Lecture 23

Lecture 23
• Midterm #2 results (undergrad. scores only):
N=73; mean=63; median=63.5; std.dev.=8.42
• You may pick up your exam during any TA office hour.
Regrade requests must be made before you leave with your exam
• The list of misunderstood/forgotten points has been updated.
• BJT Differential Amplifiers (cont’d)
– Cascode differential amplifiers
– Common‐mode rejection
– Differential pair with active load
Reading: Chapter 10.4‐10.6.1
EE105 Fall 2007
Lecture 23, Slide 1
Prof. Liu, UC Berkeley
Cascode Differential Pair
Rout = [1 + g m 3 (rO1 || rπ 3 )]rO 3 + rO1 || rπ 3
Rout ≅ g m 3 (rO1 || rπ 3 )rO 3 + rO1 || rπ 3
Half circuit for ac analysis
Av = −gm1Rout ≅ −gm1[gm3 (rO1 || rπ 3 )rO3 + rO1 || rπ 3 ]
EE105 Fall 2007
Lecture 23, Slide 2
Prof. Liu, UC Berkeley
Telescopic Cascode Differential Pair
Half circuit for ac analysis
Av ≈ − g m1 [g m3 rO 3 (rO1 || rπ 3 )] || [g m5 rO 5 (rO 7 || rπ 5 )]
EE105 Fall 2007
Lecture 23, Slide 3
Prof. Liu, UC Berkeley
R1 ⎞ ⎤
Rop = ⎢1 + g m 5 ⎜ rO 7 || rπ 5 || ⎟ ⎥ rO 5 + rO 7 || rπ 5 || 1
2 ⎠⎦
Av = − g m1 ([g m 3 rO 3 ( rO1 || rπ 3 ) ] || Rop )
Half circuit for ac analysis
EE105 Fall 2007
Lecture 23, Slide 4
Prof. Liu, UC Berkeley
Effect of Finite Tail Impedance
• If the tail current source is not ideal, then when an input
common‐mode voltage is applied, the currents in Q1 and Q2
and hence the output common‐mode voltage will change.
∆Vout ,CM
∆Vin ,CM
EE105 Fall 2007
(RC / 2)
Lecture 23, Slide 5
+ 2 REE
Prof. Liu, UC Berkeley
Effect of Input CM Noise
Ideal Tail Current
• There is no effect of the input CM noise at the output.
EE105 Fall 2007
Lecture 23, Slide 6
Prof. Liu, UC Berkeley
Effect of Input CM Noise
Ideal Tail Current
• The single‐ended outputs are corrupted by the input CM noise.
EE105 Fall 2007
Lecture 23, Slide 7
Prof. Liu, UC Berkeley
Ideal Tail Current
Non-Ideal Tail Current
• The differential output
signall is the
h same
for both cases.
Æ For small input
p CM
noise, the differential
pair is not affected.
EE105 Fall 2007
Lecture 23, Slide 8
Prof. Liu, UC Berkeley
CM to DM Conversion; gain ACM‐DM
• If finite tail impedance and asymmetry (e.g. in load resistance)
are both present, then the differential output signal will
contain a portion of the input common‐mode signal.
∆VCM = ∆VBE + 2∆I C REE =
⇒ ∆I C =
∆I C
+ 2∆I C REE
+ 2 REE
∆Vout1 = −∆I C RC
∆Vout 2 = − ∆I C (RC + ∆RC )
∆Vout = ∆Vout1 − ∆Vout 2 = −∆I C ∆RC
∆VCM (1 / g m ) + 2 REE
EE105 Fall 2007
Lecture 23, Slide 9
Prof. Liu, UC Berkeley
ACM − DM =
EE105 Fall 2007
∆R C
+ 2{[1 + g m 3 ( R1 || rπ 3 )]rO 3 + R1 || rπ 3 }
g m1
Lecture 23, Slide 10
Prof. Liu, UC Berkeley
Common‐Mode Rejection Ratio
• CMRR is the ratio of the wanted amplified differential input
signal to the unwanted converted input common‐mode noise
that appears at the output.
EE105 Fall 2007
Lecture 23, Slide 11
Prof. Liu, UC Berkeley
Differential to Single‐Ended Conversion
• Many circuits require a differential to single‐ended conversion.
• This topology is not very good; its most critical drawback is
pp y noise corruption,
, since no common‐mode cancellation
mechanism exists. Also, we lose half of the voltage signal.
EE105 Fall 2007
Lecture 23, Slide 12
Prof. Liu, UC Berkeley
… A Better Alternative
• This circuit topology performs differential to single‐ended
conversion with no loss of gain.
= g m ro , NPN ro , PNP
vin1 − vin 2
EE105 Fall 2007
Lecture 23, Slide 13
Prof. Liu, UC Berkeley
Active Load
• With a current mirror as the load, the signal current produced
byy Q1 can be replicated
onto Q4.
• This type of load is different from the conventional “static
load” and is called an “active load.”
EE105 Fall 2007
Lecture 23, Slide 14
Prof. Liu, UC Berkeley
Differential Pair with Active Load
• The input differential pair decreases the current drawn from
RL by ∆I, and the active load pushes an extra ∆I into RL by
current mirror action; these effects enhance each other.
EE105 Fall 2007
Lecture 23, Slide 15
Prof. Liu, UC Berkeley
Active Load vs. Static Load
• The load in the circuit on the left responds to the input signal
and enhances the single‐ended output, whereas the load in
the circuit on the right does not.
EE105 Fall 2007
Lecture 23, Slide 16
Prof. Liu, UC Berkeley