S li ity iimpact Salinity p t on solids lid p precipitatio ipit tion during d i g CO2 injection i j ti to t saline li aquifers q if i Jiangha in Ji ghan Basin, Basin B i China Chi Yibing ibi Ke,Yilian Ke Yilian ili Li, Lii Telesphore l h Kabera b a, a Weii Zhang, Zhang h Peng Cheng Cheng, h Qii Fang, Fang Sanxii Peng S h l off E School Environmental i l Studies, SStudies di , China Chi Uni U iversity i i y off G Geosciences Geosciences, i ,W Wuhan h 430074 430074,, P P. R R. Chi China I t d ti Introduction M d li g Setup Modeling S t p Jianghan g Basin is one of the target g CO2 storage g sites. sites However the salinity li i off the h formation f i water in i Jianghan Ji h Basin B i is i higher hi h compared d to other p places This p places. paper p uses numerical simulation to highlight g g the salinity li i impact i affecting ff i the h dry d out and dry-out d precipitation i i i while hil injecting i j i dryy supercritical p CO2 into Jianghan g basin ((China). (China)) The aim of the present study d is i on the h quantitative i i aspects off salt l precipitation i i i in i the h vicinity y of a CO2 injection j well, as induced byy formation dry-out well, dryy out from water dissolution di l i i into the h flowing fl i CO2 stream. stream The Th Jianghan Ji h Basin B i formations p properties p were used. used In order to assess the effects a 1D model d l was developed d l d which hi h was considered id d to be b a homogenous h sandstone of about 100m thickness. thickness Then a number of sensitivityy simulations i l i were performed f d to analyze l the h impact. i impact Th 2 The 2-D D model d l results showed that the effects of g gravity y override on g gas saturation di ib i distributions were strong and d also l reflect fl the h effect. effect ff M More d il and details d mechanisms h i are needed d d to t be b explored l d in i future f t ’s research future’s h. Our initial numerical simulations were done with ECO2N module f from the h TOUGH2 simulator. simulator i l ECO2N designed d i d for f applications li i to geologic g g sequestration q of CO2 in saline aquifers. aquifers q It includes a comprehensive h i d description i i off the h thermodynamics h d i and d thermophysical p y properties p p of H2O-NaCl-CO O NaCl CO2 mixtures ((Pruess et al., al , 2005)) 2005). The aquifer q is assumed as a homogeneous, homogeneous g , isotropic, isotropic p , infinite-acting infinite acting g one The one. h injection i j i rate is i constant at 50kg/s k / for f a time i period i d off 1000 days days. y Parameters and schematic map p are shown below. below Table 1. 1 Hydrogeological parameters used in the simulations S dy A Study Area Th Jianghan The Ji h Basin B i lies li in i the th south south-central th central t l partt off the th Hubei H b i Province, P i the Jianghan Plain between Yangtzi River and Hanshui River, River west to Yi h Yichang city, it eastt to t Yingcheng Yi h city, it south th to t Huhong H h city, it and d north th to t the north of Jingzhou city (Fig. (Fig 1). 1) It is a salt-lake rift basin developed on the th Zhongyangzi Zh i paraplatform l tf d i the during th Cretaceous C t and d Tertiary T ti covering an area of 36350 km2. Figure g 2. 2 Schematic of 1-D 1 D radial injection j pproblem Results off Base Case C Fig 1 Location map of the Jianghan Basin (From Li Guoyu et al., Fig.1. al 2002) Th Jianghan The Ji h B i contains Basin t i L t Cretaceous Late C t t Quaternary to Q t sedimentaryy deposits p upp to 10km thick. thick There are two p prominent sedimentary di t cycles l i l di including th Haiyang the H i F Formation ti off upper Cretaceous, the Shashi Formation of Paleocene, Cretaceous, Paleocene, the Xingouzui g F Formation Formation, ti th Jingsha the Ji h Formation F ti and d the th Qianjiang Qi ji F Formation ti off Eocene, the Jinghezhen Eocene, g Formation of Oligocene, Oligocene g , the Guanghuasi g F Formation ti off Miocene Mi t Pliocene to Pli as well ll as the th Pingyuan Pi F Formation ti off Pleistocene to recent. recent Th reservoir The i rocks k in i the th Jianghan Ji h Basin B i include i l d sandstone, sandstone dt globulitic l b liti marl, fractured mudstone and basalt, marl, basalt, sandstone reservoir as the major. major j Xi Xingouzui i Formation F ti and d Qianjiang Qi ji F Formation ti i the is th predominant d i t ppetroliferous and saliniferous sandstone reservoir as shown in Fig. Figg 1. 