SK KIN NS Saturday N Novemb ber 16 6, 20133 Q Qualifeers Reser R rves 1. JJim Ha arris 1. Dean n Hunter 2. S Shashi Dend dekarr ard Hills 2. Richa 3. B Brad Morris M s 3. Alex Katso oulis 4. G Greg Lee L 4. Geofff Rob berts 5. D Dan William W ms 6. T Tony Crowe C e 7. A Allan Broke B enshire e 8. S Stephe en Ho odson $10000 0M Meg ga Dra D aw On n the dday, brring yo our Parrk Lan ne coup pons to ensurre you’’re in the t runnning for f thee $10000 nning tticket must m be in thhe mega drraw. Thhe win ubhouse to claim c th he prizze. clu BEST T OF LUCK L K TO A ALL MEMBE M ERS