave period and g is the acceleration of gravity, it follows that for members of typical tension leg platform structures, for which D < 2O m or so, the use of Eqs. 14 .2.19 and 14.2.20 is acceptable if three-dimensional flow effects are not taken into account. The wave motion can be described by deep water linear theory, so 2 t6) (t4.2.17) p.llr,,r. (14.2.19) : 0'5P,,' LL {'1,A,,,1.t', * ttii *l[ui + u,, - *l (14.2.23) whcrc ,4r,,, is arca ol'clcrut'n(rrl volrrrut' v,, grnricclcrl <ln lr planc rtolrturl (o (lrc r!ir-ccliorr ol'lho ctrrrcrrl , irrul ( ,7,, rs llrc tlr;r1', tocllit'it'rtl r'olrt'sporttlirtp. lo ,'1,,,,. ll tltc lclirlivc rnoliorr,rl 1111' lrrxly wrllr rr's|t't'l to tlrc lltritl is lr:rt'tttorur'. lltt' * 504 ()t Iriilolit r;ilrt,(;t(,til l; 505 (lnrg an(l incrliu crrcllicicnts itt Mrtrisort's c:(lulriion can bc clctcrntirtrrl ort lltc brrsis ol'cxpcrirrrcntal results as lunctions ol'local oscillaklry Rcynolrls rrrrrrrbcr. (11, , 2TD2l(il.t), Keulegan-Calpenter number, K : VTt lD, an<l rclalivr: b<xly srrrlircc nrughness, where D is the diameter of the body, a is tho kincnratic viscosity, V and T1 are the amplitude and period of the relative fluid-brxly vclocity. Howcver, actual relative fluid-body motions are not harmonic. I'his intrirtlrrccs rrnccftaintics in the determination of the drag and inertia coeflicients t'vcrr il t'xlrclirnontal information for harmonic relative motions were availablc rr t('nns ol (11,, rrncl K. Unfortunately, such information is not available tbr thc :rrrrrll A rrrrrrrbcrs (of the order of 2) and large Reynolds numbers (of the ordcr ol l0(') ol inlcrcst in tension leg platform design. Forthis reason calculations :lrrrrrltl lrt't':rllicd out for various sets of values Ca, C., and investigations :.lrorrltl lrt't'orrtlucted into the sensitivity of the results to changes in these values. Restoring Force. The surge-restoring force in a tension leg platform is supplit'rl lry (hc horizontal projection of the total tension force in the tethers. Most ol lhis lirr-cc is the result of pretensioning, which is achieved by ballasting the lloirting platlirrrn, tying it by means of the tethers to the foundations at the sea lkxrr'. llrcrr dcballasting it. The tension forces in the tethers should exceed the t'onrprcssion fbrces induced by pitching and rolling moments due to extreme lrxrtls. FIGURE 14.2.3. Notations. to the hydrodynamic viscous load F,, (Eqs. 14.2.1, 14.2.18, and 14.2.23). For this reason it is appropriate to solve Eq. 14.2.1 in the time domain. The nominal natural period in surge is l.lrrtlcr thc assumption that the tethers are straight at all times, the restoring lirn't: c:rr.r bc written as R(/)__(r+srth+Lh (xll)'l a (r4.2.2s) wlrt'n' (',11 is thcr tkrwnclraw coefficient, equal to the weight of water displaced ;r; tlrt'rlr':rlt is incrcusctl by a unit length [4-32] (Fig. 14.2.3). lrr n'lrlity. lryrllotlynumic and inertia forces cause the tethers to deform transvt'rst'ly 'l'lrc rrrrglc bctwccn the horizontal and the tangent to the tether axis at tlrt'plrrtlirrrrr hccl can thcrcfore differ significantly from the values correspondirrp to lhc crrsr: ol'a straight tether. Nevertheless, owing to the relatively small rolt'ol llrc rcs(oring lirrcc in thc dynamics of typical tension lcg platfbrms, thc t'lli'cl ol srrclr tlill'crcrrccs on thc motion of thc platfirrrns appL)irrs to hc ncgligiblc lirr' prircticll purp()scs ll4-36, l4-37, (ry)" (14.2.26) (14.2.24) wlrcrc 7'is the initial pretensioning force, AZis the incremental tension due to strrgc rrrotion, /, is the nominal length of the tethers at r : 0, A/, is the incrcrrrcnlal lcngth, and rtlr T C'*[l tl/I l, 1 N,,: ,,,* Tn:2r l4-381. Surge Response. 'l'hc strrgc rcsl)onsc is olrtiritrctl by solvrrrl, lrt1. 1.1 .J.1. 'l'ltis r't;tlrliorr is norrlirrt'ru', llrt' sl nrngt'st corrllilrrrliort lo llrc rrotrlrrrt';uity lrf i111' 1111q' where M"6 is the coefficient of the term in -t and ft the coefficient of the term inx in Eq. 14.2.1. From Eqs. 14.2.1, 14.2.18, and 14.2.24, it follows that :2trltu + 'qlt^f" "lTl T.- (14.2.26a) A calculated time history of the surge response is represented in Fig. 14.2.4 for a platform with the geometrical configuration of Fig. 14.2.5, under the following assumptions: platform mass M : 34.3 x 106 kg; total initial tension in legs T: 1.56 x 105 kN; Morison equation coefficients C-i;: 1.8,x Ca,,: 0.6, wave height and period H :25 m and 7. : 15 s, respectively; current speed varying from 1.4 m/sec at the mean water level to 0.15 m/s at 550 m depth; aerodynamic parameter C,1": 4320 m2 elevation of aerodynamic center 2,, : 5O m; atmospheric boundary-layer flow parameters r:0.002, P :6.0, Li,: 180 m,J, :0.01,f,:0.2, Ct: 16 (scc Eqs. 2.2.23,2.3.2,2.3.4,2.3-25, lLl,tl 14.2.17); and mean wincl spccd [./(:,,) - 45 m/s. lt is shown in ll4-3 ll llurt thc contrihutions ol'(hc rucrrtt wintl itttrl ol (ltt' wincl lluctuations lo thc llelrk r'('sl)onsc ol'l"ig. 14.2.4 ut-c rtltottt 1ll')/,' lnd l)'/,'. as a function of time gl lriA, l,l .t \. rl lollows lrolrr llrcsc irsstuttltliotts itlrl ltottt lirlr l.l .t l(),rrrrl l(Xl s l,'l.,l.l(rr llt:rl lltt' tuttttittttl tt;tlttl;tl ltlrlttr'ttr 1' tr /,, '1'l16r'llre pllrtlirrtrt 506 ()t I1iil()ilt tiiltu(;l(,1il I'l :' lAlJl {}l l:'ll()l Wllllrllll(.1:,()N(.{)Ml'l ll "lllll{lll'lll ': ltll7 sUt!t,(' wits:tltt'tttlltt'rl irr llrt' li(i'l:rllll(' (tll lltt' lr:r:ltr-' t'l lltt' ol'strlgt'rturliott l('l)l('s('lll:j:l ltttt':tt :;vsl('llr wllll:l ctlrrirliort Irsstrrrrllli6rr llrlrt tltc (crltt lry it ttotttitl;tl tlirtrrpilrl' llrlto' ( Ilrt't'llt't ( cllltrltclcrizul viscotr,s tlirrlrping .l'this tcrrn is p6stulatccl to bc cclrrivllcrtt lo tlrc tl:rrrrpitrl', t'llt't'l ol lltc lrytlrrr tlynamic viscous lirrcc. Such an approach is acccptahlc il tlrc or.tlcl ol rrutg.triltttlt' ol lltt' ttortttlt:tl damping ratiit is consistent wi(h thc hyclnrtlynalrtic'bclt:tvior.ol tltt'syslcllr. rltlios Calculations are now presentccl that illustratc lrow such lttltttittitl tlltttt;'riltg 0l'trtrltttlClrl wirul orr 50 E40 U (5 can be estimated. It is assumed that aio(r)(see Eq. 14-2.10) is given by the harmonic function E. (=_/) llYll/\Ml{ r 35 uLqQ) 0 500 1000 1500 2000 TIME [s) uLot cos 2r (r4.2.27) ,t where I is the natural period in surge, and the system under consideration The ampliis linear with mass M + A, natural period 7,, arid damping ratio f' force harmonic of a tude of the contribution to the surge response relation the given by p,C.A,U(2")uJq r cos Ztrnt is denoted bY r,*u*, and is p,CuAoUko\u',, FIGURE 14.2.4, Calculated time history of surge response [14-31]. J! rr:spcctively. It can be verified that this conclusion is equivalent to stating that wincl-induced resonant amplification effects are negligible in the cases invesrigarcd in u4-311. Sensitivity studies showed that the results were affected insignificantly by uncertainties with respect to the actual values of the atmosphcric boundary-layer fl ow parameters. : !max tnt + ,cnnlT)) 11l - (14.2.28) 1 tnf lrl: + 12ynT,)2\t/2 equal The nominal damping ratio f is estimated from the condition that x,*,* be cos(2tl poCoAoU(Z)u'", force the of l to the contribution to the surge response Tn)t, as obtained by solving- Eqs. 14-2.1' By substituting 14.2.28, it follows that . ;:6 Nominal Damping Ratio of Pseudo-Linear System Representing the Re- sponse to Wind. It was indicated previously that the estimation of the effect jp"C,AuIJ{z)uio 1 l/f for n in Eq' (14.2.29) Calculations were carried out in 114-311 for the platform shown in Fig' 14.2.5 (with tether lengths In = 600 m) and for a similar platform with tether lengths l, = l5O -, .,iittg the mechanical, hydrodynamic' aerodynamic' and 14.2.29 arm"osph;ric boundary-lay"i flo* parameters listed previously. Equation ln m and 600 /, with platforms = l5O : for the O'2 = 0.5 andf yieldei I rn, respectively. : and Cmj: 1'8 on which these results were based with large diameters, such as those depicted members rnay not be realisiic fbr calculations were carried out in [14-3ll rcason lhis For in nig. 14.2.5 |4-34|. (,1, ol' vlrltrc scts . C,,,,. Thc calculated nominal clartlplilr a-numbcr of possihlc l-rc sullicicntly largc t<t prcvclt( tltt' tri lirruttl clrst.s in trll irrg rati.1s f wcic The- values C,1,, 0rprh; - 600r Itl(llllll,l 14.2.5. (it'otnt'lly ol ;tl:tllotnr o 6 ,raa,,rr"n"" gl- s(nlng wirrtl irrtlut t'rl tlyrutrrtit' :rrrrplilicalirln cllccls. Ilrtwt'vt't ' litr sorttc vlrlttr:s tll' (',1,,, ("ll('tllilli()lls irr wlrit'lr {ltt' :tssttttlctl ('tll'rcllls wottltl lrt' l.wt:r ll''t 1111;5;1:61'lt,i f f l r'orrl,l lr':,rrll rn rcrlut't'tl ttolltitt:tl tl:rlltpirrll l;tlios lol t't'rlrtilt clirrrit(olo1t,it'ltl t'otttllltott:' ll('i 'ltr"('rvttltl w;tvt'lt"sls viol;tlt'llrt'ltt'ytroltl:; i I ()t I r;il()1il :illlt,(ilt,lrl lt l llt N(it :; l; lln(l Kculcguu-Carpcntcr nuntbcrs, tltcy crtttltot pnrvitlc it rrsclirl ilrtlit'rrtitltt ol' tlrc c:ll'cctivc darnping lirr thc pn)totypc. 'l'his, in addition to thc ahscrrcc ol' lcliablc tlrag data fbr large Reynolds numbcrs and small Keulegan-Clilrpclllol' Irrunbcrs, is a continuing cause of uncertainty in the assessment of dynarlric t.llr:cts incluccd by wind acting alone or, in the case of a nonlinear analysis, irr c() with wave-induced slow drift. 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Vickery, "A Wind Tunnel Investigation of Loads and Pressure on a Typical Guyed Tower Offshore Platform," Paper OTC 4288, Proceedings, Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, TX, May 1982. 14-24 M. S. Glasscock and L. D. Finn, "Design of a Guyed Tower for 1000 ft of Water in the Gulf of Mexico," J. Struct. Eng. ll0 (1984), 1083-1098. 14-25 T. A. Morreale, P. Gergely, and M. Grigoriu, Wind Tunnel Study of Wind Loading on a Compliant Olfshore Plaform, NBS-GCR-84-465, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC, December 1983. 14-26 J. R. Smith and R. S. Taylor, "The Development of Articulated Buoyant Cofumn Systems as an Aid to Economic Offshore Production," Proceedings, European Offshore Petroleum Conference Exhibition, London, Oct. 1980, pp. 545 551. 14-27 J. A. Mercier, S..l . LcvL:rc(lc, antl A. [,. Bliault, "Evaluation o1'Hutton T[,P Response to Envirorrrrcntirl l,()r(1s." I'irpcr'O1-C 4429, Procccrlirgs, Ofl,shorc Tcchnology Ctttrli'tctrtr', Ilottslott.'l X. 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Salvesen et al., "Computations of NonlinearSurge Motions of Tension Lcg Platfbms," Paper OTC 4394, Proceedings, Offihore Technology ConJbrenct. Houston, TX, May 1982. J. A. Pinkster and G. Van Oortmerssen, "Computation of First- and SecondOrder Forces On Oscillating Bodies in Regular Waves," Proceeding,s, Seutrul lnternational Conference on Ship Hydrodynamics, Univ. of California, Berkc- ley, 1917. T. Sarpkaya and M. Isaacson, Mechanics of Wave Forces on Offshore Structures, Yan Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1981. 14-35 A. G. Davenport and E. C. Hambly, "Turbulent Wind Loading and Dynamic l,J .14 ofJackup Platform," Paper OTC 4824, Proceedings, Offshore Techrutlogy Conference, Houston, TX, May 1984. 14-36 E. R. Jefferys and M. H. Patel, "On the Dynamics of Taut Mooring Systems," CHAPTER 15 WIND.INDUCED DISCOMFORT IN AND AROUND BUILDINGS Response Eng. Strucr., 4 (1982),37-43. 