HLA Gevoelig Aandoening Serotype (RR) Acute uveïtis anterior B27 Ziekte van Addison DR3 Alopecia areata Beschermend Allel Serotype Reference Allel B*2702/3/4/5/6/9 (Brewerton and others 1973; Chang and others 2005; Ehlers and others 1974; Khan 1995; Khan 2000; Konno and others 1999) (Barker and others 2005; Bilbao and others 2003; Thorsby and Lie 2005) DR17 DRB1*0403 DQ1 DQB1 DR4 DRB1*04 DR3 DRB1*03 (Colombe and others 1999; Entz and others 2006; Marques Da Costa and others 2006; McElwee and others 2001; McLachlan 1993) DR5 DR6 DR7 DR11 Spondylitis ankylosans B27 (John B. Imboden 2007; Reveille 2006) (Thorsby and Lie 2005) (Wei and others 2004) (Sims and others 2004; Zhang and others 2004) B60 B61 Syndroom van Goodpasture (antistoffen tegen het glomerulaire basale membraan) DR2 (Burns and others 1995) (Perl and others 1981) (Phelps and Rees 1999) (Yu and others 1999) DR4 DRB1*0404 DR15 DRB1*1501 DQ8 HLA Gevoelig Aandoening Serotype (RR) Antifosfolipidensyndroom Autisme Beschermend Allel DM DMA*0102 DR13 DRB1*1302 DR53 DRB4*0101 DQ6 DQB1*0604/5/6/ 7/9 DQ8 DQB1*0302 A2 DR4 Serotype Reference Allel (Arnett and others 1999) (Arnett and others 1999) (Caliz and others 2001; Sanchez and others 2004) (Polleux and Lauder 2004; Torres and others 2001; Torres and others 2006) DRB1*04 DR11 Auto-immune hyperthyreoïdie DR3 Auto-immune pancreatitis DR4 DRB1*0405 DQ4 DQB1*0401 Syndroom van Behçet B51 Birdshot chorioretinpathie A29 (Kotsa and others 1997) (Kawa and others 2002; Kloppel and others 2005) (Kera and others 1999; Mizuki and others 1997; Sakane and others 1999) A*2901/2 (Bloch-Michel and Frau 1991; Levinson and others 2004; Nussenblatt and others 1982; Priem and Oosterhuis 1988) DQ3 DQB1*0301 (Delgado and others 1996; Mihai and Sitaru 2007; Okazaki and others 2000; Sachs and others 1986) DR4 DRB1*0403 DR11 DRB1*1101 B12 Bulleus pemphigoid HLA Gevoelig Aandoening Serotype (RR) Coeliakie DQ2 Beschermend Allel Serotype DQB1*02013 Reference Allel (Bao and others 1999; Bourgey and others 2007; Hoffenberg and others 2003; Kagnoff 2005; Louka and Sollid 2003; Ludvigsson and others 2006; Margaritte-Jeannin and others 2004) DQ3 DR3 DR4 DR7/11 DQA1*05013 Cryoglobulinemische vasculitis Herpetiforme dermatitis B8 (Amoroso and others 1998; Congia and others 1996; Lenzi and others 1998) DQ2 DQB1*0201 DQ7 DQB1*0301 DR3 DRB1*0301 DR11 DRB1*1101 DR3 (15.9) (Cecil and others 2008; Spurkland and others 1997) DQA1 DRB1 Reuscelarteritis DR4 (Weyand and others 1992; Weyand and others 1994) See Anti-glomerular basement membrane disease Syndroom van Goodpasture Ziekte van Graves Cw7 DR3 (3.7) Cw3 DRB1*03 Cw16 (Cecil and others 2008; McLachlan 1993; Simmonds and Gough 2004; Simmonds and others 2007; Thorsby and Lie 2005) HLA Gevoelig Aandoening Serotype (RR) Ziekte van Hashimoto (thyreoïditis) Beschermend Allel DR2 DRB1*02 DQ5 DQA1*0501 Serotype DR3 DR6 DR11 (3.2) DQw1 Reference Allel (Cecil and others 2008; Hashimoto and others 2005; McLachlan 1993; Tamai and others 1994; Tandon and others 1991; Yanagawa and others 1994) Purpura van Henoch-Schönlein B35 (Amoli and others 2002a; Amoli and others 2004; Amoli and others 2002b) Idiopathische membraneuze glomerulonefritis DR3 (12.0) (Cecil and others 2008; Freedman and others 1994; Martinetti and others 1992) Type 1-diabetes mellitus DQ2 DQB1*0201 (2.4-10) DQ3 DQB1*0302 (6.4-14) DQ3 DQB1*0301 DQ6 DQB1*06023 (0.02-0.15) DQ5 