1 Th sediment The di t supply l is i unidirectional idi ti l and d adequate, adequate d t mainly i l from f th the Jingmen Jingmen, g , Hanshui and Dangyang gy g ppalaeodrainage g p pattern in the north of th basin the b i during d i the th Qianjiang Qi ji and d Xingouzui Xi i Formation F ti deposits. d deposits it The target g storage g formation would be Xingouzui g Formation It Formation. di t ib t three distributes th d lt sandd bodies delta b di in i the th Mashan, M h Mashan H Hougang and d Hanchuan area from west to east in the north of the basin and they y connectt together t th into i t a reservoir i development d l t zone in i horizon h i and d gett thin to the south. south The sand bodyy is widelyy distributed with the area of 11000 km k 2, and d the th thickness thi k off the th sandstone dt i generally is ll 20 to t 140 meters in range, range g , with the maximum thickness upp to 237 meters. meters Silt t Siltstone i the is th main i rock k type, t type with ith the th average porosity it off 17% and d the average g p permeability y of 98×10-33µ µm2. Th formation The f ti water t in i Xingouzui Xi i Formation F ti i mainly is i l calcium l i chloride and sodium sulfate type. type yp As the burial depth p deeper p than 1000 the 1000m 1000m, th water t salinity li it appears little littl differences diff with ith the th increasing i i depth depth, p , mainly y between 100000 mg/L g to 260000 mg/L. mg/L g We use the average g value of salinityy 0.2 0 2 in the base case modeling. modeling g The gas saturation, saturation solid saturation as function of the similarity variable aaree sshown how be b low from below f o Figure Figu e 3 aand d Figure Figu e 4. 4. Pruess and Spycher (2007), (2007) have shown that the numerical results for the reference tthe efe e ce case follow follow a ssimilarity i ila itty so solution, luttio , w where he e tthe the so solution luttio remains i invariant i i when h plotted l d versus the h similarity i il i variable i bl R2/t, / where /t h R is is a se selected lected t d radial ad dial d dista distance t ce w while hile t is is ttime. ti e. In I tthis this pape paper,, we aalso lso use it to plot the results to check the accuracy of the numerical simulations. simulations The e aaree two There t ssharp ha p moving ovi g fronts f o tts sshown how from f o Figure Figu e 3, 3 tthat thatt is, is, tthe the gas saturation front at ξf = R2/t ≈6.6×10 ≈6 6×10-33m2/s and the dry-out front at ξd =R R2/t /t≈6 /t≈6.9×10 6.9 9×10 10-66m2/s. / According A di t the to th two t moving i f t the fronts, th displacement process could be divided into three regions. regions In the region ξξ<ξξd, tthe the gas satu saturation t attio ca can reach each to t 0.9 0 9469 0.9469 69 w while hile aall ll tthe the liquid liquid dp phase hase has been removed. removed The rest saturation is occupied by the precipitated salt. sa ltt. The The two t phase p hase region egio locates locates t att ξd<ξ<ξ ξ ξf, as a intermediate i te t ed diate t region. egio . The supercritical carbon dioxide and the saline water coexist there. there Whe ξξ>ξξf, in When W i tthis this region, egio , CO2 haven’t have ’tt yett reached. eached. d The solid saturation should be constant throughout. throughout This remarkable featu feature t e ca can be b p proved oved d d di ecttly from directly f o tthe the ssimilarity i ila itty p property ope tty ((Pruess, (P uess, 2009) The simulation results show variable solid salt saturation in the 2009). dry-out d y outt zone, o e, w which hich cou could ldd be b tthe the result esultt o off numerical u e ical instability i stab t bilitty problems (Zeidouni et al., al 2009). 2009) From Figure 4, 4 we can got the value of solid so lid dp precipitation ecipittattio 0.053 0 05312. 0.05312. I p t off Salinity Impact S li ity on S lid P Solid Precipitation ipit ti Salinity y varies ggreatlyy in Jianghan g Basin Three sensitivityy tests were Basin. conducted d d by b changing h i the h salinity li i from f the h base b base-case case off 20wt.% 20 % to 20wt 10wt % , 15 wt.% 10wt.% wt % and 25 wt.