14-3"7 E,. Simiu, A. Carasso, and C. E. Smith, "Tether Deformation and Tension Leg Platform Surge," J. Struct. Eng., ll0 (1984), 1419-1422. l4 38 E. Simiu and A. Carasso, "Interdependence between Dynamic Surge Motions of Platform and Tethers for a Deep Water TLP," Proceedings, Fourth Inter' national Conference on Behavior ofOffshore Structures (BOSS), pp.557-562, I 5 July 1985, Delft, The Netherlands. 14-39 R. L. Wardlaw, P. H. Laurich, and G. R. Mogridge, "Modelling of Dynamic Loads in Wave Basin Tests of the Semisubmersible Drilling Platform Ocean 1.1 40 l,l ,ll Ranger," Proceedings, Interncttional Conference on Flow-lnduced Vibrations, Bowness-on-Windermere, England, May 12-14, 1987 . .l . M. Macha, "Modeling Wind Loads on Mobile Offshore Structures-A Sumrrrrry of Wind Tunnel Results," in Wind Elfects on Compliant Offihore Plat.litrns, C. E. Smith and E. Simiu (eds.), American Society of Civil Engineers, Ncw York, 1986. lr. Iljerrcgaarcl and S. Hansen, "Wind Effects on Semisubmersibles and Other liloirling ()lllshorc Structures," in Wind Effects on Compliant Offshore Plat litrrns, (. li. Srnith and E. Simiu (eds.), American Society of Civil Engineers, New Yor.k. 19t36. It is required that structures subjected to wind loads be sufficiently strong to has viewpoint. Recent experience safety perform adequately from a structural must take the designer also shown that in the case of tall, flexible buildings, into account wind-related serviceability requirements. The latter may be formulated, in general tems, as follows: structures should be so designed that their wind-induced motions will not cause unacceptable discomfort to the building occupants. Wind-induced discomfort is also of concern in the altogether different context of the serviceability of outdoor areas within a built environment. Certain building and open space configurations may give rise to relatively intense local wind flows. It is the designer's task to ascertain in the planning stage the possible existence of zones in which such flows would cause unacceptable discomfort to users of the outdoor areas of concern. Appropriate design decisions must be made to eliminate such zones if they exist. The notion of unacceptable discomfort, which is seen to play a central role in the statement of serviceability requirements, may be defined as follows. In any given design situation various degrees of wind-induced discomfort may be expected to occur with certain frequencies that depend upon the degree of discomfort, the featurcs ol'thc clcsign and the wind climate at the location in qucstion. The discomlirrt is uttircccptlrhlc il'any of these frcquencies is .iuclgcd to bc too high. Statcrrrt:rrls s;x't'ilyirrg nurxinrtrrn acccptahlc tncan l't'ct;ucnt'ics <ll'<lccurrcncc firr virriorrs rlt'1'.rt't"s ol rlist'orrrlirl ruo ktrowtr:ts cotttlirll ttilr'r'i:r. ln crlrnlilrt critcritr tlt'vt'loP1'11 lor rrsr' irr rlt'sigrr il is irrtPlrrctit';rl lo Itli'r' cxplicitly to rlcgrccs ol tlisr'orrrl,rrl ;r: r;rrt lr ltlrllrt'r', ttlt'tt'rtt'r' is ttt:trk' lo ;t suilirltlt: l)itf:illc:(L:r, vluiotr- v;rlrr':,,r1 s,lrt, lt:ttt':tssor'irtlt'rl willt v:rrl()tts (l('l't('('s ol'tlist'orrrlirrl. ln llrc t'lr:u'ol \\'irrrl rrrlu(,'il 111111111111' ltlrliotts, lltls Pltl;tlttt'lt't ti 5l I 512 wtNt) tNt)t,ot t) t)[;(;()Ml ()t tt tN nfil] nt t( )t ||) I :il llvl(.1 nllll llv {)l lnl I llt,ll I)lN(ill llNl)l ll llll tNt) ttltll l)lN(iti tlrr: lruiltlirUl ilccclcralion- ln critct-ia pr:tlrrinirtg to thc scrviccability ol'pc:tlcslrirtrr rrrcirs, (hc paranrctcr cnrployed is an appnrpriatc mcasurc rtl'thc wintl s;lccrl noar lhc gnrund at the location of concern. Clearly, to develop comfirrt c:ritcria, i{ is rcquircd that parameter values be established that correspond to various tlcgrccs <ll'human discomfort. Furthermore it is necessary that to various clcgrccs ol'discomtirft-or, equivalently, to the parameter values that correspond Io thcnr thcrc bc assigned maximum acceptable probabilities of occurrencc. Vcrilying thc compliance of a design with requirements set forth in a given st't ol cornlil( critcria involves two steps. First, an estimate must be obtaincd ol tlrc wirrrl vckrciLics under the action of which the parameter of concem will r'xct'ctl tlrt' vrrlrrcs specified by the comfort criteria (these values may be referred Io irs t'r'ilir'irl). Socond, the frequencies of occurrence of these velocities must lrt't'stirrur(cd on the basis of appropriate wind climatological information. lf llrt' ln't1rrt'rrcics t.hus estimated are lower than maximum acceptable frequencies spccilictl by thc comfort criteria, then the design is regarded as adequate from ir st'r'v it:cirbil ity viewpoint. l{clcvrurt c:ornputational fluid dynamics methods are discussed in [4-89]. l{c:rsorrirhlc qualitative results have been obtained in some instances, but no t[:lirritivc validations appear to be available. The development of comfort crirclia lirr thc dcsign of tall buildings and questions related to their practical use irrc tliscusscd in Sect. 15.1. Comfort criteria forthe design of pedestrian areas rrntl rclatcd design information are dealt with in Sects. 15.2 through 15.4. n(.ll()N ()l wlt'll) 513 llcsul(s 6l cxprl.irrrcrrls ltirrrctl :rt r:stlrblislrirtg pt't't't'grliott llttt'slrolrlr lol pt' rirxlic rrrrtlions ol' 0.(Xr7 llz to 0.2 Flz Irtvr: ltt'r.'tt t't'1rot1t'tl ilr l l5 Jl. 'lltr' cxpcrirncnts, carricd out ort Il2 sLrb.ic:cts itt tttol iott sitttttlltlots l('l)r( \('llljrll\/(' of an ofiicc environmcnt, wcrc clcsigrrctl to litkt' ittto lteeottttl lltt' tltllttt'ttt t' ttlrott perception thresholds of bocly oricrrla(iott, llrtly tturvr:lttt'rtl, lrotly lxtslttlc, ;ttttl the extent to which the motion is anticipatctl by (lrt: srtbict'ts ol lltc t'xpt'lttttt'ttls The perception thresholds as reportcd 1'>y 50')(, tll'lltc: sttll.ic('ls w('le lirtttttl trr be approximately 1 % g,0.9% g, and O.6% g lirr frcqucncics ttl' v ibrat ion ol 0.(Xr7 Hz, 0. I Hz, and 0.2 Hz, respectively. It is noted that within this l'rcquoncy range-the perception thresholds decrease as the frequencies increase. Additional experimental results are used in [15-2] as a basis for a tentative relation between the horizontal acceleration of a floor and the percentage of the individuals on that floor for whom the acceleration will be perceptible' Studies of human response to vibrations of a motion simulator have also been reported in [15-3] and [15-4] for frequencies in the range 0.1 Hz to 1 Hz. Average perception thresholds were found to vary from about o.6%s for fre- quencies of 0.1 Hz to about 03%S for frequencies of 0.25 Hz. Motions were distinctly perceptible and the subjects were annoyed while working at their desks ilthe accelerations exceeded 1.2%g. Beyond accelerations of 4%g, the perceptions were described as strong and the subjects experienced difficulties in *ulking. The motions were described as extremely annoying or intolerable beyond accelerations of the order of 5%g to 6%9. Similar results have been in [15-5]. A study presented in [15-6] and [15-7] is based on observations of human reported 15.1 SERVICEABILITY OF TALL BUILDINGS UNDER THE ACTION OF WIND 15.1.1 Human Response to Wind-lnduced Vibrations Stuilics ol'human response to mechanical vibrations have been conducted within thc: lust two decades mainly by the aerospace industry. Because the frequencies ol'vibrir(iorr of interest in aerospace applications are relatively high (usually I llz to .15 Hz), the usefulness of these studies to the structural engineer is 11t'nclrrlly lirrritccl. Ncvcrtheless, results obtained for high frequencies have been r'xtrrrpol:rltril irr ll5 ll to frequencies lower than 1 Hz, with the following t'on1'slxrnrlt:rrcc bcirrg prlposed between various degrees of user discomfort and llrt' ;rt't't'lt't'rrliorts cltttsing them: Acceleration (in I)cgrcc of l)iscomfbrt percentages of the acceleration of gravity g) lrnpcrccptiblc Pcrccptiblc Annoying Vcry Annoying <)ns )nga!'t,g Irrlolt:t':rblt: ll%,s response to actual rather than simulated wind-induced accelerations. The investigation covered the behavior during a storn of two buildings and of their occupants. Estimates of the rms value of the top floor accelerations during the storms were based on response measurements for one of the buildings, and on wind speed measurements and wind tunnel testing for the second. These estimates represented averages (1) in time over the periods of highest storm intensity (20 min to 30 min)* and (2) in space over the entire area of the floor-the to account for wind-induced torsional momotions see also t15-321 .) The rms values (For torsional of the effect tions. first, and 0.5%g for the second of the two for the were 0.2%S thus obtained occupants then revealed that about 35% of building with buildings. Interviews first building experienced motion sickness in the floors higher the persons on the the second building the reported percentage For storm. the symptoms during creaking noises that occur during the that in is noted 45%. It was about [15-7] space averaging being performed building motion may increase significantly the feeling of discomfort and should therefbre be minimized by pnrper structural detailing. Rcsults of surveys contlrrc{ctl among occupants of tall buildings in .Iapan arc rcportcd in ll5-81. 5'/,,,c, 5%,g l5'n,7i ) l5'x,,q 'r'l inrt'lrvcr':rl'.t's wt're ttlso cllt'tlt'rl .r't't lottltt'l 1x'rirxls I l5 (rl. 514 wlNl) tNt )1,(.t t) t)[i(,()Mt ()l il tt,t At.]t r /\l()t,Nr) nl * ,l t)tN(i:i rrrt r,t ilvl(.1 nlill llYol lnl I lll lll l)lN(i:itllllrl ll llll nr llrrl l{rl wllll r fil.'i 15-1-2 Comfort Criteria ('oltrlittl critcria should in principlc bc basctl on an cxtcnsivc ktr<lwlctlgc ol'the llLrgrcc ttt which building users are prepared to accept discomlort ass<lciirlcrl wi(lr wirrd-incluccd accelerations. However, at present such knowlcdgc is sculcc. A sirnplc comfort criterion has been proposed in [5-9], bclicvcd by its rrrr(hors to hcjustificd by the results of [5-2]. This criterion, which lin-rits thc: irvc:rirgc nrrrnhcr ol'occurrences of 1%g accelerations at the top occupied lkxrr Itr :rt rnost 12 pcr ycar, has been applied to the design of the World Tradc ('t'tt(t't'11.5-91. ln ll5-61 an attempt is presented to develop comfort criteriu orr tlrc brrsis ( I ) ol'r-ccorclccl objcctions by building users to the recurrence of windrrrrlrrt't'rl lrrriltling vihrations and (2) of estimates by owners or developers ol' llrt' possibk' t't'ottoruic repercussions of user dissatisfaction with the building pt'r'lrrrr;urt't'. Iinrrrr interviews with building occupants who had experiencc(l nr()tr(fns wilh lur rrns value of the top floor accelerations of about 0.5%g, I rv:rs cslirrurlctl lhat about 2% of the people in the top one-third of a building worrltl olr jer'l l() rnore than one occunence of such motions in six years. Intervit'ws witlr brrilding owners and developers suggested, on the other hand, that rcrrlrrl orsrrlcsof o{Iicespacewouldnotbeaffectedsignificantly if atmost2% ol' thc occupants in the top one-third of the building found the sway objectionlblc. On thc basis of those findings, it is suggested in [5-6] that the following tlcsigrr critcrion appears to be reasonable: "The retum periods, for storms crrrrsirrg iln rrns horizontal acceleration at the building top which exceeds 0.5%5, shall rxrt be less than six years. The rms shall represent an average over the 20-rrrirr period of highest storm intensity and be spatially averaged over the builcling floor." This criterion is presented in [15-6] as tentative and in possible ncccl of ad.justment as additional information becomes available. 