DQB1*0501 DR1 DRB*01013 DR7 DR2 (0.19) Juveniele idiopathische artritis DR14 DR3 (3.3-10) DRB1*0301 DR4 (6.4) DRB1*0401/5 DR15 DRB*15013 DR8 DQA1*0102 (Barker and others 2005; Cecil and others 2008; Johansson and others 2003; Pociot and McDermott 2002; Pugliese and others 1995; Ziegler and others 1991) DRB1*1401 (Thorsby and Lie 2005) HLA Gevoelig Aandoening Serotype (RR) Multiple sclerose Beschermend Allel DQ1 DQ6 A2 DQB1*0602 DR2 (4.1-12) Myasthenia gravis Serotype Allel A*0201 DRB1*01/DRw5 3 DR1/DQ5 DRB1*01/DQB1 *0501 DR13/DQ6 DRB1*13/DQB1 *0603 DR4 DRB1*04 DR15 DRB1*1501 DRB1*15021 DR51 DRB5*0101 DQA1*0103 A1 Reference (Barcellos and others 2003; Cecil and others 2008; Fernandez and others 2004; Fogdell-Hahn and others 2000; Hillert and Olerup 1993; Sospedra and Martin 2005) (Carlsson and others 1990; Cecil and others 2008; Djabiri and others 1997; Thorsby and Lie 2005; Vieira and others 1993) B8 (3.4) DR1 DRB1*0101 DR3 (2.5) DRB1*0301 DQ2 DQB1*0201 DQA1*0501 Myocarditis DR4 (Carlquist and others 1991; Cecil and others 2008; Limas and others 1990) Narcolepsie DQB1*0602 (>40-129) (Cecil and others 2008; Ellis and others 1997; Mignot and others 1997) Pemphigus vulgaris A26 (Amar and others 1999; Cecil and others 2008; Cox and others 1999; Delgado and others 1997; Gazit and Loewenthal 2005; Mobini and others 1997) B38 HLA Gevoelig Aandoening Serotype (RR) Beschermend Allel Serotype Reference Allel G DQ3 DQB1*0302 DR4 (14.4) DRB1*0402 DR14 DRB1*1401 DQB1*0503 Pernicieuze anemie B7 (Ungar and others 1977) B12 DR2 DR4 Postpartum thyreoïditis DR4 (5.3) (Cecil and others 2008; Parkes and others 1996; Rios and others 2006) DR5 Primaire biliaire cirrose DR8 Primaire scleroserende cholangitis DQA1*0102 DR11 DRB1*11 DRB1*0801 DR13 DRB1*13 A1 (Donaldson and Norris 2002; Mitchell and others 2001; Norris and others 2001; Wiencke and others 2001) B8 DQA1*0501 DQ2 (Donaldson and others 2006; Mullarkey and others 2005; Talwalkar and Lindor 2003; Underhill and others 1992) DQB1*0201 HLA Gevoelig Aandoening Serotype (RR) Beschermend Allel Serotype Reference Allel DRB3*0101 DR3 DRB1*0301 DR13 DRB1*1301 Psoriasis vulgaris C Cw6 (10-13.3) Reactieve artritis (Yersinia) B27 (17.6) (Cecil and others 2008; Colmegna and others 2004) Reactieve artropathie, met inbegrip van het syndroom van Reiter B27 (37.0) (Cecil and others 2008; Leirisalo-Repo 2005) Reumatoïde artritis DR1 (2-5) (Cecil and others 2008; Hernandez-Pacheco and others 2003; Thorsby and Lie 2005) (Gudjonsson and others 2002; Thorsby and Lie 2005); DR4 Seropositief DR4 (7.2) Dw4 (25.8) Dw14 (47) Dw4/Dw14 (116) Pauciarticulair DR5 (2.9) DP2 (3.9) DQA1*0201 Reumatisch hartlijden DQA1*0501 DQ3 DQB1*0301/2 DR7 DRB1*0701 (Stanevicha and others 2003; Visentainer and others 2000; HLA Gevoelig Aandoening Serotype (RR) Siccasyndroom Beschermend Allel DR16 DRB1*1602 DQ2 DQB1*02 Serotype Reference Allel (Cecil and others 2008; Smyth and others 2007) DR3 (9.7) Syndroom van Sjögren DR3 (5.6) DR53 (Cecil and others 2008; Manoussakis and others 2004; Pease and others 1993) DRB4*0101 Subacute thyreoïditis B35 (Thorsby and Lie 2005) Systemische lupus erythematosus DR2 (Cecil and others 2008; Graham and others 2002; Hartung and others 1992; Lu and others 1999; Manoussakis and others 2004; Stephens and others 1991) DR3 (5.8) Ziekte van Takayasu A24 (Kerr and others 1994; 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