Thermal Management for Electronic Packaging 03/02/2006 Guoping Xu Sun Microsystems CSE291: Interconnect and Packaging, UCSD, Winter 2006 Outline Introduction Heat transfer theory Thermal resistance in electronic packaging Thermal design Thermal modeling Thermal measurement Page 2 CSE291: Interconnect and Packaging, UCSD, Winter 2006 Introduction Functions of Electronic Packaging Package protection Signal distribution Power distribution Heat dissipation Page 3 CSE291: Interconnect and Packaging, UCSD, Winter 2006 Introduction Packaging Hierarchy Chip Package Board System Rack Room Page 4 CSE291: Interconnect and Packaging, UCSD, Winter 2006 Introduction High end chip power trend 600 CPU Power, (W) 500 400 UltraSparc [1] Power 4 [2] Itanium 2 [3] ITRS 2002 [4] ITRS 2005 300 200 100 0 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 Year Page 5 CSE291: Interconnect and Packaging, UCSD, Winter 2006 Introduction Cost performance chip power trend 160 140 ITRS 2005 CPU Power, (W) 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 Year Page 6 2014 CSE291: Interconnect and Packaging, UCSD, Winter 2006 Introduction Power density in datacom equipment Page 7 CSE291: Interconnect and Packaging, UCSD, Winter 2006 Introduction Power density in datacom equipment Total power: 24KW Footprint: 15 sq. ft Power density: 1600W/sq. ft Sun Fire E25K Page 8 CSE291: Interconnect and Packaging, UCSD, Winter 2006 Introduction Impact of Device junction temperature Computing performance Reliability Fire hazard and/or Safety issues Page 9 CSE291: Interconnect and Packaging, UCSD, Winter 2006 Heat Transfer Theory Conduction Definition: Conduction is a mode of heat transfer in which heat flows from a region of higher temperaure to one of lower temperature within a medium (solid, liquid, or gases) or media in direct physical contact Fourier's law: Q = -KA(dT/dX) 1-D conduction: Q = -KA (T1-T2)/L Thermal resistance: R = (T1-T2)/Q = L/(KA) Page 10 CSE291: Interconnect and Packaging, UCSD, Winter 2006 Heat Transfer Theory Conduction Contact thermal resistance Page 11 CSE291: Interconnect and Packaging, UCSD, Winter 2006 Heat Transfer Theory Thermal conductivity of various packaging materials Material Aluminum (pure) Aluminum Nitride Alumina Copper Diamond Epoxy (No fill) Epoxy (High fill) Epoxy glass Gold Lead Silicon Silicon Carbide Silicon Grease Solder W/mK 216 230 25 398 2300 0.2 2.1 0.3 296 32.5 144 270 0.2 49.3 Page 12 CSE291: Interconnect and Packaging, UCSD, Winter 2006 Heat Transfer Theory Convection Convection: is a mode of heat transport from a solid surface to a fluid and occurs due to the bulk motion of the fluid. Newton's law: Q= hA (Tw- Tf) Convective thermal resistance: R= 1/(hA) Effects of heat transfer coefficient Convetion mode: Natural convection, Foreced convection, phase change Flow regime: Laminar, Turbulent flow Flow velocity y Tf Fluid y Surface condition Fluid Velocity distribution u(y) Heated surface Temperature distribution Tw T(y) Page 13 CSE291: Interconnect and Packaging, UCSD, Winter 2006 Heat Transfer Theory Typical values of the heat transfer coefficient Page 14 CSE291: Interconnect and Packaging, UCSD, Winter 2006 Heat Transfer Theory Radiation Definition: Radiation heat transfer occurs as a result of radiant energy emitted from a body by virtue of its temperature. Page 15 CSE291: Interconnect and Packaging, UCSD, Winter 2006 Thermal Resistance -Package without heat sink Ta Tb Chip Tt Tj Package PCB Rja: Junction to air thermal resistance Rja= (Tj-Ta)/P Low value is good thermal perfromance Rjc: Junction to case thermal resistance Rjc = (Tj-Tc)/P Ψjt: Thermal characterization parameter: Junction to package top, NOT thermal resistance. Ψjb: Thermal characterization parameter: Junction to board Page 16 CSE291: Interconnect and Packaging, UCSD, Winter 2006 Thermal Resistance -Package with heat sink Ta Heat sink Package Die Ts Tc Tj Rja: Junction to air thermal resistance Rja= (Tj-Ta)/P=Rjc +Rcs+Rsa Rjc: Junction to case thermal resistance Rjc = (Tj-Tc)/P Rsa: External heat sink thermal resistance Rsa= (Ts-Ta)/P Page 17 CSE291: Interconnect and Packaging, UCSD, Winter 2006 Thermal Resistance -PBGA package example Tair Page 18 CSE291: Interconnect and Packaging, UCSD, Winter 2006 Thermal Resistance -Impact factors for package without heat sink Die size Package size, lead count Packaging material thermal condunctivity Material thickness in major heat flow path Number of vias Heat spreader or heat slug Air velocity and temperature PC Board size Board configuration and material Board layout Page 19 CSE291: Interconnect and Packaging, UCSD, Winter 2006 Thermal Design Conduction application Single material Q Die Substrate Tc Tj Tc = Tj - QL/(KA) ti Composite material Kin-plane Layer 1 Layer 2 Layer i Layer N KTthrough Uniform heating on the die Page 20 CSE291: Interconnect