15.1.3 Relation between Wind Velocities and Building Accelerations A lirst stc:p in vcrifying the compliance of a design with requirements set forth irr t'orrrlirrl crilcria consists in the estimation, for each possible direction, of the wintl spt't'rls lhirt would induce the acceleration levels of interest. Wind tunnel Ir'sl rt'srrlls rrrry bc uscd to obtain plots of speed versus direction for the wind vt'kx ilit's llurl ilttlucc critical building accelerations (that is, accelerations equal t. tlursr'sPt't'ilitrtl by thc comfirrt criteria). An example of such a plot is shown rrr l;i1' 15.1 I. (Notc that the methods of Chapter 8 can be applied in this t'orrlt'xl.) Spr:ctls corrcsponding to points outside the curve of Fig. 15.l.l will irrrlrrt'c irccc:lcnrtions such that-if a criterion of the type proposed in [15-6] is rrst'tl o ) o {', whcrc o is the spatially averaged rms value of the top floor ;rt't'clt'lrlions ancl o,' is thc critical value of o specificd by thc cornf<lrt critcria (c.g., irr f l-5-(rl, lt" : O.5ol,g). For cstirnatcs ol'huiklirrg irct'clcrltions, scc rrlso ('lrirplcrr (). FIGUR.E l5.l.l. Wind speeds inducing critical building accelerations. 15.1.4 Frequencies of Occurrence of Winds lnducing Critical Accelerations The second step in verifying the adequacy of a design from a serviceability viewpoint is to estimate the frequency of occurrence of accelerations o higher than the critical value o* specified by the comfort criteria. As shown in [5-6], it is reasonable to define this frequency as the mean number per year Ns(o > o*) of storns causing accelerations o > o*.It is acceptable, in practice, to approximate Ns(o > o*) by the number of days per year Np(o > o*) during which the maximum wind speeds exceed the values corresponding to the curve of Fig. 15.1.1. It may be argued that, for office buildings, high speeds occurring at night should not be counted in estimating the mean frequcncy Np. However, in view of the many uncertainties inherent in the design firr building serviceability, such refinements do not appear to be warranted even lhough they might reduce Np by a factor of the order of two. 'l'hc number of clays pcr ycar Nzr(o > o*) during which wind vclocities c:xccctl ccrlain spccifictl virlrrt's (that is, the valucs dcfinccl hy thc curvc <ll'Fig. l-5.1"l) cirn hc ohtirirtctl n';rrlily l.nrrrr l.ocal Climatological I)ttrr (1.('l)) she:cts 516 wtNt) tNt)(,(;t t" t) t)ll;c()Ml ()nl lN nul l nll()llNl) llt,ll l)lN(ili lilr thc wcathcr slatitln closcst trl lltc klt'irliorl itt clucstitltr (scc Sccts. -1' l' ]'4' ancl 8.3.1). 'Ihe LCD contain daily rccords ol'thc fastcst-ruilc or pcrtk gtrsl spocds ancl of the corresponding wincl directions. To usc thc inlilrrrr:rtiotr obtiiincd 1'rom the LCD in conjunction with Fig. 15. 1 . l, proper adjustmcnts ttrust bc rnacle to account for anemometer elevation, roughness of terrain, and av- oraging of the wind speed with respect to time, as shown in Sect. 3.1. ihe estimated mean yearly frequency Np(o > o*) must be compared with the maximum acceptable annual frequency of occurrence of accelerations o > ox specified by the comfort criteria. Let this frequency be denoted by N,a(o > a*) ie.g., the value of N7(o > d*) proposed in [15-6] is 1/6 peryear)' If N2 < Nr,1he design is regarded as adequate from a serviceability viewpoint. 15.2 COMFORT CRITERIA FOR PEDESTRIAN AREAS WITHIN A BUILT ENVIRONMENT (.()Ml ()l ll (,lil llllln is _not new ,ll llNVlll(}NMI Nl 5lI and thc wind spccds causing thcrn ancl (2) that maximum acceptable frequencies ol'occurrence be specified fbr thesc wind speeds. The present section is devoted to a brief discussion of these two requirements. 15.2.1 Wind Speeds and Pedestrian Discomfort Let V denote the mean wind speed measured at approximately 2 m above ground and averaged over 10 min to t hr. Observations of wind effects on people and calculations involving the rate of working against the wind suggest that the following degrees of discomfort are induced by various speeds Z t5-111: (see Fig.15.2.1andp'188).However,inrecentyearsnewtypesofbuildingand op""n rpu"" configurations have evolved. These may exhibit under certain unfavorable conditions zones of intense surface winds causing unacceptable dis- ll n:;Wl llllNAlll t'orrrlirrl lo rrst'rs ol ;x'rlt'sl r;ur iurits.'l'ypit':rllyr'suclr t'ottligttt':tliotts ittvolvc tall ltuiltlirrgs lisirrg wcll :rlxrvt'llrt'srrrnrrrrttlittg lrrrill eltvilorttttcttt atttl atli:rccnt lo opcn riplccr; sut'lr rrs l)lirzirsi ()r'rrrrrlls. As irtrlicrrtctl prcviously, t<t dclinc thc nolion ol'urracccptablc tliseorrrlirrl (luan(i(rrtivcly it is rcquircd (l) that a cttrrcspondcncc bc cstablishctl bc(wccn vlrrious dcgrccs of'pcdestrian disc<lnrlirfl ll5-10, The problem of wind-induced discomfort in pedestrian areas l{'l I l'l lrl :,llllnNnl : : V: mls m/s mls V 5 tr/ 10 2O onset of discomfort definitely unpleasant dangerous A more detailed description of effects of winds of various intensities (as defined by the classical Beaufort scale) is presented in Table 15.2.1t15-101. Tentative information on comfort of strolling pedestrians under various sun exposure, ambient temperature, clothing, and wind speed conditions is provided in t1s- l 21. Experiments reported in [15-13] and [15-14] suggest that pedestrian comfort is a function not only of the mean speed /, but of wind gustiness as well. It is therefore reasonable, in principle, to study wind effects on people in terms of an effective wind speed Z" defined as follows: I V':Vll+k-l I d2t/2 v | (15.2.t) I where V is the mean speed, ,121/2 i" the rms of longitudinal velocity fluctuations, and k is a constant reflecting the degree to which the effects of the fluctuations are significant. According to the results of[15-13] and [15-14], an appropriate value for this constant is ft = 3.0. However, other investigators use the value k : I 5 ll.5-l-51 or k : 1.0 tl5-161. According to [15-14] wind tunncl cxperiments anrl obscrvrtlirlns of pcdestrian performance suggest the lirllowing crlrrcsp<lnclcttt't'betwt't:rt spcotls Z'' (with k : 3.0) and various degrccs ol' discorllil11. ,l:ull,lr,h,i\ Lll'l.l, ll"'lrr. J' l! \ F.I(;URFI 15.2. l. Thc Gust. Lithograph by Marlct, collccliort ol llrc llibliothi:c1trc tlc la Villo tlc l'itt'is (pltoto llogcr Viollct, I'irris)' rllrrl rtol cxr'lrrsivr'ly; st'r' I l'r l(rl 'l'Alll t ,l,l 15.2.1. SumrnarY ol'Wintl lilli'cls lirlt Dcscription ol' ttlrt:t Wind llcrrrr N tt ll,:' (l()Ml {)lll (:lll llllln l()l I I'l l)l :;tltlnN wlNt)tNl)(,ol t) t)t1ic()Ml ()l ll lN nNl r nll(,llNl) llt,ll l)lN(;l; 518 o I J t ll5-l([ Spced (m/s) Less than 0.4 Calnr Description ol' Wintl lrllccts No noticeablc wind 0.4-1.5 Mrxlct':tlc brccze 5.5-7.9 No noticeable wind Wind felt on face Wind extends light flag Hair is disturbed Clothing flaps Wind raises dust, dry soil, 8.0-10.7 Hair disarranged Force of wind felt on bodY 3.4,5.4 and loose paper lire slr btccze Drifting snow becomes airbome Limit of agreeable wind on Strong breeze 10.8-13.8 land Umbrellas used with difficulty Hair blown straight Difficulty to walk steadily Wind noise on ears unpleasant Moderate gale 13.9-11 .r Fresh gale 17.2-20.7 Strong gale 20.8-24.4 Windbome snow above head height (blizzard) Inconvenience felt when walking Generally impedes progress Great difficulty with balance in V": V": V"V', : 6 m/s 9 m/s 15 m/s 20 m/s ll Ati wt lillt'l A ilUil I til\/iltrrt.tMt ilt gusts People blown over bY gusts onset of discomfort performance affected control of walking affected dangerous of pedestrian perfolrnance in a large wind tunnel building, conducted in Japan on over 2000 high-rise ol' a birsc Irntl :rt tlic of the following proposed criteria: dcvelopment the lctl to lravc pctlcstriirns, Srrltsetlrrcttl obscrvations Ir.5-141. Thc ability ol'pcdcslriarts to ittlittsl l() slrl)nll wirrtls is lrllt't'letl lrtlvt'r'st'ly il the exposure to such wincls is lclirlivcly stttklt'n, lrs is llrc t'lrsc in zolrr's willr flows that are highly nonunilonn irr s1.xrcc. lt is thcrclirrc rxrtctl in ll5 l.rll tlrirt if the mean speed varies t>y 7O%, ovor a distaucc ol' lcss thirrr 2 rrr or so, lltc effects of wind on people are more severe than suggcstod abovc. Measurements of wind drag on people are reported in [5-291. 15.2.2 Comfort Criteria Comfort criteria were previously defined as statements specifying maximum of occurrence for various degrees of discomfort. The following simple criterion based on extensive experience with the study of ground level wind effects in built environments is suggested in [15-11]. Complaints about wind conditions are not likely to arise if, in pedestrian areas, winds with mean speeds V > 5 m/s are estimated to occur less than 1O% of the time. Complaints might arise if such speeds are estimated to occur between lO% and2O% of the time. Estimated frequencies higher than20% coffespond broadly to situations where in existing shopping centers remedial action had to be taken to reduce wind speeds. More detailed comfort criteria reflecting individual opinions on acceptable frequencies of occurrence of various wind speeds have been proposed in [5-151, t15-18], and [15-19]. An example of such criteria is given in Table rs.2.2l15-181. The first criterion in Table 15.2.2 is roughly equivalent to the criterion previously quoted of [5-11]. The limiting gust speed of 25 m/s corresponds to winds that could knock a frail person to the ground 115-191. Otherwise, as indicated in [15-18], the values of Table 15.2.2 are subjective and have been arrived at in the absence of reliable data. acceptable frequencies TABLE 15.2.2. Comfort Criteria for Various Pedestrian Areas Area Description Criterion Limiting Wind Frequency of Speed Occurrence Plazas and Parks Occasional gusts to about 6 m/s Walkways and other areas Occasional gusts to subject to pedestrian about 12 m/s l0% of the time or pcrfbrmance not all'cctctl All of pcr'lirnnant:t: rrll'cctcxl pcrlilrlnanc:o scrirrtrsly lrlli't.lctl All porlilrtttltttcc vct'y st'tiottsly lrllct'tcrl abovc ol-abovcr I or 2 times per month or about 50 h/yr Occasional gusts l() Alxrrrl .5 lr/yr ahout 20 rn/s ( )t'r'irsiortal gusls l() Less llrirrr I lr/yr :rlxrrrl lJ5 rrr/s about 1000 h/yr access /, < -5 rrr/s 5 rrr/s ( /1 < l0 rn/s l() rrr/s < V| < 1.5 Irr/s l5 rrr/s .- /r 5lq whe:rcr /r is tlrt' wirrtl spt:t'tl trvcttrgctl ovt'r' 1 s ll5 I /1. A:, rrolt.rl rrr I l'r I /1. tltcsc crilcrirt ittc cc;uivlrlLrnt Io rtr rturrgitlrlly trlrt't',sr'v('r('llr;rrr llto:;r'rrl _ Light airs l.ight brccze (lcntlc breeze 1.6-3.3 nt 52O r,, wtNl) tNI)t,ot l) l)llio()Ml ()lll lN nNl ) /\ll()t,Nl) ltl,ll l)lN(il; r .'()Nr :; ()t ilt(ilt :i(,1il A(;t wtNt )lt wt ililN A Iil.Jil I t NViltoNMLNt 521 As slurwl in Scct. l-5.4, thc culcrrllrlccl licrlucncy ol'()ccttrrL:llcc: ol witttl sltcccls in pcdcstrian arcas dcpends vcry stK)ngly up<ln thc cstilnation pnrcctlttrc bcingusctl. ltisnotedthatthecomfbrtcritcriaof [5-lll-andsirnilarcrilct'il srrggcstccl by other authors-are applicable only if the wind speed I'rcqucne ics iuc cslilnatccl by the simplified procedure of Sect. 15.4. These critcria arc rro krngcr applicablc if the detailed procedure of Sect. 15.4 is used. ln thc abscncc ol established criteria, decisions regarding the acceptability ol'corrrlirr1 conclitions in a pedestrian area are left, in practice, to the judgmcnl ol'llrr: sitr: ()wncrs ll-5-201. 