ROYCE U. DEBERRY 11853 HALLE DRIVE INDIANAPOLIS, IN. 46229 317 894-4513 317 840-6778 CAMPBELL ROAD CHURCH OF CHRIST 2828 W. CAMPBELL ROAD GARLAND, TX. 75044 Dear brethren in Christ, How time quickly gets away from us. I realize it has been several months since I have communicated with all those who support us in the preaching of the gospel in Hancock County, In. The work continues to progress although at a slower pace than I like. For the past several months I have been able to preach most every Sunday, as well as teach the adult class on Sunday and Wednesday evenings. Our attendance at the services has been stable, but with the summer months it has been down. The second quarter of this year all of our classes studied the DIVIDED KINGDOM PERIOD OF OLD TESTAMENT. I taught the adult class and used material by F. L. Booth, it was a very good study guide. It has not been my habit over the past 40 years to teach other individuals material (NOT THAT THERE IS ANYTHING WRONG WITH IT) but I find it easier to teach material I have written, edited, or compiled. But one of the offshoots of my health issues is that it is very difficult to multi-task. Now, in the third quarter we have begun studying the PERIOD OF THE BABYLONIAN CAPTIVITY and the PERIOD OF THE RESTORATION. Again, I have relied very heavily on the writings of some brethren, but I have had to fill in several gaps with lessons I have written. In June we had a four day gospel meeting with different speakers from the area and our congregation. Sunday June 21 Mark Elliott (my father-in-law) from Lafayette, In. spoke; Monday June 22 we had Michael Riddle speak for us, he is young man 20 or 21 and he did an excellent job of proclaiming the gospel (he worships with the church in Terre Haute); Tuesday evening Randy Shouse from the Fishers congregation spoke; then to close out the meeting on Wednesday night Curtis Garrison, one of our men of the congregation as well as my fill-in when I am sick or gone, preached. All of these men did a wonderful and commendable job. They spoke the TRUTH IN LOVE and the group was edified and uplifted. Hopefully we will be able to have another gospel meeting before winter hits us hard. In July we held our Summer Bible Study Series (VBS). This year we studied ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE WITH GOD. Monday evening we looked at Joseph and how God preserved Jacobs family in Egypt; Tuesday we looked at Daniel being saved when he was cast into the lions’ den; and lastly, and most importantly, God making it possible that we could be saved from our sins through the sacrifice and shed blood of Jesus. We had GREAT attendance at all three sessions averaging close to sixty (60). We are blessed with many children and young families, so we try to focus a great deal of attention of these people. The children really are excited and participate in the singing, the answering of questions and reciting what they learned in class. This is a series that we look forward to each year. It’s not only good for the young but also for those who are not so young. It is a good time for intense teaching of God’s word. Just a little bit about my health. I continue to take the daily chemo. It has helped stabilize my blood counts, which is great, but it has a side effect of making me very nauseous and having periodic vomiting. I usually end up losing weight between doctor visits (which is not a bad thing), but not the way I would choose to do it. For the present, my lymphoma is still in remission, thanks to many, many prayers and the Great Physician. I go for another CAT scan Monday August 3rd to determine if the pneumonia that has been troubling me for several months is entirely gone. Then on Friday August 7th I go to the Cancer Center for blood work and to see my doctor or nurse practitioner. I am praying that everything will be positive. I ask your continued prayers. My support has been stable for the past 6 to 8 months and I am hopeful that it will continue that way. MONTHLY – AVON HEIGHTS, IN. ----------------- $700.00 CAMPBELL ROAD, GARLAND, TX ------ -$750.00 WEST ALLEN, TX ---------------------------- $600.00 YALE CHURCH, IL-----------------------------$200.00 (THRU OCTOBER OF THIS YEAR) A FRIEND ------------------------------------- $300.00 A FRIEND ------------------------------------- $125.00 A FRIEND--------------------------------------$ 50.00 A FRIEND -------------------------------------$100.00 HANCOCK COUNTY -----------------------$1750.00 TOTAL FOR MONTH ------------------------------- $4575.00 I am ever thankful to all the congregations and individuals who have faithfully stood by me to help me proclaim the gospel in central Indiana. I ask that if at all possible you can continue your support into the future. Times are tough, but with the Lord’s blessings and help we will continue to get along. Thank you ever so much. Your fellow-worker in Christ Royce U. DeBerry