Outline Planning Application validation requirements

Validation Checklist - 6 – Outline all Reserved V2 – April 2010
Completed Application Form
Ownership & Agricultural Holdings Certificate
The correct fee (see attached Fees list)
Design & Access Statement
Required unless change of use with no external physical alterations sought.
Location Plan
‐ Scale 1:1250, site outlined in red (other land under applicant’s ownership outlined in blue),
showing direction of North. Should show site in relation to 2 or more named roads and
surrounding buildings.
Scale Parameters
- May include indicative elevations, or written dimensions indicating the upper and lower limits
for the height, width and length or each building
Layout Plan
‐ Scale 1:100/200/500, showing direction of North. Existing & proposed. Showing the
approximate position of all buildings, routes, open spaces, and access points, in relation to
existing buildings on and adjoining the site
Affordable Housing Statement
‐ Where development would involve increase of 10 or more dwellings on site.
‐ To include details of number / type / tenure / size and mix of units proposed. Details of
selection with RSLs / partners. Where levels below adopted policy are proposed, GLA toolkit
should be provided as justification.
Air Quality Assessment
‐ Where Housing development within area of poor air quality (eg: adjoining heavy traffic routes
/ industrial activities) proposed.
‐ Where significant increase / altered traffic volume / composition anticipated.
‐ Involving new car parking (+300 spaces) or coach / lorry parks
‐ Affecting sensitive areas (Nature Reserves / Sites of Nature Conservation Importance)
Arboriculture Statement / Tree Survey
‐ Where trees within or adjacent to the site may be affected by development, information will
be required on which trees are to be retained and on the means of protecting these trees
during construction works. This information should be prepared by a qualified
arboriculturist (to BS 5837)
Archaeological Assessment
‐ Development within Archaeological Priority Area disturbing ground.
‐ Advice as to the form and content of this assessment is provided in PPG 16:
Archaeology & Planning (1990).
Contaminated Land Report
‐ Where contamination is known or suspected and development would involve ground
disturbance or introduction or new buildings. Sufficient information is required to identify
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existence of contamination, it’s nature, risks posed and whether these can be satisfactorily
reduced. See PPS 23: Planning & Pollution Control (2004)
Draft s106
‐ Where Major Development is proposed and s106 contributions are anticipated / offered. See
Planning Obligations Strategy SPD (amended 2008) for format. Discussion prior to submission
with officers is recommended.
Ecological Assessment
‐ Where wildlife (including protected species) and biodiversity may be affected.
‐ To detail existing species / habitats present on site.
‐ Detailing potential impacts on ecology and measures to be taken to ensure its protection. See
PPS 9: Biodiversity & Geological Conservation (2005)
Flood Risk Assessment
‐ Required for proposals in Flood Zone 1 of 1 hectare or greater, and all proposals for new
development in Flood Zones 2 & 3 (see PPS 25: Development & Flood Risk (updated 2009))
‐ To assess the impact of flooding on the development, the increase in flood risk elsewhere,
measures to deal with the effects and risks
‐ To demonstrate that any flood risk can be managed with minimum impact on the
environment and that any flood mitigation works can be funded for the entire lifetime of the
Flues & Ventilation
‐ Where development involves extraction / ventilation requirements (such as uses relating to
the sale or preparation of cooked food).
‐ Where site lies within an area of poor air quality and proposed users / residents would be
adversely affected.
Heritage Statement
‐ Where development would involve:
‐ Alterations to Listed Building / Scheduled Ancient Monument
‐ Demolition requiring Conservation Area Consent
‐ The scope and degree of detail necessary will vary from application to application. At a
minimum, to include a schedule of works proposed, an analysis of the significance of the
element affected, including it’s historical significance and adequate justification for those
‐ For Listed Buildings, to relate to the historic fabric and character of the building and it’s setting
‐ For demolition requiring Conservation Area Consent, to assess the impact of the demolition
upon the character and appearance of the conservation area.
‐ See PPG15: Planning & the Historic Environment (currently subject to revision)
Landfill Risk Assessment
‐ For all operational development within 250 metres of an identified landfill site.
Lighting Assessment
‐ Where development involves the provision of external lighting of floodlighting
‐ To include information regarding illumination levels and lightspill
Noise Assessment
‐ For noise sensitive development (such as residential / educational uses) close to existing
sources of noise (classified roads / railway lines / industrial uses).
‐ Where noise disturbance is liable to impact on surrounding uses
‐ See PPG 24: Planning & Noise (1994) for further information.
Renewable Energy Report
‐ For all major development.
‐ To include details regarding generation of renewable energy, including assessment of
development’s energy demands and the level to be met through renewable sources.
Retail Impact Statement / Assessment
‐ For retail development outside defined town centres exceeding 500m2 (statement) of 2500m2
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See PPS 4: Planning For Sustainable Economic Growth for further information.
Sunlighting / Daylight Assessment
‐ Where development would adversely impact on existing levels enjoyed by adjoining
properties, including buildings and amenity space.
‐ To include diagrams and calculation of Vertical Sky Component / Average Daylight Factor
where necessary. See BRE guidance for further information
Transport Impact Assessment & Green Travel Plan
‐ Assessment required for all major development (ie - 10+ dwellings, 1000m2 plus commercial
‐ To assess the impact of the development on the existing transport network and set out
mitigation measures where necessary (including contributions in the form of a planning
‐ Travel Plan required for all major development, to include details of likely mode of travel,
actions to be taken to reduce reliance on private vehicles, measures taken to encourage use of
sustainable forms of transport. Means through which Plan will be monitored and targets set.
‐ For more information, see Department for Transport guidance on Transport Assessment (2007)
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