15.3 ZONES OF HIGH SURFACE WINDS WITHIN A BUILT ENVIRONMENT 15.3.1 Wind Flow near Tall Buildings As rlrtctl irr ll-5-l ll, high wind speeds occurring at pedestrian level around tall llriltlings arc in gcneral associated with the following types of flow: l. 2. l'I(;URE 15.3.1. Wind flow in front of a tall building (wind blowing from left to right.). * Vortcx flows that develop nearthe ground, as shown in Fig' l5'3'1' I)csccnding air flows passing around windward corners, as shown in Fig. 15.3.2. flows through ground floor openings connecting the windward to the lccward side of a building (Fig. 1 5. 3.2) or cross-flows from the windward sidc of one building to the leeward side of a neighboring building. 3. Air 'l'hc flow visualization in Figs. 15.3.1 and 15.3.2 was obtained by injecting srrurkc in the airstream. It is seen that the flow pattems in the immediate vicinity ol' thc windward face are consistent with the pressure distributions shown on tlrc winclward face in Fig. 4.6.7b (i.e., the air flows from zones of high to zoncs ol' krw pressures). Part of the air deflected downward by the building liy'rrrs ir voncx (Fig. 15.3.1) and thus sweeps the ground in a reverse flow (area around ..1 , rrlrrkerl "vorlcx flow" in Fig. 15.3.3). Another part is accelerated near jets ground that sweep the tlrt. lruiklilg c()ntcrs (Fig. 15.3.2) and forms If an 15.3.3). Fig. tlrt. lrrrrIirr1i sitlt:s (irrcas B, marked "corner streams" in the or near present at ()lx.nlnll r'orrrcctirrg tlrc winclward to the leeward side is from the zone of rela1ir,,rrrr,l lcvcl, put-l ol'fhc dcsccnding air will be sucked tively higlr prcssurcs <ln thc windward side into the zone of relatively low will thus 1r,"rir,.", (suctions) on the leeward side (Fig. 15.3.2). A through-flow caused have type of this swccp the area C shown in Fig. 15.3.3. Through-flows in Cambridgc, Building serious discomfort to users of the MIT Earth Sciences Massachusetts, a structure about 20 stories high [15-21.|. Cross-flows bctwccn pairs of buildings are caused by similar pressure differcnccs, its slrown in Fig. 15.3.4. The pattern of thc surfircc wincl flow within 11 5llg 1ls:l.tctttls itt tt t'olttltlt:x wlty lfl(;URE 15.3.2. Wind lkrw lirrrr lcli to right). 1.5..1. I lhn)ullll 15. t I'1. llriltlirrg llcst'irrt lt Iislirhlislutrcnl liorrcry ()llitc. rte:rr lltc wintlward facc of a tall building (wind blowing l.r l llh -),1.;rrrrl l\ l.)\torrlrilrrrletl lrylx'r'rrrissiorrol llrt'l)rrr.tlrrr ('olr\'rlllrt, ('orrlrollcl ol llcl llriltrrtrrit M:rjcsly's St;r 522 * wtNt)tNt)tt(;l l) l)lt;(i()Ml ()l il lN Aul) nl r{,{,Nl } lrt,ll l)lN(i:; ll'lt /'()Nl 1,1,1 lll(ill :itllil n(;l WlNl):; Wl llllN n ltlJll I lNVlll()NMl Nl 523 tlrc rclaiiv(: loclr(itlrr, lltc: clitttclnsirttts, tltt: sltitl)t:s, ittttl t't:rlltilt rll tltc ltt' chiir:c(rrnrl lbl(uros (c.g., glorrrrtl lkxrr opr:rtittgs) ol' tlte: lttriltlirrgs ittvolvctl, upon thc K)ughncss and thc lopoglirlllriclrl lclrtttl'cs ol'tltt: lcrrltitt:rtrrtttttl lltt: sitc, and upon the possiblc prcscnco ncul lltr: silc ol'ottt: rlr scvtritl tlrll lrttiltlirrgs. 'fo study the surface wind llow in any givcrr brrilt cttvinrrrrtcttl , it is thctclirrt' necessary, in general, to conduct wintl turrncl tcsls. Ncvcrtltclcss, its irrtlit'itlt:tl in [5-ll], experience has shown that inlirnlation hirsctl ott ircrotlyttitlttic sltttlies of the basic reference case represented in Fig. 15.3.3 is uscl'ul lor thc prediction of surface winds in a wide range of practical situations. Such infbrmation is presented in [15-11] and will be summarized below. Its range of applicability includes built environments that retain a basic similarity with the configuration shown in Fig. 15.3.3 and in which the height of the buildings does not exceed 100 m or so. Detailed information on the wind environment around single buildings and around groups ofbuildings is presented in [15-30]. rrgxrn streams Vortex f low Through- htr 15.3.2 Wind Speeds at Pedestrian Level in a Basic Reference Case [1s-11] lil(llJltl,l 15.-].-1. Regions of high surface wind speeds around a tall building (after lr.5 r rl). Surface winds around models of the tall building shown in Fig. 15.3.3 were measured in wind tunnel tests conducted at a 1/120 scale. The roughness conditions simulated in the tests were typical of a suburban environment, the mean wind profile being given, approximately, by a power law with exponent cv : 0.28. The surface winds depend upon the dimensions H, W, L, and h defined in Fig. 15.3.3 and are expressed in terms of ratios VlVs, where V an:d V, are mean speeds at pedestrian level and at elevation Il, respectively. In certain applications it is useful to estimate the ratio VlVs, where Iz0 is the mean speed at l0 m above ground in open terrain. The ratios VlVs can be obtained as rl Main wind direct fbllows: V (rs.3.l) va vo vo-VVH Approximate ratios V1/V1, corresponding to the experimental conditions reported in [15-11] are given in Table 15.3.1 for various heights I1. In the material that follows, the wind direction is assumed to be normal to the building face (angle 0 : 0') unless otherwise stated. Speeds in Vortex Ftow. Vo and V11 denote the maximum mean wind speed at pedestrian level in zone A of Fig. 15.3.3 and the mean wind speed at c o .F o * ! c t 'l'Alll,E 15.3.1. Approximatc Ratios o II (nr) _9 V,, Itl(,llll{l,l 15.-1.4. ('lrss lkrw lrt'lwt't'rr lwo llrll lrtrrlrlirrl'. (.rltlr ll5 I ll) vu 20 0.7.r 30 0.1{2 ,10 VrrlV,) 50 [5-lll 60 70 I O,l 1{( ) I Oli (x) t(x) tlt lt,t .r 15.3 loNl WIND.INDUCED DISCOMFORI tN AND AnOUNt) DUil t)tNGS 524 o.7 o.1 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.4 o.4 >< 0.3 \< 0.3 o.2 o.2 0.1 L/H = 8> H/h> O.25 2 L=O.4m h=0.1 0=o" L/H = 8> H/h> 1.0 |l= m O.4 m h=O.1 0 =0" m 1.0 2 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.8 H (m) h) 0 0.5 525 lt=O.4m W=O.4m 0.1 0 li ()l lll(lll frulltAct, wtNt)ti wt ililN A iltilt I I NVItoNMfNr 1.5 w/H o.7 0.5 0.6 o.4 o o 03 F1 a $ s 05 s 04 S= 0.2 L/H = 4 0.3 o.2 H=O.4m L/H = h=0.1 0 =0" 8> H/h> 0 O.5 2 0_5 0 1.0 Il-O.4m L=O.4m 2.O 2 0.1 m W=0.4m L=O.4m 1 0 0.1 O.2 0.3 O.4 0.s w/H 0.1 0 > H/h> o 0 W (m) 1.5 2.O 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 h (c) 1.0 =O" u) FIGLIRE 15.3.6. Examples of the variation of vn with individual parameters tl5-111. w/H FIGURE 15.3.5. Ratios VnlVo [15-11]. elevation Il, respectively. Approximate ratios VAIYH are given in Fig. 15.3.5 as functions of WlH for various ratios LIH and for the ranges of values Hlh shown. The height ft corresponded in all the model tests to typical heights of suburban buildings (7 m to 16 m). It is noted that as the building becomes more slender (as the ratio WIH becomes lower) the ratio VAIVH decreases. Typical examples of the variation of Vn with individual variables are shown in Fig. 15.3.6. If the distance Z between the low-rise and high-rise building is small, the vortex cannot penetrate effectively between the buildings and Z7 is small (Fig. 15.3.6h).If I is very large or if h is very small, the vortex that Ionrrs upwind ol the tall building will be poorly organized and weak; Vn will thcrclbre be relatively low (Figs. 15.3.6b and 15.3.6d).It h approaches the value of H, the taller building will in effect be sheltered and the speed Z,a will thus be low. It is noted that the ratio situations. Speeds s 0.6 \Q - 0.5 VllVn is of the order of 0.5 for a range of practical in Corner Streams. Figure 15.3.7 shows the approximate 0.5 (m) w/H > o.5 L/H4* depen- dence upon Hlh of the ratio VBIVH, where VB and Vn denote the maximum mean speed at pedestrian level in the zones swept by thc corncr strcams and the mean speed at elevation //, respectively. A typical cxatttplc ol'thc vlriirtion 4lt67 Ir'l(llfllfrl il/ h, 1.5..1.7. lldtios V,/V,, I l5-l I l. il 'I wtNl) lNl)(,()l D t)ll;coMl ()lll lN ANI ) nl l()ttNt) lll'll l)lN(lt; 526 llr il :'( )Nl !: ( )l ilt( ;il : iUnt Aot wtNt )ii wl il llN A ilt It I t NVil )NMt t( N 527 t ti 6 5 5 34 E4 53 L =O.4m h =0.1 m 0 =0' r*, W=0.4m ,t 1 0 0 o 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 o.2 0.3 h 0.4 0.5 Wind direc t ron t_) J (m) i:I '., 4l H=0.4m W=0.4m ',:l h =0m l,I 0.1 0 o.2 0.3 w 0.4 -90 -45 0.5 0 45 Wind angle (0') (m) o.2 6 5 1i^ 0.3 E3 ,_e FIGURE 15.3.9. Surface wind speed field in a corner stream 2 m [5-ll]. 1 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 L (m) FIGURE 15.3.8. Examples of the variation of vB with individual parameters [15-11]' of /3 with the variables H, L, W, and ir is given in Fig' 15'3'8' issecntodependweaklyupontheangle0betweenthemeanwinddirection of the corner and thc normal to ttre uuilding face. However, the orientation may depend ZB speed maximum of point of the strcarns and, hence, the positioi wind' mean of the 0 signilicarrtly upon the clirection of a wide building lnlirrrrration on thc wind speed field around the corner : Fig' 15'3'9' The in given is :0.4 m) O'3 L m, rrrrxlcl (// - 0.4 n, W building corner wintl spcccl clccrcases rather slowly within a distance from the as in Fig' defined Y is where Yl(Dl2), iatio The H. cqual, apprcrximately, to j.:.q ana D is the building depth, provides an approximate measure of the f for various values position of the comer streani. Mlasuied values of this ratio that the points of of 11and of wl(Dl\) are shown in Fig. 15.3.10. It is seen y: constant x Fig. 15.3.10 are fit reasonably well by a curve of the form : rt'. p* example, if W :4j m and D : 15 m' then Wl(Dlz\ 6' Yl(Dl2) The speed Z6 = o.a 6ig. ol'tho builcling 15.^3.10), and the maximum speed on thc ccn(crlirrc: : 6 m' would occur at Y = 0.8 x Dl2 lirr Itisn<rlocl thattlrc r.lioV1,lV1,is<ll'lhctlrclcrtll'0'()5 sil r url irttts. illlllll''('ol pritctic:ltl Speeds in a Through-Flow. Let Vg and Vo denote the maximum mean wind spced through a ground floor passageway connecting the windward to the leeward side of a building and the mean wind speed at elevation F1, respectively. f rigure 15.3.11 shows the approximate dependence of the ratio V7IVH upon the lrrrameter Hlh as determined in [5-11] by semiempirical formulas and wind Iunnel measurements. Examples of the variation r'oO.8 m ro.4 m of Vrwith H, W, I .n^ nl I oo.a * \.0.2. 1 f = constant X W2 0 wr\ Itl(lllRl,l l5..l.lll. l;rrrlririt:rl r'rrlvc l/X vc:rsus l,//X ll-5-lll. L, h, and 0 528 I6,3 WIND.INDUCED DISCOMFORT IN AND AROUND BUILDINGS ZONES OF HIOH EURFACE WINDS WITHIN A EUILT ENVIRONMENT t2c I 7 1.4 6 1.3 F i €4 1.2 1".0.3m 14 -O.4m /r -0.1 m 0 -0" >Q3 2 1.1 I 1.0 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 * !t H (m) (a) 0.8 0.7 8 7 0.6 6 0.5 G 5 5 i4 0.4 I =0.3 =O.4 ,r = 0.1 0 =0' >o3 0.3 H 2 E m m m 1 o.2 w/H > o.5 0.1 0.1 H =0.4m w =0.4m h =O.1 m 0 =0o 3 2 1 o O.1<I/H<- .c) 4 o.2 0 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 t t7 (m) 0 (b) 456 (m) (c) H/h FIGURE 15.3.f 1. Ratios V.IV, [15-l l]. I=0.3m 15.3.3 Wlnd Tunnel and Full-Scale Measurements of Surface Winds: Case Studies* Case 1. Oftlce Building (H - 31 m) Spanning a Shopping Center : 4.4, WIH : 1.6, and LIH = 115-111. A 31-m tall building for which Hlh *Thc sourcc ol thc material is indicatcd by reference numbers in euch cuse, For ndditional casc studics, sec ll5-311, 7 H=O.4m are given in Fig. 15.3.12. It is seen in Fig. I5.3.12b that for WIH < 0.5 the ratios VglVn are lowerthan in Fig. 15.3.11. Figure 15.3.12e shows forvarious values of d the range of variation of Z6' with opening width. Thc graphs of Figs. 15 .3 . 