and Packaging, UCSD, Winter 2006 Thermal Design Conduction application Heat spreader Die Substrate Ab As kb Ab R ba tanh H b Rsb kb Ab As 1 kb Ab R ba tanh H b 23 1 Ab As Ab: Heat spreader base area As: Heat source area Hb: Heat spreader thickness Kb: Heat spreader thermal conductivity Page 21 CSE291: Interconnect and Packaging, UCSD, Winter 2006 Thermal Design Convection application-Heat sink design Hf b H tf Fins Hb L Heat sink base W Page 22 CSE291: Interconnect and Packaging, UCSD, Winter 2006 Thermal Design Convection application-Heat sink design Thermal resistance: Heat transfer: Rba Tb Tinlet Q hDh Nu 7.54 k air Fin efficiency: o 1 At 1 f . . m c p (1 e hAto m c p Laminar flow hDh Nu 0.024 Re 0.786 Pr 0.45 k air Af 1 Turbulent flow f tanh( mH f ) mH f Page 23 ) CSE291: Interconnect and Packaging, UCSD, Winter 2006 Thermal Design Convection application-Heat sink design Total static pressure loss: U ch 2 L P K c 4 f app K e Dh 2 Culham and Muzychka (2001) Apparent friction factor fapp calculation Fully developed flow friction factor f f app Re 3.44 L* L Dh Re 2 f Re 2 40.829b H f 3 22.954b H f 4 5 6.089b H f f Re 24 32.527 b H f 46.721 b H f Contraction loss coefficient Kc Expansion loss coefficient Ke L* 0.5 2 David Copeland (2000) 12 1 f app Re 3.2 L* 0.57 2 2 f Re b H f 2 1 f Re 4.7 19.64 b H f 12 K c 0.421 K c 0.8 0.4 2 K e 1 2 K e 1 2 0.4 Nt f W b tf b 12 Page 24 CSE291: Interconnect and Packaging, UCSD, Winter 2006 Thermal Design Convection application- Heat sink design Impact factors Air flow rate Available space Heat sink base and fin material Fin pitch and fin thickness Heat flux Heat sink technologies Page 25 CSE291: Interconnect and Packaging, UCSD, Winter 2006 Thermal Design Design methodology Define requirements Analyze given package design Identify major heat paths and paths for improvements Consider and assess potential improvements Detail analysis/modeling Build prototypes Thermal testing Page 26 CSE291: Interconnect and Packaging, UCSD, Winter 2006 Modeling Finite Element Method (FEM) Software: ANSYS Solve conduction problem within package or board Require input data: material propoerties, package/board construction/geometry Boundary conditions: Heat source distribution on the die or board Effective convective heat transfer coefficient on the surface of the package or board Page 27 CSE291: Interconnect and Packaging, UCSD, Winter 2006 Modeling Finite Element Method Procedure: Create package/board geometry or import from CAD file Mesh Input material properties and assign boundary conditions Solve Post-process Page 28 CSE291: Interconnect and Packaging, UCSD, Winter 2006 Modeling Finite Difference Method (FDM ) Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Commercial software: Flotherm, Fluent Solve the temperature field and flow field Not only solve the conduction, also on convection, radiation and phase change Required input: Geometry, flow conditions, material properties including fluid Mesh dependent on the chosed model Page 29 CSE291: Interconnect and Packaging, UCSD, Winter 2006 Modeling Finite Difference Method (FDM ) Example Page 30 CSE291: Interconnect and Packaging, UCSD, Winter 2006 Measurement Packaging thermal parameters Mount package on a standard test board Mount thermocouple on top of the package center Mount thermacouple on board at the edge of package Put package in a standard test environment Wind tunnel to vary the air speed Apply known amount of power Measure temperature of Tj, Ta, Tb, Tt Calculate Rja, Ψjt, Ψjb Ta Tt Chip Tj Tb Package PCB test board Page 31 CSE291: Interconnect and Packaging, UCSD, Winter 2006 Measurement Packaging thermal parameters Page 32 CSE291: Interconnect and Packaging, UCSD, Winter 2006 Measurement Packaging thermal resistance Rjc All heat is removed from top of the package Page 33 CSE291: Interconnect and Packaging, UCSD, Winter 2006 Measurement Thermal interface material resistance Rcs Page 34 CSE291: Interconnect and Packaging, UCSD, Winter 2006 Measurement Thermal interface material resistance Rcs Page 35 CSE291: Interconnect and Packaging, UCSD, Winter 2006 Measurement p et tl T ou p ir flow A t le in T 2 4 T Heat sink thermal resistance Rsa wer lo B le zz No er b m ha stc te low irf A rs te ea Rsa Ts Tinlet Q Q k s As d le a c ts o n re a s ion ns e im D tion sula In H k loc b r pe o C 3 T al ri ate em fac 2 T al rm er he T int s T Heat sink T3 T2 L Heat source size: 25 mm x 25 mm Page 36 CSE291: Interconnect and Packaging, UCSD, Winter 2006 Measurement Heat sink thermal resistance Rsa The rmal Re s is tanc e , ( o C/ W ) 0.600 Test data Present method (Eqs. 6-8) Teertstra [1] Copeland [2] 0.500 0.400 0.300 0.200 0.100 0.000 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 3 Flow rate (m /s ) 0.04 0.05 Page 37 CSE291: Interconnect and Packaging, UCSD, Winter 2006 Q&A Page 38 Guoping Xu