%. wt % These salinities were selected byy taking g account off the h variable i bl range between b the h lowest l range off salinity li i and d the highest g concentration of salinity. salinityy The effect of changes g in salinity y on solid lid precipitation i i i versus the h similarity i il i variable i bl would ld be b discussed di d hereunder hereunder. Fi Figure 5 clearly l l delineates d li that h as the h salinity li i increases, i increases the h solid lid pprecipitation p increases The increasing increases. g multiple p of solid pprecipitation p is slightly li h l bigger bi than h those h off salinity. salinity li i It I ’s also It’s l revealed l d that h reducing d i salinityy by y a factor 2 reduces solid saturation overproportionately p p y by ya f factor off 2.23 2 23 by b Pruess P (2009) It (2009). I can be b concluded l d d that h solid lid pprecipitation p depends p strongly g y on aqueous q pphase salinity. salinityy With the i increase off salinity, salinity li i the h brine b i viscosity i i increases. i increases Th increase The i i brine in bi viscosityy means the decreasing g mobility y of the brine in the zone of twotwo phase h fl flow reduces d the h displaced di l d brine b i by b CO2 gas, gas and d increases i the h evaporated p brine Thus for higher-salinity brine. higher g salinityy brine, brine, the solid saturation of the h porous medium di i the in h completed l d dry d out zone has dry-out h a higher hi h ratio i than that for the lower-salinity lower salinityy brine. brine However, However, we should note that the i increasing i salinity li i reduces d the h brine bi vapor pressure (i.e. (i e the h water dissolution in ggas pphase), phase)), which is not favorable to the increase in brine salinity li i during d i the h displacement di l process process. For the several cases compared p to base-case, base case, the dry-out dryy out areas in all f four cases occur at similar i il areas on the h xx-axis axis i (ξ (ξ=R R2/t) / ) with i h occurring i in i an almost similar ppattern as base-case. base case Solid saturation is the volume f fraction i off precipitated i i d salt l in i the h original i i l pore space (Garcia, (G i 2003; (Garcia 2003 Pruess, 2005). Pruess, 2005)) The fraction of the original g ppore pporosityy that remains after f salt l precipitation i i i is i what h is i available il bl for f fluid fl id flow fl ( f (referred d to as active flow pporosityy ((Garcia, (Garcia, 2003). 2003)) Hence ggreater salinity y means lesser active i flow fl porosity i which hi h in i turn reduces d the h permeability bili off the h medium as discussed byy Verma and Pruess ((1988). (1988)) Greater salt precipitation i i i may also l reduce d porosity i and d impair i i permeability bili off the h reservoir in the vicinity y of the wellbore which could lead to reduction in i j i i which injectivity hi h may affect ff storage operations i if it i injection i j i times i pperpetuate p ((Zeidouni et al., al , 2009). 2009)) In addition, addition, pporosity y reduction of the reservoir i may affect ff the h overall ll storage potential i l since i i affects it ff CO2 migration g distance within the reservoir ((Han and McPherson et al., al , 2008) Increase 2008). I i brine in b i salinity li i leads l d to a decrease d i CO2 solubility in l bili and higher g ppressures around the injection j well(Figure ( g 6)) may 6). y induce movement effects ff within i hi the h formation f i l di leading to increased i d risk i k off opening p g upp of ppre-existing pre existing g fractures and faults causing g ppossible CO2 l k leakage leakage. H Hence i should it h ld be b considered id d for f future f CO2 sequestration i pprojects j in Jianghan g Basin Basin. Fi Figure 5. 5 Solid S lid saturation t ti att different diff t salinities li i i as function i of the h similarity i il i variable Figure Fig g re 3. 