1 1 and 15 .3 .12 are based on measurements in and neur passageways with sharp-edged entrances. If the edges of the entrance are nrunded to form a bellmouth shape, the speeds Vg can be reduced with respect to thosc ol'Figs. 15.3.11 and 15.3.12 by as much as25% or so [15-11]. It is noted that the rat\o Vs lV H is of the order of I .2 for a range of practical situutions. w=o.4m 6 0=O" E 5 Qq E \o3 le 2 ,l 0.1 FIGURE 15.3.12. I rs-1 11. o.2 0 0.3 -90 0 -45 n (m) Wind angle (0') u) (e) Examples 0f thc vari&tion oi /,. with individual 45 90 parameters wtNll lNIlr,lcLlJ Dlscc)Ml olll lN ANI) nll(xlND BtllLDlN(ls ---+->N c trO t.F q 9 rn E ;O:L--= i.9 \- .-r o-c UF a I \q 5. -. O\ !9E C Cr ',tr /Ec O q trJ l3 r)F-\O $Nca U9UUU- -O\.a.aO ca\olr) o r)cr.FooOO a) oo q a) t^ Sl-v '-: ncln ^ co O\ o\ O\ nnn nn OOO c.l c.l c.) I !o€ \- Model of a Building in Utrecht, Netherlands [15-11]- A proposed 80-m tall building with width W : 50 m, depth D : 22 m, and for which Hlh : 8.0, WIH : 0.63, and LIH : 0.5, is shown in plan in Fig. 15.3.14Contours of ratios VlVs, shown in Fig. 15.3.14 for south and lor north winds' were obtaincd in [-5-lll using wind tunncl data rcporlocl in ll5-221. Moasurcd rali<ts VnlV11 and VlVllurc about 0.65 (at lhc ccnlor li111r ol'llrc lrttiltlirrg) itntl 2. n ;6:ii \ @ O\ ': nac'l \ UF O\ ioocn 6l \ Cq C.t \o \\q c) bo d r o o0 F coo6. -:01 'q n-cl 99999U)a- Qca! Ni\O d a.l c..l cq:a3, c.l O t'- CO\a.i O cq O n':- ^t\OO. 99999999U -:!n nn\ tn-* o\cai 9VV99!rJUU -nn 119 OOt"- V-rco@ r]|.)F- C-r)\O co*,- ^'-: ueu *F-O \oicq -i,^^' 99V999!'9*\n\O \OOr€ :v1h .- .- -J uJlJ NciO (\cI\oo ,^.^^' cir)ca C\F-oO r)\o0o : aOO r)\Ocn oooo-:; O\-ra) *Nbo C) > qaa q) @ C) 0) a q? m \oooc! uuu o .o \nc..! 9UUU_U v?clq (-::-= t\ rn rn rc FJ Fr cd \Oca\O n1UUU tr:\9 \ lr) -.O- .JC€ c.i *\o- cj n09 clqq 999UUaa-i grxrd. Case ca q \\q () c.) 0.85 is shown in plan in Fig. 15.3.13. Full-scale measurements of ground level speeds (;; at locations i : 1,2, ... ,9 (see Fig. 15.3.13) and of the speeds 236 measured at location l0 at a 36-m elevation above ground were made on tcn occasions. The results of the ten SetS of measurements are expressed in Table 15.3.2 in terms of ratios V11y'\6. Also shown in Table 15.3.2 are avcrages of the measured ratios V1iy'V36 for west winds (measurement sets a through h) and for east winds [measurement sets j and k]. These averages were 28 multiplied by the factor (36/31)0 - 1.04 to yield approximate ratios V()IVH, whcrc V,,is the mean speed at elevation H : 3l m. It is notccl that the measured ratios V1i1lV36 vary in certain cases considerably l'nrrrr rncasurcmcnt to measurement (e.g., V6y'V36: 1.33 and 0.56 for measurcnrcltt scts c and f, respectively). No explanation is offered for these variirlirrns. ljor purposcs ol'comparison, Table 15.3.2 also includes predicted ratios VAlVy, V4lVrr, anrl V1.lVs based on Figs. 15.3.5,15.3.7, and 15.3.11, respoctivcly. Thc agrccment with the average measured values is seen to be fairly -ot\o O\co- \OO r) <'O\ O cln OO 999U4 cr ,5 .{!\oE o\ Srot^ H FIGUR-E 15.3.13. Plan view, case study 1' 6l lr) c.) OOOO rrr a- \o6lo I .-l ca 9 qq\ n F9 oo vl \ \qq n-$ -q\q -:oqv? OO+oo aaO OOO co O o cvo (! ? J '- rl r.r =l- 'ar ll:l l.rOt'J= u96 ^Q9.; avts 53t 532 wtNt ) tNl )1,( :l l) l)l:;(;( )Ml ( )l ll lll n I t( )t tNt l', r ,'ot It , ot ilii.i! ',t,ltl n(.1 ) lil,ll l)lN( i:; v/vH = o.15 /o.a5\\ , Wt ililIl /\ iil,[ I til\/!ltol.JMt Nt 533 O.(X). tcspt't'ltvt'ly I'rt'tltr'lt'rl nrlios l',l l'1, ;rntl 1,,/1,, lr;r:;t'tl orr Iiigs. 15.-1.-5 irtl(l l-5..1.'/ lue :rl)()u( O.(rO lrrrrl l-(X). n'sllr't lrvt'ly. Ilrc :rgrccrrrcnt l)clwccu prctliclctl iut(l ln(:asur'(:tl vrrlrrcs is sr't'rr lo lrt' rt'ltsorurlrly grxxl. ll is no(cd, 'Nt I 0.8 Wtt'lt): Itowcvcr, thal thc vorlcx llow is irsynun('lrt;rl rrrrrl t'orrlirins rcgions in which llrc rati<rs VlV11 arc as high its 0.1{ \ \ \ \\\ ----==-!--====-a_===-=_= .r_) Wind direction ).. Case 3. Models of Place Desjardins, Montreal 115-231. Figure 15.3.15 slrows a model (l/400 scalc) ol'onc arnong several designs considered for a tlcvelopment in Place Dcs.jardins, Montreal. The predominant wind direction, tlctcmined from measurements at the top of a tall building near the site, is slxrwn in Fig. 15.3.16. Wind tunnel tests were conducted for that direction only. Surface flow patterns were observed by using thread tufts taped to the - \ l0 20 Scale 30 40 50 in meters Wind direction FIGURE 15.3.14. Plan vicw. clst: 2 l,'l(,llllll,l l-5.-l.l-5. l)llrtt'l)r':;;;ttrlttt:, tnotlt'l ((()url(:iV ol lltt'N:rliott:rl At'nlurrrticlrl lis l:rlrlisluttr'ttl. Nlrlioturl ltt'sr';rrt lr ('orrrrr rl ol (':rrlrrl;r) wtNt)tNt)t,ct t) t)t:ic()MI 534 ()t il tN nNIr nt t()t,Nt) tt(,ilt)tN{i: r ill( ,l tl:uttl n(.1 wlNt): ;wililllt/\nUilI 1.66 I L t",1, (Llil,) {1 .1 5) (46.57o) Qz) ,rta 4.i5 535 llre llnllrt','l'ltt't1rr:rrrlilit's llrirl lue rrol lrt'lwt.t'rr lr;rt.rrllrt.:;t.s t'or.r.csl-lottcl to lnclt stlrclllLlllts Iltlttlc ilt tlte: itbscltct: ol rr plrjt't lr'rl 'rO slory l()w('r'nclu-lhc s<luthwcsl ?.4.1 46.gyo tl]vilt()l.lMl Nt ('()nlcr ol'thc tlcvclopluclrt. 'l'o irrvcslil',:tlr. tlrt't.llt.t.( ol tlrc tower upon lltc strrlhcc winds, tncasulctllcnts w('rr lrlso rnlrtlt' willr (lrc rrrodcl of the towcr irr lrllrcc. Results of thcso nrcirsllr.t:rn('nls :rn' sltown bctwccn parentheses in liig. t"r,'t .ut 5% r-5.3. t6. case 2.56 4. commerce court Plaza, Toronto lls-241. A l/400 scale morlc:l ;rnd a plan view of t-he commerce court project in Toronto are shown in Figs. l-5.3.17 and 15.3.18, respectively. surface flow patterns obtained by smokc visualization are shown fbr two wind directions in Figs. 15.3.19 and 15.3.2o l15-251 . Ratios VlVr, where V and V11 are mean wind speeds at2.7 m an<l 240 m above ground, were obtained from measurements in the wind tunnel and, after the completion of the structures, on the actual site. The results of llrc measurements are shown in Fig. 15.3.21 as functions of wind direction fbr Iocations 1 through 7 (see Fig. 15.3.18). The agreement between wind tunnel and full-scale values is seen to be generally acceptable, although differences trl'the order of 3O%,50%, and even more can be noted in certain cases. 31.O% (2.481 33.1%l T- (0 tra L' Case 5. Model of the DMA Tower, Paris 115-261. Models of the l2}-m lall DMA tower and of adjacent projected structures are photographed in Fig. 3.11 41.4./. (s.38) 134.O%t k2.66 @ '.oo 5O.3o/" @ t- t >,.q (3.82) (36.'t%l FIGURE 15.3.16. Wind speeds and turbulence intensities, place Desjardins [15-23] (courtcsy of the National Aeronautical Establishment, National Research Council of Canarla). nrotlcl surllccs, a w(x)l tuft c;n thc cnd of a hand-held rod, and a liquid mixture ol'kcnrscrro-chalk (china clay) sprayed over the horizontal surfaces of the model. As thc wind blows over thc model, the mixture is swept away from high speed zones and accumulates in zones of stagnating flow. After the evaporation of the kerosene, the white acc:umulations of chalk indicate zones of low speeds while areas that are dark represent zones where surface winds are high. wind speed measurements were made in these latter zones. The numbers givcn in Fig. 15.3.16 represent ratios of mean wind speeds at the locations sh<lwn t<r the mean speed at 1.8 m above ground at thc norlhwcs( c()n)cr ol'tlrc: tlcvclopment. The percentagcs of Fig. l-5.3.16 rcprcscnt tullrult'rrt't' irrlcnsilir:s, :yttl the arrows show lltc: tlirccliorr ol'lhc wirrrl c()nrlx)n('nl llurl w:rs rrrt':rsrrn'tl by Itl(l(lltl'l l-5.-1.17. ('otttttttttt ('rrttrl [\lrrkl ll'r '.1; (to11111'5y l]orrrul:uy l.:rycl-Wintl lttttltt'l l.:tllotlrloly, 'l'lrt' lJrrrr,, r'.rlt ol \!r..,tr'rri ( tll.rttot 536 wtNI) tNt)t ,(:t t) t)l;(;( )Mt ( )t lt tN n t,|l r /\ltoLNt ) iltil t)tN( i l|):t .'()t.ll , {)t ilt(,il :il ,1il n(.1 wlNlt):; wt illlll n llUlt I lt{vilt()NMl NI 537 \ lltr ,tl t iii! tower |*:-:: iii s+ stories FIGURE 15.3.18. Plan view, Commerce Court. After N. Isyumov and A. G. Davenport, "comparison of Full-scale and wind runnel wind speed Measurements in the Commerce Court Plaza," J. Ind. Aerodyn., I (1975),201-212. l5.3.22 against the background of the actual site. Let v" and v"H denote speeds dcfined as in Eq. 15.2.1 with k : I and measured at2 m and l2O m above ground, respectively. Ratios v"lv"H obtained in wind tunnel tests for the southwcsl wind direction are shown in Fig. 15.3.23. It is noted that for this direction (lrr: highcst winds occur between the two curved buildings located northwest trl llrc lrrwcr (circled value VnlV"11 : 1.08 in Fig. 15.3.23) rather than in the inrrrrt'tliirtc vicinity of the tower itself. The increase of the wind speeds by the t lr;urrrclirrg ol'thc flow between buildings forming an angle in plan is sometimes rt'lt'rctl t() irs it Vcnluri el1-ect [15-16|. 15.3-4 lmprovement of Surface Wind Conditions ll rrt r'r:r'tlrirr klcutions suface winds are judged to be too high and thus to cause rrrr;rt't'ePtrrblc rliscornfirrl to pedestrians, ways must be sought to imprclve cnvinrttttrcttlitl wincl conditions or otherwise protect pedestrians from unplcasant witrtl clll'cts. lrr cctlltin cxtrcmc cases it may bc ncccssltry lo tlcsign builclirrgs ol lowcl' hciglrl or ol-tlill'crcnl configuratitlns than wrrrr.. origirurlly irrtcnrlctl. Il' possilrle, ()l)clt ltleirs sltottltl ltc so rlcsigrrctl :rs lo pn'vt'rrl 1x.rk'sll'iirrr lllrllic Wind -// I"IGURE 15.3.19. Surface wind flow patem, commerce courr (easr wind) [15-251 through high wind zones. Also, as suggested in [15-12], handrails should be provided in potentially dangerous areas. In certain extreme cases it may be nccessary to enclose windy areas frequently used for pedestrian traffic. Local improvements of surface wind conditions can be achieved by providing (l) roofs over pedestrian areas and/or (2) solid or porous screens at suitable locations. studies of sheltering effects due to screens are reported in [15-271 rrnd [15-28]. However, no general design rules exist to date on the basis of which sheltering effects could be predicted reliably within a built environment. Also, as noted in tl5-121, solid screens merely deflect the wind from one krcation to another so that the consequences of their use must be investigated carcfully. A f'ew case studies illustrating rcmcdial measures aimed at reducing pedestriitn level wind speccls ilr(: l)rui(l)tc:cl bclow.* Case 1. Shopping Center, Croydon, Engtand 11S-ttl. Figurc t5.3.24 is It vicw l'rot'tt thc wcsl ol :rtt ttllir'r'lruiltlirryi,7.5 rrr lirll,70 rrr witlc, irrrtl Ill rrr tlccp:ttlitlittittg tt slrrt;lpinl'. (('rt( r /'r rrr lorrli A plrss:rll('wity l2 r1 Irilglr:r1tl \. / r'lltcstttttr't'olllrctrr:rlcri:rlirrrrrlr,,ri,rll,q 1,l,rrrr,i rrrrrrrlr.r.,trrt.;rrlrr.:rst. wtNt)tNl)l ,(;l l) l)l:;(;()Ml ()l ll lN nNI) nl l()llNl) ll(lll l)lN(i:; o c co tC= ;; o5 lL t. F- -t! .o-a) I Za o 91 iru E:-* ,9c !ts <tT 6- s 9R a\ ht 5 -: Fh tsr- 1 t \ ^Ci qJ> t-9€ -:.; o c ^q .9 o o J b. oL^ o o ,a >\>1 - E E€ Q J:6ru tr0)I \)a o-1.s 6 o\ \Ol l'l J . !.:-\ tri -a' 9F *r7 (JvN a t= FIGURE 15.3.20. Suriace wind flow pattern, Commerce Court (southwest wind) tl @ >95 ! aY\J 5-251. ; m high connects the shopping center on the west side of the building to the strect on the east side (Fig. 15.3.25). The shopping center was designed and huilt without the curved roof over the shopping mall that can be seen in Fig. 15.3.24. Alicr the completion of the building complex, it became apparent that rcnrcrliul rncasurcs wcre necessary to reduce wind speeds in the passageway irrrtl in llrc shopping mall. The ground level wind flow was investigated in the wirrtl tunncl, Iirst for thc complex as initially built (i.e., with the mall not covcrcd) and thcn with various arrangements of roofs over the mall and of screens within the passageway. Ratios VlVo measrtred in the wind tunnel (lz and V, are the mean speeds at 1.8 m and15 m above ground, respectively) are shown in Fig. 15.3.25 in three cases. For the complex as first built, the highest values of the ratio VlVswere 0.68 in the vortex flow zone and l.0l in the through-flow zone. The provision of a full roof over the mall but ol no screens within the passageway reduced considerably pedestrian level spcctls caused by west winds. However, with east winds, thc lklw wlts lritppctl ttntlcr the roof ancl the wind spccds within thc rlall wcrc. lir lltis rcrtsott, higlr; rrs d' o -H H"H rPE 9 Ftr 'i:tr .) >-YX al\ -. .