Cablee Life Cerrtificate The exppected cablee life exceedds 40 years ssubject to thhe followinggs: 1. Cables are instaalled and used properlly as governned by interrnationally recognized Standards and Codes of thhe Electricall Engineerinng Practice. 2. Cables are not subject to over voltagge whether AC or in the t form off surges andd impulses whicch exceeds tthe standardd values. 3. Therre are no ennvironmentaal effects likke adjacentt services orr any other heat sourcee that may increease the opeerating tempperature of the t cable abbove 90⁰C w with limited overload teemperature not eexceeding 1105⁰C for a cumulative 1500 hourss during the lifetime of the cable. 4. The cables are well w maintaained and saaved from anny outside m mechanical or o chemicall attacks or any act of vandalism duringg the cable lifetime.