3 Simulated Sim lated ggas saturation sat ration as a f ti function off the th similarity i il it variable. i bl The Th thick hi k solid lid line li represents a spatial i l profile fil at a simulation time of 8.64x10 8 64x107s, s while the thick dashed and dashdot lines represent p a time series of data for ggrid bl k att a radial blocks di l distance di t off R = 0.99 0 99 m and d 5.99m 5 99 Figure g 4 Solid saturation ((fraction of 4. ppore volume containing g solid pprecipitate) ecipittate) t ) as function fu cttio ooff tthe the similarity i il i variable i bl Fi Figure 6 Fluid 6. Fl id pressure at different diff salinities as function of the similarity variable W have We h got the h values l off solid lid saturation i from f the h modeling d li results l shown in figures. figures g In addition, addition, the theoretical pprecipitation p of all the di l d salt dissolved l could ld be b calculated l l d (Pruess, (P (Pruess 2009) 2009): Ss,a ρaq*Xs/ρρs s a=ρ Sh Shown f from T bl 2, Table 2 though h h solid lid saturation i and d the h theoretical h i l pprecipitation p of all the dissolved salt increases overproportionately p p y to the h increase i off salinity, salinity li i the h precipitation i i i percent does d not change h as the h salinity y increases and varyy in a small range. range g T bl 2. Table 2 Theoretical Th ti l precipitation i it ti off all ll the th dissolved di l d salt lt andd precipitation i it ti percentt I order In d to t explore l salinity li it impact i t on solid lid precipitation i it ti within ithi gravity it effects, we carried on several simulation modeling effects, g into a 2D R-Z R Z system y with i h different diff i i i l salinities, initial salinities li i i 20wt.%, 20 % 10wt.% 20wt 10 % , 15 wt.% 10wt wt % and d 25 wt.%. wt % The thick of the aquifer q is assumed as 10 meters. meters Parameters setting g are similar i il with i h those h i 11-D in D case. case The Th gas saturation i distribution di ib i with ih initial salinity y 0.2 0 2 is shown in Figure g 7 Effects of ggravity 7. y override on gas saturation i distribution di ib i are strong (Pruess, (P (Pruess 2009) Figure 2009). Fi 8 and d 9 are solid pprecipitation p distributions near the well with 20wt.% 20wt % and 25wt.% 25wt % salinities salinities. li i i The Th distributions di ib i are similar. similar i il The Th average solid lid saturation i in i the dry-out dryy out regions g is 0.0537 0 0537 and 0.0705 0 0705 respectively. respectively p y With higher g salinity salinity, li i the h value l off solid lid precipitation i i i can reach h higher. hi h higher Fi Figure 7. 7 distribution di t ib ti off gas saturation t ti with ith initial i iti l salinity li it 0.2 02 Figure 8. 8 distribution of solid saturation Figure 9. 9 distribution of solid saturation with initial salinity 00.2 2 with initial salinity 00.25 25 C Conclusions l i F For 11-D D radial di l flow fl under d th similarity the i il it property t constraints t i t mentioned above, above, the simulations have pprovided the following g results: Th Three diff different t zones: ζd =R R2/t /t=66.9×10 6 9×10-66 m2/s / a zone where h complete l t dryy out of aqueous dry-out q pphase has occurred, occurred, the liquid q pphase has been removed d by b dissolution di l ti into i t the th flowing fl i CO2, the th gas saturation t ti in i this thi region g is slightly g y less than 1. 1 The dryy out zone is followed byy an i t intermediate di t zone ζd≤R2/t≤ζf, finally, fi ll there th i an outer is t region: i ζf =R2/t>6.6×10 /t>6 6×10-33 m2/s. /s From the obtained results it was shown that precipitation i it ti occurs only l behind b hi d a sharp h d outt front; dry-out dry f t The numerical simulation results indicate that solid saturation (fraction ( off pore space filled fill d by b precipitate) i it t ) in i the th dry d outt region dry-out i is i constant; t t As the salinityy increases, increases, the solid pprecipitation p increases The increases. i increasing i multiple lti l off solid lid precipitation i it ti is i slightly li htl bigger bi th those than th off salinity salinity. y T dimensional Two-dimensional Two di i l simulations i l ti off CO2 injection i j ti results lt showed h d the th following g results: Effects of ggravity y override on ggas saturation di t ib ti distributions are strong t and d solid lid precipitation i it ti distributions di t ib ti are similar. similar i il With higher g salinity salinity, y, the value of solid pprecipitation p can reach higher. higher g A k Acknowledges l dg This pproject j is funded through g the Stanford Global Climate and Energy gy P j t (GCEP). Project (GCEP) We W would ld also l like lik to t acknowledge k l d supportt and d encouragement g from the pproject j ggroup p in School of Environmental St di China Studies, Chi University U i it off Geosciences. G i