-c a{v tr n) rn*E F! o JY c .9 ,^!2= "')Oa aYtsO : F o J J 6lr>,< o =s o 539 540 wtNt)tNl)U(;t t) l)t:i(i()Ml (,1 il ll\1 nl']lr nl r()l lNl) ltl lll lrlN(,:; * l', L'illll'. 0.35o mcnt, Etablissement de Nantes). Wt ililN n tJlilt I tNVilt()NMl Nl 541 0.34 o o:' o:r I,'IGURE 15.3.22. DMA Tower (courtesy Centre Scientifique et Technique du BAti- o.44o0.96r0.89o.0.87 o 7j-l 0.74. ffi,..x o.zs Fig. 15.3.25, the speeds were also high at the east entrance of the passageway. A solid roof close to the tall building followed by a partial roof D.M.A. Tower shown in over the rest of the mall, and a screen obstructing 75% of the passageway area rcsultcd in a significant reduction of surface winds, as shown in Fig. 15.3.25. It is notcd that to protect the mall from strong vortex flows caused by west wincls, thc solid roof had to extend for at least 18 m from the building face. 'l'hc solu(ion actually applied consisted of providing (l) a full roof over the cntirc rrurll (l;ig" l-5.3.24) and (2) screens with75% blockage in the passagewiry.'l'his solulion proved elTective in ensuring a comfortable wind environ- r)t iltriil ,t,ilt n(I WtNl)t; 0.43 o .0.61 0.63. . 0.62 FIGURE f5.3.23. Surface wind speeds near the DMA Tower 115-261. of Place Desiardins, Montreal115-231. It is seen in Fig. lirct<rr of about I .61 at rocation 10. However, with the tower not installed, while the mean speeds were reduced by a factor of almost three at location g, tlrc rcduction at location l0 was insignificant. l6 that the ground level winds in the Place Desjardins mall (Fig. 15.3.15) are relatively high: with the 5O-story tower southeast of the development not installed, V$/V(o: 3.11 and Vosy'Vo, : 2.96: with the tower in place, V6,l Vtrl : 3.38 and V11s:)lV(\ : 2.48. Wind tunnel measurements of pedestrian level wind speeds are also reported in [15-23] for the casc in which thc mall was covered. With the -5O-story tower in placc, thc cll'cc( ol'r'ovt'rittg thc rrrall was to rcducc thc rncan wincl spcccls by ir luctor ol'livc:tl ltx':tliott tl rrrrtl l.ry a 3. commerce court Plaza, Toronto lls-ls\. After the completion thc building corrrplc:x slrowrr in Fig. 15.3.18, conditions were found to be Prrrtictrlarly annoying ott wintly tlrrys lor pcdcstrians walking from the relatively Plrrlcctcrl zonc n<lt'(h ol'tlrt' ll st()ly lowcr into thc flow funneled through the l)ilssllllcwlly 2.1. Wirttl lttttltt'l (t'sls irrrlit'rrtcrl llrlr( thc pnrvision of screens at tllt'gtrrtllttl lcvt'l lts sltowtr rrr lir1l. l.5.l.l(xr woulrl n.sull :rl l<lcirtigrrs 2, -5, and IilL:nt. Case 15.3. 2. Models case ,l 542 wlNl) lNl)l l( )l l) l)ll;( l( )4,41 ( )ll I lN n l.ll ) n I 11 )l ,Nl) llllll l)lN( ;:; l',.1 llll rll ll llr ll or ililr 'r r /\:;nNl wtNt): i wt ililt.J n nl,il | I Nvlli()NMt Nt built 053 057 065 068 065 049 With f ull roof and no screen o 4s o 24 019 020 025 021 With partial roof and '15y" screen 023 o1j 019 028 023 023 As first 036 02a 019 543 012 032 040 N As f irst built 026 With full roof and no screen With partial roof and 75o/o screen 048 007 017 044 052 056 078 045 052 061 067 063 071 o17 011 023 043 047 053 021 10'l 088 059 FIGURE f5.3.25. Model test results, Croydon [15-l ll. of the velocity vector with speed Zu. 'l'he frequency of occurrence at the location concemed of wind speeds larger lhan V, denoted by f', can be written approximately as and let the angle 0 define the direction FIGURE 15.3.24. Tall building and shopping center, Croydon [5-11]. n (r in rcdLrctions of undesirable mean speeds of the order of 40%. However, whilc cll'cctivc acrodynarnically this solution was rejected for architectural reasons. lr.rstcad, pottcd cvergreens about 3 m high were placed as shown in Fig. 15.3.26b.'l'his rcduced the mean winds by about2O% at location 2, l0% at Iocation 5, and 33% at location 6. 15.4 FREQUENCIES OF OCCURRENCE OF UNPLEASANT WINDS WITHIN A BUILT ENVIRONMENT 15.4.1 Detailed Estimation Procedure LetVn(V,0) denotc thc wintl spccrls at l0 rn 11111;vs grtrrrrul irr o;x'tt lt'n:ritt tlutl induce petlcslrilrn lcvt'l wintl spct'rls /rrl :r g.ivcrt lot';rtiort itt ;r Itttrll ('nvit()nnr('nl, f': 2t? (ls.4.l) in which fv,o arc the frequencies of occurrence in open terrain of winds with spccds larger than Vo(V, 0i) and the directions 0; - rln <0<0,+r/n,the rrngle d; being defined as 0i 2ri II (i 1.2....,n) (ts.4.2) Irt ltractical applicatiorts lr l(r lxrirrl ('()nrl)irss ts t'onunonly rrsctl so that in Eqs. I5.4.1 irnrl 15"4.2. tt l(t 'l'rr rrltlitirt.lI it is lr('('('ss;ry, Iirsl, lo t':,lrrrr:rlt'llrt'v;rlrrt's rl l/,,(l/, //,). Iinrrrr wilttl t'littlt(okrgit'lrl rllrt;r. i( is llrt'tr l)osstlrlr'lo t':,lrrrr;rlt'llrt'lrt't;ut'rrt'i.'s /li'. 544 wtND tNI)tJCt t) t)t$(:()Mt ()ilt lN ANtr Alt(lt tNlt null l)tN(ili It, I lill {lilFll{'l|!r fil ltl ll,t tA!i^til Wlf.ll[; Wiililti A tilllt I tNVilt()NMt:Nt 545 :;tr\rt f lrc r1x'ctl J't(]', ll, ) t;rrr lrt. wnllcn )'tlv,0i) :ts I Vo\o,) .. vtvtt(q') w0)' ( 15.4.3) llrt' r;rlios Vtl|i)lvil(?i) characterize the site from a micrometeorological standllrr standard nrughness conditions in open terrain, these ratios depend rrurrr (lrr: clcvation Hand upon the roughness conditions upwind of the site, as ',lrrrwrr irr Sccts. 2.2 and 3.1. The ratios VIV{0;) at a given location are an ;rr'rrxlyrrarnic property of the wind environment and are estimated on the basis ol wirrrl tunncl tests, as seen in Sect. 15.3 (e.g., Fig. 15.3.21). A rrsclirl basis for the estimation of frequencies flo is provided by weather rccords of wind speeds and directions, observed at three-hour intervals "tirliorr irrrrl puhlished in monthly Local Climatological Data sheets (see Sect. 3.1). P,rrr(. o a o o a ( '()rrrii(lcr, fbr example, all the three-hour interval observations in a year (8 obs/ 365 days : 292O obs), and assume that 58 out of these observations rr'plcscnt NNW winds with speeds in excess of 6 m/s. The frequency of ocr'un('nco of such winds can then be estimated as follows:* rlry X Trees---> "o f?: (b) l''l(;uRIt 15.3.26. Rcrnccriar nlc:lsures at Commerce Court: (a) screens; (b) trees. Aftcr N. Isyumov and A. G. Davenport, "The Ground Level wind Environment in Buirt, fp.|1eas," in Proceedings of the Fourth International conference on wna E;ffects .tt Buildings and structures, London, 1975, cambridge Univ. press, camlridge, r97(r, pp.403-422. #= (ts.4.4) 2% It is desirable, in practice, to base frequency estimates on several years of rlrtir. 'fhis is the case fortwo reasons. First, one yearof data might not reflect tlrt'wind climate in a representative way. Second, the observations taken at tlrn'e:-hour intervals are instantaneous values, which are sometimes lower, :;rrilctimes higher than the mean speeds. The estimation error associated with :,rrt'h differences is small if the sample size is large. ln certain applications it may be of interest to estimate frequencies for inrlrvitlual seasons, or for a grouping of seasons (e.g., spring, summer, and fall). lrr such cases the only data used to estimate wind frequencies are those that t rvcr the season (or seasons) of interest. It is also noted that winds occurring, s:r,y, fiom 1l p.m. to 5 a.m. are, in many cases, of little concern from the r.lrrrrclpoint of pedestrian comfort. In estimating wind frequencies, midnight and I rr.rn. observations can then be eliminated from the data set. lrrfbrmation on frequencies of wind speeds at a weather station fvio may be prrscnted either diagrammatically or in the form illustrated by Table 15.4.1. An example is now prcscntcd of the calculation of frequencies /2. The trrlculations are carried out lirr krcation 4 of Fig. 15.3.18 for which the plot l/1V,, is given in Fig. lt is irssurncd that the ratio VolV, = 1.5 and tlurl thc wind climatc is tlcrsclibcrl by 'l'rblt: 1.5.4. l. The frequency.fv is soughl r'l'he sttpcrscripl in lht'nolitliott /l'tr'prcrrrrl: tlrt's1x'r'rl l',, s;xrtttlslttlltcvitlttci Iiltit l(r;rrtttl (orrll;riirrrrvlrrrlrllrt sl:rr'(irrg lirrnr thc NNW rlircclrorr (rn' l,r1 ll 'l I I (r rtr/s, whilc llrc srrbst.r'ipl cortr. irrrp,lr'//isrrrt'trsrrrt'tl totrttlt'rtlotlwist lr),1 llll ljl o <g tr o q,) o0 q) xH 9z 2zE]z Ott-61 cq-o tIl u) gl I /aO a O\ , @u) qJ CB naa \OOc7) (.{*O ' o q) a VI U) .+> ol q () o) L tri B z /z z tf, lai f-l rla 1E o o c) o , I .??n o.t-Ol ..lci$ c.{io r r I a nnqF-c..lOO l.n nnn\O.TOO ':nna t ll (ls.4.s) C!F-61 *-Ol o of direction (in the example of Table 15.4.1, these data are given in the last column). It is noted in [15-11] that this simplified procedure, even though not "exact," provides generally reliable indications on the serviceability of pedestrian areas in a built environment of the type represented in Fig. 15.3.3. It rA +o Nrr -F (/) c.;o is emphasized, however, that the procedure can only be regarded as useful if applied in conjunction with the comfort criteria proposed in [15-11] (see Sect. .h F u) n'1 t5.2.2). \OO sF 9-: caO c^, NT , c.; the climatological information is concemed, the data needed are the frequencies of occurrence of all winds with speeds in excess of various values Zs, regardless *e ! ^lOO o coO 6A I coio B To illustrate the procedure proposed in [15-l l], consider the case of a building complex for which H : 70 rrr, W : 50 m, ,L : 35 m, and h : 10 m.* From Figs. 15.3.5 and 15.3'7, VAIVH = 0'6 and VBIVH = o'95, whete V1 VB are the highest mean speeds in the vortex and in the corner flow, ^nd rcspectively. For 11 : 70 m, VHIVyOO) = l.O4 (Table 15'3'1), so o I c.i z na a.t o Yt = vo crt cl -: CiiOO a 7.s WVA;) A simplified version of the procedure just presented is suggested in [15-11] for built environments similar in configuration to the basic reference case (Fig. 15.3.3) dealt with in Sect. 15.3. In this version the aerodynamic information used, rather than being a function of wind direction (as, e'g., in Fig. 15.3.21), is limited to the results given in Figs. 15.3.5, 15.3.7, and 15.3. 1 1. The ratios VnlV1lof mean wind at elevation F/in the built environment to mean wind at l0 m above ground in open terrain may be taken from Table 15.3.1. As far as io q-: El O\ (, (n r -ivln oi ot4 ra I 0909.1 q \\\! : 'f'hc calculations are given in Table 15.4.2. odd r r c.{io 09 09 5 m/sec. Equation 15.4.3 can then 15.4.2 Simplified Estimation Procedure -a r! a'> 6 tr tr tro co\ooo- nnnn d Q + z BS c\l .E rc o t-\ xH rci*Ltr ra \a \o \o \o o.oz (15.4.6a) h=t.m (1s.4.6b) vo t\ t F 546 Vo6.0i) n I q\vl-: \oF (h \Oc.lOO a \oO tr.l cn '.r r! ?.lc'l 6D a + -z 2zr! 0) 9H cdo 547 IJJ -Oc.l c.: ol o -, 2zz > t NVlll(lNMl Nl r I 2zr! 6.1 .,r :ll !'; lrl llNl'l IAUANT WlNl)S Wl tlllN A llt,ltl bc wli(lcrn ls d; o s.l , -0OO.l co-Ol li liqJ 3 t-- a.l $ c.;-id + az lr.1 IJ.] d orono \o c.l I'll lirr' ;rcrkrstriiut lcvcl wirrtls with spccds V 2z r) 'l V o t:: ** lo-ri. l-( l\\ la lt -^.5 \u: i 9 e ru* \ ' I \ F.i t 'l'hc frequencies of wincls /2 ) 5 m/s and VB ) 5 m/s are now sought, assuming that the wincl clittlttc is clcscribed by Table 15.4.1. It follows from liq. 15.4.6a that, in onlcr lltitl V1 > 5 ,nls, Vo > 510.63 = 8 m/s. From 'l'ahlc 15.4.1, the I'rcqtrrrttt'y ol srrclr witttls is 5o/o. However, to speeds Z6 ) tlirr lhcsc notalions, see lrig, l5 t I 548 wtNt ) tNl |, )ll(;l l) l)li;(l()Ml ()l ll lN nl ll ) Alt()tll 54q . ('. lt. llrrrrt. li (' llrultorr.;rrrrl .l (' Mtttttlorrl, 'llr, l'.llr'rl" nl Wtrttl ott Itr.olllt'. Nt.w ('rrlt'rur lllrst'tl orr Wnttl l'ntrrr'l l't1x'tttttr'ttlr," llrtrl,l Ittttt,'tt 5 rrr/s, wlticlt ltt't: sct:tl irt'l':rlrlt' 51r/s lltcrc corrcsl.rotttls sllculs (, - 5/l ()ccttr tittlc. o|(hc 30%, itb()ut 15.4.1 trt 'l'lrr: cornlirrl critcrion proposccl in [15-lll and prcscntod in Scc{. 15.2'2 s(:rtt:s tllrt lrcas in which wind speeds in excess of 5 m/scc occur rngrc lhan )ll'/t, ol'rhc tirnc are generally unsatisfactory from a pedestrian comlirrt point ol' vicw. 'l'hcrclirrc, according to this criterion, the wind conditions of thc l5 l,l lirrcg<ling cxittnplc arc unacceptable. l5-16 J. Candctlcr, "Wind linvir'onrrrerrt Anrurttl lltriklings: Atrtrxlyttitlttit'('ott cepts," in Pnx'culirtl4s ttl'tltc ["ourlh Inttnrutitnul (1nl|rrttct' tnt Witul l',llt't t,t on Buildings und Slru(:ture.r, London, 1975, Cambridge Univ. Prcss, Catn- REFERENCES l.\ I l5 4 l5 -5 K. ('hang, "Human Response to Motions in Talt Buildings," .1. Struct. /)ir',, ASCIE, 98, No. 5T6 (June 19733), 1259-12'12l'. W, ('hcn and L. E. Robertson, "Human Perception Thresholds of Horizontal Mrrriort." J. Struct. Div., ASCE, 97, No. ST8 (Aug' 1972),1681-1695' M. Yurnada and T. Goto, Criteria for Motions in Tall Buildings, College of lirrginccring, Hosei University , Koganei, Tokyo, Japan, 1975' ',l'. (ioto, "Human Perception and Tolerance of Motion," Monograph of Coun' cil on Tall Builctings and Urban Habitat, Vol' PC (1981)' 817-849' lr. R. Khan and R. A. Parmelee, "Service Criteria for Tall Buildings for Wind Loading, in Proceedings ofthe Third International conference on wind Effects on Buiidings ancJ Structures, Tokyo, 1971, Saikon' Tokyo, 1972' pp' 401401. l5-6 R. J. Hansen, J. W. Reed, and E. H. Vanmarcke, "Human Response to windInduced Motion," J. Sffuct. Div., ASCE, 98, No' ST7 (July 1973), 15891605. 15 1 J. W. Reed, WinrJ-lnduced Motion and Human Discomfort in Tall Buildings' Research Report No. R7l-42, Department of civil Engineering, MIT, Cambridge, 1971. l5-ti T. Goto, "studies of wind-Induced Motion of Tall Buildings Based on occupants Reaction," J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn', 13 (1983)' 241-252' L. Ircld, ..superstructure for 1350 ft. world Trade center," Civ. Eng., ASCE, 41, (r (Junc l97l),66-70. A. I). l)crrwunlcn, "Acccptable wind Speeds in Towns," Build. sci.,8,3 l5 g 15 l0 15 ll A l). l)crrwrrnlcn rrntl A. F. E. Wise, Wind Environment (Scl)l . l()7.1), 259-261 . around Buildings' Establishmcnt Report, Department of the Environment. lirrikling l{cscarclr llrriltling ltcscarch tjstablishment, Her Majesty's Stationery Olfice, London, t915. 15-12 T. V. Lawson and A. D. Penwarden, "The Effects of wind on People in the Vicinity of Buildings," in Proceedings of the Fourth International ConJerence l5-13 I, t l()/{r;. I Jl{ l-5-15 N. lsytrtrrov:lrrtl A (i l):tvt'ttlxrrl. " llrc (itottltrl It'vll wttrrl l''ltt'tlrtlltttr'ttl tti Iltrilt.trp At-clts," it'r I'tt'tt'ttlirt,qs r'l lltt l\trttllt ltttt'tttrtltttttrtl < t'ttlt'tI ttt t tttt Wind Iillcct,s ott Ihtiltlirr.q,t tltl ,\trrtttrttr'.r, LottrLrtt. l()ll. ('lttttlrtttl;',t'llrtrv I Prcss, Cltttbritlgt:, l()7(r, pp. '10.| "12J. bridge, pp.423-432. l\ I li. l\ I .l on winrJ Effects on Buildings and Structures, London, 1975, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1976, PP. 605-622. E. C. Poulton, J. c. R. Hunt, J. C. Mumford, and J. Poulton, "Thc Mcchanical Disturbance Pro<Iuced by Steady and Gusty Winds ol'Mtxlc:rrttc Strcrrgth: Skillctl periormanceandScmanticAsscsstncnts," I'.rgrtttttrtit.t,ltt,6(l()75),65 I 673 15-17 S. Murakami and K. Deguchi, "New Criteria for Wind Effects on Pedestrians," J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn., 7 (1981), 289-309. 15-18 L. W. Apperley and B. J. Vickery, "The Prediction and Evaluation of the Ground Level Wind Environment," in Proceedings of the Fiilh Australasian Conference on Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zcaland, 1974. Melbourne and P. N. Joubert, "Problems of Wind Flow at the Base of Tall Buildings ," in Proceedings of the Third Intemational Conference on Wind Effects on Building and Structures, Tokyo, 1971, Saikon, Tokyo, 1972' pp. l5-19 W. H. 105-l 14. 15-20 E. Arens and D. Ballanti, "Outdoor Comfort of Pedestrians in Cities," in Proceedings of the Conference on the Urban Physical Environmenl, 1975, U.S' Forest Service, American Meteorological Society, and Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY 1975. 15-21 M. O'Hare, "Designing with Wind Tunnels," Arch. Forum (April 1968), 60-64. Windtunnelmetingen aan een model van het Transitorium II van de Rijksuniversiteit, Lltrecht, Report No. TR72l10L, National Aerospace Lab- l5-22 R. Poestkoke, oratory NLR, The Netherlands, 1972. 15-23 N. M. Standen, A Wind Tunnel Study of Wind Condition.t on Scale Models of Place Desjardins, Montreal, Laboratory Technical Report No. LTR-LA-101, National Research Council of Canada, National Aeronautical Establishment, Ottawa, 1972. 15-24 N. Isyumov and A. G. Davenport, "Comparison of Full-Scale and Wind Tunnel Wind Speed Measurements in the Commerce Court Plaza," J. Ind. Aerodyn., 1,2 (Oct. 1975),201-212. 15-25 A. G. Davenport, C. F. P. Bowen, and N. Isyumov, A Study of Wind Effects on the Commcrct ()turt Pntict:t, Pan II, Wind Environment at Pedestrian Level, Enginecring Scient'c llcscarch Rcport No. BLWT-3-70, University of ol lirrginccring Sc:icncc, London, Canada, 1970. 15 26 J. Ganilcrncr, li)trt,l,' ,!, ltr tt,ut l) AI 1., I'rtrtit 2, I)tttt'rrttitttttiotr rlrt <'lrttrttlt tlt' t,ilt''tttt tuti,sitttt.tlt',!tt,',trt1,l,'t,'l,,tti ,!,'ltt l.,ttt-l).M.A., liN n l)YM 75'l('. ('cntor Scicntilirltrt' t't 'li't ltrttrlttr' rltt ll:tlttttt'ttl, N:tttlt's, lilirlrcc, l()75. l5 27 M. ()'lllrrt. untl lt l, krrrrr;rrri r. "l'( r(,' l)t sillrt:r lo l(t't'I Witul llrtttr llt'ttt;' ;t Nttislttlt't'." ,4t, ltit Ii,', ( lrrlr l(f{r'}} l i l l ilr Wcstern On{ario, lrrtt'trlly l 550 wrNurNr)rJCr.r) DtscoMfont tN ANI) Anot,Nt) RtJilDtNGrl 15-28 V. K. Shrirrin, "Wind Comlirrt and Wind Shcltcr," in I'nx'ctdings r2l'tha Symposium on External Fktws, University o1 Bristol, 1972. CHAPTER 16 15-29 A. D. Penwarden, P. F. Grigg, and R. Rayment, "Measurements ol' Wind Drag on People Standing in a Wind Tunnel," Build. Environ., 13 (1978), 75-84. 15-30 W. J. Beranek, "Wind Environment around Single Buildings of Rectangular Shape, and Wind Environment around Building Configurations," Heron, 29 (1984), 1-70. l5-31 F. H. Durgin and A. W. Chock, "Pedestrian Level Winds: A Brief Review," J. Struct. Div., ASCE, f08 (1982), 175l-1767. 15-32 A. Tallin and B. Ellingwood, "serviceability Limit States: Wind Induced Vibrations," J. Strucr. Eng., ll0, (Oct. 1984), 2424-2437. TORNADO EFFECTS 'fornadoes are storns containing the most powerful of all winds (see Sect. 1.3). However, their probabilities of occunence at any one location are low compared to those of other extreme winds (see Sect. 3.5). It has therefore been generally considered that the cost of designing structures to withstand tornado cffects is significantly higher than the expected loss associated with the risk of a tornado strike (the expected loss being defined as the product of the magnitude ol the loss by its probability of occurrence). For this reason tornado-resistant design requirements are not included in current building codes or standards, Ior example, the Uniform Building Code [6-1], the Southern Building Code 116-21, or the ASCE 7-95 Standard [17-l]. However, in designing facilities for which the consequences of failure would bc exceptionally grave, the effects of a tornado strike must be explicitly taken into account. Such facilities include nuclear power plants, for which it is required that "structures, systems and components important to safety . . . be tlcsigned to withstand the effects of natural phenomena such as . . . tornadoes . . . without loss of capability to perform their safety functions" [16-3]. In the tJnited States, construction permits or operating licenses for nuclear power plants are issued or continued only if this requirement is satisfied in a manner consistent with Regulatory Guides* issued by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Cbmmission (e.g., [6-31 and I l6-41) or otherwise acceptable to the Regulatory stafl'of that agency. lt is (hc purposc ol'this chapter to describe studies undcrlakcn, as well as dcsigrr clilcliir irrrtl llrlcctlurcs developed, with a vicw to cnsuring an adcqualc rcsislirttee rtl'ttttclcirr l)()wcr plants t<l tornackr cllbcts. +'l'hc licgulatirry (ittitlcs rtte n'vir'wrrl l*'rirxlilirllv, irr nt'crlt'tl. l() itr'('onrrKXlitlc corrrrttt'rtls lo t'trllcc( nrrw ittlitnttitlirrr or r'rpi:ri.:ttr r. I ifr ,ll rrttrl 551 552 t()nNnt)() il Il tot:; wltt'l'c K rs it (()ns(iurl Tornado cllbcts uray bc diviclctl itt(o tltrcc gn)ups: rigonrttsly 1. Wind pressures, caused by the direct action upon the structurc ol'thc air flow. 2. Pressures 3. associated with the variation of the atmospheric pressure field as the tomado moves over the structure (atmospheric pressure changc effects). Impactive forces caused by tornado-borne missiles. To estimate these effects, it is necessary to assume a model of the tornado wind flow. A model currently accepted fbr use in engineering calculations consists of a vortex characterized by the following parameters: (l) maximum rotational wind spccd V^r,* (2) translational speed of the tornado voftex 2,., (3) radius <lf'maximum rotational wind speed R^, (4) pressure drop po, and (5) rate ol' prcssurc drop dp"ldt. (Values of these parameters proposed for the design of nuclcar power plants in the United States are listed in Sect. 3.5.). The tomado voftex flow model must then be complemented by assumptions on the detailed features of the wind flow. Such features are discussed as needed in the subsequent sections herein. For a survey of recent developments in engineering practice related to tornado effects, see [6-5]. 16.1 WIND PRESSURES [16-6], and assumes the following: 1. The wind velocities and, therefore, the wind pressures, do not vary with 'l'hc wintl prosstlrc tlrcrcol'rnay bc writtcn yr,,, ,'rprr':,:.rorr, wlrrr lr l. rrol ttsctl irt tlt'sip,rrirrg, s(tttt ttttt's ()r l)iuls :rttl lxrrlrorrs irs lr, t1,(',, I t1y(',,i 1l(r.1.211 whcrc Q, is thc cxtcrnal prcssurc crrcllicicnt, C,i is thc internal pressure coef: licient, qp is the basic extcrnal pressure,* q, is the basic internal pressure. Values for the pressure coefficients C, and Cpi zre given, for example, in ll6-31. The quantities qp and eu may be calculated as follows: Qr: CIP^^ : CYP^ Qv (16.1.s) (16.1.6) * where P^o : (16.1.7) *PV'-^ ln Eq. 11.16.7, p is the airdensity and Z-u^ is the maximum horizontal wind If Z-o* is expressed in mph andp-"" inlblft?, |p : 0.00256 lblftzl(mph)z. The quantities Cf and C! are reduction (or size) coeflicients that account for the nonuniformity in space of the tornado wind field. 'l'he size coefficient Clmay be determined from Fig. 16.l.l as a function of lhc ratio LlR., where L is the horizontal dimension, perpendicular to the wind tlirection, of the tributary area of the structural element concerned (if the wind Ioad is distributed among several structural elements, e.g., by a horizontal rliaphragm, L is the horizontal dimension, perpendicular to the wind direction, ol'the total area tributary to those elements). The size coefficient Cf may be rlctermined as follows. If the size and distribution of the openings are relatively trnifbrm around the periphery of the structure, C! is determined in the same way as Cf using a value of t equal to the horizontal dimension of the structure pcrpendicular to the wind direction. If the sizes and distribution of the openings rrrc not uniform, the following weighted averaging procedure is used: height above ground. The tangential wind velocity component is given by the expressions V, : ^r V^ (0<r=R.) K_ V, : R'n r V,n (R-<r(o) (16.1.1) (16.1.2) l. 3. ol lttrrlxlltotItlrly Ilrl; l('('l, is r'ottvt'ttir'rtl in t ;rlr'ttllrl torr, speed (see Sect. 3.5.1). A procedure for calculating wind pressures is now described; it is taken from 2. ('()r whcre V,, is the maximum tangential wind velocity and Ru is the radius of maximum rotational wind speed. The total horizontal wind speed is V:KV, +The rotational wind spcccl is dcfinccl as thc rcsultanl componcnts ll6 l3l. ol'lhc l:rngcrrtiirl ( r6. l .3) ;rrrtl r:uli:rl wirrtl vt'kxily Determine quantity 11lR,,, such that t't 1i,,, R,,, t't I (r6. r.r3) L rllt't:tttse tto tlislirtt'liorr is ttt;trlr' rtt lltr'. lt,r, , ,lttrr' lrlu'r'r'rt lr;tsir' Ptt'sstltt's tlscrl rtt lltr' rlt stl'.tr ol slnt('1ilt('s, rttt (ltt'0nt'lIttttl. ;ilt,1 "l l',ilt, ;ilr,1 l','llr,'r', r'il llr( ollr('t lr;il11, llrr'n()lllll{)il rl, u\('(l rr I l{r }l lor l)r('ssll('s ()n p:ul!;tttrl lxrtltltt, r', ri}l t rrl'lr'\'r'rl ltr'tr'tl 554 rotlN^rx) tlIloll-; ilr r wlNt) t,llt lil;(,nl l; whcrc,rl,, is thc arca ol'opcning itl locirliorr i. (i,, is thcr lirctor (',r ul l<tcatiorr ri, ancl N is tho nutttbor 9l'gpcrri1gs. ('l'lrr: cgcllir:ic:rrt (1, in liig. 16. 1.2 rcprcscnts nonditncnsionalizcrl winrl prcssures lnrl was calculatccl using Eqs. l6.l.l, 16.1.2, 16.1.3, anrl l(r.1.7.'lir obtain trig. t6.l.l, the nondimensionalized prcssurcs ol' tJig. 16.l .2 wcrc intcgratcd bctwccn the limits 11 and 11 * L, whcrc 11 is givcn by Eq. 16. 1.8, ancl the rcsults of the integration wcrc thcn nonnalizcd; the coefficient Cl is thus an approximate measure of the average pressure over the interval L t16-61). 1.0 0.9 F cs o.7 0.6 Numerical Example The building of Fig. 16.1.3 is assumed ro be in region I. The sizes and distribution of the openings (not represented in Fig. 16.1.3) are assumed to be uniform around the periphery of the structure. The ratio between area of openings and total wall area is AolA*: O.25.It is assumed V^u :360 mph (161 m/s), R. : 150 ft (46 m) (see Table 3.5.1). The pressures on the 100-ft (30.5-m) side walls induced by the wind blowing in the direction shown in Fig. 16.1.3 are calculated as follows: 0.5 0.4 1.0 1.2 1.4 1 .6 1 .8 2.O L ftFIGUR.E 16.1.1. Size coefficient Cf 2. 555 116-61. Locate plan of structure drawn at appropriate scale within the nondimensionalized pressure profile of Fig. 16.1.2, with the left end of the structure at the coordinate rtlRm. Determine factor Cn from Fig. 16.1.2 for each exposed opening. 3. 4. Determine Cf; from Eq. 16.1.9 Dl Asicq, -, _ Ls r - -FX Ll no, (16.1.9) pmu* :0.00256 x 3602 : 330 # (rr,roo {) (Eq. 16.1.7) (r*uo {) (Eq. 16 r.5) For basic external pressures, L:20Oft L 200 : R_ 150 (61 m) 1.33 : 0.50 (Fig. r6.1.1) lb ae : 0.56 x 330 : 185 Cf -ft' 1.0 0.9 0.8 o.7 0.6 C,I 0.5 0.3 o.2 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.O 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 r RFIGURE 16.1.2. Cocfticicnt C,/ ll() 61. 4l 3.O .'9(.'" /n{' li'l(illltl,l 16.1..1. $r'lrr.rrrrrtit vit.w ol lrrriltlirrpq 556 t()trNntx) ; Il t(;tli Iiol basic inlcrnal prcssLltts, : 200 _L : 1.33 cf : 4u : o.56 L R* I ior' ft (61 m) 330 : Lt'i - lirlr wind 185 q (tt.o ft2 I) (Eq 16 r : -0.7 x -0.7 tl6-31 +0.3 ("r*< 185 - 0.3 x 551 0.3, see lro-:l) 185 : r8s g ft' (*ruo \ : PVl, (l (r.2..11) lf the structures are completely open, the intemal and external pressures are cqualized, for practical purposes, instantaneously, so the loading due to atmospheric pressure changes approaches zero. In structures with openings (vented structures), the intemal pressures change during the tornado passage by an amountp,(r). Denoting the external atmospheric pressure change by p,(t), the atmospheric differential pressure that acts on the extemal walls is p"(t) - piG). A useful model for p"(t) can be obtained by assuming, in Eqs. 16.2.2 and 16.2.3, r : Vot, where 2,, is the translation speed and r is the time. A simpler model in which the variation of p.(t) with time is given by the graph of Fig. 16.2.1 may also be used [16-6]. The time-varying internal pressures p,(t) may be estimated by iteration as follows. Assume that the building consists of a number n of compartments. The air mass in compartment N (where N < n) at time f +1 is denoted by Wy(\+1) and may be wrirten as 61 pressure, p*, i tornado-'l'hcrclirrc during (lto p:tssirgt'tlte rlillt'rt'rrtt'lrt'lwccrr llrt'lrrtt.r'rr:rl prt.s surc and the atnrosphcric prcssutc is ctlturl lo 2,,. ll lollows lrorrr llt1s. l(r.l J and 16.2.3 that thc maxirtrurrr vtrlrrc ol'yr,,, wlriclr (x'(.ut.s ltt /. O, ls 1l',t,tt'^ x I ( )n I !ll.1r lrt tlrc ctrsc ol slrrrclrrrcs with rto opt.rrings (tttryt'ttlt,rl \.!ntt.tut(,\ ), llrr' rrr{t.rrr;rl l)rcssuro tttn:ritts ctlttirl lo (lrr: trlntos;rltt.r'it'pn.ssrrrt. lrt.lort'llrt- lrlr.;:;lr1't'ol llrt. Pr.t'ssrrrc cocfficients. Co: l'lll :,',l ,l tl ( ll^tl( il I\ m'l Wy(t1+t) (Eq. 16.1.a) : Wp(\) + [GN(i")(t) - G,v,.",,(4)J Ar (16.2.4) where G1r,,", snd Grq,,",y denote the mass of air flowing into and out of compartN per unit of time, respectively, and Ar is the time increment. The air mass flow rates G7y can be calculated as functions of the pressures outside and within the compartment N and of relevant geometrical parameters, including ment 16.2 ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE CHANGE LOADING ('onsitlcr thc cyclostrophic wind equation (Sect. 1.3) written dpo v? dr: P; as (16.2.1) wlrt'n'r/,rr,,/r/r'is tlrc ulrnosphcric pressure gradient at radius r from the center rrl tlrr'torrrirrlo vorlcx. 'lir obtain thc pressure drop po,Eq. 16.2.1 is integrated lrorrr irrlinily lo r'. ll'thc cxprcssionfor V, given by Eqs. 16. l.l and 16.1.2 is rrst'tl I l(r (rl: 1,,,1n -,t;' (, #i) p,,(r) - p ;-7 Vi,, Ri,, (o sr- (R,,,sr(oo) R,,,) (t6.2.2) (t6.2.3\ lll(;lJltl,l 16.2.1. ltleirlizt'rl :tlttto:ltltltt, lrr".',uri'r A, lr;rrr1',' v{'r:,n:, lrn(' lurrt'liorr Il{r {rl 558 TORNADO EFFECTS opening sizes, as shown subsequently. The internal pressure in compartment N at time ti+r,Piu(ti+1), is then written as p i.(tj +, : N lry#lo o,r r,,t (16.2.s) (?) (o ll : 1.4 is the ratio of specific heat of air at constant pressure to specific where k heat of air at constant volume. A computer program for calculating loading on vented structures due to atmospheric pressure changes is briefly described in [16-6]. The program incorporates the following type of model [16-7] for the air mass flow rate: NO EE N (f, o N o o 6 lt G : - p)lt'' 0.6C,Azf2l,,(pr (t6.2.6) @ o)N OO dc; I lt \o \o NO N. ci$ 0.) Err o (J> where . / \2lk *: [(,1) ft k [1 - tl- - (p2lpr1{t'- rtr* - Pzlqr It | - -lJ"t | - (A2tAt)2 (AzlA)2(prlpr)''o (16.2.7) o N N N st I a) H N N o o o so) @ N o o @ FrOto Err Err LO ciN N o. o> il o o O) d) il e (t o) sf El o. (J> ro (') o o N rod N il o; tr N t: c! c') o. (J> o r N (o (o (o (o ra ll il al + \o r{ /t Air flow pattern f[i zIIZZ=V sf (fJ ll o o @. .ro Err E> FIGURS 16.2.2. Illustration of pressure distribution and flow pattern during building depressurization [6-6]. 6t9 560 r()t tNnt r x) I ttt(;t:; l) ol'tlrc wull bctwctrtt cotttand 2,,42 is thc arca cotltloctirrg cornpartttlcnts I antl 2" (', is ir nondimensional comprcssibility cocfficient, k: 1.4, p1 is thc prcssurc in cotttpartment l, p2is the pressure in compartment2 (p2 < Pr), and "y1 is thc mass per unit volume of air in compartment 1. If, in compartments provided with a blowout panel, the differential pressure exceeds the design pressure for a panel, a statement in the program transforms the blowout panel area into a wall opening. In view of the presence of three-dimensional effects not accounted for by Eq. 16.2.6, the atmospheric differential pressures on extemal walls obtained by the procedure just described are multiplied by a factor of 1.2 ancl zl 1 is thc arca (rln tho sitlc ol'c()lnl)iu-lrncnl partmcnts tl I 6-61. An illustration of the pressure distribution and of the flow pattern in a building during clcprcssurization is given in Fig. 16.2.2. An illustration of a structure dcprcssuriz.ation model with values of geometric parameters required as input in thc conrputer program, and an example of a corresponding differential pressurc-tirnc history calculated using the program, are shown in Figs. 16.2.3 and 16.2.4, rcspcctively. I 16.3 l,r, 5ti I TORNADO-BORNE MISSILE SPIEDS 'lir cs(itrtltlc sPcctls irlliritrt:rl lry lrn olrjt't'l nt()vltl, rrrrrlt.r llrr. ;rt.ltorr ol ;rcrorly rtitltric lorccs intlrrccrl lty lot'llrtkr wilrtls.;r sr.l ol lt:i:illntl)l t()nr, l:. rt' o On thc acnxlynalrric t'lurr':rt'lt'r'islit's ol llrc olr;t.t'l o On thc dctailctl lctrtrrrcs ol llrt' wilrtl lLrw lickl. o On the initial positiotr ol tltc olr.jcc( wi(h rcspcct lo llrc grourrtl untl (o lhc . tornado centcr, ancl its irritial vcl<rcity. objects commonly considered as potential missiles in the design of nuclear power plants are bluff bodies such as wooden planks, steel rods, steel pipes, utility poles, and automobiles. The purpose of this section is to review approaches to the tornado-borne rnissile problem based on (l) deterministic modeling, (2) probabilistic modeling of missile transport as a involving numerical simulations, and (3) modeling Markov diffusion process. Between compartment 3 and outside 16.3.1 Deterministic Modeling of Missile Motions atmosphere Between compartments 1 and 3 Equations of Motion and Aerodynamic Modeting. The motion of an object may be described in general by solving a system of three equations of balance Note: lnput time history per Fig. 11.2.1 using3R-,//rr=9sec and po = 432 lb/tt2 Structure depressurization model shown in of momenta and three equations of balance of moments of momenta. In the case of a bluff body, one major difficulty in writing these six equations is that Figure 11.2.3 the aerodynamic forcing functions are not known. It is possible to measure in the wind tunnel aerodynamic forces and moments acting on a bluff body under static conditions for a sufficient number of positions of the body with respect to the mean direction of the flow. on the basis of such measurements, the dependence of the forces and moments on position and corres